Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1877, p. 3

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id le 1O 's 8 e 1~, y I r a ILficm 00fM mlte, le reporï next geli. th ugi " report' ef jug"V ui6u"kv l be vi""To unamenti 8UnOU o tinl.'n vont inte ý,Comnaltteeos f th e e Bubiequnnly a quoruim vas procuerd thsrn-bàr. Motbeusill lu the chaafr- and theStauneu gêon OI ili.' Thi epolr'tatates!that 1h, needs'oft$1 The <qprsu an slhh laussof the eonnoü would recuire ai mcoh silu< repoit vero etruelk out clter a, stcDg Yeu tocarry hhrogh, but co00 z- f opoîidgn, ans! tie 511h-Md tentiWthe fciltIs e b. bàdasi theBatk, lb itb-tamy. ' bard lime. ands!ibuLaveeait u 1Yeu, Tho. remciing laàees of iie zreport th. commîttos proposes! b levù cml voe.adoptad by the committea vithout 020,000 (6,00w ou les iau lait - eur discuelon.The eommitteo bad recelveda conônu The report vas thon recelvd and froan Mr. Gillespieoas! Mm. B:lellf Tha couneil thon a*djoni-nd, cn me- serice inconnection villa Ie saxo; lion cf Mr. Gr-aham, seeoeded by W m ate-o'.t oot ý4 n Lîck. asmuch lm th. accomiîs versa no dat- FIFTH-DÂ~.@odor. proieishos rougi h the roper PITR-À!.channal hhoy did net rem oêpay» . Scturday, lune Oh. mnst cf îLeéia8=e *Theccunoillmot ah O '0c0Loo.Min- ,Mr. Gillespie oxplaincd liaI ihez.-r utnes resd and! approved. vice o e r ndero~r a ears ago, COMILIxOez TO EE A5DN. hai ho Lad attended.sveralime. in COM11IXEN TO TE WADEN- Whihby and-Taronte alliJeý instance o. Mr. Orahamt-oacouded by Mr. Mow- the chairman cftli commite,, liat ho bray, moveil tint the auna of #100 be vas put te a goed doal of trouble and isid tie Waralen ta cever expenses ia expouse anud only.- made a charge of * le disciarge cf hi& ofliiai daties dur- #22. ingthie yoar, ands! liaIthie lianki cf tise Mr. Biekeil said lie Lad naver ticughl 00 ccl be exe edhin for tie able afllie malter antil romindes! cf Il - by sud courteeus matmar la vhioh he pro- Mr. Gillespie, liaI Le Lad Lad 6PEons sidos! ovor thofir dliberations. arrled cf atondances ou lhe lavyers ans! Mr. -unamlongly. -Paxîcu'. frienda la connection v4L h. TEANICS TO GAOL VIzaroats. case for vhici h.e made ne charge, and ou motion cf Ma-. Feasby, seondas! Ihal lhe account vhich Le PU& la for lxy Mr. Bruoe, lie liaras cf lie con. *20 vould flot cover e «enss. cil .vere .plesenles! le reverens!- Mr. tssme oîera lusye s adéd Colo as!d Miss Gordon fJor their klnd- lemmes luevsadda mesla viig ans! ýàn18tering le- îLe th instance cf1Mr'. Caumeren recona- priinerslu Ie gai. 7mendlng payment, ans! lie report PROBD~Q TE OOMIITTES. ÀAby-lav, foudai Upen 1he report, Mr. Graham,aecoended l'y- Mr. Heov- tuegssssie coutaitfer 020,000 vas or, Imeoves! liaI oesof lie standing thon passed. raies l'e liaI ail committoos, except 1he.IETO standing commithos on finance, present On FTR ETN. 1erreot mlOne is hr motion of Mr. Wright, secondes! dcv af