swudet~ ~wue. Ba-L. Karouks.ý' ,look sud impi.ment#s'!o sai- 0. Milier Jr. Ela' Hrd-Juo. Milieu. nul shoeu-Wsn, hure. Notice- mupecllo. Hlong 4TJCITIOM ,RALI!R. Sale Cf tlioresparceà isof land,' lias, porty aoflire Tste John Dow, ou eondaY, Oct. lot., 1877, at Ray's - llltowar cf Whitby, ut lwo a'elock, P. m.-L. Faseku, Actioneer. Sal.o 01lrqueb»ld fo-allure, bey, po- tatoes, vood, &o, on lot 14, is e8ill cou. of Pickering on Ta'esday, S.p. 251h, 1877, at on@ o'clook. p.ý m., lise ruopetyof -1Ur. John Thompon,- Jamps JL'gby, jr., Auclnoneer. Sale cof valuabie timber, siluiated on lot NO, 12, lu the tti con. of IBeach, on SsturcIay, Sept 22osi, 1877,-at one o'ock, p. cà .-L. Pailbsuirs, Auction. eer. Sale of ferai stock, inrpicszents, &., ph'ropestyýof Mr. Angus M'Kaby, situ- o. , Iluiise2d cors. lok. exipsg, on Tuiesslay, Oct. lOtis, 1877-L.' Fairbankus, Atlctioncor. Sale cf fan satook, mpl,nsentsi, M., oni lot NIe. 28, Ii tise 1is con. WVitlby, on Thuu-sslay, Septr. '27th,- 1877-L. Fairbanks, Auetiorseer. sale cf fallu stock, lînplasnents, lsauseliold furnitureo, e lbËropeuty cf Mu. Wmn. Iatty, on lot No. la, ile 7tis cois. Wlitby,on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, 1877-..L. Fairbanks, Auclioneer. Sâl&of faro stock, insselcments, Mt.$ lic property o! Mu-. George Cou-fieid, Br-okeni Front, Pickerinog ou Frlsly, Sept., Mthi, 1877-L. Ãaïianks Atic. Sale of Ootuwols Slseep, Slsart.isorn Oo.2ths, 877-L. Fairbanks, Anc. Sale aianm stock, imrents, e&o., tise proprty pf Mfr. Aloi. McMurray, ou lut vio. 7, lus tise Cii con. Pickering, on Monsisry, Sept. 2lIi 1877-L. Faix. i AnkActioiscer. Slo f flSort-bsones,workin"Ilstock, andsimssîlciientsl te property O! Win. qMiller, jr., et 1"Alla ersu." Alun at tise sumaisie u d isiaco, a fine selea- biais frourlise,-',Tiiistle Ra' la t,"lie prop#jrty or 1Mr. Jolin Milier, on Wna. tlesslay, Oct. 17tis, 1877-Joisuli. Page, Aiictîcauer. AUCTION SALES1 Awtll prisshud, attractive luiit wili et- tract attnntion, tand wiii be likoly ta atisset pugahîeegen. Tie CRoNicLE -J office is jurst thea place at wisicis le gaI suais bills puintod, AuJ If yen veul aus immese crowd prement te bid, put ail auîvertieuent icitihé palier. Il p aye te edvertise lai Tise rNCis sLsu, for it reacllisca li Classes of readers. Noi a)pûr jrissleduin tise coucty approacisesc hia!!lise large cirouiliou of rHE t, Cixuoxcri. ONL.Y Su 3o PER ANNUM. Whiby, Tli'ursday, S -p C:20, 1877.. Trid anS Truc. luin h lu-cttespresentul lu>'tise LiS. uuft- iCongo rvaîives ta Sir John A. Mao- ikuuil t J t 0plhis'a allV-1 ouMouds>' lest, tisera laeria passage tisaI celles for a paeisimng werd. Il is tisaI uespeaiug ~tiie buoISons Gibbs,, lie m niberafou- 2Ný,rtls sandISortis OnîtaioiThue ad- - ul-o s ya "Solcuth ontusu-o-aisalNosrtihOutril, t aro au-e lud tea u3, seurdasabhe alliiit;ljsyoar- support lu Parliannent, geoiueau capable eofsidvising antiase- iting in tlie vurîs cf trectical legila. lioui-cina L ititilisng t080sosuastilutiers- ailrinailn lusaiming tira adinareuca cf the Liberýii-Conssirvcittv Pau-t>'.Tise>' Ilier-eboeen InsuS. Anud, ase yenknew, Sir, i l incldritn; s or'ee!ielverit>' harva pu-uval. luna lelieir Leader, tht-ir i'usri>', aurd tiseir Ceunts->'. Il la a fret vithsin ou- nwn kuar- lodgc tIsaItIse leatliuig Roesmers of ioctil Ontario eles-tiro la feuega al op- pesilion ta T. N. Gibbse anal eleel ils b>' aclamation, il hue veould oui>' tus-n roususu andsas>'ha believusu Sir John dial wuong l is e 1>aiûoa Sardal ucage. Antd soie et Mr. Cibs'wnupolitisaI, friande vaul so farn se ho urge hlm bu iauesaisea admissiion aiflIse undin ci-dan la sive tbineaxponsa anal trouble uancourelt. Bul T. N. vas madn, o! îles-îles-stafuf, andal elhongir kmovisng sîctising persunal>' about tisenietler hlsîrsoîf an enlerng lie Goverumant, bo refuseal lu listen toail overlures- anal ouisivalrouly preorresi - aharnlgvisai- - e-r ftisras- as c! Isîme ivithbai loaa. eor, Tise>' wuraensA asys tIson fou-tise paru-y, l ial ouIt tParliuemeuî. Auri T. N. Gibbs sud W. H. Gibbsa lehisir - uredlil b. ilspokors, did not hliate la suake passouci sacififces analsimd nucll stand hy thisir Leader, tiroirPeu-t>', andl tiu-Country'. Iu tinoliglit af afler es-ete, anul ins tisubsighlur prospects ut- arrplieering upouu lie political hou-i z'ont, tise>' nay wel huais bickli vitîn biide, ariadw ilîs tiq coeciansnuseo! haiug dona i suir visa i tny, on tise naIs o!flise paut. Whlîby Model Schsaci. ThemiModel Smnlooi, looaleS 5>' lie iloagul e! Educaliors et Whiiy, lias boee opeu ince 2711r Augi3l, tnuser tise chsarge utMu-. Brown, tise sahseol mcm nas bise Danuclas struet achsool, fsrnlifiiug al theisa ssary requites. Tisane are at prest 18 pupils-7 ladies and 0O gsutlis-ln alteudauae. SoutIs Ontario Agicuitural Exhibition. TIe groiiaare crovalerivis i l a . les en exhibition anal lie dlisayprom- te808ttg an- su-paieiltefeirso!feu-nier Xoags. Tise sacu-tar>' lfofems se tisaI hso tois- nu foyer tissu-oaselisaneanda entu-ica out of tire postî offica on Tues. ris>'nigisî. Au vA goale press an tise aflerneon c o Weseaa>na report ean Sreaisou readera until nexl wsekls -- papor. Dzaucrîva Fin.-Aioîsî four aieiu klait Ilsureda>' maosg, tlire us oaenes of Mn. Oso. Hopkiemuaas dia. couceeul n datises ans inl a sort tims bise hume (vieis as a largo fsans aise) ibm contenta, teogetiser viti a Woodi- lises,i, lllis ouse and starbclesvcu-i burned hésegr'ouxsd. Very 11111e vas Gaved-sveu tis, lctIring cf theien.a meatesou Aims lu tise genem ou-el a gra. r -thn, Thre >ueme v th le "Mon-i-y. - - 1@aîion-" were r> on hanS, butlor hisîble ta do siiything ta cave tis build- Ing. Mu. Hopklnp ipmps soies 02,000 on tirs terni-bile. Tire bigldj»g b * "g eSlto hi#ssotireurlav a-Iasd o~urs Wcs~¶to~ l &W aues. on 18 &horsl -P v p ti Tiree cmmentes of coucsela>i the court lu thé. eue.of Agginu vs. Dm 1 per, tried at the Witby AssIa;7b Tuesday last, bore rathrcr bardly n'i« newopaper proprietora. Thre acio .wau brougir by 1Mr. EiggIniqýp6ý tor thse OOrnrZ, asina se exeeutti tors of thé late Chstr Draper, k printing and advertislng donc for the latter i hie life6lsne. Part of li Items conuiste& of articles inserted hi aditarl4 opiuine, sdvocating th. cou- structicuonôf lb. (Ynlsrio Central -Rail. wa:y. -UAsiaknwir<o many cf oie readese, Ibis wu a petuirceme of M?. Draper'. la "ouneolon ýî_W b iby Harb0ur, 0o, wich 11. wis "ale r ownor., The e rtioles were wrltà