Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1876, p. 5

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) CL no m»ttAer whât liii condition nMay lie, Msay ce'ma urn Limineil chesaly, privately>ý ts isLt seMlîouldheëlu tise hande of eep7 youth id every minlsthse hand. so t l*e oie1, lta plan envehop to aqy adrea, oje.Paid Onreceipt o ix P. BJIUUMAN &SON, Poo Oile 1~z48641 Anlu-SI., New York. PORT WEITEY AND PORIT PuiiRt EXTL'.ENSION UAILWAY. TIME TABLE No. 14. Taues ofen 1ou oday, May 8îlî, 1870. Trains i-n by Toronto tisa., wlntclile twsn- ty4twu minutesîower tisau G.T,15. tie.. Wbltsy.un.., O. 2 XML N1I. M V;hiby lui *(op.10.05 n'iu. el. 707 p. WbVhttb ..... 10 ' 7.15 ]Iro ki........ 1015S" 7.621 5Susnot, '... 1loi) 18.0 xqnrilesttur. hi1.1'2 817 Pric nesAle 11.22 8.27 Port leu1- .,riive 11.,0il SM3 port pecry... dvp. 1.00 c. i. 1. 2A5pa. 'PrunesAtbat . 6.09 1.5 I ?4aueeetor ... 120 1.-45 ~4tioumt..... ..<îJ< 1.67 1yt...........7,02r 2.27 Whibth ... .i..0.. un.( (2.,17 S.t7.850 i .1105 - patoru hi itt-i.Trahtis stsp on sig- nais only h -th (J. Ir. ., onget ant i wet; at Porît Peîry wi th staget for TSibritlgîs4, atîi tsuier Maffle I1nàe f et ltîy, tîtere rimetîînug WiîtIîthe Miflaîîl Siaiiwiny titi-iwithh tîeaner fuor hfciniîl 5tull. i,îî-veiti Stîîn-gcoiî Piiliît înlt, ,ai i' tflvihstiroi liuoct. il5 ofe01l)i ae i îa-it), iel or.- ai', tbt e ii1t ' in iA f 1itî n w itii .14 ruilîltIti u It litli tiu,îîe)tE,aiTen ibîtîsie trs ii.s uitliontîin ii ar, witili gct sot; aisn, 1tuIttIi tai u.liloi otr fîîrtbîe rpi7Crt Pliti îîu iOtnIt ,îîîen on tiiub to suit couvenience of puz1obseer. Land, ComIission, and gencral Ageak 'Karoh Sth,'1876. -V *F I P B OlE TÂKEN JL3YCONSTAIlLES. (Uun1er Ordorilu ouncll, dsatet 24th day of Juy, 1874.)ee uîiiuuIpua w.......a..... #1 50. 2. Servlng oss<rlxonde or bpoeli.... O025 o. Mfleages to serWêe umInonp &ab- pcaÙua or warrant ...... O 4.Mleageýwhcn service cannot be upfouprdof of (lue dilligece.... 0 10 6.Mi eage tallng disoners to gai, exuieve of im xseets nec- eserily eÎxpeuded ini their cou-' voyance..- . . #.... 10 o. Attendlug, Justices oh umimsR1 trWols or on exalu atlou of1pri. soners charged willi crime, f or each 47 yneçessarily euspioyed - iolle or more cases, wheu fnot cligagin more thain tour ho0urs.-1 00 7. Do. do. whonau eugogd more tissu four heuure................... 50 S. Attondioig Aseizea or seesiorue, oh 1 y................ 50 0i. hý1fegs ravolilig tu attenîd As. hîzcx, Seelens, or beforu Justices (whi Public couve asce eau b. t cin ul- reasoiîale disburee- ineuto Ée ahowed.).......0 10 10. Suulnsoneg Jury for Coroners, [21iluet, ilichui ing attonhlinu t Inquet, snd al servicbs in les- peet ticreuf, if field on ain smy as Jury sunimoisal............ 