Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1876, p. 4

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éalut maIaen. .g#t th. psi. der sta6tute ei oc 27. EBsoR, ýeor, leceeasd. 25 OVER 2000 TO 6FLEOT FROM A T WRIGHTr& BROOKS' BROCR STREET. POT WEIT13Y ANI) PORTI PEURIT l XTNION EÂILWAY. T IME TA1BLE Nu. 15. 1aemeffet on hMauday, May 81.1, 1870. 'l'raina rnualy Tor-onto tite, wblcia Ji twen- ty-twss int. uslowur titan GQT.l.time, ~Wiltby Jun..IIIdlcp. 0.10 a.m. sI. 7.07 p. whitl. I:... .90 "1 Il 7.15 9.40 " 7.85 Macetr ...... 10.22 8 17 Prnce Abrt ...... 1082" 8.27 Port Perry,...arnlv 10.40 6 .85 -port P ,y ......dsp. 6,00 eaisi, O1.20 .m ,Prine Alert. n'ou 1.358 Manchiester 820 1.46 *~8naml.......1160 " 1.67 Myrtle ......... 6.42 " 2.10 Brookliii,,... .00 s.' O.2A7 Wbity...,.... ý 7.20. . i 2,47 Di'. 7.180 Dit. '.5 Wi'ltby Juu.....aîrtivu 7U5 " SIJO * 58lattonu, tations. Trains sitop un sig. uoneting t WIithy3iJuctioa witliîthé E.T.1., engt isud wqnt ; et Port Per'y with st.ig, for IJlîeian sd Steamer Msple l"aRfofn[i tnlmiy, thers conneting w',th the Mfýicl adialway ud witlî steamer for Feielat Eu. I eicttyi nsd Sturgeoni I'iif 1 os, utiful pleiteure ruesrt. JAME~S 1IIIEN, 'N-i1 "BYINICHINE WOlilKiI (LtJEtiîtuAYTON'i,) Il 110CK STISiE'r, %WIIITBY. 'tlcicîîlr0 lîtml i ci nfuri tcitri ilcît et.ms tli thit'roiucî Illcuuctty, tiiet le hli iLi f et clarcgo iti't'iliitut (it f Ciltticig 110x,1s, (lC111011, lTon lS Drlloa, Ituri, tales,- Wiaggonl., Srt'iî,(ui :icuic;Ml THLOMlAS NiiUt,NN. tlig"iltj ie îlly todU( WLia cetc il lidu, eotiiiig tiacln sd Or. ciirt, su cal ,fsucllutti qoclty, fou'cnrly ce-.' ciîldby 0tht taLe JilIlîtIitiuut-, Ecq., etu. Oo lIIL îîlutit'rimilecciit ofti lttby. ou thi itî PtiiiLtuiu.Th itet'siocountalscé Isu ll1iu)inS e0A,i,lssicttiiei lu càbhî, wlt goofi c cho.L11ar ctuîd Sofbit otes- tilttics lsi. ci'clilunitecistallo. lia. feit.Ic'rîtcSiciuq nuira cf Oit Lte ltOuitcSd, \VIiltib'>,Aprilt t, 1176. t MANSI ON HQUSE, iîî)UubtuîC Iu0rANti <cîltif 515., TIOROUNTO, - » ONTABIO. WU. KELLY, PRORIIITOR. "IltId Iltll i9tuateud lluticscontrai par. t'4111 if thîe eltu-, eivuticnt L iLait îitolere astsiilnus, olnd ulTe icbuildings, sud for teiîmlt t oîi 41(l telclnuvllsrr-lsas most 14ligilleto m cît#tti. 'Tho hnouaiitas hien * SliirocgllY o-t ac ad îre.tciriished* tliroiiittc,L, tîl lme iI Lsd cp ic Lhe inouit cI'Y lcr4tilliu snd11c)(14l,iîcculutyhm ini Si,h 1 ilsuliîu4t sd i'itwiîtg.ticcinFtare large tend Lit-y, andti tcsitet suiltat'y regelattons are iiluuteved. '1T1m ll a C OIIiuvîctnt Rmlmouurnes, for tici Ccso"nndctlucc cof Cotmmt-ercilTtc. vAic-shore .sînniiasud rottvrlill Icurteti 011 tri (qIluel llicj. O)lmqcliees tend tici-s-iugei ulwiyg t.aiy fcr tLits , ltioItstof gtesté arrlvtng icy .1 te trais suit mtetuîîl.cuts, îIuui(îutIlsctot cou7 tiis u ULIt dipuIté aîîliturvjaes oU OMteg in 01c socetioîe witiî titis 'lERlMil, g - 5()01PBEtSDAY. tUrOuIto, Apr-il 12, 1870. NEW SPR[NGO CARLPETS WILLIAM QoanDON Réiieîpstfcclly moue(,tta ntûntéiig purclise te luapect li. stocku nf Br 'élTcîîîsti- t'y udTut re-pI3' Carpats, Pluor Clothîs îsand Cor- ticiner;, Dctmasks and Lace Cnrtaius, Windoiv Polo,, AUi ofl wileli wV11h1 u 1 lit Lilut,tprive. 