Whitby Chronicle, 12 Apr 1877, p. 2

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LaiekI Fiiero"$IUrkiit-J. K. fiî,. 8qrl aleq, kr, for osal-J.,IU.i, Ço. 1loiae Orown Soeds-S. (J. Browu. aive-Lewias IeborI. Gra tushow of Wlnr-.Frost. AUCTION SALES. S~ale of borlles. caIlle, impielments, &.,by auction ou Tuiesday, ri~li 17, 1877, .1 Bayv Le-iton t by, - fit;10o o'loo~k, a. l.-L. Fairbanks, X1IO8E IBILLS Clacap 'and wel priUtednt thie tesleo O lioe, antia largé arety 14 riow ects front vwbiliî b malte i ONkY Si sc PER ANNUM. iVltby, Thurisday, April 12, 1877. ACCOUNTh i ACCOUNTSr 1l1 Peeîlos IhdettcitaWtia office aré rttqtteetr4d ta- sctie elb.axout u Ilcr iconts fortbwitb, andi lave trouble ant.i êpeno. Wlithdrawal of the Town rom the jur. lediction ao the CCaont>Council. Wu task Mir tnwnsnien ta peoli tjr the1wfitofoi plaçoil beforu titox on Llti i ubjeet (if wifihdrawai ot the tawn lrmuix t'lie" Jnrisiition of the coutl urncii. The'î'eis no reason wlatever wiy thn taxpt#a et ofWhitby. gshoulti ý1. 011 lÀing folr tini(g e io int 'Ji it'. icgitlitat<t otribution for ciuiiiuty pliirposeaf. fi',e ; $namerrI, tiotwouli f100i titti 04(Yiwoultl ho ýWlitby's fair, Fdaîoe, Nitlî whast jngtioù i,1111it blxi itaIt 5hAlotid go oui j 1 u' I uIuîuîual Couîtribîutiont of t',1i48 V hr «1people who argue - that i1h woulul ho bat plicy to sever 0)v cu-ilitet'ton Muit of tiioso per. t,ti, if titeir poisittin lin itiokoul lto, %Vl[l ho folnul o have thir viowsq biiuw, hy inteoil ititiios Otiiers %viîo ullow 'ltîoivc4te ho taîkeul "r xîrm< lohr hoshlty btho i) Itu tiin iti-C,îaglt lgnoraîîe, and llutiausethlq,> t1le f0lot Lake the trouble -*uct' tuiing fr tlletudeIve in order te luai Ali' intelliget Otpitnion. ItL a al tii' JOîSb b Lin. tOB sert tIat the 'tIuty bniiuit<m wouli he taken uu'vii it aI Xhitby %woulgi cose Vt bu, tho voîuiy towui. That I 1<a oîjifi t01 Litt iounuty by tqu4ee4al Actt tlittt is"fi V uuuuicipiul puîpouts-oan iii t.> 'isîealler lte oximti grelations. tPil to%'tOwlti i<y loaes its repicaeuta. hiruïfiItlicOlu ety ctil board, <oîd Liit usinii. IL la> a pure pioe (' I, inittisit.for -w1tiOI itby li ltaihuit*auîgodat for yaars, Ibis 'oeîîirlity tof paying sonie *t800 a yoar, ili of 'litutte, plopil auut into Civ 'tThffrs<of the ccelti couticil for t rîkomtl of beuîig ropirueeal ini thai bitvl, \Vlithy lias evcrythîiuig tû i,thi iii itl notlxing wuttevcti te luse hy Aittlaî li Au rldtrition botween th 'w, a oiuuty iuuuiCipîilitiCsý wofflti plt'o i l'o*ii W'000 t o *15,090 [J'i) tkel itiiii ti i u ri'trbu- 'litim le w1m;t oli týý lit. rî'auîlî anid LjiiLtill lin uiuîly <a-îSlc.Vti -on Llic (a4îîritt litae titotrcrtd i(1 tes rLut, taici uîtità-d ftice mroee moaouuy tf withiitwiti. il moult l tivu sauttaiiaiiosanuhe tf dollars tati ocul a course beau taken-se il iîiit b ave bcsn-yeîara ago. Witb -- Illueaitocdpositboc t natîcru, Qat Iitttilvortiuo et - lridei, - linglu tue .!Joetiteiotii otý- railWiaygsLas u l se tiu yoaii>'- cutaia btimdou of tsx- aioi, tstloputîip C noir mare impen- P'avTi ît s-Vhè bhefoeefour ucieock -- ô>Ni Wiuecla>' iiiorminglIhe (1wciluicg' - a14rui..,M. 0O'Dt>nOvtau, et *WIiiLhy, monl fvrelai ire. Sa ,taphlullul - lthe *fiincrs oxt'tnul liat tei6tiitliu Iiti -bAei-i"ULime te iie Lt lliuîýl t6e ho tliiut altlinougli1 Mir arutti 111 vs. -O'aiv u tan hlt îvoar'ug applutte, aul nd ll' st-u'eeothot iii getiîl,ý illt lté sireot ilii iluir - raitict-lotltug,-î it îult ahtuu-ming ritity !Iiiti îttu ftatzR preaul. lu tMI Iw Ice lai niug. wabiarnotl ho 01c0-groutti Ii Ilmuoil anti Mevay ireather vere prooiplly on tîte spot, umltirore-gJut Ihieiceleu'tily thue work- 1*liapit tnd tsiblo eu»'lia. lot mure et)u*àitU,-.hebtotal,-lois,; nlnuiiug biît~hiag atticoiiauî, l' euhîuialt a Prvuée,-ndwtliug, *2010..-- - oVse n oie cutnts,- $2tOL$ £h'no1' tfti4 hatu question toset te 1t mers - unoertainIle ,,à t. ctu1 , m&l' ý aaIul 1h 'q' Ritosis té afiiieâ 111neyer con- i n ,1 -TW i lntry art mak ing vigorens ver preparatlons, anti, le adt.te .cemplicailous of tlits itua.. lion, nô fuillbr ffor' lis ye$bean mAtio6e alt -upc ,&peace viit tn. teosoruo, :--' loamATry large anti. ~wlipop. presenledtilem. Titis w.ek we continue our rauavk& tîpon titisituporttit iaitpr. &L WOUL. ireitO lite uti 01it , iftoý1 ont' ,hî rwim it'. I iY este& turcs i ic 0 . Carryiuig vil Higb Saolrd, bave lu lihe eaue of lewns anti viiiagttel en IUP.' plied ou WIblt basie -Tlie leiauh tjzadlhi4,a'4'UI vuryilIg accrding la ôumiîo taîîce, the 0011t a Sl ýt -jraàl aud thol ~drrai ' d*b distriol lu. whlch the:higb sCo ie Iln~.l n tr tie count>' w»l bu requlveti W furnls id ltu e àh sehlools 'te lhé amolnt at hast of- the grant recelved -froua the l.gisAitie <iappropriationÏ." Ths lu a vea'y 44 oldeti stop la' dvanle, anud wil b. a gre5lst onre' tf elplmany sehéols Ihl ae long beezl st;ikglug to ex 1.1 upoa Iaisdquato fands. To Iliir creditlibe it sali, $severai ýconutesa in tb. past bave geperousiy Contributi Wo the'stupport "cf, their high scboolÏl mucia more than the strict ltter ei lthe Iaw requirsdi bnt Iis spiit 011 liberalily bas bein by no means cooa. mion. B>'ý this legisiation our "bwa. high scitool wiehobençâfteti yeal t' te extent of froua svei l undredt que thousuutld dllars,> As before, both the logistative âne, ceunI>' gragts are tW b. dovood eolly to the .paymont of leachers' malaries. This lesde us te vemark Ihat .hepeut- tion of itead.xuatcrshlp oai abigh echoal Io rapidi>' booinga Position of ilit-z.ate profeuional importance. It is 'a position whioh demanda Aval'. rate seboiarsbip sun, great professianal skill, aund Wb are glati Wbue l0 timd tbe countt7 is waking. up tle iau at tbal if we are ta hplve superior educuaion we are tW bave superior aeduaaori. W.e hope acon tW observe Ibal 1h. boat talent of. lb. country', andtihex.best gradualea ot our Universitiete wili givo lbe professgion cf leaohlng Soaetrher canab(leratin, Truce,lhorae are net as yet marly plizea i thc proesian; but thes emolumeuts are yearly buccin- ing larger, the social statue more pro. nouncetl< and the opperlunities foer seif-cuxlure moire eniargeti. Iltsaal be the duîy of te nfLer "ef Education te appoint eue or more oi-melo, au