Whitby Chronicle, 30 Aug 1877, p. 1

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rST3RUoTio B~isneeDIootor W ~ J T B YS IN G IN O A N D 8 1N IN G N C L A8 8 E S T O U T ~ 1 . G . I O H N S O N , - - P R o l m oa. O Nq T A R O fl  N , M I G E O R G E C . W l o o z > j1 14 R . G éod e E UBab h~ f c u.è d T~1 Q b D W , a'- G o , idp ........2 74b mboa; 0 NE. 1: W' ' Il.......... kiÏàii', d _ P l e at..,44et8dl M uak M ekrn, ZPafr C .1 >5 a im b lo nt r o m a nb t p xR iguh T F i g ,T gr o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 o A-180_________neLierpol______ 171o ta., 2 I -Boum)g.toôsoBe10 ........... 75 Mlitpar ke~ Dt, N M AJo . Clai 2ai MeloJ.............. 75o- or.P 4 8 Pif . s 2lheda'Onlilowo.à. 75a' 60e0 et &4~cw~, on de DP1io.al onacin i AT -..,- "; I TdUE b boa .. 4 #à M skM loscrereod7o,0 B.T Tnn Mtfi 8 -La ......... 4 8, 2 T'«W OhUQ ..... a.......4 8' 2 s ... l w ..u 76a, wb8a2B Agent. m u ,O . ie4WMo.uhl Srný8edoýàbR 0 hsà abage 1îa io se 0 870 2tai. inch Bad. L b rw m~W ITBY ONT BIO ldFi4 ...... .. .. 4 8 2 ........... ......2.....%ar.tg75o 0oe t ~~~~J B o ard s. 2 a52e4 8t 2 ' 5 AURI'STEwRS.......p.i. THOS. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 8 2'T bahelg, sn7,...........~......8 ~ f 1L877 2 WC ]__ 12 table 75a 60o Pain lupanair accomedtion. Tau#, 7of)87..........4 à I9 22 ýbo>Tml ieonts, orias th ofc ahéi onyl S r4 Beatllng ,là1 Psaison.1 nefuae4lad4 a Oan50oFut... Win. S4uêIPeuk bei u ssse....e.Peu . 4 , a..2 -Speeiuaouof DniesiFruit....1 60 g Bote, *tby. br olihoftaroyl , ~b ut brandi. B illrd r- ue wh r id. ... '00 TgSCIE n *nu . 1 5 .. Axlwe lh Oatg, ~ae.,. 48, 2 S Pelmen f Fruit Préserv'~ aahn ohse. oeui~ g A T W o' - - .c.. . . . . . . BITE!cow Atone. M AT Oj. ' EnoÈ aewt.....yenofCr, Oeu ... ......... e rde et~ .....2 ] JAME KEI U GO DON, ~ t~~ fwhIhwIlbobedOh ~ WM. 'NEI L .. PEOPIETO JIO MSO ...........* 2 o ...................P.su.... Lkathe.....2l NeteV Pu ~&e. Ofieo-.Oof, cor, .tw eIv. Gbn e y o AU ârM W ? Yý;,txG n §Do B rid .......................................................... .......... ........ ...ZOO.... .......l. ..................... .................. l.5N A T 4 A A 3 0 w u d U l 8 i o t . . . . .2 e O o e e e . ' ~ , 2 I o P c f hjak 1 7 e 6 0 r e . . . . . . ..C e. 8 ' 8 u e e z e 0 0A d .. C o d o u e d a y t 1 g h i oàd. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . fa ZOVer _~~~2yr .....4 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o]~ eitl n e O 4 B'p '£a a o lèvei ... ' P eak R ed : wO nio .... . ... 74a s e~ a o . . . . . . .. . . u f e l gt e potld Tur- O E. MAIbu, - 1.77 oU! entine C....P................P..lu Ol s.....75 - 1Oe bonpueu' abe 2i I iuce&'iersu leu_________ _________ _...E.....Fi.!4 8» 2 .1 Pla 8eet d. 1' '0 OtioO...... .....7 s6 v. As Cou 4 8 2 ~ poundu Mangolsi ' Sîbi Hope................ s -os - e Yun~~ dm t . Brook, SOICITOR É ____ _______ _______ ___...............1yei4 8 2 Wurtz el S eed ............2 È o h oko rj76 e 5z,0e sOb oestaod 17e~ i lslg ------... O &x 4 2 RORZOpe boghei Tares ..........2 1 '0 VogetabI.es........... , b'olo~. f3'edhm -B A. B, -Tuude dge d oureteO..... e pig. 2 aop;..... AT LAW, hICITORINs. ...........6 Two mai,,2 o . a.u.......... ....... 