Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1877, p. 4

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fAGE SALE 1 moiof Sao contalcd ln a h 4wilb.producsd et thse C~ AtTIONP Uks I5r., 1Âuetleýwor, aM Ui f, Town of Whitby, lo cyof Jue, ...D. 1877, on, tise tellowlng vluable prejserty, vis-,- iinmberx P7and 28, in thse thse Nuthh Double n9»5. Street, ln tlia Town « of M e'oprtY hb àa titag en mecIsinianl u j-six tarie 8treet of. tw4ebiluo rertain mthiopr osrt si syD wellsg Muse, uth portyi> là avul deilrblA 4 nov nccepi lby IW. J. Tsrutcp Sê,a-Tetortue etsale ai - f i -tsenti Cash as tilDe cf Sal&W; WvIth m m tuqDthevat~etsuch acernes. ltb th, depo iUinmlrolvive Nanaireci Doilea ad pur blisancs, la tanstet ai lght ,se centperKnuun, i-i>sutise daY et sel wihic tlmmnthe tieresfter. Purtiser parthaielmai'ssdgd utilîse Mile eau be I freithue Ancloîseer, SaW Veaaion'e sollaiutas CLOCKSI COLOCK-- Tise Oàaid9asCloche Cenzpisy, lîssvaîg de * fli tuides 8. t olir besiness fhers, wiil, lot TIftit4r]iJ WEEKS ONLY, o) aier tlIaeCfoe-salop V ainabile Stock ef ciork, eissaf'tiats privas. -Thsrelor, liait. tie wlslug te gel a FIRST-RATIE CLOCK ail 14 vscy lsîW pries, wIU lot a short tisue h00a Vi ry getati apettenlty, Tise rovemsiits,, vicis are i tirs best 'aae, barve liese mportes firastise Uniteal tihites, sud put tnto cadieset Whisiby Manu. facte, shicis fur stylai anal. itueis ar nsîsrior tu aisy l is e cetuIr>-. Thaie teak conpirls FÎg'Éà)fLY aoid 80> Iour Otagon Prisa Saae rikeO loakei. Idi{lal ai>'anl 0-lieut Cottaige Slrieg Ilighi Day Calendlars, fîtnîg Strike Cloches. BiglaI Day Calriiaî,r, (large.) lasil a Inal niç Boom Cloches, WçJ9it iltrike. -tIllater $.ciay Cloches, a ALL WAItIANTFD TO' MaiiLsuire Tiino Exactly 1 Tisers wil'alobai oSeeo saquaulty ni ýVfIIIÇ AMI ND'FII IOXJ3S, (venceresi,> '13511 IltAMlttl>(vsuseredý) A CJNNiTIAIIW ENCHI AA ulrry op M5NEBras siilisber et articles lu tl e va>' ef 01iurk Trinmngesudn ls .CANADA CLOOR FACTOBY. Mii>' Quas, 1577. ;Bieche stresS, WhiLbiJ CITY 0F TORONTO 14aîereefoteeS1etYonga-t.,,Toronto, Sali>' at 7 a. m., tesuies liliùgsrA lt:80 A. ns., anal M 10tesst-t a. ns. Direct conneictons for tise FalesIluffiei, Clsvsiaul, l Itelciister, New YorIk, loIti, &'C. Tickets ansi aIl inlersnietiaaiiet e8 Front-ait. Agent. maay tti, 1877. 120 Sialn tauoî Wstby t lol esios- Lon. duiderry-------. .1 tl5 ccýrîis'di te accemsîslodaLtle1. Calai frn#esWiby te Gisgeow, on Glasgow ile,1as , . -m . 5. 9 fntrmodiate frons Whltly tas ,Ires-pool, Leonnerry et Glmegew .o, . 47. Steerage b>'- Mail Steatmer frein Witby te Liverpool. Lendon, Olamgnw; Belfast, LoeandesnsorQuerrstain,7- . . i Prdpalal passageo stiflealass issueci nt Ios iltes te Pomsos nawlislng le blrng eut friende. Fer tillois ansi flîrthier infor-mationa appl>' le- G E o. ULE. L0Ex1. ansi Tel. office, WLiita>, Mai>- ltI1876. iib- ONTAR1O BANK. ])IVf)E ND No. 40. NTOTICE!olisrbygivon, tisat a dividlenci o~f Four paer cent. upen tise Capital -~- Steak oet ISbainstitution, bas Ibis day ea Ilolaed ortlë crrnt iatearguathat tise saine w.l b pa111, lisïe ank sud diia; 01Jupe niet~ rd>,ls ia lie Transter Bocksvil be Cloascai troue tise 171h te t isi0May o dslu cinsive. l iegv' im>u:i: fral moatiut et tise Sthlimdr fur th(, viib eai aýi .tse forlisteh elcJg >ear, willbc oldAt liéDAninuHoUe',lu tiss Cton TUESDAYO: theýjtkdyoue Tise char toise teiren nt 12 o'clock, necuo litei8sly. rdar cf tis a os-. fletorlio Bank, Toronto, AVrl 20, 1877. 