Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1876, p. 4

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VM provo a bo otQ sxçný 3MAN ON L &xa-8$>, Nov 4L ESTATE COiUMN lsdoc igudacs iuusitruci for sîiIo the followirig 1. Brick Llccpse, trycu.hci Vufoj u til-x srectu wlIic qw àe iIIIPl)îird'tle fcruiy ceaclen C. BricI r w..éo, Twa 5licre' 'cot-icctt ara!,orlit&cioutiltracs, c I iri, nor-i ytwoapares et iaaud, fruit arisu tousiec,--fyroLLStre-îL, " AIlc abers', lucrtiso ai',> dssirc locclandtsaleg cou lue eflsilad oul à* tion b àsos pcy:eni aicri, au> tlinta ciiicasavanisacuset1p=0rcics 090. T. hALL, »nuc t 'pet tO >r tiva 17 1, Ice., -cerd tsud 'abiy very ler. i(ccucl, Coucscnsoct, &unt geusa-ciAgent, Ma rck $01, 1876. i p ÜT W11M AND rORiT -FERRY RXjI ONIAIL WAT. T11IiiB .N.15. Tirkeus affret t hcnMnlcMa u, 1876. Train%. rua ici'Tornto limê, 'clcîi lusmtweu ty-twu iqicîlc Q s 2cwtiit o . 1lue. Wbtly. I. ,. . . Il Ail.7.u.I ta ..iIc icr....c....1t È. ou .85 O p Wicîic .9,68 7.42 ilacuaila .,1.0 80 icte...... .... 1.22 c 8c7~ ri'cuo Albert.. . UN .27 Port Icrr 3.....dep. 8.0 sm. i 1.25 pn. Prince A (Jbc-t c 9 18i 5 c icaogtser..6216.20 1.45 *i4ctciacit...... .80 L57 Msyrtle............... .42 d 2.1- lrcki..........7001 2.27 c ictcy Au. j17.120 ,Nn.câ-c7 tr. î 7.110 umi.2.55 Whîiticy cc.rie7.15 c> 8 .0 'Pltfrctstctius 'raieo tup cun ig 41 ncastiukç ai Wliiby Junctîcai wth tic> ICI 9-it ud ,Yci l-t ;a&Ï,Port Psrry witl fercçc' ic: J'iridgou, aocd-Steamner Mapl Irc f c tcicc'isccy, tueors courcsatiig wilic lic 'f- t Id~cc lcrlitcy idwtîli tecocuer toc mrm lesic icciic. Il.btiaygoncn, and! Strgccui .ccc 'tirbsdrctifuI pleauccre raisort. JAMES ROLDEN, 2(1 - lstauaqlcg fi-saLai- MANSION HOUSE, LSNI 1<N O Y S<5(., TOLIONTO, . ONTARIO. WÎW.IKEJLY, PRORIETOR. i c.Fc i catcccc>cl ccctics ,.'ccctral p. andttîlic îctc c l iablir liicjiicgcc, cacci fr mi uli)c cc ltihcc ll i ce iuccq lccc c tr, lccc l"c,, i l 194 ttccct cci;) tii .,he amoi cc s.lcIcc clitu lic0941Ilacuitiij.. The'- cir"', ILI-lt jtic>' i.t accuttry tg:ic icc rce v,'lvcs ci" c'cccccccciaccc lc cl àaccvc'ictiiy i,>~~~~~~o tixt>i>clcncticrclfc<¶'ts ccrivilccgl'y ccacvs ticic t. t c lcccci ccc l tllics focina TîcctAlictU 12, 1070, JAMUS IL HSAMO ,'CJOMIAN Y F(JR N IT UR E. Wfl0LESAI.nE& RETAIL. ]3u'llugEl, i89O Yougo St. Ilars alweym etc bancd a Pul stock ofsovsry- tlhtg iheir ilue, aitt hope by strict attecntica tu tise vents cf chir custccmers, launasa-t e 4 eauktiauuaaoe aI tispatronage bîtiierto ex. Sîeclai attentlou paS Sa lice tc'cklug ot NICEDLEWORR VcIREE SREENIE, 0 TOUÀNS, FANCY CHAIRS, - CORNICES, c.ckc mlali sud put dowa tu the boat style. S JAS. iH, SA-MO &- Co. faceh flIc, 1876,.i QTAGE B lTWBBlN Y&OSHAWA. VfICE à D 4Y i La aisa,n., mord 2, p.,a tly at 10. a. m., Zd J;,p. nu. its «aCh v abona-oLI inslit ati ifai b' 1b 1"75, iiit> ffig st. W fov deors TH£U PORT OPI"Icr, "tigh*vp-s.wlia& ib.