Of the rtscslpts-tlIere in the 'lep,-ecia. tiOu (4f PropPr.*Y ta gn with. Tako tho t , rW î2 jf\litIîy .'Vvit %woinlilthe Royiel hioh'I, i,.Ott:îri,4 intel, the Buay's lBritisht Amodeau, -AndiBantiel'.s Whltby Haonse b. worth if losea i n XatM4 . othi ng.r1Uùton & 00. ouuoqueucoc. f lte Dunkin A Tenderswute4-~obom ijIon. Woul4 thoy Le -auesseod at one.fourtd titoir preseut -Vale,? Take 1ht Qne'a, te Lockt, Hnse, Hai A ronf l.'a, d ia otîmar Lotel property th ltoe.? Inutoati cf.tii. viuabio bate ONLY Si 50 PER* ANNUM4. popt>eatlnîgiriyasI o Whhby Thu~day Feb 8, 877.doousho lte revenue oft Lie oomlc WhitlyT.hrsdy, eb.8,ý 187 la bath places anti adallg, a. ounetw.l kept liane..do, talte prauponlt>'1et bq THE DUNKIN ACT. townm%4- il Would bu boptieuul>' lepreel. Cawardlce cfrteCounty Counili-Tite ateti-wanlil lîkel>' ln soete eaeub, injustice Of Putting ln force t:e so o oitiundor Lh. hammen, te 1hi meatu1toln this ceunty; rmin of te prapriotèrs, andi Lu.pras. * 1 4 ~ aucmoititg, perlty of %WhiLby'andi Oshawa rnecelvo And II&L uflkwith«Met mnd, chteck front whicIt lb would taks year Whab l il in a l-uuli.rewarcied ta recover. Port Perry, Uxidtge If 1laid, Ihamiglirnregartlet The sOateenent 0cf nmgakiutt" Cacunington, Bealverton, andi ever>' viL - lage in te eunl>' world sitar. a culi TVie dLisselu t itao Duakîn by.ia"w lar fat,.. Titeir prosperil>' anti growt] lai iteCamnt> C$rmull ss Il ue-waultib. retardeti, pnoperly neducet il: nlioâ. u Intct,. ivit, ieéexceptiont cf Value, anti propnietore of hatels anle tite few feeble o wmts af proteet uttereti their 'familles ruiuiet i Anti ail toa l'y Mr. Evwere, Lb. by-law *ws aliawed what ? Wotld titis stop tirittking * to -pas& WLout wlrat cuiti-be caleti Net a bit-or drop-af iL. tnt. witole. dinousion-forlIms. Wito fait st liberty' uale dealer cauijsoi by lita lve.gallono, oOoen tlotir nantit. AL il spole in lte tizen bglls-lwo or tree, orm b u.îpoval of the nioaeure. Tii. major. a tiazeri can'oin tagetiter anti purchase ity (narmy of wbont. ine puivate, cx. te larger quantil>' and divido t iLe- îmrcssod ltbpnteeives uavorablo taelte tween ltent; ever>' mati Whao-ceres te biil)ailoweti lte wItle tling ta go do e50willi keep te liquor lu hie houe., b>' defAl, anti without a Word cm sigu andtihie nesult _wlll be aumait, if net oi disapprovai. Tii.> looketi an witit mare drinkiug titan ever. Tite l doubï anti itlauey, scarpatib>' antun. diifférence il wili make wili LietlimaI, wothy feer aoflmelng ounsîdereti appas- where liena are no whoieuale dealers, a(' ta emPer-tna. Priclnee, tram su the mono>', wlmiit wanltiotierwise-bu opeut tiaul>' expression of titeir senti. spenî ll teé lcalit>' wiUL, e seult as monts!In Lies CooiliofethliteUnitedi ,disLance ta mako lime purchase, and Couintio-s of Northutmberland and uriDtialtilte ver>'poor ntan, atnable te pur- I hin andi lu te caulit> conil cf situ. ehlasemare than is single glass et te doe a .litront course wasu. taken. tavern, whlllibe deprived tit IaI Imîxur>' Tiers wam a n ir ansd trembiiug. Tippln ovcr-lme bar ntay te a certain Pufetiteu La lIe> curag ta VOWextenl bz restraineti, (antI tiisiLte only t*ltim'D pialouI# ,antiLuIcimeutein itet Lîing titat oceP*,me sait] ala lnfever of in te 00:8 oafte anintateti discu@'e iaAc wilo tae eptaicn teadinkt staon, Liat aron. III Lie outoe o f et hnte-will be enarsaseti, social drink. Asmeîr nitouest lulerehange ai viowu, nti clubs Le fommeti, andthLitravelling we -tini b>' Lie repart iaI-- ocormunit>' deprivecuof tLitInocessary "Mr. Fowldg. (Hastings) arguet] accommoation hitiet es weli pmoviti- u;trunlgi>' gainut tLie o, sYing, lu aet thîe respectable holels througitoul -coucitusînu, il couidti nat e fo-et <'Mr. Retolmîran (Brightton) ltaougitt town anti ceunI>. Anti in ne localit>' Lim>ey houni coualder Woll tii subjeet were bouses botter kept, while as' Leiture îLe> decidoti on snbluitîîng te Clans, as husitende, ifatlIeru, gond dli- D Y.lmiw. -If'Ite>' ielieveti in taîir zena, antimoral mon in'ever>' respect IzmrrLu litaI Lic Act would do no goati in te contnunity, we venture lte au- tee lime people, andti iat il coultineallie farrca'ti, lmy tount a uLmit it. -sortian taI IL. charaeler niflte bL915 auur aï ilIla owmm Municîpalit>' wag keepers wiii compare fabvorabl>' witit cefrmti, Le mlie i ot tLinik te>'were in lat ai an>' otter clasine l i.commun- les-or ofI lImOiuig theoBy.law. OnI>' iL>'; andti Lt,*lunouterpisie, public Itimrty.naIILIieiwoe rpreenLtli front h ligitton, and b ue of aitic,. wouîd be spirit, liberalily, aye, anti contributions ioottstl fma1unlq,niî, atiucno obtalueti for charitable anti imnvoent pumpases iler fis. lîrotences. -Hôosubitutet- -titeir deedu wiIl put le sîsame ltae *ltat Lime- itiolns au preuantcti itero eiabby temperaisie agitatars wito mal- liIl uaL repreeent ttc feeling of bte aatimnt iet umîjtiriity or Lhcupeople cf lie UniLed inadiqi hm doi In.L i mew lu is own Mu. XVe kttow tra are hioneut, eanneuî, tutici alYth ie People did nioL wanb iL ; gond mon at]voaating tite Tempemance luai i riontt lifimk tae liy.Iîw câuiti Le cause wlmo do uat assumee La tLera- uxtued Ife roierredt]el Prince Ed- selvs a monopol'ofaal Lte virlues anti Gad(ointy -,;ira Lai gome tiromuglir -tirai Co11tut l à few a lot l :y einreanti mral ideas, Lecause te La e eper. re Dr *l umue y-rets wà m u totleaast b>' es- t-ra- auco mers, buni ltsmres-e taos. vitedo, pîrsscipebv c RLeafiilens ;lire hbainien vite enter an lime vork ms e religions s-ii in C'oaumu in iqmmrRe slute9 freel>' enseacle, and tilier. til- mni -in.ui aboiurmg ; tîriogeIai cama "As ithe o>' vihpp'd Geti for spire; î55li t l Ir ta tailie people Tise self-saine tLrmleL.y vili abiter weruse tiuul tf tire Act anti visieu il e- Omne ra-, sud long anelirsfer; i'î Jrle Couut til'à -iuco Et]. Vr-ce viii tey one vay disesv, usGoirtylit>, atied Lbeon Cahleti AmoliernuaL g ls;e aller; 1it1 "Ilarmuer 'rrînp-ar-e Coinîs-" ad Ali pieL>' canas tisereltr ss-tduCt rsd, mruiLs m atI -. tou Inîtemm, Sn other men aui sl." ;u-~iit uslvutrae lMiteproper aon - W.4ut "preaehere"-meu vîtose fou," mrioaiVite Blaw---if titis (Joain- missicù -il iouli Le 10 ladulcale l*y s'nIitul i(,euîcsili>'cars-y 1$omnt, te pintipies of cîlriigian clîarty- la- ul#1u(jtV?' e Camuties trope lingiug, lu rageanti seoananti taunt- 0'11,;r rmnbers apoke wilm equal lte Mostopprobrionu epiltetu et IrsImrauiforce, ati upon tise Mer- lt -eotnl.segaina hi>im th e m-os i tt, luflit qe îyiîvstion. te ~ tus fore-amui tLe geai cause..-Anti vo w4 tis mouihp ' iro5t b e rug carniethe> ahave icuavu soute of these- î ,ýt oî ",Iomt;en arii ya Salitly rquie hpreciu icperance rutrit>'of'21 t tei., molitlmtaning lienoth thter.orabie-damre ilit. itmuast efforts ofai ereance zeelots YeL ltfuir inuiur>as aeure la ltlîiî inotae lcin-au v asIllet. Antigo gui drsmk honte." cases ounlt ile0,or of tirs Gorsuil chant- Saine of lîroso lest] in lte cusade le lier af Ontario. In ii1meoe lte by-iav i.tler. tii. ire.evii i lir eir neigitisur, sirs tjeeet]it> tie a-erîîen n ud depniveIintofai bs property-aut] rmnsî jlt>' ai ' dis ageluel 6 nuder lte an>' aiTemperanco induige Xaj ins f 4 auielavel' onji.rtiin eIlLte bitterns anet] macaus- uts iL hiîhkîimms no Lu-cm > i.ionsidrelof Lai l« eerLe. Tiso>'mako lhoue tf Ite CeunI>' Couneil ai Ontario Le- wotLt> e ota epmae itie abmnt nLri>-av Ho rieu people. Tirer. le uotitig in ura>'aiftem "belioe- itoin iîerîu tdinking habits aifte people ai tha th Ac wold o D god t th tltiecaut>' litaI celle for lite inters-eu- ýI)lîo1 lite ot votait ano gotintla L- itenlionfalte ar. Stalieticu place the lmeuisleoantitaiiaIiilflicit] net Le ou- loriot] 2" EIow many.