Tarins pdr Annam, mpoaç~p a " ~a~with edvoieoe. ý,-.'rder ontuue dverti.ementsi ,W ilTýBÃŽY BUBAÀWCOR, TROUAS DOW, MANAGBR. ]D( A&NION BANK. W II I T B Y A GE N C Y. Also Sub-Agency Lt Llvorppol 1Market. $&vingt Departroants 'in counotian wlh both offices, wbeso tterest ls pal d on dupa. site 0i 1 lnawards. 'Wlîtby, Sept. 151h, le VOL. XXIr. W. B.' MoGÀ'W, -eR~OPRBET019. Wilh extensive Plist Claus Acoaods. tiona, a funl aï oà %$ titi" ad pbliglu..s miltauts, the Chai ' I'he ark6t for 1h., Table and Bar and dhargos modeirato, the travelllun pbhcr andti hê ptlà la'ewa Wtl'ini hs Wulkor gouâe mainlb. on. vouleuad,> canif at ýwbh htsi Os, furnish. P'3ort Parry, Sept. Oth, 1878. 87 J OHNSON HOUSE, EASY MAREET SQUARE, TORONTO. W. G.JOHNSON, --PROPRIETOB. q1miNsN'AND MfR, GROR Prof. Il LubÇar the tâlebto4Sasloa éan b. engaw dfor Oonoerto, $ob -Musical evsatasub.e AT TEEI H. B. TAYLOR, EtS* o ay tblgi -]fGLEN MAJOBLM Il. J. NACDONELL, 1AWnU!ÀNCERT & CONVYÂNOING ,à lisa, South Wing Court HUuse, Ar. tau ewlt for speclal retalner-ol son. Mr. ilaniaronQ.Cio., n4Dr. MoMlobel,Q.O FARIIWELIL & "RUT1LEDGER, B ABUSTIURS, ATTORNETS, SOLI. allas-, Notas-loi Public, anti Couve>'- Office, iroi daor soîth cf lii.Rayai ffctel, *hltby. - l JAMES ]RUTLEDGE, B-. A J. E. FAREWELL, L. L.B.,, Covnty Cravu Attos-ney'.ta JAMS S <IITIX GORDON, -B AMSTIP. un ATTORNET'AT.LAW, Saolcito- Iu Chémcery', Canveysnaar, Noter>' Publia ko. Offico-Ovor Bfn. Ad- dîan' stare, ack Street, Wliltby, Ont. CHKARLESI C. KELLER,, V ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITO;R IN A o. banéeryrionvoaie,&. atig (ou, Brook, 0.* vescrd.Cnl- * ]LYMNI ENGLINII, L L. B., r>ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN 1> Cance-y, onvyaucr, k., m.I- *coStreet, Oshawa. G. Y<>UN11 SMITH, LL. B., BARIS B$ O RNT.AT- LAW, kmay uli,&., ko. fleea-McMilan'a tiloale, llrock Street Whitby, Ontario. ILate Groamvoot k MoMillan.) I3R1RSTER, ATTOR-fEy, SOLIO- 1tor, Notay Public, Canvoyancer. (A1- fice-Iyron Street, SautS eitPPait Offlée, Whitby, Ontaria. JOBINSà N &KENT, A TTOR2NEYS,, SOLITORS, -ONVEYANCERS uic., OFFIE-Prcîeci-sZAssuraises Bmilditigs CUURs STREETs, Tonicown JG. RammEsOiN.0X. à HERBER5T A. E. ENT.s 89 jOWN CtElIKAN!) TREASURER, TWitby. Otllc-Tavn Bai. .Haun fom.9 laoi 'eloek. Rt- J. G1rriTNN, MI. D., S UG.NTb THE CO2UNTY GAOL, D tr. W. 3. BURNS. Orsi;-!ex-oxto eCanaNICLE Office. Le, Retoideisce, ai Ms. Lewis Houck'a. Ili. IllaDl[iN, -I.l, l.R.C.N., fUY'S EOSPITAL, LONDON, ENO., thite oyRI. O. H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. W. AAS', M*,DIENTIST, (SUCCES. ss- ta W. H. Cas-s.) Dental Itoome-Dundes Street, Wb 0bdoer Mn. Jamcsou's Store. Nitroua au eà q dmlnisteneti for-île pailsss ex- tractIéofai bth. C, X. VARS. L. t. . EBI inscrted on all the tes0 esa shie choapaîlt, sud as goati as lhe hoat. Taotl filled -ailI GaIS sud Silver. 1'aellîexîs-ecti vithoul ain, b>' producing local suotse. DentalHonnis-m Coir au'a nev block, aven Atklnaan's Dnng Store, King Street, Oshava. 8 T I &9 t419DEVERILL, - ULDRAND CONTRACTOR, - IUNDAs ST, WEITEY. Or AilUsors pramptly ecuteti JOI1It' OBINSUN'se IJAIDILESSING AND SHAVING Saloon, Bs-ock- St., Wiitby. AGýNT. FOR -THE CELEBRATE!) fi. cotiel Granite. At fas-ble Wors of rJonsathan Wolifodon, Dundss SI., Whilhty. GEORGE VORisACK, sîiîstly on hauti. FfE. O'DELL, A T Hi E R L Y , Clark Dl"tvislon Court, Tp. Clark, cosnsslsianor lun1B. R., Lanti Agont. kc., ito., AtherI>', Count>' Osaria. AIhenlv 8-ut. Onti,1872. 5 1 OR. 9RG-RT,. P'lyeieisu, Siurgeon, Accoucher, km., 'kc. Wiithy, Sept. 301h, 1874. 40 R DT.-11AMSAY, M. D., L. Mé. EDIN. i+ratisi4lo lwlIIs loi-i niftle Universiyof QîeiinCllega, Canada; Phîladelptiia Ufni'. ai ModioIne ana-i urgery; Amas-stan Usili. of Pennejylvau-ls; Eclectioe bolege ai Penusylaians i LcotaeeoetMicrafla>' ai tisa Ui, aiflldiiilurg, Seollanti. Cos- aises- ion the County of iOutîrio. Office- Coldavator lSt., Oilîlsa. Alsgust 1101, 1875. lyr 88 W. .J. i1NIA'4, (aUCCEssoas TO J. CESsat.) n t Arnansrossg'a hlel; Whitby, oves- Tues- îlay tram 10 îo 4. vies-e h. me>' hscanaulte] eut411ai aisi ithe 'lamestls, animais. Raslenc,-Cmunnail ftal l ffic- Cartsr'soDs-ug store, Ring strcaet, babsa. jWaitbyiîlot Os-si.1876. If-Ai HORSE.,MEDIGINES. Àiludeorpttong of île-bes as -s M iSl îlueskeptoeuseaIl cu. anatorqwae At the. , albyL1ves-y $8lelî. i-dPS ohar-ge foran ati. N .RAY. DEALER IN- LUMBER, H[wauosfilsaud a aplenit stock oa i fluecan nIis ol seaaont-I Lainier. Al klutie for urpeand bsilding ~puespassa. 1 i pooiniudtiDrossailuiner alwaya on Isaust i, rau'i pîanlng MMîliadjolniug; an lhe prau9auos aviiro orders aroe romptly RAY8 WHITBY,, ONTARIO. Ranse nowiy ranovatad. an& f urnished throughout, sud put in flrst-class order. for ha reouptidu i oeta. Âoaotlbutansd rom afai s. irt-cias. $ample roomi. 