Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jul 1877, p. 4

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<tus o the-rainoru WliO nons jihedthaI and -mine s yeurs ight bresthe stUicai And WC rsjoplete-day, ws iinti happy sul] glc, ISI eur fntheis diod fer ut, klus -pellng us te die fur hem, Rreoat,srýspD(iimn. Inifact Il seens tu me 111511, tocl, 1>, eh ow glmdly, ahi m»Y oft t hé- groat, cis4 -good, il>' euntry-oi d c g e. 1 sgoucer Il Il wais hhouglit nei t avet't, gel lIme. I an BuIt suy oucrlfeeaare r: dâ 1ausl hby May oel e, 101 ath OUinS or sond, ai * Our fghers, dieile e s; cerne neate. o.dsu e-w a crewd thry> diud for, quai thé. PeodeuiVs polio>', wrs the ounrrenc an c- oome oh 1]i toi ay ollr'sWorthi 0 niut>' cente' Worth of mat oîlcs twecty tilr.. iteiîra praytngno seldoui thal or ruuty, droWnud eut by tle rn cci b>'grissloppers, tho>' W& lad It to-do over agululilve éland yoars sund oesiydi8 wlîi Auityet Cura e la s, orlci .w.oud erful, inagnifient ci i4.ijuarvoUuctÎ. As a Ijigli- wvouild sc, itlha "i." over gitr -iasi,tnmn hiepage coc] sucù whaît tii iigity gol grass lias wmûnigbt., But'ane tilry ag te le cone-sne Of1 fîsbile was laid, cimidl the carSD6» and lb, r4ttia of cuîue0plcii b> tle uamole of camaented witlaelloed. A litt s(trukgiiuý; iîeacy -patriote, poryf with auly s few' tilt) national trensury. To-c] Q- o<4f eu nndrad sud Oooe aven tihe land-wlcerever ut: iîg-itnd Wberc do WC stand âdllkas nfiub. Our faitiers died, but the rilîropacs. If lliîy hic],' t uLî ie iledwtl Inis expelice i bs'fome tliey reciuficd the1 faticerg iiiîvc.-r know tiei. stat Of lecîuhng ont oi' a car wi gniugti a red butolccmier as bi flu tisir oye befle hie>' couli treo ' Tielo ;a118 mie0telegi ticuvfr kcw whist a conveniez 10 l'sy fort>' cents te send j filty smiles, siu then have h coille iaggfng a day or twc licou lad diec of oldage. TI ktromene liiicps, sud l,.t' yni 10lutI itiil istu lighî ale UcI tiel ea sbitllon ascensionant c ccc ii.ý lcyias îleUnîteul Si cîyuum aver lid forty icct'. lu s inuîIlîwitl a tari wasaii lay. 'Ilir waîîts wcur ini)de. 'l'îe>'dllunvei ai oh wescathîer mnduci wat tiîoy ba rgratdbyt eunu011i lieg, ms {ia enbtbe rbureau usyri unhsake. Tiose unes bave îaicvd1 thoir imple habits, Ilseir etei, st>', thîir grand patriotiàxn, lieicm devatien le principal, tl frolin lUe jun ter lamifanio. of '70 are gene 1I do oct ku, but tice> halve gone - samowli net sec au> 'le tîinire. If ÜY Ftesit, they will, pieuse lnWflliing té bo eoireetea 1w) Tbeé 'ourthhof 3uiy was lu a, masniviose nanme in dÀar te ieas lcemts-Qeorge w. Wi L' mnungonlus arrangement t of Jl' wmsso e outivoti by Ih tisat l wouid always faIt ai day, Il hise mlssed il 01i>' c pat hweiv. iundrcd >'eare, ai oneil hailliail ,day. The .1IIII ni>' 1vs ot -the oniy iàventi gront anti geati mman. neI nainetihai wlll fit two-tlslrdo aof over>'g9neration IiAim graloful peeple nover forgel cud Washingan, Wist the1 Ilîl power, was noinisiatei b>' tien ferthie capital of 1h. Unit Washinlgton was en-ce discevi iug aI Valley' Forge, snd franu stress laid spcn the mitcIde listoins, fic a idgea tha i oui>' le niayever Ca q. y n.Ho was A brave,1 dressod ta mincI like0 at aliase.