Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1876, p. 3

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ro excllet enter. siperne all lest ivai on Wednesday a of a lecture on egy, Ha lhustrated aus sud simili cf tersry perseis, In- n i k, aportion OÏ ogti*P ci. ue bas no rival. Bio des. crptonseDi t se tallai n-0 fr exaeinatioa by the audience wore lmlu atali, and wonderfully correct lu every particular. This geintleman passasses thé rare isculît af renderlag viol are uuly sld"dry içubjeato as lntiestunga a iry tale. Il tg to 4srzsetted thet ôh town hall wiu net comple id as the Teuiperance Allilto. gether toc msail te accomumedte th. audfi- enceots tI ould hbave attended thoeaon- tertaînuients; but upan a future occapioiî vs Unist Prof. Egen vii payeour tovu a -vstwbei ibis dlsadvantage viii have ceeused toeaxial, Apil 271h, 187.-Oraapa. villa Sun. Thts gentleman viii ha etthie Royal Hotel, Withy, on Tueday, May 801h, sud 1 ev f*oling days. 1 511E SMALL BILLS i INSOL VENTý ACT 0F 1875,1 Zis t/c-o Mailer of JOHN HAMB'r GREJJNWOOD, cf the Town cf * Whiibaj, an Inacivent. NTOTICE 'IoEBEI3Y given tual, ..by vrtse ai tisa powers vasateili mecnas Assignoea aitise Estata sand Eflecta of thes abave-namefi Inoolveut, I *vii offer for sala by Public Anaion, et , tisa lihs Ampnican Hotal lu the Town ci WHITI3Y, au SATUIIDAÏd, tise TWENTY.FOURIIH day i lUNE, naît, et ONE o'cock iu tise eltamnon, aillisee sute, rigit, titllaend i. terti tie sa hive.uamad. Insolveîit, and aifnîyoell as supisaignies, lu and tlaail sud inglar tlia lolwlng landse-and premi- ses, viz.:- lot, Town lots numbar eigit, nineansd tan, on William streat, lBlock G; sud let oue lu Block H,-ou Centre Street. Itocan- hurst's plan ai part et lottwenty.seveni - lnd. Tise nantis hall i lot savanteen lu Block P, sud lots B3 C, D and E on tise 'Wale'scadge. Scadlngs plan a1 part ai lut tvenly-saven, lBroken Front Concesion, Wiitby. flrd Town lot nunibr savan, ln tise firmt lier ai tisa tiret double rangeA o ev lots esIaiflBrocok Street, lu ths Town of Whl t. by. On Ibis tisera Is a good honse anti eut. bildings., 4th. Lots tva isundned au inety-igsL sud tva isuudrsd sud niaiety'nitia. on Gats p lan i lot Iwenty.fiva, Iluttisa Brolan Fronit Concession, Wiitby. Sui. Town lots tvanty.nina, thlrty aud tlmrty.oua, on Wallace, Fsewelî-, an dKel- ler'o plan i parts ai lots t*euty>nttie and tlîlrty, in tiseSecond Concession, Xtby. SM. Vllage lot nemujer bres, lInfBlock J3, werls piu, lu tliseillags oi Monches- her. Pls. Borealots laFairport, viz.: Lots jouar lu , twa sd six lin , arena lDJ, andi Waten Lot ivo. Part et lot tweutytisrec li Biroken Pront Concession, Pickering. Stis. A oneacealut lu the Village of Brougisam, knowcî as lthe Old Tenuery Lot. titish. Town lot niaunisrsix, on H-uater Streat lu tisa Townuf ai hat, Couaty af lotis. Tise ioliowing landsisnl Madoa': Lot number savaniluFourlis Concessioni, hlzovir, tva isundreti acres; vast hall et lt numbar elgt, On Second Concession, Elca- vi, undivided, hait lut.; twenty-flva acres, U art ai vest