Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1877, p. 3

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the ixouoeuring the whoIe of the a - Prlday Feby, Lnd Mr. Hodlins Moved for rs*urns speeting the Parllamsm*ay- »nidin Âftersgonâe duse.son the. motionI earrisd. .Dr. O'SuIUvau moved for a sel commuite. b inquiro luto the. manui ment of the Cntral prison. A long disenauon tock pla&e ul a motion of an amendmeut ther moved by Mr. Hardy the pur-port whlibwas te rejeet th. motion fo Com ltt p.afg lthe publeatior thi.e vU" nsd reort of the. Proy. cial Sertry's lnveshgâtlon. The. amendment waq carried bj voto o 7 tW 2, after whloli thieRoi Monday Peby. fSth À aro umbi of pétitions were pi se*nted r and agalnst the. "Peopli Ou Company's MIL , Sevrl prive iBille wore 'ead a thirt time, ai othurs advauoed a stage. TI Gredit Valley Ballway Act Amehalmei Bill1 Wa"takon 14P in Committ., am after a long cisoossîou it wae agret to roportoThe. Trlnity Coll Medicai Bhool- Bill, wasunudi cunsilclrton wben the hour for Ï406e arrived. .Afterieeess, Mr. Ilethuine commeni ed tomakeaà périmai.l explanition rg spectlngý a stotj»ent whleh badappeai ed l nTïri LoNS of that morfing, t the effeet that lhe conld net bave btnow wbst the. contente of a certain bibi wer or hoe wonld nôt have allowoëd bit nan toapa e eMover of it. Ho tat apput o arathaware cf its contenti aud wis proceeding bo explain the. ne cesslty thora wau for sue~ a measuri when h. 'Was reniinded hythe Attorsey General that the discussion of the. princi pie of tie i. ll should bo reserved tjll an other time. The. latter bock occasion t reuirkthatlis waslopposud te grantini suehljegielation as that aoked for. Thi Houa. thon adjoeurned for waut of! quorum. Mv -Cooi Tuesday Fehy. Othi. Mr rosEduestion 1311 ocnupied the greater portion cf th. sitting and the second reading Carried nuanimous- lv. Lard DolTernu. TiIl1ý LONDON PREKlS ON IS XEÇENT Ar Londpu, February 2.-Tii. Londoi journals cf thile iuoing ceommunt t sarnie ongth an Lord Dnff.rl's recen speeches lu Toronto, Tice Times' editorisl ontunerates tii dutieo attaehed le th. position cf GeY -ericorGonorsI, sud dolares that Can ada js lndYbted te Englsnd for the. ap poinîmeuit ca witty sud able (}evernoi sud ýliaI Lord. I)nffrcn's qualificationi are precleely dis demauded by tht position. Tiio Tulrulng PcFt uy.:-Lord Dif feria bas becomu an onthusiaut lu spesking sbçnt-he gruat dependency lie govurnu, sud th. duties bo fulfils Hleliasthrown himeelf into the popubai liié ocf Canada -witii a heartineus searce- 'y Ieo be expeot.edcof a-insu who hadl a higi political distinction lu Englsnd, sud huit, beeri enbrusled witIc wovk oe Enropean importance. Lord Dufferir likes tei.Dominion, likes the. -elanistoï sudaikies the. talk about smoothing the poihlca'path,.,. Ho frsukly expreussus is likinge viien exercising bis taent for eublic speaking. Lord Dufferin finds-, neunucoutrôlsble fanaticismin l tie political il!. a! Canada,- Tiere the. Pariamuutary strifes &,roùcgi, but prusentes aspectacle of unity wheu coin- pared witb public discussion in soe equaly Young 'States. For aeeolcny composudfoof emauy different nation- alitiesCanads presenîs s wouderful de- grec o! barman. The French Catie. licn are net intractable, sud -Canada being freu fram tie dlffioulty' that slliclessteapeplexed witihie Irish Vota, ha.sao=edpolitical