0~1ICEFAMIJi-ýr >URCERI1ES, 0hinit, Gl1ts ft&d r4lçer>r, of eveiykIdtid1, N. U wattuo efrow (tho lagff, cboli4 es ad a't b o aat.r SOLD,. For ithe beut andi obeapest choice Tuas, CofTees, $agars, audigenerlfà iify mtho Groeri's'o *Ilkinf, g toW. 3. GIBSONI8. Grer.io i lnp.gt Fz!ja or t4 .bot ut Id eose:r.t annud Peau, Corfi, Toinstoou, Peibr, Bsud Peso] fP ' r; 701 Dan geit aOlpea W-oboice FoPbfor W contu, at, W. .GB ~~sy c ateaoicemizod Caudjuai for gaod cbildren, bu SWanted-aiid t& lI{ghest Market, ?rke paîdý for tisr. qunttyof gtood Droosd Poultry,'Bn. 'PîteBnnleu ba lu *0 ~W.. - ; arnVSow Whitby China Tes Sb 'N NEW S T ATI1ONEJRI Ilint Addrea* e atietasu u4a OItiepuu. ite al:;îO pbtl7hps 1TnfE >YO~WOMAr ND ilixabe -ueilicai womk treat- Ntital aid Nervtium Diesos; oyit ot'/o î piggul, twonty oie., bî,,îI f ui utailtil i mqua. î'îJy 'liitlîbfitur î'y for priât- iîn1 il iýtl&t agoî ci i l r ti, ilniif ilteolf il uh r fe turîîed fron ' uJt lesth, M44letoi aulim e thyiiu~fOe P«eaJsdy rA JI m i e be-e, aIl eoaparl. rorlfilil-Y wvk mou tyololo. 4C. -fflFTiTO* 1111<4t i "ilot (liq i rj> ma If,,- tfîî 'uîîg, thîe mIdala aoco4t alie îelei the gYlum Jieievuie. TaiiAMo ulyi>' uj a ier eoîforred II9')Ilalvy SJedlLif lu tfile. Counîtry, asl a - remof<i ~Irel 011"1il fîlinait î,rafi,elioslervlaîu,, WKe !;N14 1t'îl l Ilu te ltior ai theti works, -Iiîifet,17f. 'i octiruution 'blee natte. 1cueu, uid t'î,, luuî,iiîg nifflai-î Iliranbont ltha .iît-'iî iiglîlltilt muiîlt e8utJioUid M. i, eL .11, i Âkir tà 'b». une lmnnired tada "tolînliIL3 uauiîtlîî(n iand ttii.- oleatiîlîtiaeanS sîce; (btiqc le djdedd. Irî,til 11-stlodasili. cver strîlelinl t V0111ry erjuy )t)lfiolswlatovu,-. Il la i ' fgt filit i t ui(I-iît oil coiite for - I Liu- tticiorboem ,le-rît If' ied iti cm di" î( t i i ti f 0 mIî'î i lt'i a(4iîti'Y0Md l -o Vîctima of youtmti Imruenc, who fo)r tlIme eody cureOf erous ebilit on by le, mpos. .Any dri <nt li Iie 10 ei5oenta. Jddrsss for %tl, mtu.rriiîgjui aud wîîmuîilu eaob %Vîimiîitigtorîi f., Ifoiu,, fîlîs. ut I'îfi, wiit-u(,elle- i h i iivilhi l>K(J#eîi 1Tli11ev, Mri. Mliità y, j e] f KOk on s Y \ Iý l" J I' 1 < Aî%fi ol (-P, latilypuli- flîfîrl, '-Ifttîlethe L.u4041 if a 99 .: 411 t* ILi~l~y ntr -f i,i ra cmpu ute 'iii UnJi o-îrierilve jii i lil , fe i v.uîiranîd ', d w lirultu gillik o te& i spruc e i:~ fu i îîî i ' i n a'iu le o of t"iilial ir e i t i mn CI nliî' NIîufrom thoî ' tii 8 ) Ii. tprîrret lmî,. [i tliiepr-e. Ipttrrtn"OPiuuî ii. i iîver se- it~iriti-ft e uil cifi itu ajiti- m uillo,îitii lîroporic3 i(9o& r 'io, Cda - tPaIiGfu, "lEiît Alr rV1it[IIFl.'le juN' -ýJ l'If1JR TANEN j iil r' îiîît .3îîii-i, le ii 21liîdity .....