- QOntario. _ 1l@4YýJiai.CothngAt ostH. l TA U»UTSISPOU itUDcE I>ARTNELL.- eeat-,-HCo.I. AIUAL ITINO. k Ce.NYYTbu»Tuk At t l'O lite electinn of Soliool Trnaiteu ~ t> Bill..'forêthe Coutre Ward, I4is Rouer jtudge The m4 meeting. o1 f the Com Lsp*nv4ait.Dartuelil, wi t e permiî&siouýe aï. SAéfenltm4,VSociety 'of 8oîtb Ou1 R««e vteCuv rertuniug Officer, addreseid a lew "",hlaintl*a tovuhlal,, 'ibb, Médica Co'. O servatiorni ta the. rstepayera troe." h w 'ao Âknn"meeuig-.mudge à He sud ià vas bis cutiowà , On Éh, =prisi , N. Bay, At t Mtg o Oauu, t afford sucb information a. oclock.. There was quite a lurge lis"i Inauraiae. Coi a -. love shools wre le ahg a.o thoee'cd h ana rpr Fairbanks. pn-Lýtw cel'wr nabg tt f-0 orera h'nUlrp0t Meeinlg of oeunty 0ounuic- e. fflclency, yet, Aus a Hlb Sohool Trus. <clown: offeil Auagne-,T. 8. M. Wîîçoî. te., h$ vond confine lis remarka ohief. REPORT L.ettem-Bev. Charle, labrk. 1Y eto thévork and position oft ibt Tuit- dnring yi pi entyar t t3p*otf01 tins-114001dfrlri-heust year. Tihe total aoey~unae,51mmee Dry Gooda and & M111ciuèe oneHaroll or 1870W84 172# n 56,a mmes'ab c bengL. ars ià ~.the. foudina-.i n- si eni. f 28nimb the "bliol; Andi lI$anotvithotumng onma $180 in zmembers' ubcripio réecul negnlAtion's r.qulr.d a mii dius., oeond waithe ii.pmvionyear. euht ezamilnaion as a qualification for ti e h bition vw hu sîtrana., te lb. t * 1 ea,«u Tum ,and Priday t beu100, le soimenhe n OW<front iSlot,14e ad 185% eptembeà r, 185to 140. -Thise, vet60apleilnsvhc' 22, ONLY Si se PER -ANNÙJM. -for admiai issi letthélait uixnumo, inince ocf 114 entrloon 1875,,61 bslng an icenus over al 'previo ita, at hich Prises vire awarded te U oth"88paihid il frêmeini Wu çv, ja nicun 1o 1,50.50-boeng an i Wbitby, Tllursday, Jan. 18, 1877. ad 2 tin ta hsoounrYy. Tii.ltea, croesei oeadollar -on tii.prev a £Krira ehowed thal the iseh ont @inu. 'ar. The Wardeablp. ve, t atm p il-ionà a haiq .'The rote . Ataithe.gate for am W. haversosive soane ounesaejicOum In the town for boardo, 66.49 inexisc fL1875, and 6218. We avoréoivd smeootuâuîe. cowg, oos,,&0.Oftheilfremin jeexem s o! 1674, oexc. e n r tions ou 51dm s ubJect-and tuiod e t ove, 2S*oe boys md *O0wore girls, cf 1878.* qtutlen id asiietius icivoral Limes a The vsny muai: largir netmber r cf h. Thai Lbhetotal liabfflties of!the Soc da-'Ja l t h vrd» " urlatter mi e uaooee e o l.iy nov &mnueteo 1088.65, tlcrrcnpco ndt uotexcuse nsfOr . tloory tisai ¶rls are net so îarly viii. >Thaithe . oseLa cf the Soclevy (fi eciremoudlis "tutexcseUN or e-drawe froin heir studios ae-boys. Thse eluding -lt.evalue cf lb. e et villsslng le pulsh thefr comnunica. nesults of the yiar's work hav" béie buildings ,on tbe 'ogniltural gront *tiens, Theseane roasons whly Mr. A. liatiolactory. ptour pupIls snatrioulatid arn estimaiedatsi .70. à 1fdlMr. 1B. sîtoulti bc olocteti migLi bcho i ti Xlelvqslisa, p pls minis rTIsai >ris #859-10.-ii bnd alira need on belit f f ery rne ye vWho Clu iakltf'Art sghaisi plaseadycOr iersa i 89?L r tueihdscat ut t he coullcul board. aOtl i niAt xnia là ss, o orin bv mc pes .lawa it su tie iet lace le ail tele Wecba lena por t e i. eua hich hèaý81 lon- Borvice, filineusa, ud tihe rigîîî In the Maîicntlcn uxamnlntlcn-le tende th L ea ' cf the anniual s] ilecorii ttrotation cnli r oti eacine. Other vr'hgrboor iiin o vol ir 0 sy.T wi(t orce n bc urlfet ma vre ilac obiained. - Tvo pupila aitLthe ibie .day. exhibition appeau te giv %ilth cqu lorg unbolal ofmaD Jue. examiuaf.ion for leachirs obialtsd more géneral satisfacton, and no dout obref IepsetCoutlty Coun. Provincial cetilficates, onli>oe other willji future tend te enhance 'the e cil. Indivîdual proforea v bave bing tliken lu the oouty; about 12 etpi ailie gales.1 With h is latte I couamoin wth eucorr osponduetg, a'cived rd.claaa ca'licales. Durinm1 okie In uview and for 'the purliosé o 0 the laie holl.days tee ex.puplls ot nt'more effeoteal chseck ie. accoueiing i but le ulti ssreuleb. aeimlybte ai. ~caltions au teacho cf Public seheols 9 he neeys reiveci, yoer directes Vouaisle i ou.ofà , -y. candidate. on le arions partia0et-lb. Province. At recosnmend thse perchas. cf turu-stile theme grounda. The. fittusiandi bit thei. Int4iiiediate"' examination, ilutebeb ied hei givlng admission f' mien shoulti bk>ploc.c le Ue vartsn'a Jline, 12 candidates p bad, being in grounds. On this head yor directos chair, irresolfe tis rispict on a parsiii Toronto, and my funtiser re».rk îLotthlb.Pneoiden of'61l etLes considOr. leavînglhind Us. Colégatlealnitutes bas bien lu Toronto twice tn chiail hLlons. Austlb. mouthhpleceof thUe or Higl a Bhool lain lngaion1 London, Informeation as te pria. cf turn.utiloî Couencil, s. elle representative cf ilsOCoorg, Ottava, and Paterboro'. ity and informe pur dindcons Usati o intelligence, ele suan pléoed i ele ts ohocîs, or ver>' nearlY 1SE hallis vole inrn*stiîe can Lie proeret i#100, an, posgition cf Wrde, o!t11the usîy etnusuber, failsdl te pea a sin gle candi- IvO at9, ai Osssase, isoalt hoelîe t tes - date. HMe ionor thon read tIse follow. Tour diraobora hala a meeting ei Lis Olitrioelltil bc blete akehl#ieg oxtraci frein the officiai report of îanly part et tIhe tear with tise repre pleL eed net li.. part croëlitabi>' upon thse High Sliol Inspectora :- seniatives ofe te ovnphp scoieties 0 ail eecsani; laceaaboula bo ablo e 'Conapieuca. fer the neateuandmeS Wbsy ant a ibiby and Picher a uibolthe positioni vitis becoming Il cemplitene o:fa<he appointments, ing l erorte have ibem amalgamaid ~i~~y au tIio erofe' iny bodiy of mon ani orv îLhowoe a c toe iih Use cout>sociut'L penvdisihowboe m>' . mntinedfaîl <air. A busis for tise parpos. vai In 5l5ir tisinllyPOT IliOso rouons Wbitby. . . . ;To spend Lwsnty.five ogreed uponunadur vbich thse hitbY weu nevor 1 ellîr ù1 it-'oticn of was. 'heurs a week lineuh élegantand and Piast Whuiby Lbu acteti, but lthe (li]n car tile rotulesn priasciple nîcuse. "well'A cpinitea eples ci leureing is Pickering societ>', yonr directons regret, tas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o il tilasjv seasîe . ~" no inean ativantoge boyards have Lelti aloot froin enterieg imb any ilatve.assllibingthera L te formation ofi elhet habit, taste arrangementa. Tour direotons recom* fo'cinoost aiuosgtlii ifollows lu gosier. and charocuer.. ..The mont strik. mend futunhor action, cl>' riuilnai;nsprosidussg effiler. Ine ma"liaseplea of good order coeur in Tour directon taIt. occasion te con- <aurti lonne of' Commons andi J.eà 'lsîmive '-' solools vbere the intellectual vcrk le grainlate Use membirs cf tihe seciotY A88saambly lsew alasutllly IvO ,1 LelleIc f tise Iigîist quality." and tise agrieulunise oflise ceni> rotîtim jirîîejdo vosk ? ot6 generally upon thse marked ucciscf rotaionlalyainiét nil ,îvesakP tu thiem TaHE Bnsaacwasu' LrCrxsx OAU.