wmn t ,.~, funalblarget, ohsp" ;*d b i ro ulery, go ta W- J ,r lb. beat ana obeapeut uhoie Tuas, Coff.., ,sugan. ii fq$iWof>l ni4,,go to . ou enu ge t a res!goosi Tua for 50 cent@ peruIb. a W. 1. ?l1o hGbesi andl ubsapeit Osnuod Pest, colà , Temow, Pomi eon, get a Slb. eau of éholeê-Posebes for 80 ozute, aI W. J mil if Se#iL% Clans Wanta s&DY choice MiIoSI CandWe) srn iood pail»x 1w irtq for 20 rente per lb, a sud, Oregon, ho relrates lhe fol. meeke go a" Semou her iRY»' sOsueo uleeuq, u er nucomuti w&4 nt iory Oenstlruw&ae ,d ai]lis wlf. was ver>' cuxions to go JBant and villt lier relatives lie borreir ed the woo.y, gae.bler Lis bluslug &ci!lisp bohowed colo, arsd-sent ber - ewpy tcward the ienug isun. Arriving Litlonîllpod, sot!( spedng Ob few datye wiffh a frictisI, site bousna cqulaale %with Liiels> Queun. prospecte, andilu. prensuodirl ihthé Islamthat lier,,uioney eoîdb.ilnvomted to god roit i osiig îte, s'e.dof'.rrqsl ier vIsIl ansl Invusted the borrowed mono>' in illb.gaAres., lîIed thom &afeir ,Is, sud ,vltsltîclthe goil sIews ans i rclîor. eli ,cloefitolae.s ti uoIe'ast ock *ucrf triressolit, sent blatihie bari inuWod tseooý1 hâtewortîycéponge, andi Ooriinticil lier Jnu'ney entilt ou the pro- Iw1iqIy l co! t olf, fil,'a tivas mlet h l>y tis e wtof th. insuo wlt1 lit18 011 Inluthe' wa'y cf @eaà ,>but sin lu tht. AY o.etrvolitor. "If yeni o.a l oelîii itizen,' ssiiil .j I ýîrlni"ou wl~UI fctë ubUoyur lsI , lodd)i nulalarn, îthe quie îîcu.uîbotrlupl.">Yo s.aîtrae' pro. pîso î"reopoudoilthe proprier, ,îaLnily," nus!l hoput fouiri, bult lu VitrinseîIe rts of th. bsrgiilmr'c Poroon, 10wtu thon uemuiIn'd; >"M3y -friluud tîir j.rutuiuue irre 'net iewu tkeî ï1IsCmuîso tîîy wero Muyp remises ; thora. fore yoîîr argumient, lilse yourlbody tiý9llata the -grouns.' ot !ri&tal:-Jcforu bri-alcing nt jl iiie , bu el>a'îsstl)t itil;s netthle inclident or Ajýurimlist ;'otlIuwiue yeii ion t i it cff getting imore bullule . liibiioty, ath,1 boinginstiltles!' wmle lylng, Iwllh jouis." *,t>îî'iî * vie1nilite faire in l'asie, soiu Y ensrago, 1Ilut i.1es sil othsuchildl V a4s ia,- plusi91'. <itai(iig te pase a stauiîV1wlirî oin,, ùpretty Yelitig laite ýVeVq uostallus!, lip nkl i i;a bssîtteni5 toLoIel VI, iy tienn, wlîst Cao I dû êfi' yon!,"" h'Iltiron," ssii! loue, "::O ul, give us fiyod sttogipli."- plcseîre" rpliltle- gallaut o111 Baron, 1ifyen Pré face t %with sun *agicesble sentimenit." Sothe Iiyouug - lady, wthoit luncholîado, wvrote ons daiti alip ai' paper , I hereby givu to __chai-'ty ten tllîioîaed francs," and! -the Larolmeditysned suanie Quen Victoria uew standsfilfth ou the uni! <>f tis.monarceo f England fer langth cf relgu. Slie lise re iguos! uearly 40 yeaoans : thoce- wlo prucode are Eilizabetli, who relgueil forty.fenr yuarsi antd oveir; Edirard tbe Thfril, . 