Saturdqy, -the.7VA of October, 18~70, MI S o'cleomk, y. m., the iolloiulans aand promisestu oouacel, vis i The aoMthhaf cf Lot NiihaUr à 1:ilut1e NiuIh cunesasion of the Tcmuahsip cifMare, la 18e Cocenflof Onarino, outeîniag 100 "acrore or lst Thea re mbWoro80 sud 2 mores s'ieared ud tnder suivation. The tumber oni ho ircodîla temizad. The .soil ine daylbai sud the land lei.mellhmalerod. Thers fi a Log barn n sale on the promises, sud a Legiousélrhiçb lsprtly cutiso lot sud * prtlcu *i noeside line. The lot le à ielsul about esvou miles trou Brechin Station on the midusud RBailmay, the nuoet grain Market, and in umoive milos trcm Oril- siiý lbhlsegfreon Beverten, mibfood roas, aud la lu a mil settled ns*,gbcnlmod *I18 a sehool boue a mile distant., There mîlI b. a rsse*-ved bld. .1 -TBIIIS -ToPer cent of thée purcuie mgneevdam ait lime cf sale misiner lu one meath thereaflor itbcui iDénieet. locber respecis lb. - terme ud Gondtlenl uill b. ibie Standing Conditions Of tbe Counet Cbaueery. FiIIiprticules sud cnditions cf sale msl»'b eiaed frein t8e underlgued or a 8e l ffleee et A. Budspeth and e. Defrd 4udoay, sud- John Hoakin, Q CTarantoe. . 'baie î& ibis 8Sept., 1876. J. KETCHUM! Ma tera Iùs Vendons Solitar.-Mdd IBARLEY WANTED I Tim mmdrlgnd Il py18e hlghesI saab pnicefan m r[natlty aslsy, ta ho de- nleru ai0iBîao f(. Draper & Co,, Tort Whilhy. - JEBEMIAH LONG ----Whld;y. whltby, sept., 187. B ADJOURNED AUCTION SLE 0F VALUABLE FARM. Thons mli 811 ,eld sI the ROYAL HOTEL, lut 18e TOWN OP WB1lTBY, an Stif urday, 2.5'.idof Sept, A. Di, 1876, at eleven o'clock, fuîmneccu. Pursuant te a power cf sale eoutà ilped ln an Indenture cf Mortgege1!, whlch willl b frsdued aIt tme cf sale, the following etl'ddo sud ipremises :The north-sast part of 'I.LotNo,. ln the 1h conceksion cf Ithe Tawrislp cf Beach, ln ltme County sud r ovic f Ontari, , entaliulng 50 acres, more or loto, snd descrile sfollaws: Csmmsucsmg et lhs N. B. y- angle cf salî lot; thon south 16 deg., West le chaîne do liaist theas sa imihal:of ths Brook Road the aâlan g ths ousat lit cf the Brock Rond, nartb.westerly Saîna 10 link. ; thon north 74 deg., sant 4 chains ta the centre cf sid lot; Ilion uorth 16 dogrose, West 28 ehalns 87J liks; t8pn aoith 74 deg., outaI7 chaîne 113&Ilike; thon nortli 16 deg., west 18 chaine0io lns e the1 mradl allowace btween tho third sud fonrth concessions; thon narth 74 deg, eat 7 Chiain% 85j linkste th1e place cf beglsnlug, Tho above o. a valueble property, nîîder e gocd state ofc olîvatlon, mmi wlU ba eold on reasonabîs ternis. For further I.artlcu- Lare spply te LETS & PEARSON, Vendor'aso Sal, Tarante. sept, 1818, 187, 88-td P. TAYLOR'S * Crrated Lens Spectacles, I Mr, Taylorwill be ai Taà lor & Baruard's lery Stors eveîy day dunimg tlîis week. Parties Who ueed Optical id sbammid mot fe1 to call, 1sudgel praporly flttiud wfth a pair of 18e fouest sud mnot correct Spoctà - clus lu 1he wîrld. Bue doSes aay ans te produisà Afller or bêltter quality. Thsy. eta .hald oaly fraie Mr. Taylor, Oshawa, csud Taylor & larnard, Whitby. Se cir- TAYXIU t8BAIlNAIIII. Whltby, Sept. 12th, 1876. 88 TROROUGHBRED DURIHAMS IMPOTEDSHEEP * FOR SAt;E. Tue uidmerigusd lias foi' sale a fs-w very supenior Thorougmbred * Duham-Bulîs iud Cows. AIea importedj Cotswold Ewee sud Rama selected from the Seckie nf ilie l'est Engllsh breeders durlng hie late trip to the od Country. JOHN LITTLE, Lot No. 8, 7th cou. Pickerilng, 88-tfGreenwood,. O . 