Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jul 1876, p. 1

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Tau IR O W. M;H BRO Terme )LXX. la ru aicrttîei i rteo, JY wTýSON, YsatoeZof ai cl, sera. '- S-. J. SM nu.!d h bl M lin- Il-a fia-tetais sVM ta-led il, andi Ily' .lB. MITCHE4L. ieb. ltst, 1670. m. re ao 114 I1 il lîslsl uara pua-cndIstIxg -fsI lo-tJe. Miii, 187. 1 i h- ave mua-I isi uîy tut'sln<xsy ta the ait-elsssîv ris-lys-.! lu favor cf e!Miil-I issi lnapurl- adls- x li issussd st-1lb tva yvtx'wen,. i. C. 111LLIE 1, M. D. I.i t,,sr lise Dominion of IINCi ItANS. iieryCity, Tavn and i- & .sOPERli -S.Etatý, Tua-auto5 SOLE AGENTS. SEE, 11AMPTO . - gtan, Whiilly ni Carl- - 7 .110W LES3TORED I ils)lisilcüd, fe-nov udition- s tI Lnne.i' Cran-' ED f ss ou lie radical hlicilùs) ot Speaiaorîboa uss lasvoîuiaa-p Sealuai g Meutliansi Phyical Il1mants te Msrnae, etc.; fi, ),IpîlepMy anuit Ai. u aseiesl cauvclop, ouni>'6 sitsî,lu 111e aimiralle 11 sl1taiI-at-, taose s ILtha-tp ixiti â , 01a 0 ioala-miug viaos axss ly ise ralclly shilasulie of iiiterneal ;il ; îsotistiiîg mxii e model 'aI sisasle, ceratsi n u.! 1-t Of-lush-b vsnymutlerer, wi 1tissî rilisy lats, msy ruiafch -1py,laa-vstoly, a-eu sisilI lix11 tise bande (!.every as i lite lau.!, 0paffil, ail rc-ceipt six IIUGMAN & so-N, Il A11is-st., NewTaoris. lIt. - ly-l7 -ls Wanted iFxAîî Oaxtxa-sleto olitise cass Ura-gaisMnuifeFtun.-- .Aisasfs-linia OrIgisu Ce. la ri (,o.';4 Piscee, suas sîsH wîlbngiveli' lisir, uailIs oet lluee- C "'lisicn, uls n favr-- M Mi*lg a-i-Na- f, eautit Bu8sine8a Direo-tory. ONTARIO, DANKig WHITBY BERANOH,9 THOMAS DOW, DOMN-IrfON DANK,. WHITBY ÂGESNOT, il. B. TAYTLOR, IU. J. NA<?DOI41L,oi en@ts for spolul retaner of son. Mr. ,Càmeron, Q.9., and Dr. UoMiobselQ. O. 3 AU1118TRR, ATTORNETS, SOLI. ettiors,' PolaisePublic, aud Ooav#y« Hotel, ;AEBBULEGE E A Couuly flrovu Attorney. 48 AM R&ATTOENEY-AT-LAW. Wotary Publie &o. olle--om ir. Ad. dio ruato., ÏrÃŽok Iîtreel, Whllby, Ont. ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, SOLTITOR IN LYMAN BNOLISIE, L L. 13" BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN cot Selt, Oshawa.~ G. V(VKG NITHLL. B., k)ARRXSTER1, ATTORPET. AT. LAW, .I> oliciter lunCh&"anoeysd Tnolveno7 pof Publie, &o., & 3. i.-a ,Balock, Brook treet Whitby, Onta.rio A. 0. noMSILLAN, <rate Greenwood & momillan.) *ARRISTER, ATTOBNET, SOLIC. -B tr bary Public, ocnveyauoer. Lt. fice-Byron Bluet, o8 o oOffice, Whltby, Ontario. DlUoGAN & ROIIINSON,- DAREISU, ATTORtNEYBAT.LÂW, BOLIOTTORs IN .CHANCERY, CONVEY4NOERN, gdo., OFFIOB-Provi4clal Assurance Buildings * COUR Iviaur, ToBoNTo, J. DUooAS, Q. c., J. G. Ronixison, m. À T000149S HVMfTON, T N CLERR AND TREASUBER, TWhitby, Offlic-Taw Hall. Houri, tram 0 to 1 o'aioak. R.J. IUNN, rd. o., UliGEON TO TUB OOUNTY GAOL, SByron' Street, Whitby. or. W. J. DluRNs. Oprics-NezI door taOaCioLz Offce. 93MItsldence, et 1Mr. Le"is ouck's. GUY'B HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., G he oye R. O. H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. DENTIST, (SUCCES. I>OnalBomi-Dna>uStreet, -Whltby oveu 1Mr. Janieson'i Store. Nitrou Ozide (iaî adinnltered for the paiuless ex. traction ai teeth. C, N. VARas t. D. B., STEETH iniertedl on al the ilatoît prinoripleî cf the art, unas:le sthe oheapeet, sud as good s the es. eeth fille.! wlth Gol.!a. Silver. Teeth extraoted vwithout psai, ly produciug local anmstheela. Dental Uloomsm-ln Cowt ans new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, Kilng Street, Oîhswa. 8 THOMIAS DEVERILL, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, DUNDAS ST., WHIITBY. trAU orderi promptly execute.! JOHN ROBINSON'IS TJiATR JDREBBING AND BHAVING R OBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. GraduaI. (with hionore) ol-he University of Qneen s College, Canada; Philadeiphia Utv. of Medicine and Sur e AmrIcan Unlv. af Penusylvaula; BEcectie Coflege of Pennoylvaula and! IIcentiate-cf Micraficiy of th. Univ, ai Edinburg, Scaîland. Cor- oner 'or ahe Caunty ai Ontario. Offce-' Calflvater St., Orllha. Anguit 24th, 1875. lyr-80 JOHIN 8. M. WILLCOX, -0f the Town ofWhftby, has h een appointe.! OF'FICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDER THE NEW ACT,) For thei Connty of Ontario. 411 business entrnstsdtoabischargevilii ho refunly et tends.! to. Wbitby, Ian. 141h, 1874. 81BY HORSE MEDICINES. Au1 deeoptlong of the béat Hor.me. aines kpt oonstantIy On hbadand for eta tbe Wbllby lverjm tablos. "o > hargp for adviae. N. BAT. ÇJH N'sON, DEILER Et LUMBEIL, W H 1 T B Y, Ras ou heu.! a splendid stock utffdne clear an i %esasone.! Lurubor, Ailkinds -for caren adbaln c 1 rpoasL. han. .Grosip igotla4oun,'U la R5J5DEM Ruen5, coe ma$eheIaub AMSUM si% ORILLIA, ONT. Tblsagnl l blhoWis aou elofhe langui hoàeqSneeli oomnlo. Tilthd. A -FIRST.0CLA88 HOTEL i1 of charge. Offlusl an i lAIT XiMUUT SQUARE, TOUO)1T0, W. G. ZOHPBSON,- PROPRPETGa. Tiases, $1.00 per Day. Stablig no- neotion. 4 T 10AMEBICAS Ii L COUIS IE ONONOIC AND P»aNT aNS. GEORGE BROWN, PROPRIETOR. This firzt-laiu ebs beau newly fit. lad up *ud renavate.! throughoutesd Si- lords mperlor Aoomnmdtiou for t xreoep. lion of guesta. The preseul propriatos, bas aire.! no peina or epenu iitrodnohig Ovèr imrOvéflu thâ o ld dto the Toronto, lnly 101h,1574. 