Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1877, p. 4

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( Cor. KingMd Toltk-ots-) NOW OPEN. - Si.ca PER DAY. lai lb bic aud appMatmoecl fint-clama, cai 5-iy Praprltoum. tain 10icar nb iin(To wveréa tt ~biotll vcuTd l;ly nïOve m hi le cuont lut. hecidal. cf tb. rpccý; saviral largo bancs wera rîjlei tsly t brcwný fraein.ahir houka to th. icor, books frein lh. tables, aud bock-case wîro 1l;rown ailiabot 11h roci n, in lNtt, everyihfc"g movablr was nlug the day thrown cul ot place.. Wbll.hieitrange meeue w1w treuspiring lbe naiglibors wiare iceking ln,ma pipoeugers wero filllfnjup tlb.floue.,More thon 100 samw ice afal, an d ail speak cf il as morthlng uinbsîrd of bufare. à part cf tlhe thingo lu lb. pantry; lied ln tho iesaulln biion repimcsd by Mnr. Me. Connp,,and white, yet ther. explalni:ig la a îhrty cf uoighbcrs, everylhfng mlii hmdi replaceid caine tumnblfng down ulpori their headm. A b'atoll ofcight newly. hmkeil laves àt broai woeo ru loto hutndreo e cean d caslabout lthe raoma, soeral picis cf iwhleh were galberoi up aud sont te fiends. The plieeotonitn litod ail day Mfontiiiy until îight, wam quiet lhrough- out the, uiglht, btit cominoncoil action again èarly Tîtetsday morning aud ,eeas- id about noon. Iluednedi cf luiople havie, a re emliivisting ible scène cf exeiteucaut.Hiacks ara runnning tram Bridgeport ont -to-dlay. 'The qLiestton lin our excitai cmnnity Io, wbmî la D>r. J. M. Toll, woil kiîowulu n'tto- burgl, oflBridgeport, weuî ont, aud, i"attor. a crcl'ul exmuinatfon cf il de. Iibi uand 'ovîdetnuo," reporte s- ai a toloui and tnnaccountmbiu trnth. Tho ecUrs Jcwish 'population o!1lihi Unitedl Slatlof.emhltmatad t I250,000, anid. evalue cf ail th. synagoguesandi 0o1igregi&tiunill proporly fInot lais than "1. 0l00. Tharo arae141 ograta- A pau-fuiunoii auofaetirac' cf xNew York umas îîînnjlaliy 140,00 potinas of roseý inaves, 32,0001>pounda offjmmmnlno lowens, *21,Oj)0 potndi cf violets, 8,000-aof tube- ronce, and ailier portucuslaien flowers lu lico lroprtion. Mi. M'tloy recîlvei rtraml. arpera asl copyright thae onfortabio sum of 080,000; whills Prof. Charles Autiien gel ulon lhis writing 6100,000. The firtu paid te Mr, Jacob Abbott $50,000; le liii lats Abert Barnet 875,000 ; andi to a mcmWilson, lb. uthar cf thaîr mres of sohoolroamirs, about 8200,000. A& prcmnlmlng sttb End yautb cf 6lv. suinmosbaing aibout le relira fer tha ivanfng was' akod by hi. mobir le kuiel by ber aide and reaît the Lord'. Prayer. Th ii. 111.e hep, -wbasemini wau ovfclantly fIent ou th. beauties of tbe natioamigain., hmvlng romliai liie mlddle of the Dry, pauied, fooked mb bishind 2,1er: ce, dmixclaimed, * "Billy »rown la a boss lorî stop," and inocoedi d wilh bis, devolions us I f noili- - ng unuaual bad transpirai. Wbeu a min iijuezfem yonr baud and crIes, 13y Joye, I tblnk proaisoly i yen do," bo net dîoiv.d, but trans. lite bis exclamiation, "By Jove, thore Ia se amiable ami sensible gentleman wbo tbinka pnecisely as yon do." À Frenciîmu doliueo suspicIon asu "a sentiment whieb Incitai use tasaurcil for aumetblng--wbieiî w. du net wlslc te