Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jul 1876, p. 3

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GRAIN C gz~ GENUINE ?AI~ GROSS & MACN4CHTAN, BROOK STREET, ýW'<HITBY. BLANK BOOKS,' .Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Blotters, &l a new stock opened this week. W3MMERCIAL NOTE PAPR, New, Unes. Very OCheap. COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES,' From .90 cents per thousand. FANS!1 FANs7. Stylish. The Largest Stock ini Town, CROQVET, Çan't be beat ini kinds or price. MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPEIRS, Quickness, promptness and punatuallity gi rftnteed. le ALL GOODS SOLD AT CITY PR[OES. J. S. - ROBERISON, Bookoeefer sud Stationer, Whitl Lia- by. DON'T FÂIL TO CALL AT il'THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY STORE, WEBE YOU CAN GET THE WORTH 0FP YOUR MONEY IN TEA. The underoigued has been appointed agent ef the Mentresi Tes Co.. te tell Ibeir Tes. Yen cau gel fiue flavored Te-as frein 15 te 25 pf-r dent. chesp. ,or tben elsewbc.re fer Cash. Tnp thera. sud if lb.y do nol give you satlafacloxi. zeturo $hem n sd gel pour monay aM fneely as neeeired. You should nos f l Ute boy as tbese tees are of irst cloes quallly. F'RUITS AND CONPECTIONERY. Tny oyfirut 01558 St. Michael. Oranges and'Limou. Candies of ail deseiptions-tliese will give full satisfaction. Cauued Fruit, Cigare aud Tobaooo. Fresh vogetables received daily. A call ù solidfted. W. P. WILLOOX, Whtby, Joue (1h, 1870. 24 Dundas Os., Whilby. R YA OTEL, W 15 T fY, JAS. .PINULE, PROFRIETOR. The largesl sud moat cemmedions hatl iu the tavu : has large cample rooma for' caommercial traveliers. Table well supplied vite theshast luseason. Bestbrande liquora sud igars. inclosed yasot sd shedrôomn; attentive hasl$eus.charges te suitthee N. B.-Livery atlscbed, 27 c OTTAGE FOR SALE i .Tbal Brick Collage mal nerth c! the Brown & Patterson £ianufacturing Co'@.1 Warkc, witb the la iig e re areg an Ibe promitseca able, Bard and -Soit For funther particulars epplp le J. R. PARE WELL,- Banialer, do.- Whilby, ay Srd, 1876. . 19 1S TEB A MEBil COITY 0F TORONTO," LCapt Dica), Isaves dally foot oi Yange-St., stra , I7 ti. e -rivas At Niagara at 9.580 s .1 sud Levlton aI lOia. m. Cen. nectilons 'or lthe Fala, Bfnialo, Rocester, Ala ClvlnNwYork, APhlisaphia, S&oes1. au and&linformation aIS8 rout 18 D. MILLOY, Agent. D (tILY LINE TO ROCHESTER TUE STMAXEiI (a. ORAWFeIID, MASTER.) ' Will suake bar regulur trips on Ibis routa lesvig Cobourg evemmruing aI7:80, sua lPort a-ope At 980 'ceck, fer ilchester on the arrivaio! G. T.-lt. trains EBaIt! est, canneelsug tharevwith the New orCentral. NartbaruCenaulnsdBrite R a a n sd Lake Ontario Shnrs Diviion cf te e 4e Watertown &OgdeusbugDiway for Ail 'pointa liait, sWansd Seulb. RtTuiRîsIe: Wiii leave Charlotte (port o! lleoeeter) daily at 9 p. m., exeept Stur. (laye, wben abie viii bave ai 8 p i., for l'art Rope direct, Dealers lu stock &.e. yl l ind Ibis the Ihespeet sud moal expedîticus route le 13ac. ton, Alani'NewvYork,&o.e For furîher information appiy te- R. CRAWFORD, Part Roe, or, C. F. GILDERSLEEVE Apil 121h, 1876. Kng .6 STEAMER TIME TABLE vili taka cfacl on Monday. 