29 0 TARIO HOTEL. WH3ITBT, ONTAIO. ENTE WAEMPBOPR1ETOR. SUPOerr aiOadAtlou. ?able,supplie.! villa beut lu seaon. OcenuA iljuaqluon. O¶nrs.but brai. Billard room. RooMY S anl&sd sheda. at BIM E AMERICAN HOTEL, R A y',a fk LTI UossoN novi) WHITB9Y, ONTA RIO. Bouse newlY reuovàid sud furuiebe. throughout, sud put lau irilolusa order for he reception ci gpesta An omnibus ta sud rom allirains. Firstllss ample roome. YRADTRUPE RAflWAT HOTEL, AT W131TST STATION.. WM. 0'NEILL - .pROPRIETOR. Parties laklg the train Mud laavlng barses vii have them vell tùoen car.of il thleir returu. TEB QuEN'a E HOTEL, (LâTE ecoNaMauOL,) EROCK-OTEECET, WRITET, God accomsmodation 1-12 TM@aIPAPER r9 0N FILE W]rTil Wi'ere AdverliugContre£".cmeau .sua., L IVEUT. Bee ta ntan lia frienits au.!the public û2t, b. cana-lez on the LLvery businemsta R&Y'S OLD STAND. Parties nequing conveyauces-oCovritan.!d opn- en eaccommodatei taIaaeus RICEI. PIRDON. Whlly, Sept. 21, 1875. 89 PRESCRIPTION FREE brouffil on by indlscrator o eees. -Any - Dnugglsihlasthe lugnîionts. A.!dress DAVDSON h 00., Box 229, NPsyoYrk. September, 1875. - y-19 y OUNG'kl HOTEL, NiONCE BOA», DÂLTON, ROBT. R. YOUeG, PROPRIETOR. Ralialle information raga-ding thie cosu-. tny, etc., tonnishei tot parties re;qulntng Il - ample acconasuldatlcn for EHunlrs suà Spantimen. The bar an.! larder supplie.! vi11hthe boat cf liquars sud vianda ta bo fZtau.n lIecnt-.PNe but abH#*An stabling sudi prompt- hostxers alu-sys ou EDEERYL YOUNG-, I~ BITISE AKEEXOAN A ARNESB SHuop, tAa8uranoe. Comoanv.1 in lb. promuies oppote Bayle British Amu- enican Flolal, DUUd&>Ot., Whtby, viFbçe he viiikeep oua. eiorsto4 of, Oevrth2l& ua ieLm o uiess, suL i iu PEANI TMER,' WhA1by,Peb. 2%, 1874. -Ott- F OR SALE, AT TElc GLEN MAJOR MILLS. I 000,000 eel Pine Lunaber, vefl sesona.. Tuah Buarsl, Plcong, x 4 ScAutliugi 2.Ach'Plauk, Pencing Boardes, 100,0»0 il of Oak, Maple fcr atees, Tliquility, Baseoad, - 15,000 fi. Square Tiaber, Ail utwhc vbll b e salitcheapfocasoeh. Re woul.! sua bol ta gay thé1eGnia M fl a nninglanu d inig it-clasi vark. 'CObapiug doue 6 dnys lu the vweek, for eveiy Due. 151h. 1878. 611f G OOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW REVELÂTION IN TE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAKING. CORNWALLIS BELP4kITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Dresses ifate.! tram meauement abus' vilount change of a stlteh. Po aee, itI iraeeinstructions, at M1ISS McIXTYRE'S »auEss.seàiIconooUse, vMTBY. Aente vanted. Liberal inducements ta lIe ràe. Whltby, Aug. 18, 1874. 84 B OTTOM PRICES FOR TAYLOR h McCANP, PROPRIETORS. ,%~IAN l~Il~af In r, -n wn il The underige.desire ta iniorna eI fiensls an.! thé public lIaI they hav"alk-eu th. abave vel kuavu hatl, vhich tbey have uevly ille.! up sud reuovaîed, an.! put Ato the béat ai arder for lbheaccommoda. tion oi gues. The Bar, whioh ta the baud. soment lu the Cauuty,i veil supplie.! vltb' the fluait brandieaoi vines lquors, an.! ai. gars. Ample enclose.! sbed room an.! good slsbliug, box echus, ho. Det«ee ramnt far commercial travellers. J. P. TAYLOR, PEIIF cCANN. lite oi Toronto. s HAICESPEARE HOTEL, CaUNEae'cr KING AND Y0191 BTS., .TORONTO. JAMES POWEBLL, - PBOFRITOR. Flrst-ciass accommodation; bath-roo, &o. Board,4#1 50 per day. 10 THla TORON TO. The mas: Elegaut, Coitiy aud Perfect Hotel lu th. Dominioni. This Hotel ackuovledges uo rival, elîhar in its management, appoitmenti or loca- tion. Iu the latter respect t aflords ito guetsa a charmnlng an.! unobetructive vlew ai Lake Ontario. 93r The fluait Waterscape vlew lu Canada. - It bas 250 raaaWisfurulhe.! vltb ail 1he modem Impravemeuts. McGAW h WINNRTT, 491f -Prcspritors. AMSTEONG HOUSE, (LÂTE ALSZaN,) WHTTBY, ONTABIO. E. ARMSTRONG - PROPRIETOR. Ail kintie af Harn.utSou Caicousit. ing efthîe celebrateit Lacknvana, Seran- ton, Bnian EH, Blosshnng an.! aller coas CHEAP FOR CASH I For quantities ta Bbacksmthsaud athans SPECIAL RATES 1 Wooditstra leng f/s, 25 cents pan carsi aintemeut ocf usuel prices. Sendin ix our antan, ta A. ALEXANDER'S Whty h Oshawa, Coal an.! vaad depots WlxAtby, Anguet B1st, 1875. It-S L IST OF TER DIVISION COURTS a7iTES COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TIE YEAR 1870. Broug Ia 2 41124 2 1 2 Part Penn 6 1120 25 26' 514 14 27 Unbnadge.27 14 26 271 l6118116122 Ca lg'n28 11 18'7 28'17112 16 21 Beave 1 1u16 1291 lii 2 -Alely... 17 8 10 101 19 GRO. Hl. DARTNELL, Junior lndge Whlhy, Dec. 111h, 1875. 51 G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. KING BEOTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Impotera, Doriens anti Maufacturera utf.11 W TBY HOUSE. Hindi cf DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (WEST OF POST OFFICE.) 9 JOSEPH A. BANDEL, PROFRIETOR. Thi hanse bas been recently huilt, Asl lar a an room, an.! filte.! up An frsî-claus lule.Bat ies, Llquors- an.! Cigare; fremb Loger Boer. Good itahliug sano- clased yard; attentive alers. 