0aI~ev fftyytaro anîl a hall"; Henîry thlIe 'elil, lfty.aix yeans sud ovor, and George te TiId nearly eîzty yearc. ý(U11ltt ix À 1 ASow 8oM-w lrothors weru esught lu, à terrible suow ot)ei nlu Mnnsota, wheu miles lmcliii y au'itation. Thi.>' sluggled 01i f bliudëéd by tlii. ciiw, heirn ootSutni liauisse olwly frezlng lu the nlous icols!. At longlh ole uould ,not watk anyinurtber, san > îwgparriud awhle - b ytiue.-tler, ,Tien thu 'lttbrwamnt con alone unuil lie rbelis4.a lio. As. elatanue was prowpîly senf,thé" lb ai loft behinsl, wliewe feu"u4les.'% ADîvmit'sL4 sic, A Quoetîslaad silven lunt ya coulîiire6oîirug a box coutaiiulg645,01)ü' lu 'gohsi <'roui wreck whlob waa hduuIed b>' ehanke, N attractesi (ber. b>'tha corpses of the crew. The Colonial Admiralty Court awtardes! hlm sboÙt #ld,QOoaesalvamu, bot lhe ownene of the gol&-appealos! th. award &4as zosve. The Judicial Oomimttee ta' mmch, the. eane, mai ne-@ ferres! dlsla6ealthe appeal, and )bo daing <ivr obtainesl bis monçà - À Youg wmn in u cehester, N. Y,, lljas stes!for damage*âa insu lîokiesos! liter.- And ehêBosten t gysf a>.:"A Mati Who, e us. a afi- »'"nls hout sbtnuisnýqher noghbto pay for hiel ibeesthI ol or uoevisi a onei bas petéu-"', aGermes ontor W h( hi&IsuIjeeý sXpWînad- ti, maman', orchl ho'bhai an#yula- i I bat,., tIlý1eêIté, it W %ke- n lwoi'tbel 'metoi r,o mô u good tJhI r., -Tien IT iis. og f 20 illi thun- 'bp Mod gâd, wij4 ue, ou he.ria Te, Institute 4ao publiehes IlTUE PHi IOLOY '0F, WOMAN AND IWl< DIBEASE S.1 Frice, Sa. The toit book* of'thé. klud extant, Aa other vminable inedicai worls tret. lima i«utv.iy Iblntali u Ni rvous Dlceaoeeu; o X Il I, & o tatvo pages. twonty oie. t Mrssi und lu ubtantisi inuoltLu 0 >l. aM~rly onoughi 0 puy for prl,ît- fb' ookfr Young aUn iile agei mon #é I~o te ielncte of Lite, ui Sit s suthor-mo sret'iucd $romn "r Mt béa <t. .tand i aathithe c ;, -o Phnydicien fil t ho lpeabody Meeai e t'Un, X5-4n 1Chh 8r»etoaPu- IlThSienCc f Life le 4. mWUgrnii&,ri- "Rcpsbéetied ulit fic bottate of Pinnlosi'c boxýand ope Iulloa-hr 'I!lg.> uî,w, fsuite th5e sof ?nru vilualsworksie lileed by the. Psabody Ittdfoa ul tt. whlnare tocbltg)tlînstl14, ilta<olil Vin îii;îisdles thst ualith.e taitçt4U."I'îî.ÂîcQIsî el usiron. lbu roitd4l thuiig, tliei iddile mue, audeventh i.-t; e: inrx upon buy Moilleal man îîlu tis i<, ei,Uasit reoofluiu.f si « sea pand ieî c sricus, 'wau prseute.i te he. uhî itsewcrke. r104 i, 1876. Vin 1îîîeseîîiteittfit ui neAil- ed thp Urne of It îw biiieeiîytiié) 11<40 Prose,. as,,ithe loAlngjeîiri e iglict the< 15 cooutry. Ititis tuiit iie:îlt Mlà lei or<if t ,.Altogeilser, lit ità L xe1tinii iii le<tel. uosntftts t,îterhaie mid su,, tils i >ieiis- ,,Âet 're t 'uiito,,,, ta.,iiiiL,.tsii li th cuntfr e b anycli ,Uss'ti Iymit (IfL N TITUTfl. Ir lv, H. J'A»i'tEU, M. 1'1., C'o. Itilig Pli)*Olteiel. lie. 4 Blltitni Slt., i3cm, ton, Altm, o ensite levro fiijo, N. B. Tli u t1mir cau lb ette(tni <nic a6boe s ned disomssu, me wctl aue ilîiieeiscm reql~iuef~ii sn~eÃ"'çtîdxî>iiaee.Office hou re, 9OA.if,. te 01P. m. ANOOD , viellis f eoulin:),pdnusi<uce, mie rnatir%de s bt ceselsoosa ndi~ DArIDJ. & CO.1 sa0 !7ua 8trot, N.Y. GQ)PAY sud or tira euterpnluleg mocici!n wionnlui sncb Àg à tetl.t, hBeston, à lStn,. 