-bien club> te lis, dccc dont lu tîsese dAY,,. &The, wiso-cu itris lthé lier tler, yos, lier nieller leliglit lunlier;-,but tb. foua bringoîli sorrow. ,Sbc liangel front gftâale in tippaîflieÉ. OfUarOndUWK, s --iù we aauumbl. T K-tE W I N D O R. top I a pitq oart, Ibm fi in pntlu >10 that w. th W erston I>y ay pr9îýI ect wth the (cr. King anoiYork.t) 'Or schinerl bhu sonm1ted and cn ré librty and, 40W OPEN. Saeb FER DAY, e&é@nn fei Ourihtàwt6l* eIu 'i"dât Ibi b lon b&e.n.d Yr milao j~partia*r se, nd sot adapted for other wveà, and O ur rkermn are édii beuahd ~Ls aoitnnd Oromtrins. T suite ISItI 1(uWOBm8eofOtMn âftWý" istht, bled andd. BoULLEnT dçwu Ounrh wl edi fthéI*construction g! Ourmaolilne, snd etie s nablad t, b., Id vei and 6.1 ' ~tain à begh.tgroo of skflI and pr6ficlsncy than phere genural manufaéýturiug ou anedo. io earriad oni We aret erfore uuabWed te ntrodnie a moesportet syoteininto aul the.ds- a*~ prud - - tmo t manufaeture, addlng mot e4iy te tthe perfection ofthle werk, but al- d,~~s gldbta ete rap>îdity of isa exesuton-and si eons&u.n red tie st.8. lta4 of com. They ere - This, prnclple la regarded flfl y,4l5q el <, c td eàtÏ,si1hment, ana , they woe, w enahled to turu putourmebtnus widyw a highar egie e o perfection, and at ratîcerp. pieu uow cs ghaeIut1Y.4defy eom1jtition. le' Cunry THE. JOLJNSTON -SELE- RAKING REAPEli name o e in ow a50 well known «a s igle Rua' Cr, luit, a Word cf coumeawtion would 1. an diefor smontSeo upèrflnou1ýt, the lb re manly clslming te manuture this Would de machine who have a rftothe eO la iaIJeh n ""'t ku ;ofcoty; ut n up to tbe omprovements ; thst jus naton0a l 15 àuscary, 1 te $tata thst Vwc have modified it in cl, v i~~: tetas' CI: à d nuit Né, 4 BULFINCH SL, BOStON, sud dùrîabliy, ofsl eu ot, in cvury *lnd su condition ef grain; llghtnesa ef n' me, anai I , Op iE BVBB E U BE ) daiad ei tmngemn-h Jentn" amnufsturcd b>'us-stands band.pre.emlneutly aboad etf aIl ôtber reapoWs lu preef of tht. position w. have oui>' - -, They do. * tepoint toe .many Firot Prises swaraed us-at la sat Provincial trial oft(On. If lb y could ,THlE SCIENCE. 0F LIFEe tarlr#il mudmny cent>'-trials whih bhave taken plaoe m&R ver Canada, vithin hat kinti of thle laut fcearO .' frllng over Or, B2e1F-PRE.SBRVATION. OU Fî M H 0(M I E MÂ IE wgl11e over MORE THAÜ4 OKÉ- MiLLî0: *COPIES: 8OLDà ýýý.., . wt aeipoeetl-ai iIcsb e diaCornbined Machine, and ,em, frylog Gold Modal Awàrded the-Author * --.oti.I -.. - n ob ' by the "National Medical Associa- cno a eme uh eurmsae purcbamors. thon," Match post, 1876- Our' Improved Ca.yua ChiefJ,'I, and Our' Yàiîng Càn-dà Mowers :nes e, blishd 1 b-lrAIsoÙTMEDICAL boifntcam INýlUE e diih01thet lb!ical arc sehiDei0"iMR"t-000itulud aimost WhOUYly tIreoiind SteeL.,.The ila, de'vour- work untttioâ the 1'OCENCE 0F IHYE ; r, Ca yuga Jr. bas aieôtn heYugCnaafi ,Ctjbtïuu.dr nUid, if tu L1L-iEEWTION.11 It tresuon s Iz abl ï , eï"arctoul d lisYeuî Caadas fon*the, mati for n u r.o e .hood1, Iow lest, iaow regined and îoie "bemchns u otcei. Y >Machines in1hmrktoruatyc 5 ietoýutd;cause andi cure of ioiaei tty ut,,dursbility, lightnesot ofdraft, sdaptability, endud e oý* ont. ,n th*had recPeniitcre Deoue 15ina, Sper. i t aao t ahey s o r alpipl Iese(iocturnal aund U W < IIT Y A Y 8 E plumnai) >rvctcs end Plyslcal DebiltHy. O R :E H T Y,,,IIR E T R oson ry ocicn;Log, ô Ile rebYdIgara C Ai t- 4ubecome baora4p*'t tehomachiner>', anu man>' Our tarin. pi TCofuion1 in asdi.loiscf Mewory, en cbha , -a. dinthoe -Ze Dr machines, a grcwiog demaut bas sprung *senIlia g ir tae f'the Dioci, mcd i ssases 1S2 et rao abromd îldgfenerrors or Yonth or Uthpe a fgb', Dur su of histor>' tic ,s oaorxsscf mature eUeerî ive t tte 1!reqiremeuts ofthe day ,b ave succeedeinlvungaîa itos l l en îU>t the u aor . ra d nivetnt a nuls of pro. tIre ilcyshloy, the i'hyslogy f ri ge chine with a Weç i'îIrmwitu th8 eaas oiblpe gaXing-ith large, s 0rt 1s~c Nvoi CI£ iid Of1Ons '1 gP11yal ontrant, ~broad-faced drive-whs.i,-.