n the ati1hen s 0.5. 20yLb saolloeor. lock, ltuxpli fMr. Tics, à e 8th ocon.e uction sale rbsrn cattie, opr> f ÙI0 od>,Oct. con. of Svhi tflt.r. ai 0 d cr assfor trial. It ta oreditable kt a r. 'tat.nuieut liat 95 parnt. of<th At thearig ounty that botter sud ,wiser eennels weîglite snd measnres in tht, ocunty ovâu, Brook stret, PreYailedb and thtI einbers of thý,W ere 'incoi'sct-up6n the attbrty of Ye. M&.fir, 1870. grand iuquest cf* the, econtity took . a: the former inspeco s-inia'lns un. more exalt-ed and calmer vlew of thefr îouclied T ,ho. politiesi opià iIong of the. laeot, i t h. position sud dutieso. Tbon. were atO-< CÉ8ONICLR have notinig ta édo with O'Bsyaul, on lot gethor a$ tii. Civil Bide Lurten re4 uhamltr oeneýtspot of U.tobtohpni . sc' 8atr.Gvr1n spot 'B L FArAk, oorde for-trial. Tii. najority ci thosêe sdOpatoit oull lk hsard w.re ej«net aicses, cauw.d by of beiug fieeced. The "gdod granimar-, lowentu, &0c., the.thereeent Actsiicrteuiug -th erlîîodIe - paper cnu# get a botter plece cf 9'eopy" mdGau~onlt ton yettre witl4n wlîich te brnugsucèli ta defeud tbe imposition. cerlng ou Mnaaction. Turbea uswore diipose4 LFlirbanka, of before nocu onWedueeday. The. Turlih War. Mn. Justice Pattensen dces net ai. tht,&oe low the. uready awer te, dtain tht UeAPEAIOFRTECNET Auesu~on lot businesa before the court. Ife listeia Wr rumeurs multiply. It is fesared' Mr of WiIo enouecof the noiual-imgy re X48tfc~r eslt il olc 14-L.f7airbanmks, ume prte, lt b delAy,ý but iats upon substantiel prsseut negôtiatiens. Intervention ls 1regarded as immineut. Il is reported Dîinents, &c., the. grounds for putting back cases out cf, hé Austria sund Rusiis Mr negotiatieg le MoKitrick, on Itbir order. If judges made this the. for an allian~ce with tbat purpose je vlew. oil. of Piekerlugiet, witnesses aud suitore would be, The correapondent cf the Tirnea ast , 187-Tho asved iuueh' unuacesaq -time sud Belgrade, diseusiitheb situation,sys: troule nd uxins witig l cort,-6'Everv diplom-tie agauthere believec Dmntélý bi., the rubad axoswatw n orve arc on thel"ével of a great Esteru -atp o o nd the laggard l-awyers wlia ttle with wsr. Theo oly différenceocf opinion otPi>ckerlug ,ou the valiuble tinie of otiiers, would net among therm la s te wÉether xl will 187.-L. Pair.' bo peritted ta add ta the mertiAica- commence lu- the apriug or aluxost un. tien, cf the proverbial law's delay, modiately. Ail Lb. otitward indicatios cf Te lcouvniece c epnlug1h.scm te favitor the latter idles, whieh oclydoodale hoiconoîxî fopnngte tllgive RRuia sud Servis a agreat Lseicester sliîsp, court un Mouday must have brau foit advantage. Euglaud, France sud ltaly Il Jeffrey. Bros-, by à great mnany who, iu ordler te reacli are eaid to bc united in accepting the 25th, 1870, ou ogamitc..usaad uti ýitby.. L. Fair. the county town iu tino, *were obliged wliou arstie uashotarsumAstie te loave haine ou ~Sturday. The will oer ly ae to a shortanliritie ter 211A1111 LArnaà --ak&s.n -- - sndlier-atti l'anus stock, lmpà nîents, s&o., ou lot "" s.5yull' ustresOnueciuo i-ne court, Inde f;te e utsed No, iil, tglulme1876cu.lLb rpy, iha iusuticu cf thé peulii-ity lofb. a ineOs A. O 186lvIe 'popt o f telestuation of lie Connty,' -oaud itsU BinTREtxnomciEuaox'.-Mm. ltich. cf M, 'atts A Oglvi, -ta.Fair-..extrema xleugth, neusasi n ise uaIHbt tiigo aylsem -banls, AîelbocurSnndy >'perosnefre i, diste urnnel home in iîurved liali, vu tîomlti hn heu hcourt isnuxcl jon a are glad te heamu, aller Lieir eejoun, of monday. four menthe in Liglaud. Mn. Haîci Monday.bas initIelarge puncuxases forubis firin O L 0PCR A1N ÜÛ Whltby Market Associatlon, shile ai-y f sock caefully cleted OML S ,oPE ANUM Acowcunnuabl s;teh)ulbas lucen tacen .y hicnei, asud Lb.efim invi-t ail ýVb'l'I)Y T --" -- (Lb>' saie of oureauing os-nemen, ittexaminsîxion cf heur uev SteuL'. .rhey .- -__by, Tur9day, -.c 19, 1876. tho pnrpose à cslabhbsltling pai-itca are nov offl'ciog greatba-iniith ------ _faireand_-_____dca stobveaiina. th meeting Ofiretsud cJrkets. Wvith ubat vies-, au teli. Metn ileOntatrla Legisloxure. influeutial meeting s-as helut ab ae t teto i teblt iea B _-i Mrlcnhee n uudynuncent Of Msns. Grosa &Mac- t i s I e g s t L u & c O t t a l o v i I u l e v e n l ag - n . N . W . Bl r o v u , M . P P . , a c b ba x x . T h e > ' h a v e , i n c Q n n e t i cn rout blon li tret Woduouda'y or In Lb. chair, snd Mn. W. H. Hanusnva harneabsnscmeci Tliindsyli Jauay. ecehay--IDu'the fotias-bng renciu-Lhe mnufiature cf tins-are, coppers-sie, Liosse.p e:plunbing, te.. They RFak intenling ThueInspctio cf elgis an Mos- MVed l Mn. Ray, secondeti, by Mr. punchagens aioeho examnLxeupro King, Rurslvc--Tbat iera b. formel usbt'c s emnes,&ctoe se at Iu gtvtng putblic -exprensîen t e . luhheTes-naf Wiby su associationu ut fihivLq a ngs cto aea te b.esailel "The Wtmtby MnetA.thain esa.lismnt. ÇuuMplaint oüu tIhis bea, s- e salutt obto,"vt i etnuMarpos. ' "W.tisani- L. statî uscfFi'o f se""ilhu""îdbnying umemos, aatie , l SigNTENCED TO iSIX MON-fils lITUE "baikssu Mm Ths.Mooly, labo In.kiu o arnstock, farm npreduce, sud CzNneAL i, 'usou.-Tbiomas Johunstori, ope qlerort tb ticountya ktorsicitof ethen iclles caunecteut wiîî of Uxibigo, etoho aunes-ercoat <n the oxpinleiuce goos tu -shîew Lîxat about - nn atters ase ns> be expoeil d ud it, aIt txsb place Iranu F. Chiner. Ha chTrrou for sale. vsboliInmelslcurJdg '~fus- uer ut woiu ti afil' vargo Moyed b>' Mm. Stone, secouueldb>' BumulsanjjI iýi.day, ut wliitiry, aut cf Lte woiglîîs suri meseure fosînut Mr. JetTrey, Tlint thé nunnal eubecrip. itncî-oc,"tien cf menier ons ho b caie fulai gaiutt>. Stntetiud 1 six flltii SLHyu lu cfeseu : ion PliitîbchaOne Dollan a yoar that b iiiCnrl rsn " Nv'Il hili b av îtîîk Li.th e Oiatian shali nanaged b>'a s nJames Coucoily for fLie laceny cf sau C/sow'stl, lit tIl vlut.riter prosident, Ivo viee.tsmeeidccte, ianOc. -ecot athe saine slace fi-cm George r.brlmtet u lbe aiadier c br>', treasuren, fivo directons, sud snobch rca r.3 i, Inspection off ins fienle, Meoirue. oher oticers aus nay ba fouîud noces.