ofRoai taste -L. Fis'. 3bdp 'auui$ureùTill & Jailuman, uiniè.Wius.-KenuetiiCampLicul .ar itatt--,îuo.L. tevonsociu luu4îway Tie. wanteti-Gibeon a Dixon. don wed-Gbseu & Ixau. Iâoeoa' Saie-Lysnafi ilglià l, Sol- isitl Hoeseteadi for Sale. les-atQGil Wanted- ,Oà rut Wautaul ta Let- ipcial NcLl-ý isine Diner andi Concert. - ~ Lro nit Lc, ONLY Se 3o PR ANNUM. VhIIby, Thtirsday, Aug. 31. 1876. Ta Correspondants. J - C - Ms.M.--Ieuar irelac lute fl SIsalt Whiaby Stand Safli? 'l'ise extension ai tise WhUty Rsîlway menti Pont 1>rry -te Lindiaey beliug a fusttoit ICO4)ie, ncl tic ltin lssving dli is fais' shaeatowantlss tise ccemp- liiliento ftisaI deffirabie eud, polisape thie tino lias now esrivait wlsun tise psopleofaiwvuitby cutis psofituiiiy turu Lheur atteunt iS in otliutii. direction ha aixisi51 u s-cibsiof trafiscutid businGess. Il, wllItado u Lrsesît upoun rnei--ia- 55j Iciselu Whe eeun d tlîço ILs iglut- tfuil ululeo, fos-Cji sat aussmissgtise umnsîsr. uaetwu f Cainada, WViitby inuqt stili ji.sh saiutf. Tuî I-cuts'ok tir aeeiatig tihe Wcluiby ii l'eu-t- Ierry eliurituionlis booms welI dueîs--tll intaliultytra lias-e liberïtlîty lustrvtig liut1wiouues giren, uttîi, WU [iSiu glus) ta ls t-tinaousy le tIsef;t-t tisaI thuir econidiencee ias ont tilpiu-iumuI tliîtlim e rt-amit liet0s lh imeltii Ct ohsuusy t-a liai-,eei-vei rua1sft cibuulomii t suutliig goopeapgs-aia sscivi Mr. Rtîuîltimtu 141uulluis iriels lhave ktipb isois' voeu o lin-biselttes'. ButI wlLh cvrsy -ituiea for huuicEetprimle eut satisaectin ut i-rvist IliS. e lîc(losiesni, il wiil necttic teastansmtii. Ta pi-agneas anti pros1mu-î-Vlitby mxut lcol) abrenst ni h iubattî, usxl teudeÃ1 il pteproic m mie teuhio 0tAue se f, rtutunaturel iulruîbsgsItlis viris thic, oîcu is %uvcsti Vu 1hisysiueeoo-iatust lomSluclImte ai st imprtance tIse cosle- ts-cîctim,îs ai thes Ontario Caittibl îîaulxay icamîl bus lu titis section t-f cenursy. Osas stltiail3'atitpsslprojeel-atougls gis up ucwsy fer lise occasiioIo tse mors jittîlgdmotîuitidof tflle Wiiitiuy PEx- lîiotu -Isas ssi ntauuiewit it uesh. ibIndl ohc ii e b-ttu geineti, tandas w iriepect 111.1 toa.-wimlIitu l y tisaliîilion cf t1lt ter. use a gs'eut Oahmnisutiuuhilî- iiciy, wiileis il musat yuIl bscue iu much uîuem', is tIe îviy tif bniuig iîe 7Ce raîle img tl-uotelfth! is- Viii ilttesa, anti - t w0m ciu1m tI nut-l us Oi ulul C- s u-ii la tlcIu le ic uusumusu t ciltrtiilofu liuiu aciilimi tretisi, tht-umua11gntusîle - lîttlmfictoUN sic luc ttititsmingu it Ii-ttingI,)mlliii of ii i-licîml'itse elsert lu-sut is attsletionu-t citisanut s!Lm uiuî ii il uC(Ct I itti ussl ui iS s, iîit à ilis û îitc fuitr/uof îîth ils scAuy - - u hiuti(t twîifieai. o-uî-i isaiut tint -l ma)u)xewt.i eitteutiu Ie lii- muieuttoi jvta nd ueî mfo-rt setii s lise, PUlse ucirahii iint ct asel sijuuîte iritltx flu Lgut i Its acoouîleand suge îuc, etîuectu tiiuaveuis-tutof i muntsitanilsuit usrt-urragcouîai rilin ex ccresi8 Tlie horoue antio it-ico utle lgain ta tilt ht-nt. Tic Tnrrkisli Wss luste bt-f oreMxîisbtare îsny cou- hletissg. Y1lue imrian ' Geneau! eluimeti a'sietisa t tiiut, utiii l nit fis ladairnemi Iiiii;e'by liii ionIs, ni blisut li'0vie- toralbainetil y tia 'ï e vuicm plo. Tise Sert-ian 10s8 id outtiatesul at îfl11t) ;cgociations forpiemi mre Tise Droutis, iriut vaut obrein ic pAietral ,irouphi. aO-ut thua Prolaai rylYhiîsc greviug h~ s:ffcin~fcmdie Loirible aiietinu uitilsri dry nout iaIlias pseniiet, viti svauseely bilaiiutcs'vcasiin cf slaes', tes' uauiy ytwaî ýûnuhbs lu Lus iocality.- -ThIe turnips anut an adiitttdfeilure, ixeyunnd lb.eIope cf reovesy, as insu as th --Li veet. Mt4utac aD5NNyR AND CeNeutaîjý.- Tîxane is ta le e Mespoule'tinner antia gsanti cncert, unten tue etýSpices ci Mmrklaà m Union Lotigo, 1F. A. M., iseit m thte Agriculturai hall, Maritham, oun Tlimrstsy, Sept. 7h. The gathsesiag eqîsnot failtoalie a phoasaîsb andi a bappy AcIUL014Nà AJoueALitrr-,-r. Johnu I-toiii ltabe;îscu, pro prieton coflte Too.- oirass-, mas ku ocksti tain l ie astreet in Toronto on $tartsy by liIn. John B-~everley Robinson, M; P., -oi- pablimil. iîig has thlbatter doeC. ed personal ne- - llctlosaupon iela cites'n la onea- filn vih the Northsrn flsimay lnstoaà . i- %ipu. The mister vagi brougil bof, lare thie Police ceutbon' Tnsday, anti Mr, Robineau 11usd $5, Dra~t.owut BExtuaaiaitTé Tut aaTst T140 ite M,;,slo -excursion fret - 1Bl:~ua4v Au /llaffited :iew>ei'B arLias onneil will be foaeI4 red'to lu-aI witb h 1fenlJéctl'san4 I yeas' thegdealinug with a question swbl4s se lxaperatively demande prompt ansd immouilate action. Tlsre are no.difi- calies in the way, anti ontiusary lùteili- gence andi a wiliuguss to.take o ma trouble lanbthe, mables'are oufly neces. eary to carry bile bhlag bir6uglissuo- ocefuli>a. Maostaller îowns of note tbroughoel the Province have adoptpti til msenste ligilten the bardais of taiation by spreadiag bile payment cf liabilities for improvemonle ever a sere af yeari, If a higi lievy bc ma de ln Whitily til year again, and tia. rate kept up ta the higileet ilgur whioh lb. 4aw shows, our towueasn will have th. iglit to a eauthe council to accoa for thxels des'aiiebiou, for with lhe latter W11 reet the.lâjme. Again we beg t* us-ge upan tihe gentlemen wlo ihave seoureti "et@e et the council board tihe, neeeossity-, for prompt action. -Ontario LadIes' Callego. ANNIL MEETING,-IEPOBT 0F THE VISITOIIS. The saunual uisuen- of. thestock.- boîtierd of tise Ontario Ladies' Coleoge, tank place ut tile Cofltege building ou 'rnestiey. Tise rumeoae stockiloldene fruni fersd anter tbockbile opportun.i Vi af isîspecliug bila promiseseanti' vere Do doubt pleasedt e fint ai lu excellent condition, ansi About reatiy ion theo e- oponlng,.-- The Direetone neperteul au- avuiage- altendanuco ai 50 boardera anti 20 day pupile, flas Lyoar; an inosas of about $15,000, anti a net surplus avrs vorkiag axpeases of ieuiriy 61.500. 