Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1877, p. 2

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ý1iniléing-0lan4ar4 Bush. pffld. 1thé vote lice ad follow : Wm.O o.,For. Asiut, AuWns b S% - 81 SNO,.8, G vo6d.... 48 0 NO.4, D=Cree, 4 No. 6, Olarosni2t . 19., f58 OIIY U .PR ANM NO. 8, Whlhval..eM l _____Si3o _PER _____ NO. 9, Albansa......... 10 28 Whitby, Thursday, Jaly 19, 1877. 228 817 Agitation for Rînuoval of the Pot O.,c.No. 1, ....... .65 15. ' No. 2,Epsom.... 0 82 nu- roualy ulgsod petglon bat No. 0, GuÃŽsibank .. 87 8 beasont luto lb. Poil OMM..Dipail- No. 4, Sony&..... i. 25 18 meont for thi uimoyal of liii Wlullby NO. 5i Prince8 Albuit. 98 0 i'psOgt .. etesoa af ,go nie No. 8, Manohstler.... '80 6 ma"lei.building *bian th. préient pi.. - -ù tant promis... The. n.w baU haut810 11 Ur.Hopklao. ln wbhiélî oomy and Majority for.... 191 icutabli offieue ooUlb._ obtained, lias PORT PI=. beiu desund by th. peltlcuenrs ai a No1 ........ 72 0 defrabli location. Pers4r aa No. .........- 107 i couatr.ptition bai bien OIiOUIAIdI - &4ing.th. Tmow, Csl tu Potition - thb. Poitt01.a uthoritlè&s agintel h. Majority for....< 178 removal. The lattur doocuentlitas bee inld by twinty-alx ratepayere, NO. i-.« ........ 48 7 prlnclpally readling on Dandua mos - - The. connelil spent the pester par ou-I - Jajority for........86 thoir lai Moiîa l in d ~ng ïsumMAaru. siu$t.-enuo!lb.numbe. ~ Ply ker- f Majrity .. 148 mtea sel of the g usd onrsl.n IOtii ac jut..191 tue' ful-.Qdoo ad gneal.feors PPoP jaority.. 178 dizpresslag grit agernoie &vIa vthe Soagog Majority..8.. - potion adopteç. IlX e~y ban irc- - danaiseit wth thorl e,maoe the 405 148 Ceauc e b.meutbwoeoî Of 20 uatepay- Total Maj'ty. for by-law 257 ors in tise fo of 1 h. faelthtt he Po. 'l'hovole on lb9 former byolaw, euh. Ution toc renàovil liai ben sil3ed by tmltted bte1h. township of Pickering oix tirmoa that nunsber, iad sifi mia.lone, on 201h May, itoof, 187 for, .airty oiilihe Property-holderuOf th" 845 againit, maklng the majority, 158. iowa Lu eomelhing Ilual willrequiro WitII &ilthe oxcitement, indignation foreber oxplastlow-oopeoially -frein reeclutlons, and drumming up cf th. liue iatickiera for prinoiplo ai Mr. rer. oppotioeft wiIl lie seon, that inilead Rgon and Ur- Long. It i. not the . of belng iucu-ased ithe mejorlly In duty cf the counoil te rnterfoirA in suol Pickering lis beu reduoed elghl votes. a mater-or i AU i, ceitaisily net te This ji a deoideci vlolory for th. recrus epesk fr 1. mnorîy a 1h voes fand depuly-rebvee, who inst.ead of eue- the town te the. prejudio. cf the righli cumbi.ng t e sctional, clamour or peu-. of thîs majority of the. ratapayers. Wo mitting llicmeolves tàbcb influonced by do ntor un ndertake the. responelbil. thie fuar cf Ioiicug voLsath u l'y cf adyocating thie emoval of-th. municipal election, mnitl ee atp1.lic PotOffice toeMUr. Hopkins' hall; let oiiomnafp Lnfnlly ed publiec tIaI muaI bc uruletstood. But no whichn iln etupplcrt aegbcap.e man ho peas iri e u tlifully prÃ"ved by ii opponente cf to-day. assert that the. proout poil office lrnjld. îng la- ilher suileble, safe, or couvenu.okue al iecit for tho purpos. intendod. Il le- not suchIra building es le needed in a The opeuin, cf 111es pacioue hall t0wn of lh. Imnportanceocf Wbilby fer boch place on Mcuday evening. A tihe requireccents cf e posl office. Of large getheuing cf the affLzuocf Whit. thie lice Post Office 1ruipector cen Cecol by anmd vicinity lhkcngid the building, Astiafy himneif. Abd bas tho Poil. and gave th. Wallace-Villa Cumpany a icseîer, whe liai le lahe aIl lthe riek, te bumper heuse. Lit up with 1he Cana. Itave ne voe lui te soloction P ý Lot diau Air -Gai, aud with Ithe auporior 4lue li-l ouquiry bc as theiascitabiy icenia appointlmentesud stage arrange. of tlie prudent ofie; Iluat settled, 1he mente, for which Mr. Hopkins le indebt. axt ecideralion will bo the. now le- cd tote igood tait. and artistie ekili cf catiou. he for the cuac il sdepting a Ur. Alexander, cf Toronto, stage arehi- petîl-son approving cf Ihe prieut bit cf lect, the hall prosenledl a truly magnifi. a building ai a lit office, il would h. an cint appeauance. The fret place. plase outrage upon theoitizeud whieh thhy cd on 1h. boarde was the lauglablo dare Ucl pcrpetzal.. burleque cf Ufuderella, or tIe, Lover, the Lackey, and tie itleI. luse Slip- Spacial Seeolune cf the Ccursty Council. per. It waî lruly a laughabl. extrava- r ganze, which brucglit ont the trengh TYics Wardonc hae.called a epeclal es.cf tlb compny-Mlr. Samu Villa, ai sieof cfhl Couuty Couaci" for Wedueq- Clorinda, being a bit lun himeel.f and ftca fay, fi fnI sI.Teai1 la Pur- keeping lthe audience in roai-e during icccc cÇa eîouufenpaî.dlat i"'le heperformance. Between lthe acte,e 'lo, authocrizîîig tIh, Wardon te do so Mr. J. E. Faewell, Iy epecial request, su case tha greupîmg by-law carrid. rîad thie folîowiug hues by way cf Tiio ly-law wül liuho iu- a athrdprologue: V&LUO ~ ~ ~ ~ ci nau ufypse.r tasa-. tien e! 'scnii otîcer business as Mayy le rueceiuaru," Id sIca incluSeS l -ine-o tic.. Amnougit tic lattr ii bc the DppOiolteo f Gountu- Cirk. In Ibis connection 1.1 un hopethbat lIce long services cf Mn. Maedli miiil o ou- sidcred, and_&a graul', Cecneursîe - -lîcnemitic, Made te hiseiidoir. Twn. tu--Ilres yeers> serviceaf e! heu uslaud Wili tle Mus. Mconcilite s libanal gneut frecu tle coucil. Letu hope il iii be rmaSo graclouelu- aud lune gncdging spirit. -Another imalter, vhliir e trutnuii not he'orerlooked, So a grant fan tle rn- lie! cfthIe ou -iferors bu- the St. JohnlSu-.. Tluo spécial sessl ionnes Il. desired op. -- pontunily e» talin» ation on tîis TIc 1-Homicide of 1Iakoît. Gatholice, just as sinceoelu- auPro.