Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1877, p. 3

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=s' Aolx# ana To Cons:~P~vca. lnuuim. e as priument of the la. fadulent conilcat.e ofa frAudu. %04tboY ls gooti enougl i lénée fer ib bigls cor nth b e om,it le gMfrnediot six hoursi bead of date. oralEBtler bas boeen htewn for A; 'aioek, aud aithougli hoedo't, »y * mpch ragarding the polticil -situation, holmèopé hie oins levabed t te b.hel of th fbltereyo tiopointa, -aid evi. uniidestood thmt Whounm gesi wt the naît Houg.e owM ltalc. mn iudo pendent pmltion, id If ia d6oos, aid cau r* lyUnd" banlimnr iètesi Or lwenty me aons b. vl eof course hold télanciise et pO*u,, lb.naît Houa.be Ing 1 oislu1' dvlded btial .. Qut.au 6excloensn miwu aad i tb. republima omp yesterday, just-lie. fort tbe doulalon ef tb. commission, by- alce admIssion of Mr. Piorman, a nspub. ýIiloiumombar from, Plorida, aid a eau. 'didaée et th. lait aloction, thast' Tiden 'truly man Iawfully cimniocItht était. Tt willba remeedajthst Gensia !Balow, attornoy.gnnî tN York *undér sbeot.tlian.en.tbe.apot Dhî's id. minutnton, sud, lio vas sent by1 Zaob Chander to akha bthe sâmec mont, bas déalid thea@mre conviction. Hevoaver, ail this amounte teO notbing, aid the frmiudlant raturas ero, sasjyu ainoady 1mev, elevated by thé. Soprocic Cot etba Untt.d Stalag te the dig. nil, eof law. Tou bave probably beau inforcned be. fore Ibis of th. rosent abooting et Gar. *Packard eofLoulsiaga, a paît deel of niystary stili attaches to th a affair, but fil nov appoaiathat ho vas nsally vouicd.d, athengh but ulightly, and t clos nta ppein te bave beu àpot op - jb ei lb. Packard gang le maka e, h alcaphihi as was Mliret sppoeci.1 Thé . rpblicane, ar eondeavournlg to tnmnti48, ifain te accouct pliticmlly,0 and à *ld story bhiben legrépled haro. ot an organisadson ai1aassin. of r Wb",, Waldon ls a membet# but tb. entire' altr bc eundaîlcu hulmutb. Ragralthnguu t i~ enet sevea. Tf.Editir sOf'b hbOrn~ Diàî Sux ; t ablrdtememoà groat sel ple , "ïb ladtecourmtuilmte1 Patdo. abatt1h, are avare- et lb. ataîtofthe b.DnnkiAct, shonld it pi l t.eocunny. 1 amn infonmol thés Îsa inaa in vîy of beiug det.ited, tth. pettyargumente brougbt torys Iby thoo. aver of tbe Actbhave fallon f f on th. ears ef nlgt-thiuking mon. vwonl vasa yonr readere mot te, be t moure of vicIer>'. butluIeut te a ma m u Clistans, aid sicav your colora Ibost vhe vish te steel a mai-ch np, yen "S a thiof in ta hb," andd prive" yen 0£ yenr frodom. 1Be me sud tbow thit you viil o cdepivi of llbetyvhib b le durrthtanIli liy terce, bot wvilin it lbje ubef 10g eup vluutanily. Mr. Editer, ti lant "Gazettese"ha van>' lik te cgmodj aonc 'min hac aptinst bisneigliboi vbea le abusedlis houa for sallefe ,tien. The tarshy Edilor vishes1 obtahn satisfaction againet lb. Ant Duffkcintes, and takes il eut -of yeni ibid. Se referred isi.readeus te Il vonkingof jpehbition lu tho St.aloc Mine, but lie did net account far th groil mumbor et dmug abepa hi _tl Ble&te, non did c te11lbehm Ibat tiier la De aiva-gaflon Oayetem thone.. 