Whitby Chronicle, 17 Aug 1876, p. 3

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gallon of 19951t R tis ctmtuur me affeesd t2s aisesse suat Ias vt- - voeu-V-- -- lte sifileleol, IXDIspTJTABLEEVDC. Thos. J, Illite céf Senti, roly, N. Y.,,witei thâtL it Wlie hsd"unfferfd aifnces ituid wlit Omearrit unâtil ilfbail resetled In la tl imlt lphisicialis prononcoolComnupiaa tlImai site htas iv-ed Dr, Sîge's.Caterint'i recly vîit Dr Pierce'& Golden Melcal Discovary, ant i tey1ave vanketi votideos tt lier case, SwiînrîeG &vNTua.- Tite Hamil- ton 2 imea tlais af thé, foliowing svium- Ming mdvtnre' :-'Thrs'e yoîog 'mm-t frûothme Eat anti exeluapîifled in tiasir tlwD pensons Ilest evoulitie liscomn fort of harnlmmqno ,publiae wimneiu>t bamsl lte City. TlmifYbt4p.oolthitem iletothelasfoot mIf Ws nwonî h sires> ti) limve a gtimd switu, but were obligete (ti unmlness l in a II rt-ow bibtiet tité val, r'o ted af tl tha .Whle tiey were îjoîgthemeeseîin ltse watt-r, tva tdogsevîmo belangeti ta ltaé psty, 1ai ueo bfes taklag a bath,- and! gel- tItg tirnsdflrai they restîrted la lite raie buoit ta r-ail sa" dy h'nîmlvei. The otrylng tu fud tiîir ClO iets ico-- amadt Ilinlua pool af vaterunanan- neats liasdoge sud aIl cavfeaS tlt miro from flias canines@, anti ou@ of ths fartY a e ast cot I t soen about tlusk limpine tins' iarefaot.etl, villaIlisiligimI pe ta bamliy sp'tlsd audt coal olasely imttdnetto couctal ltae absence of ti& undercIotlu, wtiotlite cartiem inlua buntite st bis elte. Tite yonnu mn vowàes liasupu lme ttey go la stimu liasy viii' have no (loge about." ACOBaI T1EKATLANTIC 1IN A Damlt- Tis dory' 'Cenlr-nuiat" put brio hocai. t le, Pe-nbrokesoltire, Walea, on Satur- 1s1, fan pravisiane, andthptta prcesetled for -Liverpaal, Johnuson reporletstat th lia Centennietl" tas capst'zed once during te voyage but lie succeedled iu nighitng -ton. ande Deailca charged 50 cenis eaeh. PRTNLE.- At Whitby, oun ta o1tit August, lte wife ai' Mr. Jas. Pringlo, - Ryai itotel, of a daughler. on the. 26(h July, tii. wil'e ai Mr. E. B. Clesrwaler,aofa au. SLEIGHTHOLM. -At Wbitby, on tite 101h lust., lte wife of Mr. Thomas sigIitolm, ofa sdanghter. WHITBY MAIRKRT8O CRImaasmLI Orrxcz,, Auigt. 101h, 1876. FallWteat ............$1l w0 â 61 O8 Spning Wheat . $..... 0 968 1 00) Barley, No. 1, 500; $o. 2, 60 40 1f 0 45 Claver ............. *...$18 25 if69 00) Timetty ......... ...... $3 75 if#4 00) l'eau .................. 70o Bllack Rys Pesa....9000if95c Bye .................85e i@ 70c Osto.................. 400 eay .................6788 Pottatoes..............SOC Cif75C Eggs ..... .............lIic Batter ................16o ilc Cnai, per toit........... r7 if8 00, Wood ............. .... 84 -W5t@84 50 Porie, per ciel........... 57(0 à b7 10 Chuekens.............. *-80 @f 40r' p-r pair Ducks per pe ............ 5(e if 60e Turkeys, per t l.... 11Me Apples, parrbimliel ...1.. 10 ...ss...............10 f124m'. Wooi .................. 25o Cil 27c. Jjeei, Inn! quartr ....._.. 15 50 $ 6 50 13061, fore quarter.... $7580 i 5 50 Shetepskîe.........,......Si 51 2 1 ¶75 ............84 (-g $0 Vions............1(10 Tuîls................100e i SI .................."(l bTOIýKS. M"mroa...........180 180Q 'l'acule......... .... 109 104j Meolanto.... ....... 92 9ti Ciesoiilidat'd ... 102 1001 Comnmerce .......,.. 125 155 îbomnîn.... .. ...........127 latuciton....... ..0 98 st4insrmd............8M7 855 loîmêial ........ .....10)8 105ÃŽ Couilty 0per cent. Debheimîros, 99 Tiîwuil4îplp .4 06 lugaistt, 1876. TORONTO MAÈXE TS. TORONTO, ACust lotît, 1876. Fulîsat i...............$60 98 $f 10d Spritig Wheat..............$60 94 i ol 11'oseI.................... 70oeif 78o ()at ...................... 