Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1876, p. 2

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pbatins-can -Oas-oLadies' cc ONLY Si Sc PER-ANNUM. Wjutby, hu ayq Aug. 24, 187( Tovn Debi anS Tases.Conpcrati -Reqnlreusante. TIhe proeet moisiS appea la Se s ohiportie nowelt-bo-e tislai dciatlasaîttçr is >ear le made m sui tlie raie is-naI-to rosies! Il rounoli of tisa advlsiabilitly oetlais aope le cuaolidsete tisa lewis sîshi vil s viols.0 Ue itng liseSarIen cf taxi tlen suS ollierwhsa b aculsance tisa t uacial position ef tihe- crptsraiioî T ce-'e.a.w .lti-tlop cucqdpas.s.in ut oii isruo stiSebiînrs.vra qIses ans 9ri tisePi«oiS - I ut Cures. our -o tis' elebs viro angine slebeiturea. ltilma>' labeiistoras, Of lise latter tiseâ ra nstbrne iisueis tun tiseoengluai $50,ld(b0 bonsîs, lise 110, 000 s1teak, an thie lest 020,000 beaui -AS enlistes olattes- seeuriîiee tisalu teroit cal>' ile Itavable ilS proviie for a alniking tond elanistg lise Imeel yesn tise>' bs-ete rues, tise>'-usa>'b sibowesi te resmaie lu Lieir pree I)oAitiouùisurbed. Thhelacste tif toitturs, nuloutitisgi tise aggrs gab tebet'eeiS44,010said 45,O000 as-e payable b>' annuel instalmescui m istissect, as!umil,1%tise psovisilug ton lis peaysssît O et îeu ustaimenîs avený ys"ltr ftisst, tRksa 4tise îsestb ate c vastiiV14. tu'ct1os ite- nabtales> towts anttlan i4susiieftsir deitenînnet wteicisgste aju-ies! et20 yoaroe ]satiim io it (cil pur <gîut, iiti Prtidu-aoinqfisc a stnkiisg fan(l i-Stelà msy or ssstsy eut ise atsues)flici'iutet's'stOuly cvoimsaiw irsn-u hlie ;,rssvidù, e t di sSthe tatl:it:y'rts roulil bS eritevuisosutdiut, Ilttsttital inetslmesuta. 'lliRs siti li elç fo 'iIîstitth)rti, <of tuaatn s-cc usutteniii)ly on-sltùtaXascre ofthlItapro- sent tsy- aeasstsgssacaetftisa Sun- stscss t tu îa ulsuomact tar te pro- monut îucsecatiou, ais-iver>- *u8t>', clivia.- iigtise payettînt vilS lIse.Wmisaili lisîsistler pîscîlcipate- in tisabanafits cf tfit.ais srne-ulimpravensenusho secura wicîs tisa oFiginal debt was inctinresi. Ptsm, let ilhi- burno lna'minca,lIse Varions Caresa et sibtt issasitioeeti alil rapnose- li-obîlie> u ieîseen £C-rn improeamanîs t' lt-ie- 5eit>5 ut a heniaseut char. <se-erWly-esisitttis e lemssapeopio <f tu-utY lue cîîpre-saecl iusii ias-asas! te - è'tis ah ji lc 5e-515s totetcd obliga- iiusuu, fsivr -,lîiîsthsain aiccessiona -p tii v i6se efils? 11fssiy ads-aulagea cf l1speohtssnuss bave beau sieuts! tonorlise assmciusg s'cltlat as Weil aselonrbisa rosi- 'eout (f 0ti riiestt day lsy titis cutIs>'; (ufflPi rent'Ilicontinss e -ogrom te velue, titidi lIe abilit'te psy aililioe- nus-r Vbe- mîîscîs gcsatsc tismeugîs tIsa de- "%'elOiitîuitt 94 "ftlise- corporuationssud its t't-d5i".Tise a isyer im iciiiuiauguir. al, littî a ittssuy. i1ieîtlCic uttastion cf 012tcolcai tetiti suiaties. Nethisisg su> Iur mis su-o las-s e- tuSe lu le-rn.,bsaï 'itte bonus dusse-. D L ueL isepropriet> ttftIie stop snggetctehrsu eau scacceiy be Si sa> qtuestions. 8iuls!tise Ceuncil aciad ur nV icîr. t ill iibeneeeusan>' fer ItoFinstuioC'osiînitte-e ho hase luis couîiitines, ansi te anticipate tise IIueCsdssary logisiatissusempoesaering ,tise Corporationsute eeuaelicisteCie dent cf Cin i a-sltu te i naniser indt este-d. 'lisutise>' seuis! st propose ite rmake tlas-ey tonrisa ptymenl er $2,509 patîl lire-i -1u1Y-oun Tailuva>'debeutunos, anI ton svhicliliiait sacousmol)atiin n 'se oS- Ltaluail, iubat coi-ny il eer uxusil tise miýttiâi slet ta isassseuabiig tisatu te la. nue d tlrOicis, Muit muids hpayse-ut mamlelie provisidd., 8s! e utîs psy- eniit lotuig ,tincier ecsl su ald an- MinsOe uhuhotnre3-Inu ac, tlis eua cf sï,,icletoreaehould lie fer, Bas,>', 00 Ioe-wijse-ssff tise S45000, ansci Iano la susus-In for otlimenimpceveuentsi aI iscisaut meeii-iisnoeis as snking cf aS- ý Sitkuslti iaîek, sîrsîloago,. tmspsoveuumut eC(t Iet!î, &',---u te. acciniplis I wiiîs ls- tatu'payaia îîosil nom' Se (itetre-cacul 5v isert taxation. %Vu suiglil go suera tiil>'la ntie Isaasljce, Sit 0111191gls Sats ti l, me trust, iti opouuthe 0)-es and! aars oft etlois-n faISans tote senecasiîtof'et"saposition, andS le urge upout isa-i tIsa deminabiîiîy oft tctiugwit5 tillttp[romuptitusde acd un- tl-ligence necesear>' te macl tIsaFse- aljirtetsnts efthtie oeoatision. Tisa Votera' Lis. Mlis Ruteor Jucîge Darînoil wiii î o it tisa laya Salli, Irookiits, ou tise 2Stis, .At -àtsaoa,- e-ilClombs,-o.bis 4V - kPlan. ai iibridge on Wedneaday, li. Si eptr. À leîporanag Isalur vii SeSoivandbus lie esoo si S>'b le-PimnMoaOsn. Tisau"s iiibe &ài prizou vil S. msvrde o th#Ii.s oisAndi ve'lnow ef t S ticar reuslàpti4friand. Bared. Patîser Pleaus, mili beswntiangtnm oeusptoridéti ou il «piutttsi'tihe plisna u stetac.. .A1 RaeKnuedi, i.0 elaSadL5... In wriliaq cf the pregrusa ofZIgams, tartfed 1scotlslimg a endid Iev H. laut wok, 1I w.1eaisud tls*,thes I b pt he 15> lak t rWn.R oe -Oravanlisrat as printe l-sis re bojtg no w~ 1~~8OAUU cor. saab towil.hip, altisougis fis.t1e>DM. of . o Is ate oiret? gae@mer tisai the-iudcs-plis onthelak frm Oiffinto 'Wasls. Usans are tisai, Iftisepriseut growthoI ago. Shesssskes lys irtp dally, mil. a Vilag muioialiî o tbt n 0 oldby thie cbliging muater, Captala a vilagemanilpslîT o us I an>.. Bf'ad. -Isat aille@tise Osssattlonfor Thore vers clair liorties takëa bih. frsigihus by thie Noiern REallay the coinpeater wih îthe "00PY" Wiob boat soarcely ma.aie xpnsse iree oerlosit.d la readlng the proof, xSWO»a nPOU à RA.TerruSDxAE. i.but tbes.7 fn great esasequence. I met Mr. S. M. Thomas, of Brook.' 1 donethoweerg i8h o bem sdetO in, và ibs wvif àsud a lady sud gin- .~spalbaiWd, inoppuklag o.f baitilag fRobtiemani mrlan dresdn,'oa arthe Carrielks. Like my' eempagms eis books, wthoütai si;sor do 1 dasire t-, oyae ad mysolf Ibe>' gsioff n a Wsls affect the Gazailojt.'