75 a 0 rae .........7 5 C h al t ' r I b orn e.a. B a N El Eo ! F I ouN I Nf r o f r' F a i l n dat hb er=ytV i c e g a n.ha v a - w5 0cu l y o d ,m al le ... . . ..2. .o.'a1 . 50M o B A~~ > T LAw, SOLICITOR ltheNEW BEVELATION IR TEE l h th Steln ' 8 4 8 ha.........8 2 o Ci an gesn.............i7o5 00 ,i Ce elo fCuetoabr1 e C$SreO.hve yauer-&c.&m. Sun. IENC E Op Dn RE. MAJ&Nm l(:;. cp a preov tedu Barriod 150 uI te Id lok of ------- ha.ve Ct) tiO s t .6d opaon '86 BASoaPbbanai cf F~o *Cerry Wle.............1(5o bke.' ýB-geaue. hotdri 2 i o M pleso ass s.. ... .. ........ .........o fec lon c. uot0à oo e frte&O ri arde . .4 8 2 Spging Wheaî........ 8 2 o rape Wie ..............i 1 o5 l Colet ru rnig 1 5 e hi ar aus-b G.Y U GL.a, COB HO L i loe hed io n go .1..d....2.. f iur7 C er 1.50......... N R Rt S E R ,v uOR N ..E R C H A R T.C L 5 5II T M G me n t t 't e e n i 3 y r o l d e n t it e C o lt .4 8.. . 2 n g w é t . .*.. . . . . r p e . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ~AnSIs<LA rese atS rrninaurmet 5t0lug 1stil,&o Dlchsiror i changete la2.o r a d I s l en% a o ! é y r o ld PF , ... - M a nuof a c.â W i... ..d... tOtW by, Outarlo without cane0.o lfluee.. Ps om ecilHé l IP M CAU. yr onid .............4 B 2 fer gaecommfaercronAI J P A L el traeieers 1.3 en 4 8 2 One Bu hel -of Potstoe - 10 yard Pull Cloth, ho= e. Grainingi od 1 5 À- 0 O I L S aeT;YLOR, C NN y cc.p l 4 a 2 Eary Rosé...... ....... 2 1 5boa rade spu ndeuSw ve byBall nsB W r (Lai G nee wood kMMll ) M I SS M OIVT Y R _________________ _Hor e (l oit f 187 7ý ....4 8 2 one bus hel PO lelcs, Pea h bande' .........2 Tns eki Nn ol Ilv yui Ito Couv ener. j DEBSMAI<<O OcK, wKTAy BOTEL, Fy'Of 187 7............ 4 Bloom.................. 2 i 5e 1 yd Fol0 bftnypcme ru- ROYA Pai Agncultnai erse 011 busel Ptato., Gr................................... ........."I oud lo, B RRISTER, ATTORNE~Y, SOLI O..................... ....................................................0..4netC.lI2 1 50oe 10 **'Cohema deiu Ceprso ftepaiddne rs Libersiluduceeutslte, CouveE y, cass 40Dr.ut r ies, On b ghe Potatoes, Ga nysu u oeb ad. 2 eîSwu ahn..î thr r y ohrrsos Whllb7, Oulalo.treet hSeouth oth;erte. yase otenevar ely.......i.é2al50endul0mdntatitetinfae'ryrusd. 2 Chili. macfdtele ...2...U.pie.....emp......y- Whitbi, ntariornhees.de.W.........Y,....................... 4 ne ............ ........... ba yds Salinet, Wok...........i et.e ROBINSON_____&_________ RIN84 ROP IETO .......................... 