1Nova le Tory viet in Ibis city a *présent. The TeLnes tîkes a guisat h géront la momaiil>, Wmd4oevurs t obroulola tb. conduet of people, no eîly hn this Dominion, but &crose Ih border asa vol. I have odoubt mm of et yonn resders nomeccber t atislebs ih afpeard lu Ibe'Gloi and Mail lois fil1, mîkingeponi tfIt vith regard te the »lita et mme. Vo C bull. If tb. aboéler. ,mod jc'rrals hac kuovi Ilie tino fsa 1téet au., lb. woÜld bavewMO'.ga Ihsir amicls t a 11 more iteesti ng te llîfr, rmiders. I appae ane, et the edilors le a 11111l fasciualed Whith the fair sler of Mn. Woodhu';Rt aid for le gel hute ber geac 9"0"@ tbe artiole vas vmitloa, sud 1 - im'4 hi got si lly pall ton hi tr<.,uble, wvbem dintly or indireatij £ do not knov. Eut Ibon bo bas a ed bondandulmoustache vhcic aagrosi Ancoubrâuce. The Time# bas Ii bauds- fulankeeping Sirlaonstraight, bol ale gaîher 1 do net thiuk il vil] ,read badly, aoie day it maya va eau. met do whîhout hlm, aid anoiber ii esaya vo eau. lu ils page. it bas nmem lied blets appom4. Hon. George. Tak- iîg ail tlinge inta coiidratlou I would s'oggest thet lb. Timse of lbe pasi sud future b. lakon as lb.eîtnd- ard anîbor ou moalil>'lib h o Dmia. ion et Canada. Iu tact I voul make a motion te ibal offet if I col gsel e secandeor. - Tho>' do, not taar e b.Dakin Act uccucl, wiceh i acea pi pl>; but ilion yocî sos tbey bny il uholoale il an> rate, se Il ucul net mako a graît doal of ierce - EÂSON. Humiltai, lob. 17tb, 1$77. A CCIDENT.-On Sundi>' attennoen a littlo boy fAve t ara of e,son of Mr. :Edvird Tiodarie, Bearrtoa, vîtile-an a vieil te bis grmolfathen, in Mea, bcd hie log bmkn jusl belevlb thigi. Il Appembaul é hlist 111ftllov vas bey. îng c ride ou a bons., uhen the animal etnmbled tbrovin; hlm off and break. $ug hiii lîg-Bee,-4.- BILVIaToxR *oî, Thé àantWa race etthea esrton Trottin g asocl aliep came off an'the icfou n eus .~Weduesday ,cfIbis veek. Tiié] G%"n Pum *. won aiby T. 0' .Hodkbn. son's, Maogl. Mq; C. Moora'., WiZl. Moro seon. T*5q- .ten Jfr.eoi, Wo4lwp s,, by G. t'nurs -eésoend. ConetyPqrse; voù b G. Msybe5a,Utke Nd; . Cerd'e Jete,,scond. Open Bace, G. Bsn- bam's Fearleua final mal Mr. Busseil'a- w vI reconl>' ied iCalcutta Ortaîn bd'queste la -ite Roman 3 slongy -et Woxtord,-, Ireand, o.s for lie- repose oettheco suls sîlf , sd hen relatives. Thoce yOe "ýte continue t e limail le wend lests." The 3i4#$of-ot la ebidlaI hlm. e ees bis soa mat. UnSvrm rragy. Tou-ae w u W to aveuilhemalv.s of the benfits oi "hi d5eeeVegy wiut oes,ea«I do 40 by ratumnÙmaUlby adrsln ill stampa isemint paper Du. CHARLES P. MÂBSHALL, 88 Naan Street,, 62 Buffa, lN. Y. ifetkcea ef Birmoc., Marraee eudDeaiho cborged 160 cents oaci. DE A T IS.. WOOD.-At Oshava, on 7tbinstanl Agies Beatnlsa,- agod 4 Yomand 1 moitha; a n the eth met., lames Hec' lient, iged 1ipaan d 1moîtb :cbildre of Samuel and Elisa Wood. SMITH.-At Whtby, où Saturday 17th Febmniry, 1877, Florence Bertbo Ions Gemnie, t b e balered vif, cf S. W. B. 'Smith, dnicggist, ini ber l7tb ysar. WHITBY MARK.ETS. CaMnoxcenOncs, Pcb. Sisi, 1577. P-AU Wheat ........... 1404150 Sprlug Wbeat .........1 25 291 85 Banley,.....