«"god grammr" :,go le sec the Palle, an4 1amaue ihem. vison I à au> n t6, 0,kse>' o"dcse5whr,alvs*sus aan'over Batileý I1va-ote 441, ia coanneotion with th&- suaiitelaeU r. Thomas isad* nar * falling sway of tise inde itii hr-row escampofr9m beisagbitlon b>' a ~ 1,. reptile, fe trod wthkiltWo ffet of a vsrning of itp wlsreabàaîs. I ned - Tihe population cf Orillia in etlmatud net a$&Y boy qaiekly Mr1. T;' got cat cf [onat aprenanit ait2,W0. u1Llie progren t he. wàand tIsat th iuaroitîeoped buba l-a s he~> namolested.,,Ratle i aks sare cnoa- Sea ralie aia stsrd eiîlalalag~ Rionsiiy sagan on Ibis lland-heo.ils au eauratornt qtnd til-dritje henàme ef Battleanaite Islad-ansd ti[is in- IRAI iwc yesrs. Tisa daine of'tise Yea"r,Pt"r.iap,"on acoact'of thé unasa.1 d-ulies la thse gdaes'al suloject of eom. aihs, ihgs-ater freqasncy than9 up lait hrese ldaber, aongitn4nal. Mn. Thomsant i er lady1 plithrhsoiwsae mna friend, as miglit ho expeeleti, wve ver>' nubusiness people. During tisa buaiing usuch frigfitenad, but tlsofr agitation1 'th-f tise Nortisernansd Midland exie.geý,gave pisce sfter a wisile te- pisestor>'1 siens, sud tise expansive bridges ofcf eligss in pnlling ap soma spleidid ho;'apat-aere ia arvbans, visere I ssw-thesn fisiing off tIse f. bolCmait crc h arw Sevéarn bridge.1 Osilli wenl aiseai rapidly. >1eney I had soins oib& cdols nd endoi te anrufd freiy, business vas .bsieh, uttlotber, bisI as 1 vili likely resis and ov buildings Aroea in every home before naxt veek's ps per lis sentt lsnd. TLeîre vas mach roctsÃœ for spée. te pness, I yl daeor-thons fer sceller1 n. toaSmi> wcse occasion, if I tiinkit il rtS ville pat-t lois " a" - wn fvillage ring tlsermin priaI. __ los1wentIn and madle ilsir "pile."t OIson wio iuvestad tan building cpar. Pssasussa.-*Mc. Shariff Rompt, of aeins-lîscnlstlîay madea wcne'y ntLindsay, st] M rï. Kenspipaiti a lying the Unrie, wene net se fotunate lu sê. viil te Wiitby lasi wesk. WVa are oulgpermineni dlvi'londso, and isave péaspil te flol tisattise oerons 3utias bail mince le suffes- froaetisa edeets cof a of sisorif bave nnt bad tise affect cf Sdacreaciag rental or ore1tlseir prensises usaking lis aliadowauy loe ssua in tise n o>cnjicd. Batsitelt ecouse cown odl ilym wbo'>ulie so wurthilyraprésenl.t ty ntlatteiyfv p et ihnci Victoria. Mr. lRempt liasmany1 e -thesapsttwe yeare, asud I notiocenet a Warin frienda iu Wiitby, wlio sdcnot ntfew bouses vitîs bills ou tise Win- fail te remesuberisis services lu securing 06dssw-"Toeta." Dapraciatien cf tise clouer communication betwaen tisa value of ruai asta te cf course tIhe con. toxa nud lite owu section, and iu inter- a. saqujeuce. Bolier limes are, isowcvpr, estitig iiosef in pieusotiug tIse varions looked fnrwaril te, sud thera are enter. proýjeetji 1,', t vufo0t for tisaI purîposa. h c rgn men of capital in thie place %Vlîo ,.1- "Y aretili nudeterretl frein goisg ou with NMs. N. W. lirowi, M. P P., spdl Mr. legs iding operations. TIse rîsevbal. lIt B. Taylor, cf tisa Dominion' Bank, ing ost noticeabla areas largo brick sîssî'ed fer thse Cauteutai on Monday block for Mn. James Qirîu-.(tîiio a aset. magniliteent strueluce, on Msisg M'O-r-siEP - .1 8, troct, outaininix two store-c sudl a larie - heis re-p , lai, sud astimateid toeocccl$20.0011. caent importations, of stock for tlite1 Il u tis oppoi;ite sifle of tIse sislup (1,t,et.suuty, l'y tIsa Circcsian, src (0 Cote.- y entis, Mr. Rîluarîle ta puttitsg up' oicI ewesaisud 14 rarna,foMrW. i y aii for htl, liebli ho expetuîîM tM. Miller, of Ecîso BankPikering. r ahava fluighad Cis tell, asiotise estitual. Thteanimais anrivetiila splendid conîli- fi cdl ceet cf wisicls io 8,0l. Tiseraare tieou isî ves selcctsdlfrueîn tisaflooka slilsady serna gond IsOstlcies lu Orilisi, cr Mr. Cale, of Ashrook ; Mr. CIhas.il girouiget tlisse "Thie lieas.ll 1Iliise li'rtou and 5Mr. Ituasel Swsnwiek, <if are1,1711f.iîQi .,'î"îlnforesor, ker'î ;,y Mn. hlîbrit rwi Bîsîssli a l'srgic cii.gcFaîte, Gieucestersisira. Mc . - hsiriss,-is Weil kept, hiaample accîsin Miller will 1go reec'ivo a dozen rame mausoatton sud sppélaros te li a f;srocriî.. andi ewes cf the "royal winunar" lise Rtepptag place. lTIse (Iouliclsue," tIse fasiinale unîer rasort, unilc.r Prasent weak. ti tIsaeshange cf Mr. Seuil>', snd deliglis. 1fnliy eîlloatod'on a promoulery sItrtt-is- Picnicis. iug loto lise Lake cf tise-sainenamp, te -ti an) extensive buildling wiilis weli laid onit SUNDAY SROsteL 'ius<s.-TliA annusi g1rnsilf ansd PEpoeess al lIse modern Sandsy Scisool picnic cf Ail Salis' r. couvesionceaesxpeted te ha found st il Chirciswas e Sasiat Ccrbett's Point on ce fasisaouable wateriugplace. Nacaesariiy. tt is algo expansive as wlil as fasîien.Tuea. ilws al ttdd. sa abie, for Clieare a wisole Ist etoflnformuer occcsionLa,îlse lildre urnned'I se-saits to.e h Iept, sud tie seasn onet cemyacrsp sandwere fcliisliteil asli oniy lIsts hals-ecu tissean sd four weillsas wereail liresut wiltisahe eter-. l 'hantise. Or'lilia aseses isanileouse taèinusaul provtcled. Tise wortby Isastor, Erirse*0 s'aideuCcs as Weillasepubliec e 1rClcli e pr nîlilinna. sud ba,; soine chiiscaseciices e.M. oe- i otsaehimsafin lu witis arcifiectural jretesîieus. Thse cuutributiug bis filr sIsare btise ogêner- wý naw Catisolie Chiurchis sas erv crailitable ai etijoymesst. building, sud s fina brick reei-lesice lateiy Fu-tî up tor ltse psiesî aîsaws tise. Foux»ssssvPiYc.