Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1877, p. 1

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Bus/In esa8TDir'e oto ry1 ON4TARIO" BANK, WHEITI3Y I3EÂNOH, THOMAS DOW, D R ioBANK. WHITB.Y A.GENCY.- Also Sub-Agency at Liverpool- Market. SalgDp*rtmente la conneetion with both ofIce b Inte nat le î.ald on doeo site of el pw4rdo. B.JAYO Agent. Whitby, Soe. l.13h, 18mS 89 N.J ACDO1V)OLLP ANY ilA<CER & CONVEYA2iCING ijOMlcaSouth Wiog Court Ilonuoe. Ar. San gamonta floi spenlal etampes'of Ion. Mr. Cameron, Q.C., aud Dr. MoMicheel, Q. C. FAREWELL & iRUTLEDGE, n ARRI8TPERg, A'rTORNEYS, SOLI. itors, Ntra ule niConvey. 0904Icnrt door south ofi*the Royal Motel, *hiby. . JAMES BUTLEDGE, B. A. County Crown Attorney. - 48 J A«M9EN PTIE -GORDON, 1)ARRISTBn & ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW, B SoIcltor lu Cîstnlclcs onveyancor, &c. tarcyOvr M. Ad. ili on§ sore FrckStreet, Whstby, Ont. CHAistR.LESoC- KELLER, - A TTORNBY.AT.LAWV, SOLICITOU IN " Chêney evynor cCulg ion, break, C.W.ý B ARBISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN .oee Street, Oahaway. BDAlI1BSTEB;, ATTOIINEY. AT- LAW, 4 iJolc1tor in Cixauîccry and i seccxvency, Notmaý Public &0. &c. Offlc-McM!Ilan's Block, Brook 1reel Whiiby, Ontario. A. [.DINILLAN, -(Labo Gces1vooî1 & MoMîlhan.) BQA RRISTRIt,- ATTORINEY, SOLIO- UItor, -Noter y Public, Couveyaucer. GI.- ùce-»3yron Street, South c t offioce, W)iiiby, Ontario. fOISSO-S & lENT, -(LUTE Duoo.uc & UODiINoN.) ATTOIWgEYS, SOL-pJITrms, COUusOT eRJsEi, ToOaNTe, J. G, BoolnNso, am. &EstaboroA. E. KEINT, TiJIIYAR IIUTON, TOW14CLERTC AND TItEASURJIR, 9Wiby. Office-TownuHll. IHeure, f om 0 te 1 o'ciock. s URGEON TO THiI COUNTT GAOL, Bý~i>ron Street, Whltby. - Dr. W. J. IBUbRNS. Ox',îCZ-Nexl ôrtio n1>ClltNcsxcIc:Offce. ti.r Boeeitinc, et Mn. LOWis Ilenuclse. Wm. MDICRI EN, ]M.P., M.lidJS., n-UyS IiOSlITAL LONDON, ENG., %-)Fthe yelit. O. H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. W. AAIASu, 4M DENTST,(SlUCCE. .000 10oW. IL. Cuot.) Dnal Rooeno-I)unclan 'trect, Wl.ltbyever Mn Jurnmsns Store. Nitrons Oilde deo aimlsiaîoea for thsa picless ex- t icehlixLi otîxh - C, N. VARS, ýb D. N. A9flEETH 1inseniet ounal tIhe -'-"lelest prnecipies ofthie art, an o mdirs s thcschesîccat, cnt negond as thse luit. Tccl i lloti wiih Goltianti Silven. Teeti ortracteti vitlion p ai n, by irotuintg tocai auetîsa. Dental Reuis-lu Cow- an'n nuw block, lovar Atklnee6nt Drng Store,- Kng ilînaît, Oahsewa. ii T110MAiI DEVERILL, PORT Pl With exkeneive pint tanu a fun niaG taisi Port Perr, Sept. ttls, 4870. ÂW87 OHNSON HOUSE, NATKXIE QUARN, TOItNTo. W. G. JOHI<80N,.- P PIETO Tultum, 01.00 per Day. Stàblpgnà conx.] 1nection. 42 BITISH AMEIlICAN EHoTEL, WHITBY, ONWrI'àO. I~ ~~XTtd Hoemeiyz ae!a irnlahe, b..~ ~~~A reeto f~uu nomnibus to and! rom U tama.~raat-las @ampie rooma. 0 NTÂRBIO HOTE. WIRVLrBY, ONTARTO0. THOS. MAS-ON, 1PROPRIETOII. Superlor aocomodation. Table, uppli.d wldth bout in weason.- Genuine iquors. Cigan, bout brandi. Billard room. Rioomy stables and sheda. 0t C0BAND TRtTNK RAILWAY HOTEZL, AT WIIITBfY 8STATION. Wàf. O'NEILL --PROPRIETOR. Parties taklng the. train aud leavlnghbories willi have them weU takn careof tiltholr return. TUE UEENS l)1LL, THE CMIRCA, IIiOO-TREET, WHiTBY, TAYLOR ê&MXcOANN, PROPRIETORS. The uuderalgned dieire to lnform their friends and the public titat tbey have taken tho aboya well known hotel, whlch they have nowly Il tted up and reuovated, and put lato lhe boat of order for the accommoda- tion of guesta. The Bar, whlch la the han,!. someat in the County, lis well supplie,! wlth the tineet brande of wlnea, liquorsi-and ci- gara. Ample enclosed shedl room and goodI stabling, box atalla, &o. Detacheti roome' for commercial travellera. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCANN. lato cf Toronto. ]ROYAL HOTEL, W H1T B Y, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. Theclargent and mont coanmodioun hotel lu the town:; haislargo simploerooinfor commercial travoliers. Table weli anppiied with the hostiluseanon. BestbrandsHliuors aiigars. E.icised _yard andi ahedxoom; attentive hoâfiera. Char«eas.,te suit the times. N. D,-Livcry tattachti. 