î is.MCgas-,.,vr thas un'au Bmkn X etlu' BokS., Wbfticy. Bpul Wh, 187L 16 p*ATUNTS FOR INVENTIONS =49roe ns.Agency in opra1lea NENI? GT &ad Dacghtin. LICENMED AUCTWeNEER BRU NTON'S RHEUMATIO ABSUflUENTjpýIE'-O GRGTNS. r0X TU CcuTY OP,~x0 ONTARU, "D - ELIEVE8 THE PATIENT FRQM PAIN IN A:FEW HouRs, 0F OR ANS muOWD$coap ut tvmrlpusa,&«.uarrwflgljî 6gp bestoefnpou uIùm dua-lag lb. Pa# Ler ilvoc ow givsa up She bonta.naof 1 a inlteumi, lu tutu:'., 10 Susoes MY- whiale lIme ta ticsbusinessaifAuucîlpase ait viii b oy esdeavocir, by airmpiamnd iaeful attentIon te buiale., o f ve joli utlnfitian te ail* me iî o mi* < hosir Balua or Colleotia ymaS l bille dSanaglitoud lLu Nito io±. urlI. la Ira-eat1oarg. ' AIseBII tampa lcy a aal Arragmîaeea ierac tr, saisi &0.. 1,ÎUiesPrncme Alberti, audal lhe Stetadad <Siice, Pari Perry. Paluas A-lberat, Se-pt. 24t1c, 1872. 89' ON L. W*Admis, AUCTIONEER. &c.O. &c lîla-t.atcv RD DIVISION COURT, tacd Geer-al Coamissieon Agont, Port ¶IIITDY MACHINE WORlKs 1 (LArT£fILAYToNi) 131O0K STREET, WHIITBY. T ,ics uclrcgnua bugs tae iejrai the tarai ,ru ai the lqtrrouncliag cacctry, ticoti ie ham lu stock argoansotistc1aiC>ccig BaKes. Churnis,-TUruip 1Drile, Haras 14a2, W& ohBisie, CarIs, Faaala Mili., NecYois., Wiffe.roscWiceeltcarraws,. Rtcpairlccg ot ail kiulcc axecntec il cîaucsmicld dcpatca. c THOMAS McANN. Brck-St. Whitlcy, April 4th, 1876.lyl D OMINION FIOUR & PERD STORE. CHARLES PENNYLEGION 13890 ta uaiify bis triendansd custocncr ihat ho ià no* prepared ta aupply Elour alîd Feed of the Best Quality, - at thecilawast living 'yrlces. Fleur, Coarn, Cbap.17-ett i- ian, Shorts, Oat- met!, Crackecl Whsct, puas, (lais, po. tatos, d&o., aI Wicaiccale ancd IietLaul. Cc'eapea- flci lthe Clreapeoi fur Casht At thce DocciniaccFlou:' sud U'eed Store, Crescy's Blccrk, %sat doar, Dpudas Street, 3Vithby. CHAS. PPII.NLEGION. 'XVliticy, April S4th,. 1876. 1 VALISES AND TRUNI<S, VALISES 71A1[ATOGA TRUNKS, <'ccccccii S'N.ccat elu. biccc"sc'f Lk~ ilii, i'c trcc uic. *ctc., wiltclc, ccc eccuccy acestU, cc>'s lrdccci>V Vvr l icisigica c1lice n-e ai tli((Ccb1(1ca oac c>ic>ciiëiitgibut tic sp~cifie M-110c1-1 18 simarc, imccspaily ccccccccccdag auS tInfltiigig.'ccfor r N)TN"a. V>c[c, 5 lipc.,,Iàtîî,vccccccîA Icc.ci: ic'l a<cii cLiseassa thcct (ai lm 1as% gaqllccîc i i il Abuse, as yices et c' I"cVcIccccL 7s4(nr~ c, l'it 'roc TIjA11C'K, lcc.'alrcPVc.'coicl'arc bccc'rtcccOc. .ic' .c, ' aitay ctlccr ilc.oaeeg thai iccacita lNccÀ?cc'ty Or C'c'tcIct'ccrrcc.c udi P!itciebcA'îVcf itr .,al af whcich. as a ruis ar) tir#t cauc.oiby ctsviaing frallthe psitt oÎ liattî re acdover ltguclgoce. 'l'ci' pccctlc MAccilce i hctcs essît Of 5aitse tcctD s 11c1c11Y vccara af exicrieuso la trot. iugî oe$lpectai dissacuco. l!particulars tn Our alacptclet, weiic wu dccire ta band frocs ty The ceocic c eUccai e OL>!I »ya,, Drug. gictsa at51 per pckage, a:or sxuckages for $5, aor wil!lus ssaut liy cah ourecipofVaithe ucouey, by ccclcrsssfccg XILLLSM GuyT c. O* ScadIcn uWmcIby by B. W. B. Sfrnith, Jas, Ilyrne accd all ch'uggitu.Nrtchrop & LyMan. Toronta,,11r ic ale agents., M