Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1876, p. 1

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W.H MG NS T~rmo- $1 pr Annumi b tha f a ontefS011, POTLino, BM ,a t&a cent#a,in Us,seh cubWs aintas5t5 pwi fils a4vssllw Business Oireotory. ONiT &BIO 8.4 nu wu-VarBy »BANCS, THOKÂS DOW, 0 aimen i H. D. MoTcaëLO,Q.C .1 j 055e., m th TnOuRt Heu... A Oanfeelstisrslret- or sl o e ' oaMl Ioe, Qtb.. u r eieai . JAMES RUTLEDaG, B. A. County'Crovu Attorney'. de 1) ARIUSTE11 & ATTORNBYAT.LhW Notai Solioltnr lns Chassaeryo Caoncer NoiaPubie &eo. (es-WOver Mr. Ad dimo a tor, lck treet, WlsllbY, Ont. <fIARLRN 4C. KF.LLYR, A TTOISNEY.AT.LAWç, soLTTWI 'Cisaleer>',Canveyaoaer,&ao., Canning ton,DBreak, . W 1> ARRISITER AT LAWO SOLIOTTOR IN 3 aet' Csvyuer ck.Sin- ana Sîreet, Ohbswa. AIRSTTATTORNEY. AT. LAW. 9o aiir la Giancoei7and Tsssavens>'. Ne1tsry'Puiblie c, aOflde-MaMillen' Biocb, Brak tet Wistby, Onttio. (LaI Grenvoo k cMiian.) y) AREIRTER, ATTORNtEY, SOLIC- Ilt11r, Notar>' Publia, Cnnveaaaer. i f en-ilyren Street, Souths ai l'at Ofice Witby, Ontario. DpUGGAN kROBINSON, flAItaTltll, ATTOISSFYS-âtT LAW, * SOLWCTORS IW CR'ANCZRY, CONVEYANCIfRS, f., OFFIOC-ProviaulAisitratsce Build(ssgx Cuossx r ssaexr, Tamoir, 3. DuoeAte, q. c., J. G. Rcuuueoe, a.a T11044% IIOU'STON, T N CLERAND TUEASURER. TWliaby. Offico-Tovu Hall. Iloots, erom 9 te 1 'elock. -R J. GI11'4 q'5M. li., UlioltON TO TRE COUNTT GAOL, 'S Byron Street, Whitby, Dr. W. J. BURfNSt. rriscz-ntext cloor ta UNCascLE Office t --91 iuefdenae, et Mr. Lewis Hlouakao. ClUY'S OSPITAL, LONDON, ENO., Gr thse oye R. . 5H. L, Osiavat, Ontarioi SfENTIST, (SUCES D @o sr te W. H. CarS., 'iJ Dantai Roms-Dundas Street. Whltlsy aver Mr Jameans Store. -Ntrass> OmidedUsai lteresi for thse paliseoz- tratian 0etoSemIs C, N. V tR14,.L. 1s>. 8. TÊý r "EETHineartei ou ail tisa -Lltest priniples o!fibhe art. as cites iianste15 e sat, sid as; Rndeilastise liext. Teeth iloS vîtis Gnli a<sd Stver. Tests eezîrateaiithot pain, St>'proleillse loceal assethesia. Dena tRimsm-itCcv. anis#wew binak, aver Atkinsons Drusg Stars King Street, Osisava. 5 fTIUiIIAS. DEVERILL, IMILDEB AND CONTtIACTOR. * »DUl4»Â ST., WItITBT. 93r'A1 arders proîcptly emeanteci 'AM. DRESSING AND SIIAVING ISlonn, B3reak St., Wlttby. JS)1N WOLIPENI>V.N, A GENT FOR TUB CBLEBRATEP Senttteh Granits. At ttarble Wurk. of 3adathan Woliendon,Dundas St., Whltby. L UM14EIR METICHAN4T, CARPPENTEB sund Jîiar, Gresn Street, Whitby. A large qsantity et afil indi af bomber con- %tanlly on baud. H eB. 0DELL, A T-H B R L Y, Clark Division Court, Tp. Clark, Cotaînisslaaer lu B. R., Landi Agent. &c., li., Atieriy, Cont>' Ontario. theri, 9-ot.2Sud. 1872. 8 lbyliisn, Surgeisu, &ccanahir, &o., &e,. Wliiîby, Sept. 80tt, 1874. 4 ROUT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. lAritilaste (with hosnorse),of the University' et Q e g coleo, Canada;i Pilladaîphis Uni' eci moiicte andi Sorfer>; Arneai Ussîr. etfI'sausylvaa ; ne:lacti Cil @geot 1'i-asuYlvaia ud Lcentiste ei Mlfroficy 0f1lise UnS,, etfSilibarg, Santlenud.Cor uet or,'te Caunasy tfOntario, 0 ce- Cnlilws4tsr St., (Irtllt. ýtalguit 44th, t875. lyr s JORN . M. WILLCOX, 0f1lise Tean aofWhlity, has beeu appulateis OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE (UNDER TUE NEW ACT,) Ver thse CeunI>' ot Outanle. AUl isuinea. entruclet iotahcsargeo mO Se asteinli>' a- NVhitby, Pan. 14h, 1874. - 83 T USDES HORSE MEDICINES.. .3 tes. kept oeutatly on hanSasid fr aila tise Wblthv Livet>' Stables. ft tçNij chargé fur ativica. (i Jil~ S N PV',~ iN LTJUt3ER, -W Ti 1T n Y, afsoti sîi plsjnihi5laleok ai dueciser ail-v1 s sasd Llu'niser. Att bin4a fat- TtF duu tS ie miwas'n hIIIel Gs' ecl. 4isltltid. -e VOL. XX.. O RLLA NT. tretlaosas nortb cf Toroato. 1: le 855- M.GEORGE C. WIGGiNB, I.A., aS, turuishod andcndaetd a a'%F -A 'k'IIST-CLASSLHEL té n"to t aaFsi n t azne Ccmbýblng slgmssea, conforl anS ecenOns'.- "914 .e t«ua, an reSUnI8 0trm. It b# sm le aemaam feor, sunser Aislnang -sund8luglssg Cissas-. elstor, is sufi ghitfalY îuansi ouly etuatýPd-Wiij iaWadVrUt 4 .4, betng in 0la»e xinitY te thse steasu- Irof W lnim thePlant ueilSl icast Midandan, Srdm B B fn CetTs, otreas,se Commaodlcuesaumpie rosadmt f, li .1% spartmsut for fanme.WlbJl'11,17.g . 