-and soconstructedt at te fratüe.au t»ble tilt >at lb Ibis igty ru Maril>', co piiolcsm and f<i<y *am lime, tlqberobkiopiug lb. pitinan slway, in linos .*lththè iîU "£%à thunder oci sel ilyiol irity scusis.ana cure, rksare divenduiictiy firae ntcmain shaft-there heing ne perceptible side muo 1olations ie, eute exs Proofs cof the 1fAdn cgtno b essucs We are confident thit we have nisktry, Expansion o cefheMisories e1 Ixpru. Ut n o-e ttpn nhmsncs battle an (1cl110e, Àc-cuiiec ~orance asud Errors, Meons sUCoeedd lu: iuveuipr-tbo rmostI >erfeel Ecaper, taking il lunil itsparts, that le band o! Of Cura. < nr cif dy and 10,1'l'ue r n lias *ver ben prôa.soed. We, have ap lied for letters patent, aud ehmîl laild our eoî fu] Tnvalti ,nset Addroe ste Patients andi 0vetionc o u w xisv~a auesdw ep~fiyeÈutt u clîu l 11Ce es <lero éAuther'. Plrinoiles. i ooron xlsv vàîfcue n ersotù1 ùe - u dollars in 1.1- l-o ecf thishbook is ouîy 81 ce. tending purelisealigtaI le' kctiLse. ths machine before givîng their orders liy hie BullIllei bookauncentineu more thon Fifty for the coming harwveait. The "Whitby vs$r weiglis, ml bld, 60>0 pounds, arei -break« di ssetoi ej eah oeworth more tIbm the prbce but beiug mads pnccpally ef tihoaet quhty of-Iron sud "1se],and M 1tao in- u ls'î sierni. cf the bock. ne us sud compact, construotion>. il çombines lhe streugtb sud dnrmbility oethîe I? A billion The'InstItute aise publishes IlTHE esavier maehines. PHYSIOLOOY 0F WOMAN AND AUl ot aur urachines are fuli>' warrented. GY hlld no HE R DIS nASE'S.' Prics, Sa. The Witl this l1.1 of machlines, we tedl confident;ibat weceau meut evsry rze-ý liGl it etbooftekn xa. un 4trou~î etbo fiokn xat quirement, sud we rcepectfully solicil a trial ef aur Maohines. believing lIaI we' %Va 0c Aise nciler viinable suedlicil wemk trust- eau fuutal wbetter machine for tl» mouey lIas eau bu obtained i cswee r.-Or'nexiuilloy 'Mental în&tNervous Diiaesec; swe io plesieume cmorettanîî2N royaloctfavo pge tweuty aie- Rcsp eclfnly Yeurit ndoîv unti ýig ms Li.peu Id look ccl a rraph, sud auo It vas aà message afler the. 'by huad-no ever kuow an fire aud of Ihs saule mItes signal '-flan ain>' naida evir>' eo ftîw sud greit dacal ai] wus e- ýnthlut e- ,r mado s uway. Ini -ifgng leu. ,their n. lie> pa4sec Thî mien aw vlieme, icre ; 1 do f tuera are rise, for I iveuteci -lu> )aQI Amer. lahinglon.; the liourth ce inventer n, a rais>' once lu tue nai on Ibid Feourhi ion eft hIl Invenied. a erica. A It the fuel, i xcilii ofe r acclama. led Stutes. oati pra>'- i tie great -ut b>' al îuglît him goodivin, a mecuber ited 1'rcsi. W pridn of alia dath il nisiden Mii on the r lit over of the aid sreulder ,ock stmee1. su. Thon ifs- ls 1" akelii is. -wlaîahlood of reuifuieoncee il brings aipen a yeUsg mwmnmd thiyse bain>",- beautiful Jul>' mlomnuge, hIle lie la - - untlûg amauuntîe bureau l i» ehe era- lno -eadt powder, te coee pan a 1lsry and muid os. thuefirsI aud oul>' vrltleu page, unden iie date ef Jan. Un>' 1 : 111,1nover sgiulutoueliaa eh>- gle dra>p of a> intcxicating liquer. Thsdy4eeo me frosu the ohalus aof s habit liaI-," ae., Janti -mai-be le lau g hi gnmi> or mcybo ho tioan't laugli at ail, but ha kaops sescing aroanci fer lIkOg Sedleîz powuer sUil e saine. About hIe lilOal-lneerfortsble seat a mhan eau have, iel>ti.gua lon 0u, i1 atconeit. geianitieosCand[uo,ý' là liceva>' a pai- oo _ tItecrisae viti regard tg- th 1e Grand Dlce Alexis. 