46 ÇOMMRiRCIAL HOTEL,- CARTWRIGHT, ONT. LUHERAND7 FINDIN08, Cash palt torn Hides, liera, andI Leallar. Lenîher staetcheit. 9t- BELTING MADE TO ORDR ON M-,1872. SHORT NOTICE. CAPIiTAL, $400,000. Thia.lIa &'vsli s sEs'.!Companuy Mrp estO "0 ~rsIin on classes of DrI.Satcloasup tu ve"& TIolatedensudnon-ba prro .perty lu- sure, for lIres eau«»ourhlm at speialia rates.. L HRNIX PIRE INSURANCE C0. Lombard St. an.! Cbaring Cross, Landau. ESTABLIBEN» IN 172. GILLESPIE,. MOFFÂT & C0., Agents for Canada JAMES DA VIDSON, - Manager. Tusurauces ageanst lois b>7 Pire ar e feot. ed on the mont nua.sonahle lavaesund losses &&iAd vilboul reference ta the Boardin Lau. On. L. PAIRBANKS Agent, ~L1tby. Apnil lLth,171. 6-ly T IME STADACONA&"*PIRE h LIPE INSURANCE COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE, . QUEBEC. Pinanclal Resuit et 14 Mouthi Buei- nes 10 3i1Dec., 1875. Anîborlueit Capital........... 85,000,000 Suhicrihed Capital........... 2800,M0 Paf. up Capital.............. : 00,095 Goverument Deposit. (Pire) ... 50.000 Government DepWst, (Lite) ... 50,00 Total Revenue, Pire Preainnai and Inlaret.............1#2291,77r) Total Laises ...........08,528 Iuvested Punas..............18194,718 Cash lu bansud .!Daposi ..... 49,199 Ollar Asiels ................. 59,888 Total Assets .............1829,794 This Company bas nov estahUishe. itieli, an.! bas 21 B ranches an.! 207 Ageucieis lu the Dominion. GRO. J. PYTtE, & Manager, lO-ly C. NOURSE, Agant,,Wbiiby. ( NLSSJI AN Deposil vitI Dominian Goverumneut-$50,- 000. .Expcrieuced Agente Iha-ongbaut île Dominion. Fire Rieke writtea- at Ad-equate Rates. C. NOURSE, Wlsitby, MercI 7t1, 1876, getW itbT Q UER FIN INSURANCE COMPANY (rENDàsLIPS) 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, . - $10,000,000. 1ÂNEI5i iUIcÂL AnIVISEs: MOL80NS BANK G. A. BAYNE8, ESQ., M.D. Headt Office tan Canada: J91 h 198 St. Jamesi Street, Moneal. PORBES h MUDGE, Chiai Agents. R. H. LAWDER, Agent, Whithp. Angel101h, 1875. ly4S8 N ORTH BRITISEH& MERCANTIL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Sale, ani rellable, changes mioderate, prompt satbament af clamas. GRO. TULE, Agent. Wbilly, lune 2, 1875. 28 W STERN ASSURANCE COMPANY1 HEAD OFFICE, TORtONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - êea. AGENT voBSOsUTE ONTARIO, JOSEPE HOLMÂN, BBOOKLIN, ONT. Aise Agent-for tle CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANT, HeaSd OMOOc, HAMssxNr; an.! CITIZENS' INSURANCE coMP'y, TO THE FARMERS! Plouglus ansi PlongI Castings, 5mevw Cutters, Fanuing Ville., Reapens antd Mav- ens, &c., mc. W*M. JOHNSTON WitbyOCet. 1811, 1875. t-42 -4ONY TO LEND I A lange qnantfty01 otaney tbOleudit aleu inlaeut, privaI. luandi. For sale, soveral Town lots, tva Frama. Haonses, and a large Brick Hante. Far ha-zas, apply ta G. YOUNG SMITH. Whftby, Fol. 9th, 1974. 7 A LLAN LINE 1 LIVEPOOL, LONDONDEBRY, - GLASGOW, CH EAP FAR ES!1 Cabin, tram Whitbp -7-' 0c1, 081, $91, acooding 10 accommodati on. inlermedlnite - pi, Pr* .paid, Passage certifie"oa issuetiai lovest ratas ta persans -wiblug ta brins on tietas anti u lnfonmatu apply taGRO. TUTU. Exp. sud Tel. Office Whilty. Whilby, MarcI 2711i, 1876. ti-14 .A.BD I1 T. M. McMILLAN, Ageuntô the ROYAL INSURANCE CMFPA"O PaoOI.&rl ISUANOE 00. OFFICE-Ouro Laansud Svl lirooklih, Dac. 2, 1872. 12m4ô AliaBlD stampi Arraemme eCim et tIe CoyniCL o 01MOO Prine Albes s'eu-up tna budaess0a11 eu tatoure , ' eOsMMy I b of eeai'Auntioneer, m l;ry on baudl. an Se nia.!,for sais. h.. ite& Whltby, Observer mi, adai Ihe Standard Ofae, PrtaPenny. W. M.WILLCOX, Prince Albertlesept. 9411987. 89 BAILlF SUD DIVISO OOiUBT, And General Commission Agent, Port Periy. M JONEY TO LEND. The undersignefiasuaiy amount ai Mou- ey ta Lind! upon Parm or Town Property, aI unusually Low Rates af Interest. Loans eau bu repal.! hi suas ta suit bor- rovers. Several Improve. Parmi sna Wlld Lands for sala oheap. Inveelmonts made in municipal Dehen. Sures, Bank, sud other msrketatabie Stocks. For lurther particulars apply ta JAMES HOLDEN, O19cial Assignes, Broker, &d OPPIOPE-Over the Dominion Bank, Mo- MAillansa Brook St., Whltby. Bpnil tb. 1972. 1 H GIrLY IMPORTANT TO MUSICAL PROFESSION Gnon! Saccoas I The Henî for tho Piano. CultE The Han.! Guide Is eremîlt et many yeare' axperience an.! îludy,andin vannant- e.! ta save, at leasa, ir mont/seof the tadi- ou. e"0" i pctice of tse Piano. 1h yu en îl angur epnine a the onde. Il yull tendh the leud quietude vhile the fangens ana employa.! au single passages. It vili teacb va-Ast or octave motion, an.! i thua campelliug quiet an the part ufthle functian nuL emnployad, Ite olit n uify the exercise an.! sncrease graatly th. davel- opinent Ianorich île exorcise As intendeit, Thse Guide is warrante.! te fat eny square fanud As et once eimploaa.! taong. uaL b. teu rou'te an haleng svng helov vlannuleit.-t'*4 Sent to any aditres upon recaipt ufthîe manIe.! price, vilbhIstructions. a'nICnS. Plein Castings, Wnlnnt Rodes...84 00 Elagaut pintait Castings, Rasevood Roda .......................600 N. B.