liefroua lime le lime deenie necesaary, le inspeot an>' "sahiool or aheoi, anti inqnire lIet "andi report te hlm upan au>' echool' "unattor snocb inspecter, or an>' other parono or persoa chahl be entitîsti le "sualitraunaratien ont cf an>' mc- "neye appropriabeti by lbe legisiature <for taI ýpurpoea, aneia>' hoc deemed "jusl and equilablo, eonsidering thc "nature cuti oxtent etfte duies le ho perforimed .sucle person or persons "a iy ouyeeoetthena lcali bave pewer "ta admtinister oaths le wtuesses, or "require theux te make solemu sfflrmý &talen of the truIe et the maltera lias> "ma>' bu examineti upon." Tbis clanse, wo a ppruiiençl, tuightllbu turuad le acceut lu ferreling ont th. matie of cenducting certain important exauti nations, We have neo(eais hast il wiil remain a deadul.etttr. ItLit<TION 0F SHtOOL TRUBTrrE. Iu future lb. poliing J[s te be aIt ion o'cleck lu the forenoon, instead cf ab laine; but te poli nMay close aiau>' lime lîxeater, whdn a (ail heur lis elapeeti wilhoub au>' vole biaving bhui polloil. The vtiug <bail be by open i4UeitUit <Or TtUu<VtSx, &. '<Lu Case of' ru rai achoal soctieta Coi- povatious, thie rosoluion, action or orcein f at least two of the truistors thoreof la icceavotr>' i order "Lu awfuliy bind sutli corporation, a hu in case of public suhool boards etsuc;ht uîormm nsital ha voti lta <bindthIbie11'0o1lcorporation ;sud iu "auy cuse ot sua equaliL>et votesu, lte <'chimmran shahi have t1ie casiing vote -in Addition te lis emn vate, Il le "aIse (lrtlitr en tearoti ifal ne by-lam "for creatiug nà dehî 14'v acîteel pur- ~'paies sah ho ue rîired te ha aubmil. tet teo-a voeofethLe ceoo or raIe- VACANYNO FFtN ICE ÙF orTiUUiTItIiWMIN. ',fa trustecf au>' sclîool carpra- tio e hon ecud et an>' fehen:' or "mistemeanour, or shahl absent liii- -self (rom tite mueltinge of te board <for be bôid tlv gonîba iîbeut "teing aîhoremiiet Tu suolalian enter- "et uon itu minutes, or, Who shahl coaee le be a raîldeteul vllîlutho -80hio001mniipali t>'for vitic ble sa trumîce, soL itieushah ipso factoe "vaufate hie meun., anathie rmeiingu <i Iustecu ail-declaru bis soat vacant, I "anti erder a nuv election," l Thîis la a nav fatureinuthie lair, andti prevites fer tle rarnovai et tufficullies tai have ft'eqnehlly arigen tu tae ch. <t-au t echoci business. tPIc-tsUtrtusb Ext-osza» *-I'rofcs sors isdet elraiumeiiLt ual lI'Oddfelovi' hall, on Mimdas> evotciig. Bev'ti. Mý. Hlava, Rev'ti 'M.'"Chaniaerà, Mr. J. J. Boss, a;d W., W. H: Riggin$, vr appoluelti a camm1itteOti ta int îthe protessors, ganti v-hth îes- lwe * c-erg>. moen assstiei ' te -kuolscouldtiaI (ail te o é.-ell - .ied. AUl ltemal kuevu ilpliotle cneiiç,attrllu-ecj le thea1 preseacco cof teapiul, invieiblemuisc,A ringing tif belle, sneltiaiuet leande ant faces uaI hue cbiuàt àtd axntert-aicet (arm iwallting in'ta hll iioalte Stage1 mure ohlate.--AIi te -close te1 lmaicdfuitatiosu- -ere uxplelneti audit lita îc$ghtem tnd Wataler'of ite audi- ence.. - È1e nltuiraulent i u.srs Randolpha-anal Cecil - afforti a popular lysaItitatsl aouit not be ýmisui. The>:ttpear a émn 7 thie * (Watnesday)' avenug. - -ForI>'.iour- vasels ave roeat ITom.. auloiO siftiisShoe> ai treightl ofe. Dois.1ýi Royal 'Mail steamers are belug Alled, cultfor Ser vice, bolte Agthé"- 'asia, sunt 'Sparlan," yullunlti-ut for somo> lime yob.* The ferry le -ruutang ba' Iveen Beivlie ant incel u-Etiard. - about' aineo oclock, as Dt ~ g~ è.tivig Ipotowuin-iihie ,bugg,hewa i elllyirun inmb byaèbece'anti wegp4r1<*q ly aparson fet ae heir ov'eway.-_M6nreaI Blatr. Srw rSpuxw-BETTER TEM VUar. ucaws.-We kuov Ihal ýpving has cmfor va bave boardth ie voulu ngD, -anti e, 4oced ou$ by a ycuugsluv of nayeu, vitig ia tntboy anti arov Il heard tite samu olti cries cf lte àn;all boy astniarblas, "Kunekie dovia 1," fan eht -l<na iiuehin g 1" sce-ouve1 Have v eho eutlïîrav'd cf' "%ji'sYoung faces gatitereti arouti' ltéê aid citslk ring, cying cul, "Prug aitoati 1',"put ber dovu lP, "oiiiln<t gin l'I "ya're eut l"-wbile pagglng -Ip.But hast cfil, we kuov Spring Éî 6la ane viten we sou a youcg insu tiraNt' furcua It usuel resling place (halti. - ing nepte cWtheus hue) ltae ancieul spear paie,anti andibi>' moIter, as bu shevies tlb. llsek, pupiug cout et bis muner ceaI pockal, fvcm te igbl of lta aId Mpan, '<Suckers b>' thunder " Tat: "CAîaca" AsSPUticuurolti at te tovu hall cn Frida>' o7uniiag was largal>' attdeti b>'$the ybuth anti beutyI'a cf lths bovt. The >hall vas Ibrongati. Tite munie vas excellent aud te dancing kepl up witle spirit utu a late-or raîher perbaps ve *siteult say-au early heur in lhé meru- iug. Mr. Calveri>' deserves Mucia praise tor takiug tae initiative in gulting up Iheso pleasing social eaeertainmoubs. Tho depetment andi accampUhtei dan- cing eft llîejnvauiam reflect lte bigheteu crédit tepen Mr. Calvavl>". sibtAI' sa teacbor. WHITBY CRIoCETOavt.-7A.Meeting et blitemombers of tae club vas belti lu Bay's Britisht Amenlean hetel, on Tuesia>' eveuiug ast, wlien the fol- loving - officera weva electoti fer 1h. ensulug year : R. H. Lavdav, Preaidout. C. Nousea, lot Vice-Presldeut. Thos. Lavlcr, 2ud Vic-President. J. B. Lting, Secrebary.Treasunrr. Jua. Matbleon, Caplaîn. Thé . noxt Meeting vilb i ho ono Tuesia>', 18t1e mal., in Bayas Britishe Amoican hîcîci, aI aigit* oclecît, P. tM. A geo t ateudauco isntiesireil. Finic,-Tbs olti schoi-honee rucanti>' eccupiet b>' te witiow Jehuston, on 2ad con. Pickariag, near te Preuit>' terian ohurcli, vas ittrnaitiown on Monda>' nrninig. The elti voman anti a faniale relative eitiig '<illahumerai itarol' l te latacape vila Ihiir lives, uaving but a tew articles. The' ire is aliegodt l bavoelîron the work of au innendiittt. Tux Buw? PuovoaÂaPus are nov ob. tainabîs at Oshawa, aI Mr. Best's plie- tegrapli establishmient. Mr. M. C. North, an artiet et bigb nopuls, has becu etigagoet, anti take iltu-iko pic- turcs. A NÂttaow EscAv.-Three young men, iamoti George Hanuani, Johin Hlisiop, jr., anti Luke Robinson, while eut ehlooting i hie woots on the 41t coucesso,litati a narraw escape frrni hoing aliol, Ibrvugli the gnn et Robin- son accidentaîly - gcing cir amongal Iueni. USuato PReavaia&ND TuRATaEaquto LauteïTOWARD S tsFITREu.