Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1876, p. 2

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maEtat. P. Turli osaliA. Bnat irbauks. aIe cf CoýPf#, horst Lal ui-. Phi 'y. es, 0464 éQOnit ONLY Si 5o PÈR ANNL: Spnouli[e wall eivtmsssluthetI fitrrblie socoutias ôtahie w -Bamio,,y, es, aclposa unWjlIlie sa t i tvors,'m ft-oj, siltIs ý4; of potsi lise yl]uiwiIl bu mobsndant, asu <vo eavOî3cremp of llias- l1î.e uirpstieda) ~ uIcln.Itifitti elehopei thet u twh-'îet fotluti ewihli b eui lssii'.ne c! thmIe beiatiful yiouh lueV flti)lg sUtti itl i Wltlll i Illad PIeN J>ols le (, hi eths e iaIlsoutl luofia îîos eitioti-fles lie ticat liai pi'evoialmi bde cli îîatrIoS auticipotea li 3ifnuia-wh ta buth tlie wl - au-I li-4itlcY trepi stae no% Y imîmvte Vih ashImales are Itutt, athondeelci ahi tihlis it pply for home mosiuupl thore wili t-wuuin tlicurmlus ami cf 7U0 1)1)11icîni<rilallu <lor axu orbîclo lseqa>uiviknt te tu.toly 28,5( ('ý1 1 uimtl-i. 'rtiryielil of -lsîiey ile s-crs' li-îlic, cmii thorc <cuitI o210, eus, i r tîttly Ji#,.UU,000 bush nvitilîabîeibfr aooliort. 'file &g'îoulfortu ,rit l oilomnîaa lu elatreti lii'Teos, as-I tLCl acîi eepiau-c flmeni husbc b lîttsiitu guvtoo tuneition - Imm Imo wttu t 11a)(1Nonili- Vomte NO e uln l tîuwinher.whae 4,rtwing section Iiut lii liarrotit li à4iia-cet îalo in anue placafm enîii ivur, îAndîitlish-lipros-e te bo tai ltcgr t vjiî anthiiptûilfori aviotcro Utîti (tttrîlilueomî-talf $lit avearageora w-o s coheckîcUà i lshiosemi te liescode lites- titsi oie-liaif, cime]fi-cm chiat ut- o. J'uitorrgt-. Tfl@icpnig alied gri ig hllati-.c lias-ut givemu usiscmoîlie discou - atzîlb 'etluittiîtt tipy iîn imtty, if li lutit Ilot l i m prîiiobl li taI, ful u - -utll lu- Ii~tt t' tot!uîl iut0:1 o îligboi1 itflie Norehisîc't gi faî i of tt f ulîsl Cccii. 1ilsmus ut-at-ctii-nhan cîuŽywhuertu. C.r iî ir ptuieiotr tlu te trgf'iýr- ii lit orutcyit1i-i ceislit, tiuiii titiliu 51'ttuttuet luat i latI litlîîfruuo is that thue ncitlel rop8<acrei la fîs-ooatleeCttdtiotn, ç thlt -uuCt p iuentiftF l wlicît til im1 lti u bct iievltilt t1ht-i-t lias bai Ui.irii,,uj-Pc.ra:- th îet)itLyd v'rtPcry<ltiitiuCî R doahyu- fi 1li-rt 1 ;1, e Ltou!o-ty l t ltt lmy li.te-hium Wtî'k plt uti tit extrLut fui mcilish Itutmiu.lte liiitholu i i tqcilhi o ' tcci isc b hlan- lte itutht<lait O.ttt. t es iututuitiivi for thle Wliihc <ime ie -éir ahuttIdre.op~eiuig, i 11w ~lute1mL1îOc, lic atioliehiala tif tîWc,.CtopAiuy nvai-essiig tiig Ilt .I4Jt gt'aljirdit i ft-gtt alpaf- witttigt r liiis, thuyaretto ow rtining thr lt-iiibottii rmuîîuîeîIii .Latt aoin îîî cf -912,00. aciii Imahe îmseut and fljUaI f.w wiieks <oi, fili8 expcîei iiiî,% icilivrotio uttltt amtoict. 'rie Itiii i ituthgiiîgt lis ba(in lttrualy eiieceai- ùý- t-lint rionitnl cf 1hitsim. t juue. '<lt-lu& son.tttdiiigtus-nu illions te thi.m -tt:t i 6io n uîi.a Thlie ncicaeul iuîmeleprýtuf cf ueaegstic enaiuage. %vctvi u O-aru ç;istt te Iluiue, and tin ufl btian, boîte ujolicefor tic futurs tir (lengami-y. CeOurty Agrcuiturtîl tiuîcIV- -prire Piîze licIst-oirc by the Cotuty Agtieui thumaI Scolstv: cOf Sonhlu Ontarioe hile year. 1h speaks for itet-lf. T'à Oddcfellows. l Assport Of lime rauîil lc'p-esmuts. lis-el froux Ontario ho tic R. W. Gi-st [comîge c f lie United ltates, pritahe oca tietpge -b.rul With iuharesh. UOIisutuÈT'S Pouar wii dtuîttlese. 1hfl - fa!'itQ tiemOrt for riti(jug1th, cicle( builiiy'u i ndgy. W% ara ieqscts.î -o b aboe tIa«t slclblionai prizes, i<iidee4 lioeIeaody advertlued, selli bo gis'on fur pavils lahlig paîtb nothet- gamos asan ruomx ouîs e haanneuneeti pu tlze ?Jr, 8aunc!er' armonuuenh te- bh iestomers'. Ro Is saliug him primAentl oasmot-hti stack cf liols sud LUAlIlco olamne rM. le7u. beat. tops, wex- t thie sthain1 eted,i tion,1 000,J tuneu here C -red ua ý ucar tiltvllugo of A*hbnrn, QU tw5a, UJ ulto., sW 09 > earwb ,d 4 1 11niiltm. H.ieay" atom msar di tu untif Lanjavk, SooIland, IIê mâaralý,1806, and aaîîlain bt ci lot ý0, 7iî!J con, Wiily-np te thefinie cf<ieldoalli.,Theo doaasd gautlianan, bad4o.u lJug for Borne Iima-inded for th. lut twanty yc.ara ho buas uifer. .4- frolrbthe effios of bronabitis cof whlah ho bac! thon &aesvore attaack i. capiciîating hlm for.publia businh,! lu tha. old layo, botora the, Whitbys bocamo ýdivldod, hoiewas oeaof the firsî ecunefilors of Ihe-o4 townshlp sud a noiaitfu ofu inbeof thé municIpa orporsîlon. Ha was ont in'T s v-olentoor for Ithe suprosslon cf th. vo. liollion, aud 41lid gee4 service for 111 country. In privaI. and public 11fs his charactar WaR frreproeabl. Ha bail uiany attaelied-frionds, snd bis bîsin. logs lire ult Ill ml'6 t 1hlm witifou ne Oupluy. The reomains werc int4rrotl nt Ashtfm on Friday lat-tla funaral belng most rospeotfably atton'lod by wourning friands froin ail parc& of $lîa oounty. alua was one of tiie largost that has takon plicoîn lthe logaliIy. A New Wheaî Peut. The whoat filds inetho Soutlîwestea States arc eutYcring frein the. attaoks of 06u eenomy new -uta atragion, but whiclî lias for s6ver4l years proved destructive luinother parts of the Con., tiuont, and lR sal te ba as numérons aud voraciens evotineastheigrassliop. pers wlioh lat yoeir demeended upon tie Weot. ThI1lmctclsimilitr Iunsn ture and appearance to the amwy worwu letîuduerb, by Profossgor Ruboy, au emnu nt ouoilogit of Miaisonri. It ia prottily stripeclwith suiphor ye!. low alta ye1low, ant i wth light aud brown as follnws :--À durit hmnwn lino aloug ib'-bock. divided along the ridtdlo by a fine whîite lino, gousrally obsoletu bebînti ; bjuoatlj Ibis broad lina ou. oacb ic!, a straw yellow lino, 1 1ialf as wide ;Ilhon a light browu onp uf the saie %widthà as the IssI, and b. coîinug yellow aun hbolower oigo; Ilion -- - - - - - --44 UMat affwala -OgbMstblewson...