0 NTAîM HOTEL *WÉITBY, ONTABiZO. TEOS. MA4ON, PROPIIIETOR. superlor ecoomodâtion. Table, aupplled with boit ln sea.au. Gonin. liquars. Ofrgars, boit brands. Bllad rom, Roomy salsud sheds. 40-tf GAND TRUNE RAIT WAY HOTEL, AT WEITBY STATION. WALf O'NEILLe - PROPRIETOR. Partiem tlng lie train sud esvlug barges vil bave tjaorn vltaten tcar. af tll e reluru. THBE QUEEN'S ECiTEL, (LAI oumocsuciua,) BROOK-STRLEET, vfliYEY, TAYLOR k McCANN, PROPRIETORS. TIse uuderslgued 1desire ta lforn lheir 1 fs-landesud the publia lIat île>' have takent the abovewval known botel, which lhay ialve newly fittcd up anti rensvatidl, andi put1 isoathe beet ai arde las- tIse accommoda- tion af gueule. TIhe Bar, vhlcl is the handi- someat su the Counly, ila vol supplied viii the finegt brands 'of wine, lquors, sud ci gara- Ample encloseS sueS rooni antigodI eaaling, box atallm, ko. Dotachati sooms loir commercial travellera. J.. P. TAYLOR, ' PiLIP McCANN.f laIe of Tas-auto. R HTA OTEL, WRIT XIT Y, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. The largeaI and mout commodiaus hotel ini the tovu: has large sample raarus for commercial travellers. Table vsll supplIed 'wtth the hastiluseasan. Bestîbraud sliquora Idclgars. Enclossd yard and shedraam; lmntve hostlers. charges ta suit the N. B.-Liývery aitaohed. 27 -ARMSTRONG flOUSE, (LATII ALIBON,) WHITBY, ONTAILIO. E ARMSTRONG - PROPRIETOR.1 000,000 let Pine Lumber, veil$Ooscet. Incis Boas-ti, PloonlrÀ& 2 r 4 Seauilg, 100,00ft0lstak , Maple for ailes, lot quailty, 18,000 IL Square Timbon, Aile 1cf hsviihsii oioaphfor cash. dop~ iue 6 day. lunlbtheek, Lafer s-y - E. MAOR, Dec. IOtb,-187c. Pr lroti D0 ! NEWS FOR TEE LADES. À NEW REVELÂTION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MAKE. CORNWALLIS SELP41ITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Dresaes flîteti ironimosans-orent alan, vitisoul change cf a etitcah. Par sale, viti fre instructions, ai MISS McINVTYRE-S DREBS-EAKMG ROOM5, vEITuT. tAgents vauheci. Lilas-ai inducenieu to li trade. Wbhbj', Aîg. 18, 1874. 84 G(. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0P MARRIAG E LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LE-ND an F ans ansi Town Props-t>',ut LOW IRA T E S SEAMIJTUAOL IRSURANCE 001Ye; =&taeEIAD FFIC7E, BtOZ T. WHTY lé sss This 0amipuy tniuras PamnBuldings, cx.i-ountry Olurolia, SohoolÊ=s1 ndtd . ~IBAEE8, l. BGEL I atebofc'lIsurau oeo Uethat u cents viU inaure $100 for Ividvo cuthu. r.T.Q ,IB "AMEO1 As urano Company.7 CAPITAL, *400AMoo TIs ad an4 wol! etablliic ornp4nyf o s- p s -p e s -d t q ' c e n isl" u in n il c a s s c rates u > oia si ,hs aouneof a=y vel = 2 ,tCoapinlaCanada . ý - blà aloltnon'isiirtiou.prpetlu. asre sti Cbe yoareor lm sat = 10Wly oi Lombard sI. AntiOhaing Crouu, Landau. zaTABi1omaD XX1782. GILLESPIR, I[OPPAT & 00-1 Agents for? Canada.- JAMES DAflD»SCW, - Manseger. lùuurscs eumi iauu by Pire as-meffeat- ta on the meut reasanablo ternis, anti louaez esid wilbeulirefareuce te liheBoard in Lon- L Agent, hty Apnil 121h, 1878. - 18-17 T RE"STAACON"PIRE IPE ISRNECOMPANY. Financial Result-o0- -1 MontS. BusI- ness ta pet -Dec,., 1875. IAnliarlreti Capital ........... soe,oea00 5Subscs-ibed Capital------------..2,800000 Psid up capital ................. 200095 Gavarument Doposit. (Firl.80000 Governmenî DepeaitL e. 50,000 Total Rayonne, Pire Psemuas, sud IntAresi--------------*»* 228778 Total Loases.................... 6528- Investeti Pinde ...........*-----0194718 Cash iasbaud-anti Doposit.....49,198 Other Asseta ............ 6 9i88 Total Assets------------...0298794 This Company hau nov eutsblliti dilseif, anti baj, 21 B ranches and 207 Agenciea iu the Daominion. GRO. J. PYKE, Manager, 101' C. NOURSE, AgonI, Whitby. afi nterest. Fo a tsler particules-a Apply ta- JOHN FAIlQUHARSON, -Wbitby. ÀsWslst 15tis, 1876. 84 w HEITBY BOUSE. BRTES DUNDAS-ST., -WHITBY. (WEST OF- POST OFFs-aCE.) JOSEPH A. I3ANDEL, PROP1IIETOR. This boute ba isas en ecotly huit, le large and roumay. eut ltted Up in finst-clasa style. Bout Wisses, Liquoarsaud Cigars; sil Luges-Becs-. Gocti siabling sud en- claset yard; attentive asIles-a. 46 -O\MMERC.lý IIOTEL OARTWRIGEIT, ONT. JAMES DEWART - PROPRIETOR. Coud accomusodatiois ti-12 jON.ET TO LEN!). Tise unteioagueti Isaan>' anounl ai mon- o>' ta Lent upon Pas-m os- Town Psopesty, et unusiail>' Loy Rates et Interesl. Loaus-c.n lie nopaiS la surna la suit bas-- noves-s. Sevenel lapr--od aFus-ms anti Witi Lands, fan ssle cleap. Issvetmeuts mate-in. Municipal Deban- lunes, Banak, anti allen manketatalel Stocka. For furthen particules- applyhto JAMES HOLDEN, -Officiai Ausignies, Bs-otan, &o. Bprîl 911. 1872. 