Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1876, p. 4

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18north Of UAi alts' Ohurohin laone b1peck. AIlthteséaboyé properties are doslû.bly Biteateti, andi sales cau be eftected fo a VYZ . Ilow terns hy'a amall paysnt 0o!Coa, au den anti Or- tlt ~SI 0 l~e M . iormerly Go.- GRO. T. HALL, ý'itBo, oIu ý Loa, Comnmission, antd gesealÀ gnt.' ontains Ten - OPICE-Dtndas St., Whitby. s thse presal- mamre 1, m87. . , i tue promiss 1ï 1; MO1N HOUSE, DUZ».107*QAND YORK UTI,, NTO, - - ONTARIO. 1. KELLY, PPRRITOX. lotiel in itîsatstl lu tisa central pet-- hee'éty, couveuleut tle ssn hoiesale ý.nspî su jsblic bufildings, antI for and cénmerol travéllérs la a mont nituation-. Tho hené ohuan béso iy. ré-uriganitie na ci so-arsitet iut ant i]. fibed in Istise mont 6lrani fauihlctalie style, esteai te .clas. hééssé lu the Dominions. Tise n ati deawing-rcsesstn are large anti thé bét inauttasy regeitin are rge anti covénient aisplé remme, ootodoattén o! Comsmercial Tra. ce comnuotlion. andi couveiuiéutiy n1 thée flrt flat. nses andti Cardages aiwayn resdy toumoitillofen e? ss'sarriving lsy aln aisti stonbnttts andi aisé te 1e211 tthé10dépoté ut1iwliftra non 6pisOffice In eonmetlowith,.this .94, - - - -$150 PiE DAY. Aisni 1, 1811.16 0.TORONTO , lcavés ialy fot cf Voige-St., s7 ns., arrivés qt Niagara at : Léwfnton etI10 a. ns.Cen- hoé klaln, IlUtTalo, $llte, atît, Ne% Ysrl, Plilatlilîtha, itt alilinfortuatiou aIe43 Prosît TAhIFF PEEMS TO BE TiÂKEN BY ONSTABLES.daé 4 dy of Ju' , 1,4) oai lac idlvlllal upon a warrant ............ ..... 41 50 2. Serving suosmous or subpoessa... - 0 25 8: Miléatge taeset-vs nmosSaub- ~jS na orwarrant .............0 o10 4. lléeéwbap 5oe"ïne ulti Ib. a. Mlogetaroof o eiltp oil..01 exclusive of dlsbsrsemnts nec eoâiyexpé4ded lin the#r oou véyancal. e.... ... ....0 o ý 0 ttentilng Jùnteaus tmmr tr Ii, or ou examinattoo! pirs sonera chgrgod wlth crime, flor, eah day uecensarlly émployeti lu oeei ormre cases, ýwhan not< éngagen more tissu four hotu-e... 1 0 7. Do. dlo. wheu eugttged mors tisa four hours ...................i1 50 S. Attoudlog Assises oe Sessions, éachday.... .......... -.1 50 I9. Mieé1trave ing te attend AnB.. nioo, Sentons, or before Justces (whén publccouvé ysucé can hé, taken, o iyréasonable dissiurse-. msots toehéaliowcd.)........010 10.*Summonin« Jury for Coroners' Isiquet, iuciutiing stbénding at. issquesb, sud aUl seirvices in res-. Iseot thereof, if itéitiou santé day as Jury sunumoueci........... 20 I.Atéiiug escis atiourumeont tiscrrof, if not engageti more foutr hours------------------... 160 12. Do. doe. if énigagetlintoro - tisu four heurs...................i1 6o Ili Serving susnmotîs or sutptna té atteund beforé Coronler leubjet' No. 10)--------------------...o025 14. Mileage ssrvtng Rses...........o 10 15. Exttutuiug body under Coeouér's warrantl..............-.....-..2 60 16. Re.buryiltg eame,,------------...2 0 17. Servistg distreas warrant, anti ro- t4trslltr'tç4satte..--------------i50 18. Advertlesttg undér d!eleesa wae- Tat ....- .......... ............