8c5i 87e RAtY...... ... ............es$ Io 1 Park ..............5,0 @ $6.00 lButter......... ...eà@2-' Egge ..................... 150 (@ 17e Apîîles ........... ........$si 50 r4 62.25 leIomtbme.-Il By a' titrougit knawleolge e! ttc natursi laies iticit gavera lte aleratione oi digestion anS nutrition, Anli bv a esteful aulopîteatin oe!thie fine aréperties af well-se cted cacan, Mr. Epps las rto videml aur breakfast tables tita Seicatly tiavored beverage, tiiet ay sare us meiny iteavy doctons' bis." Ilt i by ttc indIcIons use ai uet articles o! diet tlt a constitutioay ev boradually builî tmp untît stroug enougi tetaresiet svery teon- (lency Lot ise, e.Hundroeao! ubtle maie- dise e1nOfdcaiing anound ns ready toaettack therever lter. ina aweak -p oint, We imay eslespe Mauy e fatal allitiiby keeptng our- salesvel ortifiaS tItpurs blondd sud a protpsrl siurisited fraome."I-Omoil Service Goeoett o. SelS In Packesansd Tins, f ii, andtS I.lab, etlles-"Jatmes Ep Ps & Co. llOI(oopatltle 1henlgtsj 48 Titreadusedîs Stroat, anS 170, PiecedlIly Londoni. OXYGE NIS LIFE. .IJM-ULT1ITU)ESO1 0Y>1fOPLE arc hope.. lsaaly safforlug frein , -blIty, Nervatt sud' Liver Cempiaintt, Dueîstauof Spirite, Hypohmaouimlmt, l'i'tmltit', Indigestion l'ami. mmc i-A01Horilig, St asdUMemnory, Lassi-. tude, Waut ofaiOl'eer, &e., titese cae ad5. ýmît tf ayPermuentl cure by lte net remcedy l'tOlt'1O>.NE((ironie Oxygen), wigi at onces allaya ail irrnialionsandtt!excite- -mnent, impemts iwen eurgy sena lue ta lte enfeebiled cousetiflton, aud nspidlv cures evOVY stage Ofi lite. ithoato incarmible sud illetrt-eing malaies. SoIlS hy ail Clismisti suSi Drugg'egts tlroughonl the Globe, 'CAUTICN.-Tlie lar'ge amnS ineneai. Ilg demand fan Dr, llrlglts -Pltphodôo hàle lotelasaenal imirtationutilurîdasamlar cernes;, -purebasens mmi thia mîediine (,boula Iherefane ho carm'iltdchbanrve tit eoait cases bstnithem Governrom'nt Statup, wiîh lte arda Dc. Bight'# Phnosuhedyne, eu. engi-aveStereon fsud that lte aime wtords are aienWa ewî n the botie. Eveny caes beinsi te Tnsle Mark And Signaturs 0f Patentese, «XPORIm AGETNS.-Nontoo, Wattey .,kCa., 107 Bomîtterie St'f'Londaon S. B. N~EW. APV[RTISEM Nq'8 SrLAYISD 0OR STOLEN 1 - rro lts* Promisen I tc suiserilhs Lot 1Sý Ï l ConcessionTownuiîponf l'est ',,'le lit, Qo a bou t 6ttht JILY, a bli-mi hmîr jeoit, tu oyars ;a14 wite.mar~k osi foer ,, sa and o bled ,Mai vita. One IW'dends*, Augu*la98riZ, 1878. Theo Public ans eordlally invited le attenud, JOSEPHSTONE' ,Ohalhua&n OounitteO. Witby, Âug. 16, 18e1 .-8 CAUTION! - nsgam'ltlng orpLrchai bacol, for ltsé so cf, iavor'al Etivrd Hart, nuary neal, luamucita coustderalao! lfthee st Ieeverton, Augusi 15,1 LD BRiUCE, N OTICB 1 Came luto the primise of thse sbseriber on or about te irist ai June, i1Jllacký Sbeep sud two Lamb*. The-ownstr.. qesteil tu prove proerty propt'rty, psay îboprues sud t4estbein way, or they wil hetodaccarding ta lo.w.JON-F, August l4tli, 1875. 84 FAMTO RENT. o 144 ACRES., 1~lgLtNo, 1, ini thi 2ud cou. -of Picksr. bl;gd buildings sud wëll watered. Yoý.rg .tter particulans apply ta the. Pro- prietor on lte promises. W. H.C<LENDENAI4. Pickenng, Augnat Itit, 1870. 84 A LLAN LINE 1 LIVERPOOL , L ONDONDERRY, G LASGOWV, CHEAP- FARES!, Cablu,tfram Whitby - - #59,$f79,#089, according ta accamm,ý,1stian. lutermsdiatp - - - -S1 Sieerae-es ow ns eny ailier lino. Propaid passage certificates isanod et iawest rates ta persans wishing ta bring ont ioda., Far tickets and further information appL.y GBO.YULII. Exp. and Tel, Office, Whitby. Whttby, Auguot 15th, 1876. tf.84 FOR SALE OLR TO RENT. That vainable rmpraved Farm knawn as the, "Hamssload ai the Iste taniel Me. Evors," con inlang 160 Acres, mare or lois, aud b ng a mosod ai tho Southt Hait of Lot No. 12, aud the Southt Quarter of Lot No. %3, in the flyst concession aiflte Township ai Hamilton, edjoining -tbs corporation limtts oi the, TOWN OP COBOURG. .TERMS,-LIBEBAL. For fiurther-particulare, parties may epply tg J. B. Bielkofl, ]irooklinï, Ont., or to the undorsigned., .