4eP lave 8, scoret V" exclianeti ',jînt , eziah, 'ýCm au keep lic ieethacbeta Sert P il, ne 120more Da eau eceoplove an tigîl elioca s se- cool, 'but net lways a 0ood.,A !cebil. 'Tlis "'Surphy Coktai"l»10e l&ltoîl devicesfore rftsve mixer. Amy>'mati whO oaci wap herses, or cat~c fi suad Dt ie about Il, ta mal - IÙB ROtusa mOm getlula Iim orîti. Qailows buildinug t iel enuougi Lsdmtod. $0in iscour>. -i lta -lu th@ iol> chaju i ikibar>' an ti Gben. qMius lhit Woexcei., ho-4ee"s-reinankable ion * i snw ait eae lt, ore 9usnesla nttvei>'. il 'dôit?ê buew icae oilly âU. hardly enougis te piuy for priatý "The Bock for yeuug nmuiddcle sged men te raid luit uew, la the Seshee of LiSe, or Sel i'nseratlou, The tus oer lias rocurneti frem vEuropeln excellent liemlh i, îulin giu îlte CaSConsuing i'lyslcian ci the Pasbetiy Mieusl Instituts, No. 4 Bliftnrlc Stroet, nos- tonM"Irit ucîcsJOURNA.L. .'Tue Science of Lite le boyend il cosapari- so01 tue minut extraorcliuucry work oni'hysiiole.- "Hope numiisd lu the bottecci of! Pndra'. box îud lcoîuavluînieWheigs mev, mince t heiioeicgof t iseevaialse vorica, pnlaqhod h>' the 1'cciucuuy MeMeulbcunstituts, which are toschilug thecceccude icuirte uveii le malaidies t1Oit sa11lite citiciiel Of ltO.'-PIILASXLPMIO 'lit sicoid lie roi I>b the s uuu. tise mitidle agnf;and ciiieu lbculul.-Nzi>v Veut Tai»u>us. Théi lirot Id mda nccl eyiur onfared Open cliv MedioiisM au il uonutry, as a resuugicccheuu itfsiili undiprefemlenalsecrvices,' was promeeuuitu te u uthor 0frthooe worko, Mrch Bliil, 187n. '.hô prsentîtien vas netie. c tha timo of ils escursîsce b y lhe Bouton i'mss,, mcd thice idingiounais Ihimugheut thie contusry. flub ea nqýuiot Medal li m oUd god,sotwitlsnime Ibnisoehundreti Indut uiamnondnui frare-brilUano>'. "1Altogsîher, Inilils execution ndtithe iel. -nae e!of ts mauterials, andtioiz, tbis o isdedt litho= y habshoticeubîs modal ever %truck lu Iti ceoîy fer auy purpese whalever. Itini WeiliWorth thu inspection ci Nunntismits. Il vas Sîlrly womnd vortlibly hstowoed."-MÂs. SACSuItiSaiT'r LouuiT15AN, Jou O, r1870. Cataiogue mentoen rusaipt oSeôcents for ititisher cf tIcabeve tiorhc sonti.b ymail ou - eept ofpice. Atidresei']5PABODY MEDI. CAL INSTITUTF (or W 'H lPARKER, M. D., Cuneclting Pluysiculmni, Eu. -Ï iiltlnsh St.. Bos- ton, isa., opploite Rivera lieuse. N. D.Il.'he suthôr caslbe dnsxultei on the abaive umîneil 3amie, as Weil as l disemne recuiring 5111, scone>'pui exparîmuci. Oifle heursi, O A. M. toCa p. M,5- T "11,7FI OF FÉlES TO BE TAXEN DY CONSTAB3LES. lUnder Ora-en lu Counili, dateti 2411 ay ot Jul>, 1874t) 12- Arreit cf oachi huividual upon a warrant..................... 81 50 2. Servlng suînmozi nâ rsubomsn.,, - 25 S. Mlsîage ta ere 'sauinsous, sol- p. muscor arrnant............010 4Milcago vheu servies cannot bs upen profof e iidilligece.... O 10 5. Mileagsîtaking tilmnera ta gaal, exclusiveetftisbusemcnts nec- esaril>'oxrpeit u lir cou. voyacnceo............ ........ 0 10 c. Attending Justices ou sumnmar>' trials, Or eu exAmination et pi. soners chargead vib crime, fer Pch al dcinucessaril>' emploi-et lu eue0 or mors casas, vlan ual engigen more tîsu four boure.. 1 00 7. Do. do. vlan engaeti more chsu tourbonus.......... 0........ .60M S. Attoutiing Assînsi or sessions, eaol ta>'..............4 50 9,Milenga lnaveling le Aliend As. sizes, SBesiona, or befone Justices h vbu publia cuveLanceecas lie aIes, cul>'r et oa eb isburse. ente 10le ailoveti.) . O... 10 10. Sunimening Jun>- for -Coroners' Inlquet, sulndi2g ateuing at inquest, sud al services lu res. pect thbereof, ilf ladonsanie daY me Jury summcueti........... 200 11. tteuiug acd adjourmumet thlecraf, neutengageai more tour heus.................1 00 12. Do. -do. if engageai more Ilan, four leurs ...................1 50 18- Servlng suin or ais'bpoýns ta atetnti betene Coroner (iubject 1,1). ...i............ 2 14. MelIage servibg em... ,,.. 010 15: Rxisuinihug lady under Cerone;'e warrant............. ......... 200 16mcbuyngal ..............20 17. Servils>lng uder drais, in- e ...an ...... ................ 1 50 19. Trave oit mals dislres, or te' - seis i, or goota ta maIe dis. tres,vlheunaogoots are funti. .,q;e 20, APPrslsinentsvwhete b ame ar mons, ilcents inîtheiOluar, -on tIc-valusetfsootis BROWN & PATTEBSON MF. .. Whitby, Ontario, February, 1877. ,PASHIONABLE TA IL ORIN G I Go wvhere you can get a Well-fltting Garment :-To the Tjaioring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPERIOR UUrTTING SHAPES THE WORIC 1 À tarle Stock of Fine Cli*hs - best Englisli, Scotch and canadian Tweed$. ,O>. ýExcollent Overcoatings and Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guaraiiteed. GEORGE GUIILEY, 51KIüng Street, Oshawa. JUST ARRTVED AT THIE ODD FELLOWS' BII3JLDINGS FOR TE Hl 13)A7& y- s IA8OIsT0 NE'W RAISINS, FANCY GOODS OF' ALL KINDS, CAMDES, (the best in town), A LARGE ASSOMTMENT. NEW F1, IS CRANGE PEEL, LEMON PEEL, CITRON PEEL, SPICES (a]l kIdd,) CHEESE, HASM, BROON, LARD, &o., &e. Ail of whieli wiil be sold Cheap FOR CASH# Fresh Oysters and Haddies received Daily. PETER SMITH N.B.-Cash paid fot Butter, Eggs, -Poultry andl Apples. Whitby, Dee. Sth, 1870, 60 NEW STATIONERY - -AND- 00K STO F{E Iam A Ml assortment of Choice Faxnily Gi kInds, at equally Low Prioes. MAPIUE. .MOLÀSSIES $1, '-S:p" House and Garden 'Flower Plants. Gree iu Ihair eseu. I1r FHESH TOMMTES JTT T Ail kcinde of Field ana Gaiclen At WANTED .-Any quantity d eâhens, for w4heli ighqest caish pri iLd.for sale cbesp. r LSeeds, Clover and Timo- ij, ~m p~ e1~~1' WM. J. GIBAON'S. Whitby China. Tes Store. )f Good Butter, Eggs and 8FR10-,1877.- --000-- Spades und Shovels;, Garden Ilakes, Garden, Hoes, 000 - Cpt Nails, Paints and Ols, Paint and Varuishi Brushes, &c. #:-Tinware of -à Stock, or nmade to order. every description1 geottil how Il te tii bv fia n z parts cd thse conty, n li uecmhié-ns, cd4elccjs tram c6al or oh, Thosn àksSoS e itra,, gas holdei1, ,#c., hIo essarly great.The mince labour, an$f qu ite as zquoh ak s fas siquiroti ta mihaappymoentealsi a imml village. The propoe a nne apises autematie;- as otten as tise velume cf gas contaimea inutise 1lioitiem la extisauted , ther. xSthsmuqti ae meargeti, tise lires mohlntied, sud the labour cf mauufactunlngainelher htipl>'r5>et-A att' tcaaie Makin 'gs- hsi ,5in aisagreeaghle andi troublesense. - att f oa ýe anti rubis cunsulâtes about tise vnka ; Ile odeur anhslug.troin loiwlaa ver>' aéions objection, in-many cases,1te Ieir initrdiion, Os ao msn eufstred oauilia plan hialza quite expunsiva, if, lu addition tai Ile tiresteaI-t ti. néiier1s, hotaken mb oaccýmJt the labeuret mautacture anti tiseexpense eto eario ieËàappaxa ftus- elitne amall 'tem. I t s'at aiecbeiomeii isaI bat ,rlUgas eks îc ofliiueae manufac- tueaenov, oc; ýerf4ct, lier the yleld eigaa rootln0l'segy a, is bainea t thel large wnkefin tie cista.