Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1876, p. 3

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or natieuirs auirFor . futh. riý4culà#Proprietorouthe pdýrauiues, or to dI arbanka Whiltby. EDWARD HIRT, whtj"OtProprieter. V Whtby, Auguit t d' u187 pupils as bnarders. Fur particulars apply to, G. H.LItOBINSON, M. St Head Iister. Whitby, Auguat 7th, 1870. 4t-88J M SEY TO LOAN. 1 M1ouoy ta loin on reamonable toi-ms. For i t-hrparticulara apply to 'Toux PAZIQUHARSON, *W'iftbY#, A ugnat 7tb, 1870. 88-yr NEW MUSIC 1 1 e- ve bel,sw lb.ecntentseni our six M».e agzns. Th muie tue selectei -wif h gpoi care, and cornes much cheaoer lei thé chopee ofcfer il than lu any other way. Portios dsrng gpoil nusut l o- pie. sbo1uld semii for msample copies cf îheue vovek%; Pric@, 25 cents. cacb, or te, six .eueaiafor $1. Peter',s Household Moladies, £es. 12, prîce 25 et$., centaine lh. followlng 1songe: Robin, tll Wfllie I'm o-aitio 5S. & C. .Rays The Bible XMother rosi S8.&. .. .P.Danks Thbu Mlîary limeS. Serio.ccmlc Song, .....J. E. Stewart. 'rho-Rtse Is loomlng stihi. Ballai. .Glover. Stit th. Augelk coiÙjtig. S. & 0.1. Ltiglitan Paters' Sacred Select/ans, No 2ý price 25 ets., vanIties as folo-.i Pred-ethue Lord Anithem..,by Bîuudogger. Coine mitmo Mu, Aithn . n.....Coper. <0 Sving Victirn 1 Male Voicee. .-...ouiod. Paters'OCota vo Charuses. No. 2, Prices 25 clu., -centaine as followi Lotte ille asnsd val.. resouni. . - iihards. Wake, o-etluve, so-ake-......laton. MarrhlrUc 'ncsth eue slarry lug ... . Glover. -Illuy 1-aY------------------..Sullivan. Peters' Organ seluctians, Noý 2, price 2à5 clu., cecntaine as follews; Pagînrial Symphony, sud lie as! feed, etc .. ......... ......Hande] Larghetto. March Andante..eetho)ven F*itb, by itosaîni, and Pi-choi.... .by Bord Conthulmeg Voltiulary-----------....page. Paters' Par/or Music, No. 20 ç'entains the following easy piano Musie:. Innocence Galeop----------..Chas. Ktinke]. BAshfuh Polka Rodo-a.b..Cas. Kiekel. Chanson Napuiitatne.C. Wagner. The- GI'de VI altz..E. Stewart. Moeligbt on thie Hudson... M. A. Osborne. La Crame de la Crame, No. 12, pric. 25 e 8cotatos difficuit piano * Istusme:- spliungSong., Eluda ...Egihard. DailUe, MarceaMlit Ire-.....Neti-or. MoonU.ght ln thie Fines. Idylle... .Licbuer. î Sample Copies malleil, poil psud, on i-e- ceipt of BS cents, or any magazine sent, poil psud, for on. year. on receipl et $2. Aidross, . 818 J. L. PETERS, 843 Broadway, N.Y. T OWNSRIP 0F PICKERING. NOTICE la bet-ehy givea that the Volera' l4.1 for the Tow-nship of Pickering, prepar ed frdm the Assessment Roil fer Ille said township for the year 1876 lu e o- piepared, and a copy cf the sai Volet-s' List uwAs i-st pooted le the office cf the nnderiigued, on Weduesday, the 2ud dlay ci 'Aogusl, 1876. HECTOR BEATON, - TewnPhip Clerk Pickaering, August 7th, 1876. - 83 No. 4 L4ULNDH St., BOSTON, 'TF[-lE SCIENCE 0F LIFE. aOr, SELF- PRESERVATION. MORE TIIAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLO Gold Medel Awarded ltu the Autho- by the "N ationaI Médical Associa- tion, ' Maech 3pet. 1876 J Tit nuu1ltsd bu- té PFABOTIT MEDICA, tel"Ea o- ,ditioan oethlé. edia ~Oull euu thls ie u50IENCE 0F LIFE -n SELIt.PilSEIIÀION It treats upan ù.1 111,holou hasluw eln"d aud imo-pet-vst -td;cause iul urhcieof xhausted ilo h r.F nto es-e, Pi-amatni-a Decliiie ln mai,, Spe. puufssion, Laeofi lnei-gY. Haugard <ounte, Once, (oaufuul0ua of iul mud lao utfMemoe Ilmapore stu tl cf th. lolec, ad ai ll euus- aiing tramu si-iors ai- Voulot1h. indiscr,- BanDs or excele$sof umaturo y sari. Il tolle -au al about the Moiah of Gonoro tivO PiaVslolagYlthe Pimyslogy mof Macriagu- -o-f elock anti Offalrina PhysialhCanîraste 'lrueltlcrlity, EInlrloiam, hPerversian