27 S MIAKSPEARE IIOTEL, CORtNER nOFKING AND YORLK 5Tag TORONTO. - AT TXI GLEN MAJOR MILLS, 1 000,000feet Pin. Lumber,',wel seanoeti. -Inehb oardu, - Floorinq,,1' 2 x d Seanung, 2-ils;oh Pult peuolug i Bar4u, 100,006feetofVk Mapia féïmaII lot iquààity, 15,000 ft. quare Tlmber, AU cf whloh wlfl be eoldobep foioeuh. He woultiakcsebi -to uay I-Uthe b.Griot Chopping one S laye ltrieehée, fo"r every a. MAJOR, Pzoplietor. Dac. lOtb, 1878. leu1 G OOD NEWS POR TUE LADIEs. A NEW REVELÂTION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DBESS.MAKIIGQ CORNWALL's SELP.IITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Drcssu lîteti rom meauuren,îabus wilisont change of a titeis. For sale, witlhSoes. instructions, aI M I SS Mci N T YRBE'8S DREU5.x<AKNG mouse, waIRTa. Agente wantsti. Liberal induements t*0 the rade. Whstby, Aug. 18, 187d. 8 G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER QI0' MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTABIO. MONEY TO LEND on Fana anti Town Property, ah LOW RATES o!Iteut For Icrtiser piohculare Apply b- JOHN FARQUHARSON, JAME POWLL,- Puo'xixrea.Augut 15h, 178. ca>. JAME POELL, PRPBITOR.Augst eth,1136.34 Final-chasaccommodation; bath-reone. - -5,_ _ _ &o., Boardi, O#10par day. 0 A RMSTRONG IIOUSE, (u.ATrcALaaciN,) IÇING BROTHERS, - WHITBY, ONTARIO, tupuisc, Dealers anti Manufacturers cf al i Iiintis cf - UVIIIBY, <INTAlIO. LEATHER E ARiMSTRIONG - PROPIIIETOI. 1-.. w HITl51Y 110135E. DUNDAS-ST., WIIITBY. (WEST o ceOF OSOFC.) JOSE, PH A. BAND1?L, PROPRIETOR. Theis olscehabeau roceuthy huill, la largo anti roomy, and fIlîled, up*infinal-dlues style. Dent Wmes, Liquers antiCigare - fritaîsLager Boern. Gooti stabling ane- closeti yard; attentive ostîcrs. 46 u0-ONM RCIAL HOTEL, CAnTWRaiGIONeT. BUIDERANDCO-TRATOI,1 JAMES DEWART- - PIIOPRIETOR. DUINDA# St., WIIITEY. ùr AUl ordera promptly eceutedl TMII DRESSING ,AND SI{AVINGI .L. Salon,ï Brook St., Whltby. J091N WOLFENI>IN, AGENT FPB TUE .-CETLEIIATED tIL Scottish -.Granite.- At Marbie Warka cf .Tuathtm W4ifmnden,DtiaaSt., Wltby. G~EORGE lCORMftACK, L MEiME1WHANT, CARPENTER Lu ati Joluer, Groeen Street, Whitby. A large quaintity of aIl kinds of iumber con- stently on baud. E'. O'DELL, A T H E R LY , Cierk Division Court, Tp. CIerk, C omnilasloner lu B. li., Land Agenit, &'c., Ath tlv @ vt. nd, 1872. t86 Lhyulolq.n, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., &c. Whltby, Sept. 800h, 1871. 40 RO 3T. Ri MSAY, bM. D., L. M. EDIN. Graduate (witli honoreî) <of thc Univeroîty of gonne cle ga, Otinda; Philauiel1,hia Unlv. cf Mdie andi Surgery; A noice Ualv. of Velnnsylvtuia; Enectie Coilege cf Founýsylvanla anti Licentiate of Mierofiey ofthe Unit'. of FEdlntburg, Sectanti. Cor- oner for the Couînty of Ontario, Oflice- Coltiwater St,, OriIIa.ý Augu4t 111h, 18715. lyr où1 W, J. flIN',MAN, ()UncensîOsoTo J. ersAxe.) "WTE11INAUT SURIGEON, Gt-c V O,taKie Vcitennary Cllage. B poiteinut V. SIc]> DýF. Baliry. W ut Armnstrcnccg's Hôtls, Whilby, every, day Cr 10 te 4. wisanii cmuîy ba cons on Il ilsesof lhe donseeie animal Reideonce,-Cominercial Hetel; 0O Cirlerr'a Drug store, Ring strLee, Osit Whithy, ()o. Sot. 1876. T HE BUS T HORSE MEDICINI Ail1 descriptions cf lhe hast Harnes o us ek.p icouatanti>' on hanti anti forao lie Wbltby Lîver>' Stablas. 9rýNo charge-for -udvlce. N .'RA 1DUAER IN LUMBJ liai onhlinta splendId stock lole sud wail saamtonadLatinîen. Ail biio carpaniar sutd bilding purpoe.' 'hu.Grons'$ planing Miiiletjoluine th pnatnnîses viso. ondesare prou qxeatua for Los, maseon, blinde, &0. atua Vîul Tues- suited Goot accomsmodtioniuîi 1112 m JONEY TO iEN]>. Tiui-signeti lias ny mtnofM - e>' to Lent upon pana or Torn mooty Mo unusueli>' Loy Rites cf Intereat, Louna eau ho repsiti lu sons lu suit ber. Several Inprovct ]!armmeanai Wilt Lands for sale cheup. Invealments- mate lu Mxuicipal Deben- tunea, Bank, anti othar nuoketatuoble Stocks. For furthor particulars apply te JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assigicea, Broker, &c. Bpril 11h, 1872. *15 * WbLLIIIIZ COOPE5R, J3LACKSMITH, - - I3ROUGHAM, (Succeseor te Thsomas Midtiaugh,) Herse eitoing ansdiail klnté of geiscrai work.- yi P UTS, CALLII, SPROADS, STRAD- DlLES-- Vc's faitîcfcehi>exiccta al entiersfuir tise pun-lcisand utsale nf etocks cui p oOeer cent cncngii. Finst Cina Stoc'k Pnittgeýnongeticitaclinj an>' amount. We souittlice patronsage of iparlitiesinsîoug of obtaining rellabie anti responsible brokers. Our book on Stock Specuiation seul en ap- plication. TUMBRIDGE & CO, Bunkers anti Brokans, 012 llsoaDWvu, N. Y. 553-iy m ONEY TO LOAN. The National Inve3tment Com- pany 0of Canada, (LIMITE]>.) Lent Maney on Roui Estule. Purchuse Exisling Mogages. llernowcra viU 1usd lie Conpany's terme lituudencete, vili seciai fucilllefor paying off thein bans. W. Il. BILLINGS, Agent, Soligitpr, &c., Whltby. AND FINDINOS,1 Cash paît for Ridies, Bark. anti Leather. Leather mrtcheti. r.A BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SMORT NOTICE. May', 1872. 22 m ONEY TO LEND>i -A largo quantibycf mono>' le lent aI 1ev inierodt, pivate fýuntie. For sale, sevaral Town lots, Ivo Frame Honsea, anu a largo Brick Hanese. For terme, appi>' ho G. YO-UNG SMITHI. Whitby, Feb. 11h, 1874. 7 To tic bniabitante of Duffins' Creek anti Vicinit>': I have now openeti a Butelser'a Shop in Mr.W. Cnlhbert'e vihere may bu seau one cf thuebtilspflays ai Beef, Pork, nt-<owl ever offoreti le lise Public. gz-' Eesonable Pricea i Came onea, couse ail, anti gel eomehiug lu do you gooti. RIICHIARD WESTLAKE. Whilby, Dccember 22ut, 1875. 