rma ~ P $15 parAnm enuai. oemS.aNauparisi, and l "à 2coe,p' ln. 41e , ab InsertIon. ~eaaamOImadesis lh adlertlei tiebo tg wrl ati nu 4gu ëy ,9u8,nesa Dirao to"ry, OrITARNO IE&WK,9 wHirTBY BEÂNCL,. *THOMAS DOW, OMINION BANK. ,WXJITBY ÂGE NCY. Aise lÇub-Agency Lt LIkverpool Market. tiaviags DepÃLýtmots lan -counectloa with both offices, wb ore Interost in pLld on depoi gît o Sfuperd.U. B. TAYLOM, Agent. Whitby, Sept. lth, 1876 89 15. J. J,'oub iACout<WlL,. r = ,Q.C.,ad Dr. MoMiehael, Q. C. P#à tIVWELL & RUTLVIDGE, ,j) ABfISTPMBS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI. Icltors, Notatien Public, Lad Coavey. Office, flit i door south cf the Royal 11ete, Wbltby. -1 JAMES RUTLEDGE, B. A. J, 3. FARE WELL., L. L..B., Ooanty Crow AÂttorney. 48 1> &llitnr ta Chancoy, Coav ii aioeî, eIti Publie, '&0. Offies-Over Mr.Â,A& llos'N store, Brook Strsut, Whltby, Ont. CHARLES C. JCLLlR, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN to, hscory. Coavoyaneer, &o., Cauning. LVNANÇENGLISIJ L L. B., BISTBR AT LAW, SOLICITOR I 'B hncrCne dck., dc. Sia. G. YIJN 1~MTULb. B., B3ARRISTER, ATTORNET. AT.LAW, >Soicitor la Chauoery and Zasolvacy, Notary Public, &oc., &o. Dffige-itMMallas * Blocik, Brook Street Wbltby, Ontario. A. G. IUcMLL4N, (Lats Greenwoocl & McMilaa.) B ARRISTEU, ATTORNEY, SOLIC- itor, Notary -Public, Coavoyaucer. (A. fles-Byroji Simt.South cf Post Office, WVhitby, Onaio. DUGGN & ROBINSON,' BAURISTERB, ÀTTOItNEYSATLAW,- 80L10T2RS IN CIL4NGERY, OONVEYANCER8, de., OFFICE-Provinscial Assurane uilding CUUIcT STarav, ToBciTra,9 3.-DuaooM, Q. c., J. G. ituroxIB., M. A. 09 TIJOMAS HUSTON, T OWN CLERK AND) TREiASURER, .Whiitby. Offic-Town RaU. Bourg, fs'om 910 1 o'ciock. R. J. airN, M. n., iUGEFON TO THEE OUNTY GAOL, ,0llyron Street, Wilty. Ur. W. J. BJURNS. Orcz-Next door ta ConoNîcLE Office. W' Remideace, ai Mr. Lewis Houck's. C IUY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENa., Y 4tise ye R. O. H. L., Oshawa, Outarlo. W. AI>AMIs, -M DENTIST, (SUCCES. abr ta W. H. Card.) Dental Rooaa-lDundali Streot, -Whitby over Mr. Jameson'a Stors. Nitrons Oxide d05 adwialtered for tihe peiniese cx. traiction ai Isetis. C, N. Y 4KS, L. D. S. _flrT ETH iseried on all tise --latest prinoiples cf tise art, -a cheap as tise clecapeet, aud as gondi as the bst. Teeth filueci witb Golci aad Silver. Tocth extracteci without pa, by produciag local ansesthesia. Dental Booms-lu 00ow. RIVO uew blocke, over Atkiugou's Drug-tore, King Streat, Oshagwa. 13ILDER AND CONTRÂCTOR, DUNDAs 8T., wiiivY. 51"AU orders proiuptly exceoted 1<111N110IIOIINSON91J TAIR DRESSING AND SHAVINO HsLaloou, Brook St., Wiiby. JOHN WOLPENDEN, -AGENT FOR THIE CELEI3RATED ZXSeattisGhranite. At Marbie Works af Joaathanu Wolienaea, Dandas St., Whtby. TUMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER L and Jouer, Green Street, Wiclby. A large quautily oai al klnds ai luxnher cou- stantiy au haad. lie E, O'DBLL, A T H B R L Y Clark Division Court, Tp. Clarýk, Cotstnisionar lu B. R., Land Agent, lac., -ke., Ailserly, County Outania. Atiserlv S'at.2n5,1875. 88 c ARnD .- DR.lO(RT tliyetocian, Surgeon, Accoucher, lac., lac -Whiltby, Sept. 801h, 187-I. 40 * R>OBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. G<Inate (cltishaacrsl ai tisa Univesity ci Q soe's C alleqe, Canada; PSiladlphia lfav, aI Bedacine sudt Surgen7; Amsncsn Unjv. ai Pengiylvanïi; Leclectetto Caege of psnaylnauia sud Licentiate ai Mtanafiay thlie Uni'. of Esiinlssarg, Scoiland. Car- unoer 'an tee lucty ai Outenia. offie- -Colicaten 8k4, Onilii. Joux S. M. WILLCOX, 0f tiseTau ai Wblîby, lis% boeenappointesi OFFICIAL ASSIG-NEE, * flNDE1I TJ{t NEW ACT.) Puir tise County oi Ontaioi. Ahi bus Iaes onîmnîteil ta hie charge wl ciahoareiuuy et- tendeS 1e. Witby, Jeu. 141h, 1874.8] TE BEST -VOL. XX. PORT P 2 B, W. B. MfoAW, - PBOPBIETOB. S4iNOIOAND siIm $ s TUGoIT w4t exensveFitut dasAccomumoda- t lions,'e fnllsta6ol active and oblin -MR ~OO ii g olstontï, lb. cb4à to 1h. Miùet for the. Table sud Bm ar o " sderachte Ss eannaneIÀ-eafla. '-ljdsrê, 4 tu bf6ngeegl$.instruction ci piz$ls ahi. i eth s Ce0aul ne cou- ldoat rgan, ncia ,lÇ 4rs vealeace adccifort wbich a' hotel Sh Ase- fe M'asd W. B. xMOGAW Psw",ý cw," Port Perry, Sept. th:, 1876. 87 -naisd.. ur thé tfer ac ei iree an Musica Festivalsa04 roagngbgfams JOUENSON BOUSE, Whitby, lTuly 15h, 1874.- 7 99 W AS MARKET 9S U RE, --P OFPITO . !, OR SALE, A E Tinus, 81.00 per Day. Siabling mu cou. 1GE M JR- I-s B BITISR AMERICAI? HLOTELI, (LAtz snooenBou".) WHITBY, -ONTABIO. Rouge aswiy raaovated ad urûlahec throaghout, ad pat in first.class order fur ho réceptioa ofi <assisAa omnibus tead rom &U trainas. - First.claiss*ample reomi. 