'ADMINISTRATOIRS SALE or FA lM STO CK, Iýleîsents, Haueehold Furnlture, &0. The Subseiber hat% recelevod instructions froni RICifARD -COLLIN~S, Adrolulstrator cf the -Estats sud offets cf the late BluindK, Chapmart, te ssiI by Pub- lic Auction, wthout reserve, at ths proui. ses ocf thes latId RMud K. Chapman, Lot No. D in the e~ con. Pickering, on T'UBSDA*Y, Ont 002'OBER, 1.878, The follwing vmluable proporty vie 1 Borce, 8 yeers old ; 1 Mare, 9 yeers old; Mae colt, 2 ycars old ; 1 Horde, aged' a Milch Ceira wlth caif, I Bull one year nid, 1 Yèe'lg Heifer, I Steer one yer aId, 4 Sprlcig Calves II well-bred Youn? Bre à d Inlg Ewes, I iLým oneyar old, Don le 'Waggon, 1 Double Crjiago, 1 Single Bug. agrjo,2SOnliers, one nearlyue'; iih agnwtharno a Paire 81.1gà . S Wood Slelghs, one masi; 1 Camblned Roper sud Moirer, 1 Tanilg MilI, I Cuttlng Box, 8 Flairs 2 ilote of Har. noire,1 Rollor, i Bidîs 5nâ Saddmis,1 tset Cannage ilarnose, I sot BuggyRaras,1 set Eeavy Harnese. 1 BufaloiRbe,1 W9'p 1 Onud Stono, 1sest Carpenters'Ta,: Bate&, Seythes, Hlay Toits, Hoos, Spados, Cross Cut Sair, &0., A quantlty cf hous- hald furniturs consistîngofi 1 Planao (Weber, Kioatan mator), 1 Sowlng Machine, 1 Ex- tendion ~tablé Cupboards, Chairs, 13.4- sâte-sus, Wasb glands&, sud aumbor of 018cr articles toc nunerous ta mention. Sale at ixc cclcck. Lunch i xx, a. m. TERMS,-All suma atIand under $8, cash ; over that amount credlt wmli b. given util the 15th Octaber, 1877, by farulaimmig aprprcvsd Joint Notes, internest ml ho 1 lrged frai day cf sale if fnot paîd v8en due. L. FAIRBANKq, Auctioneer PLckeing, Sept. 1818, 1870. 8b-it WEIGZTS AND MEASURÉE6. The uuildosgnseil l 8e imi Whitby on Moxday t18 thtl-Sepmt., sud romain one ueit for the purpIase of iae;peclleg ail Welgbîs, Mesaures sud Scalen wlich may bde broght to-hlm1 ither fraie Town, or iuiwn ci-orTownshîip cf iPickerng, afler wlîchdae- sl uiaaîcedweighta, mes- sire scOle an wmigbln g muchines cof any kxud wull e bablle ta e ezurosuadmforfiture [Sese sec. 27, 18 Vie,, Cap. 47] sud the aimer lhable te prosecution. .Se Sec. 60, of casie At] relatlug ta wegltsand mes. sures, which la se -feutre". Auv porijou sept.1Sotblx. 88J55550W5 OHANÃ"bERY 1SALE. .or -FARM LOTS TOWNSHIP 0F REACH, P URSIJANT ta 18he'decrea sud an Order mado by the-Court cf Chancery, lu a c anas HOLLIDAY vs OILROY, sud besring date reapectlvoly t8e 2818 sud 28è8 days of Jluns, I87&8-t8eoi'vmli beoffered for saie: e l lé factiou, la thios separsto lre.t he spprahatlon of George H - ateaqu. aMster cf 1he saad Court, atW tyLxvi PArnumAîsaAustioneor, ai o GLOBE HOTEL lahe8 VILLAOE -0F B-ROOkLIN, lu the Caauty of Ontario, ou BaturduQi, fhe ,9th 'Day of Septeuiber, aI noan, the follwing lauansu promIses P4îmcxî . l.i.-'Tbe Sout t abm qoartera of Lot Namber 12, ln the lot Concession nf the eeld Tcwuship cf Reach, canaialng 160 ares be thé amo more or leus, oai h 10ares are elearei sud the remaiulag 20 arsare -moode4---êlsî ith Bo«acsud Uapla. Tiers is ereto u Ib tis pra r od frauile barn, muab cow.stable,.sud recl- Ousxuderaatb. Abc s good frimce stable; aber s loa a ogcd fraie dmellicg houas. The proprtyls sItuats about tou miles from tue Tom cof W8lthy, on -the Fort WhIîby sud Port'Ferry Gravel Roadl sud la distant &bout ans mile sud a bsî# trans Myrtle Station, ou the Port Whltby and Port Ferry Rsllray. - PABunNo 2.