Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1876, p. 3

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excIte-I 'cuthe r* Ou bmlaM& ïharafows h carrini 10o ro inssi eas beau 1thé Goisrms* taEmp, wlth th. word. Dr Brlghte Phosphdyne, on- engraved thoreon ndthai the sama wrds arn a&aoblowu osn the boule.. Ev.r cas bsîvs lbn. T=sdt ark mati igntureof hCe., 107 Southwsrlr St., Loudea, 0. 3. NEW AJIVERTISEXMENTS. 0TARIOLADIES'COLLEGE. T aHE AUTUM-N'TER M WILCommn O Thurasday, 8eptemb'r 7th, 1876, THE.GOVEBNOII GENEERAL offora iwo Medals for next year. Othar modea and prizes are offerati ly friandsi of the Cllaga. Thora ïvill ha important additions *0 1h. staff, sud every possible advantage offsred for a comple.education ai a BRASONABLE RATE. - For Calondars apply *0 ltrv. J. E. SANDERSON, M. A., Augut 24h, 116.Whitbv. yOTERB' LIBT, 1876. -Municipality of the Town.of Wkiby,. County of Oit- tari&. Notice ls hereby given that bhes liai of al =oroLsppearint by ltheIstrweed as- resstoll of tha sald mnaicipslily to b. entitlad to vote, lu the saiS muniolpalily ai alections for mesmbars of the Laglaaive ossambly-zoaea.puranatt*0 "th. Votera' Lut ct,187B'-was firsI postet!up atl-eeY 01offce, at the TOWN HALL, lOti Day of Auguste 1876. and romeaine thae for inspection. Eleotors ara called upon bo examine the said llst and If any omissions or era as re fônnd thsreînto tase tiomediate proceadinga *0 havre 1h. said errons connecte accordlng ta law. DatedlOth Augusi, 1870. THOMAS HUSTON, 85Clark 0o!eauilmunlcipallty. COPIESR1IN USE. GET THSE BEST. Ilhe bout Piano Instrucior- as "Pet R Blecto Piano Schol."l.. 3.25 The b,eî Music Primer in "Peators' I3nrowes' Primer. .5..... 80.5 TI'.0 hoast Rand Or gan Instructor la "Klakel's New Mthod.".......$2.50 Thahoast Instructon fox the Voices s *'Ludden'ascBhool for the Foice."... 88.50 Thbe Boail Thonongb Bass Book la liPaiera' Burrowe's Thorongh Basa 'TbebestDiotloniary cf KusîcalTerans Is "Lnddsn'a Prononaaclag Ditionsry of Musical Termea............. 01. r4 TIhe hast lngiu.g Class Booksanar O$1Pairy Rchoea."l 20000 copes In use $0.80 "Bon g Eobo," 100,000 copias in use.. 80.75 "Muical Chimons" (Female Volces).. 1P.00 "Jackason'&singlng Clasa Manul"..- #0.75 The Best Collections of Churah Muaie ara, "'Dreoeosia.Bladions for Chnrch and nHome" . .............. 81.50 fi'Dank's SacredSBelactions.....02850 The bail Saered gnd Becular Collec- tion 13 - - '.The Clustar" fokMixed Volces...- $1.10 Thé bost Chorus Book la. ".Paters' Opera Choruses," Vola. I sud -Il,... ...... .......aach $20 The hast Glas Book la "The Na Plus Ultra," for Mied Volces ..... .............. .5 The boat Glea Booke for Mal. Volces la "The Bangerfest"'.......... ..$,0 Thes bail Gcltr-Inatinctor la "Hollande (lomprobenslve Method" 88.80 The bast CollentIon of Vocal sud In- strumental Gultar Musicalu "roTicsAmiateur- Gullaiat".... #2,50 lie bout Acndion Instru'.tor la "Bedgwlck's:Perfect Mthod for thee Accordlin".. ........ .......0.7 * The hast Cornet Instructor ln OBedckn eïPrfeci Mthod for the Tics hast Zither Sehonl is * 'Hsmilon'a perfect Mathod for the Zither"..... .... ............ 00.75 The hast Musical Magaines are "Paters' Household Melodlas,'" ô or 0 Songs ..................#0.25 "Paters' Sadred Slictiona," Bcr 4 Anthemi ............... .... 