3M cia stlitlî'HU1I TfectHof he I nlie ii;ia u in Tc item. Mr. Mîît'rtîy. iîulueliîîiuok nu ]lel'ii'd, ilie le rin o!a 5<YsiiutV'yoîtig tei ut triu seaui l-i 1 vi-îir,'ui y e fli> tn vîîîî, lî.i i1uiuî1 cu oti l EJ) thefliuiîimilii rguîluriy LiciFta;te tte piiucwo'nulîcd ornder tlitu, teL dritîtç a tee S l'J l a me fri etn ls, sLýture'pq. cfum. Brade Mark Rogiefiiet. PRIGE 25CTS. (ILit.î'e butit' 1< util ciei. tifun, cîiiuinaion t euegafit miielexeulcé frei lte R-ed Spinee re'. llatii.prce Parîution Llie gainli eit'se- parnIes. setti al it aetti epatemnuhie e.XpFttiuruuuht, e 1t le tinds!abae ccpr(,jurtie,; tire veerves!. F 0 r Cllntîe. il tien,",,cie, it w'nniu, likoea TBY CON$TA1L34'tS. -(Utiler Onder in eutteil, el-1til i ci Jely, 11874.) li Y 2. Arreot of eti It iidivimli tlmîîla, 2.' Fsrs'itigs itiliun or 0uuuec..O2,; 8. Slilcigc te serve iii uuu'iic, eitii limteor warratt............. IL Moait 11iet, sritli 'îu "ui1ohîitue u1m utiproof <if inatiie ne-0ol) 5. ieleagmi hakiieg cjnueptts ttelc, exelclvei is thei.Uuinil ee. cesntily exiiiiilc4hi Iltîir roiti viiyanii........... --- ... u....0Io 6. Atbenetieg Juuîticec ou sunîesary trials, or0uit uanmitîetioc ai lic. inters elî1iged miii ucrine, for sacli ayieictiesail>' cmPlilt Ilion. oroeCages'go'leiui net eugg or eutlin four lionne.. 101 7. Deo. dut. mienengages! more thug~ four hours................ j... 1~ S. Ahloudiug Aseizes or Sesenq, oaci day ................ ...I su 9. Mileage tr vohlilig, tstues! As- sizeu, Setfffu, orbeooeJatimu (mi;en public couve y sce dan ho taken, oui>' tuaau.el diuborée- mente to ho alloeoI) .........()0 10. Semumoiug Jury for Ceraers'l Iuqcust; lueloitg attonding'at icqueut, sud ail:seravinslure- pect'tbcrceiof hislau samo day as Jury esu Une .......' il* Atteuding Cele adà ijnl*reont tiiereai, if ual engages! mono fouir heurs................10 12. Do. do.-i engagés! moe titaît four heure-................. 150 1.Sarvlng summous or eubpe<na te atelni beicra Coruner leebjeet 17. méian. bc>'yuiter Coroneýr'.i 1(1, i Ramuvl e ...... .2 o raîs........... .. 00 Onantît 10r geoule te mnaIe, dis. tros, whm ienucgoidsarc sîî..O10 20. App)raseoeeto, wbutiîr i b ii ôOnmone, 2.cents IÉîhedcîî an ti, malue oceed 21, Catlogue eale -siul' ceuxuî's5icn ansi dellvcry n oia Seuî the0, on net pre cf titgad. -22. Execoutlugearcî ljrau'rui , -f. 28, Sonvl n 'iiees eu constables' îio]5,I&ih> maros!