'Tie repS artvse alopteti, asuliglily est- ieicctory. -- The followinsg Boantri fDiroclonia vas eiecteud lesares. iHden, Ilatlscwa, Resus, lgolils, J. L. .Smithx, G. Y. Smitu, lRichars'orn, McClinng, (eader. bua, iVUkeq, IPatesno, Taylort, Aikona, IL. fiaîci, and -tred. Meoas. MoDow. ail, Detiant, Sadereon, Botta, Loeeiî, Soitis, aud WViloughuby. Ors ixly buardens are already eix- bereti fan lime -apeuiigj, anti a pros- pect -of al limaI eau be accuaumotated. Thsis apeeka ireil tiso slard limes. -Tise Imiuîaming report a!fLise amibloriz- cd Visiter aspeake ior ibseif . In te isetocimargeocf a duty asaigued by lise Conuference, we have visitadth Ie Ontario Ladies College nt ýVhittuy, anti madeti a seuxewisat dtilail examinabion o! the Institution. Erery fecility vas piaccd ut osxs' tipoa by the Govennon ,aud Princi pal, Raiv. J. E. Sautiassn, M. A., anxd .1. J. Hlaro, B. A., for mak- ing bisaiexaminetion. WVoishaerex-y great icueasure la bear- iug baitimeny tleie -sy higîs tegrost ai efficieney oaithccoiiego. Tic staff oi beachon la fu, anti, vejuige, woii mîulifiaul-for tiai tbes s-equireti. A las-ge amanut ai teeching lun bue Iiglien ticpartsueut dtodras upon îLe Princi. p", ausil Govrrior., suidt tein vcrk lu lit respect i i a à ry 11gb egs'ee of excellence. W". irnsgreutiy imisaseul vitia ls puomintenes gire onlile study cf sciene, visic isla tiiy bticcming of moeaiuatissgintereut lanti ci gruer importance. TIhe o msiofiee!Mr. Tariringlon, lic ceulmcluc f bisa Phsilharmounie As-sud- aais aifToronto, irio liais chsrge ci theo dopas-t mentcf nuseio, viil e e guax-an- tee- o ai ils lîrongh eiciuercy. A ii ulegreaeto attentipru is giron te the iiealthfnh aut sociaiiy cluenming axer- cls af vocal sausie, anti eepecialiy Le choral aiuging. 'rsee 8aoifnei fduawissg uil pairiL- ing lîidiitute the thbsa e sti-ti cîulture of thsc yIunîîg liliîa lun luis remelutis con. duclu-ti by leinrcuos mu!neoastihasy puoitim-uy. Aist accessuphiliseti Fictlulady gircus insai)uutioue ilieru-1i-aIitiful isuiguage. Vi is uîa-iiutuuleigiiý)ii satud ce tie Cislu-lek a caueiof ticsont tiiauiggv- ing, mil wiii lie a guanautto u parents biset thir ais uixgiutavirviiil e aurromnt- fitt by lie visuhesoma influnces ci e Chsian home, Noarhy anc-issu ci thia llcunrdersa une - cîsmunculs uembens: .rehigimue aüireitseaanti elcos-îasîiustga sua staîasglt-ly cuxiitelin thinstitui- titon. lua ailii usm tli efehielihtes'.sry auîl umîtunutitruainingoultme Instbituxtionm, irît St-ru e jéitýlhY hiiiuseilwidiîstlIe Vcîy i adimialeproiisin imacta fuis'tisa imnuîatt aljeel ai u'ieîicnl plture. 'ite Culýdluiss u) liesu honbunato ilu tsi- ctsrisig Vic cu-.rîjIes cia gscesstiîanurhî IMS Spu-ehusi qtuutalifians iis huis re- ihicet. 'llie ehfect ai tise gracefaini axu issrigus-aliusg ,excrcisce udoptodi lenl hauVihe inipro-cu1l iulth andul miysicul euivrimie tf the ymîung latiies. WVu con- sides'tIse equeislriauu ùxerchees Le lic ssniueluiy eruttnatud lu gIs-aitoue ansI firmasa cuulvigortu lathe iessci-vo;u self- possessioandani ut pownses'aicoun- bs-ai that viiiliebcof raI servlice tus-ougis hlire. -On bise'beantifui sus-cuuulinizs of lie »Cuxlige anduitqIlscegaultidcernitrtable isteruxal-'airranugemoent)s %i e ueu net tiveli, as tlisuy ansie trs-i llkuowtet ruse finasîcinai scuits o!fliaiyea', ire cenuisis igl eatisfaaaory. Trhe lis- creuse lu allen-lance, anti au lucolue ai ncanly 50 pt- nt. u a drnce cf lest yIeur, are enccns'îugiîîg- rcexxlt vhli, il, ri-ir ai thîs mauetary atî-ingenoy of tise tunes, ta a-cause of îery verni cou- grabîilchien-j (Signes)) W. Jre-fss S. S. NELLFs, - -isyiteýra. W. H. WuTRsiow.) Mlt, JOHN SNuTanrsse splendlid tW-ayea o11 tirauspîst fiily, '])ash" vas shippet ou, PrnIcly last ian sxhibitioux at the Cenlainnisi. *"Desgimis e lesutiful bey, weigiîing about 1500 lus, fce June Sti, 1874, omnetd at idy Ms'. John Smaish afEast 'ahiîby. Sise vas airait ly "N',etlierby' eut oiea splendid ',Won. terfinl Lad' marc, aeut iig lies' ahi in all il; anc af thes finhialioeking suimtaIs cf lier cisesand,' ege, w vae sceaulu a lonsg tiais. LîirAIrY sFanLtvpie.-Jaliu Mes'i. arly sut James Fogarly vere broeugil befene-the Mayor n au Monday, s-iargcd vithshirng eloirse anti buggy iront Mnr. IHcnsy Cros;by eut ual retux-sini Lise gMee t th ises agrsed upon. Il appearod Liat -au imingthie rg thie psties ' staheti liey ouly wanteul ta drive ho lte foutlis concession.. Tuîey trore ta Tarante sud didtS net sura until Mcmdey. Cammillet for Lbinty dayre lu tefuit CfElise neyaient ci fins anti coaiseamunutiagiho$18. SI! umous pitsINuMexursitmAà .-Trwo serions ires braite"s in *Montroal on Tinrctiay osenlng lait. One destroygd [a portion cf the premomisuda larg qunnily cf pilas', bslcngsolaMamans. Copeiuti anti Moaue, commissiosn moroblanta anti importera; bile obler, bisa plastbs Millezai Ms'. Johu'A. Con. verse, St. Gabriel Leeka. TuaCtauusrL.lar irai-cias frani Wililtmy anud reuru, vie Leigla Valley, - oui>- *14.40 ggltýi-vis ýLalgh V&alîoyati rauly Ne Yank, 811ÃŽ. 20, Tfýiokou aab. lad -ironsMs'. Stvutou at be-,ominleuTaegnapl oit 0@, - b .jý - 1 -urougaauhe xrieuty offies of ar.oaa Hani Perry-ped hie haa8psume steamer et lb. disposai of smre Whitby fiaonde for tfiè day. The paityl, te t number of somae tweaby-five -ladiehsasud geantlsmeui, left Wlsitby at 8.80 ÃŽ. m. rnsklng Yonge.et. wharf, lhrcugh the gap,à a eau o'cloek. The party i>ft again shortli ailes'foair oiock, epenti. ing th e intervai cf five hours la the city ight-eeeiag anti amueisfg-Ilsemeelvees. Tilewesther waa611tbat oold be deerd, sud, bile'tripIn every way a daligiablul oas andi most lbos'pughly enjoyeti by &U1 on board. ieturning the boM-atn o Pickering liarbour, ta give thb. party anî appcrtuaity af exanuiig bile impravo- mentenow being matie et tluil place. Usider tise- contrai of th. new'couspany bile barbonr s' a esnsalag Vary important preasions. Tile dretige fleet anti a Large force have ibeeu et work ane Ausril lest, sud wili not be through ho- fore iret Ocober.,'Tii.Wet pier la aow Oumplelod ta a distance ai 500 foot stnd thesaub pies' runasa loaglil ai 400 foot. Tiaire la a deptil ai 17 foot of *sar, inti a splendid roomy anclionage ~iiie tise bay as well as ebthbie wharf, whicia latter je bath extensive anud rocmy. Goti pragres ias beeu matie witi tihe uaw abat» elevatos' la course of erectian ; it je 8Ql> 60 foot, with ù; capacitycf 112,000 huebeis. Ativautage ies been takencf alil tbemodernlas. praveoute whicil have beau introduceti in eves'y detai, se that grain can lie tilivereti, laken out ali placeti au board aven