00.25 "Paters' OctaMo Choruses," B or 4 Chomis ............ ........080.25 "Paters' iParlor Mesio,«" ô cr8ôeasy Pianoi Places ................ 00.25ý "'La 4<3rma Ca la Creme,.À 8 on 4 Difficuli Places..............080.28 "'Paters Oran Selectla)ns," 4 to 6 Choira Plaes ....... ........00.20- SU' Any vorkisaalad, poit paîdp on te- -etipi cf the msnked ,nlce. Adaress, *35 J. L. PETElIS, 848 Broadway, NS.'Y. ANew Hair Tonjo Worth Having-I1t is the Best. Wood's mp-rovcd Haîr Restoratlva la unlike any othsu, sud bas no aqusl. Thes Improveti has aew vegetable t*0db proper. îles raares groy bain W sà glosy, nainral color ;oresêefa4dS dry. harsh sud fall. iug har; rasiones, dressai%, giveal vigor- la tbhéalle; realoresa air to5prematursly balS beards; .ramoves dandru f, humons, scaly canp ions; removea Irritation, tching sud sca Yv drynesa. No article proCuras sncb wondarinl afsect% 'l'y it, rall for Wood' a Improvea!HaIi .Realonalive, sud dois'! bu Wlril 1,I:ntl tt, iwbtelsdtlrv tbé batela.) ConnerIe villthsva an BU~ruasvllIaiss aowsili thé.WhlSbv lmas, =Vrne# bhc. di Fo lwadapatalars apply to JAS, K. CORDON,, Vondora Soutiu Wi Whllby, Angusl 241h, 1878. i A ohi iiuin ime anS place",a quaàntity of Houaobold-Fw'"tura ho- Ionleg 10 Mu. Eudge. A or Grist Mill, SaLw- Mill,, Winl b. odeit 'o ,Pren'Ifea, on Thursay , e T th, 18?6,7 at On.@o'clock, m., the Soth ibQurWrô LtNo. 14, nibt con. Tow.wbp à hib' Oounty of Ontario. ,The Grisi 01 11l'n bu tslr h rse. un of atOnes driven -ei TurbinewhaeU nader 26 fiee ba.Theosawmilllta bkawine -Sla odr.- pair. Thora la a&Woa DwefMlg Houo., barn, Drivlng ]Houae, SalsSes i Th.'ahov.pertyItutAan ie KW Torma of PaYment ma&!.very eaaY, wlth onl mi poton dowu, For fur- therpaicar a1 .SITE Green ivr.P Oiu tEVIFA MRAK, Augual 28th, 1876. id-85 S. R- W1OKETT, importer, manufacturer andi Wholeaale Dealer lu Lete9 Shoe-flndlng8, Etc. Bols Agsnt for Ontario of X. H. Moonsy'a celebratad Colorsd sud Fancy Loathera. No. Se COLBORNE STREET, Tozoerro, ON. ly SI P. O. Box, M2. WANTED., W BTE ant reliabla, anangatie casvasuing ,- agents in avery towu intbe Domin- ion for bhea uew "Illusittad History o!flice Dominion cf Canada.", Thisr ans ltnnly maguifienl, ccutaiulng over 2,000 doubla columie quarto pages, sud over 800 suaarb full page angravinga. The worb las publlab. et! lu parts, on a plan whlcb insuras is veicome to every Enigllsb raading famlly. To onengebla yonng men or ladies. vbo are wilflng ta woik, va vlll guarantea a par. mansnt position for two yeans, and 0o01) 1,&T. Bo't fLI *0 write fou ou pivâa terms. sampla pages, etc. This isa grand opportunity for sehool boacicers la cie micoe Ian double theit salaries vlthoni in- tanferlng vltb thelu puofessional dutios. Tic. workla fs ing manufaotureS etas eaio over $20,000 fou lbe llterary, arlistia sud mechicl l onk of picSnueg1h. plates. hy tics olS vli-uovu, raliable Lovel Pninblng sud P4blshlng Co., cf fontroal. AI lattera froin Agents muetî a ddiesmad la the Pubiaicers genoral agents as fol. HAZEN B. BTGNEY & C0., 28and 808St Fraudâ a Xaelr Str-eet, MonTRarax, Qum. Monireal, Aug. 19,1878. 