--- --- -- c OUT OUXOIL. wfl b. ýhol e 1t ise COURT ROUBB, inl . TOWN 0F- WHITBY, - Thu TuadaM,6$, &qY o Jurs, 1877, At Two 00'ck lufahotisfeoo. - à e bé rederedte O.i O.kof On d3 Pounty Clerk'à office, tar". IL A m 0 T aO0T Rocoptfs and Eipeinditures eeWi aI1lis. Corporation o01ils. VOUNTY 0F ONTARIO, ý~o for th# YO. meng luOi Deeer,17. 18,18 1.00 1.41 .97 I.80 .00 --14,71882 80 f c1 talons,. es- The00.CTENTENtoataeta -9,891 U TAIN Tao GeesNbeanop .>OH1fI N .Z lsead-ta foot l in es ha7.a umi 00 ment for en eellonsanss 10 etensive and rtece ai*augJust o or fr0hecorrect de tlng cfle iea.C oîe i !0ly70 ph icn upon bis boly. -téXej Bs-ru's OU'«»O fibUlB ehemo4h 1 )o T" ONU LI'INGHippopoTAMTJ8 S lu Amerlos. A thousand.îold &Tester At-m e traction thnaIl ordlnary Menagzee em- um e 5ADYMRAL DOT t'i-A liv&to 1084pigsni=o,td.sismalestu1 48,000 00 gent Dwr ever kuown:, os L A Grand Fiela. Museum- Ulie-ure Anto- u8ol 17M8807 resonsandu1Mechacnal Wa Jer0, operated Ou Stc b- o ilver Steai,Èense, ltmvwdn 8,0Pasr Day ln Salaries, ta oaci 100 -ae-i eer dp 11M aPuaPi Cions Çcuelabrlties, in. eVes e M,846U lenredChamp ion Bassu adr f th T«», ers.tWhse compier I *11 psy Bach MornKI-ut o~ook sA T=I Sugars, Teas, Toba UMPHÂL GeDEN 5TEEET I'IIOCBB. E7e i 5103, Fm teaAl, jare4ialg in A. Conoenc sd ia. suy La 1s r' a -aWeliWorth Gaing air.1sere Miles te- Tailoring te Order 0 rawlng Tttia oTableaux CÂts sua Colos.n, b,>ay21 67 s89 ChariOt4 01 Golden UIay; an indIew n - -Yýâth187 'vision a1 Animal , Ail sd Arenlo Pomp. MslrLio« ns utIer Gllded Loir, ,r ianPubli,ASalqpsb 51. Dos Sudns Seens lsLenE. On the 24t Ing te 00 thr Crystal Den. A Jewoled sud Banueied ArrinyMo-Ving in tlemen went into]1 1105875 96 Majestic Splendour thiaue h teongeïd streete. E89ring aolu eLdo us.èbtlsO e CIildren aud Seurs Goad Pldes Sd em TEB ~MUSEUM, IENAGEBIE AM 'ed the Paper on the CIOSbelng exisibited la EutfreIy Bop. salo eTentsan eif=oe. a issuTan ether: What shail Timnes tise PricofAdmaisin 42,99920 (ONE FIFTY CENT TICKET Admit. ment, a ihg tae Biry Tint andDepartmentb.-.C5jd. rau under 9 yeas, h lprie, Wltis Pie. Admission teAsU Purcisasers ai my Autablofraphy, or muy new story, * "LION SÂCE,' as explalued la my Ilus. txated Newo and tholia Adrertlsementi. *Doropen al sudp.'lis. Grand Spec- (OPPO SI tielar, An-i Md Arislb autrese1lieur M-Arragements bo-iibien Made for Hie nas tne - Excursion Trins, ai End s oe te tochfeROMF 28,015 la Ouest eho". soko,-RO A Tise Greatest Show on Barth nj l' the room. exisbit la U isv5tutiretyyst TORONT2O, on Friday sud BaWuday, JU E than oh, l . -H an n c'us 94NEWv YOBK Room Paper. tise ~ ~IjzIE cI.uN a 9,801 SE INBOOTS crilo, for MACHINES. ud Ex- DER. A FIRST.OLASSB.T M IA $EWING A HN ,cuty a Prom mouaai 1 - " a1»hasd of Tisas- utr, SIsI De. 187,21M Morkfl ul< a-Sioter .on iM n Umbru 0 Arme at oS nty = a dIctcti .... 