Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jun 1877, p. 2

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bv-Toruula and niarleson 1Tivs-L.ang h ln refoaoi Ib~sooune.tiMiI bet 1t ho-lto5l redlttloit GslfhGarga. 44s eegel Ig àStewart. 4Adsg&#M uan audss aving i mpoertaqo t Fsrry Obterernlaoc m the Couniy Town, de meto a dsripion of 14 tgwhleh 18 mayo a baiihO il l 150 on li l ne vu tit W: lu( Iso e inu Pb ti - lm Wis1'r'a àl=- ugeth i here-ar e ral1 ad-in Unioakn lewAuns,' pv.. 150fl0 en enough in Ilsal to e UI Excuruion Dominion Day.- 10 aucces o.im*chan eBli pie." Rnus-~epor-Ontarlo auk. TmAux w WiU.oïýuinrj Oo= roe-latrope wdLpl.y bor ~t~ib~ )Ii~ 'u~ ch ondaY 25th aud. Tueadp 26t8 uit They arn pokien avoàâbly'o! by :moi ----î~ of lte proua tbrough th. province. WC ONLY S 0PR ANîi'U clip the follavlng lrom a lengythy eî11 la0 lhe Lindsay Post of lut week ' Whitby, Thursday, lune 21,1ÃŽ8770 Titis excellent burlesque aud drainsU company opsned ai th. Opera Houa The. Toronto & Oitawa- Raliay By» on Tuaday *vning la, aud, au. w Law. expected; vlth si h anhoile. The buri - le"qeof "Clnderella" vas lte openfue EffOrt of th. strousgest kind are ploés nnd alhoagh perlormed hure o bolag put forth ta defoil th. railway tCO former coccasous by th.ema"0ecoin. hy-law lu Pickherinsg, _nbr aro. thoo n yaciwas reeelyd vl ith t doe.06' admiration ibat alwaya gladdetsthe ralag 111011 Ab-*ail aropul1>Us asto heurt ci a manager. Mr. saeVilla in 'te mensntlsey einpioy t o oomplish the character of "CblorindsW' wu mirt4s thielsued. 1The people ai PIcJc.rlscg royoklng in lte oxiremewvilst the aeremlnded a! their r Iln excellent action of Mise. beshon écas âcn voe'Miss. Afice Newman (Ciaderella)_vas and il là agimticgyly fi~n uthiali- musitadmireci. The drama, 'Maple ý@@eeht tueal b.banue whloit they re. Cottage," followed, lu . whi-ph Igues fua! 10 giva, 58 Asi a ltrate muni. Wallacecappeared iluta charoctor of CPAlitY, vili beforced from 111cm by Maàud Tcmplcton, s gprt for whlco 1 means cf lte group. - he ase lu vdil suitel, her grestai eotonai pOw- oven iade arsaas lua cors aaaving fait scope.Tisllei- a new poan det'a I lu anotitr o-deparluro for Misa. Wallace, 11r effoyts Podn' etter, pince. on former visite being confinafi to bur- TMsa feelings of the voter$are soughi lesque, snd we hava la congratulale te c gc fer n pon the excellent mannar i-n wih1 abu oued by Appeals te Ihair pre.ah. illa 1the new raie. indices ltai eaeroi7)n labei 'ng aod, sud ltat tIey are badly tre&ted 1b.VIiiEl-son AIOUT ouaCouNCIL Mur. thair represontsetivea. AIi men, pal. Ias.-Our Nortisern contomporary, oul: of bilait rijolts ansi pri-viloeu., tae Part Ferry Oitpercor,lalu cn rtor are mucis, more opon ta appaals cf vhcniî aya, 'adjourned for vent aif5a tllI ha - titan to a proper undoir. quorum " bas become as tcrcotypcd standing of lihe real motaof te phrase-i-n relation to Onrtolwn coandil question at issue. Tise aunning op. meetings. If t11r. la anytiing-af er lormnss of thse by.law knaw titis -allaoaonamy cf cours-aur town concil- mLalie tIse suosi 9oftisa position., We lors prido thcmselîes1 l iaita horegu. Yeaomntsnd ltae mou af Pickeriug larity aifltaeit meetings. Sinco ths W look deopar bclow tIhe surfacc first of tisa yoar, lter hias beauonîuy atidr ft peraitt their felings tg gel o110 aijaurament for waut af a quorum. tisa botter of thiai jsdgmeaout in aIutthon tise special meetings I Aud Isonealt coplsideratian aoflte vital tise lengîls oflte meetings 1 Do tisey queti-on. Tisey will flusdoun advice ual make csp for Ibis anc slip?20Olteu more disintenesteul -tisan tisaI of titoso during thie prosent yesn ibaa aur ieport- who '0have privsila or pensonsi suds or, sat at lus dcak, ln tise council csaus. la f serve,'- or Whso may bc spsciaîîy ber, litcning to the lsarned disquisi. rotaluai by osîlside influence teaon. t ions orbilîe eounuillone, af tise Coulity Vasle ise 'nauetre nsow beore îtens. Town, on tise varions tapies concerning WVîl'iols b tse ola tîsat0L n ie .r> tise wslfate aoflise awo, i! l astthlie' dlay h le iy-law pessed, tisera vase uid-night haut 1I>0, my dea{i fellaw, eaiss-l5frorn (Cobourg lu Wlsitby ûlise l'ort Ferry Observer, you bave ta sature cup)ifs, ssnd ta suggast argu. nu ilea af lte mount of legilation UIOessîs-il lus dîîosssinsg i-t, parisapa tbsy pfrittintcrd by ont town councillara 1 wil lises tisir suspici-ars arousai even if, ns you exprcss il, tîseir place ai te tlii'reharsccr voflisee deice tiey inetilig-orsr town hall (?) "i-s an aid got fsouiallier quarte ru. The. articles barn and hall way tol P.ochtester." Jlu op1puon aîtîat appear lu Our tnwui Tai, ONTAlso Lo.4N %ND 8vls couutiiîîpo-ary ae aie, Wc hve teson notice of a ami-annuel divi- f, b,-ilev, wr-Iton lu Cobourg, or'-aI <buoaI4j par 1cent. appears i-n aller laeit l'y Cobourg im-n, andi ual by c 1lnssns. Tiso profitaeaoflte Oomupany, Tiso fluî etubuc stars ib tisaI ais te. viss. trnuuactions are largeiy mnas. 'I'îoIlyslaet cisli-ssld eloe itaiu-tisc buainess doue tiesa ssI half oin 5lte township by.lalv wtu year bring flnlly fîfty per cent. aver lise kssaiw eusntotd fin tU isa si-me sourze. O,'st asi-r. mntlîs-miglil wsil vsrtrant flobouïsg, l'os-t Ilope, sud tise Grand ýa las-gsi' mount, wcre tisit objeet tîsil 'lrîsllc, îvstlulten, are tise real clone af dsclariug large prescut divi-. partuies â l luth si-sacs i-n hoalllity dodesio n profile. Tiseir firaI aim, tu Ibisn ivaLr.silsvsy oelrrise. HAve itowever, la a ebtîil up a gaod test, snd Cl',areusolistand Duilîsa' Creek a grealer acti-ng upon Ibis sise aonclislon, lise1 -nîdestal-inci-nmoisl Ytit <obourg amaunt of divi-derul was limiIed ity re- ais l'art Hope tissu witis thiaiisoigis solution, paraed lit tisa previons annuel Iauning villages aoflBroughsamuaud inlleting. Tisa iest ila nov large for the li-eenwood, 'or wllb lise âsdjaniug eao f liii Campanîy, ansd graviug, isus uuicipalities cf Beais, Scnga; sud