Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1876, p. 2

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". Walk ion-IL ay-D. -AIJOTION 8SALES, arw Sbeok, bmp!eameuts, &o., tuesday, Sept, 27th, 1870, th» y of f M. Hen-y Biokeil, lot Noý Dpnieslou of Bail Wbitbj.1. ýbnkdd, Atiobbineer. rm stock, linp lamente, Me., 4'aY, grd Oct., 1876, the p rop aglng t.o the tate of lhe bateE hapisis, lot No. 9, 4th cence olerilug. L. Fairbanks, AnaLes ri atelct, lîplomeubu, &q., lay, - Oct, Sud, theo propeity e- li btevosec, lot No. 18, cf iFilkerng. Thsomas l'ose XUs fiýock, l!uilenonta, &o., day, Sept. 8tb, tise proeoî ei Walkor, L. Fairbanks, xtu stock, lfhplemente, &o., j&Siaj.Be 2.S hlâst., the prepf un tok Impomnt, e, o Y, lnthe PlIs con; 'etWhltby, !y, OoIo!,ei ftîs, 1876, tho propu r. Aloi, Ilupkiuus. L.Fabi ,r- siteak, lcplomeuba, Me,,-on ý4, lu 1thIsitcois, -Pickeîing, ýy, Se t, 220d'.1870, tbe piope i; JoLu Cosltice. -L, Fairbisi ioone. 'nu stock, Impleimonbs, 4e., ou 85, lu the 711î cen, WhLubiy, lay, Oct. SSud 181B,lise prepi r. James A. Ogilvie. L.Pd dAtiduer; ONL Os50PER ANNUMs on pro. >. 16, Levi on iery :lud sieon aeer. on o f ou Lof on srty ?air- klot 0on Orty ýko, lot erty aks, lot rty WlT,1hlîrsiday, Se'p 21, 187Ê Audion Sales. TV If yen du'irii te ibave a gondl sale gE s11ntacuutive bill w!xo it eau fiepr 'A eheapily sud in tîx bout tyle-2 tIil ClisNIcUaLr office. AÀinotico iun t) GuttcNslsi willuuusko yoîîr Sale videl tessevu, sud bic certain te meiure yen Jauge atteuilance ou the suatien da> WVioi nOthxer sales go off badiy, bbco uudvOrt!scd flxtIse GîuuuOeuzcLss Aie b- varlably woli altenxdos!, beoatss, lavisi Lltielaugoit un (l t'dosh circulation il isear tliat realuliseepeople. The Siuooiung au Greedmoor01. 'Plie Intersîsîbonai rifleomatch wbici -~ - îlaut Ceelioc st Velnue dyas-sut T!iirilay fbitîlven tue Amuen eîi til rils, Hcotehc!, Aisshna!iass ani tiuuuiî sois swuus Wte-s LY the Ametri 'tlC. T!uuui'ieocf tie h've ulysecouiný - sînuau ...............,lh Isiel.... .......... tiiei............... 'fsijmi; (haut s'îNv !avitsg hlis i l f( tIss luisit wecsk, fer tlise luuu'pto Ocf et oe -Iuiîga'îiosvli t full b!aut agaisi, and ail1tue ùtiiiuii!liti I mac. lifa 'hsred tor Ctin pi-uuout ilsirvc'st. V.se.SLit".-.-n Fiday lat, a -Yasîîsg tma',is usuncd'Jolin Little, board. i4g unt tise lrihiît lt.uxuus.ican Ilsetel lits-o Ilislil ie valise u8telei uon ulia rmon 11-e et Once auspeetes! a Younug tu - s Wes nc. -Tliinipsun.-, wue as at tîtfi-wih!i i guolvauiO bsthery sullIssuai lofIt isat ni ilonthse train tor Toronto. 'rxeGuiéil Triiik utheuitims at 'o'on. bi), o en itg -cl-isîoltg, ai'nemhu Tlisonjusotusà 'tppiigi; uis lotrain, ii tithe s isillit 4 )Cmfpeeoe. Cîsiei Iinyltn bue-si. v ont te 'oonto $atunilay - unern)n -.iiîîd l t hihm buscli inIs i hlm veuiisg, andît on tîho plisenvr being oexaiues! lctone ltse Ilîagiltrs- atol ploadloul gllty.. 'Tle magis,1tratg R efit licusnp fer triai. Ou Wi'nesta nsrulgThompeon (wio oleatOgl t O btrios-I by tIC: Judge) vWi@ - i. brss;it ui-ore Il oueor Jndgc Dar!. oeil, a-Who, oiti s pliiadbug gsilty, seci. tînces!Jilmtt'filInsoublîisnpnuonmoAý itînt Centrai Prison. BOARD ô' nuJA iN. ne eeting ci' tlilard of Edîscîitosii tsaIsels! WVedneud4cay OVin4. bu t, tlie luth, imut. fer, vaut o lo qsrnm. Ttin suaberiS 1'l 1i' nft wifl)!. QUir anu!Mx-. Omtnis- ton. CIIITO o. have nnnn,,1 nni. al~~Iîeîi .ew rtnck of Pal! and Whîter Dry (]Dodo, Milliuery, ?dautles, &c. Alto Aàfresh stock of Groceries, Wi lies and liquors. [Sec aàdvt] ýmt Tlx o BOSA DittiNiciex MAN. -Wmu. Kelley andi Wm. Hegan, two dîcsreplutable luokilig trampu, wers son.- te11ceul by lis Wormhip the Mmyar to 80 lnys in JARl for- attempting tu rob a lrusîken uMali. da PUIIONRI*s 1Ti11%FAI DY-Ou thcoý .aýo of thltÈalr, Ur. Bryasi, t1he chief' of police. tuar1e lasarrats ; five for steallng, aud elglst drunk, dlorderly and llgbtiug- ou whom Varions penalties were lnlllcted.ý SET'UDTO 81 X bMONTS-Theu. Xeaitng, cf Brook, W&B tried hefoe His 1-onuirJudge Dartuell yesterday (Weil. nesday), for steallng>a watoh, sud was ceouilmatted te Central Prison for six Y Ta TUE CENTENNIAL.-OIS laut Ly sud Ssfiruay quite a numben et le rQn thIe bevuands urrouuiug UY lefb Wbitby station for Toronto, le Wjolu bisjoeocunsonishi tor lIse )RE ENEitIE"-.TheDominion :1ai Opeued a brandIs eftb@eNhit- 9oneY, aI LIVerPool, ueaq Picer. snIbour, fthIle acomodoations cf ut, merchants, andI aller. dciug eau lu that ioe.liby. [Sue &advt.J wuei&yY laat, bbe Licesse ispectqs- ;Qbsp Fishsen, Paliezri âwLbi-ps slalh PIso bitos-e Dr. Qunn for «4kuqrwlîhpsuaicexiso, Fimbon ,"Awt1brivo-efisses! 20 sd un!îste. fl. 1aI y yn. xg lu ps. th. ent"is.lu the met important oinàss. xoeed dthos cf( lait y«. The otil. w.ro 1875. 1870, .... ..... 06 S2" ...... :... ..........118 las Sbeep................ 4.. 107 109-- Swlus. ............. 48 58 Grain sud Bedv ......91 124 .. .o......... ......"97 67 DslryPr'du» ... ......8 613 Fout1yî.......92 181' par mpléonto ...... 2 84 Hortiulur. ......... 486 874. Demestie Manufotsqtueu.1142 156 Ladies Departsuent ...810 421 Fine Arts ... . ê........ 87 04 Leather & Lesther Work. - 88 255 Xlscellanecus,.......... 70 50 E ...tra ............... 50 64 2141 2255 The only falllag off of any lmppt-ý suce wau iu the Classes for roots ýMd dafry preduce, causeil, ne doubt, by thé leugbleued dxruth wlth whiobthelb. cun.