Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1877, p. 4

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R AI L'a, I 'N, .0. or ho t llOearàoeo ý (or. King sud Yck.sita) distace a~of but r ur. miles WlaeuN OZ OPEN. le PER Di temon Ioak ta tbélr boullà thb eau chaneed Ibeu Pace, snd la>p shout yFuse aibua te sud front l ai ans. mpe.«sClose uPon tbe sailiar. Ta hie and "ittmsttrmàt4.ea attecipf ta o#ae h.animal Ivth t 5éfr SULIY& PnNIGA clubs was uugliasu adaeodu s î-Pri.lt wap thelient Bofytebleara s m wre dasubd t k pa 1e slt6 s ut i 'about a couple of miles, by hlh. ie hower#vvthbpIW aul atsd wlt of a > thi el ig aone dif êhem bavlng nothlug bpl lie spanUiroa crvaI andi woolou a Iut U hlmbùîâ inhd.- tlised , poulmeslauof fls club, ande o fauenini u hi. crave etse4c h wo w.ps1 .ed&tl as a'signai a! the.No. 4 BLILFINOH St., 8 8OT trus, aud fortuualaly 4lI'testention o MOTaiVR oui; thi~e w ai Ite' Peuaveusuce vas AI- OIT BVEEfO E) tz'aeted ta he parlions paîllion cof the thé *h.aoaui. ,saîal ofthe- srow af THE SCIENCOE 0F tIF] theparveanc -lmmsdialely set out,1 arud wtth unan sd aller r.unulng Or, OEP..PRESERVATIÃ"N. &bout A cM1i. lhc dameup lte the OMORE *THAN ONE MILLION 'COPIES 8sI m00, J ual lu lime te M'ae tItecuAsSte>' 1usd.&u ne oelolhing lait sud wcra Pold Medai. Awazded tuelte Autia oslo eciantesI wlth laime ao b i"Natioanal Modicai Asmocia- q~10beausudheu uh euê e cose .: Ion," Mai-ch 315t, r576. 'iuud Ihoîn ltaIlItaroeliaers ball ne- 7un, islmd by lie PEADÃ"DY MhlDICÀ INll'TO amair editlln 0 et ita mi5, daflluInuuoymua mgthecu witil mv- wrik ntitlemi the "SCIENCEI OP'LIPE ;o oJral buîitel. 'Thufollowing mniug IILF-P"BII5ElVATIOY." Il Ireets upan Ils flime thrsmaahlous raturue t a 1h. In. heodhow l, boirregalned and how air .utd;cueand cure oci loItnste4 Mt trii. Thay wer.e eicarled part oaithb."lmpceney, l'remature Daclîl enau, Spe] *a~y b> a nuunber oai lie ?srseveae, malorrhSoee or Santinal Lasses inaturnai en .1ithe tc.Maie beur heviag beeu n n ololiia," ?ioy oMYFrelmg etlD tisa viefrit>', stpâieuîl on Ithe lookout . Cosion, Lois of Lsiar(ly, laffumri Coulte foi thoaaime bear u anti leuh, lie wam !i"m<püre e. ai n hof Min(and s, ad Ilmilse Iikewime ýIIllo, Tii.moilntlta s' rssgtroea--os of th. or lban . luises clothas andsitoir oee-boote wara plokei tiens or exees ut naturje ypai len up, ail more or lams toi-n. The lhrea it'it >?iolgy, te ?liysilogy o ai agela tueiliedbeaeu hindI> tmated on board of Wilok and Offsping Piysicet Contrast Talirlit .Eipiealm, Pervaesino flit ePrauvarçuce and i miplioti witim Mmrrmga, Confmîigal i'rea t Urend ltcoutl ciothîg, 00 that they sullereul Do bilaiBestl, l'Byscal inlrmutr, iteceusesailcuet ffeelot m i-olirai- xposuri, and axitin; lielatloneairean bieuteSexas, Proafs ai1t emveture. docepm iet fVcaom e rofsrupr, ciples cof Troaliniemml, MIicmoePte lalnts and CUssmNG TUE IltcaeOUiua.- n n mvaldlic tarki The Authon',, Pninciples gomtiilaan whmo attends te Austin pub.-' ý'11' bookano ceainle moiretitan Futy lice shoot là lmibou tld lient eamîttdan I'roerrptlane foi- temeiovoiamanud olhi ehoek or friglit woid cura tb eaitu 1àglt lsas, eîelm 0to Wortht muteathan ltaeprice aud lte other e ' irb wila le ai lte itaat. stunlny, hi. lesaonn forthe oro b The Inslitute aiso puislhes 1"1THE drawimtg a pleunre ofthue smc molmsm PHYSIOLOGY 0OP WOMAN AND ou bisa elate, ]lis respecti uognitor HE R DIS EASES.' Piia, $2. The ,%Vas iized i wth à a fLa Iicoulis. tiest book af the lind extanl.