Whitby Chronicle, 31 May 1877, p. 2

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Fiora a mrer, Mortgqe on 1A Arrem « , and 1 Gove=mx seou Govemi Froin Rev Govern schod h&14 1 Govez=e: tive Ek Govenlme 'x, crimil J. V. -M Jury Pe&ers' a eers là tel atic... Town of ý i corda 1 Non-remMei cost Reach. Ov«Chuge Notes I)iSoc Sandry ]WI Rates, Amunt imm Dc Blet Dei The cana" c cided to cifflib offér the follovin mmufactmr ties -w FIRSÃŽT-R Kt a very low pz have a'VM gSd The imovemeni Claulbave been -wifich 1 lsuPerior to any iii The St Right Day'ani sPriÃœg Stnike Clo CiCe t Day and RigU Day 0" F4ht I>&Y caim 114U and Dùùu Regumtc, ALL WA Measure T Tliere will " b ýýRX AND EN] CABWBT N nulàber of Dominion ]BI 01verdrw Decemb Mgh 'Schooi Notes Arreau of municipal i ""Muni Ing. - - Orders, 1 S'hOl Tem aties, liri Services of Notes. Pau - -Bank.... Debentures, and Diicý Mgh Schools C ( mj.ýoýZý,se ders ..... Son resident payment, Salagesa, Com ors '-C mes .. ... Connty J>ropc ge. Grant, ý Bi Pickering. Municipal fi eme Asù«Men lâchers, " Ouperannuatio EiAýer8, C( -mes, ]Balance in Treas=r, We,.thè uni Corporation of the cumnt yes correct Abstrm penditures of t year endingSig Whitby, 28th Dianio-17ds m MAS-ONIC, * May 187 CLOCK,' T whiéli ha bmugm, the The ceuiinik Pickerin Tv!enty-fouxth 9. Town Co'UnCIL ýrh&nmt«t show on Eeaeh.-P. T. and ratumed Bamum. m dons- to Tîto k)Y.law grantio à bonus of $50, the eff6ctý-ý- ehftp.lmt-wm. Co"n. tatio T»" ra, Association w ara. M) tu, fho -couaty, P. S. 1nçëçýS, Il* Toronto andiottawa. B&Q.- AWC"t B09eiPti sud Expouditnreo,- lèt et: -,Cà . 709 À". 'Coanty Oaîaxio. W&Y-was votvd upon on saturiay wÎÏ& à b , 1 ý Il birth.dà BSts and Ohm-Wm. Dulms. resuleed ýiu a majuriy of 156 bping, -7111 for' tho" IK40 58th Chesp-Boom Paper-W. il. Hanuam, recoidpd &gain meeup' Of »Màk, esty -th A èýe Gen. opened out cil, w's, Croquet--Ha" -à Bro. Et the tûellettrè. W" tempî -ravi", an Qn ý * tic At à genora Etàz;ve4i Tool4-natab & B»., thiO rësult the People of the - the wes Parties Who hala wànhip lève or 'tion loing mince' apparendy dead, and msng, entent, oýnskUng r in a no. meaus The ogama ÃŽsmoi- proinising Mann formation «n fýo chair) Quine Millinéry-l»»S *ýÈOWeIl. Curtà, Brown, Ta dit.- Whitby will cortataly no£ grumbie, nu WO are glati to ba able te state bilât puty.Beýve Blow, 'w en'a Pe -«Drous Goodi-Lowoo& Powell. more thau they- would rejofee', hed - the lié appainteil eIËgtl- excursion to Paint and Olà-natoh Bris. vote boon the otJier way. '£40 r0,t0-ý ýwill be eminently litiocesaful. The:ogy. &p hi, lui Allon Lice of Royal Mail Steamers- bé inted dèlegates at the next provinew George Yule, né. payer& of Pickering ý,vere loft to them. ý drawbaak w aà the rather aparse attend- Po bolderin en. Àuooàtion"-were Moved and carried. the cela lake =d-MIUY chan th in. . nly' Court of Rtvàion--Ycwn of Whitby.. selves t'O pronounckl on 'the matter Ance of teach This however, le ------- at->ýhom"ý , To County connoû-Conuty Ontario. Withcut AUY Outiide interférence it attributed to the short notit'a givon, ae 13ntiqm"ce B inatio to Higb athè0l. w d.the ri lmi* 90 -lâj the. ý1Am 1 ý _ , '" , Ï, ee t la Special Notices- vu thoir partioular concern te déal à$ fact that FMSY was not decIffla a à1fanoe arieins 6,6m tbat bad ù»U ad thst h Hall to Lot-Guo. Ytdo. with, it-; aitd, loft, w-themedoiffl -ibey, Numercus aPphestmýtumkg beau wcather 644ý,tkç, -, bq- , cellarage tg la 0. Yale, made, sa 1,0 what ý'work: in. nec"aary tc, ý"_y Dy a residenS of indus. BSch. inust- Li bave dellib$râtell voted, doWn the by. ibou inturestod to-visit the m«eeting. u the outrance examin tiqua to Righ gloomy-look. àr du, the àbatea at once. groëb" 1 iiewing mptiamco* IC 1W ana âmlâà;d, by', a iùajorUy of Thsoeý irematten thst eau be-remodied Pal *,iohed te oumun g began Mir. pro, Câ&n-ýTvior,» -q Knittinu Mâc à-li. Fairbanks. 166'vOtds,ýthàt thuy do net want'au uponfatureoo"on& We hope, iooj Sollools ma&Uir of M1,1 Servent Girl W -ted Un. Thou. Dow. Important lin@ >01, =U»y ta ru y ing Into the hour, 'w of the ÃŽes. 'n, teschers ýbomielves will 'take ý a more t intérest ta au rudoie, to givî t thro âttena, th1,ý low o- iithe aftertiopalé, or Boya pgh thoir township, That, wû eaMOStý inter, it,& place fu car coin "Tb -4 Ifflétif, 8, 7eor* -Aine -hik ut Ja.-tbe:oubjecr4 for it fouow., in moïiffw âdverudng -TrSlfflàtior4 Pie-nie, Dominion Doky-Patlier Uc- 84g ocme ô ho other paitinies cana. their Privilege--thoir rJght.