6 84 2 E gt Boots T u l ............d a wienT ed . lal e n...... ubao eecehu Whllb7, Aug. 1Sl874~~~~~~~~~~ B4 ~Thé lanigea and mot com ndtu ro ae wt ol EgînosMnodWn.1 y ds omme6,ftryTwed.1Foe Court roe8a0t.2 1.00 I e atniv otin - 21 -ogyel0... oeb bn,'iPS (L~u sioàs RsîNoi.)rIIM~ . cmmecil raefar. able e fl supp; l yt8 oiati....... .......4 8 2' eSed........ ..2 1 50 0 aiydsl JGB RIS ERSA.A W, E13IRA.2T T . G2-y,~ ,I s , wi hebs usao. eîruihu r old ni Cl .....2...fghî ots Mangold Wot.Di 3 4 o lb ....... 0yeFlannel, homemDa4e, abovo -------d.o.l ivyatco.2 -r9detr ot... ih sCraisRie2'1 50I yh1> otnwap.. TH - 1 odFil ........unï 0 d anu oeb- baud, - Buqet f lowrsbad. aMtentiv hONtlmAyard ani cm; 2SËSPull3...........4 8 2 e!,..long...el..o........... .......Iwe.........2Dopaaf ses uni8LEEoiA iSSUEl 00F 2-ynodf 17............ ...................................................... .... 0 ecln bs2nlg...eehi.. Wl .t - Ol e on nr& A. .Heur, IB ,ON A I.( A tiaoe, el Clt 4 8 2 Bgtr ees ls Mengrage oîd yeî.de lnehmepoteeanun..........n resu o e lef h ________te_1__________________ Dahlias....................................th..book1 ___________._ 271.7 cS ol .4 8 o ots Cannraylng10 yds padFlanel......... 2 T.HJe(;t'i', E. OD, M RwAE LI E SBéAat 20HUSyT F Ibo.....4 8 ed.....Btr......21 0 ud ewool a t.......... 2 1aoFlwnde4e wr useku c i oou e ByronStree, Whiby. u FAI and own rope# ather en-filesk lupri" touaccd phosi.e...........ag..e......t2 t sun Fi"V Ty1cfU1877............ .. 4 26ih ro ts anloag 0e rae otnwn . .....Carets,... t..210504 10 yds e Flane fat cry penofe ono îhnle.....1 5 9 5Céi e n eAtM .Te iT LEcl .o n t r e . u n c . . . . . . . . . ... . . .e u. .2 i 2 tK ' 5 P LPr i z e tR E M I UMma rPi rf ol leo t h e n seh a b leo . ahl a m p o n s B R . NJ. IE L D , X . » D C e- . . . ... .. 0 4 3 2 Thsh-rodC hw........... rh . HiggBat a ' pnizCe, b otter Ba aet ...ott.on Spud e cilPieofrd b as ik lea mgnainaoepeel SURG ON O T E O UNTY GAO, M N Y t OaEN- .ABTOu u en r- PBOPBIETOB. . - TO B<. .......gp...e iorewap...........2le.qBohetPaNir. fr1h uroe dr aSawo thuuéA.l BHy roCN S REONWhl o. , ouFarmlargeTand Propertandai XVHI Y HO t S.Bll...........8 4 8 2 Blegsa n 8 b ..p...era 20lyrl Y........ 2 1 fr upii lrza .u2yr old Buller.............. 2 ore udeiChes 8Dot8 DUNDAS.JORNT., WHITBY. sYleull..............4s 4 8 2 et p l oesa than 15 ib,..............b2r1eb ecbbfen fCowthlterbe lid ggae. N freReslLaser ai Mn.Lewia HcicYear'lingB R 0 iBU......... 4 : 4 8 2l N.s W Bn owu, Chee......e maede....d............... 1 s Flcwae r. .....îlo a Crm, et httme wa udr he re wnoriXCrcz Nxî Soonte Cnp'suîtryaOrdce.tetioveosi'ctls. 8ron) lei4 8 2 lak.......ize te..e...me 2 o Bl8ki. B4B a.h rt nldb n * P r M l n e t , P i o l n k ela, goî..on...dea75carnafred, beca C T t e y B s aw ,O n a i . OrniI L n 5 f m l k on..........2.hi. rope n te.m a............. D Y R O r J O S E P H AB A N D E L , B éa O P R Ic al es ol, f o nB ein g M c 'P O k u . . . . 6 o .........................................................Machins.................2.........Mite.................8.............1 W H - T Y , O T A I , T W 3 0 , O N .B é t B u l o w . . . .