62 D YGOODS AND> GROCEUT STORF,. AT AUDLEY. lu ordor ho imeettbbc gnowing -wantmof lthecait>' lie subecribur has been induceti Le open businessalu tise aboya line. A Large and well -Selected Stock equal le prica anti qualit>' te an>' tisaIcie be pnrciaaed in tevu or clty. Give na caîl, justga for yoisaof, senti if you eau be a weil nuiteti an elsewiere patronire homo trado. DMaBiADY, Autl'ey, Nov. 2411x, 1875. 48.tf Bugie o nunce thal hh asremovedtie* Kleng St.. a fev doors EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, oppoaite Luke'a ahov-roona, visere vil ie found ti s u tock of .111 sead feht bats for ladies anti genîhemen, of hie ovu menu. facture. tý S1mav bals coloreti antialteret inl shapee. Oehawa, Je!>' ti, 1878. 89 c OAL CHEAPEIL THAN EVER i DOWN -AGAIN 1 Cail ant cal oricen st e. $3,01)0 of privtcu u Ycnia s fta t eA. ALEXANDER'S, 'e- Iiucnl lueMortgae eFr7atn Sanurity. 4- Whiiby san tOhai. [va. ______- Sept. 1811, 1876. 8 t~4 OHN L. WATXIS, AUCTIONEER, a&o., &o. CAR» i. e - L ES. 13AILIF'F 89D DIVISmeIONCeuxo, Agent for tho Mati. Ani Général Commission Agent, Port ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, sale at Per>'. PROVINCIAL INBURANOE CO. COFFICE-Onlario Loin anti Savinga Y VOUNG'S HOTEL, Conay's building, camner Ring anti Sins. y MOCK OADDALON, coe sracteOshava, --~ ~~~ >iN'<aon SLTN il 2t 874. 17 ROBT. K. YOUNG, î'(OP.itiETo1i. 1'f Rliable information ragarding tie cei- t r>', etc., furniah edt parties rcquirleg it;, ample acconnodcttiou for HIunIers send, 8"s iuiien. The lbar anti larder upplicît - claur %vitM beet of iqnore anti viande - ta be Cee-oTis DEPAHTUEICT. so for fonutin le e country. Nano but obIlinisg anti attentive servante kapl. Ccmnotisous Ottawa, Nov. Suh, 1876. ýy un tabling mut prompt bostlonsalalys con UTHOR1ZED DISCOUNT ON g, ou2 haut. Amorican invoîcag unul l urtiser 'vo- nplly ROBERT K. YOUNG, lice, 8 par cont, vin«ý faurefor wlas vvoe nhs. ABsuance Company, CAPiTAL, 040,0O. E0TA»LSHED, xsi.n Tfibla ad niveU di eeabiaiei ompuy, sýùâfortbr y" almi ehioe pHqNmIXPIRE INSURANCo0., Lombfa St. -anti Charlng Crosa, London. ESTRLIHE»III1782. <ILLESFIE, MOFFAT & (O,, Agente for Canad JAMES DAVIDRION, , Manager- Ixssuranceu agalual loia by Pire aire effect- on!~~~~~~ cui.moiraonbermu, anti bases gaIi wltlut efrence to thse Doad Lu Lon- on, A pril 12113,1876. Agent, Wbutby. HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Financiai Resuit of 14 Monthe Duil- BeoUS *0 31t bec., 1875. Authorize,! capital ...........#,000,O00 Subsoriben! Capital .... ý......2,800,000 Pain! up Ca piai ...........20,095 Goverumen Deposit. (lire).5 0,000 Goverument Deposit, (ille) ...50,000 Total Revenue, FIre Premitunu, and InZtereat............. 228 1775 Total Losaè- ................oasIM Invested Punda .............. #194,718 Cash in baud and Deposit. .49,M9 Other Aseeta ................ :591M8 Total Augts.............. 298,794 ThisoComay hamnow establishai ituelf, the Dominion. 27gnlai GEO. J. PYKE, Manager, 16.ly C. NOURSE, Agent, W.hitby. Depposit with Dominion Goverument S50,- 000. Experlenceti Agents throughout the Dominion. Fire Riaka writion ai Adcqugle Raies. C. NOVRSE Whitby, March 7th, 1876. Aen, 1~ht Q UEREN INSURANCE COMPANY (PIRE AIÇU LITE)' 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, $10 000,000, BANKERSa EOICAL AnvISEE: MOLSONS BANK 0. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.D. Head- Office for Canada: 191 & 193 St. James Street, Montreal. FORBES & MUDGE, Chief Agente. R. H. LAWDER, Agent, Whltby. Auguet Oth, 875. ly-83 N ORTH BRITISH &' MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Safe, and reliable, chargea moderate, prompt settiement of claime. GRO. YULE, Agent. Whltby, June 2, 6, 28 JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, OFFICIAI ASSIGNEE, Has removet is office from the Railway Station to, the office cf D. Ormiaton E sq. T. H. McMiliLan'a Bleck, Brock-St., 'W3hlby.' Whltby, Jan. 18th, 1877. 8 . c HOI c E A P PLE TRE] A 00U T 40,000, ES, AàrTHTE- HOME NURSERY, Fron tva lu four yoam ai ago, embrscing al lh. bemft NSveties SETR C. WILSON, Lot No. B8 2nd Con. Pickering, on Klngston Road, aoi ce, Whitly. TRIS PAPER 19 ON FILE WITsm Wbere AdverliuiagCons a eaa :,de B ROUGHAM CARRIAGE WORKS. S. WEBB Reepetfulyinfor=Me isPatrons anti the Publie that yha baupurobsen!the Vlght for Pickerin, o Manufacture Conboy's Patent SeaLt for BUGIGIES, CUTTERS &c. All partiesawlflCIO WOUfl 06 ueer Bugilet and Cutters, before glvîng their ortiers elan. where. Brougbazn, July lStb, 1876. lyr-SO BOCK AGENTS WANTEI> I To Take odera for the magnitient new ILLUsTEATED Doxoi ox EcycLopEDl& A UsnaUÀ.n UrToBr A» UBEPUL XxowL- Enex, or uo mnoh an order Ciaxo. Agente cau mk. $10 a day. A magnificent vok art expreaaly for Canadien mera pu?