Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1877, p. 4

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tR'M Cpts &pply tla- Iar - Ap-ril l7tu, 1877, th1e Lank net ose. . SHALLENq *slel%~o, STYLISH 4 17 Its the Gooda and the W. are mirions to se prfswon'1 .31ev us to hu donne colins &-;ï»îoluoboS d-àQWft 'tsuon ly a certain section ef uoclty wlxo, ix.h pharisees etre01j', plume 'iliemselves eüpon t111* ewn ihtsouas anSudo'9 os ISpa.- For theo ese 60na l'the o sennons htoh waormaohed a heW theCons;are -te ho welom.S ýa titzwly expression oft s$Ome Plain prIa- 'qiles Whlch neate hcri68tted'a enforcod. XNethtIi an y trath was ex- poundoa , but olS truthiodnnger eS y ' niedoruoclmer was p'lclîmod atneshi, sud apparenlly wiIh genoUtj et. Canon Harper blleoes that thllu estamud meut cmplote 1f. lu net tit ef ocig frein the wold, 'but et een- queiu i ; etasmouksdo, by wiLh- plerodrins , bytnbo y ,~erdarng te sob la ; hrtby taeing tho yoôrlcl, aS b>' ulng Go'. good gifts sud net kbung licou, St' Watr Scot ild net tlick Ibis lmpacilcabls wlxen lie wmohe *-IMlx sobrlety wltl wine, Aund heneit migi witl tlioeghls divine; non seslt.enuajenit>' et ober.thlnklng Bngllolsmnen lukel> lo be punsoadoc tisai th1e pooi'u proposail f other tisan pmActia. * al>' reliloius. Yel snch strarge turnu doe prejndico talca ag*ist wins and becert et on g age tise enenal As. aoxuulblY cif the Pree Kirk et Sceiland à* ravelyit te coelaer wbether Mn. Goorgo I4lacc ouid ppenly ho ap- pointe te .ollie etfsa a Ider la the linelhbrch ,Ivernoss, becoue ho wus à 1rew<n. N»tblng wau alleged agaloal hic lite or Soctrnea, but il was orgeS Ibat hrowing «vas antagoniao ta the advancoment aof the bingdoin ot G (ad lu tîemonid." i'tf ise ebjections bc etaduilîteil, it wauld follaw that lhe gnîcat IfeaS ni lima Churoli Mest HM. 0 selfle lint ont froin lhi.e wn Clunclu liacaums lIc mss a wine--mnker on 1the occasion oet lus irai miracle nIbCCana. IrIIt1O.îrA~1î,'NT.A T)tnvScALi m) 1 -A terrible 4ccident t oola place yx clitly inii lce vicliîity cf Cliatfield Mises Warrnor, Trerioott, and Lyn accolupanioed by Mr. Fredl. Wilson, til }îookkeepec, wve looking thirougli - nl, and linS arriv-ed upon ttisa ui * doo-, wixsro e y Mod oatliîîg and ad colrxni the, lîceutlful scons before thon M r. Wihcuu loig round noticeS Mii wxxci a tpighaokwards, mni e uîiixing hanr that qho was lu ton close Pr-oxcuity ta the nain upriglut shaft- clis &t* about tbroo feel, and jiet in front af th. windcow. At once roalldun lion danger, sac novetl fôrwan'j, sud in * uoing-e.solsie nîist hava thrown har l'air, whilhi as long and flowing, oame ÃŽn contact mih 'hce ohaft, and th. pour girl was inslantly wouud in and evlii vod arouid Ati ateirible- rate. hier fer sud loge .rlriking, ah Almnoeary -me. volixîion, a pos, qn sither aide. Hor coîupaniqnn could routIer-cie aesistance, and.oeo ornor.stcikcn nt the loînublé spctcacle. Mc. Wilson quicklyresolved t'piou fliceoiuîy tliiag olSho