- ,tentnts, regret, the duathu cf the pon - Yonug nua Bceht, ir loibt liiilife Rt MenîneAl, on the. Imllîl o! Julu-, Thce Irish îoaietieu of Moitrueatdid, v. lîsulive, 9ail lIaI possiiuiuc-eid h. doua ho cenc-Oie hl 'ooti faith'lise fain uncdershandîng ilîl lb.Orangumen ulo le11d agread le fonego thie contenu. Pluled Pr-ocessoeu ml moleasd bsn. serd> on lIati day. Unlappilu-, île7 irere unsuicemsful, aud a crime hes hieuen Mttled. But 10 luolS lb. an- ie Caticolia lady amîmenable feu- thisl irOnl4 be bol unjusl eud anSdungener. eue.,' There le, unfcntuunateîu-, in mi large cilice, aselurnnct cr rufianism, wmcl Cannot blueIopl- sujîdsicontraI ianuhyylIce cileers cf lhe la ~.W. have sen il lu -Toronto ",W ei an iu Moulu-cal.*AnS île u-upea alla ncof th îleorange lodu- uigîtawlla ch lS icsponsibie fou- hueviolence e! e foi blacbgusu-de, as the Irish Caîbolias cf Montréal for tb, outragée cmiutted on the Ie mlflof July. Catbcligu feel tle <lisp rtrldatlon ce t ise position laInbii0 lIeu- bare een placeS lu- th, violences of A tiiuCeUnd-eoolsi amol;- lIeu- Sbplbre the ifu thal las buin let and mouild So uvirylli in lutoi-pavWer to bu-lu» Il. criminuls ta Justiee. Thuot, w. bilevi, la hhe universetl feeln». Theu Catholio Unicn cf Montréeal dis. avow Ri respcnslbillly; sud bas pauseS upon tbihee thecs mure il - deigu-,. eSi. Tlico-~s@tIrengh t'i-pu-iiideutm, unid. su offir Do attend tbs funsu-alo! Hack*1& Iia body 2500 igt-mg-am a -furtlI su loller o! thbir ocencion, * lt tIhîe lgnomiiontue Tago- use. 4ettWs fiansi took plaeinau ronday mitionS ucoheutisllon or lisurbaso,a II stlob. liopid thât mllb tihsp"its sway c! ths excitemeel o! thé moment a botter feling illin lu ire piot'eil UsesT55Bu-rELTs tauuTaouaus.- À - duspera. engagsment tock place b.. tenu-the stu-cope uSer the coimand of e.crowara amaltue Indiasson tuhe4Ilt st, sioa ih b eMoula 0ielc OoiSwood rivers. Thei lîaiSas Il4s sbftyo stand and tougbt miii, bu This le tichelei, big » milexpeele. ien, WIen Wlitbu'i faluesi pefileion oarsaian, AnS Whiîby's cmen af evra ak and station, Puy tIc. jaîl tribut. af tlmir admiration Teone-heworthuist soanscogst ihem ll- Wluose publi-ipWtil gvO Be i eIti' HALL. BeolS ils ut proprtins--ample sgace- Ils fair, appelaîrnents, ail thclug&inla ieir Wh trier temple couS prend beautu- grace ? - 'Tuas relied le losler knowleclge, science,sut;c To raies up geulumsu and er île leart, ADSvi1 you heieve il 1-en zy-declsr. utin- 1h gel ne bonus fu-ox the Corporation 1 Ta yuan inS laver nmcm m ebar. aOcu cause AnS trust lh4ýpley milmenit u-acin pplause, -GCoes upon cbeers guected île delir- OrY O o eelineu, teb iielMr. Pare- meil's -excellent readin» diS the peh' effusion ernu justice. Thi pIeu- ta the end vel manteS thoe fpplause irbich it recuiraS se spennecualu-tlronglut. The ovening'm ontenleinusent concluS- ed mih Ceia Icogan'à, masteu-pioe, translateS tu-ou the French, in ire Rots entiid Mepicottege-Agues Wallace, ses MonS. Tempbeten, -sud Samu Villa, as eu-qTemplîo.-Tle prin- cipal chaleate- mure at bomo in lIei parle, anS leI iâtîe te b. dîsireS in the îsyofgood satin». MiseSaînis Desies, au 11eben Oranger-, wvaesexcellent repre- snsilve cf tle elarseler. MisAicea Newman, as Mollu-. île rocusutie belbe cf tIe kitclen, filleS tho hals-cler ho e charnu, ou- ratIer a charmin» little carmer- as île le. Mis. Penny Pu-ost, as Miss Edwin simd ber, effinitu-t'he Doctor, filleS helmliili. Mu-. H. Gn i3uokle-, asu Creekal; Mu-. Brensan, as Uncle Dueih; Mu-. Bolunum, as Thatel- or BilIe, the bnrsled slowmmn; Mu-. Fu-ank Little, ai Tom Libbu-, anS Mu-. P-ey, au Mu-. Frienlu-,the leiu-eu (witI the lair fer a living), anS thi. cler members cf tle tsloeld cembinalicu, voie ail mil up in' their parts sud mail l siaerru l e plicdits roctivoîl lu-cm thie audience. Wue ehunîti oomit houlule thsut th. h1AUdsomo du-ein».-ocm furnitureon'c the Stage, milo maSo Maple cottage bock se attractive anS lad sui an agueeble efliai, mas frcm the esîsîlisl. munt o! Mi-. Jeiston, ir lue Isesup- plieS tle landsome eats sud benoesu lu tle bodu- cf Ilte ll. TnemdaY ueuing, thîl11O f feu-e cou- simled of tle burlesqueo-cf AnnsSes.. Le-, sud the dccneutio drame, entilleS M1iss MOliOdtsThe.performance vam equsilu geed asdlIhe hall veli filleS. AMIzcNTUBwr AS OFFICIAL Aiseise._ -We 1esv. pat Pliamure ilu annonno. Ingths appolalmeul o! Mu-. Joln is da aiRC Ofica Asignefor lIe» countu- of Ontlario, iunbtue placsO! Mu-. J. 8. M. Willloxz, resigned. Mu-. Rice la, lia "6ady a larg exeperience le the dis- O"gfe!tils, sud v. are Per- §ubdti liai tlebusiness mil ibeh. m'»Y le inlu-nitod vil leoaltenseSto, la mamoulin The. mess cenéplcuouusasin-es vise in I toall ry en cnddt.., biving.faleci o oblala £aaingle 2ar& I In intbmetlo !outy joli below the uequulued one-lid, vhs etbii4y-Ibu- fallsd la guammar, and tlrty-il la geogpy ; 'Tu-yf.w fallod luin thé41 Bk., asithe. maximum Ïfor pasulng al, Ibis examination , as viu-y loir. NoilIer lbthe edng nor lbe wrltlng dipasrld , 1c <r*m lIte ' awe. 805ie oaadlatoï 44very WOUin l butéor7, Ict ut m bjet a optimnal il- wai quite evidînt not mnuch atlen- attention hsd bien pail to Il. 1Bdab va gir. tb. manes o! the succmeful oandldatee, and lh. sohoola tu-ouiwhlcb lhiy corne. W. congrâalat. lthi leaubers o! these eochoolaà upon lbe succisioo! heïu lpuh, a nd v. beg aga&in tb r.muid ail concerned Ibat pasulug pupila lalo IbmHèXigSh ooli Is eue, cf lb.ev.ry best leste o! iuoeu in tcaohlng tIbtarea-open t. îhe'oboer.' 