Whitby Chronicle, 10 May 1877, p. 2

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Plirnituro-D. 3. Johnsonr, »ancom Pa*m fer Sale-. Noti4e-S. W. Elliott. Change %.of-Tinmo-Whhby, l'ort Perry, à Lindsay IlailIwy Comny.. N5otc--Hector iluaten. ighe #,pigon for usi-Frani Harvey, PLuit Teem- a.Import. Metng c Sooitodeu P1ickerng Rr onîomany --' 1 Speuiail Neîlq- ~ huea (1,noine Wht. Luadj-Hatel & Bro. Plà8ter and Biukunritlr'- CoaPL-J. H.; QNLY Si5o 50PER ANNUM. Whitby, Thtîrsday, May 10, 1877. Nothing Jîsurd (rom tire -City of Brus. Up 10 tire lice of gou:rg t proe n'OthLSUglbai Lem o hard cf thre mlsolug îteaer "Cltiy of Bru4saul," witlî the 4Ïaiholbo lgimeu fr Eom,-ncw sevýenteu'n deys out. Mtuei paitàful * nxluty prevallu for lier usfoly. 5h. ibas le Oanuillsnd Cài board. lrom Toronto thae oaie Mre, Frank tlItbn'c siohidru sda ululer cf AU I. Huglaus, ýÉer6 are aliecnm. ber or Caitolie pujeutu lu tlro comipaoy. Lincoln anrd Ottawa. l'rînu eeiu L()tahue seate vacatat inl ireur otwo eonstiluuuoies take placeas WP -wrilto dnJY (%ednusay). Botir the, old runaiera are apposeS ;'-Mr. OJuniar iu Ottawa, by Ufr. 1'ealler.' Kt, w, t'îo iaverncureui, oendtiiee; and Ntx. Nonneitiù Lincoln, by Mr. Jamea Wliler, dÃ"!Mt. Catiîrînus, wlîo carres tire Ouuîoitiou Standard.' 1Wr 'ianaelinneotirher* bail.'!tht bolir lIr ahi îiuli&'ord twili Le roeected. Mr. --Norsi ie mu loieiiy tîong 10 Lircolîn, w6n JevrteuiaI eîeu tire fal ni' Iis uobug hliaa.pa-iomr te gelaà for'iy-two-thouanrr 'ai iîrgavu-utuntceetreet vili scursel la., outlhuinau ltur*utire sciais agaidiit htitu. Tire mine o! tire Goveruneul vili lriîY ina lest 819111,of l ie 11csue. Ttira Il ,' <'urrc-' ilu viibu tiumpiranlly re- ahaicleul iimr Ottnaavudo Dot enletaie thiti lgitual lomibl, &aalula Il tir. iiaiwer ur ony, auraiinflunce tIre Min- l'rryrriitring lu Lear eapipimltlitu. A tir' llit8rts, iever, yu il lataie. 'uiltuN tit seat'holirestbathre Minis. Lrv, il nyiru' ae t fi tilîc fpmeipitet. aau- I aiýltarrt iéleartion sonaner turen vas MfiLtmry Drillin utire Schaorci, Gul. VaiIauu'lias or 'sOo n ie haIt, raja a cinoie airaîrtagu. lu tirptiapiit, - aaiiriat-'îa . ImaO n nuuo!flta6Iligli nadia iii:r'illi. Tiirnnlror'uu w ua ;l ia ta ia-tc-age amndSbeaming,1 0 aaaaaaua herca vaihtg tIr. pa~~jan' ')ari',' 'ltiblar andalsirevi h *uai rrIaam ttc-- i'u-i+ta bu gogîrcîl by iûfa il r liau li :Wicafoni cillis hi.1 ut shuaal.i a iira 'oartimta'ît, foruni - haatf ii ,114lia a"i'u'lea nili ni isciphinie of 1 aS'.1%auaîiIî. tL alue'.off tire Ilolrledeiiyt a-ahanai-'iiing gail, wvIiili seimolbolaisnonir tara, ineu hr'aîflr, rmcrl gin.3 a m raraactiire, bmicr a.II p srerance inir a a recourauetuatlalin l iseif. Itisa a great pivilage te have et hanS limi aariae o Col Wallaefu fr se- lui- Iliwaaatw aa luy.Tera lirnce beys viii tourai tua80410aiiaurnsir tueyhlieebecu b baialllîlai haairabrelnlmode of ai'i.liirirandeuultlioat, vio negiau.n tlinresomîl opportnnity wil lirre lc 'aiaeel lîov muw r lr a e lo lst. saisoclt trnsitaaars in otetiarleceiles, ve are pliosel e lez, aise Inteurti erriliugc tircmestivos e!fIrehe leo's services. A motr a~ru9sf beueffing thie pupila cf lire seirools over viirlimte -hiavé' jurilu. tilrliun coulinetire atiopted. Indeeti %vu sigit go futhar andSuay tiraI Il siramiti iramatie ccmpmisony Spart of tire prograumme cf Saiiy urercile Ilu a «ery s6011o01 iu the -I'novicc. a C.înou'n AMI)»CoonUrIn»T'es OUTrIJL.- t llis tiiovmîi vio broke mb liraeclore- a! Il lIre Messie. Warren lPnos, Broohein, b asI aunounOculin 1test veuis CumueNurLa,& iroru capturutilunToronto. 'l'iey ver. hrougirl le VliLby for uxamlnation Inakera a jà anti ve en IstI Thriutay amaigned birfere tlixcMayor andî Dr. Ganu viro comm ilud threns for trimal. Tirey veeualItfour viliainons iootiug aonotinrela and ti!he kinsultirett 1419cot aliy lranuitsti Tire nns i givn eare Gitanes icemisir, RobrtriP WutaIllrrttnu Francis Evaus & Tires, Qa;1nu. Thoîufour are vol!lîknovu lun aîiecîce s bunglara anti desperate t1 retrgîrs *; Ive of Ilum are lsIeIy Sieurte niOuffalo. Thre arrousi ivs cleverîy matiePl hiy Detoeclîvea BunrougluUfanti iebuninse lan niIouse oa! nu-lanse, lu Toropho,,veIlILt kncirvuase a nesort for suirir ciraalesu, ce tîmnroughi lrusatio furoiceutiby Chia! se Constable Bryau. AUil . talen gootis B hiuve heen rucovezeti. Tince nf!tlire a prisoners it ilu nueratoat ill confer,@- tb thiir'gilit. in FoRWITUBE nrANDS UnRLTEmi'eRIN.-Wye s bot; te direct ipecialatentionu h ie smnoneenulo! Mr. E. J. Johnoson in years put ha been carreS ou by thieTi lInto !TiU Jelituson. Mr. Johnuson la is aready veU iruqwn ho tie cushamura 2c ofth li r S0su- ihagaieda aiigîrla rafut&hahon arnonst ail lasses sinonce S I catncho Whillby, Tira claracler O! i&isD wc antidiis ellenticu ho buinesa ilhl fr '11> fotndâaU litI onuSbu corunded. 811AUTnsui-A barge numi« Et! xaraS. rees, aa.bein#-"planteS li ~$qr aleusg te creals p< lthe ovà. Tihe promlinersos givanlire mettez by lthe to*siconnail huas doubîlese gjen N hieo extra bspeun te theira'rovursrt.m ,4 noehiecable fatitle Qahnearhy AUl.the Tt troeosselt dum1ara inskpoin lu coratie jm frl .-Loug'a vliws, %oS whulhmmucî ct glesn -lte beart cf thtirarIaaefi h Il in S le 'i OiaaTarri NOBLY S"IPPEDI BY A Posm- Lr Troim TIIn 'iTrLL o-,tuE ia Wm'eu" ;e Ou Tliursday aeuin-g as a couple ef r Icama venu beiag drirran ont of lice yard eto tire Arurre'rong Heurqe, llrey venu o figitenati by tIno blowiug o! tire Marbît ilFnctaary wviie, ttor six o'cloclu, sud tarteti off, full jumup, fersarim. Onu of lueur eomiug 'mb ocollision ritir a Ipost in trontlf o! Mesnu. Lewaaa & Poelleh'$, vas successfnhiy stoppaS. Tira otîmur tearir becoming bevilder. uS, vireeleti round sud ranuail in s irn- oea, teerng svay eneyliing butor. furer, but et lest they aie a stnike up Duntias atreet, tnrniug aIt the Pest Office Sover Byron stréet, wvi' rea hey wvee a lest seeu by aur repou'tersantidiug ebong a aI a figilful speuti. i a BARa BuaraD xo ieMmrt-.-Fnitiay lest tbe barn anticocetnts oc! Mr. James -Griairam, near Brechin vere tiastroyi l'y fine. A vrluable',mane, viic could urot bueroneS, vas seso iost ia tIre conflagration. Tire fine ià ciregtt incendiariom. Ait EAUTHrQUÂuCEa-Oir WoUday erraning, 'leut, e ionS nise-like s heeny ciep o! thuntier-foiloeati y a trumnbliag o!flire earthivas expunieiceti- lu tuas section o! tire country. Tire airock vas aise fuît in otirur locahities. SbKoAI t rvaru, are pr-ovliig araunti BreokiueuSdlire nieiuiîy ratirar piauli- fuliy ow, lIre stripping of clatiras limes 'euS rebning oft irn routa being e! fr- quenh eccurreneru. A urav ana in lire Piano trede hec beau inangirnatl y lire Mentielssohn Piano Go., No. 50 Broetivey, N. Y., virose advertisemnn appuars aise. ienoe. This Company lu regulrny in- cerporaled under tire Lava af tire State o! Nev York, anS compcoseSo! eminenh Piano manufacturera, vilir lhe express ebjeot cf selliug Pianose direct ho lire people et PFcciery Prîces vithout lise Intervention of agents anrtiuslera. Tireu Piauos made onu o! tir. fineel Slsplayu et ltae Celunnuiel Exiition, anS veve unraaimoctsly ecousmeudud for tise Diploma of Hono,- anal Medal cf Mentf. This Company are the finalta do e general business viti lie puarclaer direct,sving hun more f han ene.Iralf lIce pnieu ciargeal by olian flfrsi.class usakers. Wa veubti raccnurnd auy o! our reatieru vire iave any ides cf aven buy. lug a Piano, te send 1fvoruir lustraleS anS Descriptive Cataloue,' vinai ilI b. malleS freau i. CANAIAN 3ATLE.