nolly the ouq lnqIuiptiaut.i $11s lot e9 jan», cih tlr lltsà on ato pas- sent thodelve a orxamintaioi. ' *JAR, à MaBBtEN, 1 UnnùtylasegtrP.O., 0600 PIANOS MR ~ A ilcl trstles lu tiseoe saxprope frtco-slldirect te tIse POCW14 ait faç- tr rcsNoagénts ;ne commslotti *1 1( dscouns. Tbeea '?tio uamde' e o thse ftmwut displayo At thse CetuliB~ bitien, sand -e tüninnioly rcsMnsi- esi fer ti hsthe oura ElwlAxly Ii-ý ccrporatced MnufarturissiCO.-NýMauu-III laoory-pnea tIse las-gest ansd ineit le tise wenld. Thle 8qYinr smausdao tni ain bis- tlsushsk's iSw pilens Dupex Overtrug' Seale, tisa greates;titaprovasnt in tlise sta tory et Plaun nmsakiug. -Tho Uprigà to aie thpu coiri in Allerica, Iqan,,a sent on trial. ý )o't faiLt .wrýite! for' Illustyaieci ansi flésoxlptire Caýttihgitel--lod Ires.T MENDrâLSItSIOK-r PINCýO G. £'IMMENCING ON MQNDAY. MY lis '77, ont util fiSijier nUetle, raý inswf T5RAVE PORT ROPE tfor Lindsay, Pelas-- - bor', LakeleI, andsineanedlt poluoa, At5.8)a. u., 10&a.m su 4.80 p. n.,sd tforIhe Gorgian flay, tWoa- *lsuahesie, anu4jninterinedisle pints, aI a .in. Trais arrive asf ollowa,. PlltM Liisdeoy,, Poteranloo, msudLakelielsi, alla.6 s.,12.80- p. in., ont 8.551 p. m, n'îI fs-sns tis o osgitu lBap, Wisubosî- lsr fetises- pontittlana ceBOAPochaI Tinoi. acuInu, Isu ssu bailut aI alStations. H. 0I, TAYLORI, A. HUGEL, N EW liUTiClE II 11 Wh ulsue, ruser'iclssve 10 nsify tIse flîaliit et ftise Towrs of WVlutisy ans uis-ity,-thuat leoihas oîled IL BUTHERSHOP CR088 Y'8 STORE, Dulidas-St., wIsî-ns bu wlll li-els c-ssstally un 1.55h o a go oisslieessrtsuss-cil cf VEAL, M UTON, Wlsltlsy, Msyu Iritîs, 1a77. ý21 MORTGAGE SALE-! * PLI4s1rut te owier of. Sale containat in M-tgege, vwlitliu w u tepioluced t aIli - Sle: tisane viii lies sot by PUJBLIC A(JCTION) Il y LeSvi Iu'irblulit,llsxs., Austjenuer, ohb,) , IoydI Hotol, Town of Wh/tby, -ON- - H11ritcsdsy, itfleday os-f Juis, A.D. 1877, nt 12 ,'tbotk, noo, lise fllowlssg voulle réel pnoprty, viz Perstof Lotsn iebra 27 ans i i51 thlie issd Ti n t -11eNintis Iluubls, Rnge Wait of llrock S1nçet, sulis e Towut of N* WiiIy.. 'L'iuus pncpprty lifas a fresîtoge ors Ilyneuui Street of UnleT tilairi ansi ilfty-otx boulin, andiitoseOnit4i ts-set cf Ivo Chitiei.s sursît six linîks. Tr'lisleoui tliseroîscîy a Goci Twsu ftsanuV Dsvshiiilsgiuse, -ivitis gtussl .Oittusiiiligo ; tse grouissis suire piolet- mîi vilu U'C010siunil au1siOrsuatisontol Tros. iii,, pnopssrty i sveny duiabsilo musiiu-e, 18îsilu sso scupiprîl, y 1il. J. Tutenaitoofîmille isi, - Onesî.lutlIsCousis e t lise of Sale ; iitisin uotuiossils lirtsft-r ssuli eRuin as isýtise * ulîsîsit ivil nsele Fis-cflusireil Dollars, ssitise hbalsance vibi i ieabL n igit per' Centlieps-ausust, tfinsothse (Lay cf mâle, wjtluis isix irsoalie ieiaf L. l1us-tlot , pericbiauAnsiConditionsusf Ssalseam le hal fromsin Ie Amctloner, ansd týislawit, -11hJun, 1877. L4 CITY 0F TORONTO Leaves foot c f Ysuuge.t., Tomante, ilaiîy ai 7 s. um., nea-esu Nisigara aIti9;30 a. s., ansi Lo*istoiî aI' Direct cosnections feror isFale, Bi5I!ii,.Cles-ebond, Rochester-, I'ew lYor-k, liosîsue &~C. L iokets aud m.11 informsation aI 8 Fsont-si. Agent. bloy 1Itt, 1877. 20 -A LLAN LUNE OIt]OYAL MAIL (Isilu u fel Wlsihlsp o Liv-ei-îssl ci- Lois. dlonter-y---------------079 te .. S acodtdsg tetoiesidte Cisisînirous WVliIby t l Lhsgew, 0osGlasgow -Iutomediatu fsrn Wliftliy tsi Llvorisael, -Luondonry an Gîasguw - - - 047. Steerage hy Mail teamer frontu Whuitisle Liverpool. Lendou, Gbtsoom, jflrlf-st lios4aeuge-y or Queenstei. - - ý bu. Il'reipld passage cenitucatas Ii.