clone , ta $ top flice11iii, lxiclx dety mas peýrfarra ail an moun as possible. Upon roturuing * ho found Misa Warrlcar la a silx pas. trbldigprofuuely about the lin itd lier ontiro scalp, extendingtronc the * eyo.lîrows dowm belinS thic cars uni WeilI n ou tli noola, toac denoff, and, witi th1e groat portion cf her lothing, mimud eticltiag ta tlic sliart. Strange ail Il xcaysneni, tue lady wLIi3 ic a ccoîui ous, statu, sud ilnformeS limsarcuud h er, tîat no Oue coald aven imcagine anythiug no dreadtul an lier though white. boing wliirlûd, naubslesupposed, ta a terrible. deaah. Sue meslkU home, sund recoivad lihe immedjlaiaI tanlion of several phlysiciano* who are dolng al l i sir powom a sufféerr. In lu'Ibo xcilenenl, ibon ea .Ib salp %Vasc lat mtfliacrMin1; olnearly tir ha t ï eps c g Y o r a i w as place S lu îîmifn;io fts GIhouglîl1the operction l'ould p,çve unsuocoseful. Pcm'cceCIILOREN Ii N AIIAD.t-The Effiuburgh Scxaixan oft Jîly 24 siys: "Aniong th3e Parliamentîary papers issu- cdl on Saturday was a copy cf lthe reply of Mn. Doyle te Miess Rye's report on théencuigration af paupror biliers ta Canada. Mr. Doyle's btter is addî-ess- edcl' he bePresidol of lb. Local Gov- erninent Bloard, and Itls purpese la ta show Iliat paupor ohiidrsen f rdvanced yoara, who aie te b. tabou out tole h * imoediately placeS lu service lu Cac. aal, ara collected mithout 'regard tb DIpPOial fileae, picyical or moral, and *are uncsited for maich a modie of lif. Vit iriiospeotive oest luir urxftnu for lice.paaitoio3nto wlioh tlîey -aire tud. Ssnly thlrewn, they are, froiu lb. more tlact of thoir being-pimper olîldren, ex. poseS ta great dioeulvaemsages, aud te sidit bloquy ; andl thaItIer., isaa total ab-lence ofCf cvtlcle spervision, nuqi eonaoquonnîiy blîdren Are exposeS ta atitilg anuS wrocc,froin which timcy get nillier relief uer redros." HYm'OSUî,x'îTItC I lrrTîeEuc.-A vory large numblor of dlpthoxia cases are cîîcd l'y a Bostuon physîcian as hiavcug oeiîosesofolly trempad, lu lîls - nupritatice, b h tienueof hy osti- Olite of sîIda, ie dognsoOf tmicîn IMviita tift 'co graineor nr in- yrup every tiotra Iîealbours, uccordiug to age Anu ioreultitucos a; îs cmlias hie ai. lient caxx bear witlutalpiysiekiîîg beîag a gond cula li tîco &s'varer casee. The. tiliotuiro otnu iauseS lu closes aof rve~ draps ta haîf a drachin, lu mitki, tho tril titfor tliiough stimulaiîon heinq grenIer thUI Cffix be talion ln mater, a nd, lunlime Iceatm6ht îof coljia ilIe iii hno usoî l smera foi-food. As, lîowever, ltce hypoanipicito preoets tii.e digestion of uikr itl old Snul ie given lunloua08lioau aur tronci t,I Lbongh tiey may bc ugeS altarnataiy iu ,froquooit donnes. THE WlNDBO (car. King aSdYOnlrsl) NOW OPEN. Sa.oe PER U Pros omnibus tla anS frein aIl trains. hie ani Appalnluneni fmlrst.oi > SOtYLLETutFINNIGAN 6.ly . Propri"t RA. Ta. F PFIES TO BE TAKEN TABYCONSTABLES. (Under OrSon la Cauncl< dated 941h day af jol>', 1874.) 