sud religions discorde. Iu the. Cauadien representa. tive assombls dispublic mon oppoe escli other wlthi plainnus of speech whieb lil ot la Englaud. A young, bnsy cammercial ccmncunlty au ne ine te study thi. graces o! nietorie, aud the parlsumeubary wavefare makeg bhe iluiseeo! tho Goveruor-Geueral dis mari valuablo te Csuadian debate. The. very, frsnk Osuadian- parlismen- tory leaders do ua$ usud taehbetld o! li é befit W b. derlvud froin the maduratiug influence of a Coveruor- Genural Whco pessusses tie political, social, sud lulellectual -culture of Eng- land, sud whe, hsvlîng lesvnsd the arts cf conciliation lunsaouuntry wbaeu hiey are - more prsoblsed, looks auruno amid the provincil atrife ci political psrtieu, asud osîns houe strifes. Hie influence -ou Canadisu soclely lu tii. more ruadlly ex- ereiseéd bocause Canada bau nuver braken tie ties ef cotinuity >biuding hier te tIcs bitorleal lité o! England. - Higli Scioci Gtants. - TiecOffiiai Begulatieus e! the De. îairtmenh pirovide liaI the, Higi Sehool grant siai o distrubuled au olllowe: 1, A grant lunlth. payaient o! a fixeS allowance te esci scicol. IL. A gtant ou the oulaesof average attendance. III. A grant ou tue resulle of inspea- IV. A grant ou the rosul of thie Iu- hraiedîste Examinationa. .Under lic-ad III. tie grant for thce fast )calf year, af 1876, vis. $M,000, le apprepnliatod as fallowse Six seheols shah reeeive $168.18 euciî, namely, Brantford, Galti-Hami. ilion, OtlawalSt. Caîhurinus, Toronto. 'liiirle)en seloole shah receivu $118 ecli, namely, Bjerlin, Bowmsuville, CIiitoii, Caboorg, Colliogwo9d, RiÇng. stou, London, l'eterboroughYort Hlope, Po.rt I'orry, St. Marys, St Thoemas, sud Four mshah receive $9200 esci, îcnîaily, Blarrie, Napanee, New Market, paris. Sixheon shali receive06.00 cadi, samly, Almonte, i3elviile, Brampton,- lolra, GodurMi),. Ingersol, Rneardine, Obllawa, Owen tSound, Perth, Stratford, Strathroy, 'Walkerton, Wstordown, Wel- baud, odstock. Four shah roceive $52.00 usai, iîamoly QUOIp 1b, Marbkbamr, Park HEU], itiohuond Hli. Twenity.suven saîl receive 626.00 cacii, uamely, Arnrior, A<zlmer, cal- adocn, Druucmou ville, ansucque, Iroquois, lindsay,- Liutewal, Mitcel, Morrisbnrg, Newburg, Norwood, Oak- -ville, Pembroke, Piclon, Piart Dever, Prescoîl, 8=1nA, simece, Bemithvlli, - 8 deuham, Tborold,. Trenton,, Wards. vii., Wostoiu, Wmllami.w, Windsor. Tic remalnlg sehocluare enbltled1 W un, #hbaro cf tic #e,000, 'but lmerely.1 te 0200 escli for the iaif.year, 160 cents per unit o! aversge attendauce, sund( piedadimever the0 miiifutiýwï &ad3-eoï 16Y. Thé agentswoul&of.eourseMt Siv snd the label only oboved Ouba.w*, V ONT. Now, in Canada, we undtvsiaet: r.-s A bbrevlationo, Ont, Que., 1N.SB.j mgt- N. 8, &o.; but la Europe, sue.W wbé wh.ve they are entlr.ly unknown. N. B. might, lndoed, b. lakeq for North 'e- After an immense amouitof trouble tihe addreoss fouud by'*rrlbng W $hq POU printer,,of the.label wheb. re i of and -! àbediect trde 1~f mroîy relate îhat ý qxrowyou lIhe ris vaut , rtance flot o >t'tecountry but eIW e ne oi vn g tethe 'y article of exorl havl ipng eryi luo "Canada." e 'ed »ii <Anoblemiati aproenet travelling in the. East gays in a latter W o oe of the. Lon- r.doit dail uuswspaperu :-"In a remet.e lOU ra village t e -ii.Leb&non and MeAnti Lebaont I fouud goode expos.d nd k 0' ;l lei boeawieh had