0Nf&RlO HOiIEL. WHITEY. ONTARIO. THOS. MASON, P1BOPBIETOB. Saperler Lccomodlatloa. Table, suppiled witii boitinlacessez. Genine liquors. V3&aobetbads, Biflardroom, Iloomy stale an-hd404fi GBý TEUNK RAMWAY HOTEL, AT WEITDT STATION. WM. O'NEILL.. PROPRIETOR.. Parties tlakig tbé tralu and leavlng humses Winl bave ihom s'eU ishen .are of tll thieir retura. - 600,000 feet Pliue Luaber, wl esnd Issch Boards, 100,000fiet ai Oak, Maple for axies, lst qusIlly, 1500i.Square Tinabai, Allai viicis imli b. saiS cheap for cash. nirld IBOan tea %«Ytisattise Grio Mil IFroninganýgli aingirtclaswork Ch'oncsi<0Odays in tise waek, for e"em E. MAJOR, Doc. 6th, 878.Propristor. Dec.lOts. 178.loti GT<OD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW BEVELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAKING. CORNWALL'S SELF-IaITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Dresass filleS frcm messurement alan. - itisasi change ai a stitais. EE UER'SMOTEL, Fox sais, cutis ires instructions, et TH uE' MiSS MaCINT YRE'Ç f(LITE CaxmlcaL,l SIOCK-STREET, WIIITBY, nss-oxsasolie, WEJTMT. TAYLOR la McCANN, P ROPRIETORS. the raIlataeuiatet Tise uacraned deSire te inform ntis.Wib ag 8 54 iendesud tis4aunblic tisaItisey have taiteu hty u.1,84 tise above celi -kuna nhotel, anicis liey -_______ hans uecly fîtteS up auna nenovated, aad pal iSTO E riixCUT lie otisebeel of-order forthtie accommoda. L 0TEDISONCUS toun of peste. Tise Bar, wlieh ta tise isuS.- someet ithe Couty en5isu0leSnti sorva tise fineelbaui oiclslinorsanS cd i- h gara. Ample anelased scieS o nd oo stabllssg, box stalle, &o e. he rozs 0FTYO ONTARJO, fer canmonrcial traveulens. FOR THE FEAR 876 J. -P. TAYLOR, PHILIP MCCARN. late ai Taranto.li OYAL HOTEL,___l ' Wbitby.. 3' 2 1il8 2el W H 1T B YBroughsa8 2g 4 2; 4j2j 2Ii Pot irn 618 20 1 26 1S14 14'97 JAS, PRINGLE, .PROPRIETOR. U3b nedge.267 '14127 1 185f Cauni'gt'n5128 1151 127 28' 712116121 Thes largesl sud inosl commodiausbohte! Beavel'4ia6 1 29 111!20 lu the toca:; Sas large samaila roome for Athery 11711301 I 10119 commercial travellens. Table ceil supplieS --______ cilS tis.bost lu eassn. BesI brantis liors adc ciare. EncloseS l yard aeuS eecroom;, atteutive isoâtiens. C barges te sait tise limes.- N. fl.-,Livrey atîsehed. 27 s IlÂAESPEAÂtE HOTEL, CORER sOPR INANYORK v asa ., TORlONTO. JAMES POWELL, - PRaEopRaso. Fixai-tiasa accommodation; bath-reoms, lac. Bosad, $i 50 per day. 10 A RMSTRONG. HOUSE, WVIITBY, ONTARIIO. E ARNISTRONG - PIIOPRIETOR. XVHTIIY HOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (WvESTetOPPOST OtFICE.) JOSEPH A. 1IANDEL, P2IOPRIETOR. Thsis lieuse han been necestly bil, ts large ansi rootDý, anS fîtteS up in firat-else à ,yle. Beet lues, Lîquors sud Cigans; imesSl Lagon Beex, GoaS stabling aud en- closeS yard: attentine atlsrs. 46 - G. H.DARTNELL, Junior Jucige Whitby, Doa. 11ath, 1875. ai G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LEND un Fum ansd Town Pnopenty, ut LOW RATES oi lutenesi. For fastiher partiaulars Appiy te- JOHN FARQUHARSON, Whitby. Augnet 1ti, 18761. 84 KIGBROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, U OMMEIlCIÂL HOTEL, Importera, Dealers anS Manufactarere ai ail e K iacis 4i CARTWRIGHT, ONT. JAMES DEWVART - PROPRIETOR. Geai! acommaodaion 1 1.1 TIfIS PAPER 19 ON FILE WITIo Wiseme Adverbtstng Ceuiraticasa Seuemade 1ONEY TO LEND. Tiseunadcreîgusd Sbaaan ount ai Mon- ey ta Lsud upora Para n or UnaProperty, et unusually Lac Bates pfinlterosi. Loane asuSe repaid lu suas 10 sait bar. roanere. Several laproveti Feras aiS WiILande iun sale cisp. liavsstm-euts nadSe ta Maniai p aiDeben- lares, Bak, sudaallier marketatabis Stocks. For furtison perticalars apply ta JAMES HOLDEN, Official Aiaignsa, Braken, lac. OFFICE--Over tise Domiuion Bank, Ma- Mtlli's Brook St, Wlaltby. Bprih 9tiî, 1@72. 15 L I v ER TY. ,leg ta lierai hiefriands andth1e public tiaI Sea carnesaun tise Liveny basinoas at RAY'5 OLD OSTAND. Parties raquinlcri vya. ~asud at UotpenI-asu hiebateonmasated ai a moienî's 1110H. PIERDON. Wbuîby, Sept. il, 1875. BEES FOR SALE. Se vea Sceras, ver>' strosg, ha patent HORSE MEDICINES. - Moveable Frame Rives. t Ail descriptions oi tise béasi Hoe Moi.GO.ILHST *ul en astgntantI ua:nS saS fordsalaI Wlaltby, Sept, 281h 1876. Brook trSîeet. !ast4o cherge for edvics. N OUNG's HÃ"TEL, -IB Y. y MONCK EaOAIs, 55ALTN, Ci90J, N ROBT.f K. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR.- D ~ XL !l ~ I N U M BER liormatinar:aarding - thes cana. W H -1 T 8 Y, ample accomnodation fonHateand ss h-cla pîisitci'tct f fuaesSi.Sportamea. , Thse bar and larder sapplied i ml Peilé occ fdu la csihtise heatcifliquars andI viande te, b. i c v1hisa ssslLsx'nsssn. Ail kincis for fsintalu b. couuntnY.Noue bac, abiigiag i tIi rter liinqapots. OUI &n4aseativeservanti e, ta. cmamadloas b, V 1 IM"938i tumer lwas stabllng and prompt hostiars always on -ti ,144,1n'j a iMill Iiliutn-gBEon . OUN LEATHEI? AND FINDING8, Cash paiS for Hiese, Bank. sud Leatisen. Leetiser stretchld IUST, LOSSES EPTI#T P&'m. L. FABNESJ, J.B.BIO -R lese InuanteeW lec thet go -pe !»Ulnsare5l00for 1vsýve monibi.- TW# ls il aimil est Eslae d n= waz sueS ftor ti..yearsor-i Cblhe ompany 5 tose' e"aY wi Mdouspropry lu. 7- o~Péeisy ow u- .F ANKS,J, Office, Brook St.,Whtby. PHRNIX FIE INýURANcE C0. LambanS St. asdCisamlig Crass, London. ESTRLIEa»Ise1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT la CO., Agents hem Canaa JAMES DAVIDRON, - Mansager. Insurauces egainsi ion by Pire are effect. e-a the mont easouebi. terme, and lasses gaîd cibsct reièeee o [the Board lu Lon- Agent, Wbilby. Apnil 121h, 1876. i6-iy T RE -STAAC0N PIRF E laLIFE HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Finaucial Resuit cf 14 Moutha Busi- ness ta 31et Dec., 1875. Autisaxizeti Capital............ 5,000,Os(M uSabcribed 0Captal ............2,00115Û5 PalS up Capitali................. 200,095 Goveraeut Depssît(Eire)... 5.000 Goverumeut Depogit, (Liiel.. . .. 5 0,000 Total Revenuea,Fixe Preintm, sud Iaterest.............. #223,775 Total Lasses....... ;.......... 68,528 Invesed FundS,................ $194,713 Cai;h itanuSansi Depoeit.....49,1931 Otiser Assetz ................. 59,88 Total Assets ............. 829,794 This CompYeaysi now ostablished itseet, sud bas 21 Yreucihs andI 207 Agenaieslu lise Domanion. GRO. J. PYRE, i-.Manager, 16-iy C. NOURSZe Agent, Whitby. Deposît cîtis Dominion Govei-ssnt 55o,. 0. Epenieuced Agents thsxugioui tise Dominion. Isiarc RiaIs written ct Adeqcseo ali. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whiiby. Whibby, lltneh 7tîh, 1870l. U UE EN INSURANCE COM PANY Irais oais aal 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, - - $10 000,000, BoaNUS asi sDsICaA uVasan: MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYNES, ESQ., MD, Headi Office ionriCceada: 111&la1911St. James Street, Mentreai. FORBES la MUDGE, Chef Agents. R. H. L&WDEII, Agent, Wisitby. Augnet 011, 875. ly.88 NORTE BRITISH la MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 Sais, sud. reliabie, chargesai epr- p setîlement cf cdams. ~ pop OS .&olleneend Notes fumuisis. ad ire. o! oblige. AiéBIB Staaps alwayspn bahud. ofac. iPmiuce -, tb lier W MB. wILCX, rin.Abert, Set. 94 418,72. -89 JOHN L. WATKXIS,' jAUCTIONEER, c. & JAnd Geel Commsssion. Agent,-Fo WHTBMACINE WORKCS i BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Tiseuderaigued begs ttu farintise ferm ens afitlis saroccding country, htisa le baî in sockta1large as8oenet ai Cuttlug Boxe, Curn, T= pill anose Boites Waggous, Slgisho. Carte, Kliuig Mils Necit Yokes, Whifie-Trees, Wisesibarrows, lac., lac. Repalmlng a0a1 iau ids executalet! l neetuese anadSeepaoei. THOMAS McCATON. Brock-St. Wisitby, Apri 415, 1876. -ly-ii DOMINION FLOUlI laFRD STORE. CHARLES PENNYLEGION Begs le uoiify hie trieudS eut! antomens 1 tisai ha je aoc prepared ta suppty Fleur enS FeeS of tisa Rosi Quality, et thse lacesi living prîtes.. Fleur, 0Cr, Chop-Feed, Bran, Shorts, oat- mosi, Creekeci Wbeal, Pets, Qats. Po- labos, lac., aI WholesalseuSn Relsil. C/seaper tisatishe Clseccje8i fer Cas/s. At the Dominion Fleur. eud Feeci Store, Cnaeby's Block, East dccx, DanSas Street, Wbitby. CHAS. PENI5YLEGION. Wisitby, April 24tis, 1876. 18 V ALISES AND TRUNKS. LEATHER VALISES SARATOGA TIIUNK8, WILLIAM THOMPSOas-8, Sadien ad anSHsneaaMaker. sBROC-Sr., WcttTBY. jaunc 24, 187 -h4.1 S. R- WICKETT, Dealer hi Leathers, Shoe-findings, Etc. Sols Agenlt fer Ontinrie'ufaiJ.-1H. Moeaey's coiebrated Colaxeci sud Fassay Lealis. Ne. 52 COY.BORNE STREET, TasitoeT, ONT. lylili P. O. Box, 32. S TAGE LETWE1lN WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY! Leaves Oshaeca aI 830 s, m., aud 1, p. as. Loaves Whitby ai 10.30, s. m., assd 4.10, Fane 25 conta escis cay. Wii eaU et ail tise habele, ansi ab lrivsle residonas(ciseancirers are loi t ai suy ai tise batela.> Connecte cîtis OsisanaaSd Bocauville stage; aiea citis tisa Wiitby sud Pont Penny Railway, sud cilS Brougis- am ailat hity.THOS, HOPPER. Witlby, Marais 1915, 187.1-tf t5e» BELTING M!ADE TO ODRO GEO. YULE, Agent. Au vj&zl SHORT NOTICE. >E N1Wiiby, Jane 2, 875. 28 Bege te nnunce tisai ishas nemoeieSta May, 1872. 22 -- King St.. a iec Sloona m ONEY TO LEND 1 A large quantit of anoney toi leaS et ban intensat, pivats muSe. Forezsasaeverst Town iota, lana Fraine Roaea, and e lange Brick Hanse. For terrae, apply is,- e. YOUNG 8MITH. Witby, Pobis. lît, 1874. 