2. Acceetofc sali ndividual apan a- 'varrantl................ . 4î 50 2. Serviug surmmons or tubpoen.... O 25 8. Mileage te serve saxusuans, sub. zcena or warrant ............0 10 c.Muage when service conot ha îxjcan proof af duc diligence... 0 10 5.Mlaetkn rsnr ta gal, excusve f isbrsmenîs nec- eeuailiy oxpended lu thelr con- voyance....................0 10 0. /cttendlng Justices onau-uin triais, Or an eianilnatlon a6i i. canera chargea vlth crime, for ssch day necessarlly omployed lu one or mari cames, wioa net eicgageu more than four lionts..* 100 7. a, do. mien engageS more Ilian four hbancs............. ...i. 1se 8. Aîtoudcmg Assises an sessions, eeasc.Sa .................. 160 9. Mieage tcve n oe attend As. -szea, Sesiane, or beore Justices (w en publiCcouve y ue can ho taicen, ouin reasanahle Sishurue. mecuteho o aaRlomeS.).... ... 0101 10. Sîîrncontng Jury for Coroners' Inqucet, tindiug attending at iicquest, sdal orvces lu res- pect tbeceaf, if held on saine da;y ail Jury enmomoued.......... 200 il. Atcudtng ssci adjaurument acerceof, il ual engageS mare touer heure.................. 1 00 12. Do. d fo. if engageS miro than fourlionne................... 1 50 le. Scrvug snuxmous or subpoiun ta .ftkibettre Coroner laubiect 10) ....................... 025 o..ie*ge seniv u',Isime.......... 10 1Jikî,Uhmoing bady ander Corone M1. Ite-huticyixîg sarne............. 2 00 17. Servlnig distres a:raut, sud re- 1.tarning saine...............1 5 18 dvertlsiug undur diatres ar-' rant ....................... 1 50 19. Travelling taeinake iatrees, or ta memaccifor goadu ta make dis- Icese, mIen no goade are tond.. o 10 20. Appriaisements, vIeller by ans or macs, 2 cents lu tics Soilkr, onthe 'valne ai gonds 21. Catalogue sale sud commilssion and deliver>' af gonds, 8 ots. in Ilsthe , au net produce ai goils. 22 Exocutiug searcli marrant ...... o 8.Sere-ug ntices on constahles, whenu pecuonaly serveS......050 Published by orSon, H. J. MACDONELL, CiscS o lhe Peso., C. O. 2 [Mno 400 W{H TB3Y, PORT FERRY &'LINDSAY RLAIWAy. TIME TABLE No. 19, Taking effect oz, Weduesday, Aug. lot, 1877. TORONTO TIME. TRIAINS 00t30 NORTU. O.2AL.No. 4 Expulse. î'EPABT. DEPART. Toronto, via liTE. 0.50 rn 4.87 p.m.. Wutby Jun. .T.B. 8.45 .25 S8.1.5 6.80 LB7.nok Ln.- .1 6.47 wsy.............28 ' s 7.00 8urnit ...9.8 7.10 Manchester .....9.45 7.17" Princ& Abst..ù5 't '7.95 - fPort J.10.10 7.85 g SSeagravo ...10.85 Id 7.68-l isonya ..........10.43 8.05 de tmaniila..1. 57o fun 8.17 Id tmariposa ....... is 8.85 ; F-........ 11.82 8.48 liay..errive. 11.45 9,00 TnAINS Calci BOUTR. No. 1 ExpEErng. No. 8 xcÀu.. TCP îlT. DEIPAIIT. S0isy ..... .00 arai. 2.15 p M. , .... 0.09 2.25 Fe . ....... 