Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1876, p. 2

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tisé* PER ANNUM. imiay, lune 29, 1876. CANDIDATES. y l B elve la Mr. Edgar?' ppot'tera de, net-p'tând Die U'r 3igam le in aay eue qalîifil. te répresent thé Mrn. Wiîité, on Mn. fHoldèn, 1 Campbell, or any cf thé -ban net a' "de Lo maicé Tt'reuto gotitiemmu. Thés &Dto theais -ilI admit on bieg quees tiouqd,, 1But h.y uay, Mm, Etîgsr Io pam&y ngceuàty, le ondés' te réconcits loca~ l fYeruoes. Thème ll juiLst rutile Lrtnt i s, but it lemn i ucmre ef a I)retext put fomwrd by thé wls'e.ptiihîé Whio have a pupope.te serve: le. bna lng lu su outeilS. man. ,Mr. Edigar ceuld net geL théesominastion voté lb ieft to au oen voie et the psty. Tise Who have enginéero Lishe convention -knbw thée. Mn. E( igar li ttir erandi. daeé; hulu tIse thofretainrelseicé uf thé jrq ' i'<~body 0 cf tlec cRfobeluctos'e ef Secth Ontario. Agale anti egaiu have the isoneat moi, utthé party expréssed tiséir delérwinatlocs net to vote for au - - cttélder t; an uil ic'ves wn ee iet bs cauiscéfuir cuhsittilig thiéisl anS fine- ciiof] oolsice t thue hidding cf cîtie ulicatio thîs alaisLim préent a £hou. Thé intellgeceandS' éalhbiansd théec'arlotssintenest fthée lohi cen- 8tititcsy atiil héwoslhily mpe-sculea iiy Mr'. Cibis. lunitis knewhedgis cf publie'effities, ini lolicel expea'iénce, le slîbllity, anai ai a sîsin et business lie wili Qoimpare favonaby witIs tishe vérmnt candidate, ur, foe tuati mettes', wiuaey Wetnubersoftif tueMiulsts'y.-tromilMr. 'MtKouur.le Sewu. Mli le icte také fiua posItion as.,thé cujual et thé hast Oet thm Rles ie; privalé -cisuretér ia tîno%. lt eitioahlo,.ntlin itslii Posiin anti stut.llug i.le tt> runty lié inloedtSup - ta wltbrespect. lua wortl, hépeAeses 1ti qlt nelivationa that coulti ha(dé- blmed in lu coal rcprecetatbvé. WViut S intercale bave tis afrctsnueru efthiis Hlîing thîmt wnild net héfis safle nthé Ilnntla cf Mn. (I-ib meis is isoie of Mn. J11gr ? Thé latter goe ste Ianiamént phéîlg.cit ussupport us Party, igisi an- %Yreng, ant iiie caleanS tiîppait are male ilse conition o-fgtting placé. ij 't'it it îeu'teecf the siîing antIcf tIse çultiy ciifi, anut. l'îti lîtinc, criit iîiîî a et uulîr uiidéretien. Mn. Gise, ýc1 -otheii>conmîîry, le' o u edy placé. bintctr -;lie guses iiiftr titest ecoîso. siiaià guvernwment, anti ton thèse hiu vowellt uvhi hésut, linilapeed(eni et Party. 2To mctwheo opposeé hîm'o enef do se ftroiiu»ais isostconviction taltiseré lus a'u)yîhieg croisg abut Mn. Glhhé'e prntciplés, if oce ettueuhi thé oui anS oui Inù carar. Tisé cpposilioun lia lis liîsuiuhy fruits itthe'bectsl lilibnt. Riffitfor sutsies Aitogèlisen apant freui public iltiosetoes. On thé-queéstions of Prete- tion anti a vmcatlttmnunl etfItuéTariff tiiII ltolligent Opinion 'et thé riuing S unuét hé oltis Mr. Gihisa, anSou ense issues tisé verdic t ftiiniug Ilétuérp, as ivel as Ctsnsévtivtlree ust hé iu hie fayon, une muctien hew untair thé couirge nor frantié thé appoalu o e manipulat. uns cf lhinnhngging coeventions. din Cathehicu Support lthe Reémies et Thain Religion? lua udieg M'r. Hluttgten te Seuits Ontario, Miiiehere wtsu¶uh ppéan te court efééat. Cee Coihehico, Whose religion lias héb eauBouehrexoeldy as* Qelèulh i'. îtttiîigton, vote ftets tucti for wltoisa lie lalêsis timuir suffraes? tfi '1d e pé)îah thée outv of Argeteui, ll taprovinice nfQuébée, Mn. Hut- lrigton uae a violant attaci upen thse Cetisollo CîsuutéI. 1Tuai spteoh sa vondénid y 'Ms'. Hoitous, a leaSing - uSerai proetatm'lt, andI a trang sup- porter oftIh* Geverneuset. Hé bnougit thé mnalter lup iu thé flousa cf Coin- mions sud chaacterlîati thé Poattuseer- Gepésa'isutterancéB s nset lprepes' and nasiy. "Thé speechl," lié saiS, ln'as net niade upoîs publieé gnusd bt-vwas cdirect ateo1îliv usapela éigions citase," Cati conséléntiocua Catîselica ln NantIs sud SentlisOulenia coté for thé Isiénds et thé mua whso attaékg thé lgciliarjsiéofthtiséChînrélsanSdvise speats of tinséxeéitea in tisa most cen- tetiptnuoa tortue as- a prieet.s'iddeo uimccota rSSe.? The Wisdom, cf thse Choices Dubusad. Thé Cenusnahl 1i'ehllder, a efeorm -paper &btisagRvés un 'atérlng suppuort otéLIi lliry, apéaka véry duhioesly 'of thé. eholéémS.eln igi igg orvaril Mir. Ecigar. 'WO esenot"' ilgasys "lheip blug séeptîcai cf ts Itheaoesci eft théls' holce. W. do net kueu tise secret oethtise 5tta#hnet, cf. Lthe Rofortnu]Party te Mm, Edigar if we dhul - vsshottid proabby de -jugt as théy havé dote. TisaI geutie- -' ' a abilbty muet,' have appeamad gnaééer te thé leaders et thé Party tisse te thé rack andlfile, fer, ihey seéns ta regadmni it às sparlisusentany uscées- ity, It éauisiet b h t ,-thay look upon Seutis Qptarie as e fanlemu hope, sud iliat KM. Edgar 1'ismé béén set up te h ProciaimluugtlseiWskuses. a .eplod mi ry h the. Eqesing Totii- prpltisays. ' lsved by'. builn u' WooistbngtiufauIts~ Woihid advasoeé the growti and euflig0 thé trade cf ibis section. XL Canntibe te- the ehlVantage pf' South Ontario li -send a Toronto mazq te represont tis Ndifieg in farllswsist. Apart (rom the question of pclitiés, ve will shlow Mr'., EdRar to be aIl that hie frietsde laim-'- a gentlemen 'cf fair ability and cf hon-; omable hsaté. so ethé résident candidate MX. ai.bba. Bat Mr. Gîbbs'j luntsrosts are lntiusetely ileatified yitls thse ridiag-nosi.lôe l swa, where hé résides la thia casé, but the amlQf. cation cf his. large business connections extéud in agreater or lasserdeegmea te every part of thé Ccuaty. -Hé ýIs pré. elninenciy a Couesty Man, with thé y»l sad thé désiré to Unite thé iuteneete cf évery section sud tacansolidaté the opinion of thée ouatys a wholé. H la thé inufor thé occasion. T1u\ réjeeit sucn»a anu 1r an poitatlden-fos' s4 oser Toronto LI 1"rboking for J110e al proférmmnt-.wenld lbe but s proeéoncé fora o aotlnisaton of établind fatuity wliich lias iitherto militteéd againet octr local ýlaierestii anS wlîich mekes the 2cry for local representétion a meckemy. "#On Their Owrs Médis."1 SOeécf tIntrsore rspectabloepaliers supporting 'hé Govemnînent feel céhain. e'J ef thé Pacifie ScandaI cry, sud would mther ses