2 00 l.Attelîîdfog eacli adjournusert tizereuf, 'i 'eotcogagsd moure four bouc;S....................i1 00 12. Do. du.-ifcogagcd mores thon four Itours .......... ......... 1 50 19. Servleg suramons or subpoeua- te attend hefore Ceroner (uujari No. 10...................... 0 25 1. Mieage serving Sainie..........O010 l. Eh rig body ussdep .çronar'e 16- Re -buyîgsn..............2 00) 17. Ser'vilig dittreseu warranît, anud re- tirnidg saine................1 5() 18. AdIvctlaitig undner digtres var- rellit.......................i 1 0 -1% Tr&lvvll1sigtuoukoacielîces, or te ocmarel for gooda t tae acdis- Irises, wheu, o gOOuIý lYLarftllid.. 0 10 2i puaaîus wlîther by uell or lucre, 2 cIýtuItshie dollar, on tho value of gonda '2 . Catalogu n calo sd Cuusîuîlieeiuii and îilivéry of O1od ,1 ts.ilu the $~, 01i) lUt îr ofeutgoode. 2 ]*-liuîiuî Sarurellw~aiTant ....... 23. Srviî iiig wtiens on coutabica, villeiî îlçruqdllty non-il. ....0o 2 llliblig!ced by Orrler, T1 . MACIXSNELL, Clr< i ko theisace, C. O. 22 - - . TLISE.S ANI) 'IIUNI<S. iqt~ r---------- - - t-: - . --- i ::--. MANSION IHOUSE, C<RNEn KNO AND Inuit lus si,, TORIONTO, - - ONTARIO. WM. KELLY, PRORIETOR. Tlîis Ilid l iitant-Iinuilt, centraul îtos tloîîofti[hoe èly', viivItxttiutiit tuttits oîclesals eutauluglistmntt tistulptîlit'tli ttgs, iuSfisc tonei-ttiirtt itiI tn-.Inll(rçltut tIvlîn-s i is110tI 0ligibla eitfloiîi. Tite lssî:,itîs lat nü tisoroîiluly r.i-tciiu ît efi-uati tIiigIîti, i la6itoil op iitte uoaI leulîiit tabiio Iti ul tiîîu iîa tt yi, eîî o li 555. n-t.tl:ti lntteiii Ldue Dmiittilî. Thfu lietîoomnd o iiuii-<iI e uielarge tued airy, tnrt hltttnt tîtsttitîtcy rguu I uotee observti. Tite lai-goris tuScnîvefleîl nîîpInîipotsi, for tise ttitttuet iltiitiof Ciiîuileivciii l'eni.. voltes-s, are uuintaiuoiint. anti raîivectlctstly lontétod îîeî lt lt<bt. aulliisî ttil aril:gos twisyo uuîhy for thoiseiienminulon oftuf c-ts ti-tivlecg by i l i e tras i mt ii u alote(-tt i,.t alfoto riîuvey tisons totho edupof tm n itt itu-rv(tm on cocmttiviîtg. 1il TE l ~ lS -~ -uI)AY. Tes-cctt,, Aptiu 1W, 18-m. 1 WILLIAM GORDON 11tuîlnottilly tsalin citittiigitnoliuî toh o îsst i hc-k tuf BuTîtsses, Tit;:tîihny aidtîti l'ee.ly darîsots4, l'ov Clotits ctul Cor. Curai is, itutsv Ploes. Alla! wlll Il IIbit soM elt tlelosaeî priotu. WiM. COIDON, i1i11îsiieui St., Teioiitn. Almil 115h, 15741 - 1 AUl accouuits due .JOh-N ANISE-I.9ON, are toe b. îalt lie citrigthioîfuce thso Ist a1 Jug, ctlian-wlst fu- llltiiir in suit for cotiliî. Whltby, 7tftiy un, 18701. 1 ;Amies il. UAMO &~xP N FURN ITURE. SARA TIOOA TIIUNKS, &C'iln, tt WILLIAM TIIOýMPSON'S, Sîut5icr tii itriies i uer, nhut---,WIIITlIY.