o - go, asConîmu r io.it ant fi encuyiCan-, so o-aca l y te cesues snd cu-e ]teimntians bheen limý e xe%, PrOafa .efIu l ix>aaalan ei Vice, lime Miserles cf Iîoîu - ueuo, Allaiemnt znei-anieoaud -Errar i-s lanu- efClr, Cirsof Ba1dy und ind. rusel'rlmc lles of Trealtmeul. Addroes ta Patientsae Imurliti neamursb TheoAusîors Iruncipuse Thuo r rie. of thil Doitl oa uly $1 >00. Timia uook slo contains more titan rit- Pu-esariutloms tour the mbve inmstand ocle, digueseae,-s, oeewoi-tismai-e Ihan Ihe pie. afitlime lucel. The Isstilute alan putulats " *TEE .PRYSu OLOuiT 0P W0MAN AND HRER DIStitAqvm, Pro-41ea. The luoat bock o0lime kinul cîlamut - lioanmoolier valeable medical uvorlu treust limg'exlnslvoly 'Mental and Net-veus Bisasses imacqtan MO11>rayal aclavo pages, to-euty oee Igamt cmgrmvlngo,'bauud ln ushatalanuelin Irilueeauly 8.Bailo-ly enangi tate ay for pilt m~he B fofr )yclingandt unladie aged rue> ta rend juil now lb. Asuence of Lite, or Sel, Pi-servation. lime intmrai-nasreturned train lui tuexcellen eolestit,and lunasin tim( CheConsultiag Pitysician of lime Peabody MédiclsLIuitlute, Ne. 4 lluuhdneh Street, Bi- tunMms'Rsjîo JOURNAL. ..Th. oiecises or Lite ju beyonti ani ompami- soi tb lIm e-mi Xtianruiluary woai-onauPhysiale gy er pubillhd.--hiSra lstàN " 'Hope nestled i ilishe isettomu cf rendrs box, ansd hope pîsmms lhua i- -lge ancoince - - h ie Peihody Médical teetitite. o-icimai-e tuaublng tioma5ndimaw toauvaldtéi s aladies tlt'sa&P limeéOitulel cf1 llfe."-PImuLAattumiUA t ue i-crai 1uu-tisa Youngu. emid.»,, &Rd U vit uOstise al.-NFto-Youmx TaIsanYs Thelot an md amîhy modal evrrcanferemi Ill u yMedimlaumienli tti. cauitru-, nea l'OtiiliOu of akfihui[dprafalonalCui emvcss, o-au prentemitatemeauthne af thieeo-orks Mareb Blet. 1876. Ifebc iesnlatlon woumtie- oc. bt inacof tu Ocuranae by tIi, Boston j Pi-eauandt lmhdin oaurnas!lii-ouglsanl lime coluliatt, Tismieagn,,,eonî Meuliailtu ai molli o-l t lî hMore, Ian aie itunded Indiu liande cf ars biliiiacy; - Iu leof amteiluda1 ille5, thls dmleedecl: lV tl ite msI utieeable mu10ai eu-eustrmcLu l moui outbïi-Y for ny opsoohteî.Ilis DoU ail ia a cion aofi-umtelmatiotlm zt -agaily owon saulorthily hteslo-y..& wsutcUYJTTsPnaOUQlA, ,June ht-S, 18703 tsr catalogue sent ount-eeipt of iaoeut$ for- - itluînof thé ibove eusktomet b aio -n ofes t ipihe. Aidresm PRABODYIME,), - <AL lNr4TITTE (oi-%V. .PARRER. bM n ('uvoultseg tlysli&usi, No. d Builnch ., Bs lait, Baa., opposite Révérsi-otus., N. B. Tih. ator cm eau hoisltedaon lb a>5v, naiat inSiassos, as o-ail as ail tiiesea t--qulrlung bsili, îeerocy und expériencse. Ofiles Ilueutrs,, À .ta 1',. te £'300 CASH o-il u jurlîsso aClusy btoîtmu Fmr, 101-ý Amres of dug-elases qmmlilv, Wai-t tI10e1#4 £4610, uepLr lls.rmriton, itke Simoes, sic, a-lsebmsîll a Ibrivingt villages. 'choir a --Stane, Ilml, mdry, sduah lauh lu - d, noer ci-opýed, -o-el)wafeord, Boeun'lfu silipffloa, and enoal exciellanîIbaudl. y- buuflh5ln C;rlqsmd t-t41'h ~bam aSan 1,. vCompoa.a et 80 acres, more or Usas, beluk &-art a ohltquurlerof lot >No 1 u ji.. savmthconucession of the i oanu4 f Zut Whl*by.'this lot otains abouetiu res oa f wood land ;teein a Houa» and Barn on bis pancel and WOU watered. Pareil No. S., Couiposed cf 100 acres. more or>lin, bel iiortb.balf cf1sunuh-beli adthe .outb f te north-hali of sai lot nuiber on; Ibis- lot cautaios about 9 acres af woodiand. 