corne from the work cf E -gliuir aud Amer-ican ut manufacturera. Vif ama nea-n#fM0 Ld É a£ang abi-oae of ooIisSnamo. fus, ed am inclinad to tlink tlcat cetais cf 19o iks maker of tm tla aiiséoasare Iho er modfamo;n on reho ever lZi'ved." t 9'wIltuat remark b. trie, why abudntour county beadv:rtiuod in ers, iha1 forkoe, upokoo, imbu, dooru, r- oau os, don,, chue, porki meat, pre. toserves, lu fact everythlng we expert ru should iunsnome manner bear the mark re Canaa. le What klnd of argument can possubl 't be more izuproeidve o thé poor agricul. 3, tural labourer 4#f Greact Britain or the inteudîng omigrs t thjat-Canada le a Sgood country W go to than to se. on. cf env splendid Canaclian oheese or bai'relo of applus exposed for sale at tihe vlae grocer'u store, and at prices wbieh enable the=n ta purchase. At gpresent, bhrongh an oversiglit on the le part cf the. Canadian urporters, thi. apression le that ail our goodu are Amer. ]ean. d Youru obudiently, Canadian Goverumeut Emigrant Agent. - Liverpool, Eugland, Dec. Mt, 1870, ANAnROEy ix Nzcw -GRENAD.-N8w, York, February B.-Latest qidvices frein 'Colombla, South Amerlos, con- fimi the partieulars of the. massacre cf Sthe. Conservatives by bhe Liberals atj 0 the. City cf.Cali, on December 241h.1 SThe Liberals were lu command cf Gen- eral Para. Santiago M. Edor, the United Stetes consul as Palmyra, in 1j Canes, Baya it is impouible Wo relate to -civilizedpeple the. brutal sud beastly« -detais pf the crimes commitbedl. Tii. Gaeumn bau condemned the. action of General Pera, but, Owing toe imi. menue popularity and influence il wau fouudimipracticahi. W rumeve hu *from command. There were fortu. nately no foreigneru killed, but their rpîoperty bas been robbed and confis- eated lu a shamoleus manner. It lu theuglit they will sa have Wo leave the countryhto escape certain destruction. DÂaxorEous BcÂD.-T!eamsteru and ethe8 r Mliotrongly of thepl. hals a li Bach B-gad. Tiey are the. worit between Columbus sud tiie Beach own.liue. It would require but compai-atively umail amount cf labour We ont the. hillocks on eltiier aide down, sud -the pathinasteru' uhonld ueé that it le done. If damage arises from them, tie persan whe suffer coaueune sud re. cever as readily' au if il iad eccnrred by goiug througi tu dangereus bridge. The Township Counnil je bonnd te kep theo highway in s safa state, which it certainly la nul. now. 'Several ua. waya are recerdud in différent parts of tii. country by hories being exeited sud frgbteued by the. joltiug caused by « tiiese hales, and tiey may yet occur lun Est Wiltby.-Vini4îcator. Taz PLÂMTUJO or SiiADE Tartrs.-A by.lw bau been adepted by Ferth Oo1nuty Counçil offerlng a bonns of 16 0: cents eseli forfuvery shade tree planled upon suy publie bigbway within the , cauuty ti.blitrifi year aftur plauting. ' The universal opinion ofthie members i was ticat shade trees wonld sdd in mauy ways te the personal confarli, of bath men sud beait, sud bu productie S o! benefleal results lu prote pu ap fiom storma. A clanse was introduced lu the by.law making tiie bonus psy. tc ahi. lu towus or villages, ou streets Wlich weve continuations of main roado. 0 AU trees te bu Oak, elmn, maple, or hsrdwoad. Trees to be plauted not beau than three and net excediug five F fout from the lin. fonce, sud at a dis. tane o! two rodeaaaré.in dia fbon. - ik' Notices o.7 Biréhs; Marriages, and Deaiha eharged 50 cenis cach. M A B B I E D. SHAW-PABKE.