îiîî...................J fi - mniîî or warrnt............. 10 -0I.Lrîîgnwhîen rvi-, u-auîîîlut 1lu 11-1)1)11iiproo! ut ditej hlillgolicer. ... )ii 0, Micao aj.t'luig tdrlisîiucs ti gij aisehisive of cllehuraeîrîm.-uîe ut-C. dc-îItiaiiy exoxuucdl u theu cou. V',1,Acu 0 iil-t-g.n. 1... ... ........ t fli*els, or nit, ý$ittc umni y 'ut1ImittîS ou (1i pq.i lOîil t îjrt ' ti it or otre Calife, wbeuu nt, iiugogiimore thon tfour h bu..'I 0 '. D.ii. v m- ep«4nore Iati ecol day.................i 1 If.Mienge travelig bt attei id As. leoa Juhioo for, iI Corau e anh pietu te lisafcmw O 0 (o on sanut,<Loy "usJury sommnoned ... '.Ataudlug oa VI 'S-iin 2 9w 12. Dn. Ij!q ...........i o ,U otio.................5 ateai d oiursor ........ ...... 2 00 411. Ilujgryl cnie.. .... 0 . 46. miîf varii mot 18. A ail..... ver Ti, uiIugt0oa=d er reso or (c ausol Co go (o rtia- i dli whon uu.Éà cnlgt,.e o010 B 0K STORE AT TRF1 EXPRESS AND 11ONTREAL TEL. CE FICE, ]IROCK-l Georg' Y' U 6éef to annnounce that ho lias ro-open bis tatione-ry and 13»qpçfr, orrn' Inhý%îby, wbere stationlery of ail kin of the best quality, wilI bc lwpt, on bond ; aloo Sohool Books o! ev desoiption, Oopy Books, Siià tés 1 nisn &,c., Skt., at the Ioi The Daily and Weely Papers aIwEytq on- hand. Su ecriptions Solicited. Musical 'Instruments, incliling IL finle aý*âôtme-nt Violins. Orders are takexe for Pcid.icalH, Magazincs and l{'u'si,: GEO YUL 1Whitby, Dec. lStb, 1876. JUST-ARIIIVED AT THE ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINGS F0111TE 111IL IDA& Y- NEW IbAISINà , luANCY GOODS 0OF ALL KINDS, CANDIE (thec best ini town), A LARGE ASSOMTMENT. NEW FIà s, OBANGE PEEL, LEMON PE'EL, CITRON PEEBL, SIE ail kiîîdso,) CIIEESE, BP'~,11CON, LARD), &c., &c. AI of whic-b ill be sold Gheap FOR C (ASHl. Fresh Oysters alld Hiaddies receivei 1Daîly. N.B.-Catsh paiel for Wlbitlîy, Dec. 3tli, 1876 .PETER SMITH Butter, Egg-s, PotilLtry and Apple -S. 2ey ad 'ery ab-t of En 5; d là . Mi Rat CE JR. P HIL P Iluu, j ust îecei vel bis fali stocof CARRIAGE WHIPS, STOCKS & LASHESE AN,,o ia hrgs,- îid excellent assortinet of Brîmslîe.,i nd Currycoibs. A good a.o- oeu,<f ]Lîîdicm' anîd Genito 'Tritînks, Vali>je., 3tcll Slinîwi Straps, t8chooi iiagî, &C., ail bouglit at closc Pricet;. ýMy u8mad stocl< of Carriîîge and Icion Ilarne8é, Cuiiaré, lHultert BeR8t, SlIttj>M, &C,, always 011 IVitnd. Wlsitly, Novoeubti 116>, 18761. BUGO J.' R.PHILP, Brook Shooret, Wsitby 1E FoY> Sale at very Reasonable Prices, Severid 'Openî Buggies with clîild's seat, Ladly's Opeii Plîtetouis latest stylo and very liglit, Covercd l'hutons with lRolling Seat, aiso Liglit Top an.d Open Buggies ofSuper- - or