28 di 2.40" i 0fa..... .40 Il 8.00 id 8onys ........:*.63 3.14 I I, eagravo .......7.00 8.22 Il jPort Perry ..7.22 8.55 I rince Abert ..7.27 4.04 s Manchcte .33 1 4.12 Sunutt. ..492" 4.20 mm t .........20 1.80 4,48 arrve 10 21 727 Os *Flag atons-Trutins stop on ýbigua1 oIiy. tTelegrapli jstations. i.e M. le a in .l C' c r If. to ig genoerand thSe 1 Umima t7", Uesidm S lar!ge suppry. of, C"n l e utuel e p W If â"w onrola. pd" and on the "dig'bf Mbpàà Ict hlm b. fi-cmlewisor eounlry, -thecean get thÏà à d aiLLMN* STEWÀRT'B. GO- Printer's. ink suits somne classs ur<oodsou LAING & STflWARI] [ t9th On and after the '2nd July, HAMILTON &Co. will. offer the remainder of their' GENERAL STOC K, AT GREATLY REDUOED PRICES.' No Summer Goods will be held over, but we wiil offer at sucli pries as wiil effeçit a speedy clearance. BOO0TS AND SHOES NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVIN, BEST AMEltRICAN RUBBEB GOODS ON HAND dents, Caif Boots anS Shoes, the fineet sud Most durable made Country. Irý» Ladies' superior gonds lu ,.runell, Kid sud Gesat, (a speciality.) Wheu donahilil>' sud cheapness are roqnired, eau dn 1Old No. 1, Cheap for Cash. BURNS, Brook street, WWbtbY, May' 261h, 1877, Whitb-ý 28.1 JAMES GOODFELLOW IMPOBTE RS & WHOLESÂLE & BRETIL DEb<LR8 IN LA M Chimneys, Burners,- Wicks, Chandel- iers, Stoves, Burni.ing Fluid, Rock I I. e th 12M Oil, Wooden Ware. Children's Carriages CLOTHES-WRINGEiRS, AND GENERAL flOUSE FTTRN ISRINGS.1 81 Yonge-St,, two dors from -King, TORfON TO, S U I T S ÇPRJNIGLE 's H Merchant Tai/or/n g and Gents' F-urnishing House, R McMILLAN'S BLOCK,' R F BRIOOK STREET,- -WITY T S O0K. FI N -E '3 s EST'S ART S GALLERY, OSJAWA )PLENDID PICTUR.ES, Life-Like-taken in a moment in the best style. Mr. Best has secured the services of one the besfrnega- ti78 retouchers in the United states. 1 feelj confident that .ecan turn out work equal, (if not tauperior,) to anything ever beforenmde in th.is oountry. 12r <JALL A.ND BEE MY WO1IK. ff Ail are welcome to ins3peet the Galler'y. Fine Phiotos of the Leading Statesmen of tlie Dominion- * uh Ho.SrJh ---lai. l,,, n .- . W_ M ue il. uec.-IS#V-. (t erlin irt Lrd f ua nglshCONNECTIONS. Bather MeCaun, Rey. Mr. Laird, and Ieading, citizenso, for suie ah à erai F rut dof'own h. TrukR UNCIo wthGrnd BESTS' GA.LLERY SINCOE-ST., 08HAWÂL Admrait Wyo JUCTIl uth fan .Yïýén i8 fiet trp 'dow the rnuk ailvay for all poitexsan Thames n a rather lealcy vesuel ob- West. nsEa u serveSa the, mon wonlug At the pnmps. PORT PERIit ilwu stage for Uxbrldge. J E Ir 8 39' ' 1 Dean mol"I lie sald, "I1 did nual lcnow SE&OulA'-For SaintlleId and Wick. yen bail à wel on boirdi, Captain; but mÂNILA-PoT Sunderland and Cannigtn. Iamn really veny glad, as 1Id doen leNIl 'Pl -10O, àd LIl.Drtan niver'waler." ~~~~ValentÃŽa and Part Haaver, . rAR±i . ~M~, bLINDSAY-Wilb Victoria Itallway for DO I / i' T1 ( b C A. servanit, ts<wIy engagcd, proscrtea Penelou Fallat Kiarnaunt Minden, ýQ OM N ONWl.O -Hs his master eno .nornîug a pair of boots iburton, the Ires Grant kerritorY, sud tho Englisb Land CoOinPiiy's ro e0t th1e log Ce-Qno of whloh was mucuh longer vlîh MidluG Ril ay faor W0avl' Ilu the ether. ,"How camés Ilthat floavertan, Ofill'a, anbeuhene, Gear. c thoeo boots Are flot oithbesaxnelngîb 