-At the resid. once-of the. bride's parents, Detroit, on the 2lst of Jan',y, 1877, by the -Bey. Dr Stephenson, pastor of th,, Central Pres. byterian Church, A. R.- Shaw, Esq., to Miss Enima, Frank Parker, second daughter of G. D. Edmenuon, Esq., presideet of the Elmonson Spectacle Co., Detroit. WHITBY MARKE~TS. Oaicz.z Orriex, Feb. 7th, 1877. Pau Wbeat .......... #1800185, Sprlig Wheat ......... Il 25 a I 80 B#aIy ...... ......... @.000W POaU................... Black Bye Peau. ...... 95 CloAer Soed, ........... fl § Obte ..............e@ Oc Es.&Y...e4............ 814~0 Potatees............700 @ 75c Eggs .............-.0... 50 Butter................ 20à 0 m loal, per ton..........7@0 #à l wSVo--d.... -...........18506400 'WOOI.......-......... 8e 0 Bec. Bee, blnd quamtr 0f. 0.- 0 >0 850 leel...... 85r.P 000@1#550 »i*~ikfl.e4oe.s.'t.~#000il 00 Puruxiat ti. Decrim niad, by the Court et Ch&i -HOL. NW>AJJVERIEXENTS, Notice to, Buildee., Tenders wM lbe recelved upW T TJDY Iho G4rn ds ofPElRU by "for tho e«ïree.' tinc tton Buildings ou ti. above Esil: way At SEGRIVA, MANILLÂ, sud Oàxwon Separste Tenders wiII b. recelvea foreseîac Statiou-ar for the 'whole. .Plan ansd secIfiations eau be seen at the. llalway Comapauy's office lu Wiiitby, and ut the Contractor'a office in Port Perry. The. undersigned reservo the riglilt te.o Cept or reject any or su cof the. Tenders. GIBSON & DIXON, Coutractor. Port Perry, Feb'y 7th, 1877. td.7 1simi ýON & KELLEY, CIGAR MANUPACTORY, find'it . t hee Ibidte ld t t or advantage ho give hum a Whitby, Féb. 7tlî, 1877. ly-Tr 0F QU-U O-THE 13EST BRANDS WIIOLE6ALE and RETAIL, 1 WIIITDY. rirofili Faîîîly Groceries atnd Provision.s. lwa-v eof the Best. FRESH FISH, HADDIES, CODFISH, HERRINGS. C HO1C E r).4711EA.L,C'IN EJ, '- IE Y, 1I11UCKWIJIEI , 1 1.11P I'E4S, 1FAL A I 1X. El JL('? d- ri FER CENT OiFF FOR CASH. 11. H. JAM1ÉS0N. Wiitby, lob. 711., 1677. -7 VTALUABLU BUILDING 40T FOR VSALES BY AUCTION 1 That superior Bùilding Lot containiîîg one liait acre, boieiiTewn Lots M. and N., in reserve Block, Wst ai Brook sîreel. The above in s eorner Lot, Weil feuee, uS eue ai1tt inelst Building Lots lu lie 0ow; lUe on ths opposite carner o the Bosidence ai Lewis Hauck, Esquire. Tii save Lot wi11 bc soIS bv pblie auction at IAY'S HOTEL, WHITI3, ou Satu-dac, lire 17th February, 1877, ah lwo a'elock, P. M.. Tziurs-at Sale. For panhicularsa apply te lie Auctioncon. Or ta D. ORMISTON, Eeq., Barriater,,&e., Wh.lhby. Februa-y 6h, 1877. td-i BY-LAW No. 270. ro proYtbiî lthe Sale of lîttu.catjn1ý l.iquorsan<d the issue of lcence, 1,lrefefin licte 'ounty of Otaio. Tic Council ai 1h. Corporationoaithe ,auty af Outario euacts : Tiiatheicsale oftlulaxlcatiug liquor, id the issueofe licenees lieretar te sud lie ame iseeby prolibhed wthin the County f Outario, uuîsr th. provisions, authorihy mil enforeijut ai 'Temperauce Act af 84.11. -4aased Jauuany 251h, 1877. 