- WM J IBSON'8. Wqlltedj-âAld the Highxest Market Pric,ê pid for'anyý quatît ofgoo Druud Poul try, Butter, Potatoes, Beaua,, Peau, Wheat mand at W. J. aIBÉbN's Whitby China Tua Store. --.AND- Pte, prBO 0 STOR E AT THE g P SAIDMONTBFEÂL TEL. OBFEBIEOK-ST. Georue Ygle $ n ~~e r tlat 1 a eoee hii Stati;tiory smd BokBtùie 1»WhtbY. W1zu taWoe2 't 'in--- of the best quality, 'wl]1be kept on 'h&M , sO 8bo olec w description, Oopy Books, SIates, Pezncil-S, (kO£.,L. at tue lôiret pnieus. Thse Daily and Weekly Papers always on. hand. Sgub- seî'iitiolls Solicited. I\ Y Orcnrs; ire aken for PeriÃ"diae. , agazines and Museo. G EO YU LE MItitby, e. l3tlî, 1876. ~~S JUST ARRIVED Af! It#i ODD FELLOWS B1ILDIN(s 1 riO011THE S110OL ID «& Y- s mA~so~w! NEW RAISINS,- FANC-Y GOODS 0F ÂLL KINDS, CANDIES, ORANGE PEEL,* LEMON, PEEL, CITRION PEE'L, SPICES (al! kinde,) CHEESE, .HAMS, MBON, LARD, &o., &o. Al of whioh wiil be sold Qheap FOR CASH. F resh ,Oysters anid Haddies received 1)aily.PETER SMITH NJÂ.-Caffîpuid fat Butter, Fgggs, Poultry and Apples. Whlitl)yi Duc. 5th, 1876 50 JR . P H1L P fias just received hie fali stock of CARRIAGE WHIPS, STOCKS & LASHES. Also a largo and excellent assortment of Brusliee and Currycombs. A poil assortment of Ladies' atnd Gent8' Trtiulî, Valises, Satehele, Slhawl Strapa, Sc1îool Bage, &c., ail bduglit at close prices. My usual stock of Carrage and Teain Harness, Colliar». * ielters, ,13elts, inaps, &c., always on hand. SWlitlby, November 151h, 187C,. BUGG !.R. P IP Brook Streot, Whitb48 1E Wh2itbý, ugnst 2th, 1876. W ~, l~~I~86.Iy CARRIAGES AND H .-000 TEELABGES1T AND> M9BT OMMe4E STOCK, 0P Carnatges, Sleighs and Cutters, M.0 ODO0NOÃ"VANI,* ÂARAGE FACTORY ,BEX'C! T., -ýWITBYs T ICheepest and lBest Hoser n Witb Fê FRUITS>. COM~FECT-lONER-Ye GRO- ti lià saf dýoiItý ià eet'tb mante cf thie Aliieé.o' uitthe Tintesasid Puruli~~~ wndr lUgre tchl'e u 0 tia'hlcüé o 2Sîteol.,,per lb., Cheapon thon elsembffl, for Osmi. >%e u-noeVà ueà 'as -pInciples. fSiiugof-A iChIse.Lot ai Panay' God&Ieft4oonfà ctlouecy aI o rc s1 eme, alvkeooai i;iafà teoi'. SWtk of Grocenaos, £&o. uÈ 2hl ~rn orpastieupot detuslgb rmt tnnnt Houe>' tram Englaud. Zest~~~~ bad of Cigans.Tolacôu -Th. ri npu'thCn ttoe>.RmeBC en t. plce Jaunan>'» Glu, 1877. W.PWIiLLCOCKE Dinditu St. In J. Ann ll' 08Stau Whitby, BO.OTS A ND SHOIESI -For winter wear, A Splendid Stock at JOHrN SAUNDERS'.S,- at rdcdprices NEAT FITS FOR THEý LADIES. WARM OVERSHOES AND, RUBBERS IN GREAT VARIETY Work made to order, and repairs executed with des- JOHN SAUNDERS, Brook Strêet, Whitby. GENT'S CLOTHJNGý AND For Sale' at very IReasonable Prices.F UJRNIS HIN G G 0D S Several Opens Buggies with child's seat, Lady's Open Phietonls latest stylet and very liglit, - Covered PhiEtons witb Roirsg Seat, also Light Top aiid Opeù iiggies of Super- ior Style