7 To the Inhabitants cf Dufflus' Creeý and Viciity : I have uoc epened e Butciser'g Sbop lu Mr.W. Cntisbet's wiexe mty be seau cas ai tise beat dia s i Bec-. Park, snd Focl ever offéed t o tise Public. kiri Reasouabte Prices h Came ane, coe aal, ad eu s aeihing te do you poil. RICHARD WESTLAKE. Wiitby, Deceabex 22ud, 1875. 521I D BT GOODS AMNU OER STORE AT AUDLEY. Ia orier ta mositise gxociug cauts Cf tisa loasity tis ubacriben basbeau indaceci ta apen business iu tise above lino. A Large and well Selected Stock ec l l piesan qlt teany itisat. a ol uriaetiÃŽ t, lvaq o ty. iy s cljad&s for ycureli, aSdi yoeaa bu as ÃŽci s ia elsechiexe patrouize home D. McBBADY, AndI.y. AaslleY, Nov. 24lh, 1875. 48tf CAL OHEAPER THAN PEVER i Dw N AGAIN!l OzuisudantIelprice Sept. 181h, 1876. es aI Whiby anS Osisaca, se C H 0 Io APPLE TRE A 00U T 40,000, ES, -AT TUE- HOME 1NURSERY, Prom=lana ta four years ai ege, embracing ail lise Seat Varieties. SETH C. WILSON,- Loi No. 8, 2na Con. Pickering, ou Kingstou BeaS, -)gt Office, Wbitby. 10Oo ACRE FÂRM IN MÂRA FOR SALE West-hsallf a Lot 14 lu tise Sixtis couces- sion of Mars. Oua-haleueistadansi ntion caltivetion. Log Hanuse, Damn,kla. Witis. in twa milesaofai rcin. RsilanayStation. 'B. B. TAYLOR, Dominion Banit, WSltby. ]BROUGHAM ICARRIÂGE MWORRS. SWEtB Publictht hehas pmehased the Rlght for Pickerng, to Mufacture Conboy's 'Patent Seat' for. BUGGIE'S, CUTTERS &c. Ail parties wlU di) wel foose car Buggies1 anS Caltero, bofore giring their orders es.. wheme. Broughsam, Jaly 181h, 1876. IYZ-80 FOR 'SALE 1 Lot 12 la 121h coacesaioa, 20 acres. Southlc.UaIlot 18, in 121h concessie IO acres. Aoat six miles frein Athemly itail. way station.i J. H.PERET, Wwtsby. INTEl? FAX» Ai EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, opposite Luke's show-rooms, chers ciilbe fanS 2 fine stock ai sik aud feit hais for ladies and gentlemen, oai bis ocu manu- facture. r.ý- Stran bais cotaxed euS altered ta shape. Oshsawa, Jaly Obis, 1875. 39 yEOMAN GIBSON, Genorai Commission Marchant and Produca Dear. Agenttfor IMRassnansd Cosxciatx.Us. zes Fixe Inaunance Conapanios. IATES 0F INSURANCE LOW 1 Alsa Agent for tise Loscuais aSd Coa&soas LosAN AND AcasaCaian.aasv, Mouey ioa. ed ou rosi asIate, payable tram. TWanato Tanelve yeel-s, ad lu ums ta suit parties. 1 I laiesat lowacnsd aenoiommission chargeS. Monagagea bongist. Office et, GIBSON.la 8PAIIVELL, Chins raa Store, Duadas St., Wbitby. WSltby, Mata c1tis, 1876. 12 VAUABLE PEOPERT FOR SAE Tise subacsene fcra fox sais tise folloa- ing valuabie "pranyimtise Tocu of Wblt- bitAn oeelet Brick Cottage cilS 4 acre. o lanS, ulluated ou tise corner aiGreen anS- 8tP terSs, tatiese Setis warS. Alo, &ci'e ai. land!, vel tfence& andtinsblhgbstate ci caltivatica coruer WiUklgton and Oif. forà it s., Nerth a rd. j acr on Cintre St. sentiso thlie resideace oiC.iDraper, Esqi.'ta tis. Soulis WarS. Alac 20 acres of good land, bain g - ca os& f part of loi 18, 10113 con, of Tevabp.of Murray, Co% <orlhumben- teail Bit.eabove lroperty. For inrther par. tionlors apply fo the ecaur. PRANCIS CLARK, WSliby, JnIy. 1871. >201« FO RSL Tisai eigtb!e Pamily RBoiSuase dis 8j acres cf*lanc, compnumngGarSsa and Or. cisard aU of excellent qual4ty, formarly oc- ~ byhe ai- JOnt uerEs., itu- DI7lter $pl70 thasêern.-lcaas !êweedone; So ata minsat riglit, bê gare T esbac1 çýery cao. Bat mothossrgo80paitictila, Ple go ak ~em aek~ougî My Friand.-Chia. % W~lRPET.VLTI I was thse Iuceltisfellow in Sisanishai Every olee, mou'g3.tise juniors st any. Irate, eicde ntisaIverdicot, whils ssomacf tise meneyed mtjguaes of eur tisivi iz -mercantile- 'om- muuity sheâle rt tiugrizalea headg,,ansi growled eut ilheir biuiily expresaoul. opiniona-te tise eifeot tht "a yoifngsler like'tisaifIellowv Spriugfield" lied ao rigisi te b. se pros. I Irousi, "ni(Dy six years oi i ade partuer aiready 1 Bora witis a silver 5poofl in Iii. menti, ta ho sure- owan ephew 10 Barnel, Pasisley, & Co., aud be.hanged ta bina 1"> wss tise goosi. tnatureco cmment wiiais suaiily con, e_ oluded thieir remaries en my tee speody 9 prometion. Ita eusaid, and very trly, as it' oeslrawn byme, ta orportraits, as d.anbour enemies, arc uat anite. cA vigorous, racy, slsliag caricature,ý eomethiug thatshalh ht off eux salient' featares, sud plaes etise weakest place iu car faibles, is, aI anyrate, te bo ex- pece otrm a Humer inepixed, b yaý * strcug:feeliug cf pereonai hatred. 17ew, 1 hasi ao enemies in China save eue, aa yet undreamnes of, buttheise igist cf gra- tuic.ue good-luck_ rainiug dowu ou a 8yoaag iseas is gail and wormwcqd te s i lisappointed oldser, sudlissues tise grudgiag fahion iu wliieh some cf tise commercial veterans cf Shangisai su- dnred usy prematune goad-fotue.