19 TIKE TAIE-'.1, ~Takig efecton eu WudiaMai Oti, 1877. TORONTO TIME, uirc2 UmAI."1Q4gpss WhltbyJusa...dapl, .îe.10, -a. .2p~ aoc]ainit. 0.0 7.48 "smi ......10.210" 8.1i' Prince J,2a sis' Part¶1'errny,,,,annlve îe.do" -. TUAIIs ocres sonna, Pot- a y .- dop-.6.00 s-m. poim, Mauhu4eb,.,. 0.00 " 1.467' IMsI,......6.402fi 2.10 ' ....... . O .00 et 2,97 ~ Whtb .........7.8 if 2" whib-àiu..rrve7.85.- et 8.001 -~ W>~4i& 44TWV', th 4 TH E' 1W D-SOR"A k POr 4 (Cr. Ring sud York.ets>Ou m NOW OPEN. -! BS.ofj>RD)AY* t te .mazn! Pree omisibus to suicem .11 trainsmT.particular pur bc ana appelitm lanet-casi T cate4 up 1 th S O U L E T P I N I G A i O g h k à o w l eG I Wo ae threftre nabld teintrduc a mre prloo sy torehie il tisede-, parmous c maufatur, adln no ony t tie prfetio ofth'a orir, but -i. eu or eeint .h hgierogesc peoll and at- THE JOHNSTOIY SELF-RÂIG R'APE is nov au rel Icnok uea s ugia Beaper, that a word cf cemmendatlon wenld alitanestm r a uofues, but au tiser. are mauy clairelng tp M"iifâotýsr..hl Machine Who have' adhorod te the old original Jehuéton MAchine, wlthout'kep ing up te tise -inproeoments ; tatjustice te cursilves sud patroiâso »qýge r 0f n, tia.that vo bave modifled il la almuoseve MesonpIaradfrregl and duraisility,qiual it Ontcu, faeves'y kind and cou c V lli ,.-ghtaof araffkandease 0 management-the "Jehnston," as mauunfactfr.4 by ns-stands. to point te tise mauy FirsiP ae warded uns-at thse laut Provincial trial cf Ou.1 taraadmany ccunte trials vhicis have-etaken place aevor Oanftds, Wýthig 'OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINEQý:MACHIES,; wvth late lmprovementg, *i. ali-that caube deolred ina Oc0mbinedUaehi.Ysu cannitofail taimeuai l tise requirements cf purcersmi. ,ie#ad Our Improved Cayuga Chief i/r, and ourYoupg Canada Mowera are bots first.elas maohnes-constituteod Almeet vhelly ef Ironaaud Steel. Tii. (JayUga Jr. lias a rear eut, ana thse YoudgCauals a front Cat; bothsatroug, dur- able machines, sud net exolil by Auy machines in tise market for quality cf eut, durabilty, lgistnees et draft, adaptabiltty, mad ase cf management. OUR NEW "WHIlTBY HARVESTER."1 As thse country ha. become better aclaptecl ta maciniery, snad mauycOfOur farm- ors have -become sklled lu thse use cf machines, a grcwing deananal ha.s pmuug up fer a Light, Durablerflrot.Claco Reaper. Allvo'foth ie requirements of thse day, we have succoeeed is mnvetnam- chine with a Wrought Iron'Frame, vutiste leatost i carnwtnga -fi broacl.feced d1rive whee,-and eo constrncled tisat tise ame and table tilt aI the saie limue, thereby keeping tise pilman always in,ino vitis the kuife. The îakes are driven dlirectly froxif tise'main sisaft-there being ne perceptible aide draft, and n eight upon tise herses necks. We are coufident that we have succeedeal in inventiug tise mont perfeàt Ramper, taking il in all its parts, tîsat lias ever been produced.i. We- have applsed for letters patent, and shallh ld our invention, fur ouro n exclusive manufacture, and w6 respoctfully suggest te-is- tondiug pu'chasers, alrt thsy shoulalosee this machine isefore gsvng their orders for tise nomiug lîarv st. The IlWhiLby Harveater" weiglis, ail bld, O00 poundsi, but being made prislepaily of tise