and Finish. AUt mfadleof Wihithiy, Jily 5thî, 18761. the 1begt Mateial and WParranted.» -TOMS k, NEWPOÉyf Whithy, Ofutrfo. WILLIAM TILL'-S CABINET FACTO RY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS 1 THE OLD 8TI4ND BROOK STREET, WHITBY, Go where you cannot -fait to be pleused ini making selections of goodl furniture. Splelldid Parlour, Drawing RBoom and Bedroom Sets, New Designas -%'ll worthy of inspection, aI mstoishing lompnics. Dim- ing-roci Extension Tables-a vcry supunior article. Gilt Comnices, Picture ]?nsuin e vény stylo. Soe fine Chromos Mild Engravings for sale; TT \Tn nDZ WT ]ÂXi 111T C In al #8s branches ; fununalsi fully supplied, A edook of elegant camkets. Coffins alwayé3 ou baud, trimnied teO cuit coutomere, sas a well ppintedi Hearse constaiîtly ian eadinesa. WM. TILL. 1Whitby, Novenobar 241h, 1875. John ston's 8ef Iaking. Reapeq AWARDED THE, FIRST PRIZE. A t the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto. in 1870.- We off er to our enstomers for the comiug klarvest, two dis-. -tinet Machines, which in style and' construction". letbrace. the latest and most useful irprovement8 .of the dde. JOH-NSTON'S SINGL E SELF-RAIGlR E THE ASRIG 0F? REA.PEsi" The universal euoçpeýss f thýi Machine, both-in closelyconte8t-, usid trials'andin the banda of the farmsi, warrant u In à yIngthat, a f Ing Pespins liachie, It bas More good pointa and leua defectu. and.bssc ib mure cocasse ad leaqs alure. than heretoforu offered to the public. CAYUGýIA JUNIýOR-,MOWER,ý Wfe- were aws.rded heF it, nfPri«. ,,. f.inA ... r -00 Fer Superior Clothin*g suitable for Summer wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail-- orig establisnmont of PUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A GOOD FIT AND) STYLISH CUT WARRANTED!1 Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kinids, ineluding Shirts, ~HW mil Cape, Umblrellas, &o., 'ehitbyr3iily 2Mt, 1875.. tf-SI CHICE WINE8 cd PURE L/QIJOJ?3 at WHOLESALZ and 1tETAIL Ito suit the H OLIDAY DIEMAND!I -000---ý UNUSUALLY LOW PRIÇIM TRY FRE DEBRICK SIMCOE STREF NEALE' <T, -OSHAWA, As'ý AG-ENT FOR, DAYIE$ & BlRO.'S Cç1ebrated XXX .Cream. Aie & ýPorter. z tfýTHE Coebpma, Die. 14. 1875. TRADE- SUPPLIEP & LIST 0F ATJCTIONXEý Lioensed for South, Riing of Ontario, North Ricl.ing of Outarjo,,aud, separatoi Muzicipalities in the latter. ThomaeTuels.... LameMai.. ScOtt ......... ....Dc. Sund, 2878. Dan. u, ..~.Tre........rh dn... ec. 15tbIL76 Thsoth 144ug J£t J. b O'l. .tbnl.....Mm ..ou.............I ah, à *77 ~rj'1 ëj rlth* 877 LIST 0F. ?EDLERS FOR THE (0, OTRIO. ubn .Non-esldu.. Oshawa. d.. 0lga Shaw,, -de. A honc,Cop>.. 2 bonsontInt>' 2 hoirses, CeunI>.. - 2 herseo, Cou'nt>'. . 