22nd of May, 1876, w n ee steamer will leavu the Lo er Whn nthearriva cf lb.train froiniPort *he a et.20 ta. n., clllngt tise 5TUR«u4otbl'Oipt l IOI'E()lL FEN- IiLUNI-ALI4S d& JiOBCAI tiON. Relurnng ylaspin cal! ataI U Ibaabova points tuarriveAtaILlnds u l ime te cou- ueS vil the eveuluatrsfng uoth. This boat wll aise cannued wiîh steamer Ontari t IBohaygdo n ýq oe. m ni Lake sud onecta w he-e Maple Lesit a Lindsay Ion Port Perry ail- TIM rd. -- TABLE. Lindesay..... t.............8.20 a. Fenelog Pu7"s.. .....10.00,4 Stnrgon aPoint......11.00 41' Bobo&ygen....... ...2.00 id Li4e. ............... â e Tb Ts targ#$nPaint Holel Ca. vil have -bir Hoiel cemplae t olme 801he lJane, fon t à rnadeption of vlJlgre, when the Van. dcrhiit vIl ruau extra îtrp. leavtng Lînd- a 'y on the arrivaI ai the eveuu ztrain #rom l'Part Hope at 7 p s., anud lay saIthehsiol nor nlght, retnug-ta Llsadsaty u tise mmrlng lu li me te open.soimps Atidc enuol vith the lolusePifnnslh anSculis. 'This 2Bord,~l 0 pr dy.Filshilg and isuntiug lute nlglbai~eiof thse batel Ishe haut te baas l-Ibissecto !the.cauntry.-l S- ia Itrates mna4e excursion iarum, s. -1 H OUPE. LOT AND BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR SALE. Connty On'anio.-Oomforteble Dwelling 1 alertas, atone cellar pump, &o., wtth hait an acre waîl pianQ A iti good fruit trous. Also Blucksmith Sbop on tee lot, 86=W0, 8 Forges, sud 8 sets o! Tois, Herse Paver, Turning Laîhi., Vertical -ud Grindlatoue And thee differeul presses for maklng meuld-hoarda, aimd oua Bell Cutter. Ma 100 acres cf laud, (5 acres leared), South-hall lot 2, 118h concesion mar; wtthft Imile ef uchool bouse A choice lot sattllad al around il. ,> ý8IRMS o! ala very liberai. Part o!the purehse money c! the Ashbun prop.rty wil U lowed te rotain on mortgage. A god bargalu eau be ohtalued for ready eh pl oJAMES WALKER, Ashburn, P. O. June 151h, 1876. . lf.28 Two Patent Rlghts for tbe manufacture of twe. of the Ieading ploughs cf the country for sale. FARU FOR SALE. A One-hundred Acre Furin for aie ini East Whitby. Applyte- - - D. HINESON, Oshawa. Jue 24h, 1876. 8m'.27 F OR SALE I - That e4gble PsmfIy Residauce ritli 8j acres o! land, eompriming Garden sud Or. echard ail o! excellent qualily, forusarly oc- oupieâ by tee late John Eamer, Esq., situ- ate about-oua mile easat e! Whithy, au tha Kingston itoad. The Heu.. cautains Tan Roosus besides kitchen lu rear, vith good c alar. Bard ansd SofI vatar on tbe premi. uns ; aise harnsud stable. For furtber parliculars enquire cf JOHN TAYLOR, Esq., -Ou tise promises. WlMthy, April 121h, 187#. 16 BY-LAW No. 8, 0F 1876. COUNTY OP A 13ylsIw te close the eNTAM, t on uelt seven firet THIORA, f concesbion of Thorali. The Council of the Muiclpality of the Township cf Thorali enscs: That froru sud sfter the fIur!7 paseing cf lii By-law the ro&d on lot sev, in theu drs conceg- stan of Thorali, fro the Cameron road to Rasl bsi4 of lhe Beaver River b. cloeed np sud ne longer coneîdered a Public Highwav cf the Township cf Thorah. Il. Thalt te said roud be sold te lb. pro. prieter cf the adjacent lan-i for the snm and rate o! Ten