-0 thei Ileitus pirtcles ; tien a enîphiUsr Staro e Methewcon yalloss-ho wide as thie tîird ; lion a b ssr b ALaicg ........ miolass distinct liglît brown subventral bMUaler....W....... 8 itt <iaket .......i unie, lie venter lîoiug s polo yellow. Henry,. b osier-..4 b A Laing-.......2 Lat- Tl Iadc!itu large, slrssv eolorod, anti B ' 'd t"r 5-<a bld Ur.... 0b Mahovsei- fer Wiît h wo .attFUURtilitg bowumarks Brout, mit 0oi-h oeGreen b0.r..i ey (ru uî em eti lwrIss b o n. obosier ... e net eut-..... cilcrytslîis epithie ordinary cîallognuy Bye ..--------...4 browu -colour, sud termiestes le a Leî Ilyce-.....I. LemI iyes....... nl'About tîoruy peint, witi o corrugateil 17-58 nop baset. The enotli ba ti.front wingc 514 lo s;trW-Colereui< witi s pale lino rmneinug ttlbblioi7 tg le lng tIh e idtie thle coter tird, aud -75 sisuibaed <ith; browu as follows ;-APikrn oiil iW'clade beneathitic wlhtc lino, inteusif!- PceigCuc >ur- ei ai caci eni wli-o it joins tb.- not white ; suetier eloeng bis puat.rinm Saturday. 22nd July, 1870. A us. bonder, nst-ots- ol apex au! broadeoiog Tl'le Pickerng Couticil met pursuant op te thm nidlis, wlipe it projoots sieug te ajnunment. Membens ail preseut, hPte îinlle cf the wing ebeve the whie tlIe liee in the chair. Minutes; of0 mll. lice, fadtinug swcy towmirm base, anud a last meeting rendl and ottflreued. i vas talutai- slictie song <h.e front or costal Tihe Reore reaul a comunmicationm P oui rige, intcnehfyiug totvoru!optex. Tic [roui Tuas. Heuboumu in eference iteas ,VU epecies is crue cf ltme cuasilotfi- o-ater course on pde one d lbetweou lots li aiux, iig3 but tws-.thirds cf themuNocs. 8 2 anti 8 8 lu 8rd Range cf iîroke,î àesuze cf the ammy ws-acu. The sanme Iront conceilssion. be caîerillsîi- is rocor(td atirtbving dlons Sevcral accounts fer wock pérlfîrmeul noilo damange le wîiaaîandtibiîotlin ole roissweîle presanteti [tr pyet SMatrylandtianti icnaeyls-ania lu 18 7-1 ; Mn. Greeu ncnoes ttin ah 1i#sIdT.T ond, iceiin, le 1875,.cmplaiute ws-me Rogers b. appninted Ctrumieioner curn T lUuaslo cf ils rasagoi in lieecorne lStotes, bhaîf of lte MmuiipaHty of Piekerint, i Of 's-ui ci asc thuîe' suiTeratl fre is i-sse te superintermd thme expenditure cf tuab in ta taclus soehtit is. uct woithî straw portion of bbe Municipal on fut! votedtiri prie.'Pispr -thîe insoot licas a 10 e ePickering 1-labou ndsu]Road t lie-cucul 1' lilsU(i.plio. Joint lStocki Compîany tnuoer by law No. 'I -- -3 90. th B, lr o u n i , a .M I, G r t - s n lu e se s s t a t t h ei e s - s i l l e 0. . ofB tlIe Provincial Tresauren 1cm themi- ut cI D)l.w .. 1). bG( . e. tu-ii te i fl-$700., on at-ceîni cf tlust Portion cf the PR ltttjit othnc.î u IJ'uilt:rtir o-'o N l iiuuuicpa oi Lerainci, gviitute ethie %o l" ira st- <och compustv, 1tuileri-las No 80 H l.m xliv O h îîIlla britdge cicr ths Cru.ek nusi-le W. 11Lt:tli 1, i,-lI Gepl- i 1nandc5,tin 40)uc on.,U c tir V.ît'îî lty l th M. l e appeieted Cuuuuî - et V.J. mj. lri. S. iAi-Ien tg superiîîtenel tie building ofti R 'S. hies-le, -RI. 8 8. -tluUpetifione, prirentetlustiiii afier Th 1) OPhIlo-y. L. S. M. csmleiuly exsmnining thiecame. bp -c r -uE. îaAnlîjlî, .It. S. N. G. Cave tu report soU recueumend si ofol "l 'u S. B. Webb<, L S. N . G iowe <ht' J u.as. MIeQimiti, R. 9. V. G. Firet, wcîuld reconutenilue follow. -.t t E. L'Amuricx, i. 8. V. O. iîtg grant fer irnprtîseipeel of tosuis :- l'lie IL. Aarugou, J. G. On clU. rosole b-cwemlots 14 aud 15, $m . Webbi, 0. G. nle St!, con., $80. S. J.. Gree, coin. s-s- BOJ.W. Womuehim'ass elocteti -pic. Second, t tilhe followinîg acconle 9 scntstcthel Grand LoUge c f Ontîario, for woî-k un rouli chbeptîii :-Johunfat ei wiîLll i ostubles iii St. 'Cattim in Porter, fer <vomI ce sitie recel bctweemu Augnet. The 1V. D G. M. comnpliment. lots 10 sut] Il. le 7tbu con., 854, os pet tet cdi tIe . Luti pun tleir esitanpe cf cr'-er cf Vm. Cochrane, comneisioner; F r tlurift lu isaving a whobesoreebaulance Jolie Bornes, fer gras-ding ou ile cent! Et ILI the tîcosumi'. betwesu lots 7 aud 8. lu 7mb con., $40, wre a as par order cf Samutel Jouis, coim., tii; A. P. & iBo. ltn-. W. 11LtiteOs. S. J. Green, 6311, being amoutut expeut- tici rupî-eetiatis-e(if iJeontrlato Union No su! au ithi cou. hleno-or sud aies-e lie 1SA -269 bu tihe Gi-cec Lotluùtof 'anaia,'wac ocorInt froenthie Municipal Loce Funid ci-i1 eloteelI" iglit Woroelipfu1 Ggand Cilap ho si road ; George Hick, 58. for at. fini Lain cf tîic'G. L. cf Conueia aI tlue on- teniu funerai nf-Mme. Liseombe-, ccli Tin: -nuai sesion of thue aouie ltuewa on1 as geting coffin andl convoying aorpse s-tet lhe i15<nIrent, te grae; William Cark, $57.8'Z' for dOiz Éo1-l4 or TnmitiîaiNcii... 'lle ftlîcw. 