-The suinual foun- b min.Ifulsiaéso eis cougregatiouî 'for the, dr~y pieuicte ts year was a,-ery succce- support. of tieselergy. Ravdl. Fiîtler fui affair, sursl was iselà at'Cobett'a Camupbell, formserly of Mars, la ssow tlisePeint tîs year again. Tîsere was s Li pastor. ThIsdiot Asyluns le a spaciona te4 and weiraI laidl eut bnilding, welîî aîpteil large croird preseut sud a "generai foc tisa pîrpoae tor wiih it la intaudeil. juibiles" wa8 tisa orîler cf tis aa>. niE It la deaignail te socommodate 150 Tuip BUrcasci' PICNIxC taki.4 place as patiente. Ail tihe inteirnai arcane e- odyWeeslft jaigrm £9 uciits apie-ar te ha cf pa nsciît icîtahlie od1 ' Wineay.sd nilu fe eh-nsacter. I %ras tld tht 13 wonsii tise wazges louso f zgod tiinze on net ha lu roeadiness foir theisenmabe, fîîr Iir way te tise ccueis thejollificatioss amentIs te coma. lasuime tise ni:-.promises te bu en(s cf tIahe et t ftise lY (3ispagei officiia 4haVe plenty cf limesese. sît. Tise Tineqe is very alîIy e-liied teeitsutoniai and sîllcas on Tocade>' by - a fermer .correspontielu efttIse eveu!,ni7 asi, b>' a nimber oet isfri'!nde. CisaOXtCSLE adnt schi frienil, Mr. J. 1). sat Oshsawa. TIse testisunisi. côsisteîl B3aston, utieusI vas lifartily gisîl to f s laleoet-aicieIms>ts have mat ascatu, sud wio jhiere- regarsied cfeMn. ieriesj's Tayfioc. itl usuiels cas jan~sd Cati-e-su. Ali eatabltiirneut o r hii-alo) o tise~~~~~~ anpr rrajoelèîtel iesd irsamacla b>'Dr. lis-, nee ec Incara liaSiu esaniing slarei-meascîre- Osaiwa, wiîo ra1ls dîrs.M.g ut publie support tissu tiselimitel er lsd ea heir vae utîe sk E patronage tise>'nov; recels-e. TieKeri 1be rn e e resoile T te trutti, soverr, May' be bld-tisat tîscie tOhaa rvin ohi po lt h arire ur nnting caices aisan ara ne-. %WiitbY, and tise preanîcîlien sue-ns P' c-sean>. anithtisa i la ossisble for ail tis esetimale lunvisich iseIsaNa eld by te titrire wmisete eares et patronage i lcaaegt hmiia eie il se circususcnihail. Tishe e vsl'te- osrsu aIs ngtbcf lm ebi wsde n %sirks are a «ceaIt fcature cf' tise placa o ul ent ftm.W aoi were seenrei te flite towu l-pou s Cea ztrASAL.u- Iv reyuoserate inrelesîs. Au, t. un- il i PSM5ET is-E liiuilesd up<ç cf oicelaent %ualteuity A&0v A555 IN CTYP FOH sr b baudb>' isousehlniera at tan AwA.-2Mr. William Dieke>', a well 1 dollars a ycar. A. drnning fouatalo knowu sud promainaîsl citizen of Osais n' suituated on tisa principal alcool las a se- wa, vas brouglît bes-ae G. H. Grirlon. tresising sigisi on s bot dusly day. I C)O noed uof bere dwelî upon tisa deligisiful son sud M. Quigia>', Justices efthtie sI situation et Oriia-tissd beaulifl sean. Pence, oen rnasday Iset, on tisa aboa Cal - ry b>' vbicis le la enrreuudel-.lts rail, caane. Tise information vas laid by 1 va>' ad steasînoat faiitie-.or tlisa Mm. Rosa D. Witteher, a marri-ld m an( friendlinass sud isomptality cf tIsa pçà. man. The imaistrales sent tIs, case the pibut aisus>' junibled ranarke viltfotracithcagefa alan Cl 0aylog t ilebas averyeising i it5frtra uits hag flsaîtsdC fsvssr te cocomeud iltfon tisa cont>' atemptiag it. violate tise person cf tis e l lewis cf thsa nev eonnty Ici mulSit veini. Mn. Dicea>'gave hall te ap tee asipirea. -pa ttspoxlcuIcfcmee taa LoNGFOOp ILL9. junisdiction. par Ia addition ta haviss haisvea ais>l-y stetesi vilS raferenea tLongfordl Miiis, MRs. S.R.WIC5IETT, as viii ho seen I aboulal perbaps isave mentioned tisaI b>' is carS lu sdveriising colunsas, Sas botlSesii ae onowrnisg ful l ime l about ons hnndsreSibantde emplcyed. opened business lu Toronto, la tise In vilsainlacalled 6"tise odlmii"tise>' volesale leatlsar business, andtinlacou- Oui about eigisi thoasand leet a day. neton vilS hie tanneri at Brockin. Tise nov Mili culs up about îwest ne is sîso sole agent fer Oaiec for J. llsonued fe-el, boidas Lise work doua vils th alge suOad laiSacnes inaslaH. Mooaey's vlebrated coloredands Ibill tise same biliing. -T46 sa auan a- fa0e>'lesîhfre. A esies stre 4 ainellatise beat masner -»--~--- Roi ansi possess' oeor>' possiblessp liance CàLVzsLT'a Srsiîe BwSIndeservas ~anu for labor zaving - ani coing eLective good vend for lise excellent nausio sup- cal vont. Pxcm slai e t ourteen canicasis pieSaitlise plenica. Even iu Ibis hotaS et lanber ste shippesi cul>' b>'tise - -hrCé ioysri so avr y . Nothir MU avy. The Noternavsie '.elvi îaaic avnysTh Ralv>, ivsteisi. lolia ctact fer lce hare been *nongh ta tampî Pao- p six yeara mwili tisa Longford MilieCous, pIe ta diancea vio hsd not sisakon a 'bas s for tiseir lumbâr. Tiho new mil le-g for >'sarg. ig lad latel>' ta shul clown tornat oft - ptling romn, bul il 1e again ina 'Oera. QUIOx 8SALE Pr IXFOCxraea SiOC.- thél tien. The legs are breagiL - clown Mcr. Arsisur J isisueton. viscA arnhvedan Bîsale RiWet ani tisera is nov se lafr breoahmdyls int n-ada steak liluain the valert tian he t meo h ueaaminee rio ngstock oa outtista sasson, sud tIsane are be-uSes v itk is5 asitble 'lmpontt ocf soc, 1 ivelvae million foot et ssved biLs4er oc solt I bout #800Q Worth aitisbe Dua No M haa. wise-thete is ne paying Mn Oreietstcnpieia slsep-se Cri ket, and ocassq1onhlY vel.y lusclquate tore taklug tise-animalistablafni m retwaus 'for &a hi ibi hzuiut. the esa - - dotm snil4n aCim-,ïflanelld~atik Mhe a5 ais-h. aims<ua i' '-Mn. i,.~ isi i ane vite lsIda fmi, to this cuni>'i 1829, and etlsin lahéb. oasty of Leesi wb.r. ho -boit put bots ain unlotpi affara and la pohitîcal sonutn. : N wu tepeatedi>' virAi o! henutes esuaties of Leedh andl Grenvile.,su vas for soaieime membuer for Lu.d and iLedtssuS dGrenile aunueS rm peatlvel. ev amddlfrot Ontario la '54 and again la '57, Wy5l So vas defoated b>"-Mr. Jesepis GoalS I lhe was alec an uassccessfai candidatl for Toroate. He vAs a varm promota« cf aOag"nslai nsd fer Iventi yiani Grand Mutertsf that Ordur. Hl held vrieab' public officesbeicles tlb Crevna adu agios>' beore mentlonec vus superviscr oftoile upon public vont vent ot Lachine aetco lima, a commis &louer te elecide liaSd aims ai anoîhe anti laier a Posi-office lssspeater oft hi moue>' enler lIepstment. More ne centi>'fie actad as License Inspecoe ton tie ait>' et Torbo, aoffice wvii tise passing cf tle taAU t au en( te. LAINe, AND> Wsursy.-Un. Jamei Laing etfIbis love, played i ilSCarie. Ion, lunlise matais, Carleton vs. Mon tnreal, ai'Toronto, on lest Thursday M1r. Laing made tIse largesi score c1 lise Canleton oide, making 42 (net outl tise final luinga, aud 28 tiese ecound Hncrahs fer Laing aud WSltby I LA CUEME DE LA Catstp.