85 s TRAYED OR STOLEN 1 Froin lie promises cf tha subecniban Lot 15, Bih Concession, Towniiip o!fEssi (iit. by, ,oncor about the 24th 3ULY, a biseS boras cot, Ivo ypsrs olS, vwhite mark an foreicead, an&i ouanelud foot whcite. Any person gieing Information leaSIng te bis recavery, vIilha snltshly ramardeS Pasrties retaieslug hlm after bhis notice, vl ha praaacntsd scoordnlg *0law. - JOH N OLDFIELD, Raglan P. O. Raglan, Aug. 151h, 1876. 84 F AKM FOR BALE. Ccmpriuing parts cf Lots No. 29 and 10, 51h Concession, Wiiby. Apply to- -- -WM. G. DOW, Esc. Angust, 16th, 1876. îm-84 CAUTION! Alil pensons mie hareby cautioned againal negorialing cr purcicasing a certain noe.of baud, for thhasoim cf $40, nade by me in favor of Edwaid Hsrt, and payable is Pae-. ruary neif, iasaiuci as I have recaived no ceusederation b! tic, saine. DONALD IBRUCE, Beaverlon, Angust 15, 1878. iin'.34 NOTICE I- Cama intoe cslîimites cf the subacniher on or about th ics Pic Juna, >1 Blacks Shsap and liso Lamb.. Tics cwner is ne- guasied 10 prove noparty prcperty, psy ebergea and lake beem away, cr tbey Mil be soIS according te haw.JONG . Anguat 141h, 1875. 84 during the past few monthol underounr im- provd systsm of oper'sting lu STocKs. isiksa sced te nom inal sumsanau profits iucreased. Book cotairiing full informa. ion ment on upplication. TUMBHIDGE & CO., Bankesa& Jrokers, 19.17 92 Broadway, New York. ALLAN LINE 1 LIYEBPOOL, LONDONDERRY, G LA.SG.OW, 0CH-EAP FAR ES 1 C~1,fomW lhy -#69, #79p $89, $cc ,dute acommodatlon. Iuterm.çdlaie -- 8 48. Steerag-as low as any other lias. Prepald passage certificastes isaieed at lowest rates te persoaswahlng te brin5 oeil friands. For tickets and fnriher information apply te- Exp. and Tel. Office, - Whutby. Whltby, Auguat llîh, 1878. i8 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. That vainahîs Improved Faim, knowu as1 the "Homestea ftheo lb. te Daniel me-. Evers," comprlsing 1w0 more or lets., South Ha ' f cf Lot No. 12, and the1 South Quarter cf Lot No. 13, 4 ln thé ftrat concessionof the Township of- aloa&"O4dJOlUinaths corporation laitg of the TOWN OF COBOURG. OntarB. Laies'tegl, rool uI.,or *inthe Cobonrg, ik th Axa !I., 8:8.6, NO tCe la r of given that b.m frthe nnual eting o!siMayharlolder of tbs te L a»die C oiegiwclmeetilutg . Puranant tg a Berea cf lic. Court cf Chsncery naSe lu a cause of Holday ag ainsb Gilroy, îles Crediters of Jackson ifullielay.h.tacof tice Township cf Beach, in thea Cocny cf Ontario, Yeoman, vico ied lu or about tic. moutb a! May -1674, sud cf Sarah .lane lEolliday,hibis ugler, sapns- tan, who CloS ihereaitai, are, on or bafore tics Eîglteanlh day cf Beptember, 1876, tb senS by post, pie paiS, *0 Jqicn Hosltin, cf lice Oit7 cof Tornuo, in lice Ceunny cf Yenk, th. solicitor fuer tic. Sefençlaul, James Gil- roy, thea seminitralci cf tics saiS Jackson Holliday, Secessed, licei critian anS sur- cames, addrasse a nS description. mil parti. culais cf their claims,astsatenentefltheir ac- ceunts, sud lice nature of the. accurities (if any)heald by tem, or iu Sefisult Ibereof llsey will'he paimptorily.excludled frein tic. ban- *44$' siS de=ro. Every creditor iholding auy secuuiy laIoeproduce îles sain. hafore ne atny1chabers, aI lice Town cf Wii- hy, in uie saiS Ceunny o! Ontario. on lice l9th Day of Septemb'r, 1876, at ýen lo'clock in lice forenoon, being tic. tima appointeS for ajudiralion en lice claima. DataS thia twenty.feurtic day o! July, 1876. GEO. H. DÂRTNELL, 'iai-32 Master. V B AAILHOUSE FOR SALE. A large Twc.story Brick Dwelling Heesse., vwili iee quarlera of an acre of hanS aI- tacheS, mail stolteti with choiceFruit Treas, andi siluaied on tica corner of Green and Gilbert streeto, Wlithy, anS near tles business part cf thea *wn. Tearme easy-for furticer particulars apply te D. ORMISTON, Solicitor, Wiitby, or T. H., McMILLAN, Osheawa. Wlellby., Auguat 8tt, 1878. 