-dghsmciud iia olne is-îit)l,îua ndrulMuusuy, If -tle facts cary ; mux licafl rs ttirsc lecteul by tLue Mm. Farewell, CouîItt>AttOrnAY, usmose. w-riosrucjbot son vila a lurin nbers sud ta hoià cuhice aîctii h tus-m ulecin ii oxcases. m aoufletoe itemssnt Inspeeterueeoslr e appoinoci. RO ' 'AT- scOles l tI. euse. at i 18 Anaes iesetly M r. King, secondaI by J. MmFii-rL or~zCi" r iispocel' at WVhitby, net tunremaLo ung, That atinxccntivpc coiniteoe bc uuxRiuv, presileul lui thes Div-ision Courte u'wtîilh1 eo %ac weo- found te- appotrîteut, consistiog of ite premileux, n Mata, Beavclrto 1su aîri'to, 'c cur et,"tlisic-i.presiifeuî, socretary' tunsi Irons- lent s-cois, intbsea(,uesucof là liuouor Nve lias-ouoly te repent thînt Uoso. urex-.. dimDriûl Quta uijr-of - Fulnlsnke nsi osal>' c.aeont ite A lost busviîg Isoon upetiei a ixutubsurJîg abil. udoansi-rf Vairatis Al Mndy o-aser thcafses s-smo uispose cf by Isini. lMr- fuelte be )aas eurgiuliy stute-thaî thecf metubcrme sigacil tteainulameuitpaf tlaesnlreot cea ncxso'cii lu, aLieu suitota us fohlos-iofug(,% tiel f 111dm exporteasce s-se susavern. - ir scriptiono. TIei loigin hlaes xorîî at tIsat I u. cge ofaoi t fis-e pis-cent. ai bhe office re vere Pnicesbd :--N. lRay, upmoi. lwe(ight. sadsdi eausc e .xsned b>' IcL; Cias. Ring, lot sice-preilent ; PPiisos.Mc LTIElit7iLDu rwCouc-cîi hvmw1ilch bbc>' fanunito bc incorrect.Yoa ien irivc.rsseî;CutîNCro HOTUL.-Tibne in a proosition tîs'ldui net te tsres thes-en>' dcili:W. IL fanuan, sneretry; Oorge hfore the 0ilhia peoplo foi- a bounuf' csLly coustiinclel "atsparatuxe" supti. Lopn, L.Fras Jeespît Sto, Ip J. $in0 rebihilugthe crpraint. is V- ohepreseut inspecter, sud vhieh, Lon, .Ftra < , oRpi t 'e. iioin r ui-.-.gthe stsrlieiug. scoritg eco enîîuurayosaIes W. row, direetame. Johin ililîher N."aîsetà e IL "impi>' litipoeslb!s for hlm tg viit W rwanhî,Pttrolcuorar>' etapasi hs su oVeefc frol Pies o TAy wrke djeCtrsýthal Rieumaîlsi n ub. cured irn 12 wiLhcaritaly ~djnsed esamuiat iti Ctîsr. oF A:sSAuLTINO % MAG. hbourg, sud tixatthie great Detroyer cf standards ".wb'ýi l san Possibld e toIenATE ANI) riscubcÀ PrmFicnu' n ou Healtîr, Dyspepsia, cao be relies-cl sud casrry aroîxid vîhhout injury. Anti sc the cemnplaint of constauble Grcîalwell curesi in a few dsys, fiioîbose ufferneg *have navoi' e i c itImer thîir uîffiiene>' sud Bluon Hamudien, J. P., aitainFt il le woutlrya trial.~ ()r tise coretuonso f tiîcir 'Inspection Datucatî and Robent Towus, caine ho. YorC~yCoar noei. qluestionna, snptying au luupeeior fore bis hanen Joîga BumlîituounFi. enthMKnzo . . i cylit nies itte expenobva tcyo Lîal viiday, simd aitor Greens-eiaul Hemdeix Mr. t sesmeci>' beer bauutiîg, IR part aiLie anti otîxor %itncsc frli, aect-ptiu," s-e are bold, thic vacant proent ,.Ouveumenî planuof'...jying is-reixîinaî, thej "d ""rtvredtheJugs-chîip ef the County Conrt cf York.(I ont tIs Act, tiat causes compuaint. discîxarge cf btie prisouerst-shl evi- CHANGEDir IAND9 ÀAis -Tbs WlxiL. t W. are uaL in a poglLion bu questian douce net boiug soflicient ho cenvIict. iy Gais-Us- bas cuaugel bandesuxai- lias accuun-s>cy f tIi. asurance Of luis The case gres- ont of Il)e conviction th. llient ime-for nte'ad luopector LiaI ,,eut of 180 ucales lu. cf lia magisti-ats cf Jane Harrison acu ti no ilopeaI ail events;-ut beler meoltà lunWhltlsya not mare bis ixe ino for cntîiug- -s il of kinsling ws-cal eis-/l. s-imbu veto lunuse were bud ta e i u Surols>'..*& 'ccree,'...fu th thî s Ie n -Mr. The judgo ciarâmcteired tîuucroi'gi I TiEANNUAL MISSI01ARY Isv eting ofN Dmapr's lovtonaI hî~ iuibouu, sc chngeas 119slOluono, sud expregs-t4 hitby Congrégatienal Chureti, in cynvre Ispeet-sl ai0s-ui, vo smoreut hbie eurprise thiat as umagi.strate conîsection siti the Canada Cougmega. LtnI, oe . chrsne spanicoaul ehoull have entortainieuttie cceï. The tienalSoitwl ebdinhecui T nAagistmatc shxwil id nomuet hase he oit' ct ehlti h hnt ialliîg taljpmotmeutwviaxtevor. mmrd up for scmothîing te do. ltbeewse in Ilis Iown,so Tuenuta>' ouingi,, Iii. W/are iheeL ie uni>' dlY orment icaees wong ta encoonage socix ulisul 2l'40hx bLt , at lxlfpast ces-ou p. un. folunitby M. lopecbur in Whilby ? keol ieiflubouns aI ut 8ife. FHe liaI _ SO*6C_ T11P edii- cftiche s-for --e îurllnover lhîsadof but eue cage cf ltae kiîd, Tien LAciiosE CiuAiu'eiinishich s-boul wire a gentleman liaI been brougîx camne off at Toronxto ou Sralumila>, bc- Lt o blige us if, wixen queting frein lie asd fluel in ot ttionordit,.tsen ie ia ocsu Toot p n Nonti Oubokg,âanTornto i CIiL, o~vnul Alieusa Our os- zn g n'OM ies-91Vpotatoos ou a Sumula>'.clubs, resultol in s Irais. ortîiegxaphy. We d uta 81nat 11 "ex*, Ho van afnà ixithab if neiglîboniss-m orbitant" wltb le, t j. e ep a athuu-Cei tbler toLa RssesFORcaENGLNr.-TiiO etesOl. ut - sea vixether s bit cf veaut voulut ho - what I th 'sFaispliht on takeon iu on SunsI-a>, a gout ship Dasuis-oa takos eut eixt>'.fi-e Ca insu>' pOople voulho foucl utoit>, boranss for Engisul. AIl frein Ontario. h "bJig funstlnwis assat b>' ir, Jus. sud oeon ti lie 10hiffOolf s-cutI uat MmJosecphiGrand -lise à lot cf lB- nme tienPatttous ofMr. inîtl, i oesape freux. Il vas no Part cf a cou. amonget thein sevomal vahuabte hunters Fi liitPabassa iMn Sxili i sxstable'e dut>'tlahave t0(1u0dCa colii. n achel carniage hôrsas. njecIuxebl, coselu whici a tenîncy te Plaint il u scb a ab10tePi~,nd lthe nagis. sueil 01 fle " %v as mlieti upen. Octaber-.. matesehenlhave tetst hum te goce o- Coru-__ 4 thile montlis-'-je lu theb. l, aidI Ur.hie business andti t il nons. AS MmyODe O OR Staxti.