'KM. OROit, Aplitl1i01,'P§76.St., Tuosto, JArdus LH. u k110 COMPAN FU RNITU RE. OLESALE & RETAIL.1 Mo-Albert. Hall 18 9 Yonge St. i bcanda e PîU Stock ut svnry. i,aslhopthy strictattenitto litaIt r c sttsmers, >Su nusit a tbe< patrciege htîet-to ax- Dosi a titea '~ psitt ta Lise maing cf LJAMBEQUINS, sort of land,, ueàiablc. i fltIY rsiqfcoe, 9, D3elek Hou.., Two tore-bsrd &s it .owst'--quoeter ter-ly Wdat out-irait ani oraneAmW iens. Centre a. Yrsuie Dwe2litg -eatlbisud ýoOd.' alied; uearhy two mees cfiland, fruit sud orns., netaltreo,-Byro Steset. AU the aats, propertlu are dmuirabiy. 0altt d' udsales eau b.e fectesi on very t«% t 1n ys saipaaetof cash, sad on "i0 te u »Coene. fpeber ',O. T. HALL, Ls.dOocaxasiaandi genaral Agent. OFFICE -Diindas St., Whitby. mareh ti. 18740. - Il1 T~IS~U BE TÂXEN CtUU4er Order la Couacit, -Ostesi 94tii day etJul>, 1874.) -- 1. 9.Arrout 0! each ilndivliwd upon a 9.eurvingug nmons or snbpceua.... O096 il.ileage tu se.rve sunimous, etti- poeaa or Warrant.............O010 4. Milffle whu .sarir caitot be .it?0proof upOen ..010 essarily çtapeadsd tainteir con. .aac ............*....O010 8ttensifng Justmes o n * ar ttlélî or on exainatton cf peu- acer cargesi ytîi crime, 1or scc day aeceesaffly emplcyed lu one or more cases, wlieu fnot engagea mars tien tour hour.. 1 00 7. Do. do. wheai engages i ore tias lour hauts..................i1 50 8. Attondiug Assizes or Sessions,' ada.......... ......... 1 50 9. Mileage taveling ta attend As. zose, Bouions, or belote Justices (wheu publie convoyace eau bu taicen, oni yreceonabte disturse. meut$ tea alwed.) ........ 10 10. Summong Jury for Coroners' Inquest, lutulndiag attending aSt inqueit, cund al services ta res- pect th ercof, if held oun"semé day as Jury summonéci........... 2 00 il .ttcut<lng ecai adjounment J tbereof, if not eugaged more lotir bouts.............. ...i1 0 12. Do. do. if engagel taote titan four Icones.................... 1 50 13. Serein g etunutn or subpnrna to attend belote Coroner (ialjeet No. 10).............. ..... .O 25 14. Mileage eering same..........010 l.: Extinnug ho dy ander Coronr's warrant............. ......... 2 00 16. Re.bur-yiiig *st*m-.*..........2l()0 17. Servitîg citetroeé wrrat, and ru. t.rning saine............... 1 60 18. Advertiei.ig titiller distres war- 1at....... ................. 1 60 19. Travelling to nîit -s trtess, or ta anarclifur ;goollq'ituiete dis. treas8, wlîcîtDon gîudIl are flitd.. (i 10 20-. Appratseineîciî, wbctlîr by une ot, airs,, 2 conté lu t1ue docllar,, (111 tlic Viii,'f goulI fi1. Catalogues Undo cientissiiion antdi îeiycty tof gooffa, ri etc. i te 5R, on net jirolcco f goods. Ei Eacuuitng scotrch wîrr.,.