Seat qualily cf irou and steel, and from ils in- genions and compact constrncf.in, il combines tise strength and dirability of tise hoavier machines. AUl of ont machines are fuliy warraikted. With tlim list of machines, vo feel confident tisaI we eau moet every re- quirement, sud ve respectfuliy seliait a trial of our machines, belisving tisat we eau furuisis a Stter machine for tise mouey tismu eau be obtainod clebiere. Itespectfnlly Yonrs, BROWN & FATTERSON MF'G. CO. WhilSy, Ontario, February, 1877. Afà, 4 B ULFINCH, StBOISTON,' (OPI'081T11 ItMYI'Ii HOMJI.) lTEE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, '~Or,. SELF-PRESERVATION. 0, MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD. Oold Modal Awardcd tu thse Auiser tIle National Medical Associa-n fotie" Match 3115t, 1876, just bs' oiaissas by tise PEAiIOiY ME1IOAL r.INSITi l asrsaw adition Ostishe usedical jwork snljtîedtise "SCiINCE OP LIFl-: cr, - Si isoaisw lest, how regairîrd and 1e4 s t- Ustod:, cause anal cure et ltxlsauîtesieealY lm gteecy.Precnatasre erno,(I rase, Sper- iuiraali Nros aniIlyla >hltrify peelfeeclia, GieerssyFerebedinge, on SeI De- .iresioe, Loua ocfEeer Y, 11agsar iCoustei. ance, Confusion ef Minci andIes ofetMemt'ry, *Iumue ottsefthtisa ticacc, andlail aisesase Sartliig from ars. er 'iostisor tise tlhiscre. tiens. or sarcla.. of miter. ears. It telle yenisal i lVît tiseqMarais of <lanera. tire Pisyslotegy, the Physiloegy of Mariage, of Wedloek anal Oaisprissg Pliyaisai Contraste 0Trec Morality, Esopirllsicn, lPerversionaïca -Marslage. Cu ai 1Proceî,t andalfriueliy coula- sel Pîsysirai nfnilt)', ita causes anal cure, Relatiesîs botrain tlao Sexes, Pre of tise Expansion of Vice, tie Miseries et Inapte- deuce, Auciest Iinrasice andl Mc-rers, Meaus ef Cece, Cuese iedy asndi Crcal 'Tiie Prie- ciples of Troittment, Addrosi te Patient, andl 1IIlliRealer, Tl'isaAulisrsaPici Tise aice of Vils eLook sla ly O$100.'iseipss TItia bock aloo etaiaes more tisse FilS>- Prescriptions for thse chove nained snd othor diseae, rac nieue Worths more tisaistise ps-lc i ftise hup. Thse inistitute F-i5e publishes "lTHE PHYSIOLOGY OP5 WOMAN AND HE R DIS EASES.' Prc, $2. Thse best bock cf tise kiâd exrtant. Aise aîsotiser vrlabiessinudicai wori trait- isg eaalusiveiy 'Mieastati anssiNervous DaIeasea; sue.tisse 200 teyfti ctevo pages, twenty cie- Balitenlgsivisscs,isr undilneeiaacaîntiai uosii. f'ric Osay $2Bs3rsly eouisisteu isy lor tanisai *'Tilieeok for yoaang assai(aiitiaigoal mn te rondaljasai now, s tise Science etaitie, or self 5'roserratioi, lisaateor lias 'aturaiaifromn lerep ls a celent beastia, assid la figaili thse Cblat osatiascr Phyiciesn octhe5, I'abi.ay Madical Inittait, No. 4 ilulisril Strest, Bui.. ton,. as"-tin'saaeJenlasiAi. "Tise Science ni bile le bryns ail cosoîsari- BOn tise n'ont extruordiussy work on 5'lisyaioio- gy ever puul)liel"-iiDSON oHrsîaÂrn. 0 onistîni Ili tlise bIsolsuoetI'sdorsa,' oX, anl Opee plassm er i aags50w silice tie suing eft Sloge viiesable wsocks, pabiéitea ho tisePiboly Meaicalillsetitiste, Nwihili ar teaeisthtiîsansis liaist av auitise iiiaiadicg tisat gai)atise citaîdol of ie-'siÂEssr 'it ssolil bcsrones tai tseyoug, thisa ddsslie itioi, assi avaeu tho nl."