À malter-at-tfact Mailar, on a voasci Iy. Ing il San Pnîncîsca, soelng a miu ullmbfng up lb, rail, 00aDo- ta juncp oit andi drown himself, sfi7ta thte melmneb. aly porion and iinaggad i ic back, wlth lb. toilowing expîmallon : 11want yen toilera te un aratnil thi bs 'are ehinlg la playi cul. Wo oun't Stop. te féel naeuud l t villcup very ni uny wlîo juinp i averboard audit yen want lu do thisabuiness, just go' down, te oua ut the wbiarvaî." - t sig aS-o ix lhcquound cf ty bravo mon bave beon àaun lu the lasIasot " Czar-"UHo,tban iTele. gnaph te ail tihe foreigu papers nt once IbmI' noîlier Tut-kli monitor bhas beau sunk by aur tor-pedoîc, andlith cntal man cscaped V! Aie- I flatter my. sait that'I knuw how t6 run tiis ivr."' leqOMMENOING; ON MONDA.Y. My 7th '.. 77, an mi llfurîher notice, trains will L1IAVË PORT E0PBE Ior ILlndsay, Pele. bore', Lalihul, ind inlermêdlate vointo, at 6,80 a. m., i1a. im., sua 4.80 aRMLnd for théirboe',aid ZBakeal - la-en"4 nd '»enaiu.te vints, il 98 P~ÂTE, No. 4 BULFINCH 84,, B8TONr TUE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, Or, SELF.PRESERVATION., MORE THAN ONE MIWOW COPIES 80L0., Gold Modal Awarded tu the Auticar by-lhi "National Medical- Associa- tion,"1 March 3itt 1870. 0 1 TLUT£ a cuir odilien ofthe iodicaI wark antî the " ~SCIENCE CF LIF'E; an, i1i-LI-PnRSIXCVA i t" l reata upoa Mai- beau hoirtoit, hei r necd and lo ipt natal; causa sud cure-ciof auidVluly laelncy, Preinaticre DeoUins cnmn, Oper. ieto rlca, or Souitmai Lasses (nacluc'cflan d limrai) Nrvoand ccPibysoml DebULIHiy- Gieeoy ýForebodngt, maniaiDe- esi î, o c f Eo ,Eu fai-cl Ounlsn- suie, Confusion cf Minciand aI.f ciNmcry, Impure itulieofthti, llood, and mau digestes icnising franc errons an Yonth on lhicIndiore- tiens an axcemnesof maturea cars, I-t toils von ai a m h-lie MaraileaofUcenur- tigPhyloiegy, lihi Phyminlasy of Mariuge, ci Wiloel acd ufiapning Phyicai Coct-at TrncMoraiiy, Epy1inielaný, psrvesnioc al NarrIage, Conjagal Piiaipt andiclendly coui. gel 1'hydieui Inhlnncity, iti.causes ancccre Itoteinbetireen thesSexe, Proofa aofirIb Eixpanslei i teof 0, lai0Mhes 0a Ipru- n,, oi ent 1 Inorance 4 d rrors, Mean et C e. ur e dy andt icci. 'inn, Pri- ci.1 tTnoalm t, Acidreis laPatientsanmd enIcvmliditmalerTheAulices prnipiem. 'ic.ocunice of Chiaoltokiaenly oc1ce. Thdm0ibook aien otuine mars 1cm «Fity PresecniplianR for tue aboye named and allier ilieaiieiè, auli one wr-ti more than tce pnice of the lbook., The Institute-alaoopublishcs "THE PHYSIOLOOY OF' WOMAN AND HER DIS RASES.' Price, S2. The beat book of lice kîni axtaut. Aimeanoticor valuablo isiedicai irk-trtril lng oxoltuelvtlly 'Mental anîd Non-vous Di)Iaaae; Moera thacM iOrayai octave pages, Cindy ole- Ruon rgaviag14,beun inbiluttial cclln. lioooltlyi'2. irciy enalxlhtoay for pit- 'licl 0olt fer yanmd aMidule aged mec to ei -sud ulDo i ithe Science ef Lite, on Suif Premervulion. îc uther bis nctucnced franc licro inlueumulot imltic, acd te uguin IL. Chiaerînciing i-'iysielîait lite PemiLody Medcl inalitut,,, Ne. 4 Bllincb iStreet, mes- loin, Mus"lururlÀ<JOUINAL4. "Tice Science etf Lue la iciyand aUl compati- sen île meuot eatr"erdinary work on Picy. oie- *>' eer pulicliibu.'"