'vallon cf thi. pupi4d, deetht eaun net fail b eltractt hi attention o! aII the officiels ccnneled iill oucation lu taie looality oonc.rued. To' aUl Ilue bave faled-both teedheus and pupile -re. eu ouly uay, Tu-y &gain. And to paents v. bave to, add, wýhat onght teb hcaïedSeveiy day-ihel teachers cen have but very indiferent succese lu the instructioen o! yeur childu-en unles you give thom n uactive sud intelli- gent co-opeishlcu. SUCCESSFUL. Je. Edwards, Audley, 865 marks; Mu-. Cnrsis, teecicar. Bernard Haldan, Model Scheol, Tc- ronto, 242 mark. Fr-ank Haymsu-S, Bu-ceblin, 841. marks; Mu-. Je. Clark, leadher. Glas. Ouris, Union No. 1, Pickering, 22<2 marks ; Mu-. Juo. Gai,, teachar, ¶faecish Palmer, Hienry.st. Sdliecl, Whltby, 267 marks ; Mu-. Batchelor, teacher. Jno. Rogers, AuSley, 801 marks; Mu-. Cuirtis, taulier. Alberh Wyatt, Brookla, 281 marks; Mu-. Clarke, teaclr. Helen Pocle, Bnooklin, 298 max-bs Mu-. Clark,, teacber. Mailla Little, GberrymooS, 239 marks; Miss Burkluolder, tesoher. Jane Miller, S. S. No. 4, Pickering, 1387 marks ; Mn. Rsteliffe, leadher. ýËJeOqio Mnecomba, Jalu-st. Sahool, Whillu-,- 224 marksi; Mn. Woodlon, leacder. Alice Sireetapplu, Brooblin, 229 mai-ku ; Mu-. Clarko, htaolier. Lu-aeWsring, 8. S. Ne. 6, Whilly,. 8112 marks ; Mu-. Garudne,u-, eacien. Julia Still, Rau-glas. 280 marks ; Mu-. Heu-ne, luacher. NicbolsBu-ais, Union Ne. 1, Pick- au-lu»; Mu-. Gala, leadher. Wasu-eu Wilson, Union No. 1, Pick- mrina»; Mu-. Gaie, tahet. ~Mathew Boldeu, Dundas-ut. Scool, Whitbu-; Mn. Bu-cm, tesahen. %Theedare McGillivray, Hen---ueeh Seboal, Wlitly; Mr-. Batcelcu, teal- on._ Cana DeLen», Bracîlin; Mu-. Clark, tesclon. ONTÂRio LOVÂLTu.-Wa undenstand lIaI Lieut. Col. Wallace sud Major O'Douovan, cf the 8411, sent a cemmu- niesitien le ticAdjmtanl-Geneu-al, esat- la» that s large proeportion cf the cffic. ers sud-mon o! île liattlon wyel.- lu» t. gire thein sou-vices tb 1he Empire to serve in amy psarI te mhîcI lIeu- nus ho eppointed, sud ise to rais. 500 'or 1000 mes uloulS ibey le neqaired fou- service. The comuniclation las been meul fanerablu- recoivSed t heaS-quar. tirs, sud replu-seni frosu the Major. Genou-ai, returnin» ie tlenku suda in.- bOruin» Col. Wsllace tînt lis loaa ciTer abouil e luougît the notic, cf Bu- Majestu-'. Governmaut. The ceuntu- cf Ontario las îesson la ful proud cf tic, martial as u- ai opi- rit irhicl animales lier menu on bbali cf tle Motheu--lauS. DR. BsRI-mIVxr>, Wîle as lu eceodîd Dr. Fair, in D eaerron, - las, me are mclipleaied te les=n, rapidu- faee lute the extensivepu-setice o! lis pre- decemeon. This Lu oulu- vhal me alanîS oxpecl, liolluon sacou cf île Docau-' unqueuhiened ekilI, eundIlseindlu-,cour- teonu manuer tiasuds ah il ibhm hua comem .lu centact. Onu- conlampo. rau-des te il, sortI, tee, v. peu-ceve, maka veu-y fleiterin» allusious tb our aId frieusi, sud me feel persuade ubat in Seing so tleu- onlu- do hlm. justice. We bave personsliy kuown Dr. Ersith- malta fer nearlu- mtu- tyeerm ; me bnc isie nale, Dr. Checkiey, befoee hum, anSdira are veru- gleti o! the oppor- bunibu- o! asmurin» oui lu-tende in TueraI anS* Mers o! île hiRh estimation lu wirbicthel.Doelou- le li. Houm 4mg-Josial BoSSielai mss- cd bu- %fiatn Williswmile vallon» lame frenu Prospeat Hilllanlthe lown- shuip o! Landos, os Friday lash. The murdaned muns ld accuesàWillis vilI ahlemptin» 10 pick hie peebe. Cricket. The cricoket matcheu-rangeS te lie pIoee lait Tnesdsiy betieiî tle WIlît. hby sud Cobonurg cricket clubs, ah Go- bourg, mas, ait lheinstance cf tle Co- bourg club, put eff. To-day (ihu-uSay) Whby lupîys Tu-initu- Celle», Sacoai t tl. max-kei greunds. Saiurdau-, Vit- bu- and Oshawae miiihave- a acheon taxe Markeboiucnde, Wbitby. ACrIDENT-Tg O. Etonzxeseî.-We ne- grul t. eau-n that Char. Robinson, Emq., e! Bleavînhon, fuil frcm s waggon, ibile belpin» bismen baS bau-, lujurin» bis ipine anS lied. COitPLneNTa.ev TO TEE PiocieXUMe Ccuwmcz-TI, membsu-i ci the Piaber. lnu» cuaare te le eg$raiued et s compllm.ntau- Sinucu- et Hendiu-sou's btl Gnoeoiood oni t upon telb. ollte1 eion«cithe day;. 8 edrfore tibs eumblyulnuply 1 thém on behalf of thé Oons«rý tives of Ontarloforer b.ind manner wblob tb.y hd lieduived tlb clitefla lbat,ýay; fox ,the. ma nifioen*ovaion lby had-Paud amphi whiduue lied nreeved incel entied lb. Province o! Québi. 1usd met7willi a eie of triuumpbe bis own PIrovlnoe, batlie only epoko acordanes vi-htth. fecoewien would uay thaï tb. ,dimonilration1 thie cc.osln woasnai ignife loat as a lie lie a dcidlnhaj.Nm cally eposiahbudii net-,kuow but wuai voi.t as any3h aal-ttended Ontario Nidéb thie exeption,>euiepe, greal-ly 8%10@sd as Win as pleaed the'W MI in wbich tlb, people Misésquo bad padýie8r Jon,m a n thouglithbY lid' don. luonor la thez *îlves U 'Waiestolb. illuetioi statemuno led adonc î80nuuch & * Iis country. (Chem.) Hi Wou] carrybaok ihm b Ontario plis, lng reellections cf tilla day, gmd 1 ]Fouldsy ho liii friende lunluig c ceunty thet lbe hearte cf lb. peoplei the i. etera Townelsipio!ofQueb b lu eYmpalby wllh the grecut <ose.rvi lire Peuty cf tue Province cf Ontari [Cheors.j Tc th.e sipru o. f thei usembly, bM Gibbs thon pioceeded to sddrnss Ili Fu-enchipoution cf 1h. audience lu th.! own leoguage, aud thc enthueiusi witb ýwhicfilbis remarks vere uecelve hy e large proportion of lisi beau-o: weî a l.roof thaltaihe member for Sont Ontario, thosigl absent from bis nativ Province for many yeau-e, lied ot foi gotten the languago Whidh inas hie d liood lied benu as flmiliar te hlm as bh moîher tangue in bis byieh sport with hie old Prend ne, ighbore lain t couuty of Terreboune. OuDEVI. TU5NED Pox.