tia session, the. ooxslderation cf groMm. and Ottaa l .aentcflis saCs! repor» te have a preference ovor wrnoas laaRivyb-a aul other businss. -Mr. Grahamcm- passing, the varden l'e ilaslrçctd te plaines! cf the d lay under lthepresnan ctcS po c eei0'fli oucî e aylm la brxnglng la roporteim-weom,.lIshneemmhfo i ie 0 iadpnrpTsly, k~jlbeek-and 1.vt en ae aodrl ia th escea o conne delayod. It paisIsîae -& va ime, Le urges!, liai lie change FXTREEE PAT. vau made. On motion of Mr. Feaaby, le pay Mr. Bloheil dmeld there vas any Meurs. Bmuae, Songer, andMcnDormott preef of lie ciarge cf ILe reports beimg $2 addiional oaci por day insmuc s puxposély kept bcck ' Lo reples! geor- hiey wculd ho ana ble le gel home be- &Diy si te lie 'dMculty of getlng up fore Itionday. lie reports. On motion cf Mr. Wrigit ceunoil ad. Mr. Wrigt - akes!. Suppose tie jounnd. conmittoas dis! mot comply what - vas W be dons 2LIBEcRAL CONSEEVATIVa !Pîo-Nx.-Sir Afler some further, remarks lie John Macdonald ans! Dr. Tapper have, motion vu vitidravu. vo boliaivo, vithout setting a day, con- ILLNICOS Oj Tac E lEE. CONDOLENCE Ma. Blok dIl, seconded by Ma-. Whl-seshte cItotns! a demonetration in or, suoves! lat tie counoil regret te South Ontario la tLe shape of a pic-nie ]sea ofthe serions luness cf Our- re- somie lime la Angust. apeâhes! demi, vhofor lhe firsI lime lun 24 years hos bean absent f1rom l TEI.O .F.BÂSB D-aa moesic , and! exprois hhir sincoesSaturday ovening, lis bans! playos! Lepes for is peeuly recovery, ans! 11151fi-enaAluns balceny. The music vas lbe counchl extens! heur syxnpallsty b Mai. Mcedenell ans! famil in thir good A, siover of ain coming on, afficio, ns laIa op o î? as- owveor, forces!thema bd stop sarlier luticu b. seont le Mrs. Maodoneli. than intendes!. PÂXEENT 0YEuasENGUE. E. Frost l th le. odd Fellova Hall On motion cf Mr. Parker, secondas! Whilby is alloving c york shilling -a by Mr. James, lie treasumrrvas direct.. dozen for eggs. od te pay lie Menssenger 42, por- day for hsie rvices daring th1e sassion. TuE CA5TLEz-ON VUnDa.-Monday, the jur found tiaI Ithe- deali of Al- ODSOMioER ISUD UMEa. beraWNade vas causes! by aaiea-lion' On melion cf Mr-. Rowland!, second- precumed by lie man Smith, assistes! eoù by Mr. Seager, Mr. McDsrmott, by Welton and Mallomy. a-ieve 'of Rama, vis Oppoinhea!corn- mieslonea- for- oxpeûding lia grant çf PFEAIUUL DEsTRUCTION i Y ASEBAR=- 0150 on lis brldgs over Head river 6%o QUAKE.-Fourteen tevms Lave been de- lie boundary lime. stroyes! and six handres! livlesbt by PAY OF VOLUNiPiERS. an eartiquaks lu Para and Ilolivia. On motion cf Mr. Jiokell, s'sconded The damage te shippiug aloug lhe by Mr. Lick, thie -vrden vas directeil coast vas veiry great, and propemty af ta mesmerial the govarmamnî ta havealal kinda la lieeoxenlof tvenly million thi.pay ofi 11e Volunteers encreasa!. dollars vas destroyas!. PIINTINO. Mr. Wrialer br9ugil