-i a 10. Travelling 10 rntktt iRtress, or te searcis for goods ta snktidis-. tress, wheri no goads are fond. - 0 10 20. Appraiseineltis, ..s loCher li'onue oI' more, 2 tetsith lt ollar, u11tshtsévalué cf gouds 21. catalogue sale sud cmssison and deiiery of reois, 3cets. lu thé 8, ost net Pt'cdtce cf geéds. 22. 7xet'stiltg senelswarranit -i....1W i.Servirtg noiies onconstaates, yrlitu ptrsqually ..........0 5o à l'attlibhetl by order, Il. J. MACDONELL, Cierk cf tisé I'ee, C. O. - 221 D.MILLOY, Agent. v ALISES A.ND TIIUNItS. SPRING CAR PE TS VILLIAM GRO lly Rollits luteltdlttg puroitsel-o té Inispeet hie stock of ,i Titpostiry ansd Tlsrea-pîly 8a, Fleor Cotis îand Cor- 110H, Dîîtîîaska and-Laêo rîiî,Wisadlow Polos8, A Il of -vicil il b. solat tise iowt'nt pries. WM. GORDON, 181 Youge St., Toconte. April 111h, 187116. 161 TO LOAX- On improvet i I'trm or City Ps'oîtety. -In- torest digit por cestt. iper Atttsutu, Payable 'hefyslMTLOCK &- CAICIIELL, Otliep---Ovur itotu. lcl, Toreonto. -Tocante, Maiy ISti, 1870. in-21 N 0OTI C E Ail écéonltm (Ille JOHN ANDE118ON are té iso paid Ethé ,sssdsrqigtsedi efore thé lat of Julte, etherw'imc tiey wiii ité placeti 'lu 'sit for collectlou, -J. E. FAIMMIi'WL,, llerrleler, &c. Whlthy, May iloc, 1876. D) , LNS TO lOCI1SlR Coesnmetsesit&îroùt or about 7TIi W'SI)Li F- .0O1 fiA 1>WL, .18TO. "'NO RSEMA N," Wi mnake. berrogultitlpé etu titig route leisvinjCobouerg cvery rut>rstlé I7:30, est, Po)rt;fU1,so aI 7,,'eociç, for llniiet-r, esss. neeblng LItéra wlihtls tie Nw 'York Cottrssi, Nos-tlietés-itenritî l tdBraieaiiwîtysi, andt Isaka OttaroSelti SherDtvtstuluif tbise Itorse, WVatowni & Ogdeustttsrglt Iatlway fer cli points Bliat, Wost antiSentis. RI&sîN(eotWÎII lé08M Charlotte (Isrî 0f Xltiohetr) clialy at 0 p. n., exeept Sattite- dayn, when abs will laleaet I1) itn., for Port Hlope dît-col. Déeles lu toék &o. wlll issd titis tho cIlUu1Vt iteîpssna unt rxpio(itlnirou -te te bon. tocs Alitany, New Tonie &a. F(or fustiser lufos-utton apply t- R, CIAWPORD, Port ltope, or, C. P. ILDBERSIdRIiVE, Kingstons. Aprîl 121h, 18781.1 H AO COMPA y FU RN ITU-R E. LEATHElI VALISES AND SARATOGA TRUNES, &, &C., et WILLIAM zTIIOMiý,9ON'S, Seiler anditilarneso Malter, UPWCKuTit., Won'nDy. Jue241,1874. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY 1 Défoea Tkng. Gî'y' After Taldng, SPECIFIO MEDICINE Curés ait Ernvors, sucisaslîeas,.1DL01S1 . s-eV, P'cttTtA-TION, etc. ,teits ay ae as-e peoltissd ly oveinduslcsfilstbie nme o tobaeco antd aleolsolto sptnte: tttt thIs e scit'e Médletste té more e eiiièiats eeesnseeused ,sa an infallltts éture fer SsîsccsAL %WAEÂtS, St-sset')vtaunXà. IMPOT'osErv anti all iseans tha uttlous ea meenetsof ASelf Abuse, as Loss or- Mnolttosy, UNEvs:ts L I.asT-sro, PI>.Né -xrite: SBAUt, Dtîtstt:,s st(IFVtososcPsssi. MATUMs I LO Astis, an ti tty titer (1.18ea,14s taI eti te Isc,Hàcry ce ('ONNlie'îs's'Oyanai a PRssTnsÂuMtt Ssstvs. al of wicis a arns. are ient étiss$ett îy coivlsg IrOttisé 1eLpabis e!i staîtroe atd vvr lttlutt:ene,. lthe Spoueèle Mtille i-t tise 1t08111tcf0a lté etudtyatîsi s,îanv veauees t1 tlten-efitltreat- log tisee peeltt êtécases.R, til partiestaes iu eue îstusîdsiot, soielsiro e dsIroeu nd fi-ce by suaitto ttvery 011st. Tise tSpeefssc tlelne léi hy ait Dots- glisaI o intepr paeictsgo, or lx lacltagen fer 5, or .wil lécsent by tmai an recciptotes nsoney, by aditrestcg WILLIAM GRAY & ('0, rj~r foiti111It VIisttty ly 8. W. Smi thli, Jas, Biiy-e assd aili tinggints. Northsrops & Lymsan. Tosonto, wemiésss geuts. 