#DANIEL McEVERS, Cobourg, 12th Aug., j8. in-84 O NTABIO LADIES' COLLEGE. NOTICE In heroby givon ihat tte tltia' Annuel Meeting af the Sharobolders oiflte Ontario Ladies' College, will be held in the said Coilege building on 1 'day, lite 29th of Auguei, 1870. ai the bour af two o'ciock, p.m., for the purpoe ieeeting ilirectors, snd for such other business as may- he hronght befoe the said sharcholders, at said meeting. JOHN 11Cp, Secretary. WVhitby, Aog. 14, '76. 2in 84 .VAilUA.liLE HOUSE FOR SALE. A la rge Twa.story Brick Dwelliug Hanse, with thrt'e quartera ai su acre ai land aI- tachaSd, tail stocked wtt ehoce Fruit Trae, and itnated an the corner ai Green and Gilbert stipets, Wbitby, anduer itse huainess part of the towit. Terma easy-for furtiter particulars appîy ta D. ORMISTON, Soliciior.Whitby, or T. H McllILt.AN, Oshawa. Whitby, Augusi t t, 1878.8 No, 4 BULFINCH St., BOSTON, (OPPOSITE IIEVERE BOUSE.) THE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, Or, SELF-PRESERVATION. MORE THAN ONE MILLION COOtES SOLO. Gold Modal A'.arded tu ttc Aullion liy the "National Medical Associa- tion," Manch it a, :876. Ju'IlludoSby te PEAliODflrMEDICAL INSelwT, a noerlldtion of 1the medietîl wo'-lr emtitied lte "SCIENCE 1)1' LIFE or, SELP-PIIESIEIVTIO." Il treats upen lIen- tod, 1,0w tet, 1mev rogeined sud bote j>empat- immoeS; cause euS cure af Extianeled V1'lilty, lin ency. Prexiture Doduie lu man, tlper- mattruha.'or Semnel Lasses (amournaaianS dunlNervous euS Physidal DehUity, Hy- liacitmmdnta, Glooniy, Ncnehodings, Mental De- pression, Loesof Eor%1y, Hajceard Coonten- suce, Confusten ai Min(ansd Oof ainegr, -Impure state of tite BloSd, ae u IdIscces arlsing tram errons oan Tettior te luiscro- tiemis or excosses ai mature y sans. It talle vou._aii about lime Moral, e!t ioara- tire l'lt-loiogy-, lte Pbysiology of Maniage, tif Wedock and Oftliîinn, Pitysicel Contraste True More lily. EMpiricism, Perversion c4 Marria*ge, Co uaai Precesit ad trieadieo- sePliy.ioa nu8nmity, is causes anâ cure, Bltiens hettreen ltse Sexes, Proof aiflte Expaustan ai Vices, this Met of Imîpru- de, Auctealtegorance sud Errons, Means ai Curs, CarseaofiSy andtind, 'l nMe Pnin- cipies ai Truaimeul, ASSres eta Patients anti Int-aliS liadens Tthe.Authoe's Prineiples. Thetepries ofi ttis oî las May el 00. Titis bock alt'o cantains more titan Flfty Prescriptions fanrlt abat-e namod euS othen disease, sach ons tartmare ttaon te tîntce ofthaie baook. 'hl'h.Itilute aiea pubiîthes '"THEEPHYSI- OLOOY OF WOMAN AND H1021 DItîMASER,.' Prices$2.00. uThest lbookie liekinîl citant. Aiea anather reetluaocediesi tank Irsal- lug exclîstvely 'Mental auS Nonvouos Dtesemmn; mare lImait M tro cttra pagee, tveaîty et.- gat nreina id la sîbtantial.tualin. tric# enlY eOZ 1Jarly enongt tapey-for peint- tug. "The. Book for young anS midle agd men ten nouS ut nov la lte Science ci Lis, or Self l'neservatlou, 1e to ultantasreturnod from, Enroue In excelltent> eailt. and la a2an tse ,hie! Consaltag Pitysician o!tltee eady Medical luIttote, 3No. 4 Silfinet Street, Bos- ton, Mese."-BzpuanîlCsxoJouXaysx "rTe Science ot Lieinbyand al compati. slon tiiemnost sxtardlntarie ak u Phyitlba gy aven publi5ited.""BosToN HumAIn. 