thse whiarf witlîout thLi;e eof senopsîsovel or a broom Lirougliaut tise buildliug. Thle wiucie wank et tiselbar. beur le liglsly croditahie ta LMn. Munsan, anti sncbs e au be i'eferreil Le byIlitas twitll*mnida as an exampie oai Lais'bLs anud qualifiadte la asampsd elurç3' ont bile praposeul acheta.. But whize pro- viding for al-, the necssas-y matteora pailibti out by yoursolf, il strikes mne liaI thieivwonitibe lb.heproper lima te cuesides' anoties'great waal ail citizens aif biletowunDow daiiy.ir At proeot we have' ne markeî, -he town hall le isaîf'a mile distant irons tie celatre of tewu, aietise iay 'scaleo, lAbe tewu clark's office, lie police court i-cea, anti tisa look.up. uIn énýthes' aT otha le tewux we have the fine englue, anti in anotiles lie division court ciflice. Ia trulli ail ans'Town offices are scaltereti bere, tiers, andti eves'ywbere. Now wliy uaL setlik1e s'allouai, sensible bu-. luge anti eanslildate ailP The Till prcperly, il le undensioti, eau be pur.- cilaseul for a reaisonabis pisac. Let ns tierofare, li tie echeme cf consolidia- tien, proiie for.- ils purase ; anti tien we wîli have ail Lb. butcer staiis tegother ; jf bis i fies for sale lu t6wn uni'cheiers wili know where ta go, andtihle camnefit-h vegetabios, Wood, &0.,.- &0;- Theu lot us bave a Council Chlamlier oau h. second fiat, a Firemueu'e hlli, an office far thse Town Clerk andl Troseuror, au office for tie Town Collectas', anti an office fer the Cles'k af the Division Court ; arrange for the fine angine anti book sud lauldes' a" peratus on the sase propenty, aise the hay seules, andti lime ce ntrats tise offices, anti eonslidete bbc offices. The saving lin resut for lie serersi proeanies uow occupieti, andi the env. sniz la salaries uaw palîl, iy cloncsentra- ionai anti consolidations, wilb Ithe rentie af butchèr etails, I hava ne issilation lu eaying, wanid more tissu pay the inteniet anti sinking mati on tisa whole proposei expendituns for purciiee money, lfitings, &0., &a. Besjies ail thxe alvautages anti bouefits thîe taîvre people wenld deriva ironi iaviug a masrket for lIutchers every uiay, anti for~ tise country, twe on tires tieyq a week. Tasis 1 tiiink les a great nscossity, andi cf perarmaunt .importance te everY neelutu-ut. Lu-t ns; fou tIse manient ries save was-d influence, anti support wlîat la iset fer tice rlols îown. Who is tise mass lu aur canncliLe step fuos. wanti anti carry eut e sciemeocf liais characton, luncunnectien witix ynun suggesetionseof twn impravemeuts andi doIt consolitiation ? ,,WHITI3Y." faclory usanasais'in whieh ils executaS Lhe contractae ntrosteilte hue changze. Mn. MoCielian, tie prusilenlof lise Pickerng Herbons' Company, hlies elso, iu addition le à a adeome nov resiti- once, put up on the square ai wbet are celet Liverspool Cornons, on btie King- stanndat, auaille anti abah rom bthe barbans',a e gneral store, 60>w425 ; an office cf the Montrentl Tlograpi Com- pany, and su office ion tixo Collecter o! Cusbome, santsshedi, 108 fbel lu isugtis ion Lthe accommodation ai those attend- ing tisa market. Hliias aisoecsbte subsaatisul bauk office, weil fittoti up. vitis gondi veuit anti evarylhing com- plets, lu whiehisla La- bceopeneti an agency afllie Dominion Bank-a tisis'- aille peint ire aiouiti gay ionrbile inbeneat cf tise bauk as elliai iontise accousme- dtionu ai lie people af-ýtisCewaitlsy townshîip of Pickering, vise wiIl nov hxave this furîher fecility ionrlis. Irans- acticn ci business witbin thein airu manicipc!ihy. Andti s néminsis ns en passant LiaI 'the brandi in Picker'ing will bo tle founîli sgeuscy af tise Domin- ion Bank aîxentud by Ms', McClola- lue iaviug opeusui liasagedcies et Wiil by, iiaîmauriliai, anti Oshiawa, now se euoce ss±nliy oporate t ahoxse peinte. Thse market wiii bu cenuecteti by telp-- grajuha witi lhe Bay, aund for tise accora- saotiatian af gs'ain.bnyers, cf whnsu Mes;s a W. D. Ifaîtbewesi & Ce., anti Mesars. WV. & J. Spinhe aracssuw au hanul. TIse inresameut mats n)y tise Cousspuîy upasi ssiithese isopirenisînts aînounîsu, -iarecuneLel ti, ui40,0010, go bliet lise Iwnahip viii hcsvai gainû ettsl by Ies municipal granit anul benne ai 0111,000. NWIsat if;slow vantet islatisa constructionsai tise Ontario Centrai Rsilvesy vitlilà abrandi La Piceariug berbcun le erowu tbc work tisaI lias been se vaîl begun anti cs-rieti onI vili se sîuci puîblic alirited t ' erps'ire by Ms'. MeCielian anti bis c-partuers. As IL le îisey hleai îîe wosutera in a short ime antiSaccu as deserve well fon thuaiîsi rans the peiople aiflPickering. Tietis nuxu sunaon" staed elont aiS tise barbons' for whîit[ly ivîss liglut liet-auiaeisible tinougli tbe haie af the ireuimxg et Iaf-pat seven, anti wlîere ahl lauiedtinsfaly, mSos'sy ta part aud happy taenucet egain." A numbe r o! Oehsaauanti wiitbly intuisiiting tise nov improvemeuba vaieepickid up lia- fore statu-iug andlafieruards, ive untier- stand, cenroyedti LaOshawa, uarisxg en- joyecl a cemiortabie ime an hourd. A pieaaiug incidtiof a the day's pue- ceedinge iras the paasiug ai resolutianm ta tise captuin, Mr'. A. Munpous, (cea eof thme proprishon> whicli witf a mniature mari nera rcompues, sest lu gals, ant ilurs cuis werc presenteul te Captain Muni- sou anti his officena. COMIPLIMENT ToO As-TAIN !IUN5ON. Tisaipreseuîatiora-as unadeaiby er. J. R.l. Parry-Rsrsil. Mr. Cola su bbc chair', anti W. iH. Higeius acting as secetry- anti the nesahxtien reati fol- lc-Ivsti y Ms'. Day, secontieti by Dr. Busins, anti resoivad-TheL the Ihaulîs af thie Excuraloniat. are tune andl are iseneby lioarîiiy tendereti Mr. Munsen for hie kindueaE anti libeaiaiy in placiug igi excellent stearubeat, tise "E mm& Muason' et hein disposaI for the -plesur6 ttip from Whitby ta Tarante anti back. Moveti by Ms'. John Hem Pers-v seoedt by Ms-. Jackason, that the tianke allihe Excursieniets are due, anti are hereby tentienetiCaptain A. Munean sud lis aficers, for blisir counteous attention le ltxe part y on boardi turing bthe excursion froas Whilby ta Torntno Anti in,ortien te mark eus' remem" nc ai thie pleasant occasion, vo heg Ibis- acceptanceocf tie accampanyidg mini- ature marins cmpase, for lie caplain, anti cIels for lie officers fid'cierge ai thse "lîrma Munson." CILBAs- CeL.