-Nssw VeuTniauNsiE 1110 irat aim si> sai mdua vais-coîsirred upon a,îv Miiici i Iiai Sutht, countiry, [aisa recognitionsof, ekili anIrasirotcssienaaisrvices, 'wacjareslîsto t aits uctloraof thoss e rSe, Marris318it, ii7fli,'Tile proaaantatiain isas ectir- oil tise tusseofet 15, acairatic i ly tise Boston î'rva aisitisi ciil ansimerais tlsreegiut tise ceasîtry, Tht. Inagtisitcont MaiCenluoull aoid, set isitis more tissn cne lisindsrea Indiai aasnensifrsare btiiiaascy. "Aiiogiaitia' alss eaauitieîi eud tiseriais. ne,et itRA nater5ais, and I aOe, SiI,113 dessileis- Ir tise rnsS niticeoisio intisalal er struck le tilis soniry fCer aîsy psoaiwiatavar. I1hi welii worts tihe inspecion ofnuinasmatists. t wma Inir-ly won ansi vertlslly botowaiai,-Màs. s.rs.ssisl(iasycaîtN, ausisi l iG, . Cattiloioem ont u raicoist oC 6ceets.for posqtage, - Eltisar aof tis a a ia srcisS iysuailico rauraipt oait uta. Adirsim P1EA13011 MIlE CAL I NSWIITUTE, lor%il.ti iAititgit, M. 1., Censsîltiag Pisymie'aal), No, 4 Bultes St., Basa- Soui Maîs.,, capsita ie ReVOH011s13. N.1B. 'T'he mtior caun bainsultaisien tise aiseve asi ci iscialis, as- ivesu aslsai diseusjes reguefrng eskiU. sîcrocy miel axioritince, OIsive h11er, A. in. te 6 P. Xa. 'FEES TO BE TAREN T BYtCNTALLES. (Ulser Order h-s Council, dreesi2415 day of Jel>', 1874) . Ais-est ot eme illudividelal upon a warrant...e 8: svùgauin .r nu 1,pceua,, 0 25 5,Mircage te serve SaMSu, as- - enusanrwarrant------------...0 1 4.Ilesge vise nService -asisol be ufOo ps-o(et ddlligeuca. .0. 10 il. Mi eags laltiasg -riiers legea exclenime cif Sasiursements nec:$ esarii>expenadainlisIbir cou- veymncai............. 10< 0.Attaiiding JusBtices n «O' u1enuunary trials, os- ou examination of ps-s- seneta i hargeai with *rime, for ranis na>- nessasti>- empîcyesî lu ens Or more cases, wheis net engagon more tisaistour hours.. 1 00 7. Do. do. visse cigagei mes-e tisons four heura .................. 1 0 8. AttendJasg Aseixes etr Sesiose, ww a ........ 1 50 Ufog rao Kte atten',d" a- iuce,, Scotons, or belons Justices (%vien publiecocnveygjjcc cuis le isiain, oui>' oaaie diaiuraa- ment» toise silowed.) -0 10 10. smnanning JuzryCoraneste Inquest, su clu ing atlendisais inqesesi, -aa sa-ioes inu sse Poet Ib eneef, il 5.14 on saune day as Jet>' spemousal---------. 1.Attenaing "escis adjeu 2 00u ua eaged Mnie- 121 Do. do. if. engageaiý morets i 1sa 0 -tour houri., .............. 160 28. Servlug semmousO or sehiprenste ailetisbeote Coroner (lubjest No. 10)..... ..... id. Miloage îerving cma.......e 25 )f. lxhumlug ci- e 0r,(,' ....... .........20 17: fleeing df.reteswarrtant, aud te. tsArninrfmnm..., *i ...18 1.AdvertleingUndor dtrpàcaswar- rant ....... ...... .....5 19, Traeligtemake cdietregs or te searsioCr gocalai lme 510dis. Iréns vison mgoce aire fend., O010 20. Apptalse= ,t~ or more, 2 clti h ou tise vine cigoosa 21. <ataicagnle s0a is sud commrassioan anuld erot> f oocle, 5 clginl lIse 9,on Mnet produno ai1gecis 11. xitutliagsearcla warrant .I 8 qê ~rvlng notices oun 1salas eho ni obrve" .. )50 the"i, Iected and' ahines-mi: ed for othai smcnti(cf c atts "0» gêneOD -FASHIONABLE T4IL ORING Go where you eau get a Well-fitting Garment :-To th Tailoring Establishment of. GEORGE GURLEY, SUPERIOI{ CUTTING SHAPE S THE WORK A Large Stock of Fine Obths ; hast Enghis, Scotch and Canadia Tweeds. L->.Excellant Overcoatinge andl Splendid '1est Patterns. gpod fit Guarantaad. GEORGE GURLEY, JUST ARIJED AT THE ODD FELLOW S' BILDINGS FOR. THE IOln ID «& - NEW RAISINS, FANCY GOODS OF ALL KINDS, CA.4NDIES, (tise betlenewis), A LARGE ASSORTMENT. NE W FIGS, ORANGE PEEL, LEMON PEEL, CITRON -PEEL, SPICES (ail kinde,.) CHIEESE-, SIIASM, BON, LARD, &c., &o. $ 4 16 ] ( lB A a. Ail of whioh will be sold Cheap FOR CASH. Fresh Oysters and lladdies received J)aily. PETER SMITH N.B.