(usd AI iowet ýaltsitdpnausuii wlaîing 10 lng ent Ifieildso Pu.r tickts aussi l-ics- Information aîuly la- UEO. TUtuf. a Exp. ent Tel. Office, whitbv. Wbîtby, Mis)r OUs 167, -'2(1 IUTprj t3Ur &tLINDSAY TIME TABLE No. le, .dep. 910 smn.7.2a .n Prîste Albrt ...10.82 4 8.88 prt .O,.. .anive 10.40 :Id 8.10) Icause Corse soru. ..ap,,onl. 1.231 .m D.oesiter . 6.20 Il .85 ,*Bu mit. 6,0 Et. 1.47 mystie.......8.42 if 2.10 ]3reekil. ......7.00 tg A.27 i *Itog&ins. ITTgAPJiaIos 4 U COOZNEMONag wlrhuG ma Â%'J~IWr P3SY Wblhe oreiw Tk4EÈ WINDSOR. * *(Cer. ltlag W tiYork-%ta) NOW OREN. * SacoPER DAY. reonnlima a sudfre Inal trains. Ta. à i as aPpsmisnsenlfirit-sWe. S CULLBY & FIIÇNIlaAZ No. 4BULFINCH -St,, BOSTON, (OPPOSITE BIIEVL E E fOUSE.) TIIE SCIEIýCTA 0F*LIFE, Or, 5EIF-PRESEýRV-ATION. IMORE THMI ONE MILLION COPIES SOL. 'Uoltl Modal Awaded tcri.hse Author by thse. iiNatioriai Medical Associa- tion," M3rch 3ist, î876. "§Besuibsaeil y tise 1'lA5ODY HEDICAL 1 -SBT TlTEa snweditioiscf the eilncal work eîitied Ilhe SCIENCEÀ OF LI1'l; or, ELi-PIiESU- RVATrON.- Itt îî-at Upen XMo- hoo I lsow lest, Isow îcgsstned isusi hoiv perpat- ostos1 ; cause andi cura ut Exiatel Vtallty, Inssotancy, 1roatura elce l i namn, Spar. ma orrhSor, or, Soisstisl Losssa(nocturne, sana plusrial), Nervous aund llstywicol iebtllty, Hp- poscudnsra, 6lnorny Isîcebeitugs, Mental De- areasian. Ljolio f Ënerây. Eaggard Counten- anue, Confsilon cf Min and i bas afMesecry Impure slttu f thse lcod, and ail diSaseca arci;sig tain sirore or- eu or tiseIndiu*-e tholieor axcesea cf usture yeare. It talla vou al aijut tiseMorale of ienra- lIePsvilgtise Ph>elolog), of Ilsinnlrge, of Wiedieck it udOffgeprlss. Pisybical Contracta. Truca Menality, Enph4Lcism, Perversion of Msss-IngaGssij*si1i racetandi frlessdl Colisa- 0el04 s111 ii1 Itlinty t cassase aufcure, iiclutions between tiso Saxea, Profa cf the rxpauîscs c f Vic,.flt is Lics utf isîsru- deîsce, Arent lgssurausteans Ennoie, Meaisi of Cfure. Curoe fliouly andMissi. T5erinss felios f Tostmut Addrae ste Patients ansi îlisv4lldiloidir. TlisuAthoro 's Pucilia. Tlisa lrlos of tilabooskele osly $1 00. vTi41 book lisic'sunteisse more thon Flfly frenp.lsi oc tise anue, isoiei sîmi tAller iasIometa. -aile555ortis ione tisu lise yicec of tise ouis. The Institute aise publiahes IlTHE PIiYSIOLOGY 0F WOMAN AND H-ER DIS EASES.' l'nice, S2. The boit licol: cf the kicsd exterit. ies oanthelr visîcahhoie uullalwork LaI-t leg extcls iy fleistisi n(li Norvmnia Iiioasae; more tisîsi2W0 evi costao pasges, tiçenty oie- gant tu sullntîstlal mîsîlin. sic ofy -$1. iisssly cisosîgiste psy for pilai- '-hliook tfo- ysursss5 sii isitdie ogesi mon to rossd jil now, is tise ticiesci cf Lireý or Self reistes.'lieho utisor lisertursîci frein sErpe in erocllit osî ssiti, asîssi la cl.stise ClilefCÇonssîltussg Pli)*sltf i th f ie l'essidy Medicial Irttule, No-' IY lllnch l Snrco, Bos- ton, Mss-iî'stutaJOURNAL. "'TiseScience of Lifo lae>oessii alcwsn;'arl- son tise nsut extaoerslissry wsrls on l'isytolo. l'Hope nuestiesi 131 tise httoî:s cf taudora's boex, soihomplues erc-inge ,snew, sdote the ilsleg 0et ties, voalutslshs watts-, islilaisas by lihi PeoRbOsy Medicai Iiealîiie, wnioisare tCascitsg tSsissssU , isois ýt) avoiduithse nmaldes tisat so. tise cita-tai cf lf."