- fry ha. bien ;affilltd. Bat Iu hosesa, cate aud live stock the entries, Il wQll be -secu,'have greatly *uoresed, sud noyer wus the quojity botter. Mr. James I. DavIdien was a largçr exhibitor fIis year than usual, having noeo ixteon head cf outtle on the ground, amongut thoinm the bye fine balls, 'Crown Prince cf Ath an~sd doKnlght of thé Boue", aundoins very fine 8l andi 2 year eH hîlffers. Mu. Parvis Thomson bas! 12 boas! ou fie gnouns! ih iel sustaines! the reputabion oethUe ?fayfieis! bers!, ah- $llsough there wera né importes! amnot thon. 1 Mr. B. Gibson, a flue hwo.yeau ôa boiter as!d a yearling bull-tIi. latte- punchasos! trocs Mayfiel,; ssul tise boitai fron bebcorlensoetMu.t John Milieu,' et Thlablo Ha'. Mr. John Dryddn las a hors! of nins, ineluding a splendid tve.yean aId bull. Iu herses Mr. J. B. Bickoll's B.year olul "Young Sir Arahihals!" hoot a de- seuvedlly fiaot pri. lu the sacdie or rois! clais. Mu. John Hcvdeu uhovos! a fiue car- rlage mare. Mr. James Milma s fine span in the genal purpoie 0ciasa. Mu. Roeot Miller a fin. yearling colI in tue saine cus.1 In the heavy draught, lMi. james I. Davidien a splendid one.year old, ly "S8cotland's GlMou ocf Darling, and two brootl mares, "Darling" and "Rtogo." Mr. Wmn. Smith, East Whitby, a magnufflent 2.year cia clyde filly, and a fonr.year oid mare and foal in the Iîeavy dirait, aisesa one year old in the ganeral purpose. Mr. Thos. IîfeEvoy, a fine yearling gencral purpese colt, and bMi. J. D. !xfeEVOY a Oplendid 2-year old fily by TigoeMesers. Jsffrey Bruis. sîi no maso hisir usual goos! show et draft BADDLU E MBAD. Sfalio-lit, Jousêbsu Porter ; Sud, John Wilsn. Mar&esu Foal-làt, J. B. BIeellI; Sud, Johà-Wight; rd, Ira B. Carpen- -8-yr olM entfré colt.-lit, J. B. Bick- 011; Sud, Jno. Sinclar; trd, W. H. Sud., John Cutsbr ; ard * Jue. Wright. 2 yî old entifre Cot-lust, James Ty. l.yr- ols! enlire colt-z-lot, J. L. Bar- cîs ldFiii-l.t, eis oGrâss; 2ad-JohnDais,; Srd, Relit. Deiven., S-yi oid F1lly--lsI, C. W. Matthews; Sud, Wm. Sandercoek; 8rdw, Hour Heisol Colt 1876-lulis raB. Carpen- tsi; Sud, Jno. Wnbghsb-; Srd, John W., Hrowden. .- Filly Colt 18786-luit, John Wright; Sud, Alexander MeLarn; $rd, David! Brown. -% Pair ot Garrlage Herses-lut, N. Bay; sud, John. McLuryp Ors!,- TIses. Ors- Sinçie HnninlaHarnoes-lot, Wm. Dévuell ;- Sud, Thoi. Tral; Ord, John Cutbbort, Saddlo Hloru-es, Alex. -Alexander; '2d, A. C. Brown.; Ord, Jue, Wright. GENEHau PIJPOiR. Stallin-lot, Peter MéDermot; Sud, A. L. Farewell. Mam sud Fual-lul, Birreil & John. sten ; Sud, Michael Bedden ; Srd, Jas. 8-yr obi outire Colt-lut, Juo. Is. ,8-yr eld FiUly-lsI, Wm.' Hoblis Sud, Thoeu.Burke. S.yr els! entire Colt-lut, Donald Moehoron,' jr.;- Sud, Wm. Curtice; 8n4, Jas, Keteixun. S-yr ols! Fily-lub, Wn. Gassie Sud, HugIs Howdeu ; Sud, Juo _ Smith. l-yr o els!cuine Colt-lut, Jue. Ormis- ton ; Sud, Win. Heron ; Bis!, T. G. Me- Avoy.1 l-yr oid Filly-lot, Robert Miler; Sud, Wxn. Snitbi; 8rd, Chancis West- lako, Heorse Colb 187-lit, Josephi Gosld; Sudl, Jas. Stocks, jr.; 8rd, E. B. Mer- Fgnilly et 187-lit, John Miller; Sud, Sylvester Lyndo ; rd, John Harris, Span Goueral Purposci Hres-lit, Birreli & Jobuiton ; Sud, Jas. Mine; 8rd, James Stece. 5EuvT ISRAUOItT. Stalion-laI, West & Storey ; Sud, Péter Mermott;iBus!. John Tliamp. uen. Mare & rieal-let, John Miler; Sud, JohnLovol; Srd, W.n. Smith. 8.yr ols! Filly-lub, Robait 'Beatl; Sud, John Hylans!;.Ors!. Robt. Beath. S-yr ols! oubie Get-lul. Jue. Sbnle- vit; Sud, Estate et James Burus; Bus!, Wn. Oka. S.yr ols! FiIy-lut, Jîso. 'Miller -. 2nd, Wm. Smitha. I.yi ols! enfire ot-lot, James I. Davdion;; Sud, Jas. Stanley.,- 1.yr ols! Filly-lsb, Wn. Miller; Sud&, Birrel & Joinstea. Hlors. Colt et 176-lit. Fred. Hy. land!; Sos!, Arthsur Barnett; 8ud, Geo. Losute. Ffily et 1876-lit, Shermnan Brown: Sud, Robh. Bealix;- Sud, J. C. Fox. ISpan of Drauglit Hoses-lît, Jaune I. Davisson ; Sud, Biroîl & Jebuten; Brut, WVi. Leaute. GLASS II.-GATTLE. liooeesiavingtlxon off te tho Centennisi. 'iDJURAMS. Tixeir dbspiay et sbosp, liowver, vas Bil-îuh, James I. Davidien ; Sud, kttter tIss-u nissal. tliav awocping off -Johln Dryden ; us!. George Hiiceiug. "&ab pres. £-4, bo>tqs.<n5g jull-lit, Birrel 'John- on tho ps-ien list dulunt rccivo a priiZ, Yearling Bul-lit, Jolin Davidacu; srbut wess ihîlhy ucosnnenîleîl by bIs. Sud, H. Deolithîs ; Bis!, B. Osîson. ek ge.Bell Cai-let andl Sud, Jas. I. Day- s! Muless. Ts r&Brnrao idiosu ; brd, John Duyc!en. s! Msn.TalrdBmussa n Milchu Cov-lst, Sud ans! 8rd, James tise- ahractîvc und-t interestiug festoris I. Davidien. cf tise Pair, shlowes! a s4plendlid cage of 8-yu ols! Go-let sud Sud, Jamue I. -jewells'y, wîîîeîîesn, spectacle, &o.,» DavidAen ; 8ud, Purvis Thomson. Tlieirshow -Yr OlaI Hifer-let, Jeo. Dryden Tiensofi'goOdi vasin everY vay Sul, 3B. Gibion ; ëud, Bus-oit & Johnu. a% Mnt crditalol te biis entonpriaiug stoil. - - dirus, suit euls! have comparas! favor- Yearling Hoife-lut, Biroli & John- 3, aly iththa ofanyCit boge. Heiter ait-lut, Jas. I. Davideen; 1. alssue.,. BisTeil & Jobuitou, oftGreen- Sud, -John Drydenu; Oms, John David- u Wood! made a epleucis i sow in herses, ion. ýt cattie sud uheep. Thcy cannieîl ofhetî2o Mlce v o, Ganadisu brei-let ans! udt, Fus-via Thosnon. i fiaot prizea for thue flet ipsuofîorsee iu 8-yr ols! Gev, -Canadin buc'-lat 0bothstise geuemal purposa sud jiuavy ans! Sud, Purvis Themson. -dranglit cius; aise baking a fluet pnizo S-yr ols! Boiter, Gasiadian bred-ish, vit s ix mae us!foa b tie enoalBirroîl & Jolunston'; Sud, Pus-vis Thon. Witha fllemar an loa luthegenralsois ; Bud, Chias..NVatiake. ýi purpose c4as, sud iu tîse beau-y dnuoglît Yearing Boifer, Ganadian buci-lot, avwitis a fisse esîe-yenr oud ilfuy. lu in- Birrol &Jobuston. r pouteil Durhasetbey ulsoa a fine lest lies-s, te lucinde bull aud 5 te- bye ycar aid bull anîl a yearling hîifen, mnaies-lut, Jas.. . Davidsun hot etwiîaiîauriodt afia pnze Bout Bull sud 5 oet isu alves-let, 3 boli f wiehcaria"fa fnitprie ;jas. I. Daviduon. - ) il the Gsnadiau.bres! Durhasuthoy iiemt Bull of auy agce or bred-lat, carrioul off firut pizes vwitix a tve.yoan Jas. I. Davidien. Mf iols! liciter sud n yearling lfer. In Besh pair et Steeus any age or brocs! Cet9vol haiepp they carnes! off tîxe lut -lot, Henry Gous-. sel Sud prize for the bes a ia sbi. ATuSsE. Bull-lit, Thoa. Guy. -Mu. Pue. Milles-, cf "Tiitle Ha'," 2-yn cl Buli-let, D. Liusk. isoves! a beautifui looking geueral pur- YearlinugBier-lut aud Soi, Thos.- pose filly, s fine iseavy drauglul mare Guy.1 and- feul, Su a splendid -year ols! Bull aî-lst, Thomas Guy. à Dinhan bull. lIilch Gow-lub, TIcs,. Guy; Sud, Jas. O. Guy. Mr. M. O'Donovan, maie a large S.yu aid' Heitr-lsb, Thes. Guy ; J dispiay ai Garriages, Phastoni, Siaighs, Sud, Jas. O. Gay Cuttans, &o., viîich attractes! mach GYealn.. .