'Hope nesîlod lu lte hattrni o! Pandorae box, aud bapo lilumues lier ingsaews, since -t sluing cf thoeovaluablo taores, publishod by lim asahady !tdicai Institut., chot ae teeciing thanssuda hot te ataid ltsemaladies taI sa t litscitadel o a! pmý IM teusd, sud: e teel. Nw Tï1Tc miSS1 Te-D.rst ud aly modal ov nîîa Up0fn &y edical man lu tItisounint-,asi àa niut ti ta aaltor o! u w amianet, 1lî i. Ti,-pesaulation-vas nette. ed ltee, aiOfit ls oen bt- ltse Boston Pnoes, anStte ledine aýtlimgitort lte counir,. Tht'egmt cent mEsiol IN nt soIf âaIS, Rit titmare titaunen iundred IOis - lianinds ai rre'anntlietv, - ".Altogether, lu Ils excutton adenSlinci- assa Of tA Metgrials, and i sethiaititedoeided- 1ltuntst tnolcesable medai eeotruok lu ttscuntyforauy nnposo thatever, Iii14 *OU Wvorth the tsavettonci Numlemslt h.it vRas imtoniy=adativollllv besmaw&"'-Maa. sAIMBUurrePnaOeinetaoJUnO ird.. 1876. CarCatalogue sent on neelplaiS0 centi ior ivaria. Tatou, 25 conesLIOn, or the 511 Magaimnes ior 81. Feter'e Houeehold Mofodies. No. 82, porie 25 cte., cetielte followiag sangs: RobinlliihtvflgS rI Hv Thte Bible Mothennrend. S. k. C ... H.PM.Dl 'The Miltler Band., SerteD-comte Sang, Ses the Angliaeming. B. â; C..H. LelgbMn Peter8t' Boed 8lotoe No 2, price 25 etu., coulaaisq as ielaows:- Pram& lime Lord*autmsm...imy Bsmgg. Corne ulte'iM, Atbem ..;~Cooper. O 5aviua- eiim t Mau Voces.-. .,Gounod. IPeters' Octavo Choru8ea. euo.9, prIa. 25 cli, conisins as folievs : Lot tsetilts sud valsnesaWund. -.Bltsrds. Wake, seee love, swake -H..... atton. 'MsxcW g'neati aur staxry fig.... Glover. Raluy Day..................Suiliva1), Peters' Organ Selectilon8. No. 2, prias 2à cli., centaine s s ollov Pastonisi Symphany, asdHeo situE food, etc. -H...................E del. Larghetto, Marcit Andante-...Beetitoven. F.sllh, by Ros lui, sud FreinSe.... ,by Bord. Coumiad ing Voluntany ............. Page. ' Petere' Parlor Music. No. 20 cantaius lte iml'loiig oy Piano Munie: inoacence Galaop........ ... Chas. Kip;kel. Bastf cI Polka ftadota...Citas. Kinkel. chanson Napolitaine . C.......Wagunr The Glide %faltz .....J E. Stewart. ,Moonligit an tte Hudeon.. .M, A. Osbtone. La Creme de la Creme. No. 82, pries 25 cIa., centaine d fincplt Plana music: Spinuing Song. Etudo ....Egeiard. Dalile, Marche Mlt remo -....Kettermr. Moanîighinluthe Flues.:hlyla. .....Licituer. sa e nis a epost paid, on ne- paid, for one yoen. on r.compt aif$2. Address, 83 J. L. PETEBS, 805 Broadvay, N.Y. £3o0 CASH vil pnctase a Clay bettom Fini, 100 Acres ai lirst-claae quaitty, tart et lbaiL £llmJO, neer Beaverton, *Lak.Simeo and close beside a tinvlng villa e. Cer aif Stone, lilgi, dry, aud uearly all novly dlean- o S, nover crappet. weili vaterd. Beautiful situation, ouniait excellent lanS. Na buildings, Baie and Onlut MIitltespot, R. R. station quite close. Mug e b.ook at once.IHENRY WHITE, Beavorton. Ileaverton, July lOtit, 176. 82 cHELNCERY NOTICE. Citauceny Notice to tttcCreditons cf JACKSON HOLLIDAY, de.s.- cd, aud SARAH JAN£ HOLLI- DAY, deceaseti. Pauust tea eDecree aiflte Court ai Chancery adidn uasceuse o! Holiday aIaingat4Jl'a. te Credilors of Jackson l!ollt4l*, î-te otite Townshtip of Beach, lu the Cotnuty ai Ontario, Yeoman, vito died lu or about ltse mojiti ai May, 1874, anti ai Saraht .lse Holiday. bis daugitten, a spins- ten, wtt> died titersaiter, axe,aon rbofore thte Elgitteent day ai Soptember 1876, te senti by post, pre paiS, ta John Éoskin, af the City oi Tor"nta, lunlte Conty ai Tank, lte solicitor for tse tfoudant, James Gît- roy, the adlni.aistraton aoflte saiti Jecesoin Holiday, deceaieti, theix ,itan anti sur- namnea. addreaaes anS description, il parti culais aititsir clime,a talemetoi theinac- counts, min!lté nature of te seoiirlitos (i! any) iedhy temaor