ît........ 1 5L) 2:1 ec itg îît, i roil, tubleoi. whietpratîfy cvî....... il50 ofltlilliii' l'eac,C.O I ýALIESl AND> iUNI-04 LEA'III'E-VA LISES1 - AYti tfARATOG 'l'ERU NKS, WVILLIAM lTIIO.UI'80N'So Sudcico lau is Mcuu.,ali-r, Jung 21,194. 26tI TH E.GR EAT ENGLISH 1.REMEDY! Dleforû Takig î-î's..te .uk SPECIiIC 'MEDICINE' Oui-eil te~î,îi i iîccîa ~ti ITY-, PcuNTIs'scrouc, etc, wbrI, ila1111LUY cses, ara preditei c y ovr'r ainllzice tuc Lb. ume of Soaisco dul colu- iui îtls: butît Lie 5eciSea meadticîn 1I. tautre îeSîalîV rciuttlecldas Ali uitfilueg Curea1cr Sr.it',m.WauSi SP51%T,)Ita- ,Ur-A, t.ciu.I.i-i-ud id tait (Uficses tliet feiiiiv/U ccc io uqiiccicéo!1Self Abuse, ce 1I tli i-; c TIT ACHt i, VâtN Re Ot'1V1etN, PFE- MATU]tl ,l 0 DAoc. and ,tîîcy etiiûr diseases Lîat Isaîl to INîvîry or i oitilitiTtuiie andi t l'A'esI', ttitt. ,al of VIelul ce e uls are ireot cecsd iy ctvatlag froin icso peth co nature ad etiui cis iuuiieiie., l'ho Spîeclic Miliite àLuiereéclttof te 111 etndy iSu lany vyeuîno i ertetetfi treat. log iiSe peetal l ci a Il . t' c iactlau-e tn Otur jîiniteclet, w8ici %uudessîre ta cottd frc by malt vrose- l'ho Spenfilie bleulletîte te sold by ali Drug- gicLée t iel psr package, or bil paetsnges for $5 Or wii lic sent tir utai ' recellît cf thu uoîce(', ty iiddîecsLug ' 1 -WILLIAM* itAY &f0, Windsor, OutS. I.é HIn lu tltiv y 1S. W. 13. Sith. Jai, Ilytut and anl dticagsheus. Northrop & Lynîan. Toreuto,.çvocuiolu agente. 7 m ARLA LALNDS F011 SALE 1 Lot 129is 2th Concessian, 00 aores. Iiotut-ltsli -cf lot 1a, lu 12ti cuesîso, 10 acres. denutasmles frota Atierhy Bail. M ILAND IiAILWÂT 0F CANADA. T11 IË]-TÂýBLE. î= Fo>egNrth.a trouePt HP, ito Linsuay. Léiave Port Hfop- .Mui....l10O00 ai. M.lzid.. ..' Gan ortaPeterboro'&.uLekeâelfi. MailA . 12:55 p.. m ixes........ Coming Seti froun Orillia Sa Ltnduay, Peteniow ' ud Port Hope. Leur. Ouila- P.1 M,.111 .a. Ar Pt Halte 6:45 p.ai. COmlllg Sontha fron Lakellelsi. MiXeS ...4:45 a-9IMil .:00 p n Connecte witthtie_ NtpsstnjRalway Io DRY GOODS,: MILLINEIW,3 AND OLOTHING, AT THýE VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES. GROCERIES _AND L I Q URFS TO SUIT ýýTfE TimEs. Wbitby, Aprl 26th, 1870. 1 CAR RIAGES A.ND 'BUGGIES!1 THE LÂBGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ST60R 0P fiarriages; Sleghs and Cutters, m. OD0N OVA N'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VERY CHEAP. CALL & SEE TIIEM. M'lER CHANT TAILORINU. J US-T RECEIVED Ail kinds of Spring Goods, including English, Scotch, and Ca-nadian Tweeds, Worsted Goods, Fancy Vestings, Broad-cloths, Doeskins, &o., &é. GOOD TWEED SIJITS AT $15! Brock Street, Wiitby, May lot,,187tu. A. & J. R. PRINGLE, Marchant Tailors. CEJVEDATZ LEWIS ALL.JN\rS BO00K AIND MUSIC STORE, A large aud -well assorted stock of liooin Paper and Wini- dow Blin lswlich lie is