Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jun 1877, p. 3

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South Onitario June 27th, 1877.' E. G'r'a rid Military'_ TÃ"-DAY, THIJIRSDAl Dresu Goodm rcducad iii prioe. .1-. 'E.,PEQ8T'S. Jackets roduced i prio *,at- B. FOr. Montles rodin èd in price. t- eý,. 081",] Slmwls redueed in pi ea-E PROST'$;' PArasols reduoeid in price. ai- E B. PRO8T'S. Meule Straw Hats reduoe& inipria. aAt- E FR S. Marseilles Vesta reduced i Linou aend Aiaca ocats reduood ipria. at.- TE. ODD Pu.LLOWS' HALL. Whltby, juge Sth, 1877. 'FO'R SALE. MTÂTVALTAU»LEVPARUX NOWK As "THE HOME FARM," Blnth 1fmiles vesêbf i *aTown of Wlt- by, oun a. ingîoton Boad. Tht. tarin consiste of 140 anoe, on wbich thone are ordctad a good lwo.storey Brick Bcuse, twoFrime Baron, Stables&an The Iau& in iu an oeenOiste l.of cidîîvatiou. For al lnleion *urelatlug thereto, tSo.,Auelcondtions 01 ae, apply te- FAREWELL & BU7TLEDGIS, Vendors Solitors. Whitby, June 10, 1877. 25 N0. T 1 C ElI Ontario Loan and Savingis O ,ompany, Oshawa. DIIJIEND No. 8. A DivIiend ci Four and oneUVhaitr ceut, bas beau declared upon thea padp Capital Stock cf tix s oinpay for tCe hallf tsri se1dîn& thbM Ob lune, tuai., bolng aet gom rate ci Nlue par cent. 1,r annuin. and the lams-wil ba due, aurpayable At ths office of the Company, ln Omba&Wa, ou and Alter the Dra July, proie. Dy orîlor of the B3oard. T. H. McMILLAN, Secy.-Treua. Oshawa, ilahi Jue, 1877. 20 1' i.*&, NEW YORIK SINGER P. w I N 0 _______MAIUNE S. -000-- FOU 'WAZ#T TO ICIY SEWING MACHINE, ATTACHMENTS, NEEU THRBAD, &c.,. PISHII TACELE, -RODS, ETC. -OALLO- LFAIRBANi "-AT 1215- Sewing Machine Empci BROOK-S T.' WH, Diamonds and Preclous Si manufacturer o! MAISONIC, ,ODDFE LLO0 KN4IGHTS' ofiPYTHIAE sSléty Regalis, Jewells, &c. ;f 1NG.T ýM5T, . . . TOR wl hob made te the Judge of tha -Ceit o! the. Couuy of Otatil, AI pîration ai twety d% freinthe à setion hereof lu the MT).u ,'ICxc te apinflt Mary Aun Rico, cf theT Wb tbyl h.e'Oeuuty af Ontario, ZoLu Ilce ef Whiby, guardlan 'c LEliabeth S5oftty daugiter etthe a+ Atm Itics by Z her formne h uxband hum SDctl tLe sald Mary Elizaetl -being auin &ÏaSIunderthie age cf i cey0ars. ROBEET ARMOU SoUlcitor for App * flwmuaatll, Jane li, 1877. KEELEJ.VS LAUNDJ OS8H AW A. T HSEWORX DON iÂTTRI rdryis expouted in a superlr ma a native Chixuuai, Sain 81%gbas ha ployed,, aud &acsewoemn cr experti maxnage ¶tiie Ladles' (lepartmoat. monia en autoemriau T e c wu lnshod in alpro anr in price.a- B.. Fost'. i price. ii- E. PROST'S. Day ut.- & ODD FELLOWg' HIALL R T ,V eN w -D FRT - s 3LE Tt ~. -i , Iu........... ls O th .t Ja.Ph T*oQtj...... A.Gough Lièztse tnmpetor....