Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1876, p. 2

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usi PBà-f aeb e nnt-Loy.5the garie figureseaslait ilar--- -- w- o Pero, o" is. with thé amottet e t e b aafr goa~ it o n ouif 1-ý oicli 1.-s, hR mdroshool purposi.. No change han b.u the priuting of h. jourait. 130Ywatiea-mades in the figura.. The comtpliment Pétition for à bidgeOver the - m opai4 th.éOouuey Trseur.r by th a,. river onth. bouadaq vlins b.tw, dios he-ncs etgssdl.cuutiOs O ntroandi Vietor 4011ticen-Dr. . ot, hPieanrce.ie..an l number 01 the ratepayes uof Rj COMUdtim tbbl-W &p.p ilvidubl monhl'rooft h ootnnil, for laisi~.MPesn me OWbtbyP. . fffoidn. aieoomox «MOi tf he Pétition of Timothy Voffo SCrlvips àfor Sale-W. P, Wiloz. OfuuCy funda, vas only what vas wen Othonr t-con. lino, helves 2 BOgtou CreaM-W. P. WilIox. deuervsd._X-I ea *piUy Chat, vten theconcessions township of Whitby. counil oreabot enrsaingthese. A large nuniber of potltionâ-!ù c o u oîl v e r a b ut n e O ffi n g h, * o f a P ro b i to y L i q u o r la w . ((L Y yof so deservlIg an ofler, fb.p TOWNS<HIP 374UWI EAi AND RVI' à t diCI 214 fot do sg oC h fo rrmer nit Of ',Dy Mr'. LUI;eoCe confirit 298 6 1,2w, which wo*ld, even ton; b. At townshi p o Eaut Whltby. 1I ONLY i 5 E AN M-ludqaorémuneration for ho. MfiI andi second ime and. reforr vice$ and raisponsibiliby of. aun oeor in-omitoo cis dbIgs Whity, hurÀy, June15,1 C7 . ePosition of Troassurer of the Ou: By Mr. E werd, hat ly.iav Wbity, harday Juo 1, 176.of Ontario. Ti 10vted thenwtiBach, lb. reati a 1t tand second The 0 C0he Ur M.,Wnlght objected Cc e.té The Writ Issueddon coula, not have been sufflclent î t4Mr. Evers motion nas fot being Tbc rit Issed.ooven his dsuseens, and mombors condance vith the notice givon i lie writa e f ori lufor North rina knowlng.snob >Cc b. h. oa"0 1 'I44~ntrcton oby-iawNoM68 cf Ri Soutih Ontario havo beau isoetd. Thes have tieubiogti h. aMount. XMos. .Tiùi. asoOf course se Macht non formination lu both rldlngs Ioappoinbea Fasud a bi hre trieetirrauoppor. and i borefor dppd, and 0 Jaun, andt h. polliag tor- Wfdnod.>v, ysaiag ma$ton They mati. great nettoe..- Ã"tIh lu ly. M r. SiIerdIf yold - oemplaintse« th. tnosament reesivoti ETVAIM- 0 ASSE5BMENT ROLL$ by tim l the S Mr Psaoby iutrodwted.a by.1 istoiruint offilo or tn h. North, andi Mr. ' È O Ch. 'but tîîy extend -ths imeé for retnrnîng Ci Pemn for h. Southi idiug. wsrs pot tiovn, andti hir lamentations osesiot ron* of te tovnship 01 cut Ahort by te good iosnse of Ch. bridge, and ac Ch.o rol cf Che. The Candidates, coodil. Tlaey. conid net miuleadtheC o f Port Party. - 9ouncil iu Jung aB hey dia <2 lhs lanu. Mr. Brethiour calioti for oxplana Bothparies in 3oui ay. To Jdgeent f te curtin oMU. Wright sai t hat it vas net *~~~~ Oohpri, uS ntttario, holtia" h jdeeto C.cut no nir forexplanatioeson te heir ouaventieus on Saitirday unit, favef«ur of Mr. Higgins, sheuld act ast a meailing of a by.law. the puarpose or hriging ont candidates, standing rebuke te gentry oftChu s tamp .4r Feasby moveti the second1 Thes Reformerm Msnt CWhiftby, and inl their unfair cleuing with printing in f he bill. Carrieti. tihs Ltbermi-Coniervaev- Iol- amasacconnts. Ur. * Bickell coniplimncdtlha atives hold a mats ~explaniationa u en iea meeting atltroolin. Eivcry Clay bringi General Ssin fth e n concil vore loti C elepecC as Ct addtitlnal naines to Ch. lista cf aspir.- County Court. grounds for Clis measure, anti ho v nanotget ho Rformr, fr Che.4 o-know wliy Port Parry vas ta autt'IoII& h V omrsfrteon Cc Che original notice, as givei nwniuatlin Thoe would lhe littie Tho court ef General Sessions cf he h. reeve of Uxbridge. Ho titi ne aley, frain ail wo Itoar, fan Itazard.PFace anti Connty Court epene t taCe snhe natter suappei up in Whtby on Tuesday, beoe b ie honor vay by the reeve cf Port Perry, ung a gnos a te who setaCc b te Jutige Burnhtan, Chairinan, peiig oiCt oni ebheeCa x statiirt.be&rei. of h. Liberal.Conserv. and J.udge Dartucil, J. Éï. M. Wsidnilco, tesîton ta ogieve a ep aChves. Ho li;aboone Ctho bannera cf Esq., J. P., occupieti a sent on the Mr. patersoansatCtexla h Party Cc vietory .befoeo, anti al.cnbT pane of radjurern shoulti have beeu. given. The>' touigh othterf are equally roacîy and ~thefolewing aeked for in geeti faibli. The coi gete en vOe o t ehir rnanes andibal power under he aoCte oextend W-illtng, tibie te ake tae ti in the were swern-: ie fieldt Clîo ei rathet-, (w. have theur Geo. Dowsell, Esq., Fut-aen, Mr. leasby statedt hat h. &ose owu woral for it,) figlît inCia. ranka Wm. Baird, Ediv'd Brabazon, cf his township hati beenufil, andi untier enclin a biplon, as long as lhe Jas. Itutiti, Geo. Wlsen, ter. vas sicituessin liii fanil7 W Davidi Laweon, Wm. Rodmend, prevontoti iis geing on with h. du' cousAnWt tadt thona te Che charge. Thos, MeQea>', A. Reid, Mi'. Whelr understooti ail al Tii.saame Abate Of Clîluge heldi geeti in A. -Beevo, Ino. Vail, Uxbridao, but te aoking on cf1 Nertiî Ontario, vieli Che exception hat Jus. Laweon, L. Lukoe, Peri'>'was a surprise. He bat oser teé Befornerea are, poa-îaps, anore Unit. J Crawford,' Jas. Mtthevîcu, the papers hat Che Port Party cons edUpnMr eogeCrroRia osil Josh. Lee, Jas. Layton, révisien hati been, helt, and vas a *aiunildaei'. eor. W. Ha.a oible inJacob Cempiin, Henry James, lo eudrCniwya xe aerant ceaewilabe '.W.H. Gbb i W. e'y Johtn Howden. shenit ho sasked for nuder suib circi - amoe crtinto . ha ie.of ttc The chairman -.briefly atidre ssedti h. stances. (JonsarvtCives. Short spece is aloeet grand jury, -referring te few cases for Mr. Wright lu explenation saidt for anaking a canvaps, wlioh musC trial anti stating hat lho noideti eue it vu ently at Che court ef revisiot Cti-storo prove espeîially laborieus anal case cf shooting which appearea o ie ho as foundt that the nunicipa tryig i Noth Otaro.cf aNome impomtance, anti in which the vas net cerrectly asseeseti; hat a la Cryig l Ne-Ch ntelo.Party' vas ont on bail. Titere vas as number ot lots litet been enitted if - irwn we ar aostreel, viii a case ef îtabbing brougtt undor bis h. rotîl ; and another assesper hedtat 1eLa a mctlcaeudray îtrcnm. notice smo. et the cpening cf te court appointed. The work hadtacb. gd stauce4. Thtee s heretore ne fettu. by tiaeCoUunty Attorny. H. itnforneel over agaiu. Thiey* wanted Cc o ewt datin fo oui remarkscf ît he h grand jury as te what hir tuty h law and Ce gava h. parties tint datin fr Or relirFi f lat wekshonit be in hlearing the evidence cf ajppelil, anti so hod aiketi fer the exi IIpota tiai, liati. Ouîr iuformtation vas, thie witnçsses andl as Co viiting h. sien. lîowafvem, obtaiiecifr-on t tvo cf lis ewn goal.