- h" notice ani! favorable- comment, They Hlelfor Cait-lst send Sel, Thon. Guy. voli uustined is iigb reputabien cf -GRIADE. burnnug out weuk equal te any turnes! Milècl Cow-lst, E. B. Morgan ; Sud ,ont le tIse Dominsion. InuSaIl lie caries!John Maekia; 8rd, John Haris. cff sosîse tîiteen pize. Byr ols! Cw-Ist, Chas. Weslake; Sud, E. B. Margun ; rd, John Harrnis. -Mu. N. Baby, carnies! off tIse firat ps-uc -yî els! Heifa-lât, John Makio;) -a set et sisngle baunoîs given by Hou. Sud, E. B. Morgan.2 Hleiter Cat-Ist ,. H. Doeiitthe ; Sud, T. N. Gifbs, M. P.-foî bout sPan et lisas. Westlake ; Bs!, John Barris. oauriagco horues, vithu s beautiful bayFA TLE t.sixs. Ils 8180oshoveil a lue, bleoded 0 rSerlo andTLE. eny S-yeaî Ca i lly. or tenit n!SuHei Mosssn.. Simon & u Kely màai au a:. Ccv or Meiler-lut, Jus. 13. Thom- C tractive diuplay of igars, mnufactuued ian ; Sud, BinioU 4à Joînîhon ; Sud, at b4icsir factery, Whibv. Thoulz. 05,4e Heur y Geais!. .. outeupisiug f un liave but iaheiy 'tantes! -ilu businasse, bliuy have by the useofe onIy fluet 01483 hobaeo, gocd voukinan.- aiLp ans! Carn uthxe inuufachuraet 11.11' cigare, gaines! for thenseleos a natne uineng amokoru. Tise Muilge & 'Yanwooi O)rgan Com. pauy Oft Ibs ovu isboveil a number et fu tss d f5u and! vi u-'spes-ion Intru. monuta, vhilli erq iigbly recomnsucs. os! by tise jutiges, Mosan. Tome 4- Newport madetoa goos! dlsplaY Of Canriageo, &o., uns! car. ries! off soveral pre.. The Domsinion Organ Go., PofBey. inanville, uhieessons flinbstrumnts visicli voie rocommneds. Messie, Weet & StCýoey ibowed a fine. builî leavy auagbt shallion viuaicar. nies! off thse fInI priai. Ms-. EL HL Spencersuas!. bis nanal goOd dispiay et Oonfflewus, isarryiug off a lange sbire ifthtie prizs, Uscagh bo aasia ortby rival lu Ms-. R. D. Faîey. Mu. W. M. 14111cr siewed s fiue oue.. Ye'ar chuf be&vy draaght - fil7 wlieh carried!oiltise firit pnizo lunlber cas,. Hae alise m'aiea geos! shoussuiluCetevois slîeop earryigug off sovral4rt andi sedonul prizs.. - C~ASS I.-~OBS) - LASS 11.-SHIEE . LEICESTER. Rase-lut sud Sud, Jeffuey Bro.; - 55,, Albert Tamblyn. Sbcsnling Ban-lit, Jeffrey -3ros.; 2nd. Jehn Elford ; ud, CGlanes %Wesh. lake. Bani Lambist, Jeffuey Bro. ; Sud, John Eitord ; Sud, Albiert Tamblyn. Twe Bws-lst, Sud ans! Ors!, efrey Bros. .Sbesrling Eves-lut, Jeffrey Bus.; Sud ans! Bis, John Elterd. Tvo Bye Luinbs--lit, John Bitord; Sud, Abert Tasublyn; Ors!, Jeffmey Bras. DAISY PiOODiSCE. Bout 2Oîbu Buttr-W. IL Higgins; douer et lot prize 810 ; butter taking piete bocome hie puopenhy. lat, ueO. Sherman Brovn ; Suit, àMe. Hui- eus Fonîcuten; Sud, Mis. Josîsua Gnav- forth ;..4tls, Mis. H. H. Spencer ; Sth, is., J. BrouIs. Bush 251bh Gîxeese, lbosne maie-N. W. Brovn, douer et 010 prizo, chieens- te bocomo lus propeif y-lut, Mis. Hl. H.' Spencer ; Sud, Mis. J. BrouIls ; SîsI, Misa. D. Lick. Boit irkin Butter,. not ei tIse 40 Iba--Levi Fairbanks, doner cf lt ýlniz,, 820 -, butter ho bicomne bis propety- Lut, l'ra. D. Liais ; Sul, Mis. Shermman Brown ; Sud, Mue. \Vi. A. Alilon. GLASS VIII. POLTRYu. P'air BiseS tlpauislt-lah, H. M. Thosmas; Sud, Thomas Ruce. Bîsismas, liglit-lut sud Seul, IL M. .oz% o. iaK-i5t, LI. lut. à lis-se, Sud, Tiîoa. Gohrune. Gaine Fovl-let sud Sud, il. 1m. Tiomas. WVbxihe Doî'tiug-let, H. Mf. Tiiomas; Sud, A. P. Wyatt.z Doukiug, cconcrd-lst, I. M. Tison- ne ; Seul, Glus. B. Aiexinder. Ilusubug-lst, Chias. Lyn-lu; Ses!, Hl. m. Thoemas. - 1'otins-lut ans! Sud, H. M. Iiomam. Cochin Cbina-let sud Sud, il. M. Thomas. Pes PoteI-lot andl Sud,'lics. Cci- rano. _Any ethpr vaiey-lst, I. M. Thon- as ; 2nd, A. P. Wyautt. WViis Turkeys-lst, Geo. Liddle. Gesse, las-go bîeod-lat, T..S. Ils-nr aud Sou ; Sud, T. T. Coleman. Qeue, tnsali bnoed-lut, John JPwee- die. Ducts-lut, T. T£, Coleman ;SsR iY. Foici'. - Canany Birds-lut,, Chias. B. Alex- ander n; Su, Fuanke Powell.- Pigeons, beul coi!scion-ist, H-. M. Thomnas ; Sîs, T. S. Hoenryk Son. Guines PcvI-lst, Thos. Coclîraue Seul, T. S. Henry & Son. Bout lot cf Poulih-y ewned by exlihit- or d¶istinct frein nll othor outris- ist, WV. H. Thsomasu; usd, Allan (j. 1Baver- minsu GLASS IX. FAnMISI PLEMMN5TS. Reatper, nny tind-lst, Browen ans! Pnhteîson Mfg. Cn. ; Sud, Josppi IîII Mtfg. Co. ; ani, Green Bris. & Ce. lîoving Machine--lut and 2Sul, Brown &' Pattorson Mtg. Co. ; 8d Jouepis Hall Mfg. Ce. Waurgon, tho seespring manke- lut, M. 0'Doucvsn. T1wo.ios-se Gariingcu-lut sud 2s-ud, M. O'Donovan. One-ise Buggy-lut, M. O'Douo- vau; Sais ans! Sud, Tosus & Neweport. One bouse buggy mititcîs-lt,Tuns &- Newport. One-boîse Phitou-lst amisl 21à, M. O'Donovsn ; Bis, Totms & Nevport. Onu-boisen Pieon vith hep-lust anul lui, M. O'Donovau. Tewo-lios"Siig-liat, Sud, ans!Ors!, Ml. O'lyouovan, . Onu-herse SIeg-lut, Ters-n & Nov. pout; Ses! ans!gis, M.'O'Donovan. Pleugh, sny kini-lît, Masson Mtg. Coe. ; 2nul, Rini&càrcl an.y; Ors!, flaihl. Sylvester. Tunip Dril-lot, Tisomas Mocanu. Set et Haurowu, veoul-lut, Robent Eiaeey. Set etflThrruivi, ion-lut, Robent Eiauuy. Tve-iiorse Relier-lut, Jas. Storey. Gang Plov-lst, Benjamin WVaggou- er; Sudl, Levi Csssiht; Sud, Richard Elauey. Grain Duri-lut, Masson Mfg-. Go. Brens! Cash Seeden-lut, Masson Mfg., Co. Strav Cutter for isorse poeo-lat, Brown & Pattensen -Mffg. Go. Straw Cutter veukeu biy isani-lul. Brovn & Pathersan Mfg. Go. Herse Rske-lb, Masson Mfg. Go.; lus!, Brown & Patteuson Mtg. Ce. s-csiuug atss-l.b la£UT, .