thé Govemucciént appéal te thé électors upon thsir own mérite. Hère le thé fair' and ionost way ln which thé Cornwall Precclolldcsi regarila thé ceuteat: 4"We sîsould niot regard thé lction cf Mr. Gibb?, ase tu Globe does, a re- veraicof thsé verdict iliven hy thse élect- ors of Sonths Ontario againet thé trans- action kuown as thé Pacifia Scandai. Ui. (iibb-o was condcmnéd with-bis; leader andi hie paut e tercommon gilît icn that aitair, assd justiy condému. éd ; hit il is passible that tisé lectors îuay havé rogelved that tîsat cûfféce lhas bééeexpiated nithaI pardon %would iow hé a gracéfil anded ntirely prepél' ect ou Ilîsir part. We,,for one, doe net expect te seo those uvhoike Mr. Gibbs, würe tiecondatuntel snbject 10 an evélasting condoirination. IL ivili hé cvéll for'thé futue,-fliit tiséLibéral Party look tote Liele wm.s seritî;rallier than to feils n thn'pmrt of tîsir oppo. nente tîsat liaving béecendetunéd may nat' et any limé héc forgivon.' Hon.-Dr. Tupper ln South Ontario. T- i 'luelon. 1Drs. luipper le deiuig tagoul cvrî in SentIs Ontario in cxpociîmg tisé iiQnganized Hiyiocnlsy:" Hé palets tlir soisduhcle, théir altuOilatiou ofa pninciple, sud iséir coi-tupt nets ojîhi a master ienS. lIe bas; ne neSLa o wsI, as acoeelchned pool eaîco difo fr a tcrty paoce-power te ciew up irée isseénesdcf isypocrlay, hoé heu.laînguage et conînatîdl-laaguegé peccerfai auS eiequéit-aui trikas iborneevcry litu.'. Tu it elunpen ttse largo muetiagem t Colîciiutîh nnul Osîsac, andsti iq in. spatioe-amuaigoecnt of Mi-. Méetoieé and ie guovénsrsettuthur lite ntit . tien tO-tlay, béer ecidliers'(as ccc ht)oow IL wiii ber tfruitf of lIse geuci iipri-selot hé ii ecuaing. Thse Premier sud Ou' Tupprpcnat Whitby. Aftetem close et the nomniation, thé Ianéctiiig inu lIe Du'ill Shedu for lité atl' dresses on lien. Mr'. Maccheizio ad -Du;. Hon. Tuipper toit pittie. Mn. Mlalcakenie sputétutu: uisisit tcvo houre, *eèèing 10 jostiiy lIi-,govero. tunnt, élutt in rtpiy lutise lie hrge brouglil egainél Imlita isy Mr. iVlitel. Dr. Tupper talhnévihd, ant i ;iser'é' ieg a' torcihiéaddî-'s ibshe igeet audlience yél holS luitis(; Itiiîin- ut ltée Muns ou go le iqs. Coi'sCuîuuwS.-TmiB tnawmoti) hu lut ia auivcrtigeadte cithibtit et Wluit]sY ce, 141h Juhl'. Ihîi% IshurhsîrepIoiteau o n ail eleThé Lînulou Fi-oc Pi'esu sîsys Tisé actera are alil aticitsin lu iîim seé riitiop, n'iib 010thé uits ara wel cvrlsy ihse atention toi tisé etdenl euh ciatumaliét. Tité establiishmniunîis a largo co, s'eqouiriog neanhy foty cars ton tranasortation, andti vemy panItielnlens tîoreegisknoniei;gou Ïthlie hasiumee. Thé eveiug pertoiantce n'es aihénulét hy auvéral Lions;auntleétorm, ho ocre lrevovile wth smiin- uithout anfloyancé cm inconvealéaceuunies'tise large ansI coîumoiious dauvisé;. TIse entctmla>usut cneu.cd éîîlarly atter éiglst ochocit, anS for oven twosheuri tIsa vaut audiece ocre compheîeîy cor- ieS ac'tY oithu xcitutmeuh, incideént upon Lise excllenceéortise perfornssce. Quito an jetéréal centréSl in thé ménag- erie, tbIeanimale l inlii appeascil to ha le excellent condition. Thse ipq performance thi-oughottceeuf etis nesi éxciting eud eetetaieing cîuenactem, sévémai cf the artiets Sing esecietly goodl in tiueir respective huées. TIse Sareback. riîiiug et William O'Daié and 'Young Léan vas admiréS Isy everyces; PFrank Gai-Suer as tIsé boundjpg jockey; Madame liluéhant, as thé ItoThau dhsaiot driv'er ; Miss Jésele ou thé siack it he, anS tuy uhseru whseée usinés wé -ouliS net escénLain, wéme désémvecîly appiaud. éd fer théinspeialfonts. TlIoeacrobatie« pérfermmncés ferméSl au ttgreesable anmi sutarésiug portion cf thé evening's en- lttement, anS tisé tratacti Sagsaau poules urere sestSthIn eg cciiuvetIs wiLeessing. Théeléippixthmeme lettone et thé éotértaiument 1n'arsespècitilhy loterestiig, and, as a whole, tiséettIhi. lion vas far ehoad cfrmauy imore pm-o. tentions cncerne. Thé cenuicahiLiés et Grimaldi Adamns, tiséeclowvn, ere Mot tise héasti lteraating portion ot thé ce- tortainmaet. ' It shenîld Sa borne in slnd tisaittis is - W. W. Cleés cirrns cnd eiagénie, thé,a prepnieter cf whieh lias Det, anti neyer hueS, any ceenéciien vils Cole's Dominion Cirns, visicis eximitéd hraugh9ut Canada tIsé peet tn'e yeii'. Tise entetaienat ie iu éemy respiect à finaL classeue, cana as encli ve command it te thé patronage et tisé Cansdisu public. ÀOccDTtiséà Daevîeuce.-A yenug nman, ssamed HInry -Sesuard, oas dowued rhlla h"loinat tise Minês of - Lynd's'- reék, on 8ctusday*' tmtThé tbLé body', et thé Touvi bil,;on. Mlsnda.y lest, wliIan t1iseiry returned- a ver'dict osAcienial Drowmng. . OgtMflTp.-,7S. W. B. scaLithlias réecet- éà sUtpply of-ttliéséceéle-tostId0ims- 'Irutenu ta tue mucuîsaî0e .Wieklew. we belevé, lu 1840. To titis fanious party théela t d. D*Amey Mo- .9sc héiongédl, and its history le toi) ýWll-kuiown t1 be hèere repeated. Thé Ongin ot F.cisnismis i;somewhat cb.ý 'geure.-'Soeé say tiioy are tihe leécon- l)e.unt8 of au ebd Irini hmiitamy orgzaniza. tioit. which mlei the t1éstiii a f-that uatin j théeuiéve cf Brian Bomn, saa njueis earliem, whiéh, in - their habits, bcré a Stmo; oeg reémhhleae, if wé een bfiive wvhtt !Be lmtétl of ibées, te thé Gorille cf %Westorn Africa. "TheAdiifictiltigu lu tisé way cf this sarrangemanlt Eut,<enéRaie) arp nemer. 1>55,mC sud eémingly smpreettcable, thé ýfýief ob)stacle béing Tas WjILL.KNOWN vacce OF TRL Cfi Oa>IcLl suacat. To i.