nono; the. fnipuiwcua'aity sud ea" Ur I'vo bou'0vo17w11r0, but -the' lt if stuje. Knovyou aughte Argc.yo-~oU uabme tue 17th rib alaPateraon, but I of absltely ncthing, yet'thcroal clmifor me tec1 out yet1 lmhu.People 2w ýave nowd. eau Pluok t out o1 Dur hair Yeu <Aside) 1 kaow Blok wonld 11k 1glorlûi o tmabout thaï; chut and, Iforroted ont down to,vOa this lmoi but I can't afford Iti; ad, becide noyer swaps items, (Alenf.) public is a tyrout. tlbtqu!tonc, - An u gtfu -Whyblss ouj msyhisvetheBub ful nsag awa use I plee, doue, u'tot, elopements, monsterco 4, vative resetlpu-I Ret aDo rodit'e I bAve noyer hekra un uo n ok 0 * r, Ây*tu1 new l inher p crit the sucwer ail mot folle*., 1Oh, moi patttetilar." At the came dime a caoacanoncf news cmileil hite noc-If Lae would cly touoh i Argu.Ey.-ljut uew, would tbl item or twe tuned up. Ubfquftu.-ESig tt&lit T] mot lèvit & brac of curc about te Lu, -ýdog, fght for us; nota ruuaway ti nt astrsnglad castin a o tra; cn % sgerintg con cf Duilo on the sci Il îtgo mail with à aicîawber le Why won't eelucetbibg tunmu Pi thst so5fféJd uway eliglitie, tbcWae dcccii men are toeie lch ht t. tho brow cf Horacea Orecley it ewae UbiqutôCe.-Olorteueî 1. low yen hod.aartior preparngte Unte them 1ItIlla th. traw that break the eseedblds baek. Pxepare y note bock. Tek.eut your watala. Argu-Eyo.-Audi yet, woe I ctii muyeîUtà gai,,deys 1I would warnnthe - U itou.-Couecience Baya l ùliern but duty baye report what Il itau-nteriag excitedly.-Vl ie tht. I hearl? The sooffold muet1 giva way 1 1 willCali- * Ubiquitcue. - Sileance, contempti foo! 1 Thou wouidst starve to.menr withiout the iew-(uhe ceaffo!d colt olseling down.; eeven workmen migloilu tihegrouud, seMa inu titrooeci et t). à rgu.ty-At half.î,et two precif 1>' it cama dpwn., Ublutou-fl the board, of Geori i3rowu theo dulIýînes e1tha day le rodeot Cizeuc(licrriîed)..Mcfulbeaave, thoy are Iillei And can you gl* over Oucli a spetacle? Oh, frienu Axgu-ly-Ol i hat a rueuntain fe upen thy prattliog tangue t Kuec lIie fellow dowu, coualeue! To wer new, Ubtq. Question those tlaroel lhey expire.1 wtt! Lake the regti * bnd, lièeaare ilirce columns fer u 'lhbcpubliec hah h]ave nawc!i (Sveno closes.)'-Gi Tho ne'w, Constitution ef Alabama oa tion of the Dwuorats, ha. roduce, Gie Législature te Pli Senatora and itý riapreauîaîve; changea the session t - iiunnial, ltantlug thoîmte 50 day., ivith ent 1)ower te éxtend tha lime; reJue 01ia py f M02ebri frUEm #() te 041 d1aad thie Mlloaqfrom 40 teo10 conte req uirad al hbill!.e t a a ed hy yea 4u1( neye; enade ]abbyiug a cr-ime; re. 1ealed l thepwer Le pasid local or f4pécial Iftwe for the benetie of iudividuasa c corporations; prehliblitad torever any in. daobtei.aéss for iînprevemeaouî-, limita, thé Ijîer ef the S toto te tax te ulire tourilas one per> cent. ; restrictea tOW118, cs aaud vonulioi te otiolîalf of ena paor cent. for ýcauuly purp oses and a)uo.lourtlîto"pay 4debts ; rcduace l th judicial circuits trom 12 te 8, and ebol. aeualarge nutier et ofoffIces, caving au anul expouse auaounting te 0100,. 