Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jun 1876, p. 4

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Frmme w 81-tàl vo bunr,sud S nn"yý*4 lc* tentv.ine F nd1. *lot number ttroi4, in Block s, la theiti Vilaoeai Mnces- ?th. Soin lots lnu ari, via.: Lots foue a ts fo aand-ixlulr B,oque $4aD, sud Watir Lot ttva. Part ai lot twentythree lu Broken Front Concession, Plokerlng. :eth. A onescre lot lu titi Village ai J.houghsm, kuowu as thée 015 Tanusry Lot. oth, Town lot number six, on Hunter Street In' the Towntai G&li, Caunty ai La n et vegl>s CoutisCosidesslos, Blsevir, tva h= dré tces;- yul hall o eum-bue irgtt lu second Cloitdksslb, Rixe-ý vrniv: M d, haïfit ut enty d'v aâre, au fi vestlheu o ai tnumbor sit, là SeodConcession, Elsevir- tesnacres, north-west angle olient alt Ui lot number six, lu SecondiConcessilon, Elaiver. Abco ml th boak debts,scouata and Judgnita aithe saiSInsolveut botit pri. v*tely anS scTaSer, anS thodfiée beuS b;ÃŽsa i novent. ooe À lustafisali Book anti Jigniont Debts araep o nseto n iiofce of D. daybuvei lte ous a tn a n. and Titi Asulguue ¶eill sot furnislit anq paper, title, or mnunimenit ot title, othor titan those iiaw la bis possession. whlch are avalable faor Inspection as aforisald. *Ter s-Yor thse Reail-istats, twcniy pir céil ofthseurtitae money ta- bc paid an 0,ay 0a%,sale, and tise balance a niontit 5ter. Far Book anti J ptDebta and Whitby'-May Ilud, 1870. 2-d TBYMACHINE wonxSi IIHOCK STREET, WHITBY. The îîoderoslguad hîge'to Inforin thse atin. or.aifthse surroundlng counnly, tisai lie bs ln stock s large sosoriment ai Cttting Il21,11,t"2 rse'aIpDrillsie altaes, WitltbyApril Its, 1876.l.1 noatosianblespamly o siecewih WhrS, ail 4xclt qa7y, frely Oc- acrot of land, coîoprising Gardon un l Or. O'îpÃŽed hby tise laie John Hainer, HEq., silu. aie shout nue mile osaI ai Wbiiby, on tise 1Çingtoi ltoad. Tise Honte contains Ten Romtbs, eskitcheu n lt esr t, good c ell.Iard snd Soit waicr on tise prouts. ho ; a ro s ad stable. É«fhr particulars eqieo JOHN TAYLOR, Ehq., On theo promises. W~hlby, April 1211, 1870. 16 *. MANSION HOUSE, COuiNER 5KING ANDi YOttKST., TORONTO, -. -ONTARIO. WMI. KELLY, PRORISTOR. This,, otel le sitnated inlthi centrailpOr- * tien ai tise cit.',coanvenienl te lue visalesale e slablishimint anti public buildings; sud for toiirlute Anilcommiercial Iraes ala ha mnat eligiblo situation. The, bouse liai been thoroeghly -re-organizeti sud re-furulised throîughoît, and ilu Oued np bilte mont éoufqtsbe ntifahloalestyle, equal te 1Ï-'f'itcllsiiouglianlutise Domîi-nis. Tîte 66ulom.8snd drswing.roouus are large anS alry, snd thse boul isnitsry regelallons are observeS. 1The large sud convenient sample rooma, for the accommodation ai Commesrial Tra. * veler, are comruotions. anti cauvenlestiy îocated on Ille gri flat. OnisibunesianS carnages always nesdy for thse accommodation ai guesta siliiving by al thea Irains sud àeteainsoant i se la coovey theut te ths doas anci wlsssves on leavisg. 