>-etehd te 'be ignoraînt of tse ftcct tisat tfh Chlsrch le c8aeniall>y a great polit- Ient irnsti'ut ion is mes'.affectation, -- PhYroitg1tthe coîfes1eea, if uolelda - a pbiwer'thinit i seimply inconcei-abl-a Potucers' flî setLdaîîgetsous toe iiegrify off tle Brita.lb Lt r e-Nethisg L the conr.ary tan citie boexps'egaed or .m U id, beceuée tho GRA.SPING &iF tA.OTER AND F-MTHLESS PR[&IPLES 0F TRE EOLY ItO AN CATHOLIC OHURCEI GIVES NO -SECUBi'rY. lTisé ignorance dispinyéd hy tîs ualetteméd scribier, ie spccking cf thé Feulons asan off-s'sî o f thé IlOlit Ire- landl paity whts usuier thé lederasip cf Smnitii O'B3rien took ta thé mounteins et %f*ilow in 1840"-is snly équalléd hy his anâttcions caiunny ci thé Catha. lic Chuarel). A incie groe, nuncalled for, wicked aini wautcu attack has neyai- yet beon însdo pon Irielimen aed Irnli Cattiselies. Thé mon cf Mare antI Rama, unS Irishuien and Cethelica throngliaut thé lenglîs and breadth cf NorthîOnaerio slîeuld haiS Mr. George Corné ta, strict cecoorit for tîis our- rageons iienît. We lîad béen tldi that Mfr. Carrin lied a létter printéd lu 1804, during tisé Cameron-M-oDotigell contet, fu cf abusé of thé Catholios cf the Nor-th Riditig. Wè could net havé croditogith tiset. But non'that hie orgzan inNorthi Ontario hecomea thé ithy vehicle cf sa math vile slaieo car vynsa mro opéned amiS estéand eam- azîtd e thlie ligoiry cf lise mais olmo pré. sues b solicril Lhe sofimager; cf Irish. mon aSdCahsoiica. TIse man who éndorces suds seui- mente as tIse abocéehenîti ho apumned aI thé poilé by every Cathoie, anS dis. croditoS by evény libérai Protestant. TIse Numinecîce. Mn. Joihn Hum Péri-y, tisé retimng cll'ucer ton South Ontrio, attenîled aI tho buwcî hîtuil, sVlsitb.' tus-day, (Welnes- uhay,) et ucon, for thé ptirl)onof e ceiv. iîg thé aoauinrtionx ot canidatéesLe mt'prettént tIse ni ling ln thé Dominion l'arliamctut. At t,ýon'ebock lie annonc- ai tlîsetias 010n iéî.'lausul tta iii. .ccitg na;lts enandidates who hsasifileS lt' n'-eéééary înominations uacuére Hoonahdbe TmoLumis Nichiolsen Gibhu, ot Pllhawa. .1 amsDusmil Etîgsu', Eçq., i-f Totronto. Tlheté rll'quiros thsat tli meesination J'-mpiî'ti' esuho rtgnti Iuby 25 chécîtune. 'titt on Iseistf of Mu'. Gitîh hi aul atuacis. t-I 72, minuS ibidet' Ms'. Ediger 10 sigua.- 'uttfur' Mr. Gitbs-W. F. Co'nu. Agî'o for Mr-. Erigar--G. Y. SmitIs. WVimtbm. RlOYAL M TL-n Jamnes Pringlé itisý i-tmomeI inuto bis oLi rrîmiswe. thé tcyai Ilcitel, wi' lu)e oilIté iîappy te eu-e ItiF; fsit'11 um' tspatrons mlý,în. The itutise lueis biten usvly méatuvaitilandi fil l'ti ieithrenughiotit, antd it 'caîl ttîlé hum s ctSry res.ptcet fosr liméréception et unteits. Siwt tali. Day utc (ýsrhtst'ti Point oan 4Se racied I-tuu Whsuthy limaritus'hy thé steam-er Niîigot-r. TIsé pie-nie cili Se Due cf tho ttis t of' Itbe son. TurCÀs'sto.luc PIC.NCcm.-.--tSu'tti'pré. iurationis huno)c'uissu idfotutu'hIe Ca- tlhioSo pic-iles at uPilus'Creok b-day iTinruda3,i auti at Annis'é Gîrove oni 8aturtlay., 'limé candidatos ar'a expeet. c-r lu Sc présent et Salis places. Tas: ýJULI'NU31ciYa cf "AiSe ktwake" elsimiinees ttihisri c-olnse nI thie Ilivhuhy ilicstuirg ciilcrenagazine. This nnsushr, osich cv ieusavejusel se- Ceic'd, Contssl s tume eîiesi lus-po. tuucely illnsirahéd l ores anS poeeme. fos- girl.% anti bayé. Piibihed bîy D. Loths- r-sp At Co., Ihoten, akil2 par aunutus. Tous &Nywuvour ofér ton suie ma splendfid nesetment cf Cariogés lBug- gies, &c., ut vcry lcw puices. Mis.T.rxoA /Ld Cnîsîctes.-HC. Pr' -Tushulsér cr111aulsress thé eléctome et Claumot on F"îiday ereîshng. NorthOGuaisoh. MUs. mumosîS WUcturE'x PORsm YIr 'rttY ONt GA'tVIuIAY Nsosu. Port Perry, Juee 2'.-To-nigbt Mr. Whsit% (uf M n treai) etidmsed e masei- iug ef the eleéhsrs of thé Northi RiSieg et Ontario et tissplacé ou hélsaîf tof Mr. W. H. GibSé. TIhe Towvn Hall Scas .cron'etléStthé Scors, large',numnhre being nuîabhc te finS siitieg mein. Mr. ýWîiî n'asifsroat eerdialhy recéived, anS spoRe for au.isoom Siscueeiug tise leaSing pelitical questions, anîl alsocitur how tisé Govremeet lu théir toc yeassoe administration lied justifiéS thé viLis- tinaval cf publie certtplîlence fi-cm thés. By arrngement -tise next heur vast gîvea leo1frCourdé anS isis frieda, ani atten. smie 'hésitation' Ms'. Corné aS- tIrefseS tise séèing t on aboutthirée- qnanet ofan heur, tlsclatng bimséhf a rée Trader, anS warniug thé tarmmré Visat tise effect ofe Protection wcnbd hé te inenease thé ceet cf geoda te ihem. Mn. Paxton aIse adlresseui lise meeting, mtcnking ea vicient lpcnabattacle on Mr. whitLe, visilé uarefahîY avolding any cf thé impnrtant lseseead. Ms'. White replieS, entening largeuy in4s thé aiu In efaver et Protection. Hé wra a&bout ta anaveartise -toîst as t* thé oenac f theé .iaotéleéitsamaSe.L'y ail~O5 pc» Itbéi by Mr'. Comis, bhy neefereece to e l hl uocuméentu, Wheus thal gentleman essuÇie forwsmrd 'euh siaisi thsat hé diannet prêLeuci. ta iuçuugtu Olthen ccnraey,slant h-hisrtatîré ithé proefwsceuunieeeaéas'y. -Mr.'Gihbi, crIse is wetré iit he meeLing wwv a.'o uéeieriueho, & sea rte('umec s, - anti that protection u athélmýotnt issue -befome thé country. Proteotio:.vas whst théecotutry waneétl'and muai hiava. Theé m.etinigwasa r oueritg aoc. cees for- Mn. Gibbs. S-Mn. Elgen héld a meeting 1s)t night at Brooglialn. Thé Town Hall wes wél lle y hut oVe unmbbre -cf itoth """rties M Edgaîr rèpeatarl bis Bruelioseeh but was scamcèîy au tamniarieg aaieonuthé ni*ght hefore. -' Mn. Lenke suid Mr. Miller, Wardeus of thé Cousnty aud Mr. MoGillivrays spoeéfor Mm. Gibbs.Ms.M hla,-. lawyér, spoeéfor thé Qo'ernumet. and uîdvoceied Free Tradé. Mr. T. P. Wlhite made a gooi eetnréd spleech, ilî whiah hé aaid tisa Reformnparty cf Sotli Ocn it ad local me as able and botter qualifiéd te ré présent thé ttiiug tise19m.Lilgas', Hé aise saiSl tisai on thé queshion of Protection ho was muore lu bsrmauny- ith thé friénim osf Mr. Gibbs titan Mr. Edgar, euS thé counitry noquirètl Protadtion. Ms'. Edgar tîjd net gét much enconur. agement troun Ibis meeting. Trhé prospecté ail ovér thé BRiding are capital. Oplisawa je working up a splendid majority, and Whuîby and th$f towsî- - hips are doieg well, Gnééewond, June 22.-Ms'. Gibbs aidréssed e véry lange and outhusiastic -iiéeting nt Groénwocd tilse eventng. Thé chair was occepiéfi hy Mr. Néleous Chapmaa, J. P., wlso introdecedl thé lion, gentleman in very complimntary tomme. Mr. Gibbs samply -criticiaçsl thé acta Gf thoàAdministration. Hé ehawed isow tise Govemement hail vi oltéd évery principle they lied professéS wls inl Opposition, inetanoing their formation of a coalition alLer they hle duncedl coalition$ as immoral ; thé expoadicuré cf thé public moncy withont thé prêtions sanctioe of thé Paliament; tise famocis steel rail purchase hy whiclî thé coun. try lied lest c large main of meney; and referméS in <btail te thé many otlier bad and cerrupt acté of tisé Party et Purity now ie power. 