-alioveul hheir on>- fOlnaluLt ie eka upinionsruta Le sileucet Ly Lie presenîrs sobriel>' anti traIit>'. Andt iis fas-er- 01I t1e tom persuco telegates, sudtheLb.ele econdition itas Leen greving np- item oflbeisrg'breuti(lseasopposet aite e rt] ear b>' >eem viit lte atvacea. luperanco ceuse, if te>'venlurou t 1 e nta tic-on niLieocrec express LLein rosi seonthmentu sashostile intelligence. But vere il ttusi-ise, to te dlios Duki Ac 2-ow ve bave lte atmitteti taut beiore us tus ite itios Dukin Ad 2HortisaI prohibîtar>' ave do noL prairibit, lsaîr>' ef ten tait- andti iaI vtenelre>' eexistLire>' bas-e "Au I f hlrciyaSUAnonsense hurt] Wtt l'ssoeoijlnlrouee e t uLpros-et e ucceose.Thto fou>' cf iiiîLeconltireten f lte eesme? ntking tesle ci iquor iliagalinl iii etu -eain fte îLesrtee- Witby anti Pickering, ruile il le legal rutrlie nejutatulcea te ju1e tusflasellinluthIe atjoiuiug LarusltmpR muet rumlie te. itin vas au>' pa t-eelug bLeapparent ta ee-ry'fain-mindeti nau us0#14 istaleiIfor Ifur puttiag its cf intelligence. An>' 1ev-- bLet inter- pro-uvisons hto fora.e itis coutl>'fai eus viit auman's firle wnl, as laevitat Utiatama. Ws ns>' Le aumieme- teoitali est on drink, ohutent] e r,- ",L'Item. wore flic puetiionà V:" FOi. -gardedth dieu-s-or, Prohibition net ~lmr~ar1~,m li ga np vila peuî 0ai oncienctr:as well. Il s haleeror un- klguter'utoauten amss." nt1irea ne just, sut]inLie pressaI case, apartial toubL Ihîct signatures La peliticas coula]iai li te kisut], confinedt t e ueier- Le otaîneti farniost au>'purpos. nov sîrip ai camsuLny, voult ieb. tonbly, Ti lurpittions ia titis oase na>'mse au.à trebi>', greviausî>' unjuel lu iLs aper. currrntexcuse bebint] wîmcî titeue atien. IL lean attentpt-aud aI tise nésîurajetatlves rit ay>'lte>' oui>'voet expense.of lte majonit>' teo-tiiat lu to eibLit te b.,&%w t theatea ls ses-i effeel upan tite morale, Lhe is-IileLIe>' are porsonail>' oppase t tapresperit>', antdte inuutr> cf lte .Iti y me>' lter themueesosA vIrole cormat>' cenuot i-esuacesufui>' dereuieti. yt4r, witîm illmheasistanco of tae Gd.forbi t taI e uhoulai deait'. ta luirperaca arganîzaîbone, eudt lioîsirra apeilagalaut the promotion of ramîlleiallous trougitout te caunt>' lenperauce sud sebriet>', or ageinet butail been spout la gtlng tite signons, an>' vel tirectet] efforts ta bottenrntan's Tirai nantis ver-e.obteiti dtaemnol lteésoclaneutmonai pouition. Our remanie liaob' ite Mail quel tionable means fa are cenceivet] lu a fan differenl spirit. ustinable-many Lelug rinhten ciaru We have beau unebhe ta persuade et wili b>' obhool etiltren, a&tlte uug. ouruelvem ltai merscen le matidet- gbsot& aiLtoe.kavln, lth. ietiîion. lu ponate b>' Aat aiPariament. We Le- chtarge. - A ,lunch langer- PeL.itioti lies-ein la pealing ta man'& boîter ane- agalmul iteé b>"iericoulai Las-e bain tune ; vobelles-e in religions santi knt.g pronreti lu ta ruk, anti rouît]lte >' Influences ; riebelles-e lu emisLhng1 fuult] cleotain tlIme lia t»fdesigna- mau'u vili ta do andti slel; rieo Luneq af map> Di lire ellegecipetîlbonere bIlles-e bLet nien iaaumade for heelit-. for prohiitionu. Nameu luineocoreer-e fui effort, ant inlumeu'u capabilit>' ta obtilinedt th îe petiLlons titrougit £à is. eserccme anti nestât templation ; vs representatlon, antiver-e addedt lraugi -belies-e in man's progreès upriard anti uunduolinfluences cfai l kidu. w.e t- cuvard, andt ta- lacit vesy hlL lvghiteLatire pîttonu, "Probe Nétare'o heae to s re cos-e Astre bas-o sa, là eyii.'ouer-se fon au2 ex. Anti imu; tian-trempl't tan in more 1 crime tq tmrber-s -f lte count>' caunoil, 0f Aneltitan cf Des-m." andi, fil uemlng, test lihe angumntsuPr'ohibiticonila adirect interférence « thter- case faorlthe Dcnklites;;lirai wilh lte libetlciaffren. If erseet. iu- &IL. Tite gi-al mnajerlt>' aiÉtseci agalust -11 uOn, ri>' aleut, dror Iepeof te camnt>'are oppeseatu LahLitenuou me>' ilnet ho darrupti te tobeeco, * luenmre. 0f Ib, re have ne tanner tua, ceffde, Oos-eu ta roassI beof anti af dcnbt. Btiilise' e>'oa, titreugluha-n.muton P Thte glss cf Leer or vins tliffeence, ailionth#g by-iartabu Impoi.. eAns a. uait Got'o gonti gis as -colt adi upOU tini b> a cmpacall ri ne. rater or tes. Anti if au cnganlz&tien !zed minoril>', wv it v i mng ever>' t0put..de lihe ans ta-day, ibyno Veo tht O lse -b.usltei.ta Lime bons. an equal>' paverful organization ta It fa i ordor le arouse Ibiet front iteéir-preitibil lte alter L-merrov, or-Le se>' - pslb>'-4o wunm theeDple >agelust bar vo stali dreso, sleep cr exercise Plie flb.î-the dlsuîrcns restî-btat an>' ater set of aur fre.e s-il 2 Al WOlht Ula my 10lionWte putting te SUu lue av esare otiioue ant i*~opug.. DiiAlijfO's~u lta weappai10 uantudi il $JidMead ging 8: step 1 t4or ' oRUîî#n , tmir84.osqyeý eep" m n t sj,>' wy ontw got QwýQ oum Là ialauà i 'ià --I ,-- -C sudi mroy weatingocg. Those who ro. nsomber what lb.>' wero in this coonty twenty and, twenty-five years ago, andi 'aonpare-them wlth the sobriet>' of ta. day,muet beer teetiznooy to th. fact of the. grcat Iniprovement that bas takes place. Lot tigi procsei wth te educational and moral agencios at proment at work, andi mon will graw botter, more ulf.rupotng anti u.If-re liant,, theoa ,illlb. le.. drinklng, andi lte cotiL>' anoi people b. fer More pros.. perous andi hapy, andi peaceable thqp b>' patting- in force an arbitrar>', unjust, andi unworkable meainre, suai as te Dakin Act. Affaire-'ln the East., WAI THBEA TENINGS. AldeRpaoh from Constantinopleaua- ,,ounaese tit great qxcitemont prevails in that ity, andt lti te Busdisancol- ony je packing up. andi preparing ta leave in anticipation cf tb. speeti>' de- claration of war. The Porte ha. issueti a circular to lte Power. maintaining lte iutegrity aoflte whole Turkiuh Em- pire, andi denying tLe riglit of the Powers teo intWrere ini the internal affairea ofTurkey. This intelligence, coupieti wighthe b.previon. announce- mont ofltoe dimiseai cf Miditat Pauh.a, lu eitrangl>' indicative cf tho noear appra- aci of hastilities between Rusos andi Tnrkey. AB&nd cf zoo Blaux Routed. À bady of ono thousanti sioni, be. longing t (Jrazy's Horoe'u band, w.