%1.........80 55 à #ô60 Po& -oa............... 78 @ 75o Bllack Bye Peau .... el 00091.087 Oloser Seoci ..!.......... 8 e8 00W Claie........... .50e0 a5 ÎÏ&y ............." 8e8à 10 Petatais ..... .......7o00 850 iggs ..............180 Butter b ........... 0 02950 Oei, pet tAn..........60 60 Wood ............. ..8$50 0400 Weol ................ C 0 89e.- Bedi, hund quarter ...96 50.0 97 00 Beef, fore quarter....5 00 08550 ohoaep&kina..............1000 1650 Mêles ................150 0. 400 Duekm per pn ........... o o ['urkeps, pen lb ...10o omiens ................ 1 25 [!umips............. .. 150 Ipplas, por bushýl..500 a soc iheese...............18o O 14e. Carais ................15e09200 'ank, Per cvi*.......... 6 0009 6 25 Chlckous.............. 85 0 40o per pair TORONTO MAREETS. TaaaxNT, February 2lst, 1877. L.-40 @ 91.58 @8 $ 1.87 07t e0 @ 80e c0 @ 700 500@97.00 c @ 28e c0 @ 26e .25 @ 91.75 175 1011 81 92à 1191 1501 97 74 109 1061i 111 109 97 V V D T 0 T A. ci ci pi ci PeU Wheai ................1i *Spring Wiceat..............1. Barloy, .................. 6 Poes.................... 75( Oita ....................54 Hep......... ........... 9 Pork .............. ... Eggs ...................95 App..................1 STOCKS. BÂclEs OELLERs. Moctreel....... Taranto .... ...... .. 176 Ontario .............102 Merohaits. Cousolhdated........ olé Commerce,.;......19ï Dominionè.. .....181 Hamilton ............ Osé St&idàrd. -......... 5 Peélo............. 108 Impenlal ....... .... 071 Uaisons .... ......11 Couny 6per cent. Debanlurs, Pebruery Slim, 1877. d Eppe Cocoo.-Grateful end Ceom. a thorough knawledge 7 nature lews whioc, govorn the la eperetians af digestion and nutrition, t and- bv a crflapplication ai the fine praperties ai el-eected ca oe, Mr. Efpp b as pro ie r breakfast tables wit ha deiioetely fievorod beverage, whibh me1y idseve us meny hesvy doctors' bille." 1h ei i by the judioiaus use ai euoh articles ai diet le that a constitution mey bho padually built Sup until strong enan h brmet every. ten. dsncy ta dise&&@. Hundrede ai subtls maie.. dies are fadsing &round un reedy ta attaok kt wherever thers ln a weak p oint. We =&y 4 escape mai y e fatal shah by keeping aur- bselves wefl fortifled with pure blood and e I praperly naurished frame."ý-Csvil Sfrrcice Ga:reft:. 8:ldaonly lu Peokets, labelled,- "Jme pE &Ca., Homcoepathic Chem- lots. 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170,. e Piccefiully Londan. There is No Article LikeIt to Cleanze and Dostoro. Weed's Impraved Hair Restotative ais unlike eny ather, sud bas no eq ual. The1 hImproved han uew vegstable toue proper-1 tie; restarea groy hair ta a glasey, natural clr ; restores feded dry. hersh tua feUl.- Ing hir; reetores, d sisgîves vigar ta the bain; restares Lh reomatursly bald heada ; remaves daudrnf humons, acae eaptilons; remavos Irritation, ltcQig aid scely drynse. No article producos snob wondsrfui effects. Try it, cal flor Wead's Impraved Haf Restoretive, and don'i bu put aI wWeaucjoth.r ar-tcle. Sald by aiU drggiste in t= place and dealers even- wbere. Trade supplioci et manufacturera, prices by 0. A. Coax & Ca., Chicaga, Sale Agento for the United Stted aid Canada, and by LYMAN, CLARK & CO., 86 Monsal. RAND'S NEW YORK CITY )IRECo. TORY.