-A youog. lad, naniot Hiranm Palmer, vuas bretîght before >Jue. Natt, E sq., J P., Part Perry, on Monday, the 2r.dt met., citargeal vith ueing pi-fanesaid thîreai- entng tanguiage tomante hie fatlier. Tite magishrole, atter utinirietering a suvîru î-spriucand La tle yootit, fineul luin $, or tmamty tisys. Wtt 'AiRE t'LutAHEto elesta ntlat cUn oit fient, lMv. James Baxter, et Dufflua' Crook, le rapiil>' necveming rtramtle injuries recoiveti b>' iina short lime ego Ilinoug thlie upsotting cf hie cleiglu. Lrvicav.-Onr frien Il"Dotale, Mrt. Loei Sebem-the wall knoov anti populan driver aI lite Royal, hotus bonght eut Mn. Piertio's inhareel in 11a3's aIt liver>', antilC prepareti lao aceonmeodte bis patrons milt a coin- (entable rig and safe.driving herses. WALL P..APzES.-Mr. J. S. Rbertson, beekaullur, aulvertises lu another cal- omn, a lange anti melIsserteti steak aI maîl papara. Tii. stock. 1 noir, anti muaI Le a «ced recommentistioii in Iliese hardthime, ver>' eheap. A 1IAi.avvLesAD-On Ttacuday bast, a toainof Mr, Ale%. Alearandere dnIew frein 11fr. Long'. atome, leuuse h te te G. T. Station 6660 its. ot poas in oe oaul. linoUnan PitEus voi TUE MOtNTu OF APaa.-Bead the, -anuouncètneul ,o e nodtprices et W. J.,flickli Ce., for cattens, dres geots,, - linons, tisanaelu, Utlrtihg, hosier>' &o., for lte aculli cf April. Ca<'l hoeatn DPrAru iru OU TZ -1Kurcu ciAHeiss.- Mm. Grahiam;, meut., reslting near lteé toîl gale on t 4ýîèKih2Flon iet, lnear thae teo h uisofPickering sat,çerhorougit, of a kiàk in ttc abdoen freid an uan- brolcen irgo rauivat a à-fWai ys pre. Claypolpé, bu bscharge oet E. Prel'a illiner>', geais, - retnreet ýeetertiey frona Terculo. Siehenogial acmode- slrable ioVéiltiisti asmcli serenaving tue mllinury stock genuerail>' i.lFi oarlaholding a 1speciail 1 per cet icuî ufer . tIvo vseks. Cc's -Miianrier>' lae omu, vitit ail tse usmasl-'anti Mast taeleonable styles. SaUta I3AIILEY, PAs, &c., for sale ai Liverýpol Maitl; alea fresi gren .BuxxouîuAr,494 1 Mih Apni fSeeev.J:Dg,' . ýe Hiardy' for Brant,, bas a#traoted soma attention, and thoug -op flq10 utlerances b,ve' beu, gv.sely ,Mlarepre- sentetiwe fael"il 'adt> giel' folio wing corrcteti report, of the ,suni lhe. benefitt caor coumans. 'Mr.aw kin. le a Liberal Catholie and o ne' of the meut floquet IplaUorta speakeru in < he e'rov1nce, At sudéb :a liMe ý'he ulterauces froua shch a soirce 'laa!eý their poitical alguifleanoe. Mr. Ha'wkins &%id that (i W041uli e in lias remenltanoeecf lb.eelors Ihat he wae the pelrsan Who 0)oppeest-Mr. Hardy four years ago, anud tat. t vas probabi>' the keenesl poýlilicalconteal ltaI eet ok place -in, lb. -oonnu io i3raiet. Since that fime, certain' mat. ttala dcamest pe in lurespect W lhé: speakex's poliflticapasdilýon,whlcob.bhai heen alinddt teb>' tfe pïevions sSpeaker andi whiciîlho (Mv. Hawkins) vas nov, desiraulq cf fu>' axlainiung bore la-due>. Iu ail prolabilityhe would net have huen p rasent-hie biujinesu cailing hlm elsewbere-vure il nol litatitil ad bec stateti inthe Toronto Globd andtinl the" Branîeferd Ropoitor ltaI lb.e lon;-0., F. EXrsez intendedt3t, lend Ibis nom- ination,. vhom lite (Mr. Hawkins) vas desirens cf meeting la disese certain politicai mahture lu wbich îheý' b.d for a aharI limie beau canneoteti. In'facl, il hati heen freel>' elaleti . hrough, the streels of Brantford Ihat Mr. Fraser hati someaid scores whioh h. de*ied'> to vipe oul, andt hal lb. speaker vas lbe'éepecal abject af sncb cdmpiinlanl. ar'atenlion. .1> armv. Hardiy.-Who saiti Iat. Mv. Hawkis.-Yau know ltaI for a woek put il has beau beastet cf by yeur friands, andt ha yen -hava beau forcedto laapotogiis for bis abueixo. ( therw)ul a austng la observe Mr.Hasr)dyl'a greaslsclclludo &bout Mv Fraser, especiallyin utIe Hanse. Frexu the heur thal hbie tt lak bie scat lie had been .lbat gentleman's servile-laqacer, sitliug as lie dos aI. meutunuder tite' sbaow of bis nase. (Gratît laugliler.) No abject courtier aI the cour t fan>' poentats had ever madie loear malsains than hatil aMt. Hardy la tbe diclahor oethîe. Outarta Cabinat sud liance lb. willing knee bati weil sarvadth te supplicant, soeeîu hae was bava îo.dayslte Provinciai Secretavy. (Ruueweti laugiater andi chears.) Natwithatanding the taise as- serliens of the' Expo8iter anti other Gril papors, hie (Mi. Hlawkins') peuh.i cal course hati been sîraigitîfrward anti consigtant. Hie firsl poliliesi vote,- was cash in 1807, anti ever>' mata pro. seut knew Ihil il was givan for the Heu.'E. B. Woad, thoen a membar cf Saudfleld Macdonaid's govurumeul aiea for Ibe'-same gentleman s ihe Ministerial candidate for the Haneseaf Comucone, anti uI the lima a supportar et Sir John A. Macdonald. lu 1871 lhe badl <gain supporteti Mv. Wood, uill s moînhur af Sautfilld's cabinet, antinW 1872 bati vavked hliard fav the velum cof Sir Fraucif' Hincks,litaviug, sasyen know, alunipeti Ibis anti other connUies in laver cf these gentlean anti thair leader, Sir John A. Mactionaldi. Iu 1878 lie (Mr. Hawkins) hati canteti Sontha Brant, anti il was weil knewa that Mr. Hardy thon ted a bard roati La travel, (angiter andi cieers.)ý anti lia wonld iulorm hlm ltaI lwo years hene il weuld cartaill>obu tundti tat Ce (Mr. Hardy) would fati il impossible ct traval on that roati aI allu Intio generai lectian et 1874 ha (Mr. Haw. kins) liati takun a ver>' activa paratin man>' censtilueucies, auxang others Contre aud Nortle Welliugton, NorLt Norfolk, Soutit Bruce, Linceln, Brant sud North Huron, aetîug lim-alf ta te beat et hie humble abilit>'in tles in- lerest et the greal part>' that ga .ve ns Contederation. He ati servi lbis leaders without promise or reward anti liiad nove r sjîared hiniseif aithar trouble or expense attIhe eall cf tint>' (100 applouse,) Ailer Ibis groaî polilicai batlie il lis eil knowii that a roason ef qutte ansuoti. Thte Gril part>'bai.l carriedth te countr>'b>' a lremendut matjorit>', ittie or ne opposition watu offéreul the governient et the flan. A. Mackeuzie dariog the onsning session, iu tact nc politicali-punes wtro then ln active agfitation. Dnrithliis 1ried off qniet bc (Mr. iiawklns) waa apprL <ch- oiy b M. Frasor andl othor Catiiolic.