Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1876, p. 4

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mia I Iew ont ME iSth OrL '3t t- x"i TeIii ivfllbe token et Éwsivo -J, L. BEODIE, Ca".le »ORT W ITUT ADtPOR~T PYBrR TIME TABLE Nu. '15. k seffet oa Meday, May , 17, l Piurals seiy 1Peseste *laào, vhil tï1.tweu' tY-twu mnutes àoweî thsa G.T.R.4lme. -nu. 2 AMa se. 1ix 'Wi . .......9.20 " 7.15 Il BrDkh .. ....0.40 " 7.85 " m ue.........88 7,82 id 4 1- . ......10.10 8;06 M.aucheoter. .0. .22 " 817 P'ot Pory. -.,arrive 1,40" 8,85 1T&UN 00150 souris. FP'1rry.... dep.6,0a.i. d.l.pu Mahetter . ... 62o '1.4s 5Slnaat. .1. - 0.. .80 " 1.67 myrtis... ..... 0.42 ' 9.10 S * Jroolll............ 7.00 2.97 Wbty ... ..Au. 1f7.20 .If &ni " 7 .8U0 s.1155 if WVhitby jun...arrive 7.850di .004 *P.4f.til ftatleîîe, Trains 'ttol, ou zig. Cuaaet.big aSWitby Julittion wlth h G.T-.eait suid west; aietPort Perry with s.aefrUibrid o,, sud Steamer M&Vle Lt tLulythurecoueUng with the MdsdRalflway sud wtth aisaxuer fur X4118sIfil. Sobagygeun, sud sturgeon P'oint Mtel, a beautiful pleasere resort. JAMES HOLI>EN, wY17.ITBY MACHIIEwpnics i BlifCli STRUEET, WIIITB-Y. Tiheaunderslgned bago tu luform lihe tarin. Oro et the.snrrouuing eouutry, that leha s iii t stpk CL Isîgeaseprtinen t ef Ctttug Bloxes ,Chorus Tlarot p DrilIlohrsie IRûe Wu1 At -' l, Catb ýf 'anning MIlle, sinvatness sud dt*îîateli. THOMAS McCANN. liroek.8t. Whltby, APril 4th, 1870. y1 cr t lgble ]haîully Ilemideuce wlth Bi 0, ; t en, conspPliugGardon sud or. chird, A I , eile1ut quuîity, torineriy ne- cllpis§4 bl, th. late JohnlRamser, Eeq., situ. SLte about eue milis asit etWbitby, on the Klngeton 1usd. The Houie centaIne Ton Recum" i belds kitehen lu rear, wîîb goed calter, liard sud Soft water ou the preini. luaaiebarn isud stable. Vor farther-particulars enqatre 6f JOHN TAYLCII, laci., vin the pî'eisoi,e WJitby, April 12th, 1870. _1 MANISION HOU-SE, CORlNERS RING AND YORIK 175., 'rORON11O, ONTARIO. WM, KELLY, PRORISTOR. nuhiot1eileusltuated lunShe centrai pur. i.în nit he eity, couveienî,to tue vhulesals etmblihunsanî1 public buli]dings, au.) for touriste sund coinumercial Iraveller iles ainost elîgible situation. Tiie houes lias been tliuroughily rmorganized sud re.tumnlshsd th-rnls.at, aud le fitteid up lu the mesS nomonitable snd faehtuualbie style. equal te lIly fitscae lieuse lu the Dominione. ,The '-' bdreomus sud drawlng.roorns are large'sud airy, Assd the boit sanitary reglatuni re -' Tho lsrge sd ud.evliiït t mple rogues, $Or thm acco',iuîeîiatîonutfCommercial Tra. seller,, are Clouatiioflîous. atid cenvcuIently loeîoniithe tirât flat. 01uulbussos sud Carragcs lwayx roady for 511e acceînuodihion 0et giets siuig hy aU ,the 'trains sud teausoato sud salo)te cnrsveýy thtituSuthie depou an s ud w'eveou Tlegraph, Oftivu lii cuiuîtstiii wlvth thim Toreute, April 12, 1878. la1 JU51 RECLEI1 u 1)ALLes N.LEW-SPIRING CAIW.ETS WILLIAM GORDON litepertfully