building op s stable founclahi-n for bar- L'ost J.erry lu I'eiusg lsd by Ilîo iu. gar future profits. Thse management ndiaus opposilliefts from tise eastî 2 bas beau marlca<l by nisflagging indus. We do msat say îbey are ssat carn- lry sud prudence, sud Mr. Mailillan, t monein1Picks.ring visa appose tise tiosaecretary-Tteaaurer, desenves tise n' h.iigîseat praise oth ie zeal wiilsho 'us-, 1 - oueltly belisvung tisat olita ssulvoted ta tihe Compauy's sifaiss1 s111u nul aoo largo snd ltaI tiee Four aud s hall per cent. paiul achst tOvna'tsip Wiilracoive na adequalo issu yssr i-a a gaoil dividend, bautsould rtlsîrnl frontlte expenditura Ve the samne suceess attend tise Company al jua sueli luas - istyin-tise lulura as in lte pasl, unies: te en n w iLb aqusater rata of i-nIeres lowera grenîly, tisa pas1. t'f5 cetury &go who uu-loscd the lion af tIhe Conpany Ivill, iu nal a long îcsent a! a ccnnty railway irot u tc, jnsîify lte decinraîlan ai a itiglier LskO Ontario ta tise waters af Lais. figura, Fluron. Tlsey have liveul ta realize CaowoEa MciaTNSu.-On Tlsursay Isir terrile misake, sant eeply sud sud Fridsy evening laest, large crowds ignently te rogret sud deilpbote il. altendei tite Melisodi-el ahcofaitii 'lis portion viicit PîckeÉi-ng vauld tawn, vitere tisa Toronto" Conference r ava e ta pyaf tise #00,000,- a intae for lte prosent yesr la non' being helul.A y.law ntsw submited taelise group Tbnradlay cveuing lise Ednoati-onalN )f àunielp)alillea wouid bc a compar. Commilice aiflte Conféenoco brougitl8 tively- emul tille, extendeul as it in ltaoitr rl udrt aul terssen ialivc la r sor '£ertain pisses alang tae frosnt .ci] Ula souffer la lIse mcin argument F.aazns, lissiniui sop Tssoao0uuî. tn cul la oýppoition. Tîssi-tlie genensi BIED CATTLE, 11019s9s, 811uaa', &0., vite ila goaicul ld b. psamnoîscî, tisaI onidlisave lisair name known ilesulth * in~terestsi lte Province. ai large tior stock weU adv'cnlîsed ehoului Iavc Lr 'u1d b. aerved, and, lise. I-madiate an sdvertiacment insertei- n tisa advar. en sAbiies ltoagitwhlcis tiseli-napaseof, llalng pagas aoflise Sout ntîOlario Agd.-lih itarially beuefftted, slal st ougit t tacultualaiPrizu? Lis aI Clsogua, uow ce, 'denled. On. Ibis poultishere-lau ttie prinîing at lte CunTaRi-as ,ciBa. " côm for Intelligent difféeance on o >nelicntnîl, Taxrrî.-tu naoticing, lest w.ek, im ~ * ~ lie sncccsa of format Higit Scisoal Th JlxBIGADEIm 1usd sl.,Mcry. paPhls, ilttisa laIeUnivarsity exami-- ro sot Pur ont for Praclica lasiTisaraday nations, vs ontuiitteul lta sism. ai Dr. cic riglug. T4e hase lW la a ratson bail Byron W. Fi-aid, wita gradnaled i-nOf nuit-on and leky. A cammanilca. - isanora. Dr. Field, bas commenca u iii froinitise abiof enginecr ici lise practi-ce et fuffina' CreOit, sud bis card n2 uncil, ndlat'îvoutonhe' ugo, rîbat. maybeacs la ollier;oloiusss., nsi igte tiecondition athie boss, Waa Tse ua » u ulaklatseCnya )farrel la lb.Pire and Wrtes, Clm. Tov lokusibt t. Bsin ess intasof ltteê, Whosa Tpartad l lû/avor Onlosbjho.Bsns a o sain amï0 o- 1sPurIhe isiaker aud mate monsy stirring oc' oseg Tse omar Warferýtt"ra le te at nth t tian 1for some tlme past. [0".assh to Tl4e bard limas, so long oompiainel of, or e ~mhtle fo fuêharinirnlslo r ai' lcwiy - bt percepti-bly pasaing as -hcis w.- 1ul4atand, bIilY bave net avay. an i beaupailet!. Dbwn. ,As wiitoutl------ - roper 1 the lCoegin. ooid ice coin. Ti Dity Wsraan..Dnrug lb.e co Mlyzuees, lu ca4e0cff&ige b pum t igoo~ek lita wcatiar bas beau ex. COl t ened once .edngydry. The ground la Paroited w Sai! teé expouée litIbas boeenJi. and t lte-sfeaped that lojuty liasbeen IC s eurlgtiara aipaa-u don.*the grovlag cropo. FPrayera .for,1 &y@the tow a v s -a rvnln ain anSdsmore lralopioq eatber have l tafor want 61b.a Q&roI nnlupnfolblhi où~ ine tu1.0(inJE? Fuwlo wýt . a* s4Ku>Psayed 4m 'ý0M uý Hanter,3 . O. McDoelf, B. Olument. On Ternperesîce-K. Or.i-ghtos, 'W Ir. Pool., J. A. Meoanng, W. O, jolqe si. A. Drowing, E. Banrh, J. W. ToIlais on J. W. -Wllcb.r, -8. F. Depev,.Oharks î*t Wm. Iicitardion, A. B. Campbell-, 3 ~lo OuE0alaB.Jus . Neilas 'e> D.D., N. 8. Bnrvau, S.T.D., 2. B e ape,ý M.A., Wmi. Tin"l, K. B wi Holden ..te, J. B. itt, Y.i-b se On Sitbat Observance-J. ]HL Staff Ve ýWdn. Buras, T.-J, Dlngmap, J. C. Bey r. mun, J. B. Armstrong, N. HIU W. L gScott, W. c. W&Iingls, Willimx An Mdrews. O2" lte Staofi lb.Work-E. H of Devin, J. Shawv, T. Olavortit, B. God ie frey, B. B. Young,A. Sulterland, Thos, in . lime, D. D. Rolbalon. - I OIn Cbnrh Properly-W. Mcoliam, laTh' oCuilB, H. SmiIt, 3. O. Wil. ia mot,'W.W.. L eh. sa Te nominations were submulled leritim ta tise conféence, sud adopl. s8 ed. )f Il vas moved by 11ev. A. Sutherland, leued seconded b y Bev. E. H. Deval, r. sud Regolvecl-"Ttltlie cordial lthauka w cf Ibis Conforence.are horeby leudeted i9 ta tise Rev. W. Jaffers, D. ., for the reimnenlly failhfnl aud able scaner in t vieh h. has disahargsd tise dalles ai h tise presidenay duniag tie sear, and lise Conférence vould alo reognize tise important servi-a. reudered ta Ils. Chutait iy bis claquant advecaey in lb. pulpil sud aunbthe platform cf aur van.- ana ecuonexional intercala. Titnraday, Jane 141h, '77. Tisa follo *ngYoung men va ret. coi-yod into fni, conuection, la be on. dsi-ned nexl llabbati:-Massrs. lame- rson, Bell, Rosa, Wilson Rose, MoCam. as, Johsnson, Hall, Torrance andI Lyans. Tisa Pteiidenî aiflita Conferauce le ta visit Manitoba and ordain -Mosan. Harrison, Meating, aud Lavsou tisera. TMie foilowlng wara continucd on triai: - Maessra. Workmsn, Waite, Mass, Coifey, Wilkinson, Campbtell, Rickti, MaAmruoud, Walker, andi Ken. non, aud have travaiîcd I lirce yaars. rin-day, Jane 15111. In tise course aif Pi-dsy'a procsedings tisa teaaurer's report of tise snpeaauu aled suiisters' fund vas preaunled.