%ro attacked on the M huit. by Gon. M1lle1 comnd oni f throo Iudretimn, andi clefeted after flve honre' Lard fighting. The Indiana fongit deeperateîy andi their loue lu reportccl asvery heavy. Four soldiors were killed andi-six wounded. * Dunkin Defeatcd in Simcoe. The County Caunail of Sirncoo refus- et] to snbmit tii, Dunkin Act by a large ruajority. The Presidential Election. Thte Eleclorai Commission is iting, Lut ne tocisinupon u>' yimportant point liras yel Loee reacimet. A fluai dacision lu lhe Fluiatecase is likel>' ho La repartoti Leforetise eut] of te veok. It is statudt] itt, h ifte fialI tecision utouiLe adverse ta Tilden, Le vil uaL aceepî lite reenît viliant fux-lber couicet- iug bis rigiL in te courte. Du't Believe l inte ActThemscîves 1 Temporance men titenselves admtni taI îLhe>' tanot belles-e in the. Dunkin Act, eut] have utIle itapes aifeffectingr thtoughit ls teanu te suppression et te liquor Lnaffic. Bub, se>' tL.y5lte Gos-erment ill do notiig tavarîs proItibitioin until thte Drinkin Act is fis-st lnied, TItishLe *cool wvs e ai tirn t iil. For lthe uclie or a toubîful exerimoalt te> do net Imosil- aIe to put îLe cant>'ta a large expenue, andti ta m inIudrede cofisoneut mon anti titir familits erereiaing a legili. mate cailiag I WilhLte>'agree e opsy te sufféermufon tîte loue tire "experi- rment" yull ctail?2 le il nal meustrons thit en'e fortunes, anti properi', eut] neaus ai liveliIto oet ltonte sethlie merofaite vtime of thte Leviers anti brawslers for theo Dunkin Adcuintis soeo, peacoable, eut larv-ebiding cein- munit>'? CeaeaSPraI)nENC-z ili nitLe irises-ted unlesu w ve-elthe naine cille svsiler. "An Oit] Womaa," Pont Witby, sirouiti pa>- aLtention ta our invariable mule la thie respect. W. syaupalîsize vit thlie compliamt site presenla, anti vitit ou* comeepoudleuLs tisire la uee yong rascale, or ait aube, vite diêtuniiplaces ai public wnrsltip, punishiet]. NOMINATION netu FiaoxiENAc.-Tie nomination ai candidates fer the reps-e- sentalion cf Frouteneacuinte Pros-nci- ai Legisîature Ieok place aI Gataraqul on Monde>'. Mr. Bavtien le lthe Re- farm candidiate andi Mr. Cals-iu lie Conuers-etive candidate. Mr. Muray anti Mr. Waggoner vii mua intiepeut- enîl>' as Conservalives anti Mn. Dev- son sud Mr. Stranitan au intependeal Miuiutenieisls. The Dunkin by-lav Quasiset et Lambs- tan. Tite application La quasi lte Dutîkin by.lav in lise Goun>'oaiLamblon vas Ùuar] yestertiay in tLe Court of Quecu.s Bencit, anti mcanLet] on tLe grountie lisal uin the townsip aiWarwick lIre lari bas nual.been compliet] viti, ribicis nequines bhrae tie' poihing ta b. iteldlunLire iunniaipalit>' viere tLe numnbor ai eleelome an lIme assommaent ronil is os-ar aigit iuti-ti. TriE TAx SALE, on Tuestie>, anti cou- LinetiWsdnstay, brougit an im- mense gathering iront ail parts aftie count>'. Th ii.Liting vas ver>' epirit- et], anti allthe lots, vo belles-., have been dîspaset] af or recleemet]. Tite management of Ltse sale eut arrange- mne aite Count>' Troasuner appeareti la gis-e muet satisfaction. Z:a' BEEBIÊR TiSE (JoNcE-n te Otitfollovu' Hall lîmis (Thureia>') es-eu- ing, te ait] iu raliag fondis, tb Le ep- pliedtobrards building a galier>' in lthe Catitalia Churais, WbiLLy. ".K"CroÂus.-Tite cigan menu- factar>' ciMesure. Sima & Keile>', ruicai for scme ivo years peut bas beau establisheti in ltis tarin le, rie are pleaset ta earu, doing a large anti en-, creasing business. Thte 8. K- cigare ai item manufacture are deserveil>' gain- ing e higit reputation, sudrie enu per- soual>' entiorse ',te fat tet a buIler weei, et lte prico canuot Le enjoyet]. A GAND CoNcRusxa, in connection vili Ail Sainte'Citunci, vil L e gis-en at lthe Otitfeiloa' Lall, on Monda>' evoning, 121h inst. Thte boul ai balent ha& been uecuned for lthecacasion- [Se. posters.] EL DorrÂnarAET.-A niegnificeal ulsea f f is splendid riheat an viev ai Rey's Britisit Amenieuu l>el elîreete a large sitar. cf etteulion2eî farmers. JAVzEB'5 s i te place la bu>' liqumu cf lte Lest brande, vitoiesale and re- tle, anti-fnieli fail>'grogenios. [Ses Mr. Biaiw bronglîl in time iret repor-t ai lte coomitLteou finance eut assees- ruent, recomtuntiug purymeo t Lt iolloiass-amccunîs : - Hugli Fraser serices as i>uputy lteturuiug alfieur-for tIre nort wve-17.50 ; Jas. A. Camp- bell services ce Depuis- Relnmuiug offic- et' for coen vert] db, printiug pol tex ruceipîs for colleclar $1.50t ; R. Snov survieaas Deput>' ]letaniug officer for sonuthsvert] $32 ; oea. Yul. aceaunt for tphegmapirg $2.21. Ou mtion cf Mr. 1Blev, secuinulet b>' Mn. Hopkins, cauncilivont inta cent- miltee ai tire is-o-Mm. MeMili inl lte chtair. Mn. Long as ehsirman aifte print- ing cemmitîce s-snted ta kuori whsy Mr. Campbeli's accouai ionr miutiag titi not coae liogisthe proper chrannol. Mr. Blow repiiet] Le suppoci lte as- seesor lied ignoethLie printing cein- muta, anti lirtd tise îlauke print in- self. Tire work vas noceseer>', sti been doue, te pnice vas ne eotbrîuL sut] Le ILougLi he îLeLiisisouiti Le pit. Mm. Long icud at i viithe systexu not lte vnk visicit vas doue. A greel teal of trouble itat boacausti tie cauncil thînonglirLis Leing bmaugitt in in Lus ;manner, sut] ho abjecledt] a tîte payareat ai tise amnount. Ah>'oeevho orà denthue printing migitbLas-e kuovu tora e wuîciLe , difficuit>' in gettiug paynteat fan il. Mr. lianuan ivanlt] te kuow if tliter-e Lai Leen enouigit POil ax collealedtaL psy for lte receiîmle. Ms'.-Deseill-Yesj. I knov tece an fout- rnypeif. Mr. Long vouliituos-e tLe reportLbe amntet b>' stîiking ont te item -ofi $1-50 ion pinting in lte aceounofiJute.j A. CampLell. tIr. Fergunoiscnsitierei as il vas laul >'eus's work mant oui>' a mali item tLe caunici sionirhpsy iL. This -yra hto truseet ILouiti net Itappen. Mr. Ilanuant dit ualttik Mu-. Long vouti pneslis motion, tîte vos-k isa doue leel >'eur, Mr. Fergnusom, tao, tati conte tiovuanti vas viitg te Ibave lte item paid. Mm. lBlow vas ai opinion it oLdah Le as vel Loapsy lte accunL as il vas laul >'ear's vor. m. Lauîg's vieva vas-e net eItaugct ho tilt]net tLiak itL iigil te pay tIre1 ameunsut]ndvonit]proeshile notion.1 Mr. Long'@ motioncu weput eut cas-net]. Mr. Ommistanu eket i Iov il vas liter. vas suds e difféencoitetivecu Mm. Freser's sud 'Mn. Canipbeil'o accanî AiLer detiualing lte autount chargeai in Mr. P raser's for lte bal.< Mm. Blow explainet]ltaI Mr. Camp.1 bell Leît e paîl ciemk eut] constable et. ployedti ire. tiays, anti Mm. Fraser1 cul>' eue day. Mr. Ferguson dit] nat bleies-o lu p&y- ing fanea poil clerk an tsth a>' cf.tione- nineliou. Mn. Blov ditl not comate tadestiet Mm. Gampbeil's dlaims.' Tite tatnte gave aultonît>'ta le .Deput>' Beturnitxg2 afficer ta emplo>' a pahi alerk and con-1 stable as tan>' ulys as LegmevfL. Report edopteti as ementet. BY-LÂri TG ORRonar liNE-.1 Mr. Blowi intratinetiae ylav anli- orizlng teé Mayor anti Treasurer ta2 Lorow suait tane>' as l necesser>' for the veule of lie corporation until tise1 taxes are p ait] rai The Lydev au I"reedti tr-c secrai limes anti paer1 an lti'CCATION Fli. Mn. Ilopkins braugliii ainte report ai tise cemnnittea ou applications ta office, viticIt recammaueteiaappaintnsi of Alex. Perla as sieucor,1at $80 pert annun;A.Pmugle, lisons. anti hoatit inspectamndiJolm,,Tiiu Higlitanti Canon go 00co1 Jewihoism ir~n~Pruuoa mnusin. he itAfit 8 i Uixrnonr-Town -Piop»M-Bh- f 131TE ci; Tà us--Aià ÈiÃÃœZNT-bu VACANT Lar.