-Thi exhibiions rom Lise euety cf Ontario coni'ea melud.sl n alseositio sdeilcase involvlng tise nlght cf tUs. Ontario aitishe Ceetennimi Exhibition. tugilcs luas ol îiertat la tdin ect.o ovetan:nt tleux ai ee'8hcame Tour directorgaaissit onchudc villa. ilnushi(lidalves là tl u't bfreteSupreane Court on t irait e p r.in g h . oms Lhvss.san l e ule of elleatiofoeHngL. C.h Tppac wapseas, rolirly cf', Ontri.s e al dolugs y c ebn.Ts pelvsqai.wlse naine lbus hein selong cantnet Osaacnn. bov asI tsins d ce techeical grountis, leaving tbe ed ivitIste Provincial Association anti solitions siuld lot be Siiisti len con. méeu toalied. It vis halati t i itise mvauccmeni cf îgnicnliural »Ccutioi witls the Omcutit tLb.case vas duallv adindicatud upo n te et.-i f ho 0 '~l'se 'aser»Quesion buor.vu tse rgaizaiceN. RAT, Prest, 'FeLatfnQefo. tîsirI>' daya-eoew hesgnzto On motion cf Mr.. John MoGill, sec- - cf li Supreme Court. Iel iRd Lt Oit ondeti b>'Mn. Win. Hotigion, the ne- 'Lise Coulffl e atilSit stiing. Rep. no oppeal liés rom tueis judgment, And port was adoptet&. nuniaLvasc.tiar overa Uréat ain5 that thse Supreme Court Act cannot TRF.AUnscaC REPORTr. break tsp sales. 'Turbiy accepl tise have a retroactive effeci." Mn. Huston, tressnner, rus atihru. aisodiftilomi subseitiefl. TIaef'Porta ee-- port and utlons' siatemnt, froin è4111 remains tubbonn, but le1tu l'aeliuv- ONaTsARO BRRr TePS TRE MAKET.- visicis ucre sppeared cash ce Lanti cd iat sslasls nfUscvi ntae Mn. Richard1 Skinner, butohen cf tibis 8859.70 ; Balance due ce Bell'. note, ü ti tisilîsstenit. nfune U naotove, sont a quastit>' cf hait te friands 020 ; Value et Seciety's buildings, leheîS)olltails nglouti for Chnsimas. 802-Total, 82508.70. Liabiliieo, InLivacolnsihiteid l Ue lefo manket,81088.05. Wcîihy Objecta. Rwsemiie n h otn akt epent adepteti en motion of Mn. - Lincolnshire, anti ail vioseamy il pro. Fonevêli, secondeS hy Mn. MoGill. 'leO lese el lse taxes ; lu asiel ilh. ncunced iletthe best on exhibition. The NEMERRSI?. Msss'kot isuocition;Il e mtantiaun. fat vas lait an Imch thicker tIbm an>' semésdiscussiien teck place as te tLe colanekge Ibo plaetlhig ci ehacl Ireso, otUser shewn. The béef vap part ofa qualifiction of members for voting fer assit~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~m éii aeigc rps ybvtn0.erodhiî oib ur s lecion et officers, thé veighi <of uîil l, paîsn'ig fa svropen l fo idevalksTîoone Mayfled.opr.inlen foubeing in favor of tLe propesi. tli- tisevaigofoo r utunthelii wrêiî Tosn, fMyn .tin iat tise memisersisip foc of oea (il'tbutuw are amngtthe orty ticdllar sheuld Lu paiS betone lîmetins "1Jiots broiuglt tandon tise notice 'of!he TatB11L' AUTRuscscvasrDpuox.osr. ner te uality te vote. Tisere vas cisarsl by tIse Ilfayor Ils lis Inaugural. 5TIATD.-A lecture by Mn. J. L. Min. quite a rushl te tlle table of members Il iai Lu li isope tIsait ele etiiesl efforts gmoh, domonstrating tho authtentieity -rofonlng payment, anti the secretar>' ut the. tew courseil vIii ho uirocîeil te c! thse Diblslaadnosarceti at tise Ma. anti treasurer vere kepi bus>' fer tIse t - eext ivenl>' minutes. blîis-njeuts, and tLIat tise contemtplai-..nonie Hllu, Brookîju, ce Saturda> Tise PreiMent Isaviug'resurei tise Id <iew lsy'isAv v-iil ebciîîanadiatoly evenlag. >e oad.] Tise leeturen 55 chair, th Éise ec tinf ffiersvspro ci&rse@$es$0 Imavacansases mettse stable, Noeastile, viiçi, ftor keopieg aîetliisg bieg saiS as le, tIs e..about ai week, Lie ftieaun loLeil ihe ut A trustes ton th@ise epinît ceuntr>' viliouit payiug lise carages cm- Theu puzzle thiseefoso a is ich isletbiigute ovasen Iteovo! ts vIsons- -wih vasu otd ftlie fl sonts. Our vorthyis>eiif, hove.ver, &ti vii for thLe unexpia-uci ho va nen loaet, upetteti bis min 1mt ai Shrda>', wearsug lthe stoluis cap. caye raadiug cethue Ast 15îLot Tii pnsonen vu orrîsted, talionbai na bien neo eledtiin of a trustee.tle Neweustle anti cmusitoteiom- trial. ulata eftbMn, MbcPltsim-ae; lIai H. is Liaisaine pînsen vb0o sce lime ustue uI>' bas buon regalanî> mgo vin asnsteti ît Brighiton for atual. lanti tisaIho la0ith issie Whviselg as Lnffale m-oie, but Bgel1off. Silîst nemî-et ofvotes, muS This lu cil>' mioiien instance cf Mn, aie itilt Le a nev i lecia h34ryan'i efficieno>' anti vateisfnnes. ie -his tse illic ofô! 1fr. ?afcPiaerouaan.tlo performance ofthis dtles. ';sic an Tita-; Tovs COCesa.- Tuie WRAnîn. t uringthebe pst WOek oellugia a! tIse cuneil tako Place lafishees: futensel>' colt] uspeelaliin *8-n auîl t/irel bMnsas in flIais e euasrupart o! the Dominion and ab ualt.jasit Wevun a'clock. If tIse States. Tavenî>' belcv zero mi ila n ai ciglît an £ljoasmnrit Otawa, andt liri>' below nL Waiem-ovn luse, '<Vi'net muet aS, 08Y>'New York Siatu. aute cama kinStL e îsated cdi TUE BENNICTT.MAY DUEL.Intho ti@f&ctea-il>' anS tise nedenit>' cf Bourei.May duel nesishe of tise ais-laon tin.ae>'itis. Nov, At cembaiantn vire Sert, ne resancillia. 'iuiug of ias, year, veout Se au tien oIt place andtiBennoetvas noi sa lIme foles'langsasg tIse uonr marrieS,'- On Situa-day lant Mn. Be. îug- nett left ci boas-StIse cil>' et Richmondi ton Englouti. He vmas ocuealqd in bis l' asiAir YEasBoî o a Fo vii newyaîcht inilie ha>'anti veut tillaS b>'Be.James Cameron, eut t e suinativauce oethLie nieamr, os-U. ' Torontoe: C. Bacettîîant vu a eken ceboaSd, vberelieo vas e, 184 pp., 25 cents. safe frein the New Tom-k leectives vho i usutul compediums- tfvain, vos-e iookirag for hlm. 2tormatlon reganding Pn.sliy. m- mi Loesandi abrouti. FuIl A DÂxnStous RoÂ.-Tisi g5avil sn cfii. PresbytéennCisertain ù m-cat iding frei Mancisester sanftan ,,viti iiateesting reporta andd wnsev sthe second conceusaion of Beach md suineilee etfsatistica cf tir naon exoitdingl>' Singerons cdan- Presaytenian' oberosalu Use Sitics, tlineugb pitois Leles formaS b>' Stateas. iisejclîlng of îLe leighas, Severml ac. s maileS ire@ofetupoalago Ly Lie ideut4bavea malready>' co n ecene.