83 No. 4 BULFINCII St., BOSTON, (OPPOSITE REVEIRE HOUSE.) 1 TUIE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, . Or, SELF-PRESERVATION. MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLO. GolS Medal Awarded lu the Author by the "National Medical Associa- tien,-' Marri 3i5t1 876. Jusyubliseedhy ithePEABOI)Y MEDICAL INRIIUTt'llauew edition o! thes modicai workeantJlleS the *'SCIENCE 0F LIFE; or, BELF-PItE8ERVATION.' ittrente upcn lase- bood. bow lbat, boisregjPineti sud oprpat- naeS; causeeud cr a! ibusiadedVtfety, hPotency. Prematur, Berline tn anu.Sper- msanrho; or Sminal Lasses incturnalil~i inural) Narvous asdFicysîcal Debility~y poc icoua, lobomy Fcrebolings, hataI De- pesaicu seLocf EnorayHa isrd Counten. suce. Confusion cf Min anS ires of Memory. Impure staie cf thce naood, sud ail dîiseases aa'lslng from errera on Yoîtb ren laindisens. tiens or excesses et matureys. t telle vou ail about the s =M ofaleaiGnara- live Phicolcgy, the Pbyalology eo! Marniage. cf Wedloeis au4 Offepnlng Picysiral Contrasta Tins Morality, Empnicsm, Perversion 0*Ï Matilue. Caol ugas race I1tanSdfiand!y cana. -sel Picysical IlInftmIty, lia causes ansacune, Relations heeaon tic s seso, Pucrof cfhe E-p n o f Vice,. tie Miseriez of Impru. Sauce, Aaet igorance sud Errons, Means o! Cure Cure of BoSy sud EnS. 'lune Prin- ciples cfTreatinnt. Atdresa *0 Patients anS Invsli ResSers Tic. Antcor's Principlea. Thc e cf tus fook le ouly e8 1 0 Tusbook aise ecaismens *ansuF1117 Prescriptions for tics aboya nansti aud oticer dîseasas, oacue Worthb more' th&"ntics prie. cf the bock. -The Instituts aaltopnbllacem",TEE PHYSI- OLOGY 0F WOMAIi AND UER D28EASE8.' Prices$2. Tics boatbock o.' theaSlnd extanl. MAc oanother valuzabla madicasi oile Irasi- ta5 exchuivoiy Mentdandes Nervous Diseasesi; more Ilean 200ral octave Pages, tveuty ais- gant aes- 0 ÃŽ,boun aoubsitialmusih. ~ceaouiy $2arely ennghta psy for print- o h Bok foi Young sud miSClaaged min la read jus nov luths alncescf1Lif, or self Prservlicu. ho suthrnia ntunneelfronu Europea lu excellant iealUe, afitinteagain the Che ousultlag Phystia oflice reaiody Medical Instituta, No. 4 Bailncb 8troet Bos- 0 oce f rfe habyonSan&U npri. son tbe mont sxlnacdinaiy ouS on Piysielo- gy aven -pUbllha"-BosToN EUIu. , "Hope nDestina iluthe ballon of Paciorm's box, anti hope ant aibr wlng anew, ine. tice wasing to! ievaluabbu Warka, puhllahet by tie Pabody Madical Institut. vblic Aie tEci=o bnaad bZula aonthé A Alaila Te 5Arstb Mlideol cfWllfs"-Pm u.anzrr Z:cog of to ati piofeailoul "sers, was arssaleS * th ic.auior of ticnsa woks. 16ai-Ch $ 88, 7.Tic. cresanlailon vas uc'lie. aS thie ilme-o!fItn oeaamanaehy Vtho'Boston PiosaanS lie leslngloue-altlerangiceslih a~ointn. Tu maalfcani Modal 1501 soliet set wltu mor i-l'au on.eicuntied Indus ..AItoabe,ý n, lu la ee tthe nSlb ic. .jeasan! Il.miteails.andiaiz. ifi"la CacidoS- ly theýmnst niceale iniaaever minuale ti li e co'enry for auy 1 rcesawbatover. Il la Woul vWorth th.In» ctocf N nlmallt.Il T wag f alnlv woanS wo-iýbli toweL"-MAs- sas 'ris. Piuo*oex, June Sud. 187a. m Js alosnt on receipt of S cent. for '.tic 'f1h boyearokg seul b, lneailOn neeul aoie. ÂdSc-aPEABOI>YgEkl ".1v mý' Peteras'./lousehold Mlois No. 82, pruce 2ô cia., containatheo loDlowlng Robin, teUýi WlllI'cn altin B. & C..Has Tihe Bible Moherra".SB.