'l'hse acts of thé préssent (hovenummanet wére whiat thé électors liedto keop in view- ansi net thosé cf their proflècesscra which thoy onby souglit tac keep alite la order te hida tîeir uwn ahortcomings. Insidious adUd unfair means bcd beanu uséS againet hlm et thé last élection. Hé référri particularly te thé calumnie.q %vitls which tise riffieg bad hc.e., flooleul« twe daye before tlisepelling. Théîe was ne tinme Lo rémonve thé impression caued hy tisosé faisehooda thlon, aed lic waraeil thé electors againet beiug héing'carried eway by that sont cf tliutg again, for he' [lad neasen te helievé tIsat thé camé iueidious miane wouîd héietLa svork work cgainst itiusintisé course of n few dayA. Hoc ievitcd those who lied any charges te bring againet hlmte t do sus opèniy iu tise face cf thé eléctore, 80 liaI lie miglît have an opporcunity of augesni.gtisci. Héos'c>,ièwed tihe politictil situation siace lié entéréi Pir- biecuènt iu 1864. Thé lité issues in Ils' prissenti-coateat and for sensi ime ie thé future, hé eaitl, wouitbe- héelméqtes- ions of Fre'e traie anS Protec-ion anti zlis cotibiîuuLvi utf the, Peciae taulwaty. -01s tiselhé gave bileideas nt leugetil, anti h-lievoul l t'min l lié -tiesé oîsllitntms eft, ti" rcst body otf'tise people. lié litprtl coo te sûecbetîî'r mu a nise tise piies ut' tîmsésvlo 1no cetîsied titi 'ru-îssnry lien'clie-é, fotr émeu thscir fiejéist oontu'speui tiit thsey isad4talsort ot tlieir éxîtoîtaticcîs. Mm. lBrown, NI. P. P., Mfr. J3clc', antd Mr. Ar'thur Joliutsîcu suîd.tshort andt llliiig speeclîe. No cne et onrutIse tart nf Mr. Edgar, aithough is sfrieude wéwre imvit éd to (Io se, tise staténeént b'-ims iunadi, tlstt lue IsuS eusfrientis i Grecenw)oil. Never beforè til M nI. Gihha rceivé n i-ore cordial s'ucepticn in evory part of thé Rtilinf,. Timéme is ne holuinmg htutk -everywîéme lis is graspe l'y tlise bad undi procuicél ti spport c'ithcmst elicita- tiou. "MmI. Gibbsa, we are sure lu put yeu n latîis tinse," is tisé expressions witi hil liei h is met xvlsrever lie geés.- Mu'. Thoma Whute on the Gavera. men's Recrd..'rhcIFinance Ministe n andi. Whithy, Jué 2.-Mn. Thousas White jr., ert-t uithu a tagnfceni nec.'ptiots lu WlsitSy tîie cveiug. Thèns ceuull o have é Stun fIetr than 2,000 puoîdé pnî-sel lenthé apacions Dmr1ll8Sd, ius- ehuîding ma langé iuinht.r et latiiem Tise chair wac occupieil Sy Dr. Gean, c'li tlischsargou h(-ltties witlii mpe.tiaity -and cbility. Amoagel Luose un thué Plattos'cn wre Han. T. N. GibIsu, lNen. R. J. Cari- wrighît (Mimîhteof u Financé),' Mi-. N. W. ilown, MI. P P., lin. DaviS Glass, Min. J. B. licitèIl, Mm. Chsesuer Draper, Mn. Jamnes Huluien, Mn. G. Y. Smthli (Mlayernof thetowuî), Mn. M. O'Donovai, Dr. Meflien, MnI. John L. Gonbd, Mr-. lame Carmichsasî, Mn. Amîhurt John- Mten, NI. Nélsen Chaîman, e. e. Mr. White spots for nearly Icco lisume. anti was lielened tc tituougbcut 'witIe marteS attention. Hée comniéncad by s'egretîing ibis causé cf tIse eletuomî, s'-0 fermnglitiîsdîy ternie te thé Isté Mn. Camemen. TIsé lcafuog nofutthé (let'ernment bild Irooucnthe lht ai. léagé ho tué eleotors cf Sentis Ontario whetluén they anc préparéS te reverse tIse décision of 1874, wben a snap veir. Siet wes uhtaid1 oracby it.it n'as for titlîeotécoî re t ay wvlielhei' tisé lasi Icco yearéetfthé p -'elent Adînlois- trecion n'eme ach as ta jnstifythm cou- fluleuce placeS le thie le 1874. Hé SeaRlîtwith Chtisichalenge, anS preceéd- ail Le show thet thé seluer second thoaglît et tise people n'as sncb as ho juehity thésa lu révss'ing tlt verdict. 'rus Conservaiives vent to théconuntry n'mtuu a recordSf et ad, thé Lmbeuels ccihh a record of' professions. On lihiose pris- féassionu saany llseughttul persans gave ihein thesusffrages, influeonceS hy tIsé feeling Chat us cbange wenld Sa goul if tCsose professions were carrienl ont, IL. thsn referméS te thé many rmisuhastis cf thé Govenement teasow isew thîey liaS taihaS lu théir promaises enci vioLîéul their plétige, énuménuiting lhseir firsi t ie cftorming a calition ant i unluig a fourteenth moi-uSer tleséCîabinet. Hé pointedont ohielthé ceurts Ised sbowmi ciq ta thé 'exténl of *th-ir corruption arnS obtaning meoney froin weiillisupponr- tres ton élection porposes, anS passî -in revien' théis' caréer of extravagance -and corruption, sdhewed hew thé tusulé osf thecoauntrylisaS bée pumalyzeS by 'hé. acte et thé Finance Ministér,- andt homw théesurnt of coepfidénoé hé hati creted liaS eggrîlcete -ths dép rassi;e Hé ilîuainahed haw. they baS adrmsis. tered tise cnimaqtsystesa le promete thsais' ewn pohitua- euds, anS net bisé inhermeta cf the acunît, itferreg teulthe Gatineau boomns, thé Exacniig Wane. hanse et Montréal, tbrt coîtraci for tIse carniage ofestelel rstsh taken frein Patrickt K"Iauev, etc. Hée heéi- aisus lîaw tIse ceniîtry lieS urpepl.thse pjtoaeofthé eonutny, as7ilibneat by o héchangé Ie ii an' retpeîiug tisé HerSerTrtsitBeeriheof Montréal anti Quéebte; thé- olitungéA as te tise -offlûtah scppoiatMceut o aete!neet; . tho-appo Iinî. gr$.a; 's.moteaanti woulit i n thé ,itliug tiéforé a tasy daye Lo givé f'tutthér éxplsuati6nâ. Thée ,-Finance lâiui4iem made ce cfth'vrin - tacite fuir whioh héoie note upon Smi JohtiMacdonald. c lied stiig te urge.egainet tir. Gibbhe, cf.whoée per'- oanal cheracter iùe epoke with ,thé Mn. Viite' eréhy.tc thé Finance Minister waa very éftyottv, anS breugibt dawc tisé house. Mr. Uhbhefollowaa attér eue o'clocic lu the mtssening, andttook DMn. Cartwright svéroi y te task for' bis vieMtiéive Singe' a Ihicli i ohief. Eéeruigvéttèd Sir 1dmi was pot .présent te psy tée Financé Minieter batik in hiwawn coin, but hé. litivedl>it Ms' Car0nixht ýrraeioesî ic thé riding hé wold hsve'e.n cpportunity of méeeg his ol ciif. IMn. Gis si hé wocild athér - ccîpy thé posi. - lion je whiuehî J&estood to'day Ibieri Iat et' Financé Mfelete'1holding Tory views tinder Mr. AJoxaàrusMeaoézie. Hé (Mr. Gibbs) 'lay lbavamatie s mistabsé, but hé bldbéeuloyal anS trné, amul neyer meugle pîîeitioe by tumeing hie back upon iVis chef snd Upan blé part5 As te thé annoaineement tliaI Mn. Mé'ckeezio would be ie thé siding, hé teld thécu is brng hlm on, te hrng on tise wisoîe thirteu Ministère, anS lie promaiseul thème wouid hé e gentleman le mcci Item who wculd rake and ont thé whole cf thora,,fhé refermed te thé honorable Dr. Tuppér. h3eforc thé meetinsg closeS, Mr. Glass matIe a létw uorde cf spology for hic apperanré, eeying lhé camé thème ta répréséni Mn. E dgar, net kuowing tht anycue élse wctmlîl hé prémènt te do se. Tise meeting closeS uîitheavote of týahen<etetise Clsairman, andti lune ruigciseers fcr thé Qucon anS Mn. Dm. Tupper et Columbus. Di-. 