-hrafelloviug uxtract frointire Liverpool Corrier Proves liaI "T. C. 1." l is ieetc-ro ta lb. Tiney au tire Cenedirin caIlle trade,IWaStire best o!flira gentlemnn vioueumlr-Io oiuta-aeer-l liai enly SuaS use4 yqire ftona a profitable ex- juilnru'-Ã"aidu c -a'i yoq vuryfluè Oa in, id-ae,êre hpeu yeshentiay by Dcrui5iosu *l rerMis-t ursippi Extensve arrang aaru, bemgrapmdîy pughaS torwanJy142 corian eh.'htilu n~, 0mPD- te t g lll. 1 gl . V t , 'l'in . Cttu Ltit' u i jd1. ., le tIre i. d . 0it'ek tlâ iio 4 Xc ýchture on f bflit 'parti o! lige towo luhiwluch il;e eur10ut LI u.oeded, irrempeetive. o! wardu l. gotlir., UIL11*t 3o i atn of war& appropriations tteprsnt ov f eaob çrard undcavour t otail tlî.y 'eaué for thre particoleor wrrîliby bappen to reprosent, regarUusof th'@ wauts cf the. chlier portions of lte lewn. If uRi handred dollars bu 1w. qoirud in one ward the. repreu.ntatives cf the. cher wards yl insiolt upon bavlog a Mei appropriation, altiiough 11; may Ibue koown tual onu-halfthlie amouti igil orce, and May net buleo0noceuuary te ýmet the, public couverdenca as luntre ward. requlrlng the largur uum. Itl la now "A gamae o! grab", ail ronod, regardleus.eoftthe gnrigood cf thre corporafion as.a whrole. Wilh 0cou geoural committea. sud au etmcie nt hairmau at ils he4d, who Irad practical acqoaiotauee wlth tho dution, wiio kow oomethiog about the vaine of work on streets, asdthe. oranoor in whrlch il uhould lbe per. formied, ire only repuat wl;et wc have ofteui nrged baforu, thalt the appro. priations would- bu laid out wlhh fui grester advantage and moh mnore econonrioally sud satlafactory lu every, Tas QUEAI 'e ]3îArrw .-Theex cellent Oddfeilowu' Braus-Baud cf tIrA town have made their aooouncoenn cf an iolereuling programme for lie Queeo'u Birtiiday. Under hhuir patron. 0905 %fe StC moW utigawesaamsesieue-1 mente onthie fuir grounds, ab vîricir tevonal pnizus viii bu put up ta con- petitiou.. Tiers viii rIsc bu a picifen- aS. concertinlutIra eveaing. It is enly noceuaary tire thlie gentlemen o! tise Band sooJ toke ie malter in hanS ta have tire feleso! tiré Ssài sesuccees. rIE aAcEt. Tire races comea of lais, as aiready anucunced, au lie 2416. Âiready tire Indications promise age geaieldIaIoa Irnes sud tIr, bout o! sport. Preseqntation te Major O'Douovan. On Thursdlay eveniug, et tire Royal hotel, WIrilby, a number of tire frieudu o! Major OPeDnoven cnet for tise por- pose o! presenting bhlm vitir a teuti. troniel TIre testimronial assumeS lie sirape o! a valuable gold wateir anS Chain, anti aise a hanulseme galati ime- piace te Mrs. O'Doeovan. Tire vatece of tiegallsnt major anSdiris g9od vife were lest amongstl Ilim oher valueirie affecesnlthtire rceul lire by vricir tir rouie sud contents vere tieutroyed sud' thre gifla venu preseuted ta replace lîsein. 'ire pneseutalieu vas made by tire Mlayor, MnI. G, Y. Smnithr,vire spoke ses eoliova: Il affords mu great pieasnru, on ire irai! O! e few cfy aur friandsalbure pre. sent, anti O! othun pneminenh man el lise lovu, te tender yen anti yaur go Wife tietoken cf aur fnientoisbp aud esteum. During tire lney yaanulirat yon hrave basena eiaent amnong us, id ail lire positions tiret yon bave ocaupied boti in public anSd pryâte yen senai yen f00ti vifu have ou sanuti younueLves in lire estimation of yeux neiglrbors-4hd fui. nv cutirons, anti viren e short tin. tgo yonr famiiy wve re mntienetibemeleesaun namzowly estae uS rom lIre faines ai your buruingtivuillng vi tir your livcg liera vas a univarsel feeling a! symn pretly for yeur great bers ai o! glas. ciess liaI yensund youn femily esicepnra froi au groat e danger snlinîrt. Sirti' -after tris aid errerI a few of yccr friando susggesteu'itt@Ocrne eligiî loken lie given uyauu, net au utrucir lu ligliter tira losa you tiret aSutairs, uti, Ite airai yen tiret yen bave a irost o! frieuda vii aympetiiza deueply vith yen un yenr bass, ant isarlimaI yen anti your gooa vife may ire long sarredte h use tise ulogaut vuiboies, euS that vîrun yen look upeir tlrurn tIey may lu afler yeeu's-vireu sema a! rishave peeeeî svey-bring te your recliuction lIr rxany hrappy deys yen lie epnt in tira tovu. I aux aura il is lire wisir e! lrera pria'nltireat you meay LotIr bc long epared te vuan lire articles sentiaftur vends IrandS Ilim ulev as hir-lueurr te yeur famlily. ' Mn. O'Donovan muatie eamItable ropl ou behal! o!fluimsel! ant i biegood lady, and e vcry plenaso evening vas aller. vwarda spet lu tise parlerso!ftire Royal » Gccd Prespecte. Th irevrter viteat, o! viiiaelarge breadtir irs beaun îewn, may nov b: seriiered peuh upring iujrury. Spring uvhreat ocopies astcilI, langer ares. Tire lune vualier lis sping liras iruen aill liaI couldise <ar lbe desired. Banîey navez Ioekedlehten, and lire satue may be saiS o!firay aird clover. Ail tire in- diaahicus are iropuful o! a geod yieid anS pluntyful harvual. Disgnacefui Diselounus lutire United States Tneaancy Bureau. Thre rasuit o! au enquiry by a orn. nitte. of investigation 'buote eork- nug cf tire'Bureau elf Engmarriug anud E'inhing o! thse Trcesury Dearîment cf tire Unilel Statua irai beeaulime dis- nissal o! Jevuil, lire Chie!, a meuglez of iideous mien. 1h la allugetitiret tire teshimony o! soins of the female 'ecr- pioyei vas te tire effeet hse tra re. appàinteS, nal bucanse air uuriceuto thc Qoyernment vas an objet, but oitirer becense tieylIraS yielddti e lIre sonsuai appetite o! 1h. has iS atlie Bureau, or vere lie obieeta o!firis Su. igne. Tire h.sti mcny tends la shrow thet tire Govtr-nrnulias beau suipport. oug s harmurfor lire use et Juehî lanti Bi fnientia as Lie etu fit te invite te iare vith irun b iis base procuedinge. meunin good public positions are m. hiateS, but thir names arcevtittil. W'iaI a national shame suddSiagrace t CZterci APPLEa Tuinis FReSALE.- 'irere are nov offurlng for gale 0n lie loh lrmeOdiateiY scul cf tire Pout'Office, 2000 apple tras, - cempriuiug Rire IsienS Greerubuge, Daidwiâl, Norhrm Ipy, Talmanuveemos, Hysl1ep crabe, )oimeeso! Oldenburg, &a; Tirey are rom thi. nurseries o! Mesurs. Reynoldis & Leckwaced, Niagara County, N. Y., anS araas fânelidhualhy a lots va aya1 sea 80n yWi're..' TIey are auiliug It tire loy prîce cf 15 cents usai. BUexiuz.uMo'zs .