4Iie-cp killei by dilg; Richard Wiuscot, &tru iDZ aorste ia.ciers iusîuullc for tIi. cur #7.88, for shoep killeol by doge;. ths cernt terni, vit : Mm. Grete mos-es thaIthie Beep tnc Ilrothom J. W. Honge 1)i. W. p. amant hua order outhie tncasuî-h in Min Il. Liaxtor, . WP. fas-crorfci tle parties. necootmeeuol ad1 W. Wocthmufl, S. , , b' the standing commitboe on accoanuts strIt Silteî- -EhRe Smilla, A. R. S. anti petitions, suc! cooisl faveur cf t1is in IF Bretlem- C. Cimumoelitil, F. C. parties recemmmneet by lie standing àne C. J. Willsou, , conuecillee on damages 10 itep by crit1 Sister Mogglo Roberîson, C. dioge. wrei Broelaer W. cowic, A. C. Ibmr. Gren gives notice hast lue will D - u N. ilell, 1 . G. ett hienext next meeting cf tie concil Arc1 q. Webb, -Cisphoin. iîtroduc, a by.isaw te appointai collecter ie t) This Division hlio aenmbot-eiuip cf for tic pear 1870, wioseiuty i h all il i uir-rciote intidroti, mnd 15 incnessiug be te colleet ail muinicipal anti cehuec l it weecl. Tiee o. oveol eelen2t roe, ecilooltrustees te mole opplica.-cii ansd "sci--itabîa mprvemcute iîeing linnet leter ilon lte meeting of coniL- bema lcr.rnriet oct in colcectien witb Ibeir ci" in Augiîst. coln ]?-Il, iiiîdlig anun gan te aspsethle IMc. Brîown mos-es thatti. R. Hcer, ic meîcoiy. l'e anc! itu larebi' appointei te sot ac; liena Mit.IluXTIitttt.uiir, se uneho onmoloiiiCr to epair Wiltesle bridige wlîtl MIL 3AXERtealie, be gue e sud teport lie ccs hiarci te hisle Jl Cap May. Naw Jeasey, te meuprsie, coumîcil Vah alis bis iialti bias beau faiiinugfor tconac Mm. Goulu] mos-se lthatil ocunlcil uiiee menuthe ; be tuepoess "doing" flbe Cen- iget a note diecouel si atthe. Qetamic iïmgii lennial before actîIring hteoassuma ie éBoukfor lie.sutu of 6600, la mool cOur. oclY dulies ini Maple Lemge 8ciool. ent expeuseoi. otae Dly hie WaY, tlias owor gamuion in Mm. Groen mos-os tuaItih Reeve conneatiubio iithx Mapîs Lodge àunu. anti Clarklbe aullianized e Aaigu an ortier RE n.suaIY ll f i iu hilis eason, bul,unu. ou the troasunen cf tie province cf On. Aloi fol 'n "nns oulsne ictilidua be lu v sit na tari e for lieh e n to f 81400. o n senu t app t: lic gard1,11 acsLiuîecorlîiiuh nnwamnant. of, oc-i binga portian cf tbe municipal Elgir aide libenlies, that tieceustou-iia ocf lue LoanFIenidacoî-uinglohusmrnnicipality 110K promiss ewas eobuigori te alosotheio n d ecvscoc! nuder by-law Ne. 890), for wi againsîthie *jusl" anti "unjusl." IIow road and brigo pnrposes. Coas unfortuto tilt the jusî' atiffer witiî Mr. Hoover nmoves tîtat Ihisi ennucil andl tho uujeuuh ?" I>nubbly MODonueli 'doe 00W adjoure, suni stand adjoumne oti ý con uipipoho lie iffculty Ou bis rotumu til! Saturdai' the l2tlî day cf Augus*' If ai from'Europo. uoxt. 'orL NEtW STYLIN c ecHàT.-Reod wlusi NA Rnow Escapt' ysR OyInxIINs.- Liiiz Mr. Frost obrouloles ce thia scijeot. The Beazotuan Timea tous cof tie nas- Tii rot sccape [rom lIme ItutîaunI Tayl or, croIe Th*ls iditor t- fhe ie oaetc"Vogetat. thiescout thâatI ronglat tho uewsetcilNos- lng. Cnîeria defeat le Fort Elii. Ou tise Oala Mit. EDrioi- -Bi3g Home ho wéae taceti by a bandm well. cf Indilans whlti ho wait on a igli- crops tTouaI 801h ianîgs,1 A Laing...... Wrighut, rv ouLi. ..1 Waubli 0 Obrreatt ,b ilathseson ... -s He Bead oliiooib. Bouter, b btatiewo. i .. ....17 .Tehngtoo. b J. Laing '. 9 PoweIl b Latng ..O GEwr.eLàWug. b. Dm. Burns, net out- »Yeu WBITy Va. CARSLETON. lot issaicci. iteduiond, b Meaglion a Bain,-b l3eyd-2 Jacison, b Bttyd.... e lay, cuat ..oui-s J. ,a House. ,b. Oser &b Boytt-.a. blatissessa. ehlier- A Laing, bHorbert... i W'alson, et Oscar, bld Gitren, mt lydit...a Ilseî.ua et- uis........ 'rotai, iet5 iueiugfi 'nie i-an eut--------....5 et. starS. - 5 e iioyd. b Herbert..- 1 b.,Rerben...... o lloyd, b Herbert ..si b Hennry..... b lloyd----------e... b lly-----7 bllsîyd-----h tnt eut ........i.. Bys---------- YtsgBye....... 6ic - C.tle,.ETO. Lait uantigul. Herert, st Laine- - -. à tiewery, o & b Mttth- ewlioîc----------.. a No tonheseot b Owlr .... ...... reou ont........i SAL l sIéhot Banalte lcseuhhe xSr te Blnaiepsohaul ii.. &s-ýf &mal& ,'rnFlil vtu 'l DEATII tir AacomuîISîue' O r-oL-- Iibishîop Coeunoily, cf hIailsc, tii- huaI cici' n Wetineray nig-lut. 111e is apputurc ta e l eusen e:ontrootcu iîfri' sen~tîtt11 1,10 mii snn iclmitui ci îincooserei. Lie came le thîls lutc' abolit thulis--six yecra cge witîî )laIe, Bishep Walsuh, and remainetî ie as% VicarGpoumî-oifin twcve yei-. en ho was ipsointeel Bishoji îfSt. n. Onm lIe ciesîli cf Arcuuitieluopi ilshin 1858, lie wes cppoiatcd lii Ihie cese cf Hailifax,%tre.honlieut is-s- li'y moîpectet ii and itnuit y iy luis own pLetpio1, but by ahI es of the bommianiti'. acîISTRIi OFEetcINt.-Mr, Arut-iiiac .uaciuin, of St. Tiigmnat,-abac i ainheelRetrista cf the Conîîtv cf i, lu the nootu cf tic lote Mc. Johan Kui', who tiedcio aideelylcet us-s-a La ce laie jsnmrey le lie Atisnihia nt. Mn. McLscilie lise been edtber ptuîprieter cf the Sb. Tuaimus Home cenalleor moni'yerc. MeHe s amaul, bility seul biglaaccer ;sec! lis luirli' yeame bIken an active clîcri cii. pelitica of bai coîUtày (in ti orai aide. ic Caoae îIN No-A SCOorrs-Tiii sB are excos-diteugli' pmuimisiiig lia sa Sootia. Miii' er hob.excellet ta andmiiniar proullueti luook s-cri 1. Potatocep, Inup.4anduiail monti sa wiîb lus funailaovi- tlîe averageë, il iifartun laîîpous them. T!