-Cash paid for Butter, "Eggs, Poultry andl Apples. Whitby, Dec. 5th, 1876 6 N EW S TATIO0NFR y AT THlE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. ORFICE, BROÇK ST. For Sale at very* ReàsOnable : Pniee.s. $;:.A fuilassortment of OhofîoQFa kinds, at equally Low Pnoes. -MAPLE- MOLAS# 25 Hous'é and eadn 'FIoer -Iantg in ~ei.raýaen. 'FRESH TOMÂTOE,L ka fùlasi;rtinent of China, G1ass Tea. Dinner, and ioiiet Sets on hand and forsi Ailindwer .Fio dQidGrden See thy ocd,&o.Turnip, Scede of au i cids, direc WANTED.-Any. quantity of Go uteEg F é t fi e , f or wh i oh t h o i h i g h eé t o a s h ri o e wJie P i A 8I~R ~ Mlle Mid77 oeiily Spades and Shovels. Garden Rakes, Garden Hoes, Cut Nails, Paints and Ois, Paii and Varnish Brushes, -&c. #j- Tinware of every descriptic in Stock, aor made te ore. Mo. nt 17 w at ElecroSilvr Patea vry lrgeassotmet, nw d sigs Electr ler Plaute a verylCargoBaskstmen, &onel ign ble goode, and pricas lower than ever. Would call apecial attention to a New Line of Good- NICRELITE-a substitute for silver. Nickellte Table, Dessert, andl Tea GROSS & MACNACHITMI Whitby, April l7tlh 187'7. G0L D S MIT IUS Now to hiand; a fuil assortment of Nei Goods, whioh ha-ving been weil bouglit, Wiil be offeredi VERY LOW PRICES. SOLD AND SILVER WATCHES & CHAINS. BRIGHT AND COLORED GOLD JEWELIERY. BLACK 3JEWELLERY, JET AND VULCANITI I"Clocks of Wani-anted Quaiity, Very Le-w PnFicel Spoons, Tale a A NDer Onks. Insp eto iv teal.S Chul'drens' Carniages ini great vaniety, týwo, threo, and mr Wheels, Armeriean and Oana-diau makies. fo m c- ai-cii 27, Th77. o~ Practical Watchmaker, Brook Street. JOacicaSWTQIWr rokStet ~EÂSON~-7è] ALWAYS ON HAND G-OOI~S P'R IN G LE-'AT IdIO TUIEY WILL MARE UP OHIEAP, FOR CASH McMJLLAN'8]BLOCK, Brook Street, Whitby, I. pure gant sera, cern ci ciraici -àweka a c o rt d l g te h o v m sq d ly g a s la b u n e . À m d a e i z e a lm a c h n a s it& b l e fc a d v a i . R d - ý g - -t e ing, viii really requins terne cm atekeep Il in perfect-erden tisa wl ôte kerosouqiç wr -CHALESMABIN ton or fIteen ftesu minutes a eek e ensfiaient. iada aý , M nal , Tctexplaiocloanly anal lu detail tise plan spcn wiriscisOnr Machine iscostrctd'ad oeAen c~a isc I opnao~,laa mltr ~ sra difisai>' % a a4etttaemeut non oh sisinporaIit te t ie &Ver ge Inq i er. B Sffi e nt ta know ,% rft b' -lsuItÎ ii on 1 1 e ca e~ - O n~e of the T estim ni nale. Prenons'ffi 'es~ Daneôrelalym Irl-s t i o c f s s t r s g ýe h l e s , -m a n î a m a l a s w o r k s w e re e o r o t e d s lu vanos pa?0 0 tsecouutry, i iii as' smd tspgscestrutive dI.llaI i , lise nndersigned, have Losee inu b>' lins ud retenta ira= cei on cil. These venhes are epniveý: 'tié utlay forsasitable 'rery muais for tise hast tare yens frtin bidiniexoragoke helder, L&c., la necesarihy jgét'ea,.Thisig aisenite conedàable caie Riseun*tism in tise acidle joint, se muais &ô "a osli 1ta manmge, ,Tise manufacture cf kas fora iiîi.dJJf.hg demailds -îsairly as, tisaI I vas cteuunable te attendl temycaun. rancis labour, spd quite as mucisiki4 âsais reqoirod a memas nÉpy-uffiànt taaras ing, but tisreeapplicationsof Dr. BrnlàuWtt a smali village. " ' 11 1 :ýý1 1 .. -R-itisematiàm- anal GentBesme4l>'gave me Tise procesellinu ne ns antommlla ; as citaisas tise volume et gais centaineal li te tiaS relie fritepains ansd.stifineas avicis I isolder lae xisausted~ibte retenta muet ha rechargea, tise fires rekindiea, anelise labour ra i d Snet exl!