prepared to sèlIl at tlie lowest .1 rates. A splendid àssortment of stationery, New i)nscoUiieous Books beautifnly bound, ail kinds cf Sehool Bocks. Violines ad Cou6'ertinas. Seving Machius-best unakers. Largo and new us6ortnient of besi Gold and Silver Watelîes and Chains o'n lîand. Wool and Faaey departunent complete. Ail orders for Engijîli and Ainericau Periodicals and Newspapers promptly filled. We are now in a position to lSupply Prizo Books for Stehtaols at lhaîf price, and ive fouI that wvc ean give good satisfaction. Soiiigorders, &- 1 litby, April 5tha, 1876. GIIEA T ]«T'ÂEIS -ALLIN. CLEA/?ANCE SALEI 0F Boots and At Auction Shoes Prices 1 $ 7,000 WORTH 0F BOOTS ANDO To be sold without reservo t ---0-- SHQES1 a&ROSý'S & BROCK, 3-ccd Dressed PRICE 0F GO Organs and Melodeon Organs at greatly reduced puices, for Cash or Note payable in Ootoberne. Ccli at the "IORGAN FACTORY and examine Our stock. Also Second-hand Organs &bd Teflodeons at very low prices. THE MUJDGE & YARWOOD M'F'G. 00. Whitby, May lOth, 1876. ELGIN z ELGIN 1 1 >N & S1'AILYELL'8. WI'LL IAM TILL'S CABINET FAOTORY AND FURNIT-URE :WAREROOMSI THE OLD S TAND, BROOK STIEET, WHITBY, Go -where you' cannot -fa-il to be pleased in makingselectiotis of good farniture. Splendid Parlour, DfAwing IRoorà aid Bedroom ýSet-s, New Desigusmi well woî'thy of inspection. at astonishing low prices. Dk. ing-ro'om, Extension Tables-a very suporiai' article. Gilt Comnices, Picture Framing in evcry style. Sanie fine 'Chromos and Engravings for sale. U- 1L\ D :M ET-rA:I<: MZ -C sIn aul its branchas ;funerais fuily supplied, -A stock of elegant caskets.1 Coffins always on haad, triumed to sait Oustomers, and a well appointed flarse constantly iu readinei..1 Wbitby, November 24tli, 1875. WM. TILL. E LGIN !! !IDOMJNIÃ"ON ORGAN C-O'SI r- o The finest, best, and cheapest Watces nmade, for the nrio- nov, are the ELGIN WATCIIES, wbich cau he lad ant Taylor & Bar, fiard's, iw cvcry grade, bath in Gold tind Silver, Ladies' and*Gents sizes. Also a large stock of Engili suad Swiss Watehes always on hand. Clooks, Jeweilery, Silvervarc, and Fancy Goods to suit cvery taste and pocket. 1Rernember tbe phtce-noxt door to Gross & MacNachtan's, Hardware Mcrchîants, Brookç Street, Whitby. FURNITUIE! FIJRNITUIRE! Now is the time- tQ buy good and cheap Ftu'niituro. Having bouglit ouglît the buisiness lately carried ou hy James Hf. 8aîno, we take0 this oppoi'tuility of inviting( his many friends to give us a ccli, sud we eau assure ail tliat we are prepared to do as weil by themn in the future, as Mir. Samo has doune in the liast. TILL & JOHNSTON. Orders by mail proniptly attended to. UNDERtTAKýING.--- The only first- elits Establi'fiîmeut lu the, County whîere funierals are fully suplied. TILL & JOHNSTON. Whitby, October 1.5, 1878. 