-Haii a million tans cf Penusylvania ceaI vas oiti ily anctian ia Now York yeslcnday, et bile instance Of four of bise greal coaci uiniag cas- 5o not,.u Droek, L b.,blA ewson.-..« . 17 J. a . Rewerd,' bld mathowsan.- - e Camapboll, b Math. sc -ce an ot... Plkrnb, MaLts. 0. Htoward, bld £. ib.w.b A.,L&stug... b X Lalig.10 c G. Ilay, b matisi Extra-i se -WHITBY. Frisy, b 5oultbee .......................... Beais, c Heward, b Sxaule ...............--o Maîbevucon b Boalibe-------------.... 17 Jesisesn t 55l-vseb 130bh=ba.............s'2 .7. a1 b w, b uey--------------....1I Bn 1 8 ly................ La. l sg, eaBlaksine:. ..... .Lang, e0B1ae, b Bs'ook-------------.....24 0i40. Bey, e 0Pingosba, b Bx-cel------. areratt, C aroc tb hwùy----------..... Ja5!s'ay,u usSnt---------------------O..... Etas----------------------. .................. 142 r. Blake tisitiaiti ta nioîe, ai thse 'Taronto tbain.- BuWLINms-NHCTxsT. Ist nainnge. Bx. Mi. o. eI. W. ut. 8ulu - 7 4 36 3t Malbolx i ..... 65 St 45 7- 2ud Itsuige. A.Laing-... S. o 7 21 2 Matheweain -5W ai 48 3 J. Laiegs... i20 t2 7 e TOBONTU. B. M.O. l. W Ssîanicy-...... se..ai i 70nlbe - e 2u Howard ....... mu20xc10 e Canipbll -a...... M 8 Behtans ...... 65aism sprouila . ..lu5 lu 7 0. Braci.......... i 0 0 2 Carueda et lime Ceuteuniai. AN AStISSCAN VIsar or T-scuaIvWoaDns COUiNTRtY." WoVcleip tIse folcwing information froun lise corî-empondence ai tise Detroiit Eveniuug Naît-s: 1 [t la ves'y tii'cnlt fer tise ordiuau-v Yankee te teuievathuaI tisaiDeniulo'n cf- Cealaaatuomints ta unything os' la geai fer anlytiig meo-e tissu te grow, rileen, aundhe1rentixally drap juta eus- Iseutis, millier lty conueat on annex- e-ion, andtiliien le a bunîlson la ns. But when tho Canadietn exluilit is gzazid upon (and onexe snt go mb oerery tiariumnt ta titi il) il musut ut once le uckuowîetigesl LiaI '1tIis Canadlaeo! o'us" sea cenîtry taelis lroaud ai. Tise exhibit lu the Agricuituiraî Haula ian immense ans, andtirivale tisaI oai is Unitedt Statas vory sisarply. Tîsere bas bain ea ciear-lueaddu, intelligenit tmîlios about tise InaîuAir luinriiclu tiose- biarateti ucigzibiru ai ours isave fixtcusl np bîseis' exliibit, vhuicliCommandîue tliu licurtiesi respect for aiscin. Tiuauxsuuuule of Auusurican dîlt.euis art- euuettîtl3 Lhoireu-g tir uepartnu-ut iun luitaif n'lseît lut3tCulis easiiy titain flucet, i-hi. knowloolg û. 11<-n le a iusoat sii-ps-i>iuug asruay o'l Foh saiajîsanst-ciuiou-yV, fi-oîei thie Monîreai. Lonlou, 11lulusî uli l, Kinonuamuîi Bramnptonu i(rlas, ciii mi kindsofcf iîrîning ant i iortictxltusat usa-i cliines'y aunimîilemle f* a gesseal style ofi siget uîîV tîsut ejuclîs Volumes forx tis eu-n cf ilus Dominioun. Especi. aly liai-e tht-y lshn Ilîeunceies alive la t1 isetuu-h haI StLIstfas'iuiug i le lue the Ville te ble aithe ieuanfuiturem, la a gît-at citent, atilu ley liuuve-elitiui- ei ,t)iuIthlie i-îupicy giaut antd yole) hlm suIit)t tatmonsunuls cf upj)ihhiîîa-eaic liis~.înui ftruaiîîcrlulion. lxu-i Ciiîit u d %ru Es!ax i, a'simscî.y inu aivaî;ce ohftise Unilteud SLalCe lit' ise Esspomitions e c riceiin) i luiiug thue prouilelas cf suî-:iis trrnportulion ais esîustnoiîus rouie. Onsenglutiinf, resîllins the t-ara r-f lust tluxe ni, le h lscx in- loa-leof t-us toue mion wuggore, lîluu gelaai rsoiîl i ilhis 51 up Iiiilanuldawn, as est-iy ui)ic- lalsi o) Cl1viudaa jherses coiilul whli a .1uis cf«lncandti h- fuîi oif i' i3 il ut stiIc-ut usure te lususmage iz ila Isiii il atil-i talisîuie -su teatis of truck Isousea. Tpris t-tutus eIe$3l,000t lus Noir Yor'k. h t uîîutly casiple oiea ilzuaietliera. am gi,h)J and) naule ly as snany Dither E Luciclu as'Casusuian fac- tire. WVaiare tatxjiLtealeljare Lihatiti suas a tuaniute w1lhiîltt a lusItelitigcnoe li&rt wiîlu a crîami: le it, 5/lulcis -muulati alua awucr ta atîitti uut cggs (ud tib., bunI itl ixaleur -n i e- e fou a )<antieiu teO lurent icixatenît a hlu-se iest, whe-ue iaicurauice o!fliseheuî s-lac-i flùiclitor anti iem-ls lues' sce)u.lu uifl îisc- lias Maule lias' tepesit andui lt secuy ta crow foa ndixcii)uinctuec e mifatt or if sue ,chuoCsos -t-sutriain ans) mati- bitai lIse s-i.'aus ail -Iosucs, eus) cari- uaetLe baiuletu iors' bai axteti 13 piruli- c&v nia i tse uxîshde dlocaca It e- ct-jvc thsuclu is;l<. TIse l.îxgologis ofc aime Union eau iahsuî ecru somelising lu thea CinuRmîlun Deaprtunent, thunke te the Lonudon buL, Cocielt-. Teuir e lui- uîological Gexlit la axot cmxr)iasc-al bv thut oi thai Sunjîlisenoian institute, iiin ucamy respects.' Axîgruet 2Stiî, 1876. Cunuty Judges Criminel Casant. Thsomas Fricot, vas triait bcfere hie Houes'Jutige Denbociiain Tiunay isat fors an lumiscetLassuit on a chilti ntes' fire Yeuas clage. Tise pisenen iras an isosîhes' eh Tiupsmn's luatei in Pont Penry,-The clsild'e parents Imarties et tIse hmel. Tiesa euit vas aiiegsd taeixave teken placeinuthie erenieg, wvilelah. mnollies vas puttiug sycungan chltidte lied, tad lis- fatiser vas nI the ltaivay station. Tise ont-suce shovadti that tixe ciii came aisyiug freai tua atable, andcl mai- cal eritiesce vas acncd, viiich sixent- et sie altemlpî et violence biubteun useti. Ms'. Faneveil, Cauuty Attorney, propes£e10call tise chilti. Hie houxos sutan exauination, camne ta thue conclu- sien thi shae vas lincapableoai ncex-- Standing the nature o! n authli, cul rafuset toalahiavlies' te le averu, as' ha receivç, ler ehtemeut, os eviuene a s ho lier- astonlants giron inaidiutely aites- fiue airent.Ilie seîarke t tIs itlidil asaliy.lise ticugiat liat the Etmtemenl, eegn vibhiaultue ssntionx of auoatîs, ai un innocntuansd intelli.gent cifiii as original erbileucioaia iih rier -andI cuixata lbcia eeeireui; but Lte bcsvw*as abuerviso. [le celi it vas pftimisaI te huas, aaoune oftlsltss, a :hut] pu't tisrongi ux inquisition mas la ti.a îe aingieul cousesunences aifuterhiusy, ne- quirimsgmits mss-nb tn a well kîsocesa icixSilats, viteis iveilu tronule wnsassy, airan reigionau menacrus le enuF;ver abriglisly, butî vhic s aee a xnoek- dry %risentier) Seas a ncane is fbint¼ isp thîe ceusedieuce ofaci . itl chcllsi Thie canon Lave prohibileul theî exact- iuug e! n aux obsnxertLIe augeocf 14 ;cul unîuteslee-e mI es ai ps-cetdurs lu Gcrîaany, tisaieîiîlencv et dhiiircn sinus-s 