îo ce loal ts-cwrs and tmlxbrigilt sonr. se pro.tuaoen morled ut u ffemet tli ee wel btue w-bale fade cf ntulue iie irminglhy chatungo,ewsîtti tope, ar adv ance1, liaItitilMuet naunels-oS erver esunot [ail la be stmuck-by iî. IRE NORTE SacoIMRAILWAày BaNcS - 3unsectiou with lbe Luadou Tipae#,- moers laetîbsîrucl the plailing cf Ithe lu of the Non4ishore sud Lenîsab, w-e, oeil Wcîsîtru Riiwsv. mt.u esela, of MunIr-el, as-s : If wm st ly uittoreut, sîl1îlîic w-l bý- pur. m, imuce tdue bonrdsm <yul b- s-QoLe liii moisI ionu-leinklcitlauth, stiiol, Idl lase slmeîîu!y puiA theiiGos-cnti. it f'un 11w-mli Iitî-gt pire, and! isse- sel lu cur biîueniz ig oirot, ae gnom- Ie, theo mute cf 0-250,000 or $280,000. IRE IN BAIE-A blociof bniud. a long Dquhep ahrépi was li esE-royedu nu, on Ti)umsdLhy tiMh I.. luge tir A ô' taçhetuemlot tIi. 0li.s4_frnn a_ tz seyou PtiêliamnaîHilthle bant iistalion playîug iba National Ilieniandth i.e rowd ceerig lusgtl * Tii. pmrty is maiel, u ifoilait' niie B Eo.liency thep Governar Got anthei.conîseus ef Dufeli, Hin P Littiaton2. Captain Hamilton, Â. ,Captain Ward, Mr., Camipbell,.-pni, Speretary; Ms. -Sîlcon. asrsa cf tho New York H-orl4; Ai4r. (jing ermenpeusioe: et La MAiaerce, suti .Canadient; Mn. Hortoa, or iec M Terns; astuc!Mr,, 81e. JuIn, of. Globe, Tunouto Morder by a Mtob of Qumrymen YRs&sAND KIIVIIS. I3rookville, Jnily ai.-Ou Satur noning ten tnt-au, aie hall beon wt igin a ste u qrry uaI Hitine Nr Y., passel l]cil.icînde cf.Wat Malet on tiL bock road four ma west of ilauudionui. Oue cf flue gr eiitvrod the bouse nou1i iuitîB N Maillbt. IHem serams lurciiàzbb husband froem tihe lldsut! ha ejec tic intrutler froit lie blte. H. co att ii eisows, Whoe aIonce pitheet to iaii..bt, but b. gel oway [rom thi aud hld uniier tIsebarn: Mrs. Mali Icept on ecroaming, wbee bwo yor, acii nainesi John Sly and Antlic skins, wiîo were workiug for Mai caetîo o sue wiiatwos tti roul The rongzlîs teck after thotu, Inoci thenu down, aud stabbeulti teui eve tintes with piholîforks sund huives. - receivod six cusout@ie hébock with knife, aud wian lue ireatiesti te bic iîuslics frein tic wounds. litikins: cuiveel llree cutsinutIle back, sue]ss oral deep pitoliork wonîl. MaIli ieariug theur cries melumueti, anti kuti esi one cf theo rbisl dowu. Tliree four loeîk ioid cf ii!4, ,bt ile sosie i sway, sud rau to tiO5wootis, follow by the crowui. Tic manguet romain ail niglil le luis yar..Warrante ive isusd fer tIlir aippli-tiiou, anîd tý were armesteel lu Hanîmond, unc Alexandria, N. Y., ousi one lu Brot ville, lc.day, TIti ceinner loft iy tI tuR Ltawrence lo.tlsy, but telegrttine Cape Vincient for tlîeir arreit lhava bel seul. Neittuer Slly non Moelles clin i covon, What contes cf Reading thecIu Goc Grammer'Il Paper. The Wiiby Ga;e-te k isPiozicti count for the nnue cf tramîps lth dlock le Wiby. Ih lias bceu ccu-Il sngRges;t-cfith Iîsit ail cornes; cf 'al mgz Ilit nu-trveîoulu paper the Ge zello. Tiese tramps, sfter psctîsing i co)lumus;, nîy be psrcloued ferromcc iug tlho concîtîsion bluat a toweiltîtat suF portascl a a paper andtI bts ensilé a min witliont bruine te g--t a livim. cu1isît!hia cîoti opuonz for a felluq witi sinelittle braies teo ol c f.- i7indicufor. DOCtTOa l3vrcrinil FOUNID V-11t11iut Tiiî!cAT CUT.-Liutidt). Jniy, 81.-lb Pinie, situs, IlRPs. SftnUý. Botlho: Biaiiup off iathtwlui o ts. bei-n cuff-t oue frutu cougestiesi or the lîaugs mue *nonoluitis, iîeoamm deli-ilins vllii thi ate-nIlants wî-re letiipeorily asient ce Sattirla loy rnim-P, caid upotenrih Llvy frnnt lus tir leeketi. hVln clu oor itie bui'u-t utpt întire I3islihto-ut innuil on time fmnou iu a pool cf lutte- wi l mt rizor ittete him. A slip a snp-r, cn wthtieh wai writhtfthe iueele wohnt] t ]av ta on a ttle. Tii isîtoîs«tictts c ~'swimcufouînt, and <pin-I shiicîîv uftoîwatsru. Petotscre tlÂleiteAü1h-:utsTLiEKLt N nU i s-oî. trtiit- tf î thyttu Ihu ýfSpniîi oi iut-uîîttbch lli Irri-uglinel ltby t ii-iirttge ovitit tilf' ii tt-r tuf tIi-Dml&-f %lonfPu-1iir. I iQ mi-ntli r. ex.Qtil-en tualela, mte one fto i iiclcto ho iitîabout. 'ue p)ropo iizlaliane~dnce ls urp bu- a ery poptîlagr Ocin iispai1,tamii sis-s agecir iîs l îl iee us r i rj%ÇIstli l] Tiie Dole cf Motpeîinsier -ws htioîeiy sigaurcd 1i îîrigms-ste rencli ce Spaniuu thurone Itirni-if a fi-w yesrc co l'utlais scliemée faileil. lic iusv t cnjoy tlt- satisfactioni 0f beiug itlion-in.law cf a Spanilu king. WmVaSTLîuao AT i3ALTIbioE.-Tlie cou- Nt betweee 'tliî-lauîi ilaued, Ithe eênelirnan, andi 'miliisn Miller, ire igisîmnuen, for tire c-tmnpi-îuoîuip ii eoftiing andi $1,000h, came off on Mon- ly nighît at Foroi'e Opera House, Bnl' moe, befuna an isuuli.-ce ettigtet i t 000 pensonsp. 'Boihitus-en wem-uiii ex. lotît coutiltiori I lue licol rondti as Repress-nlattis-es cf t-le Rfonnimuti Episcupal Cimmnoli waiheu ou nnuir L3uhfi uat Ottawa ou Sofurdasi witi au aduiroas. ÂBras-s Sers-ian Soldier. Thie Sers-lau eouï-eputiont cf tii. J7ivcnccnuî, -fter reit<ting how he w-ag turîmedou ont hie camp et Aiexfunafz b-s crier oI Prince Milan, doocribos a tiouble crecution «-iiclu il.witneeseui. A coltilar wh iIaul mesenfei bic; poît sue] a gypsi' w-iccn aceunetiof ieing a si' were onietîcd ta be siiet. The soi- iliur tienilulthiat ho iigrhat b exe iticmuieket inbiatd, an-I ls i'equ-cm wss granlei. RH walkei] quietîy up to a large treoeilndiooneulbis; back agoinel it. - The llning pamty teck up ils posi- tion aI hon paces distant seul wens' about ta les-el hiair îmis whiun ltaeaon- uletnuncîl simeelastioattbis banc! anti criett, "Miciel Banicos-snowifola. for- Qs.t net thialyon promioeul Myis lti-r a clIver ciai.' I re-nmeic, anti wili kep mi womm," answamad lie ma-aiti f he drine parti'. ttThank yon. Rt-c- uler me %acso sotian service. andi an- nii' ilîrot befoma I aam bunleti." lu shall io dons." Tic offloon gave fhe commantei Sm, aod- Jniincsvltclî fhl. but ouyweucded. 