1 hors....... .... rsctdCa1inhs et loi e, Ti i vi gs la hoelnélngo iLe ei6h lu iie iten sait runudunen, once or t séedoithm pg,ýidiz ebornes!. A Dmdze mie!machine 'iutablà lo-si'8*eU- ing; wU1lyrequin. les. care te keep it lu perfect onder lien wlLou. kemoue:%1alip tenion lte ienmntsame ssflia. 1o0W it operfitesi ia malter à e1 semmediMeolty. in au advertlcement, non 19 tia important ta lb.& gvenagu nquiner, , Soflicleut ta know,- iat by Ils 'use, mitA vsry littie cur, at @miail epi ueasIprfect'eafoty, ho eau ne!>' on gettlug ÃŽan sboiidat ligbi t a ai meu. Prevloue to tb4tnt1oduction ai air gae machinas. mny OnaU' asu men kuveréreeted. su Varionus parte cf lhe country, in whieh gas mas nmade. tluronghestnructive dieUltile b>' 2.nie andI reorts tram cea! or oil. Th'ise works are expousive - the ocllai for cii>!. buildIngs for a gas holden, &o., ine uecesearily grpat. They elso reuîreb1nou"able cane andI skilL to-manage. Tii. manufacturaeaifvas for a uingle Omelling cLeuisuls neeni>' a mucii labeur, sud quiIte as ucii eill me in requinoci ta make a suppl>' snfflclint ta u rntisb a iail village. - I 1.1_ Tii. proceonsls'none ense suliniatic ; se <flan as the volumne of -gasouened in the holden loeuheauted, lth. netrtsmuet bo reehargas!, lhe. Ares reklnf dl suth- labour of, manuinufering section suppl>' repsaled.ý suit rubbisii cunilateg.uibout tho wmo, ; the odeur arling rmothenm aven>«' srions objection, il. many qaeste hemiulinrodaei!on. Gao msuufà otured'ou betis plan le mise0 eulle exp.oivel~l eshiul h lcuflb.heiaerialse *eloto Ãeccu ti Labour ofmanuseîunaeus! lhe -empense cf -repaire Uoen thQ.-appatus--of lif Hneosunil item. Il mliet iiýe lonne in mind tli Ilmail gai -wunks ti. a -lsue'manc tffl re ienevoiruo perfoctuor, thc yield ai gsz proportionta1ly s50 great, s eob se4 aI ho large merkams -hë,itasu.'-- - -..- This clabe o! morko'la noir in a large measure supersedea by oun-isoines, 'wlch are preferable fer lb, foflewiug neaons lut. Their fienitcost, inma ies.- Sud. No 'expenevae ut-buildings are requirod. The tank to contain 1h. gag genera- to1fiM a sinall sud champ affair, ndenneati tiiheiond, oct of liit. âld. Ai ela i arnsd trouble cf niaking gas inle ma, Tii ane our machines rm quInéi . tr n, 0, u# as loge soortiiy of mention. 4tli. ~ uofluaise s tram: the manufacture, nor le thon. suy liton or IffrI- 111h. Ã"â i mcines are autoniati ;e; i.gs in lu lays'ready for ue. 1ti. Relhy are repaire ci an>' kird reqeired. 0ur mach lues eree;qual>' good sud, ail thlugsceitulgered, miiëchus pur. 'One of our machines inU sedte ligit a nuiLer ai builing déachs! cosidrabo ditane fenocac etpr.A g ofabi dmlhlualutie marlfre.a0,0in codeaation l oulThisacie that me u184 in s m auh n lMn nu oo tai amps, couvoying lhM<gas snnie four undrea festin' me' do»ng ;i-lutlielarrp fifîe c onoves! frm ttheomachine liehis ais eqcally goos! ligutsin au ohee orost ta lu introducing lsrge niaclinp,,' ans! lightimg tiurcwith a number ai buildings, lauip cast in y u su uj alttgho aree, wth antene I etra teae Pipes oxtendlug le ti ntdStu, ud bsin'patci ebusaaocnietliIonmcie r second lenu ntnCott. 