-We bue' that icmetlxing muet have been thi malter with oui Dîvil. Fer tIie pae feir deu-slio liai bec mwandarin» eren the effice mith -a bal! distreeted Io sim» lué. rcancu-. Be- baleS hi pietane c! a dipairin» mau, mil e a over-lundeneS mimd or-elornaci. A i-stmetlboughltice lad falien ln love but on lis Iasdiqg amuthiefoiloming mIth heremau-b "LIaI lie folt lattai nom," mefound loir greaîlu- me lai lienu eceivedc-- "Whou groin gooeelerry pi. Goe aisld an I, And mekeISrem, I bolIer andS e-am, "Caca. Il uecus as lMIl bul AnS go balk te SaisI. A gneat Seal more fdilomed c!fliceSims menit, aud me prodiot fou- thie u-iiuuî Y-oung imp, if ha continue. on la tîîcs lime, s genat anS glonicue future, and parliapi aniving smre day at tico bigi diguilu- ci s "tramp." - Rasoution cf Tîsuku ta Col. Wallacc. Whily, Jnly 12tb, 1877. Moved bu- R. J. Yau-nold, Cout Master fer Seti Ontario, secauded liy William Kennedy, Countu- Master -fou North Ontario, Wcu. MaKilIriccb, De- P&lu Counlu- Master, Soul Ontario, mi. Wiaks, District Meulai, Sonuth Ontaie-Tîcetthle lanke cf this annel convocation cf tle Orange Body, for Il. celebu-elion cf lb. lattie!f1h. Boyxoe, le lenderod ta Colonel Walace, cillhe 84t1m Baltalion, feri. kinduei in gir- in ns 'the useocf il. Duil SIIIeà, euS the saeimnue b. tondeS te hlm, anS . r- in the shbaaVindiceor, île hWillu- CHReNIOLE, anS Oraenge Son- tin.l.-Carried unanimanilu-. ----- -- Victoria Railirsu. Il milil e mettor of satisfaction ta menu- persan., particuîlu- yticue nemi- dent la tle immedisacountru- speciailu- affecteS, 10 learux Ibat Mn. George Laid- Isi lues maS. su aruangecult mIl îthe Canadien Land aud Emigration Conu- pany-, amd coutain merdhants and benk. eu-m o! Toçonto, fou- ml l te money nec- eîsary io exted thue Victoria rsillvay lu-es Kimmount te Balilurton. No- tIlu is laclîlu» le complete tie au-- rangement, vo unil.nuIan S but île for- mai sigause. ork cm tle exten- sien miii bc commenceSa a an eau-lu- day. Mail. Archbislep Lynch cm the Late Riet lu Moatreal. - Aflor 1h. lest Gospel aet Biglu Mlame on Sundsu- lu St. Miehael'm Cathedral Arcihîop Lu-ual, latice course cf lis iSSu-eus, adrned ho thue diîluu-banoa in MontraI, anS saiS hhat lae mes glaS ho b. elle io ste thlt lie ]Bieop sud clergu- cf thialcitu-, mu mabi as the leaS- ing mambene ofthie nationael sud aller mcietisu, emdearoned bu- ereru- means mlhi le Ibmpower to provînt nnplea- santueus, sud Galliolia gentleman cf Tornto seeiu» the greritu- cf tih.sit- uation, aIse cent a lelegu-aux adrisin patience anS farlearanos. The fende anS bitter aulmoulties cf lthe 015 WonlS, conlimuod lm Gi-sos, sbauld have na place lu cur propercu. neir country, iia, ta facilitata itm progremu, ehiocid lue the lame o! peaôe, cf lair, sud o! au-ten. Seaing ibal se good eau Sarisa froma sensoiess displau-s le mould iel tlal the Governuetonmculd put an euS ta ail pax-tu processions, lnasmunelai tley engender boaS feelings sna lesd te mrife anS contention. Bis Qu-ice cuin- sellod caIsses.sud modürution la al tingu, anS esu-neutîu- oped ilat lis people veulti noveu- bu-mord or Seati eounlenarae the violatiou cf tb. public peaca, as it is a venu- grave crime. Fer Bell. anti Carbumoles. Praxu Rer. Richard Edas, cf Botas, Mass. "Po euu-aru I ires a lufferer fracu lieUs, se timat Mu- if!.becanie veau-ioee ulu-engl their fuequeut anS persistent recuru-ence. A carbuncle, mhicl ulhi. maellu-cecupied a space cf tIre. ou- fouz square inclues, fou-moS la tic umal e! mu- bock. Danto» Lis pu-egres large putces Of decomposofes el moe everu- day or tic cut ay; suitl ILe prostu-a- lion ind generel diaturbance of lic. ss-im mere greai. Belere; I lad r.- covrueS freim tus attack lie smahîîu- cai-bumeles huoke ont bigler Sp, anS I mwai agalu tlrealee isi ilarérenceo cf thei sufforingu b wii1 al 0S elbng beau subjooted. If vas at Ibis lime thet I ccmuuenccd tabla» thIe pzavx SYRUmP; I centinediskaiing il uctil I 1ausd firo bobles; elace then I haro lad notîxing cf tle kind. I ahtuiluia lirîlu- ote ePEauvrc TRjUP; -anS I fuel limaI I calumet express Mu- obliga- tions t. il -in.4nrms b un». on s"uOUt, for ioen. Mr. Hannan of lb. e àltlent of th <acconnt of By It 0. Te rao! lestatedlb tIÃŽdt. . S100 !..t o!f-aa, nhome, temleSit.as a ent, u sd eommienS the Pmc h. che.o 0fee l t a coil Dot o n e x c e e d 8 1 . 1 0o p e -fiO t, o p l g i n u u-Y cnaît went iîto, committecf th iýt vIole.'l-Deputy Reev eBlowin lath mu chair. cf Mr. Hi, nnanu stâted the. aceountc wuYanod esfr èdbbinglbielbtr et aI lb. engin.euse and pul-ting ccvi cf over a vell. Ini relation to thc pic be chaso! 'the.home, Mi. Heni a u m* bleere se doubt but wie eue lu8 id it. Ho e d lie b.Pereon btee franS l- ceard a vsry good li 'I on saa peeple irbo Iuppenedt la- ho primlent, sea* the houe, recccmminde ho it mIen tb.y veut bomeeaeuS ne yn Qs ad oudireS 1000 feet o! i Ofg s eud iO1Wfiet, but conidu-lc et ou- prisent AnaI wpoitlà u e mns ra try and do vita 5M0. i. Tii. Mayor esked 4f , hé. oupling 'r ovre eveu-y 100, or ivery 50 ceL. I. Mr. Hannanu roplioS ovry 50 feet lie Pou-t Perry, toc, lie udoistood fromt i àu- Recru, Mu-. Wright, ires going tà pur M clame houe of thus lind. sa Mr. Gibson sigqiet tle proprietj « cf Port Peu-ny gettcng ahc ongune Su-et thi HneIlongli the reportab~ould, h. alter& a a l1t1.. Thes coneil lItS net onderei %a tupurciauingocfthe. fret 100 feet o. lieandhsuggeeled lIai M. lis Hama alter lis recînfie lte mak.- i ta reacl, including lb. 100 fiel aireadj es receivoj. Mr-. Hamnain wss agreesible, and wth the cnseut cf lice odIeu-macule, W f ie cemuittee altered thce report ae e dsaired. st 'lice report iras tIen ado pted. Ld Bis Wcu-uhip cm iaking the. chair ax- lk presseS a bop. that Mu-. Hanuanm woud gel bis hase fieu-,as soon aE 16 possible. It monîd ceutalaly le meeded ýn if tue present dry wethîer lesteS. t TUE 1S8LiLIVAL OIF TRE POST OFFiIE. Mr. Ferguson, secondeS l y Mr. Wickc, 0~mved Ihat tic. petition cf Hutton Starr )r anS allers, aBliung a petilicn te b, for- id varded the Pcusmasee-Gemeral against the removal cf lice Peut office be ern- plied uIh, simd ubat lthe coumail go 111o accuniftee cf hIe misle tiiercen. Mr. DeveriU did net se. mIel lbe coucil liaS ta do mith Il. petilicu. Mr. Blowr tbougicl il wcnld net do amy lau-m ta go lato ceuimitea<on the questicn. Tic. coumail mould net com- o mit tbeinsoli'ee Iiceney. g Mu-. Deveniin the chair. s Mu-. Ferguscu theunumadilice pelitien, a wmmcl stated 1h meuld lhe disadrautage- c oui le