- From tise enarcase of oiaimauteeupon lthe fatI i-ta icosue-haul came short cf ltae Jemaud-upcu i-t ta tise extent ai $4,702, tise pat year. Tise foflaving young men vere, passed on la isthesird year of thisai proati-on: -Messrs. Workmsn, Waiue, Wilkinson, Walkan, Mass, Coifee, Campibel], Hick, McAmuionu, Kennet, Bodsy, Sisarey, Titomas, Eimaley, aud B. C. Wilinson. Tise follcving nesolulian vas mavod by 11ev. Dr. Wood, sud secandad by lîav. E. H. Deanat, and snppo*ed by Dr. Nalîsi-n ilsy ulogiatio watds, sud unauies-susly carried :-'Te Con- ferenas bolng fully alive ta tise grea importance af collectlng sud piacing apan permanent record histonicai ac- caunt af tluc principal avants wvicis hava ttsnspited i-n oonnaclion vils lise commencement sud progreus o!flte Mletisodisl Cisureinl Caunuba, and a re- viev of tise civil aud religions mova. meula wiia have been of great national laleret, eepecialiy as sffccti-ng tise nigis sud iberties af aur ow pecopie ; btera- fore be i-I Resolccd, titt ev. Dr. Ryar. sou ba raapactiuliy requesled la farniash lise Connexion vith sucs blalarical ne- halions as hie long expeni-ence, di-stin. guîais a biiîy, âud tise prominenu position ha tias ccnpied i-n public lifé, emiuntly qUaiify hii-ntapraduce." Tise Cuerencc regamcdtise azamin- at-on ai tise statue af tisa ycang men on probtion. R. B. Haro, visa travellad titrea yaans, vas alloved te continue i-n Europe fan tihe purpasa of cantinuing istaudios. The-foliawiag young m.n hava travellaul tva ysara, sud vara passelou to tise succaading stage cf their proitation :-IR. N. Brava, A. Brava, W. H. Maulden, S. E. Edmauds, J. H. Burkvell, G. Brown-, J. E. Allen, J. W. Stewart, L. H. Hil, P. W. Davies, W. Taylar, A. Stewart, A. W. HIa8tiuga, F. Dracas, T. Lswsou, C. M. Tale, F. H. Wallace, B. D., C. W. \Vatcis. TIhe followi-ng ai-e lta naines cf tise ycung minuon probation Wvisarse aI. lovaS te attend callege :-J. Wai-ts, R. N. Burns, J. M. Wilkeason, T. W. Campbeall J. Boddy, Sl. J. sorty, H. Tisomas, G. Brava, T. B. Wilson, J. E. Allen, George Walker, J. W. Stewvart W;. F. Wi-lmot, F. E. liCsua, W. A: Stroogman, A. Susitit, W. W. Lloyd, A. Stavord, J. Laggell, T. MIater, W T. Dyar, T. Orme. eariy cne tisausanul moetra vi-itin tie bounada cf tise Conference. a During bisa day a large aumber of si tie miinistare visitil thIe Ontario w Ladies' Coilega, visicit, anSes bise-able Il idiuitraliou of tise les. J. E. Saud. w tason, M. A., sud J. J. IHare, B. -A., Pl àas altained a very hi-gi degre. ai suc-. i naes. Tise axami-naticu aifte classas n îrkiia veto lu prognes gave evideuce o( )f tisaefficient traling izuparled at lisa,~ Satnrdiîy Jane 101h. p 1ev. Mlezauder Sultherlsnd, lte Sec. rtyrTteasurat aoflte Mlasicnary Sa- ralty, mzoved ltae fol-oviug resoblion, )f i o1e gave nolice a yaar ago :- as "'Ptinlvi-ev of tise ncréasl'ng diffi. ai slIy cxperi-oucod by lise Standing 0cm.f ni-ltee in ptovi-ding sbatians for marietIG ncn-a bffiaalty vbiaisbuas aready te. iteS l i te premaînre, saperanuation B ) effective man-it lu importanlttal v ime scotitad bc îvlsed la meal lb. fa ni-argecy, thetefote, Resolveel. "'lit. TisaI lu future no0aplcationps )r necammendaion for ltse appinit-. ri sent aifus'Yoang man. 10 goy cluhlit i-n ýe bdition ta tiesa sperintaudauit shall be )tertained by ltae -Stationicg Coin. t nittee, suloessacs happlication s , i cmpjeanieSby a dsintpledge iro thlie ) CI&l qarteniy meeting ai saaîî air. 1i-t isa t Is e en dl ai faut pe s t h le v lii tracelve a marriadsuans in place cf lu icb single man. lu " l2nd.- Thal lte airmos of tise dia. thi 'leOa"0eboreby ins - gie. un. $. equar9ýIxb. loi'c asastusuaec TheI5reglnur meeting ci 111e Oonrene oagd asTueuuffl* bî AIl lh. miaisters speuk i inte ligit term oflWr,1r ,Utaouorn arnongul e EM Àam B m m.-On Wedsesda afternoan luielbfoigit shed aiflise Whilby P. P. & Llndeey Raillay, ln îis tavn vas found 10 b. on fira. Forlually il vas disovered lu lime anS a conflagration preventi. Bnp. poacul ta bave caugbt froni tbc angine. BUMAWAY AOOIDNT.-OIi Tburday aflermsacu hast vi.b ts viS o. Iistan; aocompail' y Mia. Dr. Onmis. *ton, vote dnivi-ng ou Dundas treel, near Mr. milos'a residece, the berce took bd4 ,ansd runni-ng. awsy avertaructi lb.buggy. Mrs.: David Onmlston, vs regret ta aay vas sevenly injureS, ber arn bolng bsokocs cccv. t the elbbav The othar lady esoaped Tbnraday iftcrnocu, Mr. O'Donovan's lcrots ii-aba a piae cf boarS yiug on bise rad, avetnrning the buggy 'Vrit ita acanpants-Mrs. 0'Doaovausudnt Miess iggin'q-aunS tnni-ng away. Fortnnslely scither o! tiheladies vere injureS bayonS a loy itruises. Tise vaici., itovever, vas made a couspielo vreok. The itorse cf Mr.* John Wesley, teck fri-git bast Titureday aiteruonî aud, tunning avay, upsel lite buggy, tbrov. lug cul ils accupant, s dangistar ai Mn. 'Wesley. Thie buggy vwas badly smnash. atI. Miss Wesbey cecaped aninjurad.' REV. Ferusa McCANNs's annuel pic- ni- ocf Dominion day, viii be hsld i-n Ana' Grave, ncar Oshsawa. Tiss pic.nica Lave slvaya proved vsry pies. saul tend agresable sud Ibere is every reason ta believe lte forthaoming one vili be no exception, anS wlIU equalIli ual surpaos any yel haiS. I~' aieaus 11v. Faîhar Barri- gen's pie-niinluGordou's Grave, Dutin's Crash-, cames off nexI Taeaday, 26tis i-ast. Planty of sport viii b. provi-Set. ])zn.nAoecOasCAUceT.-Cbief COn- stable Brysu isas beau succassial iu fan- depradatars vito Ismageul the ahaule res. Thseybave beau paunahed by a Iieavy fitne, snd descryed ta be sent to, goal fan tise vauton deatrucîf on perpe. trataS. A BAI) CUTr.-Lasl Tuesday aiter. amcu,lit. Jne. Eppietl baul hie lefI isaiul badly bruiced sud cul vhile votking in tise pîaning îaili. CRICsKET MATCH Sattse Market gronds ta-morrov (Fmi-day) momuisg, WSitby a8. Cobourg. TaESOLI Soa-mawli arrive tc-morrcv (Pniday). Ilîsa expecled Ilîsy vil-nain- ber 800 all bld. Tsiiz WATE lu Wl-il7 harcot i-svory lois tis summet. CauseS by tisa dry sptlug. County Court sud Ocuerai Ses siemssof thse Peacc. (Continscd.> SESSIONS, Thse Quui asau. Nancy and iAie Spring.