âg .......... 0 2 a o t e n y h es e ne t ) 6 4 o3 5 2 P ai c ie n s .2 îTa rJ ud50 5 0 oBon b n e m ît e a p i t d n e e c udEn e e e h m B é a.t Tpa ia w ar d te be r u a d e b y l b . re g ular n et e v e n h eàefih orla infdo u bgetan d DR- ID G EN, ko., Duffios Dea ple-aMnuatrrT0 n- i tibosà e a s oP u s .77O br cw............. .484 2 Mare t)han....8........2 O4 Ct'ederll, h............2. 75 ba oqde' nbuutblehijsi ceyfe atr tnsssiina pH SCIAN, AccoucJeHN &c., QUHARSof (ei a gero Beer.atio osibosiab'riage ..........He.ifenCaif...............4.... ayabl Israeandroomral, np lu sirssc Buggy2....o...He.fer...........Bu8 2.B.....a............net.Plaid...........2 OheperdANsDpnatesudnarudI Ti. ejecObsig NDes.tco. et hop thu-woud P Bull, ............................................................... 8 8 ug ftP... 8 Glas l8-F'a m Im leme ts air Wooleu S eka . 5 e 012O an n-os h tn........Sc et frtseolarne en.0115 imlbuge os B54 eMuSL M DNI oa a5 o Rds Brr.aaferor -r u al es............. 0 Mawlug Machli n e.....6 4 2~ Io Sce 7 e Scb' 1 b -rd t athhooe)nite nieriyoiwetw'stethe. hsibilily a a catofMo-Yerln B lle.......g lovede aga..in? I.. 8 2 Cid' Deswo sh.....ou.o 8 tÈ-s Cotten Steeking .75anadaOc@y taomnthepPasIarbnsora8g2t thegimpo G U~ ~ OSPTALLLONDON~ «I Kl G BROTHER~,wu P' HOTEL, e tiv Cl-sge-c ce---siu acin .B 2 1 i r âs Mui........ .. 0 pca rx fee yMn .C u us vn . pe WH1T Y, O TARI, O TWEIET;o>i.BBn u lc f a....... a...... ................... ..(t brsa..s B ey a t p ars e O w i i i i rint n , a y a eW g n ( ebns. r2i 8u g1 G n t em a 'sp la in d o u b e a n luniv: of Pnnsyevu.ie;5r 50t Brown.ge eedSHma ,OWIàitby, Ont. beurselae!umsu owta suitrbr.t. At ea PR.ennAR, M rer, Da187e2 n1a,r n c OJErS D W R P O RE OR o8ned........ 2 I n kel)h............ ....6 2 1 hom e mdeT.............e Bouquet 'o! Floweofng, table.85.....Ho...long vil ibis lest? wben...w..1.5 of th eni. niimainurgoScOtand.22 SeeraiImprvea armo ud 8Doube moud-bordword cf 2 1Gendemnnseplinmyb heaartyofay Cor-__________ Lands____ Yearling...........r .Paybl.lu...d....ctaloue p8ce2 1otmanceieeLomadet i.ru.w. ____________________________ 2e rsef arnage...o........ ci 1 Logi-bores Buggy.............. y, Sept. 801h, 874. -- 4 LE T EI AN FND N S ]f NE TOocks.ND. BulT7o.-Ga de. $etof He Buggy ron.8.2...ss21.La is' Do athe on biughfnudb uafero ees y proe y cu u lyr,85 À lare quati mokey t lendait lw Forfurtug pîriculag maileta owfre.inteilkhoeininnen#4 #cf82the pe irei ttoseftrepnea.........ey........eyofcaot ne RAM AYM. >.,L. . E In te as pratSfot d e Br. aSLeier0-yr o cM Bl..............8 82 -hors . l roon wihto.....2..h....rea wolu8 1 5 0 8 J "SP.8l Prx.b2M. a es sel cotea uebnel te udu W . AAD A M S Letherstralhe# - *evS<eaeSbasownm lotsen twhug Bll..........S 2 ........... 2 oOhilrDr.........2......... 