- Faes-hI bseraI iaI ha u~Judge Handersan of Lebanon cou N saIoul', th ô trovu counsei, >Gis'. hi-i-nthe. ail ong- 'ôsXus-lh Uel, as u odo Wva al, a*ell drAinkOcbe Xr ZraaCassas air MuNberpA. rinas day faîlug on the. &y' in Deguiber tht, yea- Vý cY f 'adisilh for oeqs, sud oenolltes-Ihe [la uis e .helu on tIhe pr@. I&'.Deesmaber 28rd.- The tbeÃ"î t as-lag neronco 10 the. lasl'Men uds uDc mm t b beon Cirani sday, ltlon of candidate, for tlh. lat ation sl dge Fader>', e28rd et.,,a le s'ork isal sas bonnI te lake up the cas slieu bieugîx bafame hlm.11- Tie apsei.sr s-e Ilion disehaurgeut. Mr.. Farecwell, CeunI>' Attorney', pnoeautd ; Mm. G. y. Smith dofeudeà thle pnîsoners. A COsPIMrICNeiAiss-CONOSIT te ho- gis-en b>' bhe citizens aifVihitbto the Misses Parý., ou Woduosday es-g., Oct, 25th, 187,iuLihe Otifellesi' Hall. Tic Misses Farbave sis-sys vilting. 1>' gis-eu thilassintance sudthie benefit Of theIn tlents t e -esen>'gond oObjeet. Tii.>' las-e -maae holrveogreal fas-uries b>'Liir singiug upon -publia occasions, sud agré evlt douerving Ibis compiment. Let Lien have a bumuper hanse. ChîILIT AucToON SALE ai Cariagon, Buaighs snd Cultons, ou Monde>', the 'JOrd int,,at M. ODouovsu's Cariage Paoetv. ,Ail parties ilu vaut cf s godd asthisovahile shaulut attend. SCOrrîsa BAuuuw AND O> CraElran. MrAMKB"EN.-Mr. Jamies Lunsuten, Lthe humunorcue Seatipinivocahist sud ci. Odi-a, favonu a Whilby audience vith i4s présence an Fiday eveulug. ý [Sa his idt.] Thé press ataI home sail abro&uispeaIt cf is gne&u :ili>' in thie bighsal terras of prsi#e.' Pa. at a haLe seision cfthie Court of Quarter Session., isstaed anu.crIer for- bi'dding tlb. admissian taf boys ÃŽmIa hie couirt noon uturiag Lie triai cf cases, Hoe based lie ocIer upon Lice Iemornh. iziug offets efthLIe narration cf crime upea th Youg. Tan. L,&AiA AT Tum EDxvTîoreS.- Ablut olgit>' of thon vono uquattel ou tie fler cf a larÈe roon, eachlu aving belon. lm a littie ilcsk, on s-hich la>' s pile of.nanuscript ehîsels, s-nltten ou a; tiud cf papanr sxbigpanchinont, frein s-hioli lIa>' -toe neading lu a hos- boue s0 inteutl>' that no eue leekeil up at the outrance cf 'i'isiLams. In Lie ni-dst of theindevotione a sens-item cu terel, benning s vessaI resemiling a linge tes-pot. Esaii Lama, 'withoil internpti-ug i.prayars, hock freuxis besoià s eal voodon'.plablor,, Inta vIa-pthlie contants of the vassel were ponrei. l v$as coirosel taile evee,- 'butter, 'Sait, sud boaso, al i 0M ate geteien-ta sosup. Tus. they tirsui silll uitenlng Ltr prayerst, andîhten Iicking liae p1slers ahoa5Le>' esceil them lu inxehir -bornons, and^' -omt on noaîlug. Tues appoint to e b. las regular mealt han a kinil ofaaacrsuus'nt; aI leset, Lia. vlI.fod aspects cf the. eider breireindicatel tisai tlwy vene sot etr-sugers ho boîter fumq tixan les sonp.» -!?mem ' An Eugliubvoman asmoags- Isie Eliayi.-," b>' À.- H. Guenne>, in eâl:perz anrsec-Noî,eecier. 8 Mc---IL.Wv&eu 0tuoW UMÉnainssnd woro ---p --L-u&-, -0 -b- ý&0,".. .r*5 Of Ã"9sten', sud do what lie deecu ail. Sprsug filly-lst, -Al. KotMcaren; swm:visable and expédient, in regard te pro. 211d, J.-ighiswau4sr; Brd, J. Wrig'it. If John Miller, E sq., P'oremon, .totion ; ùslip liaIt the reeve is hoby Oue-Year oid entir. colt-ltl,J.L Rob6rt Rowlund, A. Sherrsrd,, appointea scbmmlttoelarparMay arkey. * John Oilroy,- G. J. Hlubertus, Mooee bouse. t ea Mr. prîng entire colt-lot, John 'Wnlghl; Hiran JBrown, Wm. Rey;iieldgo -Ouninoticu 6f Mr. UcTaggart, sec. 2ud, 'Houry Riîoît, Matthew Gonid, 'Wm. Brètnan, ouded bY J. 14 Smith, resolvedi that Matobe4 teauxlui harne8s-let, Mr. Dale Hnko Hi~ram Kegior,2 the reeveand the moyen b -, and are Wells r 2ad, Riehard Kll; 8rd, Shen. .Wm. Xelly, [bt. Richardson,, herebf app ontcomssionîe Qe.mangeBr, l au eToa Wm f~j. -grave t e d ncomianerne d. ingl rosn 4reà lt bwl His iuidikip, iu addressiug-"the grand des and Blight done thoir road jobse Truil; Sud, S. B. Hloove; ' ,Ths jury, said ho faund on the. caleudar a Council 1acliourueil unil lte lt'o T. oruton. numberof cases tb corne >before lien, day in Novotuber, thien toeeîaItîthe Ssddle herse-ltiM., ODonovau; but with thie exception of, ou. ;they townsbili hall, Broeldin, at 10 o'ciock, 2n d d rd, S. B, Hoover. were net what wag nsnnlly cousidered e.. serions cases. Thora wëer'stogether Te v s.-- B ORae-AlPt POSre.l&Jhn the naines -of ten pensons awaiting T e anastlng Punishmnt Question.2uJdo Gibsan; 8rd, 8 S. e triai, but Ihat may not lucînde ail toe .- ansue. ýbreught bofore then. 0f"tie ton cases A METHODIST ÂlrNOUI(CEMNN'NT. Two.yea*r oh lly-liit, Wm. Cassie. there wax'e saon of lareeny. They re. Cn- Oueyaraid, filly-'lst, Robent Mil- qsxired ne panticulan eobservatiou. The Bey. James Boy, A. M., thes. ler; 2ud, Oao. Wagg; 8rd, John Harris. Thore was eue charge of shooting -th teened pastor cfthe Sherbrook Street,4 Sng fiily-lt, John Harris; 2ud, Borne jutent, Iu such casesîi ogxMethodjet Churcfl ,pneaeiied IsI aveu. Joiu Wilson; Srd,îCileTran.' the indictuniet mighlieb.fer tihe more iug on the. sibject 01 Evcvtllgiug puri- '5Prugjeutwe:colt-..ist, Chas. Tran; seronsoffucs th coyi ta fteollow ishint. Hie tort wss6M t Mat 2ud, WnÃ-De. 8rd, Judion Gibson. may ual be necessarily of the higiiest thew Xxvi a.sd 0hvrse : 1u aoelbaxluhree aBr grad, sd uay . oly adsaughter those sahgo away bnta everlrssting roi & Johsn; uJngMm;Sd or assult. 