1Telegrapli Ofic ucolnoellon witlî titis Roauge. TERIMS, - 8 1 60 PER DAY. ToatApu-il 12, 1876. JUST REICEl VD 40 BALES on tié u"n s iiie@rine oi =b u'leta. * GO.T. HALL, OFFIE-Duda 8EWb itby. 1 h& M-tI i TA , Ci? L S., AKR ( undot 0rder u onstel, dated lii &Y 'ýIniiâ upàia warrant................ ..4180 2. 8'i1«vlsg summons or subpm&na,.. 0265 r .Mlaeta serve summos,' inb. 4. junaor-warrant.,..........Q010 4Mileage vites service canitbc u po n proaf a1 duoelligne...O10 gtakin drlsonefsta gal emerlly ixpestded in thier cou. ~..........010 6. Attend it aties Ga ismr triais, or on ixaailàan tfri. r onr»char gé -vlitcriMe. for eacit day necou*sariyeployeti tu ose ot'more cesu, vennest onggnzmore thasi four hours.. 1 10 7. Do. 5o wn engaged rmore thasi four hui,.1.. i50 8. Attondlng Aauzse or: Session%, 9. Mine6 raveling tu attend As. al0, Ssions, or'beforè justices (whist public convîyance cau b. talion, only rîseonable diaberse- monts to h looi) . 1 10. Sumisouing enuryfocroners' ýIsquett, naindlsg attendhig at >lnqunst, andaIlservices in, res-- pect tboreof, if held on saie day s Jury summoned..........20VO 1.Attendlng oscis adoulma thereof, if not enagged nmore four houri..........i c 12. Do. do. Il nsgdmoreha four houri .................. 160 13. Servins nnmons or subpoeSnata attend before Coroner (subject No. 10) ..................... 025 14. Mileage srgse anie........... 10 15. Exhunsing body undor Coroner'e warrant ..... ..........200 16. Re-buryilug sanie..............200 17. Sorvng distress warrant, and te- tàrnlnq &ame.'................1 » le. Advertletng under distres. war- rant ........................1 50 l9. Travelling ta zuake dietrese, or ta searcis or gonds to, malte dis. trese, wheunon goode are fund..O010 20. Apprasecmeuîe, wisctler b>' ont tir mcre, 2 cents in lthe -deUé-, on ttre Saine of goodaH 21. Catalogue sale snd. commuiseion and delivery of goode, 6 et$. ln tise 0, on net produce cf goods. 22.' Hxecuting searcli Warrant.....i1 60 23. Serving.. notices on constablee. wisen personally served .... 00 Publhsied by order, H. J. MACDONELL, Clerk of the Peste, C. O. 1 22 v ALISES AND TRUNS. LEÂTHEIL VALISES ANDi SARATOGA TBUNK5, WILLIAM THOMPSON'5, Satiler anti ILrutesiMalter, IuuOCX-Sx., WBSTEYr. 1June 24, 1874. T H E-G R EAT ENGLISH REMEDYI1 Bitos-e Taking. SPECIFIC ME DI CINE1 CrsIINYBVçrs, snob as Trzurosi, DracîL- s-, PonOTAlvioe.4 etc., whlch, ta many cases, are prOdncod by os-or indlence lu tise nie e1 tahaccoashdl alcahollo spirits. but thse Specille ,,Medicine la more espuuolly recomnioed as an unislllg cure for izxesuaz x-ieuu, StlUiMATOBitttiA, Imi'oTi'Ncv sud ail diseuses tisaIfottovas a sequenice ci Bell Abuse, au Loua' osp Mr.uov, Uierv'.OaiAnLÂst-uu, PAIN M TUEit IAcIr, Dnutxns op Vistati, Pua. MATURER Obu Ans-, and maoy other, Sîseaits tlîat cl e uItsAmss'vor ConssupTrôosasdsa PBÀTuxacaruUx Avit. al cf whics, ases mîis, are ftrsi causeS isy deviattug froin lie pals of nature aoS arer indulgcence. Tise Specifie Medicine isalise