î ecefor tisa last tva yeai, raanulacluning seliser suppIl -rcppltaîe. snd slter esghit day's use oft tIss remenl>, 1 Malcnggas in tiis a>- is uagrerable, sud troublesome. - Aquantity cf tcal,8mile fina mysel it u cre aînd reshbiel curaulstes lbeultishe werkn ; tise odeur afling itm tiem tia avety-senona -I owe Ibis mlalejanta telise public, th ie objectisn, in. many-caee, <o tIsÎeiriestroaluaîion. Gais manutaatured, on ie -plan 1wam109e profession and tthe rts C h ef n quite expensivf?, ifii;u-additioe te lise fin-t cest oftis ae i al~b kenjnwaacceunt the, article. -m ets eun labeur of mnàaintélre andtise expess ýotxpafra epan lseeth le ts--oi lIf nentnsll DIUNCAN McCALL«UM, M. D. item. It raust aise be berneéis mind tisaI in sraall'ga. e lcs t e a&plimues omi mnfa- Jene 17th, 1876- Sua-e ara navet cof.iic e rlIs 9 se 6great, ils obtineda-t Ibe large neenles lu thiseitite ea a-cpeal ________________ This clasai t of ai nivlsas-go casurs ueeda h> u scsiescsare - MSH. SAMO &COMPANY. pre era blo'for t ise fo l om ni r eaons : s ~ ~ * lt. Tieir lrtelcoote smueis irs. FU N IT I 2ed. Noeexpensive ont-buildings aie requireal. Thetanktaeceutain thsegas gainera- FU'R N .1T sUR. E toi le. a emali l uiseapaffait, underiseali the greunS, ouI t sis Sil. Ail lie labuis nsd trouble ni osakiug g as a aeal e; Cire eur machines ne- qolte ia se triffings lebe scarce vertS>- of meulien. 411n. No oeiur arises fIte m sanufacture, lnet Ia. Ibe ean>-litter ar dirt. 5ts. Ont machines are antoraativ ; Ibe gas le alvays reaalY fer use. WEIOLE SALE,& RETAIL. -all thfg e , iré, iuh'hee nèë urmcinsl oeoUgt&autr buildings detciedal a onsderile distance, Itm eacis cher. A gopI allfings lulse_ couutr-y, or. Ibe business part oi a scal tevuü, raylu Ibisva>- le lgisled.at-ifnclisu aeom~~1et R i expense thiuf tacisindIvidual.eccupant verto - y an apparâ,ataI cehiali g0 Cee .rro s- l t H l ai ceai gais *venu.Bach ensesmes-ram>- have Iisumelon isns, payiblss oui-frviat ga sas uses.. Btis±iW.IISi8 9 Yonge st. Au evidence ofth1e distante thal Ibis Ict ueal iciihacannlea vilisout ufering raterlly ritem condeniatien., ae vonlai stale tisaS ae, iu 1874 sodamacisne te Mr. Haive slwayà où bannI aiPull stock ofever>-- EgrJ.Jarvia, ci ltosodair, Toronte. Thismachina hie ussal lu ligistingl ougôe, anala tising tiseirilne,mandlispe isystricattention n u n r e r fs i l a m p sf i c o v e yr i ug t h e g a s s o n n a I f o u r h u n d r e a l f a t l u s e S i n g ; l u l i s e l a p' c ts«a î s e h i u t a e a t e i futhtislrfmovealrittie machine hielbas au- equaui> good Ilgis as fl tise eue nearcet-to centinuance n1 tise palrciigo Islierto ex il. tendeS- to th em. - In introducing large minesa, anal ligluling Iberewiti a numsber of buildings1lsp oasm% iet paonvsretitis lanterne ail entrante gale, pipes exteung le rn t er, te h tneo hait a mile or more. M 'vnhd expérience lunlie manufateithe iamachines, fer a number o! ears lu tie Untee BIaIts, ana bein(r pracUel uelsan, %vo axe Cpy#det lial'our maClne rSaaiimal attention paid tec the mklng f- seconalte noue on-tisé Continent. ,W d not cousit sla-nau iîuseu-oî.