up lie report of ~NotiC6s of Birtiks, M2~arriageîi, he standing cDxnmits on priuling, anad Liai/as clarged DO conti eacle. xhlch vas adaptes!. POSexaensE. B I BTHES8 - Ma. ]ickell reportes! froin theLeect PRESTON. -At Whitby, on ltae11eh xe±xmitee tlevhom this question, vas infthie vile of Mm. John Richard eferre!. Ha rens! documents lu conmoc. IPreston, of lia Dominion Blank, of a fon viti the poor LoaseataI lerlýn, daugiter. Waerloo, ich Lad beeu n 0Opration M ARRBI E D. For slevemal years, ans! the rasaitls vere amry salisfactcry. The annuel state- NORBUYFIDDES.-At AucL-T nent- viti delails viavs cf bhals- uacant, Faveman, Aberdeemehire, Scot- , Ë dc&,,wove.lis!iafIrq lhe ceuncil. ]an, on lie 171L May, 1877, bytLe romthonas. il asappea.e, t athe c,,,eof Rev. W. M. T<av. M. A..TIi W maintenance for 1875, vas 04108- burt NorberY UEs] , Of Rochdale, Lan- 1870, $886.! Avez-cge siamber of in- casire, Engiand, la Mfary, -only daugi. mates fer 1875, 78 ; for 1876-78 ; ox- ter cfthie laIe Rabert Fl(ddas Esq., Of pense par wook for ssci inmacte, 75, Miuies ans! AGUuacant, and! niece -o! Hoî cents ; for 7-76 cents. Thea Loeat.-Colouel Wallacce of lhii tovu. suma pais! ly Munioapalitias cf lie J)E A.T H S coasty for 18706vas as foie:- Rama$, *5-Tierah, 078.70; Marc, MATHEWSON....t ig, lae esi- *180; Broci, 4260e60; Scott,0172.55 ; donce, Limadiels! Farim, Lot No. 22, 7th ReaceL, 1069860 - sogog, 057;!,But COn-, 0f Whitby, Robert Mtievson,1 Witby, *500; ýOshava, 0542.42 ;*Tovn aga8d 62 years. of WLthy, 1604.22 ; Port Ferry, 6202;- -Whllby lovsilslp, 0000;OvUxbridge WHITBy MARKETS. Village, #888,20 ; Uxbrldge t Ievmhip, #820.4; Picker-img. 1200-inaklng a CeacusO»aJn 3,17. tota of*178.Littlo praduce moving. Vaa-y vide The report recommemded tlieSthiefluatuations ln pricos Of grain. eosxxnittéee be aulioriz i os ler t aIFioar, par brl---------...8M boa09 Oô0 lie maxtisesion-lt.-Týi quablty ans! alMa. ... . value of bans! requires!; 2nd.-Tc sueé, 01 600.01. c osi70 P general cieracter ans!dccSf buildings; spriuog wiat .........1 4008110ce Ord-Tho seul cf fui-haingthie bals!. Bi.rley-------------...... $0oaase0ce lng, ans! sueh ocher Informnation as they FPuas---------------.... 80c@ 8 ay be enl'ed to le etrîLhe nf Obcl........ ....... 5 5 the@iomaj.'Comnm...............5 070 -On motion for adoption Ur. WhiteHSy..... .....10 a0,12 said ho would 1*6to seeae, "palsen Potatoas-------------..c6e@oes iadsbetveexa the extent asd veaithi f Bggq. 0............... 0 0,11 e I'Vaterloti ans! Ontario. The -cempari- Butter..............lac 0e 18 0 s o u o' t h o a men u n t s p a i s ! b y s o a c ifq m l e W o o d - - - - - - - - - - --.. .6 . . .3 5 0 6 4 0 Y suppr f-ipooa- vWba&ao ontluWoî-------------.....27o028o. laa-f cf liaprxooipbaelfliaereprt ; ha Boaf, iind quarter...... $6008 70 o wished lie repoîlt tosupplyfurtier Bifr ure .5 6 5s Mrl. Graham o voad iii leknov 5i.eepskilla.............1 25 061 78 i wlietier tli anma6cipalitias has! pais! Rides .................5 50 0 0626 bc osuytLlng la addition: te the tex fer the Park, Par avt---------$.. 