*Ilseu COTeveLD. Sus, Chas. Huinoy; Bis!, Levi Gasoît. Ban-Sut, Wna. Hecigon; S2ud, Wn. Wauhing Machine-lut, Wn: mat. Miller; Bis!, BinioU & Johnsbou. beffvuon. Sliearhing Ram-lut, WMVm . Mil- Chenu-lut, Thou. bMcCaun. ion ; Sud, Wm. Hcdguon; Bis!, BinioUl Grain (ruslei-lab, A. Whitton. & Jobuston. Spechuon Heorse Shoos viti esuik- Ram Lîsi-lul sud Sus!, Bireil & 1sf, Thou. Rico. Jobuten ; Bd, Wn». Hcdgeou. Specimen Herse Shoe vitiseut Twe Ejwe&-lsb, 2dsud 8rd, Wm. iaulk-lsh, Tises. Blc. Hedogson. Boit ipecinmeu et Pump Maluers Two Shearliug Evas.;-lul, Win. M. vonk-lut, Henry Thomapseu ; Sud, Milan; Su2d, Win. Hoigscu; Sus, Wzn. Jam. Haihon. M. Miber. CASX Two oe amb-lat, Sud, rs!, IVin. GASX Bolgeon. HORtTICUILTURES. Sioarliug rame, Ganadisu bred-lst, Wn., Haugon ; es!, Binreil & John- 12 Table Applos, suminon nanais- eton; rs!, Wtu. Hodgsen. -lu 1t, John MuGil; Sud, J. J. Pallier- Tve ovwes, Canaffian bred-lat sud 9 Sud, Wm. Bodgsou; Sud, DBrll & 12 Goeking A-iple, xum'ne nanmed- JoissOn. - 'lalt, Marion BUils; Su1,'F. Poell. ý One aglait n sdfige e vs aviug, 12 Table Appla, f-dl, nanoil-lt, rý labnin 87-lo, m. odg J A.FoItAizllS 2d. F. Poelol.,j s-ai..' iame i 186-li, W. Heg- CGeking, Apple, <ahI, naines! sou. oUT!ievN.lut, Marlou B14rke ; Sud, J. J., lihen jj. Spencer; Sud, B~, 12 Table Applés, winton, pan- D, Pbley* --- - - 4ariunon fBurkes; ini. Jalu XdýiI Boar-let, Chas, Eley, Sud, Geo. Bow-lut, M. Gould; Sud, James Boar Pig 1876-lut J. P. Sadller.. Bow Fig 1876--lut, Chas. ,Riley; Sud, J. P. Sadr; Brd, Jas. Peters.. Fat Hog-lst, Henry Gould; Su0, John Tweedie. GRAIN AND SERDB. ~ uhl ping ýWhest--1sit, J3. Whe U(,Tos Manderson; 8rd, Wph.'Thouspson. basîsels barloy, two rowedý-lot, S ,Thompuon; Sud, W. Pearson; 8 d'P. beomd 2 btishels barley, six rowed-lot, Jeu, White; Snd, T. Mandersen; Srd, T. J. Hol1idsy 2 bushels Peau, large-lut, 3'. Storey; Sud, J. Michiael; Brd, T. Allin. 2 bhéeuPoe, umal-lut,, George BicIceli; Sud, Thos. Mandrson; 8rd, J. Breuis. -2 bushels Oats, blak-lst, J. White; 2ad, T. Manderson; Srd, 8. Netherton. 2 bushels Qats, white-lst, T. man. derson ; Sud, S. Netherton ; 8rd, W. Lcauk. 50 ears strung Corn, 8 row-1st, T. T. Coleman; Sud, J. Edwards. 50 cars struug Cern, 12 row-lst, T. T. Goeman ; Sud, H. H. Spencer. 2 bushels Timothy Se-lslt, James Pile ; Sud, J. Ireula. S bushelu Clever Seed-lst, A. Me- Kenzie. S bushels Alsse Clover-let, A. Wad. delI ; Sud, G. Lynde. 10 bushelu Sweodiuh Turnip Sed- lut, J. Micxanel. 1 bushel Fiai"Seei-luf, J. Michael; Sud, J. Pile. 6 lbuq Garrot Ssed-let, J. Michael. 1 huehel '2ares-lst, J. Brunis. 1 bushel Beaus-lot, G. Biekeli; Sud, C2Lnohls 5Rys, spriig--lot. George Lidclle. 2 bushels Bye, fgtl-lst, B. S. Wil- son. Barral Fleur frovi faîl weat-lot, J. & G. Rusueil ; Sud, J. B. liokeil. ]3arrel Fleur frein spriug wheat-lst, J. & C. Rnissell ; Sud, J. B. Bickell. Barrel of Qahieal-let, P. Francis 2bd, do. GLASS VII. 10 yards fui! clothx, home Madea, iupt and wevP by 1lind lut, Mus. Joue] MoGiiulau, Rsvma'uviile. - 10 yards ful ciots, taetomy Madle lut, lý cpire WooeeN illa ; Sud, 11a A. BOWLrmihuî. 10 yards vinten Tweed - lot andîul Sn E wpire Waolen Milis. 1u yards d.ilinc-l, factoyny usude, a woo--ls4t, A. A. Bowerniu. 10 yarps flaue!, home inaile, b band, ceitesi wanr-lât, Mus. C. Lysîs! Suil, liry. J. MCcln .10 Yeudsltnnel, fautory mas!e, co ton warp) - lua, A. A. Bowerana; Su l) yaruii plidul fiusuel -lut, Mus. L.yiiiii, ; Sud. A. A. iiower'uian. 10 yarids viuul caupet -- lut, Mise o;iv Nuol ; Seul,- Mus. A. J. WViglit. 19 yVard, lsgs-riset, cetton warp lut, I. C. Lynde ; Sud, Mfra. J. Ml Cie-han. 10 yards rag carpet, wooien vaup- lut. Mus. ,J. Ms-Cleiisn. Pauir- aoolesi bi!uketus, ihome made lot, Murs. J. ]3rock ; Sud, Mia. J. MO cleli.n. Pair WCtuslen baukuts, faehory made- Igb, à. A. iîcumernu;n;ud, Emnpi Woolon bMills. CevElet, hueay- lut, Musa. W.j Stevesosn ; 'us!, Mnr. G. Lyndo. Geveilet, iiglit lut, Mirg. J. Brouis '21iJ,,Uru;. C. Lynule. Sliepluur'dupliju-lt, Mus. J. BrouIs 2n.1, lire. C. Lynile. l'air wiiluiuu teCkinigs -lI seual Sec Mn,. J. lMcCiellan. Pair voolt-n socs-s -, lot, Mfrs. J. Me i Glliiu ; 2Sd, Mrs . 'GroQuee. Pais- Cotton stoekiugi sla, AMis. Vsx Stiielcli ; Sud, Mn,. 9. Gnoe. l'ais' Cotton seeku-- lst, Mirs. S. Grose 2-1l, Miii M. Harper. Pals' aoucoinmittfa -- lat, AMilsa M, Harprn ; Seul, m. J. MeClelsu ; 8ri, Mrs. J. Brouie. Plaitî) Woolen yarn -lst, Mus. J. Me. Clellan ; Soi, 'Mus. C. Lyndîlo P'luaindouble aud twistes! yarn-lsl, Emupire Wooicn Mliii ; Sud, A. A. Bu'weu'îsîlau. Ratni-uulet, Miss A. Johushon; Su W001s-1 irug-lst, lins. Tonuiluson 2114.1, Miss H. Wiiso. GLASS XII. LAl uEPAsiTMENcT. Gliluls ses-lui, Ms-a. Johnu Law. hon, Jr. ; Se-.,Mis. J. Brouis. Qenhlensa' plaie uirit, issiud made -lit, Mus. WVn. Squebeli ; Sd, Mus. J. Brook. Q'tisnn'plain shirt, machine suj-.sMisis Jaue Sotu Pis-certe qilt 1lut, Miss îSemer. Ville ; S1id., Mn,. is-uliluseu. Leg cuufîein- quiltitlt, Mis. Jobs Ils-iau ; tSîîul, Mies Anue Jouisson. Pnieudship qtiilt - lot, Mua. W. J. Shevêugnce; Ses!, luisa Irving. 'rusît quit-lI,Mis. John D. Me- Avoy ; Seul, lins. J. Brsenlu. ICuit beut 05ur-lut. l'fi.s Muilda A. Smniths ; Sel, lis Irving. Crotchet verte-lut, Miss Mate E. Caupbelî ; Suul, Miss Polly Stith. Silk quilist, Mise W. J. Stevon. ion ; 5n41, Mise Wilicex. P nhbnglut, Mua. Du. Gun 24l, Mi sAneJoisuston. Laulsls dies-lut, Miss M. Harper Sud, g(iss Lawtcu. B qut collection cf ladies' underclobli. iug-Y lut, Miss Jane sett. Fancy Knihting - lit, Mua. Wn. Squehlu,; 2Sud, Mliss S. Sînictetaus! Crotabat ucit - lot, Miss Stricteani; Sud, Mies Anue Joinsten. Tatting-lut, Misa Annie Jeinton; Sud, Misa M. Johusten. Applique vout-lat, Miss M. John- utyn; Sud, Mies A. Johusten. rlboidciy oun usiu -lut, Miss; M. Strietlansl; Sud, Ms. Wm. Squelci. Einbroeiry ou lace- lsb, Mue. Wns. Squelhl; Sud, luiss. A. J. Wright. Embnoiuleny ou ailte lut, Mfiss Annie Jolunston ; Sud, Miess Magg7ie Johaton. Einbrojdery on worahei -lut, Miss Aunle Johushon ; Sud, Miss Maggie Johuiston. inbîoidisry on ctten-lat, Miss Striakians!; Sud, miss Auni, Jhaton. Baises! Baril woei weut-lst, Miss Stictlani ; Sud, miss mate B. camp. bell. Fiat Berin u oo verte- lut, M ies Pbxoebe A. Rogers: Sait, Mies Liivsen. German nuises! verte -lut, Mus. A. J. Wnrigbt; Snîi, Mia. W. J. Suevenson, wuiprc kne-lus, M isa .Stricte- land;; u-t, MMs. Wm. Squelch. Chenille vneluMs.J . ktî Moussau nouslIe-wventelot, Mis Wîiox; 2.-d, lins. Juo. Flitt. -Orua!ueossal neudie vers -lotibMtu. Yï. L. Sith l; Sas, Mise Aunie John- ston.1 Spcimenu et busdiug--ls.t, Miss M. Sîi-lakbtnd; 2ià 'Misa Wileoi. Spvcimeus of QCdtig-lsî ans! - Sud igTomatos-let suad aMr. J. Wright. 