-Piorrn'.sLpiu 1it sioishi luc e rad In lie yocng, tisa middsle agcd. andi ocs tise ls-Npw Vosun Tumnnssi. Tise tirai ansi onlý nuseissi evor conformas lison any hInidical ?.issn in Ibig cesntry, as a tauognulieriof s aitl niPrnfeesssio sericves. noure,-tlalt l-e estisor of tisese worksa, Mafth luit, 187. Tho pjrtosstsiieu Sens octie- cii tise tlss ofsi-t Ioseurlune by tise Boaton P'rose, awsitiselesuis gjourussîstisresglsuihthe cousntry. Tiis nsgnlslcent Hadal le of solsI geols, gtiiiimore tisesaneU hsnsIresi Iodla *îsienssof rare bntllaisy. "Aitoeiuthsr, filii Se eseeitsissi liste ies- suesootite sselrin1ansd aime,thilaledesîdei. ly this lut sotiresslls e(isi sver etrisckin thus cessstry for aiy surpucs nlsstoer. Il fs %isê1 worths the inT1suction of Nssnmmassiotat. Il wasni Çrliy w n i' worttsiiyletmru.-i - CastsslaguTs OTit css1rsssuipt 0f6 tsefor psosae. - Eltissr cf Pl~e îebcsa ui-s asst Il 'V mal]oni rep o à p.AddîlýSuTu (EAW )iY il1E 1. 1- (,'lliultiisg liy..lclsiii. lts. 1t iisslisitisSt., lies- lois. Misc., 0sslsistO lstç NIOW-0. N. 1B. Thiseautior. rat isuîsissirs sstise ahove esîsiesi sïiesus-eaeu-iLos-ail dîtes 140, relirîlisiffili, isseV cyi susssrisnte. Ofiice bourl, uil . taiG Il P. T lAltllY F0V IES TO 13E TAKEN 1J. i CONSTAB.iLESl. (Coder Order ln Cotsusil, dtot 21h day cf Jsly, 18741) 2. Àret of carhi ndiviiclupon a WslIt........... ..... el53 2. Srninsg aosncîsoa er asulpesua.... 025 8: Mileoigo te serve auumcus,, scia. IsouSns or vasrosi.............O0 10 4. ff, Mîhc g hî ses-vicsesansuot ho 5. MUifeostakitig adnlorksiio F,101, 4 exclussives su sislsuireins ne ct eicîilpy oxpeudas inla lein con- 'voyoute.....................o 10 0. Atsndissg Justices an usunonpr tiaila, or cas cxasuiuuîljeu cf 1i. auts-s cilsr.all witlî crimea, for ielu day uececsasilp crssplsspel ti iicoe on more cassela, 'nison not eti-'akeo mors thau o lur buss, IOs 7. Ds)..à o. vlsinegagea usuretissus foucrs **---- -----------. 8. Atloudlng Aizcs on Sesuone, U eaoisdlay ..... ................ 15 S. Mieaoe Inveling te attessel As. Iwhen public couv eyp oce cau ble &aken, oniy rasonlable diisouste. ipents te ho alloives.) ....... 10 10. SdrssanhungJurryIo o-assura luqul, Inlusdlg attenutiag oh luquest, and s a-slerices ne. pîdlt oreet, if Isaision sanie tay as juryinininonesi-------....20 lsAttercing coul asIlous-nunnt lses-aof, if net engagea moe touli onss................... 10 12. Do. sdo. If onaigesi more Ihon four heurs.......... ...... 1 50 18. Servg iusmineu r subpouea ho atotdý efor Cooner teubject No. 10) ......................O025 14. Mlegssvlsau»me........... 010 15: E imig bei yumnder Coronrsa 16. P..heping Osme..............2 0 17, Serving dutresa waraut, anai ne- larsu g aune ...............i1 0 18. &CIvrlF ' Uifeds- rûScswan, rnt ................ ........ 19. Travelling tle mAkO ;cà tie rt-o ispancisfeils-goofa te usokesdia. tiece, vison ne godisaresurstn.. O 10 20. Ajpraiemssni, wisetiser onecri ci-mena, 2 cà nt4 iu tiseudollar, - o ip ¶lueo fgootus 1 an ýsid. eur1Iveny1cfooss, 5 t,.ila 22. Exti,nse roaa e kiigant - 'l' - ag i e s, culais Most otraful upervition And se Jiy-v.ry 4d1e b4g Bub3554 e rqp pa-ver. est- citicisS-iwd eacIi maabÇis s bcoiSTuà Ã( teetad -before î.aviüé Our 94's to provoe Uc oipetnago, f eyg iype$A therg . 