16 rmy ble uiivati xaithont Cathuat tle ufiecrelicc af thie juclgés. la e ut lionse eiigliteîti ey ewashoeltse ad- misejun of hua is eas cf evitience ivuud, ah enme fitut'-ime. lînerail. Iniondais Ice eatsey thc conscieunce ai aur Englisi Courte a native- a! Cîxissueclsu ase s wituesa, breaks sa ii itise wiilec box acecompusuieti vhiiî an uimrccuias, but t es acurions fuel bisaI t is ha is courts aoflisat ennui-s'y, wvisacaruae ual s'equsireui terusashue extuste the t ruîl ai thels' tastimsoaiy. Hlie lionne ahonglisltisaI bis aircusun- sîsutiai evideuxce upsingtbthie piî caupiari vitîs bus ovu sltaieîil hefore lIse magistrale, tint lie heu si ny Isiker tisa cildt- , tise stable ba siscui lies- a dog,Iutilfiei a convxiction, andl setslind- aid hi Le osix menthe imnpsisanenl lu the Centrah Prisoin. IIenry Curtunili avas Pras'igtieil ou tve sevrnl chargea cf ilcueul assait upoo aisds'sn, anti isa an a charge o! horse Ealsaiing. lie clectet ta lie trieti liy s jutige. Ris atrial la fixet ifor Mou- day, 4îls Saptember. AuiastIons nU TISECENTENdL-On Sepbembsrhlud and 9tlithe change ior admission ta tise Ceutaunial wili bai 25 cents. Tic neceipte oun Tuerday' atnouti te 8 41,809. ON-TARIO lRIFLE ASSeuCîuTIuO.--Tbai Ontario Rifle Associîation matches bai- a on Tnesduy et Turotito. The ahabiug ha been remankabiy gooti. Aus-isioxe ta LAw rSTUaEnqsT-Tho Lawr Society ai Outano lues adaptaithlie maliculatien curriculum of 'nonante University fer lise priimasy -examina- ions ion admission es ahudenta -t-iew. CiLLNCEUY AUTUMN SîifuxNsai.--Be- fore lieu. Viee-Chiauclios Preutifuot, ah Wlsitliy, an Tuestay, Sept. lOtIs. SALE aF- ItieT TO Bunse BOOrMS.- Tuie sale ai tisa rigisI te es'eaiiobeiîs on the Fai- Groundts, fer the Sale cf ne- fresimets, laites place et hRays' Bxit- ishx Anerican hetel, Wliihliy, ou Thunra- day Sepbenibe-7h. RTAN TEK Wiic MuiteutuTaisa s' Escia-t. -James Itysu, caufineti fan vifs martes', tniedtiet escape iroins jail lu Pebenliara'.lie saccezedi lagohling on thle top cf diae ali iantivas bhxre eth Le jailen, wvilonlils-stateti,*'lhe ubasti tegel t l a Iloo lb. le own, fs-ors thiat eleveti position, lb vas se long sioco b. Ixdacosen il." .Hlo., Mis. Bnutc.-Hacx. gn. Biake le sîsitite haro danueaonmthiug homards ,qatting an extra&ilin arrangement ase fias- a-Canadla andthie Iatsa are con- propeby, ntiho bahpreauboas se cartiinlyý, placiag eue mati lasside Isheèir '-residence a. achee street andth Ie othes' entaide ta watch ithe xnavemeaats cof tac innietes.- Early lest week, iaow- TEE riva MIO5E5 xaaaoR waibeda pon- Ibm and askedif they miglit bave lias city, wiaereuzpen Mn. Dautre consenteio c a ïndtiin that tliey wonid liofras-hia afbbcheour af tiseir departure, lu orties that lie miglit sec whal they intended, taking aliah thîci. On Tbureday .mos ning tise twou Young ladies cuilicaagaixa anti requestati Ms'. Doutre -ta inopeot wiaet bley wore geing ta talcs awsy, anti onubIs consecut- sng -ta do se, they, werc partacualny caneful bluet ho, shouiti examine - ticr personal jeweiry, sud "BEAUCE. zVisav TsUNs." Tiaey sait tliey Wer-e goiug ta III. Aihane, anti Mr. foutre aceardiugiy tolti bis watchnien onleido te be very curefui ta do bis dnty, anti if Lbey sent auy lngggcta aIse depat ta iniormnilila of il. The saine afternoan the watciu- iunabiame awenu that faggsge wae being saint away, andi fiuliais'inqniry revealedth Ie fact that il lied baisa book- cd fer Misions, N. Y., via Preset. Mn. Dontre teak hei train ta Prescot tise sains niglit, cuti ou Frimay aiLes'- neon lie iras ut Presceit Junctiaus au lise arriralai. ofIse Mallon fiumiiy, wiîo appeaeet VittRY IuI D00CNCELITIII wliun liai walketi througituai cas'. Tise t-itiot Miss Mellers' aid ,Well, Ms'. iutnea, wiy titi yeîxnet examinaieout- bagguge wlisu we sent ion you ?" Thse examninaLion of tise articles waseian caiuetdinlxitIse presence ai bue (us- tain Hanse offlen anti Chiei Constbahle ai tuae Lawu, Tic Brochevilie Recorder, lu iLs ac- coîxut aiftise arneast, suys u-faslionttbb,- sireeseti ycung man niidRuthxerford wue witiî the ladies, anti was arnesteil lent iL turtieti eut tîsat lie was ncyue otites' tixn a pnivuatiaietective, wlso hati wormcd hîlmsecfif mb hein counfidence, anraugedth ie irliohe business of the tit- venture wirscuu lias tux-neti ont se ati- vautagueusly te the creditons ai tue runaway jaiweiien, anti theni inforinefi Mvr. ])outse ai the littho arranlgemient It cays tisait iin a saxal basket, wluicli ene o! tise indie opeuîly cuusied ilulier liauxltl, ias fctîuîl usgoldenca cacunt Tisis runuas-kahie coc<exnîxt iresented flic apaearauce aofsîn ortiina'y nait, but epan beiîîg olieiidwas founul ta be paeketi coud wiîl goit cisains, eus'- sine, bracelets, &c. lin anotises' mail basket, carricti ly anc ai tise cliltîrsu, îreea uniies- aigai-net baseoaisoai. Tise garuets ad i nsa ldbeau tiret sret- inli snuil niielotîx luga, anti titiu- suap sua-nm d xu sun aromithe tsa tsue so ls tus îreseetttlîe orulitsuiicp- ptmarumîse. lunaise ru!bict te ar fcoup ias fiuîu a bluck oulllci a ug tcntain- isg su llis-gai nulu)îu-sof- ai lîeuds. A lantl uaiil e l liutilulirus tiieovu-eti s-sur ztîîul imtheSlp uity su! Mousti-uc, ail ut s ibstiustuîui beig eusoeti cf lslirins, bracelaits, &e. 'Vii enieastone aiftîiddlcawi-altlu waîul teun ausl.stuîutiîa su îiali jewm-llt-sy atre, andtincmuîntieul nif th ie articles fauîl lusiisut-h an uestabliushmnt. 'Thse ladlies weiw cabrsi, cool, aindcocl- aund ra isti utly, cuumily satclxiuî lise etu-i siLproceeulcu. anunisppxainLl. lutuiki ulpon tIse irisa it xater use Suutuîutl, itîgtu0 Lie tIleteul. S(-vu-îuîî-u-i truis ais) cases iure u"u- atusu sc-d, usîul foeiidti lasulely mutisulaiil andh l stu Iluotusuolui goucuic l'lit isn 555h pliows. witlîin wluiuli tiSsu dtic-t t- r-il liais- V-ilans, bracelets, -ut-inge, brlushua, Lc. Tise lobal ahi- cf tise je-a -isty tu-cuerxet i e tunuittul it Mul-. Mmliane îuttti-r, taîpartial iiitiulc, ageul 763, siesujugeilies', us c uilso Ms'. Mm-orsi-/h.--uIlsivsouieliîstlu uui tiiutcsiul-uî-o ' w imtu efatal- iy il]i. 'hie-v irs'A stl ivers.iîis aSt - iilytlu iOgdecuaiiuîg cliii i0 itculedtit Miflane, N. Y., wlius- Melor li. iii- juuuiuug but-uarc-usth lîcai)ladly asnd 1hr %as-u nusiden timiglt-ru. le is et-si d ss -Loiiui L~îfettisug. 