5 .-Orders fer roSus by letter or tele- graunpromptly attended te j tOR SALE, Oasssbnusete anS tram thés Mbmers ireaiL a1 eharge. RuTIUBEL T T -' lvjt.?T l IfA TA !:? TT ~ Otii,.an. 7,11874. -Prpetr JO()INSON HOiUSE, SAUT r ARMET SQUASI, TOBOISTO. W, G, JOHNSON, -- ROPRIETO.. Tzais, 01.0e pet Day. Slabling =sue- TÙE ANEIcAN HOTEL. caniss asieNZ AWn oVT. GEORGE BROWN, PROliBIETOR Titis fittaess u use ha, been siavly dî- te& op andi renaratal tistosigiset andi if. t,,rds suptar acommodation for tise récep. tlan et guestse. Tise proet preprielor ha spared nc pain@ or expense lu tntrailuclng 'ver>' lmp evemaut that vauld tend stiste ,!mtarl and convenlencobs hpattons. ratante, Jo]lOti0t 1874. 29 0 NTÂEIO HOTEL. WIIT, e NTARIO. PETER WAKEM, PROPR19TOR. Supartot accomalatlûîî - Table, supplied suIsh bot lu teson. Usntuallqsîars. igar%, bect brando. illard rioon. Boom>' itabies sud Sheds.. 5-tf B RITISH AMERICAN HOTEL, LATS BOBiON Hout»s.) WLUITBY, ONTARIO. Reni uevy ruavaed nSl frulhed is recetiouofente &nAisomn1busta and s - m s U t r a i n s . . F r a. l c t e s . a m p l e r p o s u . -1RAND TRUNK IIAILWAY HOTEL, AT WUITDYI STATION. WU. 0'NEILL --PROPRIETOIS Parties tallag te train anS ltvlng berses *11]l have thons yen takan car. aof1'à1 heir THE QUEEN'S OTEL, saect.TRnEET, WSITBY, TAYLOR k&tIcCANN, PROPRIETORS Tise underoigued Se.ire ta tfatm tiseir trisndg anS tise public tisaI te>'baïe Ishen the above sasîl kuovu isol, i5alaittiser have ussal>'fi tdSp aid vaiivated, aud eut utc tise hast of orîlet tor thec sai-musada- tlan cf g uest. Tise Bar, sabla instise hand- 4tement iu tise Cannal>, in oel cups-lied wltls 'the finet brandi cf wlnat, liquora. and ceh «art. Amsple enaleaed tiseS ronma anS gîtaS çtahlilus, box elalîs. kc-- Detacited roatas for commercial travellers.' . P. TÀYItOR, 'PitILfl' McCANN. late of Toronto. s IIAKESPARE IIOT EL, COauEIsI Or KING aANDi YOUXtiT c., TORlONTO. JAIE S POWELL, e PIeTîRo. iirlmise samneodation ; batis-roome, &c. Board, 81 50 per day. - 1 TORON TO. Tise muet Elegant, Ceatl>' sud Perfect Hotel in the Dominion. Tis ia Htel aaknowiadges no rival, eltisar i tas et nanagemnerit, appointments or loca- tion lu tise latter respect it atTrds ita ~esta s aharang sud unobstroative viav i)f Lake Ontaria. 1-W Trio aet Wateraape viev ini Canada. Tt ha. 250 iions fixuisisad nit al (hi- inideru lin provemeonts. McG.iW & WT'LIETT, 49tf - Prûprietors. RMSTRGNG HOUSE, "(LATr, ALBION,) W1ITBY, ONTAIIO. E. ARISTIONG - PROPIIIETOII W FrO IUSE. DUNDPAS-ST.; WHITBY. (WEST OF POST OFFICE.) JOSEPH A. BANDEL, PlIOPRILTOB. This bouse bas boee recettly hltt, t. large ansi rooma, suad filtesi up iufilrst.c-lase .style...Beet Wiae.,l1qoores ud Cigare; treah Lager Beer. Geesi stabling andi an. aloseS yard; attentive ostiers. 46 0OMMEHCIAL HOTEL, CkATWRIORT, ONT. JAMES DEWART' - PROPRILITOR. <~cSareamailsiontt.12 TUIS lAPE 1TgCon FIL WITI Wbsre Advertis U1COntraàta ces .sdte eao,oeofeel Pissa Luibtr, well scusoned. Fencing Boards, îOAeaaefeaet fOak, ifaple for amlas, lut quallly, 15.000 it. Square Timuie, MUTUAL IISURANCE CO'>'. EAD OFFICE, ElIOR 8:S., WEMTY. 121 dtts t rates as acW au tlose of s157 .l.àalisbed Clopay in Canada,ý JUST LOSSES PROMPTLT PA2D. lstes cfinsuurance 8o Iaw. that -25 cents j3 RITISHAEIOA Thtis aid and wellz esteitllhed Company are prepsred ta accst riska ins aU laoies.o f propetyarate s e w as shase cf any weU ~ Compantu Canada. Tialatefia kd eau- hazads In pceryl- sureS for titre. e sr or lms at ypely e rates. Ail et vibilsllSe alS ceeapfor cosai. L.FAIRBANKS, .Tn., -. 1 Offce, Brook St., Whttiy. goa vauld aIse bea tes tisaItishe Glit- Mill, àc rnnissg,and tc Seing firt-clas vrk. RIXFIRE INSURANdCO . Chiop h~doue 6il Se>. liste vaek, for avet>' [ B . IMAPSt, Lombard St. sud Obsting Cross, Landau. Proprlsttr. EIITA15LISHE» s-ucN1782. fiee. ltit. 1878. -810f _________ ____ GILLESPIE, MOFFÂT & CO., G OOD NEWS FOR TE LADIES. * Agents fan canadaMasgr - Insuaes aginel lait>' Fine ara ffect. A NEW REVELATION IN THE sadonlhe-llucst resenuable termi, anS loeec SCIENCE 0F DBESS-MAKING. Son.vthoreeactate arbuLu CQRNALL5 SEF-IITTIG -Agent, titby. CONALSSL-iTIG Apnil 121h, 1876. 