~eeie.. Jesph Mau.... O ndgtkik..',, Donal &o'nJames Scott. MàIksdà mlts., ...Waler StPhezw.... DU" OFariane Chao. Bumeil, Br... William Bausell... mafida X :WItr8ehes Win. 8ejhebne...) WS. T. Jopp.....Johnà Smith .... Mary Pooley ...Charlotte Meffatt... Niols. Brokenahire.. Hemry Ba. Jua N.MeonaL.Thot lb Jame Du ho. Duffy, sur ... Ja Dy .......William Barns .. Sarah MOK...Neil CumpbelL .... D. B. MoDonald..M 'ounel.. Icertify that the ýabove is a true C( Office of the Clerk of the Peace, June, 1877. NEW ADVERI'ISEMENTS. S. Uý T S O F PI N GL E' s H A. -Merhant Tai/or/ffg and I3entB' Furnishing ilouBe, R MÇMILLAN'S BLOCK, R- F ]BlOC11 STIREET, -WHIT.BY. T; S O O K S PAPE GLASS, PUTTY, &5 &. -A T- ]IN A* M'8 (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE.) FOR? ALL CnL'ASSES -WE ABE SHEWING THE- Larqest and Most Fashionable --OF- Stock1 STYLISH OD IN TOWN. Its the Goods and the Cheapness of them that does it!1 -,We are anxious to seil our Stock without neserve. Our profits won't ai1ow us to throw off 10, 12 and F'fty per cent, fer that's al flosh 1 ,We, have Goods imported from England, Ireland and Scotluud, and the United States, besides a large snpply of Canadian man- ufacture. 3:' If any one'. "Ragged,", ana on the "Edge -of daspair," let him b. from town oi nryte a gtcohil AN STFW.RT'S.outyteycnglcoedaLAN & Wk-' Printcr's ink suits some- classes ; ou.r Goods duit every ueedy person. r-i BESTÙ'S NE LAING & STEWART.f1 ARTS GALLERY, OSHEAWA DOMINION Whitby, MâY 20th 1877. S" 8, " G. P. Bruce:* . .. ... o diatiilpg 8, de, do. " 17 '~'P.Maa6F.Warren;..- h .. S el in g liq o r o n S uin d y / .1 f " e e ..Profane oâthS ... r... nkn e~i "~ "Mlol cagr. ObOtruating license însecLrmman S Mar. J-' (Is 'nai. 'Alwbud. .....ne ar 2, LaayeteWh.e...... ... Vaisdiuo fo si... .... haue erL'7 a jD.mnBr.u& JB. E; 2-s~ Thret wug ... ... ..sault .. .. do .. . .. . . A p ril 28, 8 . . o laen .: . . . . T h reto in g q....., ".do ... .. .. .... ..... 000. e id lge.... ...... . Obtainiug geede undar false p4etenees Assuult........ery...... .... Agssaut sudaba'ttery ........ Ausauli, a"" 'bukttry.......... Trsass ...sud..tt.r..... .... ....- Juna il, July. me87 D r.28,, 1876 April 20, l17 April 9, ' >py of the, Retîums of Convictions made to me toda te. JaOmMphersn.. do. , .. do. do. i o0Oîae monlh WARE O OMS. LOWES & POWELL. W. 5 HICKIfE McMILLAN'S BLOflK )LES, SPDLENDID PICTURES, INO Lif-Lke-akn n amoen inth bst tye. The attention of the public are invited LifeLiketake ina moent n te bet stle. to their large stock of Twilled and Plain Sheetinge, Piilow K S, Mr.- Best bas secured the services of one the best nega- Cottons, Table Linen and Napkins, Towels and Towelings, tive rotouchors in the United Statexs. I féel confident that I can turri out New Shirting, New Prints, Linon Costumes, New Hosiery, )rmwork equal , (if ual superier,) te anything aver beforo made ln 1h.s country. Gloves, Ties, &c. UTBY. 4 ýr CALL AND 1SEE MY WO1BR. E For Gents' New Hats, Caps, Shirts, iJTy- llare welcome to inspeet the Galler.Y. Collars, Ties and Glo-ves, in great variety. Ee Fine Photos of the Leading Statesmen of the Dominion.