- in regard ta the tact thal we as a beody were o ut ain>' represotcdin u ithîer <il or Parliamenîs iu proporioin te ttc numberof et env .réligionists. Titat titan a favorable oppartunil>' wes oft",r- cd le seenra recogntion of env juat rigitia lu Ihiit regard, andt taI iti ni> e-opcsration we couiti gel sncb fair given thu Mowal administration It, tacil support turing a ev mouthu whaun there wero veally ne pelilical questions batare lbe country'. He conît Most lruthtully aver thatlileshatimural>' îfermed a aspocies etf cealit!on with tlise gentleman fer a legiliritato purpose. An>'cingiug or sacrifice et principle bal net houamacle upon ltas speakers part, but on the parI ef Mr. Frasar anti toe.wleo iatiautitoracati hie appra- aches. Ha came Ibovu te provo the correolues cf Cia position wiîb docu- mantar>' avidence, if nscessary', if ils production vava ebaliengad by epruons titi>'aulterizi. (Cheers.) eslitati quickl>' tonnIl thil suait a coalition misant for hlm ant iei fellow Catîholicu lt a etl>' iadthe luup au trou anti ltaho hati beun nacel disbenurably Irasteti by Mv. Fraser ant i he colieag- na ueolitheGaverumenl. Il wau fise ta say s bai beanu aserie thatIleal at evarvoqnestedthe lbailgalaul faver nt tite iands cf the Ucvaamenî for lain- self or an>' friand or person vhaluver,> antih. oÈî4<engeti proof te .contrary (ceeerg.) .' Whon Coneoraticu ws- irsi moclei, Ontarioeconsenlti la ode. part froam atvi ve.ltecoustiluticuai *principlu-en«essky of a second ebamber-sol>onauthe grounti of eco némy. 'Il wae vefl Uovu ltaI Mv. SaxalitiMacdonaldc, Mro.. .C. sa eran2 antiinu>' othar laading. meo f ItaI.ý day favôrGd a legisistive- iuion i hucauelte>'wave canvincedti hal lite riodorl systani waulti huatoe«pensive. if se valucti a principle wu mcl aide tfor te saket ecanorni>'andthle'>On. tarie aseembi>' waut ltenîtiatole howîal il bas ofian been slyl'îjd a Epecies- ef large Caunt>' Celcil, wht îara. ive W bhinkeuf Ittccontinlual>' incruauaitg. e«. 'J à, dit ,oîtac usnss àop »ju ic puttliàg tejattqer riiotly toa , as we vers 1o14 *1 lthe Cammiusloumr -Of- Publie Woriu at 'um bi'n mbembero aa- Toraronve ala mÀudit U onu etnbsvsatOitIava. 'iThe' tilgpllyJa snet lthe sain, ane s l'dia N ational Pavliamen& tieav.he oflon bourd tlb. oItve nuever inteuti- eti la be uatf lbaia-Piàilneial, Canu-' cl-ii;i ula t1 mde natiel oF ou nt>' Coundeilu. -- Ta,etaaeas'Of ou, Warti-. ont dol4heyýneava, mucitlim e b lthe reaple, anti yeel Ihe>'are paiti, uolblne. Didtit Oe ur, iste Wavdun (Coi.Tbamp. 'sou) daveu o4ar'Qlime la lthe' ervioà et bisga' ltitsI syar tht u ti Mr. Hardy. Tl- ha t*aï, imt at cent and !&..net tb oito.çq~ bunorablo 'titit tIofsa Local Mmb cm ? Again do vs nul psy local minis tors sullicient ,tat,'liy abouiti devais thuair lune-lto tepublic'arvioe rinuteoat et haiug continually raning about the enucaîr>' n-!privale 'accounL. - - 't iex Sanldfialti* faedouehd' polie' la- malts ttc "«itCmhae jsleas ux pesv a-psile and,ýti evfô, ab" gaee .Crova butine".ttheliasCeunI>'- At'y wviover il coult b. d'oue%. 'But i li t.policof, liprésenut 'minislert-lao mike ltse atpointlmaul cf COvov-Canti. Sel 0-iltsrfpuiitual ravard viitont regard ta AItnes. W perfamin -thea tles. Mr. Hardy bas entÏýieao'el la milcati .yen in regard la lite expeudilure et money' UPOn secouait ai eyloins. '?h.,, Belleville asyluin vas fluluitet befcre the Gdvédèvlunt cf Sufét"aiu aid,.Waul a ot, &aUolteé Loonnaa-anti Brantford asylumu. uI here romains that - grislest-monument cf Goveru- montal fou>' lte'Central Prison. Witile Santifidti.Goruamenî cul>' in- Istiati ta cenaîrnel a prison aI a coal of about $125.'000, huis stceessers haýve matie Il ceaI over $460,000, vbila thte original intention cf pvcviting lahor ton ltaose un prisoneti u int.ejails oethlie country bas huait alrnasl complutai>' lest sigbt of. (Chears.) Tiacu leek aI bte entint ofthlie Govemoment lu- re- gard le lte Orange bills. 0f vlust possible consequencu la it te Cathlîoics wballîar incorporation le bat unulýa, genural ou- a speciai act 2 Threc yoars age Mr. bfowal voeet for incorporation unte- a epecial sel wili tlweohohers- età tis celleaguies, anti evur>' session aince hie bas voteti ltae cetrar>'. Wtttt is the nioaoing oft-sncb' vacihiuaîlng incon- siseno>' ? (Applausa9) AI the dicta- tien o 1Afr...Fraser, bu -rçservedth Ie me'asure for lte consent et bbe Govorui- ment oft-Sir-Jôumn A-. Macdonald, vito val'> prori>' t~prneý t 1hs55oOttitg fnlly witln lte Apov-ra et juriadiation et lte Ontario Governuacut. Tis irudli'- le Ieat DMm. Frsaeerbas inade Ibis qae.', tien altWAhoV hIér i iCown seltieh 'antiabibiius*deslgng Ho, more tlatian>' cter oman iu thie Pro- vincebac oudeaverete elir tîp sacta- t-lau prejudicoand tri t rouighent tue ceuntr>'. Like' lthe miseruîiitu - ast- matuou it ireclthIe nobleat Ltniple et ail suniiLuil>' inavaler that ho might bo remembereul, thcistiernagegne bas donc bis ulmost leteietre> te temple et gooti wiil andîlpoace arning nu class's w'hich bas lutherIe sbeltarcd uver>' clamesuan reudbhenthit is ample portais 1 (Great applaulse.) Na wotu- or that %ve flot lte Globe. deuouncieg anti epposing t9e tiaugeroue un aiiy. iVitite- support, or toilowerliiaunemg hie cen-religieniets 'tbrongiiout te ceumIt'>',lho Cannot longBen~e an>' use- rmi purpose, antd toubtiess Ibis ticoun- cistien b>' the pueml>' organ la but the' legininine- of Vie eut in bis case. Even thu (air£Cathelies lu Teronte wlto ,have supptîed. laina in lthe puat nov openhy refuu, to serve hie, selfieh end,ls anti ho will satin biqcalast"ide. Yul Ibis is the perse-n te embese hall Mr. fi-,rt>' pins Itis politicel taitia. (Leuge- tuer.) WientwnIo >eesliee, ha cornes baclt for re-elea'tian, bu miltfii il but a eorry rucottianitutien te thrt f'lecters oet-Brant- Wlaiic teoppcsi- tion are contant te a iit e groot con- huet- uiow uapîrochlinz, wa are asgured fluit tiba esil tas roed elSouth Brutnt siithutb, ie iru uoppertuuDiiV ie atlortiet, the electora et Ilien i.iin wiii conieun Lie iiicapaeuMoaltencie aimnisrafon. Tiiere is nuit au in- '<ustr-y ite Dcrnirlion htibs Dont languîighing tanem ils misrolu andtiuttom iuccnipatelcy la f111 the place et ils producenuor. T' time bas coee an lte wlîolu ceuntr>' laies back with deep regret bte tsdys whea Sir John A. Matudonalti andts e oiieut's un sblv atminitrad lte affarae ofite ceunIr>'. (Aeplnse.)It usenly neceàear>' la ta?1lteutinth ie wcuderful upriginige of the vhînia peepIn lait year la, greet lhe leader tif thae Opposition it arder ho mca- lize taI liiere le a aiom cgthemingz aSiDUCTIOuî. Miller vs. C6,llint.