ý Jt.nc 2-1,1871.,ot T H E-GR EA T ENGLISH REMEDY!1 ~ofoe Tkin~, Guîys .fter Taking. SPECIFIO 'MEDICINE Cou-et AUi Neuiveos, silihas;Tiis-uens, BErna- nTs-, 1tuei.'itetc., ttlîcli, j iiiLL1iY Cases, inn- us-ttiieinuilt1»,cîs- Inditîgntruio Ite use of toion ild puu)lcntusi nîrIti: ibut ithe îcernec MM0tî)ig sla tuorùie atlila -ietiiieieiced as sil iifiuiieu c ois t, -h-tiiý,:t iuset. l5s-u:iTOUvtiEiiii., iiîuittsi.tii ltilteess tiaS fullose as (anL Mietsa niuof lfAuse, as Luis ti' %l:sesîî', utijIt.tAssiri[T)e, PA,.usvu lss,55isi 4wsu 'Vî-ita Pt- MOATUtIItis11)Amn tiiîtl îuîîuîy utlier tileeses tîîît lstiu u iNSus euxOr tr â OI n aî I'iuiATteut 5cuv., tuB otC stili se an ute uts- uîrsi csnned tiy tuievttiuu< CsotîîItle pstiî 01 nactuuretuntd oser ineiuicct. Tise Stu(CI lOtýi CtilelU Sthe îI'ftltîlOfi sUî11 shuitîs- su) nîtiv 'cars nofd iî)'-nct Iiitrent- iulndie StttetiI itt.ltcnn. si l uatila-s lu onriictîpueiiet, wslcetu tiluiiitt itititl Crocehsy mli tn cnes-v nie. Titî h ietie 7tatefila lnt te)) tty &Il Bu-- o'ists u n tItt 111ctiueut' or stx pitiecefuts-145, nr wtti lic en-lt bivmitl ouit s-cuut of thte Ili10110y, iy utllitig - W'JLLIA.M tiitA '& <Co., %lcîî)scs-, Olit. Ii~ Iîdl tii I ly 4S. NV. . titl,i, Jas. hîvri i. ui) iti ttttII (1111e, îs' or-thropuui& Sîslazt. Toonutto, s tiitetuinu gtiis. 7 I ,T THE -VERY i. GROCERIE-S AND LIQLJORS,. TO - SUIT THE TBS. Whatby, A.eril 28th, 1876. 18 ýCAIRRIAÇQES ýý-AND BUGGIESI- TuE LÂPR1E8T AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Cr geS'Ilei'gh& and Cutters, M. O'DO0NO0V A NS. CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. YERY OHEAP. OALL & SEE THEM. for-Oash or Note payable in O)ctober next. (hall t the "0IRGAN FACTORY" and examine oui stodk As eoodndn Organe and Melodeons at ver low prices. THE MUDGE& YARWOOD) M'F*G. 00. Witby, -May, 1th, 1876. G arden RBales, > pades, Shovels, Genuine White Lead, Linseed Putty, &C., &C -000-- OiIs, Glass,' MER CHANT TAILORING.GRS&MCNHTN ---000 J U ST RECEIVED A1l kindso f Spring Goods; including English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds, Worsted Goods, Fancy Yestinge, Broad-oloth%, Doeskins, &o., &c. GOOD TWE ED -SIJITS AT 15 l Brook Streait, WluiLby, May-lsti 1876. A. & J. R. -PRINGLE, Moschant > Tale-s E~,EOErSTED A!J~ LEW-IS ALLJIN'S BOOK»AiNI) MUSIC STORiE, A. large and well astiorted stock etf]looin Papcir anti Wini- ýdow Blinds., Wiîich he is preparcd te seil a-t the lowest rates. A splenidid assort-mcunt of stationery, New M-isccllaiiouus Ioolis boiiutifully boiund, ail kiuds of Sebool B,1oks. Violine and Coîicutiuiîa. Scwing Macies-best inakrrs. Large anîd iîew assortnîcîst cf best Golul andi Silser Watcbes ansd Cisains on lîand. Wool atnd Fitnry doîsantment complete. , Ail orciers for Englio. li and Ainerican Periodicals and Newspapens ps-oasptly filleul. WC aré -nlow in a positioil to supply Prize Books for Scisools ch udaf psici, aund wec feel tîsat sy. -eau give good satisfactiols. Siitsgondots, . 