'flore ia MBau DOiSi with toDne loundation and aDwellUng upon tbis parc.],' and la weli wMereî . Pareil No. 8. Composai of fifty amrea more or lets, belug the nortb.qusrter of saia lot number co. 1This lot oontalns about 16.acres cf Wood land. TERMS 0F SALEI. Ten per cent ta bo palS dowu at Uime of sale, sud sunfaient ta mike therewlth thiry pe cet Lb.thépurohaso uiouey on the IirNovembb4 next. The balance lu six equal annual instaluients witb luterest at 7 per cent par annum, tab b.securnd by mortgage. Possession of pst-cel numbor one -on dm51 day of October nerti, and cf Lth otberi reosounSgras day c1 f Kitch uegt, i-Iidtgbî b plouèl he tau otfl] f Ibi04eeç and sab ingfor 2bornes. iàï Tille indiapuiable. Par further partiuavsanad conditions cf sale>apply te J&mes Shaud, Esquire, Col. umbus, the Veudonr' Solicitor, and ta w. A. BILLINGS, Vendor's Solicitor, Wbitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Auctioneer. Whitby, Augnat Sud, 1870. td_82 S ERVANT GIRL WANTED 1 Goci Wageu will be Glveu.- MRS. L. FAIRBANES Byron SEh Whitby, Auguat2noî, 1870. k c AslI SALE.- Adrinisrator's Sa oy COWS,-MORSE, BU,-GY. WA GONS, HOUSEHOLD FUR. NIrURE, &C, &C. - 0, -oct. BS le G. Tht unierigui haa recel-ged instructions lt-oui MR. L. WIRIGHT, Admintutrator ot the iffects of the lato MIlS. MARY,, WRtlGHT, Te selI by Public 'ucîfon, - il ber latser.. sidence, Uot No. 10, in tb. lot concession ai 1 Pie Y ring, on Wednesday, Auguat 9th, 1876, i Mare, i Buggy, i Iwa-horse Waggou, i Z lîht aggo, 1Cutter, 1 Isel of D)oublu, rfs4mesigle ai-nons, 2Co-a,1 Pig, 10 Feather Beds anS 10 Beisteais. A large quantiîy cf Shoots, PIUloo-a PBlow Cases, Quills, &C. i Parlor set ci Furni. uie-bhah- cloîh'; 6 bei-i-nom Leoking Glasses, 4 suisil Tables. Extension Diuing Table, goid stock Damaîlu Table Clotîho, Linen, Sheete, Marsielies Quilles, 8 or 4 cases Insecte. I Base-hurner Coal Slove, 1 Cooking tove, 8 Wood Stores, 19 coi-Su of Stove Wood. 8 sots of China Cat-pets, Chir, abe flureaus, Wardrobe, Cntle. y, are, Crackery, Glasso-are, B.o~k cases and bookas, Curlositieu anS Min- erais, four cases af Sluffei Birds and Ani- mais, i Mangle. Faut- and a h alt acres of Cotes; to-o ana s ball acres ot Peau ; boit acre cf Potatoes ; quai-ter- acre cf Cern, Spades, fat-ls, rakes, scythes, S&c., S&c.0 L4*» Terme Cash. Sala to, commence at 12 o'eloek, aiai-p. à- L. FAIRBANKS, P1ceriag, Auguatlota, 1876. Acid-aSr H{OUSES TO LET. Tira DwlliugjiHouses an Perry Street, coutaiuing 7 raams eci; liard anid sait o-ator. Quai-toi acre af land OSPIA. BANDELL, - Whijlby House. wiiîby, (tugutl lt, 1816. Ã"2 p)IU NIC, GROUNDS, "COIIBETT'S POINT." T1soso Grounuzls eaui oîly lut OCCUPitulhy pleasure partie.uo thlie folowiug conulu- tiane, vit-. To persus or a amaîil faunily - e "ix pesans ar larg famlly 8- 1 (0 PatirIi0112SlaS 15 -2 ou Pai-ien ut là La 80 . . - .2 80 Parties a of a 600 . WIla(0 -Parties aof60 sud upo-ard .4 O0 Tihe abave amouats muaI be paiS balai-e admissiont, aud maione foud respaïssing Niii h. peosecutlt -Fires muai ual b. stirted near trous ar gi-sus, ce in places whmr, il l e ley ta epreai. Persanus laund. .ng frai-ohas mut pay thte abave sumua i szediaîely or tlmsy o-i nul b. prmitisi oromlain ouiPliare. J. Y. STIRDEVpANT. WVbiby, Jnly 301h, 1876. 32 ýýUCTION SALE. ýIIter ând by virtue nf a power of Salie -lttaunelui a mortilagti <which wili'be pro. taced un the ulay of sale,) toore will be euuiS by PU13LIC AUCTIOZ4, at SKINNER'S HOTEL, in Ilie Village of Manilla On Saturday, 2nd Saptambar, '76, -su limelueurai To-clu-e oclack, naon, the follao-uug peapeety, viz :,Village Lotnum- huer uiiiy seven un the Village ai Manilta nI the caîuiycl Oatariq, bem caoLupae df s part cf thme aout hahll oflet umimr r1weuty-four in tlb. eigitluconcession of the 1 oo-osp cf Brookun asaurveyed anud laid aut imy F. C. MoCallusi, Prouvincial Land -tui-veyor, accoarslig la a plan flied la -hule utegl.lry Office oi hue Couuîy cif Ontail iuare ls on lthe promises a goocl, cemisurt. ahi. Irauta Hnus, couhliilîg flysroome, hemoa ew-oodumhs.duas! l Sabule Time propeety i. suilable fuur auy poreon deairiag a tiret ilais villauge realdeuce. TER148.