4. mou stcppad fomarite filnish hlim, but h.ye p, "61ÇOIthart ôcîn e..ibeh.ta Antl i ct1i Biiuinvancwiîch appuooclmcti %au )liw unt llte wonitî-i-u tite's healesn TlIv-mîcatme th tom cof thlii.Zuerit, wlinln'tIseolliccu untuho tIhe brancli cf o tref.s.ilon ie-m uthsns-c!.iwsîul whlte , -prcpsnitIonu w-ors e ln matie, andil m-e-hiflicceti- th u nve.% nients oflthlieoxocielionen withî ligu. toing oyas. A prnali0matlcnn of Prsitlont Gmant'u imuurtsudy ralts-imthé actn4ici of Ocbarado luto th. Union comîplote. cf, thle building, Cornelia Pîlemoon, Iiztie Sime-rilse, Mafegie gwoencv, au-I MisOtie Hoover rostie-IIhîrougil tIi- fitni, ricsceultIe. wiuIlow, druippeil îue the guiuec, andI reaclietî thie gr-oud witi Ilueir laiads, facesand]- oiotig uni' eliglulîs sintzeo. Ellen Me-en, Anc Ptation, anti Maris Hoover aaw thueir companions muil hincughi the launes anti moche an ttemnp t Icifîllow themn,i '.ut lii. fine lie auiined aouonsbieb ieuulwa y i tlime, anuI tie woect <t'ernte moto fomed t lea..foarIlueir lis-es. The womou weme 005v senît rîîsiiegfraul.iealiy arocapde .ricin. appcsliegz in iearî.rntuiiug vtic.a o litbI crcwu! ce lîipavantetit. ViiIa oamy cil 'it-spair the. wcîaeu wene force-il te tlai stoimway, eentituing on Ùli tliu-N ncieci tie fonrîli floor. Mer. tlaey were safs foras momntu, an-i otaly a moment, for owing la thie combustibile tuaberlol. uluoddy, te las ines sou-ei reaciaul lIeettp ulory. They weme ncw ceeu ah tthe wiuchowc, and thi. pt-oplu- beiow hegan orviug t1thie Womn, ..Jetnp, jump I yen liailbettr die lisu ï way t anuhbe rce ail hospa." bas-m ot th.e o men anei baletu of rags an- -hoeldy oe t ta pavement uniler hume Windows le mccive lte wcmeee u they came dowu AnD Pathegeon w-a tIi, fine a m0nakeslii, ventnne, and nnlîxokilv,. siao jnmped beycnd the paveorent andi a.oe. dô u m lte dîat w-ii f IhOsvt- tis,],?ie ors f ani'îuobauce Thli otîmer wou,,titi t-iaruian os-idci* htlîsa' Iseten-te ti le ' iib ut t nu i' ni-ociicuil owu ho i> 1h'top cf 0à, -ccnt-.tory windlomws., Botla wîîîmîeîu-- thien beseencd ti-meaveo t lei -l ci thet nmpe, sacd jtîmped le lime paremniît botte. 'Tiche u,. whiici wisabosuît ; fit ffly se,VS w s aver'svereone,;fni i2 whaiii thi womeu wore picked np thhey w-cre iueauihhe.- A ecevoyanas wao Pmoni'eil, andi Bileux Haver sud &nn - -eoë romoved tola d mlstoelre o 1-year clU cutis- coJl 4 3 4&F iIly I i Hocco Colt ot' 1876 ..-.-.-1 h 2 I"iliy u u6.... 1 8 2 Stallion ........... Mare anti- Il.....b - 8-yeam olul euh-a- Colt. -j 2-vnteFîlby 4 c-ea lU enth-e Colt. 4 à&F illy 4 iI-cear clU cuti-ecColt. '4 i dF i ly 4 Hecto Colt of 1876 .... -I Filly - deîu.. ~4 l'air cf C-tcriogýe FMoi-ea10 Single IMorse l i hrýps. O Sutdile Motse......... GOINEItÂL Puiosats. Stadiion.............. ..6 Mare anUdPooal ... .-. 4 8-year old antire Golt. 4 iu F i ly 4 , Ye yer lU entire, colt 4j - id Fily 4, L-yeîtr old ontire ýColt.-.l > di > _'Fihly 4 llorse Colt-of 1876. ?ir Glénai4 -Purpos .elii..............3..2 M1 ire and FPoal C.I.i 'A 8 2 8-yca itI'o lulctiro 4 2 Fily4 3 i-yor~ nti-cC<li, 4 8 2 -ypa .d 1tr Col t. 4j. 3 2 -i - ~ ~ à i J F l 4 8 2 -bat~ #0 bae bo$solossly insýapneud Po ffeC'" "' h 'l ios 8u 1hs t è 4uaP9 ail, for-80alsud. UN Ko ebr, .9t"iig Mn g Yon, 0. I~ ~ ~ ~ l *s idtlhreiIn mjs . -f, 184~h wag brou sio1. a fti. - An. allowof W aoten la ia'M. ~kiog s Boaôiion a Yhabeas corpus ta 1 JýMNoilcea o[Biffli, Mardiagea. y, Cbpe1~q Beauori Âylnna t~ïIonuoable of Lhe'Towi3r, - harn )e andD t c>omArgd0 nieah OU'teau ir buhl makes a diffr. -was itnrisansd.L The record of i _______________________ trai suça of Ira w libu dollars, ln the valu ,e cnviction and stqsl<er, wags Jlo .it Il. , o f th e sn n a I c r j f c ra n th é ib o V aî lo d w t a' lu to u e c o~u rt bY k c tio r r i ; 1' U I I T H I $E o lS .1~ valst Thspriasof se i o>low la Calfor. xetm ltb wtsrdied agaitist Jnily.itiewifo ut J. X ourdon, Esq, dent The ofwooll ben. , d i egrauiaigol w hid ars.r fasn gras, ia l&ba t ai y héop rais i' av a co'0 M , co n al t.oaroeshle Wri of al aEau. ll.maio lU. Iii ta o b.sisr1 f.On theb. UOîbNovember . y n D A TEHS. r th, su tllow. wEUPOzcoEcuT ld a ri agay olb.BaratOzo o d s' BUttýzs.-Aîhis roiiýeuce, near' 1h. CIVL Ssviu EPLOESSIBMT.-h. a'!10 ay hy xaution affifîlAshbuir, on the. Ot1b nîto.. Mr. Jamas' Juge,13B1<1d dei I o.tay liaI tire fnot ha war4aotlagafeut hlm On tW Burns, ageti Ã"9 years antd 4 ti#oÏitlis. Dominion Civil Serviàe. alorks are ex canewr-I ofonvioîlon. . l oaiami ore ________________ Mmpt froni pryiug baDUMe tax.éIHe tenIusI taI liawas colt l Ipls Rt holi thast ho Ontarlo, Loaglatura- bac! lai n~iamled le tha rofo*'a. Thre A téir: WHITBY MA 12KIlTS. rv.net power te bring in a Bill cotnpelling tiyanriOS enus, rep[wr tithili~ nol. Opriça, Angt. 2ad, 1876O. tlîom la do se. Wsamiandissue. vas joluDeiOTare *LL5 sUWoî.U l 1<O da~ TE < NLIM< fars.TOGOThe Court immtlîsàtoly swoev a jury w 0 TUE a CÂA'bPÂtiNIA.-...EaoUt e a 00 t. ry Ihat <set (which jury halbeon are. ',PinWheat.....$80 92,<1 $0 911 r o n 1 ta £ L I oru . W -esî ,a y Ih a t or e a v o n g y u m in i l toi ry n y -- îssn ,a ley , N . 1, 0001 lN u . 2 , 80 4 U @ 10 4 5 nid, Sir Iihea orhava sonât. loa lons cau at miglil ho joiused betwoo eu tiKifig C<lover...,...........$8 2,58 .900O le, C analis e Sio u% and laok Fe t ldian. and te priso er.) W itc s as w ereex ri mo- . . . . . .. 