-Teachens a-e naspectflly invileit ta give them a Lest as te Ibeir qualification. Apply le Proteesor G. C. WIGGINS, WhiLby, on Proflessor C. MOTLEY, liowmauvilie, Sole Agents. Wuitby, Jauany 18t, 1876.4 p ATENTS FOR INVENTIONS Expediîianely ansi paopea-iy secnredit n Cen ada, île Unite tasiSsand u r!Eao pe Ps tente giarentecd ornon change. Sen.! ton printcdhIstructione. Agancy lu operation ton yenns. HENRY GRIST,. Otteva, Canada. Meclîenicel Enginear, Solicitor ai Patent and Dar nnghtsman. 85 Te the Inlahitanîs et Daffies' Croc andi Viciuity : 1Ibleanov openesi s Butlixer'n Shop iii Ma-W. Cuthberlas, Isere may le eenoua cithelenat sdisplaye of Beef, Park,_ and FowI aven ofiere e îlth Puhlic. L-' Reasauabie Puices I Came one, came ail, and gel samothing 10 do yen goad. RICHIARD WESTLAKE. Whitby, Decomier 22nd, 1875. 52 'VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The anhaciber allers tor eale the follua- tng valuahie pa-aperty5 lu the Town af Whlt- by:-An excellantBli-kelCottage vili I acre ut land!, stînate.! oub.hecorner cf Green sud St. Pter- St.., lu the South Wand. Aiea, j acre oand!, eli teuca.!, andsinAua 11gb state ai cultivation canner Wellington an.! Git- fond ils., Northx Word. i acre an Centre St. sauli ailthe nesideuce aif C. Draper, Est>. Au Il. Routh Wand. A lso 20 acres ai gaeod land!, hein g compose.! ut part ut lot 18, lOth con. cf Township cf Murrays, C6. Noillumber. lan. A dlea nd .!initispulahîs tille viii hoe given la ail the ahave pruperty. FP ur athen pan. liculars apply ta tle ovuer. FRANCIS CLARK. Wbithy, luly 1871. 291f 100 ACRE FARXS IN MARA FOR' SALE 1 West-belt et LoI 14 in lb. Sixtl conces- sion ai Mare. Oua-bah dean..! nuit unden cullivation. Laog Honeo,Baen, hc. Witb- tu tva miles ut B3rechln. Rallvay Station. H. B. TAYLOR, i Dominion Bank, WhitIy. Moutreal, Pire, Lite sud GueraneuOMNO 1Depanlment, yEOA GISN General Comnilasion Merchant and Produce Dealer, Agent for Imeiem nuitandComnxnctà, UN- tas Fia-e Insernce Companies. RATES 0F INSURANCE LOW 1 Aiea AgonItfor the Lox«amna utCàAxaua Loai ais» AoacvCosei-ANy. money. boan- ea an reaniastate, payable lrom Tare le Tvelve poara, an.!aun as ta suit parties- critulrest loy anad n commission change.!. Menîgages bongli. Office et, GIBBON h SPARVELL, China rJaStore, Bondai St., Whitly. Whiilp. MercI 1511, 1878. 12 0100 INVE E lse$10 ¶YL PAN A PEoFITOF 1 70 tuin hîe pust 1ev maudisunan aur fin et sa stem ut aperslîngi STOCKS. .aki edce!ta nominal suanairofata increau... Book containlg ftllinforme- don seul ou application. - TUUBM.EGE-& CO., Bankerc& Brokens, 19.1v 2 WailSt. 1Nev York. FDMO LOUB E ED STORE. CHARLES, PENNYLEGION Bege la nsdlty dis inienia sudna bsomens thâl lofi nov preparei ta Suppay Flour ana Fees! cfithe « est Quit>, sî-the lovosl living prices. Flasr, Corn, Chop-Pe.!, Bran, Shorts, Ont. meal, Cra. Wbeal, Pd", s, JtsPo. tatoea, ha., et Wbalasaie and BisAi. Cheajser tuai thae Cheslpegi'for Cash. At t5..Domnin n our au.! F...!Store, fleibls. ionaI iait . I..'f.,,...snsa.t s TAGE BETWEEN WHITBV & OSHAWA- TWICE A DAY1 Laavee Oshawaaet 8Sa, a., au.! 2, p. mu. Leaves Whitby aI 10, a. a., sud 4, p. a. Fare 25 cents each va& Wi la ailSUthe batela, and st private restdences (vbeu orderi are leftIaI any ai the hatela.) Coninccte vitb Oshava au.! Bwavine itage -alia vitb the WhiIby an.! Port Penny Ridvav, aud vith Brough. am aü t hity.THOS. HOPPER. Whitby, Mardli 911, 175.ii.tfi APPLE 'TREES, ABO U T. 4090009 -à: Ta- HOME NURSERY, Promtva ttour pea ai ag,exubraalg&Ul Ihe beelVarem, ETU C . WILSON, LotNo. 8, Lu.! Can. Pickeoisag, ounKigston Boa.!. Jst Office, Whltby. Degi t ananounce Ibat le bas remove.! ta Ring st.. a tev dodru EAST 01R THE POST, OFFICE. 1ppilla Lukoe. sov.rmass.vbere viiibo fonn l ine stock cdfflk suit feit bats fan ladies an.! gentlemen, ofi lIa ou m But tbsere vlherethe vAn4renl raluoiouds O'er ssidov lb. Cat#kAUs' anes,' Thora blossoms on.floaermore precpas, Par weetsir tIbmail theerut Wbre scarcely e léef bap opene.! Thie-promise ai summner ta gve, Where the lnehgvnac iie Puir tle sleet su.!the suarlm ree rasucmncaazeaneru ProfenB. uq théfo aerts,00 Salasieu louesimua rome KuscaiYsetvaiou.msnbi term. à e aiie Whitby,>July 151h,1874., l h9rd1ri o rous .11e oriais. BT. RUSSELL, Thée suirber dasira s ials ibai hé i 7.,1874. Prssn4atsr. hasapeuia aiea-mocu sseruuydareppea'goa-e. -i-ne Thcre la no rensen le Liuhin ht a Iandîl>' aI firet imagina.! tînt sso sameuopaîy et qisicîsivan aigîl le matie leoe. er a lerible accidenlt oe th e ii. àntnrdiitofai nformidable ai.- bnsînnil, tînI ied culminalet inAuthe vnei h rc ftecmoiy suicie ofthe wfé.vitiout eutniiing. thal shninlage lu de. ment alli As tle normai correobiveocf SrIssîTUÂASTIrC PHENuaoaEs.-Tlie such abuses, For tle Ireatmenl af persuasive spirit cf Relie Ring, vicidi lose chiorides andi suiphuirets alli se deeplp influence.! Mr. Wallace eut o'ouilitute lia nicleaL. ores ci engî'utiter- otder mon cf science anti note iu Eng. oua- veine, as. vail asfte îe.rnbellions lausd, vas unabie t caspe viti tise un- pprites anth ahich gai.!l gos ta len aparing rigcseof oua- citate, ansilurn- touaitaeobauicaliy combine.tlia am- esl cnL 10 be a veiy simple deceplion. ilian procesa et amalgamnation is île The acre recaut %vouslers cf the saine aimpleat, mosl. convenieul, aot masi ki lmo a ive hi-cc lolly deprieved eodective. -Iutieed, the aill.aeu et Cal- cf thein esisacuîous ehsanacter. Iudeed, itornie andtNavasda, lie practicai met- tie grave trouble wilh île phenomenasîilurgiassoc Mexico ansi Paru, neillea- bas elseapa beau tbair ludicrouis cbarac- luow non blennie an>' aller. ter.