-Oue-liaif do-u at time ai Sale, fsuti balanc, mu tvo equal aunual instal- unus witb fulereat ounlte ole amona ""uPa"' at eîgit per cent, or cash te suit -uehae t time cfsalhe Fat- fa, thet- patieulars apply aI tbe lawu offices ci lime underaigned, . - BELL de BELL, or tOî'. ~ Veudees Solisiloas. ortP TULEY, 118, Boevullc,July 27llm, 1876. tId-I2 C RIîST MILL FOR SALE by Publie Anclian, auttu CROWN INN, COLUMBUS, tire miles nott of Osbawm, Caunty of Ou. taio, on Thursday, l7th of Auguist next, a t 1a'clock, lime property cf bMe. John Blukie, a Griot ai Fleuting Mii, ontalu. ing- To-o Entof Burr Stan, o-it ail lie uecesaar Macbiuery for din~ a marchant er gris lui business. Capaeiîy- ryto lPiiIy Bat-i-a ehpr 5 -crt AttacheS ticreto si-o SIX ACRES 0F LAND, with Two DweJliug Biouses, Stables e., ste. Situatedinuoanaci lte b "nt o-eaî istîcla ci Ontario, six milem fronatlite tOmd Trunk anS too male# fronttho 'port1 Wbltba' and Port Pe-t-Ralo-y.I TtsMs--2,500 wuthin ae unsînthi; bal- unce lunmua-eu equmal antuual lnktumlmeutsu t - pcr cent. iteresî ; poseosiu un lut Soip- emober,D Alan, frîy acres cf land idjoîalng the lîll propemty.- 1,1,A> cash Seauo; tle bal. duceInaseve yesre.P LEVI FAIRBANKS, )ated et ColumbnihuJulv 22, 1878. 14.81 ~ARM TO LIENT] 1 à Pirst-olasa Faromof 100 rst on o the. w.rf et h*8 Ou.00, ot ToclJ", io& 19th Day of Se ptemb'r, 1876, at Ton o'cloak iu the forenoon, baig the lime ippoinlpd fo ajudication on ,lbh lais. Dai tibla wenty-fourth day of luly, GEO. H. DARTNELL, Glu-BSMuster, 'F I YEx .CURSIdÊS, TO ROCHESTER, N. Y.., "N O0R S E M A Nl" àPECIAL INDÙCEMENTS. Au a Special Indueement te Familles te viailtlihe beautiful -City of Rochester, dur- lug the wirui,enamer montha, Tickets good for two days (ncluding date of sse will bo iesuod by Steamer 11Norseuiso,1 antil The l5rk Day of Septembf r, next, aI the uniermentionad unprecedented rates fioui Port Hope or Caoorg, narnely; For two members of Famijy 10 Charlotte and return - - - - 0800. Each aiditional meuiher - - 1 00 Chlldren unuer 15 years af ago (each) 50 Tickets munat he procnred from t4 u nder. mnenîîoned Ageel of the Steamer, or u tare o-l be chargeS. B. STEPHENSON, Dom. Tel. Ca., Agent at Whitby. CENTENNIAL EXCURSION TICKETS 1 Centennial Eý'xcurion Tickets from Whit- by, et greatly reiucei rates. Prici fram $15 40 te 18.10, according le route ; alec for sale. Wloitby. July 24t1, - E. STEPHENSON, IR Agent. L - ROUGHAM CAIRIAGE. WOIRS. S. WEBB Respectfully iuiarms bis Patrons aud the Publieahâ (bh e has purchasci the Right for Pickering, te Manufactmr Conboy's Patent Seat BUGGIES, CUTTERS &e. AU parties will df o-eh ta see our Buggies sud Cutlors, betoro giving their oriers else- aehere. B3raughiani, Jnly 131h, 1870. lyr-8O CUerooca DEPÂRTM1EET. Ottawsa, Apil 22, 1876. A UTIloRiZED , DISCOUNT ON ..Amoricaa mu-abatÉ until futthor no- 'T. JOHNSO, 29-tf Counaissioner ni Custaoms. FOR SALE,. A vahnablc welI.brotl Young Breoding Sow for Sale. Enqui-o aI CHRONICLE OFFICE. Joue 1131h, 1876. 27 ROYAL HOTEL, TA S. PJINGLE, PRiOPRIE TOB. The largest and mTnbt commodions bote] in the otOw huis large iatnple roinsie or ommnercial travellere.' Table %-ell supplied witla the best ini season. Bestbrands lhqiiors ti]f cigara. Enolosed ýerd and shedroon ttentive hotIere. Lhar-"g o lHuit the Limes. N. l.-Livery altaoLlýd. 27 c OTTAGE FOR SALE 1 That Brick Cottage, juq il maitii aofltae Braownu&u te srsaa Maufatuing Cas@. Warks, wt t-bin launS adjaining. There are on the preuuises ua Stable, Bard sud Sout Watei-, &c. Faor f oirtier particulari apphy la J. E. FAREWELL, Itairister, &-o. Wbithy, Ma~y Orsi, 1876. 