ýbliabet lu Ca-ada. Don't faùlt senti for descriptive cirenlar n 1iva1 terpu-New 1Iook-Now Pian. A u OMMe zlo4lbrt, anithi ê sa"dm Office, otFry Pi=ue lbert, Sept. 94tb, 1979. BROOK STREET, WMTBY. oers of the oeumsdlng colsntrtbt.b lu esèock a large aeasortment of, Outi, BoeCunTurnlp DrIlla oran Balm NeckToe, l&leTroea, helb wl kco. Repalring of &a i ~ndo exeoute wtil neatjeuanti deupatch. THIOMAS McCAIiN. Whltby, Aprl 4th, 1876. ly-. D OMINON PLOuR & FERD STdEI CHARLES PENNYLEGION Bsgs lu nollfy bis frientiaanisudatomei thal Selso nov preparedto lu pply ', Fleuranti Feed outhe13.BonI Qualiby at the loweal living prions-, Flour, Con, Chop-Feod, Bran, Shorts, Cal meal, Cract Wheat, Peau, Oate, Po. tatues, &o., at Wholeuale andiRetail. Oh.ajWer lta ha lO hoapeal for Oa#h -AI the Dominion Flour sud FeStSore Cmeby'a Block, laut sior, Duntis Streel Whltby. -CHAS. PENNYLEGIOli Whltby, Api 241h, 1876.l V ALISES AN» TRUNES. LEATHER VALISES tIABATOGA TRUNKS, &c., &oc., ah WILLIAM THOMPSON'S, Satiber asti Hamneau Mker, BROCK.5T., Wrni's. Juue.U 14. 1 0 7 4. L IREPOOL MARKET i CASH FOR GRAIN, To ha duiveruti at Frenchmnan's Bay. PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN' On Reail Estate, il Loy Ratas of Interesgi J. H. McCLELLAN. Jnnuary Qli, 1877. tif. S. R. WICKETT, Importer, Manufacturer anti Wholuaale D)ealer lu Leathers, Shoe-/Jndings, Etc, soie Agent for Ontario cf J. H. Moouoy's clubratet Colorati anti Fancy Leathers. No. 5a COLBORNE STREET, TORONTOv, ONT. iy,-85 P. O. Box, 822. S TAGE BETWEEN WHITBV & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY ! Louves Oahawa et 8.80 a, m., mut 1, p. m. Leaves Whitby et 10.30, a. m., anti 4.30, p.n. Fare 25 coule each va>'. WfIll a a al tise hotls, anti et. privaIe resideeces (viseodera are lafI aI an> of tha batela.) Connecta vils Oshawa anc Bewmenvilie stage - aiea vIb Ithe Whitby anti Port Perry Radiwav, anti with Brough- an mail il Whitby. THOS. HOPPER. W-hitby, MercislOtis, 1875. 1-ti yXE OMAN GIBSON, Gênerai Commission Morchant and Produce- Detler, Agent for IXPsIs.ssîxantiCMECIssacAL.UN. IcN Pire Insnrauce Companies. RATES 0F INSURAN CE LOW 1 Alao Agent for tise LeauoN anti CANADIAN LOAN AND Aos'cCCOMPsANY. Moue y loue. eti an ral asIate, payable fren Two te Tvelvo years, ant inlusat.enit parties. le' Intereel loy antine conmsission ohargeti. Morgage bongit. W. J. GIBSON, China rea Store, Duntias St., Whltby. Whitby, Mercis 111h. 1878. 12 F OR SALE i Thatleigible F&mil>Rasidencu vilîs ai acres of lsati coxnprining Garden andi Or- charti aU of excellant qualit>', fermerhy oc. cuplua by the lais John Hanser, Emsq., situ- ate abonh one Mile el c f WhiIby, ou tise Kingiton Boa,!. Tise Houe centaine Ten Rooms beides kîtohen lu ruar, vils goon! cellar. Hart ientiSoft vatar ou lhe prenl. ses ; ahaso ham anti stable. For fturtier particulars enquire . f JOHN TAYLOR, Eeq., On the'premiaus. Wltby, April 121h, 1876. 16 L i vE RTy. Boe ti fona bis frientia andt l' .publie- that ho carriez on tise Llvur>' bu. 'neus ut ]R&Y'8 OLD STAND.1 Parties requiming couv aeyancoveti anti open-ca= be accommodateti et a mnomeut's notice. RICH. PIERDON. Wbltbv, Sspt. 12, 1875. ALLAN IN LIVERPOOL, LONDONDEBRY, GLASGOW, CHEAP FARES! Cabin, bor WhtbY - - 859, 071,9,W acodlgluucommodation. Intermedlate - - - - M4. Steerage-as loy a*san>' otier linu. Prepalpausage eertflcalae ïsseuta hovest rates *0 peraauavlahiug *0 hing outrinu For tickets and ti furlbinformaip 4pp1y 0 P~eo ,Wi 2 iy qtleý home, Revenedi and truly bisai;Z. Geti wlîhiu bis own goodtunie - *Givet hi, beloveil reat. Wib7 a',1877. InuIa City 'Bus. Few eof the.Ilabitual iliWeliers lu Lau. Sdon have occasion lu vIsil tb. City ileu ng frqeqnoliy Ilium I have. I 'have neyer a, at-feot baldte hz'ausion of lb. Old ILady of Timeadaneotie Street lin uny '.lite. To me, the Stock Exchsange le a ýt complèe.terra mncog? 1 lia, Of the theuemnti-und.ene diffument mel,1oda of cuining money, as prucîluoti by tuer. t. chants, banitere, brokera, anti that 15 counutlese army whlcis docks Clty.watt - every week-day moruing from ine in11 Seleven, I -knuw absolutly uoliing. Neitlior, lu lie benfr of- my belief, 'bau * 113 Manoy Article cf 1the Timea evor been rend by me fram beginning to Seut. Yet, nutwitbslauting ail11IbIs, il -h.sohpenet thal, on certain rare ~occasions, b ave bfeencompeilet, by l'urgent privaI. affatire," lu jolu tbe tbrong of City bees for a few hours, u. ntwing my Waiy eastword wllh the swarsn. At aucli timon, I have gener. ally chosen to survoy mauliind fram h.1te box-geal of au omnibus, me -froni a B, y Coiguof vautage not lu b. nurpasied, t, andi Israly equmiieti, for any on.eIWho loves tu watolith11e wontemful, oever- 1. sitting panorama