-TSIl tmagazine sîvays Coutains as ce.col. oectiesi cf musa tanforaivancodsl payîns, Thie Sapteesher namber, visicis va havi nest u'eecived Contaius-Tss Wliiwiai t>' Mattel, Secret Lova,.b>' Lange, and La Styrianab>' Terselsai. Pablisisai rucatnl> b>' J. L. Paters, 848 Broadwva>' Nuew York. ExcuasIOte Te STRusoN tePoiFTc.-Ai excurcsiou for Stongeon Peint, will leav3 h-nre ai 8 a. se. on Tlitureday Blat Au-, sud neturo on Vriday evening. Sea Adi. Fines. A large, doubla trane lion se, )n El~sid street, emne-d by NMc. J. il. Posv. cil. wae huneid ilown on Son-da>' f1051. [t use teasantaîl h>' Io fatnilies§, Srm. NieRs>' ansIlired. 5r. Mille-r, mLnse furuiture mas eousidersbly dsmnagee iu -asueral. Tise Ppmiaes v/are ireS for $1.000 ;- bas 62,000. A fine broka ont te Barrie ou Tres. lav monns itoying tisrfee talles riîd tour Aledci, ieaidea jaruqging clii Qt--'a Rlo'el anci iwo on Clunce otipn biîtiia. Total Icss. inoludtug remov. al o egeoda;, about 815,000. 1 .At Arkoas a younsr lady died faim tha excîts-meni causas! b>'fine. At Oven Sone, en tise aflernoon etf tha 22nd, vist Ibrea ciilcîren of 11fr. NI. J. Graain. Iuland Revenue Ofbicor, cane pîsyissg ln tisa iseyloft, la tisa scr cf his eneldence, b>' striking matois. es tise Rt fdcc te sebuilding. Il vas cish gne-st utttYscnty bye cf tise cisilîle asve «eOt eut, bol tise cîsAr,' Mn. Ors- amse' second daugste- salsillof about, ix yeara etf aga, mas bunued te deatin l se building. A bauge mareuse saen-ee-saI Sllig )f bark, tise ercperty cf CassRehis & Ce.. 'are destroyed aI Lyn. Loss $14,000. At Woodatoek, a lurze fransc block cf ullîlinge, including Maîbaus' isotl, 'ara bornaS. The folsnd-i c f tise eutue onksoet lonasa.Mcntréal, Wae comupiaetoiy «ut- s! ou Tuedca>' mornni, At Cisathsam, -a fine broke ont le Mion. con'a deal vans!;isundce1s oft tiseu idr cf adess mre clegtroed. bot b>' -e-cat exentiuîus thisemille mre saveel, idc tise anses urere prevented epressi. Tise Wiiîy Higis Scisool. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. LSTa OF SUCCLissMUL CANDIDATES. cl-, Jue. W. sambt-s, jas. neeu, W. O. fateis, Fred. loppsir, W. H. foncle. Jue. l>t5-se, Wna. saCharllac unudera, inn. midi, Jnlî J. Vilason, Chas. voofliuse, G~ .sdesson. tif ai'> usupiscîl, Effie isueur, NMangacet laper, Ellan itrene, Maumi Ics>'.Anus tBrysu, Josapii Fana, BesateA loawî, Susan A. ITanyt. Seiseol. S. S. No.6,WhitSy Hans-y-st. sciseel. Southampt on. Dzundas-sI sclisel. Hen>'-ct.scoi Raglan. Joisu-si.scît. Heury--ct. Dafins Creak. Rineale. Dandas e;t seiscel. Ringale. 1 Toua Canil. Cul lisienWbitby, Meusca>', Aug. 21a1, '76. 'Tis negular imeeting et tisecouncil ok placetitis orening. Me-mises scut : Ris Wî'i-ship tse'Mayon, tise es-o, sud MeaiseLong, Boisson, Par- sou, Hantinus amaSWataou, Min- s et st meeting neami anS appreveil. ho oui>' business inansacted n'as tIse issiug efthlie foîiomtug - ESOL5TIONS. Mn. Fengusca, seceadad b>' Mn. inuasn, uses that tise Fine sud laer Cousmiutaa Sa ui- s te ohave mcli du% cu Diudas stre-atus tIse Iisborsoos! ofetecr Ke-ntor EnclicI 'cita. Caried. Mar. ganuasu, accoudes! S>' MrLong, si-es! lîat turtsan lime Sacs-autos!tise lotf Commiteo tealsriug flstsemne- )rt on lise potions etfitobert McLel- sn sud Mn. Ring, askhug tes- aid. arieS. Mirs. Bisson, secondes! b>'Mn. Fengu- M, ncrves tisaIlise cosusilce eon Fine Sd taen Sa tuatructes! te report on se conditionuo et saok sud Laddes seupsa>'. sus!tisaappliances belenglng saus! compaa>c, ans! Ibat tise commuit- t be raqueubes! te mention la 15cir ne- cit misat thay Iblinia ould bc ncces- Ly ho îpot tiseHRock andl Lamder Cem. i>' lu good uerklug crder. Carrsîd. Oonnct iSsuadjourneet. Tise Indian Causpaiga. TUSE PIUMIES PIRES> DY TtUE INDiAlia. Nam Vent, Âng. 21. A. ecp aoi SaaSCamp:ethie Cens. usA~elov on.Foroei, BosebaS, g. 11h a>'"tie" o1Usi>' oWtet 3h. 'n" 0uOW as hu tter>' centimeS, id eaitvand tIser. are tise came ladi- klîons. Thé Sioax s.emr esolved on iadoula sil tSi régica soumIS cf use lcysatane fer tise prneeit ecaion. ho* traces cf isahir camps sloug thse sebail slsovitis etiai poules have un use-ni>' stenves!anisi tisir ova uiSn- gtoe0 Iltabeen fanrtem apie-utilul. leae s sat neentsinîy rs«srding le insus>. 111einsaposqiie eta shspt. rv conjecture as ta tisa ceus-ranbe e5 L'sc Csa AiRNSA.-SI. Louis, o., Au>g. '22.11.sîvcs'u Irous Robinson, rsvferd count3', Rmne-,ay, u>'liat a sun Lausd satbore no, ltho lsra Un,~ or lusliotuseni for msseasncs es-le Hepncersoesti-Pnitîîyv its s ~.FOlrbn liuki laficîle.' tsvh&Lsiv j. 1 Litis, fer Beavarton nd, jMbcka la Poins. Thse veaiiervas aIl t3584 osaI Bd possi>b. 'edSuitea. -Tise "Xllaruey Id af Canada" va alm sud vithont uvean la aPcOIOY..for a "astipsy" o!visd. Tise 8. bfil0100 s adle a<I.vole. of tih. pop. tb niai anti curlesnsCommandesr, Oapi5 an Atchesea RKeer, shota e h.inevltaôle "i boarti", md.tise lcam.boïi vu te anSe>- ssetgh andi pnoeeedleg. on hin gr course ssonti>' fter 9,&. um. Atter ist.' e ing on a namber cf pumsengeru aI lh. la Narrovu, the aglu steasmedaa>' far OBeaverten. l3oon's Quadrtille Band e0 tarnished ihelisaeic for tisa occasion, , adtise yeung toit avaldelmaseives of etlie opportaaitv to induige lanlise a. pleasares of Terpsichtlora e tisetir heurts;content. On lise arrivaI cof tise 10 w4ar thY veremalby savaral con. e.veyanesuspaciail>' providati ton the con- )rvenianes efthtie ladliesb>'tise «antis- m nani>' propmiaes-s cof tise "Hamilton Honse", Messrs. Armstrong&s Canning, S vort is> nceseuors ta Mr. Alax. Hams- ilton, te laie hospitablo sud petite boeifaaae. Il vaiqsuscb a hsappy source W cf rellise Sus te, have tise privilege e.to a nrsdé tite botel tistai al the faim 1.ocuinanimonsl> pranouncadMoansr. Arrsstmoan sd Qauping kinJ sud r.o gg gentleman.A spirites! Base a0 Ba mta vs laa Seieen the ) OtlissJsudIleveren tub, tenvislch tisa ferr vas vIdeorions. Belveený ibne énsefour Suadredti ualSemate a most luxurions sud samptuons repst st lisel'Hamilton Heuse,' one anti all expresses! themuaivis more tban Ostis- SeS (if oaa ma>' ho allocl liseexpress. sioa) vils tise tempting calering cf tisair