12 Bootsi, beetu-lstt Ed. TufTavisi Sud, John Harria& 2 clusteru (Grapes, white, gnowrn open air-lut, M. iiko.', 2:S clusboru Gra6pës, blaekk, grown OPen air-laI ansi Sud, L, C. Hall. SWater Melou-lut sud- Sud,' Burke.>. Muuk Melon, armen fleah-lut, J. Fobluargil; 2Sud, H. Gonld. Muuk Melon. gcarlet fioh-lut Di Sud, M. Burke. Citron-lut, W. W. Wood; Sud, Jm Alîmu. 8 beade Cabbage, susume-lit, T. Coleman ;; Sud, Bd. McTavisl. 8 bonuds Cabbagè, wlter-lst, T. Coleman ; Sud, W, W. Woods. 3 his.ed cdCab1bage-lst, T. Goleman; Suid, W. W; Weed. 2 Sqnîshe- is, T. T. Golemar Sud, L. C. H,41l. S2 Pumlskiuu-lst, Geo. Valentine 'Sud, Chas. Lynde. 1 12 table Garrots-let, Geo. VaI& fine ; Sud, T; T.. Cabmian. 12 table Turip-lît, T. T. Cal in.u Spocimen dzed Frits-lit, Mi Chas. Lyndo; Sud, Miss Willcox. Çanued Fruiý-1st, Mie. L Frenat Sud, J. Bressis. Specimen ot fruit pnesorved lu sugi -ltDira. W, J. Stevenson ; 2i Mis. Go*. Valeitino. Jelly-..4et, Ms Esther Maddeu; Si Mis. John Warru. Jar etf ickel!-lst, J. Brouis; Si Mrs. Gee. Valailino. 6 Cudumberi-,Iut, Dr. W. O. Ba weod ; Sud, W.1W. Woods. 6 beadu etf Gery-lut, Geo. Vali ine ; Sud, T. Tr, Colemin. 12 Pansunipe-lut, Gee. Valentine Sud, T. T. Golerran. . Peck White Oiion-lit, Dr. W. Eastwood ; Sud' Ge Valentine. Peck Yellow 4jion- Snd, Goc. Valentine. Peçck Red, Osienu-lut, T. T. Cel mnu; Su, Go'a Valentine. Pickliug Oubus-lut, T. T. Gol mnu; Su, GLO Valentine. Patate Onieu-let, T. T. Celeman Sud, John Haris. Ghiakoy-lst, T. T. Coleman ; Ss Ge. Valentino, Best collection et gardon vegotablg -ut, Ge(). Valentine ; Sud, W. N Woodi. Catsup-iet. J. B3rouis ; Snd, Mil M. Borrowmsa. Maple Mlises-1it, J. Brouis. Raupbery-lsh, Geo. Valentine; 2Si J. Breune. Grapo Wie-lrh, Mie. Lewis Col yell ; Sud, MKss Willcox. Auy other Yaîiety etf iu-lst, Mi Johin Warîec ; Suil, J. BrouIs. G LASS XI. neSixEslO SAiUFACTUIIE. cigare Simnon & Kelly. itiie with instrucations tu r'"port as Collection et Everlautinge- -Miss îthe neit meetinig, aud thus givo lWr. *Hattie GamoDbeil. .Feigusen tirno Oc cuquiro zustote e ne Bracluet -- Miss MI. J. Anderson. port. Patent adjustuible Steve pipe--Jno. Mi. Long asked if Mr. Feiguson lied Drsper. been consulteid. Herse tootis Crn-Jas. Edwhrde. Mn. Feignuson îeplied that lie iad ieon Neck Voke-Benjamin WVnggoner. flot. Lot et Stovps-Oehawa Steve Man'g Mn. Long baid no doubit but that Mr. Company. MnigBlew'u figures were correot, but ho infante Rlobe-Mi. W. j. Stevenson. thought that if Mr. Ferguion had any Motte-Mis. J. H. Addison and Mis. hobjeet in examiniug the ieport--whibi Hlinam Brown. h ohock it tor granted ha had-and was Spatter Woik-Mr8. A. J. Wright. net objecing for the sake et objechiug, Silver wire Flcwers -Miss Annie ho (Mn. Long) theuglit tt would ho boat Jehuston. te have thc repert retercd back te the Sheli Woik MissAnnie Jehuston. coinmittee. Gotton Trou -Mis. J. B. JIU Mi. Fenguson said tîxat w&h o ieen- Fauay Box - Misn AnnieoHopper. densed a report lie wauted te know Wax Cameliasu-Mri;. M. A. Jackson. what lie was oudensing, aud ihouglit White wax crosssud Fioers hii,ý Mr Lon]g would feel the saine. M. A. Jackson. Mi. King said Mr. Forgusen had Wax Hlarp-Mrs. M. A. Jaakson. been at the Chairan'a office wheu, Wax Dol-Mie Mary Jane Hpper. thiy ad talked rte report even, sud itflhs Moe Work-MissAuuie JohUsten. (Mn.P.) thought anything was wroug he Gentlenau'a Fiaunel shirt-Mise had bsd sinco thon plenty eftihme te Annie Johuston) . 10%ekilh up. Embioidered Geuterpaue-Mrs. frM. Fergusan asked does Mn. King D. McAvey. know bIsaI the figures in hua report are ]3raidod Slipper bolder-Misu Annie correct. Lowes. -Mr. Ring replied yesdue did, ftohey Perforated, Card bsoard text-_Mis. were talsen frein the towu treasunrrs Anlo Lowes. bookes. Foot Stol-Mies Lawton. The. uu0tion te adepb the firet clause Fruuing uhea]ru-j. S.M. Wullox. wau caried, sud also mines hoa dopt SPeetmensotBRed Brick-P. G. Himea, the next twe clauses wAe carried wilh- Specimns et White Brialt-Wu,. out a diacîtusion. Kirkland. Mi. Blow thon mnvod for the adop- Fi-et WVo]&-Mri. Dr. W. O). Esît. !iou et. the foin-h clause et the report, svuod sud NMrp. A.-J. Wright. - îu regatd te bbc expeudituro iu the 1Casie o Whcesê anrysd §Peo. noreb waîd,. - tals-Tayloi.& Iarnard. -Mi. Fergugon opposeul it, stahiug. Paiutingîuda i, animail -Miss tixat thse forth warui wa5> the cee ho L.fFarquhaen..ha srcage, suc!ho coull net veucli Stuffédodg Mus. Jue. Tanner. fer a single figure ii the report. Pee Floux'er - Misa Mate E. i. Harper theaglit hit thGpu rly Campbell ighh way. Le do, wouldfe teohàil te Sustlas.Ipo y s d t~i-Eobt. Miller. rejsont bae tO tliê,obmsffttee foi'u wax fruiit-let sud 2SaUd nx. M.AÀ [Mr. Long eutersa and- teck 'bis M ih ; Jackson. aIt i cornieRl board.] Wax llower-let, Miss Mate B. NTOS in Campbell ; Sud, Mns. M. A. Jackson. lfoos Wamobels-,-ls1,Mr,M.A.Jackson; Mr. King, s.ieopded by M.Ioa ini Sud, Miss Jane Qot. aoved that the petiliti cf Mie. KIîï Wax lillieu--lat, Vra. lram Brown; presented to Ibis couisil for 4MuIgti M, Snd, Mrs. M. A. Jackson. aI lthe lasèI meeting, bie returai Paperflowes-lst, Mie. J. L.BSmith; Cariisd. 3. Sd, Miss Jàne Scott. Mr. Harper, uecondcd by Mi- PIj Hair flowen-lut, Mrs. W. J. Steven- guson, moved that the tressurer -be il aud son ; Sud, Ms Mae B.(Campbell. strncted, sud le beroby ~anuoized, Zepher flowS -luit, Mrui. D. Llck ; towu voted' $c the Whltbb sud Pci T. Sud, Miss 8. Sticklanld. Ferry Extension Railway Ci>. Carries Fancy baskt-lut, Mise Bainesi REPORT F or OONTigiE ON STREETB 1AI T. Sud, Miss Jane Scott. DiPEOVEMENTS. T. Wieslbaukre,lt isLatn u, Mr. Blow bronght iii h. report Miss M. Hapr. 1ssilySow he commit tee ou utreets eud Improvi lu; rcinma-lt, Miss Tlly Saow ; iensa, âslilg th.diffirent expern u; Lm mt -lt, issTill Snwtures sud a poriatiens for the y.