-1 eto receipt 'efthabise peu, 25 queuce, and unluss sone slips b. asstoki emais.e -euS apassable mian>'more sinicua mas>'lh. expeotucl le ITTo.-Oa Tuistia> bat, Mm.ecer- anS the corporaton cf Beachs wîm.nce, Secs-star>'iosaSTris.. licol>' Lave amolLir beavy bil et dam. Lbe Prehbenris pongrogalloe, agisto pa>'. Ne o qs une collecteS cen , vas Present0S aiWIUasPer". lie roati nov, nom for.sons lime befoeo iy AnS an itidnis sa mark cf thé losti Mr. Dnopeu dealIs. tion of bis servièse. Tii ad. ma resd b>' Mr. Js.- I. DaviS. BLlNL. O. L. N.:6.Tifi ixpressed i le i-tre u-ualcwig effoiorewoves .1.61.for'bbi en'.- esîlinata "ulevtalneut etMm-. ning >ear 5-Thomîs dib, W. BM.; 0 e b>' lise omber cfI lise cou- Sanuel-Joncs, D. IM.; J. D,'MeAvo>', n. -W. C.; T. C. MeAvo>', W. SI; H. Mc- Bm-ti, W. T.; G. Jonus, Director cfa t, Whio vas elicted tie btrieS Cunca.-; H. Wilsn, -Z. P. Maaler, fly taifore tlie Police magis- John Wilhcn, 'K.DivtI, P. Poers, ' il Poaced gasity cf appropsia. F. 5aafler and T. Mosgasu> Cenait. c ilh55b.ongi5ag tte e3Bat'of b, bau en qttuesd lefire Duvuusisr 'ba'c aveis...c th$ 'nveelciuiinictibie ]Dhiaiilleg sin tnan'.ye. --tmw W thé ssown fwâhvth AL tîU or UMà - i ---- O! tisastu netia-lng Presitiort anti Iu layon O! net extundiug Prvi7icial Fi, beyomd one veok. Approving cf ameoudmeel te Act do- ing mvi>' vilitetowship naaietieu, vhue vihielifteen niles of esnnicip. suit>'l iinwis Ceint>'eoeiety fmir buIS. Ceustiisuing salaries ot secretur>' anti treasus-er sau as hast yoar-$75 anti #50- Meeting atijourueti. ANNUAL MEETNG.- Tise Anîual meeting o! Pickering District L. O. A. teck place aI the L. O. Ihull, Baluans. Tise fallcviîg offiemu veroolceotefras tIe onsuulg youar. : T. Gibson, D. Mouler et L. O0' L. 168. John DicIt, D. D. M." " 957. James Batbyo, D. C. 9 157. T. C. McAvo>', Sec>'. " " 168, W. MaKihlnicIt, Trias. " " 161. ,A. Taylor. D. o! Cerns. 4$ 822. e. D. McAvo>', P.D.M." 66 1618. Tiso eut Annue-!l Meeting taken place is the village et Wlaitevabe. DISR-xIT ORANaiE LoueE.-Te Au- muai Dists-ict Letige meeting hock place i the Orange hall, Wbiiby, ou, tise tis hesi., -wieu Lise ftcliwlg efficuns vero tel>' elecit for th. em--url year s- Wn. Wico, Wbihby, ne-electet Dis- trict Master; W. S. Brave, Columbus, D. D. ManLer; Tises. Martin, Oshawa, D. Chipiaisi; Ueo. W. Gartb, Onisava, D. Socrohar>'; Alez. Wilson, Anshuri, D. Treosurer; Jas. Campbell, WLitby, D. D. Cerenonles.. Tise noz Annoal Meeting vili b ieldin e .vilagîetfColumbus. MTRTLE NAVYToTcACCO.-Tîe ps-e. ps-asters cf tim celuhmatet branS oft t. bocco canltion purosuairu againut jspuri. ous imitahions, Defeai cf Sitting Bull. Gon. Miies, Of îLe UniLed SLutes' force operatiug agalesi tLe$!citx, e- Ports havieg Sefeated Sitting Bull ie hhree sucoessave engagen teîsaon f nivin un acrose Stheiilwovne.in a lemoralizod conition. On tise 171is Ult. "iVe Sioux eblits et Sitting Bull's baud upprOacised tLe Tonueo River cantonnent irM iot sa fag o! bruce, ojpParent1 i>' viitUe intentiion o! nîge- tlutig a sunrener, visen tise>' os-o sut upc» undS saared b>' Qnov scouts, Tizm DouxiNres BoAîs.-Tse mouling nIis vms te hAVu huce beld ocniTusé. loy odjounnud te Use fchboviug day lu se01n81ec e cnon-arrivaI eofulees. les-a't'bnugbmfis Seow blcade. vwo pnevlontly mode Use unal de"lo st. of offici sud qualification, loch asMr. Blow, depuayr[vu.-)] Deveril, Furguon, Ra..a.,Ho tIhe Wiska. in emn nQibsen, 'v X&1TO'5 ODDitEs5, Hia wobip s i il ffenSe. On mueS -pisasune lu Again b*lng si the uýoungraiulall'esM alerba oet lbe ntapicapl lbir illeollosa; lb va a0io nma, gei sadtisfacton- teknov Liai n ourse aunngtb putl yiar liad tie .generall>' es faebory,S i vidssa li. - 9e <oct ihat1thé cl jasbe Oubth conaî-vWho pnesaithoni iad avus one eres Piesse,lesn ne' f.ed. Tbiy 'wou'Id l si ai teeabxes boing tbe Mg ,aa vonît ho velI forer .finance cou tee ta devise sine mosns i,, ,li ai censclltiig tb. tovîa.d tor'<by lng nov débet ueu L yc ~.MÃUurseg anti 80 extOndtl@ e ln y1o psy ment. Thie Laies abchlê b. la) bclow ivo centa le tLe dollar,.fi et immediate attention ofthtie cessa " aytlinz la te Le doneslise pni ydar.--7ttenti1eu vie nexl directe at. ithe tact tisi befone long tic H j,.ý venîti hoplacet in etLe-mankel bc solo, anai bis vensisip suggesLud ýV otivisîbiLl>o e aci coucillon cou ,bi ing tie naiepayers asdtlking r. natter ever viLh thsora,'or pur, an appointing a speelol ccmnlttee, a fluadlng cut, if possible, vise ,an voulti be for tise inteet cf lise tom Ir pu es. Tise necessit>' et passi, es a=ibibey.lav ta compel tise rom eé of aeov vu eext refirul .te. Du Ira iii past yemr me effort vas ati it iitablilsla amonthi>' fain, asdil vas en dut>' efthe counDil Le give iiie:0 s, prise subetanial enaounag$neni. ne verslsip &asoinugested the propi ai cf enccnrmging iLle planting of al trees, .ultlser b>' bearing o part ci be uxpense of plantleg, aîloving it t dedueteti frein Lis.taxes, er provic of boxes for Lise pretoctien oethtie t l-. aters. hing pîmuteti. Ho shonîd1 te like taose adi>'sesoopart, ta becan le PlanLing Day, on vbho vin>' cil! " aboulti plant eue or more trus. 'y TE STANaDING C OMITTEES. ie On moLien et Mr. Blow, secotided tMn. Fengnson, a select cousuittea Yfive vos Lalieotd oto estrike s taninsg ciomuiitteos for bise yi Mesurs. Fenguson anti Hopkins w. -ap ointeS ucmuineons. y he ballet neonîteti in favon YMessrs. Blov, Fergnuon, Rani IfEo pkies anti Long. The nayor luLthLie cdair ton fift minutes in onrdin ta givo tihe commit an epportueit>' tebisnin e huis' nepi Ccnncii nesumeti, tise mayon in chair. Mn. Blow brenghi-up the rnoet the select cesemittee, anti ounmot! tLe council vont into comuitteo tba on, Mn. Hannaus lu Lb. chair. '1 following vero nucousmenedas1 standing ccinnitees 'Frwurcsa.-Mesei. Gthson, Bic Hannanu, Hopksinusanti Lonsg. SnioE Tg.-Messrs. Fergnun, Dei iii sud Hopkins. FIRE âNn, oWà 'nZE.-Musnn. Hmnne MeMillmanti dWeeks. PuarTmo.-MIessns. Long., Vitei surd Ormiston. Towx PsaoPEîRTY. - Meus, Bic Devenu land Hsnum.- APPnLICATNoS uToOa'rOP7 .- Mess Hepkins, MeMillan anti Fenguscu. LiomasaE.-Missrs. Watson,- Mel Ian anti Ormiston. 40 RBr.-Mslon. Onseiston, Weeo anti Long. 'BOARD 0or HsEu.TI.