lihe interest of lIce grealer num- bau- cf lth.people of tic. howu ta bars th. poil cffice remeved. Tice preseci *place irailice meut ceutral,.uuoet isolat- aS anS bessi fiti.d place for a poil office whiali could b. fcucd. The place iriere it wecld lecuemoved iras uet *central, net leciaied, irai under ashla - irere publia emiertaimmentu mer. giren, r as seau- tio axhinet factqnieu, and ironld surely saunbure lown, if il irai ne mcbnuglaiized. * Mu-. Perguson supportecl hie petition hy using efiSilar arguments. Sorne yearu ago, h. eaid, the puesent site iras chseu ly île Poctmasteu-.Gen. irai, la prefèe-ece ta manu- othez elles, because ilirai net attacheS te othen buildings. He comsidened thE place wunr, ilir as cestemplatid ta remeve lb post office, no place for suob an office. Il iras a place mnere entertainmentu venld b le 1, il iras a dSngerons placeîil m as lhable te iake fine, il irai connecteS withcuber build- ings. Ladies mIa lad lelters hc post lu le eveiug, might b. annoyed by tle crourds vbo youdgaller around suuh a place. On tl.eirlole, il vas tIa very plsaeu-4e the pout office, hulcî nct le. Ifsa psnty levesteel bis mouey lu buildings fou- apeanlahion puu-poueu lIaI iras no recceocc la hould bave lice Peut office la lis buildings. ,Deputy,-Reeve Bleow tai Mu-. F ergu- sn tl eue irai no petiticu lefore 11cm from Mn. Hopkins, sud I. hionght hiii last nemanku mighi. mIl god taule, lie lefh oct. Perconally i madSe me differ- ence la lim wvlene lice peut office mes. It ira.s apeau-excue tasay, because thene wira etieatre ila lb neigîiboun. hocd, lb. Post cile e oiuld ntot .tIee.. W. bad officeru lunîlhein te pu-oleat perso9n sud pncpenty. TIhe prement Post offici e i nconvemieul sud if it i. ho be usedsnay longer it muet le enlargeS. He considered it an ispioper imteufer- ecae om tle peu-I cf ice couail te tell, the. Post office auticouiis irat ho do. Th.y <lthe P. O. astolloities) mena quit. lapa for thne rôngtln the,. The Mayor diS mot seee IomthIe cannait cenula aapt the petition. it lad boen aprmng on lIens, anS no tirne giron for aeniduatiou. The petiticu sboulalie leld crér. Tii. petition for tle removal cf the, Post office sloulS b. bafore tîce council, as meli au the pre- sent oue, bafèesamy action vas laken. Pe romalîy, wheu-, tle office ires et pie- sent etuated uedhIe iu eny veil. Deputy-Reer, Blair ceidaned il an unusual iray to dispose cf bthe petition in tue unammer. Goenalîy paiions mou-e referreS ho s cosnnittee, irbo mould auquir. minthe factuo! the case. Wlîal bind cf e position weuld the coancil place ulemseavai in ly adoptimg ibis pestion miii sot quis. 80-i2urnom ou sud forwardini ite hI.thePostmnster. Gcmeual,mlven peu-laps andîler petitien, lu favrio! remcving bhe Post office, vonîd le sont douin frenle tain Ilh four limes tlb number o! nameon nIl- Moula it h iu-pu-eaeuting the- mccl. town, or onlye.eti ' 4thel b. me, MIE a tbocaliS. - su-I Mr. §rgusoiit longht' ltivould b. id dolng au lujuBtlce t. lay, th. petllion id 0,cr. 1- Mu-. MeMuhia à dla th e . dea of i. th on ..b acuJr g a p itlon aigneid to 1ý'hê ne.hu odthpart ofthepopu. L. ISiouLof!thb- town. .-There va. ne danfer, but vhet if askri by Ibose in- ba e ted, uDot tb gve tIbfÈdecision iintil ,ho tl:oounil had onàildred lbé mater, IeGoverfnucontulvould vsit. o! Mir. Long mev no unetof delay. ru Dep.t',"Bev Biw, seoouded by re i ev ibsen, movod thattheb.peitiion- mre o! HE. 8tm â nd.2ô odliiibe iîfeiu-ed t. id a csýmmàftte to coniiet o! Meure. Wat. ). 8on,MéMiIlaa n u -Ormiston, t. report ad 0tnexl regalu- meeting o!thIe conucil, e. or if lliey ho preps.ued sud, ocuelder il tb uoeeeauy, t.oeIal a epeciel meeting to id report thereon. )w On division being ealled fou-, lb. vote il. iras- mg YxAse-Blow, Giheon, Watou, Smitb, it sud Melillan-5. NÂTAB-Fergusen, Ormieton, Long, ýgo Hennam, anS Wiohg-5. The chalu-man voting mIl Ith. yeae 3. deelaned Mu-. Blow's motion csrried. [ta Tii. committee eu-aos, and Ilein Lr- report vas sdopied hy the concil. ýY Mu-. Ormision buougltit utI report i.- cf thc emàmitte. ou relief, ueomameud- S ing l'paymeul o!fîleheooecunt o!-Dr.- idBarns, $8.50, andi alec the purdliase cf ofa ticket for an naigent oïa man named r. Norville, vIa wielued t go t.bis friands il lu Connecticut, U. S., eh & coul o! about IY $14. Report adopteSl. REFERRED TO STRETS & IMPROVEMENT id CO M5 fUTTEE. ra On motion o! Mu-. Hannm, secondeS %Sby Mn. Wicki, the. petitien in refèenee te Ail aireet mas referu-aSto the. sîneets and improvement cemnitte. n CONDOLENE-MES. MACDONELL. 1 îOn motion of Depnty-Beeve Blow, j eeondeS by Ileeve Gibecu, a ueolution texpresing the high esteem hlblheb, coumeil for late Hugh J. Meodoneil, smlud pressingthue sympathy o! the~ icencil wIl Mu-e. Macdonell sud lin' rr cluildu-en was passeil. r-LOCK-UP WAcaTEn. 3t Deputy-]leeve Blow epoke o! th. 1-great necoseity fer gettiug a neir look-1 up. Ticpreseul cm.ne in fconvemient sud uselees. Tii.Mayor bore ont Mu-. Blow'e r.- marks, samd condemne the. leek-up as ccilealthy'sud uneafe. H. Ihouglit il -mîght le uendeu-ed tenable ah a emal exponse. .CONSOLIDATION OF nY-LAWS. cfTii. Mayor iuggested theadvieabili.yty of appciulimg a comiuile. -te cemsolid- -ate tho by-lawi cf the towm. Coumail adjourued. Board cf'Educatio. Higlu Sacol Bulildings. Wilby. b July 111h, 1877. Tice regular meeting cf the-Beau-j cf r Education vas hlId jintth. High Sahool ý iBuildings, thidi evenimg. Tic. members t, cpreseut were, Mr. Ormiston (lanlice cicair), Judge Dantueli, Messrs. Fare-1 i ircl, Kimg, McGillivray, Post, Powell, t, iDr. Guum sand Dr. Carson. Il 9 ALTERATION IN THÉ MINUTES, t: Ater tle secu-etany lied read, th. F minutes, Mu-. McGillivry objecled to licein adoption, cm the grounds lIaI the S resolcîtion crdeuieg the app-opieinc 050 for adveu-iiig the chooloe rthe. Town Wlitby papere, aboula have read inaludimg the. tcwn cf Whitby papae. Mn. King sud odIe- bore ont tle sîstement au d thenmiutes vere amnîed- ed te ihat effeat simd adopteS. t SCISOOL ATTENnANCE. î On Roll. Average. 