hait ai lot- nulubar six, in eond Concession, Elzevir - heu acre narth.wast angle af asst hasl ci lot number1 six, lu Second Concession, Elziver. . Aise al tise book édebtis, accuhe su ad judrentof i i athSi lucalveait, bell uni- vale Yad as s Trader, andthie Li.Ppliclas helt by suidi Ineolvent. À Met ai sald BIook ansd Jutigient Debîs *araeaopean ioninspection lu tise oilice eof1D. Ormfisi, Esq., lu tise lown of Wiitby, any day belveen tise heuosnri teu a. m. anal Ilîrca p.- n., aise tise Tille Dactis ai'iReal Tisa Assignea vil net finis any papor, iltla, or muninient 0ai lte, other tisai thoe îew iu hilepnossessiou.. vîîlcisare avallable fer Inspections aarasaial. Trrim-î'or tIns ileal listateo twenty ,par cent. oatisapuciase uuoney le ba paution thie day ai malea,dtise balance a montuî ai tac. For Boeok sud Judgmevî Deble and Pliins, tIi tarme are cash. ~ G. C. GROSS: Witby, IMa> 22nd, 1870.. 22.ld. PLASTER 1 A fresiscargôo asîroeicia t Franchi. * intu's Bay. 90 CENTS PER BAlIREL. 3 . 31. McCLELLAN. Plokiing Herbour, May 241h, 1876. 22 F LOwEL, S i FLOWERIS i OVER 2,000 TO SELECT FROM A O1USE, TO LUT. sCoulaîlîing SBoau lange Iloes, Ganaiu.u amt Sta le Hard amd Sit Watcr. Cemntre ui Tovn. Appi> ta ýVMby Ari 26h,180.WM. TILL..1 P)OJIT WIIT AND PORIT PEIIRY -..EXTENSION IAILWAY. - TIMEl TABLE No. 14. Talc., affect on Moudsy, May 8tis, 187e, Trains mou byToronto tOme, vhic- i isalen- ty.tvu minutgossior en suGT.R. hlm.. ' c o. 2 MIAIt. No. 1 xmx. Wiitisy Jiu. . . .dep.-10.05 a.m. a. 7.07 p.m. 4gihsy.....-... 10.10 715 B rockln......10.80 7.8s m ytie a........1048 7.52 ... 1. .00 m 8.05 Manchestar .....11.12 8 .17 Prince Alisert.....11.21À Il 8.27 4 P'ort Pars>.. .,arlve 11.80 Il 8.851 ' iBAIS G 0 00 sUTI Port Penn.ep. 00 arn, il, 1.28 pm. Prince Alert, ,...... 6.09 1.la5 Manchsester- . 620 "* 1.45 sua ioit.....680 " i1 7 Mycie........842 210Il IJrgîtîllin...........700M 2 e7 0 whiibby ... iiAit 7.20 ,Ain. (2.4 ne .0 i. 285- WiitbyTunn'.a.,rrive 7 li5i .81> Pjllatfonan stationsn. Trains stop qu sig ua ly, ' Caionnectiug t 1W1-atl )y STanctiranvils Ithe G. T. R., east s ii tîat; tPort. Palr-y wtl aiL90 fuor UXhnilii , anl StAuummrner Mep Loi entai Uniieav. tisera ,neetlng vitis the 11idnî ailwv ranl vils, týaremerfon 17,018, Flls. ooavglae nd stu ttran And whr.as sncb Branoli cennot be eonstruacted without the aid sud assistance cfte Municipalities te be b beafited thereby ; aud it la de. sirable tisat sucis aid uhould be af. fordad by the Corporation of the *town of Whitby, by way of bonus teO the Bailwày Company, te <the eitent cf Twenty tbonsaud dollars, as berèlnsfter provitled; And tii rauste number"ef frac- holders ofilbe said townof Whitby have- petitioned the. Municipal Ceuneilo et ti.said corporation ef the town cf Vbtby, as reqnired by tha plaInte in that baisaif, for a submission of a By-law te thse qui>- lifled ratepayers cof the said town cf Whllby, antborizing thse raising ,-of, the Wuaisriqnired for sncb bonus. And wbereas f6r snch purZiose it is e- cessary for thse-MunicipalCrp. ation pof the.town. cf