000. MatuRYiN...The man who marries a Wo)meol for lier beauty, or lier 'style', er lier money, sud nde eut, aftér ha te firmuly tied, thatI le las ivedad a fool, là ourely te ha pted. W. kuow pse mou whe have curvived sncb an errer, JO b ave Afterwardsle hown that they haed sanie anorgy, but men risa or fa]! %vith tlaeir ehalca' af à w!fé, aud It le geîîerally boend. their power te- con. troi-Ot( eoaélly a!!lb.hec!rcumsbauéesl wiLlî wbiola tlaey surroiand theiaeelves by s aIse sntep. Wa know may mon w!aa have beau struggliug ea wlble life aganilite infituence 'cof an unluicky iii&rlage,but valy A foc] - CAnnt heorn wisdom; and if a woulu ha. 1Mt camon censé, elle cn in ne ra. m peot bé o fit coxpanion fea reoa <oal, On the conram y l lee . -~~t na h i u j ire d'e T H E 1W IN 6 à O R . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tê toperion by ay pe o a nn m 5kp.fU, wihn (a.Én à yr-hýOu ciery bi e n w ff s'a raanufaotùm ur ownUf 1mv.. NOW OPEN, saloo Psig»;A. ' M7le5ad ,u -IY caj»016:4 ru- F R IT ata re Omnibu e o ta anta u traine.*laaodO 1 Ii eues d fSarem e ï 1.w-uwAori J sdpcdfu loxV* a~m w re AI XBYtiP r, ols bieansud aintnacnt iruci. SOULLET & 2NN J 'aL'9%glà k" 'wule o f c i12 cMd 011 ad ~ n 2ndJul3 *~ LI~GET »f) M~je 0OLte8de cd.0 &I r pi t r .W . ara thereforo enabl .o 5rdd x ïM o~ p x e y t t tu 0 u 1 e HAM IJLT ON & Go 0 b*he, i ouneeuaîMon à iat Jiga nd Ottr eo s-b H ll.rac va tra ont eu a hi ae wt tlr& ig e d ogreof p ofU,a ndtta, lvstoe~ for I pri"co0lowas asolu tal ey wolli. of fi dhUIii.. wl feth éniceof hiTHJOHNSTON SELF.-RkK1eG ', M DONOVAN RE . ta co oekila<n au a sinieRe0 D _0 N 0 N 1, vol- almoRt ses= auperflavue, but à s e qleu guee vol. (~~IEDAmimaimo eWho hâve sdhora od i h Ord t -a P.teth îJ. W M C-ARRIAGE FAC TORYBRC-SWHTY à at an ~oaesud dursbn"ity, a ut , ina ve7 uf i E Y C E P A L avent draft md esc.< o dam agemen-he 1'oh iton, 's W E LW"< avntAt GREATLY IREDUCED> PRIÇEri. bed of a hr âf. In >O.t$î-490we hAT to , M = ay -o ty trias cw bh bav tkei, lacp oe -~ -o.-A TT A .~ !S B R bra.No Summer Goode iill be heldýover, but we e TRUPrst ýINeD1 ABRI VEDS A, O the&H I aetfawn à çq4i 55W ~~~~will offer at su oh prîces as wilJ effeot a speedy c iel amnt su li. o rn iolfpacssr, H I B C I N S O E ,LA I BE UI oleoanceiO1 ' rVe dyuaiChkf M,,,and otiirYoung cao~aa 8.gÂchie oMooread lok '>S1a. a o are otu lrsl.asamaaacantiuo I etwaiycflo u ia I'-encu, sud the Young (,anad&a sfront Cul ; bel s"D, r.oniinbth for aiyadoepes rc TOIBETAKN blemâhiles anmnt ozcalad by amy Mac ens 'l'4ii.markfis or qu- Y a Ou oB'YrpozsFi].t.rns. eut, dnrability, ligitiaes cf drsft, sdaptsbility,, sud,à éeof :,c'agaau. r~ ~ o~ Oufta- p0r po und.O ~ E , H T (der Order lu Councîl, dateS 21h day .,.( -. ?.. R.t et for9es roa Ao4 ' a lint,11y, 1874.)1OR EW H I (J <J I ,T,,ÊI co ., c 2. Arrost ef each uIdividuell .TVa*ers ouhava ba c ekilad t b.e cf achines, s growindeman<¶ baca! -nd 8bil f raa warrant, .................. e 6 11 ý as. .orsigmmmn rcbceaO2 ha e lb cey a in eom e le oaafi taachi ey u ayc oifi. Sgr upMeagt i efer a Liglit, Durable, Firat.Olae.'Reaper.ofalk d, 8b.fWht Sgafr$1 'biat NEWnaOor warrant...........q4 10 N E YVwrr nt.. .. .. .. ..S0 0. OO N S T A N T L Y A R R IV I N G .