- After sente remarIes front Mr. Eti .puliticet frienis,, and wuogave itetaOurni' The grand jury hou rétired. The a a Cc Che law, Ceoiticit cases for riai are The Qnaen va Mr. Wriglit replieti, ciîargiug CI rendort lunCtae very langliage in viaicli Warren, citargeti with shoating lisi Ur. Evers knew nothiug about the. iC watt conveya' tu UenR.* îaramnonr en Thorah' Islandi. A case or cf vîtat hoe vas tahking about,i -à suggasmRI')D, wliiaiabite conveitiom!e cf stabbing brought by Mr. Bates of hyilav vas reat anti referreti, citet nilglit tuait. avaiablo, woula l h C. each agaiusC Mm. Vernen, andtfi re. icg the ime tc the firet Jnly. uýuPiOl )f(tpoiiol lafom.Le'cases cf larîaey :-S. Blacic, chargoti scaeoo ]BRIDEg. aptinlto ia ohtan pelettmad. eCta vitha stoaling a buffalo robe ;Cwo yeung 31r. Rowland introducet a by-la titi hodîn, ati n appel mtie10 eiiews naneti Foeyth, ef Uxbridge, which vas passed, appointing Rent lte cnîiCaîciUpou te tmonts et chargot with stealiug eats, anti the case Silwell caretalier cf Sougogbr" Clat toet atch part>', and mmccl i vii be egainut Bab Janmes, as an accomplice cf Saitir> $10, perrinan.-o rd doI10 te eimplifth ia coatt and induIe. the hîaf.Wittect Sie, Thempeon, fer steahing huom-e and tier properî>' vhich ilEAVERTON LOCKUP. Che Inaifferotit te4take uiles: h. issues they cenvertoi mto curronu>'. ii-. Paterson movodth Ie rosointion wütihd b.c iamoweaIClowu ant ithora CUNY OUT.vhich holitad given notice hai ti vounle L hiore scopo for pructical dis, UT OR. r'Apor cf Chas. Ilobinscu,jil., b. refa c enalo-tre, frein cîaV-Crap anal meroct.Pa-etani, TateClo. va. Lainy.-Ac- rad ta h. oommittee on conuty propE Idgîsroe sca'cîifingpit., for- $424..lFrewell & Rattiecîge fer Chie appoint-ment of a careteker et - -* 'for pll. salar>', but simply.Chat te ieck.np1 The Worie of the County Council. At Cheisa n lae of Mr. Mactioneil putriu ropair as a cocuty work. te Ray billiard appeal case fr M h ar. Sitira and :Ir. Bretîteur objecte, ThepreeedugocfCit Cont> Cn-. conviction cf Cheia magistrete, stands A division vas akon andthtu motta vil, etth. session jmit closet mn>' ba ever tunCil o.nerow. Dr, Onnu vas carniet by a voeof eta e18. iamitte l,bemoite vhcle, cf a sat. exentineti ant ainadittoal service et notice TALBOT anîcuGE. *istacton>' uhîaracter, Altiîongh so o!ie ppeaffal. -1-4Vrý MoRate gave .netice hat lie von] Cimevasvîsetib>'Cit nepopaeti ih~ SCtOO PUILS T TE Utîv ag i to-morrow introtince a by.iav cf gew n atbytle eiain uneelu Irv..At CHie tPUIieATy Em vinte ,appoint a ecaretaker for Talbot bridge. lis fgniria"Vn U'esi IY-LteTnvrîyeaalose HJEUGINS VS. THEt COUNTY. lin t h o t g ii om ite tte r ca m e Ju s.c e clu d ee, W e re p haged t ato fin t I M. Pasby m vedt hat t e c erk la up n h. otcepapr-he nsne hat h. pupils fron. t oir High Sehool bof ore he council he papers in th ou th.viole vas get t - vgiit in hav tss it si fHiggins vs. the utanti a' a husincea iway. Thioja v as alec an tie.mr. a-y etaeea ie cimnuniations in refèenua te th absence o e arectaitis atutti e aisoltl Mr.nw Yat andMr. d te k- contrait tfui'printiug. degr aolarshiips yearl; It irais tateti, in oxplanation, tha anheObevn e ofliinIleîtaa edeligra> r.So UrihIa na r.avitiîn ai t. Mm. Higgins tati met tho couatty fo niaitheobsrceco ca tienîl> fe lg in11i9gllîcot-. Riin inttiernatica, anal ta amount disallovai on hi, ncourt ef gpootitelloevîhiaijaiateu811itemen. Lt 1 îa . e ia ai.. siani.a bian 8ontbmeî rpnoenîng iaonatî ~ 278,05iff vti a p)opulation of 2487. - Thïe résolntion -va. rend anti put b>' gontbme rerelsntig te dne ndChie 'Clark and carrieti nnaniznona.iy, ai Weet ; frein Cie reproentattvâiofîiet 1 ite WLLNGON.Dr lu Ci hie Mmbers nsbcg. noti ther, eau ibe noue ; anti asfor te i3oan-u rVl ciaN teN. for Gttrie The vartenreturuodtChie ietitil it Chieokihiuteriaicandidate fer Sctthtacknovhedgments. Brok, q eop>'itre theiePnU. Welington. Nomination 28CilaJune; On2nuetionU, Ch.vartien lefC Cho chair aimineus anu Unwerthy conduet cf 1Cm eloîtien Ot juî> un il 7 eoeîk. nepresentâtitesWviteveote Most - EVENTNG SESSION. outspoken ln hoir opposition, vas Excursion tckets Co h. Centeunial Couenci resuneti.- sinîpl i>'fgraeftul. Gooti oldeeonser. Exhibiton via the NorthernaContrai INDEBTitDNxESSeOF EAtIH To T3E OUNTY. vative Brook 1 I hcvsver sounti-its ne. andt h. Pennsylvania nailroatieuds bciihbegh pC. eote prssntatîvoe me>' h. as panty mn, ted front Mn, Stevenson att C'i Om officfte spocitil Coenittep on Chie dispntti tlîey have groathy deolonateti asmue. teoDemifiien Tehegrapli. indebtetineso! Beach. The repent net icipal ecuncithons ince -tiieday. cf --.--o---- ut et iomgth detaihe et Ch. investigation Johin Hall Thompson anti Georgs Br&. lDWELLINe A«D BLIÀexsTzI Rrt Oif, et al h. circnmstanees, anti feunti a hazon. The vcrk ofCth sssion vill lis1 elsituatetl, viel hait an aire et Ast.