ut Londion lite. .8 On une sncb eccaaon-now aevcral -yenrsaugo-lie morniug was nob intler. ably rauxsy, liatI Iwae ebligedti lugive up ail thonghî ut my favourito parois aloft witb the driver, and content my. self witis the bumbler position of an lu- aide. AI liaI lime. I wae only thmee-. a, antwentyyearsnold, anti bail been lu Lonton ablout a couple ut yoare, uv. ing been sent np fromn my tur. off home, lu eue of the nortiern counîses, 10 at. tend lie olaeofu, andt *0 tudy unter, a certain thon fanon*s analyticul ehens. isl. On the momning to wih I have 0f joint referrot, afler wailing - lwonty minutes in the raie, I was gladto i d a vacant Rilace insiclo oneofethle'numer- ans City buase liaIpasset lihe eut et lbhelst'-eel lu wbich my oma wero itualeti. Afler baving sqneezet mbt my place, andi been Weal eowled ai for my paina, I proceed tioa take stock et my companions lun.misery. We wore eiovou mou anti oue womau. AUl Luo u nemen were more or losa moisi, anti oach cf use but a very damp umbroila. W.bhac] ail put on ounr gvere business air, anti we weoe al mare or iosnue- Ipiciona of lie Company in wisicb w found uti oves ; sept-le cousequenco, ;t. periape, ef lise baduese of the weather -wo were cil more thon nually inclun. -3 edt tebuily lie coifflnctor, andti lepuke iiviciousiy le lie ribe wiltI.toeron. les cf our umibreilas. 'Bultie twelthinsal,] ? Neli, aie was a lady, young anti nice-iooking int tic burgaîn ; andi envaepet wllis tie prettiest air cf unconecieunues iaI nie waa in Company cf aloyau blacits cf Wood, ratier Iban ln tiat cf as mauy ebeinge of fieni anti blooti,-net quit. un. suseptible, le shope, tb the charme cf tornale lovelinena. I bave ne doubl, in my ewe mind, liaI if enle badt loe- eleil any length cf tlin lu r coin- . puny, lhe moe fact cf lier presne - would have noftenet aur mannems, anti have weanod nele semme meure fron liaI louci.ma.nol beeriehuesa witi whici, as a rul, l passeugera by uin- nibus love te cloak theneelves. But fortunately, or unforlnnataly, as lise cane may ha, jeurneyn by anibus are et short dotation, anti aur yauug lady ankot le bu selt owe aItishe corner cf Cheapeidu. Pruvionely te tues, bow- aever, we had etoppet i ee ialf-tozen lf imes toetaI own anti take np allier d passongers, al cf tien cof tise inanon- Y fine gentar, eo tIsaI 1 was beginung to look upon myseif quitu in tliight cf an oIt acquaintance, whieu cur young ti. lady got np te luavo na I waa' sittieg -nuit lie door as aie'aligbtedl, anti I couidt il ep noticing hlow pale she seemet ail at once ta have becemne. Withonl beeding tie ain liaI etll lkept t fahiig, sue begme te feel fer hem pursu lu a trombliug, nervone sort cf way, ftnonuee pecat. anti tien lu aueth- or. ',I bave oither lest my> purso, or else ny pocket bsop beau pluke,]," sie sait ut lest, vili a sort of gasp. Tis couductor erpressed uô-surprise, but momely put a fresi slmav luini menti, amdt leu asket ns "gents" lu nove wiih lie leeketi for lie pumne, "vili, if youug ladies vue 'bus cou.' ductan,' he nurmuret softtaluhlm. suif, "lia>' vunî heure tealaite better cure cf ticir mono>'." But the purse vannol te ho faunt. "If il, realu>' ain't anyviere about yen, misa," nidthlie contuctor, us ho emerg. et frein amng tlis tomv, lieu ycnr pocket lîas been picitet. Hov muci vas thoe uinit ?I" "Haîf-se-sovurige -ant i va-anti-six. lits. "But'tliutv# neot ai. Il ulsu coutaiuad se vahueble diamont ring, the p rert>'ofet Ihutidy viii vom I arn living, sutdvsicis I vas laking luaa jevaiher'snoct tar tron hbome la ho ru. puireti." The conuntor tumnat aune>'.cf coin- Sa seion ou baer. "Weil, I'm blovoti 1" a mute-rci; "tuc hik etany'huty lu Ibeir ns-t Ivnci m60 greeu.'99Tison tunine quicly noretisa rcmaining iu- sites, lie scanuxeci ns evcr one b>' onu, ending vilb a solemu shake ufthlie heat. "C0an te ethbing for yen, misa," ho,, nat. "lYen hat better go le tie polio., mut givo liena a description of yeo propert>'. I kuowa ment oet my more- sung puenengers for respectable Cil>' gunta ; but tiare vas ene flshy-looking cove--hi a s got lu ut Etigevare Rout, andti etnext yon, rmiss, ail tbo va>'bu Paimingden Streol-visut I didn'I 11k. t~e hooukaet; sentiif yonr pnrso vas tfiten b>' anybeti> aflar yen gel luto lise "bus, l'il ha>'otite, that vauýthe cove as bckil. Anti asn't lheuà..duvny.leek. ligcurti1 0Ono, mol-a 13i1of iIIV Auti le qnticter vinket ut me portent- onel>, bsignif>' tIsaIhislentasIremarit *as m nt for '<ariasun." "But I bave mnulaeunmoney loft lu Mymy tere wilb, " urgedt1h.elis. ycufig y. - Haif-a-dozon p urnes were ont aI uonco, sueS vas tic influence et beauty in dis- broe. "'Nover mindthle tare, misàIl "anaver- edthle cunductor affabhy as he mounteti la hie perci. "A tanner vun'é elSoér break the Co. or muSe its fortune. Yon9 go lu the POH-lias>hme younve1 guit» g2.