- TIare are, hovever, instances cf Moreover, inu many Amanican misiug. siegular noaponses made by the -mne- disictse leaagin for appricialienite diuwaod e crtib qu s soianyiecsthe : c f nedueLion is very largo. 0O2s mate anu! prsonel, vlbci a-e c0ur501va-lue per tan af the minerai developeit anti snrprisiu g, andton the axplans'tiouIî scnussriî cf vhlch the IePyeema uaLta b' ave bj recent excava-aons scniéal l.aeu~~~~~~~ teu! Teo l vnm> -la no- auceavable mnease An thi~ex- faiily b. classe.! vith al '*eilattaet Ipena.etfamalgamaion vauldti irm au pheneinnaof îhe ulght sAtie of nature« -heo edcisîve moment. Ih le kueve, Au.! ai any u>'aller appaa-entlinluxpli: for istance, Ibat 1874, owing ;t&Qa di- cille phencmeuaocnurringat tus sams '1 masiaietiproduction efthLe Calfrnien timeaitduniter the seacir - agt'ejmasse, canse.!b>'. ohatrpalliof a ge-ý are attnliutedyth 'le' ep tors:to'splv. îcîca7,stt IroPJas ituel agëenis, but proéve tà beilie iresul', il l bypollial teia0arival, çoWoo.i et exceodbngly u' patonlforcses, i là1 e y oi c l itbanew* tl* Paicq aliogipel ta isume.-lIilIée esteunoî.- ofq * dven ieht »te9#1.60peuý have a siait'ai aplnJia.- MaayPOsU 0_ Run4 t~6&î~ f es a fsstunatelp, raquireitnoé.Th .x-'iitdli iltarefe àr Ér.X eft hie do p n-tat Shakupeare aud 'th, corporation, thrfore, or a bankluqR visiton t le _enl&e -Bco o ous, avhidli iloulsl oxclusiveiy Contre, Franklin are pleisil>'due-Ao lunàr influ-absmti ui Ips'm x l ecsnol lu in sàavosi; but nupou -eat., buliion producl of-Nevàada vIe.limita Consolatiop adliil ered by spa-y taîsiecol! - l b dtrind y t w legs, sud asurances cf buimontalitl irecselant i dscreticn. pnoceediasg tram tambourines, hs.ppily - - do net ca-y tor axplanallon. They ex- If va are olteeartl ansd contente.!, al plain theseaelves. Signser Bltzocoul.!- iatura malles ou us; tle air oeeeui -more givAsuc m -'spirite- odals-andi vin lise baMmy, liealy'Mare oIar5 th. gýront Wbere the troes grov icant aud stunla.!, And icerceiy a ahadaw le Cent, There neeties the traling Arbutus Close ta the bull's ooid.breast. The itora vin.!, give to it couragle, The- skies giva fIa pover 10 bleui, Andit giveît 10&Ilits loving In its happy thankfulness. - Now piuk as the Uip of 1he. sa.îell, Now white as the braakerla foamu, Il spreadeth its atainles treasura To brigliten ils rugged home, Loy traillng aMi.! lb. mouses Its delloate blaseomis lie,- Uavig the'earth itIibeauly, Ils wcrahlo, giving 1h. îky. Tboughb lelak be the home that rearad il, And! rough ho ats lullahy, Gathering elrae.gth tram the lampait, And grace trom the fair bine sky; lu aith wth patient Ion SUR1 iruiting vllb ialthunubroken, The sun ta velcame et lait. To welcome wltb loving greetlng The îoft illiug love ot oprlg Soarcefauttenn.urtheruhi.llpes Wbare the llngerinq suow-drlfts eding, And! faint on the vinde upsveeplng Io waite t.!ls perfume rare, Like1h thiceusaofvworihlp asaendlng,- The monalnig iaw, unepoken prayer 1 O brave littia bloasomi a1 ta acb us Through love ta b. p allant and! straug, Tbough the spring hoiaggard lu oamlug And the dayi b. dark an.! long, Like thy bloom by the rude ways scattero.!, Bach day soma lite may we biais, Tüi aur-souls, like thy fragrance ascandig, Beach heavenly periectness,' HumanVampires. THE GHASTLY ESTECTS FOLLOWI5<G rEE DRINItINQOFrBLOOD AS À REN-EDY FOU DISEABE. Blood drinking bas hacoma quit. popular of late penn, and mcny invalidp daily viot thé> abattoirs cf New York for tIhe purpot;a cf .rinking the werw '11f. blond! cf nu cx. It is n fact-not so g.-nerally known, however-that Ibis appetite for blond -lucreasée upoa thosa Who indolge in it. Women, 2110a afirat quaif wiib repuguance an.! ome horrar a vina glass; cf the waronortasan gcre, gradually acquire a craving for it, and! taks down a tumblerful with evidaut relisb. Parties undar ibis blond speil almnost invariably manifaît a deaire to try tbe affects of humçLu blond. Tva cases ôf Ibis kind bave been reparte.! in Now York. A yonng lady balonscing to a respect. able family suiffea.!ilubaeltb wblle devoting berseaf t10lbar acadiemùical studies. Han me-licai attendant, wbo vouches for the trulli cf the story, sug- gebted blirod drinking. Permission and tia necesrnry privacy were s,'cnred et tîhe abattoir. Salutary affects vaere net long in following. Tii. pallor lefI baer clîeck, baer frama bacaine more robust. and inl te~n ontlis se l aine.! fifte,-n pounuls in veiglit. Froni baviug hean n pale au.! uninteresiug lokiug girl elie devalopad radiant beauty, and plie marrie.! the ycnng assistant cf the melical advisar wlio lied savait lier life. WVeil nquesuta.! witb the means by xvbicb sba bail been re-store.!, ber bus- baud enanuragie.! blir naturni cnniosity respeaîing tbe affects cf varions kinli cf blond ;an.! probaýbly quito as mch for tihe