î 2 ud, mise. M. B. Mitbhell. bba OPf 1Fr Dun a Ir le ; Fanoy table mt-lut, Miss Carnie to e ap"foYilc wFoa., wlb 05.18 Meirose ; Sud, Miss Tilly Snow. teaporain swt W1, o - Il si o k î î xpen dd - alance et lasI ear, 01,020. Sudis Ti akli Miss.olly Sitih;i18, ot which- bis beenu Ud ont,,fo le- , Cene worillystMis u oh-broken osIensd gravol, 0879-50 ; lutu ruetou;-,Sud, Mine M.J.ÂAndnesn. ber, 0185.65 ;usils. 68.19; temi nlaber, 0858.88, lesviug tuuexpien Mis. MathewCrawvferth.. #148.02. h; Frmes wraîh.ls, Mi. A J. Tho appro-rioation for Brook sIrec Wh mr;sud, res. . l evoro n. .was #600, oetpwbich lias beon laid nu gar Hair Jewflery-îst, Mieü, , for brekexa itono sud gravel, $58; lui nd, bell. M u ber, #199 ; nails, #21.825; tesoiing sn Werk Box-lut, Miss Leana Nesbtt; Sud, labeur, $209.54, loaving a balancec id, MisMary BHoppen. . #108. GLASS I.Tho appropriation toi bhe Base Lin ilATS with amount unoxponded lut year we À15T5825d, of whieh lias been exponded fo ut- 011 paintingu, animaie, for professionals lumber, 088; nails, $10.28; laboc -lut, Miss Strickland. 8.7 eiuuepodl,117. 011 pa ting,.anLrsbjeot, forprofesslonals 0Ti9,seavmoune te npepriat1o,75f eu- -lut, Miss Strick m4. Teaon fte pon o 007 jaiiting for amateurs, landucape- the Northi Wurd wau 400, et _hi le; lot, de~~ Bannes; Sud, Mis. J. L. Simith. lia been laid eut for teatning labi Olpslnting foi amateurs, animas-lut lumber, nails, $840, leaving a balane su ad Sud Mis. J. L. Smith.of$0 O it01 painting, any subject, for amateurs-et0. lot, Miss Barnes; 2nd, Mre. J. L. Sitih. The.ainut of appropriation for th Water coloa, landscape-lst, Miss Striek- Centre- Ward *as #4Wi, auxounit ex land; Sud, do. pendod for lumbten, teamaing, labor, an le. î0aXter colore, animal-lust, Miss Stnick- nails, . 446.25, making an everexpendi le .Wateî colora, auy subjet-l«t, Miss T~h"o amonLet appropriation for th F. arquhanson ; Sud, Mrs. B. Potte. South Word wus, with $158 unexpende i; quet paintingTlat, Miss L. Far.- styar45,o wbieh lias bieou ei quhason; 2d, o. endd fe luber nalsteaingai ad, Pencil drawing, figure subje-et iiaor, #81, lesving a balance une] Miss Strickland ; Sud, Miss Barnos ; pfb lof88. les Srul, Mia. A. J. Wright. - Whun your committee enterod upa W. Pencil drawing, any subjec-lst, their duties at the opening et the upris MisMinnie Fuller ; Sud, Miss S. bhcy touud a largo amount et workt las Strickland. he donc, sud have aimefi te lay ou Grayon drawiug, animal-lst, Mis. tbe varions appropriations for the dû JL. Smithi; Sud, do. feront sections othle bewn, se ast ,« G Cayon drawing, auy 'Uubjet-lut, have the work.doue. which was cau Miss M, Stricklaud ;Sud, Miss Bannes. shdered the meut uecessary, sud hav or- oloîod crayons, animale-lut, Mii. il donc in a good andi workmauli] J. L. Smith ; Sud, do. manuer. and at as low a coul sa po 'ru. Gelored crayons, any subjet-lut, sible. YUr commithee, believing il Mns. J. L. Smith; Sud, Miss M. Strick- bie their dnty, aud to to the inhereilts landt; Srd, Nisa M. J. Auderson. the town, to bave tbe main appnoache Ornementai Penmanshp-lst, Miss put iu as geod sud sato a condition a Stnickianil ; Sud, dic. possible, as weil as neat sud attractivi Gollection ot ambrotype photos-lut, have hcud, tie "Slough et Despend, unMigs Jeunie Lawder. which existed On Dundas street, jus Gl LASS XIV. west etfGohrane's sideline, filled up au the ýmain roa was being washei - LFATIcER AND LEAT«XSE WfiiK. away by the action eft tte . water ;th ean ae fine boots, sewed-lot, M. drain iansuome places being 15 or 18 tee ,~Collens ; ud, Wm. Burns. wide sud five test deep; tliey have hi la Meu's fine boche, pegged-lst, Wns, a culvert built s0 as te keep the wate ill Bures, 12nd. ddo. within bounde. Your commtte ahil Mou's kîp boots-lut, Wm. Burns, have a langé amnutt fwenk ho di L> aSd, M. Collins. with tho tundi as yet unexpeuded, su le Paud o men'oowhide boots-lit, Suda will aim to have that donc tauly.whie .Coin.is cousidercd eusentially uccessary. Ai t. Beel asuortinent ef boot sud shoo. thc uew uidowalk lu the neighborxoo dmakoer'a work-lot, W. Burns; Sud, of the iiew Metîxodist Tabernacle w& M - net estisuated in yearly apprepriatici J Mnrte. r. aUr Çbe ontitu-. WAs-u. andai 101 - Paix- heilvy herse colare-let, M. causedl au c)xpauliiture of noarly*b Porter, sud tîxene -- yot mauy repaire te ki eU ppei Leattîi, cowlide-lst, King smade bu said ward, your committU - 1ax.. would remmeud tîsat a tunther grasi l- Upper leather, grsiud-lst, King et $758lhe madeè to uaid waîd. Bics. Mr. Ferguon, as oeeoe the commit - ppier leather, cat-lut, King Brou, tee on utrechi, sud improvemeuta, prou Ilarness leathoer -lut, King Brou., Letee against tîxo report being receii Bride-lut, King Bros. eod, shaiug tint lie 1usit hotfad prcpeî CLASS XV.hume te go over ib, sud ueo if it wai c- GASSXV.correct, consequeuhly he did net sgrai 3iISCELLANY.OUs. ho hhe report. re 1lbs lono in omb-gtH M. Mi. King said that au hoe sud thi The a ;0ii Hney nomiletr, H.sM.c hairman had both agzieed -teoit hhey T.Frh.s uJu.latr OtIa were a majeîiby, sud ho tlioughh the J.FecswxltMs et..Wisn;repent shouifi be recel-efi. i B;2n cswon ax lt, M. St .~isn Mr. Fergusen utahed the laut clanse 10 ibis Hloney., tainà-lst, John et the report, asking for au extra ai. s;Baxter ; Sud. Isaa French. propriation ef $75 for tise GentreWard, wae contnary te aIl the nana! pnoceed_ 10 IbouMa p le augar-lît, Mie. Chas. inge eft tîis concil. Every committea, 1, LnleSud, Mis. JlotBroui. W .lie coutendod, ebould keep their expen. c. Se aes c22dfBroad-. lsMi. W .ditures within the bende etfthoin ap. Spe to f c is. . ruIs W. propriation. This tIhe centre wand had a, Cllecto tGuetoyltW. net doue. Ho ceulul, if ho had net Bo Gulen. oe beois careful, -have everexpeuded his Iol 8 ut Flwestalo-sI Mseappropriation et 8200, sud avol expend %nuet lowers, ad lotMia. à on.hiue M.Bow hcuc 1 . iba n u, iss Jous. wu necmihoc u h 1, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O L npoePiinluW H. mHotin;buthecar.lwth oni naggih, nc zusc ýlx.nîos Ud, Chas. Mi. Bbow moye! fthe adoone [As wlll ho seon by tise above, the eacb night, andlbeDiscovery as direct. report et the cemnittee on stroots ans! cd-.2Tise result la, te-day bis sitem 1 impoveens, fte pss-d tbrough perfectly ameotb, ans! thse uialy enap- impeveent, tte pasm tiens are gene. Ho bas tabou some ail tlue haggling repentes! sbovc,asudsaon or eiglât botties ln u ail, u cou- heing adopteïR by bhecueunil in conu- sidera hisueif cures!.This case uas! mnithce cf the-viole, vas at lie must ai- baffles! tbe akili et our boat pbysieamsn. lowd t drp, na he dopionof he esura. Duinutard & Co., drdgiati, cf iove! h drp, ns!tic dopionet ic is ýplace,, areslliug iargely of yeur report laid over for some future sueet- medicineiians! the domnd utesdily iu- îng.] craesan dthey givo perfect satisfa- tien lu every case. STIOANGE ACDIDEN.