-Tire May Numbery a! li. ecellent Canadien lontlay-pulltdl y l3alferS Bna.', Toronho-ias Leu recaiul. Tire May manne ls a capitlone. Single oopy, 80 lu; *,Or $100 -par annm. Oîtier c!f the pubiulera, Teoono or fr'om i ey o! ire book Stprus. MEURSu. ilÂTerr & Brio. lrar'e received dirct - <rmm npsçaud, 'gerubu'ie white- rSd iu l, pd liève a lange stckirof 'alnl'ers"~$.~iSaa 'i esa oiW id lu,-. euessii raian, à&w cê.ribus tira productionu as v uooduuoript rag evideotly bialliàg frpzn "the ucuth,.rn uxtruurity of the Liudsa sund Wiiby 1Railwrey, sud brins fuoe uvnclent osanlfesattions cd the mos "uzcroclaiog agony o e iapaut of!the "combinallon 'of talêrit (?), whlch bas "beau bretfght te bear où ii.heprodue. "lion of liaI greai eheoi, copies of "wbich -ae beiug thrown bread uastE "over the proposed raul o!fthe Toronto saud Ollawa Ballway. " We have ot sountlhe shooet,,- but are uaiisf.ed to believu il sellîhal eur oulamporary'o .emphatlc'phrâeology vould moaeocu. Our desire just 00W ià.lo sel hlm rigri anuo thle source from,ýwhlch tlie "non. de-script rag" uemausted.- Il vas nýe frons lhe sucuhieruatremlty cf the. Whitby sud Liaduay Bail way;-cof liaI ia may ruaI veui assured. No mie cou. nected wilh tre railw&y had anytiug bo do willr il, or vl itsi crculatioiý And we do flot' know liaI w. are trenching upou privaI. confidence whun wu adld liai Mr. Holden, altIrougIr pressed bo do so, poeitl.vuly déclineS le haire the, tump,,or allend- meuhige lu opPýSitioa te tiu, bonus Ly.lawu nDow, baig submàited, He takea lrgher gronod l irlu matur--in,faol juul ii ground as theCruaonozhaires in Suai- Ing.weith hiu greal projuot fally as a merllorlondertsking-and iu too ex- panleneda à,rsiway campalguer te shlow Ifimuulf 10 be led loes aisel position. Ouri' riand of lie Observer lu uimply astrsy s lthe 0uoulhern scnlb. hier.," althongli iremay bu quite rlght in is description cf the "trasir" in tire "1noudescripl rag." Tire Weigirtu and Meauurea Act. Somu o! th. vexations provisions o! the Weigils sanS Mesures Act have been amendeS... Tire chie! alteratious area liaI vii lthe Imper'au Eeasunrs viii stili bu h.,d tus b.lise alt.darJs, lire Wincireste brisiel sud lire viis phullôî i- wMir s loveS, i! tipuhatedilu tire 'contraci Tira use o!flire long sud shrt irnndrea veiglut anuS ton -l'a aIse opiorrel.-I vas alue lirongit advipabla tiret a pro vision shouid tce introtinceti into thi iaw 10 shlow thie use e! tire olti muai unes, sud thre ameudmnent propose( gives aulbenity ta tamp anS ventf urassures o! tris description nistil 1884 aI leaul. If dunmg tire intervali il we foucid more cauvenet te reucni tote i aIS measures, htre oountry vauld bi botter prepazed te, do se alter havinî masSe lire xperlurent. j By lire preseutla e hieneessitya lîaviug veigirte sud means unspected appuieS mniverahiy, anS tris iraS giver iss 10 so gruat an ineonvenieuce ti lire Goverumeul iad- been obligeS Ic vitalysapsutinlupart lie -execullon cf r egulation lu tire case cf menu facturera sud Seaioes. Tire. revenifj'ln of sosies in tise pessession cf suai usee yewg le aIme doue evay vitr. Tire feus are le bo reduced, sud euiy to e bu ild toe ri exîeuh as vas requiredti teet tire uxpenditura requiuite te carry out tire law.'TIre féeu l e h iargeti an ru veificelion vouiti bu oweredti taone- fourti ef lire original cierge for adjusi. menrts, if tire salie or ruasaure vas found b ire corret; othiervise lire full feu verniS b. ciarged. (tn Item a la Gc'ete.) TWVO TEIMS RUN -AWAY t'- GREAT COMMOTION ON TRE STREET 1-PEOPLE GREATLY FRiG}IENED t t-NO HUMAS LIVES LOST t!1 1-ONE 0F THE IIORSES INJUIIED t t t t e be ki 91- at o. ru . 1 Zpu fer bridRirý« lie I>auubuer.4al dy beaucoempleted i sOkerbeuli,j !ew miles Up the river Sereth, >nd fliti *more are progreeslng. tTheneWu of lte -EngUsh rasme:i * osues alaros. 'Il lut read tai k ey ile ordeavouâa o seue B ridll intervenonrnluretrn. ifor theira D s harboor in Crèee'for astablib naval Station commsudmug lhe 'nu81 canai. 1 Erzeroum, May .7.-Thu Ruais rigil,ýwing la marohiog llrrough Geolua and Toiilder, evidently wlth tire pur. pose, unlusu preveuted h the Turks, ol tîirnlng thre second Turrh lin. cf de. fence et Sogbatule. Tii. Rassiapn centre on the plaine-o! Kars suemas wailins lire'remait cf luis movemnuiasd cf the 'manSeuvres cf the lefI wlng wiiioh, li tryiug h ;orc'e ils wsy frons Basýd b w av f S rkoy. T ie T urk i su_ i r ties hure arcactrvaly colleotiug provisi. on&. Tireinirabitanta baveu4,,ocontri. bute whâtevur they emay pouqasa bu yond the upiplie$ necelieary for six mýoulus reqolrumentu., Priges are riaing very rapidly. Thi déarnes, of sîl articles cf erdinary consumplien la uenonuy fu.Théii. Jlusrn levieg are begiuYning -te arrive. Lateut uewu lnform os 1h51 lhe at. tampl on Kare vas unuocousufol. Anr ailunspite ulsorintheliÇyci rfailed. OPun warlike movemnentu butween Turkey and Roumnuslahave ai leugli, buen inauguraled. Yuterday moruing the Turks cpunudlre on Ralafat trou Widin, bat lire ratura fire cf tire Bou. mamians was so effetive thai before nigit lire Turkisi batteries wero iano. edý* A Boumanian arury corps bras started lunlbe.-direction cf Qiorgevo, whreutlb.Bnesian advauree guard was é1pecled laul oigbl, sud lthe Ronnani. an artiilery lsaon ias way ta Oltuoitza te reulel any new atteorpi on tie part o! the Tnke. A serions engagement is expeeted at Ibrailai as five Tnrkisli monitors lu 1h. neiglrbonrhood are evidentLy medituting an attaok. Oc hfonday the Rusiane boimbardeS Mat. cia, tu the Dobruocîra, fromn 1he op- posite sidu of the river, and they are 110w ereeting batteries nt thre Sitlinu eumey e nronîtoia. England's Atituda-§plit lu tire Cabi- or Tire are runewed rumeurs cf a spi in tire Engielr Cabinet rugsnling tir B te question. BaveraI cliruruge ai probable. The Britlishiroucludis nu' O t Carfu are ordureS ta renàezvom. a SCrehe.' Great eotivity axistsein b Englisir War Office, sud prepariitiot continue. Hesvysunpplie& anti iarg reinfaneemienta ars going foî'wsrd le tiý Mediterrenean. t InuthieHanse a! Cammons ou Monc It uday nigrt lire debete on Mn. Gladutone) reucîutieuu vas brougimt ou. -Tirea -gnunt excitemieol. His complaini t.againut the Govermnt w as ti en wieneverthiey baS soemeti taeeneoi Il lu premuoting unitei action, tiey irai elways doe no unotez conditions ths rentiereti il fruilie. The cause o! tiras vie re-volted agaiîsi their Tunkislh op. pressens vas ene o! lie nobleultfirai errer animaleS tire iumn #db Wietier Fngiand nov SdefenduS or' de. serteS lIre cause cf tîre oîpressed ns tionalitil,tlie kîrelî of Turkish tyrauuy IraS soundeul. Ils dowufail, ceme frorn wivîtore hennlt'ýrWgir, ouid 