* Tima Oui gestîinp iwe.tilteti backi luAse enathaer valiamble uediai mmrk triati bi in h-, Ilrwtts hefant rciling ou t ge 1 xalmmeuaaiy'iuîautl dNarvoua Dtmsas; top p tuastîmv, meti ~ more liman M Oroyal octaeopaesi. wenty aie. to fteecvaIdhe yoimogimepa et nralg bcl asuie esm mmi locudeamita tur ltae curaeana hlm. Prconlyl a ryaugta1a'foimtt Jupt ag i te aId nan wam "i'estlmng" îmw ýhonBuck for tYaune cndulnil aagel mn mih a i'art-bre ainig bIl, tho bey tai-cal Jmmeb noir, le lte Science af Lita, or Saif joumupati mnd, yeiiau l "Fixai" Theaolti Prasarvatlon. 'l'ho emmtbalns relumiie iront, mnam ws jetgalingouI' nb-nh, ~Euiio?, excellant eeath and cltae ainlte maiwsjs gîlgotIlhc"CieCo aatttng Ph siian o ai Pabd lii li nlet-r got Il ont 110gavo a Maccal luelilute, i-o. 4 B~iitStreet, Boa. .4trp wlicaiî ilteo atheIs.Chair, and lie Scinceof Lita inmbe la eampar- IDileîlavomrimtg te regain bisi cqtiIibrt. son tise moaletraormlluary irikan Phys la. umlais 118fsi'mî l amer againsî lita table, -g e.pln had.'-iorom E lmuALD. l'Hope noetl¶d ilas lia toa-ofai andore's omatug tlilhansd a stutcut 'lenip w ici bxaendlitpeuusbriig nw Ic uti)d mpon it, antii is eïa ilandea ~ inte issultit af t aevatuaitie iraepublithai ilim alm as îthe. ilovo Itoarlt. Thema bythçe leay eiiaInatulute mui m-a aliti lady, iicmrimip limarakot,canme rut- Chria aethe ite adei af uut."-PIULADELPSU nin foL Ilekiioie an tipFi o Irr- &sloulLe rond I thbie Yoaug, beitale tlem oid maans prostnmite toim, euookiug ammietatticl.Nw ocTanma. dîtmu a mbitetuot, wilh a lot a las lite iet ac uly miii'ial evur confai-i-e aiid-octina brgamueaîs. Whon Ilie boy's 101,tioi f l ad oessu iol snervices, fakliser ai- ro ow.tise wi-eck as imk m oe.mranlalte anhon ai ttees iorke, uta mbasantiaplitersai gaas uI c' Mrit luit, 1870. The pccaeutmmllon iras nette. *bu shounui spl4ter ofgla outof lteime fi ilaoccurance ity lte Boston _111i aunianti coislinu weeouriadoaiProes», and tiea badine ouiais lrauglimaîthie th - hiocotsgîs,' but tai-e W&5sia look of country'. Thtinuagela-aout Moaies lofi moUd aforiiess n; bis qil, saetmlii nmore tai ans htmre Id isomse ubi o.. Thi) boY Cou't pîa tny inuifi a re r rulaicy. hiaIda tag nom, but ha' a[it, onita"ýeJgq ofai ls "Ala"otebin Unlsexacutîcu andl l ita -b iseat At osalamndliso l fotleuaunames a ile auatrlalsudammaIze, hUlaoileaild- Lis font w iv lieota mîleoiceala emodal et-ar mcruck lu 'in bi, andl silenti> entai-mur lt It e t bIs counery toa ni'urpasa ivitlver. It Is ouI Mnu thiccup bii baouloff lbctore weli iritiith'lispmeeeln aifi-umleumaitsl. X ho1a i atr t a cure hlm. iai aitT- maI aUGMi ,Jie >aale1876. * Catalogua e uilan recelpt oai6 cents tor Il ire a yeur eg a tisIa pitly mpostage. ,yotmug brida began ta folies the uc- Etibar of te ebove mochesent iii'mail an - fr ie - hisI aV e t asmit rica. Amatris s'EABOJ)Y SEllI. teoniti recilim er Clgtht 0 'AL uN8vu'UTE lo-ô P iARI Et, M. D.. mpaati tilis joui-ual, auti mît a uch conautng itysîclait), No. 1-ittmilit., Boai- succeils thal eho bas 'uslt uai-Id liai- tonMans., pposite Itatera lHo-use, avcud ugbne N. B. Theaualtaor camibc consultat ountae attendliueianul.abat-a naued dlseamir, acelaisceail Ilsease, 'requlrlng mliii. esereay cuti axperiance. itea ,*y>' aon," saisi X., kîmîdi>', lO bisl houri, 0 À. M. te 6 P. M.