Style an(4 Finish. dul madeicof iCite becdMater Ifarranted. TOMS & NEWI WIlLLIAM TI LI CABINETr FACTORY AND r'ial andU PORTu Iiitb'y, Ontario. FURNITURE WAREROOMS' 1 THE OLO STAND, tBROCK STREET, WHITBY, Go whiere vou- caunt fçiil pleased in nîakiug SeiJctions of good furnjture. Sp1.,i«i1id atleur, Drà wing Rooin and zBiedrootiu Setsf Neleigzno woll woîtly of inkiîiedtbion, nt sî-stonisliig low-.prices. Din- ilg-rooliu ExtensionîTîl~-i very sîipcrior article.1 GuIt Cornices, Jictnre liîrilniîug in cvery istyle. Soîne finle Clarompî and Buîgrilvinge for sale. Ini all its lbrancesc; ftîncmius !uily sîîpplied, A stock of elegant caskets. Coffitis always on baud, lrimiocd tu - 'itit Cuutozuer&, lied a weliippointed Hoarse cOllstantly in 1CthICs whà y, Novemnier 24th, 1876. j M IL joh n st on 's8e/f - Raking Ieaper. AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE' At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto. iff 1870. Wc ofler te our customers for the comingr tlarvest, two dis. tincut Maichinesi, whIiclh in style and contruction, embrace the latent andid nost usefuil improvemeiits of the day. JOl1Y~"OWN$S iNGiLESELF-1iAKINIG RIEAPER TRE RING 0r REAPERS."0 The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contst ad trials anti inlime ibanda of the. larnars, warrantî us in eoyiuig th,, as3 a eInftRak- bpg Rè4ping i:aobine t , isumr Sd points cand legs defects, andbag met vît] more succos And ilots alure, thon ieretofora oflom-cd' thie public. CAYUGIA- JUNIOR MOWER Ife were awardpd 'the First, Prize and DiplOma, at the Prcvrun. rial Exhibition, heldlimî 'oronto, l-S7,ln aernptîbn.with al lime iadig Machina. manfactorati in the Proia ce; oed-W!0 rouïireént t4piovaae' ' va uihlat- lngly challenge inreiultilon and, c o n '!O r illmcopetMrgM à iep o r 8atlufled tliI sci*nvestlition will comeý »ev b Iidredl at. for ýdescrIptIv Catlog9us Wh4itby, Doc. 5th, 1$440 CffEP FIINTUf~ IOU'EI For your iParlor and Drawiug, Room TILL & JOHNSONe For your Bed-room Sets%,, Denia Btoom Furniture and to furnish your houseq omlw t g9t TIL,,& JOF4NO Fýor Gilt Comnices, Picture- Fram- in nevr$tyle, dà nextf0rget the PIace-.the isign of the (1I ROCKING CHIRmBr ýook Street, Wiitbly. 'UNDEIRTAKING DEPABETMIENT. IRosewood and Walnut Coffins, Wainut and Ilosewood Oneskets ; ail kinds of Ladies! and GentsW Robes. Also ý a lirst-6lass Hearso.'ý Whitbe,, Âùgust 29tbi, 1876., TILL & JOFiýNSON.