-Tse priscuens vere indicteul lot-ai-ding anS mbeîtimug larcmny ci vol fain bin ofJohn licoresam, Ux. bni-dge. Mr. ParewAil, Couuly Crova Atorney, prosecuted. Thie prims-Dena sacra iefended by Mn. NMdllan. Ver. dict ual gnilly. Tic prlsannrs wvalooase rieS ou a i-ml-ar charge ai tise -odeof oeeOltI- hein, ai Uxirimge, sud sentenceS ta tue mouthce&ciin tise ecunty gaoi. Abrasam Spring vas convicteil of the larcauy ai tise gods ci Moorelseail, mnd sentenceS la lbnoe monîlsa. OucsTrUCmrîontOr 'HieswrAy.-Mn. Breretas Basting, Wm. Ã"utllbert, lira. ~pr aud lita.Whitneyplsdad ai-hly aifaistruating a roaduear )uffins' Creek. Seutence Jeierred ta ive lisen an oppornlsiIy tte reine bstructions. Pli-p Ccmiekey visa sscspcd main s constale saine four yers ega vus ar. rsted, sud, lilaS onlise cisargeanes- rare found agi-a ishe lava for the nui-sace ou tissrelt appraacig lise Oloigo; agai-nst tisa tovnsip of lesi orualtap ai-ring higbvsy. ha. secs lots S andI 9, t£rat concession ; igainst W. T. sud Ane Golaebaraugi, or obstructions ou concession lino su taaokbin; agaist Mat. Marplsy, Wsi-- >y, ion obstruction ai atreel, sud igainaI Abramn Kuowies, Pickering, for )batruictin road aikvwance. -PIIESENTMENT. The grand jury madesas val pra. wmIment titrougis lait 'foraman, visa ated tisItisey iseS vipi-ted tise jail -hi-ai tiscy fouad in good ordar ; liat îey buSd visiteSib te Ladies' Callege, 'mih es smoutioned lu tenus ai toaisa. Tise lomeman also expressd se regret ciftise grand jury abthe oM.i ieo cf Ibose efficient snd caurteans canty officiase, Mr. Siteriff Repusolda, riS Mn. H. J. Madonall, clerk of lb. )sacs. COUNTT COURT. ieiurtig uo. Dullka. -Aclion by si-gneeofaiLake Brohera for recovery ofgaads soiS by ineoiveuls. Verdict on plt., 0100 L. Englisit fot plI., A. ;-MeMillen for deit. Daonin"i sBanklegauWidZifeZu.- .erd vititdrawn lthroags absence ai riiese. Parewecll antilH. M. Hovoil or pu I, E.-C. Campitell for deft. ati V8. Corefl.-Action as Iva womissory- notes. Verdict fan pli., 100i. P. A. Uard for plI. Undefeud. lfr. C. C. Keller, cf Ciuulngtau, taS wo replevin casas aJ asd succosaofai -Tise angiacera engagea inutliaprobini.1 cary explorations for lteé çbabmin, ruiD item -Dvo e aCalais, report baI bte atome la perfecily ptisIi-cable. T~ in<ssuNiCÂ.TuW jasM es, hsastse m oast baga voululsed ba othb.-acoaith. agin reftre atok 10 breotoi-Lle i Mnaru. On, ta rpt ouit.î olao be a vaste of lima la o"fer lbteouSnl bMck,,andi vold move Ibal #18 b. paid 1fr, Tâalr in foo!ofuaIm. mn. Làong van opposad t10 IbI pay. Ment o!f hc accunt. -Mr. Parguson tbougist -te. accouai shoald bpid Mn,.O= na'smotion vwu carri-et vi-Ibout a vote andth ie report adopleti Mr. Ormiaton brcugbt lunlte repart oi lte commsi-tleàonau.Relie!, recoru meung pSyMen3ý la B.R.'HJameson ai $10.12 la fauioa!accani o! 61O.8,tsIe beiag an over ctarge of 76 centa ; ual aceount o! Joc«pb A. Bandel, à f 01.75. Resport adoptuS.' Mn. Blow, chairma of lbe apeusia commite on nuisancas, informeS lte counaib thiat lise commi-Itee vare unable t0 gai sny further information oa tise report vluicis lid been refetreti baek. Titis alarled e question on a main îever, vitan Mn. Davanill infannied tlie conseil taI ho hopod by tise nexl meeting to b. able ta h ring i-n tise by.lav for lte lsylug tiovu cia mai-n sever, i vwisi notice vas gi-yen ett lieluesieti-ng. Mr. Hanuain atated lte commi-teo had vrtlten 10 Welland andI Napaxias, ssking about Enroba boss, bal bail na. osived no ausvar, Simo., taver, au agenoy baS h.en started lu Toronto, and thec ommiîlee baS madie arrange- ments ta gel 100 feet ai tise hase on brie!, if il suiteS kcep it, if ual sanStit back. Tise pr-ce vas beotie n i-n New Yank ; tene i-b vas $1.10 par foot, coupliags extra; here #1.10 par'foob, cauplingea hisravain. The itasa vainS hc Ptown by lise 201h, vitan it voald bc trieu. He isopedaU ltise mambers ai lte council vould make i-t canvanient ta ha present sud ses li se sovak. Council adjournami. Board osf Educatiaus. Higli Sciseol Bueildinsig, Wbitby, Wsdnssday ev'g, luneé 18, 177. Tise regniar meting aofte board vas balS titis evening. Tise membera pre. sent veto-Mn. Ommiton (i-o ltaecitait), anS Messrs. Campbelil, Pan-y, Paît, King, Powell, McGiulivtay and Julge Dartueli. "DMIS-UNrCATCONS. Prom tise Educahi-onal Deparîment, relnllng ta lte mideummen examna. lions, inlerme4iate, and entrance ta Hi-gb &-110ols. reinmtise Eslacati-nai Depantuiest, renrng ansvers ta quentes as ta lbd beeitaarisa main tise prescal mode oc gi-ving prirea. ATTENDANCE AT THE SOHOOLS. On Roal. Higis Scisool-.... oy... 55 ..(..... irnls... 60 PaSds-et soocl.Boy..i02 66 ..Gi..i74 lIenry-sI scitool ... Ileye.160 dé *.Giri-r.11 Joita-at scisool. Boys ... 6-2 ...Girls ... 62. Mr. Powvell brotglst in bte repent ai -bt.e finance cau tte recontsnng papunent aiti e ceunîs of J. S. lRai- erteon $11.45, Tisas. SIelgis 11ý0,R. Hluggard $1.00, Donald Campbsell $24.- 25, Tisas. tilcigit 520.00, D. Wisitney 15.25. Report adaptaul. ItiAsIA-ION uiUNDAS-ST. eCisOaL. lin. Ferrysecondu] i1 Mn. Camp- bell, mns'od tisaItishe cissirsuan maltesîll neaessary arrangements vils Mn. Birown, iead leaciser, Dos-das-st sahool ior the examinalian of tise asoac a fsv <laya estlier, tua as ta -gi-ve Mr. Brown leava af absence for a 1ev dayte boaI- tend au exami-ustion la pnocure s tiraI- ciss certi-floate. CarrieS. LEAVE OF AuSEi-CE. Oun motion ai Mn. Post, seonded by lir. Campbell, les-veoaf absence, for ttnee lays, gras-led tiseiseadinseofa Joitn.st. aoacl proviuled lhe proctireau cfficieul Persan tl aiko his place. 