1,4W Crimtinalel toie 1 b_ T Scisool Grant, lit Hall, 187r.1....le r Goernmenî Poor Scisool Grant.75. From Reteasa, 1678. Go'verssmene Ril Soloa.!Giat, fiât Go all, .......... bovernment teclaunt Pliers, sud Amotions. à IIOBau dLut. Town of Whity . iit; Corda too linrdot vuna&- Tuxes collected ....'90 Non-reldut yP n nd BMIa ...........81 29 Overcisarges %lWunded, 285 Notes Dbeolated.. eundry MUsstepslitieu Aicount Oossnî AMOnai OVardrswn frins Dominion Bk, 810t Dac. 1876.. BXPBNDITURES. Par LiabiHltîs aci 1878 Dominion Dauà nkanu Overcrava, 8 1 j* Deember, 187...., ,8# KigliScisoala, las bail 16768.......é..... ms'e 75 Notes dwo.untée,ju Areas76. la...887 MncplSoisool âAs atntnt, sI Plisir. Session...... 1,066800 Orders, 18758... #7 Scisool Tenchers, SI #ien, 18785.....8 889 1 -Services ofim157 Ntea Pal!DoiýWnoýs -Bank. ......... Deben.....- mpus u 5 .wouts.. GOOD'S JP 4snjI IAHOOONO - ,' W' ýIoN. ,; f ill. Jàs -7in-Il # 1 FANSD -New, n, p tyIles syle, arge assortin AÂUDw FROM 5'0CENTS TO $200,1 EAO-Hi; t B ase BalsCr e ls, Rubber, Balns, 'clubs, &o.,, JA MES GOODFEL LO0W 00.Coî WILL .BE OPENS IMPeliTERs & WHOLESALE & BETAIL DEALERS IN A L IT E Chimneys, Burniers, Wicks, Chandel. at a ier s, Stoves, Burning Fl'uid, Rock Ms a County. 1 10. £T5r15 pric 41,000 OU 2,9%6 2 8,114 78 6,816878 1,261 14 os n.'....... .. 0 7 1 lestéte .......88,84 2 Dildge.... ..... . 790 OU Logilative Scisoo0l - Out;l, Duck sud Plckeiag.>851 O Muaniipal lohoal -0 r7, '40ent l1Brook, 1788 O SperAainisond. 880OU -clos , &0........... M 87 Unelas elis isands1a Treasurer 81s1 De- We, tise uudersgnad A.,uditnra Corportion -aflise Cunty af ont& h. enlent ya certlfy tisai tisabs correct Abotraei cf tIse Beceipf s s, pinditures aI tie se a dCorporatian, year endlng 81st December, 1876. Whitby, 98th May, 1877. ROBEET H. LAW O. H. GRIERION. lmo Dlamonds.and P1'eaIo us Blones, ATTÊACHMENTS, NEEDLE5, THREAD, &c., FISHINO TACKLE, RODI, ETC., Massufaturer aof MASONIC, oDDFELLOWgt, KNIOHTS' cf PYTHIAI, L.F 1 Soclety Regalla, JeweII6, &0,,1 &o. sw a 14, KIlGST WEST, . . . TORONTO. eigM Usy 22ud, 1877, 99-ly BROOK-ST., OLOCKSI1 CLOCKS!1 1 RB AN KS,9 -AT XiI- ichine Emporium, --WHITBY. Tise Canada Clacis Company, ha dei.. elded ta Cas4 tishailsdise Sire, , Lai -* THREE WEEKS 'ONLY, PAA>- Iolowng alabi la.i>a ebob (i C ud nWON MONDAY, May 7th oiter tise folwn aub Soko lcsc17aduti utisir notice, trains wil ae Manufacturer. prilei. Thmrsqie, parLE. PR HP frLisy ilr tien wisilg ta gel à haVERo', Lek for dinleinsfdler- .FIRST-RATE OLOOK p.on., snd for the e oeu âso a eyJWrie, fra shorttinte Lusene, and.ti me nePota Tahe,1n5yvemanto, wiisssueoa the but Trains Arrive as foilow. e Itats sd bin inpo*eo ram15euzuud F035L'indesy, Peteibao', ant LAkoielti, facture, w.Put lulo casesaf Whiby Manu- a a. rm, t12.80 p. m a, d .58 . m. uicro ' h for style mati" an su Ohaint eJi.c iate Day, WAt specuta any llIsehé bentry *oeau sdIneutdllepinsa ' Tise St ompreOis For OS 6.88 priaissme Pochai Tinte Sand80hu r OotgOa Pgùear&Cd, tg ai hiZ At AUStations. spHgCoh . O. TAYLOR, A UE II Day aisudwo-r Ctage apSprmtadetiFesâi D:yaladarp~fr ý.u. 600PIANOSFOR?