ý 1t dom *Mdd,.reqùIte but, Ewè-10910 tc, provo lug are the SU1ýocW in w1hich the, candi providod ter the-oe" on of. the d5y,ý the omwxw Card-Dr. Field. look as if some 'Éeopie-even the dite*r outrance, will-be exarnined and iïàfr."blql in thai iù', atténaint the Meetings , Çtfý Eve! r bu in the town Pickering-werè itill. bohind Ïho a of which it. ie néousary the ânswerg ga- fflociition they ý au, ln à VUY wuclàîed a and dierigarded the progreu ýsurroUnd- of bolioating the O-OMMUnity by bontuat. ohou4d roaohaminùndm valus of 50 Ida' jaduL' Oolobliation ai à» day wi The olming wu Mr. Ormiston, brought in the report cOuCOÏL ing thom upon overy band through tngtbemoelvoo.' We'feel satisfied thât par cent in the aggregatie autl 88114, auly Oelébr ting Oft of thie ýof-tkeOOmmittee«On r;Ud, Mùmmien& " n -&r si the Intervention - et railways. Twel'v' Who la - snya to' bis 0 eaeh subject Z sby ho ou't'u - -- Ing the %oooanta of. Chu. Penn le' sa lit i"àlq c every teacher numeroüs 0:114âgefv the W&Y 47.07J and Peter Smith,, 02 a ci mues of railway through the township, interesta will be found willing ta teie' pelling,--i-Fourth Baoding Book to, ý11iu Of fird. > sum in ONLY Si la PER ANN6iï, threo stations' at -portant poiâtu, p&rtin the Moyement, and os th àe. p. 240-and Spélling Book. considered lidis,- Jýý é.AdoPt@d. Itègib1yý P@naable to the colebrati6n of thé de >r _ - , j', awite théi direct connection with the capitala, of libérations of the association are, open Arkhmotio.-Pr ciples Arabie and la a truly - kliâ :Manner. In the Mr. Forguson brought in the report ' b Whitby, Thlirsday, May 81, 1877. the Provinco and the Dominion; obeap. te 811 interc8ted in eaucation, we May Roman Notati6n-,; VüIgsr Frutions ; afternoon every,,Iposdble Idud of con. 'Of the committèb ý on etioéte and 1 thaü in &à' or froighto . through compétion ; -the sooq hopo'to, soi gathored to, ita Decivaal Fraotions ; SImple, Proportion in provemento, afatiq t meet- voyance wu bad ýeWved yetý lm thi A Busy, Month in Whitby. cortanity Oï enhanced prices for, with tangon of Wes biental Axith. grain M'g$ the fommoât minds of thils part. of tenders fýý'ïa à -34fflu., sidoh,& férthoîq.ý, &ta PrOdnCO ; Alla thé) Ùnn2ediAie exi- the Province. School trustées, lawjtW Metio. Wished to sec the races. Otheri of se Bro.p..and.,M«ioïs Grou à; Xamà" u -wu not in The Couatyý Couneil monte on Tuos. Grammar.- Principal Grammatical more Paritan tueil of MM hadabgna' "a ýà" g thoýýoémon bo, saceticlà ý thè, Wards iti w daY next, the ôth, inst. The following penaïture of a large Oum in the tOwu doctorat clergymen, and all profeilsional Forme ana Deûnitioïo,- AnaIynia of idnt, enteriainment pro" d fôî tho=ý sSuptance Of the ý.t«d@e Of'XoUr'Lý large - :etiti ship - during the constýucLion 01 the' men genavally will and very much tbat Simple Sentences; Pairsino, Simple Son. Il the band at GrOis &'fWiý kt, IL wobk the County Court and GoCeral y thé market grounds. a -,08,,Pçr ;bàa- some wolek Sessions of the l'once oit. -Then we railway beforc the ratffl»I-0 WOllld te concerne thom in the questions that tunces, dred. pu aooouiit havo.aloo the aosembling of the Motho- compo#ition.--m-Simple and 00 plex Alter a cârefulý examfnait n of the or ofiniereil calleil upon, to pay a penny-7idl thèse. ýrw 4-igoeusity and a Výwi ýUpouthe1 Santencoe, crally or in writing; Grain- At one o'elb-014 theland maroballed w»ts fôr,ýJtreetê M., là the,'-àdbo ti ditt'Conference, whieh will ait for oight indacoments, and prospective bOJ»gt4 Progmnime. Aud.,Wo"]"-ÃŽuri that nistical Changes of Construotidýn; Short it appearo wore not Sufficient to war. th - *i be glsd to , in front Of the Oidf(;Ùo*s' Hall, and Pairts Of the tOWD, the cOmmittéO wc'Ãœdý days. On thé loth, the Dith BAttalion, attend and con. Namtive or, Description ; FAMWU 1ýý ý , ýý '196eivin ý 1 4, ý aiter playing .4 fow tuiles, in ûret-elau roïoOM gray's Battery, asse rAut the giving of debonturos for fifty tributs ta the saccage , of the ocheme Lettero. a 'es erceet j'o tables thousand dollars, payaient extended now 00 ýhsppiIy iu&ugur&ted. Bancs. Oeography.-Maps of Ameriâ, Eu. style, marche to the tharket grounds. Z , 105w, 4 ýe ! at làsad-quarters, Whltby, for #6 ;*ý-ýçeiÜîîN#a, ý 'èfl drill, au À rio 9 ma a of Canada Slowly , jhe' * - üy r VODtYiYOgrs, amOuuting tO OnIY tion is a matter thât concerne every- rope, Asia a f a - p apectators came, and not W WQ Dun- daew" putting lu twèlva dayo,-Bu thât taking ato and On"o., until sher two oclock, whez, WAS : it altogather the month -of Juno in ut one dollar on a thousand dollars body, and the >înterchange of viewo by Linear Drawing.-Outlineoi MSPS ; Thot the "fi awthom to par; Wfflî eabout No dÃœ 86Ï sas liùe likoly fobo a btisy one wlth-onr towns - as»eoomollt 1 But the People of -Pick- thooo immediately engagea in it are common objecte on palier. persona were pregent, 1didý the sports clame 1rom- Ce all the broken itoule 9 ering are presumed to know Hi8tory.--Candidàteo wIR be-oxamin. commence. A-bout' two clolock the there. Th their OwD sure tc, attract à4ention. au*zrm,ý,ire t coult People. . We recorataen4 thein tg Itidy business boat. Cortainly Whitby wili Friday forenoôn was devoted to draft- A in the le&ding fsote of Englàh Rio- Oshawa band marched down, and aitter price, ýOf Dot more than, #5m-, 1 . . ý up", and prroent ne gond an a sur- tory. The questions set will not de- in-eg pp shed »o tears over the roeult. a friendly grceting frora the Whitby TbAt the prebable, cout of. 9 la now aq0o UN ýpO@8iblc before the thousands ing and adopting the constitution of mand a. minute knowledge of detailtç, n Brouc? FI,. band, took up a position on the grounde, Gilbeit eti-èît', (that leading fi6z 1 ntbnïfïn of visiter& who wili likoly dock- to The following is the vote. the Association. , The principal features but will bestrictly limited to the out- strest te the Colle to the for""$ lines of the Suýje0t. and dispoused music, of au excellen .