1n'o &fouwin v0!D5 thes in operatiion bY.ausY PeZBOn-0 dee. ecai41 QOrm inry bAÂubo.n nIeot.d and cootutlà with a SPOWuIle tO. tote ia nmufature ofo r"ýwar anaclmles-.mi-ýy toWavngbud Mibisa paricuar urpseoziuotà dPtedfor ý6tlièawrk --*n I our workMewaÉ ce"h knoWligeotthe eà Éstrien cfor aiisu4 r e thus b1AIo a i igi -r dogres of Adli and proficienoy ;tissuwhere general mauufacturing is oarried on. 141p- Wteare therefore oniaWèïd 1oiutreducea aMoroe perfoevo teA ih 1 0alîtht)de- partmoents ocfmnuufacture, adding net only -to1hh perfection ôÇ tThe a.rk, but- aai- se te -the rapidity of isa exectiou--and a consequent reduotiosi of cei. Thspnircipla tl'aregarde eesryi le-gulat.cI sstablishincut,,and wo eaztbled t6 tur umt or aoéhiues with a higher degree of perfection,. aua at prims e o w a bo tutey b'fy compelition. Tl-,,QeSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER is nqw sao è.u' knuwn asS Single Reeper, tisat a word ef commendà atiesi W6uld "lont süelin amperfiousL, but s there are many claiming to,.maià mfaotiurô' " machine wiso have aclhered te the oid original Jolustn machine, ilthontkëop-« ing up te thse impravementa ; tbaitjset e urev iptrons regcuire cf us te state tisat we have 'modifîed it in almoat every essenfîa part, ald for stre'gtli' and dur&bility, ualtyof outiu osevery kind sud condition cf graiu'{llightness cf preemneulyaba al other reapers. ' Iuýf-oq6f t4îii, positicrý wehave?Ã"êniy to p oint te tise manyFiret Prizes awArded uq-attiso .t &>rovnincial tra, f-On- t&nro, and nmmny'eeuuty trials whiishbave At npiea over Cniowti th lait few yeafrs. OUR RIUPHQOM BINED, MACHI[ES witIs lte improvements, la ail that eau ho dsià red lix a Combined Machine, and canuot fâil te nieet al thse requiremeuts .of purolers. Ouri mprovad Cayuga Chief Jr,, and oui' Young Canada Itowers are bahufiraI-doasa xacisies-coustitutedalmcst wboly f trou, aud Stoci. The Cayuga Jr. lias a rear eut, aud tise Youug Canada a front Cut ; loth trong, dur- able machines, and fnot excelled bY anY Machines lun1h. market for quaiity of eut, durability, ligitueos cf draft, adaptability, and esse cf manageià ent. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARV EST ER." As tlie country bas bocome btter adaptedl to machiuoryT, aud many ef our farm- ors have becemo okilledin the use of xmachines. a growing cemand has sprnng up for a Liâbt, Durable, Firot-Clasa Beaper. Alive te tthe requinements cf thse day, we hava sriooeedod in inveuting a mna- china3 with vk Wrouglit Iron Frame, with the least possible geariug-withl largo, broad-faced drive ivhel,-and gse conatrucWtedfat tise trame and table-tilt aI-tise sarne tüne, tiscreby keeping thse pitian always in lino with tise lnife. Whoe riiesare driven dirisetly from.t14e main, shaf&-rt1ereebeiung no perceptible sde draft, aud nrie wight upon Listhe irses rsooks. We are confident tIsat îe have succeeded ln inventirig tise moat perfect Beaper, taking il lunaiI ils parts, tisat bas éver boee rnoduced. We hiave applied fer lettons patent, asnd shall hold crn Invention, for cur own exclusive manufacture, and we respcsctfully auggeat tu fl- tending puncisasers, thsaItishey sissuld sees tua machine befone giving hemr orsicrs for tise cemiug hanveet. Tise "Wisitby Hanvestcr" wclgtis, 6ail bld, 600 peunda, but being mode prncipally of tise boat quality cf iron sud steel, and frein its in- Seiiouisanad compact contruction, iL combines the trength and durability of the eavier mac hinca. Ail of aur Machines are fuily warrauted. With tisis ist cf machines, we feolI confident that wae aun reet every ne- quiresuent, and we respectfuily slicit a trial of cor machines, believing tisat we cou fturnisis a botter