'rtlsper amieSMr. (libsaattendeS Mr. CEIgant'e Colnuinlutimeeting lest oeéninig. Thé liail was pecitèd and toaay nose inahle tut gaie admusission ho lise erotviléd ooi. NA. Edga'r ms speakitsg ou thé nttceqsity oh pai'ty or- ganicrîtion wlitén Mr. Gibbis accusa- pno:by thé Nova Seolins leader on- berod. Thi(r-eu(lontn heu le pausé form sereral miutses d appearedt.)t>bc itaeomplélely eback util tIse 'ing- iusg cetrtu which greeled Lhe Opposition, chammpionsss unS ssb-iild. Mr. Etlgar epok ie ispièce aq te hleis eg izthé nniiu- te otthîe Réforrnmctseéntious, tise Pacifie llailway snd bis turip ta Britis Couii- hie; the acqusition ofethie N 'ýriîs We nuitSlIn. t. McDacugali, vlisutus L, cliargmd w itIs a capacity for getilng hotu tuotlthèes anti serapese; thé "unir-1 imesss" for uvhiels ut course tuse govertutittva- tint mélonible ; Sir A. T. GalCes sp,échi; tisé uity on cecl il, Lue Bru-, ishi conrsttutietn, lesptiusihlt.-Gaveras- ient-.R-chpmoctty-tme Wasluiiitgtn tm'emilyv, ftuéPacifie Scandanl fi-rus aîmy hîuîutvleuige ut wilîi céeèpt ctanthin;z hy 8im Joli, e ltt-thie évi letteoas nbtîtn oui. lus ét1ituu'cl boft Dr. Tîmut.n anti Mn. Gihîlu ; antdfiînaiiy ruttur ts:s isur and tia ini. itlts'vrspîhitî' lronglut tnp b itf t'caiit ttkt Ihuewàs upoge-h ta arun ualintrvptliicy int n-ijiitiung tinse t : sti wni'tt 't5 ituipostsiets te u'aeu c)r*L'arstl ouit frite trat:Pr anti thît ito was iri fsvutr oh- giviats-thheugtitrhjiiu imter- -etts cf tue eotmnitry enoazh protetion. Dr. Ttîp., woit rs clipeett tg mni rcahus eu cnunrurg nowari, after ic~ pr-er-.inrr ,tii.- pleaturc lie télt lu uisiLittgý ltep cm-at Prov-me- et Ottario, ail ès peeCi-liy sgo iuh",ligFt-ut an-i cm. nhuiîy a portion otit os SttiOtaioi.fmehte ltée prL sent ciriss in Imbliaffsirs, enty, ir th:t tif tlii'mn c-met' oas a 11w.- Inn lise htsîîy nf Cît aia ol 'n t tntigltfttl n',î ceci-s astinurtIstost'1 'ss thé couse îsey iezhmtaIsptrstu" il %-as tte uesenu. Yesit.mtLty, as it oct-e, Caialf. vis-t e-ut cf thé@ mest flormshiiug coiit. tries ou tise fisc-e ut tisa giohue prosporhty liadillr,, iitit a serioiis aund iumtpotauntl 'u ýî,anS it ours Luu 1i'htlnuny lusiquîte mitt swaq oec,-r-4 amy ta lut-îot-s i i.lt.r ta restera tht'- ttininr hmip's' ste.ts of hiu'Th.'ue az grîctuitumnul citsssinsu etu é go-tels isucli as itlsur intt't'sti , Setutise it cras thué leasl uhpnlant npuuuthie action or the goméecuweni; Sut tbîerielvas i-utlan intoetst gréat '*ou' imucîi om-r cvhiisflhio aîlvé,rnitutet liii etîtrîsi uviiit ceiuni snttt'minz sttltiu'ubaîtnds. I-eéasiceul, ea refthyausMn. Rilgane callthaL R.'tnuîs. ers sliotihl biamîh iistiusstic.s'-ett tihni-ie miéu chselhsèm Rcto-L(csi ailauy im. léréste Concenc'aîivesdii noV haveméin lIse prespemity mnci gooti gomemunent oh tbis countr'y ?Ah thue lnéetofConféti. eatioe, cciun lIme libérai insu utfieth aides nli s usaîlund, bath thé aid parties 'cène accepl aivucy, muid ise gi-est Lilter. aiGoCeuirsvmitic' pamty ésîauîhishîéui. 'Ihatt pamly eînhnaeed Libérais mand Coiménva tires alité, anS lus ilfumeme tournuitiset Irie Iniénuls cf Coutedèraîlenanditi andt'r ils ule tIse cotintmy hlip5'user- eul. He chaimed thuir snpport tor Mi-.t Gilbs as uas ieofthse imenibtre ofthte. pît'y,cWhîo Ld linuuh miuigitiy clans lis îhîîty la tisécanée er Union,anul tut wimrlisLe countrîuy costima Seh t fges- hitîte.'T'ise qiséstions ont oft olsicli tisé distinctive naines haS 11grocce 1aidis- aplpest. 'f'ie greaI quèestiers lubelom thie éhéctomsatnitIse pr'ennlttomenst cas1 thst of Prottictien tteiut aeecteou Ctanada. Mm. EFiger liaiatuw steppeil (Iowa fs-cca hie s i-st position, fieding tIset &sentimbatý,ct tIse peoipittle Iueaiausl lm, seil saiS hlie tee cc-anSi-go for pi-o-1 teetion; bat ail hub is-ot-sione ocre iiit vuain v;iie ie caIneottmwal i-bntus n ti>. porter af tue Goverteu ienL -ftue uluy, e (iuvernnméut ohiihsappt-areS ta have f FresTimide on the brain, anSdc-re netC even ie laver of bucitieutal protection.s Hoe rperri ta Mu', Dymuud's boat hnlu thé leuse thîit theélinos blSaI itîst Isésus-dracen, andl et Seing glati thual tiere wesé non' iu tIsé couuluy a Frit>. f Tradé Party anîd a P'rotection paty. Hée rerrpul te thé voté oms SirJohn MaetlonaI'm neeclulioni in favour ut. tiing Proléctton, anSý a neujutmet Ofth11e tutnifi ta limî h ie strugghing -'in. leseste etftisé country, uaul t le écoursep of thé Goveommenî anSdîthir supporters 1 lu vcting lbtidownu. . EHéquoetu l hu s speech et Sir A. T. Gait, anS tisé opiL ion of Sir FrancisEHinelte againel Mn. -'s Etigar andthIe paiicy ut thié Govée. ment, as shsowhng tisai tise Goveremeet, liaS failed luntteir Snty ta thcu sopie aon Canada, lu relation ta their manage- -ment efthLie publilc affaire: Hé epeintcîl out iîew uejestiy ILu présent haniff op- -avaléS agaleét tsth anmtng nirésstao 'Cauadla, and stated - tisatitil as incor. f réet 10 seythat thé ipéaple cf lthe Mri p pohiticai prty hic miglit have belongtil. But, nuSier présent dincumetencès. I ré- es'vé to înyelf tisé nialit ta at iutIse preseni canhel as eincnmsliueces May ceému to eué h héfor i-le béat. JOUN L. GOULD, -lné 2iitî, 1876. l'e fisé Etlt of the Wiîtby CltrontiLe.