- A large stock of Mens' Ready-made Biglat Hon. Sir John Macdoiuad, leu. T. N. Gibbs, &o., and of Bey. ltt bacancoreLIteCats rtones, Rallier MoCann, Bcev. Mr. Laird, and leading citizens; for sale aI Coting, iu Linen Dusterse lc n ooe uteCas ]3ESTS' GALLERY SIMOOE-ST., OSHAWA.. D also youths' and boys' clothing, JOE~ BEST.FIRESH GROCERIES TO HAND. DOMINON DAY 1 The aboyéà goods will be sold as cheap as any house in PHIELD O, DOMNIOaDA town, for cash or trade. ~., o~ H¶ie, SURGEON, An., Dxmn&aCo- RONTO. ý- RN X USO 2CAThE 8TRAYED. REWliDI RAD XC RSON;. . IO IE & T-0 or lots 9 sud 10 in tLe t'cou. cf PickeringP H M L ' NC . on r beu 1. Sthcf-MayL:a herd c' On MONDAY, JULY 2nd, oun ng caille, cousiating cf i. ] r woear rn tlwyfenObug troLe- ox- Iefers, ouetwe.yeac ldeelS 1 ear by Grand TukBiwy rmCbig fl.in hilehhur and wo e -eor, Twe al iermediato Stuî<enm, under thxe TownIL. of the i nIL cd lIppeS aci; th. alLer Onaro," No.0000 b wltness tLe Monster UT O ND wife et two.year aiS Leiter in of a rosa cler; ithe dsinensmtiona cf ýoccestmr, freinai at 'fMar ~ -ye ideer la apotte; th. yeaurling of the Prvice, arrayed in resallut , ae Ld Mary bolanr t.ea durk raS; athietie spoctsansd uaies. are spoliS.At sny ond tte. llfhte Ilpromises to e on ee o! tLe peestt $--v, B N E S N th Sèt bv ntor ossinatrtht. notice 8 îLe m 11eyeý dt euot eujoy. -* y Porion firnishlnginfornnuuenwhic - MILLINERy C ilca" nt. ai co tard eS. cey wha besuilahly PARES VERY LOW AS FOLLOWS: -S *41un- B. MURPHY, Pro ourg- aAPort go 1.50. Gree . m Wo P Nentonvilie, Newcastle Bownmu#OL, aetSyesi *n RY lune p 1877 unt uSWblIb, Styles inn mTweeds,.rur- ~Tuin wi eaveOCobourg on dmo, nisohA.a.A in rieuv VAJ.LJV QTORE, AND DWELLILïG the Sud, ai 6 o'clock; Port-gope :7Mw LAU- C) T715, rin luToronto as 10,80. Pasaan. matec; gersa frein lm eand mnerxedlule een cM. L stations eau talc. h" train or louve on the ecxce t Th Itausooweil i ltaSup shop, euarriariignToots 1. ,.New Tea8, -r ocetie8, -- Tostl. wLlcL PMr Sanuere at proent oa.ries ou niaIunacynl~ene~3a~ Lthlng the b oot sud ahio business, lu Brook e reet, Rmnw, e;wiUlle&ve Tocante aI 8. P. m,2-ad iq " uiteWî.'tby, 1ihere are four good reonm~s d 1046 r:is., fer Cobourg sud lAnIemdý Wifle8 a aa staîro, and twq creaI of1h.shon.A p ite stations. eendcliarage, cinteru, anS bard valar mm Z~Tus csb0 Sfei iePrincipal .- . iur an evervcoouvemience foaàrespectabie Bok..ein u tw, n e hemm Posiossion -4 Ing 01 theExcursion, ut the varona, DIa. eAe,"'i sfrF - Appi te thé- arier- hgla. sebi JOSEIA RORAESOND. DAVII, 1w.Euruuy,WAL, solJOSUABIGA ON, al.rmançeom. Sec.:Coin, Ts n-1Witby, pi 5 87 .*03wj~,~ae1,8? i.SP. 2000 Forthwith.. 10 25 April" 12eth S 00 2Sth J ne.. ... . . . .. . 1.00 1 00 100 80 days .. . . . .. .. . -. ... .. Nôut y e asr... ... ... ... ...d.. ....... Lioens. !nspetr .... ...... Joseph Mn.nshew.... .. .. ... .. ... .... .. County Treastirp. Not paid.... Oeunty Treurer. . . Not yet pal ..d . Net y'et yaid.... .... ... .... ... sewed byabirtn Not psid ..... . . . . i.. ADONsse H. J. MACDONELL, I an.nouneing the otinuance of the busines lately -Carxried on by TILL & JOHNSON, a Cabinelt.