'As fat as the grand jury Puinialiment.litton ea. Waddle.e; rd were ccncernod it wastheir dnty ho put Tii. reveend gentleman raferred -te AlVY DEAUGRT. the Party on trial where tiiere was the modem iaterProtatien cf th. word Bn suae-e .ad 2nd, Joseph reasonabl e videuce, sud it wîxs not "evenisstiug," snd admitted fliat Bibi. roo;d, mare-lot lae uccessary fer thern to iuvestigà te-sncb cal eclîclars differed mnatenialiy ou its iwo-year oid filly-l1t, John Miller; cases tee minutely, but teafinilthe. in- interpretaîtan, Far hinsgeif, h.ie le. n.Pte eemt dictineut as preseuted. Thora was a lieved that Christ, in speakiug cf the. One-year aid fflly-lst, Joseph Gregg. case cf infanticide ; the court knew punisîxient cf the wicked by fire, used Srn il-oJh ilr nc.thing se to e f acts, but the grand inluasmetaphorical seuse. Ho did net One fuyea leL, Je onter.,Jae juywonid ileal witlî iL under Lie ,M.cutertain the. ides wbieh xgnerautly I. Du vi lson; 2ud, Joh ilr;Sd vice cf lhe crowu counsel, whose o s!eî. provaited, ibat the seuls cf mn o eeDchu Muter ; Sn ance ttxey wonld aise hiave lu auy nnbjeoted te the tortures cf nulpharois D.S. Mgeantieltan an.ud J ether cases ta bu brouglit hefure thei. lis hcecliafa nsnet"Grg: Tuer. ivas a Cassof cases wlhich didl preeeuted in opposition te Lixe laws of MacîdeninanssltJms net properly corne belon. granîd Qed. Heolad a deep conviction, which M ateid e; nBirresslot&Jo es. jurien lu the tiret lîxetauce, until after as had grewn witli his yesrs, thiat tixere is I Aedsen;ireheire-l, RihrdOr. prclimiusry inxvestigation before n mag. a terrible pessubility te theo n er ex.-ban niehre18,RcadGa istrate, nucxnse peijury, suboxidination tinction out of the sent of mn n f allham ;2nd, Thomas Chinu ; Ord, West cf perjutry, obtaiuiug- money or goods tist malkcî us nien sud net brutes- &S rey. untion faîne preteucee, conspiracy, lceep.Lthe uLer extinction of that whicbl is SWINIC, LAIlnaîni ing a dieordeniy bouse on a gauîbiug the aniy opimîing by which heaven sud ARed boar-let, IR. B. Hoover n d, lieuse,sund indeccixtssauît.- Thora spirituel tlhings can corne int us.- Jas. Tran. were neveu cf these offonces in wbice, Montreal Star. iAg.d sow-lst, James Peters ;2nd the staturte made a prelicuiiny investi- - an----- ' sd drâ, S. Adenson. gation ueceéseasy-Llie ebjeetL being te lcx'csMucîî oxNveiîc, Bear under one year-lbt sud 2nd, proveît ftie grand jury béiug niado the lS7îi.-Tîarpen's 1ýUgrxzine foi November Jamnes Tran. means cf sPite or iilwitt lu hiaing per- is a lîrigit anuld rantifut uximiser, micn bew union crie year-lst, Jas. Paters; sens ehiargcd witx diegracefut. crimes- lu the vDricty cfils contents sud ifs 2ud, Chus. Rbddly ; hird, Jas. Tran. for' evin if scquitted, tlue Thiet cf beiug hictorial illuptration. SN1S'E, SYAIL lixEED. ptaced ou trial for snch cffé4ces was a The numben opens with a pouin hîy ÂAged bean-let, Chas. lliddly ;2nd,1 dingrace. Noue of these cases cesîli Lue anthor cf "John Halifax, Geutie. Jas. 1'etere. now bc brougbt before a grand jury muan," eutitleul 'Magnup sud Mornes- a Ageil sow-let, Thosà . Pngli 2nd, nlees a preiuîinary investigation be- Shxetlandl Fairy Tale." Constructeci as Thon. Chinx ; lIrd, Birreil & Johuston. fore E 'xnagistratn first hock place, or au operetta for a musical accoinpani. Scwunder i year-lst, J. P. Saddler; îînless ou au crier froin the Judge or meut, it Le foui of nicb tyrical geins ; 2ns1, Johxn Scott ; é3rd, Tiios. Pngh. the. Attcmney-Geueral. lis tordsli) snd il is au exquisite stcry. Mn. Boar underl1year-1ex,J. P. Saddler; ceiicluded by reiniiidintz Lue aiand jury iire.ierick'i illustrastions are worthy of 2nd, Birneil & -Johuston ; hird, Sidney. osf tlîoir cluty te visit the gaci sud pru'. the îoem.' Varder. à Ant ifs condition ; ho would' be Riad flarrint Preicett Spofford coutributes te diecharge tlhem sason as Possible. an article on "'Medhrpvah Furn3ituis," POULTB'f. The graud jnry thoen retired. illustratecl witx thirty-two engzravicze r ; * lt, H. M. Thomas agt; o. Lyusde. Actieu on prow. treatjîîg er.ccially cf Lue Gottule styq ldW. Wilkeuscn ; lrd, Jas. S. ipsor.y loto fur piecf home' Deferîce suit ite modrn adaptations. Tii. papci uiln blat tIers s-as as arrauty. Verict its very valuaible fuir its informnationi, aru'î ]oikings-lst, W. G. Wilkensou 'un plaiutiff, 650. Farewell & Bunt. if, writtgu in \jrg. Spcffcrd's uost 2nd, IL)ÃŽ1. Thouîmis; hird, Wrl. WaIdIe: lege for plaiutiff ; J.- E. Gre-euwoud Ii-iîxiresquî. e tyl. Pstir Coelins-Ist, J. Nigbswauden for uipft. Usorace E. Scnul(er*s "A. l'at d i auxd n H. H. Thomuas. F'oleil va. .leDcnatd. ljoutinut Gentlinxn iii New Englatil' given the'-l3ulT celîins-18t, 11..NI. Thomas seRc. Verdict for listif. Famevelt & rinailqr 3nn very iu'-n-siugliiinpsés 2ud, W. G. Witkonsou ; 8rd, J. Nigbs. inltlecigu for plît.t ; N. F. Paterson foi cf the uloinîsteie. life cf Goî'eniîor Joli waide1(r. s-lt. Wintlsros. Brahnux Ligbt-let, H. M. Therues; ailchrist V8 lsil- Icun çape. A. ff. î(uîsriiss-y, iii ucotuier illtirtrat. 2nd, J. Nigtîswauder ; 8rd, Jas. Sd. Vil Verdliet for plaintiff. N. F. Patipr5ou PLI apr, '.4vs!a ui'spluiia ulsîcipticu cf on or pîli. ;C. C. Keller fer (elf. au x îrîgpie nie iu Lie Indtieu Allps, Jrabmnas d1ark-lst sud 2nd H. M. Court adjouruct. Linder tuic sis ttftan 'nglisliwomd 'Ci 10,J, J-. Q. wi.. aiunug tIhe Ilimnatayas.'