19 F Olt SALE 1 That eligible Family Residence wiîlu 8j acres of Ian>l, campri-iug Garden sud Os- cluari,asU su excelent qutsluuy, formerly oc- moupied by the laIe Juohnî InLmur. Esq., sit &te absutel nsmile esuaiiWofimritby, au the Kingston htosd. The Humne. caulains Ton ltsuoms besides ktchen in rear, with goai s ellai.-. Bard anud Sait watee an (ha premi. ses; also bau-n sud stable. For fuether pariculars enquiire of JUIIN TAYLOR, Esq., On lime premisea. Whitby', Apiil lutîli, 1876. 10 OF TME LA1JE EK. CHAPMAN. Notice is -ý-sy giveu linpuîreîaace ai Stuttute 2-uthu Vie:, cal). 2R, Sec. 28, that fill crc5ituis anS ailier persans him-ig caims upan or alfectiuug thea esîste af L, anS Kester Citaprau, late of t.e Townsimzpoe Picluer. iîîg, in the Canlu of Ontaru,, Yoman, wo-h <lieu)onlima Tltierildty ni juinp, h870, si-e ites-cluyrequi-eS ui or before lthe 17tm day nf Auugust, 1870, ltebnd bY Post ha iRichard Callimu, Eeq., WiIIy P. 0.. tbemtdrgiieisti-a. toi-af tdia persanal esIate sud efface of lte saiS sîceamui, cleir ames, acdissa sand deuuciptiouis in tull, (hc parlîcularsetaItheir dlaiai, slleatus atNf chair accouaIs, sud ltae nature of ltae accueilles <if smuy hielS by tem, a&i tît at t haexpiration 0f ltesii lie.lie said adminutrator o-il] <praceei-to d.istribuîe thec assets of tme sel SdecoueS ameug tb. persans enlihied theretobavlng i-ega-e to the dobîs sud chaima 'onhy of o-hicli lthe aaid adminisîralor mitaIl Iken have bai notice, sud the said adntinsbt-ator nuier tlie Provision& of tho said Statute will nat bo.liable for limeassels or muy part Iluccase,0 icaribuled, tl, auy persan cf woais ebt or plaim, he ,hall not have hae notice aI lthîe ofa. i acitdistributian. RICHARD COLLINS, Aduuiuist-ao- Pickering, 61th July, 1876. 28 be sold oheap for. Ca Cob Pipes at the 0d WhitbYF Augut 9h, 1876. LOCO (best ini town.) L my other stock of Giroèries, wil Do not fail to see the iiew Corn Ows' Builins PTER, 8MI,'H,, Whitby, July 2Qth,l1876. TO M Y CU8TOMEJI8:"ý The undersigned, in returning thanks to his, numerous customers- fôr past, fa- vors, begs to announce that on and after- the IFIRST 0F SEPTEMBER NEXT, he wil discontinue the system of giving long credit, and wiil thence forward'sel for CASHI only, or short credit of three months to prompt paying cus- tomers, thereby enabling him to seil Goods at mucli Lower Prices than heretofore. ..His present Stock of- BOOTS & 510E S 'and work of ail kinds is heavy and weil assorted, and will be sold at Lowest prices for Cash. His accounts are being made up, and will be ready for dolivery on the above date. Einving pressing elaims to meet, lie respectfully requests immediate payaient. AIl Notes. and Accounts past due, wil be placed in ether hands for collection without further notice. JOHN SAUNDE1I ANNiJAL CLEARING SALI -OF- o/j'Y 00008, CLOT-HINO BO.OTS AND SHOES,, 110W going on. Cati and examinesom of the« bargains 110W offering. Oshawa, August 2nd, 1876. IG IB B S JAMES 511EA ELECTED IS kSA-ýiE o CAN'T. TURN OUJT McKENZIE HARVEST IS COMINO And if you want Forks, Scythes, dies, and ail kinds of iHarvest Tools, Cheap. Go to Cra- HATC0H'S. For Harvest Gloves, well madle, and Guaranteed to fit. Go to -00- 1-e Food for Potato Bugs, Hatch's PARIS GREEN. Pau HARDWARE, i HAY FORKS, If RAY RAKE Se picti E. FR0 GRAI N CRAD Lts, BARLEY FOIRKS, TJJRNIP 11E S.i JC»GENUINE PARIS GREEN.4ý & MACNACFITAN, BLANK BOOKS? Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Blotters, &c., a new stock opened this week. COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPER,. New Lines. Very Cheap. COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES, From,!90 cents perý thou'sand. FANS! FANS. E i, wl Mi . TO PARTI ES BU ILDI NG, If' you iyant First-class- Locks, Bùtts, Glass, Putty, Cut and other Nails, Paints, Oils, and all Building Materials usually kept in a First-class Hardware Store, Cheap. Go to Whitby, July 19tli, 1876. No. 4, Brock St-eet, 'Wlutb y. SILK, FEL TAND STIL4W HATS. D ALY LINE TO 1IOCHIESTER Tt11~ STEAMER "N %~ -- - ~~11 - ~ t-Il g "NORSEMAN," WLUI "o bar egular lips on Ibioroute eVing Coorg oe ory ouinMaI7.80, u Port Kope at 9:SIn'cock, for Rochester, ou the arrivaI ci G.-'1T. R. traîna Bail & West, unnctîng there with tbe NewYork Central. NnrtberrilCentral and Brie. Rallways, and Lake Ontario Shore Division of the Rouie. Waterlowo & ogrlensqhrirg Bailway for SUl pint@ East,,Wegt and South. RET1,UCXNG: WiBl have Charlotte (port of Rorbesiter) dally of 9 p. ui,, ercept RSatur. laya, wheO ahe . Wl bve at 8 p M., for Port hlo'pedirect. 1 ý t>eler . a sock&o. vwlhl idS Iis the cheapeet aid-Minct ex eitiona route ta, Boa. opAlnar wYý7 ý8! o, &o. GOO QUALITY- FEL THA TS FROM-50 ot8, A T 1S.traw HRats- at l0ts., or thiree for 25 cents, whioi oher - stores seil at 20 cents apiece. The newest styles in Englieli and American 811k and- Ize The Gents' Furnishings leading as usuai. el Fine Regatta Shirts v~ Coihi attachéd Regitta, -Brio; Shirts for Oot.; 2 Pairs Fin' &I 40t. ; -p Bo9i. Collimrçait 21 Boots, and Othe liuos £1t til i two Collars for 75ts iprttens., only $1.25,; Finle bbonà Box for 2r) ci..-undes-o LGnt'i *-etwo%ýuitoi GlI The whitA .athingz W6 ait CIROQI Stylish. The Largest Stock iii Town. -" L MIAGAZINES &. NEWSPAPERS, Quickness, promptness and punctuallity gua- ranteed. SAIL GOODS SOLD AT CITY PRJCES. J. S. ROBERTSON, Bookcseller and Stationer, Whitby. JUST RECEIVED AT DOMINION WAREIOOMS, 3RENADIN ES, BATTI STS, MUSLINS, WORSTED COATINGS, Iso a superior lot of striped and plain HOSIIR-YS ~1Milli-nery suitable for the season. UILLINERY, DBESSMA K/NO AND TAILORINO DONE TO ORDER. LOWES & POWELL. hitby, June 141h, 1870. -J'O0L DS MIT H'S H ALL.1 Just to hand, a lot of Thos.« Russeill Son's celebrated Watches, Gold and Silver cases, at -ecial priées. Waltham and 'Elgin Watches in 1od and Silver cases, Jeweiry, &c., ai depression price, SPECTACLES TO SUIT ýALL SIOHTS I Perambulators, 3 and 4 wheels, Çan-. lian and American makers, best value in town. Practical Watohmaker. bitby. Maî~ 2'2nd, 1876. 22 LAINGT & STEWART ýg lewîre to in-vite their c ustomers and the general publie their store to compare prices - with any offered ini the - - ~Towvn&- gfom-rtilae They have no intention of retin ri the eatn , of cfféring Bagua Baukrupt Stock, but hy "intend to givo tho vory -và1ue they cma afford. Pey bave,. been '-9o"fOrtunate;-as tô finda- several leéading Ds mach beoo- the'odiarpico *, sud offor, not i utnriie ot New Dress Goods at 10e per yard, in plain Li Brown :Duck at 12je per yard, worth muel Mc] N ew ýU nion Tw eedI a t 3 i tg. s iei n i- - . a M notisIl yui8ielPuma, aneir pulces,- aud t great deat cf -ct-or valuable israiatiou., eau bo obtsined froin the Wesitern Passeù. gar Agent. Qanathians residlng ou thte1North Shore cof Lake Ontario, cao taluslte steamer. "Norsemuan," leaving Coîborne at15.30 alo.,; Cpbourg, ý7.80 aým.; Port Hope, 9.40 &.4ji.; uiàking direct sonnections 'witit Northern Ceutral trains let-ring Rtochester, N. Y , ai- riving iu Pladelphia oeil uiorcing - et 3 o'clock. Steamers froin Torouto o-lU alec mamedirect connections at Niagarz or Lco- iston. Be sure ani purcbitase sud pur-clase yonr tickets via New or ok Cintrel,, roi-t arn CentraI, and Pensylvania R. EL, which eau ha obtained at aIl Ticket Offices at re- SuceS rates, or at the office ef the Narlteru Centre] Railway' Company, 42 Excitange Street, Bfufalo, N. Y. - > '. M. llOYD, Ja. S. L. SEYMOUR, Gan. Paes. Agt. Western Pas. Agent, - 42 Exebauge St.,-Buffalo, N. 