1; Dundas-et-...Girls 77 ...Girls 65 -ye91 ..:Boys 85il Henry-st-.. Girls 100 ... Girls 88 ...Boys 152 ..Boys 119 John-ut -Girls..6.....Girlsl02 52 -4......Boys 61 ...Boy: 48 t, QUESTIONS FBOM MINXSu-ES0OF EDUCÂTION. Ci 1 The. chamas aulted the beau-S mit El anuwenu licey deîired g1ven the. Minuster cf Educaticn, le tIhe question.smolimitt- cd Iy hlm. A numîer o! questions mer, thon Ircad, ibich requined a simple "No" or "Yes," sud mere cf no general ~ interest. Upun, liowerer, the questions bi î"WhaI benefit is ho b. Serived from tle purchaeing cf bocks frcm th. Depoei. si tory, sud mould il bc ai adraclagecus ci tc the board lc purchai. frosu bock- w Sellera, previding tle 100 peu- cent vasT alîcwed ?"-"Are tb. reinlu fnom grant- R iog prizes beneficial ?"-the chairmanO enggeeted il would bele mo h have Mu-. cîeeiug lis books from tle Sepceitory. ai On.e1usd tîere a mchboeti laie cf cs Icôýki than could le obtaînnceltaI ay Il bookihore- The qmantity to eecthfrom., in wau greatür sud 1hebbidicsg sud finsh ieI geuenally muah behttu-. The bocks àI di the d coposilory i r e ail puch elaeS fr G prizes. ai Mu-. Faroeel was in favor cf the ab guauliug cf puizes. Re thought eveu-y th oua wam. The' only questien was 'V vIether a eludeul ilo irai oly one ou- cI tiro markq behind tic. ou. uIc recoived th 11e,, prix., ehould sot alec receive, a p1 puize. ,,urizes ehould ho g'Vent lie go tlioàgl, te lbc hoe hcreeeid nome viý slateS standing. th JTudge Darlueli IbfugliL i olll bu la îiuce"smg .tàbo ppIfacquainteuce bu with iteÃŽaîu.. 1. e, c 1i'insaces ai irbene~b. gviu ize e. b. ouk o! thi a certain asm ier, b P.d fnduë.dà te AI uead ml lb.hemarks o! thce athlor. Dr.. Qunu wona e rtinitandard T lhbIoldays veteo over. R. suggusled hIa ruoom, et prosintnued, b. con-> venled lut. s repus for th. ksoping ci the uciiutidic . pparius, "a, cf ,thi eclicol,vlicbkspt mi loy muere et pro- meut more la danger o! bcing âjmsge& TIi he bnge-miglil b. maSoe!ja imi cil',, The. eppeiatum belonging b lbth ucbool irasneir very -valusiblo sud Judge Dsartuell expiained tliet-tle roam lied bees ouignaly-atIde sug- gesin-kept ltobe !unlsihed sea mail- icosufor taie pupile. TIe bea-S, bey- cver,,la -ùt lasn iEt ' aniy -Iis viemw ont.f. Ié,thcugît M&iý Robin sou's suggestion a good, one, sud cosa- mesSeS ilt tl te attniano i he cou-ý mil-le. ounsiooip-opu-hy A IOU PFTHIE SOHOOL. Mr-. ai-r, agent o! lb.- "Ilust-ated Connty Atlas," irsî hoard bîfcu-e tle board, la relation ta fle placin2g o! a pichure cf île Sahool lunlb.e.Atlas. The board thaughtlfeou-bly cf. h. malter, but mulheS for time te conaer tahe question. A speeili meeting yUll b, holl lu a short time asd an'a mr moufd Ilen le given. Bea-S adjourned, 1 - lew, .x Noir York, Jculy 14.-A P'ime8 cabla spoliaI fronu Tiflis give. datails a! lb. Sefence and reaapbure a! Bayacid. Chle scuali gan-iscan mas cut off s monîl ega as snrroliuded lu- TurkssuanSKurds, numbau-iegl8,000. The paineofconstant vigilanemas sggu-ereted bu- bunge- sud thirul, asumrme o!f fiesVotunteers ,dailu-ad usa ou-lies te procure irater, lut leir o! them, escapad tic, Sera. Su-e o! tle TurbisI niflemen. 'Tii.garnison, uavrtlelems, refuieS constant demande ta surrender., Meantixue Gemmrai Tur- gunalsoif uwsmancîlu» ta 11cm relief, anS mas shopped on the way ho, succer tice Iceiplemu momies anS ciudre fie- in» frocui îerauu-cerous Bemhi Bazoum anS Kurds. OunlIhe 911 cf ,uly îhe gai-rimsndesee tlie I4u'sian adrauce la the distance, aud immcedietl- open- aS a stroug fire on the Turks ta distract ticeir attention. Tic. Rummian edrunce moon caeeu ý, anS tle Turkus atSu-st hll Ilcecu je checki, betllau-mis fglt- ici» fiencelu-, bul fineilulicte Tur-ks mena driren la everu- direction, sud, sa hie clouaec otith.day, the. bravo defenderé 'eu-e relieraS lu- li -comnades. Rmxilcluk, Julu- 14-Tc. Tanks as- sert tical tl. Ruisians imassacreS 200 refugeas frecu Sistovn s almouas lice ivhele population of severel villages tlrough irlicî tly pasmedl. St. Petersburg, Julu- 14.-Gemeral T'.rgkssof! reports lIai ho found tle toam o! Esyzid Seatnou-ed auSdIl.e t- ziomplene se lufeciod fronu S ouSldies lhaI it iras impossible ta romain in lhe place. Fran tle ceue cf insaurr-ection la enucasum un Lu reportaS lItaIthe Bus- siens bave remumed ilseoffensive. Geenel Alksoff marcheS, on Julu- L811, from Tokuali ta Thvantcîeli, ou lue night basic a! lie Geuigmi, Su-r, eh ememu- froin Ibeir entroucled poiion, ou-ced thecu belind MoIra, sud oceu. pied Gouin. Ahonem, July 14.-Tc. Grock relue- tee-s lareeeu-riveS en me fei-an Tun- keu- anS .nrilIed lu tle Greekau-mu-. Écîcurves bave boom calleS cut anS mil. iary Selensive mesuras are pu-ogroei mýg. ; .London, July 15.-A Consanimople correupondent mays Boburt Pemba lsd *long interview vitI île Sultan yeu. eu-day, mIe gave hlm peu-mission le comxnasd an eipaition te the Black ses vith complote liberty- of action. Shnumla, Julu- 14.-Pire tlausaud tuns eau-e aI Babu-ora, mencilu»on sman. The Mancheser Gceerdien'gsapecisi au-s thirtu--five thcusand Tanks onu- banked ai Anlivari. A Satundsu- speelal dateS Rasgrad, Beanudsu-, ea-mthe lait tu-sn freincut- luk hues juut su-riveS, Iningin the rail- wau autoitiom anS the British consul. 'le appu-cacles o!the Ruseias&ru-nS tuutdhuk ane bececuing clouer snd clou- Br- Kars, Jul 12.