AR4 LAN DS FOR SALE Lot 12 lu 12th concession, 200 acres. liouth-hmIi af lot 10, i 2th-oônçesslo 100 Smse, AouIaux aillen frisai4ticealy âail. vay Siatien. i Witby. jMW1ILÂND RAILWAY OP CÂAA.L Tl U]D-T ABL B. GO1nWNceVh Ibau Port iHope tcLlnday etvnnu orilUia. Golng Norlthtu Petorboro' & Lakeoll. mail ... .r. ixc.......... cOming Souti fa-ana Orihi a o jiuuy, Poelïrbarà' and Partigope. Leavo Orllia&- Maul .. .0p.. i. Ar Pt Ropeu66-.5p.u. oë,eo i hé l ail 0t CÂRRIAQE -FA VERY 01 Imyportant, to the- AfIlieied. MND iNEYER FAItS. j RIetunatismn is it poisoning of the 6b*lood froIn acids acting ou sud cunrtîaeting the 'muscles, sud giving intense suffering. It a4rses ln the fitoin"acl froni Impaired Digestion. The active prnciple of tis discovery is:to Absorb the Poicionous Acrid AKid by Outward Application. It is oompoeed eutirely of vegetable substânces, ana haq never been uss.#1 befaro tlie prescat proprue-tor t>pieli. F'roni the nature of the disease of Bheumiitisni, kaiu the Pecuiiir Pro. pete f is Rcady, it in sunlacposibiiity Ihat ih eau fait in Iielieving lice Patie*ntofronip air, la a few houri, whon sppiied as directed. Tuer. ia a ilciîceilvsesture lu Il ai; onupac.sd wiih otier Patent Mecicines. Âllmaeî aill othec-s prafeie taena-e a variety of ,lisaes. The praprietor only clamans tisai> lis reoneiy will reliure thce Patient frin Pain fa-omc Rheuuustisrn, an- ihat it la thcs ouiy î'suedy (tcy autward application) knowa ta Science thut viii Tisa prepýrauion la gnaraateed to reucove Rieuncatie Pains in a few lieurs or tice iuouey refnuded. r*» Prico 5Ots per ]3ottie. Sold viholosale and Retici by"* 1Wlitby, June flth, 1876. S. W B SMITH. Corner- Brook sud Dnudas Sis., Wbitby PRO- BONO PUBLICOi GRAND BONA FIDE SALE. Hamilton& Go's. ANN UAL CASE SALE. We offer our large and choice stoch OF SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, -MILLINERY, AND CLOTHING, AT THE VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES. --0:00 GROCERIES AN.D LIQUORS,- TO SUIT TIE TIMES. Whitby, A1îril 2Stli, 1876. MER CHANT TAILORING. A lai-ge ani well îtssoî-ttd stoc-k if -Rooin Pîpor and WXii. dow Biîîds, wlîiichliehois piîepared to sel nt the lowett rates. A splendid assortment of stationery, New Miseellaneous Books beautifully bound, aIl kinda of Suihool Books. Violins aund Coiccs-tiîsis. Sewing ac1incc-best cikeis. Lac-gead aacwItîssorlaunt of bebt Goid ancd Silver Watclies îand Chcaitîs ou hand. Wool aud Friucy deîcartiueît conîplete. All orders for English and American Periodicals anid Newspapera puousplyflllted. -Wç are now in a position to supply Prize Books for Seboole at lialf price, and we féelc that we eau give good sritisfirction. solieiting orîlers, &e. Whitby, April 5th, 1876. LEWIS ALLIN. GENT'S CLJOTHING AND FLJRNISHIING GOOlyS1 ForSuerorClth00--- alefo Fo Speio0C"--g uiabe o Summer wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail- oring estalismment of J*O «E1 ST' Fi mE:ý a S '0 1..T,1 DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A GOOD FIT AND STYLISH C.FT WARRANTED 1 Gents Furnishing Goods of al Halo snd Caps, Umbrellas, &c., Whiitby, July 27tb, 1875.'