lionas. Aller dinnen mas con cluSes! quite a large unmbétr ofthtie perlyaenjoyed tise delce far- uiecife ou Itise handeoine balon>' necenîl>' cou- d etruceet. Il is canîsini>' a usagnificene - structure, sud an ornamaut te tise building visichis liadaditinn sets off te tise grealeut aIvanlaga. Oving t tise ittlemabla liant ans! oppressive enîtni noas of theao aterusoon tom ventura'] cul lts exploretise environs cf this village. wiai possesses ail hesaraquiettos te make a elinrisîg and prosp&toiss toma. TaIse ite water poer arlon4, visicis. if prnperh>' anS liberaI)>' dtuvcopcd sudd nitlized, ilaile tIsaitquile suliceint to vis-e a pssvcrfnl imrpulse te tIse place 1 ' Beavri-on i t tIe eant cf a splendid, agnienleumal country. Thse population. tioigisincreseinz slomlv, ta net large- It eau hoast cf nsrea er>'preti>' ceai ulencas sud a tom00(oei uuiisinga ; Ia. tnîlîsbitauts hoath in tise villagze anse vi- ciit are polite-, wanm-ieartad, «en- cros nsud lnspitRble t0a afautif, Ihe>' arc moRtlv cf Hivlîsîsni Scotch de-sceu <un extrartion, miel steigîi prnkir. t 'riis. Sotcils. Canselians. ate. Tîse Isotlikeepena, b h a iol ite tseir are-st. il' not ies-y "black mxsatl' ou -xcurs;ien- ista as l is te-r towna ans! village-s net 100 mili; aasy,-23 vas tis echange3. ail tise celicacies oetttise aaou provisi qiscmelsuin uf. Nom ebhst tIse te>'boni! et nesers-e lias been brolkeus, me trust flint tisane wmlineoIlanger eartla mal et sepanstien batvaan Oilîtans sud Bea- rntoniscie, sud bisai iutalofetgeing te Jaekaenil Peint tisa>' iii content 15cm- salves nesmreusoe sud misero tise>'ana botter acquaintes! aud eau cajo>' lises- salves more sociabi>' sud pîeasauln,-- Bay> but tIse mord sud cae-ut tisa tie- se ausipicionisi>'beaunusnd eciprocit>' mili lie tise onde-r of tise day. Tisa usuai l'ail aboard' mas e-hontes! isatîe-en 3 sud 4 o'clock, p. se., bise Lady ste-ausi]i aira>'wilis ber mccc>' part>' te Jacks- ecua PDut. Tise ais- us s clo;e ancb hsot tise c-eck et Cisc rcaier us in- rokied andîl eîstneatcd for sain, eu-a long it ponce- inlutomente ansI nil isas!eo seek etues ts-om tise fisc>'of tise ile t menti. Wlseere-er a spot iras arstiiahe lb mas imteîliate-Iy occipied tu a sisort t tinie. Arsives! at tisePoiut a nuber cf ceure-ysuces mre in rpa-5iuesa as la enstecunsy. te secomunodatit visitera te Sutton. Ou Ibis occasion tisa rida tO tise villaei- ausaci cosiie-rable dtscon- t font ans! mss>'biaIssandî soi!woeîie- gene vi.saz---, panîseniani>' smnAsgt tise- izntler se-z, salir tise>' touns!te tbeirt cnet that "Biiiv iwhite'," isaring au'. tîsinirtate(de witls tisaequipages, as ha Isas! pcoviîie-d noue. Tisa inexcrabla "Je-lina" depusisids25c sud neceires! it.a Ahout'7.3t) P. n, ail annived bis ate-0 11ARitPseMAroszimucfer Se-tem'beî le remnarkable tor tise inteneat sud varie-tv cf ils cententa. TIhe Sarentis Bock cf George EIiota i "Daniel De-mnda" ta full of lisiiltug 4 dramatie situations. Anetiser SanialS 1Stor>', "Thie Womao-Hiliteter suo Literature, au- S ociety. -' Tise-Ontario NoesComspan>', Clifttn, t Jusepîs Sînil>' Manager, ara agents for- l tisis msagazine. te Tise Unted States Indian Troubles. w WVashsington prosbîbiting tisa sale cf-n1 ammunitien ah ludiau agendaes. Au 1~ officiai daspateis trous Preston, Arizona, in lIse 2lst, says :-"Capl. Ponton loft F Camp Vendei, August lise 121h, is a &d detaclissct cf tIse ElgistlisInfanîn>' sud 1> ffteeu Ius!iau scoute, lu pursuil et a a hostile Part>' et Apachses mîsicbis sd lofth( tieSa Bn Carlos Reservatton aud cous-m mailes! depradations upon tise settierp in Nqytis-eastenn Anisions. CapI. Pen- a ter'a commsandsetruck lise neagadea thirt>' miles nonth of Vende, andIlmi- moiîslel>' silska tisen. AMien a t Bavera it fso fame isours tisaIndiang t moeadefeatad, vies' s logi seecas-nTJ bticks killeti and! tva momen sud ire p aiiltiran capturas!.- Porter's casuait.iaspi veto oua Indien scout wmanudî. H.e isetoillintapansuit cf tIse ranagadas, an-it yull probabl>' captura on kihi tisa vhois part>'"os P0 Feartuh Massacre of Womeu sud r Chilbrea. Londea, Ang. 1.-TihéSetandard~'& daspateis res Atexandnia, Egypi, gay'shC tisaI reporte hbave beaun eceives! from C Abyssinia tisaI Wald&u Mikal, insurgentA ob1Wtlbat defetes!tisa Ahymnns aI* Zaknaga,' ans! tisai15,000 vomen antid ciihrea bas! bei-n messared. eL& n r AIi K.t..--ieic CerSpeakier oethtIe TUiite-d Stiesi HOURe et Represeutaivt-,,iliemi as ltogkbriigja, Alu Stpning,va., o Saturdu>' eveuse«.lu A.verdjet et miluI mander bas beau bu retticeed'c lutise Brave case, bat by usbese Saudu tisa verdict dSe..net sate. spauw-s abaques, purponliag te he cf tise Eleot GmmofC ns, 8an -»'!rua tisse ut Ottamwa., eacialA 'Ho. M~ orrs.kssSt'ltn fw,~[Ibo Sua. a b>'-lmw ta, appoint a Velai for tishpe nt y»sr. Tise M180w. av vrend-oatheifiret tit sud' on motion cf Mr. Groen tise by-ls vasna a!theaeécead lima anS refe> ta a cqmmittea cf lIse vhole. Thse cossasil inluscemstle o! 'i viscle ;-Mn. Gold la-tise chair. TI cemmittea o! tise viole arose uS parieS by-lav seameded. Be-port, r esireel.-Upce tisequestion fer adol tien Seing prepseti EM. Broya mcvi in amausimeal, thathtie report Se ni nov aelopteel, bat tistishé saine ber tarred bâaikt talise ccnsmiliee ofti miscle, vilS insiructios ata airike oi 'tise nume cf P. Larien, suAdlissent il aineet A. Shurrd lastead. Tis euassaS auys vera desiaude Yeas* Bravawn sudHoove. Nay Green asdGaIS, tise reeva' roig mit tise ays Lest, anSdlise report vs tisan adepteS. On motionaoet Mr. Green, lIse by-Ia, vas meail tise liird lime as!d passed. M1r. Groen introdacesl a by.