--Titz SAE &P Im Hsinôua-SNow BY.LÂw. AD. JOURNMïNIT-AT ELP.PAST TwxLvm. rCannait Chambers, TownHall, Whitby, Mantiay, Feb'y 5tb, 1877. The regular meeting of te town council tbok place tbis ovenlng. The members present-His 'WOahtp the Mayor (in lh. chair), Mr. low, doput>' roove, anti Mesure. DevenUI, Fegusn, Hannant, Hopkns, lon, MoMilni- Ormiston,, Watson anti Wicku. Abasentz-Mr. Gibuon, the roove. Minutes af laet meeting reat and, ap- proveti. Thte lerk reati a commnuioatiof front Mesure. Gibson & Dixon, contract- ors for the building of the extension, cf tLb, Whitby, Port Perry & Lindsay Railway front Port Perry ta Llndsay, etatiug that te rondihboa been gradeti front Port Perry ta Lindeay, with tireU exception of about anc mile, which con- ' taineti indications of gravai which lte> would wanl for ballast, taï; the rails i itat been laid La Maniila, more than 0 half the distance cf lb. roat], andi that ý iran ta la>' the balance was ai Port - Pryanicontaining certificate cf F. Shn>,C. E.. la the same effeot,- andti asking that the iret bal cf lte bonne cf $20,000 granteti- b. paidti ient a0 il would hum>' lhe completion cf lte work. a Front J. B. Powell, asking a rebate g of tâtces on two honyps whiah were a Lumnei. P Front Jno. $hier, asking lte connail r ta paase a by.law ta change lte nainesh of certain s3troots, titere being more b, tItan one cf lte saine naminthe Lai tawu. t VIRLE AND WÂTEIIt 01 Mr. Hlannam brouglit binte iret re-.9 port of te standing comuntitlee on firea Rat water, recontntnding paymont of i the following accounts: Mesure. Grass c & MaoNachtan, lwo accounts of $57.84 e( and $19.45; IL. Yarnoid, 82.75; C. I Joitnston, 812.27. Tih. report slaled 01 ltaI Litecommittea Lad receivati tenders i for coal coit fur lhe year 1877 frontc Messrs. Grass & MacNachlan ab 55 ete..bi per gallon, S. W. B. Smnithst0etas. il per gallon, anti Messrs. Hateh & Bro. ut 48 cts. per gallon, ani they recoin- i moud thte aceeptance aof te tender of rc Messre. Haici & Bru., the saine beingW lte lowest. Titat the- coinmittee have, i axamineci lte ir. engine anti appli- al ances anti tind evor>' thing in good order, andt lat sîtin can bo got up for tt lte fir, engine when needeti in a ver>'lu fcw minutes, ri On motion cf Mr. Hannain, secondeti M b= Mr.MMillan, the council went loba apntîe of the. whole-Mr. Long in ti lte cLmir.- W. S Mr. Ormielon thonglit il wonlt Le o% botter ualt to accept tenders for Lthe 11 year jast uaw, ai; lie pri ce of coai nil Pl would meut likeiy go clown. Il Mr. MeMillan said lte only way tlaec do wouîd be ta refer tiie clause Lack to bu Lthe commrittee. The. aontnittee iiitb înaking ont their report Ladl taken into s cons;ideration the higii pria. coal oil now was, but Lad conclude t iat ter. il3 would Le no saving Ltu th town if they bc 1went on getting it mst lie price naw icl citarged 6Ocls, even if aftur a wlîile iL depreciateti ta a oe l îlfe present ili vaine. Mr. Ferguson wae ai opinion tat ar wlrea Parliantont met tLe tiuty'would ti b. laken off.ooal où randiconnequentîyit the price wonld hacriueL less titan aI wi prement. Mr. Blow dit] not tlink tItis th, beut Lime aof te year toa auk for tenders for etl cnal cil. lu tic uprrug le thouglit ad woulti be the. better tinte. We mnight, lowevcr, gel tenders now for two or th, tir.. mont. enpply. mc On motion of IMr. Ormiston, second- tli cd Ly Mr. Blow, tIhe report was referr- wc edl back to the coiniittee wiLt instriue- tions la asic for teîmcora for tlîmeenht mants. Ileruainder of report adnpted. ii- FIXANCL AND ASSESSMENT. cul. Mr. lowas-mos-et, secouedieib>' Mm. Fenguiton, ttl te Mayor b. amtoriz- t tahaut] <uscm Lathe. proper parties lire tiret hla i tise bonus of #20,0i00, sudht aLLufore iseuting il os-or lue recels-e ltereLata nfilsntrett4liou. Mn, -Bios-; brouglitl la Lie neport ai te consuntlce on lcmvu ps-ahurI>. Tire contritico lsed rer-sisel a tenter tram A. Brown for 80 corda of tir-v voot] et $3.95 eacnt]d; aiea eue fmcm Mg. Gibseni for te vitoin 60 cords as adtiorised ti 84 per cord andti lIrencoummueadthie acceplanîce aifte leader ai Mn. B. Gib- son. Repart erboptet]. A CatiitlT-M ETOitEI' TUSE AMESSaoa. Mr. Ilurnuti, icaueti t>'Mr. Me. Milieu, ruas-et] tint Mesure. Wicks, MdMiila andth ie ruoer Le a speciai cemnitlee tûassiat eut] comtien vit thlie assessor for lise botter ûqualizing aiflthe assemumieul aiflthe teu. Mr. Ferguson vas amrpnipe t auecit a motion beiug brorîgit fonverti. Iu Lis opinian ne one abouiti uiatate ta lthe assegsar boy ho shuhanimseosalise lowa. Tic assessar is sivoru ho do Liu dat>' anti fan tuembers aiflthe eonii ta gel ripeat] moes-aencli as mouhion il gruau>' surprise] iwtu lar> lthe leuret, fan liey maust kuov Ltatsuci t Lliug wsoud hoeillegal. Mn. Hannani rephie t litIta oen>' nw ove seobjeetans vonît] Le font. His pas-licnies- resn fer mos-lng tic iesairlon vas LtaIthere vas ua large amea oailnt] ovuetib>' nan-resitieutu, vItici vas assese ti tabout -irno-BitIt the prite tise>' voui Sal itiLfor and te vantoti tea bintaI snoisproperty vas prapeni>' asseeset; lho knev aiproponl>' lu lavn assessed t] I0200 viticscouit] net Le bouglît fer lemu tItan 015100 cashr. Ho belie-nuth ie ausesar -rouît fart please t oas-ae a commiLlce appainteti La ausietl iii. Mn. Long apoke la tIrestie effeal as Mm. Hannain. Mr. McMhhlan titcught lthe aeuesslug oi vacanh lots an importent nator ndt eue rihicîr sboult] La attendedtiaI. Mr. Ferguson bat] saithte appoinbiug cf a commiltua la coufer viti lte ssesuon vouit Le iliegel, Le sari no neesca rit> oee>'resoîntion of lthe ounoit sitaulti Lie equaret]b>'ansu t ai Parliameul. Mr. Fergneon remintedth ie council tbt btegentlemen wvite reeta confer vili lie sseor Lad praporLy cf titeir civu le asuasd venu liets> a se>'ta lte asseseon bow il shouit] Le doue. Mm-. Blov titineualppreve ai the rusoltiain ho thonglt t li proper va>' vas ta bring te malter Lefane tise ceunt oi Remieiau. The Maan isugst il the dtin ft>'ihe vhole cu= ilta ses ltaI propint>' ris esseesed torrecti>'. Mr. Hopktins -titi ucl hick if lte resoilion vas passed IL vcuId Le vork- eLle. Tise asseesor he thougt rouît ualtrient ta Le Loltheneti its ltecon- Mn. Long vantedtiatesou tie vacant lot sauseaseu htigltor, lie tougIt i ILvin abtout lime.n Mn. Wichs titangIhtth ie praper v>tade octîlieata pessae soinîlon iuîutiug lthe aseseor te Le mars par. lieulen in asuessing vacant lobe. Thte motion vas put aneut lou e div-isian, Mesurs MoMillan, Lcng, Ont- is-tan,,ad Hean voting Yea. rMn. On-' t of J. B. tli we ter int Coudlil wuul buta o mntiee q0lthe witoe-mr. Blow ienlthechitar. A lenghyiscussion aunlthe mneofa thteacooumWtlaok place belwéeuMesure. Boplus, Fergneon anti Hennant.- Mn. ýHannam eaontending litIlthe aceount a. neducieti uhouti b.cpai»d ; Meusars 'Hopins anti Fergucu faxoenug e etili furlther netinction. Mn. Long suggeulcd lise accaunt b. meferreti baok taelte cantrrittee witit instructions for lthe citainman'to consulb witit Mm. Byrue ounlthe acounl ant ifI iOtted5sa> oblain lte tawn uoiaiton'e opinion. Mr. Fergunemnoved lthe commltee brise, repart pregrefs ant ask les>'. to ait againi-Canieti. 