211sMtlluur,jr - FEWuN :tDtS Ilit iusigý!(.ltsciaîig his tiouîbîs s aLiS ote gcssuxiux-ncss of lis' rmetntal clituuudi-s M1iss Meilo-,s-., atimitiet viicisgpatek ed np tise jt-iellry, andsi sal-xintcîetie its reiîmovaus. Miss Melhas', jr - mtade st-rti-al insgiulfs' eiatemuueuus, rim'-ix ilmat; a uxîsuc îî as folIowsisîg h-s'aaout in- lcniuulisg tc eoixiiai3lus-s' niii. Oxn e- eiîuî cf a tuiegruin frira Mi. Dotbre. Mr. Carter-, Q. C., CeU-un-el for hie eredi hure, secuaitilixe issue oif a î>oljci cissuut wrnat fon the arvOsi o!tie tîvu Mises MNeilos', îhic-iDeteutivc Murp'iy randt CciusabIe (Cotanmt eeuieyutl s andi oui 'Sauauty sions-iig. tluey rs'u-tssuiui lu hIs City ii he ucusfersuxîate stîters, irisa uîtîesî--c itu bai feiixg udeep u utius ual tiauxithi, I-lit-le fox-timuxte cf tIse du3 befare iursglet-tuth-sas.Tîîey s-are ictigeil iîî tise ct-lie Ilia uaos'ssix,. The War Agaluet thse Siua. The -caun1uuigtiaguinst lIse Sion\x may lis Raidti tebai psaebicuiy closa itsa sacsu. Speejul clesaucties sa taihat -It ic aimonstaussuxraii uhutt haie<-oumî mcvw natîng I-y aIe couu-bieied forcea cof Cs'aok andl Tes-ny wjiilaic nsuecertul, ansI tixtruepa iril troal' e3t Iu-uta thse mouth et Tanguai Rivrs'ounbise 25îth is. 'Tise caomandt iiitien refit fos' enolue- daxsli, illi, il le lopcd, vii li c mare succesiul. Nerer ig plosn Mauntiis a truil ions' or tire laya ait andti sîe tuilsIa vitie, bai ug IhuiL isaviet airer seau au bise ps'ainies, vas discovreit. Tihis truil fiuasly separtemi undtihe Inchians iers fonucl loe ein flli natreut, ana bands Iueading nanI-l tovursis tise British pas. sessions, scih the probable iutention o! crossing tisai hue, andtihie ather poing souilu along the Little Missouri fuir bisa purposiofcf reeaiug îte Miasoui ri iver about Fort Bsntlt. Tisae e 1es-aey iuuticatî i matfhostileing iueavily rom. infîunced liy Ageuaiy Indians. Tiey liare thises faipilies eut eridently inteml naimeining narbi this muntes'. UNeION BETIEN MitTIîODSTS.-At a late meeting of the nepreeuteaives o! tua tva heprincipal Methotist lu the Ucitet States, sanie pragreassvas mitae towas'dnion. T5îe'aijeane différencei ai doctrine or forin aigovesunnenî le- Ivesu tise Methedial Episcopal Chural andtie ailethodirst Epismuopul Churcli South. The tva lbranches sepeabaet in 1844 on thîle eersy qustion, and- as ýtbhe Meblictista are LIe nmort pavanint religiona body lu the United States il is beuieveti ly many liat tle sepanetian titi iueli tla ling unlie van ai acces- Moan. The eiaves'y queihstlei nov sel- îlot, anthLe original Cane of tilauinion therefone nemovet. Hoavers, ocher, causes of difference ixave sprung up. The Nortienu Ciurcli have sceux fiatla cohonu t tIcSenîljeau ens-tory, mniug local s-mvauny vîxicilin soine cases hua liacu mata mono bitter by lawysuiîe abent churcbprcperty. EARLT FitOaT.-A ecrrai rt imas vicîtemilMiddliesex, doing mucil damage te tamste,0snCUItmberai, anti- a1liLr Llringa. Intan cern vas mach iasnsg. eti anti, wil le ntatenlaliyýiuijx-et -for fodder. It laa vérv ou'nusel bias-tn - 113 Rkvi AND -DPAR Sia,-On bobaîf of vans' pariancers weapaproeli yen ou 'tbis the pocasion cf your contemplateti voyage ta Europe, tiniertaken wjth bie hopee cf recruitang yens' iailiug health and lbeg youto accept tbis pure. whicth as a sacreti dnby of gratitude yaur.ecou- gregation bas centributeti for 1h. pur- pose cf aiding lu tiefsayiag the expenses Incident te sncb a jcuruey. ýYens' tevated - pantiltaoners one and 0111 hava realizeti the fact tIsaI yonn an- '1nous dtlls in cannectian with tilose wýcrks cf magnitude, whicli yen have undtinlken'anti lornpjr'ted ainceyouî came amussugt us lanbile erotien af chiuclies, sebeal bouses, anti-cuur mag. nificent cnvwe s a weil as ynur ainflag. giug uxertiene fer ans' spiritual anti lemporal weifare are senilat eliing on yonr healtîx, anti that a trip acros lise aceaui witls a few weeks rostinlaa more gealiclime have became ebea. Ilitely uoceesas'y te enablo yau ta labour ameuget us witb your accustameti, zeai for cuir gooti andti îehonour anti glery of Goa. WVe avail ourseives of thua opponte- nity ta express aur Sincera tlmnkfi ta you lu that while solicitons fraur spiritual gooti yeni have oves' beeru eux- loue ta ceai ans wants and requircuiente :-uppiied particularly lu thse promotion ai tise education o! aur rising offsprng -anti we sxost iîearllly cbngnatutate yoaî andi aursailves Iliat your labxours in the cansecf temperence bave bssu et. te-nded wîitb great succeas anti produc- tive cf so mucil peaeo, weaitlx anti hep- Piu5ss te ns; ail. I-n ceuion ie expreFs aur regret dit a ay necs.ssity shauld ist eLfor yens' Ieaviug us oean fon a seasan, andtivew trust we shallhave tlic liappinesof gs'eeting yens' speedy neturnwitii ne- uscwedixelialtis, andti lat tIse Alluigity giver cf evairy good ifu wiII long spare yen ta continue yousr minirsîratione amnongst ns. We pray that Gcd wil biset yen andi grant yen a prosperoos -voyage aediai a sfenturu. (Sïigntl) JOHN KNaOveSON, T. Ku:ENÂiN, C. L. BAKER, JOhN KENNEDY, T. W. POOLlr, JOHsN CONNOLLY, andi a nuubes- aifalliera on-belialf cf the aliole cungregyaian. aELPLY. Fatiier Siaiford was unilrepa-eti for tlie occasion, anti intheua course af a few reuuarks, Said :-I je net isitent ta unake any las-uai rejîly te yaur kinti aululresa, but thiere al Le Part 0 it lu wlîich yeti Spaiak af tise weri ke ag- usînude whicli have been done by uis lis tbis punchl. I have enly dloue those tlîsuge wliieh I 1cousides-etiretînisite las' tise wel.beiuig ofi ny peoaple, thase ilinge whùieli wer, lunftact lurceti oion mtu duoU, lus' henever tistre la a large, uutiuantiu.l andtinjteîlectual oody of Cathanlica educaîilual imati- tutiossou'the tii-t-claie nuat lie sprsîug nil. 1 dîd -wlist I cuulti. I worketi fun yens' intairoste as 1 beel kneiv lîuw; unotiier mn miglit have douemnase. 1 did any test-sud %wist secie snay tluink abat ail was net nec- .aaary te bai doue, andti ta wo coulti lias-e get l aiag iII les, have aii- %wayc feu thsit yan, any people, waire irituin c in ail tuy udtirlkiniga, ant ifs 1 laboredti jliyou thal yan aiea bore cleuaiiliy tise burdeu imposedt upan yen. 1 li.uve a tlè%ywos'u5 ta Say ofi ny initenuled vuait îs'liclî uay ha saisI citisie ai, tha Ipurls'o ~ wmtlsi îsittisyen cussu eea No mlalle i«,...