îss visici vus ras!tit.es ioerai hiies at passe0taneisoniziug lise Ree s:a Tresurer te isseSdibelentues ftoh trustees cof S. S. Ne, &o. Mn. Green grvec notice tsatIs mil ah tise nazI meeting <'Itishis connoil, ht .troduce s by-lav for tis eclesiag sp an sale et cideroas], beimoan lois No. 1 and 15, ilath5 Siscon. Mm. GelS mores tisitishe aseessor roll ton tise year 1876, as-susenclad I lima CeunirtfBevision,, Se tinaiiy itdopi as!. Tise tchioving secouaIns wana ancIen te ba paiS :-Johu Hem, ton turupikir oh aida rosA betmeeu ilt 82 an! 88, i bise srd con. $.58.06, as par order osIE BnsdslsamaSd John Cobsen, coin. ; Di Fennie-, ton sedical sîtendauce on I Liscomise, $8 ; P. R. flover, fonf ai csislmiug tickets ho Kaye' tausi>' tc passage te Lirerpool, 6100 ; Robet l4cLelhau, a Slind man, 015, Thse sut ot $6Wmls «raute! te Asa Wilson atn fumil>', vsa ara ln indigantl amena stances. Mnr- Gels! ttrestucad a isy-lsv, mhic mas neasl Ibrea caverail imas aud pasi va, te sassess tisa tîvnaip for bise put posaR et naicliu« tonds ton tise improvs unnt cf roada ansi bridges, pas! fo omise-mincisîeutal axpeases ot tbe col porsia ton tis te pressaI yenm. Mr. Bremu intnoîluced as hy-law wbiels mas mess! eese-raaitlimasan, Iuamed, te assesa S. Setions Ne. 1, î ans] 4 ast,, 5, 7, 8, 101, 11, 13 an'd 14 for selsool purposas, tfcrtisa prasor vear. Mr. Gesîs! uses tths e ctreasune Se anSe-ced b>' tise e-ave, le psy.jols, Pisillipe tisa suai] cf $120, as. ramunai atos for services s aseeseor, ton 1876. Mn. Iloer mos-os -tiaItis thee- notif>' Mn. 1Haunitord, neaicieut engi neer, Mentreal, la causa immadiatel, te Sa ropired, tlis luica-ma>' en sidé rond, betmaaa lots No. 26 sud 27, can' cd b>' building tisa approacs te ts, Grand Treuit Railma>' crossiug, as th. same t lu snavs-ny daugerous stata fa oublie trarci. Mr'. Hoover siusee Chat tliseconue: 'luiio si-'adjounsuntil Saturda>-, Oti c Septemben, nexl. E ast Whltby Concil. Coucil Boom. Colamubus,- Augnet 7tis, 1876. 'Tie ceuncil use-; usmbecsa ai pre sent. Minutas cf ist meeting mess! au couirmesi. A communication mes neceive! su ceas! frein Mee-rs.J. O'Le-aty ans! Tis ERaun>, tise cemuisietouaeppolute! Id uvetalsee-hede et ftue tue bridgei it Port Osisawa, certifyiug tissetits tais! bridges are complotes! lu s satistac. tor>' maninen. Mfr. Mackin, seconde! b>' Mr. Lick, nies for lense bu intreduca a Sy.iau te amneus! B>--au No. 253, (tisa Pound By-Iaw), motion «nantes! sud tise B>' ssv iras rmas a final tisa. A By-iew mas inîceduced sud passa îppeiuîiug Mr. T. S. Heur>' Collectas sf 'l'axes for lIse- preseut yaar. Ou motion et Mr. Motisensili se-cens! id b>' Mn. LicIs, tisa folioming accout s-eme preseuled sud crdenpd ton'psy- uent :-lef et Ellen Johson, $5; J. D. Relit, for tmo rosil scraperis, $16 ; T. Dîngie ton pine lmser. 829.- 48; Peter Maîttuen, drsmie« limben $7 B . Motetsaill. relief et indigants, 8 J. R. Staupail, for lumber, 619.26; L.Drem, fer ra-i, $11 ; A. Termilli- gan, for gra-eh, $8.70; B. Hodgaoe, relat of James l3nr, indigent, $12.50; Willisam Douist, nepsirin« scraper, $1.- 30 Rh. J. Sf skie, noeif et indigents. -7; John bMeKiazio, cadan limber, *19; S.Gioven, drawiug gsavel, $24. On mostion et Mr. LicIs, tisa ceuucil prvisions mas' so meagne tisaI tise meis mena put on short aliomane. Mr. 'annhum, seos!mats eot tie barque. fied on tisa voyage. Tishe-n dises- baes from mle resset this merolag as! proceeded 10 O'Doaovan Rosas s àocel, misera tis>'y wll temporari>' ne- Tisa pnieuners gire isigisi>' iitcrastiug nSd seasatloual, tecounîts cf ti s. ,ape. Tisomas Henary Hassatt, ouaeto ,e Msost intelligent of tisa primaera, md :-lWe menaeeDetieg ton abeut are >'eams tisse me wmusbc Sesaie!. 'ha Sa>' ounmisicis me ffectecl eu-pur. osa0 me mare confineS le Fmesauîhe * se, aI Swea river, about Ivwent>' sUies islaS. After breakfast va hlat âe Prison g«s n absarvedas! u es-e )d carniages p)rorided fer as. Our Ja>' sutubared eleran, laoludtug cui- àdra, misa kepl intise front anS car te iep a abarp heokoattefor eie nies." --eIai " gave in de"aitise ful 'sior>' 01lurfua ae tise crU. salleg oethie veseol anaItIs e tassl o! japuan Anthony te Seliver tIsetu ap te Britisis, dafyuiistemto fine on the ýmeniaun flg 01ah cf visas ebeen HeaRaaa.-A ciin ïlu all, about gxiteaneulhta aihS d, mhiite eeping ssi ýrisc> witisoeaaru satretlciailont oea te aidle of tise craille, i la iiehlspositieen tbecame unb, basil thea flasth cf tise Oun lungerasasid Ihaisb cospotel>' Mea off h>' arat, liariag th. boiss ly.e up 10$lise conci juitus. sue - muUatuai HLcos.- During Sanda>' gise ltbert Wisioide, anuii(re r Eqaosingi ownsisip, UHibou, vas 'amiS r isbué wt hie brahes ts 3,911 Un " '---'--uula.&U&i- boy>' othisu adeosse' flô4liii;5la. 2, fu heivoerablo 'Abbe wvues pi.sedý .otise aîmcJs onfidne ID hlm sud sow os!as hlm la more about thise ullamr' il he liber, .Bt dhng a oomed ta l 1 spp ea, SeBut d c an bg i e copw u re. of certain Ibàyaterions Sépredstioinae Slu tise grounds of lb.he minar>' ;-fovl anud traits hsd bellunstelona iromthe ac ardon, sud thse' lisaes cônîSoot be- cSlot oos. aed Ihin iudtsred big -a master to ba>'isillaa gan teprotect he isosein lahé5.igbt lanses. cfneei. A aU& totnight'afin, 'ou thei 611>of April lut, se the AbS.be isisque dieiappeared, Snd no ira"e of-hlm -cousla ut fis-ut be fonnd- d. Hie slnd>' hall beau nunsueited asdait s:_ fais me a>'uS sauabîs stolon. Ses u peonionefeIl ou Segando, but be ene dadS a>'knoviadga ofwvis a id salien place, andscals! tie robbar>' baS kne Scubt beau couzaitt3edby tise sani- pensons viso IaS pt-eviot::81' pillages! w. tisa gartien. However, bha 55 eptint Li custedY, sud tise polic O. ves'neitett tw ont teuravel tise cime.,Tbè>" ware- senet long la olesnlng ap the spym an>'. Tise>'fianot cf aildlecoreSsano clai 'as 1, hsîongtng te Sagudo hiticen le tisa' n gardon. TIse clotbhs, nolwittandten 11( tise vaaling is e>'baSl unlargoae, tilî 14 lie.the stalag cf bbocti. The polie tison traceei marks of blood lie oaoneeo -,tise seliarea aItlie bottons cf tIsegandin. b>~ and on ttier asrais ibe>came seras. À. te bcd>' cf the Abisa, SurieS andr lbh- fluor of the ceilar la question.'TSh- d body>' as feanfull>' mulilatei, sud lise- Dg sead emasil le places. Segundo, sac cr sng tisai tuntiser deniai vaa useleps. p, eknowledlgeSis is crime, but prelandl fr he SaS il iesi Maismasien bease tise 8 lternbildretuseil 30 pSy hbu hie mages. Ir. ')nbis trial, hswemr, ho vitisdrem 1111f ,xe-îg, and masSe s fulconfausion r'Fera etisahesorrible statement iha vol- i cnteereds! t alte luConrt: 29# "On) tisa 515 cf April lise saiS) I vent n istte tdSofcftils SperSen te induci. su le coma inte liae ganîlen in ondes 31te munderiim, isteing soeapansena la isuetiser rocsn, I cissuged us>' uinîh. c- lise Abbe di] coae iste tise gardais e ipv lacune laCer, but tise pepis beinI tho lsinluths minar>' I poslpones! th. c "xcntien etfus>'dasiga ountilthlie ni-% t5y, At ix o'eînek on tise mcrning ci the Settisof Apnil I moke- np tise Sap-ier. '.:u-il aked itute came dame inte tht 8 ars!e-,unuiler bbtphetertpt fookins i a 4. nune altenationai prnopeS 30make- asPhe Suponton maikod in front etf me. 