- balance cf $781,50, dune b>' Beach to he fiýudîthëhl - epot wic weuouUybunsfer sale. Seos ativortunent ef count>', anti vas sutlbi=dby Mesrs. fendi Csthleprtvlcsv uue>'Mr'.Jas. Welken. Baird, Nelson anti C. on treasuner, tfind t it ucumbeut tipen us te supply in Mi'. Laing. dhe COlumns O!fte@ CuilcLuc o! the Choie. summumr gootis et Deann Tite report vas consitedincm mvteo h hole-Mr, Paterson in I lgee OrCh, ty alemnt.Th * Comeh. chair. discussion, of h eprnce 13111 Mr. Sbire asket son.etfbis "botter. brought ouitCite dsbatlng povero e Superter Hantestint Bacon et Peter igquesin, " --ooe ol oounetk Thei. tultty betiveýouc h 8ci Smth'. ndne tand. antiCh. ouaC' levs»UeCCsd..hehogh PlerMn. Wrightttiti net tink te goutte. ad tcdoa-, a WU ldahI'Srt fr. eest O dko holce fresha gro. man knev Ch.etdrift cf itis questions, anti deiedy a bl 4#nby M.cdsa dilos building. donibtta if man>' gentlemen of lte Wrighit, R.ve of Pont Penny. at he ceuniS veors in a position to disoushe tetinty's expoas. . MnZEers wvu tai. Tan, Dicuseîeîr 0f the Mactionell report intelligendi>'frein a spearficiel 1>' shamîoal-ito h.eplng ise vor&neMa e-b>' h GazièealAsmbl> !ci t& rstlng of t. aithoçugit ho vell kueir bietewnship Prosbyterian Obunehise nt et Cocnlud. Mr'.ickehi cunsideredti hats h. vas lual> Citegalne b>' h. ielt cf eî. reportvas an laborate enogoing into man>' detale, lte botter plan vomit b. h. sniry>, lbe vouiltihave -teetiout no-te oxNDompaotiDAy.- Cthî C e noter it Ce the comnittee on finance. Cchi- lde epay h. tccstgpbult fMn. Smith gave iroit itte cern- o! Iefordg pini e t Annls'i'Grove. nipsionora for deing hoir tint>', anti o!e proptlt e w t- wheh the---e-ealdth. investigatien vas efficient anti 01Pr aos chairnian cf-Che ie. m~ METaeoDnîsv mnotit pic-nice ttherougit.ý ittea onfinance, unbmitCed te seclal Cerbtt's -peint. LSë advt.] 3Mn. Wright exÏpisinstiRas Cte er.- rspesM-, $hretsniag Ce rip ap the *hOoo duotion ofth. taxes onthCie preperties 1,111 Cà pt hé IBeachi officiais VnatSrîwqoîae e cb. bat et o! Camnenon, PxePorry, le Port WllliOi'raPerry, anti censitored i t part cfte docmets at te -iteuduit>'o! Cite mudilners Cefidont bi t qprovo *th cage âçalnsC C ýý i BT-àMétna SUC 5 lth ranir- the 7 Mn u-' . Of lte: usasurs Chers vo'uhti liseoma. 3* r . srttioits o Mne ýPteor mnôvet te adoption f ti"inç uo, u ls no l a. Head the. resolutlonpassaitlastisesncwe' Che prePodrt of Che aprclal 00£nmitteep botter pcsitiou hau lait jane >.Ti in. fh wu vsmoved by Mr. Blekeli, seconed. apansiCenonia Ct Lguasr etiinfortoofnthe ICratng wa ofelgbet la .... i~,olvsd,, j te alter h. law respeoing sales e.b n.tnofto C.rtpyesc Ja Ùa, by ae .tib>'Mr. Wbeer, santi CedItC lands for taxes,dse as tea aiowChie dauete owuship. la Uzbrlià., wheeCher. tanl.- n te aeut o!fCthcorporatin of îh. go lis controlet b>' the aunicpaltis vone 1100 ratepayers-a petition lu - townhip of Beach beng brenght i# _1uvitic thCie handis are 1staed. - aveir cf te blibat ol>' beasusignoti etaldebtbylthe corporatien of te ceuint Report anti Otemüo IdoteI b>' 87. lu Boch, cnt of 1200-Chere and 8 ofOntario, he. sud corporation tf, O oino,.Sli ad clvr.oi'10 ans a onil inteCoshrt pay ail Ch.Bcae h. sucetaieunt. Whitby, 182 natnesont cfi600 rate- * ig h.sesan aecCht ose ! hp FOUBTH 1 AY. payes.i. Front East Whltby, a petition aRSM». connititte.e!O investigation." ' Mr. CeUUuISnet puriment ta adjeurumeut, cf 120 eut cf 750 ratepaypos. Frein cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n it arontpeltChM Eeseue te ardew in Ch. chair. Whitby Cevu, ouC o! 760ratepayen- Ce if ath e rth o o r a ti s n ît e n sél 4 I O H 5 T O E T T O . - n e t e e . . O sh aw a , ,çv ith l s 1 0 0 0 > r a te . s te a - ue Cfh. "AC r ned"a & Ge cn ". l Chut T o P T TI N a er ,ou ysent lu 60 n es. T io a i, coa ilatC.-tas te cf tits eâlzisaut4 d. Potitions voro prneeted hy Meeos. 1gout of 50, 41 usines. Rame mad oI>' fesfi nd téChatbd'oLafth er>net DO: Brovn, Camupbell, Seager, Parke,anal ýsent ile1Dames. Marealaoro-80. 008 of fsi i htbd Ltgtr.nt'St. John, te fevon etf a hylav in ha,. ont e 60naeayrairetBcC i Cl~,<go eck enbisven ii Che nCta-C? mon>' viti thlb.Tetupet-nce Ait of 1864, engit t Ceblushi I-neC a Mec or- voman ~afset agoati exemiple anti net obtain tfor Cc prohibit h. eltaf. ef intoxicating ta elgus it ont'cf 600 ratepayeru. Front in ne. hinself a chairefer sqnirmingen liquors in tht.e unty etf Ontario, anti * Segog-xacî one. Net on. front, port ,>' himquibbhing. He aokedthCitagentleman 10 hat Chiente ho ituin!tte ta te hierate- Party>, ont o! 400 natoeaers. Brcok, ventaibubteonst, anti nomindet i itio f - the payers foi, Cheu appreval. 110rtpyr.nc.Utiievl eueî." pcaege glven, net cal>' by 0 19imrteeors mri. (Mrde il a s e n e , ~ p e > u t . e t h C h a b i s i o h e a g e s~A X N O ULr N kLE ~ L T T E , l a g , 4 0 0 , n o u e . r o m u p va i't s e t ha it>'. Mossu. St. John anti Christi, severail>' The cierk waa rceedtng Co rond 11,000 ratepaysers u C. onut>'00Cha> iit o t hat B each yacht pay 'in ta av nt 0 am o g t he cona g uc l ions rec ive ad p t u o s s g e y o i ' 6 0 C te decision golmtg egiainut aCevu aecle tan !Hét'yWie evropaesthisanet, Wblolho olainsdte Cci BhttP. oicectfug upea Cteconduit cf Mr i' l pes as î arci'gentemeauitte Mr. Harper culti cet blelive Chat Paterson, reevà cf Thoreit. ~ rnisa n'gnimne h l* te h. représentatives o! Beach vcuhd 90! Mr. Pateonaeppeahodthi court. od, be ce1i gonet faer Chi paso-c àe u-. back of Chir li e matis lastlanuarv.cil as a natr o!fp*vilego, ta ho savet ieîunyC argexesetpas t U. I Cie mCle i~at~Oe teîdeînt'r frontheitoinste iteaiingsuit a letior iug ChieaaCt, at ithebiddsng oetgosein- nUage~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t corsCe olihv ep> h reand. The commnuication vas citai'.parativol>' fev oe te natepayene. H 00sts. actenizoti ai inonhtteg anti impertinent, denitt tChie petîtions represeeteti tieons. Mr. Wright appeaeot te gentie.ý andt h. rn.iug nbjected. 