- yutullomir, 4"eCouetow yonrueit ta bmc --_____-- palilate limte porter, lIme ser'vant girl, lim acechinan, tleanitheB. ervauls ; thugtis yowiii coma iuwe te b.cour. i:olla:to ah peaplae, aveu la yaetx pa. An maut i lelilca i coumrfit bil -whicb ana cannotI l avi atlu offored 1dml, but whioh b. lu al obligea tl lofst Un, itowoîansd b> asti-anga realpuÀoit>', ltIle resan lot-o 'Alost men.' -' The fliawing sentence ",John verr (Iuieki>' eatmpeuîzed flne law bags,'1 coutâieAsILi!th. lattersaifth a alphabet. UITÉY, PORT PlUT 1 LIDSA TIlLE 18I N, S g' effect aa'Wedu.sdîy, MeAyPIb, J177.- TORORgT Mlum1. - .Pt ao sîz.s.7marr su 7.4 s .l U e'd aiswl Aler . auL mc hl'55 1I.. 0 1.&7do X0.e.rnves ac' 00 alPa.t.l*ag taIn. 6.09 ýTlp41 eyTAàBut sud Weh y, itmt r.as- 1Ai1'OF PEUS TO BE TAIEN DYCNTAilLES. (Undar Ordai- lu Cauli, daîtd 241h day cf Jul>', 1874.) 2. Arreel oi oacb individuol upen a warrant ....................i 6e 2l. Ssrvimmg 5immons or iuitpoen.... 0 25 il. Muio aserveaummouma, pb- pna or marrant .......... 010 4. Mlleeg0 oun srvce cannaI ha upon Fro01 i fdue diigce.... O 10 0. Miloage Imkng Sri-onars tum gai, excluait-oda e dsxemauts nec. assail' xpended. lu triair can- 0. Atteildinq Justices On u maai> trials, or an exaination ai pi- souci-i chargeS mt crime, iar eseit day ueaaearily amployad lnunor aimai-a cases, uhn ual auglagen mare 4han ftu ho bann.. 1(ao 7. Da. do. irouan eaggd more lien faux bonus.................. 1 50 8. Attouaiug Aslze or. sessonsma enchda'..0 9. Miloage tatatcnd .A..1D aimas, Saiou5u or bataxe jutice,;- (mitaitPublUc canvejanca can ha leken, oui>' reasonable diaburea. monts ta ha llaired.)...... . 10 10. Sumninn ayfor-Coi-anars' loquest, mmmili g an g et sauitadû ervices li-aso. pacl thareof, if leldOn sanie de>' as Jury m2mual(),~ 00 i.Ahhaudiug aacb etiloumnneut thereot, if flot engge omrs 12. Do. do. if engage-j more titan taux boni-s.......... ....... 1 50 la. Sert-la mmimns or subpoena ta -ateoid bafoua Coroner (ubjeot '14. No ..................... 05 Iileagesvlselsem.......... 10 15. Exbnmlngblly under Coronersa mi.ant .............. 1.... 0- 1.ra*unI.......... #... ..... 19. Trellig ta are clrea, adrea eereb te goode taemake -die. troui, mies cnagoalis are fnnd.. O010 20, Appralenients, whetherbbV ane Orore, 2 cents lu lte acliu, ounlte value ai goada n. il. Catkom asaie muS commissiop aSdalivret-y aigeod, 5Set& in tima n net produeo f geoda. 92. BxecueinàgaearcIt arrent.... 0 98.Srngaoa5a 9 sIb., W~?u~Uy er0ed, 5 hy'usu; 10 ph ."fe ousil ugw .u 1in OIWUDaUMas'0i Our nmwpieéflA» ;i>wee44th je. ttraa ighéu adgue ofskhiT ai p eo U m e usy W. are thèoé .ewo mblosi ta Introdite. à moue peilst myslem m int,ý l.e pautimsnt. anfatau& a, addlnt mot l iI>'$tho-perfollan aoftse work, baf i.- ta.a tlhéu rp (dît>'o!