- This cosetof orks-ia nav bu a large measure anperaeded by enr machinesf, whidh, are praferable for the tollowing resens c lit. -Their tirai oil fa minci sos. 2ud. 'Noeoxpensive eut-buildings are requireti. Tise tank te containtse gais 'generi- ter Ioa aall anti ehesp affain, undenneali lisagrounti, oui et ai ghi.' - B!., Ail 1h. labouLr"sud 1trouble oft unskimg gas Io savet, Ticae eur machines mc- quire fame itrifilng s 10 bé mste vrts>' entioù éth Naodour arissfroni tl. manufacture, mar is, here amy iîter or tint. as me-Oursalo;tis1gin aalvaysready for use. àWr fjsy.idndrequlired. Our machines steeqlygodat aIl mmci cepr n e u ahne aicdt rignghI a nOO n d re lef uses. natniil> tam oneston, vs e oult satea i w, l g87 old s machina toi M. ohgr J aryla, et Bosedalte, Toronto. Thf achine 0 he n u hting lisbheeasd s umber a apccuveyiug the gais Boontour hundretifelin Bs docnxg; tinthe iamrpj luiest reese ronsitise machins he has mn equal>' goo lgt as in the eue nearent te1 Iu iutr&Tucimg large machines, anti lighting tlerevith ai unbeofe buildings lam p ponts may e set-upalong the street, 'cul lanterneatil otrance gale, pipes exteud ug te barud stal"'. chc., Id lis stnce etinaoit a mile or more. ùaigadxp elhe the.n-nuactureof. the machine, feaa.nunber, of reara bu lhe Usite tSates, anti hein practical nochancs,.vo are confident taau machines are second te noue on the Continent. We de nai cenit lau invention et aur ovu, but vo have matie sevemam improvemeuts te make ilen sasie anti reliable. W. test- over>' ma- eblue entieror eMM suparvssn, at ra n t lens e 0gvsatisfaction. "f O th" tyUOIiVlOib alaorsquhre ceuiderable es -PlLysicia Ofmentresi. areeoisChbotle ce- as a guaraule of lcs.,eac". . M 'o- 0 all dmugglsts sIl50 Cents andi #1 p ~ br Certidocates et pisysicisus are â eo ec bli, and cn ea .iati alsgby ap.. 1:plytuglto OHIABLES MA TIN, id Montres], ti-SoleAet for Candaan US. cI -Onae oftisaTestimouiale. )nPeaf. DucMClu,,Mniei MI FR1011 LIST OP TE 0 ANADIA1N GAS MACHINE, COMPLETE, Fi-ce oit beafd e/-Casat Toronto. --Number 1, muet te upppiy 15 Bumnera, $200 010. 2, " 80 6" 25000, 4, " 75- if 87500 ri, " 100 id 460 00. " 6, " 10 if 600 00. 7, MO20 do" 70000. 8, " 2 ce" 8M 00. -O 9. 5 8w0 si 90000. Id 10, 4" 4w0 et Iwo 00. Langer machines mate, if equired- -TO PARTIES WHO ARE BUILDING. We iuggest tise prcpiety et pnttlng lu pipes tor gai,;ven ttigisnot immeduately ceubemplating, Vlexcliasing agias machine, as tle exIpeinse et putling bu pipes, if doue ai .11epraenjhte-l#nifig- If left until sfler lie building la conlatedtheecau yet le butrotinceil, but -tle expense la cousiderabli- greater, sud tise 0cupa'tsoftlishanes are more er lîîe inoouvsuiencud. Ordinar>' pipes, sudh as are usedin thle introdluction ef ceai gam arc neede&! e tcCrz7poiýneuId iro nuy anc vhis hbisilding sud contenipiattng lie infra. ducteùelcga. c ssai l gl4 e aivîe îtInhiasta tise lest nianuer aiutt"'- lu ppoaniter dekala. We bwhcoptemvrksn uor np r i eni'Jsui t te etimIs penîleencre omIet ipig, urhahig mchie, as iteer,&,ceni. et~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~8 îl etpsileraistas umksus eri lfscsetsr ami untivitisti me apossiilh>' eetng n u. T lls1a lumisi>'othr hndiet uesaucces epentis - lag!'upo a theorugl unteratan g antfa itifuxecutio"of tails. Wisen lieuses are alsady plpeti for coal gai, vc cas attadli Our machines villoul ohanging sucis plping. GASOLINE. We selicit oeres tor Gasoline. Our srrsu"m,nhs tare md Ibat va can 1111 a&l ardera prompt!