-This la the titis oie veluable wonk ai Commercial refoeneo, justi ssued by Walter Hough & Ca., Printere aid Publisbi- ors, ai 14 Pardk lace, New Yark. XiT con- telus eafju and complote tio ail the Impùrer*,, Jobbei' aWcd 2Manufacturers do.w ing buaineshi he gréat metrapaliso lSesi. c i.4 ainugefi by Tradesanmd <5008A- in,aidpiving thidritret ad zumr à4drse.t l auinvainéble work for the Country Marohent. -1 talla hIný wbers ta obWan sytbing froin e needla ta a steam i e01Mc futor seced bhnme.- -be work- it* >bae itby théb. ublaerto anyid.' pthe , O ale;fuell bis clath bounà,S et.11ve Cents. WALTR HEGH CO .Pbltaera Liberalo * TON HLLBROOKLIN, CM J3fOND4Y, 121HlSh, 177 .10 'lo n M, orte Bleof e -uraié an cfra ~J. B. BIeILL: Wbltby, Iy15h,187.9 FCR AE CBAP I Ah Brick Cttgener Busiess Ontra ln eb Toaehwn 01 y.FPr wpela me apply te.- Mw. M HOXPOON, NEW~ VI itWnaise Adan"s IMTINGl ýVative 'wbitby, Poby. 01h, 18n. 9 o T MNT OR BELL I A BrickCoattage on Byron Stnaet. J. HAyMILTON Whliby Peby ~, ~ Hamiliton ià Ca. N9TIOE CôUNY OF OUAMis héré1bgiven ibat S ToWit , the Court of Assise SilPnine, Oyer ana Teri n eGiorsi Gi1 lDaivew iiibe bolfen in madfer lb CoI)ty dom i, in the Court non». in TOWN"0F WHITBY, rPuesday, Ap-il Brd, 187, At the heur et 12 o'olook noGa; ci wbich &Il Coranes, Justices ai t!,.]Pueo, aais Otheos co i wud vlltaks notice, aid gev- N. G. REYNOLDS, Sherlff'e Offie, BbenlD, C. 0. Wbitby, Fe..21,t, 1877. 9.td BRUNTON'S HEUMATIO ABSORB- ,ENT AND) DIGESTIVE LUTD. 700 doz. sold since April last. The Rbeumaulc Absorbent vil pool- tcveiy cure &R pains hrm Ebasflnatim or other lnfiamatary Sweliinhi12 Hours. The Digestive Fini uId snover foid ta :cure Dyspepie ; reief l e foinla e ew1 Houre. Themonti btisate cases as Dys- pepie cured lu a veek, A Lady vnites "Ihave been eaved tram lite-lingering PaiLs. 1 had Bronci Caterh, aid -Dyspepsia, aid vas cireth a foidaylby ies use." Sold by Drugglste. Prices te Advice for particular cases froe. Addrese W. Y. Brunlon, London, Ont. à Ta th. Werkiog Cloes-We are nowy prepered to furni hall classes vith con- stant employmeut at home, the whole af the trne, or for* their spac moments. Business uew, lighi aid profitable. Per. sons oh eiher seioeasiy earn rom 50 cents ta $5 penreeigRade proportional sm by devoti their whole time ta the busi- ness. Boys audgirls sa u aly asmnch as me. Tbat aul Who 5bses "notice may send theh.r ed ai d test the business vs maie ibis unparalleled 0for:-To sncb as are not wefl etisfied we vIligoud ana dollar ta pay'for the trouble of vritiug Full p artileamplee wortb soierl9d. lare Lo commence vork on aid a copy oh Home aid Fi ne n ïaithe largesieu lest fllnstrated Pniicatioue, AU senut iras by mail, Riedril yon veut permannt profitable vark, arsi , Gaosez Brusex, &Ca., Portland, gainue. MONEY TO L04-1~ The Muuicipeiai clEasily are prepered ta LOAN 6,200 Dollars Ifor a tenus oh pears au finsi-clas sceourl Intereet Payable Annuailh Apply ta the Reeve, or Tovmsbp Cloud J. LICE, Februec-y 181h, 1877. 