1Wliitby, April 5hîs, 18763. GREA T LEWIS ALLUN. CLEARANCE SALE. 0-F Boots and SIiYoes ! At Auction Prices! $7,000 WORTH 0F BOOTS AN/i SHQESI To be tiold witliout reserve 1 Parties in want of Boots and Shoes stili find this a s-are <ppostuiity tts parscinse c]uenap for Spring scear. lieîneiîber the platce, îît K IRK'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, Ontario IBloch, Brock Strect, Wlitby. C. KIRK. Whiitby, April l2tli, 18763. GENTI'S CLOTHJNG FURNISHJNG GOODS! -00-- For Superior Clothing suitable -for Summer wear try the Clothiiug Store and Merchaut Tail- oring establisîîment of JO0E-IMN"- ])UNDAS STREET, WHITBY. WXWLESALE & itTAIL. A GOOD FIT AND STYLJSH CUT WARRANTED!1 Wareroons-AlIbeît Hasl- Buildings, i 9 OYdtige St. Ilise always on issu eaI1U stock 01f-ever. tilg tauis-lins, sud hupalti e tc sttontiotu tu tlnw'nls of their eiustoÏies, 10 merit ai A ti ileesofShspàtronsgo ithesto eX. - tendeSu t tisus N C D L EW 0! MEi SC1EENS, OTTOMANS, naeiusg cf R, x FANOY CHAMES, IMIAlA LANDS. - t FOR SALE 1 Lot lgin 1211 "Conoessio, 200 acres. Soutis-lisi of lut la, il 151 concesslo40 .sa'y Sttinu. iremn Otuiss-ty iall. JT. H. PHiRItv 1 - Whttby. MDLAND RLWÀ*Y COP CANADA.L -TI ME -TA BLE. totofreus Port Hope. to Linds &y. Let Othpe- - I- Gohng Noril -to Peterboro' &Lekeftd. P4sl ...12:55 p.m. 1ixeSI........... -Comjsg Southli fousOsiBIste Lindsay, Peterboro' anS port Hope. Leste Orilla- Mau .... 1:00 put. Ar Pt Hope 6:46pmi Comlug sôntit frein LahnSeu, Mie...4:4135 151 il. 2:0P.m Connecte stthia Ie Niiung Rlls'toi Gent's Furnishing Goods of allidnds, inelluding Shirts, Haâte and Caps, Unibrollas, &o., Whitlsy, Jnly 27th, 1875. tf-Si CHOICE WINE8 cg-PURE LIQUORS aitWHOLESAIJE and RETAIL to- suit th é HOLDAYDE MAND -UNUSUALLY LOW PRIOES. FRE DEBI C.J Ai m C OE sTi' AGENT FOR Dý T11Y NE AL,. s8 & BR 0 1 BIROCK STIREET, WHITBY,' 'Whltby, April lltli, 1870. l EJJGIN ! ELGIN! ! ELGIN ,e . - - e/ z E-ý el -ffiX- .t The finest, hcst, alid cheapest Watehes maide,- for theo mo- ney,. xre the ELGIN WATCHES, wvhich eaisbhlad at Taylor & Bar. nard'rj, ji every grade, both in Golil asîd Silver, Ladies' and Gents eizes. Also a lasrge stock of English and Swisa Wîtches always on liand. Clooka, Jewllcry, Silverware, and Fanîcy Goods to Huit eveiy taste and pochçet. Bon-ocuaber thse place-ssext dloor to Grosa &z MaeNalîtan's, Hardwvare Morelînuts, B3rochs Street, Whitbv. FURNITURE! FURNITIJRE! --000 Now is te time to buy good anîd eheap Funtr.11ivii.