-Au 4rlÈft,:Jey; tgo aluest" mot wilh nuthing 10 my iusg so far: lu fact, I'm gettlug tired of town, anti ha!.e half a nziuti b go bacit home, anti laire My money wllh me."' I conit ueo tise *Id seamp's eyee brighton as ho trank. lu my wurds eageriy. ai &y doar Young trient, if yuu will alow me tocall you -su," ho began lu biantihy peresusive accents, *,lot mn conusel yen lu do nothing raebly. Thora are thoneande, of excellent inveelmàenta* in London. BpI what ejou wmnt lsaa man at yonr bacit who knuwsai lb.e ime anti oule ofthuis greal ellty ýwho cnuws howtlu esprale 11ehemî fat romn rhi; anti Who eau dusllpgufls, mimoal as il were by instinct, a sIouti invesl. ment from a rotsn one." au M"e- 1 zurna o tt.arbîaLa ag Mmy eareut way h~omee, andi rn oalân areleaaly 'along that ' clase) ths'oughfàre, wheu, -whoso shollJ'se à 11111. way in front of m." ai *luw, tently int1h. window of a jeweiler sbop, but the "ih.Ã"k ôo -my rriend the oonda.ior 1Lse~axs hlm i Mmnuâ ýae pfi "lotnotice of hiln- while 0' wa Myfol low.paeienger iu the, momning. No that there was-snylbing eitber- lu hi appearance or mgnners tisai matie m suspicions of bis, houesty, but tisaI h offered enci a umarked . contrant. b gt respsotale well.to-do.lookiigClyme who matie p -the reet ofîthe.passengeri He Eswae a -thin, -frouzy, 1dueeputable looklng min, dresed inluàa elfrut- binik; with a hait Anud boots thaï; ha boon .aàrcfuily ."doctoreti," and migi MItildo'nom. fai éather service, hu 1 whioh were-ill' calculate tu testand th brunI ot a rasny day. HRis mouth wa Ahat of a habituai dram.drlnker. Hi eyeà were weak, and watery ;-ant ih 131gb itgeti aquiline nose had mu in liameid o aotitsiestive of mon; à dep Caion Hiec labadevident IY nt, lt.te rzorfor.several daya and lise minute fragments Of ntraw aui chaif whleh -clung to lina drosa, oan were wireti up with bie unkempt hbat biuteti aithe style of acomodation fi wbich lhe han! been recluceti on the pre codiug -nfghl. Yet, with aIl Ibis, th fellow oarried a jaunty 11111e caau whlch lie swung tb and fr0 au Ihong] he liat net scare lu the world; and h boa ou a 'pir of dog.ikin gloves the woulti have- looketi slylish if tbey hai not been quit. go dirty. But was itlie ho etook lie Yu0 ladiy'@ Purese? tualwas the quetiOýn anti the oftener I lookedeti h. mat tbe more inclined 1 felI lu, endorne th opinion- of the 'bus couductor.-. brown morooco pures, conliniug fil teen.aud.sizpene ln cash, anti a lady' diamonti ring ut the value of ût; guÃŽnea: not a bati momning's work fo a entleman in reduceti oironmetances n o àni caee, howeyer, ah tise surmis ing in tie world was of nu avail. Ni une aaw hlm take thé pursé, auda lohg ae ho kept bIs owui couneil, ho we aafe-from detection.* The grand polo wâseto ascerlalu wbetber lie really hiai tie ring or the pawnibroker'a duplicati for il about hie persun.- But how todi Ibis?2 This wai lie prohlem liat I kep turning ovor andi over lu my mind c I cautionsiy followeti up my man wboi he went ou bis way frum the -ewelleri ebop. At lie top oftihe Lau., hi seemeil le hesitate for haîf a minuta tien ho turuedto t*0 lirght, anti wen 1np Long Acre, I elill following cautions iy about a dozen pacea lu thse rear - "r6I willPut you toi a aimple lest, in; frind," thonght I ; "au,]au yo1i coi ont of il, ne wiJl I aijutige yen innoceni or gnilty." Hlurying Up behint im, I tippei uni ligitiy oe the- arn. 'II beg youi Pardion,"' I suid, "ibut dia yon tdrop t1,1 peucil-caee juet now ?" Ho etartedas meI touoied Ihlm, sai seenoti *for a few secondsaime if hi coulai net take lu lie meaning cof n13 question. He hooketi ut me with oyei full of suspicion. Wbetier ho recog niseti mc as oue cf hie fellew-passen. gere by tie morning's 'bue, I coulai noi teterine. W. haihaltei] oppositeî large ohop, andthte liglil frein the wiu dow asone full on ny silvor peucil-case on, which, at length, when hi al apparently natistiet with hie acrulin- cf my face, his glanont faatened greeduIl "lPickedtiit np, titi yen eay ?" hi meked, me ho began *0 fumble .witl thumb anti inger lu hia waistcoai pocket. "'Juat bahut yen," I annwered "But if it'e net yonre, I nhan't bothei any mure about it, but pokelit nyiscîf. "But il (e mine," ho put lu eagerly "HIow etupiti ot me te loge (t i"-I pni lie pencil-case lu hie bande witheui hesilatin.