-A chien fa tien. The jury lu Ihuis case roti verdict lu fayot- cf the plaintiff, d The 'acîicn vas brongit by Miller, a fanmer resitig l intb shîip cf Uxtruidge, for ltae seduc bis taugtr. Tho tofuntisut, phur F. Colline aasscheell, es, eitiing, in lte lecahit>'. -Margaret Mtiluler, lte plaintifi looking young veman viit s fi lu itarai, mas liaspriPeipai SIte dapasetid teteentiaut havi nection miit em at toerirothun' lu Marlthan. in Febmoar>', Choat ho renut cf ltaI canneel. boin on,-201h Ocleher, lit. Anson Mollar, ltae ather, a lb. mter of lte yeutgwmm eeilatn, suit avare le ia taugelev'tcage, anti as la au premiso of dufantani te mati te phainiff, vu era e anti put Uahmidge, Jal>' rd, Miss Muaggie Miller, Zepliyr P. O., Oetari, Fau a» aGeic : îI amso-n otuiaI I eau net comane ver un Tu I Tam golipiq a an excuiormn la 1Faite on ltaI dia>. Tuera is sl #lliegaing.' Ne are aill t2iàVLf ladies et hcmeebas v --- Uvlhac'A I r sed,îa- ulotiao Auriscu char, ri-- , a gacti vwitnosa., --'Iééakdale P; . O,Onlsri.o. Or, if voit have 'te'oüv'lope I seutinl lb. ýOïber ièttéi;vëiiitutl L pitig you, areecaJa'ig oprelflpýyur ovuhserl'a Jan'>' 101h,186- ler e accu onto-day. Il lu nov fourý 00 p9Pl A4, e fruojGy" 'Qlituppe Ie.inao*' sU 1tsen f02 b'inekac* to morcv I 1ai frueauntil 9 o'chock- But I caima near forgohlng la tel ycn llualtI go* bares aisand i oua,Snit ê' a y e'est>0 on. Iab> tt-juig -b>' al t 'hav0 yue _lélêbain.otai yl, are .o0tîiy4 .lxtçt -,iiter wilh lte b jaÃ"iMeAuasyarcunt yotaor yhmshby lia ndvautnsicietn, vixonaI feel sure, Msg, tabcreulantiknev. yaurIciti.cji~uoitica anO net -t.ry la But, Magge, ledo neDt wauI ycu te; rie'aiy mère-la Me if -Von, vante lu lte styla yau titi last, for viiere you mantianed o'dalaý meu e o~i f go- io'l i*bt iulyou l M. U. M., I tougittl -inug.cf Ihat -but- viten I vead l(rberuvbswe'yon'-sentsetime cf iargtîlig- ydùûwiten lun ber cempan>'. il vas veell>',more titan I cani her. Thal part of ycdr latter I wcnid ual rad &gain fer auyting, for I assura yen, Maggle, I bave &IL1 bat l in>'y lima, but ltse vavat I eva fal vas nI te ha comparat. Witli my feelings on readiug ltaI. I cannaIttiuk yen inmau lting. I'11- stop, fer I can- naI write 1ù,epýý,il ; but, I yul l hyen humre tlîel 'u -et wuvrcng, ltaII titi miot sece itemhat de>' nt aIl. I meit np le get lte picînre lakan Severa itu2es and ti a Se I got il, vten il vas aininîg ika lte t-. I vas ttinking a gondi toaI at lte lime, se an saceunt of tue rein atut ever>tbiug elac, il in ne', a ver>' goot picturu. Titis pictume yon sen tnie is al iglit fer oe taIt kuew yen witun il vas takon, but for Ged sake, sent mu-nse neitb Ibat eunning ill cuvl tovu in front, titan I viii ho1ve eue as I knev yen. I luten o bgel sanie pitographs latken seor a titùlif lto 1ll hremaîber yen. I like my place her ure Ieou hoeseîe-wiusu Itiuik cf yen away back ltae. Ilig'vaod, Jau'> 27fi, 1876. Fats-Ne Manoax:- I reosivet yenm leller ou tte Titures>'yafler I seen yen lu Uxitritge. IL cantaineti yeur picture, fer whist I ws much ebliget. I answored iIl lie Sasmu evening, antat yaotaIt ldgel it ou Satuirda>' jouI cne veek frai lte tua 1 seq yen, yunluUxbrialge. I siW senul yeni>'picture lu retuluufcyauns. Il is nov lire veeka since I vrole ta yen, anti I begin te biuuk il le lime le irrité agaiu, mutl litI Ihiik yen de- suire it ; bott hu it ma>' e h. bt yen idti tgel a>' Imter or vo an ia>biave lrrillen anti 1 have net gel ypurs. Sexieimes I think pcrisps yen are s;ick. tandthen egzain I tiuk peniuaps your bîtlier got moseu sud that yen bail ta go Ittine. Se yen sue I have cter- mmctid le write egain. Ne ; I belleve nas this i "brstay j viii mailtfom te- niomnom's mail, sondthenif u'etiing comef<, 1I mli go eut ta Sltonffvills ho- Mouow nai mit andti nai it, b>' tlt ms-uns i '<ihi resu- i riielt Saturtia>' Yan dit not Bas>' irktieil mas thc Post office irben yen molte, but I thonglît il Moday.-I wmsut p ta Leau.kdal.- Saturcua>, couit mot findu ont Yoor Post office. -Hoping te boom fraui yen seen, I rmain, veure trul>', Cosîts. F. COLLIN-uS, -Jmiy 241h, 1876. FFNvDuMAaoxa YOnanaarSe yaOr Umothur vas le sco mnon atualat>. Ste ssys your fater kieme nthbiug about Il. Yeu tati better tell tii, sut as no on'- believea il ucr, iflule i iling te saIlle I mli give yen nions>' ant ihe eau take yen awa>' hinseif. I vili givo vaita l tain ; tut if ho ie viimnt settie faily anti lits thing gae noisuti arnit, then I viii beave ltaose parte, for I bave anolter chance ta malte a goot living, but leava yon 1 viIî Dot if me eau arrange lb an>' va>'. Ncv I vaut you te drop ins s letter in Lessktlale as soon as possible, aut tell me if te is villng Le selîtle or net. I hava ta go ave>' uext weiek, se teu'Itieiay. Thtebhast va>' laetle stie for neocouelulievas il nom sut yau eau go airanu t i wii bu al ight. Dou't tels>' im mritiug. Yours, &c., , C. F. COLL.-s ]RimgvoodluP. 0., Octn. 111h, 1876. Fr.msEi» MAcanuIE - Iliteari irlat >'our fatben wae w'lliig te do, lasI nigbt, se I ttougtvî wouild wite yen Lis letter. lu ai> lrcaunt pSitio *n I canoot do it. I tel yeu if yen wero to take btie $2110, 1 litomise you taI yon w-II ueveraie thie banser Ity it ; lut, on the outlîur lbandi, if I have inok anti lîalt, yen mit! hé laie gainer. 