6e glachly r ccarptudl by Cirit'enom euS tira vos'id. Sir. Henry Wolff (Conseurvative) nieved tire thlie ilone decline t0 enfer. tain any résolutiix whici may ombmr. -rates 111e Govemr ut inils mamIne. nccuo! pence andti be protection of Britishi interest viliront inui3ating sany alternative line o! pohiary. M. Cross, Hncure Seemetitry, AuriS Mn. IGladstone duraI mal tell tire llorÉgaor country tiret lie vas prepucred te go ho a a ageinut Turkey, as an elly cf Ras. aie, antiyut luet ver tire pointo vîîcir *ii polio y neulul leSd. Tire vcry basia 3o! tire Consatinhlople Contarecevas iraItishe indepeudeuco sand tire intig- riIy e!ftire Ottomnan E ipire shensil bu maintainuti, and il voulul have beau a grogs breacir o! faits 1f<11 md bauci Se. claredt iai lire Sicisionoattise Confer. ence vculd birenaforced l y wer. The Power responsibie for breakiog lira unoueS action c! Europe anS Russie. Tunkey in nov engageS lu a Seatis struggle. Qed aldue knev viat migirt bc tire resuiu., but tisewvirole efforts c! lise British Gevernurent muet Ibe direct. edt te ocaiitug 1h. ver and preserviug strict neutraiit y. If tire Oppeaition eti- vocatlS an egainsl Tnrkoy, tbey should pleiniy gay go, but if Ilîey euiy intenSeS t? irark ieuully sud net bite, sucir e polrcy us vholuly unvortlry sud would neyer have the senctien a! Ihse public. Tise tebâtevutu atjounneti until to'merrew. A gret meetIng vas halai et St. Jaieeo ai ele.onigihta osupport Mn. Gladatoee's reaoiutious. Resoiuîious venu passa, Seclening tbal for Engianal ta engage luna an vInahimigbt bave tire affect e! pnolongirrg Tunkisi rule venuS bc e crime againet tire voriS. Tire Sebrite on Mr. Giadsbonu'.' mnotion vas resumeel on Tuesday sud sejourned until Tirursday. luftire Honte of Lards tire InYke of Rulleeti censureS tire erong' hangungu eniployed iry Lard Derby lu hie; reply te Prince Gortsciakoff's circuler as hiable te bu misinîerprutud asua depan. t une frain strict nentrality, anS con. uend tSeS iat1e reply sirouid have been suirmitteS ta lie Pavera befcre beiug sent. Euunl Derby. replieSlirai sunob a suggestiou-,vas unpreeedented. Tire Liverpool Poat statua liaI tire British Govamnmenth Iave 85,000 troopis and 11,000 horses ready te eerr selau y moment.. Il la reporteS thirethtie eveul of ver Lieutenanl.Gen. Sir Jouhn Linilon Simmuý.ns, K. C. B., of lire Royau Engineeme, viii iba appointeS Cemmanderin.Ciie t ir.heEafl. Mn. Johnu Langtoin, Auditor Guneral, beceusa iris teuîimeuy befere tIre Pub- lic Aceersuts Comlmilheo bnlire malter o! tise Secret Service money vas ual suffciantly cantiumoshery of Sir John A. Maedonalt,-becansa ho vould mot say viat lire Premier- viehed hlm te sey,-beeauue, in <sol, Ire differed <nom lIre Premiep anti lefititha;gcnilemnan's asertzions unsupporleti by nuedfuil cor- roborative evidnc, iu te.bu retireS frein lirepublic aervice snd auperau- nuatuti t Tire bitteneut o!fMr. Langtcn'à au- sellants vas tie Toronto Globe'. Par- liameutaryorerspondient at Ottawa. Tira carraupondeutin question vas Mn. D3ïmoud, .P.fr North York. AnS Mn Dyrn clatesecesé1fr. Lang. tan na Auitor Qenarai et Canada t TairIe lahosy ; hienevapaper o&w- respondent, afterr working up tie strongest possible feeling luias Party againet Mn. Langlon anrS us iee Party organ ho bing about iris dismis- surl, demnande tie effice for iiusuf sud gesltWarsmoti soae iîonld pu$ s <oa boarid 'feanc rcund rIl lieu, sud lIre Ilium up viti whstever r. improvumoel hadamade ou lieus, eh when xequlrud by tie lpwu. Raferel Of le lova proparly commiltea, viii powv- or eto uttetrellitlint r, li o! Hniaubrenghtlu tior rport oftiseCommithee on fine sud water, *recomrnding payment cf tire sccount o! Guo. Hall, clearrlng asd, repairing Dfhose, 911-90. Tha oommillea lurther recommend, sa dviued lu tire report of e r Clîluf Eoirneer,16te' ps'cirue cf g2wifget'seSSlroui hloue, sunditai lii ýe sine b. prchased from lie Bureka SHoue Comrpany ef NoyýYcrk, ai 51.10 ' a foot',. (saine u as s lei.laid ou table); stu ôpair 0cf ePUPCIug, as5t peVair, Ani tra 50L Siepaed 1.liaé ,onedit cf tirewlcnuigue lottheire ema lirai tie omferlllu ive ie sanction o f Oie coneil 10 couler wlthh e Ward- ets fAl 8aintîOhiruiglo providu eau. of fre ; liailire recommndatiou o f the Chil.!Engineer te adS ssum ta 16e Pire Company, initead o!foruam. iog a Hook sud LadSer Comrpany, be ..acteil an.. 1fMr. Gtbo;,cked if the.9 rlocf 1 I'whetier il incluSed freigil sud duiy paid ? Mr. Hsnuamn replieS il vas lie pricu in golS. laid Sown st Wiby sta- lion, Q .B Mr. Farguson vanteS te kucw mare about tIre hase, than juI ueuing a :ample. He haS seau a sample cf the sume hou. laid on the table lui Toronto, sud Ire thought i i efirut-eiass boue, ouItiey saiS il vas no geod, sud wvould have nothing te do viii il.e wonld like tihe chairursu te finS out frein soeaplace wvire.tirey iadued it bow il had turneS ont. Mr. Gibson vas o! 16e opinion sel tire pruseut lime tiraI it was a good1 sitrong boe, but iratiienglit when the Cotton onteiule got soakeul with wal-er, il wonid urake tire houe juI au beavy as ruliber houe ; algôthuaI in Srying tIre iid. cotou miglt rot. H. agread with Mr. Forguson about malt-A iginquirias how it had workud ilu t Qe pl aces, as wonid like to knowi wiry the Teouto Company would net Upe il 2 Mr. Hannam sais ruirber hliee as Lo heavy for aur tire company toa irandie. thlerefer naocmparison could t b. nias. viii Toronto, where lirey bard1 ab heavy paiS firu baigade. He liedt beeu vaiheud upucu by agentlemaen froune Monîroal, vitir samples o! rubbor hose, 1 kt lie <anuS it waa toolIrctvy ta t s;trçn s s. Mn. Jharper hUseustc.hea - SEnrelite o'u. irosa werkiog lu Rochres- JMsnitobi Items. la ter, aci il ouenei asiiafactony. TIreI- it preseut boa.n as is a very Uneafu con- a Foutr tued pi 8h zditien, anit otir fine apparaînu v as Tiraseamatseamers are nov sailiug ;oructllrirrg ushicir culdti ne adelayeti iutwaen Winnipeg sud Selkirk. Mnt. Fnrsnndtc oiv u WiIS docks are nov selliug lunlira a r rueru rgctiesaî i t ir alier. in market et 75 centsa apair. uvoid av asyte b ti uh îna ons Cenalienable grain iras been soveci vere otOu G lmese, d evil utwatwnk. lu the surcnntiing panisirea turing lise w- r u#ng th hse adînrstiok t vaç ek. Mnf. Losig îereed wvitir Mr. Frgu , Tire steamer Prince Rupert viii saiS ui tirougis lre like lta tice tire Fine UnIlire .'tasiuiiuoino dlng higi vwae, y Company elwatya veif aquippcd, hù diS anal freiglît grain in <nom tire wast. nnet beliovu ln leying oun. sah a lange Butter lies been s iuxury in Wiui- Oumc tf moluey for 110se until vu iraS peur, for Ivo veekoas et oving le ils muorai ore information. Lest year a 1 daacity. Ih bas solS as bigi as aixty lange quamrity ef 1îcau) vus bougbl, cenrts par pount. viriîn led ul tuneS nt a goo i aTire 1Pegitry