-The Sauth-west part cf Lot Number 22, iu the 518 Concession cf Whltby Township, iu the saaldConly cf Ontario, cantslnlag 81 15/100 acres ho 1he aeies more or leuan sd doscnlbed cf follame, tli ea le Rasy :-Cocmencing et thi South- eutl angle cf thoesa" Lot Number -12, thenco North 16 dogrees West 80 chaneo more or lems, e t ho Soatb-eanaglei cf land omnof by Alexander Ktceu;n thence South 74 degroos West 10 chaîne, more or les, ta the coatre cfthéemusid loi;, thence North sîxteen dogreos West 20 chans, mare or leus, tae18he centre cf the maid Concession;-,Iheuce South 74 doges West 10 chains, mare or leus, te the Westerly luimt cf the said laI; lîxence South- sixîea degmes a RsI 50 chaine, more or lesa, te 1he South-West angleofithe said lot; Ibonce North 74 dogromes t chtîns. more or les., te 1he place cf begîdk1g ail cf mhîch la clo5nsd.- 'Ihua res-reeu on this parcol s good freins ûwlling bause, a frainiebarn, ccir table, borsesstable, sud' opemn sheds. Tl la situats chant one male aouth of the, Village cf Broall:aud about four miles from t8e Town cf Whltby. FMmdxu Na. B8-Village Lot Number 11, iu dise Village cf Port Ferry (formerly Bore- ls,,s shei on a p lau made by John' Pbesqie . L. S., cf part cf lot Nuta- ler Rsventen~, lu the ixth Conesosion cf the saimi Township cf Beach, which seul pIeu lae led lu the Registry office for the coant1Y af Ontarie save and 0%# opt that part of the sad Villge lot Nuiher Rieven, coaveyed 8v eue Amy P. Johnson taeue Charlot T. Ycuug, 874.«4 besrng date lb-% Elghteeuih dayofi July lu the yeax cf car Lord AnsueTbausattid kigbt Hundredl sud eentesald parcol ci- land herehyt hie soli'hoing th ryeight test lunm-lth, freutiug ou Simes trrot, lunIbhs said Vil- lage, aud extending Wsstorly the mimaIs lougth cf uald Lot Numhsr Eleven. Tho saad Lot centaine one quarter of au acre, ho 18ee à 'Due ore or 'es"_ ou whbch ihers arc iaaa .dfrimne dwelilg bouse sud qýThoro le aIBOa sgood Waeli a water ud as nber af fruit tress. CONDITIONS OF SALE. Au tu Farcel Numbor Three, no evideace of tille wil 8e given othen than a deed c f the said percel cf laudnmadle te one Sarah Jane Hlliday by William Ralteubury, dat- ed 18e Tounleeuth day nf November, On& Thousand Elghl Hundred sud Soventy- Pour, sud the Roglstran'eshebtrect cf titIs sud ths Voudor &hal l 8 e band ite pro. dace amy further or othencovideace cf tille non ta turulsh any ollien deede or copies cf Eaah pareel wil 8e ailerod subjeet taea reservod bld fired b h 8e' me&sIl sd a4 col Numuer Twe ii I haseld ouLîoci las Lesse for muas peara, meale by 18e. laie Jackson Ralliil&y tn William Kerr sua Jchn Kerr. dated Ssi'outeeath of Octohar, Oine Thouseud Eigbt ttndred sud Seventy.One, wbereby the rent payable la Thrse Huudred and Thlrty dollars (0380> snually. The partienlars of wbîch Loue eau 8e s»certain- ouI et the office of the %ndor'e Solicitor. The punchasens ahaîl et 18e lime cf sale py dlown a depuuit of len per - cent te the Vendor on bis Solciton sud ths remainden lulo Court, '.ithout Intereet, iîthin oe tnoth frai 1he day et sale. Or at the optinon f lb. punchaser tira-thîrds cf the p hrese mnuey of parecels nue sud dm0 eau e.aI on Mo rtgage, ayable iu seven oqual anulInstelmnets tir nleresî at seven ~ r cent payabîs yesrly. Iu other respec'te hoe conditions et sale mIE c ho1e standing mommitona cf sale cf the Court cf Chauvery. ,F or further partirmlars - apply ta John Hookin, Vouder'e Solicitor, IndMeus. Motvat, MoLeunan & Dowusy, Solicitons. Taont. Dîtcud Rll.I day cf Anguet-, 1876. (Signed) GEO. E. DARTNELL. JOHN HOSEIN, Master met Whitby. Veudor's Solicitor. 14-137 .Sepîulsniuo 4, 1876. 37 A Ladies' Jacket. The oamer cama have the sais by spplyiug ta Ihie affine and pay. lmg fan Ibis advertîesment. Whithy, Sept. 1218, 1876. 1 C RAINI ELEVATOR FOR SALE OR TA t e Bntin uthe-Tava matniPort Ienny, the pnoperty of 1he hale Adamta Grdon. Hie a switchu tram 1he Font Ferry Raîhîsy. Ta newly filleul up sud afforda a firet rate chance loaenv ans se a gnin morchant or warihausomnn.J.. GORDON, Barrie. ten, 'Wlitby. 