enby 1f.3 .Lawcer, te sécretsry ofiliru Comnpany;, st lhé iat&Uscs of Mr. Dma per, wboL madle a bargain elir. ligiue for liseir publication e1tithe rate- of ton contea ridine. Coucue! fpî tIhe defente ixsvclgbedl vory utrocilî agcîlnst-the iniuorslity of soc *W transaction. This was, of ourse, oniy part ofrie dut-y as thse Pau ad. vec'%te of hie clients, "b omà ke the' worso appear ltse botter cause. Tire loaruod 'andhigb.miudod Chie! Jus- lice, %vith's laeztreine seasitivenen wlsiohbohsluknown ta passes. on the score of purliby of public marais, ex. presscd bis disapproval of articles ap- pearing ln newuspapers in that way, said tiey wcro ulsdiug tovarde tlie public, and a 'prostiltlton of lihe sdi. toriaicoclumpi o! a flewoepor. And as an illustralioin o! the danger to the public from arroi a counue, and the jeainusy 'vitb' vi eho gcharacter of ncwspapcr lwpersonality Was regardod in Englaud, bis lordslslp vory loftily re* the Money Artile là theLIondonTrime, Who eau' disrùlssed frombids.position on tihaï ptper ,for taking pay trom large speculatos'sfo inenelng lise prias of stocks iunLanil. Tise Intelli- ganft reader Winlare able ho judge of lthe autalogy betwoen tho cases cf lb. psid aditor of the London 2'ime-lnluenc. .ing the. money markret of lhe world by lis apprciation of tisa vaiue' of Oov. erumenl stocks aud bonds, and the proprietor of a newopaper in a country town iii Canada asking paymenl for î,oblishlng articles visicis vere to bane- fit tise individuel bringing thsèmnto tise printing- office. Thse projacl of thc Ontario Central Bailway was one wbichi met wi tirte sincere approval of thea views of tise editor o! thse CURONXCLE ; but While that Was th. case, it was sîso originated, fromoted, îisartereil and carrid ont lu benefit MIr. Chester Draper and lise proprietors of tise Whitby Harbour,, and put .rsonoy in tiseïr prirse.- To do tiir Mr. Draper- paid the expensos of th. char- ter. Out of hie owu pockot lhe paid lawyers and loisbyers for getting geîra charter as hoe weuted fron tise Legisia. ture. H. paid- speakers for eltending ,ublic meetings, thea ranIs of halls, &o. He paid Mr. Lavuier, tihe senrets!ry cf iii Cispauy, for writing tise articles. He lied proofs of tisesnme articles 64pulled" in tise CuuONICcLE office, re- vised thexu hinseîf, arnd sent them to otIer newspaper offices for publication.' He, paid tise.,otlser ncwsepaper pro. prieters for prirjting them. There was sothing immoral inail this-at leset they wera fnot referrod to as suai by court or counsel. Blut when il came *o ucyif las jru5lz ivér or iatUs fu. citE, wiîis whom au express bargain ras Made, wbose type, presses, and paper were all used, tnd the circula. ion of visose psuper was inade aveUl- abl. te asis eh.projeat, tise cafty laisyen for tise uefeuce expresses vwel- gel up astoniiect aI suais au impu- dent pistas of immoralit>' as ssking Ilsal tIre rinter ssiaulb. palul i Iu bis eyuss il vas eauorstreus thing tiret tise puoprietor aftie C11110 nIcLErsiroulal taie psy for udvecating lie construc- tion o! tisa Ontario Cutufu-al Itailws>' lu the bleu-ast ai Mn, Draper. Il neveu sîruck tire gentleman (witi hlm, vo %verseIltisaI foilw,") visile ntaing his dlippeut impertinences, lin. poaition in vinicislie steoil aIbiset moment. Waa ihe net standing tiser. befare lie court sud jury teking pe>' fou adveeating s canas-s- cause, tu, in lie justice o! viia, as uisoustaln, irecoulal nolt lieue believeal? Was il jual r onesa la aanbenatIhat Mu-. Higgins miauls! glu. hie services analtise use o! hie paper ho Mu-. Draper, for Ms-. Drapor's isenefil, for uothiing?2Anal ail hiu as- taiens lorlsip en tihouaiso, virils au humnble asivocabe betene tisacus-eser ceasialen il an immeralit>' latalcs pa>' fou advocsling lise cause cf isclients? Tis, case a!flise aduocats vire taises pa>, "t on meking lie vorse appeau lise bel- les- calisse" befoeatlie pubie, msl be re- gardeSd as itmiessurebiy mon-e immoral tisaisthaïatoattire nevapapen- propsleIor vise insorsaartilinicsiepape la fu- tiring t!îe projecl et an individual visiciso t halie same tise beiouci vili prove e publie henefil. Tise las-gar portion o!flise accounl consieleal a! charges for puirting reporta sud lettons signeal is>'Mu-.Draper, eund lisens vas se.conufusion o! sucounta sud racempîs, andal letter relsting bu a urt' trausacliors, ail very osai>' explaiued. But tuis part a! thse case ppeas-cd tu hc let slgi o! i>' tise aarîsionIjurynren vise ellovcd theismoles laehoevayos b>' lire tuici of! Berce denunciation o! lhs "immoralit>" cf tise pro".. lise os-st facture cf the case, per. isape, apart frias tise bsolute injustace o! lise uncoudlitionîl verdict fur tIre ie- fendant-for tise jur in>'noiualaven Sp' peau te uouaides tise tact liraI detend. suIs admnilbau ilabilit>' ta lise emounl af #125 visicis iasi been pais! mb court -vas tise appearanca cf lie editon ut lise Be.fecrmer iu tire box as a vltuess fou thie dafence. Ours-ehot anal reil. iseaedalantagonielt, "'The Coak.spau-. nov," evore iraI ne mter apposrlng lu editonillcomua vsas aveu- carged for. Tias snc vmstire suit et istv Yuura' orparieuce aonlise Reformer. Tise files o! tie CsnaO~NICcnatalu eit oriel articles copimdt ram theseR.. foi-mes, witteu ton on b>' Ms-.Oien -imsalf, ansI fou- vlials htisIgentleman Paed tisa bropietoru o!fhsth papers, giving lie lie alret ta suais s barefaced shatemocil. Wc noesi ul>' lastance tiOSaecoueenuinR tise IlCiampion" coutroueas>'anti "Tise ]HallWorks."1 lire>'vili iso fresir a ise mintis o! man>' et aur raers. O! course v. csn proauice Mu. Glen, anal Messrs. Luko sud Lau-k,, tirepubhiso! lie Reformer, ta pneu-eIhialtinse svrnn sttment aftie servant o!flise latter gentlemen va nurua, andt sahi do no, vireur lie nov trilb, for wviiirappU- paIrIevu, va mode, i 'i t. c' I. s IXCIsuscr07 o, aus.-Mi, _J. H Long, Ires-boeenappointeS Inspecter et grain aI Wliitb>', fer ise "oucity do!On- lario, analfoto isUnisedountis.o! Northuruslad- ansi Dumirsi."Thia vas su appelulmeul musir neeloinbu, lbii locally-ts- tins principal for cuitlab. muleaiiy &avantageons, bas long hal te hb bynspection. Mr. Laag's experies v il eeablq hlm .le diseharge lie dalloge afcientl'. Paum- ens vill if uIndi t a ielu lalesI lagive belter attention a su stcaoro la bnlnging alean samples te msarket - A GREAT WEixzc ueTavs.