16 WILLIX COUPER, J3LACESMI Ti, - - BROUGHAM, (Success- ta Thomas midangI,) Horse slsocissg andi ail kints ai genes-el work. 1-52 M ONEY TO LOAN. The National lnvestment Com- pany of Canada, ILIMITED.) LienS Moue>' an Real Estate. Puschas. Existlng Mogages. Barraons à wilb sund lthaCompany'o las-mm mosderace, vith spot-ilSfacilities fas-paying W. I. BILLINGS, Agent, -Solicituor, &c., Whitby. $3.00 -o ysiaaoF-umsdOenassd ta Ira-est in Mortgrcge Form Security. 44 B ROUGIIAM CARRIAO!o WORRS. S. WEBB Iiaapectfully infurmns 1 Petros-nsd tic Pahlic tat e bas puschasod the Rgît fer :11Picakerng, ta, Maisulsetanre Conboy's Patenit Seat WHITBY, ONYARIO, Imuporters, jeaiere sud Manufactureo nai 1 Kins of LEA THER AND FINDINOS, Cash puiS for Hides, Babrk. sud Leetien. Leuthers etelieti. Le' BELTING MADE TO ORDEB ON - SH7ORT NOTICE. Ma-Y 1872. 22 m ONEY TO LENDI À~ ~ i s larg. untcu ony t ei aIloy Forsasie, seveni Tain lots, tva Fs-smo Housesa, antis les-go Brick Bous. For tes-ms, appi>' la G. YOUNG SMITE. Wlihby, Feb. th, 1874. 7 Bege te annaunce liaI ho bas remivod la King Si.. e 1ev doora EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, opposite Laite'a sbov-nooms, visese vin be fonS a fine stock oa ilutanti bIt ibats for ladies andi gentleman, of bis ovu mesnu- facue. i-" Slrew lats colos-eS sud ellerei in shajie. Oshawa, Jul>' ti, 18,16. 89 c OAL CHEAPER THAN EVEIt 1 DOWN AGAIN!1 Cal sund gut pricesaut Wiilhy sudaOshawa. Sept. iith, 1876. 88 CUerousa DEPAUET. Ottae, NOV. 8M1, 18763. J. JOHNSON, 4-f Commlmuloner ai Customas. L IST CF TEE IDIVSION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TEE -TZYAR 1877. Whitlsy.. 21,1il il 1 8 ) i Pan'Per-y 5 6 I9,221125 151 812,27 BUGGIES, CUTTERS &c.- csnl'gt'nIi7j 1 27 îlî~ Beavest'n fII1121 781 iiî11 Al parties will do val 1.se oua- Bug *iea AlhIl.. 'iI 111M9' 1 2) S' anti cottera, beoare glviug theis- asdonsis ez -- - __________ whoese. -GRO. 1K. DARTNELL, Broughiam, Jul>' 131h, 1876. lys--SaWh Junior Jutigo Whtby, Dec, 271b, 158. 1 JOEN S.-M. WILLCOX, - ~ ILA" RAILW.&Y 0F (lAIs-DA. OFFICTAL ASSIGNEE, TI1lME -T A BLEB. Gain g Nos-tb tram Part Hope la Lintia>', ke asvete ie a fontsthIsRay e>'Baves-ousmitQiOjla Station ta tie offieof D. 0rmistou Esq., 'PaePa- o- T. H. MoMilla'sBlock, Bsoct-St., Wmîby. M" l..1010Port god..SÂp. WUby, Ian; 101h, 1877. 8M-4 Mi.. 01 .m1Xmd 8sp - - - - i - ~~Golug Nos-tIs to Potesbora'&lceili - - loTE',Leavo Mdilbroot: yOU GS HTL Mal...... 8:25 P.n Mail ..... 11.40 p.m=. 5iONÇIt 8c4D, DALTON, Comisng South fs-as OnIis ta, Lindsay', Pelas-boni' ansiPart IHep.. BOBT. K. YOUNG, PIIOPRIETOR. Leeve Crila- - Reliabla isafosmton neaesding the coun- Mail ....- 12-80 noon. As-Pt Hope 0:20 p.m. tr-y, etc., tus-nîshedt t ies sequlring It- ComlugSoutis fram Lakeielti. amuple accammodtitoi for Huntars ana- Spartumen. The bar andi lus-sen supplieS jmail ...8.0 a. a. 1Mau ...... 8:00 p. a. 'ssith the liestr ai liquara ant i vande ta ho Conneets viti lbe Niplsit Rally>'l fossindil IacounIs-y. Noue but ab 9 ngansifsos Tas-auto ant i ats atO uttionas anti attentive servants kepl. Cearnydosis t Milbroat for- Petesrbaro' anti Os-IBI, an? slabllng an'i prompI8t Salesalvuyaou01vus hGrandTrmu Poat g baud. in andi evsulug thtra ,t ad est, RO0BERT E. YOUG Sî..Nos-emn a19 s.rn for-Bocists-. R--G -T-"L I0 - -f. f ipr 76 Depasil vith ibl5oision Gaverument $50,- 000. Erponienceti Agents tis-oughaul lie Dominion. F-R iaswitersat AdoquotRaîe8. C. NOUESE, Agent, Wlithy. INSURANCE- COMPAýNY (s-ME AxID LMV) CAIALi Io - $0 000,000., Y EMAiOGIBSON, Muer1als, or 'a.sur . ualu uas us 44i iref hrg.Âdxivein tu he spreadinw vieu, Als 511 5amps 61w,"$ on bau&d.r.t fflwrLze7 AtthoCà 'ntemufl made fôrglbeiýegh sth gÃ"ICLU of0£". Whltby, Oemo.v Will tltere êb aïde4ns vbose wevél fruit OfficePdul@ AlItag,<a the, St4er5 Mens sua rmeli the 4sy, Of111S, Port porry. » Amu omes wbée s érntoe l fWILILOox,, Andi do nt adae "aY2 PrneAlibrI, Sept. 4hJ 9 W. uo 1~JmTEY3Ub~E~ORKS Tacirne à ylg of the saul (LAYE CLATTON'S) Ch, Lord oflif,nar baude are fu 0f th7 aweel ifau -aug BBOKSTREET, WHITBy. To ths e t a.e j vrl0Thy lave - l flrefrm avo. ,'ilb shwn T h i. u n d er ug ed , b4 g t in fo rm th e fa rm . InB ar t a o n a Iv e m y e erg~~~~ aiticarau imutr', liai ho bas Or wbit the slghts tiaI ltraonMay bc, lun stock a largeasmortasecf Cuttlng 2Thou kzow'st O Saveroîgu of th. es,0 Baxes, Chura, TK=1Drille Ho0rse Balcon,-.n oci elas. Mon, 1 ý , urtJepuln w Anid as vo avit, oh, teeh us EUHl &0a.. &0. 1 eTreWh1.arou Thou, hast a kuîrdam$ven hors'- Repalrlng of al l intis exécuted wlth 'Siia.on no wlth hy Spirit, Lord, n ana sdedspatch. Ai i ikeIbslcnawladge aber. THOMÂS MoCMiN. flM Brook-St. The Chimera ai the Coach. Wbltby, April dthii-1876. lylS(IE 001cî 7. fOMIION FLOYB IEDSTRE CHARLES PENNYLEGION Eeg. -te uallfy hiesfrinde and customers, that ho i. nov proparadte t suppiy Flour ana Feod of the Beet Qusity, at tha lavest living pricos. Flour, Corn, Chap-Feed, Brau, Shorts, Oat- mnal, Cracked -Wheai, Pos, Oats, Pa- hatoas, &o., ut Whoale ai ldoeti. Olieaper thathe / Cheapeat for Cau/t. At thie Domninion Flaur and Feeti Stars, Crasby's Block, Esat doar, Duudas Street, Whitby. CHAS. PENNYLEGION. Whitby, April 241h, 1876. 