6 0003 86 26 pQûoaýhOUse PLambo.. .......e....s - a Mr, Wrgt alec aokes! vihher a Ode---------- 0 64g poor bouge veuls! rlias he .munic- uj. .. ..........51 S palities fre. lisir proest expinditmr, Turulips . .# ....---î..> roi ans! <lsetdthe]se of a vs!ow andi ohéie...----1......lc a017o. 0 hldses, vlieze ja womiarequires!Crea...... a AT TH TB Y Thur8day, 28th dune1 MIITARYE=V=9- SHIAM FIGM When~~ ~~ ArolrEgner, and mu Corpo i vil b.lergly repreîentea. Tic Mal or-GanorsiOa madn ,othar Dlalgnsed Oficers are expia b. prea. . 1 Op 0 OR EN INSPECTION AND, REVII w! er and àê tc S-HM FGHT, -Aller vichti c li 'w~nesvl re Fort, vilci vilnl'e efonded by cannon, suad attachai bthi. Toroento FPld Dallam-, sud lie 841h pittaion, and star a despur. * aIe struggle vil l'e evacuted& ans!blown up by dynamite. E V E N 1N : Parade of the Fire Brigade. ALSO, GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT in lihD1 b&Lted, vian lia Splandld gramme - Seveal lnterestlng military exor- *cIses viile perai-mos!. W Excursions have ben armargos! $0 ii li Great Mllltay Revlew, 0o only diiplyofiiekins! ive ield ilu e Pro- vince) froms Rochester, Port Hope, Pater. boro , lndscZ, Port Pommy, Toronto sud = tl.n, y w ch xouralonisls vWi b. able o $0rasailWh titime le see lie viole cf lie procuedlnus!ratai-n lia some nigit. .Capsin Dawes hb amdo corangoemente ili Osptain Savageocftle Steamer "MpoLa, y wc passongors vill b. arldfrom Lindsay $0 conneot viti lia maiva aPcl iry and returu n on ay same veek-FOR ONE PARE. A. G. MACM1LLrAN, W. H LL, Cammittea. ROBT, H. àLLAD',) Wbitby, 11h -Jun, 1877. 25-td LIE E VIOTUALLRS' ASSO. A Spealal Meeting cf lie Members af lie aboie Assocation viiib. iald st lis 1-v THURSDAYe 21st INST., At ana o'alack, P. rm., for the =trascion of important busmns. Members are requested ta attend. By order. J. P. TAYLOR, Bee'y C. O. L V. A. Whihby, Juna 18, 1877. 25 FOR SALE. "THE HOME FARM,' Situate jmiles vest oallie TovwnetfWIlit l', an* lin lgston Rocs!. This lai-m consists ef 140aras, an wvia tiers ara amecles!c goas! tvo-storoy Brie. Hanse, two Frsma Bai-n, Stables ft The land is la an excellent state aOfcnltiva tlou. For ail information mlating liereto tamsaeu conditions cf sale, appl- b-- FABEWELL & RUTLEDGE, veade's Balaters. Whitby, Jane 18, 1877. -25 ePIa-MT'O Liberal-onservative EASTiYOK OF à à ae hoatEiASLul i-Te YRth VILLAGE of MARKHAM, 4'EDNE8DA Y, June 27th, '77, Tbe Right Hon. ir John A. Mac- donald, KLes, M.P., will be present. Tie Hon. DR. TUPPER, Tic Hon. T. N. GIBBS, M. P.; Tic Hon. M. C. CAMERON, -Hon. WM. McDOU-GALL, DALTON Mc- CARTHY, Eaq., M. P., ïiiad chers ara Invites! sud axpeà6td te b. presfeul. JOHN GIBBON, Mai-khain, St Jana, 1877. 