çe) acloorain For. Ag'Ot. of publie int«est are that every one, t îZýr of the petition Woula ýre ïbout WilitbY duliuË the lucuth. MI titis, Dlvijaionxo.l. Austin,88.11ouge. xam- character. With the two'bands,.and . à Thd ab« ton, menus monay spent in the town. 2. lüusale.. . ....... 89 28 even remotely conneoted with edacation ined as heretofore, the dWa, n 2 Reading.-Candidates wille be o no Scia.appropliation for the" 111 thowe . People. lunec bc fed, and the lias the priviloge of attending the moe FOU;th lesde 8. Greenvrood ....... . ai Il in rëadicg hOm the both in aile practice, the loyers of osme wÃ"blTbt/tioomtaended. 0üb 4, Duiffins Crook .... 1 86 iiordU 1-246; «but they mu Couneilin committea of the wholes, the tannery di t n de rocci1red a treat Of thât which bute4ro"bakf"ro,-groccroi and otheri 5. ]$Iraozù ings, and an opportunity will. bc afford. will in addi Xpected te show e 1 r.ýR&nnam in- the wbbh it rai c9baum a "Ch&= the savage brouV on the sa in thatthey underatand the meaning of 16 55 ed hiin to expreu Ida views upon ques. chair. 7. Dnnbartoij.' ... ... o 44 those rondin asgons. Thè dé tions te au extent they searcely auticipated. Maýyo-r- sake4 what wu the IL ili Vary ýratiiying te observe go B. Whitevale ........ 51 19 under considerationq and that as, They willîýklewise bc examinait more amount of me tender of Messrs. Rateh Deverilids aý MIL11Y ovîdencés of improveinont in the 0. Altona ........... 10 25 the objecta of the association are not minutely on the sélections enumerated AI, 01, the irou4ds appeared in high gràÙt there way Of slow buildings ou overy baud. - - merconary, the foc, per annum, wM bc in'thë'fôllà*ing lîst, and thèy WM be good hUMOU4 correct howay trim, and & ero. 2 yens. - 1 tr4ii growth of Whitby bas boeil giadu. Maiority Agaitint .............. 169 &13 required te reproduce- the substance roady for enjoynient. The pr Mr. Pergmn, replied Long,, The à 150 uly fifty cents, the gentlemen' gallantly -ggramme Mr. Deverill moved that the report N -F, mlow, porlimps, but sure. It lias now lindertaking aà responoibilifles for pe. of one or more of them iw tlieir own of the day wqi Oarfied out M follo*o:- bc amended by otriking out $5W andî a Lkull ân excellent atart, and is bc- P. T , Barnum'a New and only Great- cuniary disbuMmento, and the ladieB latiRuage té Henry Suow:; 2nd, ne the a propriâtion for the Contre est Show on Barth, at Oshawa. G (1.) The Norweglan Colonies in .. Monde Raccr-la Ward an msking it $650. So the a iloilliot'y lietter 1(nown nt a distance of the profession being admitted free. reenluad.-Score8by. Drow. ri carried. m a tuvu uf mý,r(lwiug importanco. Thôze As autionuccil hy the advertiBeMeUt la the afternoon, a paper on History f2.) The founding of the North Ain- Boy's Race'(zLnder Mr. Ferguson thonght the, Centre On motici fiftslon)-lst, ROb- WardJwd been trested as liberally as was fiarther wîll lielp towards that ena. elsewhere, on TllurtidaY June 701 tlien la Public Schoolo was read by Mr. erionn Colonies.-Pedley. son ; 2ad, H(wlin. possible. 'IL bad always bean the One- clause atruel (8.) The Voyage ofthe Golden Hind. Boy's Race ýnder ten)-let, Websterý tom to make the appropriation COUCOU th fiet lis Illielce the molit of Our advant. will conte rusbing into Oshawa by three YOMRng. Of Oshawa. Ile illustrated -Britieh Enter - Girl'a Race ý:mder twolve)-lut, Aunie North and Contre for tho .Prise. uietýý ;--,Lljero -will bc chiclas amallg U& monster special trains of soli'd steel bis mode Of preparing short -notes for (4.) Tho Discovery of Amorica. Wards eqtýù, and adopted as à tnk;n' llotv8--an(l ouû'antl'all Lake an cars, the grent P. T. Barnum, with bis bis close, and how aft Robertson. Wilson ; 2ndEHza Tasker. this ear lie saw no risaïon for depart. or repeated Girl'a Race (inder- oight)-let, Emma ing 7rom the practice. If any ward îii(01'01't in I)rL-Eiel)titlg tho Couuty Town new and only greritest show on eartit. reviews upon the a notes, olipplemented ý5ý The Death Of Montcalm. Haiv- Sturgese ; 2na, Bella Ruslind. hould bave an inoýease, lie elwainme elnat Mr. Blow of ontiiric, il, iiii boat and brliglt,,t Alrandy thû exciting news bas been bY a rtinuing comment upon them, - ho (8) Jacques Cartier ab Hochelaga. Rurale Rao (M was the North Ward, na it committea o en)-lot, H. Snow third larger thau any othor, bail more thAe W- W- 1 wldelYoirculatêd, and tliisissueortile sucoeeded in imparfing a f 2nd, Pardon. tract- for poil è4r-knowledge _9ýwkjn8. trêeto te keep up, many of which were witbdrew hù CHRONICLE confirming. it will bc rond o the subject. His plan +braced the (7.) Cortez in Mexico. - cagsolts Veloci ede Xace- lst, A. Hall ; 2nd, 6 Ail the lead. recoived au f p 8 treets, used largely as entriei into the The Citholic Supporters ofth. Qcv- bY thousande with eagerness, and Weil- ialient points of each roi@, and coin- Paper. e Sea. Lynd. town froin the country. ernment. founded ianticipations of a surfeit of mended itself by its simplicity an - a (8.) The Buccaneers.