16-1>' WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. - - - - - ~~~MHli .ciATAPCsi.T" FIttisi& a TS1 sithoot change ef a stitait. Fer soie, wit f ree instructions, et 11iSS M1acI NT Y RE'S DaEes.MÂKXNa 150015, W15!TBY. Agents wantsd. Libarai induceenst t lte tade. Whitby, Ang. 18, 1874. 84 IOTTOM PRICES FOR MOAL AND WOOD!1 AiU hIndi of RatS andSoSfI Coal, cansiel. ing af thse celebrated Lakawanis, Scaa- tan, Bruar HIli, Blsssbsrg anti otitar ceaie CHEAP FOR CASH 1 For quantitsles oleBacksmilheana otitars SPÉCIAL RATES i Wood, extra langili, 26 cents par cori] abaemnto a usail pneces. Senti in your orsiers ta, A. ALEXANDER'S Whitby & Oshawa, Ceai ana wcoadedpotà Whitby, Augst t Bet, 1875. tf-88 L IST OF THIE DIVISION COURTS oms rEa GOU1NTY 0F ONTARIO, FUR THM ETRit187(;. Wlicliy.8'51i2 it eI 21 BrugL;nj' 2 4 2 4j2 2 Plr 2 92012.5 26 fi 14 27 1rtîle 27 1,26tii21I i611hI 22 _Athergsl 'c l. 1 1 I72165 u 8rîa 29,I1 iil 20 Acsry. 71 i80 10te 19 GEO. H. DARTNELL, 'ihitby, Dec. 111th, 1875. Juir tug 0. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0F - INSURANCE COMPANY. HIEAD -OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Firsaucial Result Of 14 Montha Datai- ta tstDec, 1875. Autiserized Capital............ 5,000000 Subscribed Capital............. 2,800,U00 PalS op Capilat ....200.095 Gevetument Depogit 5lTe . 0000 Goveremeut Dsposil, (Lite)... 50,000 Total Revenue, Pire Premieme, and lst-ret------------...5229,7751 Total Lasses.................6W,528 Investad Fonds. i............. 819.1,718 CashlisnuandadDeposjl-.... 49198 Otier AssaIe..-..........--------80,8m8 Total Assois .............$0298794 Thi. Company' bas nov estabisliied iteell, anS bas, 21 Blranches anS 207 Ageucles un thse Domnin. 1 66iy Manager, C. NOURSE, Agent, Wititby. COMPANY Dapiiith-i DomisionleaGîverîuîîsanî 550,- ON0. lixptriuased Ageuti throngttont tise Darniion. Fireflokasrit ten ai Adequate Raies C. NOURSEýit1r Agout, ish. Whitby, Marai 7t, 18701. INSURANCE CO MPA NY (FIRiE uADLITE) OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. MARRIAGE LICENSES,L1CAPITAL, - - $10O,000,00, WHITBY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LEND ont Farni anS Town Propent>', et LOW RATES et Intereat. For futlter partianlers Appi>' la-- JOHN FAXiQUHARSON, Augntis1tis, 1870, KING BROTIElS, W-HITBY, ONTARIO, Iniporîausi, Dealers anS Manuacturera etfail -KIinde of LEATHER? AND FINDINOS, Cadsb paiS for IRides, Baric. and Leatiter. Leather tretced. a' BELTINO MiAlE TO ORDER ON SHEORT NOTICE. 'day, 1872. F LOUR1 BRlANt1 AND SHORTS 111 IOATMEAL, &c. NEW STORE, JUS? OPEMED. opas-osluiBAT,$ HuEn. w_ Gr(rE À CALL. WU. JOHNSTON TO THZ FARMERS! Plaugits anS Plcssgh Castings, 5mev Caltera, Fauning Milis, Beapera anS Mow- ore, &o., &a. IVEET -I - wm. JOHNSTON - ~WlitIsy Oct. 1t, 1875. 1- Rage ta iomnbisefrimnalsliste puibise ONBY TO LEND I tisaIt ho aarrsos un tisa Liver>' bsscnei,s et M- A arge qusustit> ai moea>'te leudset 1ev &Y' OL D 8T A N D .&tret, pnivale tudsi. Parties rtîqotring aesveyaue--coveràanSFer aals, several Tawn lats tire Tram- ipen-;can be acutiommodatud t 1 amel'm anes, anS a large Brick kou.Fo.- notice.1terums, appi>' te RICK. PIERDON. 1 - G. YOUNG SMITH.L Wittiy Sept. 21, 1875. 89 Whity, Fei t 9h, 1874.- PRES RIPION REE To tte Inibitaistà o! DuffinaV Cree, b OR the speadv ure o! Samlnal WPak. sud V jiiat>' usia, Lait heci anS sldîl ers braugbt Ou b>' lndlearetioungr s es; Amy B - -I bave nov apenoid Drnîggst bus ths ulitntAdres Btce'sop inMr.W.Cutitiért's. wmuet D&VlDS0N k CO., Box 29$,Ntw YorI' 1i mu>' bg.sesiano cfni te hstdîslay c R#t-br 17.Be4"Pakas"d Towl avez off te i Reptabar, 876. y.12 Publie, Liii' Rawnoable Ptleâ1 Cern ~~ ent-, cam ahaI, and gel ssuaîthlug te Sa yeî yOU-NG.8 LIOTEL,sgond. - I IRICARD WESTLAKE. adeucis 0A»,DA;T~, - Wlitby, Dacemben 22u5, 1875. G tiOBT. K. YoUxG, pROPRETR - Ilelalell!arntlairei thi e b.coun. (.4A RD i try, 'ta., titrutishesi laparties raqairfuig ( - 'j Ampl aaiani- forantetinuer sudnt - T, 11,rM C M L L A N, Sprae.Tise harsuda larder supplieS oil tiebeuo liqueras ud viane Co b#Agont for tise ftienS u in abo eoaitrY. -Noe ebut oitils OA NSR.C OPIT sat tentive servante kep. Oaumates SIliUUC 55Ce.PNY .etbllng adproerp( boetterasIaa qu FEOIS5I Sai.