ý DEia Sm: h lsa Ieng tise sincf Ihavé taIt it my dnîy te Write ta a nesucpaper îencet'niug anyhuportant awattéî', but I thsink ibîiseaeé11 cciicis ét'y eue, shouid aci. -I mean -llieeniry éhoelingý ofet Lstomes ie this town. - .Mv. son lias bée lu a store ,in tits -towe for overi Live Y" O,, nt o f tal 'Ilitit uie hcýi' isasdé'vté huée eut et thé se ramïý': st;oru ItefdrA, P. iM., anti thétilhé Caine bagueé etuîupieiîing tisaI lse is seo tirei c.a) iL le toc laté la go fer e osit f.o tisei tîsy,) %r o mnytiig. Now M1r. EliLer I1Jà thbi i ri youug chérks-wévré ta-geel logu-ises'aénul timseuenetitiOLI t t heis lwor(.e DY 'M . fgae -au. i tue ,sae&u 'eloed with -evetocf 1heuke te -thé ohaironan. ---- Thé large. maiorlty of.thé mééti--sg was le favor o f Mr- Gbhs. Dr. Tnp. p in made au èxopllént imupression, antI1 -ois meuepqicn u of thé meet fiâst téing Hon. Ms'. iuntingien end Hon. Dr. * Tupper et- Oshawa. On Tnésdey événing the PeetmSntén Général, and Di. Teppér imett Oiisaws. Mn. Hlntiegton'as pseoch was, ovée Ctc hie is pporter 's, unexpéctédby tame,'Neé éiii liisel acide' thèee onthé lnvhtatiîu, cf Mr.,Èdgerand te fnlfil a public duty, ly eukiug thé peopléetofSents Ontario t0 eey vIse weré - tisé béslqualifieS tç administér tisé affatire cf tIsécountry anS béat éntitlita Ieir support. Thé présent Govémumént oas tIsI party bé- censé-thé Opposition liaS net yeî, ce acîcunt efthé Pacifie Scandai, emémrg- éd frein tIsat staté in wii they conîid lié trmsteti. "Pacifie Scandai," wes thé hurnlo f hiesong, as with ahi thé' otîsen opponets cf Ms'. Gibbs. Dr. Tepper, whq was neceiveil witu hsearty appbanse, saiS lié waa fot ie Mn. Huentington'e aSileinina. Hé was procent. ou Lîsat distingelmhéd géintlemnne sevi- talion. Hé wes surpniseil thaL enfu4ig mnomentens cccaeioe, instéad cof addrees. ieg imeoif to-the gréai living qusetions of thé dey, héiesculd hitîvé insultéS tise intelligence cf thé elécore of Souths Ontario hy raking 'np dead anS hunieS issues cf thé pesi. Hé couid aay why tsi wee thé cage. IL wes hecause tli Goermmeut - f Lité day lied that thy are net lu a position te centresi huntn. ably anS tainly thé acta et thé Adminie. tratien tIsai wént héfîurétheémiwiîh tîséin on. Ho aiuby reviewéd thé acte and poiey et bolh Governinents, auSd aimn- éd a verdict on helsaif of tisa laie Gev. trment, wiuu liàd hlL It te contry prusperous maid bagîywhée lIse preseusi IanaLook effico. Dr. Tuppér couchuded a speech et great powver anS force by an appéal La tIse tulcoJors tea stiS issen like Mn. Gibs tua Ptsmiamieet, whcp weoubd lIséré tusn tlîéir attention teas'e- lievîe thse groat pi-oveiling dépression oluielithée(lovenimént éay llsey art' cunablo le assiqt le doing anetIeispnt, better insu in tueur placées. Tluoucaethé throtugliot tht Dominion, ie érîd, n'eméc vateiiing ths elecîiocs sud pmay. inig for theé otturautofMm. T. N. Gibbs (G'etl ctieeinçg). MmI. 1Huntingtos spolia etgain, con- elttiiig mit mitigI. lise latter part otf ]lis speech bt.ieg a dtea-,cs of lise Gev. er-tuttietît t foua tiéassaults et Mr. Whiite rut Wlitby. Letter tram John L. GoniS. l'o l!re 'Jiloruuf ltéh Vlitby Chiop-icle. A.c yen hsqve ofret'idto use pîîi- ssi!llyv, tstîd as ci-e re s itvturiely ut rruulolit:catle tiséposition, iehhleqlly. t tiuîd îîsyiî't- piecet ici at tiie pr'set lttre, i îluik-iilh use o-uisystîlf, as oeil su' 1ny iereonl andI politieîsh lrit'ustis, tus tus tiothe position I have taetuttuin lise counteutiow coing oa nuSosiuthOntario. Long- Itore tie pmeselt politicahcouiest mîç tl, s, lematica ceusild 1Ise inltsce-1it mpport thse canditdatureofu a Toroto i:swyt'r, to roattur to wbielu ptîhlittuh îau'ty hie béhusageti, icase ttoesiea tnt'i boti t etTor-onto anti Otcuwa are ahrêathy evencmrowil vithi îtroessionus nueus, ottoe proportiota tc htir just ofitu e ;epmes.-ntal ives ii intée cîtticils of theé natitue, an-i I megiutmle t u lam n unattér ef suprêmne imsportance thsat thua fille ausgicnimîcotirtuiiecy ehîtînl bu r'pu'él'llv a tuiner sut the tugri- e-ilutiiral prote.sî.u. ptsrtienielr' su as thiere are se tew prusetietil acieuctltueîsts ut lunréerit holtding sémtite lîLien h'enehci ut trie L.'gielature. As tiilnteu'sst i.t Illei I urg.et tuS inotimportant iuttiyec iin Canatha, I ventu'eul ho tlut k t wuss tu Iit tely(0lowlsat I nuIle tainuluce camé prittical tarnenr ta coaiteét tIse ni.liusg yandthluise séisuova thé stiRisua froin thim tf lîeius 50 igomait ant i ucoun- hutteuit ns tolie usiahite reImeetnt SouthsOnt,-rio e is th alIe f, fthe Legis- 'itnre. Itoltiga -1(de pnmoîunedu viscvs apon tiséail]imortatt aîject cf pr'otction leta e(armupre 'f this cuuînty, 1 wunîSnet have féit lIaI t uhld ]ave supporteS aur cadidate ohose viowA uvene net lu accordul otIL My cwn apen liat p~estîon, ami elrcgsd Ibigs, as tla ita ul question efthtie bp r ta tIsé Ceusa-lieu, potle anti on thesé li iion ut tii question I bolS muatIère ofti meut Viltal isapout uepénd. Holding thèese cauriL furty ponis cf 'ho1ipers ic ireunée utrtu' lime >near Bures Station. Witht thue size cf thé disnunitivelitippcr 1-ivea tIsé reaer niay uraw hle ouvu conclu. Sion as te hoW m.tauy tIiouitleuis Lihe sin muntst ae ,capturetiluhie net. t Cure ia hurt semé - hy thé grasehioppérs, t bVotset uh,.* Msny et tIsé fermera Q anéplaoting tis*ee'rwheat-fiélts ho coiern sscw. Peé su-ee, mutée hei'sg ,largély piauted. Tiseéxpemmment, 'ii etrelin tiséspringoet hamiug oves' thé prairie p le hsopès cf datroyiug tIseterrasm, but au & weiking--over thèse humed places ,thé ycunn.g 'loppére may - ha eeus mcviugz about sa it'évly as èes' Te aé profegninst evei'ythîng: Ditcaeéung.' iagz au tbee 'os'éaéiv éodurge oul s sein to hé on thé setîlèe, fiut- ggeirai étale os' tisat secîtun ie, on Mte -whlobepnisspésuuit. Lita stLock leook iw-, pntstcnutncly %vcli, autd tisé ferments wbsc have en!gageS in eteck raligL ttev ben siecesalul. Excellent 1ey c'ae l'e Eeeuuré.t in ane nucusntt viéu 51,,. .IM r L.rKUGbbs' ' houer,' ocm .