resutofaile sity sund îsny cars et capene i reat- fIg %oeo pcIaldteiiei. PlI partîculanu lu Dur psmphlet, waleh we deire taseod froce by mali te every one,. Te orÇi Medicine le eold by ail Dru1 glas t ai pe stage. or six packasges iorn$11 or wilt b. sent hyY mail ou reolpi af tise mooey, hy sdilresulîng1 WILLIAM O1IAY<t do., Windsor, Oui. te" Sola in lhtbyby 8. %W. 5B. Smiths, Js, Byrno and aîl drugJsots. Northroap & Lynian. Toroitie, wifsolo eagetu.7 NEW SPBING CARPETS WILLIAM -GORDON Respectinlîy solicitî lntentUug purcilsens o ta Inpeot hie stock ai * Binseli, Tapostry snd Throe-ply Carpols, Floor latIe and Cor- ticines, Damaski; sud Lace Curtainu3,--wýnaow Polos, Cormices & FringiigF4. Ail of wiih wil ho soldlat the lowesît pries. WM. GORIDON,Ta-so April ltis, 1876. la * iE JA R . SAXO &.COUPAN FUR NITURE. WHOLESALE & ETAIL,ý Warerooms-Albert Hall Buildings, 18 9 Yonge St. Hava always on baud a Pull Stock of every.' thlt thuer lins, sd hop by strict attention tatho *auto cft thsir cautlaners, ta mes-ilqa gqqdtlMace aiflte patranap o ithertc, ex. Speel l tetial ali te nisllp ai N 0 v-t 3W 0: R K OTTOMANS9 's LM1B£RTUINs, m JARA -LANDS - FOU SALE I Lot 12 iiith concession, 2lOýares, Soulh-hilf 6f lot 18, luinlth concesslo 160 acres. Aout six smilesa fson A£ll7h way station. 1 Wltbl. M7.DLAND RAILWAY OF CND. i=rb rons part Rap. t-o LinSa LaePÃ"rt HEne- 10 00 lOO a. mM S.. s.p Gonùg North ta Piýterboro' Lakifei. VA61 ..12.8à p.mi. 1 le4..... omfng-Sault frani Onilla ta Lindsayo Pet rboro' and Port Hope. L"eve Oua- Mmali ... »1L00P. M. Ar-Pt-Hope S:,45P.ns.' Oasnlng South freonLakoZolS. i. s*a. s.Mail .... 9.S K MLWINEUY, A~ND. CLOTI AT THE ýVERY LOWEST LIVING Pl ~GRO- ISD ANilf QU U« Arl TO SUIT THE TIMES. Whitby, ýf 281k, 1876. IING, RS ÇARRAGESAND BUGGIES il THE LÂRGEST A-ND MOST COMPLETÉE STOCK 0Fý Caria os,8/ighs and Cutters, m. ODO0NO0V AN'S- CARRIA&E FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VERY CHEAP. -CALL & SEE THEM. Whitby, May l6the,1876. PtRICE 0 F ORGA'-N S. Organe and Melodeon Organs- at'greatly reduced prices, for Cash or Nota payable lu October next. a1 - t t. .-- an4 ANai ME~~~~~~~~ý R TTAI ORIN« sto Se econd-hsnd Organs and Melodeons aitoney low prices. J UST RECEIVED AHl kinds of' Spring Goods, including English, Seotqh, and Canadian Tweeds, Worsted Goods, Fancy Vestinga, Broad-cloths, Doeskins, &c., &o. GOOD TWEED SIJITS AT $15!1 Brock Street,, Whitby, May lot, 1876. A&J.B. PRINGLE, Marchant Taâons. LEWIS ALLJJN'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, ,a lrge'and well assorted stock of Ro om Paper and Win- *dwBlinds, which heis prepared to seli at the lowest rates. A splendid assortment of stationery, New Miscellaneous Books beautifully beund, alkEnds of Scool Books. Violinesud Concertitias. Scwing Madliles-best makers. Large sud new assortment of best Gold and Silver Watches and Chains on hastd. Wool and Faney departinent complote. Ail orders for English and American Periodicals an~d Newspapors premptiy fiiled. We