&. o...,an Tha Milltary BanS., serlocnleB .... .. . E.Stewart. Tïic. iasla blooming still. BallaS. .Glovar. Bac the Angela comiug. B. & C..HLaightou No 9, Pria. 26 Obs., containsaà# followa: Ézas" e .Lord Aacihem-..ly Eandsoggai. "domnubo Mbe. Anthein....Cooper. O0 84flq Vtin1IWO Maie oces ... Gounod. Peters, Octavo Choruses. No. 2, prias 25 abs., couteasasa followe: Loi Uce billsandi -valas rsU4.Boa Wakaé, aveet love, avake.....HBaiton. Marchlnaah onr sasry bsg .... Glover. BsinYn usy ..................Bulliv. Peters' Or4an selectians. No. 2, prie 25 cIa., culains as followa: Pas*0riil Symphony, andSe shallfoed, eta. .. . ...............Handel. Larghetto. March Andante..Beetheoven. F.ith, by RosAil, sud Preluda . -. .bad Concndieg Vlnnary.......page. Peters' Par/or Mus/c. No. 2D coubains thte following easy Piano Musia: Inncene*éGalo ....... ... Chai. Kinkel. Bashînl Polka Lo .Chas. Kinkel; ChansnNapolitains.... *C. Wau The Glida Wfaltz.J. E. . StZe. Moouighl on Uheo Hudson... .M. A. Omîbrue. La Creme de la Creme. No. 82,price 25 et.., contalus difficuit Piano Music: Splnning Sang. Etude..... Pgghara. Dptile. Marcha Milst ire ......Ketterer. D&oonl4gh4 lu the Pines.. Idylle ... .Lichuer. SapeCopies malleil, post palS. on ne- cept ci25 cens, or any magazine sent, pool palS, for oua yaar. on recipt cf $2. Addres, 88 3 L. É'ETERS, 8M3 Broadway, N.Y. cHIÂNCERY IJOTICE. Clancry Notilce 2 the Creditors of JACKSON HOLLIDAY, deccas-, liaré most thou 1 4nd complete. gpuldings' EnglialsLUierature, by W. RwouU,. d. Polig'Euclid Book#a, 1,11, 111, wigh eappenfoeý. ,iklid 1 ,sia nalii il oaiaï~ ~ o.4oU Th uao, 4 Eil pz".kotl aotber rectocopyrig'ht edi<,.rw, atlm»*eJ4cdTee Books,#ibawayi ke5pton baud., J., S. 'ROBERTSON, tBookeeller an. 8gta1omer,. 'Whitby. Globe Train Arrit'ed at theOcZdfellows', :Buld~gswith the foll.owing tUoods for PETER S MIT H: NEW -CORN COB PIPES, NEW BRIAR RÉOOT iYIPEtS, NEW FANCY PIPES Ivery cheap, TOBAO- CO *POUCHES (something new,) MYRTLE * NAVY TOBAC06O, CABLE COIL TO- * BACCO, LORD D UFFERIN TOBAC- CO0, PRINCE 0F WALES CHEW- ING TOBACCO (best ini town.) Ail of which, a1objg with my other stock of Groueies, will be sold cheap for Cash. Do not fail to see the new Corn Cob Pipes at the Oddlfellows'Buildlings. PETER SMITH,' Nazi door tb E. Frost. -Whitby, Auguat 91h, 1876. 8sa:E 7A~s 38t, lie Places before the readers of the NICLE the. following N'fE.W STYLE' CiHi~04 FELT HA4T JU-SI REOEIVED. The Black -Economy HRat.. The Black Challenger iHat. The Bine Challenger Hat. The Black Prize Hat. The BlackRepublic Hat. The Biue Tulonareli Hat. Whitby, August 8rd, 1876. E. FROSTY- IlOdd Fellows' Hall. HARDWARE, HAY FORKS, HAY RAKES, SCYTHES1 & SNAITHS, GRAIN CRADLES, BARLEY FORS, TURNIP110E S. *C-GENIJINE PARIS GREEN.