'au>'thing like lite veaitit or intelligence, usuel~~~~~ of' esee oe, nisovtM'th. lecalitios frontuhaich th.>'canme;9 vSS o' eisev of h. lrand e! ie caMe.îij nxn&rxON THE OUXN IOLL. it vas net se, as fer as ho vas able tCe tint vera'Mr. Brown, uccouteti by Mi'. tUC jutige, anti bdavion doublet if seinteet reati.~ ~~~~~ Mi.Boesi lttn ladJohn, not'ed for liai', tc intvcoduco a Clu. signens vere retepayere et ail. H rs- .bee l by Ct no on r ivt tii ite-sale o! inCoxisat- dit net beiteve te bill, t! passet, veulti n enls etb en of B eanu og oiu'rob andt h.issning etfiense *bring about te objeit deuifre lu Chie t uoeptthr vutineeie H 21 herefor in tis oennty. By.law rend alcgni'oetpoiou'>.T.cl' 5uOnt thunkth. neeve et Beach vonîlfirttfi.wyast rketthfotsnba Cte seok te evatie Chie ebt er violaCe b atsintdv>'pasoCcatrieet Citw. e feuni ha w eut. pletigetierti. Ho teok tChir vord lest - Mr'. Breownlenovig Chia- second ant, aeageea e.cotei~ tiketi Januuey, and ho titi fot believe Ch.>' reeding oetCh. bli, ait imnay bte asIe- hat a oaso bat bien matieeut for, a Ik> vbati go teck of it. If tfio.uount>' tati ed wvly it vas urget agatu ttis sesion, suLbinitting Che hy-law ta the peope- t It u a u bruh i et, no emner o e i. ttr bavimg iao tuattor up in îauey. Tchu u ain riei he this00 ny cucti venld se>' Chat Beach 118.beliived a good teal le Ch. doctrine vartien ieftthcit hair.a vit esheulti pa>'Chie cosîs. oxpressetiita Uta sentiments ofthCie reeve Mn. Paterson continuet ihie atidrose lan - M . S . J hnon betng appeaie t a f Therat, upen anottor occasion, atout v hien tChe t oenn il r eunte det tv ole'îoîk , saidthat if ho ebouit break hte word parsavaning-, ant injeativcating great O'ntentiiug hat t.e depuietiOn rtaonL nov iC om it o cii.e firet tinte; (eheere,) utoasurca upon evor>' eccasion. in entier the temperauce organizatioes andlChiea e v as roadti>'10etient hie phetigo andtiaCesecure a tiesinoti efrotmi. He bliev. petitiona feltai' short o! vhat Che.t de nyttin tai'ant hoeet e inCh.nate oOCneeh~'Agist council lied a right Cc expîct Cc ide-n a h Mr'. Chisttie htdne itention et gOire Agitate 111 Ant iehobelievedthat ttCin eshithst-lv H e t back on iie rt ; but front the rendO. teoiug l'aadbeau largel>' goi'ov in ltire. tiat tecouncil veulti b, justifiet lu Ç essor ing efthCie resolution ;-inamcch asnt. e UnI>' sirCO hast JaUar>' in taVrrOf makini' appropriations, or gants conte Cthet ceunI>' vas net able Cc ostabhishiChe Chie neae. Thie peple- cf tho Do- strcngChi of sncob petitiens-and tiuili 'bib deam matie-ho hengbC Chie count> ' ninion, ta regratîti Cta se', biltnot legsshtouidthCly>'proeed ttaCcPage Sba ide. Ouolit Ce pa>'thCcoste. iraceivoal tiat satisfaction et the batal aveft tiis iharacter.SI kbout lu repi>' Ce Mi'. Wright. Mi-. Christie!cf tae Ottawa Govarntent, vitici t Cev Mr. Wright vis eue wbo lied eh Pert state t CtIin hie eopinion, if cati>'ce h atl a night Ce oxpaît upen Ibis gme.nI vays telievedtChie drinkieg usages tCe ainb>' diolartbatiteon talion off tlitacim rby ;qnotoeofT'eiperance. TheZoven. b agrea: uri.. antilucît ôutihltt It ofa th e osîs. bvetaer ieusain eui ltuo, aeltei ospresd nhldig titis epic.9 Mn h' a. Wib xpost ueatns .eo cfrintietf empae 0b atinet îrielî priecipies jta effect, lte regretted Ca Iu n- M r.n W i g nh sat e e ut. Whi eu hto i e h eeffect f t h ae it pre e nl tef rce s e>' hat i vas am enattt Ce tem pera uce Pi (Mr. Wright) ted snggeîed in Jauar>'!lu thiir owua localities. Completepmohibi. mornn Chionseves hoe tati lueretefore A hat hat seccrity shoulti'be laiton for te tien wasasvit vas dtisiet ant itl xpei'iealCe hi umest ifflînit>'. The iEt y coî3t. je theiesetChomeut cf Chie natter, vas tran]teal il nedu 0glCaLgaitr a i, ierg eCi lt> M r. Gibson tind ters saidt tc> ol-e Ci.>' woe fceoa et ccl heaîlte1eva," miiucipaliis lepas Ch.hev, andi$ arge roaftate ake Cho word et the ropnîsen- t at itcti. Re acknovlotiget itthie aemperance mou fount hernaeoies in monm taie tBah u tnvepn eel Éeitiouus -ve. iiirtiv signoeal, ana, l iîlsposition thatiet ht.they aikot for ra i bc hat Chie taking cf Chie secmnittv oniti axcused Cite paucit>' of signos ns u ai-on utir eeato1 ha> aabl 0ptrCi 'ditODhavaibooma itesumrrva>'. lie feareel pf Cihobill, on Chue grounil Clit it îvet iteevCi te>'btainluforce. XC vas aise r hiu te porutejouts training o e i ofteiAe ha ny sgerawer id t ntmtitat tCiao Cen cenen te1ti Reaui-1,Attorne>'.Genereî tsnd ail as creosary from cach mcnicipaaiîîy tao tadnalot shew-n ClattChie peopleOcf temr l on- lie vas-ietiaebath dffeet upon the. obtain t e subrision cifita bihl te a ev unicipahities voro tavoureble Cea t young marntors cf Clat coumoil. vote cf te ratepaya-rs. The people lu prohibition, bacantete>' dit not put $, vers~ Mr'. Gibson gave hile recoilocîlon of Chie variOns nunicipaîites lie vas con- tlt hie>'tatiavtiila lu inforce, andtihC batviit teck. plaie te Januer>' eud remami- vinceti, ve'-a ar-el>' te fat-n f l fr,îas rninelerot art h petgt on sprael'an leCrstaiCbaafn litChl vuîa vtafo laihcuithofs.attocal a 1ev dieiecîiy given by Chia haret rapresatut. pet ta matie an objection. Thorava if pasieo, have littho effa-it. Hovoa Chie ati-as et Reaclt,thtC hiay vouit ptiy thetie neceasit>' for au>'loegtty retarks aisehole, nfaveur cf suppreiie' Cheu.nue ri ut- coite ne0 natter vhiat Chia daim îeuy ta. ihu favor of tampemance or ageinel Cihe cf tcbncco-(uteers anti laugitter). Ha y Hie gava Mn. St. Jchîn ct-catit for lieap.li quir t-alie. Argumetvas cnea- econmmande t hese. store rafortu Ceom-- iug ie endatui tti ope itea ias u cuser>'; Ciaopiiîiplis vas almtt<-tiperance mon, iko Mn. Brown, to ploige av, intention on te part'cf tecter lwc 7he immetilaté uostion for ChuscaUn- omPmiaotuaycaddt f aoc gentleman Ce repudaite toiri. cli tccon8itier vaa--WOnl i tae poiiloats hibition. ýg. Mr. Wlteier saidtChie rasclution hall reccivadti.tgetiier wîth te knavladane mCmpelartluaioti-ihi bee au ntt-ed nnîinously- lIant the tyticit gentlteuen 1ai cOf Chie stateof.Ci ev tPr i--> aieit.A Cieco represeetativcsetfleaclitvoteti fcr fcelinin te ccounty---varrant te Ca polîiitien, no Govarument vomît fol ofit-Chat ite agrep.atteet hiet beau enter- caunnoil iii iinag ltae expense of sub- go fo'r it unuiosi bachot up b>' Che pao-Da i fatinto te gooti faithi, anal hat if Chie nitling ltae questiontCcthie Vota- Of t e t ithpc. husvs iaùof>'fva'irevcola sue th agreement vas nov repudinîai, C hia rtepayet- ?ne? Haithl, for hie ci iebaoIti ea fafir oats Oi'. cul>'way wastaCclettChianuit procceal. pýrt, hat lte- v vetial. HaeIlion enter- 's tincnt hie s enected a peo La.m or- Mr. 