-The Bussios have alion back tocm Batoumu, sud 1h jeu-a- canaS lIat clumu mill jola Oas. Mel- ekoff aud agein invide Arcueuja fronu :uruk Dans._ FUiTHER. St. Petersburg Saspachem confiraitIi.j eport; haI -ice monaime uvîe leen c su-ced seS Il. lavaderu lare fonnd a I saotin» in Rumlia. On Pniday accord- c» ta thlu- account, tho adrase gusinS )aimeS *tle Tivaritzca Soile mitîcoul iring a ulcI. Outhe allen hand, offi- dal despescleu frein Tlerapia ameerh lat no scclicrossin» lues bees effecel. licou- telegrains daciere thal cdu-l a fair wuns croiseS, sud tîsi licou- iree eni- r du-ioen bacb. Later neye lu-rn Cou-i anlinople, lhowver, admits ticaif-t on balallicus o! Rtussians lie.peaased le Tiverditcka de file, il Lu îuppoued b 'itî tle intbmIdas cf millidramin» Ilhe nParks frocu tle Sbipks pass, reheret 'eau! Paula iLu aticnad wiîl a cou- 1 Sensible force. Tii. latton commander us seula dompacl la Constatinople, cuflu-min the reoat cf a defeat of tie wornu at Tivreuditzka, anS staf-in» thatt ho mtary of a Russies adrance on Yeui (s aira raswudue le lie exalteS imagina. io cf a heu-or-stricben railwayu-officielV b tlxal place. Se fer as u !0knom for e ierlail, a Russan fou-c.Lusucancbiug fo-r ,he Balkan, bu- wsy cf Deminkapu, anSd a thc direction cf. -Ielaïndji sanS Yantio. i;a Second le et ou- sciais lhe Tissu-- izba, pasou; anSdxi tiid, under Genersi loux-ko, i. lu front c! tle Shipbe paiss b Du-encrasimd Ga>uora. The Czarle 1 b Tirnoava, mlere 1,-lu hobe joimesi bu-a le Emp-ume, sud tl. Ccaravitel- ah I 'iclera, ou the isdUroaSbetweenRsî.t &ub anS Raugnaz,, completelu- sevasin» ie commlnicsliom betîcen hie we s laces. Nikepali lies fallen juta île ianSi o!fliceRussiene, lerin» Ihen pi.1 ý511C 5 puaIso leld Ieeu h ben shiil eiraiting triai. Tîxe bay mes a irai! celîl no oeata cane fer liirnd 5 Bis El0oumu loped te eoau meelthe day imIen .1 wmi le cempulor- ta haro'industrial s0110o1s, It would maya number cf làdu; liki the one before hlm frosu drifîiug utoc anime. BIis B lonor ceneured .tb, uxaIzstluates mia: sont the bay np for- tr-la sit iras putting tIecconnty t. Useleas e«panae. Ir.u- J. B. FP'ceil, Conu- yCu-cir ttrnev, couducte4 ail the cases for tho'urowa. The. pu-soneri vorosund,. l-jÂ4 -, t voivar, wirbicho . asnable tbius. anc vas îlot Sois. The follomlug Lu tics accont givin c! tle rom; mfer divine service lied couicladed, tl. Orangemen mita i i u-sdssup- iaae, .sud sppeenty -m7 it mIlveu-y litle.notice. A pou-lion ofIbhemvaIkied dcia Beaver H1all HI, and amns lIem, vene Ihrceelaim-Mesdames Mitchull, MercI, and Preeman, on. yonng lady cerrneS e lilly wirbia va lacen'fu-rn:be-, anS oh. vas assaulled- Aý Young gentleman, su $)rengeman' mp3-7ng ta the assistance of bis companý ion At thlujunture, tlie!mclbcboom- 'Ing violent, li.ladfieu irero urnieSly ueseco-hedte liceulcops at tl" Uppr ent of Bedegende uîreel, anS tIere bfusc refuge. The.'ladies vere, 'veny muaI agitated, but naceirod no serieus injur- iee. A elcue atab 's'as beph upan ls building by the mob lancu-der te gel at men mcc lad proteeted tl. ladies, lut thodoo-m mers closeS anS the co-am made no offensive cleinonehrltiosse agaia tle building. Alderman Kena nedy, Mesure. M. P. Ryas, sud F. B. "MeName. mer, cantimmall- paeelag up and doms tho pavement, esdavonuing te> gel tbe cria td tispersue, but inef- ctually, as tbey gallered togeller in gop aaitiug tleir opponlnmity. About blf-pet one îhe euomS ubicx 1usd boom ieuiiessiy movlag about, iras suddeul- agitatod îu- a rowi rbel ad ccured letirean an Ou-engamas anS sorne maculer. cf the Union. Tice Or- angemanu oon gel mou-îleS aud led tînougu tle esI aide o! Victoria square. Ho ras mil aUieismigît, hleeding about Ile face, tamards the bigl block aidjoiuing AlS. Glendenning'u building anS beisg absolu- -pressaS audeavoured le gels refuge in tice dcci o! Robert Dunu & Ccc's uhelesale dry genSstoe. Boere tlb, Sglting became dSperai., anS a suculer o! revolvers merdu-airs wiria -mre fneelused. The largo sud strngglimg au-nid wiid anuounSo the door nandou-ad il impossible hote sy mIe fired Ihe Su-st duel, but il appea-s te have beau fineS ly soins one ou, île eleps. A youug man about tmenu--ome ou- tva, Whoc'mas du the shape, vas moonSed in tle throat. Mea lad au-e- volver la his hanS nSmas iryisg ta use il, lut hie ans siceced -pomerleus ta ,cocb or alun il, bot ou lie instant ho vas du-agged frocu tle stepu by is en- emlfes andSehattwinca mo-e th-ongli île -heed cne huilaI passimg tlcroogh iei forehead, tle aller emheu-ing tle corner cf lie eu-e. Be fe-il a glasl- cou-pue. It teck but su instant far aill Iis ta ocu-, sud as île Suing greir rapid île eu-omSvas observe& te receil fu-cu.the ucene cf canflicl, mamy ruunim n a thu-ongh lhe square anS elisewl'ere. TIare more ixteen abats Su-eS, tud cf lIeue it is probable six ou- eiglt teck effcl. Ginoux, tle veil-Icucms lacresse player, irlie as la h i giil, mes voumded on the, cheek snd bled freely. Be ws - ubmequemtly u-cmovad ilte the hes8pital. Dr. Wa-S, vIe me. passing et the time, came mp anS foud tîsit tb, bullet lad enlereS the IxeaS e! Ibis young man jusl over the oye, sud baS pssetrated te a distance cf Ivoritbu-ee inches, psssing IlurougI tho bu-sm, anS tual Seath iras pu-dbably inelantanecus. The laody irai cesveyed tb he Morgue, anS it mas then ba-seS ibat il. youug man masnmaSThcmae Backeit,anS tlal îe mes cihy urepor~ter for Mcuflop'e Commercial Ageuc-.,Be ira. an Or- angaman. SaucSions cur. icFOZioimIS HONOR aUDnezDARTNELL. On Tuesdau- aftanone lau, the. foi- lcmimg casas vere brougîl before Hm Basai Judge Dartnil sud mou-e dispo. aS cf. Queen vs. Pill ie eand -For qth.-The pu-isonars mer. changea mIl ustealing, cm lie 911 o! Julu- leel, froun Matîleir Beamby, la the township a! Picker, 8 uheap ana 5 lacubu. Os bing saked by lice Jndge if thoy desirod te b, tu-led sei r cuwaitl 1 lIahefali asic.., the prisouns sdataS lIat at présent Iiey maie sot able la lu-la» fou-vanS liceir milmesues lu Licou Sefence anS misbed tleir trial poihponcil. Queen v6. Neil VcA rtltur.-The prisoeenas boy cf about 16, mîcue parents lire ini Belleville, mas indcted fou- seliug, on the luih July, regisî- au-eS leltens frocuthe Oshawa post office cotlIn» moneu- anS euritios le the valu, of $1861. 