-Th 11unning Hop, Step and Jump-lst, ing highways te the town are, through Wallace, saki inýuting or the catiloiîe support- zling eminent adaptability te it,3 object. sev. (9.) The Barthquake of Caraccas.- Charley Higgùs ; 2ad Henry Snow. the XOrthý.ýWard. The" Centre Wodd, grounds for Humboldt. els -of - tha Goveriiinout, lit-la nt tlle display. era4f the toachers present offèred re. (10.) The Conquestof Paru.-Annale TL, a games being anished, drâl whieh the crowd any other betctloweition than those granted. lionso last woek, xvill marks upon the Subject, and the various of Romantie Adven turc. dispersed, and while Meaudering home part of thé town, bananes" they comm Airrivai of the -city of Bru5sels,, (11.) The Conquest of Walca. - were-iii The it(Ïtu - ail that cali bc- ]carnet], stip- niodes of toachingib-st presèùt ln vogua' Wltite'8 Landmarkit. in that Slow yet cheerful style, peculiar the centre. Ho dia not believe &Uo*-, th? accouat o ffly tho p4Lrty in power with little con, The prevailing opinion was %bat history ýeIiv6rOr of to thoée WàO bave bcon célobrating a ing the rait of thé 'Wwn' ta be " 9" Ir- ro& Grit adhoret LivurPDOI't UaY 29tii.-Tlie fiteam. (12.) Hermann, the D for the boue£ of the Contre W&rd ; it er. Vandusez S()IatÎùij. Tho lov ]ta ship Cý"Y Of B).'ue8cls arrived to-da should bc tanglit in the Pu*c Scheele, Germany.-Jerrer. holiday, by belig on their £est froin t Crow Y. was not just or right. the committet prtiaelit ltilt tll(,,jusel%,e3 completely dis. du ausombled on the landing and but that it sliould ilot be insistea upou (18.) Tho'Burning of Moucow.-Se- early morniag, congratulated each othee The Mayor felt surpriseil to hear Mr. nOt IgJrânt0d, L cm the pier te Bac lier coming up the in tha outrance examinations to mgh gur'8 Narrative. on the plaaatut time spent. Ferguson raise the old ward cry, and as a public pli %ýou1i!ttùd- So much bas leillied ' out, in 0111117ge of four tugs. The D..k (14.) The Battle of Tliermopylae.- il 1111 abStIrd attOMPt to board Steamer, witil Goueral Grant and f3chools. The old-fashioued method of Raleigh. TIIE RACES especially using the Word '16fleeced, as Ward. if any part of the town was trying to After instru ÎÏ001) t1ic Procnodinga secret. Tho Cath- a nuuibnr of ot4crâ, went to wol,,me learning history considing its essence (15.) The Destruction of Pompeii.- were weIl attended on botli days, and rob another. Ho wouldi Uke to know, commifice to 1 supporters of the Governirient Wili lier. The passengers landed ail woli. te ha dates and narues, drums, trumpets Magazine of Art. Deputatiolis froin tbe Liverpool iloman the sport and conduct of the meeting if the North Ward oople dia net use adding te the ho ibuild tu lje fow and far bef and bloodsheïl, w&8 eeveraly comment- (16.) The Taking of Gibraltar.- the sidewa% of thlpCentre W"d, just 50 ha anowi tha jli,,xt generai election. ween lit tatholic societies, went out in.two tugs ed upou, and a etrong ploâ, was u Overland Route.- gave generai satisfaction. The follow. as much as the people volupteers doT tO welcome thoin. The pilgnins were rged N.B.-With reforence tothe addition. ing is the stimmary:- centre ward thalthâ péïlosophy, of histoiy houla themselves. He contended, as all the report was ad( X\XIV lýATTýttION.-It ig ýow pottl. COÃœ(IuOtc(l tO an botel. They are te be 8 al subjects in Englieh Ristory and in FIRST DAY. public buildings, churches &0., wore in FINANCI entertained by tlle Roman Catholle baý the chief object of the toacher's Reading, not horetofore required i lu $175. HURDLPRÀcE. Handicapdash the Contre Ward, they needed larger Mr. Gibson 1 t110 Battalion, will drill Club. A 71e ' Dcuiyb will bc Sung at the efforts in titis subject. those examinations, the Local Examin- of two miles, over 8 hardies, 8 feet 6 appropriations to - keep up the - aide- the committee nt Ilifi market groutids, hors, titis sum. Cathédral. The pilgrints wiliý thon pro. After a very entertainju ers are authorized net to exact 0 - coca directly to Rome. g, Spirited inches highlTop weight, 15olbe.- walkst. The ward elatoin was a Our" commonding 1901 June. It is na instructive diseuse third of the marks allotted te cach of First Ilorse, 50; second borse, $25. te the town, -and heRvould filie to Seo it ý ment, recomm Iiirtlier expecto(l, that the Toronto The safe arrivai of tlle disabled vas. a iOD, a cordial vote those additional subjects, as the linstit Al. Fisher'a cil. ru. Katie P., aged, by dons sway with. If the Contre Ward accomit of Lut of thanks waa passed te Mr. Yomans for pas'aing-go thst candidates Who ban the the Division C atter sel will rejoice flic beart of lm Colossue, dam Vanette, by Vandal. 