Office fer tire County of * exectel. iSelkirk lues beau retneve lta lVme zooin 'Pîle Mayor asîced if the iruy reS ny fonmanly ocurupieti by thre City Chami- -information from, auy place vire.it l rIrin, in tire Cihy Hall. rlied be«neS ? - Exd Mir.Ilaunaris RaiS tisera veroe anum- - liE pneus umittur vilbe 'oroîugirtin on ber o! îeaîmmonials in te circulerlire t ir oat he hua uummer, matieSdo!firy hidreceirred, irouji vanloustovua lun etege, vhloli viii lusse lire coul $13 pur tie nIS ueen ~ m ooorje 100 peuis from, St. Parul. ,iqn îe getting ruor-u information fon Tiresteamer Manitoba arrivaS lal s'us coniî. Monday aflaiooon vitir lIe folloving Ots motion o!f1Mr. -Drrgusuon, tire Jrusaaugers ; Alei. Ford, I3. MDl.', W. clouas' vau nelamred betk ta tire cern. Wright, Major Murpby, W. MeGigaut, riâteu. J. Beays, T. McCs-rtuuy, A. MoDonnell,9 Tire repo-rt ea-opteti 'au amended. A. Watt, J. Fiser, F. MNorris, E. Bovns,9 M. Mfartix" A. G.MCai W. H. FINANCdE AMD A5SEIISMINT. Cooper, H. Large,, P. Bockmau, R. 1S. Mn. Gibson brougit in lire report o! McCaiitnr W. Houston, E. W. Jervis, comunille ou Finance sud Ausesurent. D. Yourng, W. Mohemiy, R. W. Cutis, Itrecomued that Rer'. J. E. Bander- W. Ganleis, A. Farurveil,'J. Bannatyne, sen's taits ouis hensei e rebateut ta j. K. Kingsley. amount asseameti up te 32,1JO, euS tiret ire,* coleetor Le ineiruotei tacaîleet Frein Cires. H. Ceigalu, Esq., tire taxes arr iishmusa ovez theru$2,000 emcesuaent, anti aIme ou soe lois 9!tie fini» of Gokiate & Cô., Manufao- rautud by bite, san nhis salary ne- tuners cf Fisvoring Extreota, 21 ceived fren lis. coliege. Report adept- Blackstone St. Boston. ed.Scom lleMass., De. , 1876.-t rOWN Ror.zrn. mesme, Salir W. Fovie & Bons : t Gentlemn-Lest Sprnug my liltiet Mr. ltow irmegi n lIre rprt cf deuginten, agedl five,»becarne very mucis the Tevn Praperty committue, statirrg .mcr;t vtri ! peis u tliry bail zecuiveti tenders fer pslui greah prostration of strengtir, gu muaish aSI folievu :-Wur. Duvlin, 096;Tisasa tliraIvven or1 bligeS hoa tle hem f Bleigîr, $92 ; Wm. Hanur, 089; W. rom sehoal. This continueS tlirnougir a W. Caldwlel, 087, andth iey recom tliumer anS causeS nus mucb eux- menS lîre acceplauce cf Mn. Caldwell', ty. Afiar rying verinr medias tender. Tire ré-pent statud tiret lie vrtaut Suiving any benafit, aur famiiy committebaS alise cantracted ittirpiycician rucaummerrded tire use o! ] Arthrur Ellis ta pleanti box 156 trues, IP'.uvrANiSYaup. After ming il oua fijuian atrdetiS.tire market -greund, feek vu es a arked improvement at 60 cents eacîr, 10 cents 10aira retain- in lie elild'a condition, and in a mareh eS outascii frac,umolli alnct living ae aie vas apîmîîy geining un hîulte iî sn tie end o! one yuan Irave buen replaceS. saîPgtIi, ber eppaîlte iruing axoaliant.c Mn. Onrleston aked if tise saure n - Af tbia date slireia pemfectiy vuli, amdiS strucliorra iraSireen given te ail ti@re cuI, pinuirp cirueka, anS iraaiîiy ceuor di peintura, asfreur lire geet diffrnicueandSileigamuattumtîing uoirooi ragisieny. b o! tenders tire seemeti uome umiake. I conaldarlirnrusateion ta eZrueuiun- n Mn. Blow euS Mn. Devrill bothi ne-tieiy due luatire PuCatUVIAr SyRiup, anS b plut iredthsvien lIruy 'un epenuti* tire etla I uottergiynco- tenders, tirey te,,iraS tieuglit taerte nel il as a ania.onhghyreon uvas e iatalue, andti ie7 vent agaîn nti aaIoe.i sud spoku te Mn. Caldwvell, vira saiS ' ¶ony gretefuuiy yonrs,_ e liepefetlyunertod wat- asCiras. H. Colgala. tL haner!ci neuto ia.e SaiS by dealers generaîiy. b 1fr. Ormistars aiked wiat klud -cof nxuo ! ieTassl truas venu ta be plautui2lextono teTrnval Mr. Blo,-HarS maple, scft tueple,POCA ED B TI ER .i interspersed vithr iauvet, elur, anS TOLAME RY. -TERI i horsu-ciresînul. CpeT OnRMY6.-Tiee Mn. Long vas gla thie question o<f Ts Pva l trees isad came up. Re iraS been mis. bita bean annexud hoatire British Bm- r undenstoo ntet h, lest meeting. sprtsdieBila giouedh iraS rno objection ta tir. iorsue- estnisl Pretonis. Mn. Sîepetutan formeel Pr. tneep, bhade only e prefameisce for the aidant Burgarsa tiraho could vait no mapla. Report adoptaS, longer, anS proclaimedth le Transvaial RLIEF. Britishirrmitory on April 121h. Preul- PL Mr. Ornistan brounglir up tIre report Sont Bungers has issueS -a prateal cc e! lie ceturittean zelief, recemind. ageinsi liehe nuexahlan, boltIras af tire Ae iug psYmeule Of the accounus o! H. saine lime counnelled peeceabla su, ri Siap 1rd,110.50 ; J. G. McDcugall, mnisien. 85;Joh Happer, $8, sud seiso re>em- Mqessrs. Jerrisen sud PauIKruger, TI urendeS liaItirae hali-lueuper b. in. twe leaSing inhabitrnts,. vili proeeed nc struated te ireap no vasgratits. over Sun-le Europe anS tire Unitedi States, tho day. rotsat agairrel lie annexation tath li * Mr. Blov asieS if lb. relief cmmit.l- >o wvirbiave recoguised tire Re. M tee vyere getîing thum supplies ea herapublic,. a ieepesl raIes, aud by tender. A body e! BritlishIroosbsetrdi Mr. Oruricton iraSnol fonS il eua- is eTransaa.' cpfiaontrd i tamsary teask teaders vien i. came Bouse rioting lu llroughlikoiy, but ljm ino offio.. Tire gour itat been supphi- armeS reuastauce lim tposaibie. * Pý aS ai the unaaiprice. Me vould luin-s -s- lire taIL sk for tendlers, tire. oulil bu TaauaiN<MeaOuurcssI.-Tire Mon. g bolut itle relie! nececsary during lire'Mous are appréenasive Of Bnighama stimer montr. xug ou s'auence celie et a Tira lest clause cf tir. repor&ir Ol l e %aý*ïdi "'ta Wnàrona ~ e' kaep, vagmisbueaven euuday,va stsrong. c!cin id.riir1e'n ae iy ojeceS h byMn. ergeanMn.fer tbe Propirut's protection, and nigiri Blow,1fr-. MoMillan, Mn. Wieks, anti meetings anSdSlla are beirsg hel- s. aieswioconteuSeS w & nu.Tiree ciebrated Nauvoo Lagicur hoal cirnluian-4ike ltu ru people Out te beg alec zuceivud ordurs ta1hinrea udinuss. on Sondey ; beaidea il ina.'Saugercus -- ----s- e te have suai eharactaro prevliug A Speck a! War Iretveen tire United 4 around viren people venu rit cirurcis. 