Doliars per acre, prov ided ai. ways that if the proprietor -of the adjacent land shalh decline or refuse te purchase the e-id road at the prie haeremn stated, then il shall be sold te any other person' for the $ame or a otreater priv'e, sud lu sncb mnanner s the Ceunucil a order or dater. mine. NORMAN P. PATTERSON, NOTICE Ia barehy givan thiA'te abeve Il law will ha irugisî beferevIbe cotincil c! T.horali, wib a vlsw tote afial, sing o! tee sine asta etingcf the aiLCeun. TOWN HALL, at Beaverton, on Safurday, the. 29f h Dc4 of/July, 187o. GEORGE SMITH, 1Township Clerk. Therah,-June 171h, 1876. 26 Seen Kuart -For Harve st Gloves, well made, and JUST. RECEIVED AT « Guaranteed te fit. Go te DOMINION -WAREROOMS, -00- Ani Food for Potato Bugs, Hfatch's GREEN. Wlthont l, do do do.lado d .Joh0n.. . . . e lme r s ln . . . . .u g l n . . . . . . . . . . . . Fréd- Cam ~ bIL.Antony ancons. Audlng sud sbting a aasi Leur! .» ..s.W.. lAühnm-he...... Rdapn....................... T. B.Praukali. .. Temas8 Og. Kaepiug lquera sud allug aanm, villt licence.. Me~gsrt RIISU.Hmm . Rnge. ...Drving farinly............ Consable Garly... G. Byrsut, W. Danr.. Vsrp. ç.,.,*. . di X~4* S.;Jss,. Wod.. s 9 ........ Jehu nom.........N. Piokia D.Piake..ICrneltyto smau............ ConallIs urley.:1Thomas ifuo...Dranie sud dlsorderly . . . . John GM;y.M. . 1. J. O'Connel....muster and servant set . . . John Robhs..... W. Hurlrlk,W. KueleyAssanit ..... Thozm sWilliams....: William Rossy.... BeUkngwndows............ Constable .....y.... Martin Msber........ y do do ...William Thom". .. d. . do do . .J.Qotgley, S. Qot y do . William, Scott ........ do do Ascanît .Eltzebetu Black ....à..e....ac :do1 J. W. Powke ... do...... »...sroini, Constable Gurley .... Y. Farrell, J. Swaenay Vs..ra.c. Geore Amand Danel Prrel. ..u uryt< Grand Trud Rallway carm .... WVilliam BeaUl......William MkiQl.;.. 1Negleclillg le reeer death de do ....Alez. Knox.... ...... do i do de do de .J. Hogg.............. dol de do do de . .O0. Marlin,......... do do do do do ....John Rgocker, Jr.Neglecting te register blrth .. . .. . do de .T..o... a Wadge.Nglecling te regluler dealli do do ....John Dilce........ do do do .. . .. . T. B. Frpukishi. .George Cenwath ...Selling liquer ef Cen 7 o'elock Samnel Porsyîh ...Martin Johnson... Assnît Sabarh ear. ...- Tana.. .......do Dr. Bean .......... James LaUn ... ...... do - Tana ........... Dr. Bean............ do Ceudred Webb...James tevenon . do Sherman Brovu...Aca Broqs.... ...... do James IL. Marquis.... David, Marquis ..Lunscy Delmen Graham ...Richard Grha.. .. do . . . . . Jacob Bryan..... r, Uwis.......... agnt .. .. ..... . A Y»ajalAr,A. wbiea John dLwis.. E.. d. Fuliee sd jas Stusliug Seesp AIez. MORue ....Henry lsfild .... ?aPymulOe!agels Caleb Sbire..... Thm Thane. .Burglary James Wbite. Willi.m.. slgh .III Mlreatng sud abusiug <'aIlea John BellI Peter Elab.t... ...semees alr,~ Wiliam Lenoso, Aussanit and baltery Charles Be John 1H. Pi amen, John Carner....Wm. 8. peament, Trespeau sudcarrying away asp Jae .Founlan,>1 John A. Camron.... Robert Nleyi.... Acal 17ilizabéth A. Hubhard James Merin ........ do AI.:. MaRe . .. Luka Doble ......No.pavmeut cf Wages James White .....Wm Lsleh..... relty tn animal... Wm. 1,01gb... ...Jas. White. J.H. White Fishing ou Snunday.. %Villiam #tdsro.... Thot. fHises Hajues..-Neupsymeut of vagea NeiI4V. Gilebriat .D. onald Glchrit. ..- Threatenlug te do hediiy harin -Çamnel Wskeford. .... Wm. Cartmoil ...Larceny G. H. Orlerson. .. Adrew Smith ...Pety tresapas John MoDonal ..David Byres.. . Asanît ,p ud 1 tron4jol.. ..April 19, #4 24, d .Msy 6, s .Jne, d .June 8, £ .Anil 8, d .Mach20, d Jums'ry 17 "29 il oh11 May 2, May 9, 10, :22, " 27, <' 27: JUne 7, June 6 « 22, 17, .10, Joua 12, ileb 12, "di 'et de le et f. et 61 fi Il 68 dé ci id di 06 fi tg et .~ay 26, a. '. Ganu .. .......... 0 R;J. Gun< s an Alod 20 00 do'90 G9 Young Smith '. 9.. 0 days G Y. SmihsandY. Gibson .1& couu do 1 00 do ..41 00 John 'Nsiooat 1 ýdo..............M j. 1ottand Wm. l3alsman .. ....... Zéouhn oftI, Jehua Wright, Jatmes Uolmau, M. G. Rebson 1 20 &r ceci sud, Willism Batemaü, J Jëtn Noît, .ouhus Wr'ight, $516& coula sud T. lH. Glocdenning, Q.i IL Grierson sud P. tRea.... e' months db do ..4 days ln G. etrero , . I & ceaI G.4N. Griarson sud P e...1004.coît G. IL Gieruou.......Dismiauod do..........5 Coati& *do.............. & est G.Z Grierson snd P. Res ... 0$1 â;Costa do do .... 2 &coatis do deo .. 2 montha do (do .. , mouthe de do .... 21 daja in G. H. Grieruen......- Commit'd G. H. Griarcon snd F. Rea.... 2 monîbu G. H. Griarson........onmit'd JonRaIliff. ..........500 de...........6001 do...........100 S~Di smleced do...........1-00 do.............00 do.............o W. P. Widdldaeld sud J. B3i Peasby 2000O J. B. Peasby, J. A. Sangaear, Dismnla ed' W. P Widdild, . Pr1a, , George Smith, George Whaeler.. 4001 do do Diumluued de do do G. Young Smith........1 0Go de 200 do do do John B. Geuld, B. Parker, . W P . W ljd d i 6i e d , D. M. Card........... do Geo. P.Brc. John Parker, Calvin Campbell 10 00( and Jamas McCreighî, f100GO .Dmaued. do G. F. Bruce sud N. F. Paterson.. do G.P. Bruce..........1001 D. 8. Brown..........40 do...........2 901 N. F. Patterson.. .. .........2 00' do . . . .. 1 00, JonHai.zht..........* 118Oo G. F. Bruce............ W. Batamau snd John Foy....... ,J. Wright.. .... .........iG VJanes MPhersou.... ....1 00, do do 3 a8days lu 8 Osys b I ten dsys.. s lau dn syu. F02r*bWith do de iu gal.. do Frtwlth, do do de ln tan daya.. Frtwit do Ou 101h Joue do do Forthwith. do de do do do CÇprii'* ci Towuchip Treasurer elîhin two weaka. .Net paid pet clr. Pfsche........ do Village Treaunrer do Commu4it" dtdgnol te ;t;na lt Vilage Treasureri.. ... ýVillage Treasurar do .y'.... .. . . . do.. .... .. . do do .. .. .. . .. ... . ... do.o ... m itd tn ra ......... dod .. .... ... TOwnslp reuren .lntY18 lw at th. next court cf 0<l k& Mi sa ïI nù: do 'zuer ye a.. .Nt jet pii. .Commited for ltai I certify that the above is a true copy of the ]Returns of Convictions* made to m e to date. H. J. MACDONELL, Clerk of the Peace, C. O. Office of the Clerk- of the Feace, June, 1876. a N EWAIVERTIISEMENTS* G I-BB s -HE COUNTRY IS SAFE 0:0- CAN'T TUIRN OUT McKENZJE! ----- --- - HARVEST 15 COMING And if you want Forks, Scythes, Cra- dies, and ail kinds of Harvest Tools, Oheap. Go to K TO PARTIES BUILDING, if you want First-class Locks, B-utts, Glass, Putty, Cut and other Nails, 1?aints, 011e, and ail Building Materials usually kept in a First-class Hardware Store, Oheap. Go to I~LAi~OII VI & n~o., Ne. 4, Brook Street, Whitby. .itby, Juiy lUth, 1876. 