- OBB4T . YOUNG. I CB-OwlLe"asvuo M0L80148 BANIK G. A. SAYNE8, ESQ., M.D. Read Office fot Ciada -. 91 & 193 St .1ame. 51-ettt, Menti-cal. FOIIBES A&M1DGE, Chief Agents R.B. L L-WDEII, agent, Whitby. Auguait 101h, 185. ly-85 MORTII BRITISEI & MEIICANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 -tata, aud reliabte, charges matienate, prompt - ettlement oet daims. 'GEO. TULE, Agentl. iVitby>, June 2, f875. 28 34 VSTRNASSURANCE' COMPANY HEADe OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, $400,000- uaruIi Toit 5OITH ONIABI5O, IOSEPII HOLMAN, BIIOOKLEN, ONT. Aise Agent fo- tise CANADA TABlIERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, HeaS OffICe, H.sscs.reu; and CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, Mattreisi, Tino, Lite anS Guarane DCparTmL, - Brooklu, Dec. 2, 1872. i2m491 c HlOic E ,PPLE TREES, Il 0OVT 40,9001, -AT TZ HOME NURSERY, Ste best Varietis. SETHI C. WILSON, fCol No. 8, 2nd Cen. Pickering, on Kingston Road, ,st Office, Wiitby. S PAID ÀPROFITCOF~i io tlur th ie past tew menthe onder ons im- rvSsysteta of opaustog lu STocxs. tisks redaceS te nemMin-snms and arnflts tiarëasei. ýBeak coataitting funinfo & ion sent on pplicatian. i'UbîBRIDGE &CO., DankerskBrokers, 9.1v. 2 W.liSt. New York. "mFOR SALE. A Ons.itnilred Acre Fan for sale luý ael Wiitby. - Appi'la- Oshawa. rune 241h, 1976.LI2 ACRE PARI! IN MARk FOR ALE I [Pedigrees wiil bc requirea b Blood lHerses.] Mar e and Foal.,~..4 .yaar OcIa nfire Colt. 4 f8 2.yaar,:ola, entire, Colt. 4 i-yenroatraCo ýIt. 4 '64 - ly-4 t HeéraCelt of 187 e...4 Filly di - ..11 4 PAbI. WLE ozaD Umm,5I Mtaioana....l....... 8.year old itr Cl.4 d Filly'4 8 2-year olS catira Colt., 4 8 id' - Fly 4 8 1 -yaar old entire Colt. 4 8 du Filly 4 8 Heorsa Colt o! 1876 .... 4 8l Filly 1" 46 ....4 Il Pair of Carristgo Horsas Hon. T. N Gibbï' prizo set o! Single Hernes vnioed ut .............. 80 t5 Single Horse in harnes. 6 41 Saddla Hoîsa ......... 6 4 GENZRAL PURPeSES. .t................G6 i Mare ând Foal.... 4 8 8.yaar eld catira Colt. 4 8 di Filly 4 8 2 yaar old catit-o Colt. 4 8 id Filly 4 E i.year old catira Colt. 4 8 dé Filly 4 3 Herse Colt o! 1870 ... 4 8 rilY"6 "dé...: 4 8 paiir Goeeal Purposo Horses....... ......... 6 4 DILAUOIIT HOBBES. Stallion........... MIt rc and Feal . 4 8.year old catira Colt. 4 0 69 Filly 4 8 2-year old catira Colt. -1 8 61 Filly 4 f i.ycar old catit-o Colt. 4 0 .&Filly 4 t Horse Cote!f 1876 4 F Fily 'di6".. ..4 E Pair Draught Hersas .... 6 4 Clasa fl-Cattle. THOHOU G H-B R ED. DUEHA . 2 2 21 2 2 2 .2 2 2 .2 21 Q2 2 2 Bull. ...........$6 2-ycar oSBll---4 Yearling Bull......4 Bull Cal! ............ 4 Mibcis Coin, giving nik cr in Cul!.......4 8.ycar olS Cow....-1 2-yaar old Haifar ......4 Ya.îrling laeifer. ... 4 Heii!er Cal! ............I Milcit Con, Canaditte bred ........ .«...... 4 8-yetir aId Ccv, do.... 4 2-yestr elS Heifer, do . -i Yerlisg Heifen, do . -..m Ibt eetird. ta lîscîtude Bell asnd 5Sfalebs.... 2ýý Best Bull aiS S o!fIis of t tn a !su gc an brecd....lis Boit pair SIc-crs, any ugo oBul................i 2-ycar aid Bull... Yerling Bl....- B31111Cal! ...... ....... . M lob Cov, giving uti or ins Cal!.........4 2-year (cIld ilifer . -..t Yearling Heifer. ... 4 1-lifer Cal!.;---------- M1cis Coin, gîvieg milki etiu Catl!---------. .3-year elS Con.... - 2-yetsr aid Heifer ......4 Yeriling Heifer-I.... Heifei Cal!-------. Fat ix or Steer .-...I Fait Con or Helfer... 4 tsas II-Sheep. LEICESTERt. Sisearling Rasas....... 6 Rat a Lmb .............-- Twvo Ena: ... ......8 Tno ishoanîing Enes-... -3 Twa Ewo Latni.......- 3 COT5WÃ"LD. Rîtlut...................(6 Rata Lamb .... ........83 Two Eves----------8 Two Sisearling Evas.. .. 