- kinde, inchxiding Shirts, 1tf-81 CHCICE WINES if PURE LIQUO/iS at,WHOLESALE and ETAIL to fiuit the HOLID.AY-eDEMAND UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. ,TIRY FREDERICK NEALE<S, 819~COE STRBEET, OSHIAWA. AGE-NT FOR DVES&BRO.ÎS Organs -and Melodeon Organe at greatly redue .ed pries, for Cash or Note. payable lu Octoher nest. C.til at the "IORGAN FACTORY" and examine our stock. Aise Second-Isandl Organs and-lMelodeons at very low prices. THlE MUDGE & YARWOOD M'F'G. CO. Whitby, May l5tlî, 1876. ELGIN ! LGIN ! ELGIN! ! z The finest, best, and cheaipest Watches mnade, for the mo- csey, are the ELGIN WATCHES. wlîjci eau [ta lsd at Taylor & Bcar- acrd's, iu every grade, bath in Gold ad Silver, Ladies' aîsdGents sizes. Also a large stock of Englisi and Stylas Wt ches alwaya on hand. Clocks Jewellery, Silverware, and 1"auc.y Goods to suit evea-y taste and pocket. M.Renalenber tie pl-ce-iiext door to Gross & MaeNach tan's, Hcadwarc, 18ela-cants, Brook Street, Wlîitby.1 1FURNITIJRE! FIJ1NITURE! ILISI OF' A 1TCTIONEEIIS Licensed fur' Ontario, a, Doaldicc . E. H. OCancron ....- C'. Moo)rL...... fic licOcil&C. r?. E. Waish. Wrn. Gardlon.. -ames Dig1cy, Jr -James Digicy, .1:'..: Jiohnu1, Wctkla ....- J. C-. Piik-y ... W. M. Wiiicox.. C. Wilson...... t'iceacsTueker .... !>sn. Wicsties... a-tomas Paucîer, F. M. iattsrson.. L. Faibancks ... H. E. <'Del... Donald Rtes... ElisBowes ... Jolinston Brava.... SOULI, Ridiiig of Olutario, Nor-th Ridiing oi ud separate Muiîiciipalities in t]îe latter. ILcSticr.Ct Üscriena...... crniicr. Asictccarai... Ciarcuiont ... Port Pe--y .. Saintllc. . Port Pary.. Port Perry.. Iceaskdal .. Torccnto,... Markicac -. Biaccningten .... Aticcriy. ... Iieavertau ... Maila.Ubig LIST 0F PEDLEIRS FOR THE CO. Senti Ridiug. Moac......... Ticora.... Io ..... ....... 13-oc-k,,,,,,,,,,, f ocith Riciug,.. 17xhrirlge .... Norrith ccllut... Noart-hRicig ... Ncrth ltictiiug.. Bleach............. Scottc............ Nec-tic litig ... Soutihltidiug .. Senti Ridiccg.. Souths Ontario. es............ Broc-k............ Ulirck .. ... -feli Car. .. James naige .. A. C. HaEu nd James Bliwkeisl. PelihsMc-Gver... Joie Giiga .. iltfetti Erea... Duffett Ba-os. Geo. Burton.: Ohawa...s.c.... de ki . ..... de. Oshawa ... Wilitby, Spuil 4th, 1876. 1 hsot-e, Cocaty.... 2 1101-s0B, ceuuty... U homes, Canuty... I iorseo,.County.. ihiorse,. (ouuty.... WM. LAING, Go. Treasurer. Jcccce 28, 1871J. Sept. 20. 18761. 22, 18761. 29, 18711. Orc,. lac, 18761. 16 1, 1876. 19, 1 P76. li9. 187<1. Oct. 23ri 1876. Oct. 2611c. 187d'. Oct. 28tic. 18761. Oct. 2fln. 1876, Nccv. 11lLla. 1876. Nov. 2lucl, 1876. Dec. 2cccl, I8'6. Dec. lOti. 1976. Jan. 24i, 1877. Jau. 26th, 1877. Feu'v 2ocl, 1977. M'a-ci 8ti 1'-77. Mar. cti. t1877. Mar. 10c h, 1877. Mar,. 2lst, 1877. ONTARIO. 2ast Aprul, 1876. 8th May, 1876. tti Dec. 1878.. 141h Dec. 1 878. 