21u-25 IrEGIMBNTAL.ORDRE 1 The 841h Battalia< cf Acie Mitia vil asamible at Heas! Quai-tors, Wbiiby, an FRIDAY, THE 22nd, INSTANYT, lo prfmithe Annuel Drillefr 1876-77. Staff Ufficar, Offleera eommandlug Cona- poules ans! oliars coneata! iii leaRegi- menh, viii govern liennevesccording[y. -JMES WALLAOE, LT. COL Cammindng 841h BaIl.,A:k Whitby, 1leh June, 12877. 25 Sirayes!fe i e tpromise. cf *ubsrb-à er laIs, 9 and! 10 lna I. Sthcco. cf Pickering su orý ia toutli251h ot M&7, aLead c Young cattie, conistlng of:- lim twc-yeum ols! balers, ans tve-year ais! steer, 1 yeur-,1 lu biter ans! tva yarlnug se.ms. Tvo flatvaotr o ie ra vite, ana f lanavii- rs! ippis! ar; the charc vwo-yearcld heltsr fi cfàcrccncelor; lie vao-yaar nid shser l phe;layab allai-, leadrl a!os he x-5 n g e memMia Of ,uoe m wu qqfihdlnaspr Dow good,aMdvwith a b. ba, v om npoduc.da tilà aboie Laundry to ai', VcikO O4U loft At booktor.,WjbyL-wM be St.d le Aen pri., 0 ()*&Wb, May 141h, l87. Mimsteria. Steaw, Hats, Ministerial Fait Ratsy Ministerial MarinoH IL , inisterial Lustre Coats,: Minsteriat Linon ýý oats, Mi 1nisterial 'i en Duts Ministerial Linen Uloters., Ministerial Suit;4iite alCa , Ministerial Pants', M*inisterial Yests, D prmets -D reSs Goods, Print,'Sk, a etan LAUN- in -i .fla f Us , S1Ïrils , Oarpets a d arn- #Ite5 S à lýPaaos UmlbrellRs as U , d nce $0 L iens, Flù m els, -ans, Fano Goods G ents TASnt- cyGO et'Furnishiigse otu±ug, Milinery, &e'. r =or agima to ýïz;;e tlim wé, md vé reemmenâ j who de or t Mr. tRown'el cl-Perdoan-. itbJn th 87 AIl Lepartmellts Thorouglûsotd g o o s a xk e d i iin a i f g u e s . h e O ly C s t o e i i h t y Sm-gi J Whitby, lune Oh, 1877. NYDWVADVER'r 1 SE M HAMILTON & -----e IEATS, BONNETS, AND MILLINEIRy GOODS. j Cheap, Latest Styles in Tweeds. Gents'Fur-I nishuiigs' in Great Variety. 1New Teas9, Groceries, Wines and Liquors !1 Fine Ale in k( tIlighest Mai w- J. HlI MCMILLA BROCK 5171 The 'attention of t to their large stock of Twil Cottons, Table Linen and1 New Shirting, New Prints, For Gents' Nev Collars, Ties and Gloves, u A large stock of Clothing, iLinen-Dusters, alRSo l yoth'an o'clI The above good s wiilb( town, for cash or trade. One Price. Ail Olothing mad&to order. EJ. F1?,OST,: - ENTS. NEW AD VIE RIS-EMENI'S. C o. -C R Qu E T! We have received another lot of from only $.O and Wrought Nails, Glass, Plntty,&. Claest ie . et Other Qaaýlities in Stock. egs for Family use. rket Price for ]Butter. IIay a OKIE & Go., LN'S BLOOR, BI ~EET WHIBY.Locks, thie public are invited' Iled and Plain Sheetings, I>illow Napkins,- Towels and Towelings, Ljinen Costumes, NewIosiery, U v Hats, Caps, Shirts, Genuii ii great variety. .- f' Mens' iRetvdy-miadea black and colored Lustre Coats; ing, m o RIES TO HAND. May 8ohi,18 )e sold- as cheap as any house, in NEW ADVERTSEMENTS. C ARG.IIvPOIITERS &WHQLES, FIcia,, cllroitable for saan STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. -utFr, st-1' ycarsd.,t ltnder, Express affica. Apply ta- G .Y-.A NoticeIo hohreby given liat a dividans! cf ity May ,1877. 