1 MEURS. GIBBON & nIXca e PETITION. f' On motion of Mr. Blow, econdetib>' Mir. Ferguson, lte cannai resoiveti iL- self mbt contnittee of lise witole onsth# r oition af Mesura. Gibion & Dixan,ý- n. Des-erili in tae chair. Mn. Blhow iteÉl nvet in Use maiLer if titis Éition Lacause hbcLisaught lthe gentlemen saulti bave their mono>' andt wit iL lhey woulcl Le botter eble la pusit farward te campielion of Lte oati. Tite reauc wity bte canait îeti matie conditious lu gnenting Lb. bonus wa. ta have secuni>ritat lie noati aitaulI Le Luilt. Thougi t1he letter of tho agreemet bati natbesu carrieti ont lu having lthe wboleocf lt.e noat grad tiet Lintsay, titane beiug about r mile nol yet gratied,forwhicit massons are gis-en lanlthe pelitiou, euh lteeculn- cil hae.furter aucuril't tan wau ali- ad for in lte rails being laid as fanrse lianihle mare ltan imaîf of the distance of th. ciension. He îbomfghit Lwouiti bc te ti4e ativentage of lte towu for lthe ouncil te grant lthe pltienudntihius rave te roati openeti se scns possi- bie. Mr. Hannant Lad no tiant ih woulti me a Lenefrt ta Lime tawn ta have tise roati openeti as sean as possible anti ho woulit favor gracLing the prayen cf te usttilout. He would iiko te kncw wit aboul the zebaeeof latereeb. Mm. Femgnuamt repliet laMr. Hantant LhaI ivhile iu Tomante haut week Le Lad net Mm. Mniock, lthe Solicitor for te rat, anut in tlkiog wilh hlm h. (Mn. M.) Land saiat hat Lte laiuniigIthae a chteque -for lie rebat. ai intorest an>' in. te>' iisiteti. H. uw no reasoti rithe lieî10,000 sitouldti uaLephit] over. lu making conditions iviti lte lagiliva>'Co. lie iset]oni>' wiszludt] l place the moue>' so thre Comipmu>' sionii aIt recels-a it until Lie town it etis- curit>' gis-en ltaI the oaci wanlt Le uiIlt. More titan lieulte work hati bcir don. ant iLe Liongt thle nons>' itaulti ho paiti. Mtr. Wickg bit thtl pent>' ai secur. y lied Leen gis-en tit the moémiulweuld e cnmbleted, anti waulu las-ar ai psy- [g aorte moue>'. Mr. MoMillan wauted te reLate of stemeuît looketi aller. Mm. Blow mos-ad 1he commiltes mise, endi repart te>' ecorssmnend 1a prayer aifLise petitian of leora. Ckibson & Dixan bececmplieti fitlt.-Cm-ieui. Côuecil mesiuei, Mr. litow, Fseconaldeti L Mm. Forgir- trij, mvths e tttrepart (net meeoivied be idopteti. Mr.r1 Ormielon as a ucîs- member ai te coueil wouid hike le know if lte usohution was pa-,And s-muid il cifect me mebitsoaiintereut. If ilt iti te uc-lul Vole againut il. Mr. McoMilîsu -ivc.nit 1ke te knw iw thre lassn iouti gelttse reLate ai s teroe. Mr. 1hawo-c-i laimcthRtlitnlupat;siug oi tesolulin a-ielthe concil lte>' vee only arrdorsing wlt llthe>'Lad louc inmicrmittee. It lmat notlring vListes-cm la ulo iithIte m-bate ai in- orest. Hie mat a motion te nove tau thse ane befame Lte couacl wae Mnucti, Wiict ss-ouîd pros-id. for rthe ntprest. REIPI'5 AND EXPEI4DTURE. e r~ eciptu mrig tIe year a nount- Tito expandibune la 812,158-ieaving balance- oi cash bu haut, 8618.09. Tise asets af the Compan>' aniunl- edt] Le$20,050, 98. Tire liabihities, lnclntiug daim of 8900 in absysuce, anti 02850, bille pa>'- able, enionul la 84040, 88. Balance ai assois cs-er ,iablitis, $16,010, 12. L085EStPA» Tite lasses pait] vene, Jantes SmitL, $1000 ; Jantes Baisten, $125 ; Jas. Milue, #17,60 ; John Plevis, 8200.50;, T. H. Smith, 1411.20 ; Titas. Day, $800; J. B. Biakell, 8800; C. J. Mant;- field, 8400 ; James Jackson, 812; Metliseri Enghisit, 885. Ounation of Mm. Alexendor Wilsan terenorat ras unaumintonusl>'ateplet. ELECTION OF DIREOTOBS. Thte eiection ai dinectars for lie en- uuing year vas lien praceet v itht- Joitu Mothersili anti Alex. Wilson, scrntinaere-vit thlie iclcvwing resunii: J. B. Biakeli, Goo. Meoilis-ra>', Jue. Williu, George Hiaigbotan, Arthsur Jobustan, Antireri AnuiS, John Stithr, JohtnDes-y, J. B. Gaulti. AtriiToxe, Mesure. Johnu Dryden anti John P. Hovten wve.re-appombtenaui-s. Thte names of meverai gentlemaen weme atitet a.sIhonoaa>'direeters, eut aiten aer n a voteo f tanie ta te precideul sud au-going directang for lar efficieut services turing lie pasi yean, lire meeting rau brought le a close. At a oubuequont meeting cf lte im'ec- lare, J. B. Brakeli Esq. vas no-electet] presidoaL. Thte pwoceedings nere lmi.anl anti business like. The effiameno-fli tilmealons anti afficons raus âitiyaOfueed lhe satisiactar>' tanner inwrilaithlite vomi ras toue anti the nemulproeet- et beforelbe Meting. The repart1 ehe ar te fBrinfooting on riiathîe1 Comupan>' stands, tann vw el il l e o serving cf support na., rirai ightîLe 'cailedté "Home Institution.,, )Er- Ferguaa atiiutoodtuaI t MoMillan betoe ue aioway. Mr. MoMilia replied -ho lied net. Thetocnei adjaurnoa t blf.paat lwolve. Cauu:y Orange Lodge; AFNUÂL MaIETII -Thetimanul Count>' Meeting cf Ont&enla, ý was, heMld b tOsaa,1h Febtrnar>', 1877, lte foi- (JaunI>'Muler, Robert J. Yamuold, Wbitby; Depaty Master Wax. Me- Kittentic, Greenwood ; Citaplain, Rob. M.Leeli, Ouiawa; Seenter>', Wmg. Robitisoni, Whitby; Tressuner, Wm. Stepheuson, Oeshawa ; Dineclar ofOen- imnues, irby, Oshawa ; . Lscinnr, Thas. Gibson, BaIsant; Assistant Lea-ý luner, W. Wleie, Whitb>'. The nez$ regnlan anuel (JunI>' meeting whul b. iteM ai Wittrev, on lte fret Tueud.y luinPFbry., 1878, Thte Provinci a rmadge cf osn- târio WeuL. will b. heiti at Onu.i, on 201h Februen>', 1W77. Annuel Meeting cf bbc Ontario Fart- crs' Mutuaiîasurance Company'. The antnel meeting of the aboyé Company' wae belti, punsueut ta notice, et tht Lwn bail, WitiLby, ou Tueua>', OLt imut. Titere wae a fair, but mot a large attendance. Titocafr wue taken b>' the president, Mr. J. B. Biokeli. Mn. Biclieli au taking lte the chair aiti tho direclore were preparedti l answer an>' questions thtse proeute mighitidesire to altkThte annuel ne- port would Le subiitetiandi esen>' neceesar>' explanalian givsn,-and hIt eccinnendef t neaufan boîter thal a11 questions sitault be sketi anti euuwer- et] lter. anti thon lieu ltai.- mentbere sitaulti go away dissabistieti anti after- wartis say lter. was scnthiug titey titi not undenstanti. Even>' lhing had beeu doue by lte dineclns a. conomi. cal as passible eat] in te Lest interestu of lte Contpay-tite directons hati su- doavauredtelado alls.>' conlilu intai direalon. He regrettedt] tabave loa att ltaiLIte aunnai report showed more losses u tuing the paul, tItan in Au>' previcus y'r.Tit, hawever, -was a maLter jeyandttIroir conîrol. On. llsing Le wus preparedtai sert, anti tiret wa. Usaitteir Company' stooti np- on au goot] a faoting au an>' Mutuel Iu- rm-sue Ca. in Cnatia-insurers Itat ae gond securit>' ià iiILas in any Conm- pan>' in lte Dontinian. To salisi>' Lienteoises upon titis beati lte>'hac oniy to compare tIse annuai report with bIset ofcter compenies ; il wonh(l upoak for itueif. The secretar>' then proceede t la eati te- ANNUAL REPORT. Nuinber cf policies umder lte casht systent issueti in 1878 (lems 28 expirei anti cancelled)-208 ; insuriug propent>' 10 value of $172, 895. ToLal nunthen of pahicies in force under cash systent, -Toal aannt insureti 06099 945. Number af palicies issuoti under pre- miumu note systern issueti in *76,-526; ineuring prapert>' la value cf 8ô82, 220. Toal number cf policies an tLe pre- itinr note Fyelem, 1191. Arnount inenredti Iereuntier 81,860, 990.& Nuinber ai policies in force on Lot I systents, 1886.