îî'c lt n Fuui~itîîîe., lîtout thse inîixîitlca1 rried 0on by James H. Sarso, wo tako tliisu.opportuisity of iîsviting bis mnay fricssds tu givo us a cai,. aund sve rau suî ail tliat wve arc pi opas ed to do aus we11 by them in tihe future, as Mr. 'Sanso lias donc ini the.past. TILL & JOHNSTON. ---00- Ordeirs by mail I)I;Oflpti.Y attended to. -UNIDEJITAKJlNTC.-TIie oilly first- class Ditablîclimnt iii the Coucîty Nvhcrc fîseriuls are Ailly supplied. TILL & JQHNSTON. Ws-litby, October lat, 1873. 40.ly LISTf 0F AITCTJONEE1iS JLicpnsed foi- Sointh llicing of Ontario, North ]Iiding of Ontario, urnd separate Muiipalities in the latter. B. H. Caiiien-un... C. Mettre...... Joli ii iO i& Ge.. DoutaISnes.. T. IL Walshb... ina. Çioc-lui. James Digby, J. James DIigby, Jr.. Joiî L. Watltis... J. C. PiIk'y. ... W. M. WlVllcox.. C. Wilmon...... Thocogaici Tuer ....- Dan. Wlisale.. Thomaes Potien, .. J. M. P'athereon-.. L. Fairn-s....... H. B. O'DelI ... Donalhoua Elles -Bosses., Jobnsi lln-own....- T4IST 0F Johin Canr. .. JamesBý]rigvge.. A. C. ilsaud .. JieeîBlaakwell.... Felits X.lGOVcrn.. - Johîn Gillgan.. Biitfett lBres... Geu. Burton... Ueaveîtoi.. Ou;ijiir... .îcuiderlaîtd. Clarnnît. . Claeenont ... Port Pcn-ry.. Sailitflicld. l'en-hPers-y.. port l-sy .. Leeudulte .. Tos-entgj ... Mas-Iia'us... isloouuiigtn .... Wlîitby ... 1ie&verto . Village Uxbridge MiîUNuI C .IVAi.Y Southi Riding.. Muaa............ Ilion-clu....... doc............. Stouth iii ng ...... Thoas-ah.......... do....... Brook .. ....... Sontb i idinig... Uxîslige-.... Norths Ridiîîg..: Norh Itiding ... Nus-l is tding.. itearis............. Scot........ .... Northu Eiuîing... South Itiding. . Sentfit iidiig .. Soith Ontarie. . Mua-e ..... ...... Brook............ Birook ............. Uxlsridge .... PEDLERS FOR.TEE 0. Broolilin ... Non-laesident.. do. . - de.aw .... .. do.itw .... .. Non-Res(lent.... On foot. i herseu..:*.:..* 1 lion-e, Couty;... 2 les-ses, Connty. .. 2 lion-es, Ceunty... 2 lionset, Couuy. .. 1 herse, Couuy.... 1 les-se, Connty.... 2 lises .... Jtune 128, 187(j. Sept. -20, 1876. di22, 1876î. ut 29, 1876. Out. mIs 176. di18, 1876. di19, 18763. uio1, 1876. Oct. 26111l, 18376. Oct. 2etui, 18761. Oict. 2th1, 1876. Oct. 28th, 1876, Nov. lîthu, 18713. Nov-. 2dund, 1876. Dcc. 2nud, 1876, Bec. i1tl, 1878,- Jen. 2411, 1877. Jan. 21311 18377. Pîb'y 2nd, 1877. Mn-l 818,177. Mar. 1011, 1877. mas-, luth, 1877. Mar. 21n1, 1877. ONTAIO. 2lst AprUl, 1876. 811 May, 18763. Otîs Dec. 1870. 14<1 BDec. 18763. 151h Dcc. 18763. 1511 BDec. 1876. 20t1 Jaiu. 1877. 219't Mar,- 1877. lot April, 1877. WM. L~AING, Co. Treasurer. Wlntby, April 4ths, 18376. 