7 'AT THE VERY-t 'GOCERIEl .OWEST LIVING 5 AND LIQU TO SUIT THE TIMES. WJ4itby, April 26th, 187à. .181 CAIRRIAGESI- AND BUGGIES 1. VIE LABGEST-AiND OST COMPLU-TE STOCK QF M,.,'O'DONOVAN.' CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST.,WHTY VERY CIIEAP. CALL & SEE THEM. ME'RCHANT TAILORINU. J UST RECE-IVED Ail kinds of Spring Goodls,*including English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds, Worsted Goods, Fancy Yestings, Broad-cloths, Doeskins, &c., &o. GOOD TWEED SIJITS AT $15! -Brook utrct, Wlsitby, Msy lot, 1878. A&J.R. PRINGLE, n MacatTailors. Mer1l LEWIS ALL*N' s BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, A large and well assorted st 'ock of liom Paper and Win- do Blinds, which he is pî'epared to seil at the lowest rates. A splendid assortment of statione, Now Miscellaneous Books bcsotifully bonud, ail kinds of Soheo ooles Violias and Coneertinais. Sewing Machins-bet mnuers. Large and uew assortaseat of host Gold snd Silver Watohcs sud Chaîna on hand. Wool sud Fancy dcpertment complete. Mll orders for English and American Periodicals and Newspapecs promptly filled. We are now in a position to supply Prize Books for Sohools etlitaîf price, and n' feel tîtat we eau give good satisfaction. Solioitixsg orcdre, &c. Wilitby, Apiil 5thi, 1876. 2oti ORBEA T Boots LEWIS ALLIN. CLEA/?ANCE SALE 0 F and Shoes.! At Auction Prices -000 $ 7,000 WORTH OF BOOTS AND - To be sold 'witholut reserve SHOFS1 Parties ini want of Boots and Shoes wiil find thia a rare oppoî-tonity te purohase cheap for Spring wear. Remcînber the place, at KIRK'S BOOT & 5110E STORE, Ontario Block, Brock Street, "Whitby. Whitby, April l2tIî, 1876. GE NT'S C. KIRK. CLOTHI NGI FIRNI-SHI-N-GGOODS For Superior Clothing suitable for Summer wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail- oring es±îiblistihnent of 1 OE0I,-c -, B'P mMb C ,GUSO0MT1, DUNIJAS STREET, vWHITI3Y. JE-& RETAIL.J A' GOOD FIT AND STYLISH CUT WARRANTED 1 -Albert Hall 89" Yonge -St.- d a Pull Stock o! évMr. hope by strict attention c OttaSOMOrg le menit a patsoeag islit x. x tée naklng ci 0OR K &C., &o.1 myLARlA LANS FOR SALE1 Lot 12 lu 121h concession, 200 &Croe, acres. Aosst six miles froue Atheriy Eail- way station. J. H. PERR'Y, i Wiby. 1VDLAND- RAILWAY 0F CANADA. T IM E- T AB LE. GlsN"ri froua Pont Hope ta Lind»ýy. Beavectzan d Orillia. Léerve Pott ope- MI...10 00a. M. Mled.-...8.25pm coing Nartit t? Petechoro' & Laiceeiti. -mail....12:60 p.m. 1 Mixeti.......... Soamlssg Sottifrosu Oilla la Linday, Pat-rborà' anti Port Hope. Leteve OnIlla- Mïa .... 1.00 P. sM. Ar-Pt Hope 0:45 p.