-Ths pue- s#& vee sa ebus>' one la lava. Mon- day large erowdeatatentid e eonssrv- stive pic-nia. Tise As&Uis, befan re i tise busine0s vas lacoasideucilc, Openesi Monda>' anti uoncludea tegelay, (Wed. neoda>'.) Ta.day, i. théisetlaay of our FeU P-air, wviicocntinez fou- lires étaye, ansa ta juelge tram present appeau- encas, vil prouoe Ina nieslscoeesub yet h itlovu. Tas As.AxeaLu.-Tba ScsrmcrUcn anal C:rccas-ien, o! thesahn Lias, made thirxhat- tripesu inte rcnrkabl>' quiok lime cf seven daysansd thirteen bonne. Desinctingltse sieetions iy fcg, bath vesela made lise passage ln souen aleys. Steoraga l'essangera are prevides! vils an abuadance et food et tha beal quali- b>', propei>' coake andsuSseuucd b>' lie Compen>". stevarals, andalra-sbookeal ta or from Lonclauceu-, Belfeal, Qneentovn, Glasgov sud London aI sarne rates as thoras frorn Liverpoo.- [See edut.] CenosxTRzS' Coscsuu.-Tise concert halal fourlise beneil a! the Whitby CuickuI Club, lanIHopins' nuv Muais, Hall, Tuesaa>'eveuing beet puoesilà grandesucess. Tis allendanco vas very large,baiug lise largeel croalin lie iralsinco ils cpening. lie pro- aramme vas a good oes ud vas eau-ni- sal ouI le' tir ensd lu a niunerwvinai provesi meat pbuasiug la tise large audi- ente puesaul. 1The farce, Brai,O!ss playet b>' liA entire Speuimuci troupe, vas vell places! ou lie boards, a large part o! the audience being neari>' con- vuilses!vithrlaugistarstet1he comical ssyiugsansd seings e! Mu. Spackman as "lTai>'Telikie." Tise acting cf tise rosi o! Ire troupe vas alsa fuli>' up le- lie mari, especiali>' Mise Sophio Miles, Mu-s. Vernfon anal Mn. Vernon. Caluon-i ley's splendid strng baud playedsi sme vcry goos! sehectiaus duuing tisa aueuirg. Besuoven OF-MR. SANEunuzs.-Mr. John Saundera has removesi inle tie aid Cisequar Store, Broode etc, viser. lie ha. jutinaceivsd a large stock, vici he la sellng aI ramaniabi>' 1ev pulues. t FPaTrn uasLeaux SONusOsFE NLAN.~n -On Wetiuesdey, 121h Sept., Sassex Lotigo Sons of Englanal vas, saablishoal in Whlhby b>' Gused Offlor- Bru. A. J. Mille, Pr. W. G. P., Toronto; P. Milliugtou, G. V. P., Touonto; J. Banks, G. S., Torontoa;t - Sontircombe, G. C., Osawsa;F "J. Lamas, G. Coran, Taronte.1 Tire loalge vas etallied vils a mens- berasip o! 22. Fan th. preesat yesu lhe offlisus are:r- Bro. C. S. Maie, P., T' . Collinsan, V. P.,c Wm. Raison, Socarmu>' "Thioas Rice, S. S., t --Wn. Bus-us, Treasurer, J. Gregory, Chaplain, -"Dr. Begart, Surgeon,t M . Waltene, I. O.,t T. O. Wilkinson, O. O., sudc Bu-as. S. James, T. Taylor-, T. Elvin,t Pansons, Pankinca inad Draper, wers eppointea mnembers o! lie couumillee. Town Cauncil Thoeu as e short session of lie lavu conal ou MonsPa> eueniug. Membors prsenl, tire Mayor, Meuss. isan, Blow, Long, Devenu, Weeire, Crms. ton, Forgnion anal Hanuas. Absent, Mesans. Hapkins, MaMillan euSd Wat- Notices voue givenoa!the introaduc- lion o! by-lava at u.xl meeting tle pro- vide fou- lis bellen coblection of lares, anti for lise appolulmont o!fs ava mnolle. lau--tre -frmer b>' Mu-. Blov suSlis batles' b>' u.Haunani. AOOOUIiTS PASsE»,. O! Genou-el Hospital, Tranla, 85M, feu lise Meusien gil. OftJohrnO' Dan- sil fan cutling thisfbos l ir te centre yard ; for aleanlug iras. BID a nusn a I5PIWEvENT. Tise counusil -passeS a rasolutian grant- leg 025 ta meel e sirnilar apprapriation tram lire tovnship et Witby la repais' sfde reail opposite lots 25 nd 26. Concil ersl Sensible AtIvica. Yau eue auketi ouery de>' hrucgis lie cobunus O! nevapapeus sud by your Druggisî te use soeeling fou- yonr Dyspepsies, ud Liucr ComplalalthuaI yen uov iiothing about yan 0et dis- -cnaelspsnding mone>' vilS but litlie encast. Nov toe u. yais.a factar rypof tisat IMxuEY's AuGUre Faovre viiaune yc.u o! Dyspepsie anal Liver Compbaiut vitn ahils tAeffecte, suai ab aour sîcusacisSiai Heaashe, Habituel Castivoeea, palpitation a1tie Eleart, He:r.rl-u, WanIer-braoi, Fuli- neua allie plit o! lie Storirec, Yahlov Skia, Case tl ogu,Indigetion evini- Ming oftts eati, 1 owapiritse &o., vs asic - layau- driggist -8. W. 13,and ge a l gop f m à =1 = 'Anmnmýon Dudoa w&Y statin, aoautob mollos, .borie thoe WUiheti-. olIowlg:-. "*We'll a eel gay vien John A. cornes msrciug Home . wo OftiaO," ;'Eonoy-Stoi à hi,""No Oo. Cauchon, ad, Blair." ,&oti»reauch où -liesea:se>-sireet bore irs motlo, "Tih e ndtry -is lck of th ir.ssau grcbe"." ýOn 'Broek,,Émtth ie -Os)IaroLe office diuplayed ihe mollo, "-We lonWIO lire fact $hct lire On- laulos are lrue ta the Ocuservâtive- clause," aud, ifnutig the, offic toUer aolir exbited'i-bmplertr i lon la tire Messrs. Gfbbs :...ýT1 Gibbs i3rothers, tirsmmn ol Use Q9r agipetmsayiluà ti OUIt nio gve volmnlons usprJably abe dheloni holding thatthese vasa qu onw"&pur. 1 ecly lglOn; t" boa esi nlu forï 1e .lmate expenues WU DO"n vlslh ensets thât «pssse cutrseteul jo ti b.PUrpee of ermupt iralesa- notl4rseoifqete. fIt is seethe resondntihadgoes b M. Worksasr ant«prttheirpaIrat bsdhspul for, th papoe î U le t ien, w h. andrsadnthttysle1reas ail1 hi. aroaefo avetsncd printing, thon. thredeeluca igi rt; bave besu différent, but nctblug cf a eoorsmpt nature had beaui provd ,oirt te con. lrar, it ad beau elilted tiret tire 11dm in question vgasis reonble on', that thse worirdonsevas worth 11* pÉce put upon it, andlhtsaIti #t.tctl aimvs nserely one cf queantusm mmrifcm. Psu-h cf thre venr hargedfor vas fou artlolce in edilorial colmmise hken to tise priig offce by Mur. Workusný andI bis frienls, end published lu irisln. I-erest. SirxJocn Mac4oneld effcuad iris very besl thianks far lb. kinal gsetieg i. insu uaceivsd anal tise oo fitlring adl- dncsa viiar iad hesu pu-seciledala hlm. Ho coulal ual anu-gale tauie.!!f aIl tise puises liaI voe bestoved upen irimself1> but i. ev tiret listhroter- ences la m vers meinii a alu cen. ity andl tram tleseisat. Witi rorfes'- ence ta the allussions la lias neceptiene acoorulealhi b>' bIsfeliov country.- menInuvarions parts o! lie caunts-y uing luis analtire laest Éeason ha cil se>' liai tirosreopIions iraS besu, nastise acduresa very bru!