4 Sae u ei Mr. MoMillan vent alabomatel SateIntaMeico tiera attez, euS advcated lire,êutab. Ts ntdSaagGvnmiti ac ~lsia ti7 iseccuty c ap~nSstn dSeidedti o put a stop toahire'Melicen ga au agtol'trc pqalid degredahiona on tIre Texas frentier. -orsondasnce yull be opsued vlitm Meýxicen snIbonltius, snd unîes tihe,- ut le ' te a- kt. lu t Ir. r- r. 18 le I. n r. 0 ef o! tir, euormou rfiisi-ion of si rocious crimes in eur uidil viil Il t 2w1re wardeu cf orir Shale Pria, begins ls@ sunuel repent witi tua ex lrabndinazy sentence., "As vas te have issu e-Epecteel tire number o!fcuvicis iras beaunstoi lslly irreued, miaking tie re ser nmbeirsve171,.1 againsl '148 at th closecf lira yuar." sagala -cf,2. m on page five ha prephieue - .prison vilccmmo2d&le but lBGsttuo yct in ail probabllhy tiare wili be s lesal 20.0,,couvici hure sndpudez: se: tenue ireubeforée lai ocflie yaaî Tibila baS uýneugi, but.,i.ar lie rn ply o!oGvaeor Cunor toe iu iur propeudedby lieHausée o! Bepreu .alvas où ma e 'lou f Mv., Stoe, Bided, Hu' asys tliain iufvu jai vorisiop, bailtvithin, lie.peut tire cears' in W1s*aseAubnrn, Augusta Baugor sadrS Ponilto n expunse a uopwardu 0,0,aelerae ,SsIae Prison couvicia, under a iav pasa ad ini 1878,athonlziug ail l ae.Prisei riruitoserve clit senteunces net ex qceeliua lrea yeas.inujâl workshope ASdtI liee8 malefactars ta lie 21 riSSeS vithin tire paul year b ia heStal Prison proper, sud v. have lihe amas ing locressuof, 91 State Prison offend «ers, neavly aIl wiliin hls elyear,>ar jaddition of some 61 pur ent. in a singi twulve.mauti I Anrd vitrout favombng us viti an: Teàeon, the vanden prediets a <orthi gain e! st lesat 29 in tir aîte. Prisoný proper (ta uay notirg about lh ie v jewonkaiepu), dnring lie pressan yerof grace. And fi. zecommends au [immediata expendinre o! sanie 850,00( to eniargu tire prison, in addition ta tre 160,000 eiready laid out vilIsin'tbe paut timrea on four years in county jail vorkulrops. Anti il a Strite virose population ia eitier etationery or recediug sud viiosa people are yul but little adutter. AIeS by lire fereigu cenumnt, anuS vire sentences are veil-kuevu ta -bu Simrlu isiing lu aevur-ity. AnS Ibis, too, sftor tire eujoymunt o aur Maine 1ev for, more tran a quarter of a century, wiic i l.elaimeS b hbave appressud lirue-quarters o! theienl tempenance wiih, v.: are taiS, is lie parent o! oiarety Pur cent, o! ail crime, ta ssy nothing o! tire multiplication ci edupstionsi facililies vielihave go largeily reduced 16<1 ignorance vInihle isRid ta originale uearly aIl tiere met of id the fu&go ef 21 yaars, b.Iug assub. *s jecofelefHuMjesîy, by birh or ual. -t uralizallon,, iavlng au income <roui Meurne business or esllig o! netlheu hban $4w0 .uuually. on Incoinavotera mnut be reuliuisots cf lthe monlcipallty in which liey are au- ssied ai tihe lime o! 16be ulection, andI r nut have me reuidsd Rine. lishecoin- loti -of lie late iravisai! Amsaient ioiIn ases wvirer. lie votere',lst leui. liaI ounlire previcou yeav lhemi- acipal. laxes mu#l have, beau paiS -for tiraI year as wuil. 'The saine muat alec appear whrru tire ulecticn, sud col. talctionof tire rates ld Prcopading con- curruully. 1- os f.E'ey farinera' tou >f 6eing cf the foullageo!o 21 yulsuand a, Briti subjuot. tren fide résident eur tire fagos (uDt luesulisu 20 acres) cfisu a <aer'on urothur allihe rakiog o! lhe i Assadument, Rcl islu ullilued lobuen- tered anS rateS ýou muci roillu respect off snob tarin asfollawu:- P1.) Iftire fatiier be living, sud eltier Catirzor Mether ha the cwnar cf lire fans, lie'son or sous may ha entereà raîted, and sasuesseil, lurespeecthtelire e<arm, jointly vd4i the fAitber as if sneir fatirer sai sn or senu vaea acially anS bentefi!.jcint awnurs tiereef. (2) If the fatiier i. Suad, suI the mohrru ir e ownen a!flire'farur, anS a widow, lire son. or sons may b u- terud, rateS, anS assessed, lu respect o! tire farin, as if lie or tlrey waso were aolualiy asdente fit!. an ceeu. pâluh or tenant, or joiat eceupantu or tteants thereef, initer the niolirr, and 3 itin lie Ieatriog o! -Tire Siection Lawu o! 1808." T'emporary absence from ý*tire farte, if ual fer more than four menthu lu evury yuar, Sose net Sisienlitle a son le bu considered a bocrafide reuident. Il thure bu more tiran one soinrio ruai- dent, anal if tire farm is net rateil sud aseed et sn enreunt enficieut, if ,equally divideul betwepn tireur, htegive qualification of the monuy matier aieiive menlienul ta tire <atrer anrd ai tire sous, virere tii. <stier is living, f lie sons wirere lire father lusudaS adStire metirer la a widow, tfien tire night ta 6ie asseseul and le vote nder tire Actlu iretheigirt enly'o! lire fatirer amuSsnoir of lire eldegt or eider cf saii sous ho irom lire auni cf viic the faim is rateS uanauesed wiii, viren equaliy Sividel betweo hein, give tire proper qualifications acoordmig ho' irnony value te voie ; provided aime wironlire amrount ati inaitle farm lu so rateS and asseused lu inaufficieul, if equnrlly divicleu belveen thre <atrer if liv- ing, anS onu son, to givu ta cacir lie nrouuy quaificeatien te vote, thoen tire fatirer lu tire enly person entiled ho bu asesseti anS te vote in respect te suais <arn. Tire value assigne eSh ie properly shoulul Ijo sncb s tereprerent il@ cashr value if tben soiS te se persan cieslrune e!o niaking tire property hMA own sud being able te psy cash for il. . Ia m e.,' . a s being enro leS au above on thre Arossment Rell doua net involve seny adulitional taxes or statuto Isebor rgainett hm tathur's <arma or segairrut tîremelves. Il emmpty givua tireina nigitt. lie fraucirisa. TIMP FOR HAVING NAMES ENOOLLED UPOIt TEL ASSESSMErNT ROLL. Exep1t in citios anS towns suparateil,t tire proparation aif tho Asassinent ll Iregine ciot haler Ilin tire 151h of Fe'b- ruary anS onde on tire 801h of April. Before tiret day seny onu entitied lay lsew te vote may require tire Assesuor ho place lis naine on tire roll, if net t seiready lîre. Within fourteun dayr l aflur tire 110tl e! April any peruon mxay b givu notice ho tira Clerk o! enchýerrora lu tire roll as ie il; entitiel te compiain af. Ho il; tirereupo.n untitled to notice o! tire siltiug' o!flire Court of Revi- Sion. Tise Court cf Revision siroulul complet. ils 'luhies bbfore thre lot o! Juiy. An appeah tthen lie% <rote tiraI Court te lise Counly Jualg an lbu. n irai! cf seny persen wvie itiirfive'day. ci after tire luI o! Juiy gives proper notice cf Iris intention ho me appeal. Tire de ciainoflie Jmrdge lu final,' ano thtir. i Clcrk cf tirs mnnieipalily is bonSte sementh ie Rail acconaling te tire Jnilges decision. Tire Miné limnited for tire de. tertning o! appenas by lire Jualge lu f, tire lot cf Auguat, excepl 1in chiaesuad T tewnus Pparated. of Every citizen vire ias been accor.led flu tire rigiri ah franchrise siroulul ose tiret11 bie naine is plactono the votera' li'tsqb feur thia year, 1877. Note tire dates Fatsl Explosion au Ses EXPLOSION 0F BOILERS 0P S. S. SIDONIAN. Tire utumnsrip 'Ciin," arriveS frer Livarpool, reportasithia alii". salizud tieste ter "Bitionian," o!f Gilasgow, <nom Nev Yark for Bristol, diaiid, andl ruquiriug tirt a surgeon ru seult10te tip surgeon ou board, vire rerorteS tiret on he 29hstIti. ruilera exploSeS, kiliing tire caplaini, lîrue uragineeni, Ivo firmen, antmtiu ce dimmrn, sa nalijuring tIre cook. Tire -est ef tie re enaealal veil. Whoun ire surgeon a!flire "Chine" vanî on board, the men ivere ahi deati but Onu mirmauandrlviensked tlie caesotf tre axplasion, Ire ansvereti. III, vii tel yau l ien orning," but ie AieS in e few mintes, anS il vas impossible te learu lie eaue..TIre "Sidonian". anoceuded uSder sal, sud viii noli-ean- re et ber destination usSez Ivo weeks. PitoaaES 0OF vrai WruîrnrANO LuMDu- %AT RAmr.vAy.