1 corÀ2mittee, needed 8150 more t committee are V, %vill hoitit thoir eanvas bore. . ony 'a"'- for the able manner in whicil lie bad page satisfactorily on other aubjecte by North %rd to keep up f t -in estiniated, tho CO-.4t of ýl.iuging the loue frieuds. The neiva wili bc a et be rejected. This remark ap- A. Fishfr'a b. g. Kelsa, aged thair atreets, is not responsil sa introducea the subject. May Voucher, dam Rate Leonard: by they should recoive it. the rent of Divi cûllll)ani!Da ak the north duçvnp ffill bc od w'th much t1lankfulne Tho ' plies Ouly to the Jaly Examination, Epsilon, .. .............. .................. 2 Mr. Ferguson wu sorry to seo the abolit clin l1wýarù(1 alla fifty :ilars next subject was 1,Tho Unitary 1877. and that the te Metliod," upon Time-4 14. MayOr-the reprosentative of the whole to notîfy the in DEATIL 01, PATHEn re. which Mr. Davison, of Tito maximum number of marka, for town-dabble in- what might bc called of tllîs- abolit fifty dollars Iiis hoca mains of Ilev. Father Timlin, of Co. the Whitby Rigil Sobool, opened the each subject are as follows:- $200. DomiNio.,ç PLATF. Open to, &U the town will a raim-la 10 prIvato ['ubeer'Pt'on Ãœ'Om bourg, were buried t that place 0 discussion. He explained the theory Reading ...... 80 Arithmetie... 100 . The MayorýIt was.Mr. Ferguson y Dominion-bred borses that never won ward pol't'es- for the rent. 1 (5i£ÎZOOB in the town. and lifty dollars a a, Fri daylast. Ijisfuncrat ýasattended public mon À dash of two miles, grantell by tile rrolvll Conneil. The w f the new system, und comnared it 20 Geography... 72 u. lino ut on toit kuU Tour. oqmmg Lt due comme -*bwdr- , M -1 .Zat the i ICI. lowing petitioni Mouey for 19 roads loigié, -- , - »-ý ý lpIzrl»oo.; of le 0 allult yèarý but W lâu-,, of ù ana ôwèü Of ýWÀ-,Wiliial oüxk Pavie Of Geo. whiî; and OtherO, of ý Tho& ]Burk and ý,àihèï8 John Romniee and ot4rs. J Greenbe appointed ommelid COMMU&ioner to superintend the. filling in M es, or otherwiaé the . the'approsch. 01 travel accrou the bridge at GenwoOÉý an£, îeert to this counail. - our coin. would recoralmend that C, Stotts bc appointed to plue r&iâng ou 5th con. line ab lot 19. Thé ý0ll0wiDg UcOunts were orderw, tO b8 paid :-Téronto Gener&I Hoipitali for med061 tiègtm6nt to Robert Wright, $2.80 -,ý E. Birtell for acting as Beturu., or ing ofau" st mun'Oiýal OlutiOnE, 1877 * and for use of hall .d fi-tU10- for h-1d' * ing said élection #7; W Lwget, for S _" D killed, by déga, #9 r, Report recéýved aýd ýdopted. GzOeli Moves that the pjeve 1- 8mt hie ctder' Ou the treasurer-in, e favour of the Èarâeg recomr,"aed b y L- thé' iteOnding committee on aie-otmte e àndpetitiônl5, sud algo in &VOur of the ýi Parties ieCommended by the danding 1) 00mmittee ou- damageo to sheep dé go'. 1 Il 14- ]ff!ýckeY, moves for leave jo in f 2tditý,ed Ï by-lâw'tO ameud bý-1aw 418' B 1 1% by-law to appoint towmjihip i, cifféers. 3 ý L esve granted and thé by-law wu t resd thrée severaà times and pama. 1. 1 On 'motion .-se conneil otands: ad- 'JOumed till Tûesday, thè ý29 day of May instant. . ................ LacTURE ON -TIM - WXOT INMB.-.& lecture w«.deliveria on the 22ndingt., ýin. Ontariô'IUU - by, Mr.' G. Majou -on the mauners, and oustome of the wut Indies Central and -South Amorim ac- oômpanied- with mâps.' The hicture waf interesting and listéned to with in- tGrest, giving a gocil deài of VaInable in- formation., Mr. M.-has babuequesWa to visit other towns and repest the lec. ture before Ids return, toi those coun. tries.-Uxbridge Joumal., SrrzwG Buii, AGàm ox WAIR S nu is alt engagea ýUnited et troops. Mill WHI.TB Y MA.Birggs. May Büth, 1877. Little proïluce moving. Yery wide-, .fluctuations in prices of grain. - Flour, par brI. -- ***«* #a 00 a eg 00_ pan Whéat .............. Il 60 @ #170. spring Whest ............ ý#1 do @#1 w Býrjey, ........... , ....... #0 55 @ 80 60 Peas ................. M Oats ............ J., ..... 50e (w 55 Corn., ......... 65 @'M y ......... » $10 @ $12 Potatces ...... ....... 80 985 B9913 .......... @ il Butter .................. 160 18 Wool ....... .............. 27o 22c. Beef, bind q9arter... Sc so C 07 00 - Beef, fore quartar ........ 05 W13 05 5o Sheepddno ...... J.... . ...... --.Il .25 @ $1 75 Hides: .................... f5 60 @ #6 25 Pork, per M ............ $6 00 @ &0 25 Lambs ................. ;ý.*. #8 Calves .................... #4 Onions ........ . $125 Turnips ......... 150 cheese ................ tý.. 14c @ 17c. Carrots .................... q 150 @ 20c Eppsys cocôa.