3 7 ~ 1 1 eg of le Norti.W eqt, so klg sau offensive suned, and tb. jury brought l i a h ir Iefs -,................. 700 l .a oc e e s v a l a c g in î l e w i v e mrd ic t lia t th e p riso n e r w a s th e a m e la k y e P e ase. ...... ...900 hër rage gonerally, sud wbon ltAI effer w&4 hiRha1fiasori te year 1716, natumon )ats .. ............. 1 @ 75o Creil rejoa.1,teti by Mei.Royal Indlians cf tii irtonod inuits rocorif ;whereupo:î th ly ................$7@là1e là1i- . Nrll-West, a Proposition wss malle teu ov wro xeîu,~P~lI' 'tte......6e~7c ~ Juu* ie loniem tries e hoirwartho 4ay, and the. prisciier was bobjea' loin gainst the. United Statua. Tis eaiseo ô illo Sthe b Decmber, 1746. The. ggs.. 1....... .. . .i li wa rejeceod by tiie Canaidian Indiaus. câse is ripporteil at latîçth lu 1 Wilson'- Butter............. loc ci 180 îngz Twe brasla gnu, for file garrisan; am* Reports 150. sud in Poster,'m Crowu (coulé par ton..........37 @ 68 00 101Y rivad at Kingston, froni Englouti. tawX0.uoü ........... .... $4 G0 @ $4 60 Ictt ljw 0 Parit, por c)vt ..........97 00 @ 1700 kl,i Lin o,Loare 00iCaerom afax, foi The Turkish War News. ,Uhickolîs............. 80 @ 400aPotai robs100cao tocudDucks per Tr..........0e 3 6 ra lbsor, ~lnd t pwrs f 6UO0~ The following are tlie latest items. flumkeys, per Ilb....100 SIY Au immense <eposit of omury lias - RouaJi 1-dycfenSl ppies, per bushoit .... $10GO l a Ieen fonnd near Ihurnan station, o neonreua Jly.a onii hesiot ol-eeCheis.............100 1l2c ,od the Adriondao Itailmoail. It is said taof h opesdfa fteTrso ,0 ..........2a@2c re- give prcniille cf leing cf great vaine,. fhecmlt oetc i nk n Wo.......2 e02e V'- Otrthbndeibxsofcteo e 28tb noar Unbizo. The. Monîenpg. 'bof, bloc! quarter .... 550 f@ $0 10 lo lîipp.'d fhunrî boxofiavlîs. Te ries captnred tIare. hnnmlmad Nizatus, deui, fore quarter.......05 150 @ $5,50 it. were hpéd rwBelvle lQbaside Osman Pacha, five gansé aud 'iheepsklns...............61 25 @ Si 751 ý 01 prioe pibid varied froin I 7o ta 7ïo. Tbe soveral gags.. idces,.................640G 0 go slîipmenta have fallen off waherially. The Turksaahlaakpdths Monhenegrins Onious ................ 81 00 ed Tbohe Inian Commissioneirs, Lienten. rit Kulsahi, bnt wera repnlsed. Selimi Tumnipi ............. .. 10e à 24 nerf ant-GoveYucr Morris, Hon. Davidi Chris. Pacha was woundod. ...ot................. 15cfa 20c ore tie, ant i Hn. James MoKay, bqvo befi Paria, 3uiy 81. -Vionna intelligence wo WVinuipt*g [fir Fort Pitt and Fort Carlo. assorti filat Turkey sand Atnia favour STOCKS.. iu ton, for tlîn ptîrpotcof ueigotiatiug a theo protondar Karrageoorgewici. Il is c.- finli reaty wit. th le Indians cf that prédictedi'bat if Prince Milan returus iOÂ1i9. iL.PS L.ra lie district, te Belgrade vanquisiied b. will be de. Montreal...... ......P [ho tbroud. Toronîto ... ...... ..9 187J an A by. lew grantiîîg a bontus $90,000 Lot.1,Jl 1- pca ateOntario ......... .... 104! 3t(xi re ate l uron anti Quebea Railway was Loneln, Jny 81.A.spe.a..t.tbe92- 01 earried iu Lattai c ouuhy on Frieway. 7Yrneâ 'as %voitas te thier journalsesétya consuitdiaté...... 1,, 9 Jula Grri, ayouiR voran f Tr.ie OmmLan Paella Wlîo wais os tumot iat commerce ........... 124iZ 1.24j i d o ito , d ie d o n V r i l y fr ei n in ju r ie ls ii ' P e e i a w Lî o tc a m m u ti s i e T l el m n i i i O n . . . . . . . . . . . l iJ-0 7i flictoal on lier persan by hbron vuhîs ala cmandote uk Slstandard ...........tir" 8 iu tic îrocmrecuent cf a Luiscarriage. treeps against the Servions. Out cf 16 l'adorai............ li? ifi'l i Turkisi battalions eugagod at Urbuiza, Itaperial......... 1051 îO.;".t te E.'iolieitor Wilson, wlio hook part four ouly escicil lilik. Cotîoîy (; par cent. Debentiircýi, ii9 a ii tî~uproeenion agins Li ivîisey Londion, Jnly 81.-A deRpatoli frein r0wtihip Il '1) .1y ring, lias turneti againset tme Presitient, Atlions says the Onpol;itioes newspspers Aoigust 2ad, 1876. tr-a isd i ing hie boat, andi le toiuz iii scce tileGoverninent cf leaving th, a- lest, beff-re a Ceugrer9sionfàl Commit.coeuntry le a defenceless state. 'Tley TORIONTO AR~IKETS. Feo-Q te fasten ou Geu. Graut tire charge dienvow sny desire for aggressivp poliey TonousTO, Ar-guît 2id, 1876. i. tlising utidarliact moasmleestlu ocore towaréisTrikcy, but claitu bliat Gretiai- FaO W'%heat ............ ... e0 98 ( ptie acquittal1 of luis See:etary llabcock. elîculel bcjîlacei lu a position te inspire ;)riig Whou............. e) 4lç f$()197 11 GRErAT Fi.oos ix cHINA-.--.000 the. respoct cf boeut-iglubours. 'cas ......... .........70eCa 1711e ) FP BUiîn;,-Tiîe latae arrivi Londion, Jnly 13.-Ragusa advcts ri Y... ......... ........... 1 27-1. froru China importe tiîsasti'us iuncrî1-are liaI tic Turkîs in fie engagemntepoirk ....................'5.,20 .ît 56 o- lions aI Foc Chow andtihli sureuri, n e Fri.aoy near àMoIn nauibered 12,. Iluer ....................le cfCc; e cuîînîryV, wlîielî Commlencei Jîne ltitlî1 OUi). Tliey wei-e ilriv-n 10 Po(tgoarietz:, Eggs .....................le pa lie ani entieti on the 15th. Ite <as te l ccltocuis, tlig- enppemîîng hattaliocus tpî................t i 81 1 lîlgiiece floodl wiîlin fereigu 1-ietut. - cvru coinpletely auuilîilatc.d __ ironce. Tlîere wao grea.tloe.oc lite. Vinesa. Julv 8.