solîcits luîeudling P 1rcliasers - fo ipect hIs stock et Brusseels, Tapestry and- Three.ply -'Caricts3, looî' Cloths an& Cor. ticines', Dauiasks and Lace Ourtains, Window Foies, 411 of whîch wtllbh so0 I tthe lowsst pries. WU, GIORDON# 1914 Tonge li., Toronto. FURNITURE. W- 1 WHL ESÂ LE &:REmmA . mo-Albert Hall uui 1%11 R"seo f sery. sudl hope byitrictatteutto hIhr3ex. dm aSto ti.msinglW D LX w/çi w0y ofQvzs, Lsd oumlIellsud Rgoural Agat. (Under-Order iu Couneil, daM 5%th day Warrant .................1 bu 2. Servtzzg summons or aub4s... 09 » 8. Mileage te serve *wmnsiub. PeUor arrant...........01 4. Mtle eheu srv -'c0#o b uC>ixpreef et dïe dt1llimc.... 0 10 Missetaldn 'drita'û« g oel, essarily sxpended lu their cou- Vâyân s............010 a. Attending Justice. on, i, %oneîw eharged wltl, erité, e each day uecessarlly- employed tn.onse:rmore.fases whe n en " -n mure thom four heur.. 100" 7.Io. e. heneu~gedmors than four heurs ............ .. i...1sg 8. Âttoudlng Assises or:, Usles, L te attend As- ise, ficeuon, ou beAisutle (hnpbl on 0yahes ele taen uiy reaevnable dishurse. motet.M.aU0s. 010 10. Summ . .ni Jr for Coroners' Iu4uest, uiuug atteud.tng at inqtmi ansd ailservices in res- pect thýeréof, il bol& ou ame day au ;ryà,umouled ... ......2 0 il. tteuding each 'aaJourument therof, il net engagsci more four heurgs.........*........ 1 0 12. De. de. if ongésged more then four hleurs..................1 w 18. Servi1 suminous or eubi.oena te Attene befere Coronr (subjeot Ne. 10) ..... '.............0 25 14 Mlaesrigsie....0 10 Io: Exihumingr body iunder Cero.eer' wrrant .......... ........ ..200O 16. Ileburylag smre ............. 2y,> 17. Servleg distres e warr ansdxye. trlg ame..... , .ý . i 50 le. Âdvs'tlsiXng under distresi "wasr* 19. Travelling te make distrées, or te isearch f or poila te make dis. trese, wheunon goodeaie fund.. O 10 2). Appraisemnuts, whetber b ye o o me, e contesit. the dilar, ou the value et1geodg 21. Catalogue. sais sud commiission aud deltvery of goodi, ô ets. lu the f,on net predncsetfgouda. 22. Executing search warrant.i '150 23. Sevn ets ncntbes. when :rnuly erved ......0w0 K. J. MACDONELL, Cîsrk et the Pesce, C. o. 22 VATLISES AND TRUNRS. LEATHER VALISES SARATOGA TRUNKS, X',&C., at WILLIAM» TROMP SON'a, Sader sudS Harasse Meier, . RocU-sl', WHITUY. June 21, 1(7.211s THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY 1 fléfere Takin SJEIFIC DRYO0 AND OLOTUING, AT 'THE- VERY LOWE8T Li VING!-PRliOEýS. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS,. TO ITTHIE TIMS. Whitby, Âpril 2et4oi876. 1 ù-,RRIA4*ES AD B GGIES! THE LÂRGEST AND) MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF? Carri&ges 6lei'g'hs and Cutters, BÂTES 0OP ;' 1' M. O-'DONOVAN'S CABRRIAGE FACTORlY BROCK- ST, WHITBY. VERY OHEAFP. CALL & SEE THEM. MER CH 4NT TAILO RI.NCT. J UST REOEIVED Ail kinds of Spring' Goodri, including -English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds, Worsted, Goods, Fancy Vestings, Broad.cloths, floei3kins, &o., &o. GOOD TWEED SIJITS AT $15! Brook Street, Whitby, May let, 1870. CROSS &: BROOKX TAN,% STREE ,Tt GcRiIA'r rnDÙTromT- IN TÈÉ PRI-CE -0-F ORGANS.