'i BY-LAW No. 9, 0F 1876, COUNTY 0F A By-lav te close up 4 T1' E ND STRAL W HAJ TS. part o! the Cameron SLK E T TRLORAR, fRoiS. 1876. J The Ccuuci c! lhe Muniei ail'-f.th Township cf Thonali analeP: i. That froin---m sud aLreria laipacsiug o! Ihia By-lav Vwlb5O L that part cf thea-voad kuowu as the Cameron O D Q LIY F TH TS R N 5 ta Do.llgbaîveen the alievance fer ruadGO D #jA., FLTH io r i, bevan tise lnit<urth sud Plfib concessions A T, o! the Townshilp o! Tberals,and Centre raid b. closad k1ansd ne langer censidered a Public lghay of tise Township of Thorali. IL. Tbal the.saiS part of the' Cameinsru LL'JG ~ : :::1:I~ liceS berein closeS n-p Se solS tu tepro- priste1toho -Ad seent land for tlis ame! ci i~a Ote rtre o 5cents, wçhioh other OneRunbdnedDlma,prved w851ati t rw -Ha.,at ai<IoStr fr 5 i iftee propribetro t h. adjacent ia= shali d.lie n efs.tepuca, >b sa4 re. - sores Bell at, 20 cents pee Mt the price.harein ataled, thon il eh@£l b. eetstlsnEgs solSo le y other person for the sain, oaaadÀieoa 1ad psta-pie, indlusncb Thssunen -styesb. Conndil o hb shalloter or determine. Feit HaIse - NOR AN . ATIThe, Gents' Furishings leading as usua. I NOTICE le hpre.-y given 11ait he aboya-*f w, olr o,7es-Te 13y Iaw qill be hroug<ht Iefore tlime Conc<l.1 Fine Regatta Shirts withtW' Ollrefo -75teWhet u! lte Township o! Tisorah vlth s vlev te t lahd edt, lndid ptterus. ,,only $1S26 FieWht t ' lra pasis<g -ottise cahenetaIametin ofe bsaicl CaQunil. te Lu ha.l .,~ la In - 44ft.4i.- 0 ..., S£ fnft Mn fo 26 t.- TTA .e ha TOWN--HALL, et Beakvetmonn 15its fr etst. , irs zan .144 . 14 - va --mu - , , u... ------b, at 4Octs. ; 5 'Boxes Cou trieat 25otso. ; Gents' Liis two-battoni Glevéseut 3ots, and ôther Iines aI thé lovest prices. - - F IRST ,CLEARING SALE Important to -the Afflicted. A T............... THE NEW DRY GOODS STOIRE. BRUNTON'S RHEUMATIO ABSORBENT Barqaiins WTorth Elnquiril.q AboutI RELIE VES THE PATIENT FROU PAIN IN A rPWw nIIR.o- To uxake an effectuai clearance of Spr ag nd Summer goode, now e:ffare fîp<.eial inducemnents te resdy rnonsPy csmtmers. Thmis le what w. will do lu the wsy ef StrswGoueds, wbther for Ladies, Clîillren, Men or Beys wesr-s redue- tien ef 10 ppr cent. Slîawls;, Dresses, SfeurninL7, Skirts, Black Silk, Colorpd Silks, Granadlines, black; Clothiniz, Black Ruseel Cord, FeIt Hata, Ssîk Hats, Silk Caps, Overalis, Cotton Tweeds, Woolen Tweeds, WVite Shirts, Coiorad Shirts, Wincey Shirt.ing, Cotton Shirting, Parasols, Sunshades, Usnbrellas, Dress Goodp. Black Wool Cashmere, Black Marns, Blsck Coensurgg, Black Alpacas, Cleth sud Veival Csps, Linen 'woats, Aipas Conta, Whiite Verts, Waterproof CeaIe, Ceuntarpsnas, Table Clothu, Table Covens, Table Napkinsî, Antiroscassors, Tcilet Cuvera, Lace Cur. tains, Lace Curn-sm, by the yard ; Towets, Irish Linen. Germau Linen, Bol. lauds, ,Window