2 eîl o cutila nveto f our ocm, but me. have .aesvns m. mp ot leVmlte .. heinsean inni on u.W, -test every mna- china unîr nro spevsecd atttteiknt.-te.-4 gi'ee U.tieton.- l'IICE LIST 0F TE (ANADiAN GM! MACiIIq'u, COMPLETE, luron Wareroonis- 4IAinern~ .1 R ' Fre t idnof Carseat Torontoo, Nîsilier 1, rates!l .t uply 15 huimer., $200) W. - 2, " 310 I' - 250 00. 3, r0 "de 80000, e 4, " 75 e' 875 w Il 5, 100 e" 40300. di 6, " 1: 10 l" 600 00. I 7, ' 20i0 <' 70000. i1,9" 250 '> 8000. Id " 800 l" 90000. 10, if 400 t" 1(S000. Largeruincilites m'as!., if requires! TO PARTIES WIIO ARR BUILDIIt com it;n orislt. gsinido s i. rebea pc tin l ppe,.fUac cea ga ara uce-7ndet WaMp ini te o rso dei fi u e h iul s!g a n-nv e îp in g i e n'te,. d 'to ai gs. e saheg a e t miena i n cbau ioabetninaaip tnl p pes maile a-ýPtin e ail . W ae.otptn kipe«, luau r m y ome ans't ta~~ ~~,- esia.ua.teele 1ar i ii s iernist- e u Me s te, ia,cai ehe auible o repnenemniirùm ac!,n oin s bu in g ue oti e hrala cndvthed ne- dupanmofyrig aus. hl e tla.oadse ume astte k af usness utieusdpni piarguon theroogh undurWeanain cl gtentf ci eeuinaietls.woweeït Wiieuplieusetae sir oaspipuidiorngmachns, & c. atta ci t-au ran itn p P k> . etrii teb, qai> a ils hiaiu a es. e manuîs do. nc emu ' as au 0fa o abot igito menti.u F r in ' prmachis l rt,&. ex prmnciplo~ ~ cilt a ne. T c m l ia sbpn io e a .et', ans! c an ni ë OU a r es e are c rt au ..a -ED s be av re Toot, ei l, 50 Light Machinte. Masa. ost' Fibie à f C. shima, Merci 271i, 1876. GiNLE'BMNa,-I have very greai pleisr ncul reconmonding yecn Air Gsi Machine pet jute aur Callege, as il ina gimen perfectratirfaction.-Your,gc.- 1.50 Liglut Meeltsn. A. B. Dnna.. Mass,. . Prcbrs i C., arute.Oshawa, 211h Mmrci, 1876.' Dean 4Sres.,-LIPhave Co.,beorontn u aain i a ahne o bu outh., dcugmchlmillaasmrtaiti.pnceIailatssdhchvo 7M Light lteMchine. Tnas. N. 'Graeu., MEMOUS.SCOTT PRIWhiéi. . ur..940. -oo, i. Gaina .-Yaur air ges nom intreolucetl inta ta> store at Wliitby gives coniniloto, satis- faction.. Tic machine marks tes charn, and I ain savosi a larg. aniout ai labour aud. expanso, beuidos the advantagos ai cleanliutees ans! a van>' supenonBht.'.. RH.JAMxxsor. AoseICUa'reULANAZS Aie secuwrîoi, Toauera, 1874. Y MOT EÊtiRA, Plini. Clas, 11. Sectiona85. 'No. 19 Artiele-Caeadian Air Gas Machine. Reideucu-Toroute. SC-OTTPI'& PHILLIFS, SOLE T ANUFACTURERS 0F THE PLUMBERS8, GAS AND STEAM JITTERS,' and .158 TORE STREET, TORONTO.T 'Balis, Wucter Olosel, Puiit.pa, Gardon Fcountaim&, 'Rubber -Houo, Gaî Fix- lie turc8, in Bl-onze -aadc Cry8tal, etc. FI Mill ESTIMA.TK8 QIVZIN FOR LIGHTINQ AND HAIGBIDNs'Est SpUWlSI ttention paid ho the niaing of N EEDLEWORC PIRE SOBEENS',. OTTOMANS.. FÂNOY CHAIRS,. - LAMBREQUINS;. -CORNICES, &C., -Le- ans.andI put domn in the, becSt utyle-. JAS. .SAMO & Co> THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY P! Before Taking. Gray's SPECFI -MEDICINE Cures ai avuaau aosDzBm.