-ll00oirocI ALII, "Hoe.iiestied lC ice bno of ePandena's' boaumd hope piaMe hber vingu mnev. mie tic. iésiig oaitjoe.vuiuicli rk, iubliubed by tbe i'ealudy bMeiical Intito whlic aree temehiiig lioanda hoa vc~idt t a maladies tbal saplthe citadiiof l.-naenm "hIhulidhoe&Lîîd 1,lce Yong, tlaicolddle aghil, anîd even lic e l ."-Nnw Yomut TîuIDULfI,, 2ice iCi-t and eucly modli vcr conferreci upoan n v adieni Mac ln ticie ceuntrv. s aa recegnition of altili and praiestieonal services, iras prcentegl la the mulicer efthese vonka, Mai-eh liii, 1876. Thce prisectation vasq nette- cd liehe hetofils occui-aneu cv lite Bouton Pris, mcdthe llicgjeciurnl, tliraugbectlthe cennry. ici inanitcent3c'Modale i sa lid g lt ili more lican oea hcnired Imua almnsc aebriliuncy. c1Ioot i-, Isîe uxeainan md tic. nec. ntofIscteniai,and sioi, tle fi ded. I y îLe moinoiceable modal e-ver alrue c ths 0 1my -'ipoe . haeser. c CIo vai iai-iclii Ispeilnof Nuctsmaisl. Il wiraii y woan cdwoehicly bealawud"-Mis- sÂccawira Paeucan*, Juce ird, 1878, Catalogue sent on recaipt o centcai ici posage, Itither oethe mboye arIai sent cy cucil en rpeeiplaofpice. AdJgri-sPE 'AIODY MFDI. CAL INSTITUT , (or W. Il.. PARKiER,, W I)., Cenaulting Picyiiciaî), Ne. 4 Iliullitch ilt., Boes. tan Maic appamite Bavaie leuse. N' . ho Tcsacilir cen ice- consulte on lice above naied (Usasses, a, iveli us ail diseusges requining #klt, ecercuy antdexlcirace. Office heur,0 à. m, touP.m. T AnIFFP OP FiEUS8 TO fUil TAKEN D3Y CONSTABILES. (Union Oniti- in Counnil, datei 9411: day ai Jnly, 1874.) 2. Ai-i-ast o acuIc niividnml upen i varrant ................. ... 41 5 .Soiring smmmccci ci- aubpSaa... 0 O25i S. Milhage ta servi suncmoci- msub- poena or warrant .............O010, 4. Mleaga vicen service ocanatt bi c pon prot et1duoedlligecce.... 0O 10 5..MiUeiga Itkiug diironors tc gaol, -exclusive ofi»usumonts ucc. 05511aniyopinded lu ticeir tcu 6. .Aî'tendin&'g Jui Stic ée * ou0 ü..m..a..-v1 trils, ouonexamlnalian ai pi-. sain iai-gai uIc crime, li-) c.cb day ceccegaaily employi lu. nne ar mair ras;es4, %i-cm c eugigen mai-ettan ieui-.itoci,,. 10 7. Dea. do. witcn ecgîgcd rmono titan leur lueurs------------.....---- 8. Attonuing Assuzea on Seiaong, esch (ay--------~5 9.Mlaetaing t attlend As. ies, Suafena, anrhalai-a Justica.g publie cocuyancteeau ee =o012y rei-soablce diabnie. nmnîs tleclUe aa.)-...... 0l 10. Simening Juryfoi- Cercers' Inquest, iucluing ailending il inqueob, miail Hservices lin-re. puctt bînvoo, if heu on, saine day as Jury summenei---------.. 2 Il. Attiudlng oebl- aijacrnmant liarci, il cal engagea m.e ilur houre---------------.....i100 10. Do. do. Il cugagei mors ibmn tour houn ....................1 0 .Siring ummans an subpcscsa-ta telnd beioro <orcer (aubjecî No. 10)---------------....... 0 15.Exbmlngb Uiy nron Ccianar W&= ..............900 18.Reberylngselemmi........... 200 -W. Soiring dialneii,-warrnt, ici n. tiicng osains------------ ... 1 18.,Adveriang unde iodt-tas van- nant-------------------. 