NWitby 'te, raisWe imm ef twenty lhousand And wbelkeàs the amount cf the exit. Ing lb cf tise said Corporation cDfgtlise said town cf Wbitby io fiftyý'seven thousaud two buudred dbll4iro for principal, -and twelve dollars for intereet ; and tisera is ne principal in arrear, and twelve doliars fer intereat In arrear. A.nd wbereas the total amount te be raised aunually, by spacial rate, for 'payiug tise seul debt cf 20 thiousand dollars and intareel lisera. on, ns berainaflar providad s two then[sand twe huudred dollars. And wbereas tihe amenait ci the wholo reteable proparty cf dia Muuici. pafity 0 ictewn eof hitis.y, ne- cordaug te thea ast ravised asseus- ment rell for thc year ana thon. Band igist iundr-dc and sevanty. five i. 9H8,882 dtLare. And wberasan annnal spPcial rata cf 2 84/100 mills in tise dollar upou tisa whole reteabla proparly cf ithe raid -towu of Whitby will ha ne- - cessary aaid raquired for payiaig thec interest, and forming a sOunk. iing!fund sufflient for payiug off the principal cf lise said dabt ta e I ercby craated, vithin tisa pariçdcf twenty . years 'haremn. aiter limite-d in thet bhbalf, accordingteatthe provisions, cf tise statut. 'in liaI boisait made aud proviad Now it isliseraby enacted by tbe Mun- icipâl Council cf the Corporation cf the 'towe cf Whistby- 1. Tîat tîis By-law shlcl cerne int fer and mi ffect upei, fru'ni and afier the firt diy cf June, oea 4111iaoîid eight isnndred aud -seven. ly.six. 2. Viant àt shall ha lawfnl, for the pur. % p0L;s aforesaid, for the mayor cf thaetaiwn cf Whitby, and ho la lîereby aîîtlorized snd rpqaired te issus debeaturas te an acueunt net exceediug in the viiolé twenly tiioasand dollars, inu 5cm. f fnot logo tiu n aetlieneaild dollars cadih, beariug interest et the rate cf six .per cent per anaium, and -payable on tise Fir8t day cf Juna, oee hosusand iglîl isundrad and ninety-Bix. 8. Tii. saeul debentaire shah ail e s pcctively sealed with the sual cf tha Municipal Coriiorattion cf tlis town eof Vhitby, and signed by thse Msayor and coutarsigned by thse tise ClQrk cf dthe wa cf Wiitlîy, and shial hear date rcspcctively on thea day on whioh this 1y-law salal take affect,- and shall beamada payable te tise iearer Iliareof ut thse Ontario Bank, in the Town cf Whiitby. 6 4. Tisera shall ha atlacisedteatthe said debentures coupons for thse pay- nient cf tisa interest ytrly duriaig the curroaicy cftdi a sid deben. tures, whicls coupons shal hacniade çý yableanat he Otareo Bank, in lîitby aforesaid, on tuie finI djay cf lune in each year during thea currcucy cf Ibis By.law. 5. Visa debenturas te bo signoëd and issuod as aforesaid, . saal o de. livcrad by said Mayor te tirca Tr~ustecs, te ha named as follows iýno hy the Lioutanant-Governor Iln Conai'i1, ona by tiesa sid Rail. wuv Coimpany, and oue1 h ts ccuel cf the town cf Wvhityi trust te hacîy tiscn, undan tle di-i rection cfthie Rilway Comapany, converted junte nuey ; Secondly, te dejiosit the ameant realiynd froin siieli sale n seina Churtercdl Bunk ii tise Provhîeec)of Ontario, in tie naine of thme WVIithîy and 7. And it ie fertîmer euacted by thie i4aid conucil, tisaItîe volas1 of tise electors cf tha Raid tevU cf Whiiîhy, ha taken on the proposad hî.law on Friday, tise tweuty-ciglih day cf April, A. J)., 187.