-"I unm realhy mucli ubligeé te ýyen," fie wenl on, "for your kin& nons lu rotumrning il. As yuu groin eider, Young gentleman, yen wlll finé liat houely le the exceptiounlunliii world, mut! nut the mule." l'Well'in glati 10 have foundtih( owner," I saIt with a laugi. "Yot eeem te value tie case ?" III do value il, Youxng gentleman,' anewered lhe aid hypocrite. "Les, perhaps, from ils intrinnie worth, liai frors the fiel liaI il is lb. sole reli( noW left me cf a very dear friend, Frlendsbip evem let us cherieh. A trul: noble sentinent 1" "6Then, if yen value it se higiiy,"1 eaid, "yen cou hardly objeol b stant haîf a go of brandy for i1e recovery."l H1alta.go cf brandy 1" lho sait! lua homiie un. Yon mny1n i uby ne memasictiilune;,anti 1UOW T proceededt lumlx une after te mont upproveti fasiois, and! entietiby fi Opsnhg one outheb. olored payeraant poumng Ils, contente of ils ul thé th tumbler, andthobn offered- toivisoi te ye Tracy. lx zBut thoeltinainofthe po*der laud Je yo f rieno, wseu eue utmonessimora-1 e6 .l. 1e 1 'balle thlisfiretecab ý coul in,, ce anti we ailet off te rmy luiginga. No ïn conversation luok place wbile we wüeo s. going oves'-tlb. stouen; but iu imagina-1 e- lion I uaw beour me a certain aweet,1 ty teartal face, anti I telt mure detemnin. td eithobn ever to, go tirough is w theis et sehleme, wilti anti prepostéroeus sait lit mi4lit bave seomed-aIt another lime, ce whsclibat flubet euddeuly acrase my f tu brin whio I wastoliowlug lise rAcalà la iy my aide-up St. i<urtiu'n Lana.- 1 la Huviug inebmucteti my iandiudy ' 1 e. put dowu anotber . cullet, anati *0 enti iy eut fer eue or twe exîra, we eoondet t- lu my mooins.; ; "In lie buo, My tear sir, Ihal our id mlointsbip wiIl b. a hong anti donnis.- ta ing on.," samit My unwoicomé guoat,é r, "1aUow me, -as - neetiful preiminary,t to lu Prouent, you withb my carti."' e- Hie banded me, un hoe epoke, a veryt le imp anti ruther. die'ty pieucofe paste.1 a, boardi, whsich h. hat bad Boule dilli. le culty inilndiug ansong hie multitarions ie pookets, andi an wbicbà was iuacribed et bis nomeofet "Mr. Reginalti Tru-y." td 0f course, I c6nit do ax* eIos tbau m- 14unlicecompliment. g Dinner wa» e ned a few meine Mlateo; anti wiie il waJe n rogress, n: tb. conversations bolweeu Mr. TracyE Le anti mymeif wae cf th. moet lutorit. A eut cliaracter. I gatiereti ongli,1 îf- however, t*0 eablo issutb discever liaI e holi was a. man of soin. aducation, , antid Ly -misI ýaIonu lime have muret lunupeni. r or aocisty. By lie exercine cf whxat s. kuavisi suie lhobatl contriveilueforfeit s. tise punition lie once isela, I couit notoft ro course, tell: tiserein, nu doubt, lay leidt io tien lise gréât secret uf hie lite. Poor I sn wmeteb 1itilwas easy b o s, froanthe1 2tl stlal wicblh. gut Ibrongih Iie foel,V t tisaiapiantitul aut wiulesote neemi oe wme *wiat lho bad net partaken of for1 on nHoms lime. AI length, b. luy bsek lu bia chair lu a elute of lhappy' repietioti.1 t "Not anotixer morse], my <leur boy 1"1 la lie nuit with a heniguant ele. "Pu1s. n itivoiy, 1 coutl nt. Lut good itigestioni ns wait ou appetito-yos kaow lieu mont.f Le A bou1ntifill uxîcal i Bt Prov!9louxce e, temxpera tus wiud the l.sixoruinl i i) il An'h now for lte pipeanmuthtise csiibler. - Ila,heis I 1have not forgottoIs." - An 60accui« we worc fuirly nder. way ywith ounrtt Inînlur, Mr. '1rce ie brak. grenuxd on the eubject tisaI %vasn it evitieutly nippermmonl lu luis tlhîeîxlits. "If, air, lue nit, "yens wànldLa'o.i- il me wlti a Iint an le ltna spéciaclaiimeaf fi Lr inveelment in wixiclî yen are tiesiroius ofr es laying oust your capital, mut woli filo u fumisi mn witii eonu itou us te tiheh id urount of tise capital (isolf. I sîhl f e Ilion ]lave toine positive dttt lu work y ixpon, antli el givo Yeni these i t of »3îîsy experiauce in tuaI- purlieuhr linuo<of yprocédure wisicis yoi iinclinationsxsay ' 1- at dyen te p-eufer." 9e It ,Capital. lirue tieusaust;i"lino of ini.A a voeisl net tiecidet ou ,"I sailt]. I_ ",Scetxing iighst anti genteul wectlba Rprefors-eci."c ts --<Snc uas au Importer cf winaa antil y spirits, for luotanco ?" Bca]Mo. Tracy. r ". Tuiati oult do capituliy, I darcoay, l cx only I Isappen to know nolhxiîg in the 0 Ls worlti about il.' I .1 ",Quila unnecesoary, uMy da.s-ir, C liaI yeun1ut. OniLndthIe meey. t . antiI wilnaugg te lied-tlie bruina, I er anti te maku yonr fortune (nte the bar-..f( gain." Mo. Tracy sigicti decply teck a long punll ut hie lumbler, sudthlin it proceeea te enligisten my igonce as tL te tise varions néthode by wiol extra- Id erdiuar-y profits mniglît ho_ resliset, 1.wilienl thue aigbest rlcck of failure, hy wauy eue whe, combining Capital Witi a bruina, migisl chaos. te appear beoro is tis world as un importer cf wines sent b spirite. Thal nom. cf the méthsode ln- a ticaiet by M r. Tracey were ssveral de- LI gmees on he sbady aidé ofethnety, migil 4b once bave bosu -predicatet 1fron the character efthe man ; but hue ieertaiuly hatl a vary-noet wayof wmapp-n ing unp ant-ibelliig bis "tricks cf t rade,"seas0ianed îm look as 1.muci lie a gonulue article ae possible. y His exhxortation and ti i tutti -nu IL leu cane to au anti' bogoiber, si I "Have you ever been lu the Unitedi 0 à States ?"1 .I en'dehy aket. a "'Neyer, sir. An a patriotia Englisi- al man, my love cf travel nover took une go fuam rawm re."q "Thon yen neyer tasteti aey ofthtose L. delicions drinks which, nuder varions f eý trange usiese, are su popsilar ueuongb n lise Yankees'?" I S "sOne more a negative muet by myn uno.wer.