* Pair bebudaus, beards'd-1Ls, H. M. CIIIMINAL SILDE. Mu-s. Martlia J. Larab curiaiî'n Thomias ; 2ud, .Jas. S. Wilson ; 8ruI, A. C Tîx folowng mo ie ase fo tr-ct: CFes-citugy iitLrestiug aticîs- upnutle Ni4lisvauder. The ollwin ar flc ets(, fr tial i.Ligttguieîsiî lp-eouoniuxîs-rru--in tue Vair cfLegtiornu-lsl Il. M. Thomas;r The' variu. IWn. huqusRjs.luria!.gu-ounds ofTriiîit.y tis St. Puie-'. 1211d, NW. G. Wilkeosou ; Bnci, J. Nigbis. J lu Quers va, Alice H. s-l' Tho article is illnumtatedc witb uineteî wauuder. iatr-ide. tucue ou ngravicîge. 1 l'air liaians-lsL, Jar,. S. Wilsnou The QiieieuvN. A rinosi 'niher uu storv l'y Miss Thuackermay - 02nd, Chi. Lynile ; 8rd, Aunie C. Tay. ' lbsahcua Wlite, Jas. FaiU(usu, i î', (Ibmn iitiu n ui i ,tîs- PI)1]r. 'darei Fa u lcuc- -Lare eny. iîu-sa o1 -' hecmuncinn n Turkeysbrouze-lsî, J. Nighiswande l'ho Quur-uva. Andrew Alsxzrnr- tx ,eenai 'sns' c s ei.at2nl, Thon. G, Reazin. S hoctirsg witlx Is-uat. ' P tory by iR. VD. llausimore, authgor cf Tnrkeyn. comuniou-lt,î Thos. G. The,' Querpt va. Wtoi..Lealr'ý-LarçenuY. "Luîiua Dooute," l'Alle Lori-aine," "The Rlenri. & Tite Qeuec-u va. Wss. Pc-ril andi Maut cfSker,* etc. "'A VoruuHatLer," Geène, sinati brecut-let, Chas. Lynut oin Atius-tse-Tarceny. wviieh buis reachlîut is fiflb Fart, incrussns 2ncl, Jas. Godis B rut, IJchn Plilipe. 21 Thes- Qursen us. .John Monk Jcuu ,as. in intenest witlî ca-h installment cf tîxo china geenre-it sud 2ud, J. Niglîs. h-rilaw--False declucration. stery. wander. E Thes Quertuu uv8. Chcas. Coltircil and iuntcrestixgnîsort cf 'rits - xecciii ibsit. Dsîckti, Aylesbnny-J. Nigtîswaudor. s>es Ilitbar/-Porjiry. eýl by Constance Fenimnore Wooi80on, Ducks, coniniou-Thos. Cochrane. The (Jsurnvs. Andis-- Thouns- flebes-ca flardiug Daivis, AnieThlomas, Collection cffoles-J. Nigbss-ander. sc idecent Assait. sud Mýre. E. T. C orbett. Asniiuterestieff Causry bird-1sb, Wmn. AbleItt 2nd, The Quuecui vs. Dreerc nd ti ers- as a story is îthe pos-erful cluaracter Libbie Barchay. sa us-sit.skcetchi, by au aucîîjîuî authoî', en. CANADIA.N IiiAUGHiT. ______ itLed "A Grand Business inuof t-he ]'iood Mare-int, George Doiuhge SIIOCTINO IvITH INTuErT. NevS- oard. '1 'Jui, NuxsouflBice ; hird, B3ir 1rell & John- 1>nofespor Charles MNrsy-Nairxe, cf ston.1 Andrew Alexandler was placeil in the Coluimbia colle 1go, conînubutes a sehli yr olut Filty-lsnt u JJ, Hugli < xix aud arraigneil, charired witlî cf Johin Locha', 'wlich, besiden a great Mustard !Brut, George Doidge. îotiug a t Wm. M'est, at IRaglan3, on déal cf icI-eetingr peracuai maLter, 0l-yr olut Filiy-lst, George Wilson I lQtli cf Decemuber hast, s-ii- intent gives an estiniatA cf tie place beld ii nIlucl, Richard Grahxam ; hird, John H-ar- 'luilI. Thoe indictinent coutuineul a tl)ewori o f phjilosopxy sy the uici'î- IF;. onud cotnt-charging witli butent te of thus "E.qar e n flic Hiumn U Tder. Spmiug Fiily-lot, Shierman Brown somni gninviosîs bodily 11r,. ais tadig" n, John Mutler. spleadi l ot gulilty, asud iue Popxus are ersntmilsnted ly Bayard i-yr cil entire Colt- lt, John M. DI is ready for trial. Trial fixaIl for 9 Taylor, Aifreul H. Louis, George Lunt, 1301 ; 2ud, J. Ce MCAVOY ; Brut, Hngb hock to-tnmor',. A. F-., sud ùdgar Fixweett. .Grugg. No BILS.Tie Llitonial Departments are un- Sing entire Coîl-lst, Birnell&C The QuS-suv. Sunilzu.Iaide usally ftîli axn iutereeting, inciudiig rJohuxeton :'Junl, HngtIi rcg ;qci r. Iî. i il Tue Quaemar. Ls-ok.-Larceuy. The Quris-u vs. do. do. Tueuslt>', Oct. l7ihi. Hutcmmuasuvo. Collier. jtnet Laud sod for Luxes. Validil> cfsale Jieputed. Standis for josîgnent. Jarsis li ond If. C. Camuenon for pîtif; D. G. Hatton sud H. Canieox ion deft. MaisIosoas os. Maujor. Ejectuiunt case. Verdict for plttl., $846 ; wiiti bertt> le dot. le mixoy e ti ednc 'on aIt it asile. A. G. Mixuiillnix lor piLif. 'ares-ol & Rtutlioe for deft. .ILects-u vs. iMuPltaes-f itou.Action for su(luclicu. Verdlict b>' conuseit, for. 400. The parties -all ell, lun Brook. 9. F. Paterson for pltff. ; D. J. blc. untyme for dot-t. Hic/ard va. Grensîelt. Ejectulent. Verdict for pîtif. P. A. Hani nul N. F.Patvs-ron for pitif.; G. V. Smnith for' loft. .Ouutcsioa snk asLee. Action ou nromieser>' note. Then. ws-a p, . Àou rainaI as le is-isîher txe mncla aulI be botl as coliatomsi. Vertlict unr doit. R1. R. Losconb for pîIf. ; Md. Cameron anudB. MeO-e, for utI - Hemmingieay vs. Cloae. Actirsu fon îonoys expendel as next fienut in ait of Cicsk vs. Watson. Referred unr abitmation te Tulge Dantusîl. Paýre- -ail & RutIesige fonrphlff. ; Casseis for Court epeneil aL 9 o'chock. Tho ejectrbent cases cf thée Qnoen 's MeDoualut, sud LtheQueen Va. Gullarie, ceeup lad muci eftthe. fonenoon sud sanui fon jadgnüent.. Wallace vg. "Beatty - Rtecord s-i-h. Iras-n. W. H.' Billingsfor p!tg; J. BonI>' for l.tt. - Jones vas MèLeaco-Ejeentu. ver- dict forpibif b>'conseul. N. P. -Pnb- Mon cufor-defendant. [Thoecal>'record rmsaîiniuig for imer. hng "lte au jeîn carne of Dnfty vs. Duif>'.] TaE -WEATIEE for a few ýditys pasît, sn~thetaogmns ro Otorpateof >hec>,OuntrY, saux te iniicte lis-utwin. bonri lireal>' upon US, but Mmr. Vennon ,- uarddIY eXpreness'himeif asbai gof acûnterY opinion, sami oxpectlin LiaI ln tic foi su foi W( Anas-cmteCorreosponeento. In anasm rta "Alpîmabetieal," i11 yonr tant issus, fser a uc-cuul>'fer conetiption iuni-Le first tageIcati meoncpuuDr. Pisrae F"Golden MlvlDiscaser>'," if akean arcrlilg ho direinoos, for itlints huaemithoonluhy trieul ru My farnily, mnsd tlme ni aîts s-c-ns gloricus » 'Alpha. bruie-ai" xunt1uaL ezxa)Cl Uasehotîloto uVo thce wck-my s-ifutool, theebottles leforr s nb offladlies-os-ar cm>' chang,,G but aller the Ihird boIte os-amy dose rs-*ts--il ta nîrs-u.gthen the lange,anul nows eois uveitandtI ennI>'. If l-J5jplls bsttieus, i" iiis-ie te tus' icuilI gel s-il- uosce toe onvlue. LIENRY H. M. PATTON. Law-a-nce, Miarion Caunl>, Irait. -Cinrci.nuati T/unes, Fnb. 4, 1875. Tisosine HA11vE BEEN DscgovED h>' tIle inccuapPtOu cMnpil-iea tiat lxau-e ;,-Ptepete enlighiten thie orîl upon lihe celinale inatteme rein-ting Le Lie gaeratise organe eionîl rescît ta tIre venke poplishel b>' the "Peabody Medlicat ntituote," Boston, an lhe source oI true information, Thon. vise are stnffening as biong ithout hope fron thc ciyors Of yeuti -bose sxavitalit>' bis ben impair%î by exposoras on b>' intense application Le business, ollionlu not mail Le peruase "The Science cortalle, om Self-Pesoervstcn.' 