- Alv a b the r quù em ento f t e da, e a ve e o e d d n n e î ,, 0 u t a s r m n f O ~ i e F u i r c r o f a l J. net p, iJeag ofheduerviecnet ha id BEST AM ERI AN RUBBER GO D S ON R AN . m re rv bs.and noccemtrcted thaI the- fram o sd tbetilt lé It f 0 e -eF 0. Iege tak ddriecuors tea IiIboANdfacdh tableeel âl, ecuietdsuemllensc.. abteaadtiereby keepfng the pilman alwasL iawt b nfT Ia knds, at equally LwPie.$ 9 .o r w ssrly e pended intihlir con G ents' O ui B oots aa d S hio e, thea lnest a d M ost durable nra ftsued r n e l upo 1hthetsom ai o ks. W. ahre cidn t b twgb v AnEo 'A o o 1 ~ P R ~ î ~ Ibies ex cxue. cîarsmuî 0ao,10 l r a nd noar e ien darac t he f rcm tua mineh aft re cofieignt aepil ie U~- o - - 0. Athîn'in Jusices en cnmrn o îe couantry. 3ýr Ladies' superior gooda in Prunella, eaaddi iv-igl.mclpa Lpetkn l tail î e t. MAst ue and A S F lt 'GV b 'ieESieg Usvu ln et. the trsOno exsannation retpid snd Goat, (a Speoaanty.> hale evor beeu produoed. W. have dfr eir ptnf sud -ol ui H e wr s te ee s o n r s h a g e S v i t i r i e , o rW h e n d u r a b i l i t Y s d h e a p e s e a r e r q i r a , c a l l o n i v u i a , f r o i w z c i v a e 1 do'sd8 4 a s o l u l e r i ' R S 2 O Â O S J S T B C w u » 10 ci dayn e eesOr rlcagemWh P',oyed llendiug purchacers, &bat lhey sbeiIc bi acin a [se. lu ue rdt eoase, uB4ýmc ine for Iu g ectùresý A angagen %nr t.D for burgN1-. C1, P for Cash. fr theeconinqlarvest. The "W _" È &uvOà ttr" weigb8. ail tbld, 800 pcuaids, met f oi] but beingorameutrofcChina, olass ïd' Crookery DW are, G O O DoU S E F ULèPIAaO ma q8. tourIootasd 1teeURandBrook ta îgaa,-,pùd oopsli four b.lioura gage more.....n.....'150enions sud compact constructioj ouaai0Obà â sthe strengliansd durabiityo Aui kndofFedadGrntede'loradTmo ao cbie10eernsa oaaa 8. Attodinu Asizes o sessio s, 13 U R- N S , steeltrfrcmWh tle. 1, Toilai Sets thiiÈ,ha dield for sale- éheap.dg" Atonin iée, Y.IbFy1havermchne.tir7 Saed, &0. Turuip Seads cf auýi sid4, direct fenSctà d tflui il oiclbac 9. fieae îavllag e ttndAs. W itby, May 2S , 1877. iBlm Ale u ahnsae wrshdGo oaesl-f oa lza enoit rbeo usie, 2-1m Al fou ahie refll aýKhthie cirela , I. Poatefrein 50 lic 80 conépebel fi ecea ai ubiese, S uloaî , 1arpctiéeith Ibis ligt cf machines, va* te e ntAdmthal we eau meet eay re.. VI J 'L O ± teouly réasocualle Scus. -quitanient, sud va rei'uctfuuy sOlilt ot"aahnabeivAtirIv mants e ta lslowed.) ..... O JO 10r ahnsblein ht ekl 0 Inquesi, l u gatuiga IS GO DE ~ G can funish a battez machine for l.roeybuieau bcoebtainad olcawleo ai.u ornrs Bo et l tedn t JM 8 iO DFÀ-L W i espectfuily Ton, Wl=bîCiaTs tr. AF-TH RC sr iu66d aUservices iu tes. 0gtWNTDnhl¶sttyoflls- Dr t O-tecosmdyBROWN &PATTERSON MF'G. Co. Featharsn, for wihtaiilailcsyre ii e*Ll I aakm rslqe hs ntu in 168 Jury sumxoanad ........... à ES WHOLESALE te.1RETAIL DEALEES IN Whitby, Ontario, February, 1877..