40-ly1 LIST 0F AIJCTIONEERS Pa rties ini wan t of Boots and Shoes1 Licensed for South IRidiug of Ontario, Nortlh Riding o wîtl ind Sis a rare opportiunity to pîtrehase chîeap forSpring wear. Remembeî- the place, at KJRtK'S- BOOT & SHOE STORE,ý Ontar'io Block, Brook Str'eet, Whitby. C. KIRK.' Whitby y Apri l2th, 1876. GEN T'S CLOTHING AND FIJRNISING GOODes1 For-Superior Clothing suitable for Summer wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail- oring establisument of DUNDAS STIREET, WHITBY. A GOOI) FIT AND STYLISH CUT WARRANTED 1 Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kinds, iuoluding Shirts, Haits quid Capo, Umbreilas, &ec.,* Whitby, Jniy 27ti, 187el tf-si1 Ontario, and separate Municipalities ini the latter. E. . Cmer. -. C. Moore. JeIca McGiU &C. Donald ]Ross. T. H-. Wlb Wm. Gordon.. Jamne Dtgby, Jr.. Jamnes Dighy Jr:.: John L. W.B... J. C. Pikey ... W. M. 'Killeox.. C. Wilson...... Thomas Tueker. ... Dan. Wac ThtomasPoncher, - J. M. Pattereon.. L. Fairbanks ... B. B. ODeil... Donald Rocs... Elle, Bowss. LIST 0F- John Carr ... James Ilrigga.. A. C. Eutîd PaeesBlacluwll... Felits MoGoret... John Giltigan.. Dnffct c-os ... Dullett Brus ... Gp'o. Burton ... Béavéston.. Orillin .... Aehicurn ... Therali...... Canttin ton Sund erand. Clareiuont ... Claucunont ... Port Ferry ... Port Perry.. Part Ferry.. Leasluse .. Toronto,....- Marlhin'..*: Btonusiugtoa ... Whithy ... itéavertoît ... Villge Uxbrtdge Southu Ridiîg .. Mas-a. ........... dho..h.......... Sentît Riding ... dho..l.......... Brook .. ........... Southît iding... Uxbridge .... NorthIiding ... NortcI itting ... North Ridtng. Beach............ SeottO... ...... ... North Ililiag. Southiliig Sonth. Iiding.. South, Ontadlo. Mars ...... ...... 33rock ........... Brook ............. Uxbridge .... PEDLERS FOR THE 00. Oshawa.... Brooklita... Oshacwa...... On fot ....... i botte....... 1 liorsu, County.. .. 2 homecs, Couty... 'V hoes, Couty... 2l horees,Cnnty.. - 1 herse, Canot". .. 1 herse, Caunty..., 2 liorses .... June 28, 1878. 29, 1876. 18, 18711.- 19, 1076. 19, 1876. Oct. QIluh, 1870. Oct. 251h, 18476. Oct. 28tht, 18476. Oct. 28eh, 1876, Nov. 115h, 1876. Nov. lind. 1876. Dec. 2ncl, 1578. Dcc. itL, 1876. Jasu. 24h, 1877. Pan.SIti, 1877. Feb'y 2îcd, l1677. M'rcli SSIN177. Mar. lti, 1877. Mat. 10t1h, 1877. Mur. 21it, 1877. ONTARIJO. 2lst April. 1876. Sti Mav, 1875. 9li Dec. 1876. litIs Dcc. 1876. lkht Dec. 1876. 15th1 Dec. 1878. 201h Pan. 1877. 9hst Mat. 1 R77. lSApril, 1677. \V1V. LAING, Coi. Treasurer. Wltithy, April 4th, 187(3. l15 FASHIONABLE TA IL ORINU Go whore you eau get a Well-fitting Garment :-Tc the Ttiloring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. CHO/CE W/NE8 & PURE LI1QUORS SUPERI0IR CUTTING SHAPES- THE* WORK at WHOLESALE and RETAIL to suitth HOLLDAýY DE M A-ND UNUSUALLY LOW FRIC]ES. TRY FREDLTRICK NEALE'IS, SIMCOE -STRE ET, OSHAWA. AGENT FOR DAVIES& BRO.'S xxxc 'Tt'D A 'r~ Ale A Large Stock of FineC lothsr,; beat English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. rj,. Bxeellent Overeoatings and spilendid Veut Patteras. A goo&e.fit Guaranteed. GEORGj«E GURLEY, King Street, Oshawa. ! I s IISTTHE PLA-CE1 8UI?