4 T HE TIIALE ERG PIAN( -$290.00. Fe 0I/mo: 4d Co., Attorneys at Law, A (ucoumta Chipman, Som oC.,) -629 F -Street, Washington, D. C. ) EAXcicc AND Ponsicox AUT$-P ente procured u il Ucauntnies. No feu oin edcaoce. N he onlisme .patent le grntod. Noitees for M"chl.eliunn ary uxaminations. No addftionah tees for obtalmlng aid cezcdnotmg besrnmg. Spa- ciel attention givan tglntniorance Cassa baera lb. Patent Office, Extensilon betoro -Coupomas, IntnlngtaAet n a ufrou Biaies, aid &ail litolns pmnng ta in- ventions orr Pen .DÉutmfor pain- Cli u p o u n thlb.Supnm .Court Southm Ca eCo CissionanCur oh amus oer of vu lalmma disime Bzou« Dopartmonta. Il. Aezao r .uÀ,nBucvOaes Soldiers, andSalora ofthelatsvau,or tholr boira, cinme asosotihill oe> anl state ammofp py aidbouaiy rohov. a d. Enlostm,i a lui nipI>, ater Bâlors we"l pension mcay nvnci esosare ant o. 5.n a b uam p i uxuran Brýi x GaussiLA», Oavma- COfiteuIedlaiîCe th e a amlgl é aid Deparmtmof thélb.lt-ion. Olp Bow yLin Wàumso.-Uo lut Leul Oma b.aAvA aceM tBul LandWarn-etlnig os isulunder .eIe trhWei4i allrgltnlhu mutaI laiakaet Oureau Cllate tbes op'bave bautu nfou nimailii d FpPr M !bpplomithea os. As vs cicalge. shol b. cent lus,. Libers! eregm=2 madievilb ttorù"n 3la ilclsssOhbual nom. -Addrea- Tihe Tlialberg Piano filsn a veut long bul- that oie4 GOODe USEFUL PIANO whlcb combisâd tb. oleernese ah toue ai, the beauty af finish ai th. meut culebrate< meke, with a moderato pnice. Ilfi he ho ked bow itL l aseble la suppl a God ]Piano gi o about HALF THE PRICE -groeuly Obald, lb.e Aner t leinW :, Iu th"emmking or sale 'ât thons lutm. meute, thon. are no larg hor omst kep -up, no grand Muneo ale ta maiutn or na expeasve travelling agonis ta par. Those lintrmenta are ail mode of a-- UNIPOUN STANDARD PULL SEVES OCTA<B SOLI]) . IRON PRAM%, OVERSTRUNG BASS, CÂEVED ]LEGS BOUND PBO ÎT CORNERS SERPENTINE MoULD'Gd, adDOUBLE VENBEaD RO'SEWOOD CASES. An extra DISCOUNT 0F. ce PER CENT. wiii b a lloveil Scoo a nd Conveits, ais no Clergymen for tiheue ocf ihoir families. W. ADAMS, Awt Tbitby, Pobroary, 151h, 1877. S WlaITEY PORPERbflDÂ rnot icen~ ile EllSE.11 l for thé l________id,_____ : Ic6abv NEW-AYXTISIEMENTS toàina bv al - &vy a a$ evz, X"1144a, aMl azvooD. TO MqT1BopanaleTondora iiib. reoliveanaech FARM s 8ation-ior ion the vbolo. NQ;th blaitoh Lot No. 20 4thconcesion plansAnaci pcfioetans eau ho sean ai TmpvushppW1cltb, cent nIg 100 acres, theBalva>' mP*y'e ficeluWhitby, Éba sotpqel4î.ao aund alst the ataso ffc aport prr. aIl 4no. 4pl~'t-.--- The underalgnel npuate lb. rlght ta &o- -- *-Ct)ý<ELL BLANSRUR, Cepl OrnePet l ramyof tle Tonaru -On te lb iiise.1 GIBBION WDIXONJ, ;om J. -W; Bolon, Oshawa,------------- - WLVvv Feir ~lh.1811 - 1h' O l'rt0'e.M. aVlte'ib. 140 the cru lb. E. J. MACVOE, C43 te "vo à , E-ooe1cE htiaaoy-a Ontari *01 Ceuuy e ja5ahb~lsK =9 èhn l euh ,of thelbona. MOtp4, tM7FffWam ton MARCHI/xt At tbhe ur ofTen 'olcck itibe toreneon, fer the purposa i0tklà apou 1- dade htbror not l.B-Ev bah«abaoor mnionteappravo theb.sumunici pal lecopsprvj~by -the Tampon. anc. d e!1864 Tevnsbp et B M-'--cnel..sunel Townebp of Sonar, T own Tawnsbip af Souoce, Centre sobool Éouse. Towusblp a1 Txoîz, Town Hall Beverton 91 h o xarcTovu , ZGod Village eofUxuarno, Catmoil Comber. Townebip ai Wmnsr, Town Hall, Brooklin. Townehip of XHastWirra, -ToEW4Hal Columbua. VillaqsoaiOexawà, Tow Hl. ÜQetPoa!