8 Tir e aLamts-.....3 Cotsnold-Canadi'n britod -Shaarling Ram-... Tno Ee------- Tvo Sheanling Eves. 13 Oneaugad Ram. and five Ewas isaving raised Lsmbs ln 1878 ....10 832 Ram--------------3 4 Shcarliag Ram.........60 4 Ram L8------32 Two Ewes........... & 2 Two Shearling Evas .8 2 Two Ene Lambs .......8 2 Ohms IV-.-wine. 5MALL I3REED, sUÈFrLK, tEPRIt fl5tR51LI5E AND ESEEX. Boar........ ... $3$2 Sow---------------8..... 3 2 Boar Pig of1876.... 8 2 8ev Pig of 18760-.....8 2 LAEGE 5WISSE, suiVOTHEIR SUN». Bon>'-------------.. . .. 8 2 8ev......................Sa 2 Bear Pig o! 1876.......8 2 8ev Pig of 1876: ....3 2 -FAT SWINE. Fat Hlog ...............8 2 Clama V-Urain and-Seedi 2 busiscis Feul Wheat ... $4 $8 2 buýshals Spring Whaat. 4 8 2 hushels Barbey( rom). 4 8 2 busheld Barl>' (0 rom). 4 8 2 bueae Pesas, lrge. .. 4 8l 2 biashels Faits, snall.;. 4 8 2 busheis .Oati, black. ... 4 .8 2 bushels OaIs,,white..,. 4,- -8 50 eere etroxtg -Cieru(s ..w)............ 2 1 50 ar. et Corn,ý$) o.. 2 1 Barrai afCVrnme" ..-... . 8 --2 lijbushelsPcetioesa,early 2 i 60e 1,J bushels Potites,late. 2 i1f40a 12 roets of Turnipe ... 8 2 1 12 roots, Mâugold Wurt-t zal, long réad...... 2 1 5(>e de --long yellew... 2 1i'500] es Mangelci, yellow es StCroIn d2 i500 IesCarots, -white... 2 -1 500 Canrots, orange. e, i àOc CasVII-lJair y Froduce. ~Best 20 lbs Butter. W. H. Higginss pnize, butter taking prize te becoMo hie propcrty ....$10 00 * 2nd.... .........4 00 j Drd .................. 800 4th.................... 2 001 Bet 25 lbs Chease, homoe matde, N. W. ]3rown's pniza, Cheaso tekiug pniza te 'become abis preperty.... .. ...10 (0 j 2nd...........4 00 8rd.........8 0(1 4th ...........00 1 5tit.. ... .. ........1 001 I3eEt Fa-ctory Cheeso, net bs (han 80 iba .... 4 0 2uîd.........'8 001 Srd................ 200 Best fit-ki of butter, net less (ban 40 lbs, bat- (er te become bis pro- pcrty,-spaaiab prize, Loti Fairbanks'..20 001 '2nd..........4 (0 :ll...........3 00 Clans VIII-Poultry. P'air Black Spanish.......$1 5Oe 'Breitîcts, light. i .....1500 d ark......i1 SOc Gaine oFowi........i50O Dorking, iwhitea..... 1 iSOc ccolored ......150a llamburg.......i50o poland ........1 60c "Cochin China.........i1 Soc Pesi Fowl.............15oc 'Auy other variety. ...15oc Tur~keys, coloraS ...... Soc tgtt white..... 1 .5o WilTunbucys .......i150a -Geesa, 1.trge breed. i SOc 50 4.. 'tsi masil broc i50e Catnary Brd.....i 0O tPigeons, hast collection. i SOc Guincea Fowl.......I 0c- Best lot cf Poultry in oone îîeiuowned hy oxhibitor, distisset froma aU otiser Clans IX-F'arm Implemoents. Reuper, any tinSd....s $4 $ý Mowing Machîineo........ 6 45 rThreslaing M:tcline....O6 4d Waggou, ' (tîvo horse (tea).. 6 4 w (Yen, ((ne horso spring market)--------------......6 4 Two luee Cttrriage-....8 21 Oine horse Buggy.......- 8 21 %vit top. 8, 21 One lhorse Plioton ....8 2 v& I illa top. 3 2 Twe horse Sleiglt ....... 3 2j Ouso hanrse Sbeigit........ 3 2 Iron Pbougis.........3 2 Pbeugs, eny etisor tinS ... 8 2 Double miouldbosrd Plougit. 8 2 Twunip DIl.. .....il 2 Sei cf iiarrows, waecl ... 8 2 à 6 iran ...8 2 Twa Heorse Cultiveter- 8 2 Tu-o Herse Bolier ..- - 3 2 Gang Piom ............. . .8 2 Grain Drill.--------8 2 Broad cast Seedar and Cul- (ivator, combinaS..... A2 Stnsiw Cutter, for huorso Power.......82 CernSieb..... 2i Ono herse Cultivator.... 2 1 Strun Cutter; verteS by haiS........2 1 Horse Rate.........8 2 Pea Hai-vestor............ 2 1 FenningMiii..... ...382 Cider MIi anS Press. - 2 1 Clîcose Press -.. . ---2 i Washing Machina..... 2 1 Turnip Slicor ............. 2 1 Chute.........2 1 Grain Crashser ......... 2 1 - Bal! dozen Ha>' Fonkas...2 1 Hall dazen Munuro Forts.. 2 1 Bal! dozan Steel Boas .. .. 2 1 Bal! Sozen Scytises.... 2 i Farm Gate........... - 1.50 1 Speciman Herse Shees , vith canits ......... ..1.501i S=eimaHersa Shoas mIetcaulks...1.501i Spec intnof Pump maker's 2or........ Baît collecton o! iel ablas, a sweepstake.'.... 4 Clase X-Horticultural Di 1. partment. -t12 (abl- - A -1 -mmaer, s'En i 12 cooking spic-,ucmmer, . named---------- $1,112 tabla Appbos, fen, named. i î12 cookang Applesa . fan, î nanaS.... ..............1 12tabla Apples, Winterv niamed ...... ..... ... 