$ 5 SalU andi Dlung BRoom O(11004Wglt G= 842um nd Siie. Reguitor S-day Clodosgnt.oW-odiect ta4haâepepletfa00. * LL*WABBANTFPD TO -inPio. aOgeltnt o Mm-. -uns- UfMeaure' TieExactly 'the SuesI disPlapu aitIse ýCentannial Ezisi- -* bitlon, and wer ngnotaslyuoeaud. *~~ ~ ~~ Tà r iias oaam qisanllîy aS oorprated ManuisstirnCo- New Rni- WOgi< AND KNIPE OXHI, (vanaiued;)icayon its lretadSiâet ta-tise eP1ICTnn RE AMzES veusredj A' oriti. TIeSquEarae, rads coutain Ma. CA»IBIET KMIEWBNCH, thlle'i scqw vipatent Duplex Oveistruug QUANTITY O0VBVNEERI, oli heges.t mrgee . n h shà an o srF&n dn a Thle1. a .1U p ig e are Il When durabua Old No IBURNS, B- Wmstby, MAY 28tb, 1877. lent- "diumà mdl;ýai Watt raper8 and Paper Window Blind8 from 5-cents ir~~per Roll upward8. j 21Sonth Ounro Books, Stationeqy, and Novelly Store, Brock.et., Whitby. J. S. ROBERTSON. y) VERI s iM ERN Ts. ION WAREROOM.S tReceived a Fresh suppiy cf linery, Parasols, br Dress Goods, jinen Suitings, Grenadines. k6f Summer Goods is com- Srtment. 00 n'en and Lustre Coà ts, 2s' and Boys' Straw Rats, &o. ery is supplied with Choice mcces, and Cheap Fruits. Iiery, Dressmaking, and LOWES &'POWELL. -h May, three Young gen- Prigie's Royal Hotel, and) on opening Bsley's ceiebrated soda water, they spoil- 1 edo ncw ? They thought fer I ia BUILDING HR W R and then said, we vili go te l Locks, Latches, Butts, linges, 4 I 2T .. mb1 8and -Wrought Nails, Glass, Putty, &c. ITE THE POST OFFICE.) 3 Largest and Chleapest U SE OUJR PAINT LPERS in town, and have him re-paper Genuine White Lead, (English) tam', noed or Ceapand Boiled Ofi, Dry Coiers, &c., &C, HATCH & BRO, NEWA D VE RfiIs E mEN TS. c IR 0 ( E T! We have received another lot of Cheap, Cheaper, Cheapest. Set of from only $1.00.- Best Value we ver had. Other Qualities lin Stockç. BAV E ST TOOLS. p5ee 1Hao Made in One Piece, ai Steel.- and Manure Forks, Scythes, Snaiths, Cradies, &C, 15cl Agile.. COND 8HTL LN RUBBER GO ODS ON HAND. îoes, the finosi sud mosi durable made iu the bLadies' superior goeds in Prunoes, [sund Goal, (a specisaty.) ity sud cheapueauiare rcquired, eun on .1, Cheap f'or Cash. rock street, Whitby. GChildren'ýs Carn1ageés, .E 75 and 77 Yonge 8treet, first Door from'KIng 8treet, Toronto, CLOTHES..WRINGER8,e AND GENERML MANUFACTURER ANDIMPORTER O O S 0F ISUIYC pc CHILDR'EN'S OARRIAG.ES,I' U E F RN S I ' S.Sa RECPRIGERATORS, FILTERS AND COOLERS, Ti01AlI Touht sets, Bsths, Waad.nware, Bagers cutary, Coices, Hardware, Goal 8U1 'onge-8t.,twO <iONi'f frm King, OONO 001, Stovos, Clathes.Wrlngero, Lampe,&o., d.' II IlrM.Oages, lan res Variety; Canri.. ati Sang. 8 f.80 eh; Maohng Bird.s, Par. May 21,1t, 1877, 2m2 iota, v="sse, A"ti Drd of aul vaetiu set hy xpres ta suy addreu.. _____________________ 02rThse Largest S"o ou ase Farniahge in tise City. -MCu WHOLESÂAN D IBETAIL.0A N N ED CANNED 0GODS !u 1877e- MAYý 18770 Tomatees....121-cents. Cernl..............16 cents. 