-- ITT, Poua'oet.wibamny caues - are produedby over lndnIâme nluthi e eo tobaïcca sud alcahao esrte: but tii. lpedliu Medicine tla more a Y recoimenoea aas an unfallng cure 'e Ã"1BMAL wzeMà e6 that faflow as a seenence ;i>Seýfl ï aeée Looe or Imnonz, UxryzaoÀL, Là sazruMz PAns IN TM xox. DnUMor ~Vsor~x MATVEE OLI>Aar-n, id nien=.other dluauj. that lead to Ixeà imrr or comisuxpTioý; sd a are ftret aaused bg deviaUing fronoi the pataa of: nature aud oer- dul1gen2ce. The Sjeclflc Medicue io the recuit 6f 'islife $tud tmany jerao1eeienee1zin freat- upegal 1eses particul.aln, ourpnipuet.w5la w.oestre to eend tw eby: 'lst a Iper package, or six packages for 8u, orâ wlf bep sent by nma&! ouareoelpt of-tthe, money, by addreculng WILLIAM GRAY & Co., Windsor, Ont.. 9Ir SolO lu Whltby by S. W. B. Smfth, -Jas,. Byrne sud ail drnggiute. Northrop & Lyman., Toronto, wholeualo agente. MIDLAND RAIWA OFCANADA.. Going Noth fromn Port flje' to Linduay,. Beaverton and Onihi. Leerve Port Hope- vi.... îlor à , m.ti med.... Goina North to-Peiirboro'.& Lakeftela. reave Mfllbrook: Wouai...:f25 P.m. Mai... 11.40 p.m. Comlng Sou th frio Orillia to Lkjduayi Puterboro' and Port Hope. Luave Orlui- manl.. 12:80 noon.1 Ar Pt Hope 6:20 P.=o. Coming South huom Lakelleld. MLail ... Ma. M. ail...8:O m Connecte wlth tihe NiplsnBclato, and from Toronto and lntrmne taumi-o at Mihbrook for Peterboro' oadOniu., ans wthGrand Tuniut PbrtRH'pubotb morà n_ lng sud evening with trainse q a nWet, a% SUr. Noruennt9am froiatr H. G. TATLOR, LIST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS COUNTY 0F* 'ONTARIO> FOR THERE BAI 1877. B3rougham a.2 2 1154 'S 12,27 Pter , t6 2 1,% 5 8!12,9 B e nu n i 'g 'n I 7 1 ' 1 7 l 7 '1 0 '1 2 0 Beavrt'n I i '128 -i-j li 19 Atbery... i s111 29'1 12 18 GEb. HL DARTNELL, Junior Judge. ,Whitby, Dec. 27th, 1876. 1 JSOLVBNT ACT OF» 1875, Inrn Matter of JOHN LITIZE, An r"olve. NOTICE is bereby-given ubà t by virtue Of thie powers vested lun me aa. Aeiinee of the'aboya Inuolvent's ustate, I shal cITer for Sale ,Y, Publia ctun. at BAY'S HOTlIL, l the -TOWN 0F WITITBYi on TIUBSDA, the Thirtèeenth Day af March, nit, 1877. atone ocilook, P. M., aul the-. rlght, title sud nterest of thie Bala Insolvenà t, and cf myséhf as ucua Asuionee. in a-na, ta Al eana RingunIsr tla lie Su'y Plekei l es'A ave; ti il, Ra Lo,1il: .uTTi OFFfICE- J.G. ROuM fono 9 to 1 Wm. -mi '-i - TRi BUILDE Lf nahJO larnge quati stauti>' on bh JE. Olerk DJik Atiieni>' & -C A RD. 1 March Sth, 1876. 1 Whitby. Nov. 22néi. ism. AT-P P-AQ M,,AÉITTlrXTD