*W"tehgBtcs rc ilb 12, » reedo.i tengage S anre - mel, hreae o e hvrapi tour hoer................. ,1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _t0ianaé 1 3 . s e r vi n s - M o n scb r ap éSv a tra v e llin g a g o n is te p a y.1 G 0 fd o ur10hauts ................ 0 ; 14. ileg N e, ilif....).........01 a25. Go hr 00Ch1mneys,. .I.srners, WlcJ.<s, anael- Go whe-eyou cati get a Weil-Qtting Garinent :-To the ---~--.. EPNIEMUDG te. warrant............ .......... 2 0 B rTfcen sabih eto h-1.Ieblrsi ae n............. 20ce rÉ- Soves, unýiÉg Fluid, Rock TioigEtbleiun fNow tau hani, a, ful assortmnt fNw'a~0Nlp d' 17. Serviaag dimbrtaé warrant, and te. W .ann an,........150 01, oudèn Ware. GEORGE GURýLEY, OSHAWA. Godods,whh angboiel bougzht, wi eofrda 18. Atrtai. udet cistresc ver. Eba1.__i ....... 0SUPERIOER CUTTING SAE H o~jViY l oW P.RICES.DSOTO?1PRCE. amachfo god totuit <18 C i id re n's Carr agçe s, A Largo Stock cf Fine Cltha ; hast Englisir, Scotch and Canadiau GOLP AND SILV.B AORES & CHAINS. ul tress, whemm fao gaeds ara fond.. 0I 10 Ãa h I or2 . p r a i n r s , 2 t w h t h r y n s yfT w e e d s . 0 > E x c e l l e n t O v e r oa t i n g s a n s d S p l e n d i d V e s t P a t t e r is . . A B R I G H T A N D C O L O R E D G O L D t l r y m n f r l I s i h i s a u j g o r m r , 2 c n ts l u t h é o l la r , G EOod aO Rfi t B L Â C J E W L L E B , J E T Â1ýDI.,O NIi ' î ou lime value ef goade u'111.S-.W±ijjG115,ASD GENERAL BOAKbava.EYJE a 21, catalogue sae ud Caommission G OGE-BL Y 9. adKiîeyofodot.nMng Street, Ohwa e Clocks of Warranted Qaiy eyLwPie hlbFbua,11,87 a xath e veryn et o efgoad, S 5, .f2 xetnoihwrat....1 50 H OUTirS E F 3IR N1 S 1H1 N G S. Eeto'irPltavery - ass aortmn, a 23. terin Oontcetgo odaes in Ornais, Butter Coodera, Cake Baskets, à ete. ei. E l e o t r o S i l v e r P l a t eve dn e. .d eu.g neô Publih -y rdr 8 onge-St., two doom:sE[rom K/nNg, H. ..MCDOELL In~fte o <> Kifng,. NCKEITR.O ubatue o rcsler ilte T, Dessr,i e H.pecial aLLtetion to a New Ln fGou IYO'OOT CIlork o tha Peace, C. O. May 21.1, 1877. 12m-22 In ansnou ing the coti uaAOiIf th pl NCTarante busines lately carrieon by TIL & OHNSN, a Table sud Dessert. Foyks. Inapeoion ruvited evslo f LaL &r q J ONH Nr a t O : O a , ., s a NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER SPEToFtil ;£1f, surT s Cabinet Makers and Undertaker, Chdrn'arae ugatvitytobosd D.NLO IBPORT PER'RY &LwisDAY P R I ~ G IL E ' s- H y himsell, begs to solicit 'also a con-forWo1 AaeiusdOsai ma. 1 WEn7'R AT.TBYi ance, of the liberal patronage heretofore besto wed uponJA . OI ST J - TIME TA LEW N. 19, Merhant Taorng and Oents' Pur f<h g * the firm>. 'h27 87 Taklug efféot an WCdnc.Sday, Aug. laI, 1877.]R ano onh daiExel t TRNOT . RMO MI LL-AN '8 BLOKStok, coinpriaing Sideboards, Centre Tables, Watos TUIN OIG OUE.B OC S IR THall Stands, Sofas, Parlor an d ro m uisdlieofta T Â N o gx a< B O K T E E , - - H T f Y R S o e r o r w o r km n a::ii p , a n d O f t tv e b e s t t a t e r ia l. o .P A T R .G A N Toot, i .Tn o .m4 £a5.87. s K0S Pieture -framing very oheap. Al For Sale at very asnbe ri s.BL w ch > t aJ v l s G .T . I . 