'Rowlndti thehaiea nov as oninCoauan stimatte cf the probable Coe sti Cc tht.e epliCionstteu s ignet b>'Ms ' LIe Mm. Wheîer. whiichi hic calcuiet-al vouulbhiecova-reaitv i xlteitatCi atrIaintM r a Mi.S.JleCîultCt-oatgi i tvaot511.He ioult hpropose, if beau properl>' untierstoodtiat il etcaf be possity aamiauuaerstanclingtiiîaî vith itaeby-law cam-iahCit tho votaehobcl n lete eakmreCinIiîtA - -nattIo nat Dca-tto, nit onuuaitifront aclu municipality Cc sign, anti cou euriosat>'lte vanite t hiechaifieaaecf h urgiez ilit, unler atit hiecircum. inI vadema idceain havse cessai'itab on Chie ceunmissiouare (Mr. Baird)t)ale e>'eaaces. Chia couacil vonlai not le jugti- tMctalaSteiaeain t' taineonthe.sbit vite enghit to pa>'. feil in retsinig te elecîcntehepriviioea Mn. tir alenait blet snte cf tCilta s Mr. Wright vs 10ilig elot Mr. cf rnting tîpon il polCioben id taon signetitu tio ecusceltoe id Baird ay>'asbau vIoe ughC C ta a>', upain Mr. St. John in aa1socating lte bi luorâmer e nt inobtaeva n excueChu to Ctue costructon oetChie resolutucu. ' dauiredta C tnssen- au] objectionmuadie tn tituperanofecin net . ett cn- e cf Mr. Bickoll veuiti uct hava Chia coun- ChiaICthia connîr>- wai ccl ripa for pro. large tnte fsgos occ a cilinfnenet y a>' ntetiaopirc. hibittiou. îcrhisps in Chue gsre ayvo'thic daruadthCitaLiceuse bill cf the Ontario vor Mtr. ]Brovn het favered te commit- ceinît-Y ivouiti te a-pe far torty or fi ft>'*Grynnantu. sopsedtuCcthie hei l>' ltelest Januen>' anti teck ltae vronaIypaanîcceie. But the>' titi eutvaut Mi'.Haprvs po àe Chie reeve cf Beach te se doieg, etiter- to watt. Tue>' vantaI Cc Cako adi-an- Duenkin Ait as a moasurea tutai 'hwise lte vonîlu ae ,gensfor an arbitra- tCe te vea->' cppenba.il>' prasu te utjuti>' ; - Chat ltnt as yut prottet coni aa~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~r Clu'ovsnv3antat shaat usio. fi uaaeîvsbt itîtle goot i vhior.put un force, andti titCCall et Chie coursecf hat goatloian. He ofrllaer ateli in aalvne-proparnthbe vnt oabgto npiiboi iobt tbat hehardti Clu bha(Mr. Evers) vas ive>'for tha gent-rai Dominion Act. va>'et snpprassing tinking te e uar- rive rt ox (agtr anti se ou, tbutcia Ur. SI. Joline ssct upen tae tut>'oft-ev st-lp cf ocunt>'hIke Ontario,iih C<iv t'l "toi>'t'th îieeghnditerl ofit.cfn mot Chintk lic veuit break hie plotigea i roviaîg lue tieuptetion cf drink ave> lma esto rbcite ntai eut forshinet il. ea Id ewrk. Ha appeae ahilm, for Cho saeafr butchîtîtren aal otars, gse Chat hieTt okD.MGi elsInsne cf Pt-a et hi, e o uerban LAthilh. r4houe r insur iralne..u.. té4,- coti u tlaast.Ti uni isMl ai signea in thue ursI place. tbh ast shteaker for oppo-aqiu4t hel. î' Ny-Mesost-. Harpon, Rolaintdteu Mn. Blîkehi, ou metion fer adoption, For gentlemein te e>Ch'vre i3 mi, d'Mcile, Palet-soc, Feeeby C. ativiset iecout e doster vitether finpn eftlemporauco andet ta leplut Whole,,r,,Parker, Jantes, GrehawT beu rao Chie>'vero mol askedti eaieo soetiug poet ou pMsn tmoac I i- Criebi, Eere, Luke, Brebhoxur, LiciltThînra ver-y serions. XC vas for the ownship cipies vagsomceuting ho comil nel Amy, Sbre N1. a ' Chia C cf Titorait eut net the ceunûtCeaad reaoniile. For linseit ha> voulti net FNNEA»ASEsET i tetveen te parties. Therti u veui eut> net oppose thie bill, bt ulohi Mn. Wrightt bronghît up thue report sse reapail thie bonefiC cftesele. Ho tii aint.. very oee Csupport iC anti sup- e!bfeietiing coninitto, on finance cet vanb hii Cownship Chat tat i n por. ite lhinteel! lu overy stape artelfoenManti assessnent,s fellovi itich tereat in té'neCtAr ta e t axealfer soC. Ho regnetthliecosýltinet edo more. TittCh,>'bave carofuhi>' exaneticroalit Cliig it. Tite coucil ought Ce kuov Tlie>' ere grappling nov viîh te Chie eatimat 0 etfCite reesurer appendeti, noeaxe utat Chia>' ere 1teicg ; it vae a giant evil eftChieeuoutry>. Re ceult exiiting Chie prbbe aeîsapte ua dt heCite n etotins natIon Cc te sataliet vIit col se. hcv gnv man oicup>'iug a tihîhneomanCe cf te corporation from vitieti Chie intemnily te>' titi flt responile position coulai jmstify tint- lot June. t 81s1 Decenber, 1876. cen te knov boy mucito et ft et a levsuiC soif, 10 bis conon cesaiai hs duât>' eut The cormitîeconsider. it viii lie Fret th.euit ihavo e tafat.e. lteiletassumne an attitude cf opposition aC ail expîiieuC ta lev>'b'c, t'rIefrlt lap Chue reeet Thornia for futCher explai. -tCc Cis moasur,. Men ne>'ay se> by exppnilure cf Che corporation ftoihie tve si aieus lente rueter. ver. net eppesedta to Ce ntîerecoin go- year 1876, Clie sun et 625,000, in et- chargea Mi'. Paterson nepoalet ishi former lag agaiusl Chie meapuî-e, bttlie char. dition le thie suin cf 65417 for scitel tain in statement respectiug the purîhese, ttce cte>izat il as Chi e-r>' esreetce ofop- purposais, anti viuiti reomment a b>'. tite Te plan eut descrip tien made cut b>' Mr. posi ion. It vas not bstuetu te 1ev te pamseti for hat pmrpoee. 