--G-ratelul and Com. lorting «SB - a thoron h knowle'd a )f the jaijf laws whiet govern %a )perations of %estion ana nutzitio% tud bv a careful application of the fin' ýroperties of well-sèlected coco ias proviaea our brealdast tai,212r: [elicately ftvored beyerage,_ which -May' ýave un Màny heavy dottors, bills.,, It is )y the judicicus use of such articles of ajet bat a constitution znýT bc MduÏlly buflt L'D Unta izlhmn- >w 31 cuittuwu lori iui Ille Meltl]Oci and wa3 solvedsby, it te the circuits reported' & grabe A IFMiiphoertcs Sm pri « ý neY COuld get al 9-u-s'&'-r'e-m« énIber The LI associa crease in the membership, of t 3d bLlke'suhiivMgtOrnr'iod' 4 YOarlg' ý1m19 tOb-take 8655' thc;0ýij1hmbe hardly saw v(,VY large. rixe 'C'orporatiou of !,ind. thoir oporatiotiot and although detectod 'le comp ete Satisfaction of th go that after making up the losses sus- Y. t tifyoinhgnrionh 1 v-q 2 DIQUI ers Of thé COUn with it- Thé The want of t 10 on tiay Ilits 'granted Slt)() tovaldfj the in the Rot, thât gentleman through cou. tien. Tho discussion was adjourned tained by removals, deaths, &o., there Time-1.614 ; 1.50. bat all the pUbIioý buildings and chur, thé log produce o celobration or the day, WIJIC deratiOu for 'the parents bas par. till Sa lie were in thé Centre Il will bc a turday morning. was a net inerea8e of 247 members. Beltiptg-Inspiretion, $10; Morris, $2. leadinw4ard, and V'flof, (IRY ut (Ilftt Place. %- arc mot mitted the Young ocamps te escape the The Prosident's inaugurai address To -the - a light o all concerned, the thirestens to have a 1 that tbe approaches il condition. to them once on. the Itu ioll'OriuOtI w1lut the prograbiale Of clutches Of the law. On sat was om financial. income io, thé district was in Mr. Long did mot t SECOND DAY. must bc kept in a goohink it quite iight, Amorican contini urday delivored in the assembly adyance of former years. This; was #175. TROTTING PURSE. Open r the commit report _or of the Iligh School. It je a very fo ro te all tee te bring in t4iiijoo1uentg je go bc iu tlle town evening last, hâvýing again caught a ju. ablY fiardly auticipated, considering the em. ada that n on whieb they did mot sgreý,e, Thou Il herses bred in the Dominion Of Can- gays the Bobeaygi whother tl](1ri) is -te ho nuy. spocial veuile CRIr « ViDg off a flute, ho liad almost written document and was recieved barrassed états of trade generaily. Mr. 8 in 51 te ever best 2.85. Milehe tO' with t 9 a the Burnt Biver determined upon making au examplo with marked applause. We shail give W. H. Gibbs, M. P., was elected te re. lao. ho believed in being catýè_f& attention I1ttId-ýto the inAîter ;--all ara harness. First berge, 8 5 , 'Ho, sud all the of tIAL, cxcursi , on 011 the firet train of hiw, but agréill conaideration for tlle it in full next week. prosent the District on the Missionary Woecond borse, 025. It)ouwt nofffuuundtoil hnoextthowughhatt isthwoualsdwbraondgonfîoD wmilll bc "bung i tO iudsay, aud wo fanoy that will bc Wifthagood Vie adj ourneti discussion from riri. A. Ross, and J. G. Crosbyi on thé Con. J. Slack's Liliau ..... . ............. 1 0 a 2 Committee; Messrs. S. Wa@hington, Kennedy's Avenue Boy ..... 2 1 1 1 this year. The Centre Ward je thé The Ottawa wiati tl'O,','tcat' uhgrOdliDg Point of attraction scarol lie allOw8d the Young seaimp te day on the unitary metliod wa:s talion tingent Fand Committee ; Rev. J. S J. Flemming's Jeunie Vincent. 4 0 4 8 most important in the town, and bas affected. 'Several fer thé day. depart in peace. It je sad--to have to up Saturday morniug, and after which Clarke on thé Stationing Committee, C. Ray's Queen .................... 5 5 2 5 look fter Rh for th, creeks and amall the mon streets te keep and draine te Clironicle these iustancea ofjuve - and ]Rev. B. Barrase on the Sabbath B. Russell'a Cool Burgess ...... If $500 ta a mile de- a veto of thanirs was 8 8 5 4 North :ý;ard that's ]leu the more, it à feared Co . lisqil, on pr.%Vity. Wedo go nOv iu thé hope Davison for the man School Committee. Time-2.48t, 2.45j, 00.0, 2-45j-. Centre Ward aboula mot get mer pooitiolà before 1 mer ÃŽn which lie $175. Doyirios RACE. Open te all wlien. it noeded it. If certain streets- and other tributi 'T'lesilay Ilest, June 5th. Tliero je that it will incet theoye Of Parents who laid the subject before thom. Imperial Declaration of Neutrality. Dominion-bred herses- Mile hasts. appyoâehes to publie buildinge-are mot are go low thât SU( ilotLiug 'Lpecially important ;tiàat '%va inay thug bc inancoa to keep a more Mr. Tamblyn, the Ileaà Master of T. C. W. Firot borse, 8150 ; second Weil kept Up, it will have a b POS81 09 aro at prosent aware oi; te boýbrotig t watchfül look over tiie outgoingi and 0 TEXT OF WRE PROCLAXATýl0î1;. on thé, town. ad affect ibl and mat h horse, 025. Gilbert etreet wag in beau, abandoueil u fonvard. WC trust that thé Colincil the whercaboute of their childron, Shawa Higli School, gave ut length The following je published in the A. Fiehor's br. or. Maritime, ô yrs., grest noed of improvement, and it Michigan the oami wiII,ý fts Iférotofore, supplément tlle bis views on the present mode of En. Canada Gazette together with the "Act by Jack Lani, dam by Baladin. .. 