~-S, 1300T'ANIO HOBMAR, #BROCX-ST., WIIITBY, ania tc ffosa îon of Ladies' Gentlemen' tilAS now 0on ma s large1 -E' askes: te enden every deà R epafing don. on 55c la linvit b xazinil the iné* IMPROVED AND) REMODÈLLED CA B/NET A ND COMBINA T/ON1 0OIzjG-A MTS. This Company lias reeently beeu re.organîizcd by the addition of t1li-ee of flie incoat practical taon fram the Fnclory af Clouzh & Warren'a Orgau Ce., Detroit, Midi., enchi taliniz mn active part iu bis own particular departmeut, and are row monuifactînrintz au OrcyAn EQUAL. and in many points srpEnIou, toanay manufacfured in the United States or Canada. Wê talie pseurs iii anno,îneing ta aur custoners and tlin frade ge.nproily that we bave secured the riglit to uaanufucetnro sud use, in the Dominion cf Cao. nada, the celehrated SCRIBN1ER PATENT -QUALIFYING TUBES, tincureil iv Lettera Patent in ttiiUuitel'Stafrq, Euuiand and Canada. By xuv'ans of iluis invention an argan coutainimg Iwo or three sets of reeds becomes equalinl volume aud powýer, and far Suppriror lu Qnality aud liîihiancy of Troue ta au ordinary recd organ of àix or eilit rrids. l.'Our crlehrated "Vax'Celesto," I 'o ux Ila," Wileox Patent "Octave Coupler," "Clelo" or "Clarinc.t"' stops, "lFugle Haoro," 'flulcet," "~hn, "Cramons," sud Grand Organ Stop, suis ALL THE LATE IMPR0VIIMSNTS, can ha ohtaned auiy iu these organs. Tiventy-fiv e Different Styles for the Pai'lor aud thre Chuicli, of the best ruaterial and 'orkmauship! Kl- QUAL1TY AND- VOLUME OF TONE UNEQUALLED. PIIICES-$50 TO $1,000. Factory and Wareroune, Cor. Teinper--ucp aîdw Nellirngton Sté., ]3owmanville. Agents W'autcd lu Bvcry Couuty. Seud for Price List. Adciress, DOMINIO'N OROAN CO., Bosuanvillo, Ont, General Agents for Canada foi thIl"Cclebrated" Bradbury Piano. Bowmauvile, Mardi 28tli, 1870. 14 Cheap Ha,'ness, Trunks, W h/ps and Lashes.1 -000 whithy, 151h instant, 1870. 1 dosite t a ulte attention of tie puiblic ta the feet tbat et no Lime durlug te piet fiee years bave I heen able ta aller Harn(ess of ail descriptions ai as iow a puice as 1 eau Ibis Spring. MyI expiee being liglit I cao do it. Na more étylisti or better Harnierp madle iu this County. Casth purchaeers will find special iiudtcements,-tbiat is.what I am n atei. C,îli anti inFp#eet. Iespectfuliy ypurs, J. R. PHEILP. jR epairing dont resonably. l'Icae notice-Second Harneas Shop Sonti, nest to Groass ardwatre Store, Brock Street. Esiablished Twventy Yeard aga. 1 1TO M-S &w 2YEP, 0 I, MAMJFACiUIRERS 0F CAIRRIAGES AND SLEJGIIS, DUNDAS STREET, WVIITI3Y, ONT. Hlave lio-%'ou- hand a; large stock of Carnalges, Buggies, and Sîciglis, Cnittcrt;, whicli for style and finiish cunot bc exedIled. (~Ail will be sold at cost. Ail work warranted. TO-MS & NEWPOET,- Whitby, Auguat 2fti, 