- For Nortis Ward, at tisa Oddfllovs;' Hall. For Centra Wardut aIhscToîa - Hall. For South W~ard, ut tisa building kuovu as Mms. R11e'.satone store, on'Riahimond- Street. Tustt hsavoles efthle claclons shal ha ta»an outiis hy-lav ou, Fritta>' tisa tvenhy-eighthi day of Aprii, 1876,' commanciamg et thie heur ot nOue oclock-in tisa merning, anal oâoimýg attise heur of five o'clock lu thsé aflernoon suad tuat tise Itoturning oillccns for takiug tise Bai suvotes sisal hoe-1 For Norths Worîi-Hugh Fraser. For Contre Ward-James A. Camp. bail. For Sentis Wsnt-Ricîamti8piov. - TAKENTC Tise> lanupluaéo lm-sua. i iaAd cecao;pl b>' ths o.amilulss f Ontarieoii hue ho3tuý ypamof liii .lj"ty's ia-itiîaafirtîli-l "An Aor ,t< Piriaéi , amVaiaîg i>' b lot oui NMu#ia-ipai liy Lawu m-qininva tîme iRleaî eutliii' ists-puîyera;," the CIe-mk of the, Ceacilioff lic- Cuuniîaraîtlinicftloi- Town of Whialy %vil), ntýfjp iseiîr cf ,twplts'i. c'cock, itueri ,ou Ihic17 l ay cf Mayv,.1876. naile Townu1H8ll On hfl, Towh i S Wbity. Fsum cpthîe tumber sf tse pol'ilbe TPHOMAS HUSTON, Wlsh itby, April 'i8h, 1878. NOTICE. üTiseabove 11Is e ecopy c- l.a i pndb' thel. municialslCencil ai the Corporation ai tise Town oci Whtby,cnigthe Fiitaantii Day of May 1878;- sud Il par. sens are lieraby raquiredta teke notice thal any one desircus cf applylng te have snob lly.laýw, or au1, part thereof, ququhed, muit inake blisappCichon, fer liaI purpos. te ana of HearMeaesty'o Superior Courts ai Common La-w, et Toronto, durlng the term ci tile sald p -ri' Courts, naît, sitar the special prom Ulation thereo; by the pub. lication ofithis Notice lu tire. oconsscutive numbers ai tha ellcuwiug ne" a ers, vit.: Tise Wltby CaRON-'cL£ and llby- Ga. talba, or ha viii haton ae t tabe heird In tisat'behai; and tae notice tiet such term commence on the Twanty.elghlb D)ay ai Auguit', naît. Vide 29 and 80 Vie., Cap. 01, a.%, 202 and 203. THOMAS HUSTON, Clark. SMO KERS I TARE 1.,I E that the grat chiefs, "d'lean Hands" and "BigPi13.y have issued a proclamýtion, to ail good GIrits, Torieý andl Grangers that since thýe ex- tension te the Port Whitby MANY INFERIOII IMITATIONS - and Port OF oiMru tgMYRTLE N AVY J":- 1 allway TOBACCO Are now ofaoreid, LOOK OUT FOR THE STAMP ON THE GENUINE. 21.8m. Frotccled bij Royal Lettera Paient, Dated 0ctober>llth, 1809. Perry Extetision is guaranteed by Whitby boihus, it beqomes the duty.of Protectionists as weil as Free-Traders- that they should visit th.e UNDEII DISTIItGUIBRED PATRONAGE. LOYAL TOWN '0F DEBIG T PHOSPHODYN E. o z o N o The New Curative Agent, sud only Re- liable Remedy for Nenvous anti Liven Complainte. IIat Tmhis Piioliîatlc comniinallon 1laîîroneinced iy thse anot cemena meinîere nicthe Meuilcai 1roe,-eion te ac c qnaliaa for ils paver la reîleîlehtng the vllallly et tise body, byitsb siiilal1vnaf ai the