-sespeotéa - ebig heéty., Wliat hé bits donc ws -DO doubui the-résui of .iitislstalién At3lz' rte Panty, and hé bas paiS thé penaitý'o lis emner. Je that mistaké ta., forèven Selon Bin. Gibbs lu tIse-future troin'de- t' otinghiq tinse ced talents toteépublits iutére 'ts and dèprsvé the pub1icýof Rim sërviçes? -, es a-local man. with, lagent' tetsau , ogooselvos, Whs4' unlereste are se tact iesepanshy-tlsmtiêait with the et evéryuonetfne, wbo lias no pivats èade ta serve, no e plined poaitictta unes, euS Whot sékieg te 511l a place in thé ýranka of Hèr1 Majety's Loyal Oppesitio, eau bé accustéS cf ne selfisIs or diehonarablé muotive. No, one ven-tures te dispute hig ahility ou' bis intégily; whst objection can any coceci'rntious éleoter urgé iu.gainsl hie retuife? ýFer .My part, I wc-ald,0 1 frankly cocfe, liadt. Mn TRuirsàceP. Wsî'rg, Mr. JàsxUE OLD-3N, Or Mr. SscTrit bée ohesen 'a oenditlate by thé Rofairnso f thé Ridiug hava fél it ila îlnty ta support Lhém le pri-férence te Mr'. Gibbs, becansé thuey hsaveé daimts ton pamty support ; but Mn. Edgami To speak plciuiy, h do neot regard Mnr. Edigar as thé nomme cf thé Réfcrmre et 13hutis Ontario, or as having auîy clame upon thein vhstevèn. Hisu nomination et Whitby-was théemenît et manipulations by Abrams Farewelcf malodoroas coul cil réputation. wiio teck sivantagé ut hie jéalouay of Mn. White and Me. Holdèn, ta pull tisé wines fer tIse nommee cf George Brown. Mn. REdgar le emphaticaliy of tisé citss cf mon whIoin Refominens canîsot con. sceitishy support. Héela esetiely e "pracéicat politicien." eue of thosé »who tak-e aeooeetitncy wlseuee ste hée fenu anS uséeéiher thé seat-, if to, - lieda, or thé tact cf being a candidate if net, ce; a lever te force altantages rom tisé Govèrmmnt, By this mnS lie mss able teaoré an appointient oui e mission te Britishi Columbie, tho only resu i cf wisioli, beldea éxespemat ing t-liépeople cf tIse Province by hie iuefficieey ani insece, was a profit to hiLm et $6,bro0 ovér and aboyé hie travelling expenses. He lies bée re jected tlué atter imé by ithose Réforun conc;titu'eneics wlîo knéw hlm beet. Sentir Oxford tlsuew himnsont, aud eréoet. tl e geniné Reformuer in hie pbace. SeuIls Ontario cran do ne botter thonea 1 foibow tise éxatuple tnsus set, anS lpt thé circlé cf wiré.pullérs ah Tcronto ktow VtI tliougii wc are as Ri-formore pî'eptsréîl te de our duty, Otur franchuise us ntt t tise triciks oi évéry uéedy claiqucu o h-tatts te hé sent ta Par. husment tlus seéebie own adnotI nI I couutny's ititéméets. Snobs a maen is M r.' J. D. -Etîgir, ohus aow utéke thé iuîtelli. --li t utîetors et Souths Oitario lu he lbis etpju)iag Stone te a place wlierc lie ainy iuî.p hiséeJf 1 Lihé Plume of tIsépulic Treeetsry. Tithe Govere'eo'tt trecii-ong titotvlh-toc i rouz it sossens te camé le coussuit the intértsloros'mhorsof 1tlis LibéralI partv'. andlthéeItctot'cserg cf Soitl.Ontaritcru ibt n better work lim et II ..' uuî unilersél t lat ltée countury huas ti but considered ; anelti tI tii> poswer ta r Istubteliés oltis lie pi-o pie. As La M1r. Gilulr, 1 Itîtievo lir' 1 lp;utrvpd tuteesqon cvihiehli le mociveti 1ini 1874, luttdSusnet buoldti tilaILSsmi yul comnsitlis'l Liméunpai\lclalégirl. if Mmr. Naciteezits can forgive Mr. Csiclon, n man uof notoriutttspublic lbn' untrslit-y, ot wiîum thé Globe sait] hiA "tuiffaiiuco ocré remit andutieniclet :Ipaven," tîmen théelÙ'toriners of Southi OntuarioeacunPartdon Mn. Gibhs'c siasrhu- éorrom', ail préserve Ilueir self rmpu.em. hy ebmeciag Ihum To elect Mr. Edgar wtutllhé a husmiliation te thé liké of whîi'lu Lit cousaty lias neyver yèt suIs. taîitteul, iandtiwluiciîthé attempiteafou-t- ons llem will, I trust, hé inhdignanthy rosoleS Mr. Gibbs bas; aster ineéveut a Itreatîs et inéiiiiao n uc se sel et fileluiiz unuey fintr thé, pmubio oest.i of svinllirtc autfoi-tausate innatice Isy hile1 uisst ut position in tIse Covcimusmént.( Thutse tlîingt; bavé bée pi-ove aeinetj Mmf. Cauîchon, anS votlise wae puire enecîgila teks a place in a Rètcrm ail. unuiitration teatisé diseuet anti mortifi- cation cf ovemy tLucetliDiking ,Réfentuel la Ontario. IL ls a te Lisemreei of thé Refui-m pnrly ht is hold oxptés ils oîiiio ofi Mr. Ceuacîsn, and a wiole- eutun lesuin in luis iling wili min-ion ctii lonuler hintIse tusture more c,îreful I ut tise o'uonof flic Party wisere lbiey eail. liclwoen Mmf. E ig-ar antI Mr Gibstetisa rémnier uave uniy une ohîîie-tbîat lu te ceati tisé. pactiosi ltiiticiams tram Torotnto te the right- j abtout, and alpet a ftlowcitizeuc.à hus jeq able uand censîlentienq. andi who, if wé tc net allorrotîser ague with hina, a-e kuew ta hé honeet. Yaars triy. REFORIME 11 lames ; purchasérg oetchis mnediciné sbouii tiérefore hé carpful te observ, that each !asé bées thé 'Govèrmmeut Stas, with thé words Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne, en- eugraved therrean-aud that thé sms.ordo are élus b!owe n nthé bottié. e -rycasé bear -thé, Trede Mark and Signature of patentee.'<1 1 JIXPORT AGETNS.-Nortoa. Wattéy ICe., 107 Southwark St., London, 5. E. tqEW îrADVERTISEMENTS 'S')rTH ONTARIO ELECITION;- HQN,'ý.bR.- TUPPER vill afidreasiithé eléetora ait 1776- -TWO GR aB& 17111 onI nezt, les, tleuros : liugton1 Cobonrg P. ms., ai in tiuné1 Steais of thé et Nor mous'z This cause Pr 'elecer, (Cr Sacmé of thora, (aIl iuto disfavour, s childiali in the extreme. It le setting out on a coa.l.to, w.hieh there e ino end, andsaking carie bZaéke éfor a particular et of msen ta mb eas long as the please, and how.thiey please, witbout sny let or hindranee. A Party that was conscious of -having. doue wo.ll*,for the country ; of laving diservcd well of it;, would point with pci>Ie te that whichit he.l accomnplisléd-; ýte thu reforme iL bed introduoeil; the oconamniee iL lied been thé author of; bh oîistat had- beau laid dawn. -If the challenge to ,disense issue suaik as thèeewere igiven,t thé, ounntry Wônul b. edncated to keow if ihosiD in office lied any just dlaims on acouùn.tof .their ewn ente -fer continnedl support. It woeld, in fact, be' able'to jidgé ýbétwe ýpremîsée,àani performances;,between, Whatthél ppople wére led to éxpeot and the miserable reaits they have "been obliged ta put up with. -Sa fer'as the fades connected'with theincident kaowe as the "Pacifie Scandai" are coesidéred thème cap be ne objection' that they, shotuld hé rerred te, for thé more they are diecussed thé more clear does iL be- came that any, indiscrétion'connected with iL has bean greatly magnifled- lustily exaggeratéd. Buqiae party that lias,, bée in aficée durieg thrée yéars andl finds uotlîing mare' te rely u pon than a single Ilspes on thé part cf titair predlecéssors, entera. au adverse verdict, egainet itsel.-"rec Presa.