>' saisi, at tise mesntfettering description. Ho SaS ireen greeted eutiusiasbioally b>' thousancle o!fisà uefellov countrymon vism oniir %bd neveu- "ssubuttons, ans! ici ports c! lia ceunir>' ho issineveu- uleiteti bors (appiaumu), aniSofetcns-se, as a public masn, liovouid bo vc-ry unûit feu- iis postilien, if b ira l iot feel a proper priseetaIicir cordial grecl- inga. Tise eslaissver>' Insu>' aisi tisa Ii tisrii a Stern batlle liaul beon focgit, on mn>'occasilons. Sonieline.s e es-lions a!flire Liberal- Canservecivea iad nul issu arovueri vitir viclos'>, but ire vas lâa la me liaI thein basi great offert bad boon victoulaus (bond ojieers) ; and! ha vas sesp -t ibath irudinge of Bis' Jobu Macdonsald anal Pari>' au- nivesi lu Oshawa bX tirs morning train, aud 'bnpakfated et Ellesmeus Hall, lise esideuce cf Hon. T. N. Gib. Tirence c procession val formecin e vbieli hie people fnom West Durnhani joiied, to Wh.itby. Oshawa aieo pre- menteal a livel'.apPearance-the hown hcving, put aon Its hirldey drae. Tire procemeion vas nesuly-iisrec miles in lenglir, anal etirth d~Se fotà u&s Hill lie W'est, viir% Maukisans,WhiIs. vals, ClarmmeulandI Daffins Cusek bande aItliroir iepdl. Tirs Oshsava anal Ocâdfiliowi' Wiiby Baud heasal lisé procession tront sawa. Sir John, Hors. T. N. Gibbs, Yeoman'Gibson Bq., vgnden eft h. ceunI', and J. B. Biakell? Eaq., presiâsut o! lb. Liberal- Oon0ervatiive Ausociallc o! Sauth On- tanio, rade lunlise frIn carrlsge. FOl. hovlng tissm vers Hou. Wm. McDbu. gan, O.-B., M. P. P., J. B. Phumb, eaq., M. P., W. H. Gibbs, Esq., M. P. P., N. W. Brown, Euq., M. P., B. Bell, jlaq., M. P. P., e. »t. Hua. M. C. Cerner. ou, J. J. Hswkins, Esq., Hector Cam.- oron, Eaq., M. P.,, Mu. Alderman Orocleer, Mr. Alderman Cornehi, Mu. 4bldarmrà u hall, Mr-. Alderan Diii, o! Tenonte, andl a large nusbe- o! laviles guesîs, frosu cat sud veel b>' tinsGrand Ts'unk, gaI effeut Wisitiy. Tire Wlrithy, Port Ferry et Linday>' ailva>' brougil in a good>' croval, asdlire sîeets teeni- etI viii people viso ciseoee -tire ps-t>' et tietop o! thoir voies as tise puaces. sien pasel ng. Headôs b>' lie niuasaaoftie day, Moar O'Donovan ansi Mr. Levi Fairbanks, liselineofe marais vas laken ehong Dundas sîreal le Rzà y'a corner, tisonos nortir as far as Mn. Porry's,and Sauth byprook sîtreot. Haviug auniveal et Hopkins' Hall tire gustea igirtesi frasthis'carrdages ana wero invitel iusi.le,- viser. a barge numben e! ladies aud gentlemenliasi gatherasi ho gu-et thora. Sir Jqlin va tison pu-seenteil viti tise foiieowirsg à . duss b>'Mn. Biciohi, ou bhiai a!ftise SeuIls Onlasie Llibenal-Carsssnvativo Association r To thre Riglit Honorable Sir JTohn 4lcrcsnde-r Macdonald, K. C. B., 31. P. P., cfe., tc., dea. SIR. Tise Libersl-Couservative As- sociation o! Senti Ontario extenal lu yen e cordial velcome tltatir ovu o! Win-itby. Iu acknovileulgirsg aur sincere grati. fiation at tse ionor o! yens visit, per- -mil us also le express tise priai.vo eola et tise eloquent tribut.., everywirare tisrenghout tis Dominion, su desorveul- Iy paid le yeu- abilities andl patriotisus, as Canada's grealoat aud moet popuha- siatesmnis. TisI yonr long sud man>' public services have o ona easting chais la tira publie gratitude je evidoesil b>' lie mare tissu princi>' ovatios viliswiii you have beau receivad.-Yes, Sir, antI ilng afler tise Sisam staleeman sud spurions Retormera a! to-de>' have pasa- od intoailivion, you- naine uli ha isandeal down ho posieri>' vilS res4pect sud ve'ueratiou-iuked as il sa intmms- tel>' is vilslise grealcel svents lu tho helon>' cf Canada. Equal>' britlant, as Leader o! Hon Mujeely'a Loyal apposition, sevison ebargeal vthth ie Goverurnent e! 1h. country>, do tise. igis qualihies o! statesmaneisip anal patriotisu shuinaont ceuspicuonel>' lu yonr paliticai cau-Ber. Tise people isave nul faileéal mari Ibasu; non le coutrast yenrs'agaclous gui.lanco o! publia affaira andi Lh pros. peut>' snjayad liseronuer, vsth-Ile laconipoleno>'futhIls.mon nov la paver, -whe appea- l be ursahie la tise ho tire levaI o! thneix dnliep,-en la be rapid>' undsrrnining the brlght pros- pectu ufthtie counîoj'. Tise grsal miik cf the peopleof the Dominion , earc, vo firnil>'bolieve, novï convinceal liaI their intereste vould be muais boiter serres!, sud tise pu-spenit>' a! lie cants'>'mors surel>' promoteal vere tise reigseetf Gosu-meatonce mou-o ln tire irunde a! yourself aud your ahi. colleagnes. Souths Outauio-,urxsd Norths Outario, lau-w. 'are glsd ta us>', send ablle corne le light. Tise Opposition bail Rivan lise.Who lied viletat islAct, fair warniug-, isI if ls e>'rourneal ta Parliaà ment next session hhey wonid be altaoked andl prosecute ici a manner provided b y 1ev. Tissuo woeu-e IirI>' or forty %iso hd vioialed tiret lat, arnd soine o! thesn-boaring the proportion of one ho three Geverameut suppoiters -ere membAna o!flire Opposition. Regardiug lthe charge of ferocil>' againa.t lb. Opposition lie remnsukesiliaI lithe pressetOpposition bal lied a ver>' excel- lent scisooluraster lunlise Premier hlm. self, for lie ilever dalal ver>' ligil blowa, eveir vheci threa as no cause for blovs ab ail. (Ha, hoar.) Mr. Mackenizie aI' Kinaà ton expressodl a 4leaire liaI polIical discussions shoulil h. carriesi ici lu s restpectableminner. Tuant vas visaI SirJohn Macdoanaldl lied elways contended for (heur, hur) ; but il ves visat Mr.- Macksenzie hau nover praullo. ea (eppirta6p.) Ono u-aean vt nnle- îlots siouîd nul taki' place wui tisaI Mu-. Mackenzie huli-red as eveu-y sensible main kxuw tîst titec ourntry vas à bgauusl Irira. He (1fr. Gibbs) hail very rmseersl ly travelled over Prince Edward Isiaut], N~ova Scola ani part o! Nov Bruns. wick. From, Prince Edlward ho vas resureal even b>' oppaonta o! Sir Jeohn Mfacdonald, tirt et ne meiber venul be sent la support lise p rosent Admuin. istralion. Purat Nova Seotia Mr. Mac- krenzis Would ccii>'geltfour or Bye sup. pntos nsdriroinNow Brunswick ho troil gel abouthis.sanie. Tir. wioie -nitobe aindi Buitiair Colnmbls iouldi b. taunnil inaolid psalux rme. co m sat-ma0.hseIn ien, the clives. lairea y tirs appr-opriation o! mane>' b>'Baud fielal se, howeusu -, r Macdoneid'e Gaorumiesi fou the assis- attempî te t lance! ofreilwaya opcning up lie brick ha appealed tla t cocuntr>' bcda lsasteal eilvaye rnuig Goverunsent ho J paralleal vils existirsg linos, thein abject Ho (Mu-. Meadong hieing ho revard poliia frieude. - palfanni et Wh Hon. W. Madougali, ou hoing mItro- uiver>' oie vossbd1 sincea, anggestsd tisaIas lise veatiser saisi hat Mu-.J vas ver>' vindy> ansi a sen vm as about teathors pluakred. ta camle an, il vousIa ho as vail ta as!