1 knoîv $800 ie mot nîtîcli for thuse mIte have moue>', huit ài lemore tiasu 1 ca-n psy. Lynx-pose geing home on Frits>' nigitl te sec if in> father viii de an>ting for me. If hos yUl, vii>'1 wiii setlq for thte 0800, for 1 nudomtanti you levé eitbem swamn. cor ý on arc atout te evear, a citilti on me. utII ican lue viiinol. Itebc ilh net, vhit lan't lbu telpeti, sÉuitbalte thp $200 att trust la me ltat I wilI do vit is nigitl. Il might lhe soie satis- factieunltavear il on me, thonntlaeere a sait lunlte court ai Lav, gel a judg- ment, andt hn break in>'conliicale, b>' tiasl means ycu cenit put me eut et e yoar s teeeting until I gel anaîotr cor- tiicale ; bal I ticmoct Iinit yeu moulti lke le go loto court. Youns, &c., C. F. COLLcINS. io cOn- Facueco EMAttt: PIeuse give Ihis Ilter qe te Maggie youlf; do nel bu purenuati- '76. A etib>' others net ta givé Ita one. tion, "<' . Yours, &o.,- F. C. COLLINS. sudatlg aie ingwaed P. 0;, Oct. 91h 1876. ,an vers Fa=murux ieu - IL cf their -Yen MutI exuse me fcr e llegedtlakiug lte libenty', of attiressiug you at m>' ,,eir --FrinditMaggie," but $bol1aenvembeu jeu saiti ni malter *Uat happout vu* moult boerieuca, anLI hops sidtrust lefendataulwe villj even 1 l isa air puabotd bin evi- inte&court o 1»,w ermI voulti i liti ase t go for jour sake cor mine. 18375. Socle beii4 lte casa 1I bave no becita. tien lu ad<Iessing yen as "Friend Maglie." The oui>' îitlg I cati tai, a. yen far e lling jetar fitellior watt ry ta ea>' mine sud ss>'ing I promisodt10a arrJ ita>', as yen. Of course neoileubl 'on vent )Niagara atr-titi le'leli liii tite tratt, bat if you eiz yenng taku ni>'ativice yen u wl tellhiu humlb gaiuig te traititnow, andtieleh i iuou n>' word, ýe inteudt lItI >'anill nol bu lte losel b>' l<fur anala ltae if 1 have itealîlu anti lack<I 1mil i tôve hape', an forgut yan, andti iinlt yolekuiow '_ Rh . ep of cme te helfrtê me ;wien 1 say I 8 . cOionsitter ilt iï write ras or i Ztaoea to wrille for jou. Tou Pl oue todo hismuoli for une forIsal.d' vay ,adqpç aevteever -yen aclietime tla l dot -& Dnot faS la owrite.- ci I remain, yonve, &o., O. F. COLUar. The jury arrived st lite ainount of si ltaeir verdict, ve are Içii, by'- eu 1 fna't nernng a certain figure, atding i ltse amonult ogoter, sud diviting the ldlaV-bY Ive. t H4rr(ngton va. C1iaUan.-Jf. BiIl- P ingu for pi. ; P. A. Hlurt for df.- 0 EUjooeat la racovor Lais 28 sud 24, ilu i Port Parvy (toieon>'Berelia). Verdict - for plI.,'anti on. shilling damages. t vaanine. McWain.-Thas.BàRârt- soir, Q.C, anti A. 0. MoMillen for-pis.- ML. C. Camorcu, Q.O0., for defl-etI' ment tla recorerl10 ore, cifLcI8:lu Bmti con. et Uxtrîige. Titis action raie- *d tbe question of valiil>'of lez sale. Jutigmoat reserveti. i Per.ptl va. Tolson.-M. C. Camer.v o,. .,.fov plî.; J. 8. Evart for doit; E.jqnomanî lé recever 88J nacres cf W. jil -Lati 5, lu 1 cou. Uxbritige. ,Verdict- for pIt., antionanshiling damages. McDouqasZ va. WiaUdell.-M. C.s Cameran, Q. 0., eut B. B. Loscombe, foIr l.; J. D.Àvrmonr, Q. 0., fcv deit. Actfioln agalist Sheriff cf NoIlbumber. lent anti Duritamafer damages occasion- ad by allegut wrougil velurncif aulla bana la vrll af i Fa gooeetisasuet inluo sufit MaDougal vs. Geodos. ýJoigmentc Davisa.eKompt,-M. C. Camurcu, t Q.C0., anti B. B. Leecembe, for pi.; J.o D. Ammeur, Q. C., fov def.-Aclieu againat Sheif f fVictoria fertiamages d coeaioned hy vrongful velurn cf vrit- i et fi. fo. agatual gactis ai Ducan Me. 1 Bae. ; Verdict for plIt. fer 8864.71. i CRIMINAL BIDE. Thle Qaeen va. Jame Wiley.-The priscuer was arraiguati fer ebtainung nu>'b>' fillepretencus. Mr, Henti- orson. Q. C., anti Mv. Farevell, Count>' Attorney', fer lte Crovu. Mr. M. C. Camuron, Q. C, anti Mv. Bain, et Ux- bridge, for lte priisoner. 'Mrv. Honterson, lu cponiuîg lhs case, sait :-Tbe prieouur's ituahauti itat matiesa conveyance et certain propertyé ta anc Joitelon lusocurll>' fer endors- - ahanla. The bushanti stili bat uin- toreiu thc forniluro, Ibal le le say, te ceniti gel il back wmit e bttwas1 paiti, but ltae propent>' vas Jahnelan's fil, t11e debt vas pait. Thte prapert>'1 cout net ha selti without Johusteu'e permission. Tite pnisoer, itowvvr,1 sejd lte funniture wmhutnt btaliug -5 Jotbn'u parmnisuion. On. Moore vas tae pureitasar. Siete ld Moore that it vas ber furnilumu, kucving ber sîstemaul 10 ha talse. Iu consequeuce efthIis taiesstatement, Moora vas lu- ducadtotePi>' for thte furuilume. John!~ 1aBon aflerwards seizeti il, anti Moare wgas tetraudet et bis moeu>'by veason et the niisrapruseutaticu cf Ibm prisouer. John Mooraeveonu: I bongit e suit of rep fnrnilureasa Dr. Hilary's sale fer $58. Braîvmithe auctioneur, cama lire tiys aflerwants anti tohti me I,!rs. Wiiay- vautod ltae moue>'. I tld hlm I wenît settie vith Mrs. Wilsy hersait s I bat a conrtra accounulMr. Vil4y vaasiet.the diaoitcunIry', sud Mrs. Wiiey vas in charge et the businesse. Whett I aterwards, pali Mru. Wilé-y. 1site saiulthie furuitnme vas bure. I did met ask ber an>' questions. I moult ua, bu positive vie itea L <as betome ou atter 1 palîl the maue.v/tuIstchu 551i the fututture vas bers./ Thu turnitur. vas eizedul ndet a clîtîtel iocmgaci hoIt b>' Thomias Jobnsleui, aftar 1 pail Ion il. Cross-oxamnoot: Mv. Goulti anti Mv. Roeel atvisetlru tala>' the in foru'atien. Mr. Hoyau vwas Johualenem iavycr anti camaeilte aizure tei lie ffiade. Il vas t>' his aivice 1 gaveilu up. Iii net knotv viose u nittireilu vas tlii fter Dr. HilIat-y's sale; Brev, tliu nie il wae Mme. Wley's. -No ont- elso old me <ictars I paidth ie moue>'. Jolîan Drevuownesemun .Iecidthelii turuitumu on Lotit December, hast, st Dr., Hilarya sale, b>' Mrs. Wililly'.- Pordure. 1 vas preseul vîten Moerc pa dlier. Thiere vas nethîlua sai tei lween Mrs. Wiey anti Mocre, as lts- saîtîsmunt, axcepi about às>tisputet acceunl. I bat tld Moore il vas Mirs Wieys8 fumilure about a mcuthbehoae lte sale cf il le bum. Crees-eaarinat:. I batl a vekly sale aI my adcien roatus. I inlenoe' ta oeillte fumnilure as sevumal sales at ni> veoma, but lte sales venu stijoumu- et hecause ltse days veme stan>'. Macro came on ltese occasions tu biat on lte fumniture, as I bat previeusi>' talai hini about il. The invoica pro- stribigwt uss otDlado? r Witness : Tite>'ave bot et eue irm - .