8iet1 2o LI Royl Ho..............liht. 1)es witFdec et Medioail & lagoeBric Roure.tyr et aru or CBrck , Y alg ...er........ ..............In o n..................... ...................................-îh M MIeon %ll s Cnaa; Ph erme he , BETly G te O.RE.O...u.. LwEse a n4rsi ew il r uca!8 2....................... ......8 2 1 hmeiae........2 1.5 117b eom h p. emtonverto blnvis ol BvPnrudSrenLosu eu b rpai872.uusta 1u 5 br 2.77 WVI...................8 2 r a ny Seer an .......2 eullornau' pain Shir.....t,5 tJlv c Punylana E ctiGCllgea O NOT IE . noersbord oifer 8 Proseo......ot...kid..8 H.i.JM SNsFtO rSe fer ........... 8 2 rDe u teraedbsrtpcolle2 m chin ee ofU Ladh.evyb.abu o Thywr wiln o e" h o cf ii: S ud E L cn icrfy MaM87O 2et'Vra2Iopovd arm'ad il Lndat biio b " Scoians. C forsalochep. l!.........t.a 2 T 2 ip8Di2............2.......w.k............i nggddnngl.ci c ee r1 2 m .,Ou a n do . tO i c e - S T O F T O E M N C O R T S O N ae i o n ma Sn s t i eS e t S E "opr a r r e w 1-8es0Bte, an othr-maM.ieRDebe. Gls-7- Gr de t- of-H- r .o .....o... 2 1 1 o g abn uî2......2tee mmTifl hvn I ragmns uuaa or' ahu ys sud Gilbrt strnil" cf meuefyByta of naised. 1.50 '0ereSon Ouio l lcee lon a;suiih heoe ii asym - .O 7-,0, d UNG -WS, OU N W IN . lass 9.- EUorti onJtý a î Lace Work . .5 0 1 a i et the co nculno b a h na i i elwyue - A 13 O V T 75,000, 14, *IIÇG.ST WEST, . - . TOBONTOPoint Lace .2...2vut from Lv oll arntn un bo e ed Bte GEORG CORvsAtrg,. ai. Mey2nd, 877.Glas ll. Imr e d er- ep rt en. cimen o Lace Work, -,an sted acni lefrein l i~ h TUMBII MEIICHANT, CARPENTER Hor.SIER"LC.hntn -...........15 n -" adJi r r 1sÏbh 10N E N R E YreE I U B R 1........ 80 11 e suurac ..> ....p. oueite ..............î. o î neu1.a5n0giutrl aisranalîe i itneaSl1soevt l r o q u a n tity . e Ida l i n i 0 f m b r c o n . r o m t o . o o u E ae nyc in d o n c f y o u l l a n ti p a s s i o n Y, L U M B E I onM B E R B o . .. . ................ 8 2 1 12 B eS y A sîn ca ...... .... 750 S oan led .,.. .. .......... . 0 1 il ai ntaor gh anh g l . i i e s . a s f e t ~ <> a w l , ec o k thesbda Jelnerii<iOHresuBStre1egofl977 500. Alet$Go ..o....."I..vil. nei, lageta e or casetagmbacueîSo ......... ..8 2 1 12 Brl a envea........5 750 50o ot StT y...............2 21 7 fula a n i en "stecrr JAotSNo. S, Gusi Co. IkîLSgON Knue * J NSO, Bo ar P1 g 1877 ........... 8 2 i12 Bn S1v e 7e 50 ote i........d7e beakf u he s paw ed do v imr" LUBEAoLigc 87......82 1 SaeO W e........e 9e Wce Tiy.....75..... 1 75o' Inae elo evnt bs e JAME W, JEAot SENoC.W8, 2N, lassSwee Bou s.......7ae 590e Wooend Cmp ..2.........s.a.lter o ! suo. A u r_ na_ cn._Pikering ou rRCHAnNTe la e12.--Oth er sm ala breeds. 12 Svs. befo..........e5 eh i OMIiISIOP1.îC UR (t 0F QUl E~B Ues tie Rs H OP Boa....... ..... 0....... 8 2 . AUTU EN en lapI, ÂpLES. 5 Cam te ol.......... .12.5 o fr ometie m i e aied oualv eret uest, e n fanb . EW y B Y àCa p s oo .......... . . 