187-MYC87.jherries..15 cents. 'Cove Qysters..... 15 cents. FOR TRIS MONTH Jolis0, Currsants, Peaohes, plslrwmris Rsb~ VV. J. H I O II E & , ris, Fine Appes,&e.,&o,1 rie, PneAppýsU1'pcents per Pot, lu Stoc: Will, offer groat',bargains, for Cahl inSpmn~g Dress G ario1ae Dnee n 3J Ready-mnade Linen.Costumes, Cashmere Mantlf ih ls leses C et.AGodJpnTa 5euta.~ Blsuk Cîoti Mantles, White aud Brown Cottons, Coee25cnsPre,-7en. Frintà >, from:5 ets. per yard ; Gloves, Ho's- Agents for Cz%&s Aie, Sl.25-per Dozen. Molsocn's Aie, SAD i9 0> coe n. lam on d W hiskoy, a ine Bran d,' ery , T i e , P a a s o s f r m , 0 et"< o d ed M jalt s d B ye, .1 . Bop ar G allois, Gents" Furnshings a ful supply lin oats, Caps, Tïes, .__ Bg ad s c a r fe., G lo v e s . u, B c k .-a P o esn . , s- Cut1 JUBT TO E&ND,, -AT'1 Suitable for Spring Wear,-and at priceà _b suit the tîimes., Aloo, the Latgest aud best selection of Hats to-be found in Town. SDon't f6il tbae them before pMrbaslng elsewhere. -W4iIb7, March,24th, 1877,.14 JIJST AIRRIVED ýAND FPOR SALE AT THE Achoie lot of Green 1aiùd 1Black Teas, that 6ann ,t be be at iu the Domiion, both-for quality' and cheapness, price cftm 50 te 80 cents per pound. GNtie erai îVen t t the court (Pt * 'Co:ffees from 25 to 40.cents per pound. Gotie l eser 'yen he Sugars of ail kinds, W 8lbs. of White, Sugar for $1. OUNTY COURT Good Valenci*a Rai8i8, *C-l6ffb8 for $1. the in ,bld u tîrA funl assortment of Ohbice Family Grocerles, cf al TOWN 0F WHITBY,. kinds, at equaily, Low PriceW. Tuesday,- the l2th dune, 1877, MAPLE MOLASSES $1 25 PER-GALLON. a h oro wleocîc cuc h Hlouse and Gardon Flower Plants. Green Vegetables a orone, nuotice. ne~u ln thofr seson. la» FBESH TOMÂTOES JUST BECEE). r- N. G. REYNOLDS. A full assortment cf China, Glass and Crockery Ware, sherif'. odice, Whltby, M 9he77 <Co. Tea. Dinner, and4 Toiet Sets on hand and for sale cheap. ________ _________ AlkEnds of Field and Garden Seeds, Olover a nd Tiino- TBÉAD WLL thy Sed, "o Turnip Seeds of ailkidsd, direct from Scotland, to arrive - tbis week. 9ý Goo-d Potatoes froni 50 to 80 cents per busheL T'O TIJEI'I-r At -WM. J. GTIBSON'S. The haudome weil fitted-iip osop, iii' ~ Whiby Cina Ta Stre. hich Mr. SaWners nt present caties mi. l Wktb Chin Tea tore . beýoit s=&shoe business, in Bfrock streot, WANTED.