< xof ll ou- a o *» ëü"éul eauqlon cficost. Thie pùshcplela refmpod i.o. Ob Vfeilat'd ostabliabment, sud w. oaI~ld tata~r O ur gpaMd 1h As. ri gdere of prfection, asud aI 1. pulses samo Owuabioluiel>' ta defy ceuletili on. :1-THE JOHNSTON SMLFMRAKING REAPER - il ow 0 aowknown aauàSm la ex, lIsat -Wordo ansinalo al alm,,ii em uperfaucua, but -lbammû athlgtamnuatur ttis meablu. wba hayn adbaed t 10 ie id àl JOhtomeli, wlioiuep- uep ta tho i rveeta; thal tO ousev1aiplaeuu iu tstat thal w. e mcdlfed l <lusi stuOù > anta a, u omhsnl anid duusbillty,quiî@stl yy d aud coudlla !gai; tgleaio rail ansi case ai massgma t-Ibe "4hmnsgtmu," sa ms tu b>'us-stands pue.eumic.ntiy ahesai aIenrae .lapof a IOf pulln ehaedu> ta o:zun ta the anu'Fui uises awau à »-usaIt thelut ]Pzcvlneatirlýôi:tj. talsdaa> ocuI>'triis whioh avetake.pU:éir- eajsm,'Si th. lest lIW jeans.a DUR TRI UM PH;,,QMBIN EP MACHIEÈS, wllli laIe lmprovumauîs, laoail Ibêtcq be deàl.d j'à O1blued iùaciine, sud saunaS fAUt o*meS ail h. requWument4 of purahaseus._ &HAftaI sortmaent of Choice Family Groceries, of an: lid,,, t eqàalyLw rces. MÂAPLE MOLAàES $1 25P' ERGALLQNK Houa n e d urFwer Plants., Green Vegetab1es in~ ~ CYBB I.i.ea, ' BTOM1TbEB -JUST:BEOEIVED. Aful aaýoltmpn of China, G1ass anud. Crockery Ware, Tes. Dimikr, snair6 ets g On hanï and fézid1î .bap. Ai ~s'of%Ied aaid Garden 8eé4,, 9lver and Tizmo- thy 8.. ,&., u $o edsof a kin da o mo t a r! ti s w ek . W G s % es f o i 5 t 4 é r b i h At Wu. J.: GIBSON'S. Wjitby China Tes Store. WANTED.-Any qnsntity of'Good Butter, 1E 1 98-sad Febtheo,. for whioh the bIilghe, cash pr», iUbe psed MIFJ. GIBSONt. 7 amoe or deur. as agûarantés 0 esnt er soby au Our Improved Cayoga Chief diÈiend Our Yungcanada Mowers .1 .tme motter. Agd io: tra is, the only Vmnt,,a, il , aon eaâhbaLe, a]ici ohdam > cal Are botlft rsolm emaehlns-eouatftu d"Ceat whofly of Iran ana Steel. The 714T'. aô~utéo b~.~atnLi aidwoc twr i1 llgt ipylln x - IR 77 b npoeraetBodr ohne',stta fr â: ÀIe or, C&uga lu. bas s nu d ut, sud the Yo g9(3auada sa iront Ct ; bath trong, dur.- S lu~ rèau ascars oç ta n p aezaet ôzed 'txn<UISbO o del.c..Lsi2j an- manes, and Bot exeellod bya machines inu the market for. quallty of tùr 5ft-- ften minutes a ýwsek ùla saisn ty, onl, darability, Iightnes ofdraft, Aap bL7 and osae cf management. 01 no, mas Ibis amn ti -clearlyandin d n hlh a acii ontnceandaaeAetfrCaaaaSE.S isMia mettez aiigoma à latt.eb.an advertisement iri haiprtent OUR NE (WH,, Y HARVESTER." and p«, &'aUd Ie salé ...e-pà cn rely an gettng mn abunaent ihatd te I UR NW bpades a dS ovlP"roe zea,,,cionofair gai machines, men mml sWC , were erecteed FroMe Mf. flunccaMCalm le pfraLgt ualFiuit-Clasa Gaden Rake, bnldinei for ae«Rifholder, &0 in neemsarfly great Ufy acrO allealcr hnalmI b nl ons ah reqnremeî& I th day w.havemaccede in nveninga ma muh labour, nd quita airmch kilas la requirod to ni aasupply aniciet ta fxish * a-l« pplictoaîr3r,,m a, chine witb a Wrou lit Iron Fusai, wi$h the lbast osbe aig-vÂîh large, Garden manage a as wVwge ýaiomananel ,atedt al sbroad.fucad drive wliel,-and socons tcted ttthe framne sudtable tilt aet te TeÉ Bl]sE[oes;a "g hevlm f 00.Dâf i h.ts rle rm ,*- sanle limue, thereby keeping tIhe pitulan alwsys in lino with the kuife. The F r s c'-u.hie ited, rtrtlut ercaredi reofrl aà r an ti nei end atEmdcaem e, rakee are driven direotly fronite matn shaft-there being no perceptible aide i mmnufactnring .,notuer înpply rapeated. anet e egtd e , e"ud , eih