2" gisîîBay-whi0hh connecta l ràhaJutftci(da)r hà'-' "I really'doi'I lno*, Mr; but whît wltb the Noith rn Ilailway Mr fraven. Js eevdaFehspl f -bothoesue smant l istaI ltho pair Soya hîst, lracohrldga, and thoeFrüe Grant aitis flà 11Sf Sthe fii." * t on Pointtii , dellg te filu St:rT..wPoit telrandelita Smer hoice Milinery, Parasols, Two ountrY gallornosys vertul<iiug liagen r anThîl s lthéb012nY direct Route frorn points waggonen u b. rond, thluklug toe n the Vicoreia R wyana LInS.7 av e Summ rD esG o , bieakc a jok. with hbl, oaued Lin wiuy Tcoronto and ilue RfWaemet.s oo a fers bons. wns sefat and 11oe ie T ickebts ay b. S t GranldLne Sut gs Grnd e. lean. To.w. oner, inowi IRtbem te Trua'Aket Ofice, 'Union Station, Tb-a.n-u*ln s %"-eal"ns b. tlîé .limbi ofuo la, ,replied : "TLh at'J NLE ~ 'u , ~±~ rOS~cm fore borialaOb, Iawyer anSd1the rosageguglre., wors clieUets," Wlthy, July 27t187 O rSock fSu m rGod s û - Wliy inleut noc h nuste Ofte plet? in every departmient. gj'*' Linen and Lustre Coats, ii maabent dixlng-eans on thb. ro F O R S A LPn zWhite Yests17 Mens' and Boys' Straw Hats, &o. r i w li e s lr eM n t a M a u p e r i n F à stoisdenLasitfront, DR. FOOT'E'S-8 10NEo while telSfpoite hî . pour&8E8 a O~ ur Groceryis supplied with Chic -tuIt tap a AUth ?I ' S4 r4 ,,Tl - ,d Cheap Fu4 . Porm 1 le 4 acresaeLaLdi0*ý outane App, P an. '1 "- MoàUILo AUqhs84your' ove jokejf good beualn. oo bOs 00"$ ~w.» doie, SedoTE <s" yeuguiL , -46h nb,uj:x Vhitby, Ontaniô, Febrxxary, 1877. Go wliere you can get a Weil-fitt4ngGarinent :-To t] 'Tailoring Eistabliaiment of b -j SUPERIOR CUTTING SHAPES THE WORK ALarge Stock ef Fine Clthe ; best Englisb, Seoth ansd Canadi Tweeds. t>. Excellent Overcoahiugs sud Splendid Veat Patterns. King Street, Ouhaw E.- J. JOHNSON- En announcine-the continuance of th busines lately carried. on by TILLs& JOHIN SON, as 51 I by himself, begs to solicit also a con- tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon the fi=m. -1e lias now on hand an Excellent Stock, comprising Sidehoarý1s, Centre Tables, What:nots, 11a11 Stands, Sofas, Parlor and Bedroom Suits, ail of S uperior workmanship, and of the véry . mtrial. *Picture framing very. -èheap.Ai orders executed with promptitude and despatoli. Speciai attention to the upholstering branch. -W A handsomeý weil appointed Hearse-Funerals fully süpplied. E. J. JOMHNSON. i he an A ni' e. AT N~EW- STATIONERy THE EX.PRESS AND MONTREAL TEIL OEFIOE', BEOCIK-ST, Gelo'rgel Yule begs to anfinounce t li"e las re-oenec hlieS'tationery and Book Store lu Wh in uer tationeryef iâd of the best qality, ,-wirbe cept Pe hq ; se S8ool Books 01.elerl description, Copy Boocs SiatesensIk&,&o, at the lowe Thie "anyadWeekly Papers always on hand. Sub. Musical Instruments, includini a fine assoîtment cfi1 o2-tSELL CHEAI> FOR CA Violine. Orders are taken for 'Periodicals, liagazines and Music. AT ITYCHU s.Lodie rom S5 0:4oeilse~qum, BûgaÈscf ai ldnd, Lt0ll5b f Whi gir.6 lHasscrtment cf Clicice ýtiyqoereo i kmnd%; at,-equailyý Lcw Friceéi Hlouse, and Garden Flowýer P'Igants. 