-but,xMY doerYong trionti, if y you wilionly dticet luTay out yonr ôcapital lu accortiance with"- "6A mment, if yon please." I sait. i"Betors going Into &Dy turther buni- ft tweec bis a nne, hu arunti bis pmost- te brlng bie weak wavering gare te bénar on my'M'anipulatlug fiugere. But > lie effort vas buo mueS for hlm. Hies MS yanouet, opoeet, closeti again ; sud tison, wits a tew incohsement wordanof apoiegy , biusehat oppeti forwarnlon Ibhs table; slmnerveleerarma lest ail poweiea ut itension ;ant in u wenty seconds13e wau'fuster aoheop Iban b. ble e in bie lite bofore. Il *as lu thin ondtIhat aIl My effort. bil besu direct.,]. The puwtisr put bym mc mb lis secondtlumbler. vas a powertul Indian narcotie, vhicis I bu laIIerly Ixeo occasion le une in sume of my cbersxical experints. Alîhongs succeenful su fair, it?was net vithout a morenal, beating oethe eaut thbn no heia I proceed tiel carry ouIt tse renaintur ut my design. However -heneet oue'a intentions muy ha, Ibere is 1.soething- noerions iin tu jet of tehing>a n's pecketà-emeihiugthsat goes ýuterly agalual liseé grain ; yul tiat wue pieieelyvisaI, I bat ý,now gut. te do. Botons proceediug an-y turtber, hswever, I Iheught il 'advinable bu baeve a. heirti pereon. by me to-nt au a- witness of what might folluw. Su I weut, towu.elam e luMy iuni-laetig rCûn,ý witb lie intention cf geltinff eiîbtlite worthy dame beneelf or ber inhauadte *act -thes-parot fcisumusii Miy forlcoming 1111h. trama. Ferun- Aaly I fonn et .ohti luy'a unon, vie la a- atrappiug .âeegeantInetse Gumthe, mut wiso malle neotiifflenlty about go. iîsg baek wila me. W. fonuti Tracy %tilt sonty aaluop, pestsme I geetby 'auset hlm, sntahait I am back lunlice easy chair lunvisici lie was sittiing. Mty naxt proeetding was le inseintxute uy liandt mIeaof t- bais poclcas, coue atr tht, ollebr, ln moue-ciofetIhe missing tiamont. >I fbcexe ie ung iaty'a punae, but lie ring WnaR net in il ; I -alou fonutaa nîxnher et pawnxx-oWosduplicates, bat nana a! tîsen iaviug refarence le tue ulxject cf wih I was iu nearcis. Hoee tee, wae xey paucil-case. whiclx, together withîli thsîtiix paue, I tii eo fuit te apprepriate. Oue ulter ltxe -other, Il saarchetail tho peoketa I ceulbii tt but stili tise ring was net forthconing, auil I egan te four tIsaI io iea lreaty dlsposetet il , l iswih case il vas preisably tsbal ontire- coeuy. Miy frienti the sargeant, see- mng my peoplexily, enggestelttIhe ring waa ixerixapeewun p ibalte ieing ofis coul or vaieletoul. Acting 0es Ibis hîlut, I fuît mll over lie hining cf bie coul, but without ouccesa- but on snmiug *0 lus vaiseoal, I tonnd aincmé lising hart, amer vbih a patchi Swasi.- lealier hiait beau cureful- elitchet. A -fuw anconaile senficti lte nrip lise o- ing, ant 4e, wrappct nup carefflly iu collon-woul andti tieue.paper was a Iuty'o ilaimouti . ring. I n ai1snt tri. impieh, I 'héla Il up un the thp cf my finger for lise ergeant's iinspection., ,"Hurrah1 ia luly, anti nu mie laIte,' ahbot e h Guartaman wllh a wave ot bis pipe. "o vlMn. Sly._ beote fuel wien h. ahoks np ?" We venu net lefq long in doubt ou liaI point. M. Tracy béguin te yave, snt nbretci, anti pull hiüme togober [t van a poesiiarity, of lb. narohie I lised given hlm tisI ils effeel, *hen ad- 'miniature] lu amailldoses, vas out very short deiralion, anti I knew tisI Traoy's etupar vouti notl ast above isslf-an-bour à the muet. Te assist bis recovery,ý I haIt a vial et etrung smeiling-su.lts unclor hie nese. HoIl openeti liseuyes, st np. neezeti, mna stareti vacauly sront. "1Geati-vannmg geanur,' salid:tise aemgeaut. "Yen usa.ta bave hba quit. a refresiing 11111e enuoze." Mr. Tracy dit not responate lu Iis friontly greeting. 1Hia finge v ere bnny fumbiiug aI bsiaitecat, anti nexl msxent ho olarbatinp vIls a Ire, moutons cati, anti ticharet liaI blie haut been robbeti. obdMr bdrwla ave yen beenu-obd r "0f a valuabie dismenti tingwvbich, foi' icîter eccurity, I hat stitehiet up in tino folds et My vuisteoul.", "iPrchbiby titis paus. stucu belonge te sos2"Iaid, ihclding lie article lu ï1ueaticn. - Ho changea coleur aI once, and! ahi i.e défiance Saoed te ouzo oun t im as I kepl my eyes tiret sieatlly on ,:Thîaî luo, lt sy propu:-iy," isamit wilis a ixeor Attompî ilt bravade ; "andi I muet ait yenu t once t6e erpmi hov it came lnooyur possession." "6Lut metiret 'tell yen hov It came luto yours," I nuit. - "You boOit , Ibis uaossing, ont ofthlie' pckeî uf'a Young lay vîxe euh nexl you, in an omnibus, A& t&a. lie, l-cu4auet. baitea -

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