'nisome-plesded gyasudthu-ev hiaeollcon lhe Mercu- M i qnu-t. Tîhe Jndgea ediresseS île prisamen eayiug lIaI the offeuce le iad sic- knoîledged bimuelf guiltu- of vwî oua of tIh. most serions panlslsble by lai. Pu-openty contlded ho tle cane cf He- HaIll (Dr. T. W.-DjyisicnaSmiil, in- du-ad Disecees, by 1 E f.HLL, M. D., et Ir , f "H ealt 'i >7 y G oaS ii ig," "Hem lcLveLcuig," sieaIIhalHeiD*' - oros.s.,i esc vises eu ru- c Ie b- Ijîcl o! te mou-k!. skelebed insu&,lu-n tter.utiug inaunur. Thue. bock centaine a conaiderahîse mount cf valuable lu- formation re4mrding politicel affaire iu -Mu-. Cartwx-ight'm lime. Il iluculd meet y milh an extensive cl n at o " Z c g 9 Coolie (JoIes .)--Cenoflesi: TUc.Fortues oa Periiean <of '81, -byu- emc Bm a .Olollu, #1; Papir Govirs; 76C.- a A romirkale romanice. Esh o! Mr-. 1. Gooku's tfermer verbe have u-uachud tle 1,gu-sasaleofnerly a quarter of a mil- -ý lion capies la the UnitedStatees ad -canada. YDevis (N. P.)-Tlse Pair Gi-ifbu- Nîcci PlaFOOuD Dvie. authîr cf "Tii.é-af Il eaansfeld," etc., etc. O-oms 8Ov. h Piper, 25c.- "Mr. Devin iu te be congralulated cm ethé. possession cf the nioI vela cof bhumeur Seveloped in th "Pair Gritl" wirbah appea-m et a lime liat ml se- cure ta lit plenhy cofueados."-Bt. John *Devin iN. P.)--The BartZ of Beacofetr, bu NceuxLxs FLaOOD 1Âvice, auuiror e "TIre Pair Gril," etc., aet. Crois8O. Paper Covers, 250. "Mu-. Devin -lia, methbinil, succeeded in snpplylug il, public vil-h irat will lie melcocued as a valnabie addition- ho onur lilaratue.-Btralford Weelcly. 9 1eming (M. &.)-Nourine's Revene, bu- MIv 1 A.cexi FLEMIG, author cof"Ete Den- 1 ton,"'etc., etc. u-rown Ove. Oloîl, $1; Piper Caver., 76 cAnts. "4A v.ry imlerestiug stouy."-The To- i-ente Insu Can<dien. "niT hsstou - Luan! lte sely latereit- ig cm."ý-Hamiltan Bpectetar. "«Mrs. Fleming neveu- fou-gels blet uhe le es lady, andShîe hem giron us- a very imteiesting and a feirly clever stou-y."- Menirerl Hera-ld. Gay (P. D.) -Thc. Prince of Waege inlncia, bu-F. DREw Gày. Piocudelu- inustuat- e. Crama Ove. Clath, gelS anS black, 1.50; Peper, $1. j"A lastig memerial -o! an lateu-euhimg* jnuoey."-Deily Teegrep)c. "Wil so donît finSan 'extensive public, and bu rosiS by Ibom millu-. teuet.-Nonconformiat. Otuc9rie (D. K. s& C. .) Autobioa hjande Manmoir of Tlcocsc Gu hie, D. I., b lis sans, the Rev. D. K. GuTuec, M A, sueO. .-GýuTuaei,M. A.a va Demu- 8vo. m ilh steel portrsit. Clath, 82.50, Hall Cali,$4; Pull Mai-ocoo, "On. cf thé moat inteu-eming bocks recemily p ullisled."-pectto-.' "O[1g-eah inlereet, oves am a more pieu. o! ieadiug, and of'no small vaine as a contribution ta 'Scotahj huleuy!".- Seotamen. S"Bell interemt anS amusement min lie found lu-ibis pioture iëf a elirrlug lime lu vbial an eaguc,-,bunnuature played its par."-Seturday B eiew. Gladstone (W. B.yEcse,s8on ZfocZeoandai Mecefegbyuieligiiî Hon. W. E. GLAnuToiz. 'Demy Ove. Piper Cav- Ors, 250. "Gladotoue'm remarks aecf a peculi. arinte-emt te the student o!fliistouy"- Toi-oto Globe. Herle (Bret)-Gebriel Ceai-au, bu- BB HAnTE. Ou-oms Ove. Clalli, $1.25; Paeèu-Gve, 75c. "'Gebu-lelgcouroy' is mnittenlain th author'. maut original* velu, sud elle- gether the uhou-y lis pu-ved ta le cne o! Bu-et Harte'us _ÂSRc£os."ý-en. deLe Mai-curiy. "Bu-et Earte'm, novalintroduees many 'tuly fine descr-iptive passages aniS hieart.thnilllug inciSent.The. mriten'm rh-id power a a peet lac long beenf recognized, sot only in Amenia, but la Ibis countr-y, anS 'Gafil Oourcy' vill, me venture te 111mb, add gu-oatly te bis fame, nsdte a large extent lucres.. the number of bis admiren."-Ipzoick Chmionicte. Hamillon (r. C.)-Tce Prairie Province, bu- J. C.WHLMXTON, M. A., LL. B. Sketch- es cf tu-ave fnem Lakeuteniite Lake Wiuuipeg, anS an accusi cf tics ge. graphicaiposiion .gii lutitutiaus, cliaseinhabileugf.raduatias, tu-ade aud u-auources cf thé e Biveu--VaUiu-, yul Maya cf Il. North-met&nd Mani- tobs Plain cf .Wmmfiseg,,viem cf Fart Gar nsd other Illustr-ations. - Crama Ove. Papen, 81 ; Cleal, 81.25 ; Clatis, gii eage, #11.0 The bob contains a neir map of' Manitoba anS the Norh-ieut, anS cf tle Dawsan Boute, expr esly drain anS engraveS for bis mou-k.. Thé neir setlemeuts, reserveusuad reuiîay i-entes, anS Dietrich of Kecewatin, are sixain on tIi. nap. l'This pleesant gesuiping bobk, mbich cari-es omae on. mithet~ effort ou- fatigue, tlu-ough su agnaesble narrative cf stu-ip Ilrougl île Red Rivricotuntry, cocues in vax-y appu-opriaealy lu Ibis bot meailu- or, mIen du-y iaadisg Lu almoat impose- ibl, for ii stpeeple.Y-,PcrieEccxas- but bu- th, acting tas Ibair mhel ifomtâly, jected ccxc moleS bu- f butions v Century 0. Hoaueew bu- W. -Chance Babies. "Theu-1 deucrlisýg Sien scenel iketchud, s claver sud m-cat ha us uiua amis matiou."-. --HOwcx=Z (B. bu- Bta Cloth, r. feu-m vit Babies.", - Thi tou - wen c oun pEau CC Geuncil s ~present. B, cf hast mo Toronto Gec] W. ScboSaold leS baensaff D. Bishep ai Sliiei P. L. f lois 8 anS 4 b ge enz xC btenloti iug tbet tic.e Suce-ilu , bus taie uemc th. pu-esent 1, LXis L; frouz thCo cmuite lthe rends aci t6th con., reco sent nusod r Joli smith a an sudhe aunou bu appropriai, ieed acu-cs th paît Hcdguoi ordared ta soi don., ta lkmi caugit Icillin» PaidS.3i.66, t-ç kiloS bu-doe for eau-rng, Court of :Revl fdllem*n pa eralered tebc PuStepbae altcrs, 0#21., Au-mnu, $24j1 Harper, $-j, g Makman $6, Iob,-40 Hemblu-, 851,. -Mackle, $14, A gru-sueS, limaic Beaeelaid oce. - Conseil adje Peu-ils ýA -YOUNG WOu - DÂWu- ADVu FuomCl uz A Boston gol go onhe S telle tle loBoeur Wuhoor-;" hoeo lu Tenuj considersile ail 'belavior. Ne- aloua elfe, anxisty abent c aftu, riclu tiro Youn-g men s teir adrices lue dlier,.,,î .,

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