180 10. T tvllig a di streoj,,onj; sumb iorn gocia ta iu:akccda tris., vli nco geoas are lund.. 0O10 90. AppraIsencecî, Ivhelber b y On. armoe, 2 caistlhecadollar, on Ici 'isiuoigaods s1Oi~ alie à Io rry9. d- 3 ai.1 THE JOHNSTON SIELF-RÂKLNG REÂPER, fi now 50 wîll kutmaa sngla Beapor, that aeWord of commandation Mwould abnost uusesup.rfiu ' '. se there are manycama amnfcuesi .machinewho havi adhered te lb. aid original 1Ohsolaobine, ru-ul"kp- inguM, o the ipovîments ; that justIle tauréévî i d" iraonà us te talb that w. hve modlft.d I lina "pet iVarj iOum'5al]part, aùd for tringth- MA d~uirbiltrTi; > ty 0 out, in oveiiyknd *acondtion of grain;-,lightnen 0f dftn a.cf-Mmnagmnt-t*e "Jàhnstbn," as ifanulactmd by us-s.tands ,ana many oouaty, tiais whlch bave taki Io a vr Vn4~*t ski lait fswyears ý.OUWTRIU-MPH CÃ"MBINIED MACHIES, wMl late 1mprovemenfes ni, aII thaï cluib. deir.d lunaComnbinaitMachine, anid cannaI fail te miel all the raqulrements of purchaeiru Our Improved Cayuga Chief Jr,,ý and our Ybou n anda Mobwe ýra are both flrst-claas machlnes--constitutd aiMoit whally cf Iron &Pid toèl. The CayagaJr. he iarncu, andthea Young (Janada a front Cul ; bc th strong, dur- ableamachines, and nlot exelled by aùy mashi l iglth marketis frquality of eut, durability, lighlncis of dreft, adikptability, and assc ofmas~et OUR NEW 'WHKITBY M11ARVE$ER, As the country hau boine bi4ter 4a rdte machnr 1 m many of our farin. mr bave boimor klléd llb.unet ahiesagwun inadbssr up for a Light, Durable, Fikst.Clai ompu.u ead msr4 Ailve ta the raquframents of th. day, we hava iueceadcd lu invinting a ma- chine wllh a Wroughl lion Prame, wità1he liait possible g0aring-Yiith l4rga, broadl.faced. driva wheel,-and no epnstmuced thât tLe frime and' table tilt et lthe ae Uime, tbeoby kceping th. pitman eiwaya in lUns wit t lb. kufe. The. rakes are drivan drectly from the main haft-thatre baing na percetbe id drfand no wîîgbl upan thé hormis neeka. W. are confident tbat wa bave snceeedad in inventing th. mail partiel Biaper, taking li li i s tithat hàaer bien pradnced. W. havi applied, for lettern patent, sud ahalilaiod our invention, for ar wnézbsie iaucture, and wM r@specet$ully smui eul1 i tending purchasaro, th'at tb.y ahènld mee Ibis machinibeaCar. givh:gthelr andin. for th.eaming harveit. The "Whitby Harvaîtar" waigbî, ail teld 600 pounds, but balng made prlneipally d th. boit quaiity of lion ana steel, ana frei il in- puinias and compact construction, il comibines tLe itrougtL and duràbiiîty af the hieviir machinas. Ail cf aur machines are faily warranted. With tbf. liaI cf machines, wa fiel confident thut wc eau miel evqry e-, quinement, and w. nespetfully idlicit a trial cf aur machinem, believiü that we can furnisb, a botter machine for th. money Ibmea can obtainiei aewLene. ]lempeclfully Tours, BROWN& PATTERSON MF'G. 00. Whitby, Ontario, February, 1877. JYA8HIONABLETILRN I Go where yèu con get a Well-fitting Garment :-To the Tailorifig Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, -OSHAWA. SUPERIOR OUTTING SHIAPES THE WORK I' A Large Stock of Fine Clothu ; boit Engliuh, scotch and canaian Tweeds. > Excellent Ovcrcomtings atnd Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guuaranteed. GEORGIE GUBLEY, 51 Ring Street, Oshawa. JUST ARRIVED AT TE ODD FELLOWS'- BUILDINGS FOR THE 1-10LIDÀ3 s:m&s0W NEW RAISINS, FANCY GOODS OF ALL KINDS, CANDIES, (the hest in towu), A LARGE ASSOMTMENT. NEW FIGS, ORANGE PEEL, LEMON PEEL, CITRON PEEL, SPICES (ail kinds,) CHEESE, HASM, BBCON, LARD, &o., &c. Ail of whieli will be sold Oheap FOR CASH. Fresh Qysters and, Haddies received Daily. PETER SMITH NB.