8 47 49 sivrexolor aiiazî sEs'MOE. Ou mati-au ai Mr. Post secondeS by Mr. Campluelî, te 640 grautad fat prisses by the board ah italu et meeting vas divîded as iollowe --Jobn-st. $10, Dundas-st. $12, Haury-st. 018. AoViaTISIYN iGitOCHoL. On motion cf Mr. Penny, seccudeul hy Mrt. Bing, tisa ciairmausu as sulisoriz- eS ta advestse bise apsuiug ci tise Higis Scitool (aller ltseshidapa) aI s coat ual excecding 050 oulaide ai tise Town oi Wit-hippapars. SUCCES 0F IGi S sCisoLPUPiLS. Mr. Robinson, Head Master ai thi- Hi-gb Scisoal, Jrav the mttention of lte board la tise saceas aifanorer Hi-gis Sohoal, papi-la ssali-ced ltiste Caseore IOLEt lest vek He aia spake ci tise vieilta lithe scooal by te Connty Cous - cil muS tiai appareul greut satisfaction vilS tise scitool. Board adjaus-ncd. One-o rc Uufortuuate, Alunait evsry dlay tise papare chou- icIle esuicide oi sarne pon unfarla. nate wvis cmind Sboas an nfeebled by dyspepos, aver visose eanlhly-horizon a isaavy glon han gathtreul fro thtie autald and isutellaile agonies ai this cruel complais-t. Dysjmspaa len of lise ms-st dapneeing diseasas affiicti-ng hiumani-ly. -Il i-s cosmapolitian lu ite nalara-no country le exempt fromi -l visitation., no ismily trea fnom i-lai- ast.Tiser, lsa abamin laGileaaS - it causes lu tise isapo of Iho*Enuisyier BYRana. 7cr peus taisubeau 8sailer- Iug ils biessinga abroad, Tiscre is pro- babiy rio dlaea-vhicis expetience itas so amipy1povd la b. remedieble bp tish î'reFEULKSYrxn'as Jyspepsia Tho mutsli-avea-a ,formaci- titis Si-s- case have beeausaomplethy autoS it is- medicine, asampibêlustimouy ai matiy cf car ftrt culîzeus prove. SaIsi by ahi Jruggios. DIS80LUTOFTîroraEM FasEmCii»A- n3a opr PUpTrs.-Tba Prenais Cham.- itaie' met an Snlurday visas a message MMoliits as broagîst clava i-stisa Sonlate, sliling lits intention ai dissolv- iag lise Cisambar ci DepuLies, sud de. nilg ithe concurrence cfithe Seitate. Tise latter, after discussion, Jccided to retar ta ltaebureaux. RELATIONeS BrEre Osan rBnnrin ANxD AFRcauxarei.-Tise Marquis ai Salisbury sciteS lunlbthé ouse ci Lords on PiSlipnigis thlsmîtiser. via no trat in luhb.reort ofai*anage munlte talaI-ans beiveen Grat Britain sud Aighilean, sud ci preparéticua- of Enghisistaioops 10 cracs the siqa.- Txz- TËujAYotiaca MvzsxTafot l . 7rhy 'Wve" l«aosvop'g overTonte., l originsaeSluDatn-ii. w'oia nx ovement wear'a blu. vojkaIed, ri l!so Thse Quau b'as î tbegnuigb ~ P piper aua envqlopes wit0b.Mono- b.main usi grava V. RB. .Vi-ctoria Re tI m ax= parlure for Ms peratrix) alamped Ibarean.- A ChicagosMau bas invente - n is- slrument called ilb.l'poison suaker," by oandZ DeatU ,ck meane aifvisstis lieextauth Ie virus' frovounids maSoeIcymuaidogeaati D. oIier vanom'ous beuwa., AEN. TËB OKA Iirns-BUUManO -OFTaiRB; n"'Yef CÂÀTioMjo Oauao-Diarbana have ýM Mto brolien on aw.5 ai1, and, as usuel ai km, SgeS 86 ris. 10 thé trouble. TIi-e em n t hei.Salem cemd juanils accuseliso Protos'i Ian.u _____ Si-ana cf eneroieislng upas lsoir banda, anS isaving AppMd Watise Local Go,.v VIT etnieul, a Silaciment cf -Provincial Polius,1&r ' been sentul p lao xacale Czii wirrants issueS - gi-ual -tise aceS dLittbe pradu Indians. The troubleasIbis lime are' fluctuations il: aggravated by lIse buraing cf the Roman Ploar, per brl ... CathisoiChutait Beminary aud Praaby. Flaut Wisaa..... lery, on Thnrsday niarnlng ladI, valuoti spring Whaat.. at N5,000. Tisacitutei a npvd is P fBâisy, .... eue Isundred years aid andth ierc le no POas..... ineurauce au any aiflte buildings. -Tise Osîs . Intias are chargad vitht iaving dolit. Carn ...... eratedy fired tise buildings lu revenge i nth e a cti o n f 11e c léri a a ul it n t e . H ay . .. . . . . ..Potatoes .. _.... Tise l ailis te revobahi-auany farces Eggs... lu Columbi iavo sent lu Ibeïr sabmis- Butter.. î .sEort re. - ad o oë e -forla arepe-cg mucnrgta oi ne formeSlEon aand ongrgaeon&l Ham ud ntreRaiBcyzo. Dhemoetucerrtv'Fi A hT B hBaYî eN.- Tisen mo dsriv oe tire Iha tau0,c taluecu laelu Basy mrgs happnm tse rensaindtest buinessparti-og the vnllareinclti bl busiesMprIta bie vageDoicnin g a lfiesMn. Tfra anS Dain io eariapbstorea. Tise tirsvasfia dsovated ios tore. hick,mod aIls, neatcf tea Postcfthe block, a-J as, wenitiardouThe itee rk cfTalricklocyTii-eBlameadar brictsTor, tcu ofccli; W. B, an r berick starminostok f ry.goOfisu ;o Cea. ris;DoinI sokTofegrpisOffies;J Ci. Brmsfci, stock of b.oosade, J. H.TtMon tock ci ock anS aIs toryoTe g rsgbildincm- p.uy's office; stock f Brwareiiu; J J..obiaso, seak cf hadwatre; J.d st.co Rails-o, deIs-gsdar, saSin anaa lingryoie Totial Emigadebin- surance ual kuowa. The Wlitly and Lindsay Rellvay. ifAn eveul cf ne itîle importance lu ltae istary cf Lindsay ocaurnad pester. day cn tise ari-val here of thte -iret passeugan trais aven lise Whi-tby as-S Li-ndsay Rai-îvay. It came in about olaveu o'clock, vitit Mn. Holdea, Man- agzer ai thesor-atI; Mn. Frank Sisauiy, Consnlting Engineer; Mn, J. J. Ros, BSacralary; Mn. Hauning, cf tise on. gi-neer'a staff, andI Mn. T. Paxton,- M. P. P., visa vere volconiad by a large scumber of onrtotavs-people. Tise lracklayiug vas campietedl as fan aa Aibert-at. by noon, anS tise men vere ftreated la a barrel oai lest iy "mine itost' ai Vitch's H Iolel, allen wiia -tisey itau a "usavvy parada""nabout lte stricts far au liant Tise vork Las -besu pusited with a vigor eradilsile ta -tlie contractera sud titeir aile staff oi assistants,.0s-ly six moenthes iave elapsed since tlue vork began auJ tise road bas been itoned titrougiatonsd gradeS asi; fe as Noblec"Hill; tise sta,- tions aI Seisgrave anS Manilla are sean- iy ussnly completeS sud tise eue aI Lluulsay i-s valunuder vay, undanMr. W. Mcliuraay's cantta$: viila lMr. W. H. Macekenzie i-s getti-ug on peu- didby vils tise grain elevalon. IlBy tise iraI of Jtily tha road vi-lile lu afit condition for runuing, althaugi ltse wark wilInet t e aIl complated nîl about tiseamiddle cf tise aanti.