- neyer appeelâà al jouru h lIse dm11 shed. -sue a ois Tise suggestion vas itrmnialely Sentat. >anal-h.ha nlopteri. Arrangemnuts for tiseaks. bine debabsug powe au-s hauing hoan made, pîaue. I lcce Mn. Maundouguell aduircesesi the ansi- tliItistose vire i cira.. Wlnat, lue saisi, waa tt, he lir! jice asiriook ta r'eaaon tisat gse mars>'alsoeid lta 6i- ceunI>'conlul ugt1 fy-tbeir c-fduc iant apu-ovel cf, ing bise psu-b>' s lise prnicples of-lise Curecuativu, halà ls insee o! Pa parI>'? Conldi il hopaisible tisaI Cen- Meflaking,0 ala vas uniion tise gudaneo! 'au intu-odnced, Us, Isoneet, pabrialie Goverumb-eut,wvile ai liat Psu-liéà se i tise anie-lime tise>' asembled un lion- upon tisu-insu-ils sanoda te testi4 b>' Iheir puesena.e o ir ~i-John Meedone approbýation - o!flise 'princ!ples o! tihe lOsp tise fonodati Opposition P Tire reason vas tisaI ths-e &fter hisree yeamu1 peapie f011 tisa thaix confidence lied ltfou-m Gerumi bseu irbaulb>e' epart>'nov lu paver, kr.es, vouitI be. i ( 'plause)-ad tisaI ou lis. e puîUo'pli.-Tire fat vsa lion Iheltir .mn atiel e me:n* fa- bCdit andiî, <ýApplenue.) Te*rsu d t trsTa The rplè PO I.nt ireforma ai 1e invitationi'of mis frienuls, teaa ompaoy lm vnould opeak during tirs dayý c» Use quéetios toüreired ueonla tir. addra Us 4r t go1i nummgbis' bearers for tiroir kss4 addrmu, ltre rigil -bon. gentlemns teck -hiesemat amidut loua cheïnu ATlsone t~hepartotya : btie Agu-iullural gr "na udDrn lSbsd._ la tire là tter lrebIdn-sarunlu noipat ,wjeprevlded, uOllen b.ing tioatuux' 'tireccasion. Tir.a tlor fir, building wa bo.ptessiag. ly seoabe-tie fllolngbsts~con. spicucus amosigul lie mottais :-"1Wl- coma e u geîs""Tise"Neebing Holel lu-,'nol Plssai," "Hslép our Stu-uggllng Industiles," "NoCoampteo. mioe-,.Potets or<Rclp ody ho lhe' Party', vlth, tire. 7 e Couniry>' "Ouw néRiers s hrt iM "Larg e 4!. lt,"elk. Thse oolg ao& aperd a oljtlo no- "'Thre lime lUshort; #'ý retorIs mkki t., Extravaggaoe csUdvae at Sir Johz, tirhé Il~1M5tebSI Heurtulud dmdofront écaille eoae la-choru biesrded." Thée spealag, vilÙo oà 4place fËîo1n a piatfoum ereatei on the vest sid. of tise AecuieuiaidgroJudi, ossweicoed, J. B.* Liokeli1 ras e of tli tovhrp of Whity, ud resdes the trsL-O. A. o! Souths Outuulo teook the chair. Amotst thooeprésent 1wsrb Dr. 'Gil. lespie, prasldes aithbbc"N. 0. 1,7 O. Associatiou, Captala Sinclair, Msalcolmx Gillespie, reeve' ci Brookr, Jossua Wrighrt, ireu fPrv e rryW=-Mil. ler, Piokeriug, Jon ileusxWsdo af thse couaty, A. Bauker, Markiran, John Giboir, Markbmbs Col. Buttos, H. 0. Ma"r, James Mà crlgist, Cherry Wood ; O04 Bolton, Cobourg, Thos. Boliter, HUf K. Cooke, %rige, Revdi. W. B. Rass, Bavd. W. H. Laird, Revd. E. Warren, Bevl. 'Mu. Speuce, Revd. J. C. Wagson, Revd. B. R. Young, Lt. CcL. Warrers, Wm. Warren, Dr. Gel. breitis, Bevd. Dr. MaNab, Dr. Boyle, S. Burden , reeve o! Bovmanvile, Bevd. Capton Christie, John HÃigglus, Cherry. weod, Johi rMine, Bowmauville, Cois Cublit, J. A. Wilkinson and F. W. Mingy, West, Durhsam Noies, Jas. Baird, Poilt Perry Observer, John Lazk, Oshawa Vladheltor W. fi. Higginsq Whitby CnuoncscLU., Joshnsaisardson, W. H. Richardson,EB. IRichardson, John Fetsergili, George MaGihlivray, John McGillivray, seay. L. C. As- sociation S. O., W. F. Coaai, Johin Coasn, A. P. Camenan, dapy. reeve, Osisawa, F. Green, S. J. Green, depy. reeve, Pickering, Artihur Joisso, Frederick MLeeus, Gressuvoosi, T. Me. Avoy, B. T, Harrison, Brook"l, Siser man Bro, Walter Coullisarul, Jas. Gallovay, Scott, W. H. Brke. J. C. Fox, Dr. Vans, John Hovalour, Wn. Smiths, Richard Date, Adams Duif, John Cuthisert, B. Hennin, Edward Major, Wm. Major, Jolin Sligs, T. McClnng, W. B1. ickell, W. H. ll- ingu, solicitor, Wiiby, Col. Wallace, Dr. Adams, N. Bey, B. Gibsors, con- tu-setor, ,G. Y. Smitis, mayor Wisitby, John Dryden, Brooklin, C. 14ourse, Dr. Bogart, Dr. Carson, Edwsrd Veilais. Lindsay, J. Grahams, J. Archer, 0. Allen, Prof. Rous, J. Davy, J. A. Bandeil, J. P. Taylor. George Hopkins, T. H. MoMillan, Wmn. Dow, Win. Weeks, Tises. Davr'eiil, Wm. 13arts, Fraudes Clark, Tises. Hluslon, Win. Tisompiers, Major Ilarper, J. Bu-yan. Wus. Brysu, W. J. Hlickie, T. Tosise, 06o. Ayerd, sud tise principalî citizeus cf tise lowrs o! Whitby aud surrounding neighbulrsd. Tise Cisairunr a brie! address ai- luttedtvith pride te tise laws visicis iad bava passed by lise laIe Pià rliameut, nder viuestise country had proguoss- ed se satistactority. Under lise prssent Goversiment whicls gel mbt power by meaus o! letter stoaeirg, Big Pusehes, aud Come Along John's etc,, (isugister) tise contry haît snffeaued censiderisi> aud il wes Lime lisat an effort vas madle hochange biset stale of affaira. (H1ear, hoar.) Hoe thon aallsd spcn tise mcm- bers for tise ceunI>', sleting isefare doing se Sisastiser. vers se many gentle- meu presenl ho sposk, the Messr-. GLibs andlMr. Bu-own, had iulimated their intention o! net twpcaking aI greal lengh. Hon. T. N. Gibise in being introduced ws u-eceived witisciseers. le said tisaI ho vas snffering front a eligit Isannss andl ho lopod liaI those wiso lislened 10 hlm vonlal excuse uns if lse did net speak at su>' lengli. Dr. Tnp- f or vas aise sufferiug fu-on a severe- soarsess anal conta net speak. IHo b3rawu lefI n iti nhl to irclevab:toealt o tIe eu-o ient.(bail.)p a, tIre inel a!tiselu- gevreua]sla-db sudi exprusef tseDapinion. a, anda palfo tr u iat aentI ahat o! ilaIe to the verdict o! lis peo. 'taatise pOOPhs.falt ÃŽ Reformera a! la.'day- uries bail a"en up sm. a âid cved -11M jobt~do~4w 55,; bu à * .Wxstedirà i t ly a vkokè4s $Ih 00 - zajeuit>' cf 19 aNo'tli.Và icta, ejonlty, anal-ire, Mr M i ocuCameron vas defeeteal by (Lnrllaugirer.)- tire Befonaicadidats by 4;î bul enlise kmev Mu. Maya SIefoumer biengunseatesi, Mn-, Cerer-hireuvas a nip ou va. usturusi b>' a mà Joril>' e!of4. irewvas'à m&cea Tis asne tives losI Dorchster b>' h d'sni i'd et 74,bu mlivuu etd by thon -bi>' a 'A4lanu i majonit aif .11. , Gaspe *sesrried by îI u5o H lire formers by 451in1874,butà wl but wimtê tt canu-lel. b>' the Conservati-vesbyam-fundarnaalprn jouit>' o f 8Û8. - Tieboa. 4govleman Govennmeut. gave slrnir aipse.s ee . f PtPonuer- ia. ~ e.l uatvea M,"U il-a d hbere,' cf JusioeAct ho cndsumaéle seogc " a!a os 0,08cs la- lser tirs 'iigirIdl viloi ie nWborihies 0 e1res aI iqu4snt à & A'second pa e IetuIpse.d people. A* ' oo tire lkopt rolling. jujinblil and, T ee vre l coastltueucisagusrat British in viermigis i Ã"5eed,au soine cf lise birthiiisl faf 'meirss vulsl t islevtedo:tire ls pnivîl;. ho BeL t. u *saurne~vrs froni Osusuliass sfrid luopeistlosa, p" tirs>' kaevilrelu tire coulst abt wcl vus b.' vuested fraun t1à sGev- Judgeu bu*t--"ýCo sornenüt tidiendssi oves' la fnlsuda cif coulai lyu>caesh Si Jos-acoaSe .