machine for tise moncy than cari ho obtainod tdaowliera. llespoctfully Yonrs, BIROWN & PATTERLSON MF'C. Co. Whitby, Ontario, February, 1877. FA SHIrz-ONA4BLE 51iA fLORIN GI - "0:00 -- Go wbcre you cau get a Well-ftting Garment :-To the Taiorinug Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, OS HAWA. SUPERIOR CUTTING SHIAPE S THE WORK A Large Stock of Fine Clothas; hast Eimgish, Scotch aud Canadlian Tweeds. b'y- Excelent Overcoatirigsand Splenids Vest Patterns. A goil fit Guarautecd. GEORIGE GUBLEY, JUST ARRIVEJ) AT TilE ODD FELLOWS$' BUILDINGS F01R THE n OLIDAL -3 S ELLSO1NýT!i NEW RAISINS, FANCY GOODS 0F ALL KIN'DS, CANDIES, (tile best ini town), A LARGE ASSORTmENT. 1~E FIG S, ORANGE PEEL, LEMON P>EEL, CITTIION,. PEELe, SPICES '(ail kindus,) CHEEISE. HASM, BBCON, LARD, &c., &o. Mll of which will be sold Cheap FOR CASH. Fresh Oysters and J{addies received Daily. 1- r -N.1.-Cash Wliitby, Dec. 5tti,1 PE1-TER SMITH paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultr-y and Apples. 1876 3 NEW STATIONEIRY 1 00K- ST0F~E I AT TUIE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BROOK-ST. G-eorge Yule begs to anunounce that lie has re-opened hie Statioucry and Boeok Store iun\Vlitby, where statioaîery cf al kinds, ofe tho best quali1ty, will be kept ons hà nd ; aise Sclieni Books, of oves-y -description, Oopy Books, Slates, Pendis, Insks, &c., &o., aItishe loeet pricci. The Dai]y and Weekly Papers always -on hand. Sub- scijtions Soliciteid. Musical Instruments, including a' flue assortnient of Vidlirs. rders arc taken'fer Pënioaica1s, Magazines sud Muicl. 1WVliby, Deo. 101h, 1870. G~YULE.ý WI,.lLLIA'M TILLI'S CABINET FACTORY AND - URNITURE WARERQOMS-I THE OLD STAND, BROOK STRÃŽEET, WHITBY, Gowhere you cannot fail to be1 -à peasdin inaking seleýtionLi of good furniti re, Splendid -Pai-lour, PTawing - Room1 aud Bedroom Sets, N ew Desigus well, wortlly f inspection, nt aatonirhiuîg, 1ev pniccai. Dm- ing-rooxn Extension Tables3-s ver superior article..- GilI Comices, Picturo FrÃnsiug lu eveî-y style. seme ie Chromos sud Esîga-ing -or sale. l<- lâ MAPLE ý-MOLASSES, $1-; ..,âuse. and Garden. wr1 iu their aeao. 3 LEH OÂ4 A 'u1Tssr~mntof China »G Tes »~4n,~d~il~~ S a iden > thy Sccd, &c. Tùrnp .Seeds cf ail kindki liais week. - I ' toaod,Êifrbè 50 t Feathers, for whichthe hiLjLîr-sshpn qwi l 2~jï4J QALLONa»l te practic&Uly tise s 3 tise saeot sind cf- iv3ý in the usé of gai L J. GI~S0~. E'II2sc-,o87 Spades and Shovels, Garden iRakes, Garden Hoes, &c.ý Cut Nails, Paints and Ois, Paint and Varnish 1Brushes,,&c. Tinware of in Stock, or miade to order. every description GIROSS & MACNACHTAN. 'Wbitby, April 17Lh 1877. 17 GOLID SMI T IleS HALL.ý Now to hand, a fuil assortment of New Goods, which having beon -well bought,- will be offered- at VEI RY LOW PRICES. GOLD AND SILVERI WATCHES & CHAINS. B11IGHT AND COLOP5ED GOLD JEWERLLERY. BLACK JEWELLI7RY, JET AND VULOANITE. S2Ê Cloeks of Warranted Quality, Very Low Prices. Eleetro Silver Plate, a veî-y large assortment, îîew designs, i Cuets, Batter Coeles, Coke B askets, A&., , relia- blo goods, sud pnicos lower -thon aven. Wouild cali special attention to a New Line of Goods- NICKELITE-a substitute for silver. Niekielite Table, Dessert, sud Tes Speons, Table sud Dessert Parka. Inspection inrvited. NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER SP -ECTACLES- Childrens' Cariage i 1retvariety, two,tread four Wheecls, Anacican anà dOCndi=esaie. SMai-cIi 