- 0rggns and MVelodeon Orgeis foi' Cash cSr Note payable lu October next. at-greatly reduced prices, Cail at the "'ORGAN FACTORY" and .examnine our stock. Aise Secon.hand Organs and Mlelodeous, at very low priées. THE MUDGE & YARWOOD M'F'G. 0C0. Whitby, May 15th, 1876. ELGIN ELGIN!! ELGIN !!!ý A.& J. B. PRINGLE, 1 Merchant Tailors. LEWIS ALLJN'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, A large and well assorted stock of Room Paper and Win- dow Blinds, which lie is prepared to seil at tho lowest rates. A spIlndid assorûment of stationery, New Miscellaueous Boes beautifully bound,- al kinds ofSchooI Books. Vioins and Concertinas. Sewing Machines-best niakers. Large aud noir assortment of kest Gold sud Silver Watohes sud Chains on hand. Wool aud Fancy departmnt complote. AUl orders for Engliali and Azuerican Periodicals and Nowspapers promptly filled. We are now in a position to supply Prize Books for Sohools at haif price, sud ire feel that ire can give good satisfaction. Soliciting orders, &c. 1Whitby, Apil 5tb, 1876. GREA T LEWIS ALLIN. CLEARANCE SAL E 0Fp Boots àanc A~t Auction Shoes!1 Prices! M EDICINEI1$7,000- WORTH 0F BOOTS ANDJ Cures si 14uvors, aucb as Tanieons, Disau- si-, POBTnîrxuIN, etc.. vhich, Su many cases. are 1rodnred by over linugence il, the us§e et tubaccsenal moe spiis u h pcit hldicIne l ucrecobial recom fi das anunfalliuug cure Tor SssmNsàn iVaAIoes, SPunsttOUesuZA, PDLAN'îu.rv sund al fditeaese that foilow ae a moqueuse -ci Seit Abus. as Lues.or Mueioay, tUXivzmsAi Làmesi-us, PAIN IN IIL nBAcS, flhiNousor ViINu, pa. MiTruIsa OLD Au:, sud nuny ether diusses IbS ieacite lusesANrior Uozisscusrou sud a Piserua=B GusAVE. ail' et vbch, Raj& rnis, are iret caneied by dsvisttng trein the î.eth of nature sud over inidulgsnce. The Spoesiic Medcine la ths recuit ot aites stu nd sdmany Yoamcoet experlemse lu treaý.' 1119 ti080epeclal discess. bu parîlcularo lu eurpanuilst, voitlis vsdasîre te eeud troc by MIL teevery eue. l'ho,ectofie Medicine le coul' y aDUDrue. or wîll bchonBt by cill o'î recslpt of the uiouey, by addremoing WILLIAM oItAy&Co., -Vindsor, Ont. Ug' Su Id is WhSti..uby 5W. É. Smith, jas, Byrne and all driugglse. Northrop & Lymuan. Teronto, vloesale* agents. 7 FOR SAUE Lo idm l th caseei90acres. UÃ"61u huift flot 18, lu, 1hbcuceusa te acres. Aent d mimles: from Atheriy *afi. 'way 9tAtlou. i Whltby. MIDAN AILWÂY 0F CANADA, T 1 M E ; -T'-A 1 LF, GeLO frem port EHopeteLuldsy. (lia,.port Hope- oNrth te PiterborciLa&hld. Mai.12 55 .m.i Mxa....... cmlug Southi frem Ortilia te ldssy, PMtsboreý and Port Hope. Mii..L0p.mÉ. ar PSRep" .:4511c.m 445a.. MaI- m m SHOES1 To be sold ivithout reserve 1 Parties in want of Boots and Shoes mili fiuîd this, a rare opportunity te puirehase ciîeîp for Spriîîg- wear. Reinember the place, at ]KIRK'S BOOT & 5110E STORE, Ontario Block, IBrook Street, Whitby. 