1861 ni White anti given Cc Mn. Shier fer te go elatonetel>' inCa Ct. subjeol cf Cent. Thet Chie commiCtee oxaninedthCie*issuet commt-'treasurer. Thomet tati sentp elebut il. vas oxpecleaigentlemen cout>' entitere slalerneent et rocoipt% yesae1 doua Pc description lite Chat, te aot v= tshow viticitaid, Chie>'ver. ou ; antiexpenitmes, saspert- reasurer'a certain vas te a ofet1h.e fficere oftChe conut>'. aeutifer hie part Cher. shouhai te ne tooks, foi' Ch. yeurer cdiug SetDecent. eut Je] ~Te count>' boatne igbt tCc make teets mustai,. lHe vas inlaver cf ecving fte ber, 1875, anti reoenendti Cat Che charger o! pecple's hdnaute u ont stand lie. temperauce, cause a puait forvarti la>'tnesurer<a acte fer Chal year lue final>' 3754,41 twoeen omeandaithe ccnsequeniee. titis bil. X vue Chie cause o! a great enditieutandpasetirelurus AfI-o futher discussion, refermation anti o! mereiy-a ceuse Thal Che contnittees have alse exan- Taevusil Mi'. Shier va. beart in explanation. Chat -iàlver, calleaPupenteaiivaince byined teealitors' report et roceiptsaneut Youu He sait b. vas aiket b>' te comel' t r anti ait. HAlOiealgadt in lte taxpa-urilur, fer lte five meuthe front Bairilta tietisurer Ce mate -a tescrtptinn, but topo Chat te hy-halv vonilnotl uy LueJannar>' te SIet Ma>', auitalflodtltIorderi cul inutno data 1a makiea a tisînip- po5ý lita douncih, baiol -citbo pas. vhie Cer, vas o eauteogit et te Do- lsgeiest tien front. Mi'. Coulhianti, the pur- (it b'te people, raaid uhiata-ly la>'thie miation Benk. $747C)i,ître vere titen laoponi citeor, spoke tt int about ib, at int W110elsProrine andti hicDumntuocn, atinot ets unaler discount t te h xcent cf Tovaîl to i bnte sente. Mn. White pretua. CMsinauetfti. greatebaîlboone Ce man-. $8âi0. - uaen t etl a mnapanti poieted hti e ie renai kint etunterroti upen cur ceunIr>'. He The ienniiteo are ploaseia Ce lent-noftOnte ývu lte tact eut lots sohd e!fte Lut, vas ýied Ce flot thts'itetperance emua. ClinathCe reaurar tbunatde arrange ioutat Fron ttiis a map o!fte portion o! hnd aut iigattng itronzer; it stooti tetten montseviit the manager eft h. Donin. tuottecil seid a description va. matieeut anti te nov Chienavai' betoro ; ovOr>ime it *ion Bauk foi- discoucis toi' aaupnt ne- lit 1of!as (gfr seritdeitCM.Lee.ce up it gel a better puahi forver. .quiroti Until 1.1 Jeuety,1877, et te by titis H. at aseetiMr. White if ho w uva va ,pesn as a ittîle pusilu inte rate o!fe>npi et eraon, -hv i Jaiset par, annt. par acuuC.hebaveebel ha b "t inelude d n t e pr tyth on g hl i ec ion ; -n o unem ber sho nit b . T iié co m mu tee fa tnd Ch at h eI, m r t 1 t. - - fadwa-- I.-& .. -ire - uso-tender au44. _ pn'cively cvieg, ci *0 en ter' it agreenâent vitit count>' Cc pa>' la ýon suit- arrcars aetChe.,rate -f toi cent. -The ceiaumiltee express Choir g cation Cc ohserve by te audiler potL Chat Ch. loche anti acceunts ôconunt>' reasurer have been kepi annirvih its.la*net vitit Ch. quhfeiapprobation, antiinlaiv te fait vhich Che auditors reaW Chiat te oes o! Ciaheoffice ntaii sale'y are muet joven Chie in, fi yeai's, lcoend Chat by-lav 24 pointieg Mr. Laing, 1>' Ixlingthae sa et $1000 per anun, lu lieu o!fO at proseuC, On motien te commocil veuf cOnmitloe - etChie viole- -thereon_ H1aner l itecite. M r. MePhereen, Ob eeuuing C Cou per cent clause, movedt Ce subo 8 pe- cent, tut vas deteetet np( division. He, itevever, aiceea rotimciug-Cc 9 pan cent, eutnCtei vas ameuti eithis respect. On. teclause fer te' ocreas Cte Treesurer's saiary. Di'. Me Mr. Smtitit, Mn. Rowlaund, Mi'. Gil Mr.'. Wright, Mr. Feasl>', Mi'. Bti anti Mr. Palot-son speke lu tavor a: chause--eec eaintCeatimon>' t setielaulon>' nner in whiîit taecel Croasuren atlecbangedtChe tuties, an( efficieniy anti cai'efmuaness in lot afler Cheie breets oetCh. ceunCy. Paterson cendeneiti hiemise policy et econen>', vtiîh vas but p ien>', te keeping Chie treaeurur's sa at Starvelteinpoint. XC vas nanti( -heC Mi'. Laing ted savethCie cou non. tem ihis saar> in hookiugî thi, criminel justice accounîts,i whichie ieleet a great tdetof treutl Thea report vas neporCet vwitit amontimeet cf nine for ton percent. And adoptel on ltse folhevieg rou Yenis-Mssrs. Gibaton, Har Brolthun, Rowlandi, SmiCl, MoPlueti tteBee ' Seager, St. Joit, Wright. R Paterson, Grahem, Green, Chnii Evers, Luke, Lice, MeGilRite, Br Greu anti Feasby,-22. Nayî-Meîsrs, Bickhh1, Campt entker, Wheler, Sbire, Jantes1 &M>,-7. Mi'. Evens mateau an mmccos lîtempt te have t fi imut nuise ý1200-vhichteost oetChe mont aumîtted tete euh>' vuiel vai tfain easnscable, ns a saler>' toChie cou xeasnren et Ontario, viith iesla 'epoeshthiby, and na-quit-tmg auhoe ku assisCant jenlte office. A t>' uev foundet ce Chue repent lien passodal, eoiig lthe ounty 15,000 tCc meol lthe cnt-ont axpenîtF ie year, and t. C es$5,417 ftrn ici irposes. The ceunI>' assasimeut pI ,hle Chie b>'different nunicipalitios,a ae uroponuleitof ichcoll otaa>' ho -iset are pretici>' C he sente as1 - ROADi ANtiBItiDGES. Mn. Rowlanadtrouglit up lte ncî fIheatuantiing ceinnitteaee nais t ritges, wbicltas contîttanatiile n iillea cf Chie vihootint atopteti boum conitCea final Chat et the Ja r>' session etftute preseet yEart anu cf $500 avas graulcai to tuili idge cvrn te Talbot River, ont ta store reeti letveen Thorahai ara, untr conditions vhicht aromaidtCovuebipo rccfu.