à Toal aantn insumot, 81,870, 985. r Anaunt af net assets, $1601, 12, Increase af policios on prcmnint note1 over casit syste t tii yeam, 221 ;-theu nnsbr iseetiast year being 8056 titis y.ar, 526. Ors1te cash systernthLe fignes standt -for '7-286 ; for '76-208.-Do- crease, 78 on Lte latter. Total gain for '76 an Lotit systents, 148, cm niarl>' 25 per cent. Tise ausels ltis yea antout ta 80 cents on thte 8100 insuret, bcbng an encreaste an hasb year.b As a consequonce, te ent of dued bille Las enareaset,, meut of witicb,d itowever, wili Le coîheeteti turing Lise neil few menthe. The o lsses for te year bav-e been large, anti s, aiten a thonougit investi-8 gation they were foundte L have beaun canseti b>'accident anti wilbout frauti on tite p art of lte insureti, were prantp.e tl>' paiti-samo of ltent befcre matur-C The lasses atoxmnt ta ar l0 .1ouble.lu-4'e-. Tenim, n'.s a 158 40, vItile lthe vorking expeuses were in 1875, $107,879 40, anti in 1876, 106,990 16, eitewing e decreasie in 1870 ai 8801124, te neL revenue ai thte Oampan>' for tite peut Lweive mouLhu 4s-ing been $89,565 50. Tii. Pimecîcre has-s beau enabet ldticlare tividents st bte rate cf six per cent per auen mnr Ltme bau years ent]ing lthe aIL June utd. 1st Deceniben nespeothvely. Titese is-idenda hava abuorbot] 8$80,480 26, uaving a balance ai 8,840 16 t lthe 3redit of profil eut ]losa accouaI. s c p ti i 8i c s p N hi al al lu Tisa Jos. Hà t, ComserÂu.-We are toa lalearu liti scanspan>' iu lu a air va>' ta necovering ils; enviable po. sition of former yeers. Thte notes gis-en ta credilere,* tee Marcu litt nexi, are Leiasg pait vuthetît rebat. The greater part aiftent vos-a paiti lest Noremben, anti inu>'notes, due Merci 111h 1878, bus-e been retiret]. ABter the liLis de>'of Marcit nextleuasthan $15.000 cf campOsiLion notes viii Lie ouLslenung, ant lthe>'viii net feu tdue tl Mercit 1878. Tise manager is pur- ung a eond aut] cauliaus po ro>', tanualmring relier under limanas-en lthe, nunibeorf macehines lu. cen Bell. The campan>' teservs-eecees am ent v ara gladti t know he Prospect is se ceeminges-,u intlienelirneeeformer. FATE OnF TIl STZEAXSRIP "GieOrtOR Wà ABINsereN."-Th3e fte c f tire m& aiag steamer George Washtington, wrie leit Haifax on lie -18ih uIt. for St. Jhn'a, N. F., anti cfwvitat «Il yesier. de>' netiing bas sluse Leen lîearti, is ai lengh, dtecideti, The -hîl-feetvessel, vau tri-eu aïhore aI cape Race, Pro. ,b&by drin th suwý&qm ftte 21#~ ICrLu andth ie trio Db.ei-ver. ofToront anti NaorthOntario. Tiie ffoiiowir proceeioge Iaok place -. On motion ef Mn. Pringlo, te Ci wa taken'b>' Mn. N.,Be>'. -W. H. Hhggin. rias appain$ed eord ÀÂtlegrant frontMeusrs. Winslow, Ambroee, Pont Hope, rias nec4iveti, el pressing Item n egret at nat being aL to, attendilthe meeting iu couse1quenton lte strlke upon lthe Midieut Iailway. Ou moicu f A.J. W llu oeconde b uJonBawm,.ir, wa. nesalyod,. Th îie"luebite picion cf bthe liceuso balde cf tb. Nantit.Bitiing ltaI lihe>' ehul amaigantewitb lte licene.i s-fa lors association aireeti>'fcrud in th Soulth. I Masoti b>' John P. Taylor, econtie b>' AUex anitan, ltaIt.hsun aiof$1 payable in ats-ane, consentue a mene ber for lthe preseut year, andtihie sur ai 82 per annun tIhoreniter. asra. Maveti b>'John P. Taylcr, seccutel yBoL. Hcdgocu, btalia the qificere c tii asoiation sissîl consist 0f a pneu! dent, twa vice-presidentu, secrýLarY au Inesurer, anti a managing cqmntittee tLe latter tla conuisL cff Bs-c iember exo0ls-. cof lte officaesof tlia associa lion, wisc utaîl exc offcie Le membere.- On inotion,lthe elecLion oi officena we tien proceedet iviith, itit lt.e tcllici resuilt Presideul, Fueterick Nsaie, Ositawa. lut Vice "Mr. Armstrang, Ca4nington 21 Vice" Robi. Hodgsen, Col tinus. Secreber>', John P. Taylor, WLitLv.- Treasurer, W. B. McGaw, Poermr>'. E xECrjrnVECaBNTTxîrmc: Frederick Powell, Broakli'n, Donald Camtpbell, Canningumu, A. J. Wells, Uxbritige, Buvard Astrang, WhiLLy, Augnu MoKinuon, Beavert.on. Mos-et] b>'William Taylor uecondoe b>' RaLL. Hoigeon. liaI Lis meine pietiges itseif loi fort locual rganiza lions for tLe daleat of lie Dunkin Bill in sech ai tiseir respective localiLieu aué b>' rirking anti canvessing t'P seure iLs defeat. Carniet. Med b>' Alo. Hmiltn, seconder] b>' RoLI. Hotigeen, lisaL ail inîteralcu mn tise Trat, sisoulti Le auketi la sub. scribe te lime "Observer" nevupapor. tits oui>' paper excînsi-el>' devotedt] the Lieense't Victuallers in te Pro. s-ic.. Cariet]. Mos-et b>'Mn. Paterson, scontiot b>' William Hallet LtaI ahi 'ccamintb anti moneyu Le peit au tLe ordér ai titi executiva ccntnitte, antiaillcitequeE signet b>' lthe presitieul, one vige-presi- tient or secreler>' ant reasnmer. GCarni- et]. Mos-et] b>'Mex. Hainilton, sýconded it> William HaileIt, ltat ail tono receivetisitaliL e batsket ivitilithe Ou- tarie Bank, Part Penny. Carrieti. Mes-et] b>'Mr. Paterson, secout]ed b>' William Taylor, tiraI tir e xcunivt cominnitee meetinîgs Le hu-it et W. B. MeGaw's, PorL Par>'. Camnieti. Mos-et]b>' William Halloît, eeoonded b>' Augus MeKinnon, lthai Liis associa- thon ho guiLa o.v hi, mulesaiflthe Ta- roula License] Victualeme' Association lu so fer as tIi.> are applicable. Car- Mos-et b>'Mr. Paîrun. seceudel Ly William Hall'ii, lthaI Lte Brut ineel- iug- aif t.eexculive cunmiteo sital Lake place ou Fritie> nexilte 9Lhit mt., et W. B. MeGaw's, Port Perry., Car- rieti. Afler a stinî-ing speech froni Mr. N. F. Paterson, ai Beaverton, nrgiug ail members ta de titeir nîteest for tise te- feat aiflthe Bill, anti prmising alllire support anti assis;tance iu bis paver le lImaI eut, tise meeting etijoumnet]. Dominion Teîcgiapls Company'. Tii. ennual meeting aiflthe sIar.- iteltere vasieldi et Tarante on Tues- ta>', Han. T. N. Gibbs, M. P., Presi- tout, iunLte chair. Thte praceedingu were of a ver>' satiafaclar> citaractAr. rironilthe annuai report it eppears that 300 miles of Uine Lave besu conetmueteti iu theo Maritime Provinces. A- suppientuntar>' agreeent bas been eutereti inta Letiveen l»ei.Direct Cable C3ompany' antis Conipany', re-affirin- ung Lte former agreement for exclusive connections' wit thIis Company, eut pras-iding liaI in lthe e-eut of lthe agreemntLaireat>' existing Jbetween the twn Con penjeu being delerminel by tite (able Company b>' its antaiga. b>' lit exclndt. IotL; if mer's son.le son, >' un au ybody's s; anybdy'f 0 svrb' ors, ii>'ua nem>bt]>"u s o eu ?if ' Te arLati's son il e t a elienbt'hlc Tsite armu sfon is rmpeoleaut nLellge d peaple'e Bons bave certahul>' juel asr gooat a aims-t la evotemis lte tout in- teligent farnter's sou.i A NUm lOlt TiiE DUNaIN%;TI-s:.-Tlîa mi CuiansJourntal (NMedicai) Copieslte ru ieiiawing saaexuent fiattise New ti York Medicai Journal, wihimihlime latter Il journal mnaktm-s ou lire arîtioril>' ai Dr. i Ormislon, Surgeon-in-Oliief cf lte tl Grok Arn>' :-"lOur feiilow-cihizisn, e George Strevas-idez, tintito- tie'etlte lte agt ai 132 >eana.Trongi thLis P ttusemu iasater irîtemperaîs, bt conumming tail>' mare titan 100 drachme tf of branudy'on te average, Leoiva, i novem-titlesut. up ta IL. lest momeofa lis li fe, in tise fulpossesulan of bis fis-e 01 senses anti ahil iItItot. Kuascru lY TUE CÂAU.