(Mr. Gibbsýý proper, vilI4ou9t coualudesi b>'stalià i Mtit il u bie e ,p' e ncto bail taule la hlm ta ocupy.iita3pusr sncb e -pîdqseah à aI aisygreaterlenglir as be eat Irfise uligirlesâi aL. pcsitiou a! a-irost, but hic iopesl naI suc Mi'. 0mowuva diseâ d.tetamcc he custiasoits lishe* erent tlaWh] visa ire bopesi hé -vauld b. neturneil irecanrijèdthisa m once more SgoPrlý ament wM t'n aIargen ?n- Disit Lmejoril>' lieu be fors ÀApplange.) e.od -t eliri Mu. W. H. Gibbs; à .Pe, vira vas cumslauces ? I nexî inluaduceal, vas ruccives i vti lafolow,$Irc Re abous. Hs nlerred aI bengti totahie'isgongbit about lu Ichargesunuder wviiitle lale Gaven.ata nsquocei ment feus sud poiuted ont tirat telir> lusalu inre Coi w euetaIs, ansitise people of hidu carra- isad neglecteal Il 7 tdhsaini se aIevsry slBoon iouarce. baita omaire su e vas nou o is. vira mev liaI(Mu-. Macalongall lise charges weu-e no lrune, anal ilvas un u-ôséool, vith neg couleudiug liaItise>' vere f'elee lisat ho Iplans..) -ThoaIw lest isseat in lis. Houa,. Iu tisaI-On wvieSlir eti cenneclien,lise migisîsa>', liaI lehouoil prset foyers relier have gene dovu, suslaiulug 'Sm ir cre vas2w , boy John 'Macdanalsi, viile tisais baise Mvoal Iai brai changes vas matIe againit is, tissu ta consllîntionalG ba-ze been elee fou- condemnihg him, déeiedtise rigis -ýapplauoe)-tlie hoahvays folloves tise people b sa is lesder, sud lie vanlal continus la de is oxpeuded anl se throngis good report aud evil repart fieldi Macdonaldl se long ss he vas assuresi tiraISir John gruond tisaI ie Macdonald vas SeingvisaI vas rlgit- isanstise power (applause)-and lie vas hà ppy le find witlsoul the voe lise~ ~ ~ ~ n CnI'cOti-ohslamoug o!fLiho people.E otisens expu-eseed lie apinion tisai suais lue, because was these c. (Appîcuse.) He va.. matIe vas mai nut, front a pas-t>'paint o! view-cb- lava whicis oied thougi lise count> bel suffered b>' -tain* provisions i eau-r>' tisaIlie Reforeros iasi isal storail ahays8 office for e short lime, fer il iou>'t"a osIsralwy>' shovo lie country tiseir isereni n fixed b>' the Lot ruspect te tise piosges sud incapaoity i lien vitis thie vul respect le lisoir management a! She NMacaonahl, Mu-.« affaira cf lise ceuntry. On tise onuetho Globe o! tise greel quesetion o! punit>' et elealiens, ho asala - eboved thut lise recorde cf tliseocatios I"Nov lis. Opp courts proved their isypecrigy>. (Hear, souted lisat tiseG beau-.) Thse great questienesisefore lthe ta do tise pu-onoxi country, howtoevers etisose cunuect- nrud tlisaI itvasa 'tsf vilstisthebuilding o!flthe Pacilit- eu-y Iunclicus o! reise>' and tise tu-ado ooflisecountry. tise publicfaonde 'Withsreferessue te tise latter lho explii tlie dut>' a! lhe ed.thie nfeurnes te Cjanadien feurn- people la pronci ere, wviiai00o xsisted in consequeue tlie publie afunis o! the tariffe wviiai atainari hlwoesn Not, lb weubcl ho this cunryansd tise United Statua. after tise mono>'1 ,O)ne objection marie agaluet Puoection, leture it issu i sc fer as ou-graiun vae aooeu-ned, vas "Tise tlue mli tisat il waurd injure Our ceurying tu-asie. rive ii a idt Weil, lie vas quite wi]ling tisaI ths lons. vas outil Americanessenulaluseo ou- ceourle and o! cont-ola nege tisai ve shoculd hnsee tise*Ir carrn-r Parliament heIna tu-aile, butat tisa se lime he vas un- il haudes aveu- viliig tliaI tisesonlal b.e llowed tehowpaer lb coulriitn dirop oeebushel iunCanadaunutil lise>' la lisepeople'sj psisi dut>' on il ou- gave us reuslpuocil>'. country' vold hm (Applause). At present, ho pointeal tien o! tunring en ont, vue rs net oui> alewrsg Ilium ICi ing vroug. instea buing lisir grain lu free but vo vare prvnaleis "pouding millitons o! dallars; on ou canais le enabis tises le rieBs, snd te 'Aller quoling 3s compute unfairl i>' ivliou ov terni- vouud up vîinh ees lu o numrleots. Seing that "Tiere vas a Liverpool vas lIse greal marinel for abu-oad, anal il w -grain il vas ver>' iuteir liaI Amei-se>' tisaI tuis syst cous, ineleasi of seuding their grain funds-sisOulsi OIle direct h taIcil>' sionlal @endl mua boeuse nIt e tea Canada, t'on, for even>' busisel of grain aoflise cauntu>'."- iniporbai fu-ci lIe United Shietes inla Tise vote was teli Canada vev' ene ceinpellosi le export s il vas carriesi hy busiseb et a lovwer price. laLiverpool- NMacdorýsuhd vicistle Asuenicane ought ta do. He One -voulul li- aontinuad b>' acviing ieis iearera la macle thirnpua sans! Protclioniels la Parliamenl visa lanuceevoniela vould ual be afu-aid 10 vote againet tise professions. Bnt Ggveu-nmeut. As an illustration o!fbise Mr. Miaakeazids evihu a! ual doiug seaire elludesi la a venrh f steel srai case visicis sd dense under iris noblceo! Paullarnum lunvinici Mn. Irving, litheniimer trou s sisnisipuevent i Hamîltons, v iaicdexprîss3ed iimsehf %gain on tli prn ins Coanittee as o! ticesane opinion publia moue-7 unt witir hlm (Mu-. Gibbs) on a bill regard- voteal b>' l'elian iog Amenioau Inscrà nce onise, But thore vas as hun-ed round sud votealitaDu n nircby vîsicir lie Globe opposite directionu l asuv. liseGoveru- nake ridicule, vi ment tram delfeal ntiet uetin. e-a aditin. se (Mr. macsloirgsli ba sue ahandonint - f7ie 'neiples ô! Couelitulinal DIS iriseiearera kumov Le eal laissa >frdmà Of tia lby Jury.' One c! blýprinpeof ihq- Bull- ii-t-le nigitlise indivie igiI vas lths peerrhar an a Iehman, an~p hi ben,-eoueuly laber 0, aagdiov everyJiidge -urot euh> Supeulor Court sunly' Court Jdgs- rimaif, -if b. honit 'thesaida!f & jury, sud n> of a- -c lavysi agaul oRg vaUla net loscf tirs Ho, bishlauatove% anet! - iisolîf-avare o! di i. vas gotng viren ýil laIs> bey. 1Waïtli lie pepe tinkr lis> Mir. Movc a h"nofuseal ofonan vihai bilbeen r, tise Matirer Counctry, o! tie abuses viiaiex. out ef Chencer>'. - He seo- epportuni>' ho Issu ici a, nefonsu, anal he 1) airargeil uni, lunLiat Dgloaling -hie dut>'. (Ap vas ansof lise granuld 4 baunil b oppose tse mmnict. ( pp ana".)- ave-, anoilion e.