-Post. Pickensg Railvay By-Lav. MeR. EDIîmroi Rsilvay affaita i-n tis townsip hav'e assamed an entirely uew pasiion-and ana, if anocessial, vill cabculated la,.btiusg upon aur township tise Sisgraco and tise coubempl cf ad- Joiuing municipaliies. As pan vl kuow, ashoisrt lime sinca, lte 150.000 R. R. by-lav; vas defasteul lu Pioker. ing ly a majanity ci 158-ansi tisa on s very sinal vola poîied. Li-ke manyF cf my asighiaurs 1 diS ulneto, feeling assureS tise by-iav voald ite dafaited. Bul tisa position la nowvevry inusis cissuged. Fickaring la nov ta be groupeS vils Scugog, Re acli, sud th. village ci Part Fenry-and visaI Pickering voulmi net giveý yiser awviote, site i-s ta be forced la gi-v. by lb. votes ci Port Ferry I-Tise ovuar of a lot i-n Port Ferry,hlis ise ai pour bat, asseased for $200, la ta offsetl tisfariner'. vote la Pickeri-ng wvisay mlie vomIs$50,. 000. Tise vots-g pawer cf lte specu. lalor i-n faacy lots i-n Fort Ferry-la ta yi marîgage tisa ts ax i rp c rly af t, tii- township 1 Wss tisera over a grenier outrage lirapaseul 2 An u ut' lIse-vaand alter nsprescutativca in tise Caanty Council are parties ta tisa out- rage aud tiiscsaeofa plunder I-AVe uaei't ana pas-lion nov taa ait nsd must put car foolt irmly Jovu on lis ehameful daltempt la toit us oi car rigitîs. As anc m su bel us, cantal solid vota agai-usl lise sew "patent. cambination" by-jpw,.,sud lien, hi-e. aiter, va vil Jec wviaI ve viilor vilh s-at do for bise raiivsy. On Ibis r q4uestion Pi-ckering la tliscrougiy aronsaul, sud il vi-li tequire more tiutice tise boastea 400 votaea i-n Fart Ferry la swamcp thec Pickering majoriliy as tise. b ]Wlway acheciero propose la Jo. '-X Y onte tnuly 01 REAL ESTATE. de Pickeri-ug, 18th Jait. - .-0c P. 8.-Titis 151h of Jane le tteuni- versary ai tise Bsltla cf Waterloo, sud su as polting day let ns giv. anotiten Watelaio vicory for rlgit aud justice tIent wiii carry letton a Is.thehearta ai F' aIl evil-doers and Io,,,-rolLi-ng rail-ay N( bonnis hauting deceivere. a- l Tonne lmly. Gd R.EB. 'i Fr;oamI. B. Paker, Esq., A vehb-knpvn Dzugist, o! St. John, New Brunswick. c"il eau Inîy say, usat, fan Cougits, Coida, .ud ai Paimoniary Diacases. Pa. WISTAn8 BauAseoP Wsas iserpar- forinq cures ualexcelled, if equsaied, bi au o1 e eiaykuvanSd-I Ilierfonéecoatidently rcçmn-tt Ibàoee vo saffm',frasci.puhcsoary diffi. cuit .4 -50 cents muS #l's baîtie. Sollby dealers g.nenally. "Boss Twzun".YoTTre u Bîbîsi. --Tie nîgonieulanolor.Tweed's rolei" haie fiblbd, Attomney.uenai-.Pair. obile boig > resUmed lthe *Bomss" sand deolC44 tc bave anyUg-w Wood.... Basf, hi-nS quart Beof, fore quartc Hides .... Parl, petovt . .. Lanh ...... Calvgso...... Onions ..- Turnip ... Chesse .... C1rr- 1 TEIlS. Southerlian theulb s thue 7tubins., o! lungo, George Par. s aud Ian montba. 7BY ýMABKBTS. iOrinez, Jxui 20tb; 1877. Ice moving. Vory wide apriosa of grain.' ........880@89I00 ........ l160 @ 1 70 ........ 1 40 a 1 w ....... 0 05010 80 6 ......65 @70 - .......80085 ......160 @018 .... .. 8 500@64 00 ......27o0@2?&. rer ....0G50 @57 00 ter... "00@015 50 ........6125 @ 175 ....... 5 500@66025 ...... 6800 @op25 ......... 01 5 ..... .150 ......140017@ Epp's uces.Graet ansd Coma trag."By a thorough knowledge of the natura laws wli-ch govern ffe operations af digestion sud nutrition, and bv a careful application oi the fine -properties af well.sélected cocos, Mr. Epps liasl Provided aur breakfast tables 'wi-tlia delicately flavorea beverage, which ruay save us mauy lieavy doctors' buls." Ili s by the judionus e af snob articles af di-et thal a cabisti-tutian, may be çradnslly built eup until straug enough tao resist e<'sry ten-. deuoy ta disease. Huudxeds ai subîle mala dies aralaatiug sroundnas ready ta attacli' wherever there i-a a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shait by keeping aur,. selves weil fartillid with pure bloadasd a prqperly nuui-shed f rame."-Civi Servie Gazette. Scadouly ini Packets, labellel,- déJames Epps & Co., Hoioeopsthic Chem- lats, 48, Theaueedle Street, aud 170, Piccadilly Landau. Hunndrods of Thousandas are Now Daily TJsing It. Woodsa Improved Hala Restorative la unlike un-oher, sud bas na equal. The Improved bas new vegetable tan-c proper. tis; res-ores gray hair teas glossy, ustural calot; restores faded dry, bsrsb and <ail- ing liai-r; restores, dresses, givel vigor ta the hair ; resteas hair ta prematurely bald' beads ; raimoves dandruff, humors,1scly eruptians ; removes i-rri-tation, itching spdà scaly drynese. No article produces sucli wonderful effects. Try i t, call for Wood's Impravad Hait Ilaslarative, and daon't be put of wcitla au it ber article. Sald by Ill druggists in Ibis place aud dealers every- where. Trade snpplia at manufaurers' pr-ces b y 0. A. Ceas. & Ca., Chicago, Sale Agents f or the United Ststed sud Canada, an y LYMAN, CLARK &CO., 85 Murs NEW ADvEruTiëEMVEWTS. Odd Fellows' .Hall. MONDA Y &TUESDAY .eeuq8, JUY$ 25th and 0 th. AG NE S WAL LA CE- VILLA OOMBINATION. BURLESQUE & DRAMA BACH EVENING Doors apen at 7.15 ; Overture at 8 o'clock. POPULAR PRIÇES-25 ind 50 CENTS 1 RESERVED SEATS Fer salenat Allun', Book and Smith's Drag Stores. June 101h, 1877. 26 N0 T 1 0 B1 Ontario Loan and Savings Company, Oshawa. s DIVIDEND No., 8. A Dividend ai Four and one-bali per ceut- bas beçu declared upan the paidun 61 Capital Stoc1oo this Company for the haff rear, euding the 801h Jane, i-ual., being at I the rate ai Nine par cent. par annuin. And the saine wW ib. due, snd payable at the office ai the Company, in Oshaa,oansdVI fiter tbe 3rd July, prolo. 23y order ai the Board. t T. H. MeMILL, ' )nawa, 131h lune, 1877. Sc.Tes DOMINION DAY!1 GRAND EXCURSIONI TO0 ilo0 RON0ý DW o, On MONDAY, JULY 2nd, 5. by Grand Trunk Eailway, froma Cobourg, oma ail intermediate Stations, under- the auspices of Bowmanviile Court "Pride ai Ontario,".No CM00ta 'witnssthe monster .emonstrationýofi #rrest,rs, from, ailp arts of the Province, arrayed in regalia, sudf the athîstiasports iand gaines.. Il proi-s etebsons ai the greatest peclaclisofithe Year, and lhe mat snjoy- ablecursions o0terd. FÂIlES VERY LOW AS F0LLOWS : Prom, Cabourg and Part Hope, 11.50; [ewlanville, Newcastle Bowmanville, Osh. s awa and Whilb7, 1$1.00; Dun'ds Craek, 50c. Gaod ta returg an any train for four d&ysý train vill leave CoBanrg on the morning ei te 2ad, a 6 a'clack; Port Hopa, 0:17; New- tondle 040; Newcastle, 7; Bawmanvile, :15, riin - Tor teat 10,80. Passen- ar nia B mauvlils and iuterneditta alloaeau tacs iis rain or lasva oun4the nldartrsln,arrlvng-n Tarntaa4ll:8OLs.. RsrrvrNllx, *vilesbve Toranto iaIL . ii. %id 10:5 s. v., for Cobourg andmineS.'d ate stations. TixSe au, be hâdirotm ltae principal ookallpln'aoldwusudon 1he moru. t] toi 51 toi Bo c B3 aite TwenLy esa rn b.dyja7 sitr a - ilS fr tseconilug luta force ai ss By-Lsw. Tisa said Debanturos ta b. sigesiansiTh, issueS as aforesaidsishail biedelivered by tle Werden, or altee ai oftse Cous.