-Cash paiti for Butter, Eggis, Foultry anti Apples. Whitby, Dec 51 Sh,1870 50 NEW STATIONERY -AND- BOO 0K S TOR-E I AT TIHE EXPRESS AND MONTBEAL TEL. OEFICE, BROCK-ST. George Yule begs to -annnounce that lie las re-opened his Stationcry and B]ook Store ini Whitby, whao stationary cf ail kinds, of the best quality, wiil be kept an hand ; misa Sahool Books of every description, Copy Books, Siates, Pencis, Inks, &a., &c., at the luwest prices. The Daily andi Weekly Papers aiways on hanti. Sub- ecriptions Solicited. * Ml aR àsortment of~ho l ore of ail kinds, at equaJgy Low Prices. " MAPLE M PLASSES - 1-2,5PER-GALLON. aeIEm joue an~de Fower nts.OTeéi- N4etables PfU iii thenr semaon.' PBESH TOMA.TOES JUST.BECEIVD. A aRorfent of ýChnalGaa, Cockery Wae), -p,, Ã"ÃŽ1 4,'ide of-Feld and Garden Seeis, Cloyez and Tib î,-- thy'Beed,.&c. Trnp Seed of anl hinds, direct frem Scollanti, le arrive lT4 gro la waek, ood Platoca franc 50 toa cents er buahal. At ~'WMJ. -GIBSON'8. Wbitby China Tes Store. 'WANTED.-,Any uantity ôfD GoodI utte'j Eggs andtba e Poathers, for which 1h. biglicas h prie wiil bc paiti. Ice W. J. GIBSON. ca a i - with.l, 8I'RN0,1877. Spades and -Shovels, Garden Ilakes, Garden Hoes, Cut Nails, Paints and Ols, Paint and Varnish Brusieis, &c. Tinware of in Stock, 'or madie to order. G TROSS & whitby, Apnl 171b 1877. GOLDSMITH'S every description MACNACHTAN. RA LL.1 Now to liand, a full assortment of New Goods, which having been weIl bought, wi.ll be offered at VE1IY LOW PRICES. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES & CHAINS. BRIGHT AND COLORED GOLD JEWELLERY. BLÂGK JEWELLERY, JET AND VULCANITE. I:i Clooks of Warranted Quaýlity, Very Low Prices. Electro 'Silver Plate, a very large-Assortment, new designs, in Cruets, Butter ýCoolirs, Cake Baskets, &o., &o., relia- blc goods, and prices lower than ever. Would call special attention to at New Line of Goods- NICKELITE-m substitute for silver. Niekelite Table, Dessert, and Tea Spoans, Table and Dessert Parke.inspection invited. NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER SPECTACLES. Ohildrens' Carrnages in great variety, two, thi'ee, and four Wheels, Amreican and Canadian mak-es. Mar ch 27, 1877. Practical Watohmaker, Brock.Street. BUGG lES For Sale at very Rteasonable Prices. Several Open Buggies with chld's scat, Lady's Open Phoetons latest style and' very liglit, Covereti rhoetons withà Ro.Uing Seat, also Light Top aind Openi Buggies of Super- ior Style andi Finish. All made of the -best Materiat WParranted.. SWhitlby, July ôtll, 1876. and1 TOMS & NEWPORT, Wbitby. Ontmrio. 