-Thi Council. > Mn. McMiUlan intimied isuprit. oncet b e p41aaed on Sema otiser cou usitiee unstoal ef tisai eofFino ai Water, as ho dii not pra.teta 1 ver>' Wall Iosteti nontajociu Le ocon undes, conulîlenation o! the laites'. MnI. Forgupon connideneti Mr. M, Millan volt placît as Se vas. E (Mn. MoMillan) vas a litie fier>', ai iL vme a goot lalace ta puit Iian on Lbi consmiticu - Mn. lBlow staiet tisaitIste solicI aou miLieu hati endeavonned te pla.emur bers on îLe diffenont uitanding comnl tees au wiii ai possible. As regarda Mr. MeMliuian, lie voatid h'.etw OnEmotonNofsuMTE.StBlwY secoUde. On. mortioncfMnte, aon aato b iotr ereon te maorvscainth ~Vst> otPer-y Raiivay ai lb' neng P!tourlayCompmany. 0n motion cf Mn. HepIdes conei r Thse Prnideutial MdutdIe. Tise litent phrase of-the muddle lu tuat al neeîîig of theo Domocnic Ezcu. hivi Commitie i8 té e h isorer purpese of coiiiig a National De-i cratic Convenstion. Ilta s taSeS tisi tise Cenmiilee on thi Privilèges of iLe House yull ripesIrt tshe Presitieni Ofet SOnate lises tLe ns g hi lemaku a sanviao! tise electenul vaite. Il la alse nunonuel usai a mev plan oethe electenal ceuni b>' urbitrai e ions a nov tribunal- han boenprepoeet. Tise Dunkîn Act lI ingston. TIse Total Preiiitionstaeto Kingston have venîttuedto carry thein opinions te Lhe p bia at suhv, been hmdly bai.ý un, meS Lhis 10e le upu, of tise tbies le vhieli thîynresorteti. It bas hitisenlo beeu supposedti tisai iltîe rovdiea vene fourad ameug tise driebinp; lasss. Tii "Tompurnce" people cf Kingston bave neamavud tUsiImpression. Thi>' titi net ailo'w inpponusi e t ohlI singlendisns-botimeeting turing tise contest. Onthe fraI mnoreieg of-Lthe elçciion the 'teok poa'seaie of lise polIe, anti fora lonag Utis an opponont e! thu bll Sire not venuenean tiena. Tbia oncut iaver>' nsseui>'MdanS ee il &IL.calcuslaied, le ps-oe iLs cause le tIse- Provinice. TIse people oaeeoi be couverteS b>' brute terce. bLtîLe qotien Le tiscusset calanl>'anti quiet. >'Tieappual sienid Le made le tise mnalte, ualtishe ontiae of tIse héadn cf thi pueople. W. une net in tavon etf proisihition, Leesus. vu e donel hlieve iL pricticabie, bail wcmmree uîfengi>' lu tîver et sùttuing-tise U uor - trafic le improveti higirha5o. r - Wî, ibereoe, du yre et th detic rowdy.ni k tieir gi aI lie National Club, on P pkUmS, rn r-Giuoel" villa be suâto- 'alon iliton istols&U eourbswy frontM dreVss t a lu 4 l"smla a l u bà I=11c 1u qu izagoe h e Cliatnnan, le' glving Use1 i biss t»O boalas te- siplain Liai bble te > N a !club vas net on Inde emili "a* Baeagsdm oadtisa it li rcO ci - - evi. tise ealvaion ofà $ltbwfr apwtto-Leuperfectly, .ompi ,ei -thsueUbdev ed o t en yMDhrlandi. Esan e " p &da or ti e le Rie ExoelLease, anSdrM soélvu in ppmopnlal.e rua teilh a ssyi -eat ids wlalIs endearsd hsles te ~pg -,hk -f, s baaau ,sea d fo"hnx 'v. 3lepulai y beisadvwonlî rh'; It Ob 'aauoustua. Ris Bouilntn 'unmit. ge PY toheout,apke .afoiowi unb - 'E -4zhux.1 à uure yen i 1la -ris egsoet ihi deepeat grailinde beakuvidg'eh iiibd and se c'daméunen,-irt" vb.sYeba' kepsi où*augIs i. drinkuMy hoi 'i Mbe riu h Ibliensasbte vhm byosa r ns theuo ibited cf youn a-undeno e feif o ellingsare à a wcsveleowusi esent ce agenn-tb any oelu My1 ;md le ain, ton il g9uame îLe Assane ariser I b vu net folle nletia wi is ýt for cf he deareni and meost anxiou.s 1 tise ir cf in> beart, nansi>', b sa sanît. thse good viii sud altaacenb 'Of ti qlb. Ib vu benu comestasoned by sua>E 'hape une te serve. (Qiseers.> Pret' and as e represeniative cf tbe reve on it ust > l e by thie ver>' essence cf ne te dntpvfrome O. slgatesi appearanoe qg a des e.cr delga te placekinamUl so0vasi sy ipathyisvul&any Phae cfpoli arlng ue iseor vit i ths eu0alPm de io leetions et aey section etfUsMecoin s ths 1 y hevever auneros or velti.m nter- e, Iroed " h u is fonctionsaor' Ris tise es mISer cf a négative tise il>' plo ve cisaracter, anti nseesai iode s il s tise routine cf bis ordia î the dut os, therie uueessaril'reromain o . ver r t.v pointe ati so L o Iding inic anytuing like intimate or barnm nisensI contact vus those te eprex mîso ti Of eWvhoueinteneseo, iappinese,0 illetiW vla"e tise energies cf hm lite azen ne r~tiseleus -directed. (Hoar, haà Un erlhese circumetanonaije ple"a -and lais ride is &U tise greater *1 Ilb>' li~sta hie obscure and ounest i cf tatimsa effortsu b do Lin dt>'and tLe beeai the ceuntr>'y Ina wis h rer eennjîetd have attracledthelb.noti Vree crriendation- ocf those whose est& il hin ambition te vin anti pres.î, cf ais principal achievemnts probel use, con ust ratier ini pneveuting mise] thaise r acicompliehissg any subatant ee goo'ýî; Andti en wyuLregard te ite Pub a speeches, vhich more tissu a ort. Llig i eese amnuiaica ,sean. litho e t 6ia c te Lies had cwy ind viduality, I ol uerved- tih. cîber day te tise Ci tof Cou icil, LIhe Lest part cf Lisern, Lio n a d o t lie p iv ilo g ue t f i >' c u n tr y , a ir-the vsel avu ben efi et. Gre îLe lau liter.) In tcthbie Lad oet thé SLaSte ln a cnstltuticnI eulagime l depiositeny ef vhat7 tisugis entent i, edFya very groat,fi; alogother alt pn- paccfc!Wine. Pinlimmentor>' statesmi ?o Lipe is neyer nuffereti ce become activ anti Llu qaiinary dtles are ver>' mi lui, Ian ýe Usesesof lthe humble tunctiona: vi Beeeouupinntending the vorkiu1 on soin, cemplieîted mass et etosai-Sniv mssc nry. (Laughton.) ,This penso iv, age mn:rely walk: abou t iia litt ti bl f i s in hbaud (rneeu laug iter), anti Lo peurs le a dnoppIi n.andi a drop thon,, an occasion ci' tl coraing cf a joint ina>' requiro, wvS fi.- hi: itmost vigilance is dlrecet t bigLýr smtnhUe prseirvation ýku bis çheeu and cogs tram thee untruoic cf i ut gritn-(roans o! laugliter agi ant iagain rencwed>-on oison foreig an- bull s9. Tison, gentlemen, wietvias M-sasyiig ?Souisow enuily aunu nuuarde ~jtcng o0 eau slip into an sambiguet hid îxpri uaii(proanious laugiter)-î meexpri sslon wbich I neeti not assure yo on t lu soccaisiona lu ontinel>' innocentc ail olitical igoifscmnce. (Laugist-e Bu .mu t isaI sa' arfroasu Lmvi ideffu sa, esuds as tise>'venu, net havis ilbeonul nl apprecistol, I sin eO!Y te sonsi slo tisat yer kindnes& andtiht Rienus instincts cf tIse people cf Can it ada te take tise vil tor tis e ti li as created for me an ameuntc VO guet i vii anal upproval fan bc 21oAsd1 _mydouerte,-et-v-1.ch .su Unt t ls eiï ! isai1on ýy nirloalcm uniecanada on r-seve loccasions bau net .uneel e Snced thoesmpthies but isi ecemp lled the adinaion and titen- tienF thtie thinkieg min cf bot COU eo s o. Her îeiool systes, har réfuer arangements, ber municipal senltit tiens, bon maritime regulatione, have repos e au> encitei lunrecunt yeams isy Egliis siateemen cf au. thoti sen udat distinction aenirh>' et -imitation. (Cin. As for thse 0 Unité. &Satea, mlthcngh bise>'ma>' bu tee p fudti e ove it, Useru in nt a citize ofet h.euigboring Republie, vhe 9 Soe. set euy.y bshe mooth anS har. t Ineniolua verking cf our vull-balanuud D anti ba~pily ' djuating institutiona. (Appl, 9.) 