27, 1877. Practical Watchinaker, Brook Street. sn-s 0ŽTA-L GOOD-~ ALWAYS ON IIAND AT P RI.N Merchan t -Taiîloring G LE e Establishmnent,, WIIICII THEÃŽY VWILL IMAKE UP CHEBAP, POLI CASHI. MoMILLAN'S BLOCK, 8 ~Bro'ck Street, Wh itby. DII(~I~ i uc F or Sale at very Reasonable Prices. Sevenal Open Buggies with ehild's seat, Lady's Openi iPhotons latest style and -very light, CJovered - Phaitons with Rolling Seat, aiso Liglit Top and Open tuggies of Super- ior Style ana Finish. .A. 11nade 'liLby, Jaly Stli, 1876. of the bes8t Materit W arranted. and TOMS & NEWPORT, T * *28 BOOTS AND-SHOES. JOh11N SAIJEIS has just receiïved a large stoQ q bts and ,Shoes, suitable for Spring wear, Which le will *gIrSELL CHEZ4P FOR CASH,ý At amVysmal margin on cost. Work dlone to order i first-class style. A Styhish Boot and a Good Fit J9THN.,SAUNDERS. N'A risme nt4 fl cei gï ot TIW teler tnso ayeaj attfii~nsSira'lAcromaIIi~ tm~ Myattention demapsieti vatigoltis wMhhii tacelanaoftnastrmusdrwnce or twce a welc col- i: .slyreq u a eo0oep lnpefctenter tanu fiiéeibëeelà à lp: tan or dtffl xnmteef 'foi- -se tlaseic tt '. rr * T exlainlesiyautimfd~til isePlai uoa-vlîeiiun achnela constnoctesi, and ~ etreme dlllult. Insu sivnhiemaî, onrl is isimportant te tse verae Iquirr. uffiîeu ta now tha hyits se, vit Try 11111e cars, At bmalexuas, anpeneetsatey, a cn rey o getingan bonantligît aI al l imes. ami sworlca erse eetet lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tutv vdimspnsftaeonrl iis asvsmd irmgtillation b liresu rol ffcmcaorsi.Tie.Teareepsvele outlay,.for amitable 'uAgoefoa s boler,&c.,'us naaeayg r east Tey a ise reine aoisieiable cane sud Pkill te manage. Tisa manufactre0a cfs1caaingle 0wehlig demanda nearly as mmwics labour, sud quite as mnucis a31 as is nequtofte a e a supply aufficuln ta furniis * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R manfa4uingauiten upinnepatthe Malcng gs i Ihia wa sesIssgnekbleansinoblesme. aitiIty of ceai, aches cliectenlu ou cocato Isis-inîodufio. Os mnufcloeton Ibis plan la aise qutte expcnaive, i, in adi lô ie lIraIcaots eserl alsha akea loto account lise labour cf Manufacture and the exponse of repaire upon tise ap aralus-ef itseoi ne Omanl item. 14 mnet.aao lie iopeila Vlid tisat insmolgas wonkle appliandaet of sanmstac- lui- arenee UêI* t, ~thq ye c f gU nopertà jodlif great,au5 l¶btFniO attise l4nge workiniùtfie ci il.~" *10 This close et wonlc e l uow lu a large meageo upenscded hy aur machines, ivîh sana prefenalile for tise follcwlng neasona s lot. Thu st 1caI is muti lies. ' u.Né ,xpenstvçe isl-heildinge ara soquired. Tisa tank t ota la egsgenena- ton je a amIlontcBpsalair, undenneathitise ground, cul cf aiglis. sri. An tise laboun ansi trouleocf snslin gos is savail, The cane aur machines re- quire is sa trifliug as tealie stance wonmisy et mention1 41is. No odeur arises troi lie nmanufacturé, noria liseno any itter or dl-t: Sth. Our macines are auienoallo;.tise gas le always ready 1cr use. ail. B anelv are repaira etouykixsd. rèquiresi. DurýmachîluQs are cqually geosi, aud, histinga considered, mucch eape.On.Caetfaur machines i s ucetate liht a numben ot buildings detaciesi a considenable distance fnom eculs thar. A fru etdwCJ.lius55 inithéa countr-y,onitise business pont cf a amal lewis. May lu Iis wsy5he gîteS.anussi bars axponan tha :n if each individuel occupant wre tahuy an appai-atus, et One-hsaflise ceaI et ccii gis wenlc,. Eari consumer may have ie smater