28 BOOTS AND SHOES. JOHN SAIJNDEJtS lias just received a large stock of Boots andi 'Soes, suitable for Spring Wear, which lie will Musical Instruments, -ineluding a fine assortmnent of #*I13JLL CHEAP FOR CASH4." Violins. Orders are taken for Pèniodicalsg, Magazines anti music.1 SWhithy, Dec. 131th, 1876;. GEO YULE.1 WILLIAM .TILL'S CABINET FACTORYL AND FIJNITREWAREROOMS 1 THE OLD STAND, BROOK STRaEET, WHITBYE Go where you cannot fail to be pleaseti in making selections of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Drawiz Roomanûd 'Bedroom Sets, Ncw cals l uThyo np1gn a aôihn e~ rca ii ingreo xesinTbes-a Verysupanior article. Gui Cernicca, Picture Praming in evcry style, $Omo fine chromoa anai Engravinga fer sale. At a very small margi n R ost. Work done to order- in 1ur-st-c1ass style. A Stylish Boot and a GOOdI Fit JOHN BA.UNDERS. tr N-..B. Parties need not ask for oredit as it willnot é WIZtby, Maroh O6lb, 1877, . WILLI1AM Begs te direct .attention tg hie le thing lu th. Sad C~thé Vals' A~RAR NES$S. urge stck, caprieig cvery. ?fl( iI run<s, âleIi ilevallngc 0 pg:0 itola- is..a'oteùitirima dbwn, Oncici- Ivié. ,wôk,ý acenfli-teaboi' iplly«M -bred;.- Aiimderalo sized machine sullable 'afgde ing, wlU res cerquralia ol keap ItluInpurisot ôrdar than o n e e osen. iMP. tannr fttenfble.naiýilpm a fi iu mfilnl,- , Te xlfeerl~n-nl t h.plan uÉo hiolh aur Machine ih eanstnucleda, beyw it operoi s',în&Wraater. aine ullmculty. lu aumdvrtls'cau. ns i.hiÏWlmpôrtàntt te Ibe-everage inquirir. Suffiolent le knowý,-'that bllaunwl'urUle*mi amal expoan d pefetoiy,> ho cm neiy on'geIllgmnabutnllbtmlii5i .Proïiaus la lh@Uronco aif ars guasciones, mc mara wcns .- ie0 i lu varlaus pinte a fi i . u 'l ilhgivs ar.fnl~ itilone bY fInemuni ratat i-omcccan coil. Ticeru iai- epenalýve: 'tth. cu*Iay for icùiteblu builig oagsLli,&. ancsaiyrm.Tbuy ma requin canidanable C'éar. clda0ilîte manage. Thcemnufacture of gantfer a tgle-"d*eUiig dmnaiu'ca much labour, mud quite asienueb akili as la niqulrcd la make, a auppiy msutelafurih a~~=w é amilvllao.- ilhigniablemd i-oulasme. uatily of coe, ashies [mcdrublmi oumlat, aout icira-k,;lb,ôder mnsln frni i. a very erlans objrclin, u muy cses laIber lnnodclo. (as mtulctu-edOn Ibis plan le misa qee epnsve, ifl itn o t1lce0i-0 ci0 a Ie mîtinials, Le enlIesc tIe [labour amacture aid lice expensa of repeins upon ILs apparulus-ef i iseHino amaIl iem, It iOlls abeonne lu mind Ihat in!mmal gai vorus -ice upplints of minutie- Inn-e are caiisec *niedt, non îLe yleld tgao prorllocmily sa groal s cmoblaicci aI Ice large vans-m the illtes. This clans aiclcu le isnov icn a large moirai-e aupînseied by ci- machinai, wich ara pi-aiormbla ionrlice icllowing romions :- lit. Ticair finit cost le much les,. 2ud. Na expacal-rae ut-buildings ara niquirai. The tanik te conlain the gas gmnena- Ian [la mi ati udciceap affain, nndernemt thIe ground, culaifmÉghl. 8rd. AUl 1h. laboan sud trouble et making gui as e vi, T hacari cur machines Ti- ojuire le m strnldng mi e ahascarca oilly 0 anielon. 