- *Wlsat tl.ey eaid was,i a maDuer, true. I Icertainiv wtt net tise neishew cf tise *old-establ'ished tud widely lrespected firm cf Barnet, Pasbley, & Co. ; but I bail tisa priviege cf standing lu that relation cf lifa towards 'leur Mtr. Bar. bct," of Bainet'es Hong, anti ai6e of a very ststely ysmuu or palace on tise ~Vermalîca Canai, local manager of tisa, grand old liouse cf business. Riais as SamuelBsrnct wab repalesi te be, how- ever, and cansiderable as. wss tise ex. pemience wiih fcrty suceessiul years cf China comimerce bail eadewed hlm ,witis, il mugi not for a mon"'nt be eup- poses tisai h. waa lthe Mn. Barnet, senior- patner in tise groas Miueiug Lane ounceru. Strictly epeaking, thens. was now no Barnel. Tise mercliant cf tisne nai ne andi Iindred hlasi ectais. liehes lte fixa iu Canton and London in sitys wiseu otr acle et Shanghsai wosld hbava beau as impossible as it weuld ncw be te escloblisis a brancis ai Tiabuctoo, aud before tise golden peu. feaihors cf tise Easst Indus Ccmupany's aouopoly isad been clipped isy pantin. aenlany sccssos. 1uk msny Isartuers isas since "1ceme in,"~ anti of ihem ail, tisa myssierions entity known as Co.lisaci graduialiy became paramenai. Thora ivere thrce Pashicys yet in tisa flashs, andi eue Beracl ; and tise latter, as an excellcnt man of business, and a des- ceusinatsof tisa feander cfthie fira, was iseld lu muai, respect by hie isomc-stay- ing- associaice la Eaglalnd. I myseif, Harry Sprngfield, as tise only son of IMx. Barnel's only sistor, had nqnestiieuably lhad veny faix pros. peets tieforo me wiseu, at tise aeaof ninetatu ex se, I came ont te China ta eccapy a tiree-leggessssîol iu tisa ceanting,-bouse of ]3srnet, Pasléy,& Ce,. Bat I lfad improved ihose-pros- peets by lisard werk anas seadyappiea- tien, isas beau Liusy wiseu ethers idleS, away tiesa ultry heurs, isasidoue My besîlo master tise difficaît la2gnage-,1 andi ta ceapreisenthe tiseu more diffi-i calt natienal chararier of tise people cfi tisai strange country, andsiedas succeesi-1 ed better tissu a yeang man geueialy, dees. Andi altisengli il was qailo true1 tisai I sisoulsi net have been se quickly1 proacieci iasi I net tise lood icu te bca ,neariy isiatesi te tise local chief ocfthis. fixa, sund au iumale cf bis lieuse, etili I isd iu some degree esuesi tise1 stop by toilseme sud'perileus jenrusys.i by piodding induistry suad isy devcting1 aauy an hoan cf ecreatien te thseun-1 inviiing taek ofissmmeriag away, anderj tise guidance cf a needy literatane gra-j dat.te or mandarin cf tise gia ballon, at tise painfal sudy cf tise Chiasse written -or, more correctly. palutesi-Isu- guage. I lied passes i tile more tisap six yoars undex tisa fiaiag skies, sud ou tise friable yellow seitcf lise Calestisi Empire, aud already was I sailIeSta write avsolf a "spade penlaer"' ia car iong.es.lsblislied fixan. As tiseprecise nature cf ihis digaity May, l is hesyes cf tisa aninitiatesi, net appear te bei quile cleaxly defiaed, I may as weil ex- plain tisaIsuais parlasrship le aearly ong a ,s wilisbrevet raak su tise sruy,1 Ilronferning ne dlaim te s vote aItisae beard or a shiere ia tise profite, aithougis il carrnes wiîhis itlie rigisi te a s851 sacis as an ordînary clark migist vsaly1 sigis te drew. A spade parner, lilte ai sergeant, eau bc e mdteed te tise rauksi for mieoduot, but il muaI bc by selema wus mylove for my cousin, ,Constance Ilarnet, tisaI teptmenose lay 1* amýiy self.nUotted takcf perfýçinw8efm1 ev*ry detailicf orcspiaeibulsinss-A cf geining ar~ nihMlOsn~d- fis ways, eciimiagà ï igpf. sowtoee, of the,ei& e lsP9. country,,,on ltee rsoi brder cf: s wbioh we.marebouts livea anS d: eaIi, snd cf whioh.moal ef,,oui cotnimhlisy s were countt ttake.issix opin2os at. .1 seoad lor thirsl baud, and le v4ewa .l tfbird cf tise isiman race 1ibtrotigithlise speelacies fumiahs èl htie interter. or lb. ýpig-tailed astpompons Coins- pnadori ,, -I A feasimoats'fumlbuà h. ailowcd m ais i suche Oa o Testden iai. chias talenuiY f toe easily. Andi pirietiy, tise s essi On -be ing ,au exeepticà ially iseahtà y -eue, sud tise,.plitisial sItmoas 1phene teierabiy genen, Constance came cu al te iia r fatiser, Wisc cas, Ina neniark, a ciduscar, %,li' but oeeBsun viviug chuSd. It gradasiydacued apou tise mnaSof oid Mm.