-Makers aizd- Undertakers, by himself, begs to solicit also a con- tinuanée ofthe Ilberal patronage heretofore bestowed upo'n the firm. Rie bas 110W on, hand an Ex§cellent Stock, comprising BSideboards, Centre Tables, Whatnots, Hall Stands,'sofas, <Parlor and,,Bedroom Suità, ail of Supeî2'or workmanshiip, and of the ývey best Inaterial. Picture framaing-very clieap. -Ail orders executed 'with. promptitude and despateli. Speial attention to the upholstering branch. - gA A handsome ýwell appointed Hearse-Funerals fMly supplied. Whitby, May 7th,,1877. E .JH S N CROQ0U E T We have. received another lot of from only $1.00. Best Value wo ever had.- Olher Qualitfies in Stock. HRVweld TOO LS. Made in One Piece, al Steel. Hay and Manure Forks, Scythes, Snaiths, Cradies,'&e. BUILDING HARDWARE: Lortks, Latches, and'Wrought Nails, Glass, Patty, &e. Genuine White Lead, (English,) Raw ,Co, dMOES &-GOOESLE,&B LWDEASI ILPRT AMHLSLE&RTI DAES ChmLAMPunrs Wi]s,Cadl Cieys, oeBurnsicks limd eloc-a ier, Sovs, urnngFludRock Cutl and -J3oiled 011, D ry Colors, &c., &c. HATOH & BRO.,. Importers -of Engliah and Ainerican Hardware, Brock-St., Whitb3 May 80h 1877.2 BOOTS AND- SHO0RES NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY -ARRIVING BEST AMEIRICAN IUJBBER GOODS ON HAND. Gci4sj' (lf IBoots and Shoes, aie iunesI sud umort durable made in th( country. týe' Ladies' superier goods in Pruneila, Rid aud Goa, (a speciality.) When dability and cheapuese are raquired, cai! on Old No. 1, Cheap for Cash. BURNS, Brook street, Whitby. Whitby, MuY 26th, 1877. -28-12m 75 and 77 Yonge Street, flr8t Door [rom* King Btreet, Toronto, 0ORH1LDR EN' ,OA R RVA G ÈS, REPRIGERATObRS, FILTERS AND COOLERs, Toiet Sots, Buîhs, Weodanwra», odgera' Outlary, Cernia..,ý Hardware, Ceai Ou,9 Steves, Clothas.Wringem amps e,&e ird -c ý ü. G toa V - y m; n A dv . «. , ,< d n, , Par. 1r~ Thé ags-toko os Pr inithe'City. . SADDLERYAD HARNESSO WILLIAM THOMSd Baga dirct ttenionte is large and SuPeAo stockr, iioMpzsng every. thlng inthe Saddlery and aaeu0o aa Leaýther Val*es« and SaMp:ga 'Irinks 1 A... 'Y. 28 Chl-'01Woesae ChiLréSÈNGEs, CarriEafes CLOIiH5-WUNGR,XiANDlGENER S. 81 JS F U-8:tw ors 0iNI'STORN 'ot 81 Yonge-8t~, two doors from King, TORONTO, CANN E-D JelsCurrants, Peaches, Apples, Strawberries, Baspber- ries, Fine Apples, &c., &c.-15 cents per Pot. GOODS "English Pickles, 151- c1nts. A Good Japan Tea, 25&cents., Agents for CrigsAie, $1.25 ] Flewers(acoico collection), .Bulks, Gladielus, a in Sdalu ll, Tumnuip, COmet, and Mangi Beedgs, Convolvuluaseeda, Pshxt '15-PER CENT.,OFF FOR CASH O0 R.H., J.AME Whi tb .Y, .Msy 101h, t877. SPRINýG GO -Dozen. Molson's Aie, hiikey, a fine Brand. CLQ A LA ri~ ti c ROOM MIXED OILS, Just Heceived a Fresh -supply of Choice Millinery, Parasols, Summer Dress Goods, Linien Suitings, Grenadines. Ou. Stock-of Sumnier Goods is coni- plete in every departinent. îff. Linen and Lustre Coats, White Vests, -Mens' and Boys' Straw Hats, &C. Our Grocery is supplied wi'th Choice Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos, and Cheap Fruits.I CDý Millinery,- Dressmaking, and 1 eue . i Cheap', Chèaper;, Cheapest. Set See Eloesi, Butts, -Hinges, k 1 Carriagés,. u s BLOCK. R R, May 210t, 1877,-, 1 JA JWjE8 '-ýi9O O-DFEL L 0 W 'à Z 1 O'UR PAINT MéMILLANS 1H 0 r-S E.

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