>'. We tunnËish tise besi qualtfcifliui t lmarket rates. We manufacture Trou or Copper Tanksm te entier for atoring âaseline.i tEST,î MON IALS. I have bavei1d naeee tTJesepi Piilips & Co's. Air Gis Macinles i estm a in Ilasetiale for aboul e gîtee menuisa. Prom my expeniauce, I am alea wid th principle cillhe Machine. Tise gas is oi.a aupezior qualit>', anti ecenensiesi. - -'..EDGAR J. JiA3vnî. Toronto, &pn 1u, î1'70. 50 4glc machine. I , tise 'nderslgnea, have Leen muferlug iney uei ler tise Isai tva yanrsrons' Bisosmatiith ie suie -joint, se mmd se tisat 1 va fetlcunble toattent temycal 5, but. unr..aplatastxims R4 hoUsitiai and ti e n i e'gavem that reliëffio6m pain ýanti ihfesa vilci liti net eëxpenlence for tise lut t-tiys ana, attereigit day's use ofthis rezet>', finti ,ysclf entilc>'cureti. I ave Ibhis atatemeu*7ietise -bie, te tis pýrofession suad ta tie menti eJ thegeue article. DUNCA2N MCIALLUM, IL DD «Jone 1711,-1876. JA&unsH. 5SAXO10 COMPA"T FURN ITURE. WHOLESALE &RETAIL. Warerooms-Albert Hal Building-s> 189 -Yonge St. Have always o ena a ntaPulStock ofever>'. tim Ibm lne,asud lape by alniitattention tîlew vant fIeir custemera lem a cantinuance oftise patronage ictieex ted otitatheni. special attention paiati thîe making et N P, ~ CBE , , OTTOMaNS, FANCY CHAIRS, COR NICES, &c., &c. matie and put devu in tise bush style. -JAS. Hl. SAFfO & Co Mareis 8M,-1876.1, T HZE TIAL BJRGI PIAN0 The Thalberg Piano tillaa at long olIt- - tisatof a GOOP, USEFUL -PIANO vhlel combinedtheIlscle=reua et toue s"d the beaut f finish of tise most ceubraieti mak, wtUa mderteprim. If if h. askhetiise t tapossible te mnppiy a GocatPiano fer about HALF THE PRICE gemersil>'chargeath e ansver ha plain Iu lihe msit*ng or wsof t Iese instru- menta, thure are mno large - shavrooma te keep np, ne grand mugleHalls te mnainten-s or ne expansive travelling agents te pay. Tis'e' inîstrumients, anr&aU matie eta- FULL SEVEN OCTAVE, SOLLD IRON FRAMEI, OVERSTUNG BÂSS, CARVED LEGS, ROUND FRONT CORNERS, SERPENTINE MOULD'GS, anti DOUBLE VENEERED ROSEWOOD CA&SES. An extr DISCOUNT. 0F ne PÉýR'CENT. tohul le iowea Schisand Couvents, asd te Clergymen tan lieuse cf bleir faiblies. - -W. ADAMS, 'Whitby. Whitby, February, 1811, 1877. 8 WH BPORT PERRY& LINDSAY RA]LWAY4 TIE TABLE No. 18, Ta:ing oee tonýWeduestiy, May Otb, 1877.1- TORONTO TIME. i;a.2 xiii. o.45cxPEsa. - Wllt'by Ju.. .tept. 9.10,a.m. 7.25 p.aL Whitby,........... 9.20 Il 7.80' Breakix ........ 9.40 .u 7.48 ' Xufnlu ............. 9.8 8.03 ' *Snnit....10.10 8. 13 e «M.n * *e.10.22 'e 8.25 ' Prince Allent.10.82 883.5 Pont Pcry .armiva 10.40 " 8.40" .dclpt. 6.00am.1 art -60...... 60 un.....6.20 M 1 . .....6.80 i1- . .....6.42 " 2j S7.00 192. ... ... .. '7.80 .5 HIAL L.1 Now to hiand, a fulli-a9sortmeiK of, New Goodis, wihich having been wefl bought, wiil be offered at VEliY LOW PRICES. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES & CHAINS. à-BRIGHT AND COLOBED GOLD JEWELLERY. B]"ACK JEWELLERY, JET AND VULCANITE. l' W Clooks of Warranted Quality, Very Low, Prices., Eleetro Silver Plate, a very large assortmient, new dlesigns, ini Cruets, Butter Coolers, Cake Baskets, &o., &o., relia- hie goode, ana prices lower than ever. Would cal special attention to a Newý Line of Goods- NICK2EITE-asubstituts lor silver. Niekelite Table, Dessert, ana Tea Spoons, Table and Dessert Forks., Inspection invited. NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER S'PECTAC'LES. .Childrens' Carrieges in great variety, two, three, and four Whcels, American and Canadian mak-es. Mardi '27, 1877. Practical Watcbniaker, Breck Street. BUGG For Sale at very Ileason able Piices. SeveralI Open Buggies- with child's seat, Lady's Open Phoetons latest style and -very liglit, Covered Plimtons with Rolling Seat, aise Light '~Top and OpeÈ. Buggies of Super- Ï or Style and Finish. of the best Mkaterial 'and Warranted.1 TOMS & NEWPORT, Whilby, Ontario. MESSRS. OBIEII PILLIS & O. Posivwa, Mmcl 2711. , 1876. B O O T S A N D 1)11'S .4. 1f111 S Hl(3C ES. GmNTvuicnr,-i,-I liave very great plIseur. in nemnmeuding rour Air Gis Machine - put lno aur Ceilege, me il las given pertect satictactio.-Yaonn, &c. AT TUE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BROCK-ST. George Yule bogs to annnoiïnce that lie lias re-(P elnet bis Statianiery and -Bock Store in Wliitby, wlicre Etationery. of ail kinde, Of tic lest quality',> 131 be kept an hand ; also School Books of even>' description, Cap>' Books, Slatee, Pencils, Inkea, &., &o., at lie loweat prices. The Daily Ètnd We ekly Papers always on hand. Sub- seiptiolis Boliciteel. Musical Instruments, including a fine assortlnent of 1 {*7fSELL- CHEA3 FOB CASH .iri Violine. Ordera are taken for Peniodlicala, Magazinesanma Music. VWtby, tDec. iSth, 1876. -GEO YU LE. WIL LLA M TILL'S CABINET FACTORY AND -FURNITURE WARERtOOMS I'l T/lE O>'LD 8TN0, OROGK 8T8EJT ~TY Go where you cannot fa11 to be pleased ii naking deleotionus of good fmtp'r~ Splendlid Parl, ])i, rawidnj Room audBedroomi S4 Ne 'Desi' s eJl orthyof In spectio4. at ïstonishing low pric4s.Dm îû ingoEtensonTale-a very superior artiele. GiliCmcs Pieture Framig in every style. some fine ohrgObro imd Eingrtàvinga forsmale. 150 Light Machic. A. B. Dsunru.1 Mzssas. J. Panr.u.ns & Ce., Toronto. Oslava, 20th Maei, 1876. DM Ss-IlvnobanuigynCaainArGsMhiatoabusx 75 Liglst Mchins. Tuas, . Gn ifaM SUBSCOTT & P P6n. "- Oa"- =M,1o..50. Gxxma .-Tour air gai nov iulreducedtl nt6mi tore aI 'Wiutby givea complets maths. fiction.' TIc machine varIta e ci sud Imaiveti a large -dut ai labour anti epsoisitis leativanltages o e&nU1eunaanti a ven'upuiolr ligst. AeMdo.C'LUÀn LaANuTa Asseexa'snoi, Toaema, 1874. FucR TEXTBà Pmzx=. Clasa 52. Section 85. '-Ne. 59. Exiibitr-Jes. 'Plillipu. Pssidence-Tqronte, S CO'r T&PIH IL L IES SOLE MANUFÂCTUBERS 0F THE CANA4DIAN AIR GAS'MACHINE, PLUMBERS, GAS AND) STEAM FITTERS, 168 -TORE STREET, TORONTOI HeGa8 Nr GROSS & MACNACHTAN. Whitby, April l7th 1877. 17, GOLDSMITH'S ATTO.R ON OFFICE-P TOI T BON SUity OwrscE-Ne-, Wîa, McER c A IL D. - DE Pisysielan, Sur, Wity, Sept. a ROBT, RA Graduate (vitis mlîv. et Mdc Ujuiv. et Peunn" enerfer tisa Ca Celiwaler St, O August 21th, 1B7c liibyave Mr. Ozits Gaz tdmin- traction o e etis BUILDER A 1 DIIEDJ týt»AU ondins JORN IlAIR IYBR All made 1Wiitby, Jul>' 611, 1876. JOHN- SA1JNDEIuS lias just received a, large stock -of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Spring wear, wbich lie.wffl At a very small m argù on çost.-ý Work done to ô-rder iûu first-laàss "style. Aý Stylish Boot and a Good Fit ar -U àJOUN v'. Nz miSn SZ» N. B. Parties need not ask for eredit as it will mlot WhiUv tby, Mardi Oth, 1877,J.S SADDLEIRY AN.D,,- HARNRSS. W 1L LIA MYP SON: B!ego to 4irect attention to bis large Au i sok onrIlgee thing ln the 8Sadlery an~d2*", Leather Valises and S-,etoga Il runks A LOfO .Batlsa, Walar Otoe

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