-The TagblrIt sas Allé., ..n-t .'11 ti. ,r. 5,001) iesi hocq iealvillirb"en iestiwialt ie serocities ;oocnînitteit by tie Idas iiibr t- i--'1v athor0inigliknotçledi - et tFu0 ln.Foreign îît îenk nreeoiyou polra-l'f thé! nu ti l.swt wîtieli govertile 1,1 d at Fo Cow aone riï pop.13?ionk inThesal anaEpiui rèaeilopcî-ationof d igestioni and iliriîio 1 IAeîly sas sliglitly ilanageti. sncb a ceusation tlironglîcut Greece asnsaid] ti a carefai uopliuaioo of the fait - ii LAcuosr.-Toî-cnto beat the Shunt, te roudier tIie maintenuance cf ncutraliiy Ulipectieio of welreet-bteoa, Mr. EB11 I i yrvs nlauicai tii-uceut cf f. e, iii lcffiotilt. as pî-îvideul our breaklfaist tables wmiîbi t. t wcll contëed elgaine. A lober ilespatcli soya lie relations £cael y u-avo dot-toitg, bui. eit Theicv;ir>s flashi newtu of a rmaFtc-e b tweeîî Greece aud. Tui-key are osuen. by.the, jiidiciu, lirce o ulu Iartiales of!(dit t of i8,000 Ciî-itians bv l Tet-ks. The in-, înoreasisugly serionîs aspects. that aeconstitution ma3- b.- radîîaliy blli Tuirka 'Iioill lie cei uct ci Europp A uespaîcli tl etî's Telograni1'lp outiletotl ne o teetsi eVav ela CuIînp:tlîy Patys a ruunotir is eucrenDt lies ârt-e ~..arntîtud u s rt-uty tri alltcl Mut. MKNzîs BSDD'AerGN.-A lIi-eelthatii.eTurkîs, sfter mculiîig IL %wbercver there jr. a %wtt, ) it iil ettoin I-dll r, circuler, ilatd London, s i.-< lettaelimnt al Fanéialî le- vsape milaus fitti clîttît l'y k-epîî:g onue. J n : - 1 5 h , éj u ) t , ;; s t p t r a i l s a t £ 7 1 0s . i o r c i l l O n l i u j 'u Z e w t z . I f tI i e b e h e l v es w d l o rt i fit r d s t i i n i r r l a n ( ] k , antIlusi-ies ii.mît-ketaîtîî~r Ou! îio - &aezie. SoIl in I'ck'îm artI-Tits, ;il: ApL-iciotitoii, a Tiecrii-ce mrkaet positioni on the Tionck IRiver lira stri- ant i li, I la riets iSpps t&- c., ts it cel tru<tltiitc. Tecrue otesîly tiîaee.~Cîîit.litlrîe. s tatotasflinot tht-re are for sale largýe qusueieei i ~suoer tee imils qtiîe Ti-reecrcgimentsof Egyptian infantry, Streol, aid 170. Pit'ctublly L.îuiita. ~ w u iti ie r f b t - e teetl ce t l i s, w îîeil it lue cas-slm y reo i eu l, su d tw o baetarî a~ vurymosii e seca ie ektd. T o f srtillcry have rtartiul for Miirevi.zu.- OXYGEZN IS LIFE. î > ilitg even £8 ae rite presWnt market Leutîcu, Aug. 1.-TIi, Staauerdl lis ' R. BIIIGIT'S PHIGSPH11DYN1ý - 50 pile, it i,4 culoîvaicut. s i uronis polu tsae irn--'DAULTITUIES 0F PEOPLE are hop.- roateci' excbiteng, b about .189. For Wldîliu wlîii sys tt rHiafix.Pasîu i îeiy omprint fe, I D..;li of NuSpirtî it,. thé, 50,000 ostnuos purelîsseti hy-Mr. entereul Servia, on July l9tlî, ut G Lîver pchoueria iiity, prsincf sirl Fit .Xbckeîuzie, acting ou beisif cf ti, ada. Hie eneetnneerel. 4,000 Sturvutîns. tire uf H1-seing, Sight sund Merneey, tasi Gû'.erîmment, 654 lier ton was poid Afi, r a four boums' fialît tfie Servions toc!., Want cf Powver. &e.. wvlînsc cases ouid Tie cînl le, c lit etnlryis lie . fi., iesvilîg [Dnu. il- ilHflz Paslls mit 'f s t rsueire by the new reeoed- :0 oros$750,0X), inii uditiîin toi wliclî joint-c! Aluneiil hyccub Pasiiîat Dunint lhOp t YE(Oxenic Oîlgeni), wlir 10 i Once aoUsys ail iriatoii-le i xct liere-im lossocf cntsrst on ci. money ou ite 3tic )l, wiiere be asosie atteek-uIl mniprs e n aijustttexcte, expi-nded a nd liabiliîy of thé- rails te the Servions. A irceat baîtl a cectrroul, cofeoblet constittion, and! capidly cure 3il 'h'pr-cîmutitu nfron eouttenéledrposure. wiicli ragati ail lay. Tii. resuIt is eut every stage cf theoe Ihitiierto ineutsblc sett Tic bulli cf tho rails porcsed by Mm. kuown. dite.sing maladies. Soiti ly ail Chieriat . Mackenzie la @tilt unuseti. Asnroulli, ltnd Druggises tlîrougzheut te Globe. c .f - CAtTTICN.-Tboh large tund inceas Boys thl e Inîrcai Glazeftcte esteel Buming cf a Phlladaîphia Shoddy Miiiliîtg demnanel for Dr. liriglut itea Phndvmlyt rail purciose doee net îeflect credit on lias led ta sevcral ittîltations uinder simlltut ' tlîe eminent geulus laiined for tire PANIC ANIONGST TERFlt'bLE naines; purehatiers of 1h11 nedicine shool"1 i Preierlu ii.înssîecntcflii OPRATVESLEÂING- h cefore hi <art-foi te obscu-uee hat- eaci' 2)I Prerier n hi rnaaszeent f th OFEATIVS-LEt-sos eboes thie Goveremont Stasmp, Witt Public Work,ý Dipsrtmt-îî. F01R LIFE. the wuric Dr. lirigit's Phosp*rtndyiie, eliu Chif .ostce Riberîs ia ben j- eîgraecd Ilîeeon sudltaI tie camne word 13ei pi-ize, (Jicose îaîuing mode, hby bond, cetten pliize te bocomo- hie- wamp ..... .......... ...2,i lroperty. . .. 10 o00 10yards 'Fltnnel, -factery - 2.........4 00 rumode, aIl weoi.,... ... 2 1 3rd............3 00 10 yards Filauel,: factcr tit.......... 00 inMade, cetton warp....' 2 1 1 00......1 o 10 yardsi plaid Fltnnel ..2 1 it l'etor-y Chiemse, net -10 yatrds Woclen Gxpet .2 1 less Ilian 80ibs.... 4 00 10 y urUs Rag Cmtnpet, cet- 2îd........8 00 ton warp .. ..... . ..... h.1 grd ..............., 2 00 10 yaurds Beg Carpet, wool- ît irlîju cof butter, net en -worp.. ...... ..... 2 1 less Ilion 40 Is, but. Pair 'Voolen Blankets,, lor tu becuene hic pro. - home mode,..... .. -... 2 i pcrty,-specioî prize, Pair Woelen Blankets, fac- Levi Fli-bonks'. 20j CO tory mode . . ........ 2 1 2nd..........4 (10 Pair 1{orse ]3lanlets..2. 2 i - . I III 71 O lt Y - Sl eplîe d's P laid -. .21 -Blaok$ Pan". P lair Wooltn Stockings ...7 5e 600 BarsliMs, liglt. 1,....i50e ' d"" 8 .... 50e0 d'll- _' '~Cotton Stookings...7 5a N1e Gamae Fovl ' " sooke ...75o 50c Dorking,, vfiite.......... 500, 1.,Mite ....- 75e60e0 - 0 'o. Y Pa W e aY - Tf uuhiug.........i 60ePla*n'double, aiidtwistsd .......Cin . o< Yariî. - . . 