18 VAISES AND) TRUNKS. LEATHER VALISES AND 8ABATOGA TRUNKS, &o., &o., et gadiar antiBas-ou a Mier, - B5CdK-5Y., WEITBT. lune 24. 187.2611 S. R. WIOKETT, Impo-ter, Manufactuzrs anti Whoà eîse Dealsr lu Leathars, Shoe-findtings, Etc. Sols Agent fan Ontario of J. H. Moone>". celeiretet Calas-ad r.ud >aney Lestions: No. 52 COLiIO0RNE STREET, TORONTO, ONT. Ly.38 -P. 0. Box,.521- F ISALE CIIEAP 1 A Brick Cotlage usas- Business Centre lu tie Tovu ai Whithy. For price sud tas-me ap t MRt. WM. THOMPSON ' Sasdier. Whit.by, Foi>'. 201h, 1876. Viciamor rantiims n,uo have triediiina vey kuovunenad far thaie ir cueor n- ers-m eus ass = a t u e d m â l s a n h a o s l , a n t i â~ dn hqu Mbas 1 i5 gnts.Ad General Commission Marchant and Produca Oea/ar., Agenltas-r ImsEU L a-sa&. utCaauaImacsuA.UN- ION Fine Insunce Couspunicu. RATES 0F INSUR4,NCE LOW 1 Also Agent for tie LoxDan~sd Cà NADIAN LoAN AND ÂoENry COAsNsY. Moue>' boan- oS on s-el astute, payable tram Tva ta Twelve yeers, and in aunas ta suit partiea. ___ ites-est loy sdaa ocommsiaon elsrgod. Monigegea bougîl. W. J. GIJISON, chuna ra sStore, Duids St., WhiIby. Wlilhy, Mes-e lô161, 1876. 12 L I vE R y. Begs ta intrs hlus froenda anà t ti piailla thet le cens-es ou tise Liverybu nmse t RAY'S OLO STAND.~ Pars-lianquls-ng eauveyances-cayered sud apon-cen ho eccammodaltied t a masent'a ]RICH. PIERDON. Ç 0 O1Ia E Whltby, Sept. 12, 1675. i3ANBBS: itrnscuAL unvsE: MUSLONS BANK - (0. A. BAYNE8, E8Q., M.D. Heai Office las- Canada: 191 k&193s s. James Street, Monts-oui. FORBES k MUDGE, Chiot Agenta. B.E.H. LIWDER, Agent, Wihithy. Augusit 011, 875. 17-88 NORTE BRMITS & MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Ssa, anti roliable, chas-gos moderato, prompt oettlemeut ofcdmia. GEO. MlJE, Agont. WhiIby, lune 2, 876. 28 JAXES W. REALL, CONVEYAhTCING ANDi GENR- AL lNSUUANCE AGENT. The Clos-k vin ie lu hia office lu tle Tawn fllfClumbua, on Mondays sud Frtlayes, fer. Township buasiness. Office baurs, 9 a. s. ta Sp. a. APPLE TREES, AIl 0 U T 409000, -AT TR- HOME NURSERY, Prom a t toulr years of &goornbsacg &U tisa bost Varleties. SETE C. WILSON, Lot Na. O, 2uti Cou. Plekering, on Elagatan Roat, ast Offiae, Whitby. S TAGE BETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA. Leaves Oshawa aI .80as, a., and 1, P. M. Leaves Whitb>' ah 10.80, a. m., anti 4.80, p. M. Pus-o 25 cnte each va>' Winl cauiet aul ieaelao , ands t private residences (vhen os-ters are Sof1 et au>' oi tia batela jConnece*is viiOsawa anti Bavmauvillomstageo- a"maiti lie Wbltby anti Part Pr- Rd ,ant ih Bs-angh- im mail ai Whilby. Whllby, Mas-ch 121h, 1875., 1-tf JOHN L. wATEIS, mAILlr ~ a-a -- IVERPOOL MARKIET 1 Anti Gonaral Coarpinlusion Ageni, PartL Pony>. CASH FOR GRAIN, A LLÂN LINE 1 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, CH EAP FAR ES! Cebi, fsrn Wltby - - $59, $79, OU9, acaartlng ta aeaarnaotitn. Interaotiate - ; - - - $40. Steenege-as loy as su>'aIses- lia.. Prepali passage cestficaaes issuat et lovest rates ta pensons wluhlug tio bng ont ionda. Fan tickets sud tusthon information spply ta- GRO. YULE. Exp. snd Tel. Office, .Wilby. Whltby, Augut 151h 1876. ti-S SALT! SALT!! 500 1 BAGS LIVERPOOL. 500 BÂRRELS GODERIOR, lait rocelveti anti fasrineb>' T. LAWLEE &, C0. SIMON & KELLEY, CIGAR MANUFACTORy, CIGARS miaufactu-etifra= boni Havane Tcbacc. The celobis-teà Il 8.L E" ;el tsai-,2 it-Utage,, ieUM Ta beedSebvenesi sh Frenchrnan's Bay. PLASTER, SALT, -4ND ÇPAL FOR SALE. J MONgY 20 L-à jMies Claries iGnislda Voro te Veos- -%surelises- aulanry young lady. Net Ihel abo really Ihongîl lies-salI madeof s boîte-Clay tissu thes-est ao isuunnity fer liestissa able seally vas mc ; but: vo-se ISsu oltisen, sice someti as if siso lisoughi sa, snd tison, wuatie smisiof. Tise miechief, baveve-, vas aI bonsi remet>',fer vWho vili nat fos-give lIe foibies'cf a ps-etty vaoanan nsi' :âdMiss Clarisea Oreele wvas xceediugly proîl>'. à nome oi equal stnalghnoeus vits bers hati ual ben mate mince tise tisys of t5e aucienl Greeke. And- is it nat thse immortel Mrm. Browning wbo says thal a hantisorn nse ia a Isant- rame face. theotaie- festures boing mes-ely satellites cf amail consequene? Bat Miss Gs-iseltimsatellites vers nal« 'ta lie sulbeul ; he on etis veu a rosoi Sud, bos- ohmie hd a tîmple' lu' 1,her oyes vas-o doop-iet. of the> dastest bine, vllb long brovu Isss, iber- forehoad vas vouderfnllyfai-, Se- oeeks oSera- ing>' pink, sutdSber