indefauit ihereof titee ti lie peremptanily oxcînadtfram tite bsn- afit ai saiS deces. Every croditor holding eny scunîty* tL produce lte sanie beoae mne etMyctabers, ai the Toien ai Wit-L by, in th e saiS Conuty oi Ontario. an tLt lO.th Day of Septemb'r, 1876, i Ten o'cloek in te foreneon, beiag lte lime appointeS for judicetion on lte claima. DateS titis iivenly4aurth day ai July, 1876. GEO. H. DAETNELL, in-82 Master. }FIAMIMY EXCURSIONS, TO ROCHESTÈER, N. Y., PER STEtIIER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. As e Spce Inticcemeni ta Femilies ta vieil te% bettlCity aifIRochtester, dur- ing ttche wrn, summer monlts, Tickets gamîd ion tva days (including date ai isesue) t-ill ho iissueS by steamer "Norsoman," until The l5tit Day of Seit ember, îre.t, et lte undermenlioneid uapreeedeuted rates tram l'ont Hope or Cobourg, nameiy : Feor lwo mel: hcrs of F'amily te Charlotte and neluru - - - - $810 E aet additiomial inemher - - 1 ou0 Chlfdren undai' là yeans ai age (oach) 50 Tickets muai ho procureS tram lte under- --inntiened Ageri of te Steamer, or foui fane wili e chargeS. E. STEPHENSON, Dom., Tel. Co., Agent at Whilby, CrtNTEýNl4IA't >XCt1tSION TICKETS1 Centennial Excursion Tickets tram Witit. by, nI greatly reduced raies. Prie from 015.4010o 18.10, accord.tng le route ; alto for sale.X. STEPHENSON, Agent. Wliitby. Jniy 241h, 1870. 15.81 CUSTOus DEPAETUZET. Ottawa, Aptil 22, 1876. A UTHOB1ZED DISC01UNT ON Amnerican taivoices until fuxtiter no- tice, il per cent. 20ti Commisalonen ai Custoa». E otSALE, A valuable well-bned Young Br.eding Sow fon Sale. Enquire at OHBON1(q'E OFFICE. Jona '251h, 1876. 27 ROAL HOTEL, WX T B Y JAS. PRINGILF, PROPRIgTOB. ln te ItaýV: tslangemampie nomu for commenctal travellerm. Table well soppliod wtttIi.beoutl eaon. Destbranda ltqmons sucS cigars.--itinsd yard sud sb*draam; attentive 'ho tluns. Charges ta, su-lit e lImes. N. B.-Livery atuacheS.27 COTTAGE FOB SALE 1 Thit Brick Cottage, just norlt of ltse Braoan4& P&aflsn -Mmntdtcalrlng 00$e onkw Lite p'thlje ste &aa .. 14 sfbI ~dê?ga'BssU.lLiie0EI'E by W, Kou.Uss, M. . 'oE' moiW Book#a, I, 11,IIIsaille apend4t, bl.tijKrIlànd. Fl.mi.ag.' ÂnaIZia toithexeamiaiwW aoetp>r, by Houa*iin. Thua., suda tU stock of i&U cuber ieo oopirigAlilieaelo*t .e Boolea, *Mllbe aI*ays kept on bsnd. J. :S. ROBE WTSONY, Bookoefer and Stationer, Wliitby. Globe Train Arrived at the OddfeItows Buildi"ng8-with the fo'llowing (Goods for P E TE R SMIT H: NEW COREN COB PIPES, NEW BRIAR ROOT1 P-IPES,' NEW FANCY PIPES very cheap, TOBAC- CO POUCHES (something new,) MYRTLE NAATY TOBACCO, CABLE COIL TO- BACCO, LORD DUFFERIN TOBAO- CO, PRINCE 0F WALES CHEW- ING TOBACCO, (best in town.) Ail of which, along with my other stock of Groceries, will be sold cheap for Cash., Do flot fail to see the new Corn Cob Pipes at the Oddfellows' Buaildings. PETER SMITH, SWhitby, August MI, 1870. Next doan ta E. Frost. ANNIJAL- CLEAIRING SALE -OF- DRY GOODS, CLOTHINOl BOOTS -AND SHOES, now going on. Cail and examine some of the bargains 110w offering. JAMES SHEA. Oshawa, August 2nd, 1876. G IB BS -THE COUNTRY ELE-CTE D is SAPFE ! 0:0- CAN'T TURN OUJT McKENZIE ! -00 HARVEST I15 COMING And if you want Forks, Scyýthes, Cra- Idies, and ail kinds of Rarvest Tools, Chea. Go to HATCH'S. For Harvest Gloves, Well made, and Guaranteed to fit. Go to HAl H 'S. ---00- IE'Food for Potato B3ugs, Hatch's PARIS GREEN. TO PARTIES BUILDING,' If you want First-class Loeks, Butts, Glass, Putty, Cut and other Nails, Paints, Oils, and ail Building Materials usually kept in a First-class Hardware Store, Cheap. Go to Wýhuiby, Juli10h, 1876. B ROUrGHAM CARRIAGE WORIKS. S. WE-BB l'eplleiely informe it Palrona sud lb. plaltaI tas up=u'csd lte lgit far Pickanlg, t6 aosln Conboy's, Patent Seat flor SUGGIES, .CUTTERSac. AUl parties wMU46 va ltae mourEolaalu and Ca#ten, baim, eving tholr ci"nsais Brongitau, loly Itit, 18Ma.