7S TO W N I IP Cll li U R O F u Whl b , BS, est O i W1hltby.b nd a larg o s pply of AI l in di f o a ... g. cf. 187..... . ..... 8 2 1 12 H oF a n p i . . .. . ...7 5 7 5 ba r Frm u t........ . ...2 i - itrgne i iib o a ! l s. v n a n i 3 j ~ g a e re BanHumTrBord , and............ 2n 2FfPi lu.......7 1 5Otamx .. ...........given y8 2iger teezsidrea BENCH, Nau ofu Loevr fio 8............ 8 2 î12 RPnimete ?....... 5e 500 Wax Ployons - ....... 1 oaw4oa T ........ie 1 St8 2 ber onge, a 4 v nttthr l ew o o 1 12 Prmae' ...e...e.........a.... ....2i Si iaeeperd 2> m he Ianbvdrt;1 AL INSU riANCE AGENp. voluty, that ho ha opoues a from lMill# t short notice. s 18 i' fl l bo lat nheltats t iue cw»cf Lareu genderfor t LengBW5Utl t, SUeS othe k i a2y 12St.euLywrence ........ e aO Paper Ployers 2 1 been vle' ava'fleleabuîni uolbey 12 Tw'ntyce vltl.u......f.or.n7so 50.on hanDooS.- 'Sailhes sMdBlinduA lvays o o a. ........8 1rn WINT i'iI.i.in P loyons.....:::..... 2 1 i eei y su jeeeteoubremnt u'cîlm vsîalgfraiog The Clérl wifl hinluhie office lu the B T H E H O P haDoors.................6 2F1APE. 0ûestIP, lmvpys.. 2 1 sud, hambien Jn.sS ett Town Hall, Columblus, on Mcudays anS SowW..t.y..M..........1877........ 8 2 i 12 Golden Busset..........75e 50e hyI.,%es ........ heur, Is. o. eS . m,- O OBB '8 TORIN- Dundas-$t, ' - 17'.- S20 ow Pigef 1877 .. .......... 2 1 12 BonDvs ...... ..... ...pyt '~wc- ......... 2 1 for drulenuea nîeprsxf'Igv ynn ev o-oere Boa Pig of 1877 ......... 8 2 1 12 Bo.lalvia........7o 00W l ak ....... 1 ba ndh bh1 Mor,alu. to 5187. in,14 <OPPOsIT ivfOrý,Dna) STORE NDDWELLING Fat S..... .... 2 o 12 Grimes Golden.....7 5 e 5 0e80éegdwt M r 2t,17 ,1 O P U E B iS U T L) s[Exact age o! Pigeo !of1877 12 ing o! Tom lin'. on1 7 e 50e3 G neiau Lamp ...........7, 6 0 ,b _ ila a to .' J îu M m .Sn î u~ A lt~ t 75 Whr owl epcnttyo ada r T m rv 1 ta b. stated on Entny Thoeir.] le Northern SPY ....0..........or rn or5od500l 13cnV 75e o 5o amp a................. 75 0 500 ae enhl.reîeal W.': He e$ ilare b DLCSIT,-ýROUGHAMV, BEEF, cdaoruntf At Liverpool Marn.kot, a Now Store and Glass 4-1poultry 12 Pecknayleasnt.75c o et....an..l 2 1cfcoln aeokn o uie WILA Ç Pi, We' ovl ecutnLAManBba d a T O e i Jt e J-q-adT I eflrenPair 7fe 50 lien 2 i etove....o$1h12s red beIslandoving' m va7tong-a cen net eay patiaufl i -sud Painn Ukid f eealM T ON plyt- J LXcLLAN oc Bre bu, .........anoy0Lest W lt...e.rk. 0bteyftfuo work. -2........... . 5 o M UTTON Apply ot r lge,.. 0 1 war.....e.........Bums Wrl.t....... . 8 i2 le. wstte nof f i. S ht ~uo E. O'DLL, A il! Is Moyicîtesi87.W . I M aroh50h,187. Oeina~or. .... .........75 0 SBse ...... 1 Tecooh J. H.8R Y f CCLELLopordN. 