* Mr* kon a greel pu-incipîs o! Gaveruniont, sud mach It o! reprcssinatiuoa cf Ba virat meus>osianisi publia abjacts. Sand.l v as atteakeal ouýtIse se hasi buken ie h ie ,r t spendalpublia mône>' i o! thse reprasentativea Buit tise chargce vas not use expendilure ire duc aacordig te lie geil Ilii'm round vilS cer- wie giving Iim paver bastin ben pu-suionsi>' giralure. uInrsnec- r>' iitack on SandfielJ -Blako, as repas-ted l, o 2tr Docernier, 1871. ýpcsitiOn liedl alvays as- (Goverususnt soue ente mnced vii! o! tise Hanse a part of lis. diecreion- tise Hanse te coulrto" a ; lisat il iras a paritani eu-epuesentaitvueso! th-c ounce dohiiteiy before ehlsonsbe appîjeal." observoal, lapranotncu rsa buèlben appiied. buit su epphiesi. se vas tisaI the Emeu- lise confidience e! tise tled tea slimùitoadadgree gau-ed publie fande, bu! ryci ils functiaus visen ,ta tise Exeantive an>' utain witiaut prejudico lutereet otiservise tise huvo lie peur aliseac. Dut s Ministen afier dit- asi o! the vrng bairsg acOmmeuaemenV" me pel->, Mn. Blakl lspirit o! indigngllin vas strug enougir le wtm ef using tisa public ase aI once suri forevun, mIel la lise best lateresîs3 ,kon uIis Amniedient'b ' a majorS>', aussiMu-. b is triencsi s esigned. cik tisaI persane vire fessions lu suais alear aI leet ailiers la lireir ut Mn. Blaie's assenltat 0purcisase a! $8,000,000 "l vilieut tisa action w-as au edlian virici hirn opcnig hie monlis inile o! net'expeuidingr ati1 tise mouey iras! been bment.-(Hear, heur.)- ralies' case, anc ont et be biailendeavonred la iz., Irat o! lie building te the Upper Causals tise repu-esontativea o! rg isad au oppertâni>' î desirabillty ofe! spadiug * purpase. The ion. lire particulars of! lis doue previenel>', anI lthe sur p buso! tisene- fs-ar lie U"p0.C.n ns repoealdlie better fan bath parties- 11dm bslani>' deliberala opinion, I can sic longer cnsentul a oidthlie poulii o! luspecu-, rin& iseave; lieu-store, lau- des-ad ni>'reignaliair ta tise Gavera- mentl, reenisigztise affiue-,neminafl>' heu-a ar»ort ime mou-el>' taadjustisous. uusettled. cia againeit tise licena. fund, anal no Èfou-lien procoediugu yul- lue La4sir b>'me' for mu>' infractions et lthe -iw. 1 (Sigusal,) - "JAMES&GIACE." Tihe Tippera re rc Proe8Iras s re- zport et tic proceetiuRd o! lie Town Commissionors of Cashel, vhich shews tire legal ohsislca i Wir 1emper ibe -f4iutcpal bodseSsiran", 1 Pr- an iitalûs ëedvelliigs fOu-Lh ,rkr- ii sners canet bidcottages for the ~5Pt cf g nlt e6I donald. In'ordoi ho retrace tbsir shpà has urgeal them. to perfecl lissir organuz- ationsand $to eiv4y for the Iattle Mu. Plumi, M. P., wvrsy wammuy repeoiued. Au a stuangeer otirught h qocldývunînne le eliirfori 1wsa mente e patient heanlng; ý-1$ ]U4 beau hie good, fortune vitrmat- m taIOW1 mentbu la stanrd befo5 tise yeomsury aftheecuntry, andst evetry'-place net oct only hiaIdebisrigi ion. frieand issu harily weiaomsd b> tisemon cf ther ivesi by tie lWdlgi,,-*mong visom hir vas a %vorite,. e, (Lauistor and sp- P noset) 0. (gr. Il= ) hsa4 .9soecca sli1ta la'i ing 'wlth bihi'noteé ou vise ltoad apee.'l fou 14e sad tire Dotau bite ~hliire moutapeà w,*icis :1tmr oliid wa&dum eaoe trôWqs hé motta * net blterui, "B? tirslpestp' Uih 1 'lpant> but for lire country'." was 'metise motta a!firis (Mgr Plunb's) 1 igislt hou. frieud, and Wil*as theaour Il t c, nâéïia ir*à i d ote rsbe Sir Joisn'it refusai ho bensAl frienst lise expenseoattise country', anisalla on trai té %bt lâ bc(Sir Johi's) plbiplsu h(Mu.Plm) refeped, ta tire pur. lng tistaIprcisus irasaisi tisaIie vas cisargeasi vitir lravlugcýMittsdt0 mcn. ýIsaisbe boardeus. Nell, if Ihers weus 1osrdârs lu lhée irte!. a'l ireecoirl i zy wu as t aif baders li-ved iniitisiplace aireles' vusvery smate in liraI Iocciy. vils exiblting ac voa-eut; ire disi uotiigof'the kial, ie sirved a photo. guaph,.endlan-the virole ýbuilding tIre vas amI>' irse por Jour vindove viai irad frames iluthem. Tire sanncilyvwili visicis Gaveunmnt rgans sprang'-te lic rescu. itc ase irovea, mv hardi>' hsy ver. put. Tise rniug question visicir agitaleil tirs çommun-ý il>' was xc n eo!8-1.g _pivat spýeuieu*o in u oael', o! tÉI' birdig of tire-Fart Franci lalesb>'à rivte jais, a!tise aveupayment cf Mn. Fauster,aor tire building cf a telegu-epir lins aon.-a.route conluai.r> la laie-tie gnéet quosian v*à u tlisaI f the fiscal pfoil'a!tiseGev- erurnonte Tise ides vas. not la build a Chusese vall abrout Canada. W. veut- ef lise freest inlercourse vils lthe eut- aide verbl; but et thir5Dme timcil Ossneieceser> tiret thèsev wiired te suppi>' ni viih maenfaoltured aïrticles sisonla taie upon themRelves tise ne- ept-niiibiiit-ies e! citizenship. Regard- in-,Mu-. Mackenzie, ha said bistatItil i boeause hlm or any member ,o! tise Goverunt te bring- charges againsl tise Opposition, eeing tise extrayagaue sud corruption, of- viais le>' id tbeen guilt>'. Ici conclusion ha remarked tisaI be saw evidences cf tise reaaliarui ail aveu- tiseéouutry, sud ihe oui>' boped lisat North anal South Ontario vald maie, via en iuet election came, as xisoerirsg a record as it did antlire hast î-,lection in tisas. nidingsi. (Applause.) Sir John Macdonebd vas nazti mIro- îlnced. Re vas heudhy applà uclea. fle ssi tisaIIis fu-ri in pu-aling.iris good quaflties, had saifi tiaI Ith, ladie ware in his faucu. Wctll, lie hapeci se, but. ýho ould net se>' muai for tbe ladies' aste. (Laughittr.) He vas speaking te a large audience ru tise westtern part cf lise counIr>' recenl>, Mda friend a! hie t<ild hlm of su en- fliuiuastic liriss dari>, vieon seiasg Moii said "Nov is liaI John A. ; viat a darhjul ha is." Wellihé refelt rather pronsi of tIsaI, but tire aext-sentence ratier hook ave>' bis puide from lise lady te whom sic was epeaking said *"Well, I came nine miles la ose John A. sud iredal, my olal min I left beiud Lune jebotter looking lisa ho- la." (Loual langiter). Andsi seho bad la eau- tent hiisaeif vils lie aid Engilis a>. ing :-'*l me>' bo a rum 'un te leok aI, but I'm a rare 'un t-o'ge." (Chec* -sud. laugister). Wben i.a came te Whilby lie came la se is friends ila-Souh On- taa, anal heoddualkuov tIsaI fiteen yeaus cga ire coulsi hâve receives inithlb cont>' snob a gu-eting as tisaI>ith vieirire as -nov met. 'He tel t heu se ire teil nov tiraI BoulIn Onitanie eboulsihave snppsorled'hib frieud Jo. C. gourison. Wnish referrence ho Mu: Brow#r ha onrlil s&y, tisaI if ousu liere vs anianvso irad senued bSn, Ga. Broyn adeal su hisslave. If 5bisuer- ers haà l nasallis. Arabian Nigirte, tisay vaulsi nderslanal in wvienha saisi lhif t!ves' a mabail ienua slaveo b Iris lamp aud iris ring tisaI man bcd beau Mn. Brovu. Ho (Mn. Brovn) op- posed Irisafou- mais>' eare, and yst ns 105 ire(8ir Joshn) irsil ccii>'tu holdnp hie finger sud th. gentleman via hasi .beeu 80 long denonucang coalitions willinglyjoinod 1h. Toies. Tire course aura en v ous -xÊgsauus, viere ho -go -mnued. IHs'svss isgal 10 li' unfla vou-k a echaplisud> eno.sa e kalmat- riedý(Laugbter.) But beho vs superan,. nuseeilanal-be vent t lvetainagnSù,. andUre,:ailvsighî'a brotser vaes p- 1ponteal ta bis place. Ansi Mn-. Mul- aenlot"yrdied the othsu davbeuse 4re Iss no6aig. elss to, do- (Laughter) -La . If ire-ba re mmp*à n7 e o ouhla isu eeearbaplslnlo lie Penilentiar> gt (à "ïter),ýTire superannuatlcu- t ad been agrest ceus cf complalal sm.ongol'tirhâ uit~blire (Sir ,lqiu) irelht Ib-n.