151h Dec. 1876. 1151h Do. 1876. 2lltliJau. 1877, 2lct Mar. 15477. FASHIONABLE TAILOJUNU A. M AL Ki %J Il.Q JLA. LW%)Y .L i i Have just received the largest, best assort.ed, and cespest stock of Crockery *and Glasswaxe ever offered. in Whitby. In China, Stone In- Chinal lul aud Fancy Tes. Sets. and Fanqa Dinner Sets. China, Stone and Fancy Toilet Sets. -lu Parlour, Taible aud Bedroom iLamps. In GlAsaa-Pruit, Cake- aud 'Trifis Dishes. In Goblete, TumËblerà às;d Wine Q9a1seu. l-ANUY L-OODS FOR PRESE.NTS, lu Cupa"-Saucer'.> Maga, Vases, Toyis, &c., &o. Ganisasi & SIrÂciVMaL haro tUR kinuis af Choice Fts.mjLly Groceries, ]3eat reas, Tohacco, and ail -icna of racac Pipes, Hanue, Bureau, Lard. OyÉitea ofa dite buit brande always on baud. The highest market pie paid in cash for any quanitity of Good Dresaed flogo, Osae, Srnall Pesse, Marreowfltt Peabé, &c. At Whitby, Dec. lOti, 1874. CABINET FACTORY, AND- FURNITURE'WAREROOMS THE OLD STAND, BROCK STRiEET, WHITBY. Go- where you caniot fail, to bc »)eased in maliing selections of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Ds-awing I1oom -aud Bedroom - Sets, - New Designus well wor-ty of inspection. at; astonishing low pricea. Dm.- ing-room Extenision T.rbles-a very superior article. Gilt Cornices, Picture Fr.rming la every style.ÈSafnie Bc Chromo>, and Engravinags for sale. In ail its branches ; funerals fully supplied, A stock of elegant easkets. coffins always ou band, triuaaued to sait Custoimers, sud a well appainted GIBSON & SPARWELL'S. aearse cNovembtantl 18a75. DOMINION O.RGAN CO.'$ IMPROVED AND REMODELLED CA B/NET A ND COMBINA T/ON 0O::bGFA IST S. w Thisc Coipcin.shuis recently bee-n rc-orgaici2:ed by tihetidcition of -tiae -Icf the ca-ool pracrîlcalinAun frccan ilie Factorcc-v of Clncttzh & Warreaai's Ortran Ce., b'>cf:'-cj, Micel,_ c-cis tlint,,su active cart in lait>ccwn particobor clportmnt, soc ci-e nnw mnulfoneinr an Oc-cn iquAL. uni in inaaîy points sua'atsros, to uni "at'cnfeccred in flia'Unitc'd States nr Cscacica. wVe ioicpiosca1rsic-W ocsooccuciuc Ic iracetiqtnnrasrsoc1d lie- ta-sce geacersil> .'nt mv fctvo cvic'ld lice rigida te taudiacî ire aoc! us-, ccc lie Domainiona cf Cao- 'cnb. hAla eI)I., dci 5-, SCIIIBNER PATENT QUALIFYING- TUBES, -.ccuiic'ci lv Lccic>rm Pc:atet ici tliceUoiccl Stiries, Ent'lctso.i d.ciCanaisa. 13> ccc-nns of thIin îvention sic oa-gancccîiitinitcg itwcsor ilirec Fseof reeds bs-co)nta- qîca in1 volumce oi.ipowcand furi s-Sctpc'rior ic Qcasiity si dBtillianccv of Tons c.a o:'ciîuary arce! argsn <of six or rigicî -i-csi. i<" Ocîr eFlebrcîecl >"Vocx Cï-lcccie," c.VOcX HUcuicltc.' " cie0 Pil-i trlci *"c'cnpic-i," "i-bn-l" or Cicrinet" elccp.Q. ">>iicIoca-," Buica'î," Auiu Crempiia," sud Grand Or2iîn Stoip, su-i t> ALL THE LATElÏ MPROVEMENTS, ->ct 1 oblaîce otlvicalitse agn. I'wec$. Différent Styles for tice Prlor aand the Cluna-c, of the besi KZ- QUA.LITY AND' VOLUME OF TONE UNEQUALLED. Faciory and Warcrooucs, Cor. T'eucp-rauc and wellîugtoca Ste., Bowmanville. Agents