-Tire ,contractera lm pnsiing tire vork et construclion vith aousoitereble vigor aud it le confidonhly ixpeced t liraeI li"rou herse"',vihi bc sto, Linsay bylie final o! Jane. !liaeare eix gangs e! men ant eaura mov et work, anti as seanisualireeuh firreugi NobIe's lu complehed, wvii.I la expectad viii ire about tire 20ti o! gay, lille vill bu beft tb haeSons bol Ày lire ircu la Lindsay. Mr. Barrat as nov engageS lelting lie contracts unr lie- construction of <suces aîeng tie Ine. Mn. MeAlisu, tireoentractor's cuym&uîer, ws in hovu on Frmday lit' 'lilire rrsmomey bags sud palS -ts tise ar-usera -cf Ibis sachicnunpwariu o! 81>00 for les anti pusto. Tir ar-mers miS olirrs vil 50 dou4 t guve;Mn..Mcý. hlan a isuarty ulome e rn iracomast iup xb1'ie"oonracfor butilir tlrhe. res grain 'w6aruitiue ai Linàduav lis men lui te Mm. W; Mackeusziu, cf Kirk- - rISd, vse taenSer ano tire loveet. IL 1 l e ire a subitantiel frame structure,t 50 faut long by 40 fout viSe; aud vil! a ff but lu a firut eiaa nannur. '11r. a ackauzre Iras. an excellant repulabon,- ida viii ne, douit put up s capitalt varehouse. Mr:' P. Corlin- lias tIre-a anslnact te Srav brick fer tire passegert tahion. Posi.-a WA% BîrvîrEE ctEYPTrAND S vuraIA. C buTh eédîveetf E gypi has notifieS I llssbihbily ho rendar my fihru4 te Tqrkey Ou se. Qmf 0; V4416e4war dlmgaaenieabout vorkr, Ihoir rais. lions ba urally beau plesso. Ose tb$ day cf lie murSor Butlar's falier vus away on a visit ta' eue of i.nuiglibore. Charles Butler wau aise swaytinnrhomednning masi cf tie day, amisliog aI a ' ralsiog" for a. ueigx r. andford Ssuderaon, sud Tatro'a plougiiing with Butler'@ -teas r:inanther 'ueighbor,_ Pdward aseki08. oler came-hop.e betweer fouir'anS f veo'cioek in lie aftennoon, and Taire jusi bufére r-ir. Afien supper Butlerto01d iis vifs ho IailSme ubol. nues aiHigirgate Centre, sud asked vhetrurirebcwculdn'tl ike ta ride aven- wilir iii. Sire repliedtS lia aie vas ,ot feeling eul .Somnething vas lien RaiS about Tatro'se going, but ien tire testmn vas rosdyhéimiS'ho vould ne- main w Itir« lice, vIroliaS Meanhimu gone iet a bedkrousbtow s-tainui. Boler vuni away ai seven o'oloek, l.sving thra alone lunliaeirouse, sud ne crerporon u kovnte bave ceeu Mra. Btter l fler llimaI, exeepi s omaîl boywvir came te the-bcume a littie ister.' Butler returnel-about leno'clock, vut Iis horse in lie barn snd vent loto tie irons, by the kitchen door ou tie norh aide. As ire approacud lie n 1oticeS lie hobse vas S ark. Opening lie Seor, ho advanced, a tev uePo, ho bit his foot againsgt scmeting, lyiog on tire f8cr, sud by lh ireaigirI hae Paw il reeiiieSlo a humüan being. Suppeuing il ta ire TaIre vire bail gane te Sleop lieawaiting for im, bu eall- eut im by Daeme. Getting no respoo se, ira atepel ta ftie'box andSstrnok a match. 11-flickerad sud- vent ont, but' by tIre flshirof igi ire sav binaS, on ,the Suer, seril a bieap o! samehing lying tire. Tie next match. burueul, aenS reveale tire body cf isuvif. ini a pool e! blocS, her ciohfug -uearly ahi loa a, stark sud SenS. Rnsiiug ta tie barn, ire mounled is herse t e iai.the neigirbeu-fu f<fi, a* ulstane. As ha reacired :the gate, on irrebsek, ire irard a sound o! confus- uS voices, senti met a group of bôuver- atricen men hurrying btirte bouse,. lad by TaIre, vire iaS notii'g2 cn hbrt tise tatteraS remuant of as aiirt, andl vas erying anSdibowling like s meS. Tire murdered veman lay. upo-n tire floor, near tire baok or shed door, ber- iread erushed lu. Close by ianroriJre steve vere lvo sticks cf utovevW5d, more or less bloed ehaigred, and au diSl musket whicir uusly stced lu tire stai*sy. Lesning ugainut a stick close by vau an axe, oue aide cf wviic vas deepiy aiued viti biaod. Tire boy Tatro vas examineS anSdiris ehmnt fend ovcred v iti blocS, iris irande stained vithir ltichugr-tire venu sous. indications of an attempt ta vie ieand bietoies anS spattera oms Iis bare legs anS aras. Ho vas vacrel viile 1Mr. Butlezrroeu rapidly ta Higirgate sud brengit ack s physi- cien sud nu officur. Tatro vae uearly crazy witr exeitement, sobiring anS Mring, but etontiy deuying eny- gult. Tatro afterwsrd confesseS lire crime, but tl a confuseS stemy ta tire affect tiret tire kiiiing of Mra Butler vas miel i--*ustiual Au Anti-National Policy. Tie rainlling ciranges in lire tariff showv, soya lire' "Mcuutýary Tuimes," a tendencey te legisiate iur an anti-natton- al sansa. Dmning tir, gruater part o! lire lives etflira exiutiniz generation, an mucr8asu unlise malt Suty lias, lu Engu, landi, beau raevuti as e ver uruasumu. Duriug lire Cnriaan, van, winnhelirun- came tex doublaS anS seins IlîirIy mil. lions c o!sSilionai taxes vere imposaS, lia mailtîluty undenvunt au irrereagu. Tvo cents lb. on nuIt, viun ne ver rurtîrans reve tle ucannaSd, lusuan-n armoire tex. Mnf. GanîvnigrhtpromiseS, îafoea tire close o! the session, le malte anquiries rugarditrg tire- effeet o! Ibis lnly, andti irt if il venu fontiex- aussiva, lIa ould propose lus zeduclion. Ilis difficuitt esecvisai uquimy la aaceaaary. Tire emeunt o! tire duîy spuaks for ilf.Tise secret a! ils lu- crasse May, va fancy, bue easiiy peire- trataS. IL vas fouci tehofforàauneasy seaus o! increaeing tire revenue ; eud bis vas net onuy trou, but vas aduritî- Sd, af tire tuatinmy Tisvas tira soie reril of tIre inereaspil tuties ou mailt uand tes,lunlire uyes a! tirese re puibie for lireadministration-cf tire Finanes. are impoiicy.cf diacouraging tire use :f ruer, lu comperisan, viti wissey, as pprrupu beu suffcinuly ulvelt ipon ; bot it is e maltter viic canne Je 00 firmiy irîrpreusud on lie public muî. If va tal t 1 for grantetiltIret ll alcoirolicstimulants ar1 baS, atillit irnwains true tiraIlire Segrues among àrelm une vary great ; andit i lanmt is@ poliey le dieuraie lire use o! lia easmt tiertuleso! ail l i.elsasBet ibaver. tiaa, se long as tira mannfactiure o!flire -haie celalogue la lugelizeul. Thirelu ýes au! tire lueauty vas Sufend ueton te grenS tbaltes, ns net eameceaaary dlifa. But if vueare te Siscanel as iceeeariea eelrythingvihout wvichit poaaaible ho live, vu uirali eppiy tire eandurie! thre Ravage te civilizati lite. "rcticaiiy, tee l eucesa'ry a! life aie more asec ail lu asne cf tIrheuot4 amnuren lattitmstea fan aleusIoliec am- anIs. Wiren tire use e! elcohal la hall f., aIrer eqoelly oravu more noouns 1 timulansare sometimiea enbirtuted. cln gret locruasu u is tenuse o! apinum tire Unitedi Statesa lanu, deuil greatlya ce te tire Chinuse pepulation of Gali-2 )ris, but treei8 reason la beliere- )st il is alec in soacresne oceaaron- aby lire <sel fiat il bas eame into nuse a subîlitutu for aiciol. In Engiand, ae us o! tus a racf laiteyeara beau ceurget théregreateut exteth and aeiy se. IL migit biremcluded in -lie tides aulacteti ta buan tIreburiseuroa ver lai, bol il je very imprebable- ut 1h ivonît.iebu axeS for any leass m- Iuuncy. Wu eau iartily hope liaI Mn. Gant-s righh's promise ta look inho lIre ques. n a! lie maIlt lai, uring lira receess, ficetes a cdomig change o! poliey on' àpart tiret vouiS givu tie tarif ea ore natioacom e>ipexion. IndueS il e dly looksin liraI direetion ; thongr, liale ev trusts trneving as a lagili. Y' ate accupaýtinu, il me verynunuaon.