Hollau.l, Tabla Out Cloth, Floor Oiu Cloth. Tickinus, Hasseas, White Sheatiug, Unblaacmed Slîeeting, Pillow Cotton, Chasse Cloth, White Dams'sk Table Cletliing, Unblcuched Table Clotbing. Bp tsking a nuiforsu discount of ton par cent nff, avsry custoen kows, ex- actly bow rucb is savel upon each articles. Our goods hava estetblisbad for us a reputatien for éelliug remarkahly clîoap, and with lIhe bons fida reductien nov offered iiiescure for us new onstemreresuad large purehasas hp tisosa wbo have slraady favered ns with tLeir kiud patronage. Whithy, July 5th, 1876. E. FRdOS~T. ll AND NE VER FAIL8. Rheumatignm je a pois3oning o! the blood from acids acting on sud cuutracting the muscles, sud giviug intense suffenin g. It anises in the stomacli frein Impained Digestion. The active prmnciple of this discovery is to Absorb the Poisonous Acrid Acid by Outward Application. It is composed ,eutirely et vegetable substances, sud has ý noyere beenl useil before the present propniptor appli.sd il.- Freux the nature df the disease of Itheumatisux, and the Peculiar Pro- perdie f Ibis Romedp. it le an iunpoesibiiity Ilmas i eau fail lu Rciievimg lihe Patient frein pair. in a few heurs vhen appiied as directed& There is a distinctive festure in it as eotumpsrd with other Patent Mediciuepy Almeet aH cîhere profeas te cure s vaniety cf <ieases. The proprielon oulp, elaise thal bis ramedy vil! relieve th. Patient frinm Pain frein Bheumnatism, aud that il la the enly nemedy (bp ontward application) kuown te Science that vil! do se. This preparatien la guanueed te reniovse heumalie Pains iu a few heure or lbe mnee refuuded. "-,' Pnice SOda par Botl. Sold wholesale sud Retail by 1Whiitby, June (11h, 1876. s. w. B. smiTH.. Corner Breok and Dundas Sta. W 1ly GOL D SM I THIeS Just- to . hand a lot of Thos. Russell &Son's celebrated Watcihes, 4old and Silver cases, at special prices. Waltham and, Elgin Watches" in Gold and Silver cases, Jewelry, &c., at depression-pirices. AlIso a superiorlot of striped and plain S8PECTA CLES TO SUIT ALL 8IGHTS I -HOSIRY. Millinery suitable for the season.1 Peram.bulators, 3 and. 4 wheels, Can- MILLINEiY, DIESSMAKING AND'TA ILORING j C' A L L ýA N D- E X A M 1 N, E DONE TO »OIIDER. .Whitby, June 141h, 1876. IOWES & POWELL.1 ODD FELLOWS' -BUILDINGS!- PETER -SMITH SUGAR CURED HAMS, .CUMBERLAND BACON,~ -ROUL BACON,' NEÈW 'ôH E ALSO, MALTBYS dOOOA NUT KEILLER'8 MARMAL - - -And a general supýly of -m. s:z. r Tz_ - JAS. JOEN1qSTrOm Practical Watchmaker. Whnitby, May 22nd,-1876. 2 May lOth, 1876. LAING- & STEWART Beg leavet*o invýite thei? ostomers aud the general public to thei:i t;oreë to0o>ompare pricées with -any offered in the-] They have no inteptirn of refiring from the retai trade, utruetura. or animal tritlon. 