'tai] on annivtssgntahle boteus cf tisa , irounisî;, neartise colliha,1 saisieS tise- mi n wiflmicis I issîl iddcn hblas! a ire-. r ud fines] it point blak imb bis back. TIse dileorgeA set tise Abrne's cletises osu e-fine, asi ie feu tformanclon hile face, i. knekine is bieas!ganet tise mail. I l illmedisaly>'seizea! isb'tanob su ad Snaggad bim cleva inte tise cellan, Q.isoeaI places! bim agatuet lise mail. Ele iris-clte0 sbouttfon assistance, sud q ais!, 'OS. unlsappy Segunîlo, nnhappy >r Segundo!l' I thon teck out ns>'pecet Saas!kereisiet, sud lias! il IigStiy rousnd Sbis naace te prevent hlm earasming. D' mlîile I praceedes] te Stg hs grave ha. fore bis ayes. As soon as I litas made a Sole I tiscughisitg enougis, I gara tise Superior tbnea or four blome on lise bsondl ils us pada in orernte saille hlm. Thsis <Mua I piteieS iise iead foremeai into tiselisole, bol as ha still ileed asuditnegghod I gare hlm some mI ueabloiemamIlthisape-psi. 1ttie- sorelled tis e anili cranbiS, but lis l isaads parsie-tes! in stiekinïg ontutftise '. trouns! sive. Su I tood ontissusuntil tIse>' mre iusîtenes!comna sd lnaviag Ssipreas! lie neet cf tisa cartiscrntise- epot, 1 geltishe garde-n relier ans! macle tisa gncued lovaI, as if uelising IsaS isap. panas!. I thon leekes! np tisa cailan, ans] ment to breakfast." Tisa prispe, wmiibgiviug tise-se fean- tel details. et bsecrime, wmiteimade tise Court shiuden milS isenror sud indignsation,esolibad suddgroanas! de-s-pI'. aAusoag tise places de convictionetes tale teore tise Juglga mas s jambons oftemunîlenaîlprie-se, isicis Segundo h as! cisoppeil off mitSh ha apade. Tise sprisenen kept bis eyes fixas! en tisis sas! tueuse-te et bis terrible SecS, andI aven>' uov sud tison colahit!outisa Court, bis master Eus! Gos! 30 torgire hlm. Ha - as sentenced le Seatis. Fer once ta a vs>' lie jury dbas nol appean te have sais! anylising about extenuating oic- cumatanees. Tise pniaunen bumel out grosuissg ounisearing tise sentence, as!d again calsilSon Gos! sud Mutonr- «tva hlm. - Lis-ansd Blocs! Diseases. Dr. B. V, Plaes, M. D., Aureret "The- 5'eopie's Cemman Sasse Mssdical Adrser"- A hlîaîlîs' rnsecretse aciday actu t i>' te keap thin naion su>' subjeet, inapairmout cf seemor>', dizzy, sleepy, or nenvs afeelings, «boutorchfàeSo- luge, and! irrltabilit>' cf tamper. The bleed iReif baluag diseasemi, as 1hterme tise ent upon tise surface cfftie skia, iB 50 inri atag ug n s! poisonusi tisaIit produces ýiacterd bromu spots, plna. pIes, hiotes, ' sud ethes-es-uptieus. soea, bale, cirbtisales, asad serotalous humons. , Tise stoustcis, bSeas, audL chen organe, canne escape ,becomsing affectes!, dooner or Inter, aud melisave,- as lte resait, constivanass, pilas. Stops>', Syspepsia. Siarrisoea. Other sympleose as-e common, as bitter on baS baste in tise month,, internai iseat, palpitation. leaslag congia, unaledy> appeelte, cisok- iug sensation lantistoal, bloating of stemacli, pain iii aidas aruîibonle-sisuls!- ara on back, coldueasoetextremities, etc., etc. fiel>'a tam cf lise choya symptema araeiti>' te ha presaul la ami> case aI ona lima. The liven Seing tisa greai depurallag, on blocd-oeaasing ongan of tIsasystena, set thInt great "lieuseaeper oet n iesitis" ai monkt, anS tha, teni corruptions miicb goadar la tise blosal, ssd -ro cult, assii mari, the . melner>'ef-.ilo, are graduuil>'ex- t] pelleS tromuus>s y#ç.m. Par his pur- pose, DÉ.Piere' Golden Medicai Dis- waa-' it]> amuIt doses Ssii>' etDr. Pie;e.,Pleasai Purgative Pellats,lais pnamtily thé- articles lneedad. Tay ceeer n>'csio f buisonfrois thea mort t crotela te 31>5 comman pim- t] isba. blotahi, or aruption. Os-eal esiiu« ubces tincl>' ieal andat thiaitmiglît>' -curative influence. Virulent blocs! poi- sons lisat lum n latiesa setaus are b>' ibena nobbad cf tiis-toirons, anSdS>' bisein pnemeeving sud somevisat pro-- truseesuse tiesa ot taisates!.ysleiudc me>' Se ceipetel>' renovst'S aS ,built np anav. Ruiargasi glande; lamons. aud Bvellingai, siiaShe ava>'anS dis- E seppear ander tleis nfluase c f tise grisai rausls.. -- LIVERPOOL MARKET, The Piokerng9 Harbor 'Corn- pany are now prepared to receive and store i their warehouses, at Frencfrran's Bay, any1j quantity, of al kinds of drain. The Oonpany trustý that by strict! and upright dea1- ing, anti c9urteous attention, they 'yi rt>'ceive a, large siare of pàtronagtÇ from the general public, ancVrnote eg- peciaily froôm the farmers of the Townships of Pickering, Scarborougli, Markham and Tlxbridge. J. H.ý:MCCLELLAN, Pnes. Pickering Harbor Co. LIVERPOOL MARKET. 500,000 Bushiels of,1 Barley- Wanted! The subseribers will be at the Livterpool market'about the first week in Septemiber, and will be prepared to pay the higlicot price, in cash, for any quantity of good Ba'rley, delivered at Frenchmau's Bay. WV. D. MATTRE WES, &t Co.,1 Toronto. LIVERPOOL MARKET. 500e,00 B]ushels of Barley Wanited! The sub cribers wiil be &t the Litierpool Market. about the first week i September, and wiil be, prepared to pay ;he highest price, ini cash, for tiuy quaitil ielivered Bay. - yof goodl Barley, vo ftarnes notesorf th e-issual ai seveoty1 soutIs. Mn. &Sahybur hem-net oomplntod hie investigation, balise ostimates lIse nambpr of kifl. et iGO.