1. J. MACDONELL, Canot>' Clei-k, 'jAENOTICE hat the abuve ls a lre-n ceyof s By.Law ho pe-ohubit the sale luhtc1ialing I iquora anS lie issu ai celui., for lic saino lutheCouty ai itarlo, passeS by tie Mouleipal Council lish saiS Cantothe Tweuly-fifth dsy fJsonsry, 187.71 And alse lake notice liaI nestiug ai lis Municipal Electors i i aci 1iicpsit in the GCanl'oetOntario wMf 0 ed teudermnuloned places luthe svercl Munlaipalitles lu saiS Conuby, on 'ONDA Y, the FIFTH DA r of MARCH Next, t the, heur ai Ton o'clack lu the farenoeu, lish purpoes of haking a Poil hoeSelde ,etbar or net <hi. By-Law herelubefore einneS approve 'lite gaa dmmmici- ai Elechors, as pravide b>'th, Temper. r.e Act et 184. ,wnsip aifIaacr, Town Hall, Sunderland ownsiip of MJàmA, Town Hall. owuship afitANe, Sciaol Houea, Sec. No. 2. ownship ai Pc-ccsiNîo, Town Hall, Bre-ughai. owushipofllzcir, Towen Hall, Manchoaeer. owueiip ai Scari, Taw Hall. . uwuship o! Secoo, Centre Schoel Hanse. ownship ofTitAr, Town H-all,BIeaverton. awnshiy o ci uxann,,Town Hall, GooS- lage ici Uxeccîcor, Coitz-ril Charnier. Dwnahp ai WaITE3y, Town Hall, Brookliu. ýwushlp of BAve- WMra, Town Hall, Columbus. oae f OasEwà., Tcwn Hll,'- 9=ge ai Poar Pzîmy, Tawnu Hall. - mi of WaY, Town %Hall IL.-Jî MiCDNELL. 2-63 Couuty Clark, Ontario. th dait 'ésInclusive, the raccout for e"me te excuedthe sun af!iegil dollars 1 Ai far pal ant Ta, Tei Tei Toi Toi Toi Toi Toi Toi Vili Tai Toi vil] Toi are liai bahl Dot JUVENILE DANOING7 CLASSES, Ah T I.requesl of several ladfieosudn ýfamilles, lu town, th. undersignad willlreapoeui is Jvximnz DiaitOrsoCLse on SATrURDAT eiternoou, FEBRUÂRY 1OTE, 18717,1 ihiTonHall. 01 athA&enwUs 1 sezr ,ing date respectively the. 951h sud 'scfJne l6 there wiilba pDfer lp y né *ytlusly dlspogeedl bykr qMë ~nl=xctiou, lMutwo separabe lZY.(1sý& LtneUEsquire, AteBi"cùrtah Wmitby","ut the, H IOTEL luthe VILLAGE or Tueaday,îhe, 131dayoj0Fbrry nui, at noon, the followiug landesudn PÂscm. .- Tii 5outh 4stisoi Lotý 22 lu thu ti Concession t~hie Towwilp cf-Whitby, lu the Coucv Otsi on tslutng 81 15/100 acres, be tii.leýlemi rô lusu, ;auSdescriliefias follows, liatI lete ssIy: Comunencngat the. South EassIangle ofetii said lot number. 22, anS runnutug licence Fborth 16 deogrees, West 80 chains, mos -rlegs, ta the Seti East angle et laudowudd by elmarader Nitchen, thence 5outhi74 deMgrees, Ww 10 chkins, moes 16r leis, ta iliecentre àt thé ààsaflot, thence North 16 degrees, West 20 chaîns, more or case, te thé centre of tiiesid concession ; tiencu 'Senûti 74 dugraeeWest' 10 ehalus, more or baus, tothe Wetterly limit af the saiS lot, thence Seti 16 Segrees Est 50 chains ta the. South West angle aithe sald lot ; tiience North 74 Segrces, East 20 chains, more or. less, ta tiie place af begin- nlng ; al af which le cleared. Tieru arc erected ou hie parcel a goocl trame dwelliug hans., a frame barn, 00w stable, horse stable, and open sheds. lb lu situate,,sbontonetle Soth East ai the. Village -of Brooklîn iand about four miles fremihie T&ofaiWUitby. PAIoeEL 2. Village Lot nuniber Eleven iu tii. Village af Part Perry, (fermerly Bar- elia) au shewn on a' p)iic mdél 1 John Shier, Esamire, Pro-ludeb'ancL Su nreyor, a "pat Lfot numiier 17 lu the. Sth Coures. sie cfhie Towsilp afRuschinlute said Couuty 'wiich plan ilu fled tin the Registry Ogefor-tii. County cf Oltaria, save sud ufrept that part ai the. uaid Vil - lage Lot number leven couveyed b y one Arm P. Johnson Wo one Chsrles T. Young by deed, beammng date the, lti day of Jnly, P. ., 1870 the' saiS pareel of lolul hereby, ta De solS ; belng 88 feet iu width, frontlug ou Siuccoe Street lu the saidl Village, and extendiug Westerly thie -wiole length of said lot number eleven. The suid Lot con- morsleus