=. Oomng Southt froas Lakoftid.. inzea .....4:45 a.um.lpa1.i: p.m. Counects wlth the Nlplsîng Rsllway ta and fros Terntan nte témetijastations>- Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kinds, inchî,ding Shirts, Hats a ndcaps, Uiabreilas,&. VWitby', July 27th, 1875.t-S CHO/CE W/NE6 & PURiE L IQUOII>6 at WHOLESALE and RETAIL to suit the HOIDA-Y DE M AND! UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. TrRY FREDERICK NEALE'8,-, SIMCOE STREET,' OSHÂWA'. AGENT FOR D6 Bt. XXX Cre, <Di'iîvé4àvas I 'RUGS, DYE STl b in stock jproCUrE Any S. W. B. SMITH, 'Whiby, pril~ ~Corner Brook and Dundae Sts.#Wiaitby., Sj/' RING, 1676. Garden'. ?akes, Spades, Shovels, Hoe8. Genuine White Lead, Linseed Putty, &C., &0 Qils, .Glass, GROSS& MACNACHTAN, BROCU1K Wlsitbý, April 11ýh, 1876. ELGINi[ STREET, WHITBY. ELGIN! ELGIN !!!l The fiîîest, best, and cheapest Watchos imade, for the ixto- ney, are thé ELGIN WATC1IES, linli ethead et Taylor'-& Bar-- uerd's, ini every grade, bobh lu Goid sand Silver, Ladies' ansd Gentste ciss Aise a ilarge stock of Engiis and Swiss Wstatches slways on hand. Cloche. Jewellery, Silverwàtro, and Faucy Gootis to soit avary baste sud pooket. Remember theo place-next door to Grotes & MttcNachtaii's, Har-dware Merchants, Brook Street, Whitby. FIJ R NITURE! FURNJTJJRE! Now is the timie to buy good and cheap Fnrnitore. Havingà boughit otîght tls&business lately carried on hy James H. Samo, w'c take tisis oppoîtuuity of iovititîg hie many frieudsto gis-e ne a oeil, assd wc coas sure ail tlîat w aras- preparad to dlo as wail by theas in thé future, as Mr. Samo bas doua in tise past.' TILL & -JOHNSTON. - -0- Orders by m ail proiptly attended to. UNDERTAKING.-- The onlly first- olees Establsshmentsu thé Counly vîsase fues-als are fully ssspîlied. TILL & JOHNSTON. Whiitby, October lat, 1878. LIST 0F A1JCTIONEE1RS Licensed for SoÜth Rifling of Ont-rio, North IRing of Ontario, and'separate Municip)alities in the latter. D. MoKy...... Donald lions ... E, H. Caneron .... C. Meure .... John MeGill & C.. DonaldRae T. H. Walsh ... Wm. Gordoan.. James Dighy, Jr. . James Digby.Jr JohnuL. NWtfiste.:.. J. C. Piikey... W. M. Wilicax.. C. Wilsn...... Thomas Tsrker .... Dan.Wia . Thèmes Pencher,.. J. M. Patterson.. L. Fairbsanks... H. E. ODéil... Donald Rêne... Elian ]éwe... Johaston Brown.... A. C. Jatte Fei Johh DufS, Duffe GAo. Oshawa ... lteorais...... $eavorton.. Oillia. ... ý1sent.... l'ont Pers-y.. Port Perry.. ijeaskdae .. Tpento .... ]iloutnigton....' Whitity ..*.. 4tisrly...... Ileaverton ... Visg xblla . tJST 0F PtEDLERS FOR THE CO. ONTARIO. a Case.......Osawa.........Ou foot ...... .......înt April, 1876, tafrigg .Brooklu.. ........i isose........ S1h May, 1876. -iebni Not-Rsiiet ... 1 hm-se, Coussty.. - - élisDéc.186 ta BliackWeii.... (1.do . 2 liosrs, Ccunty 141h Dec. 1876. se MeGovein.. (Ioh ... 2 homes, C<unty 18111 Dec. 1876. ,Gilligan ... o (0. . .. 2 istrséa, Ctstssty- 151h Dec. 1876,. ,eît Bren.... Oahawa ..........1 horse, County. 201h Jan. 1877. kIt Bren .isw..... iha .........5 b iornie, touty.... 21st Mar. 1877. Burton.....Nnesd(eut ... . 2 hos ê........... lsIApeil, 1877. WM. LAINGY, Co. Trea surej Southlisiliig ... Muae............ Thorah....... ti............. SouCth litiîing.. Tisoeah....... da ....... ...... Broek . ........... Sousth Ridiug. *» Uxbridgo .... Nés-bis itîitg.:: Nortîslt ilhng. North Ridisg.. Rouche.s........... Scottt............ Nés-lt Riîiig. 4iionth ltiding.: SouCi, iins... Seulh Ontaeno. . Muas...... ...... Brock............ Drsock............ ,ltCCtSP EExPIEte. June 28, 1876. Sept. 20. 1876, "22, 1878i. id29, 187f6. Oct. set, 1876- .418, 1876.: id19, 1876. 94 19, 1876. Oct. 2611s, 1876. Oct. 201th, 1876. Oct. 28tis, 18711. Oct. 2tti, 1876, gov. lili, 1876. Nov. 22ud, 1876. Déc. 2ud, 1876. Dec. .lltis, 1876. Jase.i4tit, 1877. Jeu.* 2tt, 1877. Feb'y sud,' 1877. M'rch 8th, 1877. Mar. 101h, 1877. Mer, lot, 1877. Wlsitby, April 4th, 1876. 1 FASHIONI4BLE TAILORINU Go where you cap get a Well-fitting Garmelt :-To t4~ T4ioring Estab]ishmerit of GEORPE GURLEYY; OSHAWA. SUIPERIOIR CVI TTING SH APE S THE WORK1 A Large Stock of ine Cloths ; hast Engliali, Scotch. sud Cenadian Tweeds. O>. Exellt Overcoatings and Splendid Vest Patteras. A goed fit Gttarant--d. GEORGE GURLEY, -. King Street, Oshawa. JJs'T T HE P LAC BOOT ANDý SHOEMSAKER, BROCK-5T., WIITBY, ]RAS no'w on hanaslargeansd varied stock of D3ote sna Sises. Hé nso .15.nakes te ortier evesy description ef Latdies' Gentlemen' snd Chl(Ifrc-is wear. 1Whitby, D CABINET FACTORY AND FURNITURE - W Go )whlere yoù cann ot fail to be pleased lunxnaking se1ectioi~s of good furnitixre.no Splendid Parlour, Drawing ýRoom and- Bedroom Sets, i New Désigns e wéiwor-thy of inspection, et' astonishing low, prices. Dmn- Gilt Comnices, Pioture Framiug in every style. Somne fine Chromos and Engravings for sale. Ia ail its branches ; funerals fully supplied, A stock of elegant oàseketi. Coffins always ou handi, triasmed to suit CnstQmers, and a well appeinted Heartse constantly in readiness. '.TIL L., Whitby, Nevember 241h, 1875. DOMINION ORGYAN' CO'S IMPROVED AND REMODELLED CA B/NET A ID C0MB/NA T/ON LuI ThsCompany has recntly been re-orgiassised by tise addition of thréJe of ltée iuost praçlical mets freas lte Factory cf Clonîgis & Witrreo's Orgen Ce., Detroit, Miels.. eaoh bainio an activée part lisn vwn partlstr tieparins ,eut, sud are oow uîantufacîurinir an Organ EQuAL, anti in ttsny points supzSioR, te auJ- manufaetiuréti lu thé Unitéd Sbétes'or Catnadla.> iVe balte ricaqure its annoncing te unr ecuabomers sud the bradé gèueraiiy bisat we have scion-é the riglisI 1 manusftacture andtigise, in thé Dominion of Can- ada, NE tisATENraTt seourcd i)y Lettûrs Patent in the Unitefl Statips. Engeiand andi Canada. By mnos of titis invention ant organ containig two or thiree sots of reeds becomps equalinii volumne andi power, and far Superior in Quality and i Billiaucy Of Tone te ano ordinary red organ of six or eigot rreda. Lý' Our celebrated "IVox Celeste," iVox Hliméon," Wiicox Patent ,octave Coupler," 'Clelo" or "Clarinet" atops, "Fugle Hru," IlDulcet," '~in, "lCremons," and Grand Organ Stop, aneî ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTSi catn be ebtatuet ouly iu tisese org-ans. Twcuty-five Differeut Styles for the Parlor anud the Churchi, of the beat niateriel tand workmiaushlip) Il-È QUALITY AND VOLUME 0F TONE UNEQUALLED. ,cE 1 PRICES-$5O TO $1,00O. Factory aud Witrcroomns, Cor. Temnperance sud Wellington Sts., Bowmanville. Agents Wanted in Every Couuty. tiý- Send for Price List. Addrcss, DOMINION ORGAN CO., Boinanvillé, Ont. General Agents for Canada for theIl Celebrated" Bradbury Piano. .13owmnville, MercIs 251hi, 1876. 