2 tirea per cant. for lia cument hall yeai-,____________ balug ct heia te of six per cent, par -mi Chimne'vsBuirnel uponth l isd-np c mi cf tha Bank, AP P LIC A TIO Na basiuiday dec s!, ans! ltIthe i.' ,"tovgBu. 61 saie vil 'a yable at lia Banksitas Is vibc'amaie te thre Jndga aI he Conuty ovs brancies ou . ans! cIter Manday, lie second Court of lia Connty cf Ontario, at lie ax- - day et Juby mort. piratien ai lvanty d2ysfrana lia firstin i - o Tii tranafar book M iile clames! frais li erti-ion bareot lu lieWmn 011,CIOICL sixtosntb $0 lie tlirita day of JUno, bc olitaaoint Mary Anu Rica, o!lie Tavn ci dcys incladds. wbt Lin the Caanty of Ontario, vite of -- Thoeannai genarai meeting cf stocklees!Jobn ce oft Wblt,- guai-dian cf Mary ae for lha alaction et dii-ector i-,viil'b o Ls!Eliabeth Scott, danglter et lia said Mary 'jLtl j ren '~s ct tho Banklug Honseocf tie institution on Anu Rice ly ber farmer bnsband Walter Widnesday, the 111h day cf Juiy next. TheBuns Scott lie sais!Moi-y Elizabeth Scott chair te b. hakon at noan. l'eiug anhIn!aundai- tie age af Twenîy- CLOTHE S-WRINGE B y o r e o t e B o r d . L . B R O D I E , o n c Rg O B E E T A R M O U R , Standard Boulk af Canada, Bowmanvulla, Jane let, 1877. 4 lin-24 H Torante, May 22ni, 1877. 25 ____________ T& lut. Rs Cv,~Y#g-8t,, two door shr g ors udI, c vrY littie Usy 2<it,1877 s!hteoravid behind th@ fore-legs, long Ireoy2s, 87 ottests dark colorai, vas raums! l in jer~5 M arntu- laadiag ta ber ~, reaovary vllereuds.Met1>< $ .4 Wht'y un 31,-J. . A DISON, *A N MC-A 1877. 2 5 ue 1k'h, N N E D A UCT 10N 85ALE 13Tomatoos-..... %cnts. A ~ ~ * Cherries-.....1 5 cents.- Sécond-hand Sewing ê 'vs:e? Jelise,, Cutrants, 'escheés, A Machines, 's , res ine APples, &c., AT WHEY, ON 44 TUBDA, s* 90 c .UIg, 87, ~ 40f4'~'Marmalade Du TVSAT 9 O' 1aLOf P. i, 1877, Du Tic2 i o c o t i P. X.a, règEn li h Pickles, 15 ,j cents.ý 1, Leclier tMaie, (S. y. Singer) agSd ~ >Cfee 5cn 1 Leaier Machina, <Wilson ttLaolnan) Agente fôr'Can' 1 Goodo as ev. fu. X9, cents ee~0 ha k1 Champion macbfiinlapos oiklngDiamondy and Preclous 8t0#708, 1 Webiler Mscbl, in geai caler. 1 Maner A.-Mcchne. -Mannîscelr rof p'Jwers 4î.s 1 Nev àachine., (LiliaW=anrjbeous- -- attention to the upli wqil appointed Heai SPRING OOO0D$ A LARGE AND CHOICE LOT 0P CLO THiS AN DT W E ED1S, JUST TO 1,flAT -1"4 I;bCF«C S CO :N- ' SialI&Spring Wear, and at priées to sit the tinies. Aiso, the Lurgest, and, best Seleetion of Hfats to be founa in Towii. go Don'.t Lai tu see thema bofo*ro purebasing elàewhiere. Whitby, March 24th, 1877. 