pnnely golden bain, vith e naturel, vav ou asi ta it, mate a halo about ber hess iilutls-l esi lie tva rings o ai Saas-. Wisy slould sncb e yauug .vornan ual b. air>'? Snneiy mseb ataà s-i g lito ee Bo, if any au.Oed. LAt basf tis tbougist ber cousin RatinieRe Ha a bier slave., w Mise Clarisse vas au ospieu-ual ci the paîbetlo mtesup of visicli benaines are matie, misndersltood lu childhoo-, aboate t ofcithoir fortunes, antiouI>' rescuet rm a lobng blfe ai sebool- îmarin-ismu by the limel>' appéarance antiappropriats cauduot cf thse here. She vas a cansfortable as-phlan; sise had no houcbing necollection of ber parents, dit net knav, anti passibly dît mat cane ta tnov, hav, vison, viera, or vby tIse>' batdiot. lu ber oarly Youtb suie vas adopleol ly, ion sont and indle Dunanti, via, hav'iioving ~heurts sud no dugbtens of tis-ovo, doîssi opaone. Aid le- tbrsee cous- lus, Rodenict, Johsn, sud ns-ny, vos-e bnought op ta dote upon bon likotole.t By rigbt cf Se- Gracian nase, sshe nuleà lu tise boîsesolt supreine. Wbeneve- sue faIt ver>' Stabc msepas-tat ber hair on te id. Ansi ocasinlly ah, de- fiesi tho fshions. In dressshe affecteti a "Doria simpliait>'," vIsics, by an otit coincidence, waa exzotoding>' becorng ta ber. HaMe oatemnptfar piaffe sud ruffles, flutinga ansi floonces, vore arn phallo, sud oh. hall no respect for vamen who veetesi lime sud thaught upan trms. SIse vas tiffe- eut frein ather girls. But it ila so flat lfor peapiale obe ailjmat thesame. ,l vtas a heauliful September muas-- Ing. TIse ambon sunlight faselanst auto s sumaptuons Madison Avenue lireakfs-s-oam, andsi gliltenet vilS pîsyful gruce an tas-k and speon, ara nuti coffée-pol, depletesi hot-houso cl grape tems, aud fragments oi senambi- "' esi egg. In a dira corner f lbe part-P ment, bordering on îhe butlers pants-y Uncle Durunsi couversas inluan ude-t tana with Peler cancerning certain el cases of vine shout toa rrnsive, Beorse ha the fise-place, in viicla a ingle log fà vaod fike-et i tfully, mat Anut Du- randi, hiand>' ambraidenlng s niglt-cap farne sifaitIe paon uittle persiytic lu. mates ai St. Msry's Hospital. Arons ber vose es- ethree boys, s-aoing thisaIs- 0 respective nevpapers. Apanit rram80 tlis greup st Clarisse Orslda, ama t aeà dig s papes. She vas atiret inlu00 oné ai er mrveloul>' simple cs- it fîmes, ansi s special sonbeam gloamet g in tbnrough the wiudov lioside hon for ~ tha sale purpose cf ligisting up ber ex- qoisile golden hait. At. lest sise-laid Of asida ber pupe-, andi exelaimetin laau cd imphilovolCe, Ca "Roterick 1"n "OGrsslda I go "Go ta tIse Buckingham sud seure vi ne Ivo Psaab on Major De Praucey a91 Lana' scoach iorn nonTnesday." w Simultsneoaly three nevsepelsa s'en. flunnm tIse air, asddctea w asmhsick cf lengister. lia "YsGniselta ?" "Ym, ClarissE32" u "Cies-ions Gnseldu, peou 2i A shade ci ennoyance passoti ove-cel She damel's fais- bra ; she Claset ligisIly. but saisi, vus fi-mues, "Anti vhy ual, ps-a> 2 DO ual 1sf -ug ladies oaitheblest familes lu an Pev York ride ou tap of Maor Deetc Praucoy Leue's coacha? Ansi viydv isoulti not I ?" i "Fan no roasan iu the vorlti, «said, s chun, "1ecpiIat I tiougis yau- Con..- fites-etycanself eublimely abovo tisaI Brt cf thiug." -2 "In fac! i - ccr-."oiied la Har->, OQi 1tiset ev',- ' ie su trove on Majortr Laue't' ei'slws a a ol." "I12 I nover raid au. TisI vas an' v t li o n s-, th o o a i v o s e- -o -p - - -ll - - vi a c a r n aà g e s , a n d t I iS M a jo r 11 0d u- a -free, sud the casait isly e v aover fn e oPpoar unity' of sho viag is sIl l, ile t e granat. Il vas a. rpit, gfidiug hick - di .- Il " ýo t o s .o e Oti o , su ai s a s an e , o m etim e p ar son . s y îlc g m o tio n ai t isa- m o r un g . b u t- if t seés in d seam , sud --G r isl tis at s e if h obe t p t lie ,b a o s ' g i ug - eMt à b rs- u, M a s e desu ejoyngit. -Il vas a ,sos-i stegdY paeeuail Irong tise Pa-k antinun a vw a k on in g l a h er v i s e n t h e o h to v u 1 1 1 1hn n Av e nu e , . v be lh e s th . s-g i d n y tu r ue d ,ti oi ith e Pa Z1k, e n t t bson g v asu g e t cs- sm U al. : T ie a d - :m it mn tiis sod,,thn tist, ratlet O'ves-mi-ale vluifloaihm a n -l alok'a Hotel teobina go isdnaoa, The "6v1nde-if -majos- De FPnuey Lue ne auo'uo'i"e l n-t4t n nksmifýùà y yek t O à m i d i ta I I b i s b s s , u u f a t o u i ug co Sa i s 2 " l d a r om a rk t o t a R o d e s - - a # 8 ckls s-lat'sd lit ; lie -vasfond af iek. - - - -Bon- a s uim lg- an g oôtdlti se Il irom n ie "N o, d oar, I siaidl thi I ,ut b. a ," n ia ) k a n t o e l . - T h é e g u v a s u livaà ë - i t h - p y . " h - z s f r a - , - a " ) i n su i w n s l a s e , l jist e o n y l it < i t 1 , y c n , k u o , m a i l b . v o sye r e a t. " b is i g a re tte s ud stci sm o k in g U oit w - - Y