15 FASHIONABLÈ -.,TA ILORIN G Go ihere you canf get a Well-fitting Garment s---To the Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE GLRLEY, OSHAWA. S'rUPERIOR CUTTING SHAPES THE WOIIK 1 A sarge Stock of Fine Cloths ; beet Engliali, Scotch and Canaclian Twea. t> Excellent Overcoatiîîgs and Splendid vest Patternaf. A goodi-fst Guaranteed. GEORGE GURLEY, 51 Kig EteetOshawa. IJUS T T HE PLACE B.O 118sow or 3o er. e î 000- OGT AND SHOEMÂKER, BROOK-ST., WIIIY, n lsn a large and varied etock of IBootesuad Shos urdler every dlescription of Ladîes' Gentlement andCl ii isloe o t-m s .hst notice uëut Aaf qrouele.rai Wlsitby, Dec. ldth, 1874. W1 L L I4-M JLL's CABINET FACTORY AND, TEOLD STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBY, -Go where-yolé'annot fLai fo be pkÉased in making'selectioris of good. kuiture. Splendid Parlour, Drawiixg Boom and B 'edroom Sets New Designs woll wvortby of inspection. at astoalshing lOW Pues. DiR- isig-roqm Extension Tttbte-a very superior ar-tic-le. Gilt Comnices, Picturo Fraîrng is e'sery style. Some fisse CioDMOS, and Engmavings for sale. Ju ail its lisanches ; tuerais ftsly supplied, A stock of elegant caskets. Coffins always on hand, tnimmed to suit Custoiners, and a welI appointed Hearso constantly lu roaclssîcss. WVbitisy, Novomiser 240j, 1875. WM. TILL. DOMINION ORGýAN CO'S 1MPROVED AND) liUM01ELLED CA B/NET AND- CO0MB/NA T/ON: Gr O&II\T-s. This Comnpany bas recenîstly Isecî e-ogni by the a4d(ition, of tlîrec of tlie0uso;t practicail meni frons thlcF ctory oif Clc3tzîgli & 'orrci's. Organ Ce., Distroit, Midl.. eatelî takthiisg an activipart lu his ôcuisparlicular rirpartmont, and are now maisufartiîr-iug a ra IUL is uuVn ons t'cot Uy uîlauufaeturtcd n lcutuUuited Stabt or ceCanacda. \Ve laIte picisure lu annouiingtnoucr custoccrsa-sud theo traclo gcneraily that svio lia-l l,.,ecu1red tle rîglit [<s isanuficturei couluse, iu fieaDominion et Can- ada, the celebratrd SCRIBNEII PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, sccureul b3r Lêtters Patent iii the Unii(d Stiîe, Englanul nuil Caniada. ]3y ieane cf tibiss icution fin orgaîî ciistiiiug ,,,two or r re acte ot c bocomes rîîî uaavciîuîc.and pON-er. acd farS;r iii Quility aiî iuý'ýillîaiicy of Toue ti) urtrdiîîarvrecul orgauî cf six or eig;li tîde i Or celetirttd "Vox Celeste, o uîsî,," Wileox, Patent 'l0ctave Coupler,"o," or "Clariisot" stîî}te, Fugle Iliorol"" 'Dilcc-t," ".eloine," "Cremoi," and Grand Organ Stop, uni ALL TH-E LATE IrvPRO«VEMENTS, eau bu obtniuned only ini [buse organe. Twenty-fire Difierent Styles for tlîe Parlor ald [lie Clsurrh, cf tise best iateriani-111d %orkîsausl1î! Lý' QUA ITY AND) VOLUIME <JO' TONE UNEI2,UÀLLED. PilCE-~u(iTO $1,000. Faclory and WarerG;oiiso, Cor. 