4 7l u ieoga1 !u -Piuafly, the Pboi.pbo.ine maintainz -a cer- tain <lage. cf acttvlty lu th. previously debli. tatsd nurvous mysteff: ils use aiables an de.. bilitated organe te returu le their sound uaita and perform thefrunatural fouettons. Persons cuffering frome rrons Debllity. or auj cf the hndrsd symptensi vhich.tbls dlstressing dis- es assumes, xnsy reat assnrad of au effectual aud aveu spaady cure hi' tee judleleims use of tbis moat inivainujmls rerbedy. DR. BRIGHT.SPHOSPHODYNE le sol ONLi Iu CASES- aI ucaosi6dby ail Cheiis- and Patent Medicine Vemidors tkroughout the Globe. Full directions fer Us.elute Engllss, French, Germenu, Italien, Dutl.A sut b. Portnffneaw Daulis. uiiéussisn. Tireiar Prsau.Hlude- csin, Madrse, Bengaise, Chines. sud Jap. amiPse Laucinuea. accempanlmg eseb Casa. garCAUTIC>N.-Tbe large sud lucreaalng de-. m and fer rir Brigbt's Phasphodyne bas lad t laverai imitations undr similar narmes; pur- chasers e! Ibis mnedicine sbonld therefare be. earesml t obsarve that each cas. banlie Eugllsh Gerrmant Staump, vite te orda Dr. Brlgl.t's Phosphedyna ýenigrved tbereon, (wielesltteraon rad grondl sud bisattise Rame vernis are aise blon..onstee baIlle. Every cas. bearathe Trade-Mark sud igna- ture o!patente.. Thse public are ise prtion. lai' catltoned agoainst pnrchasing apurions imitations imported frauslbth nited Plates, sud are requested 10e noe t at tbe direction for nse ara pninled lu ail the languagas as slow., vithout which uane eau passily ha EXýPORT AGENTS. NortonWutn 2Ce.,'10 Southwark Stret, Evaus,7Lescber &-Evas-, dO Batlsolomenh Clos.. Condoms, E. C, Bengoyue, Beuhridga .Co., 16 Coleaintreat. lbaw So.2 hamsan. 12 Aldarsgate Street, Lodu .C. Barclav & Bans, M Farringdon Stroat London, FI. C. Nawhary &Bons, 37 Newgate Rt, London, E. C. J. Sanger & Pans, 111 Oxxord St. London, W. G. C.arling & Ca. 30 St Mary Axe, Landan, EL. Stone& . I.10George Street MansIlou ao.e lxon, EL CamphlIFL& Ce., 188 Leasiulall Street, LUn- Bonneville &Ce., 2 Brabsant Ct. Phillpot I1ane, London, EL Colley .& Ce 19 0. Winchester Pt. London, EL 1. Brooks 2Ca 81 Pebers Chauser, Cernisili -Street, Lanau.El. May 111h, 1875. nc :125 ACRES9 situaled on theKmigton Road, 2 miles frain tee flauriehing Tovn o! Whilby, beiug composeS cof Ihe 8<wth-vest 75 sudte North 50 acres oi Laie. , conceaion 2 la the Tovnship cf'Ptcering. Tile frs1. clasn. Ou tb. front 75 seres-tere tsa luge Two- et- Fy rama Hause, ell paitd, illa Stone Cell r; 2 Clatarus, 8 uever-failing Wells; Prune Barn, SOiSO, vilh Sien.é Cow Stables sud CeUi udaruaath ; Hors Stable 42x3O villi Celur under the centre- Carniage Houso 26:24 ; Pruie Cov.sised sud Stable Gea2ePi -hama 4x1; Gardeýn dan cotgethevth6arsifaica aS. This soneofiths fast farain Onta' rie. Ou the rer is a good Franse Da= t16, sud aime 4ex24 good Piank Hanse, 26z24, vite kitahen sud atone cellar; 2, Wells, as uer-fufiug SprnÈ, andS 41 acres o! Orchard. The aboya farm vill Sec old on reusonable terme, apply te tee propnielen on the pro. msae, R. S. WILSON, Whilby P. d., Ont. Pickering, Jâme 201h, 1876. , 26 SMO KERS I MANY INFEBIOR Or TEE "MYRTLE TOBACý ON TTB c o! Poeu.and sassi. in wmdows snd hou». Ir"sng., moy.......... - stenwdg limbr.. 20 EL ECTE D IIAM. 96.1 WIT; HfATC0H-'vS. HATC0H'S.i A 011010E LOT 0F GRENADINES, BATTI STS, MUSLINS, WORSTED -COATI NGS, ýA 1 1 1* 1 1 'l 1 1 of the said J. ... ... .... .... llartweU'a not ytt reeMvea.... LP &o. ý 5 M 1 -- May loth., 1878 ' HAS NOW IN. STOCKY EIALL.1

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