12 ceoklng Apples, Wintar,, i named......... .... 1 12 varietias cf Appies, nana- 1 ed, six ofe!ce......4 1 Bcst ilisplay cf Applas, --grois t fExisibitor, dis- tinct froua the aboya-.... -5 12 tabla Pears, lau, usanied.,1 le 12 table Peaa, Winter, - 2, 12 Pinnas, dessert...75c 2-Beet collection o! Plume.... 75c 2 12 Peches....... 2 ~2 2, 12 Crab Applas, large..75é 2 -12 Crab Apples, iman.... 75c ,2 2Tomato ..#se.7, Fig Tmta......7& 12,roots, Beets........76c Peck raS Onioxas.......75e 0 e0 PicklingOnions ....... 75o 50c Potato Oin.....750 50e S ibs -Heps-........... 75a6o Chidkory.............. -O Best colleètion o! Garden Vegetabbas.... -.....5 3 Catsup---------75a 90e Mapla Moltsses-.......7,5o Oc Raspiserry Vinagar ....75e 5Oc Grapo Wn1... . 00SOc1 Auy-othar variaty of Wine.. 1.50oe' 1 Claise XI-Domestic Mauufac- turcs. 10 yards Full Cils, hemç- maSo, spun ana vos' by hanS ........... ....... . 2 10 yards Full Cloth, facto-y made............ 2 i 1(1 yards Satuttat, home- maade, spcn and n-ove b>' *hanS. .........2 1 10 yards Satinet, factory- maSo.........2 1 10 yards wintcr Tweed-..2 i - 10 yards entamer Tweed ...- 2;-1 10 yards Fliennel, bomoe- muSe, situnanu wove by isnd, ail l 0........ 2 1 I 10 yards. Flannel, hoo. muade, by hanS, cotton 10 yrds Flanalfactony nmade, ail vool ........12 i -10 yards Flaunal, factory madSe, cotton wa-p--.....2 1 10 yards plaid Flanalp...2 1 10 yards-Woolen Carpat ... 2 I 10 yards Ilag Carpet, cet- ton warp.. ......2 1 10 yards Bag Carpat, ool- ' en varp ........... ..2 Pain Woolats ]lankots, hsometua..... ' 1 Pain Woulen Blankots, fac- tory muSc-------. .-1 Pair Herse Bhsitkets ...2 1 Ceverlet, light .... .2 i Shepherd's Plaid....2 1 Pair% Woolen Stoclcings ...715c 5Oc Sok- 75c5o Cottont Stockings ...75o ISOc 44 Soceh-b .... 75e5o Wooobcn Mite- -....75c S Oc Plain Woolea Yarn .-...75o SOc Plain double ana twisteS Yarn ......... ......75c SOc Rag Ilug. . .. . -.......1-.--S-Oc.. i Woolenilug...... .. 50i Clama XII-! adies' Depar.t- Cbuild's Droîs - . $2 LGentleman's Plain Shisini Gentlemana's Plein Shirt -I-ý machuina madea.......1.50 1 Lady's Bonnet........2 i Place work quilt......... 3 2 Lcg Cuisin Quilt........ 8 2 Fniendship Qult,.-------2 1 Tnft QO.......2 i ICait Bcd Cuver.......--H- 8 2ý Crotchet worll Cosnten- 8db Qult--------2 1 Fancy Nctting--------1.O0 - Lady's Presa......... Best collection o! Lads Underciothing .S... Best display o! lilinen?. 10 -Fancy Knitting.. ----......1.50 1 Crot'chat Work.......... 1.50 i -~ ; T.tig-------- 1.50 i Applique Work.......... 1.50 1 Embroid*ry on Musalu....- 1.0i Lace.,... 1.50 1 Silk ...1.50 1 * -Worsted.. 1.50 1 Cotton. ý-.1.50 i 1BaiseS Bot-lia Wool wonk. 2 - i Fiat dé" di 64 2 i Garmanu naisseS wonl'. 2 1 Guipure Wlc.... 2 1 CJhenille Work........... 8 2 Mexicun Needie Work .... 2 1I Oruamental 9; ... 1.50- i Spacimens o! Braidng . 1.50 1 Quilting... 150 i -- BeaS v-ont 1.0i Lace ver..1.01 Werked blippars .....1.50i Sofa Plo>-----2 1 2jHiJwce>........ 2- oe: Work Bouc......... ..10i ;oc 011 Psinting, forpof- oc sionajs, isaape...2 i a o. aiaI.,2 i Se. apt> subjeet.2 1 ;O oilPainting, f&ramatltérs, an simah.. . .. 2 i 0e0 i an>' subjeit.... 2 1 ile Water colored, lau4epape., 2 i - esimla..~2 - TËrveliu TYî Tr.... ........1.50 1 SoeLaLr .......... 2 1 UTpperLeathfer, Cowhde... 2 1 .11 Il Qrainad ......2 1 1ý i id Cal! .........2-1 Halrnebs, ...... 2 1 Bridie ....2..i. Cliiss XV-bliscellaneous Piano.... .84 00 $2 Cabinet Work . ..............8 00. 2 Scuýlpture i. Marble ......... 8 00 2- 10 lbo Houay in Cemb ..i...150 1 Bees' Wax ................ ..150 1 10 Ibo Honey, itrainei..... i- 150 1 10 ibq Mapla Sugar........... 150 i Two boaves 'of Bread. . 1Z.i50 1 CollAction cf Coufectioiïary. 3 90012 BJouquet of Fiowera, table...2 00. 1 hi aud....2 00,1 Lettei' Press Printin-g.....i 150 1 Panei Duer........... ...... .i1 0 1i Windew Saab.. ..............i1 50 i WVindow Blinde,.... ...... .i150 1 Graining la Wood..............i1 50 1 Bea Hive ....................150 1 Talera' Werk ................150 1 Upbio1sterer't" Worlt...........i1 50 i Bpitaimen e! Tiniimitha Work.. 1 50, i Beet, collection, Coopera Werk. i1S5Q i l3est Sawirsg Maebine ........ 