0f onue biig ITainqui.e sure,ta bier. la eci an Anienicon politiel n hsveen tL. Atlantio anS pacifiel vbho youdnot aitIshe priaeni mneeit be conteut te give bal Ise liru, ndperhaps a greai deal more, t enpceea tIsati noetserviciabi aid usefel ing, a Governon GêneraI. 1(Greati angiten.) InduS, lIse acquisi. lice bhle 'United States cf se valeable a pers magobai of late comn eoippear et suais urIne neoisety-veuld provo an cLlil'ious mode of solviaag iheir pan. seuail dfftcultiea. anS ot remetiying tise diftit>fotthir Govuomental machine --Usai! b ave benu etrumel>' noivona -(iong$aiter)--aboni paasieg 8 saer tIse herden au I basaiebdo en my vay ibher. Tisai la no kneving visai miiîsiflaapsin Lbe-case et peoplo îender duel a stress of 'teuipbatice. (Bunevetd laugisten.) Raide have bien rop somolliie sb>'laveie asvlls Iste. fa <so, théseoni inmenies cof -modern marriage are beutiseé emaa. cilatet reproduction cf tise fan more spiniteti pninelule of caplnne-(augsten) -by frv Joi brides ini lues sophiriticmtpd u"ges v ne ohiaineti. Who keovs te vIsai le, gli Mn. Tilden anS Mn. Hîyî aud tfii millons cf uer ruspetive adisene's uOW travun plu bostile arma>' againsi sýýois aliinmigist net bu aiiven lue s. a on>ciet bbi'»resent Suspese. (Laugi r.)À BritibhGovernor.Gen. ba ia cf Use Gorclian -' ' .)Andsnonear, iu.mp- IE nevel 1la tisauiof beig,.bnlSo2 Iiugbter)..-'-ahi: îmtfor longer Liis I con, Pnosdenuîi- chai, d,1 seprdodfrrmnieout i cf 115510 hile e, <augter) a-boIdy De! gave ber ceee i-vscs ta eu i 0 gratsgbter) 'Inconclusion, ee l0 Exnlo oakea* leav« o 1 rps h8v bealb ctue National club , se Clubf seugiitel I aseoi .e- y 'itb au tisa aiMostnaC i n it- tle country ; hâ ho-îis ma.fv [bi perfsectsympaiis>' wub ilsir essd«e Of a tô cultivai. ainsié pridu in the glori I in Dominion f v ioi Lie>' y es chusi itoland tisai bils nuc sshoeate-as r a - tetifl.S hie prefounti c nvici n ' nun- îLes. sentiments, cf patrictIen nel otoral>'compatible viii th. 0 It genuine loyali>' e bseCreve,1 ofna vine ithébéat pliaigeawvio coula ln'givera ftlie deveiln cftIbeu b, unr around Un Leti te iceour, vehis butanS intorestaeofthle.Britishs Empi Om lange. «Preat applanse.) )MO Tie toutai ven l a>' %Hie le t a Sd va s re p e dt t e b >' lie C ia fir are Wh vi e im gave Lie nexi on tie P ar.) grm-ame, "Tie Liutenat-Governo sure ailhis iamotte , rhen "For yemn muatImkw, vo have viLL spa Luen Elecseu i l or absence te upa y i tO Lent isicar teom-a, tressodisinn lé su lave.", e or -M&e fora'ofa u sen Hie Honour net being prenantt rvesé toast, vLich vwas euibusiostioall>' tras ahi>' vas net nespoudd o ; andth îe Cli ieio man gave the next on the liât, "Ce tiai ato, vibis iL. olloving neitoos s Lis ,hit ise le-ndltisai freemen tinl, ny- Thut sobe-sutted Freeden chse: .ub' Tise land, vbcegintvitsfrintndom-f , a u AÀ sen m ay pe a t ie th i le S vi. " te "A pon vingte, sir, an lîl-lavoneti thon nr ia-, but mini ove." As~ Yost Like. the "lus muis ?atis est, ubi pascer, non l t e na c . ,Otu et- The toast vas respoudedti leb>' s ýent Heu. Mn. Mcvat, le an exceeii1 kn- felicitons speechs, in the course cf wvis an. bue renm-IkdS Lait h. ot dlionneS ive, the fret lime fren us.e speech o! i mai. Obainmanthtise -eposition andS mn es-y tise Club. ge endonsudtheis loyal sent ; o! menLs uttered b>' lis.chirnen, oa 'on cilleS attention te the fact îLot aval aU- loyai alluiounmado intise coure.eoft t ,tîs avening Lad beon entbnmiostioally a- 'id penSeS te b>' hose pneseni. are Tise compais>, atter npeedlug a an. Se enjc>'mble îvoning, broke up sono tir ils betoru miduaigisi. ne of Pickering Ccuasciî. !ou in The ahovueuoncil met in tise tevt ýgu sîaip hall, in Brougisam, on theu 6tisdt aI af Januma-', 1877. id Menhirs ail pruseni ; Mintesu uso lanb meeuting reiS anS operovot. Th an folluiigacounie vere onclered ta ,ou paict -B.- iliutie-g, tor geeis supplie, efto taMms. Beonanout, $89 ; Mm-a Wool r.) tor-nid tu JoLis Cairnes, 22.50 ; J. & 1) ng MeanaL. t'on aidt LauWidov Tcungl, 880 lé J. & D. Macumb, Ioran utt A. bIaKe sg $810; H. Pcwell, fornaidtol Dyer Woodo seo s-nf, $4. 52; Eci. Wrightî, for ailtoteM se Losie, 821.80; Tios. Tripp, ton aidti n.2 P. Sytans, 880; Jee. 0d, fer niS t ici tha Sonen fomil>', 880. 18 ; John Par c! Iter, fer ait te Widoavs Campbell ané ie- Jehison, 845 ; S. J. Gm-cee, ton aid i mis tLe Allie faniiy, 881 ; J. H. Smith aS Ion aid t-o S. Wigmorne, $45 ; Jas. Tay se ler, tar aid te Ms-s. Lmpp, 816; à y. Sone-ville, fan aid ta Ma-n. MoKotînici -y $22.50 ; Jas. HUist, ton aidt 1 A. Stone nir 84; John Courhmo>', for support ti e toxundlng, 810; lic. B. BenIt, for aid las te Starkt, 05.25; Dr. Tiseker, for meSi e cal itteedunci on indigents, $28.101 n. JoisnBarnese, for vorIt on aide m-ci is isetvun Ioba 20 andi 21, iu Stis con, I, $50 ; Jeisn Wisn, for plank. 0$4.60; Sd ES. Bnoahavw, fcr vork on ite nomd à l beLvuen lots 82 and 88, ie 4Lis con., m. 040.95 ; ES. Bratahmv, for werIt c: . aiSe m-aS bulvemn lots 82 anti 88, in ie lin con., 048.24; John Peak, for verk, $s 6; John Sliir, for vuluiug Union S. 8. No, 1, 815 ; A. B. White, for plan] td anti cedar timber femninhid te M. C. au Frets, 018.94; Henry' Stever, dog ta: ,> enitied, #1;Jonlobe Rbac, tor gravei, o$10 ; Ben Mien, for serviceas Relure- la ing officer anti use of Hall ai Municipal la lectiens, 86 ; Thon. Duun, for Do, 07; t. J. W. W<ouais, for Do., $7; Angun Me- bt Ka>' for Do., 87 ; Abn. Reesor fur Do. I 07; Thi. Dune, for use et hall and a fixing compartimenta fer imkleg votae o a Bonus by-lav, 08. - Jiso. Miller, ton salea-y an Reeve for stise 'eor 1876, iuousdîg disbnrsment il misS slecting jurons, 065; S. K. Bmove, s alir>' as lot Dupuiy BRue', 085 ; S. 8 J. Green, saan>' as 2nd Deput>' Rîuvî k<stsi crdos nt vilin tise Dominion, asud vselber fcnvantuti in lise mails for RugîmeS via. the U. S. or la>'Cano- Sa paoket. -Ou tranelent sevspaper adtinessal te tise Unitat i Kigdom, lise m-ie vilI bueIvo conte ton-four oce or- friction' cf tour- esanies, lia' vuigi cf a nevapaper pacLois tabw~pampaid b>' postage atà izpi. Canada nevapapers, Nov Tom-Item-r Bostons, musi b. prupoia b>' postage stÉmp aIi toétrunalout noe-s utl,if smut b>' Canada packet,. suais pas- rraMa>' pu$an nov, on pm--paymnt y.Lhe pbisLer ai lbe tineof o!pstiig eftihe crtiinasy domustia rata cf onu cenat per Pound., Prom loitlunnary, 1877, tLe rates etoflutter postage frein 'Ce-aada te Nevfeuntiîand -viii bo fi vo cents por Lait ouais, pymeî b>' simp being compulser>'. Ton RunsU;uar qa.saso.