purpose cf -lisi wn îsrofessioual in- formation ns fer Ithe gratification cf lier cwn wish, lie opena.! a smaîl artery lu i leg anud permittêd lier toe uck the vital tide. An inordinae manie for ber lînshnnd'i blood, fortbwith super. vans-.. Ha gratified thie craving egain and agnii n.til disgust for lier bacame tise predslainant feeling cf lbi s ind; and eft> r lie lied doue himsalf n 'greet amoun t cfpbysicnl injury, lie bade lier a final adieu and! enile.! for Para. The wretdlied youug vif. nov lies on a îick ha.!, an.! almoat entiroly subsise sou bloc.! brought ber from an abattoir. Bue le n monomauleou Ibis subjeat, and ba. she opportunity wcnld undoubt edly become a vampire, ansI bau q"nt porpslually ou ' human blood. The cîher onse vas Ihat cf a voman cf tvautv.five threalened with a dleoline. By the advice cf a physicien se took. four timeî a day, a tahiespoonful csf end liver cil mixe.! in a vineg"Saful cf bloasl. The womau vas rasîored ta healîli, but iehile she lait off teking 'the ail abit cou- tinued the dosa cf blood. At Ibie lime ber hushan.! mat witli au accident on lIse staircase cf tbair bouse, by which bo lacerate.! Ibe back cf bi& baud sud wrist vitîs broken glass. She rusha.! bo hlm in niera b stem theflov cf blood ; but iustead cf stemmxng it se sucked il until hie svooued evey, aund lay g haatly exliausted aud moticulese as on. slead. The timely arrivaI cf tii. landlord preveuteil e fatal catastrophe. The wretchad vif. vas nlternatoly id. gen ~Iei'. I came avay -nrmiby oouviîuoeu chaai e laid wfitessed su-p ernatural phenomeng. F1e o otuld*wossamu vithber bande' ltied bbhid beI'jr baok hbruin a guilair, pu a aal pnber'liead, drive a uAi mbt a beau.!, blov a flageolet, or lie a~ kuolu a sbauid aroun.! ber neck ? Tleswere pîoasely t'ho qustions vhioh Mi. W ryiug Bisbopuntdertool ta anîver. That sudh' Iblugi conld bie douesliy spiritm b. di.! net propose ta, question. Ha youd!ouiy shlow'tliat they coul. li doue by.m'en au.woe also. If lie-conlld do Ibis,.the 6supýer- naturel" element uW-auld *Vanisb, an.! 1he "linedina" yardb. compelled 1ta prove tint tbey vere ual dpnelby lier cleverself liehina! the sareen. If, eain, sh. coul.! not pov bis, ah.ant lie considéred au epose.! éhumliug," and! spinitunlSm i ot!have sevsrely enifere.!, as wlxau poar Katie King yi.IsI- e.!t tha liestsleas confessioni et 'Mr$. Somebody iu Philaclelpliis. Mr. [rviug BisbcP di.! wiat l'epromise. Inucoin pauy viti a ceaaittee et veil-kuevu citizeno of New York ot high ci.arecter, he appearesl, upou the plalfera at Ciiokesng Hall. H@ was placosiluna chair, aud bis bande ivenéîle.! ciosely le a ring in a peut bo hinf i hm, sud bie neck vas île.!ta anoilerp as if le vere about te uudergo tle punishmneni cfAhe gar Re ie feet vere aIea cie.! te. gbebya nope, tb. en.! cf vbaclawae bel.! byia pectator. Atambaurine vas thoen laid upen his iap, villi several halls, and!, lake tlb. media,' heova. thoen iiddeu by a ourtaln drawn lietore lin. Ieiataty the tamnbourine neé- sounde.!, tb. belse rang, andi isoili tain- bourine a belle came flying over the curtain, whioli'vas et once vitîdrasen, au.! Msr.-Blabop vas ften.!closeîy lied. It vas clsviausly myslanidus, and! proli- ably the vork cf spirite. Perhaps Plato and Galilec v'îre thus illustrnling 1h. immortality cf île sont. A beard viti anit.,ans] tammer vas place.! at bis side, "the curtain vie dravu, and instnutly bammening vas boaerd. The curtalu vas pulle.! baok; Mr. -Bislîop vas lia.! close, sud tle spirite ahalimerai theb.neil fast Auto tle board. A peu vwas place.! upon hiie lnp, tle .cnrtain drevu 1ta supply th. proper spirituel conditions, au.! tha next moment ha va sîeeu vit the,,peUl, lik a anighî-cap, upon his boa.. Adol vas eut Aiea paper,' sg.itar vas play- ed, valer vas drunk froni a tumbler on -bis kee, vuile his feet vera bel.! 'fest an. bis neck ied close ta a ring bebin.! lim. AUl wvs doue belle.! a sareen, and! if it vas net spirits, vhal vas il?2 IL is the question wliicb vary boneet aund intelligent aud sciantific men have asketi. No man beun.! Au Ibis maunar coul.! possibly do disese lhings. But they are doua. No bumen colluaion is possible. WVlat doas Ibein ? "My haasa," eeswered Mr. Bisbop. Au.! fortliwitb, boue.! ns lie vas, and in full viav cf tIesa elionce, lie repestesi vînt lieballedjoue bebinsi the curtaiu, sud above.lIant i vas due ta supplenos, aaility, grat quiekees, and self-pos- session. Aies for Pistoansd Galilec i Supernaturaliam ? Spiritual agencies 2 Does tle counteons rensier recaîl tIhe concludinst vende cf Dr. Brcvnscn'a Cltaries Elwaod, "an.! Eliznbeti-vill yen tl ns; uotlxing cf ber ? Pardon' nme: I have planta.! vil.! devers upon ber graeasu.! vateradti iban illamy tona." -EDxron*s Eàsy Cmieo, in Har- per's Magazine for AuguBt. 61 Quiokeilver. Tha demraud for qulakîlvon, vîsicli is incessant aud perempt.ory thiaugi. out tbe missieg countries cf Liae globe, is met mainly by tvo mins-Nov AI. nation, lu Celifornia, ansI Almaslen, lu Spain. For soma panna previoue ta_ 1869 tIie annualel aio f Ibis artel vas computesi et sevan millions cf pountis. To tîs total tIse vonki et Idris, lu Adsitnian Cara, in, lue-ai cany, Hunsgary, Trensylveuis, aud Peru coutnabuteit about laîf a million,' wbile Nev Itris and tiller miner Cali- fornien doposits vere crodited it iithe same qunutity. Six-peveutlis cf the vhele, on tle bulk of the -voîlde pro- ducl, was ev.