*'taDior.wn, ,buwe- N Z E D L E W 0OR K have madie several -imprdverasuti tai snke tiserasais siadreliable. '^W6 test everyrm chine sinder Our own supdrvlelin, indaran'hest te givesstièaln.--- : PRICE LIST O? XIE CANADIAN GAS MACE, CoMPLIXTE, PR SlEEi Free on lboard of Cars ai Toyessic. OTTOMANS, - Numbr 1, ratel te supppip 15 Burne so, 200 00.F N Y- 8 '50 ' 800 00. - 'i 7, " g75( " 70»0 7,: " 800 " 0000. 10, es 400 1000 00. LAMRIEIS, 'IV SAi'l'OO ARLo BILIG' I Wre uqjet tisa propriet>- of pntting lu pilles for gsis, aven tisougis ual lmmediatel>- conaiml>isugpnrisains a asmacine seti e nse aofntlng -in pipes, if doue aI tisaproearIme,,trsu,~~ Iloft uuil t5er tise building ta campeed, tiey cs yet bai inîosicad, alIbee~uselacousiderabl>' greater, sud tisee caups tets Idbuse are- M a r. o I l e ns1 8 il o v er d s u r > - p ip e , e ssai a s a re u s e d isat Ie a in tr o d u i ti e n ef ceaI gasaremaerdeni.ý We invite certespoualente ritem muy eue wio is~lding and couteraplating thé lInre. duction af gas. We sisals be giad toaiase vs tisnsuai as te tise beet manair o lu Pies,n a ad iSs,14ilai : ' Wchave a c tn orue ontape-vsr asnita mn>' part éft lima sbntlr te pipe buildingai, sel machines, Lic. We ýsoIIciî au 'opportuni>- taeslsaeopnlietitoJvAk opiig ssnssngmcie, gesluur, scca ylti teS> t igsl up. On ragmnsaescs ia etn compete vils au>- do-, tug f-t-am " k/ ise sgo tfrtise nC'e1jispsri cuvyle esserealom fpilt- etigu . Istu sl anh1' o clsi tm snsacco eed harel> upn tietegisunersanrluganl fstii w e s o n detais b ss Wien hanses ans .aireal>- pipeal or teal gs, ve can attacis ont m'ahineo vitisoul We sollei ilnesefor Gaisaîise. Ont arranqemente ara suais tisaitva can 511 ail as-des prcmptly. We tuniss tise bent quaIS ity f fual ati markct rates. We uunfalteto an Cpper Tanks ta odr ot atrinig Gaoline, TETIMOa- LS I have have had iasp of Joseph is Hsiips & Co'e. Ais- Gais Machinesi se lu tMplc is Rosedalerai on ietelgftteen mouIts. Frora my, expentenas, I am satisfid wil, th principle of Ibe Machine, Tise gas la ni a supes-tos qualal>-, sud econompinal Enosui Jý . JASS7cma SxrntA55Uila, 1876. M assB . J cS au n 1i ru m nS s & C o . U I a a a c 7 h 8 6 GasaraasEMENi-I bave ver>- grasl picasure lunseommendiug your -Air Gos Machline put tt oua- College, ais il ha giveuýpéetusatisfaction.-Yours, L&c. George Yule'begs to aunnounce that ie lias re0-opened his Stationery sud Book Store in Whitby, where stationery of ail kinds, of thse hast quality, wiil be kept on hand ; aiso Sohool Books o! every description, Copy Books, Siates, Pencds, Inks, &o., &c., at the lowest priceB. The Daily and- Weely Papers always on hand. - Sub- ecriptionre Solicited, MsclInstruments,, including a fi ne> assortmaent of Viln.Orders are taken for Periodicals, Magazines and Music. W;Iitby, Dan. lotis, 1876. GEO YULE.