> - No, 4, Bnock Street Whitbyi 80 L MYIMM TO BOCHESTEjR T'EE STEAMER 4N ORS EM AN." Wiu POR SALE 1 sesof ln',omnpnllg aen sud On. obdSalaixaln iîttimul ' kaubu redu r ipe onIbisroute an on aofe G. T. B., trasinu Eust & West, ,Dgttereiît lts NoeYork Central. Il engnal sud Bris BRsiltys, andi ýtarie Store Divisionoai'theteioes wu & Ogdtinbuxg-. Rillay for SU uit, Wsst sd SotIti ~ tlue e Cijaotls (MnI aevery on ta- meet, he reE Notes 'and hands for col SwlmJlil OSAUNDERS. 1~ W ~ ~ BMi 0sTrI Places, before the reàiders of the CIM~O -NicLE the- following- EWSTYLE FELT 'HA TS JUST REEIVED. The,Black Economy Rat. The Black Challenger Rat,, The Blue Challenger Hat, The Black Prize Hat. The Black Republie Rat. The Blue Monarch Rat. Whitby, August Ord, 1876. E. FROST, Odd Fellows' Ha. HARDWAIRE, HAY FOIIKS, RAY IRAKES, SCYTHES.& SNAITHS, GxRAIN'CRADLES, BARLEY FOBKS,' TIJRNIP HOES.i C::»GENUINE PARIS GREEN.-ct GROSS & ,MACNACHTAN, BROCK STREET,, WIIITBY. JUST RECEIVED AT DOMINION WZ4REROOMS,. A CHOICE LOT OF GRENADINES, BATTI STS, M US LINS. WORSTED COATINGS, SUMMER TWEEDS, &0-1 AlIso a superior lot of striped and plain, HOSIEIRY. 4aMillinery suitable for the season. MILL INEB Y, DIiESSMA KING AND TAILORING DONE TO ORDEIR. LOWES & POWELL.! Wiaitby, June 14tt, 1876. GO0L D S MITT'S HALL.1 Just to baud a lot of Thos. Russell & Son's celebrated Watches, Gold and Silver cases, at special prioes. Waltham and Elgin Watches -in Gold and Silver cases, Jewelry, &o., at depression prices. S8PECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SI'GHTS I iPerambulators, 3 and 4 wheels, Cari- adian and American makers, beet value in -town. - CALL AND EXAMINE l Practical Watelimaker. Whitfr3. M1av 22nd, 1876. 22 May lOthi 1876. Mýay 1Oth, 1876. LAING & STIEWART Beg leave to invite their customýers and the general public to their store to compare prices with any offered in the. Towný. Th-ey have- no intention 'cfretbi"ng from, tihé rotai! tade, nor of offeriag Bogue Butnkntfpt Stock, but thoey intend te givo the very beet velue the>' oan afford. They have been 50o fortunate as to findi several leadling linos niuab below the ordinan'y pnioeî,,and offar., znot snt cuit non uinder so8t, but; oRn sma umladvanoo. For istance> as at 1o per yard,' *4îc per#iyarà, .Worth New Lustres. in Utb5 rente., iThelf tis 51O loci01on1th lue t4~~orhem. Central only, and ils pictt. mque an'dropianhtioscoiyle, 210 pub world.' A lgaiugtly.iUusattecl pamphlet, do deriptiveofa lte Exhibition, with lbt of 'totel lu Philadelphiz,themr prices, sud ra groat Osai of ethel' valuable information, cený ho obtalued fromi the Western Pasen- ger Agent. Canadiaus residing on thte North Shore ,) Lake Ontario, eau, 'tes tsesteamer 'Narsouten,"loaeving Colborne et 5.30 a.ma.; lJobourg,,7.80, a.m.; Port Hope, 940 a-ni.; m&akng' direct connections with Nartbern Central trains ieeving Rlochtester, N. Y., ex ivigin Piladolpis e ot xnorninpe. t 7 o'clock Steamersa tram Toronto will alaný make direct connections et Niagera or Lew.- î,ton.- Be surs sud purchase aud purchase y aur tickets via, Now 'York Central, YJarlbern Ceubral sud- Ponnsvivanla B. R., whieb eau lie ebtainedl at ail Ticket Offices- et ne- duced rates, or et the office ai thte Narthiter Central Railwey Company# 42, Exchange- Street, Buffalo, X. Y. D. M. BOYD, Jit. S,. L. SEYMOUR, Gen. Pags. AgI. Western Pas. Agent 49 Exchtange St., Buffalo, N. Y. July 22nd, 1876. 