'Planfenale por. tien Ofl tIi. COMMUCit>' aioul make 'ileeses Dfomnifiar withi the "BornaI PhyioiogY 'af -Woman sud Hem Dis. easece." Tiose afflictel vith nervone dlebilit>' bu sur forin chenl read tIse vork an "Dijsessof tii. Netseus aut Neos-as Maladies." Thi;.e o staks, wntteu b>'theLb.hifConultig Pltyiia Oi the "'Pesbody Insftitute," Bostau, l1seaanelan enormous cireolatian, sud dane incaculale gaod, lu appoccis. bleu of xwbicb tisa National Medical Association have Just pneaentel the authon vith .one of Lis largest, mat coati>',sud elà lsaato ld modale aven nacle. Sec advirieiin n nte DzSATî! os-v meToaceano Cmv CLauE. -Mir. Slopheu Radelife, cil>ty ekc Torosale 'ait>'v, lied Tisaisl>'môà tnq Mr. Robent Ro0dut>, asisc;ant cie ris, bias Ieen sppcinteoi 10lhab office ps- -SENTENCED ieELRÂxanB&,a son. '2-ym al Hifer-lel, 'Jul sud BncI Birreil & Johhselci.'1 l.yn otl Heifon-bot snd 'Jui-Bm'. roll aud Jobuebon ; lrui, John Little. [toiler Caf-let andl 'Juil, Jamens I. Davideon ; irdl, Jeu Tiiller. Bull Caf-Ist anul 'Ju, Jaines I. Davilson ; 3nI, Vin. Wsmdler. Heril-leL, James I. Davileen;'J, Bimmeil & Johunston. GRAiVE CATTLE. Ces--let, T. C. licAvo>';'Jil Vn. Viilkey; Brut, C. Wilson. '.yn cl Haife-Ist, Thi. McAvo>' 'Jui, Caspen Wilson ; fnl, , n. Cosi-a. b-yr oldI Heifr-bel, Bireli &' Joies. ton. Helfer Caîf-let, Casper Wilison 'Juil, Biral & Jcbu'ision, Fat Gvos-cmSbe-lst, Bimmeil& Johueton ; 24d ansd 80, Tienas. cers-oaa 5REEP. 115t, Joh1n Miler ; 'Ju, Josephx Hope. Shesrtiug Ram-lot, Joseph Hope: 'Juil John Little ;Brut, John Scott. Ram Lanti-tut, John Miler '2ud unit Br&tWux., Coule. 2JAgoi Ese-sa, 2ad d rut, John lter.'- 2JBboanhing UEs-t s u&'2za, j,. Miller. SOUTRDOWN SHEEP. Il, . . Spencer ; 2ud, John WUl. "Ram lamb-Isqt, H. E. Spenoer; 2nd, Jno. Wlson;- Brd, Richard Raney. 2aged, Ewes.ý-lst , . H.iencer: 2nd and 8rd¶~Jà hn: Wilson. 2 Siearliag, Ewe-lg4t snd gd, H. 2 Ewe Lxb-aJh Wilson; 2nd, y. a.- spencer., Pair Fat- 8heep.-lst,-John io. ROOTS AND VtEAL 12 tarnip--let, aL:Pvenu;' 2ïd, John Mur;JrG . kingbattem. 12 Msg 4dhe; Qi Elarie; ,'2nd, Oea. lntne 8rdlp- S. B. ILoevr.' 1 e2ýelt Cros1s,.S. Wi1aon ; 2ad, ýMis s cott : Srd. Joh i Harris.. Vaniety of Potstoes-lst, Georga Val- aiati-me..* ýlon; cru, Elujan Wilson. Fatlooking apples-le, Mrs. Geai, Hciingbotto; 2nd, Leslie & Soi Srd, West & Store>'. WiuLen ookig appia-it. Casç Stott ; 24d, John Rutsad; ru, Mi George Hickingboutom. Winten table appes-1s, J. Rdvard jr.; 2udsOsen 81db Baru, . Les] &Sou." Vaniet>' ai apples, et% hinds, six, each-ls, West & Strey ; 2nd Geoni Valentno. ru, Goa. Lasie & Son.-, ' VarioLy of apples, 12 kinuts, 6 off os -lot, Mms eOonelckingbotlcm. - Dispia>'oai appes--it, J. Nighse don; 'Jui, Mme., Hicisingbattoin ; Si Oea. Lesl]ie & Sou.' J. Nihswktden & Bro. prie-l1 Oea. Lostie & Sou. C. Nilhsader's prize-,C. Stat. Fîait pesrs-let, 0.6. Leslie & Soi 2nd, Casper Stette; Brut, Robent FIUlîe Wiuten peans-lsI, Casper Stotti 2nd, Oeo. Losuie & Son ;' Sd, Euhi Wilson. 1 Onapes, bhack-lst, Casper Stoti 'nd, e. Leslie & Son; ru, Miss 1 M. Taylor. Grapes, shie-lt, George Lelie Sou ; 'uid, Mme. B. Dixcîî. Crai apples-let, Mm. e. Hikinl bottoi; 'd,,Casper Stott; ru, Job Witson. iDAl5V PRODUOE. 10 h. Bus-,te-lt, Mm. A. Megai 2nuc, Mise S. Stabl: fu, Miss Magi Tran. 25 Ibe. Butter-lot, Mme. EBuis ; 2n( Mis;s S. Bltte; ; ru, Me. A. Morgan. 20 lie. factory Chaesse- lt, irai Brown; 'Juc, Cuitopher Dale. Home made cxees-lt,.Mme. . I. Spencer; 'nd, lr. J. Bros-i. MISOELLANEgOUS. 10 be, luney in com-tt, Chalu L y n ce ; 2 nu c , 's T i . S to tts ; r u, j u li, Wilson. Sîaineil locy-lst, Mm. J, Baxter 'ul. Samel Aaison ; ru, job Witson. Sce leather-lst, A. Patterson. Upper hather-lt, A. Patterec. Hlanes lcthe-tt, A. Patteron Caf ki-st, A. Patterson. R led ining kin -lut, A. Pattereon. le'e coarse booî-st, Mr. Patter son ; 2'Ju ,W. O. Bedehi. Me's fine het-lt, Mr. Patemon 2nd, W. O. BedelI. Assortuet f hee, nakrs so'lk- lt, N. Pattersoli ; 2nd, W. 0. BedelI 5 doezan cgs-lu, Miss M. Wood. MACINIdS, FABX MLSMr.NT5. Puîmup-lut sud 'Juil, Oea. Gemos-. Panel leen-inst. Speigt & Sou, Winlîs- asi-et, Jahn 3o>'d ; 'Jnd, ipeiglil & Sou. idos- bliuI-lt, Spsiglt & Son. Cimuu-let, Richiardl Hane.