Wanted in Every Couccty. SL "Setcd for Priuie List. Addrccss, DOMINION OIIGAN CO., Bowauville, Oti:. General Agents fur Canada for the "*Celebrated' Bradbury Piano. l3owcnatville, 2March 28th, 1876. *1 -000 Whitby, 15th instant, 1870. I desire to cal ihe attonîjon of the public to tlue faut thttat Do timie duricip ýhs pist fBe years bave 1 bien able tu olker Haruc'ss of ail descriptions at aas low -1 price as I eau this Spring. Mly expPupes being liglit 1 ean do it. No mor. stylisia or better Harness made in tis.Couluty. Cash purchasers will find special inducements.....hat is what 1 am aftoa. Cali and iasIpeci. Respectfully ypurs, J. 'R. PHILP. 92> Repairinu doue rersocably. Picase uotice-Second Harnese Sboi, senti, nezt to Groses ardwctro.Storp, Brook Street. hatabliahecf Twenti Year8 ago. 1 Go where you can get a Wehl-fitting Garnient :-To the John ston "s Self - Iiakingi Reaper. Tailoring Establishment of- G3EORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. A Large Stock of Fine ClotaLs; est El~cish, Scotch and Cauadian Tweeds. r> Excellent Overetcatingôasud SPlendid Ve.st Patterm'i. A good lit Gnaraiiteed. JJjS'T TH!PAC 1300T -AeD ) $HOBEARR, fRC.TWfT3y lBAcl.a'cton au aiàt-go al&aried itoci- crLqoot ardsr eveaidpà"j- Iac Pi, -s, Ho alào osai hc1 , d&eaC&H AWARDED- THE FIRST PRIZE. At the Provinîcial Extiiio1 Toronto, iii 1870, We ofier to oui- Custoniers for the colning, Haî-vcut. two-diLs- tinot Machines, whicla in stylt; and' oristru tion, . encbrace the lateàt aîîd riotit uselul .,im prnvemiients ýol the day. TE RING 0,O11EAil" - ý The universal succes-S of this- Mfachine, both iiu.l6iely CIiest- ed trials ard !n the haîcrisof thse ti-ai)e-us. vrrant ns>ila' sNeyiog îicc.«t, af a Soif.Ritk- ing Reaping -418elhbace, itl iaismore gc.od Jacglctz and !basic dafet.,nd issumet 'Witt more saîesianti ies (fauna-e, 11cm uheretafoire olIea-ed t10 chupublie. CAYUGCA JUNMIOR- MGWER W e were ai tise Firuat Siace the datie ai tis conacert Lbe Matin. shek lias been sny tavoccrlts. J; JAY WATSONe. Wataoune OCons.rvatory of M*ue,lN. Y- Na money %weald itu t ùaIeti. aiâh it frocsry home, 1D. M5CUU,' uffalo Mathusbek anpectfbr t., ain osiaeu!L H. MOLLrEiHAUEB,_ýiw York... Mathusbek ias la recNty alsia aste , * 1 .aya-ce af allt aaero >mi Pianos, in ' thtI world. G~ W 'Musies CrtfeÇà1 Bàýd*ga; 1 bave liceard nstliig te equali±in gaeet.- uc-ss ot tons. hos notes are mure 1ike thoie, nf aur sweetecct sicsginig birds, oi thos of' thce Suent icumnavol.e, lsaay instrs- aceutcilnaos 1-ver bocard .We are delibt.. c-d viii ou:instrument Mayyouhelaleso,.. cd 'witb ga-at and deoervsdic accena - Youru lruiy SPENCFR Lu. FINNEY, Paster 8&eacd Pres! Chureli Pretoa,N .J.. Tice Matbnshebk Orchestra 6quare Grand' Piano i brilhiant, cf vonderfulpower,and! nmelodi<cus titoue, .AL~FRED Hr. PEASE, Ilocbeter. I 'wss ftcliy couiviuced Visat ttie MAtcu&bei was Vie c revu of aiLEH. BELLÂCX. My aId>tuner, wlcoi.ts takeu eare ai m y i cu for the pabit ten yeara ayn lat the