é,Piiat-T, TouaBeL H. J. MA.CDONELL, aia-63 County Olork, Ontania. EAU ravuM ice Ceùt, ruoà sdIo1theaboya faur iaaen *Mu ta lot ai Mercb, bm ath daesnlusivé,e, m cnt for mse DMto tahelie 8d aifegt dllera ciHENRY OLAY"P The vall kuavu sire"HEyCIS,I nov offeolfor ual. To beoeaà[thb: stables ai Eay's British Am.nhcai Hote4, Whilbp, vbere, sU, partloulars, lucludlng pedigree, may b btio d ilt- S $99ôo't b. made ly evry agent a996very mouthin thé business vs iomuhsh, but thosa ye to e ork cen oauily ocrna edosen doll.jà day nightinh their cviloceltia. Haveno rooni ta a- plain bors. Busino. plesant aid honor- able. Womomiandbad girls do as val as mon. Woulfùnia pu e coni. lete Ouifit frai. Thé business =y bot. r lmaythiig ais. W. viii eo- esofdtaringL ou. Penliculera fme. ant uhg. Freaaid mechailca, thoir sons aid daushiar an auc classes in need ah pqing vork ai home, sbould vaite ta us aid ba aillabout th,. yak et once. Nov le lb. time. Donl't dalay. Ad- drese Taux & Ca., Augusta, Main. SMOKERS W.e have again to call yon: attentic to the numerous IMITATIONE MfyrtIe Navy Tobacoi THE STAMP E io, IN GILT LETTERS. la on ecd Plug efthie Genuine, lauilton, Jau. 171b, 1877. 4.l P.c rl i. B. It MOE& Co., - Waalcissgfes, D. D.on»,C., Nov, 24,1811 =v Suane.4a, ta. j OINIO OROCM PtOàN '& C0.. CeertdAdjyU.9tableû,Coret8; Als a arg lo ofCàanadi4n Cotton,. wiCh they are seilig very chea p.- *lý Taiorng> and Dbress Making to EN T S 0 0~fg -s' o my rdebr tytab' LOWBB h POWELL. I W.hitby, Pebmnany fils,, 1877. 8II:ELA~'S GREAT SWEEPING' SALE STILL CONTINUES. A fresh 'batoli of 'Goods placed'on the1 cheaptable No Goods 1put on t/te Oheap Table, but such as are sure to command attention. The following are among the remarka- Ladies' Fine Corsets at 50 cents, worth $1 50. Black Lustre at 15 cents, worth 25 cents. Aberdeen Winoies at 15 cents, worth 30 cents. Colored French Mernes at 87j-, worth 60 cents. A Heavy Cotton Shirting at 12J. cents. Fine Lambs' Weol Hose at 25 cents, werth 50 cts. Table Linen 25 cents. Two yards wide Sheeting at 25 et., worth 50 cts. Union Carpet at 30 cents, worth 75 cents. 7The y are 8elling faste (Jail and 8ecure- aL bargain w del the op-portunity off ara. 0 m ti 1.. Oshava, Pcb, 21et, 1877. JAMES SHEA.1 STOCK TAKING IS OVERI, -AND- IOODS MRED DOWN!1 F~o make room for Spring Importa- lons, we wiil offer for ONE MONTH, our whole Stock of )ress Goods, Winceys and Flannels, Hosiery and Gloves, Manties. and Glothinig, Ai AtSpeciftlly Redwced Pricea. 