hua, paying only for -whaî gas lise uses., An evideuce. of tise d»$tU"nco tisatbia hind.of ga;-an c-n ecarries vithent -amfern&u mstcnialiy frein condoneain, va voplisstate tisaI *e, lu. 1874, soit o machine le Mn. Edarlivie, oe tolesale, Toronlo. Thiua mouline le neet in'lgtg i ifhanse and a numisen oi lampa, donvoying lie gos ecine four himndrasftinfot a 0deing; in lise lip luntist nemovesi froin tise machinaeluc has au cqually gond liglit as la tise one nearest le lu irilroduelug lang1e nmacines, sud llgiticg thee*ith a nmber cf ebuildings, lamp p cal ina y lueto up along tise street, -xili lanterna at enîrance -gale, pipes axtending tu harosauu, a~.e is ltance cf halla mie or moe., Havinge iai exponiance junlise manufacture of tise machinas faxa ssusssber etyears lu tise Unjitg liStotes, ap"ljize, Fractical inecianca, vs are confident liaI nn. macisines are second le noue ou Ihe-COontaue.- We glo not ceuni il aiuvantioa door cur-wn, but va have -made saveralifnprovomeintà te make hein sal t rliall. ,Wc *test evary ma-) chine unieo os uponvlsson, sud warrant Ihemu le give Satisfaction, PEICE LIST O3F THE CANADlIAN OAS MACHINE, COMPLETE, Frie on board cf Cars aif Toronto. Numben 1, natea o uuppl 15 humnera, te200 00. 2, 3 0 250 00. "8 60 '3W000. * e4, ~7.5 375'W sIl ' 10() 45000. s, 2010 700 00. 10', 400 1000 00, Langer machines made, if nequiet TO PARTIES WIIO ARE BUILDING. We nggsîtis popnetycfpntin lapies er os av nhis-egh ni imrncdîately contmpltingpurissing go mahina aslispex1ena et utlngin pipes, if doua et tis prpentim, j lnfin- I leI utilaflr Oe tusingla ompeas, lIsp con-pet le inlndmuesibuttis expnceis onsienaly pste, as lse ccu atsof tiseaibcuse are more ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~h olsoitvnlne.Oiaypieccspar:uen saintroduction cf dncien~t os We isal h gat o aivie Ilssurs a l lie hstmannen of putting la pipas, oidoer dtil.We bhae ospetet n u r empliy, vl e osenZtat any part ef tisa country ta pipe buildings, set machines, &o. We solicit an cpporlunitp aptnsbiit rstnge u. u I rs, 0 j hmnyoIonkids ehsin ,scesdpad cbongirig s bc sipIng a dii idi o aolc--u-arnet iestucistylsat v e saUdpns prosply W tinaistie as qslty f int I re tes.We anladoreoo * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i on CopenTa.s10crerfoesrngGaclna pniciiecftis Mchne Tie ailaof speio quliyani con eico :yl " imlEncean u inlA l tss Toronto, Apnil 11, 1870, SMESSRe. laaSEfflPnus.rIPS & Cc. 50 Liplst Machine. Oshawa, Mos-ch 271h, 1870. GENTIr.issUrFN,-Iihave vos-p gi-et pisasure lu roconimendiug pour Air Gos Machine- psut oun (lolege; as&iis ae givei u prfect stsate.Yn-,&c. A. B. DEMILL. 110 Liel fMaclisba. MtSgnaJ. J. Pnna.LISs & Co., Toronto. Ossaa>LItisMarris, 16707ý DrouSn ae,-I hav.p nov liuen uaing -pon Coozaiin Air GaosMachines foributsx mosnthe, durng -a'iiuis e ihsu suv-SaIl tise pnrujoe I autidtipatesi, andi whiicisyou worrouteil befote intnoiucinag it (utc my dwlling. il requires vas-p little attention, ansi iii neaaily managoul. Tie lighsi lagond, am1 fs-cm.thse simpÉliciiy-,cf tis consitruction Ucftiss Maebeussdcensquet shsapueass, alosuit tome lÙ'to geucral use. * T *Tilos. N. GiMses. 75 1Wghif Mst)iije. t bitase. Seri- Pnxasii- Whtlay, Nov. 22nd, 1870. GarurS .-Youn air gos; no-v inrîrduced ijoe my atone aI Witiby gives cenmp loto salla. 1tsciôn. The insihieIvorks te s chai-m 'ant Issu savet ailarge amoui~c tbp u expenise, hseati truoe Icl;es nda tsvory aupeneir ligil. AG-TIAecs L sr mAN ATa ABSscLaa-IOZs,, OTeiOse, 1874. *FriSerEXtiaPanes. Gla&ss 52. Section 85. 