-A boy 11dm- C teen yoans 'oIt. nantoti Frets-o i' llait, At ivre rua as-cm Ly a G-T. Pb. freigmt h train Sunuiht>' ntosuigntg taheLfot af Clînrei utreet, Tamonlo ant iid hislo lg A euL off. lie ivs taliot i s hroric, anti uiet e fewlieussaftemwiurds. I The LandaunScriurd&oy PRrc'iwsaysc taIl *gi1lsare b>' nature more inclinoie' te nulmutitlnese Ithan baye," tus as- tt serticu me>' Le truc au frr n8,El laut is concemnet], ant in utitis counutry ils fael' i ras-etib>' te fact that More Western newespapers. V~ 13o»Y SNATutNqe.-Caues of Lady- o intoitiug are beeoming aiarutiugly Ira- 4neit la ht4 pare6 >Oa u epl., upqr-su. JvA eevusueru my she pssng aof lis Act. -Hav-e yen neDe arn nes ivIicIt arc au dean ta yen asyour owu lufe,, vhin Yen viai tetaprobt? Have ycra ticBons Yen wish tlafollow the just patlit; ne tangiter vbose vin- tue you visit te ellilI. I appeal ta ycu, aushîroters, hlieen ou irouters sadien you vish 19 bhave enrrouuted b>' notiing ibut vitaL le chaste. STitese ito tas-e a tesire for wbiske>' wihl bas-e il, ifte' iela bu>' itfi-e gallons 1etCealime.- Alleome Ibrongi your columus b pictirre ltaé.nesult front the fis-e-gallon Syste- .- The mn, vbo je disposed la drink ini go ta lte store in the viainil> (s the>'are I1owedb>' lte Act la oeillBs-e gallons itho>' isave procuneti a licouse,) ant 'oblalu ttis anount, proceeti tome- verts, iùvite iiefnientie eut bave--a soit], good tirun. Tise vile, anti fenil>', if stail, are kiaket outioci ticamu, anti if large lte>' vii, pesraps, join hanlthe jolyicat.ici. Imagine lhe mnares yen ame, procuming tan oun sons, antilIteh plions hala vhici you are lesadig your daugitteru i Allov me, visakuav sotetihg cf enait lue, ta -picture lte caneeofeta famil>' I once ku2ets ito brongit them jar Of wviie o mie lathem ria flire- aide. Thoena once va. a fanl>'of fis-e yonng men, anti one dangitten wno, witit tieir fatiter anti taLLerliveile the -Townshtip of, Pickering, vho vene ail rinei b>' drink. NigL i sitar iigit te baIlle cane home, andthe lie Itle fenil>' induiged. 'Thte, materfeUlu i lte fine wbile inLoxicateti anti- wa, bumut atoaLIét; Lise faîher'vas frozen- le teetit; ocaof lte uond is-semnrÃder- eti bb is avu broter; lwo ochers tiiet titrongit tmnukennese: anat.er lait eut al nUigit anti bat hie, faet frazen, anti-ho aftewaidts hangeti hinseif. Tii. dautitter wv e lt]autre>' b>'soine of them associaeos, gave LinOs la Lvins, andi aftorivantiesieptinlua dmukantii grave. Nov, -Mr. Etitor, lhi n cl>' an exampte'-cf wbat te Dunkcin Aed saili padauce if pes*et iu Ontario. Again, if storektopers areowmed a tek. ont a licous. for lte purpose of selling liquan >'Liseh Bsv- gallons or tieon baILles, cUn lts>y 'cuatp lte itammel in te store ad eutti it freely te titeir cinlamere free ai charge, Iheneb>' ituilding up their business ?. Thene le noting lunlte Act la pros-ouIUsent froin so ioIig. Fer instance, a tan- cernes- mb lýthe store for eomething, eut] b>' va>' ci riendlines ite le ofieneti a social glaus. I vilitero uuggestltai tise Act bo fi-col>'circulaledtrrugheul lise conl>, as I feel confident one out cf ever> it>' vite vate heu ual seen lta Adt,,-nom knovu ite clauses. I aatiso ail Ciris- tiens te set te vomk anti tefeal 1h. Act, vitichlu s e tLyranical in uts nature.' We ail kuow ltaI lte pinit af tan (Les ecit that tLe mere ve eutiea-vonr tai tare' ave>' Lis libentt>'eli. vas. bd hcomea, andi tescarcer an artice islutle more preelons it beconte. -I viii boucit upon lte ,Actfret e fluencial viev inu ni>'t.l. opitsg yen yl tint something hanttiîs ibicit viii pros-e boueficial.. ýNý ý ugtoi Uucu z sno pat or pise in u ri 40 xttig elèctral y tem . .1 The.,sole excuse, apparenîl>', for lie Dg eià à re lu, ltaâ i l certain casesLte fan- mer autei son or sons obîain b> col- Suan wIt wonld now Leu gi-en litent apen>'. If lte fantil>' app ,en ^tobcL mare or-losaient poiLicians, it le- sait lie>nwilcreale bogue leassne- &presenig lte wboie or perLions cof lb. -propeml', lte falien -titen vetiisg as awner anati Ie sow_ as tenant. The es- de c c1ie eceltLiscse is Ual ce in lte giitingof a' boguesloase, Lut la uie frantulent acquisition of lte vote., t et if iL Le igit t lat, afaerm'e on eas aI suait, sitculd bave At vol., anti if lie rsproperl>' ffiriy ropreseuLs au assesseti avle oiflte amount uccessan>' la confer i te franchise, no greet bn haïm t oue Oe aller aIl. The effeal of ltae wrog-if Pdi ere e wrong-wouhti oul i>' ht lu ltaos. 4er>' few cases wIeolte ttal yâu oan f Use propent>' wssI sstitan lte sesessets-value nïeetiful to ropresenbtlwo n votes. * But wîtat îu lire BihI now Lafare te ,aHonuse tiing it creating bogus assesu- ofmeule, insteet] of encouraging bogno Sleasees? Thte son he la Le essesuet-ar eratite rplaceti upon lte assesemeuL roll ,e, -for thbe mui necessar>' ta qualify bhna aus a voter. Hoe is le appeur as lte cwnen of land inuwhiicit ho Laiiuaneu e -dollan's wanlh ai interest, eut wbich -bis fater ina>' seIl or alienale staI u> SB montent. Iu tho former uppossti case g9 lie farter gaye, 1'I wish ni>' san ta "have a vole, anti gis-e itea leaue ta 11qualif>' itol vole, althougb I reaill>' r. "aowu anti occupy lte fart ;"lu-inte "lter lha wiii se>', "Iivish ni>'son te "have e vote, anud Bo yon Me>' assesu "1hlm for lent] I owun, anti oeIl ou hlm "for taxes I stallia>'" Ite case of thte ineome tex ranchise liseme is ne question at ail as Le th. independeul statue af tLe voter. Ho is essesseti an ltaI iviicl isis aown, pays hie owxr mous>' te lie tex galherer, eutd votes absoatehy l iniss-wn lghL. 'It le a il now fealure ofLte law la croate e qual- gification intiepentiant of th. voler Lin- soif, anti witlt wiich Leit as otherwiu, 1,ne legal connectioru. But lite Act tios i more titan thie. it enaitles a tan te ,e dlaim a vole aunltae properl>' of anather man. Tii. father'se state for electorucl d purpeses is in facî disLributeti emeag h is sens. To gis-e a in a vote lunIbis -own mi&git e ecoucede mnhooti suf- frage. soe aforceti apportiantent ai an- * etlier man's prapemt>' is ta e ietdinh * order-le teck on the man lIre qîtelifice- liop lie ha otîrorivise lacking d BuL iL le a bagne qualificationneyer- ;aitelesu, a more blidte Lido manioti s unirage frein vicw. 'S Il wouhd Le botter te ,do ha a direcL -menner whet l istu sodettule buaI- - aineti in e cimeunnhcutor>' fasion Ly te Bill. But thonl public opinion in à titis country' certaini>' dues ual faveur amanitoot] suffrage or au>' tieparLume -froru lte aIt]linsosfa te canstitution. It is nettihal lite fariner is tare intelli- igent thuen hie eau, or 1aiit e aivuer ai a bitIfai ieoitohl luaiLeller politician than thue- cident in lotiging6, tbnt the indeolilication aoflte vote witIt the iacluai passesian or occupatian ai pmop- *ont>' is a couvenienl anti, onulte ivisle, -sounti asis for lte franchise. Honce ils generel adoption oui>' deviateti front t4so fer linte case of the. incoeefran- ehise, which is, Iîowes-or, Lased on an . actuel and direct persoal contribution - le lte taxation aoflte counIr>'. 