No. 1i ta-cltrai juot r-cceived froas 'ou ig lie icat rmade cai faneat instrument lu shili .ccry. Tyours, &é., 1--1 i:. M, SOMERVILLE, Plsveland, O. Elai StresS W. M. Scicool, Toccata. We cave gyrat pieaursîintatlng tbat au j>à instrument te a i e oc ingligngl a Sun. av Schooa. i. cthinau taxceli. The toue -;ot and full. The' basla grand, and wbuu 610valVes. are snging toeeller, the i-lana eau be disitiactly beard. it#ery note ricngs out as clear ans aiceil. S. J. H11SNTER. Pesta:', WABJliINU K ENN}.Dy, salit-, SAMTEL FIIISBY, Musical Cond'or. Il bas given rumy feruil, Vtse vsry Iigicent - satisfaction. 11EV. J. BBEDIN, Barrie.- M. Hamupton, ean. Bi, 1876. MR JBIEE SE 1; skordoime gret pleanurs - hn ai'kuowledgiug -ticsentis satisaction,. ccnd ligh appa-echation of tics No. 9 Machu. suaI Plana purchanhsd <ram yosa a fsw-dayn sinca. Vcry reopsctfully. S. j. SMITH. Enniskllen, Ont., Jan.l th, 1876. PROF. J. HtERSE. Dzoc Six, The Me-diim Maibuîbeli ws geV <rom you gires-satire satisiactlon la every respect. 1 ceanbeehéitatingly recoon- rusnd it te afl deairiug a g-n-d'Piano. D. STE M1À A RT, Patter at Preabyterioa Chnrch. PROF. RBSE,Ossaju rd16. Dz.-n CSUc, * I have f und tice Mathu . siekasayen rcspreaented it-a frb-t-clasa piano. MWaiy maaic'laas have tried. iV, sad pronancefa it excellent. Rcspectnuy,< muls. IB. MITCEL. Hamapton, Feb. 1et, 1876. MR. J. BEESE, TheabMathnobek piano I pur- chssed <rom yn lias given satire zsatisaft- tien aud pa-ovsp helt a supermiIxtunse»t la svsry respect. I would reconirusnd al le se tbe Mat},usbc-k before putrcbagnag - lHewbere. Y urs, &c.,c Hl T. PRILLIPS. Euuislcilca. Joa. 25ti-18. PROF. J. ItEESE, Boruptani, Br.u Sac. 1Ihave rnuilu - plaer-e lu adding ruy testimauny te Vtce mauy yen icave alresdy receved lu favor of ie wel mcaied -atluslek Piano piur- cicaseci frccucyou ra-ecectly. I tam,. elisastis- ficd witlccirainan every respect, sud cauacd- e:r, for besuty aud toe, il s nurassei icy y siy nstrument I have yet acn. I ai, S. C. HîLLIEII, M. D. FULL AGRAFFE, 7-OCTAVE FEUil PIAINOt4 frein allireliale a nisa-a ot £cliacc pri ces. Whcblesals ceoita fûr tics Dominion of Cauca ccfer the PIIINCE OlIGANS. Agecnts %întued, lu every City, Town anrd Caniy aclice Dominaion. NIO1RRIS à&,SOPEII, 8 Ac-lcicIcSt. East, Toronto, --SOLE AGENTS. JOSEPHI BEESE, HAMPTON. cgent luin lricgterc, 'W'ýhiticy-and Cart- avright. 7 Ta aIl]'cvi are bunfrig fa-cm the. errera 'ne! itcdiaerc-tionsofetyacfitbucerocons 'ceak. -ess, eariy dcecuy. ircss et maulid, I Mill c-ccdi a rc-c-îp tîat viii cure ycou, FlREE F OMAIIISE.t'This gra-t -emnecly<vas 1caccare-i ty as coiescner v in "South Ancer-t izv JccsccPuL T. Iicà*4, Station D, Bibte 1 1 e c e e , N c w Y o r k C i t 1 . 2 7 -IJB,- LGT AND BLACKSMITH LISHOP POIr-SALE.'-* At Ascaura, itahie Tevaochip et Whciiluy, c-nnty Ou crio.