41k. Na odenur arises fi-rn th. manutur, non le Icone ny 1111cr ar-dirt. ôIc. 01cr zmlebliareaumtomallo ; lbe gas le always nîady ici- use. mcd (11h. Rarely trreara4oofi aykied noqelxad. Oui- machinai ai- eqaly geoa an Ail ltioga camIani, mcii c ceaper. Ono ai cur machines, le n sed la ligct, a nri-o buildings detachada conidinable distance fr ont f cîberh . A i-u'ad*ellngs le Ici cannify, or Le beaineÃŽsi-p fa ciaMailtais-c, Masl Ib ,m "h Itea atlieh las expeneoic each inividual occupant vira ta bu y mu apparalus, aI anaé-balitc ti et ceai gis vanki, Eachc consumer may La-vo bis moeen lics, pmying cOnly for what s ha unais. An eviclence cf lice istance thal Ibis bind ai gas cau La carild vithanl mffeing materlally fi-cm condensation, ve vouli oate Ibat veinl 1874 îold a machine ta Mn. Ir J Janvis, cf Rcsîiaie, Toi-oula. Tbf. machina LaI used lu ùighting bis bouse and a gebe.r of lsîcps, convayiig lice gai soucie four hccdred fe" lu sa deing ; lu lice lamp ici-IbesI nemovid troc lice machina ha basan equaiiy gccd ligicIas luiite ouieusiait la lu introducing lai-g. machinesa, cl lging. ticcnawitic a-umbar ef buildings lamp pota, may lu' sqel up &long lice set, i tc lantornsaI entrace gale, pipes extcndig te barnsals, &tc., teoIhedintànce ai hall emil, an morea. tavin gbLa axpanince lu th. manufactureaoflice macicines fan a nemban rofyean l tLe UniledStates, acd bicg pi-adtical mehauce, vo are confident ILît aur eibns are second la nana on lice Continent. Weo etalceunI ýil au invention ci oui- own, but va huve maie serai mproiements ta malt im sale ainoUeiLle. - Wo teal evary ma- cine uniai- aur avu supenisan, mcii a-ranI thae= te glre satisfaction. PRICE LIST 0F TE CANADIAN GAS MACHINE, COMPLETE, ,73rce octboard of/Cars aiT 2oroncto. --Nuniber 1, rated la supppip 15 Burnana, 80000. 8, 60 No8000. -" 4, " 75 9" 875 00 5, " 100 " 450 00. 0'8 *" 150 6w0000. " 7, " 200 " 700 00. 8, -, 2w0 " 8(0 9. " 00 -' 90000. 10; " 400 10000e0. Langer machines maile, il nequireil TO PARTIES WHIO ARE BUIÉDING. In ~as ia icneuya uln iia oiee bubntiasill coclemplalccg purchasiocg ag iuie slc xem fpligl iei o.a suî gi s 'ai-o noaid7 W l uoci- e p n e c r i ny a a v c s bu l i g u i e n e p a l g l . l t a o rl e m y l a l i L n i'. e r ri- n e a ty i e m c i a e c n c m i a v 1 u c a i i e orsiblen esuiroiamaciionîs, for duMIIs ase Iharemleaunivtidne- snpartbifiteontrstus e ibildinsmachnee uines solceis appue teliai-eyupon h trcn und ofslan ing ndfauiai x acine, ai i ta &.,coe Wlcin bouse are ahraaiy pipcdi on cool go»,ire tan îltach oui- machines withont cbungicg such piplug. GASOLINE. We solecil ondins ion Gasolino. Oui- mrncgemenle ire sucic icl a t an MIi iiioniani pramnplly. We fuinicli lice boit quaiity et dcii aI ma-ket rates. Wu mnanniacture Irn er Copper Tanks le ci-denieor stoi-ing Gazoline. TESTIlMON IA LS. I have have bai cne-aof Josephc Phillipa J& Cc's. Ah-Gise Machines ta use ut ncy place ta Roseialo ion abouteigicîmn cthe. Prom my experanci, 1acm alisicli -ith the principle oft ha Machine. Titi gis i~s ai a îupanion quaity, uni acoucicai. Ecoîn J. JâcîIB. -Toi-ente, Apnil 11, 1878. - 50 Liglit Mar)inc. 1Masscî. JaSurc liLPnu. & Ce. OUsaiv, Mai-ch 27th, 1870. GsE bs,- ave Vriy gneat plueiro aietammneniing yeui- AirGai machine pelletaou olae a lbals glîmi: pînicci imisfaction,-Yourj &t. 150 Liglif Machine.'» A. B. Drinur..' RMi Pcxxucs eC Toi-auto.