1 .On tlie 24th-May,:-three young gen- tlemen went into Pringle's Royal Eýotel, and, on opeing some botties of WesjTey's celebrated soda watfer, they spoil- SEi 'OUR PAINT !NEW GOODS ,ne White Lead, (English,) Raw BETA RIA and Boiled 011, Dry olos s&., &. Gul'ciountry.ud_8h * HATCH & BRO., WLon durality «tersof Eingliah and Amemican Hardware, Brade-St., Whitby. OlNo 77- 2, BUFRNS, Br Whiy, May, 26th, 1877. 1IsLernLy C oher: What shail we do now? llosment, and thlen said, wi (OPPOSITE -THE POS. He lias' the L argest 5,&.stock£ of IIOOM PAPERS in towni, nE03Iannani's, Room lePaper. ~#oted for G1&t~ap Wliitby, May 281h, 1877. 9 GOODFFIInw Tz-- - They thought for a mo- ve. wil gô oto 3T OFFICE.) and -Clieapest and- ha-ve in' re-papex 4ONDSHOESL ZRUBBER GOODS ON HIAND. )s, the finest and ïhost durable =~de in the- L~adies' auparior -gooda lui Puneila, and Gat, (a speciality.) and cbcàpn4ess are raqmfred, cail on 1, Cheap for Cash.- 'ock street, -WThitby. 28-12m 75 and 77 Yonge Street, flr8t-Door, from king Street, Toronto, MANUPAOTURRMMNIMPORTER 0Flv O-HILDREýN'S CARR-lAGiESI REFRIGERA'rORS, PILTERS AND COOLERS, ~'oilet Sets, ]3aths, Woadenware, Rodgera' Cutlery, Comnices, Hardware, Coal 011, Stoves, Clahhes-Wringers, Lampe, &c., &c. Bird-Cages,-lIn Great Variety; Canarie, in Good Song, #3.80 oeuh; Moohhsg Birds, Par- rots, Tirnahes, and Jirds af ail varieties sent by axpress ta auy address. I.ý" The Largest Stock of Halnse riurniahings in the City. %z 'WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL. M AR CII,_8Z M'sfrb King, TORONTO, Have received - parüt of ImportaLtionsfor1877. and -iua fe-* 12M-2 nst Stock of. Dry Goods theyoe -attention> invited to the stock Of si GOOS GoOds, Shawls, Spring Jackets, Mant] CT-O D S Ribbnjs, Trimmnings, - Laces, Cottont 0rii- Î----- .--i et, tains, Damasks, Linons,- Sheetmngs,, cov***""**",**15cens, Family Mourning Goods. Ose15 Cents. We aiso inivite the attenition of th Apple, tjwej Rsbr Spiig Stock of Tweeds, viih wo find muoh &e.-15 ens' ot former seà son Aisoe-a Choice Lot- of Hats: and! Cens' erP, t. variety of ether Fancy Articlés vhixh lieh are- - prices as i~If givo satisaction tb tLe purchaser, ~ ii BuI. - for -lie vendlor.- À G0od Japan Tes, 25 cents,. bty ach&h 87 Prunes, 7 cents. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25 per Dozen. Moison~t J0< SADDLEfIY AND ]1 moiis Whiskeca fine Brand.L IA T O 'olioul , liai Som* trouble va. tonna tu gettMng1 quorums, ganunaber oftheii ssemb«r lcing the board te 0, home an( cîhers atteufdlng a meting cf le.il Dn«uaiemmrits n thé aonmi.4ê4 CROQuETt w Our New.* Field Double Made in One Piece, ail Steel. ind Manure Forks, Scythes, Snaiths, Crade UILDJNG HARDWARE: - j, ~~1~ ILE & RETAIL DEALERS IN rWicks, ChandeI- rning Fluid, Rock )den Ware. Ca-rnages, ERS, AND GBNEIÜAL . 1 1 5fil- 1 1 1- 1. 1 il 1 One Ail Clothing JOH !JUST TO HANDJ, ý Cheaper, 'Set 1 See fgr Latch-es, ý 1.1 Queenls Hotell, , wh1tý IBOOTS .2 AND. Association HARVEST TOOLS i -Buttse Illliuges, Cut ý ARMVING. £JL.- JLqo

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