are no0W in a position to supply Prize Books for Scitools . at hail pricd, and wc tedl that we cau give goed satisfaction. Soliciting orders, &c. Wliitby, April 6th,, 1876. OREA T LEWIS ALLUN. CLEARANCE SALEI 0F Boots and Shoes!l At Auction Prices - 000 $ 7,000 WORTH OF BOOTS AND 811 ES To be sold without reserve! Parties -ihi want of Boots and Shoes wii fissd tiîis a rare oppertussity te purcisase clteap for Spring wottr. Remember the place, at KIRK'S BOOT & 511E STORE, Ontario_ Block, Brook Street, Wihitby. ýWhitby,- Apri l2th, 187(j. - C.KIýRK. GENT'S OLOTHING FURNISE(ING GOODS1 For Superior Clothing suitable for Summer wear try the Olothing Store and Merchant Tail- oring estttblisument of o OEl I «V m i Gj :-TT S 0 1%T, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A GOQI) FIT AND) STYLISH OUT WARRANTED l! Gent's Furnishing Goode of ail kinds, inchîding Shirts, Haite and' Caps, Umbrellas, &c., Whitby, Jnly 27th, 1875. tf-si CHOICE WINES c PURE L IQUORS at WHOLE SALE and RETAIL to suit the UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. TRY FREDERICK 1NEALE.'8s SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. AGENT FOR D4VIES -& BRO.'S Célebrated XXX Crpnm A lu & THE MUDGE & YARWOOD M'F'G. 00. 'Whitby, May l6th, 1876.. ELGIN! ELGINH ELGIN!! CD The finest, best, and cheapest W*îtches made, for tho, mo- ney, are the ELGIN WATCHES, which cuis be liad ut Taylor 4. Bar- nard's, in every grade, botb in Gold and Silver, Ladies' sud'Gentà sizes. Also a large stock et Euglisli aîd Swiss Watches always on.hbapd. Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, astd Faucy Goode te suit eveî-y taste and pocket. Bainerber îhe place-ucit door to Grass & MaeNadhtan's, Hardware Marchante, Brock Street, Whitbv. FIJRNITURE! FURNITURE! Now is the timne to buy good and cheap. Fursîittire. Havixug bouglit ouglist th business Iateiy carriad on by Jaines H. Saine, w-e take tis opportunity of luviting bis masiy friends to give us a cail, and we.can assura. ail that we are prepared te de as weil by them in the future, as -Mr. Sanie las doue in the past. TILL & JOHNSTOIN. Orders by mail promptly- attended to. IJNDERTAKING.- The only first- class Establishmenît hi tisa Cou.nty where funerals ai-e uily supplied. TILL & JOHNSTON'. Whitby, October ist, 1878. LIST 0F AtTCTIONEERS Lieused for South lliding* of Ontario, 'North iding of Ontario,,and soparate Municipalities in the latter. D. MKy Donîald itosa ... H.. Ldamneson. ... C. Moore.... John McGiII & Co..- DonaldRoi T. H. Walshs... Wsn. Gardon.. James Digby, Jr...- J. C. Pilkey... W. M. Wlcx C. Wilson...... Thomias Tucker.... Dan. Wisale,... Tisomas Poucisor,.. J. M. Patterion .. L. Fairbanks ... H. R. O'DeUl... DonaldRa . llas flowes ... Joituston Brown.... ýIST '0F John Carr.... James Bris A. C.9Hisan, James Blaokwell... - Felits MoGoveru.. - John GiUiga .. Duffett Bras ... Duffoît Bros ... Gffa. Burton... Oshawa. Beaverton.. Asihun... Tisorais Cannington Sunderlandi. Clareniont ... clanemoât ... Port Ferry.. Port Pers-y.. Pont Ferry.. Lesilidale.. Toronto,.. Markisam. Bloomingtan. Atiterîy. Beaverton ... Mila....brd PD'DLEIRS FOR THE 00. Southt Ridiig .. Mars,........... Thonah ....... do ........... Sauth Ridiug ... Tborab....... do ..... ...... Bs-ock . ........... Souths Riding ... tTxbrldgý...... Nonrthiding. Norih Riding.. Beach........... Scott ........ ... North iding. South Ridiug.: Souths Iidin .. Soush Ontsnio. Mars B3rook. ........... Uxnooli..... .... Oasawa... Broolul... lOon-Itesident. do .. do - doa .... Oshawa...... Non-Residlent. - Whitby, April 4tt, 1870. On foot:,. 1 hars. ... 1 hors, daunty.... 2 homses, Cauniy.. - 2 hanses, Coussty. .. 2 bas-ses, County... 1 horse, Couisty.. .. 1 homie, County.... 2 herses .... WM. LAING, LiuzozexExetaxa. Junte 28, 1876. "29, 1876. Oct. let, 1876. 18, 1876. -'19, 1876. 19, 1870. Oct. 251h, 1875. Oct. 2tis, 1876. Oct. 28th, 1870. Oct. 281h, 1875, Nov. 111h, 1876. Nov. Qttud, 1876. Dec. 2nd, 186. Dec. 1.51h, 1876. Jas. 24t.h, 1877. Jan. 251h, 1877. -b'2nd, 1877. M'rce Suis, 1577. Mar. lOtis, 1877. Mar. 101h, 1877. Mss-r. 21et, 1877. 21-si April, 1876. Otis May, 1878. 915 Dec. 1876. 141h Dec. 1878. liÀth Dec. 1876. 151h Dec. l87. 201hJan. 1877. 2list Mas-. 1877. lot Apnil, 18n7. Co. Treasurer. -FASHIONABLE TAILORINGI Go where you eau get a Weil-fitting Garment :-To the Tailorig Establislment of GEORGE GURLEYI, OSHAWA. SUPEMIOR CUTTTNG SHAI>ES, THE WORK 1 A Large Stock' of Fine Clothà - best Engliali, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. C> Exoellent Overcoatinge. and Spledid Voit Patterni. A good fit Gauawteed. il~GEGBLY 3 JU.S'T TRIE PLACE BOOT AND SHLOEXMKB, BROOK-ST., WHIITBY, un éer en> i vai-leA .Gn.i, .ut -GIB8ON &SPABVELL'S. T Whitby, Deo. 16th, 1874. 51 stre rab> WILLIAM, TILL'S si CABINET FAOTORY AND FURNITURE.,WAREROOM8 1JN THE OLD STAND., BROOK STREET, WHI TB Yma Go wbere you cannot fanl to be Plýeased in making seleotions of good- furniture. x Splendid Parlour, Dieawing Boom and Bedroom Sotsoth I New Designe well worthy of inspection, at astonishing low prices.,,Pin-_?n_ iug-room Extension Tables-a ver superior article. w *Gilt Coriices, -Picture Framing lu every style. Sone fine Chromos 'ro and Engravi.gs for sale.' pe In. ail its branehes ; funerals fu]ly supplied, , A stock of elegant caskets. Coffins always on hand, trimmed te sait Cuetomers, and a wel sappoluted Hearse constantly in readiness.- We DOMINION OJIGAN CO'S I vs vas ti Ky0 D.m M. IMPRO«VED'AN]) BEMOPELLE]) C A B/NET AND- COMBINA" T/ON 0oIR G - MT i Thu Cnpany lias recently been re-erganizedl by the addition of-tltree ef titi mail. tpractical men froni the Factory of Clough & Warren'a Organ Cc., Detroit, Mich., each taking 50 active part in hie own'particular depsrtment, sud arec now mnofacturinir an Orzan EtQuAL, sud in many peints suilxxron, ta an>- natiufacinred b in heUniteîl-States or Canada. We tahte phesture lu anucuuneinf te n customers and 1 tise traile gênerally that we bavae "ecred tho riglit