- Osicawa, 201h Mareb, 187(1. Dxii m sIbven vben n cn C ed i i e or abau six M ach a m 1 cecciequent cheup uiess h oucý a m e inl gon na nlun d T h t s g ý a a 1 M t e .sP eE1 11 l i l I b 75 Lighf Machine. Tueos. N. GcMBs. Wlcitbv. Nov. 2SSci.1876 MESSRS. SCOTTr&JE Pi'S. U. Gs:srs .-Ycur air gai uoi ltioducedintb my store aI Wlcilby giies comploa. atis- facétion. Thea ucahina irkmta a'ciarm nindIacx saved ca lange amoaunt ef labour and exnie., Lses lice a-s-scages ef cîemdiand- iauni-y supenuen ~it. AOUICULTUXIÂL .nAN sAssABocuTIri, TORONTO# 1874. - PeUr EXTAtPUcuu. Chas 52. section 85. Ne. 59. Artice-Cauiae Air Gaa Machine. Exbibitan--Jas. Phiipi. IResidence-Torauto. SCOTT & PHILLIFS, SOLE MANUFACTURERS d ~TH E CANADIAN AIR GAS MACHINE, PLUMERSGASAN»- STEAM FITTERS, 18YORK -STREET, TORONTO. Bath., WaW OoatPulpâ, Garden Ffcuntains,, 1ubber 'Hoaseu ix. - tem, fun Brome andr Cryitual, etc, ZST.Ib¶&TE8 GIVRN FOR L1GUIftiÇz AND HATI$G 13U1LDINQ8, oue cf tib 2dou r Dwnco»b dldînet<.tponîinca zou. iasoatwo yemrs, sua iter'liht'diy'i urne -cd Ibis rimedY, I find nyseilnly oured.- X owe Ibis oitlmenl la ILse ublîo, ta the pnoisaioxc am a tics6 îaenllp9 tic,gnubce DUNCAN MCI1'LUMI M. D. 5AESH.!SAXO CO0MPÀE F U R NIT UR.E WHOLE SALE & RETAIL. Waxerooms-Albert Hall, Buildings,, 18 9 Yonge st. Have slwiym on Lundia Pull Stock ofi.vary.. lLlng their lini andboôpe by mtinet attention, te the wînto oet Ieir cuitomèn te menit a. conllnuance of lice patronage -hiticînte ex- tendca ed t m. Specilamtention psid ta tic. muling oL N'F E DL E W O R K FIE 8OBEENSI OTTOMANS, FANCY CHAIRS, CORNICES, &o-.,&c. made. and put down lunlthe beil style. - JAS. I. SAMO & Co0 Mareh OIc, 1878. 11 T HETABRG "I'IAN0 $2900-00. The Tcalberg Plane ftulpi watt long fi 1- tintatm GOOD, USEFUL PIANO which cemblned lthe cliarnes iof tcne and. tebouy ci finish 01athelnt oall.rmledl a ewthàmoderato prie..-. If Il b. aaloed Iccw il le possible la supplr s (bd piano fer aboUt HALF THE PRICE genemuly chargea, tle. mawsa-is plain In lthe mak&ng or saleeai icestru- mints, lbenaeare ne lnTaigshowrooms la haep~ ~ ~~~~t up agadMsi àal amintain, orn xi îpeclve travelling agents la psy. This. initrinenl, are mlmdc cf a- UNIFOUM STANDARD SOLID . 1RON PRAMhE, OVE]aSTRIUNG IHAi CARVED LEGS, -' ROUND FRONT CORNERS, SERPENTINSmO DG ana DOUBLE YENEBBÏD. ROSEWOO,D CASES. An extra DISCOUNT 0F izo PER- CENT. wiil bo allowed Scicecis and Counvents, alse le Clergymen fanrlthe uie oai Ieir iamillîî.- W. ADAMS, Whitby, Pebcuary, 231h, 1877. & YPORT PEBUT &LINDSAY TIME - TABLE No. -18, - Takiug affect on Wedneodmy, May 001, 1877. TOR%NTO TIME. TRAINS GING 150 -OILTIl. WLiIbyJun.. .dopt. 9.10 a.M. 7M.2 -i whty.......... 910 ;" 7M81 BrokIa .......0.40 " 7.,48 .fxe........ 9.58 " 8.,083 'J*B li.... .e0,10 8.18" MImnhesoe . 0.2" 8.2U PiOnce Albert ...10.82 " @.us Pc>z Per..me 00" 8.40UM -.c.2 xsn.. nc.4zimsZ- lYj. MnUS I -'W UTY'8110& -T the eyeB. -'lA RD. DR, cysiclani, Surgi rb lby, sept. 830 >OBT. RAMS THORAS AUl ardeni Pl Saloon, Bretj JORN w FNT FOR Ibml Wolfmnd GEORGE [BER MERC ifi-Joine,, bu cantily of al on hatd. JAMES I 'NSHIP.eu

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