185. Wib 85ntro John ston's Self - Baking Reaper AWARDED THE FIRST At the Provincial E~xhibition, Toronto, in 1870 We ofler to Our customerl's f'or the comng Ilarvczst, -îwo dis- tine.t Machines, %which 'lu stylu.alsd construction', cnsbra7e the latest-and 'Most usetul improyements 'cf thfe day. JOINSTON'S 8SI NG IAI SEIi-AKING litA PEPt These kuow im struetta: table, aui "Il mouey Wou r.m My home. Mtatituuhek mup H. MO] Mathnsbiek has advaa'ce ai al wrld. eOunr aweeeeastBn giug arc., or auoësof tihe finat ituman volce, ttan mRUY hatiu- meutarnoôtéa Iever héard. W. are delight.. ed wlth Our instrumuent. May yen b. blesu. esi wlth great aud deserved asoccess - Youn truly, SPENCER L. FINNET, Paster Secoaid Pres. Citisni, PincetonKSJ. Tite Mathashe Orchestra ae Grand. -Piano lé brlllieast, cf waadenlupower, and melodicas la tone, LFEBED H. PE SE, R.ochester. I was My ncaviaced titat thse Mathnéhek wae tic crown aof ail.H. BELLACX. .My olsi tuner, who has takea care of my piano for thé paiSten y ears saya th at thse No. la Orchestrai juBt received frein yen in the hast inade 'ans inlset instrument, ini tiis City. Yoans &o, D . M. S6mFRVILLE, Clevelandi, 0. .Elm Street W. M. Sehiool, Toronto, Wéibave great plesure lattiug tisas au instrument te isaste. six'g in ua Sua- day Sehool,uothing cenexeel it. Tititoue le. soIt aud fnl. The bais is grand, andI witcn 600 volces axe singlg together, thte plîacoCanbedastmtiiteand. Eveny note rings ont as elearras a bhel. S. J. HUNTE, Pastor, WARRING KENNED'Y, Supt., SAXITEL FRISBY, Musical Cond'or. IL lias giren aiy faBil: tie veyiigiteut satisfacion. 21EV. J REI, srie. Hamnpton, Jan. Slst, 1876. MR. J. ILEESE, hifferde me great pIesurne la a-lnowledging the satire, satisfaction, aud high apprecietion of te No. il Methiu- éiek Piano purcliasies from yen a few days since.- Yery resPect!fln', Eîinicluiilen, Ont., Jeu. latis, 3876. PROF. J. ItEESE, The -Modjunri Mthurhits-. we goL fiain yen gives cutird e6atlétàtSini'- every reizpect. I eanu nhesitatipglyrsccm. mddSt te anl deeirniag a ftoud pl-neo. . E'ART, Pester cf Prublyterian Churelu. PROF, RBEESE, Oshawa, Ja. 28rd, 1876. I isave foundsithe Matitu.- îhsk as nayyen representes i t--iw Sust-cJ.uE piaino. Muany nunecians have triÏgsi: t, and prencuaces iut excellent. _ Eespeetfuhly* - MESR. B. MITOIEL.,. MR .R tHampton, Feb. l,1 17&. ciss he iMathnshek Piano 1 pur- chsdfrom Yen lies given entité eatisfao. lien ansi provep iteslà superior inùstr-ument iu every respect. I, wonld necaimens ail ta ses the Mathnsit.k before pbrcbisnÉ elsewhere. Tente, d&e., - i H. T-. PflTLLIPS. Enniaiilea, Jan. 25th, 187, PROF. J. REESE, Hampton, I- have mneh pleaenre in addinig My testiaiouy to te mauy yoa bave alresdy receivef inl favor of the weill aerited Matttnehek Piano pur- chased frum yen rneently.I arn weil astis- fied -sith i5l iunevery respect, aud couitd et, for beauty andi toue, il ile Mnassed, by any inctrument I have yet seen, I am, -ý S. C. HîiLLIME. M. .