-TIiO following R espoctuily,, W. H. 'JRAMPXIN. acceunt cf a stusuge accident vbicli AgI. An. Exp. Go, Isappeed te Daniel Lond, et Rama, vo LET ETERTIeODT READ th. luvaluabie- clip- freni hueLinudsay Waudr.-"Wîtb nuedical ans! Phys 1iolefrallue pnb- a Party etfiiendi, ho vont te the mil li hes! by thse PeabtodyMedical Inutitute,- pond for flue Pmroe fsinn Thse Boston. --The cince cf Lito, or Self- Party s!ragged the pond once, sud the preaervalion, i,'a e apalypr vweut out ou thetasu t lesecuno lthe uses!, onvince lb. mo'stseeRiaairedei f ml.Ts arty procoies!ed lesein. ht itI lacompanatuively e;sy le ave!'! bacte acrOetgepoud,ljesving bim wvens the ills bich ee h gad lie vaw u ihIve ihs troul and! v haoe l.ynn u! perdh-m hi. s. enliepa th lougbtiess, and that lb.e, veakoes!d and.Whentlw atyfonces of manisoos! may tue re-establiatu- arrives! ath Oe opposite side he conelun ns uetloe 55 Bd ho jo in thon,.by-svlt'iinnng c ea-!tisaI sappiîessan uilesiY Be~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n deenuxnethoplcof Is fsh oeshore'! te these vhose constitutions,- hieru us! ut aeil acres. Ti. have licou piematuroly broken down. pendh being tho 5in!lrretIh h "exual Pbyaiology et Woman." oeeoe acllnet gel a guip On - il Woh h psbiîiaiste u hbttl Ie! - tectli, sud befone lie neaolied hi. vitish matai of vital importance te te- eventis, pndil ias - onks! aymales., Ans! in Ibis day, whcn se naisy and! ficnneeddown bis Ilinoat, pr-anpraheybrlndasievk duo» on 'Diieaues otthé Nanu'es tujl Nï3vous diusg . shangulatiotn lu legs. iu ,iau.."leee,.ai,'thsanl Cée bbdsre a n~~bcueM.hidg oeuDrn'ree, ae drt Fonguson ha! sidf, u yoi ase1k toi Lin. a.sceon as th. Edigee,John-, D.05w, sa will V I." eri4et ha m ve «wre mneh -bad,-feeling amoug le rS mersprovicu.oartîfientee' - oft c f tbhe cnmlttee. If. thongt 1h. coln- Mn. Hoov'er snovo4 lhstIbis council re. 'tueeadexpenditune mightbhava e, onwA'ur ni aurate2s Ji.muc, ýleu Threwere puelsty e day of Ocobernxt. In, mroita lu the o rlbwand whichvat- .Pesltfon-Fuel et cd id.wslku just as bas!as tin thIe n- otre ward, butî could net have lbo. Ho. Hdid not lhink ilfasir for tb. norlix To iif oEde" If he WIUbj Chresucle, nd uîouth -wandu b practico ecnony,81 - nsd ltlt'h. centre vrard have every. A yo.'1ceMune are Always open i ýbhesY waub. tofer OuilDfor the bsee*othbe i,,Mu Fenguien sais! M&. King bas! eosumnnitys igree vouls!' you ullew triai t tomake ont s case, inu utating onbêeIo.-ap"oa. <emý aw4o ~o et that lb. (Mn. F.) -wcnl aut 0500, if Pest ut Mr. Ring gel il. Now, ho contendes!,-15r l7actlilsegi in 1mb 1he, ncrtb wand deserves! s farger the supply' ofwood for fuel fi Iem~ i d a p i p i a t i e il t h o n i f l e r o e t hI e o t h e r a p i d l y s dt i p ' 5 n d . l 1 e e b i t m . . w e wadboisaus..it wua aI eâet cue-tbird e caeluCaa8's fa1n larger, sud lias!eo-Ithins!more uh.ab, be ebtaluas! texuéèt 'lià -waul iihe ne itauba. WIseu the yearly appropn- wiUi e ihau4lable. Ilîbsbeenaa-- ras ation vas made, il was uni---toed I acrtained -oetlate Ihst 1 almosî everyy for ne cemmibhs'e were to overspens! their eedasr swamiVlunlthe cbtifary, baside thea r, allevauce. Mr. Ring bas! doue il, sud other bow-1ysg landu s ilsthe b.Hol« - now tries! ho excuse hinse ote 1 pies land:_ Mai h sd lie Welland Fiatai,, For of the Mothodist- cburcb eidewalk. bordering cf the Welland ganal, cou.- zba Mr. Ring sais! that il ws =ipossible tain a.large 'qnanlity of, Ibis' iuinsble j or, te have Isept the expondibune 'belcw dépesil. ee $400, sud fi bhe streeto leading te the Ail Ilis required s! thlb.propav ma. Wbitby & Pont Ferry Bailwsy, sund' hiuery go manufacture thiu yogettbie- ,e buis the Methodiut churcb sidewaik. mater lto Pest, and in lbus- di.sctiou.- He- He babilt ne îidewalku oxcept theso e Ube rgos eboiuk made, ter a id that vene needes!, and clialieugus! any maeliue ntroduses by. Mr. Dedge, ef ai.- momber -of the.counceil te naine oeo the State of Ne* Yerk, aud asîthus mo.-- bosrd that liad been put dowu whicli ment st vente on extensive peat lieds ho wss net wanbod. Ho baslaikes! Mr. nean Syrsnsa, preduces ât lhe rate of id Ferguson te go ever the wards with oe ulndies tous par dLiem. x- .hum sud aqe vhat vas wsuted in each, Wc have euly te go ta' Nevtonvlle, id but-Mr. Ferguson lias! rfused. If the s station ou th. Grand Trunte Hsllwuy, z. counail refuses! te grant the extra sp- somae fitty miles ouaI et Ibis city, le aie prpnation, the vorte wtsch bas! beeu anoîbrorfethèe.machinesaastwerk, on ardy doue vonld bo uwepl avay vhich lias iu a short lime produses! îg noît 8u,,sring, sud eosl the corporation soma lbreo. or tour'bundres! tons et to oven 10 instesel et 080 ai prosent.. valuable pest, now quite. dry snd ready ut . Mr. Ferguson sais! there wau vork fer sale, -', if- 'uilite uortb vans! thal sboula, hava This peut bas!, I amntofi by sevenal te been doue, but the towu couls! net parties of ciporienices, laçe~Uai te some tri. afford lb. In tact, b. ouly gave on. ofrhbéaboa&ledsin -re ansd vi ce plauk vien bye -were needes!.- - proiluce Post equai te ceai, a sampbaetf- k. Mr. Blow shaleil liaI in inîg out -wbiab my hlieoan a ifs.heoffice et the ). the 'appropriation at, the finît et thé -Mail en Leader, Ring streel. te year lho hail tbeught 0400 was nual-I Aa aoinformes! that ausoller et ot enougb, but bads! oalb e!ri. Fergascu thèeo machines viii acu om eput su os teo eerule lin. He hld ilasben i tIseepératicou s -avainablbe ad!cf Iio; ins as counait board!