- clis te saiS County af Ontario, ta the Trastees Appolubed or tla b. appointeSý under and puranaut ta tise Acta ofIn- are carporatien, ai tse saiS comaipy, sud lise sMme Or tise Proceeds lseireof ,sitail ba h lb »siS Trustees el-vered o pCsitle said Cempiny tram limetar K li e, aslb.hemaiS com pany . ay b. anhi-tie& ta roaivotse' saueme lb.h 'cesudfitns a ila Bp-Lai, sd belote axsy sucS DeSsuIte sisai- le dispased 0i hp suais Trstes, ail tise matureS lutereal Coupons Ih-reta attacheS soha « le detsciserfro n d Sel[vetcdta tse Treuurr fthe saiS Connty ca iu Otaro. - - bp,1 Tise s a-dpoosSroad saU ltosic ite TI Townshi-pof Seagag, thene precaed thor lthrongs lb. VMe ci Part Perry . Bot croasssgSiniceStteet, lu the tifthl Ian concesion af Basais,and 'llanos FI lirugi lb.Tçuwaaip aiBewcl, tlai Suai Debsnutnsa orlsepreoeeds-ibeie-, of be e4veWb A. . 175,tu sn% le omp»letod atoresfaisivilin four pesta thereaiter. 12. This Bp-la i sa le volS.ancui ne- effetol ns, befor e b Syberelnaitesi appoInteS for tise .cù.uin sio'efect ai tiaBp-liv, lise aiS nil!vCO=su misal bave cîseuled suddSe&avr l lbe Corporation cof lb. Ceuntp et On- tariatiseir Covenant for ths Perform- suce cf aIl, anS mÉnWr lise Conditions and provisions in tI Bp-lav contain- 18. TisiaBY44 lv hahcme ita force mad taus effeet an lhe irty.fint Sapai Decembet, Oua moussuS ElAgisl HnS- raS sud Seventp-aes.. 14. 'Tise' SixI dayoai Ji, On. Tisons. aud Bighl udSevsnlp-seven, ai te offic-oylb lOerk, iu lhe Tw ai whitlp, iee sa ourtI even o'cloek lu lIie-otsnoon le lerebp ippolistldas thethn ad p fr te ppamtmeul bp lbs Warden aoflb.esaMSceunly, ai pesneut atteda the -varions pelng. plaesasd lb. final suussiug up ai tevotleao n beisalf ci lepersans in- tdinadpoing or eppcai-ng 15. Tie Sveneenlb dap aifJsiy, next, aI lhe saiS bout sud place lais eteby appoin!teS ailise limeansd place for theo snmusitg up hy lhe Clark oi tise saisi Casnlty ai the nunibar oaivtes Ipvan for, sud againallte -By'ievrmapeetivsly. 16. Tise'Votes -aifle :Eleclcra aiftÈ# saiS portion of the Caunty af Ontaia. ram- poseS ofUes saiS several ni-mot Muni-ci- pstlieis, saalbe lakea an tIs B ylav an lb. TETRTEENTH DUA 0F JULY, One Thondand E' ht Hutired and sevny-sven - illbs flloing., laces, sud )cyanS Leiore -tisa îôloing7 .sturningOffIcerB, reapectively, hIat s dîivdend- froni 1he vark, or -in D stock, sbire or i-ierast in 'tie wvr upon vich tise usney so to be raiseSl, or anZpart -'heref nay b. luveuWe th then 10 l sl revisee& an aqualisd ksasmenl Ea11Uoeth. »el Seoveut '-l* lthe o=of i aBIflUcs aevnereiiand Psfly-savu'n Tison- sanS Piva Hundred and Flity-ivn ssvsrstse ai.unt .1lisewhisle rate ahle.fflrty oaitlis aiS Gunly ai 0ntAno, Irioeapstve ai any itnro 155. crostof tise mnaand aisa arregmpective o asy incarne i-n lb.nature ai-oe s * interesI, or dividends bon lh. vont.or tram any stock, sbire, or Intcret inlthe vork uponvie7s sem noslale rai-ed,orgay1u .tlbrf1 ay b. investied, accordsng tlahlsnst raviseS and aqnalized Assamneulalof tse saiS CountyofOntero fce-ngfrls peu One aunsandEiiZ ude u Seventyaix,) Ioathl'bsm ai Ninalea Milio-noi ur anSana Tbiry-tvo Thsousu&EIgist udred and Savauty- lthres Dollar. And visaresa the amannl ai the ezlsting ýdebt aiof ZcConty lotOntara l ithe srn ai Twanty Tisansand Paolars for' y~icsâ ansd the sun iTet anS Paut Huudrsd Dallera tar inlarast; sud ibare iananopart cf sucli interet or principal lu arrear, Andvisereas, tle amaunt ai ts exazsiing SaisI u l e saiS Tovnssip ai Pi-ikeing ie, fer tbe principal lb. sin=ai six Tbousand Dollarsg, and for intarst nobhing, sud lthora jno part cfmach prinipal er interetl arrear. And visareas, lise amoaniof tise exi-sting 5.11 afitlb. aiS Tow hi ) f Beach is, for principal lb. sun o!Rigis Tison- sanS Dallars, sud for ilulesl the sum Tva Handred and Fartp Dollars, sud thora ienanopart oai sucs principal or -lutersl luarrear. -- And visereas, lthoamouii-fth ie existing dabI aillhe saiS Tonship ai Suugag le, for principal lb.esis ai of ingasd for. interst tise sum ni i ing. AnS visareas, theamont aitse existiug SsII ai the saiS Village ai Part Perry in, for prnincsipal tise suai -oai Forty- savon lisonsand Dollars, anS lot, in- tersIthe Sim ofaiThi-rty.tvo Thoand Tva Huudred sud Tventy Dol-ara, sud thers la no part cf sncb principal et i-ntereet lu arrear. Ansi isereas, for paying tlb. sicideit ircai lime la lime,as tisesanuail istalmsnta thereof =sy mature, sud for paying lise' intereat on tise Debenates ta la IssueS therefor, it vil- requit. an eqai nnual special rate ai one u=Mliasd ane-sixts ai a Mi Inuthie dallar, lin addition ta ail other rates ta ho levied lunoehysar, i-n lis aid portion ai tIi- said Connty ai Ontario compoeS aithec ibave descrilal minar Mmcpaliies. - Be il lerefore euacted by lhe Municipal Concil ai tise Cstunty oi Ontario, aud i-Ils isereby enacled by antbority ai tise 1. TisaI i-t shsll anS msay halawittl for tise saiS portion oaitle saiS County ai Ont- tario casupoecd oaille said minar Muni- cipeltiis;ta aid and saint tise Toronto sud Ottawas Eailvay Comppany bgi-i- tserata tlh Oum ofai nuety Tn sand Dol-ara by way ai banna. 