2in-hi7 WILL KNIT 20,000 STITCHES IN A MINUTE 1 UITOMATI;C à - c,,c --J A PRACTICAL IAMILY KNITTING MACHINE 1 Kniteaialu es cf mont, narrowesud.iidens it ; s8ape. ail sizes comnplote. Ruits ove, 50 differeut garenxts Sache Sîockiinge -Mitions, Logglns, Wnltlets, bloves, oe it Iiteit every passible varîety of plain sud fsucy stilch. 7per cn.prefit lunianu factoning huit goods. PFreronscen treble 18e valus cf Iheir weal, by conuertlug il 'inta hit foOde. 'uonen mnie # 8.00 per day ilbih . AENTSea WARrEn. Senul ton Seuplesi Frics Liet amîd Cix'uulare ta pri.ucipalzffirt sund manuofcîony - "Iit-lufond Ruîtitîîli a. cu'ie Mfg-, lBnetleouo, Vt," on, '0f lIce No. 689 Broaclway, New York; Ni. 29 - Woei 8rd Strect, Si. Paul, man. 117 1,'UBLIC . NOTIdE 1- The Fertnershlp Titbortu, eisling ho- ireuuu HOL-VER & BURTON as Millerp, >sud Traders, lnDaislef11, Duffina' llreek, bis thîs day ben. disaoived hy mnu tuaI- ceusent. __d nê helt ÂND BBTURN. RETUN VA NEW TOR 'OD1 87 Agont. 1CENTRÃL E XH ÃM 1T 10 .-1870. 18,000 Offered, ln Premlum 1 THE TOWN OF? UUELPH - , ON Tas Srdt 4th. ôth and th ctoberi, Prise Liste and.Bnlry Papersm eau 8 80 at the Socretary's Office, Guelph,- sud a180 tront the Seoretanies oi et ther Saîlalies thrcugboaî 18e province. Parties nal receiving 18cmentrv tickets abs te teShwailiiintd,,theni at the ScomaOffice. The seeml atRailîsys 'wilI carry trelgh*. sud passeuger)utoansd frai t8e Exhbitin et .5R -i 1 ýIQ - --Secrsîry. President. Guolpb, Septeiher 2, 1876. 41n-87 T WALKEB HOUSE, PORT PEIRYT W. . MGAW -PROPRIETOR., Wbth, extesivs, FinIace Accommods- liane, a fuit staff of active ana cbligiug as- sistauts, tb. Choicescf 1he Market for the Table sud Bar and charges ioderaIs, Ibis travelling pubiic andl t8e public lungeral îlE fiud lu 1he Walter Hanie alI 18e con- vexisnsq sud confort svhich el e s- lurale8.- W. B. MOGÂW ParI Ferry, Sept. 11h, 1878. 87 -Statbe 29 Vie., Cap , Er-27. soe ei.utor liteWill8a FAREWELL & RUTLEDGE, salIcIesorxeno.- &oLU~q r r, mi F151, 88 FOR BALE 0OR TO lRENT. That valuabis Improved Parni, kuowyn au the "Holmestead cf the lats D&viel .Mc-, Evors, comprising 150 Acres, more or, eus, and b eing omposed c h South Half of Lot No. x2, and the lu the firit 6heiolo cthe' Towns hlp of Hamilton, adjolnlug the corporation limits TOWN Oi' COBOURO. For fturtherparttculars. parties mayA],ply ta J. B. ]lickell, Brooklil, Ont., or ta the underaigned. DANIEL McBVEIIS, Cobourg, 121h Aug, 1876. On8 M ORTOAGE SALE ci' VALUÂIJLE Dwelling House and Lot, 1 1INcrus EXECUTOR'SALE.ITOWN 0F WHITBY.1 Ths Executan sud Executrix cf the WiE eti the Isto Robert Smith will offor for gale by .- Publiectnettat BLACK'S HOTEL, 1TIi11 VILLAQe 0 F OSHAWA, 051< Thursday, the Twenty-Eighth Day of September neaxt, et Tira 'clockthe isalttorcon, the Snutb Esivea cf Lots Numbers Ton aod Elevsu, la the Elghlh Concession cf 18e Toineihip cf Eut-Wbitby. The above property is the old bomesead of the Smith Fsîly lu 1he Counny of On. taio; centaine 2018 Acres, cf mbleb about 28 acres are gondi Eardmccd Timber-is unuerdraiued andl lu au excellent state cf cuîtimatlou sud thoronghly feue. The Dwoîling Hanse le Brick.