ta mariufsotnre sud use, ini the Dominion of Can- ad, hcelebErtd secured lsy Letters. Patent in tI4 United. States, Engzland sund Canada. B>- measofe titis invention an os-gan containing twe or: tiret sels of reeds becomes Fqual in volume and power, sud fat Superier in Quaiity sud Briiliancy of Toue to an ordinmT- reed organ of six or cight reede. Ký' Our ceiebraed "Vax Celeete," "ýVax Humana," Wilcox Patent "Octave Coupler," '*Clelo" or "'Clarluet" stops, "*Fugle Hern," ",Dulcet," "ÀEoline," "Cremona," sud Grand Organ Stop, suï ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, cati hi obtainîd ouly luintou eorgane. Twenty-five Difféent Styles for tise Parlor sud the -Church, of the hast niatenial sud worknxanship 1 'Ke- QUALITY AND VOLUME 0F TONE UNEQUÂLLED. ~ FacoryandWar r IoeC.TmeaçanWe llingTt$1 o n. ,Bwmujle Agents Wanted ini Every County. IK.' Send for Price List. Address, DOMINION ORGAN CO., Bomanville, Ont. General Agents for Canada for thse IlCelebrated" Bradbury Piano. Bowmsnville, March 28th, 1876. 14' Cheap Hfarness, Trunks, Whips and Lashe6, -000 CiIvCGyLUEi Whitby, 15th instant, 1876. I deqire to cali the attention of the public to the fact that at no time d urin'g the palot five years have 1 bgen able to offer Harness of ail descriptions at salow a prie as I eau this Spring. My expenses being liglit I cati do it. No more stylieh or better Hlarnesa madle in this County. Cash purchasers will fiud special indncemets,-thaîte what 1 am aftex. Cali and insppet. liespectfuuly yours, J. X PILP. I~Repairing doue reasouabiy. Please 'notice-Second Hlarnu Shop Soutb, ucit ta Gross's Hardware Sltte, Brook Street. Rafabi4ted Twentfp Years ago. 1 MANIJFACTUe.ERS Q1F CARRIAGES AND SLEJGHES, DIJNDAS STREET, WHITBY, ONT. Have niow on hand a large stock of Canriages, Buggies, and Sleighs, Cutters, which foit style aud finish cannot be cxcelled. (jry Ail will be sold at cost. Ail work warranted. TOMS &NEWPOÈT, Whitby, Augnst 25th, 185. Wkitby,l Ontaro. Johnstop 's Self - laking, Heapor. AWARDED THE FIRSI, PRIZE. At the Provincial Exhtibition, Toronto, in 1870ý We Rufer to our customners for the co mi ng HLlarv cât. two dis- till(t Machines, which' in- styks' and construction, enibrace the latest and most usefu'à im provements of the day. JOHSTO'SSINGLE SELF-l TE tK[G 0F Ri Theunivei-sal succes of-this Machine, id triais erlad ini the handi (ifthtirti-es-s, wtrrantt ingr Rea;.ing lseubine. ith bsîmore gond poltils ancJ rm auccesa and lita fshIrei. thàn hereoteofioerg CAYUGTA JUNIOR, . - Hampton, lJan. Sl, 1876. ><~. REEE~ lord a me great plessur lit akoowedgithie entiro satisfactiCIý saudl itigit-aprecatios a the No. 9 Maîhaa sissi Piano puroashed from yas a fov days since.J. &oryr Ènnàsilin, Ont., Ja. lth, 1876. PROF. T. REH5E. Dxiii Sm, -Tise Mediumi Mathuebsi ws got froi Y0 givos estiare satiulactin eeyresrpet. I can sihestatingly recom. m*eaenSi oaldesiring s gootipaa -#D. STEWART, Paster-ai Presisyterissi Churcis Oshawa, Jas. 2Brd, 1876.