2 (010 Floral Design .............. 2(1 i 1: Specini prize by Mr. Jatesi Priogle, Kprietor of the Royal bote], of' $5 for tie bost 10 fit. of banc-y, lui cernb,-tso bouey to biecorne tise pro. perty of tisa (louer. MUSIC.-There %vill be IL baud cf rnne6ic engagea durirg thoe xiib- iion, by the cornmittee thvig le arrangemaents of that départraent lu charge. IjSF1orâ1 hall %wiil issuupc-n te s publie, on Weduesdny tand Thurii(ey oe-ings, et 7 e'clock, P. rM. Let those Laugit that Win. 13019 iili undoubteditisc ost civiliz. cd city Iiu the wrl.Thre.arc officcF ini (bat metropolie wlseeé 'nirriages ae ncgotieted lun ur beioved natite land WC mange the matt'r cilfferently,. WC baya oi*Cei to negetiate boans, &c., an3d uçîipoctaeprofits therefrosn tlcrived, WC ventueato eaict. matrimonial iillianscs. it la an indirect tac-tiod. For, as Yeu wiil admit, ht is rûncii fqimpler, wben I wisb to dispose utfcMy dusugittersr banud, to step -fito aus oflice, and pay one or twe per cent. upon -a blonde brisiegroola (for instance), per- ýonnlly inoffensive, and warranted to, enjoy ?8000per annuta. It saeas muai sloubtf 1 visitiag and many inquiriea. 1 uam net obliged te beseecit Amslis Jitne toeiseware until 1 bave ascertanei tise secareary datals about ber lover, wieais a deiay ihat plonge us juteail) kis cf confusion. On berpart, Ameliu jancia not exposeS tolîarrassiug doubts as te ttha pracise number cf ailk dresses, oir vihat amount of càirriage.hire seis may iuclsglge ici; anti bas it clearly undýrs1oodethtie ontuet, tisit she le to iîave two new -bound.ts, and -opera a- digcrctios, anuuaily.. SSociety ought t e imotare exactij regtulated-icititis reptet. Te save ail ..mbarrassment, sand pruiotaniversal gocod.foeling, thrrshould, ha ciclicatts iittlt notices let ijo e sofront cdeors co fiue bouses-mine, for exemple, anj your.i-upoa whieli it wwcnibe *erll is inscribci,-.(n goiS letters of lthe rmesq persuasive shape- admitfed. ýThis would saveall trouble. it itoul] certify te tise yootis vit faiiad cf tb( cenditions, tba it was usciess.for thoan te iavisis.tieir biesrta' yaning ,upoi cisat particular priza, and ut woulc -se cùre Anselia Juea rom ail uacertaisfty vislie could fellow tise sweet promp tiug cf nature toward nny of the suites la tise parier, stue titat evaryil3e.c tera vould allw thse prescribel quantity of boanet, opara,-aud carriage Tisese terme might net ha inflexil A's sears wore ou, and Amelia Jan, advsýnced vits thein, anS other AineL Janes bagan t appear iu thse ar1oz ansd swurms of yontss wbese iucome semaned suilenly flxed et $4000,o aveu A8000oporannum, passeilhepi lessiy by tbe fatal door, repressing thit chloiig sigis. anS cursiag ,thairunhapp fates : thon tbutFdoor migist relax, at the stera 5 malt gracioely inte a 4, u so, gractuaiiy and by lingaring degre as tise girls -came on, and thte ardei youtis did not-you, and I, t(hapu fatisers cf brilat bevies cf Ameli Janes, ]miglut' wava 'Our rigiss soperiority, anS genercnsly deacendt rtstde ttthe grave, ai hu'me jasacaseaouly beaome Lody Âdo1pfi John. To. snob well-régulûtetl parents t utaLtien ci the noble camixjeneuài that inalpde the tiste gracs, thse ci ,M Yotu ng fmenu, 1 rumuswur suas yîbu prosaiseC te assist mue texnaarry au lieirebs. I asm quite ready. My> father vas a mao! greuat aveallisand I irat early initisatad -mb al (tha accamplisls-- mente of aman of fashlcn. I adoptasi tise diplomuatie cet#,, anSl have lied ltae houer o! danciset ail tise court5s- e! Europe. .sMy fatLar laft tue nolhing, suad I bave been Obligea tûeaxial hIý raising litîle louna among nay frsands. ' ttPelistl Ceuints Jctbyesaurevski ?V! Tisa SpanisitEmbessadlor ia el blanssl>', andt ok s uif. "lily yung- friand le faceaiio,'lie continueS. ttBut for My part I1saih i itad beau bora a fleherbo>' rethar (hn a gautlloman, mBince Dow, vlthout aluy pr oin, and vith a-carefali>' culi- aldropuguanca le v'ork, I-heva ne asonsct bat te mrry ant hairaéé: or," aSsed the Don, -tnlsing snùff, t-raisin"- fsîrtisatbnls."j Wa valisaS on sllentlyaeioneua ime. Thea]on (vineS bhis mustache, uand ooiseS at al tbe vomen vit passaS. I1 was lest iu medilelion ; talling ovor (bi-. lsl of ladies o! wlsose laver I ceuld bit sure, fcr a welI aolhexstîcated S? anipli Don. Wbila I vas stilI abstraeteS J iseard a quiet laugb,*-frein my cens- panlelr, a merry gurgling lunbis craval . 