- 1i LA CiEssa DE LA CaR.ca, for July h4s jugt bée receivéd and'contaiee,Pntma- véra (Spring), a Polka Franaise ; Les Raneua, (Thé Palme2); and thé Gerrn Lad. Either c f thèse pièces] purchased ie ehpet form, ýwaeld cnet more than thé price of thé magaziné. Thîs first-claes musical magazine, le published monthly, by J. L Pètèî,s, 843 Broadwéy, New York., Subscription, $2 per. annuin, payable in advaDee; single copies sueLs. CRICKET MATClI.>A cricket match will hé playéd an thé market grenude hère, Dominion Day betwen the Beav- ers of Tarante and thé Whitby Club. Wickéts pitclîéd at 10 a. tu. How tuany words would rpimain un s:tit] if there was ne weather te talk about? "e»" Notices of Birih8, Mariageo. and Deatlhî charg.'d 50 ceniokWAh. M A iR1 E D. CR.SE -ACI)ONELL.-At the* residene of thé bride'e, fatîsèr, Wbitby, .on the 27sih instant, by t *lie ReverFnd Joshwi Fra-er, B. A., Anthony H. A. Hl. Creadè, Gaîit, eldéet sop of Colonieal A. R. V. Criase, Rtoyal Englaceer, ta E-ditlî Olive Iac.IonelI, eldest iaughtr .Of lugh J. Muctionel. Clerk cf the Peana, Ca. Ont. WHITBY MARKETS. CUUSNICLT. Oprîcz, Inné 28th, 1870 rall Wheat........ ... #1 05gIÊ $1 10 Spring Wlièat ......... Si 00 @_ Si 05 llarley, No. 1, 75c; No. 2x $0 55 Ca $0 75 Clover ...............$88 2.5 @$91 00 'rimothy ..............$33 75 8-$41 W tees.................. 0l B3lack liye Pea ........@go 95o Ilye ..................65c @70e Oals ................... luc tiay................... 812@14 l>otatous ............... 80 Eggs ................. o Butter .................16e @18e Goal, per ton ...........$67 @ $8900 X0ood.......... .......S40O 84 W t>ork, parcwt ..........$ 7 00<87 50 Clhickeus ...............30 @40c parmpasl [tecks per pr. .......... 0e @ Ca 6c 'Purcèya, per tlb.......eo Apples, per bushel ....$1(00 Chèèèé,o................i2jeC4 514C. V(Ool ............-...:25o @P 27c. lIee, hind quarter.... e5 50 e 8 6500 Baal, fors quarter....$5 60 @<5 5W1 Sheépskins ...............81 25 @,Sl 75 Hidés....................$04 (00 $0 <)nions ................... $1 (00 TurîsipLi............... .. 10e i&121c Garrotse.................5e <@520o Inri.u.g --" By e therough kuewlédg- oi thé naturelliamrs whieh govérn thi opérations oet digestion and nutritiosi rui bv a carefai application of the fin propecties ef well-aéleetéd cocea,-Mr. Epp> lias provded aur breakfast tables with é delieetely fiaivored bépvékrffaewhich ma% Tort C L -Tht offér I resérv fcllow vee and 20R suenr de kep.r cenéere déép. 1 Sosaff thq Alsqut canent er'srban tasuitar atteent gachsina ailirus sanacipal te suit p oc ±FireworX an the evening.iThe- Roes- ter Driving, Peck Association vIE halL speW rozii ftce onthrnew Dri * -_ Bills., Thhia tnp wM l sa afford a Levorall oepportnnitygot vlsttng thé Nursueries, Bouse ,-0ofRézjeý unt Hope Cémetery, Gossesée Fas mnGardens, &c. Famé, Round Tnpta Charlotte sanaBatuo, $2 00. tlr Tickets gootl outil lOth 1Jnly î o. sivé, by aay réguar trip 'of thé Steamr,, mty be trocured tram O. Draper, Whltby; J.. .Gyand 1-Tsamse alewood,. Oishawea; Thomoas TellowIées, Bovinan- ville; John Mellln, Darlingta; Mr. - Rosé, Newcastle'- A. Cochrane, Port. Hope;- A. A.-flauhamu, Cobourg; Thomas P. Kealer, Conhorné; A. McCallnm, Brighton; W. Bleeker, Trenton - J. W.Thoaisn Belleville; Grangé & iro., !ia;anee; ,H flatcI and Alé.1 amiard,Kigon For furthér inf.,rmtion.idr R. CRAWFORD,.Port Hope. Jnné 27th. 1876. 27 R OYAL HOTEL, _WR lYB Y, JÏAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. Thé largest anS meet commedlous hotel le thé. towu : hem large sample roome for commercial tr&vélléce, Tabla well supplied with thse bet in-mean. Bésthbrânds liqnors ,sud cigare. Encloseityard and shedroom; &ttentive hbtIers. Charges te suit the N. B.-Livery aitachéS.- 27 F OR SALE, A -valuablé wèll.hréd 'Young Breédisig Sow for Sule. Enqulcé'et CHIIONICLE OFFICE. June 23M, 1876. 27 JNSOLYENT ACT 0F 1875. - In 'tIe matter cf -JOHN HAMER GREENWOOD, cf the Town of Whitby-, an Insolvent. tThé djaurned Pale of Town lot Né. 7, in th grt tuer, cf thé fret double range of Town Lots. weet et Brock tre intathé Town ef Whithy ; on which 11i s.à good houée and onîbeildinge, vwM take pieue on Alonday, July 13rd, 18'76, at 2 o'elack,' p. mn., et Ray's British Amer- Sean lietel, Alan et thé sme time and place, all the books délita eacoaiteand jndaeta ei the .aid Insolvèntp, bath privately sumau rrader, and thé Lite Policies Igela J'y sMid, lueolvet. - A lie of saïS Booansd Judgments Délits- ire oipen for' inspectioni thé office of D. (Irmiston, Esq., in thé Towe cf Whltby, any ,ay betéen the-hours oft'm a. lusud 3 p. M.1 also thé Tille Deede of R al LLtete, Thé Asigne vill net furnieli any peper, tille, or ninnimént et tilé, other than thoee uoW iu bis possessinwhich are evallable for inspection as efaméseid, T«EIMS-For thé Réai Estate, tveuty par cent cf thé porche monéy ta lie paid 'u thé day of, sale, sud thé balance e mon th alter. For Book sud ,Ju genta Délits sud L>elicies, thé termear am e. D. ORMISTON, Solicitor for L. FAIRBANKS1, G. C. GRIOSS, Assignes Auctioneer. svhitby, Joué 231h, 1876, 27 F A"' FOR SALE. A GYne.hundé Acre Farrn for sale in L-ast Whithy. Âpply --D.-HIKSON, June 241hi, 1876. m2 A OAR~D. To'al;vIse are enffèring tram thée rrore ud iniisecretieus ef yonth, aea'voue week- oees, èaily déca y, lamu of nanhood, I wili .ensd a ràceipt that wilI cure you, PlIER '1' CHARGE. This gréai reinedy vas liecoveced by a uuimsioéry in SeutIs Amer- .Ca. Sund,% selt-àddneest'd envelapéta thé itav Joete T. Isxxix, Station 1, Bible kresue, Newc Yirk Cipy. 1 FARM FOR SALE. 125 ACRES,- '.itusted aon thé Kingiton Boad, 2 miles rom thé flonriéhing Town ef M. istby, belsg -n)nîpsed ef thé Sonth-wéat -75 sud thée ýortb 50Oaéres ai Lot No. 8, concesion 2 i tisé-- Township et Pickering. Tiléftret- On théfront75 acres there le alar eTwe- ttryFaéBouge, vehi pataiteg-il '1onè CFrila r;2 Cisterne, 38xséver-falisg We.lle; FrineBarn, GOiSO, vich Stone Cow.Stables sud Qellar xmdéneth; Hersé ;table 42rwt with Celler uider thé contré'ý Cerclage Honsé, 26x24; Freine Cow.aheà end< Stable 6U's4, Pig.heusé 24x18; Garden' wvith Pear, Plum n sd Chérry trees m abusi- dauce, toethér vith,ô acres cfifiret clea Orchard.-Thé ahoésnivltlda

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