'No. 59. - ~ Artiole-Oanaditu Air Cia Machbine. Exhiblton-Jos. Piiipa. s COT T PHI L'I P S SOEMNVATURERS 0F Tfl GANAIDJAN AIMR GAS MAChiýXNE PLUMIEIRS,GA AND STEAM ri ITTERS, U8 S.YORK STREET, ýTORONTO. Bales, *W'ater -Cbo3efs, Pit7AnPa, Gar-den PFcntaiore<Riobber Hose, Quis Fise. s Isee, jis Bronze tand Ceystal, etc. 0EPTIlM~ATS-GIVENý FOR LIGHTINQ A$D 1ZA t2j< BUILDINGe onach b0Odmy- ana wi c a u m , to -CARLESMARTIN, Montreal, Sole Agent for Caaa nau. S. .One of the Testimonial%-. .From 3fr. Dunican I&cCallum, Mfosfreai: 1, the 'uudtmigned, Lave .,uitising very mnuch for the lkit two yemi~rm Rheuatisin in the ankie joint, so mnch se, that1Iwu.often unable iioattend tokmycal- inbut tiiree applications ofDr. Biimbaum'am -that' ilieffroa puin, ana& tne wuhch I did net eOXpeiience for thse at two yea1re, aund aftcr eiglît dà y's nse"éf l4s remedy, I fiua myself entiroWo ured.'< Idýwthisamtateaee'tt to the publie, to the pr on "ou 4ito the menite of the genie article. DUNCAN MOOALUM, M. D. Toue 17th, 1876, '1 JMES-- H. SAMO &COMPNY FU _RNM 1,TU:RE. WIIOLE$ALE &-RETAIL. Warerooms--A-lbcrt Hall Buidings, 1.8 9.Yonge, ,St., Hlave alwaoys on hand naPuul Stock of every. tliog their line, sna hope by strict-attention to thee wcntâ à £cfieir customexsi, te menita continuanco of' tie patronage bithento ex tenidcd, le thcm. Special attention pnia to thenmaking cf N eE DL EW-O R K FIIRE SORBE NS, OTTOMANS, FANCY CHAIRS,- LAMBREQUINS, .m.te and put down in thse beit style. JAS. Hl. SAMO & Co March 8tis, 1876. i T E THEAL B E1nePIAN0 $290.00O@.' Tie Thiilberg Piano fille a waimt long lJI-> that of a GOOD, U SEFUL ?IANO which combinet tthe clesin " îtoo'eo nd the beaoty ocf inisis f- h ;ânclOxtea make, with la m1 r~ ' if it>be naee& how ~~ &skl * Goo Pià -e- HALF THI--4«?RP-ICE genenally chrged, thé answer la plain Iu tise making or sale cf theése linstsl'- monta, there are. no.lsrge showrooms ta keep np, ne grand Musio Haillste maintain,, on ne expczmlye t#agelling agents te psy., These fnaitrumenf s>ard -01flmade of a- U1'IFOffM STANDARD,. FULL, SEVEN OCTAVE SOIlD r IRON FE-MJE, QVBRSTRUNG DBASS, CABVE» LEGS, 1h4OIND F1y N C REIS, SERPENTINEMOULD'GS, 'andi DOUBLE VE NEEEED * QSWOOD -CASES. -An extra DISCOUNT OF' r. PER CENT. will bo aileued Sci sools anid Couvents, alie tO Clongyotn for tie use cf their imities. .Whutlsy, Febxisar-Y, 18i>th, 1877. SYH 1UP Spruoe- GUiM. -F euoe las,,-beard of lhewyonu-ful effacte ai thse Sprsices ant Fines la cases cf LonïgIsase Tie Leur. Mn. Moi-rap,lisie-heek oan the AdfrondacJts,,U(épnl- lisesi, elafea-th'éase cfa cosinptvyoung Mau Wiso vas an i oy cured-by 'a ainoglthepluidi. la rancs tise bhsys. 'ous saoul tior cnsuiip Tevp tian ts t te 'i iewo dat as-des- then ce dr4ka tes mnadtroini e spnnuto topa- t gomsçb slbatioof the u Sos relýü-.Ins Ibis ps-- Brads Afrd 5j5515î0i0r-ecent, t-W 20ie ldblsýâmic peail Jleitsc.arc prasereotd. s-o rCoa, CGal, - - Hoareneas, cal M ec --tions, &c., it wenks 118 PRIGE 25018. kbarm. r TEE GBEATEBT - O F ÉliE AÂGE Notai,- 1 Block-yB ffc4--B11 Whithy, R t]B A i T710 J. G. Bo R Omox-I niv. of c 01 thSe Coduster(s .A.ust 24th Whilby,oitel Oxide GoS as traction ot te C, Teetis axtr1w local 501551th âWnenw blc Bing Street,' *BUILDEE e] JOBi ,iD Af lIZNTisu1 SIauiIly on lam JAI - ONVET.yAJ AL xl Th ise Gl 1 Town Hall,c Pnidays, for bours, 9 a. M. i I!arch 27th, Ti E. O AIL i