'l'unperacc<' autiWellingtoià Sts., L'owmnville. Agents Waîîtcd iii Every Cnsutîty. 1ý eid for Price List. A(dreue, DOM INIOSN OIIGAN CO.; 1Boasanvillo, Ont. Geucrzil Agunto fuir Canada for the IlCelebrated" Brzcýbury Piano. Duwmanvilîe, Marri 281li, 1876. 1 Cheap' Haî'n7ess, - Trunks, W/i/ps and Lashes, Wlitby, 1.51h i staut, 1876. 1 ub-siro [o cal l i teteiois of flic public[o thie faret tbîît at nu lime uluriug tlie psset fve yeare bave 1 beunale te ciTer 1Hurolnne cf clu l à spto asanow si pricii au I enu tie Spring. My 1'nnieing l glit I Ccli i ci. No more styiaii or better Hariiess acule iu thua coitîsy. cash irehîcsers seul flua epecial iisuiîcuîena,-batis whist 1 nusiiftei. Cîull ittid ilsepcel. J. P..- PHILP. J.ý Iieptuiriiîg donc rms-onabîy. lise utotici-Secoeii Haimss Siop South leuI-t te Groiss's lati:r h ii 3orli Strrc-t. Ecftabieheci Tiety TQoms WPORJT, Mý 1A N (J PA CITR *1 R',S 0 F CARRIAGES AND SLEIGH[S, DUIýDAS STREET, WHRITBY, ONT. Hav6 now ou i aud a large stoc-k of .Caîîiages, Buggies, and. legbs, Ctters, wvilî ifor styloecoud fnishim îot boc xcelle4d. ~r~Ail will be sold at cest. Ail work warranted. Wrhitisy, Atlunt 25t1u, 185.- TOMS &NEWPORT, Whiitby, Ontarioe. dohnston's- 8e/f - Raking Réeaper. AWAADEP FIRST PRIZE. At the Provincial 17hchihiitiob, ToroÊto, in 1870 Weofier to our ousteînes-for the cornhrîg Ltar-ve.g tWO dis- tiùnt Machine~, wliich ini style and construction, embrace the latest r.nd mrost useful iymproshements of the day. THE 'KI O FREPS. The univers-al suiccess cof thiis Mýachinie, lJoth il, [clos CIy coOhttO ed trials and lui the hufs os f the f irîers, î-reîuaiisa'nîuta esta- ing >Resping inhdtte, lu. lias-niecgootlîpoins aisedicslefeota, sndlisassat-t ssitbi More succes and e]bse-feiloro. tis uhes-etotore offLrecl [o tise nPublie. 1 have lt nefl ofCtom of Our me thse fluest menrtl uI l'ser Second Prej.Cu u The.Mathnsbek Oschesti -'8 U-8Grand Piano la brilliesît, of wonda. ýUîpower, andl neiilous in toue, - LFEED If, PE S. ~liOcllester. 1 oves fnhly-gocviuoed that tha Mathsbek -wstli'crowneutall. H.BLrLLLt-CX, My otdl tuner, -wso lias taken caz.8 of my ~ia or tise pat teu years emys th.st thse YI10 Orchestral met reeived'froua y'on la tihe beet'Masde and flnset instrnment in tbis City. - ours, &c., D. M. SOME1iVZfLE, Cleveland, 0. Elco Street %V. M. Stisool, Toronto.., an instrument te lea& thie iit.s Sun- day Scisool, aothusîg casu ex6èt St. -The tons la soft-Caîd fu.l The basa lm grand, and wlien 000 voicca are siugissg toçýether, thse jîio can ho disttnctlhlesrd. -,ery ilote sige ont ascicar as abell. 0S. J. HUMTER, Past6r, WARRIIIG KENNEDY, Su;e., SAMaTE L PIISBY, Musical Cond'or..