*edtio aicel C he present bridge is le a tengento ýitiLion, your commie rocommel at Chee mm cf $800 t, grentet iilIi n pile bridge, 16 faet avidea et td nii-r ou titi late shiore moat-tl wnsitipe et Thenit analMare be bui a approachîcu; ant hat Peter Wall Titorat, ha Cia commissionon, au be payable Ce lis enter vltan ti nIe is compiabtid, andal oult ne-coi Bat Chat Etivant Kenane>', cf Mai appointet cereCaker cf sea tiidge. àuni umitte hanve aise carefull soideredtChe patitice cf Gor mphehl anti 28ethers, pnîayiug to consutruction cf a briadge over EH51 anr, on te temetary iu e tCeen Ch nships cf Renta anti Dalton, or. neOt nenetouM1Jthlitegrautiug oethi iyen efthe potiticu eving le tCl bt tuaherontdieo-lieg bu te propos bridge bas net been opueai. oui' commilton hane muolu plioauttuuu eaiug able te raport the Net-nov, t aod stale et nopair, anti racemman - Cte Suliuetf#8.50 b. pei t Ce MV lon, carettkçn et eitibig-itg. ur commit-to.it ae caeui>' cor. mati t>-.lavs oethie corporatiense0e mli andi Easth Witty,. eund lin-1tCh in eech case liai beee ceaupiieti vit: necommnt haitChia>'be confitm anttes bau eplapo te liaitilit' agaiaîsh the ceunt>' a fuhi>' osbabhtsteh. )n te eport uer ceeitereicu enrs Chat Cthe Cdem anises fnorn SUns, 'riz-: $220 eut $581.41, hIbe t>' a verdict cf Juaige Bulre. i te maCler e! au appealu oganst avnship of Beach, je Chie yoar utnèe vhicii vericît au enter vas le tredueoCtie assasmut fer the 1855, 56. 57, 58, 59 ant is1à0onu a lots belongimg Ce Titos. Paxton ohn Caneren, Chu total antetut eâble -Ou ail eft Cits.lota tei-ug I in lien o! aneunt previonsi>' edon Non-Reuidentelis etoCthe lîip et Beach. X comntee ticcertein front Jutige 'a Chat unton liejuttoant an vas matie WtuPlace bte taxes - efaeh loC ncamonaing tb eraia tion eirfeteti Iv tint, eutdeautue ullp f Reauhi vas te prC>' cteti -bi apeau ani nt Cim ceuinI>' aite yeur iuntau r tofpte. Ct il vaste dm>' of theomnicipl c f HAScCe sO e a te a reviseti ail bthe correct taxtas -as edtifeeti ;eciaien for-these- years siiit so -peparedtaa&foywardeotç ils-f,9l a,,saer)na nets. laver ai t ue ant n. . sdaie n usan- ttc-an: Yourcemmitee vomît fertiten report aeider il neeess.a'ytabring Ch. wardetr, itoreet vilb resecot ta lte tiiititem ef 0114.62 wvitewv otigabotuthe malter, la> n per anti fourteen -years' ime-est thereon Chie court et expenso. '- tegOtiser ameuenting tae'$287.44, Chat Mi'. Wight, Mr. Smith, Mr. Camp», gnatifi- Ibis miguit t. juit aeainsitih. Chen bell, anti ction exprease t Ibsiselves ore ne Treasunet-, Mm. Paxton,pensonally,tChare sellefieti viti tChé oxllanstions given. cf Ch. e ne liattihit>'a egainst Chie Ceunt>' Mr. Smith, el-Warden, aiseremindeti L le à wihitup taChie year 1866 bat ne cen- bsth muniSl taCele ltiFeasby- anti i' nu- Cret viietever ovèr Cte fIntin teSbire hast sessionIte> -er. aclinga loyw o! baneu! ltieTr.eeuror. That Choir urengi'. .elle malter thon dropped. r ta- charge fer les. ef tutereut Wes oe>he iich ACH ACSAlx. - e. ci nia iouit anti ceti bave beenuetjustet -Mr'. Evers meveti, secoctet b>'Mr. airmn 4htvee Cit conut o Reahi. Christie, thialCite ceut> tresnurer lie 42 ep- Mi.'.Wright uititirev te reportâet lostructedtu teîhtraw te.sait egainst iahai'yte suggestion cf îýombers,,lut prois. Beach on eceenut etflte tun-resideul 900 as adtate hiug te natter np again. h aut fun i intiebtetinese. AUDITIN<O ORINAL JUSBTICE ACICOUNTB. Objection matie on te greund -o! b iot Mr. Btckell neportei fron tChat Cein- aut cf neticeandeutChenotion vas el- -Mr. nxitbe. appointed Ce vait- upon Che Pro-lvtCesndaenoi. miien in relenenco tate autiuîiug etfte Coneuil atjonrneot ntil 8 e'eleck Ce- ýO te criinal justice accounts, anti-Cite moi'rov mornieg.* ttente Sitenill'a charge fon jury services. He cli a narreeth ie pentienhene cf an interview FFHDY et i lu it-een iiseif, Jutge -Buruhiant andiFFHDY report Heu. Attoi'ue>'General Movet. Satturta>, June lOCh. se et LLtIiTmxî Ou' Ma. PÂITON'e BETtEs. PAXitEOT-Os- THE tIetMlSslElxS. lGilI, Mn. Bictell ot gava partiaulers et On motion et Mn. MoBueita ceunI> bien' vitat i âdbea onoe t intis natter iu renenirer vas dirotedtaCepuy lte coin- nmvn' otCanieg te Opinion o! Hon. J. iMi- misiiiocors ou tha- investigation inCa Cithe ot the~ yard Canet-en. imdb-etinees of- Beach, 085 eaoit,:an& o tito Mr. Bicklet indtIhe eten m îenlere Chat te seinete citergodta lte accont oun>' cf Chie speciel îenttie ere continu- et Beach. td itsa, .0,Cekeep lte natter in char'ge eutd E AST -nITY 3Y-LAW. ukiut reprt t Cit coudil.Mr'. Luite nieved the final pasulage et Mn. TUE d ALE 01, LOT 7, il ceN. irAtA. te by-hav iotiod t>' lm. Garni- akin Mn. Bicteli reportet fronthlie special et. tarie- committea perbicuhers cfChie saleand eut O EME9 alan>' purchieseile Iis maCler, BReporî arlopî- PYIN s o!rua. ioed et, rscemnenaîing te vanaen Ceanehet On motion e!fMr. Revinent scoutiet net>' a-tleuatd on Mi'. M.- G. Boteen for a b>' Mr. Campbell, Cth. raasuieur vas efter i'aconi'o>anco, faiîing iu wiuiciu heiao ireitedta cpe>'te repreuirtatives villi coaut>' selicitor t, inelructeai10tate frein Mare anti Rama Cwo atditieuioaI aie. prcceding, le tacanel tha teeti Im enttt ays' pa>'catch, ineentucitas lte>' vulti ite county tau lMr. Robson. lue uneblo le reec ;Il hontmefera Mentie>'. .»Y-LÂW TO LIGENSE HAWKRs a PEDLEas. CeUXr PHOPEETi'. xe, Mr-. Blîkeil introtincoi ty-ha a MmFetit>' broegýhtàupA-he report-Cof -ci: rappnl by-iav 169 aut ta, impose a tut>' ths centnitteo, -eCuiclu vns ieneidersti Ros Open havitene anal potierq. Ha gave lu commilteaeoft CIe violeý-Mi. McReae - ostie exphantione ou Che suujeît, saai ltaein the chair -en diaetopteti as follove: iv, tt-t-asmr.-r cetisitierot il nocesar>'anti That tCiîomnmibteo tave .xane. ChieC tue ceunI>' et Yorke tatipasset na the geci eut court tueuse, sud Che mean- )bell, situlai'by-lav. egenent lteront, ant iOndthlie sente set- and Mr. Palet-son fouet faul itih te igfauter-. nanner in whuc tChie by-lev vas drave That Chie îeveral 'actuomuts for emp.- ýstatu np. puies aeu thîer uecessaries fer tho gaol Dta Wenten loftte chair iii 7 o'clock. and, court bouse hava hotu ceretuilly eaut Council rcsnnted, Che Wantien in theissene he- paid, viz,; L., Aluin, 8-&50 ; tchi. l A-. . Wilson,' $32-20 ; M. Collins, 86.. ire ->lnw relatiezg Ce havicons anti pet. 80 ; Loves & Poweil, 075.42 ; Williau titi lers passet. Bryn, $2462; J. S. Robertson, 018.- GR.aND nulaoas AT SEaSSIONS.- 60; N. Blow, $74 S. W. B. Smith,- vas Mn. Biciteil, sacondeti b>'Mr. Luka, 0 15,00;Buove & Patteu.eon, $4; Wm.