s, ; Ih M d u at t h e g a I aI a as blandly upn tis i iss-se.angia Wiy," mliisdd iI r.fmn a il es s a s 1h . ba t been s pa s uger. loe l tin g o u tie m o a--im port ant in,& 'W h y d e ' l lie M ajo r g a y o m e l in g itbm , " O U I y li u ]c o fi tl b . e ve rs 1 -E x t e w, ui 2ý" stotiGs-Inltis, lntlgnsnl.bouquets Zfertle animaleeves-y mosn. site id o c h e a n a v e re t , ' b y " n du g s ey omens h~feuhAW 10. "O ybolll,:bellavo,» the If. las- théasoa u ()De cf tl ise cstcaoahmenu1hâeToor socus. But -I dit expeat smetbing différent lin Major Do Praucoe' -IsSue. Howover, 1alotI ke biiuin.lhae end -110w à s -ôdt ta is is,." - "Anti what do yaii Ikink ai ILe -ga-s." -"Ho le a inonkey." "Al vbat 2', dI aiti amnontey. His -vbloeaccu- pation lu la apo the gentlemen." "44nadtou'î you It he oe t prelty veil2U lmporliine. I anade-a uistake irben' I sais lIe-o vas anly one fbol, who drave- on the coaoh. I oughltatghave ýsaisi tva." - "Hel b 1 a1liba ithalle g oct, He voult feel fitte- if ho bss-i a Isi lotu ÂVad rdGUI of ort ixi ~g1 finaodll whu,- - ; a ont te paceh stopped, the '8M8ihtl whn gcj.çà ý, , 4J WMOuhis ffêt b9nu,n aniog sudsh v segrre4o is ose, Per"Pelieha hol ïaîit Bdwoo ~~ôfilnîa~ ooteC* *e t i thse gtiar4ý 1ftat Ilvià . j 'j e t i~ th a t itL ve À o l g î f h 5 t b s i e Yca b MnVr. d-'V .'t t a tl cas",e. eduutinguiiued theê coach ? ItiGldau ceshil a11y ber eyes descende to ta ho ,.oe, salit 0 2.1 X'ie-taes eue lhors. u~su l. edowlk.boe t C Mq ortaes tva; lie faustons "Raderlak,". absesaid, laofti Iy w1"ohola a lsùe1as if çeneyer Iantled abit of tisat vory hautisomo man lu 'y, ' l à hs l is E -guéa ehimu rae-ue uhie bufttu.bole < hop mprolcul leparts, Ibat "Beaily, Grilaid 1 eaunet OsY." bsy'l naose Witb bhieskid ,ý uiietà .IV' '~D y~ hi$~ l e ieMaïcr 2 &'aWonder snob' au intelligent inîmalý ",Upon inyvaord'Il an't - nov, re. dan'* kioi~ hiau2' :Pbed ltaderiok, i su smée prplexiiy. . The barnesuing: ver, the R1ck 1JOlm "Baut vovil use when tisey atart," lho the-uard ontorod lthe hofQ Thora added, aetuîely. -WB& s .ound of lise pb iug off af corks., Outsille af biseovu home satibusiness "Beally,"'0 ýeà qïrked 'Griselda, I difice, Rtderickvas rallier a nervous 'doýn'i tlinla- lie MJor oùgbî la drinkï man. Ho did limbliollly vhat bis cousin, beor. , -lhfthra guard; k le bnealhjeh laild him. 'If Grissida lbatilsaia, "Bcd. dia iye' arick, mai"y me," ho wauid have obey. Iiianohher inutee .Ms.jor wus on, Bd preoipitately; but &ie bain\e the baxi in theguadouIbe roati- said, 'oderick, laokai tIthe xuosèb," afecting ta loi efe hind. Away* cauoequebtlylie lid noeur ovtln'thaughit wenl thé aoaoh, 1he vacura vafleti the of il. Indiaea, il vas sa e*'idesaon ber guard into place asf rry, sud )lie part taelbe interested luThe subjeot. -liýac oed merily alaongthe,-roati. But the turne edr starting wue ait eresudnathora wore.roughx spotsa vhics bad bMJor aud guard, bath olasi causeds me joltiugTopassegers suo" isn I l f o e s l th on" b a llon cau h t h ol d of =e r fety , hals, ~d djstedthelb.dninty luttle bobted their heua every nov ain-& laisitos-, scldwvere asisiug lb. passen. 'thon ta 'avoi th ie atroka of droopiug g« ta Mount. -branches, sud laugbed alousi goosi- 1 Ara thase our seuls ou tige, vary top? uaturedly. Orsslda clutched Roader- Oh, baw horrible V" cxclaime4ýOriselda, ick's aria, bobbed her bea oidtansd olevatiug ber eyebs-avs. f langbed viIs the sest. Il vas lin 106"Tliy vos-o the only ana I could gel passible ta mainîsin muai diguity for oday," sala Boderick, apologetlo. swy up thora lu lb. oir. Thon cameý ti.11- - a ue ,pioce af rosa sud the borses "Many aonaider thei tise bostounllse raoed along ait a magnificeut spoed. caai. I thin the lady will bo aatisfsed It vas the ai, dresa-like, flyiug nma. vison seole inseated," voluinteaefione of tion egaiu n; auj Oisolda relapef the individuals lu gray. "!Thora in a into bier ailent, dreanmy daliglit.- Sud- sltrap ta go sears tise knees, vbiabi denly tIse coachs vhlrled inoae gale- rendors ibem squito saeeinucose ai auy way, sud'drew up before a fine old unds en joti ho added ; anati tss a manutan. look-poasibly of isnpetienoe-arossed "Are vo at Quelam already 2" ox-1 his faeo. olaima Griselda, vils genuine regret '0rieds id .heord of the Majora in ber vice, 'Ilcanula go.an, doing punctiliausuoese as rogardedti ime. Sho Ibhis 61l day. Muat I really gel dovu?" i would -have deliglitet ta dotain bim .The guard, ta ber diaguât, looked 9u about five minutes, but il diti uat Benin âttlbar vitb a diop sympalby -iu Bs ,quito lsdy-like,ao Bah. subusiîled ta fate. expressive esi She frozo ino silence She mountesi the tlny latider, scnamhled inst.anîly, deaaended the ladder vithout over theéliac'kit sin a vsy quit. dis- ntlering a syllal, sud mà rkedly ré- gu tlet oneocf ber dignlly, anti flually oei4ved assistance from tIse Majorluin bo'nd benself percbed, on the very apex profées-nce la tthe guard. 