upan tehossnek.W. ae .onfdet .. twa have aa st umulales ab>outthe wrtegrcls nginarom tnem aahaa-vrysein 1 eth tar ,î acceeded in 'inventingte mostl pertect Boapor, taking it in al ita parts, thst uainPitsi "fs objection, lunmany cames, ta Ihair itouto.Gaoi'mon actured an Ibis plan la mimO profession and Sthe onaale eun n- bias aveu bilenprodueed. W. have applied fer Jettera patent, aud shalilholdaOur CI>J...lsP i t and O.ralfl ete expentIve, t.,ilaaddition ta the.tdont aîof the maleria]ls, ha taken mb account the article. invention, for ou wn exclusive manu<acture, and w. repecîfauy imaet i- ?bour ailatimutfacture sud ltaeexpens ai epaira upon 1h.e pparatus-of ilseli no oamil DUNO.AN CALM . ttending purahaseri, thal they should se Ib is machine bafoue givu]Ilhe %ir orders a dVarnistur am eg l ho bore ltuiitd el inmmeage woxeenall apsliace a ofinenufc Jaet ~ i, 85 theic h r fr the ooming barvest. The "Wbitby- Harvestar" weiglis, sa toia. 00 potina, s Br he,& .lgewk itë te De but being made principally oci h iet qulity cf iran snd steel, amidfrom its in. This cl, are orlsei tcitrit.ori ag eorespree yormcies hc r rI .s ensud compact construction, il omibines the atrength and durability-of h rféal o the ____ COMPÀNXron AU g o avi axmachines are fuflwwe rano fl.e v e r y d e c r.lson l. Their fit co i la nu hItl em.-R D Al of ur mchins ar faly warantd. nd. No a enaive out-buildlgo are required. The tank ta contain the e gaenara. F With Ilim liaI af machines, we faîl confident Ihat we cen mect everyre- in Stock, or inaàde to order. lez is e tmail abohrpundrefmld isou d tci sbmchiest. quiremeut, and we respactfally oliit a trial oL-our machines, believing that we qaire la oc trlding as le ha scarce worthy af mention. tcen furniali a betteurmncbice fourlte money than cen be Obtainad elsewhere. & M CN Ca4tk. No odour anises froue lb. manufactura nezr is theza any litter or dizl. WIL ..L 1 T OS 5h.-Burmahiesarctfally té Ù n Yaursrnd fr ie WIOGS 110 S S & MACNACHoTANO Ot . a & réairtof m in ettqe. uach esare Y qually good and, 1TM aIl ineconsi,ýflra nch cheaper. On. of eux machines iused ta ligIt n nuni6ez cf BROWN& PATEI~0N MFG. 0. 17buildings detaclied a coniiderable distance £tra each altez. A group of dwelliugsl iaRail WBROWNy& Outaria, Februery, 1877.WIitby-, Apral 17t 1877.17counntry, or the business part ofiaa mmlilcwn, i~n ib tis way ha lama 'Wareroranch les asel te f ebidiiuloccupant iwere toYaa are s, et oné.heli the ceaI of ceai gai worlcs. Bacht consunier may bave bsmater tibus, peyiàg only for what gemBadg ha usée. 10 Ud ±flgy-t An avidence oethlIe distance Ihet Ibis klnd o ag eu enacariled wiout sufferingg, - - FASIIONLtBLE TdIL OR NU ~ G L D S I T ~materlally tram candezesation, we wouldalate that ira, lu 1874 eolda amachina te 1Wf. Have always on bna llSokovey E[A X .EgaJ.avjf oelale, Toronuto. This machinaeselsa iighting bis hotsaatIir ez ia, sdhpan tit teto - - - g G 0 » D S 1 ] SR A L n brIem l r am a o veue the ch gai orna aur lm e d u e i odoing; la lie lam p Ste1h. iauts oifi th se a s a m n e _ O:O ý het emvd r te auie Lbasan equelly gaod ligIt as bibte ana ucareat ta continuence oaipeanghieroe Go where you can get a, Weil-fltting Garment :-To the In-:'.....