1Whitby, Apri l2the 1876. GENT'S C. KIRK. CLOTHING- AND) FUIRNISHING GOODS1 For Superior Clothinig . suitable for, Summer wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail- cring establisument of ý 10Q--E1.T IFEJ GU -SON T, DUNDAS 'STREET, WH ITBY. À GOOD FIT AND) STYLISH CUT WARRANTED 1 Gent a Furnishing Goodls of U l kindas, ineluding Shirts, HÉit.s ad Caps;, Jmb1irdl, &o., --1 Whitby, July_27th, 1875.tfi CHOICE. WINES d PURE LIQUORS at WH OLIESALE aud ETÂIL to suit-the H<,I0L, ID.A Y -D EJ1M AND I UNUSUÂLILOW PRICES. TlY REfDERICK*.N'BALESj aS1 MC0 0,2 STBEET, -08HAWA.' CD CD The finest, best, and cheapest Watchps made, for the mo- ney, are the ELGIN \VATCHIES, which eau Lhe had ut Taylor & Bar- nard's, in every grade, both in Gold and Silver, Ladies' and*Gents sizes. Aiso a large stock of Englishi and Swiss Watches always on band. C]ocks, Jewellery, Silverware, and Fancy Goods to suit every taste and pooket. Romember the place-next door te Grosa & Mac Naehtan's, Hardware Mcrchants, Brook Street, Whitby. FIJRNJTU1IE! FURNITUIRE! Now is the lime to buy good anid cheap Furniture. Having bouglit ouglit the business lately carried on by James H. Saine, we take this opportunity of inviting lis many friends to give us a cail, anîd we can assure ail that we are prepared te do as well by thein in the future, as Mr. Samo lias doue in the past, TI LL& JOHNSTON. i Orders by mail promptly attended to. UNDEIRTAKING;.- The only first- elass Establishment mn thec'Ceuuty irbere funerals are fifly supplied. TILL & JOHNSTON. Whitby, <Jteber let, 1878. LIST 0F AITCTIONEE.RS Licensed fer South ]Riding of Ontario, North Riding of .Ontario, and separate Mu.nicipalities iii the latter. Donald lA ose... E. H. Camern ... C. Meure.... John McGil&C. DonaldBos T. H. Walsh,.. Wm. Gordon.. James Digby, Jr.: J. C. Pilkey... W. M. Wlcx C.1Wilson...... Theomas Tuckr .... Dan. Whate. Thomuas Pencher*.'. J. M. paîterson.. L. Fairbanks ... H. E. 0'Dell... DonaldRos MisiBoi#,. Johuaton Brewn.... LIST 0F James Brîgp. A. C. Husbeud. Jamnes ], lickwel.... Falita MeGover... John Gilligen. Duffett Brs . Duffett Bras ... Ge..Burton... Oishawa ... Therah...... Beaverton. Aehburn ... Thorah. Canuin glon. Sunderland. Clarsînent ... Claremont ... Port Perry.. Saintfield. Port Perry.. Port Perry.. Leaskdale.. Toronto...... Markham. Iiloonîingtun. Whitby ... Mille.Ubig PEPLERS FOR THE C0. South Ricling.. Mare ............ Thorh ....... dle........... South Rldiuu, ... Thorali....... do ....... ..... Brock........... South Riding.* VJxbrndge....... North Riding. North Riding.:' Beach............ Scot............ North Ricing. South Riding. South Riding..... South Ontarie. . Muas........ .... Brock............ Blrook............ Brooklin ... Non-Residsut. do. do. do. .. oghaa ...... Oshawa...... Non-Reaîdent. Ou foot .... 1 herse ..... 