'Y. July 22nd, 1876. -S T ARIF OF LES TO B3E TAXEN (Unier Order in Cancil, 'dateS 24th day cf July, 1874') 2. Ami-est cf each indirinual upon a' warrant------------------.. 11 2. Sermving summens or subpona... 0 25, 8: Mileùge t6 serve summons, 'sub- p auna or warrant ........... .010 4. Mieage o-heu service cannaI»ho _u3pon proof cf due dilligence. ., 010 5.Mileage tslcing irisenere ta gael, exclusive cf dlshursements n'ece- esaeily ýexpeudedinl the ir con- veyance ..................... 010 6. Allending Justices on summnary t-ils, or an exeoninattan of p i-- aoners chargeai wiîh crime, fo r pacb imy uecessarily empleyed un eue or mare cases, o-len uaL engagen more Ihan four bout-s. - 1 0 7. Do. (o. o-len engagea mare titan foui-boni-s.................... 1 50 8. Attonding Asaizes ai- Sessions, oaeh day-------------------. ..1 50 9. Mileage traveling la attend As- sizes, Sesions, or hefore Justices (ohupublie convayance eau ho laken, only reasanable disburse- monts le be slloo-ei.)-. O....010 1.Summonin- Jury fer .Coronuers' lnuieet, mcluding atlcnm]iug ut inquest, and al sorvicea lu ras. peclthereof, if hel an sanie day as Jury summaneti........... 2 00 il. .'tteuding eaclu adjarmueut thereai, if net engagai marc four haut-s------------------...1 00 12. Do. do. if engagea mor t han four honi-a................... 1 50 131. Serviag summaus or subpoeua ta' atclud hbefare Coroner iaubject No. 10)-------------------.. 1-~025 14. Mileage serving same----------..O010 1u. Ex-humiug bady unier Coroutur's :warrant ............ ......... 2 0 16. Ro.-butying samo-----------... --2 0 17. Serviug distresa warrant, sud ri- t .ring same ............... 15 18. Advortlsing under disîres -o-r- 19. Travehling ta muake disîrees, or ta searcit for gooda -ta make dis- - tro s, oh n n o g o od s are u a . O 10 ,20. Appraisementa, whetier by muie or more, 2 conte lun the dollar, au (ho value ai goods 21' Catalogue sale sud commission and ielivery ai goada, 5 cIa. in the 8, on net produce et goodi., 22. Execnling searcb o-airant .1:.150 23. Serviug notices au canstables.' wbeu pcrsanahhy served.... 0 Publislmod by ai-ici, I. J. MACDONELL, H IHLY IMPORTANT TO TUTE MUSICAL PROFESSION I Great Succces ! The Hanà Guide for lte Piano. TitisRand Guide fa Ibe reaulI of muany years' oxperience anS study, andus warrant. ed te are, at lèasr, six mof)s afoflthe ledi. o u s c zrr s a r c t c o ff th e P ia n o . Ilt o-g lsltabu a wuer. louiugc- list i t. ugregal iuepenclnce Il o-w talite ng3ra 10 striké upan the ends. Il o-ll eac thlitahanS s&titudo o-bile lte dbhgers are employed on sigle passages. Il o-fi temet wrist or octave ,moions, anS in Ibua couipelliug quiet enùlte part et the iuncticu not employed, tend 10 inleusiiy the exoriciao anS mes-case greally lte Sevel. opmenl iio- hich tite exercise le, IntenSed. Thoe Guide is warranteS dl itany square i andun lu et once simple ani stroig. N ed not ho takeu froau the4iauuo, bemng swung helco-bon ual trequirg- dont toanay aidren upon rectpl aifttie ntarked price, o-ithinuIt-nations. PlaIn'Caslings Walnut Rodt $ > Elegaut pmteei tinga, Riwosoo-d -0 N. B.