- -qIZere are tira Drnns-auc uitiatsiesIgpuadatîcu, witlî caIlle hauns for tremty-ebit caIlle, sud root bosea underneath ; &- om-shed tisa Stables, and cne Impleusul Hous, ahi la a gond state cf repair. Thiere is aIeoaa bearing ercland ai firot cls fruit Inee, cotaiing abaut five acres. The lands are -well -ýatered b y tira nover- failing crses-a good' wmdl and soit wataer cistoru. This is the anost desinehIl, fart lu thie Couty cf Ontioe; 1,s tuated Soven miles froa FPart Ferry, sud about the sais dis- taure tram Osbews-bath goand markts. Amad thons are gondad ae t bath places. '1*5 rsta»dto S1,ffpar ypar ud taxes,- --TERMS OF PAYMENT: Ous-tenîbi cf the purebiase moaoy et hume ot sale; mithin eue monib snobi furthen suni ase wtb Ibis aae-tenth vili mate 07,000; the balance tebeho ecured by mer 1ge uearng seven par cent lutoreet, payable lu six equa ennul instalmoute. Fanthier panlicularesand comditianeofigails cama 8e haul troun John Smith, Esq ,IRaglanm F. . ; James Stocks, Eeq., on the promi- ses, wiha mli show tbe sais ; the Auclian- een, sud Vemdar' Solicitor. Dated lUth August, 1876. LYMAN JINGLISU, Voadars' Soliciton, Lichen-e. LEVI FAIRBANKS, Anctioneer, Whllhy. Id 30 F OR SALE 1 Thel eigibîs 1-'mily Tieideuce u'ith l8j acres ot land, comprieing Gardon auf Or. eberd. ait of excellent qnslity. formsrby oc- rupieul by the late Johnu Bamer, Esq., situ- aIs about eue milsesat cf Whitby, on 1he Elugeton ilosul. The Hanue centaine Ton Ranis basides kitchen in roan, mith gond ellar. Bird anmd Soit mater ou the premi. sesa ; alan barnu sd stable. For fuathcr particuiers caquins ai JOHN TAYLOR, Esq., On the promises. Whitby, April l2tlî, 1876 . 18 .47.~ .~;f/&u~44 5 . - ~ N s ~ a-c' $~ - - u -. 'J ..-V MT A N T E DJ) TEIDERS «FOR RAILWAY lIES I Rýequ!red 50,000 Tise delivered on the lins cf the Whitby, iPort Ferry and Lindsay Eit. ]Railway, Bctwesn Port Perry and Lindsay. Dimen. sobus-S feet long, 7 inch face, 0 inch thick. <liers wil bc recoîvemi uutil OCTOBE S MLIST, 1876, auidresased 10 the under- sgd, GIBSON & DIXON, Contr&ctoife, Port Ferry. N. IL-1>artis tenderiug will bear in uimîd the above dimensions are the least that will be accepted& lPart Perry, August 22nd, 187 1186 F ARU FOR SALE. - ý 125 ACRES, Situatea on the Kingston Roami, 2 miles froni the flourlshlig Town cf Whltby, bei* coiposeed cf the South-west 75 sud C8 North 50 acres cf Lot No. 8, concession 2 i the Township cf- Pickering. Titis first- lais. ou the front 76 acres therae a large Twô starey TFrams Hanse, well paintemi, with Stan. (3.11 r; 92CMsterns, 8 nevsr-fatling Wells; Prame Barn, 60X50, wih Stone 'n'w Stables sud Cellar undernoath ; Horse Stable 42M 0wlîh Coller under the centre * cardage Houses 26z"4; Trame COW.shed 7--âtd Stable 60%24,, Pig-hnse 24xl8; Gardon with Peer, PIni sud Cherrytrees iu abun- iancs, together 'wlith 6. acres cf firsi clase <rchard. Thé abnve farm 1s1411i tie drà in- Ad This la oeeof the bost'ferme in Onta. rio. ou the rear lsa agood PrameEu 9oIxR, aud ons 40524, gccd Plank- Rouse. 2524 ith kitcben sud atone ce2ar . tained lu a mertgage, iIxiebi'lll ho pro- docsd a1 ime ai sale, wilîl hoeald by Public Auction et RAY'$ HOTBL, lu the Town ci WhiI8y, by Levi Fairbanks, Esq., Mocilon. Suif urday, the. 28Mrd f Selptemluer, '76, aI 2 o'clcck in the aflerneon thet Ian eva- luablo and comumdicua Tirastcrlod V'ame Cottage, iith stable sud shsd, situate ou the borner of By rau sud Dunlop Streeta mith a quarter ai au acre cf Garden grounâ atached iroîl stociced mih valuable fruit Inos, grape vines, &o. For furt8cr pîrticuhare apply ta JAS. K. GORDON, Vendors Solicitor, Wbitby. Whiitby, Augat 24th, 187C. Sia-85 Also at the sanie lime sud place, a quamtity of Houseliabl Turuituro 8e- lougiag to Mrs. Budge. c OTTAEBFOR SALEI That Brick Cottage just îîortb of the Bhrown & Fettersonnlnactuniug Co's. Worta, mIithlb. land adjoiriing. There are on lIme pmemises e Stable, Hani sud Sait Watsr,1 &CI Fanrimather perticulans apply la J. E. FAREWELL, ilanniaten, &c. Wliitby, May ara, 1876. 