1 horse, County.... 2 herses, County... 2 herses, County.. 2 buree, County... 1 hOeeCounty.... 1 herse, County.... 2 heries .... Whitby, April 4th, 187 6. 15 FA/SHIONABLE TitILORING GO where you cun get 'a Well-fitting Garmfent :-To the Tailoring Establishiment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPEIOIR CUTTING SHAPES THE WOIRK 1 A. Large Stock. of Fine Clths ; beet Englil, Scotch ana Canadian *Twreeda. j. -xCellent"Ovcrcoatings and igplendid Vest Patterus. À good nit e=rlte GEORGE GUBLEY', 51 'Ring Street, .Oshawa. Licz?seExpLe. June 28, 1876. Sept. 2t0. 1876. di22, 1571. di29, 187. Oct. lot, 1876. 18, 1876. 19, 1876. 1; 1876. ect. 261h, 1876. Oct. 201h, 1876. Oct. 2SSh, 1876. Oct. 251h, 1876, Nov. 111h, 1876. Noev. Stufi, 1876. Dec. 2nd, 1876. Dec. 151h, 1876. Jan. 24th, 1877. Jan. 26th, 1877. Peb'y Sud. 1877. M'rch 81h, 1>77. Mar. 1Oth, 1877. Mer. lOch, 1877. Mir. Slist, 1877. QNTAIRIO. 2iat Aprfl, 1876. Sth May, 1876. Oth Dec. 1876. 141h Dcc. 1876. 1151h Dec.. 1878. 151h Dci 1876. 20th Jan. 1877. 21s5 Mer. 1977. ioI April, 1877. J'S"T T UT 'P >LAC'E BÉOOT AND SHROEMAI<EB, BROOK-BT., WEITBY, <su, s n s nada ialii àseu) l.1ta 4.i. p ' Whitby, Dac. lÉth, 1874. 51 WIL.LIAJJITIIL'S CABINET FACTQRY ýAND- FURNITIJRE WAREROOMS 1 THE- OLD 8STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBYI Go where you cannot fail to,.be pleased 1.11making seleetioni of gôood furrdtnre. Splendid Farlour, Drawing BOOM" and~ Bedroom Sets, New Designas well worthy of inspection. at astc -mâihig w pýices.- Dm-- ing-room Extension-Tables-a very superior article. Gilt Comices, Picture Franiing iu every style. Some fine' Chromos and Engravings for sale. In ail its branches ; funerals fuIly supphied, A stock of elegatý caskets. coffns always on band, trmnmed to ît Ci stomers, ana a Wei, appointea WHarse constan 2tl lurea75.s DOMINION QIRGAN GO'S IMPROVED AND REMODELLED z w. m Co Z m >o LU This Company lias recently beau re-argasiizedl by the addlition of thce of the ineet practical mien ftora the Faetory cf Cleugih & Warren', Organ Ce., Detroit, Midi.. fseli taicing au active part iu bis owu partieular departuient. sud are uew manufaomurineanauOresuZQuAL, sud linsu2ay pointes UvnsORs, te any uuanufactured in the Uuitpéd States or Canada. We taISe pleagure. lu annnuncing te cur cu;tniers sud the trade génerally that ire lisse seered the right to'manufacture sud use, lu the Dominion cf Cau. ada, the colebrated SCRIBNE1R PATENT QUALJFYING TUBES, seeured l'y Lettera Patent lu the United States, Englaud aud Canada. By- meaus of Ibis invention au ergan eontaiuing twe or tlîree sets ôf reeds beeeeues equa inl volume anud pewer. aud far Sîuperlor ln uQaity and Btilliaucy of Toue- to su ordiuary rced organ of six or cight reeds. --1 1 î' ~ Our elehraed Vex Celeste," "Vex Huuaua,!' Wilcox Patent "Octave Coupler," "-Cielo" or "Clarluet" stops, "Fugle Hern," "Dulcet," Eie" "Cremous-," sud Grand Organ Stop, au¶ ea-b btiAdoL inTHoe oiaTEIMRVEENS Te be obtDiffreuny luytesornePro u h huco febs Tweny.fie Dfferut tyeor nthe Prlerau he hrcp o1heba QUALITY NaterOLUdE FwOrmNhip QALE -PRICES-$5o TO $1,000. Factery aud Waîeroonjs, Cor. Temperanci; aud W'ellington St,., Bowmanvile. Agents Wanted in Every Conuty. r-Eý Send for Price List. t Address, DOMINION ORGAN CO., Bornville, ont. l3owmanvilie, March 28th, 1p76. 