- FULL AGILAFFE, 7-OCTAVE FR0117 PIAKOS froin other irdliable makene Bt. Wholeéaie agents for te Dominion cF Canada- for the PRINCE ORGANS. Agents wanted lu éevery City, Town assit County lu the Dominion. 8 Adelaide-St. Est, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. JOSEPHIIEEBE, HAMPTON. agent inlaington, 'WhitÈy, ansuacrL.- wright. 7; MANHOOD: - PuéL pnhlieheda nsrw edition Sju&TzD Reton the radical care (without medicine) o! Spematorritis or Ssminai Weaknei, Iavoînntany Seminsl Losses, lmpotecy, Mente] and -Phieâs a.Ioe Coneusption. Epilepey asiF1uin- dulgence or sexual extravaigance, &o. SL*Prdce, Su a sealesi eavelop. only 6 cents SThse colebratesi anthor lu tis .admirable Ecsay, clearly demonstrates, Ircai a tisirty ycare'scecessfai practica, that the sleaming ceneequsuces of self abuse aiay.ha tadically cures iwtîhout the dangereu uq of interad mèdicine or te Itaie;, pcltiug out a mode - .cf cure et once simple,: certain' ansi efiesinai, by mens of whirh cveu-y suffrer, no maLter whaS luis condition may be, may l'e, inay cure himeelf cheaply, privatoly, assd radically. 95eTbis Lecture should bie la the ihandas ef every yauth ansi every maluinte Ids. Sentunder ecainla splain cnvelop. ta any addtress, Po$f aici, an receîpt of six cents or Liso post us lîs. F. BRUGbMÀN & SON, - 41 Ama-St., New Tank. Port Office BOX 46W1. ly-l7 lu svery Town'shuipî luOntario ro îïell the famons; Prize llidÏIc Organ Mnufactun- cd Iiy tic')eSuvilîlAmer.icau Oigtn Co. and George Steck sud Cc.'.i Piansos. Special induceaients wlll ba giron ta firet-cissi agente an,, clubs of Ibree or fout wipbiug tsi purcîsase. *Auy nunier of îestisucniaIu lu favon- otti'ose du-t-daim eouguis eau ha funnish- ed, btut as they are, sa widaly lccw- grecStnuaiheré bavingiseen scld tiaraugh - cuit the Dominiou sud hri sgva tis- faction in aveu-y instance- No testimsoni- ai Iloweverfatiaeig can add to their- reputatic'n. The Stock_ Piano Co., neceiveel the- ouhy galdmdaaed ta auy exib- itou- at Lhe Vieuna Exposition ini 1878 Churches requiring ongana will b. libershuy dat tv itb. Style 82,- Smith Auneican, Wa wculd saiI attention ta I Si OP A -L -Con 'Un 'Uni Pesa of 50 cop 01 THE "RING OF REAPIRS. The universal succCss of this -Machiuue, lioth in closeLy colitest-e ed triait ans in, the hanché of te larsar8, -warratnt us ii, îeying thiat.,ua sSoilf.Rk- ing Respins tuachine, it item mut-e giuod points an'] hess defectet, undsila met witîu sucre a uccesi an ensti-sailure. thian heretofore offlet LthIe publie. CAYUGA-'JUNIOR M.GWER o Wewere aurarded the First Prize -and Diploma, at the Prcvin cial Exhibition. ield in Toronto, ]57O,incsumpetition vvitb ail tIse leuding MachineFwe man0,fàctu-cd in) the Province'; sud- wiiul uttr écent iunpu-vemens we unsuitas-. 1 - PRIZE..

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