5 'T ABIFF 011 TEES TO BE TAIZEN IBY CONSTABLES. (Undor Order lu Concil, daied 211h day ai Juiy, 1814.) .e 2. Anreat 'ai eaci individuelupon e warn............ ....... #1 C0 2. Serviug summons or subpoena.... 0 2ô 8: Milsage ta serve slmrnmns eu- r ues or. warrant.............O0 10 4.ilate whou service canuat be upou proof oai-due diligence.... 010 6. Mileage taking drisouers .ta gai, exclusive aifd'tbursements uec- essaniiy expended lithem cou- Voance ...................... 010 0. Aitending Justices au summary trials, or on ersininatian af pri- sonorse hlnged with Crime, for oscit day n 'eeessanily emplayod iu one or mare cases, when neot eugegen mors titan faur tours.. 1 0 7. Do. do. wten engeged, mors titan 8.four heurs ........... ........ 160 8Attauding Asaizes or Sessions, eCht dy..................... 16 9. Mle traelig ta attend As- sires, 8sens, or befoe -Justices (whon publiceconve suce eau ite Leen, only neesena le diuhurse- meula ta ho aUowec.) ... O... 10 10. Summoning Jury for Coroners' Inquest, including attendlug et inquost, sail services in l'es. peet thereof, if held on sanie day >as Jury, sumnioned ........... 2 0 il. Attendii* sach - sdjourumeut titereof, if net engaged mare four tonna............. i....... 10 12. Do. do. il -engageS mere titan . four tours ...................i1 50 18.' Ssrving sumuions or opnutul atoîn! befare Coroner (subjeet. 'No. 10)............... .......O0 2J 14. Idilesgeoorving saineie..........O0 10 15. Exhuming body under Ceroner's warrant ............ ......... 2 00 10. Be-buryimg same s............. .12 ()0 17. Servig dstres warrant; and l'e. t minr sani...... «......... 150 15. AdvertLtngaunder distres 'war- rant....................... 1 50 Il. Travelling ta niake distress, an lu searcit fer gaods 10 meko dis- loess, triteuno gooda are fond.. 0 10'_ 20. Appraisemneuls, witber b y onc or mors, 2 cents lu the daller, on the value af gooda 21. Catalogue sale sud commission oui delivery of goodse, siln ltae $, on net produce of gonds. 22. Executiug seercit warntu........ 1 50 23. Serving tùotices on constables, 'when personally serveS .....50 Pnblished hy order, Hl. J. MACDONELL, Clerk o!flte Peace, C. O. 22 Fj IGH LY 'IMPORTANT TO THE IMUSICAL PROFESSION 1 Great Succesa ! Ttc Handi Guide fonr te Piano. Ttc HlanS Guide ie ttc resuit aofau yeaxs' oxponieuce asdatudy, aud it warrant. oS ta seve, et Ieai, six maniAs ef lte tedi- eus exercise pracirce af lte Piano. IL tilI<ive lte tend a pu~re flewing c- tion, sud lte fingera gm-cal indepencrane ande ut'emgih. It will teac thlie fing3ne 10 strie upon lte onde. i wili leaci thttc tnd quielude witile lte fingens are emplayed an single passages. Il wilteaeh tnisl or octave motion, sud lu Ibua compelling quiet on lte pari ai. tte fonction ual employed, tend ta inteusify thes exorcise and increaeie greatly ltedevei. opinent for thici thttexomrcise isLintended. ThteGuide la warrante! te fil eny square veiano, anS is at once atmupi- and atrang. NeeS 'al hotaken Iran' theepano, beiug swnng balai en not requixe.1 Sent ta any &ddress upon roceipt of the manked prie, witit instructions. Plain Catings, Wslnut Raild.... $401) ElentpýIâtsdCatigs osewood . 1 000 X. Bc-T sesare xespecttnully 'nteS te givothem a tost ato tleixqu ication. Applyte Protessor G. C. WIG<3INS, Wbitby, or Proiessor O.MOTL'EY, Boiativile, Soie Agents . Wtitby, Januaxy 151h, 1876. VAU.&B -PBOPEBTY FOR SALE, Tte subscriber affens for sale ltse f alot- ing valuabli poprty in lte Town ef Witt by--An e:=Dnt Bnlk Cellage tWlt1aur ailind, ulloati an tse corner of Green sud St. Peton Ste., in ttie Southt Ward. M»s, i are of laâd, eniEfencod, and lu a ighÈiteate ai cultivatien canner Welllagtou and 01f. fond sîs., lNrt Waxd.. iacre on Contre St. soutitof tte neideonceofa!0. Drapsr, E -n te SentitWarcL àluo20 aes& ai good, engcomposedai part-cf lot 18, lOtit con. efTo'matp of Murray, Ca. Narthnmbsr- lind. ' < 1 A cléar sudl lndlsputabletitle wlbe given te ail ltaeaboýve propenty., Fox faerirpan- tecumnapply laéltseamner. FRANCIS CLARK. Whmllby, July 1871. 