19 F IST-OLASS FARM FOR SALE. Containiig 100 Acres, situaeoOase Mile sud thnos quai-ters wet of the Town cf WhiLby, oh the Kingà tlcu Road, boiug camepeicul faiprte of lot, Nos. 83 sud 184. bu the let cauoîtsion efth1e Town-. mip ut WhItby. Termeai payumeut vsry easy. For tunti- on paiticutars apply ta the Propriedon ou the pneruises, on te Lei Fairbanksi, Whitby. EDWARD HART, WI;itby, Ont., i'nopieter. Wliilby. August 911, 1876. '2M-3 v ALUAB~LE IIOUSE FOR SALE. A larga'Ioatryllick Dwling lious, w'i18 Iires ue of tati acre of leud ah- tucclid, ci tieul -ith chipies Fruit -Troos, aimd situsteul ou 1he cermier ai Green sud Gilbert sîrsol,, Whitby, suduer the business part of the tan-n. Tentas easy-tan futher hurtculars apply ta D. ORMISTON, Solicitor, Wbitby, or T. H. MeMILLAN, Oshawa. Whiitby,' Augual 818, 1876. 1sa (OPPOSITE REVERE flOUSE.) THE SCIENCE 0F'LIFE, On, SELF-PRESERVATION. MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLO. Gold Medel Awandcd tu the Author hy the m"National Medicel Associa- lion," Mnnch 313t, 1876. Jnat publighod by the PEAI3ODT MEDICAL INSTITUTE ea eav edition aifIbis modîel moi-lesititisd 1he 'SCIENCE OFELIFE; an, SELF-PIIE8EUVATION." It treaseupanMana- bacul. hiaileat, biem rceinsd sud 8cm perpot. ualed ; ceuse sud..urs aiExhausteu Vttsiity, Impatsncy, Premeturs Dodulnima, Spon- puchandrle, Ioem)a Forsbodîugs, EsuMitRD: pression, Lose cf B.nergy. Hafgard Caunîsu- sucs, Coufusion et Min sud conseci Menio.y, Impure stste af thie Btocd, sud ai uilesases snlslng froau enrore on Yeuhhi or the Intllecre- lions or exeesees of mature yers. It telle van aU about IbisMoaaleof Uenora. tivs Phyeilogy, the Fhysîology ai Merriage. 0f Wsuiiook sud Offeprng. Physteal Contrasta True Moality,EmItn ldlsin, Pervereion oà Marriage. Conugal Procs t sud frendly couru. sel Physical Infirmity, t cauees sud cure, Relations behavesu the Sexes, FronCe cf the Expansion ai Vice, the Miscries af Impru- dence, Aiieet Igoranceaud Errars, Means ai Cnrs, Cure ofeBdy sud Mimd. 'mi-uePnin- ciples ai Treatieut Addreas ta Patients sud lirval id Raderes, bielAuthon'a Pniudiplos., The rIces ni Ibile book le oniy ai oW. This bock -aise centaine more tban Pifly Prescriptions ionrIbis abavenumduan ad athen dlleeses, cachonse matEt mors titan the pnice cf ths bock. The Instituts also publehes0 THE PHYSIOLOGY OF WOMAN AND HER DISEASES." Pnice, Sz. The bicat hooktoeth1e klad crIant. AIesaaor vaînable nisdical mark treuil. iag exclueivley 'Meutal sud NervouéIa Iseeses; nions tissn 20 royal octavepeges, tmenty els- gt engravinge, bcund in substantiel muelbl. Frcso ly 82. Bsrely snoogh te psy for prints '*The Bock fer youug and Middle ageul mou te ai esd t ner, lb. Science of Lite, or Self Proaervatiou. The author ina relurned tram Europeiluexcellent bealtb,ad su leai-ltIbi Obiai cusulllng Physicisu eofIbis Pesbody Medical Instituts, Né. 4 Bulâuebi Street, Bos- ton Mas-"-RXVunsuJonuxcu. "eScience of Lits I. beyond aIl cocpani- eau tbie mont extraordinsry mark on Physicbe- gy avez, pabBsbed."