-ely apprortioued hetween tb. Amenican sud Spauish Almaden.. Tu prectice, the former ha. usnallp te.! the markets cf Euope, Siberia, andi ludîa, iesiguinizta its poutîfut nemesake tbose cf China and Japan, as vel a allthie gais1aundsilver bear- ing ragions cof ibis continent vhxcb ekirt tie Notiaud South Pacifie. TIse pnompt au.! equitahia adjustmcut cf puice ta 1h. shilLing conditions of cousumpticu au.! prodction, vîlel lins hitherto beau guanante..! by the competition of tva insiapendant sources Braig'ben adà t g bme, Mrs. Brna l. bride, aud ' Emma l3nesu, han uabands ilster, expressed a miali te le nove.! rarcn.!t -lle anad the isban.! seatedti Im lu tie boat, togeler with a Mnggie! Sandere au. Friand Vauce,1 a Youug engage.! couple. The boal veaci.!ansi vetîer- beatqu, aud! sane cf th.eider people la the perty proteste.! ageinst sc mnaup1 gcuing ont, lu il. Vence lied beau fiai-ý lfag from thLbolet dnniug* the day, an.! declared thaI il vas pertascîtly set.. Breeinrovei ouI te the middlle cf iUta pond, viere the vater vas very deep,' andtihîe boat vas dnifting >isiy aboute vlen Vence rose upin.I'îeuly te bis feet to point ont te one ofthie girls samee cbject au tie aboie. As le eroae lii. vixole vseigh vas brougit ouoneecf tle boarda t oring. tise boltoa of thm bonI-a flat.beîttxm ono7-ansi as il vas werin-enton and veek,.il broke An tvo, making a large cpeang, througli vhiCLa the vaîi oommeuced pouring An a lar ge etreain. Youg Breain- bogan pulln4g viii aIl bis migit for ltaeuliore, anti Varice ibouled * for enother boni vhiol vas somoviare about tie pond. The boat l ile.!sorapitily tli I ss tien'a minute il vas aivampa.!, sud the inmules veîe- STRUGSGLING 1F011LIrE tIn THE Vo.N>D e hundrad pans rom lb.eilione. All vas et puce a scene cf ltae vilsiast ax- citemeut anmong tbese ou lasis. Ma. Breeso, the metber et William nul Emma, anitMne. Sandars, moîben of .Maggie, van. Liera, and se frentic vere lhey. a'slie aigu cof thair children batI- iug agninats taful dealli tînt il va. only by main fonce thap couîd lie kept trans sprisng into lie vete-. Qi.! Mn. Brena gau. nman Dnaie.!Turner rau aleng tle sioe te gai the othea- lient, vhloli vas lying somne distance beov. Gecrgo Bâtes au.! Burt Wetie, tvo povertol young fermais andi goosi eiaimes, jnmped-ino the pond an.! svam cultaeIl.eaid, cf lie impea-ille. panty. Young Brenau as a 'goosi avimmer and graspe.! bis vite vben lis' boat sank, andi voulal bave reala.! tle shore safely vilI ber, but she lu bier terrer cung te bus s tiglily tint bis movemanîs vere Ixempereit, aund le coul.! eely 'vork te kaep linielf ani lien adenat until Ithe arrivai et et.. Vndice vas aloc an expert in the veLer an.! liongbi bu coutlsnpport Mie lirosinan.! Miîggie Bandais antil lie we r asieieveit, an.! lie vent et once -te tleir nid. Thsey, lioveven, losiegnll presence of min.! au.!creze.! viti ter- rer, tiîrav lhI arma about .him, anti, le spita cf lis appeals te Lbem, pine.. ais enmsdovn-by hiesBides and- place.! laini aItishe mea-ay oethîe vaten. Consea qnently, &IL THBES vENT 5sELOW THE SURaFACE, sud vlan Bates anitWai a narive.! ou the scane Vence was unconacieus, ani tise girls nearly so; Brenain shoutedtiei île meentta e.canaecf Vanca andth îe girls, ns lae coul.!, Support himselt au.! vife cii the boni caime. Bates seize.! hlt ut Miss Sassiters sud broka bier isolil on Vance ns thep vera sein dis- eppeariug trom viav. Wede trie.! te sieanege Miss Brearntrom Venca, but ciiuld ntan. toi.! Bates taeviau asbore wilh Mias Sautîerseusil haevaut.! kaep- Vaucea n.!tie otlar girl aflant nutîl lie camesa bcI, on cutI ls.heboàt exivci. OlsI Mr. Brentaan.! Turner tenu.! ta ieir dismay tiet tIse beat tlep liàd gon. atter vas hlItfull cf vater and. ha.! ne cars nnuiteveun apetisle. nndî vas cousequentîy cf no use in tle em-1 ergeecy. Ma-. Ireaa Ibenaupon diveat- -P.! linselt of a portion cf bis clothiog! andi siaetetosvimont te île ais! et île etiens. He tons, lioveica-, tint lie bias! insuificient streugîli te carry ans ibis intontion, anti le was cempelie.! te returu te ahane., Meantmme George Batli atrendes! isu. efeîy viti Mises auders au.! Isandeatiber cven. te ber frieuda, hy vboni she vas roatonesi te cousclous- nase. Bates thensa-ted bnck- le îhe assisitance et bis comasion, vhe vas calliug louslly fonrlielp. Wieu Young Br-nm lanuai trmthele mieutaieus cf île people on shca-e tînt île boni coul.! Dct lie use.! ha succesed.!nluquiet.: iug i th reuio movesuents 0et Ids vite au.! nolesed'her bloi.! aul, fso tînt b. vas enahlati te start viti lier ton siare. Il vas apparent te every one ou shoroelsaithe. poueg man's streugîli vas rapidly faiL--ng, as itlladt beau taxe.! te tise nimoat for neaily Ianminuites lu lkeepiug lis vite alova 'the vaier. Ha got le vitliu 100 f..t cf the shere, andl lhe vomen vere neing franicaly np anti dovu, eoae asriekiug ansi vriigiug liu -bauds ansi allers triog ta cheen île pouu'g hiabanti itruggliug te Bave lie lie Mf.i br.: Suddelnly leA -'. LICENSEt MLUTLAL IN8LIRANCE, CO'Y. TrOsTED 0081' REM DO7Pl, BROK: f., w ~,TOWfl8bip orMi lr:bEESta fklhakb JUBT LOSSÉS PRÃ"IMFTLY PAMl. woelmet 1 Rate of TImamansvs ly lai 5 oule vA 'ls~ 1100 lar Ielv ot F LOURI BRANS AND SHORTS III 0ATI&EAL, hc. NEIW STORE, JUS? OPENED. Mir OPPOSITE nAY'S IOTEL. M, WM.jo- ON11111IL, 2,000,000 JAMES DEWART- PROPRIETOR. 