ý CARLRIAGES AND BUGGIES!1 THE LAWIGEST AND MUOIRT COMPLETfE STOCK 0F Oarriages, 81e'gh8 and Cu1ters, M. 0O'DONOV-AN'ýS CARRIAGE FACTORY- BROCJ( - T., WHITBY. The Cheapest, and Best House in Whitby FOR FRUITS, CON4FECTION.E RY, G RO- CERIES, OYSTERS, &C. A F1111l1Lina af (Joode to mueot tuab wants of thp Public, to suit the. Timuo and ?uxchser. Thie underslgned will unil you teechoaet of Tes,§ 20 ta il5ets., per Mb., 'heaper than e1wawharc, for Caub. His I b o is l donse epreuuly un Caesh priuciples. îllfing ail--A Choico Lot of Faicy Goods of (Confeîctionery nt <Jout Pricce, to 'uake raomr oi a more oxteueive Stock cit Groceries, &c. Thanking hie patrons for paRt support, and trustiîîg by prompt attention tao lbuuiness, and keeping niane but the beut elase of tioodsi, ode'eerve a share of public îtronege. (Jhoicet ai Confeotici.-sry from the beirt honoce linCanade. Chaice Uofa aney fram Englaud. ];est hrand of Cigar.4."ba,'. The Trae e epplicid with Cou- uctionery. iemember the. place- azur,901 77. W r.WILLCOCIÇ, Dundas-5t. lji J. Anall' Oh! stad, Whiby. 3-OOTS AND SJIOES FEor winter wear. A Splendid Stock at JOHN SAUNDERS'S, at reduced prices! EAT FITS FOR THE LADIES. WARM OVER.'-HOES AND RU*BBERS IN GREAT VARIETY. Work irmado to order, and repairs executied with des- itelu. )vciniîoi 28th, 1876, JOHN SAUNDERS, Brock -Street, 'WIitby. ci*a tu the Troi and a :-oz-- 1. 'The foa siare epO5is:e ust'a e>fr utane mua)ilabour, aud'quito a4 much amlsiiioulureqiieit te mok a asuppdy sufficlétb a trniuh The pe'oéieaaà lu no Sonne antomatlo ; as otten os tihe valumeetfgos col 4eined lun(the heldar lu urbautai, the rutorts mimai b. rechargeit, the ires ralidled, auid the labouraci manntuoturing angthar uipplr.peatei. VIking go luthis'voy umugu&ble anS tieublsoi. ' umtly41cool, aches and rnbbt=, cmukià bontth, *ecAsrl; 4the odour r* oism e itmem isn very seriona abjectiomi un touetthola introduction. Gao man ufac*uad -à on (his plan le an» qmmtt 'V exén i inaddition te the Brot coul at theé1uterle1-ýbO,take *0imnt'accouni tha. l lor tmanUr@cî aùsd the szpanu etrepaira upon ths.asItaus-ci'teli n nOrkl Item. 1h mut sue o borne in mmnd that lu smanl gas wff î As ci omannfaC tara are neyer se peitect, ner th. yieid of pas proportlanally so Wotaaiao$tind aIthe largevoîlmu l thme ctsés. Timis cloua et bmIis eu lun au large mesaurs supersodeit y oi ojhin6s, vhich are q'm'r..*0g txillUro - *Yod,, The car# ioui machines is- lu.herBu t eî3w ,- kia. fmetiù 4ftW;leb1 luu cWelths e pbïictp* in aua fýA"lnqâlrr. - Suffi"lais bth y,'the;r# -l 22 10 184 IHtli i 774 P OR g n=uiýedin Usiné t osln %gh peenm.t anè sd trs u<tat* k~hk~uauaow c *r:iiu 4au o ound. ic ioOli . ies It 1ha& vomi la twen1ycaduos, y equal te IUp .led cit xags campaules. È c finto. The tdéiléworty an er rra thés dm, tenti n demoiandsd sa mahieiable for a dwell- ir$a iiOnu e ososl rp oui Machin. is oe tructed, aud -insmen tu , lut~i Important ilu intMcdncng 19 muoshinu, and liglitin>' tliorowith a numnier afbuIldings, lump rst a e se.tueîa on ,..ct th antrnaat ntuce goto, pipes oxtending ta Ãlv* ha opermenoe (-ho nî%unacture&of the mai ',.as for a nuniber ci yeara lu the unies -ce ai bljgpraccal m6cbanc, vo are corrdn litexiacie i second ta nonieon the Continent.'