-a GROSS& MACNACHTAN, BROOK STREET, WllITBYý JUST RECEIVED AT DOMINION WAREROOMS, AC0110CE LOT 0F GRENADINES, BATTI STS, MUSLINS, WORSTED COAT.INGS, SUMMER TWEEDS, A.iso a superior lot of 5triped and plain -HOSIE Y. gl- Millinery suitable for the.- season. MILLINER Y, DRE8SMA K/NO AND TA IL ORINO DqNE TO ORDER. LOWES &POWELL. Whitby, June 14th, 1876. GOLDSMJTH'S HALLi Just to hand a lot of Thos. Russel & Son's celebrated Watohes, Gold and Silver cases, aý special prices'. Waltham and Elgin Watches in Gold and Silver cases, Jewelry, &o., at depression prices. SPECTACLES'TO SUIT ALL 81GRHT8 I Perambulators, 3 and 4 wheels., Can- adian and American makers, beat value in towu. CALL AND EXAMINE Iýý 1Whitby May JÂ-S. J»ONSlllTsrOIllW. Practical Watchinaker. 2'2n, 186. '22 May lOth, 1876.- May lOth, 1876kl .egle*evto ýin'vite, thefr customeS ad the -genoral publie to their store to compare prices with any offered in t :To'wn. Theyh ointenïtion o,,,Fretiring from he retaZ i rde, nor of ilrl*g ~Sé Blekri'Stock, but they ietendtogiethe very bast vaIne thcy oeaferd. "'M- - They ha-ve. been s0 fortuinate as to find several leadin linos mnucli below the e'-dinary price., aud offar, ual aIafuenr undtr Cea!t but on a Vtory, amati ativauca. For instanc, New-Dress, Goods at 10o per yard, im-plain Lustres4 New Brown Dnlel at I12je par yard, worth muoh more. ga rauu a bub a nie s sua steessaru Passim- igrAgent., OasCdisu ela dlng on the North Shcore pilajw Ontaio< cau tase lthe steamer INrinan,"1 I.avng ColborneMast 6.80 a.m.;, Coougi 7.80 1a.m; Port Hope, 9,40 a.m.; auakiag direct connections witie Noriharu enrltrains 'levig Roicheater, N. Y., àr 12i ig laPiladelphia nazI iMornngat 7 Ã"dclock. St.smer frora Torouto plU auo "0ab direct connections at Niagara or Lew- tatou. - î usure anti pircicase anti purcicaa yonr ii svia,>New York Cen trai, Ycruicrn Central, anSdPensylvanleî R. R., viccl e n b. abtiined et ai Tekel *Offices t ro- ncSraies, or ai the office cf lice Nonihein ultrel itailway Company, 42 Exchange treet, Buffalo, N. Y.> 15. M. BOYD, Zz. 3. L. SEYMOUR, Gan. Pasa. Agi. Western Paas. Agent, 42lixcleanga tBEsa .Y Tuly 22u5, 1876. 8 OTA1F F FERS TO BE TAKEN T- BY CONSTABLES. i (Un der Onder iu Concil, ateS 241h day i2Lest o each individual upon-a warrant .....................$81 60 2. Berving summons on anhpoena.. 0 O25 8. Mileage te serve summeus, aule- -p oena or warrant............. 010 4. * laage vican service caunot ha pourPof o fSduedllaganca .. 1 5.M3Ilssage t ng dnsunera ta gani', exc1uaivslýof dusbnnsements nue- * eaisariiy-aeenfflanthaurcon- vaya....O010 6. Attendimg Justices on suxnensry trials, or ou exsneinatiau o! pic. soneaschargeS viti ciie, for ?ac day uacassarily employaS- la oua on mors cases, when net- "engagen mors iban four houre.. -1 00 7. Do. Se..vican engagad more bhan four liqurs........1850 8. Altondiug Aazso asos each day ............. ........ 150 9. Mileaga traveling te attend. As- airas, Rasions, on hafore Juatica (wheu public couvey suce co3. ha laken, oui y reasenabla dishurse- - menÃŽtebchaalioed.) . O... 10 10. Snmnioninç Jury for Coroners' Inquesi, cncluding atlendiug aI inqust, sud ail services in ras- pect ibsîsuf, if helS en same day s Jury summoreed ...........2 0 U 1. Altending each adjourument thareof, if cnet engageS moea fo urs- :...............10 12. Do. do, if engagbd mpra than four hàurs................... 