-Donaituan & Laidlav. Mr. Camieran :Dia yeu tell Wiiey t- Bel satvar>tting anti pa>' off the. notes 2 Wiluoa : Ne. His rLavtsiip:- How ceuil te>' pa>' off liae notes tou iflte>' more net le r Witness : Th.e>'vers la ssii the gro& -caries oui>'. Mr. Cameran : Wbal votaIt ycu say if Ibrue men uav in court, Brao, Pebersq, anti Cragg vers te uweav ltaI yen toidthtem WUaey vas le sdI uven>'- tllinig tlay off the notes. Would yen r ivear tha>' vaeebellug a lie ? Wituess : There vas oometiug-.sait r hIku lit. a Mr. Cameman : What haîra yau dane villutltae man's fuvoiure yen loeok a fromlm s ita-r ho paitifor It P, S Wilun s: 1Isold t i fr #6 Mr. Camrcu : Hmd nol Wiley pali lite notea itaI vt ersate befare N". IWiie>' sciaithé furni t;lre. a WitnAeS:Ye, aiounting la $400. s i'. eudersei : 'rhst le the case a Hlm Lcrtiship : I secZnc case te go te a Mr. Htienona: I cotîfeal I ai dis- Ippiltedl viti thle evideucu. v is- Lom-leip: I bava mocit. plees- r 4r nieMrlWiy, in sayiugyeu are dis- re argt,, itiotlcaliiug fe>r tle ta- yfenoà. Tieis e ano evitetlôe la support Lcrdsbip ve concludedlici no fLiants tion litnf selanti vas antivol>' inored. We.deaivu,,alec. la e;prèou rlthank§4 go your- Lordshlp'for lthe kiot anti op prapriate ettissbéereveotering 'upen ourdtles, anti believe ltaIst . hlil. toe cf lthecaiendar aI b tIsotrof I.uizàt ,lu lu a great meoasire cviug la the rustrictlous ulaced'b>' Cteé-Légise- ,tare ' onls, &c., anti b>' icamening lthe tomber cf luceneas issueti lu lieCant>'. l ise. ltat lthe>'have, viuited lte-Con nan Qed cf lte Cont>, aut havg- nuca pleastare lu teutifying laelits good ,mtier toerein, aintalned, as vehila h it «oeraI cleanlinese; il luSI.ale- natter ai mach satisisotian la tintn rer>' fov priecuars incarceraStuIbre at preant, andi nana for Vary'-grave cf, sunces ; ve areorry 10 tindt litI Iere is one persan ItemsltaI vonîti ho a fil nmaIt' for a luinl umn, antiwoitlt tuggeel laulteé anîhoralie ltaIbits r- naval ltoere h o'coîpllshet as acon as possile, vbere ihe v=lbe more hikel>' co recelve ltaI sullable Irealmeut ltaI Meay tend léatis herecover>'. Wo aloandusire otirav ltse attention - oi ltse autherlîios ta lthe prasent mse- thel' f b Oaci, âasiyprsancf crtay, agiLit>' voîlie h l lascale lte valli ant ffeet'titeir .oscape viit. out tiificuit>', anti voulti sîrcugl>'ru- connt litIlthe value aiflthe Geai bu draesedti laa saeotit surface, andti lt lte valer-clasets ho preperl>' socuret b>' iven gratiugs or altervise iunder- ast. -(Siguoti,) MICHAEL CHAPMAN,- Feveman. Wîitby, Apri(telh,7. rf Tte Campbell Divorce Biil.- THE CASE AS IT NOW STANDS. The telloviug bler frai hliteHe. -Wn. Mactiaugail, lunltheCamipbell ivorce sage wvioleas brongit heome te Senate lest session, ant islunav ce- cupying lthe attentionoet litIbat>', vili be reati vita interest b>'lthe public : lua tleusesion et 1876, Robent Camp- bull petitioeti Parliament for a BiIl et Divorce a ciucule (rom bis vite Eliza. Marie Campbell. The bill vaa ruferret lu the usuea>' l oa aselect commutte. efthe Sonate la heur lte evidence. i vite appeaeetianti vesistedthlie sp. .plicahian. After a patient itaaring cf vituosuas anti caunsul for 18 days, lthe commillos reparbêt againsî lthe peti- lianer ; thé>' foundtihui the ovitencu tii net austaithe charge of atutor>' gaiteîhie iteý. SesSnae journal, p. -187. Thte Sonate au a. subséquont ta>' adeptet lthe report. Journal, p. Whihe lthe patitiouer'e case vas hoe- fore cammitto. Mrs. Campbeull petitian- eit thte Sonate te amen thlie bill & Robert Campbeull, se as; ho givehemeltae relief te vitici thetovidouce sadttee betorethe comnîltte. sitauied h. vas 'entitleil. Hon pi-titian vas refurrut te tii> garseceniilîl. Journal, page 181. Tite coimittue bsving vaport tbal Ihe>' feandt liaselvus unablu le canaiter the:qoul8ien et aieuting lthe bll ais pt-nyet bor b>' Mme. Campbell wititout instructions te thual effeat,-ttce Sontate insîmnoledthlie ctnmittue to suquire infc the IrulI 'cf tbe aliegatione in lier pehitian (via : erueit>', desemîlon, refusailoaf auporl, &o.,) sud-if lthe sait <hi-gatiens more feaunt e be troue, thefi te "reotî uxhal menuimeuta taeIth- tîli s moultscure thle patitioer sut responteul respoativul>'te riglilsi aud privilèges vhiciu moult be si-caret: Lhpitautsr a tecreaetofju-ticial separ- thion in Englauti." Objection being mate, theu Sonate atiopted thu musoluý lien inslmncling lthe canunutlo b>'- ConttIoule 5; non-contents 16. Jour-- cl, p. 161. The cenimita. Ibereupen enquimuil ito te LaIutit et Ke. Canielu a mleg- abiin, anti reportetiLtaI lbe.>'-fcunii tai btrue, accerdîng te lthe evience." Journal, p. 178. -- Theu coîmilue alec reperbe theit axuenimuats te. lte tii, proutasetilt>' urs. Campbaul's cnsal, viticit,-.ite submittat, wvenît offeet lthe abjecî lu- teotet b>' ltseSonate lu their instruc- tion ltelite committee, via. ;asours te bth parties Ile rigitte eut pmlvilegeu mhiaia,-in Engiauti, are usual>' obtain- et b>' a "1juticiall-séparation." Jour-nal, P. 179. Titese amuntimenlu moult, in lthe opinion of the cemite, "fera a new precetient in legisîstlon," lunliais ceun- try', sotdlthe>'reconmuendethat, as lthe sessicLn ws rawing te A close, anti Iliums vas la vant oetLime nalarul>' la cousîder the prepeset clauses," their considération shouit bu teterroti until Lhe nexî seseion. Journual, p. 179, 180. Bessons wîy lIhe hill shoulti te amendet as preposeti - 1. The Sonate, b>' ils adoption et tue Report of Lhn Select- Coîmittee refuîing Rotiert Camipbeillhie bi11 et divorce on ttîo gronu that hie hadl net provet ieiswife gulul>' et an>' ffencu vhich vuaich c-ntitle'd bine a itlihas -afirmot heer rigittelaail lte privilegeis amui botiefils cf hier maminge ceutract. 2. Tite Sonate tas, b>' ils action, aaunîlmud tovorruieîithe verdicts anti jutignints of ali infemlor tribunals: miiaitere baset anthe assuniption Ihi Mrs..Csîpshi commilteti stulter>' as ailegei. 1t 8. Thte Sonate is net cul>' lte bigit. et, but lu respelciofOntarlail it te on4i ,tribunal vitic i la ousliîntioually comupétentlte entertalu procetingu for divorce, a vineulo or a ieta et thora, sud thonefene iti lahIls cl>'tribunal On cenjunetion, vitit thé Commens) vitic le compétent te preàcnibe tit' termu anticonditions upon viticithlie latter, nov kuavu lun Epgland as "«juticial sepsialien," sitaîll. effectet. E. It la the eiely-lribuusi, because the B; N. A. Act <Section 91) duclaes ltaIt ltueexclusive. lsgislative sutharit>' cf-lite Parliamoul ci Canada extetats la ail mottera coing viithin-lte clase ai sobjeete Ibovein anumuvateti, anti 'u1nae-riage <and divorce" are expresh>' onuieratd. (Sub-sctiou 26.) E. Prieur te Confedérationtrocurt lu Uppar Caîtata tail jriiictiau lu dlivorce cases. TisCourt Oai bacr> hînahanti. Il le etil ibt site aboutla b te Adc f 185'7ai courilc enter the th. vifé stut«mros annuel 'itm of ual .eeditag hia regar t a hier fort hushanti, sudtola lieu Il Shah testa 7. Thete of c vfite e beefor 'landi. Il vas, priaeolc. TLues- divorce. Is lu net lvaasferrsd tIbI juriediclicu laean>'oîhler tribunal ina Outnla. Mn. Caipéililus fur lteliý. kint, cfdiverce, vbth by ltbe lavi of" Englaut thon and tihlI. in fce, uit. vaulti, on lits feole praveti betoeslthe Sanate Commiltea, -bave obtalmietin Englant. Ou-vitlpnincipla, an wvit caniteralien cf just ice or -publicepolio>, - eau site e aeniaàthe saie,_ or equel vigbls lu Canada ? 