-BosTos Ruesun. . Edopeipesillodlu -te bottai cf Pandora's Boston bouthe of eoii4 id la .4fILLINERY, DRESB-MAKING:,AkND,"' 1?ONE . TO ORD ER. Whl4tby, Sept. 1318, 1878. .LOWES &, POWELL LAING.,d STE-WART, lWHITBY, Have now opened out a first-clase aessortment of Fail an.d Winter Dry Goods. Having been .eai'ly -in'-themarket we purohased our stock before the à advance' 0lun goode, audý are now prepared to ýofferto oui oustomers and friends the advantages which these early pur- chasesenable us to:do,. Our 'assortment ie large. Our- Styles the Lateet. Our Supplies are froni the beest sources. Our prices are governed by thxe faot that at ail limes we wish to> oeil a-large amounit of goods on' suis11 profits, CLOTHS AND TWEEDS, SPECIALITxas DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, iWINCEYS AND FLÂNNELS, MILLINERY AND MANTIES. .LAING &STEWA]à T. Whitby, Sept. 121h, 1876. 88 EDWARD AT THE FR-OSTI I.ÀýL-li lias madb the second semi-annual inventory. This Stock-tuking lias given still better results than the pro.vions ans, and proves that îiotwithstauding HA11D TIMES EDWÂRD riFEOST'S CASH STORE, THÂT GIVES NO CREDIT, sols ou tho baro expeuse paying profit, marks goode lu plain :figures, makes no second îirice, aud tuirus osier the stock afteu je appreciated in Whitby. The Dry Goods and ClothiEg Business ýtt the Odd Fol- lows' Hall je steadily incncasing because based upon sound business pnin- ciples. Dry goods Ibis fali are cheaper than lest season. Edward Frost bas plaoed a price upon the new goods Ihat aill make them selu. ]Be kind enough to eaUl and examaine for yourselves. ODDFELLOWSI C H 01C E HALL, Whitby. FR U IT. - 00o Grapes, Peaches, -Melons, Apples, Pears and ail kinds of Fruit in season at the Coufectionery aind Tea Store of -DUNDAS STREET. 1Whitby, Sept. lSth, 1870. 8 NEW FALL GOODS J. A» M MIS S I-ELIA Begs to announce to his customers and the public in gene- rai, that lie las just received several cases of assorted Dry Goods, direct froni the manufacturers, a vory large displsy of- NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, Which are considered remarkable good value, and the ne-w- est styles f&~ the comiug seasan, NEW PEINTS, NEW SHIIRTING, NEW WINCIES,' NEW FLANNELS, NEW BLANKETS. And a large renewal of the celebrated brand of IBIL ý 0i< :1- S-T s r =1 Which our customers arc so well acquainted with. Cali sudl examine. We are always happy to show you through our stock. JAMES SHEA. Oshawa, September Oth, 1876. JIJST TiHE PAC BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, BROOK-ST., WHITBY, 1AS now on hand a largo and varied stock of Tirmots and %ces. e. oalso LLmakes to order every description of Ladies' G vii t len i' aund Childrens' wear. tý» Repairing dons on tno shortest notice, -mil mnt rcusonable rates. A caUl le invited to examine the new stock. Whitby, Diosuibor, 1875. 10 Nvrs:ED BAS $0 durinmr 1he past few moutheunuder aur un- prvea systmcf oeruLg in Stocxs. Euh, redutced ta nominal euis sna profits increassd. Bock conlainlug MUE informa- ion sent an application. TUMBRIDGE & CO., Bankere & Brokere, 19-1V 92 Broadway, New York. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, (3LISGOW, ,OH EAP.FARES[ Cain rai Whltby - 6609, 079, 069, intormedlate - - - -06 Bteerage-ae Iow as any cthee- lins. Prépsld. passauUe crtlioate" isas t~ WILLIAM BURN99 Brocle Street Whitby. D AMLY LINEtm TO ROCESTE.R TXE BSTEAMER "NO-RýSE MAý-N," (A.CRWPORI>, MAsTER,) WIU mare lier regniar tripe auti i oute lealvingCobourg eery c-nngat 7:80, ad Parit Hoe. ai 9:80 o'loekfelr Boa"bosier 1on 18e amriral cf G. T. B. trim nast & «'et, aauneateng thqrsiýth thewsmyrk Çêh a. Rôsèwockld and Walnut -Coi Caskets ; ill kinds of Ladie -firet-elas, Whitby,:Auguat 2Doth, 1876. LO0W -S T ]ATE S., OUR MOÃ"TTO SMALL PROFITS IAK&eD QUICR RETUBNS. Lad ies' Work Baskets,- neat, prTetty -and cheap. The Best Stock in town. Ladies' Back Combo, Childrene' Circulai Combs, Combe of all kinds. à