'GrTeeun Veeltablesý in their season. tr FRESH fo&.TOAE wB US-BZCEIY&D 4.fUljasortment cuhs, lsadroerWre Téa. »LniÏeranSa Toilet Sets on hpd autd:for .mi.e heap. «,fl,ýdd c iold an& G elit:$SAdA,.Clver:and Timo- hh7EoS r &. Trnx i Seedsf dikus.liet r chaute rr tins week. E" odPotatoca from .56,0SÃ" zO ente P"er büstl. At W.J ISNS WANTED.-Any quantity,;cf Good: Butter, Eggana F'àhrfor whieh the highest cashpricýewiilbo paid."1 IWN.1J. GIBCON. Spades nd -Shovels, rden RBikes, * Gardeg H6oes, y'Forks, &c., &C. Cnt Nails, insadOils, Paint and Vaýrn Brushes, &c. STinWare of 'very description in' Stock, or suade to order. / GROSS & MAèNCHTAN. Now to-hand, a fuil assortment of, New GoodIs, wïich> 'havg been weil bouglit, will be offcred at ËTEY LOW PRICES. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES & CHAINS. BRIGHT AND COLORED GOLD JEWELLEIIY. BLACE JEWELLERY, JET AND VULCAIÇITE. Electro Silver Plate, a very large assortnient, new desjinSý, lu Crues, Butter Coolers, Cake Baskets, &o., &o., relia- Would call speciai attention to a New Line of Goodas- NICKELIE-a sibstihue for silver. Nickelte Table, Deseerhsd Tea NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER SPECTACLES. Childiens' Carnages in great variety, two, t hree, BLd' farcli 27, 1877. Prachical WatohcnakeX, Brook,,Street. Fo aea eyBesn4e rcs Several Open Puggies witli chi1ld's seat, Lady's Open Phoetons late'st style and v'ery i li t, Covered iPliotons with IRolling ýSeat, 2,0o Light Top anýd Open EUggies -of Su!per- ir Sye nd inieli AU1 ma d e of tho bý8 *ate2-t1 and JTarrantéd. Bi 1: ÀAPS l11?ih, 187. r' 'i Itas jiig i;eceived a large sto ck of Boots- JOHN SA.UNDERS. le' N.B1. Partiesneed not ask for credit as itçwill flot beI Z P i , 17 ,S Whitby, Ontarjo. litby, Jnly 111h, 1876. 28 TOMS & NBWPORT ' OOT S ANDSHES Whi GEO YU LE.1 .tby, Deo. lStli, 1876. 5] WIINE A MR N FURNITURE YWARER,0OOMS 1 THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET WHITBY. TILL-'8 Go where you cannot fail to be, pleased iu maing selections of good furnitw.e. Splendid Parlour, Dra]nRIoorn a4ud Bedlroom Sets, New Designs well wortby ofinpet=n, ah astoniai54low Prnces.Dm ingp.room Extension Tables-a very suLperiorarticle. Gilt Cormices, Pieture Franuinglu every style. Borne fine Chromaos bnd M EgvIDngm for sale. ýmaOu ilis branohes ; fuinerals frily ýIuP$,ied, A sl't «'k cfeegtoa>e, a ay onha, tr.nie teuf utmraSa sépcne ,ooexsasitl inz-TILL.u WorkdonAt verysalrin on st.assy Aor doty o o deri ircass s Ftye A Styl i?,-Boo rt asa oodn. Whity, ~roh6tb 187, 7 .1ADDLERY AND HABRNES WIL -LI:AM TýHO,-MPSON Bçs te direet attention te bis largean suepemro toek, emprising every îig in the. SaddloyaSH rs io au Leather- Valises and Saratoga TIrunks 19 SLOUXT OP "WHOLESALE 1 BETAIL, Buildings, t8 9.-Yonge st. thtIîir inç,and hopely itattentjan te'the raüxutlxnmr onatomen -ta îmai1 -oenÏunauci t he patronage Iip$iarto' ex5 tondeS toe 1."'