ou whici tiere arc erocted a gondl taedwelling hope. sud tramec stable. Tiere are aloo s geod woll of -water and~a unuber of fruit trees. CONDITIONS 0F SALE. Ag tho Parcel nuniber 2, the vendor slial nal bo bounuS hoproduce or fturulsi any turther or other evidence ci titi., or any deeds or copies uf . deed cthier tian a deed ai lie said pare-el cf land mado ta vue Sarah Jane Holliday by IWilliain Ilatheubury, dateri the 141h day of eovencber, A. D., 1874, and a Iîegistrar's Abstract of Tille, oe- obpI. acii pare-el will bho foeaS ubje-ct ta reserve bld flxe-d by the Master ; and fauel nuber oue will be SOLIl subjeel la fi _.-se for nine years nade by thebate Jack- son Ilollidcy hoe«William Kerr and Johi Kerr, dateS thic 7ti aif0e-lober, 1871, wherebythie roui payable i. $330 snnoaiiy, whici rase will exspire au. l7h Ochober, 1880, anS tue-lier î.attieolisrg ai vhieiimay b. ase-rtailued aI Ite office ai the Veudors Solic-itor.: Tihe purcfircers slîull ah hie lime ai Sale puy Sown la the Venidora Salie-ieor a de- pasît of 1l0pcr cenet. of lie anoont of lto- respective purciaeo coneys sudthie re- usaînder int Court, wthout lnlsrest. witi- in cc Manth froni lie day ci sale, or ah the option allite liorcisser et parcel one, lwo Ihirds of thie pure-hase znaney liereol e-an remsin on mortfage, payabl, iu 7 equal animal iccuanenle, witlr interest ab 7 per ceeu., paya&ble yearly. Iu other respects the conditions of Sale will bethie standing conditions et lia Court ai Ciancery. NOTE.-TEcîxj, lu nýwriting farthe saiS properties will Aisa b. reccived by the said Master np ho Nonorio Tuesday, lie sixtb day af February, 1877. Fer utuehier partieulas apply ho John Hoski., Vendons ,S.liaihor, or ho Measrs, Mowat, McLellan &r Downey, Solicitors, Toi-ote, or hothe selS* Master. (Signed,) G. H. DAUTNELL, Master at Whitby. Jannuary 24th, 1877. 8in-5 THE WI NDÊSOR.ý To -make room for Sprinùg -Lmpo-rta"- tionas, we wi]l vffer-for ONE, MONTH, ou' whole Stock 6f Dress -Good s, Winceys. and Flannels, Hosiery and Gloves, Manties and Clothing. t7- At Specially Reduced Price8. Ct HAMILTON & Co. STOYES AND TINWAIRE, Tin Ware, Copper Ware, 0f every description in stock or madle to order.' STOVES!1 STOVES!i Special inducements to purchasers of Stoves for balance of geason. GROSS & MACNACHTAN. WVJzitIy, Jurixry Jiet, 1877. 6 NEW SPRING JTJST ABItIVED AT w. J. HIOKIE CONSISTING GOOD-S & CO's,, White Cottons, Factory Cottons, Fancy Prints, Table Linens, Huck Towels, IPillow Cottons, Sheetings, &o. The above goods were bought at bottom prices, and wil be sold at-a slight advance on cost.1 W., J. H. & Co., 'will continue for one month longer to selU Furs and Heavy Goods at cost, in order to clear them out before Spring. Lgî" A First-class Stock of Groceries on hand. Fariners produce taken in exchange. Establnshod z865, I Gi/more (0 oc., A ttorneys at Law, (Soacessors ha Chipman, Heosmer & Ca.,> 629 F Street, Washington, D. C. AMRNAcîîi-ND aFOREIaGNPATENT.-Pat. ente procureS n lu .1 e-nnules. Na fées in advance. No char ge unieés.1h. patent ie grfe.N esor naking lie prelimis- aiyejoine. Ne aSSilional tees for obtalliug sud candnetlug a reheaning. Sp.