-.... r intraducing large machines, amidlightlng Ibarewitb a numbar of buildings, lamptnddaIbm Tailoring Establishment offNOwtao liand, a fuil assortthe of New ,ostamalanternup Seoutrance gale, pipes extending te GEORG E G URLEY, OSHAWA. GoNodwhichhang beanfu ll abougt, wil buoffeNe a lieU fa es &c., ee lamIe o mamûctror. mcinsfr a number 1cf yems Saia tetinpint i aliga bee wel ougtwM e 'nie Sats, ndbeiag practicmi mechenes,,we are coud dentt lou ackàa S U P E I I O R C U T I N G H A P E T f I ~ w i u ~ V E R Y L W P R C E Sse c o n d t a n o e o n th e C on tin e n t. W a d o u a l c a uÃœ n lil a u n v e tio'a t u r w n, b ut'c eN r. E I eW O BY LO W RIOES.bavamada savaral improvauients ta make' liens afe sd reliebi. Wa lest every ina-. AUE O Lag tc fFUreTINsG hs SAEgiScotch suWCandienGOLD AND SILVER WATCHES & CHAINS. chinaetindar our own aupai-viésacu and warrant lien ta give satisfaction. Tweeds,.OU- Excellant Oveucoatiugs imd Splendid Vest Patter=s. A ]3RIGIIT AND COLORED GOLD JEWELLERY. nrICii LIST 0F THE CANADIApN GAS MACINE, COMPLETE, ~ SRE~ GEORGEt GURLEYed BLACIK JEWELLERY, JET AND VULCANITE. Prac on boardZ ofCars aI 2Toronto. OTTOMANS King Street, Oshawa. Clocks of Warranted Quality, Veîy Low Pries. Number 1, rted te upppy 15 Burnrs, e200 00.FAC CH R, le Q ci 80 s 2050 00.FAG Electro Silver Plate, 'a very large assortment, new designs, fi4 5 870"A in Cructe, Butter Coolere, Cake Baskats, &a., &o., relia- di, 160 45 00. LMRQI~ JUST AIRIVED AT THE hie goodo, and prices lower than ever. 7, 150 700 00. CRIE,&. c 7,9M00 800 00. Would eaU special attention to a New Line of Goods- 111» 80000.go ODD FIELLOW S BUILDINGiS ! NICKELITE-a.. substitute fou silver. Niekelite Table, Dessert, sud Tee 10, 400 tg 0000 FOI~ T~ ESpoons, Table and Dessert Fork. Inspyection invited. Lager nmachines made, if requiref FOR THE TO PARTIES WHO ARE BUILDING. m-seansd put down aleholsye NEAR IGH NDO H R P C AC E . w, suggest lb. propriaty of pulttngin Plpeafor ges, aven lipugi not'lmned&Rtcly JAS.H AO&C A A arnaes vriet, th ae, coutaiplating purchasing aes machina, as lb a ex noe et putting lu pipas, il doua et MarcI t SIt 176. n J..D A2 Y S MI«& S C)M . hlrenls' arae nget au t two, trea thle propar tima, la trifling- Iffat until eflar lia burding le complatadl, liay cen yat hb ____________18____ introduced, but thi e xpenaa laconiderably greae, nd le occupats of te bouma are NEW AISIS, FNCY OOD 0F LL KNDSCANIESfourWItelsArerican sud Canadien Makes. more or laes iconvanteuced. Ordinery pipes, suaIt as are uaed lunbhe introductionaiof HE THALE EGPA (the best in town), A LARGE ASSOMTMENT. NU W FIGS, w A,8 eïL.± N 'T Q2,r correspaudouce tram an y anaeirbeis'buildiug and coutemplatiur lhi tro- ORANGE PEEL, LEMON PLIEL, CITRON Marci 27, 18711. Puactical Watchiuakeu, Brock Street. duIctiona a.W helaga aamio a~n al a n haatmuti pipas, aud ether datais. Wa hava compataul warkmnen la aur r lo ed$29o1oÃ" PEEFiL, SPICES (ail kinds,) OHEBEQ any part of the country ta pipe-buildlugs, met machines, &c. Wa olicil an oePportunity la amtimaté upan the entira work af piping, Iunnsbiug machine, gas fixturaf,&o., coin- plate, resdy t> ligIt zu . Oui- arrangements are suhaIt balcn compate witb auy do- HASM, BBCON, LARD, &c., &c. S E A N.A. L E (- D 5 igfràt-ce irai-k. whara iraconlzeclrtheanre1b, parties cen lways hae asgue~ h blegln e of'be bitposileresulta framnaur machinas, for ln t ns àe liera is suundîvided re laerg las wn Alof which wil bu sold Cheap FOR CASH. span6iblltreiliÉggoane. lIb tiâsans many other liudm of bumtnmm, acceasedependa Ia i A'l ALWAYS N HAND ATilrgelyupon a liormingh underalenUg sud fethint exacution of data'is.