-BanneI, cisc ca net vet-y, iMaginativo lin mattere uneon. ustated cith manifeste sud bile cf lad. ing, tisait atiseismeut existesi betceem l daagI;ier-wis o conisi, cf course, ultimately he mici-aud hie nepboc. cichoa balt a liadred a yeam ever and above tise hauideome sahamy cisichiec drew s s posis parnuer, usciy sp- paintec te tise fim of BamaIt, Passley, &a Ce. à *ly anale beisaved geaercushy ite tiemotter, liiongs icis menacitezi lika lieur iiresses, as tise, phrase goas, te "marry meuey," sud I daneey that tse premature bestocal of lier iseant by Concsace occasioned tisePeiipcrealt cf se pet projeai of the msrciianle owa. Young people have, Isacever, noc.n. elsys, s Segrea cf indops'deîco as ta lhiser matrimonial erugemeritz, tisi te tise grave eiders an-ci prudent matrone of au sarjier generatien couid bave seemed dounigsi r.evolatiouny. Ansi my anale cas veny fond cf, sud vsry tender wits, tisis bis yauugest aud oaly dangliter, ail dicte breihers baid diesi chile sise cas shill very, Yong, sud lhc cotild net fiaS il lu is Seaà ta tiscart hon, chas once lho cas asceuxed ttIa les innocent love cas givea te au isonoat man, aithougs sp;or one. Se. siuhougs lie %vonld not hear cf any immediste preject cf marringe, lie manQfioPued ouir engagement anis saticixîy zooS grace; sand il cas understcesi biset Gonstauce isoalsi, as Beau as I liaS nisen asetopýin th, bouse, exeisange tise usine aoflaruet for tisaI cf Springfield. . In the missa. his, -I coulinned, s I have gais!, t-ô»be an lumate cf my anales-bouse, 'a pnvi. lege ih~ I shered elts caiy oeeoc tise clenkasc choeS iis exeeptioualy indaiged position partly te tise very slrQug reaomuiondatious, pennesi by elS frienseof tisaprincipal, iviicîs ho baSl hxcagist iita hlm te China, sud panthy, I admit, te hie owna iilliaut parts ansi te a singaes-giît of. pleasiug chiais hae posseses. This yoaag man, wic may havaeiseen s yesm eider tisu mysaif, cas su Ames-ican by birts, sud hie naine cas Laka--Jahisa Lake.. He cas saisandisoma felloc, sanit; slendar, sud tait, wcati paxlcling ayes and very chile bals, tisai ghisboued huests a cosl-biaak moustache, faaltlehsiy trai- med, und carei ath e point. He o els do muai tiigs, sud diS moà t of .4lhem aapitalty, playing creditabi'y ou aU sorts cf instruments, singiag aveu beiter tissulho playesi, unSiandliag au eux or s pistci, s foul or a billiard eue, cils equal dextie nsd -uccess. He couid drive, dreas, ansi talk baller tissu iue- taon cul cf any lcenty cf lise yeng meu wic mi;-aSinlu uxlocal soaiety; bai far frain asoleutiug hiaseif wcli exaiting tisa admiration, anS paxiaps tthe euvy, of bis centemponarie, ho isasi been painsiskiug enouge, in a business peint cf view, teO clu golden opinions frean bis employers, Laite l a ana- sidonable aptitude fox pickiug up, net mexeiy tise literary on officiai lauguage8 of China, butalois lie rude dialecte, spokea by tise aontrypeoie wcic bxoaght liseir fiish or cilsi-fowi, thelr bamboo-mats sud boue boys, canvesi- cila patient cae a te saShanghai mer- ket. Andi as ha unitosi ta this lingual facilite- a taste foc- advenure ansi s tiseatrical amI of dieguisiug issaf, ie lied auderîsisen mors tissu oeazaril- osas expsdition into tise iittie-kuocu in- bni.r, ekiug aoc mante for Enropean importa anS districts as yet autappet1 by trasle, aI lise imminent riss cf ieing spearei or etouesi, sisouisitise jaions authonitias of tIsa ragions hoe traverseSl ses neascu te suspeaiet tsahehumble peailler or itinoraut aisuder of oroekery cas reaiiy as "fereigu devil" frein bie enter corlS. I hope ltai I shah aci hbc craditesi cis eny anwonthy feeling chou I say frsaltly lisat I Sud net like Lake vei-y mach. It cas net my faull, as I aoc kuoc; butaiitisae titma1 oltea teck myseif esarply le basis for net issing more drocu tocardseouaea iseaho there cas se muais te phease. But facts are etubisoru lisansd the foot ro- mains Ibat 1 trieS te lika my Amarican cearade, and failesi, appanently for ne botter reacon bisa tisai chiai tise pop- alan distics assigne for an aatipsthy te Dr. Feil. Bat tise trahi sstisat, chile piessesi, as olis s c, bý' theo sy sud cluniug mauner cf Julien Lakeo, sud cule admittieg lie snpamienity lun social taaomphisisment nngrudgiugly ,anongis, I coul S net quit. briug- myseif t rs 11m. Sonmstisiugthere wsA a uls fsoluated many a. lcss tmoko~artedgir4 -'han MY Coun. The-olérai, Young luserican- Wei-,safavouuh la -4pgo-ý sùime oejL 0 B h.ge achu ag heloc isesraecfcaatr oflai ofta*on I afmt i- hiS is sheduca- <moliti à of peioe lave fellesi leeiiurciiofh aills!teme thsa bard, and! enierasuiouna ture lav a -swerve or stuimble. lHa wasster nand, eut aruserni r iluperlous lu bis beariag4ýowards gem. imit.alcteh y ias1e u tiaecoolies in eurx wsne.Rome wancl * os tood lu moeadread of isim lisa tossiag ap a s even of "iarsl.