8 .4 5 4 . 87_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o r d e n e xut e i p ot i t ug a d s p a t c h . S p e c a l e e a O e u g e i hF Rt f 0.28 " 7.9.15 i 6.47attentioto the uhlte gbranch. f£l, A bnsm eeaCOe ube ih lld's >seatLd'sOe 08u tby. .5... . 50woll appointed Hearse-Funerals füily suppliod. Phoetons lta tl u ey lgt o ee O E O L A .0cete. .45 "717 If . E ijOneaEsaIato' Prince AlbecrtI... 101) 725 F1 NWiA RtbS,11 ayÃŽt7tlan 1817. 20o , port -lny.l i e11715 diL îaemanou auf au ddiional ptg on wliloh ltlo n eserulmo f ralauko. 'Illy shcld have thaglt ; thare fs-aie good rosea Why they did mot Ihiuk;- and if tlaay did moi", tho0 thcy did vrognd alw AIcwea u s in s it ola~ses; our MANILLA-FOr undAlecndAan lafertoh.eaLosy eoan amffiC on nux V ln aan Po t H o e . 1 tW hitby, D c. 1 3h, 187 . G E O V U L E .A a er e m i m a g n o oo t 8 ' I lr l lor uS o- m n us n -LIrDSAY..W1th VIctoria Itailway for IN turto, taFYre Grat styl . - Offianat iIsh Land Comapany,* roi'erty,W LL 4M TiLL gla Jt-lae Waub sae, G ot. ]3 o n a G o itc-- w lth thé Crt o nnecte yor ra aliIl Ju t eceived a Froli suppy oAfN E A T RY A - U 1 A ~ T ~ .B U K~ O4EA E W Es stue Peit"..v iCeAudll]'B Steamier forCh ' n r ra so , o ont Hotel, a elîglttl SU= J OM il ' -, Tbs@teony("et RuafomtTS»N. ~.Parties need nt ask forceibsi~wl o oaluihaoa iiPlu u I nthé' Victoria Poy nSL ndar lei et noan h R ua trampoindyta a 611, 1877,SRE T,-,ýH TB b r.»ýuýjh kats may-lise2BiglaIGfer rue nta,0 ni n St ton a i t 1 Y, M arch ,O ' 877 LnnSuitings reains o where YOU cannot UGrs miI TcetOfl,&IiS taHlîc, pTo. sin5, sele tio ns ' - - o ---.. sdlfe.gvngter res xs VManaglugDl2 Tth,1877.O u r t c k f S u m m e r <o d S pendid P arlour, I r w n o m an e o m S tJ) lp rla wilS a!1 e ' OE AL ~plet inievo; e arm n. i na d LstrCo ats eGIgoc nEeI o Tb eea er jprirarice Lpather aaliés0asi Straoga "I rPnk ormoeS, icture JrTzniESinT'IsVEo eTION O? TEE, FO- -se Srefn Ëýo i ûeaii 4ro ok "FO ESf& liSualae.T b oosa* Dg inuit. rj beý 8 4 Gdl oy <na auIly KhttLiig ad og ff IE C 10 r s C. rsae U ~p1e, E~ko *k$. C I D ~ F 4 5 C A RY e 5 > I * edbearigT bac , .-nd irp$r lar ' ;:'ý':up oÃŽ, m AVP. aor ud '- - a.ia ýÊ 4u-,ie, oo~.tai~aTh1u . " V .1 I. i TH ts,. 1 ÇILOTEIES CLEANI %)brougîtt te io Peathers KiS Gaares, !gdany ceour.-Al icock, Cenfectianer, ýai1,,viii e promptly a 'J A.1E Notary Pub Slsou'a store LYMAN eae Street, OF BARRIST)l Noary-Public BloBroci A. (Laie G. rlce8-Byran E wlaitby, Onta, ]ROB Court Street, 1 train9Ste i n',l R. j. OMYCE-Next BYROD pHYSICIAN, Wm. McIiRI C A R D'. DR. Whitby, sept. soi IROnT. uRirSj Gr4duate (ilIhoc Qe aColleqe, e v-ofMedicine 'Univ. ot Penuytri 1>ennsylyanla and af the Uniri,>oetEE rout for thé Coui. Coidavater St., Oni Augusa Oith, 1875. W.- DES J l.80toSp;aî. il sud Gilbhert sireo C . N.tVi Teeh e xtracteil vil - local aneesthesa. J1 ans nov hlock, ovea King Street, Oshzwi -T Rfo mAs BUILDER AN, ciAIordlera pri JOHN'-i AGENT FOR, XlL Scattish Grain et enathan Woltand GEORGE, L adJnet ail JAMi4 E Our