1 GIVE A CALL. Wl.JHESTON II vaifoni potas-y. necorated in niae anas vmae, - anti bine an.!wite patterns, znatting 'suaeo f stripa- of bark, net sfinkers, 6scaper-like instrumnents," 'cutinig ' bocos, espons utiuinconeraonlal ob. servance. atizes, guegea, diggiog-ioola- a collodtion if arrsxv leasis andi sper houille, pertoraters, groavei axe, toma- havks, hairr, mpula, piered atones- fer cluba,, pipes,. in da&Y andi alois, boni sapesi articles, plates, vouais for elating and dslnnking, rnga, bosits, tubs, Pesîîéoi asdimariant, andi a vAry - finn c-ollection cf large atone Ampleiestt tram Cehitornia, made. by historie tiiHe -rude, sanipturos lu atone, a oeil cf one cf tle Mexicau caleoder stoeos, bîghly isi deliioately carve.! villa in- -aeas ; idoles'carre.! anl'of atone, frein Tennessee an-1- ~Mexico, asd a carre.! lent] cf atone, fômmeriy owned by Tiiomes"jefferson, anti nov exiibited ; a greai variai>' cf objecta carvet] out of- bous ; veiges, smoeotling Icole, perfor- alors, Larpou beada, rude kuives, club> leasis, esizs, etc., carre.!'cuapsnd -SPODofnshf eleillnlugrat nuaber an. vnnlely, curions idole matie y tli, men.! uidens, ca-véa!ant peinte.! figures of von.!, figuras carve.! cul of 'oue sud inais! iti giitteing ibelis ; figures et vood, ca-va.!andi peinte!_At the meut funtastic annua-, ip the Aie- sIca Indianas; utensils c f motel, lieue, andi waed, carre.!antan aie, bpLb,, Blackfeet Indians ; e box et panxting louis ta-oui Koleali Indliens, 'of Alaka ;; lange veotiusufigure.pai.nletidinre.!, - yhil. andi bine, 0ca. y lhe Indiensr of Vancouver', Isiaut;_ apoons nate efthe boru efthile suuntaIn-goat, lx> tle nontb.vest conît Idiana; liera-y apous, ladies, etc., of cirveitveasifrea the' Alaska, Indians ; a speon. mcm Greeniauti; ver kuiveas anad latoiets et steel frein lbe Pioquel Indiens; clubs villi projectiug points frein lie Lake' Superior Insllaus; ver clubs -freintlea Indien .ta-ies cf Coierasie ; nsteni atone ver clubsF use.! by tbe Kantznoit Indiens, ot Alaska ; 'van kuives fa-cm' Sitîn ; voodan chesascarre.!-aund peint- ail by tle nenibvest censi Initien- ; a beavea-'s hlie n.!nutclass ssporticg e cnp, ail carra.! ont cf'wvees, andtihle conLtîet- vîslicI, thelabel Statue, "ma11 s0 'ldink fvhiskey. ;" ap pelr, at lia-ch. 1)nk , o Hegexjtisu'e par eebona, uade et Ibmn stri', lacf board , el.! tegetber hy coppen b -ackets eut coveras ivLlt aou canvas, iciaseiy voven, fientsa t tiha sides. Aà lia-ch ark c'anoa,_uitie by tle Moentagnard Ito-lus -cf Lebradior, la aIse exhibitesi. 1v As vea-y long, anal iLs ends araetsiasudipiteti. IL la na.!. et nana-av atrips cf lourd, caver..! vieli lia-cii ark. A-c'ana. su.! pasisle ma-le- by lihe Indiens cf lte Aleniien islande. IL lsa ndugout,! Sharp nI bath endls, seaiing Ivalve partons; 4isadtilos laviugÏ long rounds.! hendles, and t111e lmies pointe.! aLlIeeandis. Tvo paper bonis, eue linihBlshcp matie -sis famons trip tgNev Orloans, fa-on tii. SL. Law- rence ;ransi-lu lie lier made e trip dovu the Mississippi. A smal cane frein Puonai,' Alaka, for oua man, malle cf nana-cv strip. of boani, covera.! -viin lun ylan lola An tIhe centre for tie nover. Beais use.! b> the north- vesi Indiens for Innliug -anud fisiug -one bas a sait maile oft veeI-grass1. Fraeeof n Usuie on Videra-, use.! lu vhiaiing lv lia E-qnixu'of utSt. Law.- a-mc ta in.!, Aleaka.- Mosdal ot a cnioea uxed by th. Suie aInsiies, iidels etf figbing lentse ie. lpthe Indiensaof Califarosia, sud bonIs usait ly the ifarti- veat coal, Iva dugzouls use.! ly lie iloopeli Insdiens of Triuit.v river, Cati- foruis, sud lesta use.! bv-lie nortlveet Indians, carv e.!. anti painted, model-of Flinasdugoul Aun..! cedar-hirci bail cannes frea tise nortiçailcet, frein the IndienasOethe upper < issouni, one troun the Iniaao f Mackenziernver, a raft madeocf Tulle grasu useti in tle fiehiug b>' the Pie-Uta Indiens ef Nev- site; bir&balrkcanesfrea 1h. Indiena et Arihabasca nuit Greel 'Slave laIsse, nuit frein tis Indiens of Alake, anti' Norton seunti. Kyals or fishiug boats8 train the Esquinaux of Kodial, Alaska, Aleutien isanda, tortli Oneenienit anu MaceuzIe river; full rigged modela utf tie Nantucket barbon bonis uset inl lerber flihing; tiorias uaet in luosi filsiing sud baul cea fislsing, bey et Fundy>'cal bent, Connecticut shearpa tonr burler fisling ud ntiu nd.! lnding, the Adrieudue baat for luntiug anud flsiug*au.!inlu n.!tentiug, lie Adni- enlie boaI for liuutiug snd fieltingin mountain, laIes, sud AiexasadriaeaY- bont, largc nowboat fer fislaing ou lie coasianitsud.~ Au Uutiaely Jane Bug. The eiser nigit Mary Jane Jonc9e'

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