-Tbe Grand 'Duke ý Me an i lish Grand Diii. Con- atetn fc Moflk, :o. iii lb. w ni M Id ve ri, ze p 10 t lu ti ti NE 161 ti re !01 m vt b ie, oc] >d m ti t4 ar ni: fi Lh ek 30 ol âd ad bd in k, S. ik 0. MI It Hcîwoias TERATUENT Or A]E fhem Halifax, naneti Siib, gai self np te thse authonities in Hal viser. ho bas bieunufiei to im binock. Thea poon teliow b. sna Scava le Meetrpal, on bisç HaIfIaz, witis iandcuffe on,1 gleves, andS ebes tisai Lave evp. en-ires ina then. The hMontra-oi ire of epinion tisatinLieaamoal bave iscen pemîponeti for more i veauher, aut b>' Seinggo se s> Lave bien seoStise Incuffléet ing il bhelr evn uxpense, ciit proieci Use unfotrtuuiiu eman tnt soclemuno>'o e s ethor. The Nov Brunswick LeginlaI sumnoneti te muai ce Use Stb pr ETxUDÂTiN Osr Tîxmy-The 8f cabinut bus apprevedth ie Exizâ Truai>' cencluided wviiti,1 Stas, anS liaio u4d nogoliatic t o -bis o- b d n sud i b& ,p t ri t via i va ru i woodu11-Il M ot ioecar ned. ane IL. gay k Mn. Liider-zw'ove -fonr tise e besitie. The' pondence iunofeoirecb thie p tue~iî nt of, thse o8*iuinindeui eof - ptu1pOri'llia Asylun.'1P7 'ai holîà , bé M. mkp i * ougIt.;liit - sTTnsmion id b L e o ' rooted, 'andi te?"bu"n. Leoto n wy ltue assistant at Ls t pe 'on.onAsylum bati asoi been -gr ilt-ýôpe he:vacanî place sailîU ý f the lgally Mn. M ovot soitlitiat the G nest certains>' uicnnenitidoue tLe boncI tise>'cou.q 129 mé,e. le' Use nattei.- MotilcepaneS. w un, u iscea Fnicay-Affj e sittlg tensme ten et wml bltteen mniuâ cHne ai i amn la thies, eeof! tis -ewom~ f- Mr. Gm-ah lissa's. Chan.' Momber'ftonFrontenacs, on djenna ted ise sages as o mark cf respecit te bis memm>' i vlý#bin -Le bMnda>-Mr. Crooka introticed Oma -iR tg e b irepueig p ayanlent tb uno gani f o r s v l a i T w u u li p s u n d u n t i se M în i ci p a l L c ; lI'n ti B ili4ý oý- as 'a bill t a am ieS avnbu.'-Liquon Liw, -Thi amndmeunp nu i e- poseS iiitise later vonîti net affecti sonate lhb. pninciple of tise Act, but veult supi r m r h n a m ent tisa m achiner >' ofe t hLie 1w a ]g shà odweti tend te iii better enfonceeent. ' ic ievitienil>' thugb;th tnlà Lii onld comploe. tise cesm-liqucr lgwitie ileast feroseet1h isii; MO,5n5. l nvr te Mn. Bose, Mn. Croc on5 iL. miame suid at prosent iL vas no tise ienti à lg t ve f th e G verm ent tb m ke an>'c ar s a m l n c f i n t Le m o l L e t o n t h e t i n .e t f t h e e l esen 'tIs ion etfScisool Trustiles. ce.' IGH OBOOLB. se iveatiga- leanwen te Dr. Bcultor's moli a vbehoefor îLe popun nelatiug tle s. dosing ,ht slltdil>' îe Slirling Higi Se'bool Mr'. Croc td ching midti tisithe HigIs Sciool tîLe.b !u~ taa-beou clouei isecause on. leacisun vms mode irying tg teaci the visolo Higi Schi ici Le testi. canricuunnb>' bimuil!, vbich vasî i' ser-vid pôossbi.Tise Trustees Lad beau W singen peatadi>' vanneS, andtihie respenuibil vaslmu igo restet upon lisîn. Thon. action h vrm- van ox- been linutan violation, o! tiseDopa y, Lin vhole mental, nogulatious. - mati ' u grant- Mr. Hardy caseplaluedti ti nonr lie Lad Hmgh Scisools ini Brout LaS Leelz cie ish Lishe lav unter siimi ircinnulances. il iý he State et Loon saiS ibat Uso>' baS not kepi admiel>' Ibeir staff oft tors, but Le thong maemin>'tho publie intenostu voîlti suffon b ile if tise Higis Schéol aurnieni: a Board o! veno oonsitem-ably modifiei., te a sunsde Mn. Crooko saidth îe subjesit vo' L him veck; be brougisiýbetoneeRseeHansejeceeue Lbronglm tise lion vill tie proposed- ameedments- te a letton the Scisool Liv. 'Ho tisougisi s 1 requosting Count>' Conneils slioulti in a moasu andtihoue ol ho placoti in control cf tise Hi "0 'one ap Sciool. Tisu polio>' of tho Dps nilig ef l ti mont vas te unenease tise numbon neutgenen.- Higis Sciseels, uo tuiai ai classes o! Il siet vanpopulation vould have Oppentuniti as tact tisai for bigLer etincation. the ievcsL TEESTIMATES. n tise iiiteg- The enli matos vere broughi dcvi cI Mainy, TS OVEEMMJENT BOOK DEPe5mTOmY. bcn A motan b>' M. Btisno on ppt t - gSyoZbrongist on a disuio-n n e iisubjec ThesoIbsi van viiisdanv; tise 7usa staiensunt, jesit te bu fuil>'tionaisoti vIson ti pinot with papens vono brongist Stav. lias berne Mn. Sootts notice ou the snhjeot4 g jusi beau Lile innurauce vas declatesl leg vusit 5.000 Rouse idjerned ti six e'cleck. iio, troin Tuesia>', 16. cIta tc the On Tiiestia ' afiennoon -Hon. Ii )th 1.SU- Crooku mae is budget speeci. T] t>',j anti iltttl surplus ou Saut in stîtodlat $4, th thisn sf 878,203. The nîsui et Lheyears ope, atioss von-Receipîs, 02,579,980 ; e rhilt, afLer renditure, $2-287.145-r=Saîrplus for th avart , lai. year .1876, $842.835. Thue estinsate ol Lis mgo for 1877 amountoti b tise grogns um fortune lia 82,54D,000. ie nceipt, tie Treasure 1nunsiers isîd no donbt, voulti fmlly caver theo o' youn cor- penditnro. WitL respect toe aialva, 1gÃŽ Grant*s polio>', t wanty-two reis liaS bien un dealiîkn, cf',wiiîs levin Lad bec Europeon coruploted, tour lait coreplotdportions corn sud six were in course af consgtructiai, a ' 12 e x p ec t . cn e o n l > ' ha ti n u l b e nu c c m n e u e e ,a vithenoutice Cont'a.Seraticu about $8,000,00( Y Bide. IL laid bien speutl i-in rnSu b>'tise Go' nevu vilaleumn, anti '83000000 at be expended on thieSifféent roads. Tu:i comOce sowothie isons of4ihe Raila>' Pt LOiue>'tas lic>'wich lihad Leâ' adepteti. The le United runinicipalities turinR this poniot Lad inveu;teti $7,000,000 in nailvay. o0 Le hoit Tise Houai tison veut ita Co mmtte nia Hanse of Suppi>', anti a fev items of the EstL: îlden anS mates undîr the Leati of Civil Goven tfvlil Un- ment venu passeS, Mn. Mactiougalp-c anT. miuing te Sdiscums Lb. Tnemsnnor's utte- )OE. mont when thse Hanse vas lu* posession ý77, ofe the Publie Accouu ton 1876. A foevbllIs wire ativancedi a stage, ~)rnaZ.and Lshe ure atjounelti Lhall-past f vo o'clock. à ea fev SÂAACa:)EasT.