8. Almen>'fl net lthe ani>'objecl ai- item pétition. Diverci a mansa et thore which is. nav callod jittlcial séparation, securea la lb-ocsovlod or injuroti vite cter aud important,*dvatagas. The civil catie cf Quéec clasel>' corresponds vitith liaEngilih law, anti Il lius te- fanas ber statuea-- -Article 207--"Thte séparation (frem, beti anti boarti) nulievos the boutant cf bhe obligations ai recaivieg bis vite, anti lthevif. frai ltaI aofliving vitit iauf bushaud-ti igvas lthe vite the nigiat et choesiitg fer berseif e&-domicile alther tItan ltaï;cf ber bushantY" Article- 208.-'Separalata ram, bed anti boardi carrneis vila ilseparalion, ef praperly :it dtives lb. husant cf lthe rigite viieli ha ha&avlthe pvp- crI>' afi itifie, anti givesla'tevte f the rigbt ta chIaai resltittioncf ber tommy anti ai lb. proper>' lbaIsite brengblin lu arge,1&M. Article 210.-The selparalian rentie lte vite capable ai -sning anti being suati anti af conlreoliug alan.." &oe. Article 218.-*Eiito f Abe parties- lins separateti net-baving sufficiant muans ai subsistance- maye-btaii jutig. ment againaitecther fmr-a ali-men- tary pea'mios, wii i et b>' lthe Court acacerdiug toe ticondition, - mau-antictber ciraumutaucee cf ltse parties." Article 214.-"'The ebilten axe on- Imustadtle lthe part>' via aiobtaineti the separation unles lthe Court," &oe., "eorters fomrlthe grealor ativantale of lthe alaiirsu lit a lor sane ci them be entruiLeii te the cane cf the other party, er s third peruen." 9. Mrs. Campbell, living in Ontario,- canuol aveui-e rif etfltheeoquilable pirovisions cf lthe civil Cois of Quénbec, uer cflthe hic.equitlahs rviaen cf lthe EtaLiIsit lav, as ealniinisleired in lh. .Divorce Court, ustlea# Pau'Ziament cernes t e eu relief. Site As te-day a marriot veoman, desertet, antd4enied sitelter anti ailienl b>'lber hbanti, but subjecl l ai lthe dîsatilities sut inoatpaitilitîas cf tbe mnarniege relation. '10. Il lu sait Parliamet cannaI on. quire inte, or couveuienlly adjnsI, lb. relative rigbts of lthe parties in a caso of Ibis kint. But nil it provides- soile -thur. tribunal, Ihe dtint>' sa upen lthe Panliameul, and ti lfias the seaieinssus te aserlain lthe fubl, aud the sanie paver la, unfencee ils decigian. su in lthe cease ai ctlJeLivalebille. île set in law sud binda ill couvIs, ail pei- seup, sud ahilpropent>' vithin ihsjuis- diction. 11. Thu proposecl amenilmeulu la lies bulle if adopteti, vil l tiater te a oom- puteul tribunal lte dut>' ai enquiring- inla antdjulitng the rigit of Ibese parties, a tam as lthe> topent tapon facsenot viluin t. tnawletige cf lthe Parliaient, or fnl>' pravet hofore ltae Sulect CaMmiltes. - 12. Even ltsé comman-« law vigial oi uver>'marnet voma telaplotge hor huisband's credit for tasceusaries, cataucl, as site Is. atvisot, bho enfoncut in Mrs. Csnipbeil's case, beesuse ltse jittgîsul cf Vice Chanceleor, Blakce, ruefusing lier hermon iu'on ltae grounti aif adulten>' la slili, tecituical>', iu farce. Thte evi- douce on irbic t litijutgmeint vas baseti vas net believet b>' the jury, lu ber action for 111.1 against James Camp. bull, bem bushand's, brother, and tiA vas prenounetd untrue b>' the Select Committee, atter a, most patient tuar- Ing ut-vitih lthe jutgmeu cf tii. Vice Chancelier hefere tem. 13. The ventilaI in ltheaction et drim. con. againel GCordon vas baseti, indter - 1he direction cf the juige, oun oviince et ta confession, ivoru le b>' Campbell ndl Andersou, vhich vas suasquonti>' shovn bv lthe oatits cffaon respectable andi tisinterealtdwitnessee vito beamt Ihe conversation te, ho a pure inven- lien-an infemons perqury. The short- haut report cf 1he stuidetas e fore the Select Comniltea esî- ablisiethIis point cencluaively. Even lthe Vice Chanel- 1er atmite lts. RH ase.11tfonal be,, lieve Gordone mate an>' admission of lIse gult on lte mîcning'ai 1he 271b, vhen ho vi as confroutetil b>'Anderson anti .Caipbehl.'-Greut's Çhaucery Re- ports, val. 22, p. 86. 14. Il bas besu sai th lie courte are open laluIrs. Campbell, and a he eau-- appi>' a.secondtlime for &aliny>," te nut-r tome-a ,comiertablo ufintsion- mit ie jces anti relatives, whobeuh staüortt u Aninry, v. hiile, ha denies tW ChiaI Jusl ail crimes attribitot dlrinks, an assertion. huaIttis I position t., Is unsoun, Gloesfe ho pntîing us, la sa>' -able. Il i W que.a a man in s excellent auPit" ; bc -means ci t dispute. J quite-suffic la show 1h traled ul 'This is a n scarcol>' ha ý- orrepî ru, lu commet great ME~i resonso rence in lh at>', at tmuzukennet ablhe, ar natre?2 oncy ho cour titaugit no bapu in jui eitb lt gereus, an farin>' part enain>' la-s evor, be fra argumeuul i tumperauuce as tla eîbu bonuet>' cf Drancenna can ho ne ho any dot bitionletusa ougit te ho utd -dpi bers coinés sistene>'1 ot bave nolti the poar it tompteti. - vers neyer ha Prevunte vins or -bei lu1 quantitie beg it abus Ilium t>'a î Il 1»' sois lsv. A-dru chilt, mn !di be laI biza Faucy Som aver-visa pI \t-e a prison-i asking lte i W bhava Ibei anti racaivi veuit rathot cter iun's votaIt net ha -on yenr ih cootiding -Auj via>'ever>' 1 freinitaving ltaI cotait sheal. Even titere la no adoption cf tou mcrai -witoru even> ever>', libe rty vaysetumu-ot a motel yer site geta'tee, titis vay. The muai Niiew are ; tari er an, avajilble. au means for -Admunkennesq 'm iasuraet e tees net hl antiappt-eu portion cf maltes au>'pi uameT-Saucit s oporaian la - support -il, c cause- il va TitesetvatE Tiiers is, itow mou>' vitese a viiitet ivo 1 qu

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