ýOl de ta oubjectitilteoexceplional hur. Wirooping.Cougr. Fuoti P. QUITTE formenly Propilr! tire Corerp. i. fHyacinlte, Canada. 1er o! mrine, ten yuars c! aga, w.a tairen' vitwbocpig. odughiniravery aggns- vaeu form, nsd notiing veacoulcî d tam bum see maîl ln - any vay ta elv hem snffanring, Weatet uir eacidati ta try e Iotte o! yomr Dit.<WrSTAit'e B~A. SAXr OF WILD, CHR8YnIan thrueelionne rfter sie iraS commenceS ubbug 1 hr,e vas griahly, neliaved. sud-in leass hon thnnu Says-vas anllrely oured, aiS a -ov Wall. Ihave aincu e rrenm>ded lihe BtASw le mauy o! my negbmQr, uvbo havetseS il, andkin oecase ibave Ilenovu it te <au o! ffeeting aspedy cmura-" 50 cents anti $1 a bottle. SolS SPESvmNa iOv STOIa.-Smmvside, P. Fi. Las VevisIteS____ndy y ni ti et hi. IR Pl lI cin foi et as ths un vi an: a1 vi lia hie i ta ahe ' u rn swU latomu ÀUU ioin àVsmo& of tiai çfty, for the sum sof #825,0W0. EXT1& SSIM ci? o, sams.-Tiiu Preuide ît's proclaimation convening , ogra e Bita sesson on the 15th October~ wau isuued on Saturda7._ 1 i x aA wN» R E m a .- Thu coun- tieu of làuark and Rentfrow have been erected loto a district Acr judlicial pur. Bre Quit 'Fou QurBc.-Teu large 84 pounder gan sud a quantity of mu-' nitiona of war arrived at Quebr-cyre- terday. jThre go». "Ilb. iinmediatelY- WYotîm#of o.Birth4, Mwmago, 4ezhs clarged 59 cnM. socl. WHITBY mABKET8. Clma NILN Oiwicz, May M1, 1877. Little produe. moving. Very wide fluptoationa inproes of grain. I? iW. eat.,........ si 95 'e 120 Spring lWheat. <...... 81664$1 86 ..le .......... »...o$0 6506 F1our, porbl ...... ...9 50 @ îo 00 Poe. ............... 909 Black Eyê-Pea .... et 00@ $1,0 Glover Seeid.--.. ......... 07 50 @880W Oats ... ......... 50 0 ffay.................. se0 1î2 P o a o s . . . . . . ... . . 1 Si 2 ........... ... 1j Butter..... ........... 20o @ 2&c oal, per. ton..........6 @ # 0 Wood.,.,,.............88 W@,84 S W001-............... 800 @OC. Beef, hid quartr .... #680 (@ e0 Bef, forequrtr . -0,5 5 Sheepukinu ............. si 25<àfil 75 Eudesu. ............... 4550 r l 0 Ducku lPr p..........400 @WSC Trky, 'per b ......... - ÂApple, pr buhl . S o. 80a 00 Pork, pr'wt..........6 00 66 25 Chicenu l.......>.... 85 0*40e pepair Onion .................1 25 Tunp........... Cheeos.. ...........15eOc 20 IFppepi seo.Ggfon sd Cer. foriueig ."B y throgh knoledge of tihentural la&wu which goyrn the operationu of digetion and nutrition, ,and bv, s! carefl apication- 0f thee dne propertiest of weuletieccca MT. Eppa bas provi13ed o ur b e akfat tablqt_.,iith a deicatuly lavéred bv»ra, whiohmpayý. save ris mary heavy dt<,ýrs' bills.'! It r. by thé'Judiciou use f uuh articles of diet tiat a conitttion may, bu gadu&uly built- upuntil trong nougi W aremet, every etn. dency to dsease. eun desofubte mals- dies are"felaing arcnc,'us ready to attack wherever thre is a -wek point. We may escape muuy a fatal-uait by kepinig ori- selves WeU àfrJied with pure blood and a p r o p e r l o r s e f r a e . -Sv i e r v i e e Gaze te. 'Sold offly in Paoket, lubellud,-. ijames pe& Go., H mopathio Ghemm jet, 4 , rea dree de S tre t, and 17 ,- Piccadlly London. A Restérer of IntriDsicw*orth and O0e-that -Pleases AU. Wood'a Ilmproved Mair Reatorativu ie unlike anjy other, andhbu no equu. :The Improvef bau new vegetable tonie proper. ties; restores grey hafr to a glosy, naturel color ; restôres faded dry. raruir and flU. ing hair; restores, Mieues, giveu Vigor 10 the hair ; reatores hair te prematurely bald Ireads; remàoveas dandruf, 'bumors, uoaly mripions; removeu Irritation, itching and sca y drynes. No article. produces unobr ,wonderful efects. Try it, cal] for Wood'u Improveid Hair Restorative unSdoný't Le put off with laity ether artie. SolS by ail drnggisatuiirotis place and dealmer vep -were. Trade upplied at manutclruru priceu by G. A. Goox & Go., Gilo, Sole Agentu for the United Stated, and Canad, and by 1I - LYMAN, CLARK & GO.. NEW- ÀDVERTI8 KEN9TS.'-! T i -âcll amadonn lise Village oý uxbrdgu, enntulnlng veli imprava, viibe . solSby Publie- SAntiou, ah UXBRIDGE VILLAýGE, 3OtthO A Y, 'INSTÀNT, 2'WOM At tise sane tins.trew remailer cf lire farte -il[ bu Id by Publie, Anctioïn, in ail IU, -Acres rSe6elarga posters].- rior fnIl p" u ij ta ýMer. me. ýors, Turonte; ci t . endor's Solicitor. Uxbnidge, May, 8th.1877. -2in-20 G-RAND - CELEBBATION I A grand ceieirnstion vIlI bu bolS on- QUE EN' 1BIRTH-DAY,, Tisursday, [MAY 24th, 1877, bu tira MARKE!r ilROUND, WHITBY, Undun lthe auspices af tia 1. 0. 0. F., B. B. Conreiutin-g of Gainas sud varions- otier A Pi OM4NADE CONCERT 1 ti tise Dnil Sise' in tira Evaning. r For furtner panticulans sue eralibills. GOD SAVE TE E Q UEEN t1 20 J. MATHISON. Secreur. LUMBÉR' iLUMBER, 1 LUMBEÏL MEROHANT,_ W 1 I TB Y, Ras on han S a lage supply cf ai ru daoff Bnn Lumber Boards "a daillnecess"r Building Lumberi Fencg, Savu Timber, and Scanuing, ai largequaîily on Irand. Large ordana llmn Long Blii Stufi, filleS, frm Mli.aI a hrt hnotice. Durv, Sasires unS Blinda ahvsys oun Vltby, May 71ir. 1877. 1y-20 OsiravaViurdteafrplue insert an. yur. NOOL 1!ý W OL1 f The iubuunibar vhlpsy CASH fer aaya quautity off dean vashati yood ahLiverpool - Market. J. ]E. MoCLELLAN. LivepoolMarIal, thMay 1877. 9~600,PIANO$ FOR Oa5O AirS a'iL.plirrstyles la lire sase proportion, inicIndun& Grand, Square sud isrigirl-aUl fiu-s-eas-sold dire, latire .pc.e lafc- tory prices. Né ageinte; ne Commissions - ne dirscounts. Tires. Piânos nuadueue ci mire utatdapasa lire Geuanrial ibi- 20-agsi Teks., Peterboz ah MlUbr vith r Or bander -*2 E FI eru tira tbem, * thSe <r S krrowledg entiy eu theaË cura Pnice, f. $10.00, sel Statea or, 'exprasa. C AU suR -uniou t4 uer'a Ced 'Tires. Pe kmcv» tir Sdiseases ai paiS, a-Ire Wu don, giving-tire B* M ue~ us, parn'of * Mail on Tel A -Speia ARMS# TOW a MONDA/ At etirhs u nforutrgo Priotel , Wiihy, m 'a Notice tir-e 6 PickerIn TOWP MONDA Y, At ' tIheheur fer th irepp ers, te b. D Tise Court -usmuatRal for tire yuar attise To ýPimkurirsg, 5t] 'co WanteS et bym ta GoaS Ca Apply 1 May-2nd, 187 t TIMIE Tekingefisc Wiitby Jun.. Pat Pn..... Prince Abr Manchrester...~ a 8nmmi t. Whitby i... Whitby.jn I PâamEa t 1 -foi

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