- We do oct count t au invention of aur pvu, but w. have made soveral improvemeut'Ota"al. hum msate sunitreliable. Wo te tevery a-e chine under oui avu uuparvisson, sud varrant them to give satisfaction. PRICIi LIST 0F THE CANADIAN GFAS MACHINE, COMPILE5TB, Free on board of Cars ai Toronto. Numuber 1, rateS ta euppplyi>il Burners, $2f0 0W. 2, 30 25000. ci 3, 5 0 ci 3Wo ci 4,7â " 875 00 6,100 450 00. c,, 0 600 00. 7, 20 " 70000. 250 cc 8M000 9. 300 90000. 10, c' 400 " 100000. Lorger machinas mode, if rcqnlred MVe eilqgebt the propîiety oi puttlng lu pipes tor gas, aveu tugli uetal lumediatel>' eîuntemplatiug pnrehiaslng a m iacinmie, os thu ex1emse ef puttin tplp , il dloue at (ho praperl a utriBun5. If lit outil alter (the bulding lu comple t e: euyenyt b. iutroduced, but 1h. - .kpinae lu consgiderobly grestar, anS (ho ocCà antaofetItlo houmu are moaci rloe iuobavatuIêùéeI. Ordinary pipes, sucli os are, use luteit ontino £cuol guare neeited. i.eiadoo f W. lu-ite cerreapondenco froni an y oua who il<bnilding andt cantaiplating (he intro- ductioncofgas. We shalhe glate ada-se with snch au teta hebest miller 4 pottin l pipes, suit ether Sutails. Wè. are iocupetant vailmenui remplay, whau vo eond.te &DY part et 1the country te pipa buildIng, elmahiaU JW e sohcit an aýpporttinity t o t u n t a t o x i p q n t h e o t r v î t i g , s e t i o i h i » m a h I n , g s i t r ç , 4 . , c e r . plote, ready ta Iiiht nup. Oui amnaigememts are sncb, tha t wocon campetc vlth any do. ing fint-ehi à woIc. Whm o vucontisot for the2e ntimL*ouparties con e1wayig bo assureS ai tihe cuuiiblesulte frein oui machines, for lu th. case there ls an ulîdividod r. spouslbility roating-on u. lu this- Au lu mony cther lidé of buitoosé, suce eau depenids hurgely upon a thorough nudotmnlgsud lcithful uxecution f etailu. When hanses areaarasdy piped for cool gaz, vo coa taeh oui niaéhiies withont éLagng suc], pplur. GABOLINE. Wo solicit eiders toi (Jasohine. Oui arraunoumentd are uuch that wv auon111 mil eders promptly. We mmni], 1the hast qu&ofet flianSa market rotas, W. manufacture Iran or Clapper Tanks ho order ter atorlx.g Gasolias. TESTI MON IALS. ___ I~ have have haitunceto Jouepli PhiUips & tCa'.. Air Gas Machinas lu use at Mnyplac '.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 1110al KT ~ , ~ .. .