-.t aiaI uîay rsccomplsui, if (lad givesmstn uranglh la is iy in- taintioutago lhrtugh i he tchadus aud CO l-giu Engiuni aai Iroilaudtiu s'ai il ont cf tIlaiswe cati gel uuîy pmou au any sýi,-tenu '.%bit-lai ouldhi slp ns in ittitliiug ans'bayeses-iol u na tettur lu llithti it î uat pi-et-ut. I wieli ta se-a a sciiuol lierail in iiscli the boys uiay gmt las goaunsaslisiorougli au etidtatiou as aur gicl e ai tprebess rei- et-s isgsuur cotivent frinthailatdie ut, Los-etta. 1I ld now as I siways fieild tlia t ys uliotlnul bc ailki-s ü%wuy fi-uni home influene -, fruits the li-ut-iîce a1 thteîsllair auti ese t Jiat u s-arly axe ta e bisintlu collage. Ustvesi ai Our boys une 4g0111g traminaie dus uval sus tisewuy. anîd il 1 Cals du aby- îLitiig lu rtsndy iisuand lîruvîdai lur Iicakie boys ai l haI eieîiiulimn wluscis îlscy usire nlpellm'd tau elt abroati I eliail have (Jluieasslle0(1tiaiiug by sny jiinruiey. tier objdCL1e I haie li i 1cr oucr betutfil, îglituc-, i1 suxccseii, l uuan~lauugluoth 3 oau sîiIwil havai cause lu rtjouet. lotir presena la au exco.tting gt--ncrane une. 1 kuxoiwhuîa ~yut-îlituî ahiuy li-ople litve tdonciiu îluse mLalter, 1 thuunk ail fmui the bot. uuta ai Uy heurt. 1i-klu b i resuetu- Mslis. Buta-t>-Mms.Bra-ve iais-ror ai-ors tise mititheieiglit, mrjtIs atns'uiiy ta-k hais', tyctigoltden lisovn lu tome. parla. ler eycesanc gray, lange andt promninent ; sua lias a houp, llmjn nase wits tineiy cultiuctrila ; the lips are alun, lut veil Aisapeti, ansithe expies- alan af tue motilieates e ctrcng miii. Han lameheut is unusuel fer a vomua, aimost mnascive, 1btsinguhas'ly liaI l is te negion o! itliuy. Tie aeuneh lexpression ai tic face le cisarse tuerishle ai fimuxuese, but oar ~aillimera la e sbadoîr ai teep-seatcd sonror, us4if lite ai atiesutita darm. In ber youtih sue mnupa ee eue xeeuiixpy baud- soune, andti, liup setilî prepaeaseiug, sua may le isiît La ligiîtly paerie. ALL Wuuo AicE Surs-a fro iri er. s-eus tiebulity an-i pr'ostrsation<s the playeleul poeii-a uneti ly tisaierres cf youlli, shionî i mmetiiatsiy sèndta Ds'. W. IL. Farter, assistant plsichun iuu buisinemss agent oa ilhe iPeubciy Metieai lueliiute," Boston, foax-scep> ai -'Tie Science 0f Lufe. or Sehi-Preses'. ration," un invainable moi-k, the nebuit ci tie mitical rctasrdli anti deepeeat thouglit upen the s ej ofai icilit tneubs. "TseSexuel Pluy.aiclogy ai Woisa it i ais'd erDisoases' la ancuthes' usique atxiiuxistnucIi--e nedicel treahise; as is aImse s sont on "DicassociLhe Neuves anti Ne-nommaMaladies;," botI af çihuicîs ars cIao pubifioliul b>- lie Institîxte. No hugîsan praiux cen le saeth le enîhor ai tise poîsmlan marks tIen la say tisat a ver,,'Ycslly Goit Modal heas s'econîly issu pioteti lins b>- the Nulicuat Metical Association. Fuiles' Partianlara nia>- le baud luintise atver. tissaent l ur us'inns. L'VERPOOL MA The Pickeribg Harbor Com- pany are now prepared to receive .and store in their warehouseg, at Frencfrman's -Bay, any quanti-ty Qf all kindu of Grain. The Company trust that by strict and upright deal-, ing, and cour ýeous attention, they will réceive a large share of patronage from the general public, and more es- peciaily from the farmers of the Townships of Pickering,. Scarborough, Markham and Uxbridge. J. H. MCCLELLAN, Pt-es. ýPickering Hlaler Ca. LIVERPOOL MARKET, 500,0.00 Bushels of Baî'ley Wanted! lThe subseTibers Nvi11 be at the Liv-erpool market about tise first week in Septeinher, and will be prepared to pay the highest price, in cash, for any quantity of good Barley, deliv ered at Frenchraan's 1B ay. W. D. MPTTHIEWES,, & CO., Tunanta. LIVERPOOL MARKET, 500,000 Bushels of -Barley Wanted! The subsdribers will be at the Li-ver'pool- Market about the first week iii Septemùber, and iil be prepared to. pay the hlighest p.rice, in ca Sh, for IIUy quantity oï good Barle y, delivered at Frenchinan's enLuy- sbarLiy SailLI, geoti pi aise ura worde,,passed tbrougli the sitting rooiM_ ta the beti roooe b retire. fRe Iolti a Iigbtod Iamp- in bis handi. Mrs. Me. Gret with a stick smaeheti the Iamp io fragmente, They struggled, andi then reing a carbine that hung under the niirror, ebe brouzbt lb down with terrifiea force on bie heati. Ho fouglit deîp.rately, however, andi gain- et possession of the carbine., They mtrnggied, hludeti with bloodti,~o Lih window. Thé roam was ini seini-dark- ness. Thon a ehri'.k was hourd, andi husband went reeling from th.e fourti- story wiuddaw tai the pavement beneetil. The wife-eenk exhaustei by thxe win- giow, lier aiglit dress saturateti with blood. ant>i there aile was found I y- the nueigiabors et ane o'cloc k yeeterday morning. -To those wbo told bler that ber husbeùd's c orpee Bbflow she re- plieul, "Lot him lie tlxere -I" Mns. MeGrath soon foilowed lier litr. band to the -hospital. Her flea was- laoereWe inseverel pilecese. ber wrgt 1,roken, ant liher scalp eut. She com- plain% af severe internat injuries, and- it la feaeasiee xay.die. AREsT op TRffl. RoaeEs.-The- d-etectivea hiave arresteti a gang ar thLievies andtinugglees who have beent oiperating nu-ar Morrieburg. Their- naines are W. Shufeit, af Mornistbnrg,, Haolme, h is stepfatber, Shuféit, Sr., fether ta- yonng Shufei1t, W. Stanley, alias Clark, andi a man naniet Waiean. They were arresteti by tietectives Cullen andi Shechan, andi Flynn of the G.T.I1., and four cases af bouts ant i hoos aout af seven seenred. . The- gang, which hlt formerly worked upon rairoatis, baed boardeti the freight train froffi which tirey stole. these gonds at Aultsvi4e, watching their chance ta break the fasteuing of thxe car door after the- con- uluctor lied gone bis rounds.