150 la. Serviag summons or subpoena te atetud befors Coroner (anljeci r1.No. 10) ..................... 025 14.ilsaga mase *g sae...........010 15. Exbunlu*hoSbyunde jCrouer's. warrnt. ..2-00 16. Re-buryin ; saine ...... 2 W) 17. Sarving Seatresa wars t, anSde t rningosame .... 1...r.150 18.-Advanilslag under di 1as wan. rant.....160 19. Travelling * mlteiatre«6s8,'o; 'te search for goda *0 malta dis. trsse icnne goela are mesS.. O010 20. Appraisemeulsg, whalledr by one or mare, 2 cents la the SoUs;, on lh. vain. of goeds 1j 2h. Cataloguo saleansd eqiiimigalon sud deiivery of goodel, ia ets tle 0, on net produceaof g ca 22. Execnting searci wanra4t .... 10 23 svini notices on renzlabls -vien peraoccally serveS .. O 00 Publisiced hy erder, H. J. MACDÃ"NELL, I * Cherli of tics Pdace, C. O. V LUABLE P1IOPERTY FOR SALE. Tic. aubecriher offera forsaethé' follow- ugiable properly, in lic. Town cf Wbit- by:- nexcellent'Brick qctlaga with J'acre cf lde, siiualed on the. cornai cf Grain snd St. Palaers., lu the Southe Ward. Aise, j âce o! land, wel] fauced, auS la a high aitate cf cultivaticu, corcier Wellington snd Gi!. fond sle., Northe Wand. 1 acre 'ou Centre St. seulle o! the residenca cf C. Draper, Esq.. m the-Soutb Ward. Albu 20 acres f oolanS, hem*g com]ýosed o f pari of lot 18, lOib con. of Towusap cf Murray, Cc. Nntuber. land. A clemi and in4isputah1e tltle Wilihe given boaul the ateve property. For fuithar par. ticulars apply te ovuer. FRLANCIS CLARK. Whilby, Jnly 1871. O9bf yE -OMAN GIBBON, General Commuission Merchant and Produce Dealer, Agent forl.Iccrmiax.anti Coîaaxacur. lIce. cecn Fit. Insuranca Conepanles. RATES OF< INSUBRAN'CE LOW ' Also Agent for tle Lco»oce and C,&e.anx Losz Aya Aorxcr Coxwurr. Monay ban. oS on reals!"otbapayable front Tiwc * Twelveyesia, amn unsuma 1suit parties la- Intarest low anti no commission charged. -Mortgages boughL G &SO kSPA1VELL, Chin" ras Store, Dundai St., Whitby. Wbithy. liarch 151h, 1876. - 12 TO ROCHIESTER, NS. Y., PEU STE&XER - I et ITY' Cl netostrte'aes, i.eu ,Albay? Cleveland, New YQr]ký- &ëc. Tick-ta ant I al informai Street. I OUSES TO LET.- Twoflvaling Hams, onl conlainlng 7 roons esch; lI water. Quartai scia of lanti Âpply t- JOSEPH A.]B Wiiby, Augnatlâa, 1878. AuCTION BALE. Udranti by virtue a P containat! in a morlgaga (wheal Sccced on the day of sala,) tlser hy PUBLIC AUCTIOi SKINNER'S H in bthe -Village of -Mi Saturday. 2nd Septen aI the boni o! Twahva c'clo) following propaniy, vit: Vllla ber tblrty savan in thé Vllla in tic. Conniy of Ontarie, bae cfa spartcf tic.Southe bal! Twanty-four la lbe aigicth cou. Townahi o! Brook,. as survol oui hy FC. maCain, Fr, Sccrvey.ac e6,rdi,,r tea 'Plu aisu aw lsuuuauadstabssinluThepnuperty la anitablé' for any peracu dasiizg a tri clasa vlage ieiidnca 1TERMS.--dua.laelfdown at tune cf sale, sud balane la two equl auaIi matai- meute ville laterast on lb. 'shole amonte uupSd i agle pa-cetor cash to suit For funhr atiu a pply et thse law offices of the ndersiguad, - BELL kBELL, * Ventiors Bliciiors. or *0 P.. TURL=Eq.; Prankeord.. Býellaville, July 27th, 1878. - 30 FÂIm -FOR BALE. 125 ACR ES,. Situated on the ingston BoaS, 2 mfleà frà-ia the ffonriahieeg To-mso! Wbiihy, hting composeS cf the Beubh-weai 765aasetib Northe 60 acres cf Lot No. 8, concessionc 2 in the Teewchi-p cf tPickericeg. Title firui-. clasa. On the.front 75 acres teinbalalrge Two - sleray Frame -Bonse, veil paintýed, ville' Stoe Ceffir; 2 Cistaina, 8 nevor-faJlipg WeUà.