__.~,... _ oeasfor about algbteen mnanlhs. Prom, MY exPbeience, 1 amn catisAed withle NL I N ' S C i fI ..J I l 2 principle af ha Machine. The a so as u ssperior qaahty, and oconeic-a. 1 1 .A 'j*l 11-Jlama1 EnOA .mn JJà avgr. ,URtNISHINO GOOPS For Superior Clothing suitable for immer wear try the Clothing Storeand Merchant Tait- ing estu.blisnmexit of .O .-1 .T iJUNDAS STRIEET,'WHITBY. GOOD FIT AND STYLISH OUT WM1~ANTEDJ* Gent's Frniishing Goods off ail kiudri, inolùding Shirts, ts and Caps, Umbrelias, &o., Whitby, July 27th, 1875. tf-8i 111010E WINES à PURE Lhi4-OR8 ait WhiOLESALE and BRETAIL toudt the. 0 L DA-:Y. DEÈ19;-A ND UNUSUALLY LOW" PRiCES.TR RBEDERBIOR NE4LE'Sg IlCO SRETBF,,Ir, OS'ilA WA. AGENT FOR DAVIES & BRO.'S ebratd, XXX (lream Aie &Porter. gar TEETE SUPPLIED-fl 1 Toronto, April 11, 1876 . Gselî nx,-Ihava erygco lsuel eomndiug yanr Air <doî MooltinL put m inouiCloea a s vup re e tiC-tIlouY rs, &c. 11 PUO Ligkt Machine. Put N8W lPait], s lat Nost hweli ýptrtS j Part o Esuoth prt Southvut part 6 North.'eaut part 5 Sonith part oftSgj & 1 S E'car., 'Mlii site,',6a Nrth pt ot8sJ 6 Eatpiartâtcantmre. 8 1 Part oa. North'hali S. Soutb.pt ai North, j Mt N SSim.st'ID low sa'l PtNkl9 N8Ssim.8t 14& Pt Ni 2 5asBim ,t -4 Pt N 1SSim., D. f - G. McDonald, - b :4 Pt S 1S Simcoo5fa1-1 6 Part cf Ncrth.hali 16 8 Paît, cf lirth-half 6S' Fi)% ft tNorth-halt 68 -Pârt cf Northhal 6 Part et South-balf i Part et South-halt i. Port aofEat-bult 1 Part af hait-halt: .-10 - w 10 -10 29 14 14 18 la 19 i 7 T 18 2 42 2 2ue 2 t 4 8 4 1 1 7 2) 2 9 2w( 10 .8 14 a2 1d '24 14 60' '7 13 27;1100 468 1163 97- 6 14 128 >6 71 817 116 1284 - 1 m 1880 1'71 1703 do8 17 03 8 282 7868 S 16 1970 386 056 860 1 88 il 9D .1c 19 456 21 à 9 2889 82 25Y Sauth-west qtr' Narth.half Forth part s part Soîth-weut qtr part part Part Part Lot No Zi Part Lot Na. 2 part part Port Pt. lot No. 11, DfL C'l Pt. lot No. 1l, Dut.. Ck Part ai South.half- Port ut Soîmfh-heilf North halt Soirh ihall Biroken Part Forth-hlai Part Forth-hait Part l'art Paît oDiFoi'th-Iiaff lPart aif orth-haït Forth hoit North hait ]lroken Brokeu Southi hait North hall sactli hait Forth halt Farth-weut qtr Forth hall North hail part North hait Forth halt Forth hait Sotilh hait Souh-east tr. 94 Bridge St pt North halt South hait Part Part Part otfNoi-tih lai Port af 'North hall Part Biroken S E Pt Part West hail Part West hait Nuit], hait Sautls-cafi±p"u' Fol-thp r South hait "Sonth, hall Nortlh ai Port MUssu .Pn.