14 Cheap Hai'ness, Trunks, W h/ps and Lashest- -000 1:?- OUnLA I=x Whitby, 151h fostent, 1876. I desire to oeil the attention of the psihlic to the feot that at ne limé during thse past five years bave I been able to effet - Fîrness of ail descriptions atlas low e pries as I cati this Sprinig. My expenees being iit I catn do il. No more styiish or better Heruese madein titis Ccunty. Cash purchesers will find special iuducemiets,-that is wheat I arn afles. Ceil andi inspqct. lespectftiliy yours, il, R. PHILP. Jýý" Iepairin- douc recsonabiy. PMesse notice-Second, Hernéss Shop south, uext to Grosss Hardware titorp, ]Brock Street. EstabUlald Ticenky Yeair ago. - 1 ru 0Oms & miEWE'OI T MAMJFACTUREIIS 0F CAIRIIAGE S AND SLEIGHS, DYUNDAS STREET, WTIITBY, ONT. Have 10W 0on hand a large stock of- Caririagei7 Buggies, and Sleighs, Cutters, whiech for styloeand finish casuot ho exceiled. (r Ml will be sold at co§t. Ail work warranted. TOMS & NEWPORIT, iVhitby, Ontario. - Witiby, August 250h, 185. 3 John ston's 8e/t' -*Rak .ing BReaper» At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in- 1870ý We oflerto oui- custorn ers for the, coming Harvýcst, two dis- tiuet Machines, whic h in stylt; and construction, enibracel the latest and mosi. useful improvements, of the day. JOH STN'SSINGE SLFHAK ING REA1PEB THE "RING 0F ,lýAPER8." The universal success ôf this Machine, both éd.triais sud i-Iheé ianda of thé las-mers, warrant usilu si, ing Reaping Mar-hine, ilbaslimare god points and lcés di suase sucéns andi less (allure, than htrelofore offered te ti, CAYUCXA Wfe, .were awariled Thé Mathushek Orchestra Si Planaisà brifliant, o! wonderSu nselodioun in toué, LFERED H. PE S I was fully ceuviace ti ttt wan thé crowa of all. M. BEI My adtuner, Whto ban tacel VMn fr hepat eny:ars e thé béntmsuanasd Lest imats, City. Tours &C. D. M. SUEV]LLE, Blin Street W. M. Scito, aalinstrument to ead the ig dlay Scisool, UOthii2g oaa éxcéli is soft sud füUi. 1Tise _bes it wliséa600 volées are s'agiu piano oa hédisl'uctlyhear.. ,WAIIRINGRENNEDY, Sup. SAMTEL PIBMnctodo. lb han givéa my famillthe, very iqhest - satisfaction. 1EY. J. DEDIN,Bart-ie. Hanîpton, Jan. Oint, 1876. MiR. J. REEISE, Il ailords me gréaI plésure. iu aclcnowledgiag tisé éablre satisfactioa, sud bigis appreciatién oý tise No. 9 Malb.. shék Piano puroisashedu-¶sý'm yen a-féw tisys sece. Euls1éOuyesiBbhiST6. PROF. J. iIEESE, DzAn Sm, Thé Médium Malhunhek, we got froas yen gives satire satisfaction! i évery respect. I catiuhésitatingly re'comn- mnenti i te ail desriýaanoéiso. Paster of Preshytériain Churct., PROF. REESE, OMmbwa, Jan. 28ri,,187., DE.&it'Sus, - I have 1fonudtllé Mfathus.. shele as a yen represteéilt-a firsI-olma piano. Msttiy musicians hava trieti il, anti. prononet it excellent.. Eespectfnlly, - MERS. B. MITCEL.. M.J. Hampton, Feb.-4st, 1876.. MR .REE SE, The Malhushek Piano I 'pur.. cisaseti from u nbas givén entire sablsfac.. lieu anti prevep itseif a su p.