>' lsoine sd îîxeUliliug-ls, Journ i..i. > -ý mriultl& soli. Plirglx f aîy ether kira-lt suc 2nnl, Richatrd liaune>'. Gng plotgi-st, D._Fonyti ; 'Jout Levi Cossitt. Grain tirill-let, I. S. Wilson. Broail cat su-elr-lt, Wn. Daitîse Fanin- mil-lt, IRichard fans>' Uni, C. d os-y Timniispeufleilo-lt, Vi. Geo%. I timon' sues, cakel nu unfiled-let, S. Wohh ; 'Jou, J. D. Sels-a>'. H- esa )s 0a-B, nn c nk d - ls , J . D , Bels-ay. Ilorsie ale-st, Mason Mfg C. Znl, A. Hamilton. Sraw citer-Ist sa ndJ, Richard Lu nhern, s-nrn-l, Spuiglil & So. Sprig sagzen-it, H. . Wales& aun ; 2uul, N. B. Alleni. Opuru buggies-be, H. R. Wales& n; 'Ju, N. B. Atleu. Top buggy-bli, H. E. Wales & non. feapinut machine-ist, Frank Wixon. Mosiug Machiine-la, Richtardi Hane.' Cutter-lt, S. Webb ; 'Ju, Wm. 130b sleigliu-lt, E. V. Wati. Siwig machine-lt anul 'Jul, WLu. rlsmmbug. Tunip sulcer-bt, A. Hamilton; 'Jui, icîaru lHans>. Cabinet egan-1t, Vi. Clary; 'Ju, )anisi Femsylh. uniotn flanuolh, nomomadio-1ot, hae. LynI; 'Jîx17, C. J. Wilsn. Union dlanuel, factor>' maIe-belt, J. ult clixh, fatory rade-it, J. Igls-asaier. FPull coth, hli. ade, el, Charles ,ynad; 'Jui. J. Bres. Wite flanoeh, home isuadae-lot, a. Lynil ; 'ui, ins.. R. Hane>. Colonel plaid fiasusel. hxome maile- tChas. Lynil; 'Juil, Vin. Abtett. Cl2orss plaisi fisouel, factony niade- ;.J. Nigieswandlur. WVoeu cal-pet, home mae-bt, hanis LynI. ,Rait cape, cotous-vap-lt, Mm. ,Williams ; 2ncI,>Mme. Win. Dale. Pair f lanlît-lbt, Chas. LynI i, Mm. Ret. Deseel. Fos. banke-bt, Miss Tane lpiin; 'Jou, Win. Major. C'ovs-let, liglt-let, Miss pheaho gene - ui, Mi. J. Brosh. Cos-erhet, bea1vY-lst, J, Niglies-aaser, A, Win. Flemmiing. Iihk qoiiL-tst, Miss Irving; 'Juc, is-E. lirovu. Crochet bd out uc-m-t, Miss Camp- ; 'Ju, Win. lanning. Knit bail cover-let, Miss Stricktauul; d, Miss Irving. Whxite upreal-boýit, Mx-,. J. D. Mc- r-'; 'Jul, Wm. Major. Log cabin quihtit, Mme. 'J. Gibsen; 1, Mme. M. Hendenson,; Brut, Mme.1 LS. Pugh. Fiisuabip quilt-bst, Mme. Judona son0; 2auc, Mise Irving; BrI, Miss ta. ikie. ton', snb Boys' clothing-bst, Mme.j Qnittez quilt-et, Mnr. IH. Munrcea d, Miss Stnickland ; 8r, D. ta. Bar- Vlece s-cik quilt-leL, Missichînrd.- i ;u2a, Mn tn ainî ra, Miss ihephierd'e laid-beit, Mme. William hon; 2nd,'Mi e, . lrewln. Pair-oolon sltCnkinge-.lat, Mnx. A. ýrgn; 'Juti,'bais. M. Haudomen. Pair Cotron stosiingq--1tt, Miel 7ckhand ; ià d, Mme. A. Mogan. Pair çd wolon a~~socs an 'Jti s A e M ô'rg a ri-.' 'air of Cotton eoelis-tst, Mrs. 11on. i ud, Mme. M. -Honenou. woleu n ite--St, Vd. essL'olp 'LOg- ;'20d, Mme.. M. HRmndex-son. Farn, fadeor>' Iada-lL, J. Niglis' i silet'. - CE bel Do Be Mil bel As- I Th Gi Ma à Bre Scoa S Ta3 .MOI gan ors Y *-ar Wm. Halfls Oii ecodreti paiting-tslé, Mine Sarah ge Stnickuand; 2nd, Min re ckland. 'The Nortlxcft. Central, P.a#wesy 'Ccon m -Crystal pointiug-lst and 2nd,- Wnz; Fleinlg."' ue.Crayon, draving-bl,'MisStriaIt. (iFscm tlî Bafalo om"efat Mdueetýg ne.'. land ;.2ud,*Misa S. Strickiand. ' Saturday, Sept*OÃ*h, 1876,). Pei l raig-tst, Mine S. StriaIt. A volt aunt cf buutnedw à "! e' ft ho0, land ; 2nd, Miss Stiokand. done on Lis "1great Sothers tioMegI1c hieý LADIES' DEPARTJIENT. - fare" wliin lie lut toen days, and tlt of Pauay kuittiug-lst, Mise S. Stnick- monte deservediy enjays greahxpopulânity. 'ge ýland ; 2udy Mine Strickiand ; 8xd, Mns. , On th. 81h imet, an excursion Party Albert Hacuilton. -froin Detroit of -saine 1,200 'pannons caFauey knitting in vool-lat, MLise S. passed ibrongi blle, sud aliough the > Sinicklanrl, excursion was. largerthonlas 'xpata un. Crochet vomt-lt, Mis Stniokland; thon. wao no deiay f~t~~ r a d , M is s C am pb ell; B rd, -M iss S arah a d th e excur eo iist s er sio n il pra1se 8 tnioklqnd. af a lise thaï; diditsl business in go M - Enbroidery onùsilk--llt,Mins Slnick. promptland fsilhfal a mansor., 1had; 2nd, Misà Campbetl; Brut,'Wmn. On lhe O9h au excursion freux St. Fleming. ' ' ' Thoras, on lie 111h aole from London, '. Enbimoidery on net-lot, Mies StricIt. Ont., on th. 121h ane frein, Rochester, sr.undc; 2ud, Miss S. Strickland. an on Thnrsday niglit a- monster ox. ~, Embrobdery on inselin-leýt,-Miss usinfroixiDetrait, pssnd-"-oygrbis SStniekianut; '2ud, Miss Campbell;. 8rd, lino. Thuey ail rooeivod good attention Win. Fhemng. sud p rompt despateix, arriving in Phiua- ~. Embnoidery on cotton-tet, Miss A. deiphia iithoul auy vexations dohsys,ý Ê'Wilson ; 2nd, Miss Stnicklaud. On. of Liese excursion trains rau ovon Pancy netthug-lsL, Miss Stnickland; six hernses, lhrowiug t-he engin. sud: &2nd, Miss S. Btnicktsud ; 1Brdr ---Mbs tender froux the track; bul, owiug te Richardson. Lie exceiheijl management cf Lie eux. Germmguraisel word-lt, MisIM. phcyeee af the road, sud 'Lb. tact Liat gTran~ 2nd, Miss Scot ; Bmd, Miss Westingioune air braises vers i-n van.ou SCamnpbell. the train, ual-eue person vas injured, Baised Berlin vomi-let, Miso Striais, sud the train vasnsel delayed' bau au land; 2ud, Ms. J. B. Bumrke; Brut, Mmà . ho'ur. The numborthat vere caa.riei !~Wo. D. Lapp., t i these excursion vas fully six thon. PelFat Berlin work-lst, Mine Stnicis. sad. lanu ; 'Jui, Miss Phebe Rogers ; Bri, Arrangements have been made by td, Mise Date. Lie lin. for Lires ruammoth excursion, n .~ Oramental medie vorkist, Mine. to-day sud Monday. The negulir l S.Stnicktanul; 2nd, Miss Stmicklaud; traveh by -the line is greatly on the in. Brut, Mise Canbel. crias, yel notwithatand'ing Lie lies IL Bitven s-ire ilos-rs-let, Miss H. M., trains, they are rua prompt1h on schxe Taylor ; 2nuc, Mme. Josephx Witson ; Brd, nie tsi. >Tii.euneaeson fan th!e as Miss Maggie Trau. -ho mnanagement, beiug part of lin es Paper flu es-lot, M -s. H. T omp. systei f the roade, unden thé cent 0 nsou ; 2nd, Mme. J. B. Bus-k; Bnd, Mise of Lie Peunsylvania Railroad Comîpany. Scott. The lino ix aiso fortunate iu ils nepre. -.Berlnu deers-lob, Mise 'M. Tran ; nentabives iu tue ,section. ILBsSupenn. S2nd, Miss Campbell. tendent, Mn. Roben at Neilson, Mt Rumina, Zephyr llowrs-lst, Mine S. Striais. deserves muai praise for Lie manage- land ; 2nd, MiseCampbeulh;- 8rd, Mise ment of tieue excursions. _Èe always Scobt. romainseat the peut cf daty'during' the u.Featiier flowers-lsh, T. Chary ; 2n2d,; entire nigbt, sud gis-es personal ittei. Mlle. Joseph Wilson. tien ho the inovement of trains. Tii. Faucy basket-lut, Miss L. Mackie; Western Passeuger Agent, Mn. Samuel 'Jul. Mine M. Va!]