ýUSGI Fresh Oysters and ]laddies reeeived haR i N G L E ' S wich cot.-.... the. Daily.P R IN GLE'S SON. TIle 06ou y ie f cnsh enf esh uniwih a o os t a n iat clobrated We'saliitordera for Gamoline. Our arnengamenla ara sucb thel me éen SPI idn f lh ie o r api le laaupi< pi-mpi>' W fi-uahth hat u i fluti t maket rats. We manufacture IranGa lna o bl o upp or Capper Tanks la ci-dur for stoi-ing Gasolite.a o Pnof &ut, HALF aTHE PRICE 0 genaraily charged,the ausirel plain: Iu -I&e mslsing -or sale -ai th...e-iatr-. T ESTIM ON IALS. kemaPno &=a Muicrtflo tin,s . -:00:ai-na expansiv e travelling agents ta pe>. i bav bav baa ne c jusThee inistrum nts ara -al mada oi a- in 1 h6ave f ba o a ueigof JoepIt Phillpe &Co's. Air OaMacbines lU8uaat MY Place UNIPORM STANDD , p l o tahaela a ino te. lTean niath e. rom ny exP ranc , I amnI stifled mth lb. PULL - SEVEN OCTAVE , p r i c i l a l l a a c h n a T a sg e a i s o f a u p a n o r q u a nit >, a n d l c c a u o m i l . S O I D > I iO N F R A M , TarateAp~i 11 187. EotaB J. Jae.evee. OVERSTRUNGk BASS, Toronto, ipAil'11,t1870.CARVED LEGS 50 Ligit Mahine'ROUND PRtoi4T CORNERS SERPENTINE MOUL>'GS? sud DOUBLE VENEERED Msaa. JosErmu PEImLe.us & Co. Oshama, Marcb 27th, 1876. ROSEWOOD. CASES.. GzmaLinîsm-1 bave van>' greel piammaure li-arcommanding ycmur -Air O-es macine îAn extra put lula aur Collaga, asiti bas given periacl satibfacian.-Youa, t&c. DISCOUNT 0F-t ca PER CENT. A. B. DEiiLL. wili ha allo*ed. Schaols and Cou^venlts, ms - 150 Ligh f M c hie . t a Clergym en for th . use c i ai f m l a Oeheira, 201h Marcit, 1875. Agent M s i s . J . P um t rL p s & C a ., T o i - c u t . h p y DrAtaSui,-I bave noir beau algijourCanadien Air Gaa Macineurab-umtusix Whiihy, Pabruary 8 y17. menîhi, dualng *irbicb ime il bae nusmerela bc ui-pose I enli aaed, ant i rilion >.11h 87 irarrated baefra inti-oduclg il mb ani' dwalling. It raquiras ver>'lttia etteuion, ad is G av 6 Evary aunebainIeard, of readilyimn a . a'Th' light-la goal, and froue bita impliclly of ltae construction aifltaeb.wadefu afetse'li ean ooequent cheepuata, shaulti came lalo genanel use. pruces sud Fines in canea 71 Lghi achie. N Gose. cLungDieaae The Ray. 75 Litt Mahine.Mr. Murray, la bis bock n oinUP lte Adirondacis laelypnb. Misma. cou M nin.up. - Whitby, Nov. 22ud, 1870. lisheti, relates t11e came cf a- ýGemera -Yeur air gas nom latroduced mb umy aloi-el W Viilhygives cemplatu salis.. nÙýlyeilid faction. The machina works toae chai-m sud i am saea a large aionofa labour andi lira. moulis, canmm utu expansa, bemidmai lb. advantageî of cîeemdiesana ae van>' upariez ligIt. HaJmo~ E~ ngliaines C-Pa sei 'sli clana=ms$ulùly tients Sa the pinewoods; and 000 -S ruo oremen a 1%iktee mae ria eaprace tape. - APmecraUaTUP.& À4DÂSO4r5Asaacxmoma, Tasamro, 1874. GUAs mSYRup is-A scion- FUasu'ExTBA PRMmi. ' ifi conbnaon f hel Close M.2-_ Section 85. No. 59. G M rce 'tre 11. lutuiapro. Axiôié.