é e.istrument. in pvr ését I wouid récominnt&aU le netise Mathushek before purohasng- clsewiseré. Tours, &c., H. T. PT-ILIP S.. Enuinkillea, J=n 251h, 1876. PROF. J. RBSE, Hamupton, . Dnon Sm, I have mnuchi piéssure inaladding mïy tentiasouy ta tise mauy yen havé alréady receivedin favor of' thé weil mériteti Mstbushék Piano pur.. ehaséi froas yen récently. I am'well isalis- ledi wilh ilt iii very res1sect, and censlti-. er, fer iseauby andi toue,ai 15 unsurpsse& isy aay lustruascunt I have yet seén. I am, S. C. HiLLIER, M. D.. FULL AGIIAFFE, 7-OCTAVE FEOM PIÂNOSfrom other reliable mâkersat. bettom priCOs. Wholésaie sgsnts for the Dominion of* Canada for thé PRINCE ORGÂNS., Agents wanted tan êvéry City, Town and-' Couty tantie Dominion. NOIRRIS & SOPER, 8 Adelaidé-SI. Est, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. JOSEPH BEESE, HAMPTON. agent ia Darlington, Wlistby -and Cart- wright. 7 DRY GCODS AND GBOCERY STORE AT AUDLEY. Iu order te aséet thé grawlng wsnts ai thé locaiity thé subseriher bsas been indnced- 'o opea business ta thé aboyé line. A Large and well Selëcted Stock equal in price and qnslty to ony that oa ho purchased tante'wn or City. Give, us a undge f or yourself, snd if yen can ba a 1vi suitd as elsewisére pat-ouize home trade. D. McIRADY, PRESCRIPTION FREE ,ronllit on by indiscretions or excésî. Any- Drnggist has théinsgredients., Address DAVID >SON & CO., Box 22001, Niw arie. Septeusier, 1875. ]Y-12. Agents Wateýd lu every Township in Ontario te seil the fsmoup FrizeMeclal Organ Manufactur. ed by thé Smith American Organ Co. and Georgo Stock aud* Co.'s Pianos. Spécial - uiduceménts will bc given to firat-cleeso agents aud 'clubs of three or four 'wlshing te, purchase. Aay number of- testimonials in Laver of thoso firrt-cisasorgans oa hé fornish- éd, but as théy are sol widely kaown- gréat umbers haviugbeeu sold ihrough.- eut thé Dominion sud havlnggivénsaatis' faction lu every instaue-No testimoni- ai however flattering oa add ta their réputation. The -Steck Piauo Ce., reeeived thé only goid mal awardled te any ézisib- itor at thé Viénua, Exposition in 1878. Churches réquiriug organe will i~e iibvelly- desit with. Stylé,' 82, Smith American, we would call attention to as being especiilly adaptedfer ehurôbes anti halls, its proportions ae graceful sud its musical quidities areunsurpass- ed., Thée rn<1 géayan o Qvsthe G.1 (LateeCires .D-ior, Notary fioe-B.yron Sta Wblt'by, Ontai* BARR STEE SOLZITO-Ti - OONVI J. Dreac, Q. c., r[WIOWN CLE] tfrom 9 toi1e'cio IJEGEON TM Dr. 1 OMrio-Neit Win. enaRi i2iUYS HOS] 'V W theeye R w "Whithy, over 3f Omute dan admis -tractionoa! leth. C, W. as cheaas theoc l ocal ansitesla an's nw block, e jKing Street, Os THOMA 13UILDER..A DUNDÀ 1i Alat-tiers - JOHN *, ]EVR DREi JOHN AGENT FOI -Ll- Scottis G o! Jenatitan Woll .L.anaudJoinier, large quantity « stantly on haud. Clerk Diviif Cosuaissioner' ir &o., Atherly, Cor CA ILD. witby, Sept. 80 Audley. ,y coptest aà a Self-Irak- bas met wi th JUNJOI &- à- 9 j note e QUALIFYING TUBES, 40-ly 1 ý Auffley, Nov. 24th, 1875. PRR.E. WILLIAM TI- AWARDED THE FIRST

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