- elal attention givan Wo Interference Cases befon, the, Patent Office, Extension huiore Congi'ees, Iniringement Suite lu Siffereut States, aud sn lilîgalon as1rtal'ng t. In- ventions ar Patents. Se:ÃŽptempfor pam- (Cor. Ring sud ?oi-k-sts.) UNITEL. STATES COnURTSNu.DErÂsi NOW OPEN. 12.00 PER DAY. - Claima prascected lu tho Su renu ai thie'UniteS States, Court ai Cicimz Free omnibus ho sud fe-omikaItrains. Ta-,.of. Coniniissiouers oi Alabsucat blo sud appolulment firul-os. Southern Clains Comnmisuion, ai THOMAS SCULLEY. classes et wur daIms befons thec. xe Lats ai -Conoicilug Hotel, Depasilments. 5.ly e- j:' -Maiag or. ulàa OFPAr AND O locr.-Cý Seliters, andSSellers oi thu late war, c r-s-,--~ -r -rms.---, hoirs, ai-e lu rny cases entiled ta, .1..~.../. ~ .J..L .AJ.~! ram hie Gavemment, ai whieh the3 ne0lcnawledge. Write ful hlshory ai0 A. COMFOIRTABLE twa-sloney Swelling sud state iànaunu ai psy sud bcuntyj Houaeinl Brick Terrace on Bye-on-st., oS. Enclose stapsuad aStuljepI newly rauovatsd., siste rd an -- nationuLMl O ei uirs P2rlien.At.gerSode Sillers vnded, rujptured or lujnc-ui Whitby, Jan. 8 T4à 'e B!n-late var, hoevver; slihfdyan obt FOR 0 CNTSwe wll enSpeusion, man>' nov r-ecoiviug 'pensiui Mltnto 4uysdd>-q,, 1 elegant Gantseliormatien wilhe furlshed free. ilto , wteh c I -Sý,eal, l Uxà e-TâGEIALà 1 pair Sîceve Buttons 1 Set Contested Land Cases, Private Land C: 1 ieýsvpîdn 1CollaX., button, Mln&sre-imption sud IHomegtea d 1 hlrte-St k ati 'Parisien prouecutod betore lie Gazerai LahiS G L D ianionSf*s. ehail prilesud Depertmnt cf lie Interlor. t5LD r-0. 1)0Ã"W0 tockmuet 1'Oz.nBomm vLà»-cmWcARUYTs.TI esold Maîrateestalpe Rpoaioflte Commissionar ai the. G je .01 eeley a lahs, 0-1 euSndOffice show" 2.07,M00acres oaiB JWeIryWabah, good ie-leer,ýr ,- lesse m uSer set oti 8" adproal MONTehlie oail 'feLTCo. paj cash for hhem,Sni, 3regimbera * IKOiTEZs IraxaLP, Q W. Were assagumenhu aue Iper!. iummLuhoateô perfect thei.: Executors'. Notice '.To ' Bchc1e5Pu'nntc Obusinfli B>'r«&=sofaex;er or tranSd iu .-~.. neyia»ar suoËmeahie*roîpraitice befo g bena olgfe sùiînagaiitst tài. pension, nsu r eîesescli7y A th'là COÏiiTvs DapBUs Claiuîsutowhose fttorucys have been e! thi. Terni af-WiuLbyEsqnire, iarenotii;âd usîcnded, Milb. graluitoeaîy. fum toeni palé'îrticûlaciite sanie h'foMr. wltl fun iflu oaci upop -cap JAinE M. Dau,of cith. said TOwu ai Wfliit- applitation to us. As we charge no te b>', on or before lie lese suaceaul, oaaîps for mturu Po '25t1î Day qiof e&ruarp, (.1. 1877. should be sent us. Liheral arranguz meSe with attorneys lu aU classes 1 of datesasnd tmg n hu Chrti nom names -' '*me t - P. O. Box rto "ndGILMOEE & CO., .thelr Poit Aice'ïtdaJYns.. iI., r 0.'Bo Thii.Notice lcàiiiglveii under Section: Am a »aam, iidébd -b thevald I leeamunx nexpvesnlng- 1 e estatearere auted ta-ettle hhei ldebte4r - aon JatheSu .s,..a.hsns.. ZI TXENTS. zConrt or tors, monuy er have servIce reciev- w-sud Zil the btain a Lus are mp sudl nos.- claine, Cases, .%e lutI eneral cIere Attor- <thug n1uhced e un- hufai- n. <r. SmO0 KE IS. W. bave again W oeial your attention to theAnumerous IMITATIONS af the BOOKSELLER--AI Is 110«w showing the Best. ,Assortmaent, and- WALL- inT Q Furtlier alteration of premises whi' to ineet the additional requiremeiit of our trade. ny Connei G. T. R., 03eJJ Our quarterly passwordi: Buy 'tag fr your Wiail Papers and Faper Window Blinds, frorn JanuarY B816t, 1877 J. S. ROBEIýTSON, DOMINION WARERO0-OM$. Lowes & owell Are selling the balance of' their Winter stock at -greatly IReduced Prices, consisting of ýeea DRY GOODS, FURS, CLOTHINGe MILLINEBY, d&e. GROCERIES, VERY CHE-AP.