-Teashero mme respectfully invinteS ta gir.leta totes to their qus-ieflatian. Apply'.to - Professer G. C. WIGGINS, Whilby, or Professer C. MOTLEY, Bowmaatvtle, - -Solo Agents. Wbitby, Jnay1I,1870. The, iubucriber offers for sale tIe feflow- lug vsualepa l inte Town of Wit- by:- eutBt-tCotaewith à acr 0f ln-stidounte corner eG reen anS St. -P tBt., lu ltseSoutth ,Ward. ,MAsc i acre l fln, o-oU enod, anSdlu a igitutat. of autivatlon cerner Wellington anS Gif- lai-S uts., Norti Ward. j acre on Centre St. aouth of the resiilence cof C. Draper, Esain tit fRout Wt-.Alsms20 acres c of Isnî being oomýcosed cf part cf lot 18, lOtit cou. cf Too-ushp ci Murrmy, Co. Notthumber. land. A clair anSdIudispntable titlb o-ifbcogiven te aR te above properby. For furthite par- bienlamu app!y tb 1h. ovut. FRANCIS -CLARK. Wititby, July 1871. - SOI General Commission Merchant -and Produce- Dealer. - -Agent for IMsEreutana ud Csmscxsz.UN- IsN Fit-e Insureuaè"Conipmnlos. RATES 0F INSURANCE 1.OW - nunarei symptous wicIbjhjï tis ire.sng ia.U esse assumes, may Test assu-et of au eretitiat anS aven speetir cUre by the ludielenusVant Ibis moat invaluablaeuioedy - DR. BRIGHT.S PHOSPHODYNE Iu C2ASES aIt as. 6d. by ail Cbeuiaî and Patent Medicine Veudorm lbraug-hout the Globe, Full directions toi-7sa, lunlthe Eunsit,prui, Gejrman, Italiai, n, Btai, Suanisb. Potgs. Daulah, liussiaunt-listPoitln, tde- stalu, Madrassa, Eouffllee. -Chinae and Jap- ae Laniuages. acompauyng eseui Case. PCAUTION.-flThelarge sud lnereang de-« manti tar Di. Dright'a Piteaphodyno bas ba to sieeraI mitations under siitar, namea; pur- chaeers ci Ibis Medicine sbould ttereice b. carefulteaobsen*- -Iat each case bea-s 1h. EugBish Geverotiifnt tamp-wo-ht ie vord. D. Bt-ighutiaPhosphodyne<engraved lthereon (o-bite jettars on i-ad greund-) andt thal itme- sIainewords are aise lown ou thbotIle.- Eeycaseaat ie Trade MarkanS Signa- lu-aet patentes. Thel juittBeare ssparicu- tmrly cautionad agmsinst'prreiasiag qspotn iumitations iaupcred froua lbeFuiteS Statee, and a-erequestett note thatîhe directions - for use- a-o pinteS iu ail lbe tanguages es aboya, o-ithaut o-hzich nneue au possliibch genuino. - EXPORT AGE NTS. Narton, Wataa& &&Ca., 107 Soutioaru Street, Land , S. B Ev-ans, Lescltar & Ev-ans, 60e alliclamenm Close. Cauton, EB. 0,1-- Deoe enbms&4:Ça., 1 G Calera a traL. Laondou. E. C. Barc-ay & Sous, 05 Fa-ingdan Stree. Londons, E.' C. Niowber &taSen, 87 eogale St., Londan, E. C. J1. Sanger fiSons 150 Oxford St. Laonden, WT. G1. Carling 6 Co, 30 St. Mary Axe, London, El. Stone & l'o. 16 Geai-go Sre-et Mansion Houbu, Landau. EL Campbeall & Ce., 108 Leadeniteil Streeot, Lou- -don. EL Boanea-illa & C,, 2 Bi-abant*Cl. Philpot Laue, Laotien, EL Cotley & Ca-te9GI. Winchcsei te. Laotien, EL Ih. Brooks & ýCa.. St. Pelers Chamibers, Cocnill -Streaet, Landa, El. May 1lm, 167. - -34 -12-5--AGRE-S, Silnated on lte Kingston Rose!, S miles fi-oieinte lourisiting Towo-af Wbiby, biug campaosei of lte 8ontb-o-st 75 anS the Norli 60 acres cf Lot No. 3l, concessIon S lu lte Too-ishiip of Pickering. Tille-iat- cias. On the front 75acres there is large To- alorey Fraee Bouise, o-eU paloteS, wibh -Stone. C"er;t-;2 CMaterne, 8 uoer.failiug Wells; Ptmme Banu, GOiS, o-iI Stone Co- Stables and Cellar undet-eitit; Horse Stable 42xWo-it Clla otider Ibe centre - Carsiage Houa. 26x2d; Fi-arn Ccw-sted andS aM e 60%24, Pilg hanse 24x18; Garden wiIb é8, PIui a» Cherry trees in abun»- Sauce, tegetiter -iit 6 o-casaiffimat clous Ot-ehamS. Tite ahove tarmiso-e l 1e ireiz- cd. Tiisueeof tIbe bot fartululuinta- rie. On'the. rear -is a good Framp Ba=- 60156, and ana 40x24,- goci Plaunk Homte, 26x24, -olit kitchen andS tone cellat-' 2 o-elle, a neve-fmllug Spring, and 4j acres of Orcimard. .Thcabove fat-m onil ho sol4-on reasnahble lai-ma, mpply b lita proprielor ou Ibe pre- mises, -R. S. WILSON, WiyP.0,Ont. Pickeing, JuneSOt, 1876 265 MÂNY tNFEBIOB Il OF TEE "MYRTLE Ný TOBACC - Are c o- oSered, LOOK OUT l'OR. TRE ON THE GIENU THE COUNTRIY ýl 1 GROSS 1 (IL CR&WFOÈD, MA.S=B.) 1 1 1- 1 1 whitby got, 8rd, il BROi DK STREET, WHITBY. WHITBY, &0. --oo LOWES & POWELL.1 ïhitby, June 14th, 1876. -0 'Litby. Mu.ý lay 10th - 1876. May 10th., 1878. 1 1

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