îuaC.,Trna Oshaw, 29h Mà cb, 1876. Dx.oz Sma,-I. hava mwbQheen nsink your Canadien Air GosMahies for about six menheSorirghlc l4mef bie aoveaitaIllmapup 0e Iatimciated, au lwhicb jan warantS bter lu~e~lIlt imita my dwe Ing .req.nbres'ver,,itieattentionu omîd in redysuoeS~hllh3a Ã"aand fo uimpt 1icity pi(ae:l -onastedictian af (ha oclunant'4oo euet lespnessshonlit comemnte gonersi use. 75 Light M achine.T ou N r . Msssg.Scoir -Whitby, Nov. 22ud, 1876. Izx Goms.-Yourr uas owintreduceitotamy stoe.ah Whitby gives carýploe ,satin7 tactien. Tb'e moa,~vô e carnu, suit I arn sovoita large amonut oai labour and exponse, bSe im te u4ieulage pi cleanlnesus ad O Tory upanar lglit. Â o uîc pU L T lntU ,L iAN urM A s so u nio w , T o e w o , 18 4 Clous 52. Section 35. Ne-o. 9. Atiele-fandiunAir Gs Machine. Besidonce-Tarouta. S'COTT' &PHILLIFS, - 80-LE MANUFAOTUBERS,0F TUE CANJ~A~Y AR ASMACBRNE PLUMBEýR3, GAS AND STEAÂM FITTEBS, 158 ýYORK STREET, TORONTO. Batha, Iaie r Ctasote, Pampas, Gardcit ojcnfaims, Rubber Houe, Gaa Fi>'. il furet, in Bronze ea(,-jCrystal, etc, ESTIMATES OIVEÉN"FOR -LIGHTIýGZýAND HEATING BUILDINGS. .Toront9, Novemb U n22d, 1876. ' '32 50 5Ta 1 8 182 2 03 1 47 180 2 011 2 66 183 149 1 60 1.74 1 9 1 84 I 27 1 27 1 47 188 16 Si Patentit 8388 -Patentait 101 l' Patentait 18614 Patenta 18 62 Pastentait 82 26 Patentit 14 91 Patenta 4 71 Patentedt il192 Patenta 1561si PaLtente.1 21 24 Pate nteit 5 21 Patentait 710 Patentait 4 80 Patent11 Il 88 Patentait 1 883 '1>atenteit 10 07 Pateiited 2 81 Patenteit -6 47 Patentait 1845 Patentai 349 47 76 78 10' 2888 -&71 821 Pahentod 8h14 Patentait 6 78 ?atonted PICKERING. B. F. 1 280 B. F. j 2.74 ~B. F. * 162 1 815oft1/4 2 61 1- 2/Sotj 17-1 1 3 06 2 4i/0oi 88 5 1/100oel 90 2 11 f1 8 95 2 25ot 2 66 3 10 878 3 50 15 53 0 10, 220 12 33 19 f19 85il 298 8 87 6 22 19 78 2 60 1659 245 9 49 19 67 160901 25 85 -79 24 37 39 14 21 5 28 14,45 2 14 8 V8 1 43 14 52 10(8 41 40 41 .40 15 74 0 73 3 97 80 81 3081 835 87 i132 5128 183 14 76 46 09 4 75 10 e1 RA-MA. 146 I46 -t60 59 43 4,1 &J 12 94 7 95 26 95 34 118 la 29 17 95 6 07 16 29 12 84 17 39) 82 23 21 17 11 25 4 49 10 58 il981 100 100 200 82 108 u2 200 10. 85 100' 100) 2(0 180 195 100 100 100 175 100) 50 0 91 172 100 100 100 100 60 2 2 7 -10 100 $Fon 10 iFront 100 Front 100 Front 100 Fiant 130 Front 100 1 120 i 513 -i 200 4 100 4 110 A 100 A 10 A 10<) B 10(). C 100 G 100 G 100 G 60 G 180 G »7 Octobe Olst i896 Wt) AING N 100Tesuer ot LIST F, ilTTC iON110 R Licnsd or ouh Ri.ilgof lIBÉ, N .rh id148 o Ontrio an Spafte ia eiËlites n 22later N- 824 Thomas u er'sOf, Whxaitby ... othP Jn ?t, 87 J-M.Ptoe> Blet. 17.. Bo cigè ... SuhJM t,187 L. Faibanks ...... WWtby....o...iSouhTrn a u, Ont87. H.B. M'ell... RAterxcz. ... M aucn&.r. LcxzEpa ..an. Whae. .ara to..d.......... g.. lth, 1a77. Hlia E. e ODl. . h ry .........rock..............W c t, 87 Jhis) Bow.... Ville......br eakMar. lOth, 1877. Jashno n B o& V lge god e Uxbrdge Biuop Mo a>' Ohiià ..... . ý , -aM . 