-osui4isn Air Gags machina., pnraliou tubeguiinever se- IxbilIcu a~. os. hihlpm.par 's, sud al its anti.. Exibto--Jo. hilis.-rade Mak!iModa xpoerant, tan- Rosidnce-Toranto. taeanSbigarnie praparties SCOTT & PHILLIpsPo H Co h clas SOLE MÂNUFAC3TtJEBS OF THE - 8>RCE; 25CT8. CtLb&cl i-s1.a CMNADIAN A'IR' GAS MACHRINE, , MTE DG1 CTA L IPLUMBEJRS, (3AS AN]) STEAM FITTERS, 0 F> ISCOERAGE 158 YORK STREET, toRONTO."O7THEAG . L'ails, Wcier 'Ils raitoralive propem'ie are arivelons in 9atU ýWaW -d sais, Pig«p8, Garden Faa&nfain, Rubbîr Hase, Gas Fis- ii nervous, Livar, Stoiaansd Rhsuaa (w-es j» rans and rystl, ,, - la complainuts. 'Il laBrai. -Food; Nervu we- i Toneundiry, M M.uscla aw'sr, pno Prodn3eer, aH in ana; mndvas k te1ý a 1] PETER SMITH N.B.-Cash paid for Butter, Eggig, Poultry &and Apples. hitby, Doc. t, 18706-_9 NE W STA TI ON i 3 -AND-- 3 0Q0K S5T0 THE E XPRESS AND MONTRE AL TEL. OEF hGeorge Yule bu gs to annou.uee that he hi .tainry and Book Store iu Whilby, where sattil of the hast quality, will ha kapt ou hend ; aIse Soho desuipîjoîs, Copy Books, B3lates, Pencils, Inks, &. prices. . The ]al and Wely Papers always ou hand. sculptions' Slicteti. Merchant Taiioring E8tcddi8hmnent, WHICHTHEYWILLjARE[TP l-W, rÀ U& ài. McMILLAN'S BL OOR, SE -R Y -- Brock Street,, Whitby. RE1 BUGGE S IC, ROI~T.For S'ale at very Reasonable Prices. Se-veral Opeig Buggies with child's seat, Lady's Open Phoetons, lateet style aud very liglit, Covered has re-opened Phoetons witliRoiling Seat, also Liglit oner>' o!fau kindo, Top and Open Buggies of Super- Dol Books af eveiy jor Style and Finish. ---y.-UtU1h. lrebi 1m 'Musical- Instruments, ineludiug a fine assotmjt cof Violins. Orders are taken for Periodicalfs, Magazines andi Music. -' 51BOoTSAND SHOES* Ail made 'Whitby; Onlaria. Whllby, lai>' 5th, 1876. of the beot 3Material,- and Warran~5.291 WILLIAM TILL',S COABINET FACTORy -AND io ----Sa--- FLJRMfIID -e i v .~iI~' a utreceived a large.'st ock of 13oots THE O LC STAND, BROOK $Th'EET, W IT Y., g auSisut abe rpigwar hc i wl Go- wie're you cannot fail to..b6 pleaeed lu miainga1ections Of good ffurniture. Splendid ParJour, frawing. Room and; Bedroom Sets, New Designa wefl wortbiy of inspeCtion. at -astonishing 1ôW prces. Dmn. ung-r6om Ext - nsiàon Tabls-a very superior article. (11h ,Comices, Pictuie Frsmins in everY style. Borne fine Chromos tnd Engravinga fôx soie. «U ~Ts IDç Ms f -I:iuv , n14V -A ~IK: 1 - - tlrSI LCHEAP FOR CASfl'«ç At a 'very orna-il margin n- -cos.t. Work' done to order inir st-cls. sty. A, Stylish Boot and a, Good 1 Fit JOHN SAUNDERS. fT.Parties need 4ôt;,Jk f0poC'reit, aB ft wUlno STIMATES' waslecamtsedm ~dis~ ~ - - Gi'V'ENFoRr4GHTîN~ MmD ~54TING BUILDINGS. excosses -ai any'kind. prs~7~na lIts E - To~pn$pj îyg~ 89s&172. 'a - i E WN CLE1 Whitby. c R. 1 N. V GEORGE,- UIMBER MFRC and Joluazà, i qnutity ai a tly on&andl. JAMES 1 )wlsip CL] V7>EycINý- AL I.VSU-ý& 'a Clezk - wl ha n Hali, Coluni aYi, for Teins a,9 a. ni. taî5pd S.O'DELL, 'k Division 6 aiaianar lun, B. .tharly, Caunly DR.i -Surgeon, apI. 801h, j1ý RAMSAY,I wituh honors) oUfe..cl 1- - 1 ý -, lwu L 1. 1 1 silb- 1 1 WhitbY, July 5th, 1876. dtby, Deo. 18th, 1870. GEO YULE., FUR NITti p»P Wàprr)nr%&ALN lý

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