Agood stock.f Puises, . Pooket Books, Memorandum Books. A. "big" stock. Very cheap. Two Cases'of Stationery ýreceived this week. Not eFa- pers, Envelopes, Foolscaps, mIes, &o. :mex oants, professionaà men, and Cthers wil srve money by purchasing here. Sohool 'Bookse! Sohool Books -1 The laîgeet stock in town. iW-ubscribe here for your M a-azes auJl Newspapers. Promptness a'nd punctuality( guaranteed-4age for ail the leacling,,pub. -J. S. ýROBERTSON,- Bookseflsr ana Stationer, Wliitby. HARDWARE, RAY FORRS, HAY RARES, SCYTH1ES & SNAITHS, GRAIN CRADLES,. BAIRLEY F9BOIKS, T RNJP 110E S. 91GENUINE PARIS GREEN." &FROSS & MAC1lýACHTAN, BROOK STRE ET,1 WHITBY. GO LDSM ITH'S H.A LL. Just to hand a. lot of Thos. ]Russel &Son's celebrated Watches, Gold- aud Silver cases, at special puices.Watm adE1i W chs n Gold and Silver'ecases, Jewelry, &c., at depressilon puces. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL,81IIHT8 -I 'J ÂMES la, SAMO & Co mp FU, RNMITUR, WHIOLESALE & RETAIL. Waîeroomus-Albert Hall Buildings, « 18 9 Yonge St. Hive ahisys onuhancl a. PunSteak of every>- Ihing their Ulne, and hope by.strct attention t6 the mauts cf their custamere ta nmeit a coutiunece of the patronage Iithertc ex- teuded tt bs. Special attention paid lt tuufkilng 0f N8 E D L E W0RIC PIRE OTTOMANS, FANCY -CHAIRS, LAMBREQUINS, madle and- put down --nthe b&y1e JAS. -IL SÂMO &(Co. Maxeh 818, 1876. i The Ottawa Free Pre88, DAILV & WEEKLY. Daily Editjimsld Fres cf Postage, ta ail psrts ocfeDominion. 16 pei'amium. WVeekly Editica-Eight pages, Sui- four éoninnns closely printed malter. per anuum. Postage fres TEE ONLY P185CSé86JOURNAL PUB- LIBRED AT THE CAPITAL. ~ EARLTEST POLMTCAL DITIELLIGENCE. LÂTEST TELEGRAPHIC N4EWS. 'fPlY )READABLE ARTICLES. Parties desiring -a newpaper from the CaiaadaLively, Sparklinug Hcusabcld Journa,' WMtakse the DAMYXRx Pau ss. A Ileauitifol 01 Chrmoj mailed to every siibecril;er cf the Tt mcY Tiars e. C. W. MEITCHELL, Proprietor. Ottawa, Septemberi, 1876 . 8Bu-S? Perambulators, 3 and 4 wheels, Can-NOT C adian and American makers, beet -'value in town. CALL AND EXAMINE JAS. JOII]SlTST-Ol*T, -Practical Watchmaker. Whitby, May 22nd, 1876. 2 GIBBS 'ELEC*TED. -THE COUNTRY -IS SAPE CAN'T TUIRN OUJT McKENZIE!1 HARVEST IS8 OOMING-' And if you want Forks, Scythes. Cira-f dies, and &Ul kinde of Haîveet Tobls, Cheap. H A T0H'S.ý For Harvest Gloves, rwell made, and Guaîanteed't-o fit. Go to M2' Food, for ]?otato Bugs, Hatch'sý PARIS GREEN. T0 P A RT1,E S:BU LOI N Gy Comuty ci Ontario, lasbershy given thst ro mIT *. J1te Cout cf Aaslze Niai Prina, Oyer sud Terminer, sud Genea Gal deiivery, avilib. holdeu4n. sud for the CountlV ci Ontario, in te Court Haugs, in the Town ci Wbitby, an MONDA Y, OCTOBER l6th, 18T1 -AI Ibis bour dil12 o'cloclc, faon, of mbich aU Careners', Justices cifiths Peace, sud aIl otheus caucerned aviltalcs notice sud. gov- -r cm esbvea accardlngly. - NELSON G. REYNOLDS, -- - -Sbenff, . 0. Slîernlfa's ice, Wbiuîhy, Sept 418, 1876. 3.1? . D YGOODS A" D GRDCEBY STORE AT AU-DLEY. lu order.ta meet 18e gow wan$a cf the looality the subsoriber bas osu lducod ta open 8ualxjesailuth. above lins. A Large eand well/ Selected Stck equal in prioe and qnsilty t any that eu bc1 urchali tcwuor clty. (14v. us a Y, fo oursel, and if pou san b. s weli suited as elsewbare patronls.b ome trade. D. McBBAD'Y, ÂulY. Âudley, Nov. 24tb, 1875. 48-tf - TO ROCHESTER, N. Y., PER STZ&=g1 SPEI First- BIIING - ALONG WEIGHITS. "My onenrequlrng WeIorhi baai peut n a 18 su YOUII $o or a, b m CFO, OID -Arp ié Wliitby, Sept. 12th, 1876. --SOOO*-