901 YXEOXAN GIBBON, and W. ' AIl Ititby, Augi 1 T EA 1 CITY 18 D. MMILOY, Agent. f1OUSES TO LET. Two Dwelllng Rlouies, on Penny Street comtsiuiog 7 noams a ese; bard sud sait- tetenr. Quertei acre oi land Applyto-- BANDELL, Wbitby IHoua. Wtf'tby, August lst, 1178. S2 p IC NIC GBOUNDS, "ICÃ"RBETT'S POINT."l TheseGonande can anly ho occupielet y pleasere parties upon lte iollowing conib- tlaU4 vtz:. Tta pensonso ors a mail fumily -fl Six persons or large family - -$1 0 Parties ai 12 ta 15 - - - -2 ou-" pmrtieg of 16to-80 - - - 2 5 Parti-s-8 - -8 0 Parties ai 60 aud upenard - -40 Ttc abve amounis inuit bmasli befone admission,stan y ne.1fand tdreasaing vill lie pnosocu o. Firnesmi nt o b slanted near treior grass, or lu places twhons it la likoly ta "prad. - Pensons land- lug huani boatB mustpa lte abovesin immediately or they tl net ta permuttaS ta renisin on star. J. - Y. STIRDEVANT. Whtby, July 801h, 1876. o - 32 A ucTON SALtE. Under and by virtue of a Power of SoL canlaine lu a montgago (wluch will b. pro. duced ou the day oi sale,) there wll be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, at SKINNERS H.OTEL, lu the Village of *Manilla Saturday,.2nd 3eptember, '76, et lte theur ai Tweîve o'clock, 21002, ltae foliawing property, vi: -viLeit i num- 'ber tiThy seven-ixtte village oi MaeUI&;a là lte Cannty af Ontaxio,-biainge ompos-ed ofa apart of the.soutithait ailot; numbor Twenly-four in the oigtth concession af the Townatip aiBrack, _as surveyail and laid oui hy F. C. MdCalinni, ProvincialLand .Suxvyor, aecondin te a planu ledlulie llegiairy Officeof tteCo otfaiOntario. Titae ta o' he'pesea a 1godcomiort- able Fraein ieua, cauisini ve roomu, alto a wood shi tl stable. o property is snitahîs for any persan des'xig a ftxaI claie village rea¶ deuco. TEEMS.-One-itaif down ai time'oi sale, and- balance luntwo equal annuel justal- monts w'th intereat on the witole emount unpaid et cîgt per cent, or cash ta suit purchaser at; lime of sale F jfurtiter perticulaxa apply et lte laie offices ai the underaigned, BELL &BELL, * - . Vendns Salieitors. or to P. TUBLEY, Esq., - Bellovt-Jnly 27tb, 1876. ' td.82 GJ-RST 1MILL FOR SALE hy Publie Auction, et lte CROWN -INN, COLUMBUS, fî-e tulles nontit of Oshiawa, County of On- tenta, on Tlrnrsdaoy, l7th of Angust nexi, et 1 o'cleck, tse Property of Mn. Je - n Biekie, e Griat and Flemxing Mill, coutain- itig Two Rn af Bnnr Stones, witit al l te îmeesaan Mactiuery for dohtç a e ohant or grisling business. Capacty-Fanty ta' Fifty Bernois per day.. S Altaeted, thereto are SIX A CRES OF LAND, tit TtcDwelfiug Houss,Stables etc., etc. Situetednlu nsai he boitwhita districts of- Ontario,, six tiles tram te Grand Trunie sud lwo mi es tram the Port Witby euS Pont Ferry.Railway. Tznums-$2,6ti tiithin ou. mout; bal- eues lu seven eqÙal- annuali nstlmenti, 8 per cent. luterest; possession -on Uet Sep- te=mie. Aisa, forty acres ai laud adjlrming te miii pnapsnly. $1,500 cash dovu lte bel. suce l seven years. LEVI FAIRBAISXS, Auctioneer. Detedai olmbs.July 22, 1876.' e-31 FÀ.EM FORLSALE. 125 AC Situated an ltse Kingat tram t.eflaurisiting Tom composeS af teSoutit. Nanrtit 0 acres ci Lot No. the Townshtip of Pick.i elas. On-lte froni 76 acrs th starey Trame Houge, 'w Produce Dealer, Agent for Iupp.X ION Pi nir iliTE, 0F 1 1 1 '

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