- .000 ID this lstritiof Pitlppopolîiaîone. The roeuler troops are catoae u'I tisa thse Bashi Bazousta, ani no dontist tise Massacresa veucammiutud miii sanc- tion o! tise anihonlîhas. Outrages con- .Amse te coeur, snd the Gvrne n ot Piiippapolis manIa eavalsiy la qasil tise MusRubtaas. Mr. Seisuvlerihiek tus- ena la immnediste danger cf additiaisi piMMus- sacres, lSe miii s;uigi ta t hSmGovnrlp ment tisa follîavtng masseurea - hauegingoffaatleadersin tiseaturcitiasl, tisa disariag aoftIaMhe lsss tIse rebaiiling cof thse banni villages ae Govannm.ntexponne, as tlise.mouscru Cannet Sa left te lise auhorties. Mn. Scuu>'er viE propose s foraiga aom- miajanla s.e ihst tise>' Seexeated. L»ono, Aiîg. 28.-A Belgrade tae- ruin tte s.Tii sconfimsebise report of thse »occupaion of'Gargussevatz sud: Tracibababy the Sasrias. KerimPasisa. vtbclev hie forces -ti sustate tisa pnB- - eut operitious. Hé ass-40,000 imen, vhicls fonce ila inafficieni for an milacit ou Alexinaî, Geilanal Tcleruayeff bar- tngl 79,0. Ths~e lacsof lise Tenkisis cemîsade- are ulcantain. Pallssiblyhe -tseuda to cibutToisinayeff lu, visie ancîlsar Turkish division marcesa ram Saiteoisan to.Panatehln. Sîav Ksioti.xnoz-WSile me do ssct holS tisai ,evryvman sboua]be bis ove elacton,' va as-e free ha mainta thsat tise ignorance of as majorll>' cf me-a rad vomen upgn mabiera Meut ritail>' tmportant tu' thisasphirieal oagntzatou\, las lamentable.- If tise staýndarS marks ot tise Peois!' M!dtal Instituts, Boo- tan, could b. placesdinla tbebande o! ail, Soti îlaud yenng, the fiels! et qusuoker>' ,.'caid h. greaîîy dtisiiscti- anS tisa desaJrlMciveuesscf cor =cst insidicoue anti wasliug dfseaseso r«tt]' esseneti. B>' efat'5nce te oasdvart.iP!Dicoîumes, il viib efanstist thatb tillecf-thae wenka are "TiSc~ience ofa Lite, or Self. Pres;ervationi," z"Sexuel Pi svsiola«.v et WcmananseSHer Disasaseg,.ý"' anid "Dis. casas c f tise Naras s&tg& Narrons Malseites," tishie c f vîic IR ispncva h,> tisa tact thats asutiful ai id cefitl> Gels! -Modal bas juselbdeau p-a ntaedlise n uIses- b >' t ie a N aî l a M e & es, A & - saciatian. JJ3' teiCC of Birf la, Mar iages, aned Death8 chas-goa 50 cents aia-- BIRTHS8. COAKWELI.-At Whitby, on tIsa 911s lest., tise vite cf Mn. George Co& - mlta d iAgSterUZ0. -A ht on tise LBrd, inat., ai tise nealîence c! tIse ftliencf tise bride, b>' tisaeBrd. R. ChasSers, Weîîâglton Adams, Ee&q.,' sientiat, te Blan I., <laughteo tTises. Huston, Esq., -Ciant anS Treaurer cf lise towvncf Wisilby. Thea hapýiy couplé- le-tt b>' -tisa'muing train «ding veal for Niagara Faiba, tisonce te Albany, i as] domu- tissa Hudson, to, Ne-v 'enr, anS te saCeintennial. Tise>'havae us- hast uishi-s tcr thair sale netar ansd future- pnoepe-iiy. RBR-MeR AY.-On -tisa 111h Au«. ie Cisaimers' Cisunreis, Quéec, b>'tisa 1lier. P. Wrightl, C1eco RKerr, Esýqn., cf tise Ontarioe Bank,, 'Wlitby. 30 R-ate, yungest Rhgsir. of JebsiMaRs>' laI cf ah te,:cclsu c COAKWELL.-At W.bhitby, on the 22nd lest., th ife to f Mr. George Coakwell, aged 21 years 5 1months and 6 days. The faueral will leave h. er lateresi. dence, Townline, on Thuns day, Âug. 24th, at 10 Ã"'clock a. m. THOM&SÈ.-At Oshawa, ô,n Sattir- day, thse 19th in8t., William_ Thomnas, seur., aged 75 years, 4 me.nthesud 13 days. Thse funeral took place on IL inday, and was attended by a large con-. course of mourning relatives an friands. Mr. Thomias waa one oie theO old and well-knowai settlars cf thi sec- tion, and was -well esteeased an re- ispeeted by al who.knev Mim. WHITBY MARETS CIEROXAICLr OFrecz, Augt. 2Brd, 18M6 Fal Wheat ...........1 $11 l03; Spring Wbeat .....$0 96 @ sli-c Barley, No. 1, N0e; N. 2, 60 40 @ $045 Clover................ $8 25 @$9;6 Timothy ....... ...... $8 75 #~ 4 JÇ Peas.................. 700 Black Eye 1'eas ....90e @ 95e Bye ......... ....... 65o@ 70ô Uts.................. 400 lday.................. 7@88 Potatees....... 1...... 50o @ -75o Eggs ............ ....150 Butter ............... 6e @ 18e Coai, per ton.......... $7 @ 800 Wood ..............400Ca54 56 Pork, per ct......***', l$700 @87 00 Chickens -......... . 99- &Ocper pair Ducl<s'per pr........... Wc @ WSO TnrkeyR, per i ....... e STOCKS.' Mn,trcal . '.......190 19 Toronto.... .-... ..189 188- Ontario .....:104- ]0s3 Merchautg ......... 921 911 consolîdiatea..... . 1 l 102 Commerce.......... 125J 1-24î Dominion .. ....127- Hamilton............ 99 98j Standard............ 85 84- Faderai ............ 101 1001 Impertal ........ .... 1061 1054 Coanty 6 per centD>boutures, 99 Township 90 Augnst 28rd, 1876. TORONTO MARKETS. Tosro, Augnet 28rd, 1876. Feul Wheat ................0ù 98e~ $104 Spring Wheat .............0 94 e $L0I Pe ....................... 70o1378o Oate ..................... 85ct 87c Hay. ...................sf4 (a$Io Fork ............. ........ $550 @a 86.00 Butter................... 18e 0 250c Eggs..................... 15e (4 i7c Apples ..................1 50 $ 2.25 GrRAND EXC URSION Ta STURGEON POINT! TWO DAIS, îHUBSDAY AND FRIDAY, Aug. 3l1st and Sept. Ist, '76, Lasving Whitb ' t8, an,5'Whitby and Port Prry B Jrway» ot lKSMI Leudea-S Qt.- t.rn L Steani«r VA1q)k:i<3ILT, sr- rivsuýg St Sturgeon point at 2.A4, p. r. BETTJBNI.SG,-Wïll bave SturgeoS ponat .80. p mn., on Frideiy, arriving in Whitby Kt19. P. m. 9W- Thea bot and cheaest RXCUTftiOnii te seusoti-ejoy a days gliag-sbd rom- ut& liatbe wOOda- A cled Ni.A Ww ltel"SbaS tntbeau com- O N T A U Thurm TRI oSonrs t osedala the col sltaff, nu for a ce - _ouS entitlai Luzt At T'C sud s-es ara cal anS if s hava thi iaw. Datas Thea bau - ýP et, ne abai Thea bai Tise Be Tisheai "Lad TIse bha -"Son "Jaci "'Dam Tisa ha tisi 'The Tise bei Tise be4 "Tise Tise bei "Tise Thse be: "HOU Tise bai air "Tise TIse bas Tise bas "Sedî -C Tise bpi 12 The bas -"PetA 'Tati 'wc Imro ihai tisa nei coter; t andes- 85- FARI

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