1 1 would be impossible te do it if the ward te restrict the lum Paltry 75 cents a day al- Cui(,icriT MAT il.-A cricket matéli trame Examinations te Iligh Schools, te regulate the conduct of Her Maj. P. Martin'a eh. g. Pilot, aged, by appropriation *as only $500. The season'-a dry fall loweil tile estyla subjects djuing the exîstence of. Jack-the-Barbe "tiol4ier boya",by the Government. with Uantreal, Wili bc played bytIlo comparing it favorobly with tilat of r, dam by Pilot... 2 2 way te keep down expansés, was mot te dry apring,-and t WhitbY Cricket club, on Mondaythe formerycars. He thought the stand.,,a hostilitiesbetween foreign Stateswith Time-1.511, lay thinge nver >ôr next year, but do berman, a joUrnaIý Gums sTg.tijea.-IJOR, n a whicli lier Majeoty fs et peace." Open te al, everything when it wu needed and of obtaffiing Soi ýýr, WA,. 2nd of July, the day on whieh Demi - te Pasefor entrance should bc raise 0100. TRoTTiNG PuasE. thug keep matters from getting worge. States that thora is 0 UN WANTINq lu Owyau.-A novel case ion D&yçýiIl bc celebrated, at the Mar. aven more, and that 83,1 par cent. in BY TRE QUEEN. Province-bred horses that never béat A large petition bad been recoived ask- tainty thât ome-thi in which the fflbiter. wac bitj" occurr.d ket grounds, Whitby. eaCli SULject Was too low. lie depre. A PROCT-AIWATION. 2.48. Mile beats, 8 in 5, te barness. * the strest.beïmproved and it should crop will be hung in the grajD îteâling lino, early lapt Fïct&ria R. Filet horse, $75 ; second horse, 825. Ing tudying Lagu Beed'a B&Iow ............ 1 2 1 1 hale some weight. Re dia mot th'init certainty the est DourNioN WARE cated the idea ci boys o J. Morgan a Tempest ............ -BOOMS.-býessrf3. Le. Whereàs wo are happily Cet peace 1 !ho extra appropriation aaked tee much, 1-That the men Mouday Momiàgt at Pickering*.. As bfore they were pretty thoroughly up wit a overei P w r States. in fact, it was mot enongh. Mr. ÀIex.'-Xetareu, was Paosing the wes & POWOII'B Summer stock ig Coin. in Eneliali. Il$ th oo, that h Il 8 gus, 0 a a audý G. Clarlison's Grey Eddie ...... 8 8 8 a commun lumber g rosidence of Plote. Thoir grocery department is entrance te Righ ought' t fer And Whereaý, notwith8taiadiug Our Mr. pki Irvine, lot 2, in tho ord Scheele, enough at. utmost exertions to préserve pesce be- C. RaY's Queen ..................... 4 4 dr. Ilo no, Considérai! the collage yards at $10 wiH, cou. of a very Carly hour Well suppliedWith choice gooas. tention was mot paid to roading and l tween . all Bovereigne, Powers and Time-2.46, 2.40j, 2.42j, 2.43. Oue of the most auccesofal and bonefici. next, be sorry they Ep y existe al institutions in the towni as ouch. it It concludes au art 011 -Mondey mOrtlug, ha noticed a horec BOOTS AND SBOES.-Mr. wm. l3urns writing. Mr. Davison and Mr. Willio States, a stâte of war unha il - GENERAL RESULT. should be encourate:d mot frowned readers, wito are hiteliod te a démocrat waggon tiea te continues, at the ola stanat te supp, while agreoing in great part wit 0 between Ris Majest7p the ximperor of The day altogether passe do*n. Ile would wM te Now is the time to Mr. Irvine'a fonce. Suspectingsome. boots and filioes y Mr. Tamblyn Il Il *bat all thé Russiao, au Mo Ma'e tyr the il off in a ' - J,'y lm bble te buy lumi thing wrong ho Called Mr. irvinQ sud Of fir8t-class inake Bd 6aid, contended thât Emparer of the Ottomans, au b twoon quiet and ordarly mauner, except in a hie fair sharO of a tax -for a. Six. bot a Chenp. the 'teaching of Latin Should begini their respective etibjeoto and others fewoueo,,whore the cold westher,.of sidewalk, te aty institution bufft in any during the year 187 togçtllû" they Watt on A mage of dis. shortly after a boy's beginning B habiting within thoir countries, terý.».- course, had caused sorte few te inaulge part of the town, that would prove, of The général ou IlAnVliST ToOLS and hardware, al - go nglisb, tories, or dominions. u much bonefit te the town u thé favorable. Thora i ('ovary. on lôoking in the as one subject would greatly help au. ýAnd Whercas ws, are on terme of in a more than ressonable amount of college*-* the timber crop dei "'990U b 'd'cg hardware, geniline paint, Rit fightin'-whiakey" to, go in on thei, Mr. MoMillan th6ught te Mr. Hop. at a time when tri thoy fouud tLr0ý b898 Of grain and be. mi Other. Mr. Yoman, considered 88J par fziendaM il twecu the Ilateh 4 BrotherS. e an amicable intercourse kins did that something naight be takin the demanda for bi ws«Çon ý Md thé bam au. cent. in each subjectoufficignt, ma gave a with euh of thése Soversigno, and with muscle and come out on theïr ear, witli off the Dundu and Brook aü»o,»Ppro-l Illumber are groatlj other bag was icund. . Ous, of the bagiq DR. Vl"Di, phygioi&n and Surgeon ca» in point whers jb pupil, Who hm au a bloody priations ma -ÀpoUci - iù thé thoit Severfil subjects and Others in- -generally nothins worse th , cênki ý ý,*Rnn0t fan to ianeý was markèd d'W. 13. o.