- yin imoveai ttat nanneoial tc Parliamana. 842.0'5;Tillt & Johinston, 88.20;Wnt. es cf te atopteti pnayiug thuat hereafien grand Tilt, $10 ; Groes & Maecuugittan,,124.-' toh jnmcns aetChie gomarai sessions of Chie 85. te>'. Poace ay e>' e ispausoti vith andti haI Thie cemmittea, in accerane e iit-. anutChia clark sent a cep>' cf netalution eut thiete instructions given' 1y ta. rceem- îba nemeniel tacocunt>' ccuneiis Chrongiteut cii; giren laîl Jennery, have chusat a hatît thie Province nskieg for Choir co-epera- stable te ho buit ou Che geel grountis Clou. Mn. Bickell retèeat ate largea a acoît of $143-40, eut recmemnu item et eîpeuae incurred injesntimmning Cthat Clo'sante b. pait. port -grenad jurait-iantite non-necossit>' for Tite comntitCao have hait bofro C hent ant sucha body>' etChie preseut tinte. Ho Chia report cf W. C. Mertin, -cenI>' ain- tiathetoopinion cf Chie Ceomet>'Juiga gauler, anti findtChat turingte, paniot as anti Coanty Attairne>' lu fat-ci'f et .front.lIst Jenuar>' le 8leb Ma>', 1870, propoeition as watt as Chic opinion cf 111îîriîonere-102 maies -anti 9 £e- caOhier hegel gentlemen. .maies,- doyen cf vitent vre insane- Mr atro eupsei,onthe gri'u re coufineatu inte gaol. Anti on Ch. the hat many manwwR ave savd bing ir of u Ctera ranainet iun geol Il Chie piactat in Chie criminel took-thirough Chiepnstaeu Cia ea s n b nt- uersau tien of lte grant jury, tan e- committat aC one timn le.,-aboya ChueJ grelteal ChaC taemiatter bailmot boom poe ras 22 in temontit et May ;-- th breuughit up a anau eruior peiot cf Chie anti thie atggegeîe nunter ef ta>'. le ,Pt. -.j vhich pniaces roceivd geel allevance a f;ncsl eione aftt-tCi as 0223days, andti h. oeil of eacit edreama cf Therahte t hie itotica cf Chia vas 8 conte par dey. teton vhich iahîitbeau phacet on the The commitlie. have net been elle Cc -herppr ropeir tle geol anti court ites roofs lid Dr. McGtll opproset anti Mn. Evens nu>' futitert- ian havng thera thon- le, aorati the -pninciple. oatghlIy emamtnoti 1> a cempetont per- li, Tuteamotion- vai detealte nla vteoutsou, vhoîo report hIt bon laid lefere 10 b -1 Chenstatinz taCCte roofs vore lena 5h 0t 1 TATU1E LABOcU. vt- atm'bd sîale etfrepaian d thCil te m- M.Bcel ihtnvChatcinc probable coit nzomiti taabout 0175, eud rit, Mr.13ikel wihdre th moionofnecommendt ht Mi'. Harper, eoput>'- - wtshih hebati gi-annuotice lapon tht roave cf Chie Ceve et Whitby, lus ap- I>' subject ou tattut, habor. pointet te snpet-ietaant sait repaira anti or Mm McPteren liongireport et ziexl session. For r. oPlrrs;n bogi L npitheAi . -Tte reonbrecommneth e meviug ta port cf Ibis contmitce, vrtuch ivescon. of e Water closel un Cie gaci, ae'tdalso ta siaierea iniecomniate, cf the viiho- Chat $25 bhaeppreprialea fot-Cte Ba- tiMr. Lickit te uchair. Report aduptati nortonlhock.up, providet lte corpora- teas fohiovo. - tien et Thorait assume thie vork. i0 Titat Cha->'hava roceiveti eccoltnîs DOR EN.TCa TtWA E- s- fron tChe vartcus navîpper offices. in AJMqETTAKT ADN Chie ceunI>' for att-crtising. Tite chier- unt. SeILLEE5 REPLi'.- Sacter etoitaeeeîrertisiîîg in ali Chicpapers Oun motien ef Mr. Giteeti, secneutet l stehe santa-viz-noticesof t uaa-intr b>'Mr. Rowlandi, rasolvedti hat vhien td ofthCe cemecil tint ofteaoher's t 'e councit atijeures, it stand edjonruct t. exaeutnatiiuus orderet b>' Chia e upa c i ne di . ' ton et publiec shools. Thal Chie eharges Mi'. Citristi, navedthCit hauketofte in te tillèeot acceums Vry> a goi cuncil ta-Itîe Warçlen fer te:elle af alcal for Chie samo iteums cf atlaerttsing manner n uiioh té preetideciover lte le -youn commit:e racoamneairien'tt tiberaîjons et the ciueil andth ie c1 f uniforna itaies t Hbig giteti ceunies>' exteetieti t>' mta te rmn- in l thteir alecitien ije tcie se b>' îolîov- bers. Cairrieti. ing tae repent cf Januar>' session, 1875S. Mn. Miller lu returuting Chas saÉit On notion cf. Mn. Bictell, secendet Bosre>' CitxAi, a fine diavonetiat t>' Mr. Feait>',ra resolution peed re. cool surnner tirinýk, i-le oui>'cl hati gnctîiaîg t dela>' in ptiitttng te Jan.-aIt Villccx's. er>' nienutes, anti insttn hecitadotk lu future Ce furetihtCheto p>' yvitlain Px-aEoT" C, von the Prince et Wnies' twe -aeeks fron tChie tijeurnent cf siek-es aI ltho Ascot meeting, 1lsst Tues.- ceuncil, eut aIseChiaC Chie nanesasnset a>'. resialeioe itae reevos eut deputies la priuhet int the June jont-naîs. --TuE E XTRADIîrmeN NE;OeTInîoes lie- Mir. Maîtioneîl, couity' dort avee Carcan Chie Unitci States andi Great explenatieus as te certain -omissiotns, Bnitain.area aaet a tendIoule.- tIc., eut saidt Ciao ase of Co mpleint TUE FEELING cOf vaI ti Ecrope le sbctidnet pqieur again. mcv subsittug. Prince Milieu ha. ent mn. Smtiît,exWarcien,-Mr Itov.- au autograpl letton Ce Muret, aiktiovi- lent, Mr.-PaCteon antid men geentie. etigiug ehiegianieCe t int. - The Kit.- non boreo test-mon>'to the clerk's iil- dive of EgvpC, bas been notifieti, Chat UY> eut attentien. Muret, W'vili untien Che privilegea T'iti 2PECL. TU tPGaT Dr Tgr-COtflhiTTEU grantet tChie LaCe Sultan. eX'FI PuANCE. A BITTEPC RAILHîcAo var liai teIgun Thie spectal repentrt Chiia ecinauiltae beCvaji tlmeEEri-, PcnnFyivs-utiCentrai, Oaa finance on Chie intebtatesu f etoBiNeswYre Central iBlttrnone & Ohilo, ( ainsat' gis-m) ina broughit np b>' Mn. anal lte Grant Trunt Rtiilvays. a Wrightt, vit e ragmotrete h uirking et Freigzlîts and ptsseuger rates lias-eeheous ti. naCeai t' sont o! hi 'Blage. grenai>'ne luct't, anuthCe cempanies are - XC waes dtscuRs itsîl -torne lçugtb, ted eaehleeing teo.vtly. - rasoinaton iutstllutesCeattias ..l N Buthejin. it i jlis iinît i ti,. 1-majorty-vaa196, ovor Mr. LévL, --a - Pl amI Et le Li lui, -Pr ans du' te are tbel paté CIE Cit eu1g are AI Of seif Pre E

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