éohier ye.ars vheu tb. on the Humber fisas, onfy. sonssi4x -e, nortîx wand W doverrun theïr appropri. mies.fronu Ibis cily, vwhiolswill sAord lation, sud siluaded te a special ap- parties au. oppoertunity côf 0eoing ans! st propriation made for the sidowlk (in judging for thesselves . p, thé noith wand) Ieadiug te the Gabhelc I an tels! -"i.macheine, wlil=anu-' id ebuiebi. facture soma ixundros! tons por day, lie Mr. Hauper sais! lie was really astou- sud aI a coul net -.zeedin2g ono-. dollar !et isbos! bbat Mr-. Blow lias! alewed Mu. per bonii ans! thal a ton eflt' well dues! ad Fergusen te ovoirnia hlm in the coin- is quiho equal te a'Ion cf' moal, antd air mihhoe, sud have bilmi malte au appro. much more désirable fon domeullss- pur.- ,iil priatiou wbich ho (Mn. B.) tenew wss poses, frein tbetact bliat 15 s perftofiy le net correct. Mn. Blow bas! sais! Ibat dlean, preducos but Hl1o aïha, and! is d bieblithho uerth ans! soubb wsrs 1ud more liesltliy than any elboi kind et eIx everun thoir appropriations, he admit- fuel. ta tes! that tbey h as! wo cr bireo limes,, uInutieryeai our City w imue a d but net seotten as Mn. lovweuld plentitul supply of-tWe u ef luncm as lead tIse council te boieve ; butb show- vibli voos! sud ceai,- and p aries -vu n ing they lias!, ne nusuber et wrongs filon hv ueprunity 0t0esin1 ,u «s --Idlmalle a nlglst Ilb.thecase-ofqualifiés for theinsolves, sud -il vIlIBs 50 thse Gsîlsuiu aliur icl idwatlk. tha eus! bast many- fet b.nptbduelves se building et the sidcwalk tiere vas swanps Ibnoughout the conntnr' vil' ese ordeneci by bbeconcnei, and! a spécial become thie meut valusele portion et: nt- appropriatiounmade ton lb. Ontario. 1 ..- bii Hanuanm ais!s aas à ho over- Several expéientn-the b.msuufac.- ýt. expenditure bas! gene, ho vai villlng hure et peat, va are avisi-ê, have ailes! o- the concil iheulil psy it, but auy mono ferivaut oethte proper macbinery le-- v. ho coulal net go. preduce il. But -it vents!-b. 1straugeý r TIse îth sud 6tb clauses were thon undees! if in this day et 'sn-cb markeo1 s autoptcd, ou motion cf Mn. Blow. progresu Ibis cifficulty sheuis!net be.- e Mn. Blow moeasthbbcadoption et laut evercone, ans! vo bne warrantes! lu'- clause et lb. report. saying thal lbe. nlseblue manufactures! .e Mr. Kihg sais! that bhey ware only by Mr, Dodge is bbc tbing ibself. ýy asking len eality for $28, ans! vuti thal The production efthis fiue peal vii le bbey preposes! te bank bbc ditcîs frein remnd s!houee of1he Emonaldilleof tbe tiese aating rnuk au far down as Con- mauy pleasant eveninge lhey have en- îe muacts lunher yard, snd kep flic j oyes! eitting close t e bearth vilb a sl- waber in iba naturai course. If tht blin turffire before thoin, lb. kethbe 1, vas net donc the fiast lithoe freshet singiug on the, sud tlb. cbilnreu itb 1- veuls! carry avayl' the gravel that was happy taises saihing thain frugal. 3, lueady places! tiare. meal. Yor c 4.9 4c., 1- Mn. Harper thonglit it tolly ho,- talte FUEL. ofui banking up that pitel tor $28. 1h Tornto, seph. l6tb, 1876. - A wonis! eosh thousande. )t Mu. Hannan sais! $28 vouls! not Indisputable'Evideuce. is drain tIsaI part et the towu. If wo 1-bsarhed a drain there vo veuld -have te -ST. ELiXO, Ill., JUly S, 1874. binils! the Gazette canal. (Langhter.) B. V. Pionce, M. D., Bufala, N. Y.: il Mr. Bobson sais! tue bd been dowu -I vish te -ads! my- teibimeny te th. 3there and! examines! bhe place, sud veuderfssl curative prepertiei cf jour theuglit il vas fixes! as ve!l as the tow UL itExt., or <6olden Medical Discovery. )f cosula afford te 'le lb ah puaient. I have taken .grcal intereul lu Ibis gMi. Blow sais! it vauhes! a little inedicin sUne 1 firut uses! it. I vast moue vcrk ho nake 1h furmer, aud gave badly -afflictes! vitIsdyspeps, ia, r ethse howe frein iaving te do -aithe derangea! and! an alm.oet perfect pritra. liwork over again in the spuing. tien et the nervous systein. -Seonajd ýt Mr. EHarper salis h onis! do ne goos!;Sud complèe dis! thc Dlscoveny.affect i it wvonld ho only $28 noue sweph away- a pcnfeeh cure that it aiemed mois lite e i the floos!, next spring. magie ans! a perfect vcndcn te myself, ýt Mn. Ring sais! that ip lias! been in ands! ince bliat ics. vo bave nover-been . the coundil thse lait five years, ans! vithout a bohble et the 'Disisu.very sud t thene lias!always been s jeaitos e tc-Purgative Follets lu bhc bouse. .They t ween bise vards, sud lb vas liat vhich are a sols!, souns! fmây physician lin -1-d A 41- &bane --ti 4*-ou tam tha bus nuS neil - a i l limes teq- MOntreasi.. Toronto.. Ontario. -Commerce..- . Dominion,.. standard.: Cotnty 6Spcr c Township« - Septemben ci T(R Pr'*Jheat gay ... Port .... 'of the-ýnatos -opeationa ci s~ud ST a cal propertiau cf haproies -by lie judielo that a constit up Until strei uloncy le dises dies are Ifl vhereven Iher oscapa nsny i -selves vofll for properly nouz Gazzotte. Sol and lb., lbe Homoeopathic Streot, ms!ii lesey unforàî Livex Complu Hypocluondnia, une o et Hsai tUnde, Waiit oi mil f e! aa PHOSPBIODY at once ays ment impants eufeebles!cein everyntaeo dit-shug mis an ugDrm*ndfc name.; punchs biierefore b. c case beare 115 the varda Dr. engravesi -iem are alec blowu beaethe Tïts patente.-. EXPOBT X, &Ce., 107 Sont Try It--ai Use W Wood's-Im is usuise any et] Improves! las n tics; restcres gr ecler; restonesj iug hein; routai theliair;-,reetor heada; remoes weudenfaleffec ImlprovedSsi .wbere. Trsde- puces by C.A. A.goutu for tihe sud iy NEW AD NO0 1 BREDE iluah, the l Ontario Bu SHEA St. CaUsal atthe Sb. 1 Church, by gan, Sasm O'Eeiily, 1 Jiames Shes McGuire, :E 'Cazonas ,1211Wbeal, .'Sprng Whi -Bsniey,.. 'Claver.. 'Timothy, .. Bl Bye.e Potateos . . egg ....,.. Butter.. Goal, per toi Wood- Wool.. -Beef, blus! qs Beef, fore qu Sheepakins.. Hid a. ..... . - Appbos, per b Garrots... Pont, pernewt Cliickes.... Ductei per er. Tunksyo. per

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