ý -WILLIAM TILL'.S CABINET. FACTORY AND FURNITURE, WAREROOMS ! THE OLD STAND, BROK aiTREET W JBY Go where you- cannot, fail. to ],be pleased in m]4ngseI9oetions, of good f 7~tue Sp1endidPar1ý,ur, Drawing IRoom.aud Bedroom. Sets, Now esige wel wothy ! inpection, >at astonishing'low-pr o.,Dm ing-room Eitinsion, Tables-a vory supyeriorar-ticle. Gilt Cormices, Pieture ]3raming in every sjtyle. Soma fine Chromos &nc1 Engravings for Salo. Several Open Buggies withi child's'seat, Lady's Open Phoetons latest style and -very -liglit, Co-vered Phoetons with Rolling Seat, lalsose5,Light Top anid Open Buggies Of Super- ier Style anid Finish. -i -'I Wh 111 made of àitby, Jaly 5tli, 1870. tes dMaterial Warratied.. and TOMS & NEWPORT, Whlitby, - Ontario. 28 BOOTS AND SF{OES.,, JOHNSAJN'DER-S M s s u s . J , P i r a s p a C o . , T e n n t o . - h a, a , t i a m a r n , 1 8 7 6 . Dszau Sauh-ave now beeu using yousa Canadi&n Air as Machinas iur abusi mearr alarn -m"i"lmr-.hne" ra1alts p~s Imtaiaeç aa hii a Or&A QF. . xla- Te Ga ; -Yant air gs ovitred inim s>-store aI Wiiby gives complots salis fatatiosa. Tise machins vonlto i is. car:,and I amra svesi slange amn'Unca-l-aisoura-nua expoeia, bases tisýe advatages of cleanlines s s-asq superIer lisgih. OMUI.LAND iu ~asAUTs AasocuIc4TeiaeaoNT,e,187,. -FuRseEXa-aa Paus.s Clase152. ection 85. N. 50. -Aticle-Caadisu Air. lonMachine. Eiibilo-Jas. Piilipi, -Rosiaeuý-Tarceta SCOTT &PHILLIPS, CANADIAN-'AIR ,GAS' MACHINE, 1'LUMBERS, - GAS AND STEAM, ?ýITT.BRS, 158 -YORK TRFET, TORONTO. marisana put adcvu luntise iest style-. JAS. H. SAMO & Co Mercisstis, 1876. - T ME THALBERG P IANO0 Tise ThA,1Lqiahauala wsat long fet-- GOOD, 2USEFUL PIAXO vhich crabineritise -elekàress ocitons and' tise beauty aifinshodnie-ot culeistateal malte, viti a moderatopie.P If il h eko a isevIs possible la supp>- - aiGotad Fluoranabout HALF',aTHE ; PRICE itlner4lycisùare, tise iîwr slaniu Inth lstsing, or saler ci tisse instrn- mens, tberc are nie large showl:oms le- keep up, ne gmi d eÊalls te mifantain,, or ne expeneivé tira-nelling'agnts laopay. Tisese insta-emente, are mil made ci a- UNIFOBM STANDAIID, FULL SEVEN 0OCTAVE, SOLID' IION FRAMLE, OVERSTiIUN91- RAS,) CAILVED-MLGS, RtOUND FliRORT CORNERS SERPENTINE MOULD'Gg. sed DOUBLE VBNEMIIiII) DISCOUNT 0F zxc'PER CENT. wil be alldweai Saisolsasud <Suvent,sire lau Chergymn for ise use ofitheft familles. W. ADAMS, At Wltlsy, F ibruaty,,iSti, 1877. 8 Gra/ 8 the %soai l efec4of tisa .,1SpEucaa anal Pinssainf-uses tbiree monthe tiet oetbeê1 SpÙ0order the~n - tifie cornbuin GaU M. S e re paration thée Brade, Mark Bý3I5BnO(UcO x 10 ansd bàlvftù PRIOE'25018, T04 frsc9 to1 o QURGEON kIByronS Dr Wtt. MaCB ,tmnction of tee ,ascheap &Èth bT-eti,-,Teeth local anatsea au's ne w bocl King StrÊ64 0O THO1A BUIDER * -DUN ciJnahn w oijnatson -Wa - JAIM ~AL I2Nsi Tise Clark w Town Hal, Cd Fridays, for 1 hours5 9 a. mu. - A T Clerk DivisI, Cemaurnssaler ù &c. Ateni>p Colt A itbyIep. - pOB3T. ÈMS Balle,, Wezter (7fra4,, 6,aeZ Crystal, etc., riNqAND ZTINQ-BUm I lias just. reeeived a large stock of l3oots &n-d'shoeÉ, suitable for Sprnwa.r, ivhfbtle'i1 ~SLLCHEAP iFOR A8EIït At a v0ry-small margnocot W0:'k done to order in first-class fstyle. A Stylish< Boot and a G0ood Fit Joml SAUNIYERI ýiK- R Paxài~es nAAa nt:ak 4mnt~n BOO Y'oýr. ' Fôr.ksy HALL Merchant Bu G.-G 1 -1 1 . 1. 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p 1 4-.- 1 1 1 1 'r , 1 i- 1 1 .1 . 1 .1 OSHAWA. S:mAsowi larcli 27, 1877. 'ÀT 1 -M-.! -Ta--ilorùtg Establishment, IE 1 50 Lijlet Machinc. A. B. I)zxmL. 150 Liglit Machine. 1 1 'J'nos. e. jGjýB»s.- 75 1,iglit Machine. SYRUPI

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