2. Tisat for lise purpose afaresidtheIl Wrden, or oéther bead ai lb. Coanil aiflthe saia Municipaltp ai tise Caanty ai Ontario, sisal cause Dslantures of tise saiS Coanty ai Ontario tai bc made ta lieamacint lai ite saiS sain a NÃŽnety Tbausand Dollars, sais Dében- turetalbe for %otlesa Ihan tisasuzu ai One Handred ýDol-n, vics sai P. boutures ihal b. assied vithstla Seal afitle sai-dCoanty ofOntriq dsigne by teWarden, or aller issad af the JE Cauncil aillhe sasd Conney, ?b 1 suc p e r s an a s m a y l e a u li o r z e d b y t s s a s Counil la iguhe sate, sucoutr- signeS by l.Tresanrer ai lb. said Conty, sud shahi deisua tise portion ai the saiS Couaty af Ontario for, sud on account ai wl-eh tisey arc issueS sud sisal- declura on tise face tisereai lb. aulbahrlty for tise i-ssing aillhe sains. 8. Tise saiS Debentures sall bear date on tIse day isetialtet sppnaintod fot the coming luta farce oai s B>-Lav, sud sabb.payale ibin'lhe limeabarein. I sitar next mentioned, thislata say. $2448.00, iluoee ear £rom, the date thereof; $2594-8, in tva years froi tise date ll'ateof; 02760-5, lu Ibrea years item tise data thera-- ai ; 62915.64, lu four years iroin lte date lisera.- 88090-56, i-nfilva ysara from tise date lereai; #8276-00, in six yeare frein bbc date tisereai; P472-56, lu savesi yaars fim thlb.date bthere. OM-093, in eigbt years frautbis Saa tehra-F 08901-75, lu nine years maoi bis date tisera. ai; 84185.86, lu ton ysara frain the date larai; 488.01, lu eleven years Iran the date lereaf; 40647.06, in tvelve years frmain he date tisereof; 14925-88, lu thlrteen pars froin bhe date tisareai; S5221.44, lu fourleeu pears Iran the date tbereai ; - 54.71, lu filteen yeara froi tse data ai lerof ; -i 5860.81, in sixteets pease m tisaSaaeM- Ibareai; on P218.82, is sevenle4n yeare Iran the date- 4 c Toi Tui pers cdvs mhen orde Ths Bank abas is bcfore bave Thse these IhasuP from ti dentt h nven a aller te - A fndap Tse-i lIseclo Ail 01 Ontaria capital paiS Beservo. Profiltai-s Interest- Unlamne Pivide"t 40, Ép 314 Notes in, S-ation Dapasits beali -tersi Deposiba -Balance i psanki Specie... - Demin Notia 1Zalancea iraran Baik Notes snd quai- -Banjo Goy ern. i Deben Nlotes ana Notas a-d discoci averdu Debta sac by m gages aller cariliel Ba-k Pren Other Asue Onitario Ba Aftar aet Simpson a Il vas mni eS by the adoptedvlî movit oS by >A& thasofat gi-vanta -1h fD falieir e: -MOTOS b ondeS by Scneil sud neer ai ti part lise re anSdltai lth and tbal li- ai aay ime - v itht the ballot m noers. ' Theata Sza,-Wi -Rasik, lield feilovicg g Ditaclora fa Han IJohn E banS Hon. j Mackay, Es M. Smith, E M. D. W. G. CA W. J. MA H. B. 70 Te D. 7a.s Th-Bonas ]eotisefEth mm«ý N ETaiiav-ssMI' Or PrCKiaRMa, 'Fos Divisiora uB tais C , aI Ansiti's Sebool Honsa--Angu McKay,BEters- ing Oh-icet. Pas Divisson NattaisTva aI 1h.Tempat- - suce Hit K-naa-enamuMesu, Retiurning Officet. Pas Division, Nti-ssaTisas, aIt-tle Orange -Hall, Eighlb Concession- Ebeneezor Birreli, BeturinÉ Oiner, Fan Ps-visinNattai Fous, aI lhe Pul-e ScisolHane,. Duffins Creçk-amos Lintan, Belurning officer.- - Poe Pavusuos iNuiseisFrVt, at tle Town Hall, Bro*itam-Wilhfam RabbinS, Beburuing Oh-icen. - Fait DivsironNattaisSix, aitlthe Pule Hall,- Clarainont-TsamasDan, Re- turing Oh-icen. Pas DivisionX ut-uiSavs, eaItleTai. perace MaU, -Dnibartôsj-Pavid Gil-- christ, Beturiig Oh-car. Fdoa Divson u ainsr n isat ethUe Music Han 5Wwitevle-Jeln -1weslep Wondli, etnngOfilcet. l'as ivsione Natta i 1r, aI le Sebciol Hanse, Altona-AlrabimBesson, Be- tartiing Officsr. N1E ai raI-raiere'EACE, l'as PçVIRiocu Nautass Oi, ,aI th. Sehoel Ha,IDUtica-oepoh E. Armstrong, Retursig Oh-car. l'eu ivson uNattae-Tva, at Brava', Stor, Epsam-Newlnry B. Macro, Be l'as Dsvisox Narisaiz Tsiîx, at tle Tein- peace Hall, Greenbank-Itobert H.- 'as Dsvson uaasseFans, et tle- Sehool Hause,Sosya,-Plmer Cair, ~eburn- l'os Divisonu Nattis -vsmai luh'Pshlic -Hall, Pri-nos AllerI-ýaer- RutS, Be-. turning Oh-ice. AnSd: F'Os ivsonm Na»ttaseSix, aI le ToIV Ral, Maucisaster--Johs Ciitie. Be- hmrning Oh-car. 'FOn HTa ovesazp OFr wUooa. AT titi Tovsesiüi' La, bosseS front Tson, John -Po, Raturais5 Oh-icet. ' INe Tai vlr.AGS cF POET Pii5Y FOas Pivision Nattase ITvoa, il b.Toxa<' Hall-Wm. M. Cochrtane, reuring( Oh-icor.- Fou Divisione NattasseONE, at Charles Me, Kenzie's Livoi tbi-iara e He-ei, Batcsrnusg O-a AsS«it le furtser esacteil, tisI baieae is By-Lav le sub-suIteS or palliised e« h -BailvaY Cambanp sisal! Seposit vilh tse Coanly Treasurar the sunn af Sevan HanteS Dallera ta Sefray'tle expenses ai bIla Conseil lu consexion tleevil. NOTICEr- - 1f. Taua Notice lhat the above b ~a tru c py )fa proposeS Býy-Lav viseS ih i-le takoei -Lt c usideration bp tise Coneil- ai tise aUnicipality ai tise Cany ai Ontarlo,siter- Me maut ram lte dratpulicaion tlereci n lhe "Wsnre' CisosicaX" Nevapaper, hedate ai wl-ch drat palicatias vas nt tise Tventy-flrat day ai lune, X- P. 1877, id lhaIlise votes ai tisa Blecters. ai lte idi i-oMuiiplties, lisat ile ta ssy ea Townsis ai Pickering, Beach, sul e takeon tereon, on o .eTiirten h'of "1p1, A. P. -1877, 'et tese mierai oz aces, saSd y sund before tise efu" Ritars Iisersts metias-d, sud tbt suc"f olIis places vil- be openesi at thseheur, ai use oqcYck ilu lb. farenon. Da tIis 8SI day ai hi-a, 1877. -JOHN SIR, Coantp Clotk rsa. -7 Liberal-Conservative Association bol bS iitAnnuel Pic-Nie attse rILLAGIE of MARKET-AMt ÏEDNE8DA Y, June 27t,, 77, be Rligbt in. sir John '. Mac- donald, CU.BM.P., -will be preselnt. ai Hou. DR.. T2UPPZit, TisaHou, T. N. GIBBS, M. f».;TrheHoms M. C. CAMBRCN, '-Hon. WM MCPOUGA-LL, DALTON M,- CARTMY, Esq., M.P., anS allhers i-n-iteS aud expeceed talau pnesqai. wkisat, Stis June, 1877. 2in-24 FO R SAL-E, T11AT vALuAtu Fi PA N asaveIo TH~E HOME FARM, P i enlise Kingston BoaS. ri- fan canai-ais pi 140 acres, ossahics ere are erected ý gpod lw-sierey Brick isa, tini Frane Bana, Stables, &. Tise la lu inan oimellenî.leate ai cudtivtio-. Forl&Uinformation relalin -lisarelo, no and endutlansïof sale, bey la-- - - WZL- RUTLRDGE.

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