1Titeme is mntiter principle, tna, lu tirs Bill ývtieitis net oxact>'linpo- gitriivoini \lIîe igitt directiont. To get os-orlise cifliienl> ofai aplellinra ai sons thte cideul eau le te Lave priant>' iu ciaiming lte riglit te voie. XV. dan't,_ ai courue, imaegine that iL ha intendet t pe>' a paîîing tribut. ai respect latirae- tiiecardecl «piueipîe ai primogeuitume,1 but stiil, titere iu tte eltiest eau regieteri euo a publie recomrd as tLe joint owneî- or occupier aiflte esîste ivitî thle father, whiile te yonngcr sons Lave, ilte as- sesseti vaine futile le cuver Lhint, ne rigitu or recognition wlItever. Titen again, tL. meltot ai insurng. lte possession aiflte qualification ap-t pearu ver>' likel>' teanentule mntior de- coptian. Whto is tu ayan>wteth ie son of everybati> owmmug a twenly-mucre lot je or is net a resitent ivitit Lie fat- or for e gis-en -perio(1,2 - If peopleo ivili comimit fraude, if is surel>' jueL as eau>'1 Le niake a fuis. reprosenlatian as la, reelience as 10 fabitslete e bagne loaso-.e An absence ai four moutluBsluta Lbet ailowed ta break te conlinuit>' of rosi-1 douce, but if a larmr'e sou gou off Lo1 te lurnberirtg districts, au tan>' do, eut gete wealiîer-bounul or uteets iviit sanse iwspediment ta Lis reLut-n witin Lte elaLetiperiot, his lu Le b.di6quali. fiet]. YeL wito is ta prove.Lia tisquali- -paris. Sixteen sitail uameiy, Aimant Elona, Gadeict Oshava, Ov-en Strattr>, XVaiký lent, Womstac Pour saai natal'Guelph, -RIichsmondi Hl. Twenly-sev.u eacit, name>',, edonie, Drmr - -Inoquois, Linde Moris . N - e k ' - - Hamilton, FeL'>' 2, 1877. - Speciel Caniespontence. OUR WASHINGTON LETTEIt. WÂuAsiNGT!oN,P. C., Jeu.27. '77, The meut popular fellor inha hie cil>' la-day, sud and one mosl taliret about is, ndoubteti>', Ele-itoral Bill. As propîuie] lu. m>' aut, thei.llibas Ibis veok pesetiLotit Hanse ai Cougnese ity a vole ai aven tva ta one, anti belote titis reasiies yen villhave 4becosue e ev. Untier iL -tse nenhere eùfLte Electoral tribunal viii Le electeti nexl Tuesda>'. -tB>' neerl>' ail parties tii noasun e lu regarde]es as n uunquaifei victer> aiflthe people cf lthe ceunIry' os-cm Lte connting in cenupiretons. If iL,, ahltorîtsucceet in nmakingTilten lie neri Preuitieut, se rancittie better for tLe ceuntr>' antifer adinistratives ne- tort, but vite-or Lectite resuit, il viii et loast'pros-e lt.e cpaci>' ai lie peo- pie for self-govermnent - Ia lte Senalanlel electiaus vhiot bavre lthus fan tabou place, thte Democrals Lave Leen tbhe niy gainons.,lime foileri. iug reLiing Republican Senatoruses-ing nil Lomu deleetet b>' DerneeraLs :-Clay'- tan, Lagan, Aletiru,Freliughuyou, anti Hamnilton. BLeuidt lie trio Senstors la Le admilteti frc<nt Alabanta, andtihie- eneceesor of Robertson, ai Sonth Camai- ina, Le Denacmais, asuthis vill probe-, bi>' Le, thte Senate, aller Mercs 4Lh, wi11 statnd: Iepublicaus 189. ola aei- craIs 87. No, sane tman cen bave a dbuLl bo-ta>'as tlavicit peiticat part>' in Ltis countîn' l ithe aseoena>y. Thi efealcf anec-ofte Senetare suentianoti abus-e retires fareveï-fnem b.e amoeaofai public life oau.-of, Use gresleaî nouutýebauku, liat seergraceti, or natiter dligrseed, Ainemican politica, and lthe question me>' nov b. asked wthu greeter pertinence titan aeeo. fore-Who vili amu for LoganP Dummaîil>'net Illinois. Ho vwas Lte howling dervîsit-aiftite Sonate, andtin tis ngmeesianal hle-itas probasl' mur- leret] -lu col] combat mare innocent sarts of spech t tianse' alioteér'manber sonr kuevu ta litibat]>. Ho nov masses ihum au obscurit>' vhsre, let us tope. hie vi i u]ne noreturning boardi. As lthe oes1Ilamernt vouitiphrase ih, I au mas-etlaobiluete. Ai ehSUR ia noo ar itte lebunie, We cau boîr bis roar novbors: Afuernmine antity> ballets He's gone np on thbe golden stair- Gene te imeet Goongle Boutveti. But froru gensmal Bombant la generel Dotuptiou,âtbervlse gea. Belknap. Titis laler genlemian, ntiubted>' a close os-eraof the- signa cf lie limes, is - ovidtiel> louing confitience in -the iu- ugurelian of Hays, eut] han lthis w-eek Itinandeti ai lhe-Disnit-Connt, an ùin - mediate triai. IL lu bue-aim b suppo se teLt nuie LreLber-in-l'w Siarpe ne- inins maruital au ecquitai viii Le gis-en Bciknap as vus doue fan Babcoak, but- itaulti ho be' cons-bLed titrouei an>' filur, of lthe iirs b vork, a Presiden- la aduvi e s-cm>'neassur>'ta hie itpeus.Aller lthe 4lioi Meat Itl prergivo ilreant in alther baeu Iran n rue anti bencstitis bast- ening.- The. aommntee ounlthe pais-endut pris-ileges of lie, -Roues Lad, a viuu oefore- Lten tiis vcek, one'De Bent-y, a telegrapit operetar, front Talleause, FIS-, vitesucceedeti meu vondeful>' in refressing lthe defeclive -isuenory of Hon. Zach; Cisandier le regard la tispateesseul Sontit ibt>' liagendies- One tispalcit ho gave a. iront Chantier tStearns z.a4 au-follova: "We muet bas- -Lonsiina, Soult Camnilus, anti Fioridla, I)fi fir'inausn8oratc-in" tii Lteenmmroning oircmiumutaneeu rp- pcar la rmoitorale lite Lestimuon>' ai De Besrry. An excelentL oppntuai>' in cmv grvea lai. Z. of turuiug Siaie'u' videuce eut]nd mkiag a aletin lireael cf the whmole affrs, wii cxcelleul appor- tnit>', il is îueeeLq sal tâte, he svill pro- bably declins Sonator Conicîing'à eelit boum upeetis on ta ciectorel bilt h. conuidore b>' bis- riftude lie ablesI affani. of bis lite.- Whto stands a boiter chtance lton beUi' aPreaieuntiai nomination han1880 STRUCutON TIEE MsANx U LWR,way.- Tire. ietrouble asnt le employees ai te MitlautilBeilva>'owlug ta lthe tifficut>' expeniencet t y tita'n ohet tainiug thein- arneani cf teck pà y, eut a gezueaab sîike aioug lthe lino appoare La be icptinent. In Ibis inutance lie mnsu 4gTas-e eon$jirsspmûpalb>' of lie Public.' Thee tdus bas chu.. tabou an 4 4 a w '#$Ji v specting lire After uon c Dr. O'Buli conittee ta mnieulof the C Ailong du a mtaion ai mos-et Ly Mr - vich. vas fi Commiltee PE Titeentend votiaof 87 te -A 1large num senleti for ani Gas Campany> Bis vene r althent -etiva Credt lValle>' Bill va.lai an ea long ta report, Medicai Sel consitienalion arriveti. After recese ed in Tua GL( lie effeat tiraI bhaL lie col orbhe vonit ti tappoarst -y cossit- tbune vitan ho vas r GenersilihaItt pie oftse Bitl remr9ltaât h sncb legisiatiar Honse lien -e quorum. Mi. Cooke' -lthe greaenpa- the seconil non TMIE LONDON1 tontlon, FE journal& aoftti uan. leniglitca - s peeches lu Tc J-utsies attache, aas i e aebtei poireul cf a are 1pre cisot> position. Tire Meruinj tern- bas bel speelchag abon * ho gos-orne, an He Las tirrori l ic aif Cana]à 1>' la Le expect Irigitpolitical anti ba]been Enropean imîl lItes thte Demni and likes UseeLU S palitical pais. * Bnds,, ne unec the pelitcal lii Paliazuentar>' presenta a spot Aliieo,Canaia, gree ofitartor lices are net ir being free f]ý affhte Siat'es 1 * vote, hieasaoit discorde.lu t] Lis-e assemblîes eacIt otisor viti vhichitljelest i bus>' comner tuse to etui> sudthLie parilsu the hanfl'nce a lise mare valua I Thoen>' yfranlc tam>' leaders de te benefih -le modereling LmB General viso 1 social, anti Intel len], antivito, 1 conciliaion in a mare praclisei, provincial strife calma ltaos. si Canain societ ercisea i loecans