> speolal stionuxpalS lo:lthe maklug of. OTTQM&NS, FANCY CHAIRS, LAMBREQUINS, uîae sud c1put deluw i the boul,,utyle. JAS. H. SAXO ui&C T E TA1ÂLýBERG PIÀNQ $290.00. Thce Thalherg PiÃŽno SuIlasa anl lo0ngf thatof a GOOD, USEFUL P] whlh cmhledthe, cisarnesIlou lh. beanty ef finisbth ie inoalcee mai, itia odratoprice. lei I il lie aked 13owcit m ossible t ül *1 Wo are tleroen ableStelu1o, upl ausr.felPtct &Miym tolal the. do. print0f maùutoône'IanÉ ne ni>' »0thi prfetion c e iiwork, but i- se0 loe idi l Isye i xeen ioan::a eosNnst rduco'o tel. This piàciplo fa regardeS necui' i n a'weIl el edtablbonaS vs onablod te tu on, oour' machines *ith a lber cIegae ocf perfection, anS ah prises 90-low as abselntely -tedot>' conlpetiton. THE JOHN.S-,,O1- SgLF-UAKINGR EAR iu noF 00se.4 4nown as ýa 2ugs tioataa werS et commondatIt o voo alinet sem uueu~oog, bt p r ma nasi1amuie inuuapturo bi mahine .Iwi-à'inys h -th~ t1i I r~ L -M Me~no llxot'e addursbillpilty ofout-*veaiykiandeondilien of grain; limghtneogof drî-adea anag. n.txo4Lsû,suîauatoedlym ind pro.eufnoitlyaho~of Al cher Inapers.l peffthierpoItion w. inve cal>' le point te l., tx eulPrsasavred u-at I.litPoinciltle n tarie, ~ ~ ~ ~ eh su in'cut'til %ihIavo takou place aIleonsada, wlthin OU-R T.-RlUMPH OOïqMBIN4ED MACHINES, wih laI mvnets, altint cet bo desimed inià CombineS acin, and caPuefail to e sol al O lb. f =aa O'ur Improrcd-0aÇ,g CiffJr.>and ,Our %ýyouq Oanadlà 4Mower are botix flmsl.iaas nxacieos-.eeonstituted aiment whoily et Irenand.'tesl. The Ca yotga Jr. Las a rear cnaýt, ni Yomfncànada a frônt Cul;--:beif irong, Sur- ahi. machines, anS net.eeS hïd-by.-yach>'inles lu the; marIîstfol. quauity of cul,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~W dreuitliinosedrfdnabity, and euse et management. OUR -NEW ",WHuIYBY,.HARVESTEýR."j' Au th. country Lau bacomo botter adapteil t'aoleàory,* aniSmas>'cOr tarin. ans Lave baeomo ubilleS in tho, nso.'bt'machines, a gnowiug deMan4 La. ppnung. opteora Light, Durable, Piést-CIae ilsaper. Ailve tb the reqairementa of he ywe Lave succoeded lu inventing a Mal, chine milh s Wrorght Iren 5Wame, t 'ithé ioasl possible gearing-ith large, bread-taced drive wlee,-Wa se oishmoed that 1the tramei a table tilt st thc santIme, thoee>' kceing tlbe pilan a wsya l insne ith tlb. ife. Tlio rako's are 'diven directty"rom th3e mdla shaft--thera heing ne.. perceptible side draft, sud ne weight âpon 1hherses néeba. W. are ..Confident ' th»t. sre. Lveý àsoeeded iiiventlssg tLe mest poef ètBeaper, talCxng I- lis iii li pàtlaI- bas ever been preduced. W. have apPled fer bittera patent, sud shalh bolS Our invention,toor rown exclusive manslature, aud vo respecalci-, euggeuîte lui- tor1he coming xave Il. Th«Wib.aroe"weg aloS,60psd, Renions s4 macM t constructio, 1 obnsIsenntiaSSrbh> tt âU of Our machines are tully warranteS. Wilh Ibis lut et machines, vo feel confident tha va oa moot every ne- qoirament, anS we respecttnlly sellait a triai ef our machines,- bellev*inglit me oa furnUsi better mainea for 113e maey Ibun oa be ebtained eusewhore. Respoctfnll yTours, BROWN L, PATTERSON MF'G.C. Whithy, Pebruacy, 181, 1877. 