--The Orillia L'xporiior ea$emeul of Jan. Iltis, sayu :-"A homnt-m-oudis ars vlie oynt occurre nl ts avuon the 1isolidi>' evouing o! Frits>' lînt, (Jan.Lh an t on ailvie aby iflt"4girl, Age sxyu pIdintamens effl irc>'ésib Tpiul fore thé 14sofPéFer>' . *are raaksausbnit îg le lie [en- mestral cf Lehey om-Ior iotio bsan rns, Sunater Conihe As le. fortS %curge cfaci v *it -ours givmes-g'petut nasnen ote dons aioro,-anit,iLslaelieveîciI sens, Blain anS Edmenits standc liêht plaiferni,- vith Mn. ConkE ,t a ' t ough Il b - no i ll i být i s see ilgis pm-ucpe, thèseoare Mocst polutical. possibilihies biton1 but tise>' viiinet ligihl>' sacrifo à bu Mortn'ccmmhtaeinu i sav ion cf the Oregon prohlen farel, exumiraing Mn. Cronin niq re Ai tie vii,. bui bave ellei upon vbioh te gm-ueS a m-e Dc>' cepi bis voe. An atampt ian, to ahow tiset the 08,000 viý pro, e.d le isaving receivuai tor on,"1 se acting as neesenger tle vais a bribe, but tise nesuli a ciai m inous aille. eo. G i-oi amineS ai leegib yoatesSay etmmon>' golg ta prove Use Our ing tuse cerificate le Une' acteain funl acccrduue vit amie, anti tise constitution o! tl tieOregcn. B>' his Losesl i4i be-ng Ueo. Grever Lausn in- frieS, leWashington. - aen. -The investigation b>'thea Police Comamissioner ai e-mo anti unexpoatati tes'selintîou Pniideil Gm-e-t yestarsbay, iý eaAtterney.Genenal, tnansitte t th ie preitent cf tise board bis inneiata noigeation si eail tise ethen nembens. IN 9 B. Peuos te udesbn t tbemai sai coup d'elin, utitbise bLoony ,id. ally acOed leti n at Sise Pr.f te sfluenced in bis action b yti 1 certain tiiimen>' giveu b>'i othe ganhluns, rfecigon frrit>' anS habits cf Lis Ala oli Ler vas ponnittit>ihe boardt th - Lut broaut vlthoil i pr I.single membernd S mei go lf led iiem up. - Ah lutI Jutige Hevli'n that bis lîtteo lhidbeois tins Leloreibheir dlvery te bSn,1 ous iseveru inuNeoTrIt it>'1 e tobîn lettor n utiein posesE visich tise yLaS seaunuti chuc amanut of $88000. Meut of petet parbieu ariucutn viii undeubtetiy go liard vil îl . e > ' b m -i p r av an g u i t > . e-At lauL Co..-inodore Vantei ÀY unviviug bath Aster anS teu gone in Lise eigist>'-tiid yemr oI to neot DîuhltDrev. Tisef lie leavua in estimatei in round Le st $1000,00()o, mono tsara id epouiet Isas earîeci Surie( denlira- mdminstmation. c D. Il nov soins an tîseugs lIse: v; an lodon t elie lsving a-ni je, visat np ta ukv SigL priaesis I*ana>', van Le g-ing te dissalve salliug ferfratiser gcre ou ai; 10 ha ta Lecisopet tisais ulatenti teproeorelia Le. r- TiseRonecomnsitteeon ou idb tecitiedtote ev>' a Liea-- to on iiem igrauts ri nviug le ti hgStates. r- A grant mna meeting iu tc nezt Mande-y ai Fom-d'a Oper k, uSer tise ansp c fe, tise T i] 19 Hlendrioku Rufiorin lClub. Il If hiubedI> aoni mmmenue aifs id GURI -Washington, D. C., Jan. 6, 181 To the Edit'r cof the. Whitby DzrÂsaSus: Permit me te tun -. emmnku coneurniug thoemil nof ena- TownSaiseolu. IL e-ppui i cheel vas openedt aea- lie 9 Lisere a not accennotiatia: L. tIese cluru tiat dame te JO] k oheel, consoquoishly sonseoet] 3-etbu eseuL alsevIsîre. Nov, fi x iutommet tisaItuseevere scab Io tuisiise bo at nnrght vi b u lier. ît on>' tino, muaI whise tise seheel vascrovi Sinstuece, oeogentlcman's ta] -tendu tSe uchool, vba beloni S e a ate oSool ; elîser iudiv i amtelS, coinusarosthe boag o tisen secliounet in tisemnz anti taIt.the savietage cf1 rucisool. As noue efthtie part:i t tioneti coîtribube cne cent tes iq mainteuancu oftihe scicol, I -unjusîtefor thon tu bu kept uchool vhite otisersi vhoeopar -payiisg ai leav> sabol Se-z lèv - are turnetiont. I don't vi to lenerutaud thst I vonîdtLIs . osaî. l hev> a o tise îLe-river, vhich ecaed de mucla trouble anti vas feInl>' brekei up Ly the 1as- oeenf, vîsen ibeir outhu, b>'.Joanti - de- lust cf membenrs wero capinreti. Thuir tIhe, plan cf aticn vas le Lpot o celorual ivnmftsiwbo esu-,espeoteti et Democratie pnccalmvstiisen te serve a ntieon e- bise Pi come -e - a, dertain peint >anS jd une athîe outiso! the bretbronoethtie, Union Rigis Stop. If Le titi net s- cm- comtis te>'served s secoiueotiau, Usen 1 ex.- a tiirtiith a threai, as if ho util re- à an, fuseS, a detacisseent et. thebnethrnn vig as sontl atter hum ai night,anti ho vas breughtinla ied andi Luctieusfed. aj Hevasiheeteld touleigteSôanl izdtaku tie cath, i ly fbernr rmate Lo à i ii c cm p ly , b t- if n e retisseS h ou vi tu. _put Sovn udntihippud iwith a bull- pro. vhip uistil Le donseulti e £ an Use thie league ocm- bave theso tate.- aver>' )pl. ebetueaie case hebraîbremr %ve a andthe Lehabit cf admiieriniga 5'zZ"a-d&s Ho of sevemal huincti- lanlies on ihu' isares the LaIt. Whobeu' oaing vitithon- vbca [me. vere Lard to couvert, active nombuns t ieks vouit cal ent i"give nme Use lp ;Md; tien loi ne give laies a Lnll,-tiso." Frein. ugo this it heemme eas y te us>' "tisai foili 31e0- ongisi l e u buil-eoéeti"' anti bull-dose,, 'bull-Scsing, anti buli-Soacti, antibhel- dosera ce-no te Le tho sbaing vendu.- Sitar thé exposunu o! îLe Union Biglats tion Stop -the iRepubiomna cf thin staito ýg cf - songhi le hur ne Is oce of tise e posure )os by applyieg lthu terse ted- Usorts cf 1V S I a î e ' m a t e e x c l ed e t h e e b u l . 2i- hsoee tni ics" lb smpi>' moine pan. inhus v une iinizton la aligedti l m--bave occunroti. - lit >' - 1 4 bail R4etAppolinenîs. - Tise fclovieg lu s.nei-offalWly se- vwo nossueti "Tise jlaca of Motical Snp- si Iot "needent oethbie Lontion Âuylnse, bil "1rondered vacant b>'tise decease cf ÃŽr. np "lLantior, Lasboon filoti b>'tise train- gît "fer fron the, Hanibten Anybuin o! Lut "Dr. Buckt, anti o!Dm-. Wallace fren- un "tise Orillia Anylun te Hamnilton.- Dr. "B atoti, la e f Orilli, esud m ro e- nIld "ceti> resitient at Atirea, lu appeintet O- t tiste Osillia Aeylum." tbt -THE ONTABi:oLoÂme AN» SAý-ÃŽs- ire CGoMm-Ay. -The Ontario Loin, anti gis Savingn Conspai>' bau ncvove n ee Irt buntret tiousaut dollars et deposits. af TSi, lua ver>'large sun fon ne Young Lae an institutioe, anti shows tisatitIs man- 105 agemntubLes gainet tise confitionceofe tisé publie. TIsai lie management bss been caroful in shovu ýby tIse Seclana. ru tion o! a s.mi-senuab -dividieti of fivo Per cent. TIse Conspucanudo r y uai divitieuti b>'tLe absence et ises and ans ligisi expçntiutures. .Tiiat luje or of caS. faltiig values anS bard i ies, sisir> ées L.bave bon proMpti>' pafsd nal sss Se m-odam how tisai great '0encarsa-wlieou- ce oxenciseti thronghout.b,VidcaWo. t. SC&sNDn.s IN 1Ga r iR Lz'.