1CenuienafgSt e..0 e lI 00ersa ahoclog ansiwail, kin..s.o!ogin0nal2.EAL1, neceiaely eene a A. PRINGLEIonCJr.t, oehins, v IIl e e W0 v2 -l t .........pi a n i gf rp o e son o fn ll the ir s o a h h n i 1 o e' b s a u 1 f o g n ' U , u o s l u rT ET - e e a y S u g o ,H M b p o f 5 e 2 T i f z n b S . . . . . ..77 oo0 1 f . n u c p e . . . . . . . . é # 2i b c k n e w v n ! m n a t v e t e p ufo rs n i i I a n b apf cp p ; a n i p J.tualsiHIMMAN, 0Lad gnt &a." Daaonkng, .........o 1 bo im C an SwFVoe........7 5rom e 2 ua gsto!intse clhySdaiiS nbe 0pesn ATHERLY urday from1 to4 olloskep....'su....... 5 e750 50eakte ecmuto, a Ii.dy aefr it 3, e 1 , 8 7.V tri n ary5A1877. , 8 : ....... m e 12 SBe arr L ot42 d ....p...rs.va76o- 50 aloir in:tbea.....a...anti..a2u1ner;vbThe, . pr -1dsrpin 1teba ln al ar o rg, 0 i2e wlCaage 150 huglon eetontoe 2-fre wise l etn 'iurbysanSueangds - ok f iib C f r1îî~ 0 o r , BnTp. C lerk, u, n an n d fo ia i st - , 1 6 00 18 tIe b at . .. .... ..75à 500 09 P i i n f rP rO f u s - l u B L L. -R1 ,u c e s sedu gAg e n t ,P a n t i nc , LOH S(L A IDA DI À E anvs .......... 12 WBoU e licsf........... 750 50e au ting e rpoasz rm'euigIueao al u c.vl o ueee30 5 ul bfin c rdlu ihe i faurlWH T Y SH W . ar fspn é......ba1 ia fWkiod... 50 e Animais m... atertii On.TTOpeN ao i~sinvl il ho eio!maS1s Til I Isc , etcu, l'i A'or'entb evnOhw tao nM, P 5TA...... 12BD500on amateurs, B E T W E E N a ir "i Hl m b u o ' olE n 2 B S o nle rd.. . .... . . . . . 25e S O s y u u f li a e a r a s S o î e te i p r r .z t u e T s u , y i r f n e t a . ~"-" H, Gevs sc. cene sdWHIT V & DAYcf ita , -iar Sc0 12 Vic2n9o pieamu prmpit a t n i.odmorgsettwJne4h 87 by - Loas OsaaatSS a u. saet Ray ofnvi rs uis 8. .ini'oîl sidr à2* Inusmeur. pode 'cao. l. Uèîe-IZED DISOÛNT ON audthh.hncnnecenî-dmîewm.S.... .v e . t -'t blS albit. - alwi b o r,Wî-MIvr ,s. uiîgco ecf...1Q-lia 2 B tineh e W lR ouaTonocs," p G v A 11i vol .4h gi Aneas.,2 - bsïay ohui pdl;s MOf V TO L N> CaoeDzîTcaT aa25cns ahwy.~i 5e iWs mue G~ . ' -' aJala.~ 2 V Ro74, ~ ~ ~nef surîda77srfeeI~ ' lie, trti Iâua ten~,Iu Usaavy, ilMaid "freve5k = 1dl a. vld be seMe <ior ou~ v with its yo e.e wore a1xon than dlocnt te ben r 1e ekowldg evn linai, -Hnt aak àak ed u, sno aO "Tes 1"ùl -cs- hsat. "e hi ---d la tQbor. csIaron tr,"he s att, Ibrughqif suatf s ov of urg ,daeri5-, a na m , * * 'e . * * * "Ixide oi I muet My 1,ile has a!. r' a-wi ayste saveyt e eh l noouly on'. dcfis usel at1 e -itwil oThkep ruekaser.\ Toi vt ar e Y ly bvenddHtee tenisand Fank."e "os, diimi se?\ More-me ylur ,an wasblitt oe k at . sWat W;Ie bore fujbouîs tbàndyoilaokt, àaus e loveyle Iisg aeahf."' .Ilfie uos "nAre Yle mie ni1s aeo -e î u" hi le nsârt, a0nusabain >f l. "h! ou tle7 -o pefetionseat." Nveb$0-ntecon ugîVet "Lrt uefni w senS ye, anda, o- va eor b ytmI o' ,&'Anlo dmyuMry'UhgSealn?"erruan nuy ut, eny 1 . Myloo aien bare-al yen cryig? Oly Pnnytou- h s, snc 'tnda pasaienafealtarl-maa_... il 2" "I dou 'f -bw;is su awteh.It ui- "Frbaveus sale, mis;y0." ws"You-enlyo ca eMe ." ru: "Id avf etsais ltI h*eonn if I - ad. Wbat an d t couvinceyouoteB Ihue ls Fyinou uppy " en Shet IInemelet owueside halm u!l tns laidbe au to edeny on i eod Bof h stppn t i.againvnt agai& be pî arwu yi erfectveion lis. ge "Wbut-le Ë îl - e ,malter r yel aUjeonýe againfr yrbe kudre n sne 1111 B ele ans.lt elokaw yen 1are yo, n ansi n, s asi bn i ngte uh 150-a psoberfuL ear vfhamthink lo?