2sut, 1877, M. 9. SOelilvaný "' .jn .. George (3atbîn Eum.,i.. * Ra 9 ... ...... JU Yllthi,1877. Maos Glan Mjor E8ii. ô. 8B.S7 E H.Ca neron Be.av Zontho ra N t, 187 John L. W t kis .. PrtPery .N rRldn"N o v ' Sth'77 LIST 0F PEDLE RS FOR THE 0(0. ONTARIO. 1 29 1 86, i 27- 1 27 1 85 1 82, 1 47 156 -- 139, Upatenta 1 74 21 43 patentaitý 2 la 87 24 iJopateniait 1 82 4 30 Patentit& 1 46 9 h8'- Patentait.' 141 7w8 Patentait - -- 75 21 563 Patentait 1 i 81 391 TalanteS 2 92 -69581 Patentit 1 81 8 76 Pateénteit 1 49, 10 98 Patentait 1 49 li 06 BUnpatanùtei 1 65 17 74 Patemihei 188 2Z 23 Unpateztteit 8 2& 8247 Patete 2 D8 15 84, PatenteS 218 8987 Patentait li 1-15 82 Patenta 138 6-66 Patentei 1 61 2606 'patentea 180 844 patentait 1 48. 10 46 patentait 1 29 2 72 patenteS 1 61 1818 patenteit 8385 -107 93 patentai 1 Du 27 74. patentait 1ý88 24196 aam 229 48 60 patentea 22-9. 4889 patenteS 1 9 718, >patentait 149 il122 patenta 135 532 ' patentait 202 8288 putifteci 202 ' 8283 patentait 1 33 46a patétea 1 28 le68 pattei 1 28 2-60 pastlîteit 1883 8 66' patenteS r 28 261 ' patenteS 1 62 1688. patentae 2 90 48 99 patenteS 1 79 23 80 patenteit lai 870' patenfeS 1 87 6 12 patenteS 1 67'i- 18 28 patentit - tan, BI 08] B .4t Pltc R Pateuteit PatenteS PatenteS Patenteit PatentaS Patenteit 412 406 2 91 893 439 2, 15 2,17 1028, PatenteaS ps.tented plitenteit Patented PatenteS 'patenteS patenit'eS patenteS patsote,1 180 1 29 1 29 2387 2 71 2 37 1 7 1 40 1 69 2 12ý i 70 1 69 1 58 --3il 2 75 2 75 46 97 62 17 46 97 14 51 9 40* 2887 4382 17 ce 25 48 19 65 747 17 95 18 90 »i908, - 84,29 22 95 685 17 M5 12,10 la 86 6-48 patentait patentait pateuteit -patenteSl patentait patentait patentait patenteS patenta PsanteS patentea patentait patentait upatentit jOmptentet Unmpatenteil VPatentit patentiS patenteit A. C. Huobani .. James Blaovi... Felite McGoveru... Sali Gillgan . ...... DftIBrou . Dulett Bic.. Geai. Burton. Wlùtby, ApA.l4th, 1876. do. Osa.s ...... 1 herse, County.... 2 herses, County... 2 berses, Couuty... 2 horaus,ý Conzît... 1 hoe, Oonnty.... 1 houme, *Connity...-. 2 horses,...... 1 HRsep....... "i 1~ OFF -Ta froM whbtb Oxnde tractle Tuethi large qu utantiyi tCkrk Atherl OB 1T. 'laraduste Que'e' 'Univ. oi b anar for t Augut 21 t. a4t Arnisti on -&lSiau Carter'a E ~-T IH F HOR 3 ies e time Whitb6 DEA e WM. 1 Bac ý AýM :< s:m -& s 0 il,-Z, 1 - VE RY CHEAP. CALL & ýZ4ý 7-HEM., Oohawa, March 27th, 1870, !Imrofqltls. JODEPH PxtLLipe & Co. A. B. 160 Light Machine. IF MI IRJ G- TT S 0 IST ta 1-bp.