- It bas given say iamfly tise vers bIcL1est satiafaction. IUV-. .. BEDIN, mme. Hauspton, Jana. Sîst, 1876,. mis-t. J. niEESE, It uafis-sd me great pheasure ini- illuluoledtglng [die cîntlre satisfaction, sunl.h-bgi appr-ccictdon. of tise No. 9 Mathu- snk Piauno purcisasiscd trous youi a test dayE. cînre. - Vcn-y respecifull,. Eacniietkiieu, Ont., Jan. 18th, 1876. iluAm Sms, 1Thse Mullum Mathuhe *a got front you givesi entire stisfaction lu every untupeut. i canunlesitaiingly recout- aîdisst te c'li deslrluîg a tod u lfl o. l'aster of Prsbyterisa' Church. Pnn1ýE ,Oesawa, Jeu. 2Mr, 1876. DrA.tuSu, - I-hgve focad tise Mntisa- uilukaa ryeu reprcuu(ated' lt-n first-class piano. masiy ninicias b ave triea il, sud pnoussncd St exuidlceut. MIIS. B. MITCHEL. laspton, Feb. ast, 1876. l. J. IlEESE, - Thu Matlsushak Piano 1 pur. cthtueid fs-oasyon has given catir. - atlif- iloîî anti pcovep isal! a superior instrument lun evcry respect. I wuud rccouasea& ail te sec tise MatIusliair Sefore purcbasing clsewise. ure, &û., H.* T. PBMILP S. Enniien, an, 25th, 1876. PRIOF. J. IIEESE, HEaspton. DFiuSm. 1 b-aveimach, plaeure in mdding niy testiwsa-.té tise, mnyyîu have alrcandy recelvcdSk fivor of thc wclli mcctcd Mathscebek* Pluao par- tcccs'd fn-uniyours-ceut]y. I arn wehl astis-- lied 'aithi t lan icen-)' respect, sunadozisid- or, for bcanty and toue,--ltis unsurpassedtl hy aux instr-ument I have yct scen. Iamn,' S. C. H]LLIEU, M. D., FULL AGlIAFICE, 7-OCTAVE FIIOX ~$300 PIANýOS freus teles-iable melers et boîffesît prics. WVistiesalu agents fer thse Dominion of Ctusustda for tise PlIiNCE ORGANS. AgnoLtaeastitcd luaevcry City, Townansd, Cousuy lu the Doiunuisu. mOIis &*-SOPEI R, 8 Adeluilde-St. East5-Torn-ato, JTOSE-PII REESE, HAMPTON.- agu.pl iu Diuslingf on, W'litsy and Carl- RVY GOODS AIZD GROCEIIY STORE AT AUDLEY.. ID arosdes- ecet tise gs-owiag mwsats .of -- the lucaity the suscriber bias beca induccd te open businiess in tise abovealUne. A Large anid well Selected, Stock ciluellanpsire asud qilty toa ey tisat eau bI' illirchlatiecl Sutoxut or City. ive lns a c.11, judge fîr 3-eusedf, sud if yoen = e as %vncB euited as eîsewhcs-e patronize home trade. D. McBRADY, .&uffloy. Aufley, Nov. 24tb, 1875. 48-tf PRiESCRIPTION FREE TÏOR this pce Cura of Serninal Westk.- j2ýnees, Lest laooud sud ail disorders breught on uuy inidtscretions or exces. z Druggiat lias tlsoiagradiantas. Âddrees DAVIDSON & CO., Box 2296, N.ew Yorkc. Septemien-, 1875. - Iy-12. Agents Wanted lu oves-y Townesip in Oiitarlo to sel l the famoos Prize Metdal Organ anaactur- i ] -C 1 1 - - :01 M lz;b Gr T-T S 0 MT ý 4a

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