1 000- Whitby, lSth instant, 1876. 1 de±eire te cail the attentien of the publie te the faot that at ne Lime dur* g the pist five ycars bave I boeen ablcte offer Harness of ail descriptions at as lew a price as I eau this Spriug. .My expeuses being Iight I cau de it. Ne' more stylieli er'better Huarue,,s made lu this-Ceuuty. Cash purehasers willnd special inuduccmnint,-sbat i% what 1 arn sftei.- Cailiaud inspect. * espectfully yeurs, Rz"1epairing donc reasounbly. Piease notice-Second Haruesa Shop South, uext te Greas's Hardware Storp, Brock Street. Rstcblielied Twenty Years ago. 12~ MANlJriJACTURERS -OF CAIRRIAGES AND SLEIGIJ[S; DUNDAS STREET, WIIITBY, ONT. Have now on baud a large stock of Carrnages, Buggies, and Sleighs, Cutters, whih for style and finish cannot bc excelld. -(E'Ail ill be sold at cost. ARl work warranted. STOMS & lSEWPOBTI2 Whitby, Ontario. Whitby, Âugust 25th, 185. 85 John éton 's Self - Raking IRéaper AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE. At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We oiler to our custom-ers for the coming Harvct wods tinet Machines, which in- style and. cotistuction, ehibrace the latest and inost useful impronvenmentà olUthe day. JOIN'IONSTIHE L S RKING orIEAPER.l The univçersRl suçcess Of this Machine, botl ad trijI alnsd iu the hencIs of the firen.,warrAnt Urs 1l, s in* Repinji: Machine, ih ho, nioeragodpeiit n efsd e more suèegees sdlesfailuire. Ibsu heretofAre eflered te CAU'A- JUNIOR M 11e were awardedl the Firét Pnizè'and Dipl soi nsit Exhibitin. held lu Torsto. 15'TO.in .euiiIn,Witt Mathueha advaree et world. Pu« IasflSy cn ,was the erewn1 the beol We have grea an instrument te. !day Seheel, notu in sot adi».7 irben 600volees1 piano eau le disi ri sgivas ol.ami-tevr ýh MR.J. HEES' in.akog dinfr theam1the satisfao atd ifaIon.' BEY. of.teNo. 9 atbu-. shek Piano pnrchashed tram yen a few day.' since. 'Very reupecttnlly S. J. SM=. Enniiskillen, Ont., Jau. 1gth, 1876.. PROF. T. RBESE, The Melium Msthushek we got frora yen gives entire satisfaction iu every respect. I an nhesitatingl>' recem-. mend h te sU ldesirnga Rond piano. Paster et Preshyterian ChnialL Oshawra, Jan. 29r4, 1876. PROF. REESE, I have found Ils MatbLu- shek as a yen represented it--a firsf-clss piano. Mauy niscians have tried 1*, aud. pronounced it excellent. Reopecttuy. bilS. 1B. MITCIHEL. 'Hampton, Feb. lut, 1876. MR. J. S:E The Mathnihek Piano I pur- chased.frem-yn as given satire satisfa- tion aud prevep itseif a seperior instrument iu every respect. -- 1won]l, zeeemmend .11 te see the Mathnshfk hefore purehasing etee,here. Yours, &c., H.