- Fraie Bin, 6x50, witb Stone C',w Stabe nSC4ar undrnealls; Horse Stable 42x80 'iihCallar ander thccnins; Carnage Bouse 26x24; -Fram eolw-ied- sud Stable 60T24, Pig.bonae LéxiS; Cardani witle Pear, Pluzn and Cher r lices abaun- d auce, tegethen . with 8 scies cf &era as Orcicaid. Tic. above fýrm n avei ttue drain- eS - This la oue cf sithe pt lfarin aOnta- rio. On tUc. fear iii a good Frame Bain 80x36, and-one 40x,24, goot! 1lanlr Hanse, 26%24-with kileheanud fstone reliai; 2 wella, a uever.failiecg Spzing, anS 4j acres o! Orchard.-, The abova faim mii! ha solS on reaonabla terme, apply te tthe pioprieter on the pi.- misas, : R. S. WILSON, -Whitby P. O., Oui. Pickereeg5 Juna 201h, 1876. 28 D.IYGOODB AID GROGEET STORE. AT AUDLEY. In eider tb muet tIcgrowiag vanti lice locallly the subsanibsu bas basa intiucati te oen büsiniesluth. aboya lUze. A Large and well -Selected Stock eqush inprice sud qnsllly Io sny tbalcam haeuirbased la town or eiiy. Civ. us a cal, jdga for 1ycnrsalf, and if yon eau b. as velli sitmtiaselaawhara patonixe osns -trada. Aude1 D. MaBEÂDY. Aucti!.. Nov. 241h, 1875. 4821f Cuercc.s DEPARInExTr., Ottawa, Apuil22, 1M7. A~'> DISCOUNT ON tice, U par cent. J. JOHNSON, - 29-tf Commissioner of Cuatone. IR OAL HOTEL, WEITBY, __ <TAS., BIJ<IE, PBOPBIETOR. -OF- D.R Y GOODS, CLOTHINO, BOOTS AND 8 .H 0 E S, now going on. Cali and examine some of the bargains now offering. Oshawa, Auguist 2nd, 1876.JAE E. G IB B-S T-HE COUNTRY E L E C T E-D IS SAPE -0:0-- CAN'T TIJRN OUJT McKENZIE .HARVEST IS COMING And if you want Forks, Scythes, Cra- dies, and ail kiuds of Harvest Tools, Cheap. Go to HATC0H'S. For Harvest Gloves, well made, and Guaranteed to fit. Go to HATCH'S. -00- 07-~ Food for Potato Bugs, Hlatch's PARIS GREEN. TO PARTIES BUILDING,* If you want First-class Glass, Putty, Cut and -other Nails, Building Materials usnally kept in a Store, Cheap. Go te, II~TCI~ 1Wlitby, July 19th, 1876. BRUHMCARRIAGE WORKS. S. -WEBB Baspectf'nily Informa bIs Patronslsud the Publiathast hoabhm punabased the Righl for Plckorig,'*0 Manufacture Conboy's,'Patent Seat for 13U kGGIES. , CUTTERS &c, wbere. Brougham, July 18tb, 1878. lyr-SI FOR11SALE I TheesI alls Fanflle asideucei acres O!flamaicomnprl'.ug lamrtien1 chaud &l af axcaîlant .hnaity, fouin uiipla btei b"e lboJoh fn Raesr, E.4 abes abut ono tulle auio! ,OfWhîbh wlih 8j anC Or- sarlyca. Locks, Butts, Paints, Oiîs, and al First-class Hardware & : oi-2 No. 4, Brook Street, itty. D AM-Y LINE TO BOOHESTER' TUÉ STEAMER NC N0 R S E M A N" (9. OEÂWFOIWP mmiaS) WII maie ber realar trips ,on Ibis route lesving Cobourg vay0or tgai7 80, su Port fope t g81a r= o r bla, on ÃŽhea arrivwaicf G. r . ains- mat ZWeat, i.nnutmg theiavithe Nev Tank centrai, Idouiber central sud Mile htsllays, sud l.ake Ontarinloe. ivision of ibe fMomne, -Wstertevn &k Og4eaenr i hvy o u ponis EastmI m, saSoutfr, , U RIrvuayaso: WiDliâeve Obaletta <port o! oictr)çAt 9 - p.ln.,acp -Stn cd, and SARAH JA!NZ HOLLI-I DAY, doceascd. IANNUAL CLEAIRING SALE 1B76~. $1 081 $1 00) -'ail' 105j 99 va aced 1 1 &o. ý ý 1 1 ýl

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