41 HAMILrON & Co. ~EW SRINGGOODýS CONSISTING Fa.cto)ry CqttonS, Cail and s Fancy Prints, T able linens,WhlyDc.1 Hluek Towels,- FA81 Pilow Cottons, ~ffh eti gs, &C.Go *where ye- T!he aoe sdweebg *4pAiid :GEO C0'S., 0F esc I8 now showi W eA, sortm U -J 1?urther alteration of- preinii te meet the additional requirement of our tré,do. C-e?' Our quarterly password: B, your Wall Papprs: and Paper Window Blinds, from * . J4- S. ROBERTSON, STnOVES AND TINWAFR - Ian Tin.Ware, Copper Ware, 0f every description in stock SorE aet 1odr STOVES! ~ ~ ST1E Special inducemepts to pUrehasers of Stoves for balance of season. GROSS & MACNACHTAN.. Whitby, January Bl, 1877. 0 ksEÂIsO0 I TABLrj mGOODms ALWAYS ON HA.ND AT P R I N G'LE'S Merchant Tailoingi Establishment, WHICH THEY WILL MAE UP CHEAP, FOR CASH. MoMILLAN'S BLOCK, S Brook Street, Whitby. In anticipation of 'real stormy weather about Ch.ristmas, have bought Several Articles which it iniglit be weil for those -people taken with the Cold and Hard Times to inspekt The goods referred Wo are in,. sucli a shape that they cannot altogether prevent, but wiil materiaily assist in keeping eut the cold, and driv- mng away duil care. For in a stormy day, what is better than a good Fur Cap on the head ; a fine warm Overcoat on. your back, girth about with a sash or mu.fler, such as Laing & Stewart seil. MILLIN ERY 'AND MANTLES, SMINK MUFFS AND FURS. of most ail kimds to eheer the Ladies,at LAING & STEWÂRT'S. Whitby, Nov. 22nd, 1876. 48 S. W.B. SMIT-i-1 é Have just opened their -stock of .Our Stock is larg and Cheap. ALBUMS, BAGà PUBsEs, BRACKLETS, FÂNCY. BOXES FOR. JEWELRY, BRIAR PIPES, BUSTO, PÂRIÂI4, OA]BD CASES, PEARL. (lARD CASES, TARTAN.- CÂRD BOXES, C3IGAR CASES, CIGAR' HOL1)BS, OIGAB BOXES, COLOGNE YANCY BOTTLES, D)BÂUGHTS, DBESSING CASES, GLOVE AND HANDKEBOHIBýF ee our Stock. 01VAJBLE l'AIL )u -cr O«A-rt a Wallfit.rnv ,G2 O-D Je, well assorted, INK STANDS, INK BOTTLES, HfAIEBRUMHES, iMusWoBOIJ4S; PAPIERBTEgIES9 PARIAN WÂE.- SPAR ORNAMENTS. SMLLING-ýBOTTLES, TOBACCO POUCHES, TOYS, VASES, BOHEMIAN GLASS. WÂTCH STANDS. WALLETS, WBITN= DSS WOBKBOXES. CASES, ho., ho., ho. hs~, s. W. B-SMITH ti THE WINDSO. (CoLr. ing aud York.sta.) NOW OPEN. Sa-c PER DAY. Fmromnibus to aid ifroi aU treina. Ta. blé and appoiniment firet-cias. TROUAS SOULLEY. Late iof oucbichlng Ratel, 8.17 Manager. S TOEE AND DWELLNGr TO LETI! A Liverpool aret a New store sudl Dwelling, WOUei 81104 î?sed with every., noesry acomýmodation. 'Aplyto- X . XCLLLfN Deer. 8SU, lue.t-d SALTI SÀLT! 1 500 BAUS LIERPOOL, 500 ]BARRELS GODERICE,. ~Just receivel sud for sale by T. LÂWLER CO 0. Whitbp, Nov 1sé87.th.48 THE NEW ELEm=oxp HPOIPHOSPHIS PH OS FOZ-ON E. It rres t to tho huaifrane tlcg *Phophois iâor An,-atiig Eleieuie0o L For onGenenal Dabhlity, st=cuaci, Ches and Ehe=maileCempfinn .tig Pesh supply r"eve.by JA= MEBRNE, -Diepensing Cicemiet Town and Park Lots F;OB SALE. Enquirs of- f GEO. T. HALL, Laid aud Camnmiesnioi Agent. a-ti Brok.st., WhiIly. SIMON &KELLEY, -COAR mÀNUFPAOTOBY', CTobaco. Tii.q C0iga l otelepi Whhily, Pcb. 7lh, 1877. 3UJST A2IRVED AT 1 1 w rk. Fe 1 1- i ;l X.Mu JU PAPERS,' in 1 JSUUMY Bltit, 1877 BROOK f3TREETs Wl LOWS S. a PO"LL. S T 0 V FOR SAL-El --000-- --:00:- of the 1-8 00.1 Ar - Notice to Builders. -i - heap table. Jb A I.N'(* & STEWAIRT. IF AN C Y

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