ý PROF. hES, DzàB Snt, 1 have fondthse Maths- sek eltaesyon-represenled st-a iret-dam plino. Mny nisit-ans have trieti it, ani pronaunced it oxteelent. 'Respectiuily. M ES. B. MITCHEL. Hampton, Feb. Ist, i876. M R.HIESE, Tie Mtlrshek Piano! pur. chaseti froni yen is given entire satisise. lion and-provep isiei aasuplerbe itrinonl sn ovory respect. I woud reemnmend ail ta se the Matisnhelc before puebhaini elaewisere. Yomr, &c'» IT.PEL1 PS Enulkflle. Ja. 25th, 1876. PROF. J. ERE, Hsxpto, 1 havem=tek plesure in addlug iuy testimony ta thée niany yen have s]ready t-eceived itfn Vof tie wlI serited Mfatltushk Piao pur-z chased fnrn yon recently. I amn ieUl sUis liedi witi inmin eery respect. and cousiS- r ; f o r i e s t y a a t i t o u , x2 t l i iS s u r p a & s e bY -nY instrument I ave yet sen. a m, S. C. H1LJE,-Ik.D.- FE ARFI CTAE S: $300. P1&N05 from--otlor-reliable miakors Mi bottosaprien. - Whelessloe agents for the Dominion ai Canacla ionIse PRINCE ORGANS. Agnsaselievn City, TovU anS cousyluttDoiin 8 ASolsiàe.St. liat, Toronto, JOSEPH REESE, HAMPTO* agent in Darlingtan, Whltby ana Ca vnigist. MANâOOD) 110W LOST, 110WfRESTOn]) Juset publislspd, a nov ideti ai DE. Csis.pxavZs.s.aCeM saves lisskv on tie raii ,cure (wihout medicin) ai pematorrit or SeinIai Waknes, invlntary SonSm Lasse, Impatocj'Metal anS Physio Inr.ap éolty. I Pe l 't'aeO M arrisg,s aIs,- Coummptia, Rsoyspii s, duigence on sexuai extravagance, &c. -ePrice 'isn-- sseS envilop, ouly, cents Titi cclebrateà sutao, n, utbisadmirsX Esay, clearly .teontrAie. froua a, thir yesrts"succeasdul practice, tisai tlie sann yansequeucil ai self abuse may b. radiera cureS witiot the dangeronu a aiofiters inedicineor titi mueé; pointlng ont a moe vf cure ai ente siple,- certain au elleetual, by meýseof wviicisvery auffer no atter wiat lis conditin sMay be, ma li, nila ycure isself ceaiepîy. privali andi radielly. !eThia Lecture should ho lu tise hand éf every yauth anti evry mn inl the lan& Sent -usudr soal, in a plain envoa, -auy adtiresa, pastliad, ones reept ofsL cents or two past stamps. ASSress the putines, F. BRUGHAN &SON, 41 Ani-st., Nov YosI Poit Office Box4656.l- in evey Townshipin Ontarioath el th f um o ns P s i e' M d a l O s - a n m a s u n t s c t u ed by te Smith Amrce. OrgnC sud George Stck sd -Co.'s Pianos. Special inducezuonts will ho give te fil-t-clse agents ad clubs of titi or four witluig te puchase. Any, number af tesimnials lu tava Of tisose first-class orgns an b. funili* d. but as they are se widely lcowns great'numbers haviugben sld thrug oui te Dominjoin and havimg giviu satie faction iu. every-inistance- No testimi, ai bowîver flattering eau add to the -jtputation. The Stck Piano Co., received All onu>- gol-sedai avadd to- sy eIib ilar at the Vienna Exposdi in la1878 RGIEAP EII tm ae toOee . -i 0 1 -0 Oid asc Tee aws Ciel Augua ý Our WM.- TILL. t Whitby,'. November 24th, 1875. PATENT -QUALIFYING TUBES- 140-ly 1 rr o m s F-R-0-S-T - 1

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