-. T. PHH.LIPS. PRF . Enuiekillen. Jan. 25th, 1876. PRF R EliSE, Hampton, - Dzru sn - thave mueli pleasure i adding My tAstiuuouy te the uiauy yen have already reeuved lu Laver et teweil mernted Matkushek Piano-pur-. ,chased rm yen recnty. Iam nWOsatis- fied with it ilu every rssqeet, and couad. er, fer beauty and tous, aS in unsxurped by any istrnnueuSIhave yet seen. S. C. HIIEr,BM. D., PULL AGRAFFE, 7-OOTXVE PROX PIANIOS frein other reliabie usakers at, lrettom priet, Whoiessle agents for the Dominion oft Canada fer the PINCE ORGANS. Agents wanted lu every City;- Town aniA County ie the Dominion. ' NOiRRIS & SOPFJI S Adelaidc-St. Sait, Terente, SOLE AGENTS. JOSEPH HEESE, HAMPTON. agent lu Darlinglon, Whitby sud CarS.. wrigî. ' 7' 110W LOST, 110W RESTOREJ) E Just publinhed,sà new--edition of Det;Du.Cux.vxiswEn's -CrzL- CZ:zixn aux on the rateal cure (vithont mcdicine) et Speniatouquoe or Seninal Waknesse, nveuntary Seminal Losses, .lIn een ,Mental ad Phyuesi Inrapacity, *npements te M"rra;e etc.; aiseConsumptien, Epliepuy aud pj5 in- sefeDk o xuel extravagance, &C. izelr z24 o4; in -aa assed enveolp, ouly 6 The eelebrateid autier, lu Ibis admirable Essay, cery, demeonstà,te. frora a thrty ycarti'succestul prciàce,,that the alarmlng consequenes et slf abuse Say le radicely cured ithot the dlangerous ue ef internai medicine or tue knitc ; polnting ent a mode et ure at once siple, certain sd- effeetual, by means oi which esery cufferer, ne malter wbat liii condition msy le, niay b, nialy cure hirneit cheaply, privately, sud ra ical!. sonf e uté ad xa'Thîs lote solb nnh ad ef everyý youth sud every min in thue landi. Sent under sous!, is à plain enveiep, te any adeu, pet-paid, on receipt et six cente or Iwo post stamps. Address Ils pullishers, F.BIIUG&ÇAN & SON, 41 Aun-fil., New York. Post Office Box4656. 'IY-17 inu every Township lu Ont fumons Prize Ma da] Orga d by the Smith Arerict and George Stock nue ce Speelal induêemnts te firat.laia agete andc or four wisinlg, *0 puore Any number of testind Cf the ifirst-elasa organeL ed, but as thoyirs o ir mrat oumberi hasinglees ont tho Dominion sud bai faeîîeï n every inStance- ai howsvek flàttering can rep utatlon.. The Stock Piano Ce., ,only gold mdai awardo<l itor Ilt the Vienne Biposa 1Curhes requnlrug 0: liborafly deait witb. Stj ÂsineLssea.. ,..JtLitai ~i3o Ntn tCe B' NotS fiee- Wj5t D oP1 s. Oxide ai cheai Teeth e: local su Ring st BI YYlL] AGE large que ctantly ou Clerk -L 4&e., Allisu .Atlierlv Phyielan, Whitby, S -R OBT. tirruate ( Qusen', Ç Unis, et m tYniv. of FI Penus5ylvai of the Uni, oner 'or il 4loldwater 4ngust 24t) ý0f the Tow OFRIC (UNI~ For the Cc entrustefi te tended te. whitby',j T HEFI B -HORS tet TILL. ý .10-ly 1 Cheap Trunksj ý r-r 0 i\ýi s & :DT M]'w:p O:L:;b Ir 21 ILLINERYO CABINET 1 A ND COMBINA T, /ON Whips and Lashes. 1

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