- and another Il doué Wall- in an habiting Within. their oountries, - terri- Dose. fia. 11.10 Th au icommenced Practiceý. at Duffins, iýfflýecto but omet bc- Ward. The money aoked for by the lier business, and in ho.-Se wag a dark brown Croeir. cause elle made on _ tories, or dominions. A base-ball match, played during the Centre Wârd"wâi ubt iý throir, à t Wit is mot a mistake too m&uý And Whorets great numbers of Our W&Y, oue, àboui« 1 à but because it,&u ceeds& , Bouuu, that-, renu () YS n Olaf with a Bore in that, stood in danger 61 boing pluck. loyal subjecte réside and o" on coin. morningo between Wbitbv and Brook. 1 - b *Snte4:4500 tbàt. be paid fer aU the back and very poor. Thewaggon; wao Rov. Father Macanng, . , marge, sud posooos proporty sud estèb. lin, resulted in favor of Wbitby by SI the No't"Wàa 0' , ed. aid mot provo thât, i6 Saine Sm»ount Cai"im lumber nual pic. lishmente, and enjoy varioue righte sud rune. would do for a Contre. Th One-borge doingorat, with front sjprjý lue will be-bela On Motiday 2nd July. Tho chairman, cal4ng on Mr. Wood privileges within the dominions of each th 0 W&Y in In the Americau me broken, tho million of Which had A promenade concert, ai; th, drill which the oêst for improving Gilbert "Peterborough Jivery.11 Mr- ' pu it SEE FROST's Pàt;s,-ýrerY chear, et house to taki) tha kbair, stating that of the aforessid Bovereigne' probected 0 i'vp lie wished to mako a by the faith and trémies batween us alied, in the evening, given by go band, Street twaZ laced in the iopgrtr was CANADIAN COM The 0(la Foilows Ilall. some remarks likely 'a people a wrong im s- PARIS ExnorrioN.- bas beau bunticg fer RD owner oÉth on the au and esch of the aforestiid Sovereigns. provod very succesufai. pre bject. lie pointeil out We therefère have tbougbt fit, by ----------- Sion. It woold Dot cost #8w, mer tuât 'son. Mr. Fe] rig, but CanIt oucceed in finding eue. THE ODDFXUQWs' BAND. . This how tho I'Vovers thab bc" in the Edu. sud with the StIvice of Our privy COUD. anythiniz HkA it, te irnprove Gilbert' Agriculture, will act From T. B. Barker, Esq., strpet in thé manner lntencled. They missionerto the, Par Mll. YULE, (Thuraday) evenin, t1je bandwil, play estional Dýpartmeut, wore turning all ci], to issue this our Boyal ProcIqýp&ý SLý jobui ç!ers only izaing te li%ÃŽ*'dQwn a Rood the'exiiminatio U mý#ý4«fcr a well known Drup tien. do,,hmbÉ' for the AllEin Lino, , froul the balcony oÃŽver Allim'e book. ne ô -4 0 giat of six-foot Sidewalk, tôt grade the streets SuRioub Frae 4tWhitl)Y, isbues ticirets.41à passage atore. - d cour' 1 New 'Brunswick :-'Il can truly sayï and plant donbIeý Thà- Over thirty ]PISCes 0 Certiflotes at loýVe8t e fui, olàirýo's inther backgrýumd. No * _;ro*i of treen. -re destroy ratés and supplice MIS r iL go thýý Conghn, Colds and ail Pulmon. Centre> WAril wu the ablefward lu the kerton wf Overy information. ý I&Ontriil Tels. DicuoLI'rlO* Or TUE 01,D TICilylV to'observ cases, this remepy performe town, and the people of all the other - , the b êt Salariés, &A thp Who weyè dueinR4 aaý, the loge entaille -0ýbP4 #Md Express office. 14CKS--The demolitiolg',pf celled, if eî"lkdi by any, wardo uséd drëd eliouià lie contre Ward sidew,,àllta just parraoke, QuObsc. ïîýt in wnI and 1 týaUeTr'elfo à u much as the I»oplo in Contre Ward Wýama 07 A 8=41 #ýXffl h,&ý-thè IbrgoatotPÇ4 i . 9 did.,ý Thé fflO qbololdbo RÏanted the man #tom tônýbî - , . .4imp. ù - Centre ý Ward, Th W 4 il: 6 ipouey wu mot la a totàl-lcîm Ni LYMAN, CLARK &- CO., Montreal. EWI -ADVERTIBEXFMSO- LLAN LINB OF RO L STF.AmsuipsýÀL." MAIL bin from Whitby to Liverpool or Làn. ýondçrry, - - - - - - 879 to $89. according toýucommociation. )ln from whi4b', tu Glasgow, on Glasgow ,ine, 869.. ermeaiate from, Whitby to-Liverpool, ondonderry or Glasgow - - $47. cage by Mail Steamer from. Wbitby tu 1. Lon on, Glasgow, Belfast, 'vealoaéerry or%.neenstén, Po, ",pald passage certifi.cates issued At .t rt.. tu persons wishing to bring friends. Dr tickets and farther information ýpplY GEO. YULIS. Exp. and Tel. Office, Wbitby. tby, May 80tà 1876. tf-28 i-EBP LOSTI rayed from lot 16 in 4th ëýUc«siôn of rownshi f Pickering, on or about the April, gro., sheep, two white and one c ; marked, with top of riet ear split. e verson foura with thein in theireos- n alter tbio notice wili be prosecuted ding to law. WM. COWEN, 28ra, 1877. 23-En Di. 13. 'Y8ICIANý SURGEON, Duffinal creelL LLL TO LET. ommodious In suitablé fora ILU or )-roozü,onthefla abovetheMahani,.e x7, to let; rent méderate - 1 tu . ý;ha0p!eu;ii- )y, May 28,1877. 28 -------------- LLARAGE. ýt-cIa5s' d7 cellar, suitable for storing rs Eggs, otatoes, &c'p tu let, under ýes office. Apply te- GEO. YULE. ýy, May 28,1877. 2à ,VANTGIR'L *AÈTED 1 tted a Good rough Servant. Lpply to- Uns. TROS. DO'W. whitby. ýth, 1877, --ff-28 WANý"ED 1 ted two amart Boyo to delive» thl TOI Coui for the,

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