5e 0e Ce oi Cina........ i," îRug........... 0 Attale................ ..oosnug.........1.50ei ulothvri. .. ~. s X1II-1 adies' Depart' Best i pai whitrey .......... Wil WITureys .,--»----*i GOîlarge breed . -OuLri uMI- <Vi11 Caive. ...........10 - -Turliip 8 ilL . . o f îîny agc tiuofEilXrc*l, wbed',. 8 2 breed .. ....... 10 jrn 82 1 Bul ~ & Broad cast Seeder and Cu 1k 2-yoar old Bull.,...... 4 t- ivao, eemblned ...8 2 -1 Y e a r lin g ,B l l . . _.; . , 4 t t w C u t r f o h r s Bull -Golf..... ... .. 8 St r.t.u8er or2es MUlcli Cow, giviiig milk Conw er........B2 1 orinCâf . .....C.er8 nSler......2 1 o-cr l Golf... ...... Oehos ,u4iaor.8 2Year lg:Hifr. - traw Cuttér, worked by Heife Cetf...........~ Horse Rk...... Pea, Harveter... 2 1 MidiCh ow, giving,,mfk FaDning MW!. ........... .&a 2. I - or in Caif. .......4 9 2 Cider Mli and Pres..2 1 8-y ar'ld (ow . . . .4 8 S C icoe P eas . . . . . . 2'yoar eld EHeifer .... 4 2 Waohieg lMaeline.........,.1. Yearling IHoifer .....41 8 2 Turnip, Blicer,.., ........~ Relfer utlf. .........4 a8 2 Ceuji.............. 2 1 AT CATTLE. . -.-_ Grain Crasher........... 2 1 Fol Ox or Steer...... 4 ~2 flaf dozete Eay-Forks... 2 i -Fat Cow p.lefr 4_ a 2 -Haîf dozen-MaUýinrèFork .. 2 1 Clos II-liep. Half dozemi Stel oee... 2 1 Clae II-hep, Hall dozen Syha 2 1 LEICE5TEO Fan Gate........is Ra . .. . .. .$6 $4- $2 Speimen H rse Shoe Sh e rli g 6a4.2.. . . . .ca4 2 -' .... . . 1 .5 0 1i Raàm Lamb.... ....... a 2 1i Seion Hre he T w o Bits ... .... . . .... . 2 1 w ith o t cau l s .. .. T w o S h e io li'n g E w e i3-. . . -8 2 1 S p c e n f P m p a e r s - Tw o E w b LL m bs ......... 3 j w ek . .... . . . . . . - Best collection of Malle. C0T1*WOLti ý ables, a swe epstake...4 Sheanlilig .am........G 4 2 Claso XH rticuî tural 1)e- .Ram Lamb ...... ...... 8 2 1 1,partmnent. Two E wes...... . . . . . - 2 1 12 table'Apples, summer, Two Slearliog EWee.... 3 2 1 named............ Two Ewe Lambs .... 3 1 12 coeking Apples, summzer,. Cetuiweld-Cutnadj'n breed nained-..........1 O -Shearliug Rm 8 2 1 12 table Apples, fan, named. 1 50c Two 3iro . . . . . . 2 1 12 cookin g l Apples, a , rwo Sleetrling Ewes..... e 2 1 named....... .......1 0 One aged Ram. sud fivu 12 tale Apples, Winter, E w e s h a v i n g r a i u e d i s m d . . . . . . . . Lames in 1876 ...10 12 eooking Apples, Winter, SOUTUDlOWzsflmcd......... 0-eO Raii...........O 4 12 vitiieties cf Apples, nam- hetling lieue. .d....cfe..........44 c-nLseenb. ' 38 2 l3est display of Apples, T w O- -%s. . . . . . . 2 g u o w t li o f E x h i b i t o r , d i s . UW o 3lo n i u g E e . 2 in e t fr o m th e . a b o -r;e . . , . 5 8 . -2 rw j C ime 3 2 12 table Pears, fal.nam. 1_ 500 12 tul Pears, *itr CI,8 I- wine. <md.. .. so MAL REM. 'l stFOLK, IMPiOVED 12 Plumis, dessert . **75c 50e - ~ L AND ISIE. BsicletinM lus..75e 50e 1 2Qciuces.................04 -t..... .........2 1 12 Crab Aliples, larga..... 75e 50Oc cu-r Pi cf 187 ..... 2 12 onte......5 O LUCE a-1-N, ANsa- T15P.. Eg F Tometîas ... ........75o 50c 13r ..............,. .. 2 1 12 mdots, l3eetà.. 75o 50c -ow . ...................3 . 2 clochrs Grapes, white, bouc P'i- cf 1876 ........ growilu nder glass.... 2 f So Pi- o 1876 ......... 8 2 12 clusters Gr.tpcs, blacka, FAT SwIVIV. grosn nder glass. 2 I. 'ullc.............. 3 2 > clusters G nipes, white, ! lmm open air. 2 ... Cilass V-tirain and See.ds 2 ci~;r Grapes, black, lisliels P oial W beat .$ 4 $ 3 $2 grown . l0101 it..- 2 1 2 bisuliels Sprnug W hient. 4 - 8 2 'W uter M e bet. ... ...7 5 e 60e 1 )ttî s h e l s B e t l e y ( 2 r - c w) . 4 8 2 1 M e is k l e M c i, , ' e e n fl e s h . . 7 5 5 0 Z lti,it-ic B arey (0 o i). 4 8 2 Mfusk Ml elo nl, sea 1:*Iet fle ol.. 75e 50e 3 b l ecs P a , larg . .. 4 3 2- Citron . . . . . . . .- - ' -ý 75e 50a bemie-s Peas, cnall.., 4 8 2 8 -heods C uuliflower .....;....750- 50e bu-t-le JaI, ,blck. .... 3 28 le-adi Cabbege, summe.'* 75u SO-5c buasl uo O ats, w hite...., 4 8 2 3 licoUs (ab ag e-, w in îr.. 75c 5o 1) eas strî -u g C rn (8 8 hle ds R ed C a.sblage. .7.:u 500 ro s) ............. 2 2 Sq uasles... .. .. . .. "0 3 M oi-as of Corii,(2) do.. 2 1 2-Pumpkins... . .. 75e 50o buebels Tiu tly Seed. 2 1 12 table (arrts........ 75 e 50e lsiels Clover Seed... 2 1 12 table Turips ......... 75e 50ec_ busliels Alsec Clever... 2 1 Specimneu cf Dnicd Fruit.1 500 0 l s S %v e d is h T o r e 1C e ru i . . . . . . .i 5 0 e SeaU. 2 1 Specimien of Fruit preserv- fslel f Flez SeaU ...2 .1 ea lusugar ........... i 1 -c lis Carnel Seed 2 al................-75i3 5o ls Miugl Wurtzel Jar of Pickles ............ 2 1 Se d. .......... 2 1 6 Cu cm b rs ........ 75e 50c- busliel Beinis......... . 1 , 12 rnp.......75e 50e usel Tares ......... 2 1 6 heas Clery.......... . .75o 50e ils Bye, spring.. 2 1 Peck 'white Oniens....75c> 50c, leushels Rye, fîîbb.2 1- Peck Ycllow Onions,...75e 5Oc errel of F leur fri- Pec e ne- (non... 75e 50e Pll W leeht. . 4 2 Pielink O i ns .. .. 7 5 c 50e errel cf Fleur ftouî PeottO Oions........75o 50o Sîîning Wieatl.4.... 2 5 lis Hopu........ -.......75-Ã" 60c Li-cel of Otmîi 3 2 Ciky..........75e 50c i-cl f (2omnial ... 02 BesI cllein cf Ar de oloî colle pilot, Pair PairS PainrB Pair h Set o: sitle F3 Pair E Traveî Sole Z Uppen Cabine liccipti Il) la coliolc Letton Panel Wiccirý Upiile Upeiail -Beci c ~Best S, ~pringie of 85 f 'Perti' ci r - si SADDLL OR ROALD

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