- Wheu neering Morriaburg theÃŽ bail throwu leoxes out, andi as the trai slowed jumpeti Off, and returninýg removed thens ta the river side. wbrere it .was treueferred ta a boat anti ferried acrose the St. Lawrence RLiver juta the Unit et States, wliere, aid Clark, father af W. Clark, ane af the thioveb, received theni, sud peieti the boots anti shoas' among the fanmers living neax Waddington. The detectives visiteti Waddington and- errested olaidClark, who admnittati smng- gling the goois over the liue, but denieti knowicdge af their having aieneutolen., lHe je belti ou a charge cf sjnfggliag by the Unitedi States authorities. The Invalid-A Pen Pic:ture. Seo lier pu1iit countenance,, but a short tiue agro the picture af ruddy healtli, the euvy of the echool anti the pnide af the lhouselolti. She -was al- ways welcomed iy lier scbiooimates, for ber littie forrm anti pleasing disposition cerrieti clicerfuinesinto their ranke. Diligent, punctuel anti exemplary, ohedietit anti gracaful at home, she wan the heurts ot ail. But, alar, we are horruwed. Thase rasy checkus and rutidy lips are biancheti by dCoumptionw The voice once se enchenting tai langhf anti song is feebie, hiuskcy 'eud aupplant- eti by a holiow cougli. Let us iipprch lier candi gentlW s-ad take lier band. Do net ehsldder becauseofaithe leehie anti passionless graYp. The baud once ro liearty andi pluni leemecietetianti sheows ipony outîmsuc, white the carde andti latucus veius are plainly moappeti uxpon the surface. The pulse abat baunsic with reptetion, carrying vigon ta the whoie Pysteva, ant i iparting life, beauty, vivacity healîli anti strengili le ieliscate ta the toucli. The fetshie heurt caunot propel the tim, scantýy blooci with force. Muet we lose lier white yet lu ber teens ? -Coinpauions anti mientiegather rnâund witli wortis cf cheer anti consolation, anti depart with suoisteneti eyes and sulent stepe., Muet we lose lier? No ! there je relief!1 Ve enu etay tîxis destroyer cf aur bappinese andti uufer the lose of se bniglit a gemi. Soaething more is requireti uni than clietssry andi hygiepia observance,- for nature calis -for aidi ant iea shahl have il. Taes Iis pleà j;anL unedicille. t le invigaratiug. How, il allaye the irritable cougli, itnîroves tie eppetite anit digeetiiuaanti sandas rbealthy ingle tbrougli the frame. The blooli le en- i ieti, nervone forci- sucreaseti, anti the hieart iltunuds witb anew imipulse. See lier face brigliten by degrees-- the coivr is neturuiug, lier voice je gettirug cleerer, anti pleasant wor&f are epokea. Tile strengtli falters yet, bu,. is gaining. Let us take lier eut in tIse wanm aunehine. Iu a short imne eue will bce ableete, go withont aur aid, a cheenful girl. This delightlul niedicine muet lie Gogiýbless- _Ad. Itne r--riu h 4-ti t -ar1-ve Deccaset ila&beau a pupÃŽi cf 1the Whïitby Higli Sebool and ied neturuaed homoetL the beginuiag cf the holidays, appanontly ia gond heelth. Ile WaLs very popular witlh bis schoolfelews sud bati become quite a favosite in Whitby et the hausscf fionda wbure lie visit' ed ; ie liati aIeaencleareti hiaieîf ta th#% Masters, as well by hie aptitude fer stndy anti proxnisL o£a brillant succees as ily hi amiable disposition ; emouget ail thes feeling aof i ic-re regret js e' eraFeat the ltidins r<f bis unexptsclt deathl WHI2'BY MARKEfTS.' * Otsasîaz Oniez Ang. 0th, 1875. FlWhéat ........... wO0L68 Spring Whea t......50 96 Ca 11 0 Bertey, No. 1, flac )No. £, SÃœ f) kfi O 4 Clovr................ S 25 9 OO Tixnotay ............. eS 75 Co 54 cl pes................. 70 Black Eye Pes.Ofme oat ................ 400 - Lr Coi] mil cf PHIOSPH( et once k. ment. imx e ofeebleti and DMs ingtimai euso bear the wsortie easgraved -are asscb bears the patente. EXPOR & Co., 107 -IEIav le nasikelas Inipravei ties ;Teslo Colos'; rai iasglhais'; lime hahu; bes ; s'i scaiy rdy woatierui TIxproveti put off sii drnggiats: wbsro. T prasssb andi by 35 NEW EXE( The Eieu the laIe iE BLA, VILL Thus"sd -y -Daj at Tva, o'u Haires afi lis the Big The aise ai the Sie talo ; cas 28 aines undaindrai ecnliivatuu The Du tvo Bars' .ast-bhcatti andti s'et tire Stusbli un a goati beaning 4a1 Tb e Ian fiiasg e mèialeru. This le Couassy cf fmcm Port tarefne Aa1Il tiser Il 55 rrtoi One-teustls aaali wtu halasse dc seied pes' Fux-thes eabe ha P.0. ; Je siWho 1 etr, and 1 DîLteti sa Anl (P -lombes'. dlense, B3 M ise niglil B.efreahim -wu s ol -Thurst ImuEsr CeNVLAGUoiTîucc-11;iiSAN 1-HAN- cueo-Scu Franicisco, Anuals 29- Abtuo laieran p. un., lest uiglît, ctise brls ouot in kt box iuelou-y, ou Bmatiou shs'm-ainluthe eontheu-n pasI aiflte eity. iii h nie uizlmlons'luood ai Rost-iy, buil tup Witm isansue Welinsrs3, stores 3andt uusauifctuniig estabciientus, aisullue- fore 2 o'cleli hue aningthue fins lisas InInaIt cotmx;uitehy 'Ç'PI>t 9uwsytise large block lcourueu by tBranduoni, 'cvuirnd, 8rui sud 4talitreets, lhs- oniy buildiig saeai Ieiîg lise offices cf lise Centmul Pailfie htairsay anti afais-frauna lieuses o! suall value. Ovrs 200 pour fanîlihea mare burneti out of tons. Tisaiieaaeepi viii u-grgx-cehall a uion doilars. A firsmnan fellhinam alatdes' anti vas instauhly kilieti. A xnmhex-ofaiineos accidents are neportet, lut iev of a ser- ions nature. -PREVFION o- F Basas xsABushl fine by-lantlis e ueuensatdly the Couuty Conucil ai Pontine, vîjis maes il, unluxiviitu tarI Inu iflits bobeen the fis-st cf Joiy and LIe flitaiculli oi Septemiex- is n ciu yeax-. This regulmu tien la setseansibhe one, eut if semee trouble le talien te enlorce il, greatlelst; ta the countxry may le uvertait. Otisair caunties lied leîaer lte s pattern for leg-isiation frein Pauthac. The Ai'an Sbeaunsbip, Polystian, vîuicix Ist Qnelec ah 11.30 a. ni., ou Suairtiay, tise Otî instant, eaired in Mçv!ie on Suutey, I-ha îth instant, muthuirsg tisa passage in 7 ticys, 10 isours ii 20 inutes actuel timte, being tiue asatest lime es-en matie senosa ilie At- lantic, 13ICYCLE luIDîING IN IRELAD.-Oa the 28ti uIt., mhlci vas oeeoaitbbchoîteet (layesocilhe Baseu, Mn. Thoamas iMyes's, af 0(1d Mount Pisasaul Place, ravs-lIed on iis bicycle froni lie tou ai Waixiord ta Dubln, a ditihî,ne of about niaehy miles, lu ben ihoure. Taio r OPWGLrs ocec.Apilgrimuge vjaq saade ta the grave ci WolfelTone, ili Bodonatovu CFoiualsd, an Sunde V, the i. isia. Theo'Nationaliaset Klhdr, Dublin, etc., atteudet inu greal nîuibere. Sorerci of the Dnbiisdity bauds alea etentiet. BLOWN INTO TiLSaAie-.-A biasbing accident Irait place linLtse Mount I-Layai Cemebe', Mantreai, an 'sedùsaiduy, I-y micis oueman, Jesgepi l Aiair, ires iecaliy inrýUeciandi anotbes' lebours, maxime Joiiiette, bstiiyvonnaet, lieL vu-no pidketi np cosu-eii,- hsmiug bIsa bianx fvneranti Iwenty (fetrespectlireiyl