. L. Seymxour-, oetitis cýici>, vas lb. ori. Fairy basket-lot, Mis H. Wilson ; ginator cf Liese large oxcursions, aud 2ud, Mme. C. Nighs-anden. theie bcreasç of ts*.i @ar the noad.,ig i lag mug-lot andt 2nd, Mme, M. A. gmeatly due te hie .olivé Work. -Jackson ; Brut, lire. A.biett. 0@ Door mat-lot, Mline a. Wilson; SouT' WELLINO'JN.-I'. James 2wou, Miss Anle Wilson. Massie, the. GoverumeuL candidate, bas r. Coile fra e-li3t, M m. T. G i Rezin. been elected by MJofo tmieu for the LesLier frainn-lit, Miss E. Thioru- Local Hloue. ton ; Boul, Miss J. Thomuton; Brut,, Mme. îi EOÉW,-n'a'a-u G.W az in. ,Ms.M .Jako ire broke eut lu a irams dweflng on Wax fuit-Escot m . .Jcko;King Street, ovwtd- aud' dcupied Iy' 2nui Mie Scît.Dr Coinuru. Tii, buiuding,- being¶ Wa 'sa los-ens-luI, biesCampbell a,Ltb sny ereo-?sut Weiydr, 'Jui, %Mr. fi. A. Jackson, u hryyal od nvr r, Bouquet cf nalura fi os-ens-et, Miss aoncusuxcaumbed te ta'he lams. Tis- E. 1belardon.stable sd d iving shed anif uood shed, - E.li l*soslomhso tirs amstogother viLlt the vinten', eëVply of IuiL coi-nbd-a, me amefuel, ver. mlo burnd. A potlen eo: Geut'o shirI, Macchine nade-lot, W. the hcusebold effecte vmer. sssd. The Fieming; 2uîd, Mise Scott. engin cfthue fireis atpieseuluuknow%,;; GenL's fiue ehint, liai made-lel, hos aient $2,000, covered by insuance. Mis Sidîkau ; 'Ju, r. M. A. FitocnnrUL'Caoaox,-A frigifl rimeo Jackson. ie reperted freux the Ottawa Valley. A -Flanueh ehirt, baud made"-lst, Mrs. couple of ruffians eutered a'sehoolhonso M. Ilendoirsou ; 'Ju, Mme. J.Brewis. shorthy after the sciolarshast beau dia Farinons' s-reaîb-leb, Mms. Josephi miesed, outragea, Lb. chol-mistrese, Wilson. anictafterwands eut eut han longue. The Hein vreathi-let, Misîs Campbel; poon vonsu mauaged t-o drag honelf 2niu, Mme. J. B. Buris. Le tie biscisbaard and scrawl an accont Tatting-tst, Mise Stmickhaud ; 2nd, cf the outrage, sud Lion sank dovu and MieRs S. Stnickland. dinil. No arneste have lieeu made. Fane>' vontobox-lot, Mme. T. G. Ileazin ; 'Juc, Mis Campbell. Te Consumptives. Fancy table mat-lut, Mrs. Breweha; 2nui, Mme. Major. The. acvertiser, a r etired phypican, Lauly's dress-lL, Miss Cookele>'; having provideuLialhy discevered. wyul, 'Jusi, Melntyrii, Steehe & Co. a Meiicah Missioaay bu Bouthen Asia, Lauly'e night di-es-let, Mmes. James a very simple vegetabus rsmedy for lie Strachîsu ; 'Jui, iiiSE A.> flickingbetLena. npeedy sud, permanent cure ef Cox- Chihuhe ilmes-let, Mise A.- Wilsn; sîseptiors, Asthma, Bronohitis, Catarni, 2nil, Mrie. T. Bres. sud al Ibroat auîlIiug ffecti,-alao Lauîy's bonnett-lst, Mme. W. E. a positive and radical specifie for Non' Thieunton ; 2nd, M me. Cros-humet. vous Debility, Preuxatane Decay, ana Specimeii cf hmadiug-lsI, ?iise S. ail Nervous Complaiuts, feele- il his Stiicklandl; 2nd, Miica Strinkianut.- duty te make IL isno-wn te bis suffening Peunt lace-lsb, Mies Striakhsud ; felhows. Actuatsed by tii motive, ho 'Jui, Miss Campbell. wii cheerfuily sene? ffree of charge) te, Sofa piltow-laL, Miss S. Strickland; ahI Who desire it, te-recipe for prepar. 2nîl, Miss Dale. ' in-, sud full directions for. succssfuhy lioit cusliiu-let, Mjisp Campbell. uning, Ibis pravideutiaihy diocovereil 'L'ady's uudemcthiug let, Miss renedy. ,Thoà e ha visi ta as-ail Scott ; 'Ju, M is s A . H . lno sles, th e s cves of the be uté ±s of tLis d R.- Wsax nhel-lsî, Mme. M. A. Jack. cavomy vithaut c-osb, eau de-se b>' retn son ; *ZucI, Miss Scett. mail, by addnessiug vith ta O "M Beitd woxk-lst, Mis S. Stikîsul ; 'mg palper~ 'Jil, Miss M. Tran. R. CHALES P. MA RSfALLs- ent'n sca f- st, M m. Abett ; 2d, - 83 Niagara Street, H. Haight. Buffahe, 1.Y Rosîbe s-ck-let, Miss Ca-mpbelhl Cae bmacket-ist, Miss J. Thomubon. JOesEH r.r. Woaxs' Plizzs.ý-AL Li.e1 Lady's mnantie-let, Melntyre & Port Hep.e Centrai Show, the hall Womts Steete ; 2ud, Mine Campbeul. eecured Lie £rst prix. against ton otiený Laly's liaI-lot, Mme. Co-os; competiters for thein Chiampionn Rapeïr-- w a o s i e . -' " N c a v - W î eS T A a P o N n s sN T S .- M t . B a x u s y 2 n o w u ~ ~ .l t, W m . T io r wp . F o r g e t, f M o n tr e a , s ud M nï. -W m. so; 2n, Robet Miher. Scotihavée ben appoited respeiely S m2ali eas- t , Charles Pilkeo; 2 n , Cl rk of Lhe KNort b.vwest C oIu ndih sd [boet Fuller. 8rul, Hery llicott. Rgistran for the Notbwsl Temitor'. Pes, back eyed - lt, Wm.Dl; TEYe~o ax.Teyio 'Jul4CaperSttt; rd, W. Cchane. QAls., white bel, J. H. Vail; 2ud,eT. foyer epidouxie aI Savannah appears 10 G.'I' «* Br Tlbe ou lie decroase. Thon. s-are aid>' G. Rezis ni. 1S. B. 1Hoaver.I < hree intermeuls ou Ibis accouaI on O)ats, bak-lst, Josepha Wbite: Mu'y -2 bush, elaR .Wlo. _______________ Pot sud -Pearl Baley-lsî, James '~"Ntco Brho sfzrsgs [B J itesefl.th , Ma rag s arrai'jcffiaui-,41, -S. J. Gee ;andieDaxt/e c/arged 50 cenis ec&h. nuJ mes Russel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bammel cf oalseai.-jt, JamesRssh - ~ ~ ~oc[ver. hmat., the - ~ .EXTu~. ... Blurnham, Esq. Uridge. o i met.. the. wife c -na nded. vile higl ee rn o ' tnti. d IEs' . yDARTNELL Hsigiu buîE~K~i. t ife ar f HiE 111'Iin bake-à iâaofa Mon s-life cf John Warrn pncsby Ci.k AgeatiaforLte sud b>' NEW 'AI TEÂL Oddfellow ONE FRIDA YE GRANI EritE WIT ;M155IDA BI. c MR. JAxexS 1 MISS JESSIE, Admission, 20, ch Deore open 7.80 "'Dinna" P A UCTION t OARRIAG monday, O M. O'D CInae tor 4 Top Pimtoaes,' -4.Opuen PhoeLous, 2 Light SingleoTc L2LighlRliig.s, 3 Piano-box Bu& 4 Yich Buggies, 15 Cuttors. Thae abao vo sud WamrenteS, Alse à 41ev good Saie ta Comme TEBMS.-12 à tg si.rovavsNot dy of -le, i-maot Wiuitby, Oct. iti Th SPECTIONm W MDoteASuE 1 1 l ý the 1