çhop master," as tlîey sud issancii y calteS lise priuai7i ,MimýBarniht. articles ou 1 ,-ý-Juloa,'tilet. naiy cf ,lais fello w ci ti- pciited ciar n ;zensisbasi a iearty cenlempt sud diè-a ein lrapli i, likolf'oral ssWerrraces. A daskia h oasilie fet t- was wi ,is isim a badge cf scoau, tisai Julian Lal [- plscà dýtise luekiesa owuex cff ibelow troductioa iiu a tiselevel of isaincu aympathy; -sud, ho lsir pleasur c ope ýidicand,.tbs ide&s tisaI iie dasky pedem liahn rund hlm haît suy dam, ta self te -Imaki ti ns qal' messure Of justice. Uniaciszi lxtymotagi ely, ibis pmjadiccl of colour assortedomely B Ram aI*i.d *too well wlsts irtmnsepesiwaut ef huai by tise youctger auj 'more unniking of, msnk, ansi t rour aseociates, in wiscse eyes a "nigger" qalick te note ïwes but a gade obovïe tisa gorilla iu theisanaoi. Ile social sosie, sud wlo regardeS an Asi. tisepefeme, in elle eý.t whateceven raak,,cauniry,, on mnauner; but r hua, as superciliously as 'lIse, dandies of wil frein tuietAte eed aSte ecatein. tresteS hic *piste tisa slave population tisa i ud lir ofntarely, f iordiy bidding.- Ono- différence tsars are lu impie: was, howevex, betweun Laite sud tise not connecte t buiit cfoaa young meu, wliicl thesa ati- about lise lit 3ves cf th, ecaantry coald hiardty lait te repaying tis appreecia..Tis asrk cf moît cf thiese Wise tissu wl 1yonng feltovWs was SecideSty, atise ssy- day-how crs 7iug is, wcrse tissu tisir .bite. Tiîey wratlr was ro r swere et JnCha iineman whcsu ho aug- agaiuat tise i 1eros tisem ;- and, perisaps, may have isad beau lut! 3sormatimes,'la tiseir iscyis arrogance, seceptauco- ti Lhart tise feelingys cflisariles, indastni- yaehttag-parl r cus people, whose oaly fault iwas tisaiteRductiosis el t they corsa pigtails, insîsaicf lise sui- for ehackfacl i toa.cisop whisksr ofcf auventioa Brut- snunyisoure lD i . resPctabiiiiy. Usi, ai auyrate, if etxeet uirn r cur couhtinglactuse subalterne, car tisird lahIoiverati wi ;officers cf cippeans, and aux "1youug wtisani goultiemeu" from tisa corvette onu titly W" ~ltcky ai ai tise staticn, ocoffed at tisa Ciinese, andi Cama- b tlis'hy dici not ilitresat tiscansd tise free- petty cinninj 'sausd dEnalisis fasision iu chiais liey wiseulie eue tesesi aisoa'thier ose casisfaliy made iug,- anS Si apisnl peputar estimation fer se utile dowu le cliha frengisners cf speech. Jalisin Lake, citi tise ladi rhowever; wesrealty bard ciith heyel. lai-, aud provi ,loc-skinucd lufeniors over wliom lie on isoard, lie i ielded an litia -brief anthority; and, cas enoagli,j bat fer au instance -of,, bis isarsisueso Laka cas ls 1whicis I am about to relate, il la likely ae I, sI ti tishaIttissstory coulti nover bavae en lgu= myaie: *commilted te paper., tracteS by a E InuOeeof My azpeatseaascia H- btows, sinan iaug-ho, cisither I isac beon sent te sc scande cf soi te the cicaririg of sandry ts'a-luden suffecated voi isahs, capricioasly coufiscaiei by tise niesi te tis c mandarin genexal la commanS of tise ceeded, a teri rimpérisal atmy, lissa waging sa bonis enual, sud iw iivar againet tise dreadesi Tee-pla, I Mfr. Baraît's liac coma uposa a village iu a state cf that It cas C1 extremae decolsticu. A thriving place cisikesi, wca *it muet once have bec-.ui, tis sacrai Luake, hic fa grove, sudlise glt roof cf its joss.iscsse- hl iiShlmby1 capping lise summlit cf s assiaIt rousdi chue itis I emiteasse, wbienee miles cf tise fiai iow- upon tise hi iying country, iuierseaied wcuis anuals, limbe cadli stisdsi ith larmea andi villas, sud tiliesi lasiloca ead fauces icitiste patient cana tisaI Poer Chlng i tise.leborioas danizens-of tisa Fiowary ly, batseldon L'and isiug toesvexyitem of their daily rien basis toi, coulsi be Iraesl ika lise mesaocf saw tisaï tise sa pavement spnread betecw. Tise acat andsi us dots' 1cottages cors alianresi anti blackeisad cane, aud le a oc, tise triax bamisco fentea baueci on bis baud, bat ibrokoa, tho mills rainsi, lise filde rai'- chou I"réac] sged, lise whoeo eighbourisoclqa ulsi- cas euhil al ernes. A foc sienS acdies I sac lyin suny lbaud upci sangé ytisa rasapleti rose-ssisa nS mes euh a sei suntlowens cf tise negleatad gardons, lests that cel sud a storis remainedi îadisluxlsed, onsaged. rtisa uet sise bidliauiot a ,9roofof ianu o e'minci aniajuresi bsesee;'but tsars cwas ne liv- Spxiuglleld i ing ississitanis tet, ainenocattle. 'I cifi Acont 1Tisa plaec alid iseen t *%ice- sakas- iîîg exciteS li Lone by tise Inaperialisie, sud Once by tisai stick, yoi tisa Taa-pingts; sud tis atnter isas lefi a momantany notiig citis tise brostia cf Cie te acuru rattan cas in over tise cidespnead cdostruction.' 'Take yoar iAs Ipasissd by abol cf tlt reesis, I Coufouasi yer 1'heerd an moauing sonds, ioweven:: aud saiS Ã, nas sec. tbere iu a musldy suis, citliin -mueket cusioety ; aud 5isoi cf tise village. lssy sausinle cf bias purpie sud aih blotis, whicis. on inspection, turned 'Cursetise i eut te ba a Cisô boy, cfpor&Apethse boy sixopp Icelve or tiiitacu. A pilable -abject Wisst emetteri b.h looked, iyiug on tise rauir wecds yeîu? l'il fli ai tise binuiof tisa slimy Water, andiS ato tisecanal atretcisiug ouI fi lean lithoe liaul, -anad 'Do, sud Ii .u arn. tis leeve cf wciicisas cloites wes my asWo dii bloosi,s ha chimperad outie a tisa1Iwas cer bacfinteiligible supplication. Oaa of lise iwo, more' tise guideq, et my desire,, cent lown 1 lied réhant int tlise Suis, licitod tisa boyvristsiey -ai!TilCi by a few questions linlise local dialeat, laie reais. 