8 STEAMR QITY 0FTORONTO Xai.,eahlii Wagaraýat :a.mu Levist-on At 10 a. nu. Direct canuectiong ft lie ali Bucfale, Cleveland zcheoe -Tickets "'ud*al InformatIon eS ront-I$. LIEPOL MARKET I CAiSH FOB'ý GTAIN,. To he de1ivered at Frenchman's Bay.. PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL- FOR BÂLE. MONE ýTY TO LOQAN on ]Remaiu #Ri tale a Io;w ateu7biterest. January Dib, 1877. tf-8 GIcGAR MÀNUF.,40T02Yi CTobacco. The ceIebrýtod Il8. V. c m Il otel.keepeëra and Dcalers Ol ni their edvintage 10 giv«a tber a trial. 1!hitby,. Pcb.-7th,- 1877. - ly-7 y OMAeT GIBBON, and Produco Dealer, Agent for TUEAn.san d CoMEEECUL Un. ION 1ire Insurance Companies. Or-S0F INSUIIANCE LOW 1 Alun Agent for the. LoxpoN and G4NÀDUI Lonq à» g>î ÂEC oup»rr. -on y- jojo, edl 'oz, real ett<pybl tmTate Tevyeran&iin go t uit pati55. I tteOut ow ad 1uôn m Ise orged. Mortgage's bongt. W. 3. GIBBON.- China-reoi SIen, DundaàsSt., WhtbT. WbItby, March lSth, 1576. CARAEWORRO. Bioa fulyinforma-,his Patr='nS a the1 hbat. laas purbaaed lce Righu fer Picke.ring, le Manufacture ]BUGGIES, CUTTEPRS &C will (do veU tosec Our Dg ma , :bef ore gtvlng thofr ordff i Rregbm, July lBth, 1876. lyre RGIRIST INVENTION -OF TIU Family Knitting Machines< Very Simple-,& 0uSd clmnia hie Ossor oeing ani O'DBI A TH and Undertalcere D. M=OYI > "2to 77. 'hitby, May 7th, 1877. mad ê' litby, July 5th, 1878. ý SHOE-S. a very -small margin on cost. àtby, Dec. 18th, 1876. TAIZOBING ýGOLDSMITH'S IEIA L L.1 BOOTS AN D WILLIAM est te 1 1- 1 1 1 1 i: - 1 1 .gener&Uli>'hArged, the anaver la plafin: "lu thbmumking or sae et thesa lustraL. monts, thert are ne 'ls¶e'siarooms te kepp upi, m snd Mueeuia' aa iMntain, orna ïxpeusive travelingagents t py Tiese Inu=eitsare &Ilumouooeta- UIUN 6ÙSTANDARD OVESTAUG BASS,' CARVED LEGS ÈÃ" 'Ubr'POIT CORNERS. >SEPENTIÇE MOUJID'G5 and DOUBLE VENEBJaD An. extra< -DISCOUNT 0F' 10 PER CENT. vIlIb. aRMweS Scbools sud Couvents, mis ta Clergymen for tie ose cd theïr familles. W. ÀADAMSBR - 1 121a-22 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 ' .1 0 1 l' m be lApr be Apr Bhack, Brai A fLata 'Wbitby, N * (Linu Court Street TUi S Byron S Dr Wm iefli i o-rs nc Gthéceoye, C A 'l Dn Physiciale, Su Whlthy, 8Sept. ROBT. KM Graduate (mitt Qo'sColis ofaipenùe PenumylIvanis ai lie tuiv. af senen for the <C Coldwâter 8se, -W. (e e as cheaes the Teeth extracteS local anathemfa au s uev block, a KingStreet, Cul S lalHe r JOUX A ETFOE -LLSothG: 0f JenabisuWolf, large quautity-ai atautly On I4cxd. IJAMRI TOWwsHtP CO1ÇMIssîoeî .AL INS Mm Town Hall, coin Pnidays, for Tam hoDuri, 9a. in. ta>5 March 2711,1jar WbitbY, Ontsàié, Febmry, 1877. ýs -F-A-jSHIONABLE 1- May 218t, 1877. ' 'l'abinet M.akers

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