83he cutoresi af the coach. Thesar steosIeven e -hobouse, passodlbrosugh the hall, quicklyfslled, the ýlitîle ladder va16ld- pausesi ait lb. fartber doorway, sud ed up sud put in the inside cf the gazet oui ou flb. beautiful blue vator,c coach, vhiah. au usual, vas ompty. the an-lit lavis, sud the rocky shore s Thon the individuae lu inray sprang vhich separatati thoss. Immedi4tely r iotin their places, 1he gracoas stopped before bier s flue bey boer"9 was grzlug,j iseck from, the hornes' heacis, lb. long a forloru, lonely littho doâ looking up s wbip cracked, the. guard's haro saoded vsinly ta il for companionship. AI- s and swayveuttiheo oaoh. Oh, il was ready the Major vas et the stable vithISs glanions I Grisîda clntchsd Roderick's bis harses. Ho wbielled, or- maide f aritand laoked about lier in doligisl. some signal;-,tise bs-se stis-tei tossad~ Neyer baid Fifth Avenue seemed soi it-a bond ps-oudly, sud des-tedl off ahta s bright sud cbeerfl lai ber au thon;I but full gallop lu the direction cf lhe 9 se bat] nover seaifilfront Ibul stand- eound. lu a bey nsinutos-probably a point hefarcý She waue Up se higb, aIevIson bd bail been snfficiently carassosi o tlougbt eshe mueI ho quite -ont of eigbî -bo returnei on a. cheerfail trot too li- s of peapla -on tIse sidawalk , aIse foIt as pueîimre. -Gniselda lovesi borses, tise bi i he were rioling on horsebuck an a Meajor isvidently vas fond cf ibea too, 1ýJ tremeudoualv big horse. She laaiglsed 'aud aIse liýg&nte like bini baller tIssu ci îodatuel t the little boys wha ehte thoughelet a. valdin lu e of bis ea stood et lIse stroat cornerasansi hurrah. plâlunosi. Andi tisestoosi tIsaI lazY, b sd dn wvesithei- bat ; asud ebe goodfor-Xîotblng guail in unsattsîitude, hi .engbed a uitIle bit etlies-self for eujoy. smoking- a conlemptabWe littié cigar- si ing il ail so muais, yet vas happy in elle ! - . I spila of bier laugb. But -ele ouîy suid, She turneol away-fs-ons hisu abru tly, là , wils na deniure sort of diryness,, . itu.l walked dcviilie font-pals. fRod- in l'Ansi nov ve kuow who tIhe Major ck bld steiptsed in-doors ta orden a( is." dmnucr. Shie eaunteiced about tise lu "Yp.s," rolus-ned Roderick. -"Are you grounds. Tbere les lwayas somclling, satised ?" s',arrIowfil about a fiue privaI. rmansion til "lSatigfiesi? Horrified, yen mean. w'hicb bas beau turnesi 10 a publia use. in was nover mare, disappoinîed iDn y Iý soams as if tlie spirits cfils former G if." ownors muet linger about il t SIi. lInG: «"Wà y ? Holoks quilo Dico." lier miud's oye Grisalda OnIw these Ai "lVery Dico for a canchinan but haw pas-lorsachangead;SoA lamp-Iiglit for S for a genleman ? I expectesi a dash- îthe day-ligbî ; ello hoard the eound ai Si ig, Fra Diavolo sort cf a fellow, whase voices, thea ripple af laughton, tIse rustele nea uppouranco would malte se ex- of silkusuad satins ; ieard tIsa carnages Pt ouse for bis ecceutricitios. But nov- camee sud gao; saw- ladies, lu fieecyN now 1a nia talsurprised ut Major De vrape, eulering ; 5Rw thon againl, th Ni 'nancey Lano's driving a coachI; fthe wsaps laid seido, lunlirilliaut talaIsB difficully vauld bliein imagining lins glidiug Ibrough tbe parlers, besoiug oais foing anyîblng élue. He just looka the the arma ai obegaût sud dieiuguilhcd ML baracler perfectly ; a higbly rospac. mon. Witioui, the sunhbeais bld Sa tabie-indeedi, a very auperiar-Eng. meibowel iota snonshine. Thse lawn]a ah coachmuan." vas finely kept ; floyers liloometi-tise Et "lGrisalda, do lie caraful." -wbite roses tossaigonlly loiand fro Sv "Ho can ual possibly lieus-." in tIse languid lireezo, sud shedi m S "No, but lthe guard cau." fragrance an tbo niglît ais-; a ycuug a '«If I Ibouglit lie caulsi, I ebauli say couple sainte-ad awey f-arnthe festive S imothing for lis oification. Hie lu- scene andi the gay music, preferring D ience le bcyoud endurance. It le ana the maan-IiI rogian vitsoul sud theoM iing for e gentlemen la condescend tae wet musiacof oaci otbe-'s vaices. Mr 3overt himeif m sa coacrmusu, but They vende-adcdawn the saine pals Fr la is rolly impertinent for a guard ta aie sd, lenud on lIe Saine sailing, G ilt himsoif np in Ibat stylo. I almiost gazesiouon thIe saeobautiful stritbl nsieloa hlm foi- a gentleman." f vter. Yes, Griselda uni l al. lb, Thon. e a e sutden short explsion Hes- eys vandeset along te horizon. & ' >laughton iu the s-a. Giselda gac- Sudenly slle startet. Tier. vas ah Iu I arounfi siarply ; it soundesi as i1(11 bject lieleen iaather -the gurd 1 th( smo frn.the guard bimeli. But vbo astbtere; 1looltng juil as baudl- ai i; il muai ave beau fromu lIe tout som - andi sentim ental au hersaf, flicb. ut sutieaman visa -as-- d 1-g11ac-ard oîy dfforontobaing thoL a mse as bo-k.1' &c, &c. 7s. &CG , 18a7.