-Any quantity cf Good Butter, Eggs and san nlThe re arote furoorozp: -Yul Feathers, for which the highest cash price will be paid. cellarage, -ciRtern, and bard- wai'er pun.,) W. J. GIBSON.ml. 7 lt Otbea.reseta Àpply to the. proprftor- Whitby, Ail JSUA877.ICHÂ18N MARU,_18Z7 !EXPîN ON O L AIN G_& S T EWA RT Pubic School 0 Teachers in the County cf Ontario. Hav r c pat fther Si'ig Ti.Aunnd EzaminEtion cf candlidatesi ]Rave rforelPublictof tciioSriigTeachers, Firat, Second, Impotatins or 177, nd n~a ew ays iil how ,th naiiThird class ljerfificates, for the year Imprainnoe87,ads, e ay Mso-h 87,w hl the gh School, Town FnsStock cf Dry Gocds they ever imported. Special of Whitby, comnmencing on us>. rTie attention ivited to the stock cf 'Siks ' Velvets, Dre S lss, insl . 80 p. us., for Second Class.fo Goods, Shawls, Spring Jackets, Manties, Gloves, Hosiery, TheSDÀha.»loth 3UIY2 ut 95a..,fo Ribbons, Trimmings, Laces, Cottons, Prints, Lace Cur- Forms cf the notice lu lie-previousiv tains, Damasks, Linens, Sheetings, Black Lustres, a 0 ain o t en lerbt.ni "PrlStmock of Tweeds, whih we find much better-vle than on any for=o season Aiso a Choice Lot of Mats sud Caps, Tics, Bows, and s varièty of other Fancy Articles which thoy are prepaîed ta offer at such prios s wilivosatsfatioNG -h ucae, S TmuEAReeT.al for ie vndorh6h 87 j Whitby, March Oth, 1877. LAING & STEWAJIT. il IJAMILTON les.and'Shol Garden ands a-ris nd Ols, Pa. Y' SHOw ROOMS q IN A FEW PAYS WITHR [E NEWE'ST ~hionable Styles. vels, Rakes, Gns-adn Hos, ai and Varnis Brescri&io kor made te. order. GpR OSS th187. DLERY AND H 1AI 1 1 IA P& à L É r% MACNACHTAN. jwin Tue, tIhe lst cf Jaue, of their iutenition to rre% sent theusseolves for exarnination. JIAS. McJ31UENP Countyl nspecter P.S. MYrýtîr, APnil 23rd, 1877. 1 - THOS:' r A E C LOTHE S CLEÂNED ÂND IF FADED breuglit te tis naturel colou- Featiiers, Nid Glevis, -dc. cleaned &a dyed su ycalotin. Allondin uft witlsW.P. Willcock, Confecti!oner, Whitby, or sent by rail, wil ho promptly attendd te. E21-Iy N EW BUTOH4ý -SHOP 1 The subscriber. Legs love te nutily the inhabitbxts cf the Towu cf Wbitby and -vicinity, tbat bh sopeued a BUTOH.ER SHOP Wheie Se vMikeep constautly onulanuua gccd asontumeut cf - LAMB, - VEAL, MTUTTON, & sCsc., s&C. A. PRINGLE, Jr. Wisitby, May IlSth, 13't7. Ç a 21 WOOL -1.WOOL! The subecriber wM ipuy CASHI foren iquantity off dean vasho,! wcol at Liveiliol Mariol. - PLASTEIL aua BLACX5MITH'IS COAL foi sale cheap. - 3..LMcCLELLA3N. LivoipoolI Market, 9th May 1877. 1JOME G1tOWN SEEDS ARE STILL-ALIVE Mî1 rcasasd tisipublic ilu general, vili Sund il ta tiie t in avarions ways, tu Tzr Daow,'s Isuzi.! cure ChilIblainsSpiald etc.; IIsfasmat anad Cf are speodly cnred. Ports 0 s HA w is.and f1l 851 I?/O * L~~~~-:1u.Lj V ' w .t i i 60QUET yery, large stock, cheapest in the FROM $1.25 TO s6-OO' ,PER SET. OES i MG a 1 ý our New Hoesi - 1 Ilay iLbuw 1 - -W 1 & ýCo's.ý5 JLMPOrters Of English ftlld Americal, Hardware, Brook'-St.,- Whitby. Uthy 1877. 1 p 1 May 80 AND ,shionable Style8, À spié, rotà ù C , lm Forks- &c., &c. -000- ý Whý rof Field Double, 114 1 L T 0 N Tinware