-We noble- et]- a 1ev Sà ys ugo tLe divorce et Lady Zoncise for atinitor>' itis-Lorti Maya,- seS novîo vwiletofCept. Gibstn&-is [.divorced fer adulter>' itli Lord LontS, Lii a Romsan .CetSotie. Ca tGibstene 4'l lad te ge te the E ast, asdl'ftis" 'r wile Leinsia Son LeaitS vas baS. O- tuLie ove of bis retun she vnote 'L Ins II think, bard 'andtieamrible OStlougb ut lu, bath for yen la Shean euS e! for me La write, I muet teol yenthLe - onr truti, for I voîld nelt are t., îuye a - livingle.. Dîung the hast oighteee mo'sentis, I bave moi and' iived- vitis i anctisor min, wbo, ndor mn>' cineutn- n2 stances, I viii inoer -gir. Apt or ceose ~.te love vus ns>' vhold boisat anti son. For Faris u mn I Lave givin -up Isonor, i. position, secuet' ISas a adl>'he DOta Le longivenb>' >'u. I It 'ai l..iau o te bu ongolten, ton Lviih nover ses n egain, :,en evon Le- persusdtocit is neturn."'Co .0 TEE FATE or A Nsmao CLAs aLEnant. ci-A negro vas fouet toasd luGeergia iîving fe-len e-nd broken is neck ?e viffle stèaling chisikons frein- a bigi ý rooa.î. ý-e van a cimsleader in a chclo, unS Lis paute, lu pnoacbling the funersi sermon, vas botberet vush the questicion. ise eul et tbeSeat ,n hrotber bat gogo. "B1is vol l kova pieiY,"suîad tise'preacben, "inticates , Abtis 5 ho e- aChristian ; yet tise aare ;t cincurnutmes coniiociod vibb hie teath that are perplexing. If afe-fanho feii anti befoe ho noacisedtheii.grenS, ho rrepentotiof bis sins, tse n >bcunoL n 9 question but tuat Le is uow ini glory ; se but thomo vas anigit>'litblo ine fon Luurt ilek about i.' Thse mena-y jingle or tise sleighb-cls,- jtise spankie e! t ho caaystel suevilutic lambeni ligisi et the tacon. andtihie gene Lo ork antiaaieimitatien, 1nt veo soîtatvise tisuboee unà e in tise habit af Sandlhrag Anlerican sibven te Le en tIse lookotît for tison. -The- nov countonfoit in tise w6o au a atint. It lu mate aI conauion af motus avem-y ueanly e! the saino upecifie gravit>' as silver, funisbed eifelotl>', antitriple nilve-platot, se usai b>' the eyes met tise bsit ilis Leyond dtection. h - ovin as s gooi rinig, ônly a littl'e tinl. on Liai tisat cf thé genume Coin, e-ut lu possible cf Setecti.-n b>'practiset ena-s- iie laiet of is light veigisi ceuaIse Lu Setîsitet ' b . h smIes. For gasianal distribuation iL us a alangern vomIt etf art. BRE-AK aIN-TIE ATLAN.TIC -CÂBLE.- Tisa tngifo-Amerucan cabl, laid in 1866 braIte o n Suturdi>' about 180 miles la-cm Hemm-î's Content. Go«VîtaisOitor -BULOAX .sA. - guisar Paella, vWho wsufIon anv-yearantahes ieut cffilie Egyptian Ãœiùistry, lias becu offereti anS bua sonptet the puai- tien et Gevernon cf Buliganm CUssaeîta A ýi pYXTikinrTî TiiTE Quzà ze rr . u ndenstocdti Lt- Ma'r. JOs. bDisutre viin scised Ju(lg leen çvittan-upro forma nr>'ab tle close of Lise proesaut uesî;oeofatie Sup- reia Court ; that XMn. Fraucoii Lamag- ciier yul L e appoiratid to tise Quebep Judiciar>', Jutige Wilfrid Dorien ne- naovet ta Monircul, ac utiJdge Cia-on ta. TiresRivons ; andti tisieitlaen Ma-. WiiI'nid hrovcst or Mn. F. X.- Archin- haît villi ho appoîntdto te eGaspe It la sait la Montreai Lt she Bank o! Montreml i viloi. ovin -8100,000 b>' Birber'a defanît. LrscT.-Leni bogie l4iiFeba -' ibis 7cmr. As AI lirenn lboù. Ris -de >'te isue. Rusa dieu un flaatimg ai-oued viserever Lisera is a via - soupe Mou'a - aawla aibves vu» lofaifled wyul Propeziy sneoisldfa Gaieote. Soit oui>' ini] "James Epsn e-o, Hi us,48, isromdeeedlî Pîccadibi>'Londoi. The OldeitandE f8 Poun4 in i - WoodIs, Inprove.d 1 teniia>otemnsImrned bau rnowvegeci hies; nuatares, grey hisaînte celea-; restea-es fadeS, dry iug hLiii;restones, Si-eas tie Sur;- reutons hisnii-, Leatis; renives Soutir e3u ns t ens onves irrit board,i action i tes-us - fliaicth- Tteume i tis- ises-e S case iraI to bOru Dsies tise us' etu oti A mi alekalu mae mi UnitedL w - lie b cenpt a Ak Trade, Lresl, d tho Oit1 and regj could ai 4 - cver by thse Boa noticed ena-la,i -u4- AI sur Bani oped et faime Tisomai ingias Bebarr ! anance about-Ue tien.l'a theugis te rtins aL bouetvIse a ofe the COUn -s-nonaie slml>'tlan pnouÊe tb Yéencviii dbietiy eof Whenodare ut pove, terf bers everon te Le aon bureuas ov-ni teprly isc lcatter e e u Lad bili up,- ' gingtebet clhapis a1 gneal o ta mire foua Tho rine l vhersn Mn. On tis lthsicLimei bsck and reie up amoit n i to-scemenfu conaideahae a --- piturci ler piy cf proictta: coussinad , I tuie tatc -aiiditbadanb nIentoquetion.q mçee58O.00ots Bird ÃŽo coroner. inspanueleti a jury, vus MÃ.ü* idu Ihît P. MurphY.ftremn, vheu a verdict of hu-Otriet 'scitiedtali>' burneti te deatîs' was ru- turneS. Thse save case sisoulti prove br9ggt a uoleseu vmnnirsg toparentsu visAare ,o hb eue lunLthe habit of leaviug Ihein chiltiren tees, but aloe, mono ospocinîl>' vu e i,'hLve gneet ne- accens ta fine anti maches." Ior olse rti in l W he a a M inlu Ne w YTork bs once talkon a f ie Laua.e Ledesun'î ike te kuulnes blave it, aven if Lis inconu Legius tu ins>'a fail. Il nakes people talIs, ant is a , 1Larsh p si ion aa>' ho fficteti. T h r ie te let:>'eur net long e-go a gentleman, vise, e>' Lu nr "-te Lis duaili, laid bAeau pying 010,000 a 'aropnît >ear for Lin bouse, anti coulti have 0t ithear uotiig fer -Lin tamil>'. Ho teak it ivwien timon wene fluei, ant idsu't give il>', il up. In London, visere rete are IL ARBE. iigisor thu nyvisore oxcepi Nov 1Ycrk, no oeebas paid l sci a rent as DESERT. tisai since Lord PasimerpLon, viien uesrter primo Miuistar, paiS the Rme sun tor ýv luim- Camebridige Honni iu Piciaciile. Ho smititte, as chililess, oigisty -anti an iraceme c! nr somu .e20,000 a year in emI sitate andu s een sae-r',Bnti i itebad upwandn et' ws ' 2000%'a year more, London en but no vils £1î00,000 a yîmr lu Use Meut solitu Prna' 8P- gsacurilies are doutent vitS beuseas Ph lice ntad at £1000 a year. Tise Lonon 111 l~lzt of tise tWa -lsite mon ira Eniginut laonî suarabiaidîd not amenotSe $7,0)00. Thein pro- irbill pins>' as verth $80,000,000. sing te M.- T om itise lutier, M. P. for Kamannauka, yull, it ha - sait, ouccootiM Letellier in tise Do- sm i sinien cabinet, anti M, Caneisonivil in enter tise Sonae as Geveremunt leader pa *ish O FFICIe.AL n eSaSG EICs.-Ofinciai AS- raSiE -i ieos are reuîmeS te make a rretn untae thé Lb iperacusf Iniolvent stesunte lcn$ for' the 3iisltèr oet À>groulttune, antia a fenu ain.!l - otIan publised.