-cd- putbie opr>nt vi,âip a" be.isoffica eUshel,-oulil bc pensionet inu iiscl age. - But nov-a- da>'. if a man's office vas vantea fon- a rurny Gui',sma if re-vasilxtlyr eau-s -ol,-Ievoldbe supprauuaiti ire- -sn.ls a- teeoo U landi a man'- f sil.ievoisin ie -appolil-: a bis place. Lagen.) Tire euIt vire lira Piao L espsyMtsrio - uariéi ià est -A- Voie-'Whitby.: 13W Join Macdloncalud tliee Wa case uighi- la Sauth Ontario, aa t lihé Oovei.f- er tûtstediraI ho anSdri frieuda canta, net prosýèt. ieix adate- Taena .t ahâtu- Ë ,@ But-jua bafoue prorogationMm.,rUMknierose haniris seatsuilsa ie-veuld bave s commit- le ta essqniue lata ail liaso chares. In lise final place, Ire made a vexy um- pu-oper slatemeul >vencs5 JemadtielaI,, fer ne commitlce ougirt ta ie granteci fer au investigation etfis>'subjact an- loas lhie,evpntî4ssa lacé oullne ho support, tire -cIargs rae. Whcl ivonîsi -Parliamentleisft!a conimiittas coulieasicealfor ani geuatilan>'aà id.ê romanPSa0lsat, viren Mr. -Mac- kenzie sa isiIe-.vsýgoing, la mous foras uomniite of, n ui-ry irata lisse mal- tons, he stimule b,l ht hle va sut-i tience ho go" hefone lire Coëmmitse againsl Iris 'Oovcrnuent. TirasnisGoal thra. ere bye Houisa et arhiament ; a Sonatesa' veil as a Hane« of Cern- mons, axial neilsession -vilif Inal ibaI ha vulalnet' ouI>' gel acorrmitte la lise Hanse of Cammos, but ire vousis issue a toiiite'luoins'Houa.et l'eeu, lie- menbera,.,cf 'a-iais vers lii. jusiges, ladepcudeusote epeople, vWho veulal faixl>' iuetigate lise greal iu- tquities chargcd 4aalaeîtirhe Gocern- ment. Whyie aaked vas iheue saci a è chnen weln itlin ufaouyesrs? is'vsiltIsa ie, tivivenont o! povr oryersega, vas asdessing audiences net cal>' -o!- old, Moinda, bat e!f nov trieuds? Tissu. are Ivo causes; fln-t, tlis pliitaofBrillih-LoIr pl>', vIrici vas a iaading priueiple ila Cani- adiens; seconul> ltacft tiraItire cunutry'Sab veigisoiltise Gavernsmeal in tise balance antI heal fona ouit biri political incapacil>'. Bnppasing lhe- Pacflu ilassaal irud notiocaurreoalia casg. ied oucu- been tas'malatci asd p reveil ageinel -hiniseif sud.hie coi- leegnes for beving ateti corrupl> sud iaving enuicîalierneomelues ?-(Crieo! nanie). lu 1h1bcisueuslëôion the rigirt ion,gentleman relereil l lieistar>' o! Mu; ýLsftsmme, anti tire steel rail trnat ons ienting eutw~ithiref.n-ene, la lie laller affals iraI tif, as St. Paul ses!, lirais a minu v ir ia ,looek afler his frlende vas an infrulel, 1Mr. Mackenuzie muet ire aveu>' gucat Chui-la lien. (Laughir_-) IHe tiges pointes! cul liaI 1fr. Mackcenzie mil entiu-elv irokon iris promisa.s. On lis question cf Prohibition, Mu-. Makeuzis, lbofere lsking poers, made gusat profesdians. He vas a tenipseisce lectamen ; ire vent, round tise cantr>, tehllng lthe peophlaI is>' vyoulti neveu gel Pro- hibulio r fsensSir- John Maionslri, for i. (Sir John) dsinkaibrandy aà nt vaten .imnialf.- (Langhter.) Well, Mu. Mac- kenzie irad been inpover, four years, andI hâd ire gluen lie tbal abslainers Proibiitions? (Cris on.) fLaut ses- sion vien Mu. Schrultz bu-ougIr inlaa motion uitiacl>'bsingig up lise ques- tion, -Mn. Mackeazioi scuerbtanding liaI ire badl saisi -tirai isé (SirJohn) iuFtLlal neveu give ProhiîbItion, mail tisI lie peuple vWeue net eduaetid up ho Il -Yat, antInntil lihe people,;voe ejducat- sa he didtI alliini ilvas ime feu- Ieg- isation. Ho (Sis' John) wvenint1.11 is bearers tisat if tire> vanteal proibition tram Mn; -Mackenzie tire>' vôaubbave, le vait as>lie cuonryma u dil, vise caîing ta seriver,- deteïmincdti la ait tiilie nun ,pa4,lr imn, vben ire voulsi vali aver n u dy baud. Laugis ter.*) Tiseigir iron. à oaistu l tis diu-ccted lise attentian cf i. hearers ta theo great question.e!flire futureof lise country, sud la Soing an alallI aI leugtl vilirh lsquestion cf Protection, choaing iris reaeue amidetloba applause. Tise procedinge lisnaughout voe masl iseartil>' sud enthusiastial>' on- tire pic Tire men pt. wth i jouI, au defeshco and nô Iharo I Camera letige, fi and M -qantitj toe Dana dict Of S Tire v ftoélie. frem Gi gimilI>'. ire Cent <Buack Jusigmes -Tre C htlh agaii Ellen Be pashers e iidisnittedl Quîsn stolun élu bridge; sufficient tien. TIh verdict cf pI. P.A Ti h ge - mnlatirsth baffld if Tise Gra The Qi indecn-Gr - tire Prio a-5s Irevmng danglster, Thre prie preseul, hi the defenci ta bblun J ualcouneel, autmles coup vitistire pni again as au The-Couic ti4 jurora mÙl - Tresaurer. supporters migisl have foît liraIlise milieu-sida oîsi hdave au ompartunit>' lu Governieut. He feît liraI hm. gelf, but lb vas hie duly la vait until7 tise peaple desiroîl hie removal. Tise thoen (lvernrent vas, obliged ta figit lhiseti baùl -! ise Conseruative part>', sandI bemigisa>'tIsaI i. vould have her glad ta ihave redoived tisaI defeat if il hsld bsec tisa duefre -of lire people. But bIse Goverumeut badl increaseil Ils deami ou lie confidencea!flise people o! Canada b>' ils acta raLlier than cthar- vise. The Provincesii'el ber con- fpderatesiandtI tse ers -cant to bing ini Newfeýucndt- ,ýwien thie uhorn io! celumsy- vas brotvffisI gnaiet e.d But lu obedit-ae tatise vote a!flis. Flouse.- tic>' nsigneal, anal over>' op- Porluni> ' was given ta tisepu-esenit Govenument ta carry on public affaira. Lest soimmer ha (Six John) macle a oies o! cha~rges, gainuetirte Gaverci. niant. Mu-. Mûcieczie sais ihlat h. vonil'make'iins svr fon tisai- and- in tie HousMn. Dymnonul rose anal rosi lire charges over à anti ahabIersea lins (Sir John) la pnovo tisen. Mu. l'enfcant frribl4. Wai lire efl wbiv~o vas promiseae n ou-srage yis "trterif be did ot vag" nt Y' * sn wexH slo th Ver lci ot 01 1ijgù . rb. 'yrWa TieOu-andi s lnce lias insumit liraIti suthorities a malter.- (Signsd,) Grand Jury I iras brugit n WlJi s a Col chiai tube4s't -colal; aue isîg we'lee tl irsenax'l lest saif ofaà caugis, there i 4dyviv 4Ofesuie@an