- " 4.15 ýn iop ou il ..Lt...n w.t. ing Drao. PI AN nti long tel- PIANO a af tonse sud et clelireo île tau sppl> sut 1PRIQCE ose isplain IIsemeisasas- bowr-omte 0l tumaintalu, nls ta puy. nae aiof PER CENT. - ni, Clnaentg, aIse ft tlitis- isualîles W. ADAMS, A gr't, 1b77. 8 m ils, iî i-st a nul s-fZlocts(ôîtIsae o11 lii Fluas uees is,'ase - Ise 1ev. lyl Isimus1beauon daîl, bîîIyit1,pusb- amIle c',use of ta ivyIsV)Imgig ui sll I cureS b>' . tua cainpily lS ut The Population of tiheBar-th.' NzAuuLy 5'FTEENEU5ODED iioOs Of riEasLE-AN AVxEj iNTY OF -ABOUT98 PERSONS raoOMa qIUAsIy MMsE Or LANi>. The fans-lis yearîy issue cf Beiun. Wagne-'s nov veil-tuavu stallelleel vo-k on thepopultion cf theias-lh bas juat beau publishot. Thein oeilaeoa tise vbole Population cfthe globe fas- tle promeut year amoants te 1,482,917,.- 1000, audtbe q.ea ct the luand -sos-fase Ibe>' alculate ltelie 51,84,800 square miles, Ibias giving anu vas-ago densit>' of about 48 people ho ou. sqnae mile. 'Theso data are appo-Iouesi among lie vas-ions divisons ai tise globe anearl>' tas possible a aflayes Square -Donaity sir Miles.' lubabitanta. S. mil.. -uoe..8,776,4938689,178,800 82 Ufs-l..s.11,417,94 199,921,60 17i Anitralis sud P0Ol sa..,oaia 4,748,6W0 113 Lio-s .1,687,840 88,819,90 5 - Il lu curions t6 notice liai thse aeu of lhe lent sos-face aiflise globe hua te- reaseidsince luti yees-'s issue as ùaiael as 88,849 square miles. This dacres, mnl>'affects,- Amarine,asot Mea, .-W Icubt, gresIly ble ashbuted ta the s-e-, suit ai more accus-te sot - ertended s-rvys ilutlb United States. huin Ill tla h os- divisions cf tIse land sas- faa tise ares le given s e bss Ian lusi eus-, eudthis, no tiault, lestiso la lie attribitei maini~la s à a*icai.-uaaauop: Tisba helidlise affect, stboug viti tise ibsmaite lucrese oL 15e popûlatisa; >f elighlîl>rs-ising tise deositi' par uns-Pmi. The lucreaso of thè popli-- i 'm aiste for 1870 ove- tIsai fôor 1875 lu upavards cf 927,000,o.00(il .ourse, it muat net;ho lauigloatia >nos-mous indreale e i-eslirely casisel )y tise enceas ai binthe 6over dtebi; au se-unes bas Isén- affectesi b > etled iurv>', soe(lapapulatioon figures Owe heir ifserae a s naconsidéerable degree ih tiiresilaîls,( x-centcanases muni>' Europe sudi la uth, ansi toamas-t .ensate kuovîesige a1 ragio na lithertc - tparfeet>' unsnawis. Tise felowaiug as-e the popualations of e vus-ions StaIes ai Europ, accordl- gce o h ls itost esiiates anusan>', 1875..............42,723,242 Ireat Bs-humn, 1870 ..i...f.,40,000i ýsIro-IHugaey, 116 0........ 37,700,000 sain, 1870>... ý............. 1,51,57 adarra.......... ......2r,000 vîitzes-lauj.180----2,59,147 ortugal, 1874------------ 4,29,881 [îlieniantis, 1875 ...... ..... 809,527 aly, 1875 .............27,482,174 silglian, 1874'".i.......... 5,36,884 fonaco, 1874...............5 741 irxemliurg, 1875------------..205,158 an Marine, 1874-.......- 7,816 sal, 1870 ....-i-.-.......-7L,780,988 les-penTus-te>', 1874... 8,500,000 restaude, 1875-------------4....84329l sumania, 1878 ............. 5,078,000 msv>,1875 .......... l028' Irvia, 87. -;i..... i. 1,877,068 enmurt, 1876-----------1,. 1908,000 sunteuegro ................. 19000R- sunce, 1872................ 86,102,921 oeece, .1870 .......... ..1,457,890 Tsa dates 'intiote lie yeers lu vbicb te tata ver. ailed ou bich Bahut Wagner- bave Ibaudes i ol- stintiate. tise casecf Gros Bs-itemn, of cou-se t estimalo le feuntoti on jime rahus-u he Registrer General, for thogebue sn no formel ceusas _'Rstzce tisaI aio 11. In tise case of ailier ebozIries in lis tse estimute la givon bar tIsé es-1875 sud -1876, Il l s te resuli onaîl>iyoà e gulan ceunu, for moené- Continental Goves-mentu are net aIe;nt, lite oas-selves, vils a ceusuaÈ [e oves-y heuyess.We reaouLlygava ne sacaon -us theraalta'-of the arau.caninsof Doaember, 1875. [sua -& Wegnos- naIns-eh>'gave Ibe Bulta in considrale odo-afi'; sud Wm ëcase o aiGsrneny,aud allier Europe- SceuanxIesas vol! lu' génemà ly eroevez-infes-meticu l ha lie obtaiti, gypoini cut au>' changes Ibai aney 'e beon matelu ine baunta-les cf 4siens an su uiiisiansof-thosu- o. Sîncea1871, ýlIse population af irauy bas lcroaseilb y 1.898,782. as-e seems ta have been a ceusai tou i 7Nos-va>'lu Jeuesy of lie ýse, ths le détailsao ai hhave bbeon paIlisbe, thaagh Behu ,Wagner-.-give tb. probiablo te- -as ý1,815,000, au n lu-ese of aht 12,00 on -theo. etimae for M. Thisemeinlutle casa of ait Bnitelu aver thé estimaeocf 1875* 852,000. Por-tugal shovwsau in. ose ci a&bout 810,000 since 1871, sud th population orte Azare»and les-la Le-edilt . il ii - îaise l. . -fflonchidde:nemi week.) 1 lý