- ir 'ucIm apiit b ;asmeei rethed. Ie aue broeile efone I new en. i ea"ntor e! recovaaer ay IItone is aAs lFrn, o ula vge es I.s "Yu are be supOnstitous."' Bý "Pardon iliatith ssýi1i mtheLu Lai! IId haeinge."Ibaeswr i iae Wblaîl I rite o yo-wil y wrt the te e- hapy " as_ She gewmee enfu; butde iand1ha iý. lceaid-bbod tenseant. one houder su 112raI thnew hesai! lute gi n hs rit addeyeocheertly eohaicdliili af jnes n al!ai," L ova o y rua a o e1atl e l s" pr "ides Ii amayw, n ýam bul îl, i g am de tI 37 0. ba an , h n I o ta e Fanch y Stoi' vbaus pasein ber dW re'airomwîsgefr Itops sud agI "Wheauott dees If iov alh, as,ne IOntiesoeau n-" ifrtÏ hui l'Yuoxilb.suestai;ivas."' ie . muet bePanS yel- Sthe flmyoev-toil. "o I viiîel we eyou-won yon ren Fanny, but I feare dan ut anet he alane.n. Iawoml al h avesintuf-reS d noArta you. ervet sa.udotas thoawaneSite ar a."' enghe - "I a alan. lan ye nnse ehe saii aoning 1a ae - 'en PReea nos.,herseaulirmot---" h.an asI eiay ig. tte tet el annory wme! theu di oanar an-s mye mmn distai"i ?I 0u1, lnSpuye!Vene fete eneatue ben211 p "gNeyer, neyer 1 but I do net kuov boy yen cari help rue.", Tliee vas e silence, Iron only. by h.n convulsive gobs; esel brstl seemed te corne vith effort froni 1er sâmuggling bosorn. a"I ust Spaak," aha-saï at le";2h "youn syrupathy eootlee rue, anae aides, 370 u My reusoe me. Il l ny MY-fauey-Iîwhoeeeauhoobhng-vrong. Of course I expioteti-to.,eeegMn . r ton te-Say; be kuevywhenî vas--h nelunu. ,Ho @ diS neft corne;-sîj e abn 2hud e SOe Melféake on bis Part About My arrivai, I vrcte te hlm, lie replies IF verbIal message t1eois Bugagsd this evening."-- ,Bobent Vernon set is tbetali fmly. Fanny, euthoued: "Cen Yeu inden. - itend?' Rus snytlinghappenas mn lie Egèrtnons Penhapa-" g "IDeanetat Peny, douaI les.88younaif nIfie coulefra, Wi.Mn. Eger- "l si"ahe répeated ;'lwait 1Ivith a Ilpont- guAwing at--your heart-ina. l2ou borhing every fang. Rbert, 7oiti le dan.? bhhibeau trulilug 'fit mne ?ideelving me 2 ESle h leigeadeishôor and ie rS te love 1e8 thli6oughiifa till leath -9laslhoegng 1laiMYesorrw and my deep grief ; tad h. tracleS nmelay andi night vith villsh ekill te. briug freehi - yUpon heart ls Iblwu yet bleeSinqgzwlweu ho nigted te itretchl ont lushieuad ge exuciotiawoisnds?'R' a onII te SaLmanitan, te suce"rh Il. suded. an by île vayside,-and, lift...! of zne aundcil, Pounamqîe4 eles&l.nd )aPS ftery coua ouii oe1 bruup, epe $nug agon r' - "R]ush, lilsh niy Grhil ,'iy Por wnuY! " 8h. vWASM e homue1f, i!4 i1 indignation,- terer, dou.b1 dssý "Tyout-vhUla"e hlm. %Po' n he vl x %in. Have patioe, *aititf r sè'Faerhth 1 t6o th.-Â4*&Y'é.ýdo nt ýr 32. i nne-syIi

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