-CoutorcielDj'!eling l1 tonies, sins eîca-. pump, &-e, vilhbll on oac-eveillPlaoled viti godi-orit trocs. J Forgsea, sud 8 scta af Taals, HarasePaver, 'uruing Lathc, Vertical d Grhnalcoe And tree.Iffreul p recsa for. maldg mnoulbards, aaud eue Boalt Cutter. - AlIso 101 acres et baud, (à amiss elenrd), daullilst be, cli concession _Mnar; witbil jmile et -st-hooi bouse A ehaica icct, settled ail] arund it. TEIiMS ofale ver: libera. Part aoflthé putc!base roney oethtie Ashbura ropaa-y wil bplu.vd le r-main n imrtgae. A gao il ia rg a in ea u ho o b ta i u ed W or re a d y catsh. Apply te JAMES WALER., A-sbnmu, P. O. Jane 111h, 1876.t-s Twe Patent Rigide .fer ice maufacture Agents Waied la vey Townablipn Ontauio to sel the fanos Prize bMdal Vra-gn Mainfictur. d by te Smith AuiabcuOrýgOn C. eue! George Steck id-Co.'t; Pianoe. Speisli iducomnes %ill be given ci -fiaat-co aagente suil clubs -of tres or four vishing b purcicase.. ' Any tnber of tesimonisis-in faor of-ticos 1ia-t-clagis organe ceaibe faaaish- omi, lint an the"are soMewiey lnova- great raumb-a-shavc-lugbesu solmi lirough. ont 'ie Dominiion mm hainiglvsn salis. faction ia evey inalae- lNo testimoeni- ai boy-er fa- tterlng oai admi ta their a-pnltatiecn. Thse Steek Piano Ca., iecivedthe- oly gold xacsal avRmiil te cay e.i b. ia:' at tics'VI enus Exposition lun1M8. Chia-obs roqcciiiug rgans iii te- i e r l y m ia t asit i. S ty l eo 8 2 , S m ith Amerilan, vo ould ccii eteninac os liig eacja;'ecially atiipied for cburclues- aind!halls, clu proportions'arem. gracelnI ud iiiuf-ii quiciesare aourpss. s'd.' The grand l- ap stop R- g ptice ployer bacflitle fsn>vaaoo izailvcdid <-fecip, titis stop cn eaU s rda -s to slowvi' inerespc- fic- volumeo of tonse-farm s viiper or sndelny ia-ing foilb ail tIhs paver of Vhs insîrunent in a hua-st of iaaoisy. ii1.1os and,'ci lrmas mfunlipieslrsrle. .tc. &~,.rt U T RE C I VE DNow is the tirne t() buy good andi cheap Alil kids of Spiig (oodts, iîieluidiuig Euglisb, Scotulh, Fuc-icitcasv. IJctviisg boughit onglut the busiuescc lately cari-jed.oau by ,Jamnes W iLi< A 'f l c M ~ 1 > N~c inid Canadiaîî Tweeds, 'Worsted Goods, 1?aucy IL. ca 1,ic,'> t %i a ç e t l]îc îoiarii~o cvîtiict»11.is lft.,!I fi -divo gcs ub '"ieuit1L1es ae lV stings, B adeohDoeskins, &c-., &cc.l ccl v.Cc r;trc l lcr -'ri- c'ucteytad u ccU thein ';ucit>- ccl lcrrcss cckr. c VO ~i lctic futur-e, a-; Mr-. 5-awao lias c(loe lntice' pascî GYO WEE UIT$ AT <b' . TILL &* JOHNSTON. Juus.iihttc~4.il. & J. RI..,,PRINGLE,-- - - .~~ - - -- - ~~Merca-lunt Tailoîs. s. .. c .L L 1 il E G I E A 'r B c iiuk Strecjt, Wbitby, Msly [mc, 1817C.. -19 uryrs m ilnprompty atteîîuedo. w ENGLISH REMEDY!,- iN E1-1KN( nyfrt RCJ(I~I~7~lJ1)..Ac'.' ldc 'cr2cl'-lcueitihc Colututy wuicce Ilcerals ae tiltily siiupl)lie(i. f ilXA TQ r r TILL & JOHNSTON. SPECWiC MEI CINE BOOK AND> MUSIC STORiE, j -- Mic ~ili tôt -J -J El tri Gaz. 'Cc. ph1 -l uni oft Coli Ofti 01 F'or anti tacs Wha 44 1 WhitbYi Dec. lôth, 1874. TILL'S TILL. Cheop Harness, Trunks, 1 SUPERIOIR CUTTING SHAPES THE wollik -IN -TRE 1 a -r -Ros a x 1 I L L -I'A:Mý LEATHER Whips and, L.ashe8. ý

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