- Just wliat the people- want these- bard times. Good goods at lowest pi-ices. 'Cail and.getra sup- ply. Extra indimômeilts to cash customers. &LOWES &POWELL. sE A s0ITAB L:E G0OOD,.S AjJWAYS ON ,HAN]) AT P R 1 N, G L- E'S ]Ie,îchauýiit Tailoring Establishmieni1, WH10C1 iHEY WILL MARE UP CHE AP, - F0S CASH.- McMILLAN'S B_01K- 3 Brock Strëet, Whitby. LAING & STEWATtT. -In anticipation of. real > stormy weather abont Christmas, have bought Several Articles which it inight be well for those people taken 'with the Cold and Raid Times to inspect. The goods referrad to are in sucli a shape that they cannot altogether prevent, but 'will inaterially assist in keeping out~ the cold, and drive mng away duil care. For ini a stormf-day, what is better than a "good. Fur Cap on the head; a fine warm Overtcoat on your back, girth about with a sash or inuffler, sucli as Laing-& Stewart soul. --000 - MILLINERY AND MANTLES, MINK MUFFS AND FURS of most ail kimds to cheer the Ladies, at LAING & STEWARPTS. Whitby, Nov. 22nd, 1S8. 48 s- W. 8. SMITrI ~rQO Have just opened thoir stock of Myrtie Navy Tobaoco, F'A N C Y, THE STAMP IN GILT LETTERS. Is on each Plug o!the Gelluille. Hamihon, Jan. 17th, 1877. Wanud 5 eabtir iJi, i oSohool-Seehlan 1No.8 SanS?7 lu 'owuihlpc ai Pickering and lWiiitby, a taehar wlbh 2n5 ar OrS caser. lia.. an4 pplication puered. ABKEGALLAGRER, see'y J Trias., Bslssm p. BlaiJî.28rd, 3077. 91u5.5 rENDBET mwfflberueavea u fuel cf god s»Und innijie, for Corporatio Tavu ci Wbltbyi'to b.composeS cixt lun. omtiiÏie;li In b ud a2 sud a8Inch alec 20 cords at cloe sutable foibci lu for ebreete. JORN RBUSON,ChZ22s TO LET 1 A Liverpolm m aéksNew Stresu Dwefllu, -*enli flMa up asud wlth eveM Apply to- Dc.a,197. H cCEL ifi. "Nt'E NRY-.,OLAY" Our Stock is'1arg and Cheap. ALBUMS, BAG PURSES, BRACRETS, PANCY. BOXES -FOR JEWELBY,' BRIAE PIPES, BUSTS, P4eRIA1¶, CARD CASES, PEABL CABD CASES, TARTAN, CABD BOXES, CIGAR CASES, CIGAR HOLDBD5, CIGAR BOXES, COLOGNE FANCY- ]3OTTLEB, DBAUGHTS, DF-4SING CASES', FAS VORY, GLOVE AND IHANDRER.CHIEF Cail and see our Stock., Whihby, Dec. ý181h, 1870.. GOO0D Se well- assorted,- INK -STANDS, INK. BOTTLES, PBBËUMEJBY, PARL&N WABE. SPAR OBNMENTS. SMELIANG -BOTTLES, TOBACCO POUCHES, VASES, BOHEMLA1N GLASS. WATGH STANDS. WALLETS, WRIING DPSKS, WORKBOXES, CASES, &. c,&.&. T.L 'jL , - MO-Y -4 OAN W.T. ÂWLIN &CC Whitby, Nv. -tb 877 M AEYTOLOAN 25,00 ta at nvo t lu snm oruItblu SOIL-a.r Canar th 87 TUE >7EW'_ C OMP O 1NI> PH OSFOZON E It raatores ho lie innan frime lie Fiesphanla or Anixuating Elancenta of Lule. For Generul Debllity, Stoxoaih, Chest âsud EheuxoatleCouiplaculs. 83' Proai supply recelved by - JAMES DYRNE, Dlsqpeusing Clcezist, Whltby. L IVERPOOL MARKET 1 CASH IFOR GRIN, To b.- Saivera t Frenehman's Bay. PLSESALT, AND COAL FOR SALE MONIEY'TO LOAN Ou RouI Relate, et Low Dates of Interent. i . H. McCLELLAN. Jannary qui, 1877. '-tfi A SALFDEsIAQDBE HOTuES FOB Town and Park Lots FOR -SALE, E. MAJOR. P14 Land am Tsi S. W. B. SMITH,& F-PASHIONABR] Go. where you NEW AD)VRWl'SE ME N¶TS8 SST OÇK TAKING 18 OVE~I,5' (OOODS MARKEI)DDWN inaery lu s cause «ZLROY, -:000 PAPERSI ae, lot us )g -board. krasi Il, I le, LIDA-T'w,,ý BROC K WHITBY. 1 -000- ui OF 4-em 1 1 au

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