171 vue a laugb seO parely P>'iate that 1 was udroid] ofintruïdir.g if I asie- Wbat le Il ?' lit i1tcould net belp il, and selsed. 111 observeci an eld ecquainlance pas- sig"rspiid Fandango, smlllng again.- ..3bI, titan, yen hava frienda lanlis- ciry," iquireti I. , tFttaats is peitaps a aînossg- tentu," tejoîneadihe Embarssadr;anS ho buret lIe oa ionS laugis. I lookiseSat bisa, îsrp-ï.êisdL; anti. tappiug bis snoff-bo. Itl rasb tlil b1 mae-anS atideS; "tt as Yeung Pove fbat pacs;Fed." A in genneus yeuth," saiS 1, fer J i It grs-trepect for-a gantlanit li IMr. Peve vise lid pnsscd.ý a few mooincin luEurope,'.wherc." as haens<ssl ta say to au admirisrg, circle of untra-. elaîl youtls, I Irai hersawthaalepiatau." . tA vany inganucua youth," satl Dur- Bobtasil *Fandango4 andS mibeS ccij radiantly,, (bal bonIS net help saying : 'Yota haveanu intizuate acquaintanesu a-itit Pava " - h arc for ueavening," replieS fthe Don; '-ansi1Ivas thinkiiga ba pus- -cd visAîor 1-unightst effect a lbais frein bitu. Wa isa the (le easure cf a littie transaction e! tise kissuS ia twc- mealt upon tisa Cntinent. , vhis, if Ycu, tlîink il would amuse Yeu, 1I yul relata," "Doe se, by ail mean. e.ve le Cisc o! My modals." - _My friend ook senuif, anS looked *inquiingly-et me; ,thoan commeneSd: 1 iOns avening at tise Mitergo e atsi, or Hotel Rloyal, et Bebegça, I vas jeet finishing my dinuer at tha table-d'itte,' -and maditating wltis soea cuiasit>' isuw I should pay my bi11llisera, fer ici.thtie heet bad eixpressed -sanma auxity. lbaS bttw(o or tireafriends in bts te , and tisey wvea t'diffarent isotls, wbera, I have reasou te balleva, Stise lantibordswere in a uisilar uneer- teint>' raspecliug tbe bille o!my friands. Wisiie I vas lises passaing tise lima oerr ruy glass, vitit a Vienua nevso er lu jmy band, a youît enteraS, vi abo- aIy air, anS glancing superoiiiousby f aonStise roona, eut down M the. fan- ltiser cend Zf Litatable, and intarroeteit 0 te 1hast'la very Sud Frenci, as (o whnt. (liera vis in ise bouse fit te eat ,iYou vould have tbought, probablyt t my Young -frienti Smyttlhe, frou (ha< Snec dettez, tise f-aisteocat Lettons, tise a kid-glo-res, tisa (Lin boots, tha suparfine e sus-leut, tisaI j; V55probaiby tisa-isair n of te luesian thiic, or a son of (ha an Sultan, travelling, mt ail bis -royalty but bis prida issaoq. I was net se, de- ccived., Instte ceiansae! trayeas by nu meaus limnitaS, I raceguizad in Ibis _ superi swsagger ' (bis aristocratie fil- f breeding, cOn&of yonr haloed country- necu-oua of tha e us. Ib-ean, vbo puty, Englishman, itecanse(hay do't e.alect a Quesa avar>' four.- yeers, and !e wbho aniff utt(ha Campagne, euSndasif yo, yehava avcr sean a Prairie ;-Who cross ta-ocean te vist palaces liiéi lh es bereditary vealtis anS royal cuýra have or collecteS invaluable wonlas o! brî, antd ? . langit ut sucuarehies; vise crashs ant Ir crowdfor heurs te gel a.atanding-plact ?Y in th is SueluaCisopel, uand hear (bhc id Miserere, (heur-go batik te tis6elituc id tait . tise ntoberablo mummanies o! ~,Romanistu;-who btntecrinnbly ul e! Yankee ebrwese, and Pay thea py bigist price fe ahotia vrset thl.ngs lu Uà Europe ;- wso laugi set ltaeobeequius. of nase o! sneobs, -ndS refusa te take off te thein hats lu benor af (haeI3%ost ;- vhoea. cly priSe, tise> sy, le (Set 8lis gin testudy me, so 1f&hlto au ab- ,jý stracted atate cf f ee1h-plisllmg ,tan -now"pper>.reàdsuK, anSa.hnuÏcd, the anistsaiar, in wbiek yon.éL rfle. th aensm arenturtliy not ve dascriminat- mna %Ie presently scleoW Sthe meut. an . . n ma i unu the bil and OMUMoc ýe af the 1!

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