1B sud coasuaiesicted il te me tisreuizi ousiy for waen tisa interpreten. A vary commoupiace, a emeur oftl cvcryday sont cf bistony they bota bouescre ha sesmesi le scasidox il, aud laurdty* mants cousis corti tise attention cf aay European tise bost cours gentleman Tisa *boy bail esespesi froi brlog Lako i tise village on tisa eveuing tof tisa mas- frama of masn sacre, te solo sarvivor, se far as lia coalsi lsp il, kaew, of hic family sud ibis townsfaik. cilable oaemy BIe IliaS been speaned Iisrougis tisa log er mortifiestio aud tismeugis tisafoot, aSdwas -lame. complaint to but li aid elippod pasitishe Tae-pings3, cnly un Eu sud cracheS ni bauds udnL kaes te lise roûteS avoti mel ik alite -b" Buat-Mr. neut- besu pleaspeel sttise jianity implil by tise re- tle yoaung mericaa cas *tise cSange cf bis patfn's laineS -tiseecanverstion, * his asuah i$gbi, jeeliug i lie boesChing ne <oaS- tse firsi, ansud eyer Mi -othexcise thon wih taig a tyrannical pless ig hlm in, cork tisat cas cd cilS ha regahari dalles suee,,-ad seidoin or neyer sx etorted services clisser- lt isaIScm ourse. one aU I remember il h-Late"s ,usesi,,sud uottinjnstiy s, trusaitMexury, fox Clisg vas.teS cil soine latter of ce au invitation te joisaL ity, hu aul iyelded tie Df sime Chussre Scabet8ituto ,tising, loiteraS away tise s init a e cie Suai cf us, sud kept the latter na- tfiS thêe feids of lis red itil il.anas ton laie. Re Lpiicis.andicge, ilappers, seack radiant, jingliug lais gs Ii lais lcn-naiIedliband, [ountered Là "ebot, chef- isppointed,, baviug -out arf te heur tisaitisa yalht,- lalu-ssk't, slIdaly puat Sd salleS clioatliim.. L I admit, te vex a saint. nci a saai. Veiy forban- trollcc inte tisé veraudas tu oroot, ýmy notice cas 1et. strlange staterel noise cf us, -alraggliag, sanSdliss aie eu6 inying, lina a lf- )iee te any, alcud. 1 bai- pot wiseuc tse noise pru - ,acs cf briaks, faciag tse. wltit thea gardon fonce af yamaa, sud fisero I fona bigcho, More tissu lf- trying te Mryoui, welle ose qaits UiS its tae, tsa hrat uis oaaeissuS, bis iseany nattan ho dosa - oy's writig- bcdy ansi ia siscer of. merci- as il ckenea ime tesec. 1 He cas lu faulî, certain- n ks s trifting Imranegres. so raiisliy puni 'sheS. 1 a lads face cas braisieS, as oui tismougli ciatisah shouteS te Lake -te holci 'he diS net isearme ;, eut ched the p lace chene lie aboarlag Cbing, sud-laid1 nu hi ie turau cia ,r, sen isp,,y of cisita 'nId have doue credit te a '1Leavo off 1' ho lexclim- yboar can bisnessýMn.- Wliet nigiste,6dictate'- a sisow yen,' IsaiS, grec- iMy tara:*.'giva mue sp 1madmaa t' Tisons cas ystrdiggle, sud ibstseé 1My bonud, pot bis. g raep off tise iu laire hrai 1, Yeu, are<>killiuglm !' )n as thse cana cas lu safn i indeei poor Ching cas hkiag. ý1 - brabil' growei! Lake, as psic exisansted ent lis <soi. a that yeoo verais te ig lum, accis sud heelo,- wli iisroc ycu afier bhum,' er: .sud Lakte, cIe kuew ucsiderablybisa afreagzer ef tiy gave mesa Sarsloek- te remeaibenitafierwars ngcrawl,animoiesed, cot le sobised sud paateSl pile- Mt f biseÀtS,anS tisera cas loeS'ou lis ciseoi, bat nô roke'; sad, aflex s me- desionI 1tisongisi tisaI se could ho, if possibis, 1a into a ,moe.wisoiesem2a I.ý I blSneo ial, if I te ýmaks 1dm an itTecon- c, f lise loy,-by ony failli. salae bis priSe. Ai fera MnJf. Barnel, I liait net igsis publie scthoolbcy's an te tshe-beamiug, butl1 iAt my good aaocle wae net egsrd a~ Chinoe lad as en- laine forbearance ase if le bora la BTerkshire or in t, isrcliact lookedl upc» lions as Cbung Very mach 31l meaning oiS-faahionect ae are apt te thnit cf tise ds. PueS tbomn, by aIl esilti have saiS, anSded 1acoediug te theur lights, * hippy;' but if theyval thc~c iemzio ah.- obin f Ibeir ferigu i'p& atro, su tisyhey à ed Igrann le, Re - B5s&0 4esadc . Tiehuee a ossbîÇ l bach th-y ie dôctr,' sudV1euii 6 "Il'. pioof 0 Wal wup ieS tl iii anS beau-oU., ite hua an tl. ler greuY "f1Onds on chicS P' ioBOo br, tise Chinese fealigisi < eSd, Cising grev cjSeà tJiý eZcI eleek anS slroug ; sud. heiag au erpis- gets thse vorsf an, ith nr .discoverable -hindreui4 rthe a ja wbonm to restoe.hlm,lh. wM, at My A-Kmo s * allowat sc. ehangiabputMrm- lige'. lustlieon asd 1te hong s ja asort esst Of endaj;oyifand a &et of cdd job.. 1ARD i T.H.MMLSN Agent for tise OYLINSURIANCECOP rd . 1 1, 1