essentIel constituents of thse 111.1d nal îerve snîîstaîîîco, sud for darcmeping ab i c-la- pwca auitifuuctonî o1cie $sstni ta t a agrcb o t bthe paîste, andi Innocent iu kai ,ls action, whilie rctsiaabîg ali ts etraordlnary ýreertîce- îuîîd as a slpeitc, sîrpassiug il le kuowu tllarlaiutlc agents of tisa praaaent aay forbtlaspeeaiy and piemmant aura af- Nervenep rstrutlau Lassitude. Li-or Complainte' Shortins aiflrsatis leihliatatioaio e! a ieaut Tremnising o f tis e Iiizziîaeebande sud uis NoimssIlutise Headi sud taupsai Nutrition. Lars SMental sud pisysical Loin cf Encrgy sud Alia- liprassion letiteConeuraptiomi lin tisa -ipaloaia uc-t stage onlyl ans ,Tlitlty cits Flaui,) c Ieired ScisIofsud Iuacuîauaity for Slndy or Maraioîy iiliieis Narrons Fammles fick Hilchac Narrons Dsbilty lu ImIcs-eriaec'd iiotui. s leStages l'rcarnîutaîro Dccliii,. sud ali îaurbid conditions of the systoarlens lîmg frosicliatavsy cause. 'Éliaeactionoattise Pisesplîouivna le twofld-onlise onaeisant inl- crcuusiaag tha prnllie visicli conttutes uer- voue emîiergy, anti outise otisor tisa moat pawer. U fui ismoti sudflash generating agent lkuovu,: tisenfre, a tmarremieus anadicine for rnna-at- liîg liuiptial ansd iroken-tiewn constitutions. 1h aqluely Inîproves tise fîuctions ai aselînil.- allen be aumeisasdegrea, tisaIvisera ior years an einatatiatsl, ai aonsenlaverons and seami- vital cendition hep exietothetilas ill viirap- Idly tnerreuse lu qîanity sud irmnese. anti M tise iWjlaca ymtem ratura te s staeeon rob,,st isesitia. Tia'hespisadyne ases aectmieliy îîpe lise organisation; for Instance, it assimts naulure le geijrate tisaI isumsn eiectrlily vi eisrnevesand naisuilde tise osssonw anus- colar, nervons, ,îm lrau ne.sd organla sys- tomei. Il operates on ties ystin vîthonaexcit- lng cacaç), or lmengltu nn tii, Individusi as tae whoe lia îaeoca-uc. la ,aaaveq tîhe lin,ilvarY isrt. Iluialiaaeau. saaancla, aaiaal intcetiiaes. wltla.aber- laifl. via,'aaaa, yt t1iiiîeeo Uîaniulleiu Tha Plaililalyuaa aile-a lanciaüte seuman lage stractaira,.Ilai au saullhe foli -thlipespisorac or aaîainatingloeeît of lite. wlalub bai beau wactlc-l.andti ecte an imîportaunt influence til- rcctly en tiesapIuin arrov aud narrons,ï, tomn, cf a nutritive, Ioule, andi igo.rat n» cisuarat,-r, maixîtalulng tisat bueyant auergy cf thebise aianîd nuleulaur ystuen, ivbîcis rendais lime nilitai cieerftel, iriliant, and cenergttc, an- llrûly eaverceminn tise duli, inactive, sud 1ug gibiaisposiutacione W~hie inîcny lereoosexpai. onlce liu il tîlaînactions,. Thme IAciil lYc fects oet1he, 5'insod are faeqocuently sisova frein the tîrst dey of its LA T adininstration, iy a nemanicaisia oreasse'ai mnrvus paver, vils a feeling ai vIgour anti couIfert, ta viici tise patient hue long bsesu îineccustometi Digestion la Impraveai tisa appetîtemonrcasses vcuîderiully tise bavaIs isecoîna reuuar : hieaye bigitr ; tlis kin dalmsuad isaalisy; sud tli hemacquires strengthi, sisoviîîthe Importance aftie ac- ever iml lionocitise Fisasmîhdyna ou tisaorgane cInu- trition. Flnally, tisa lisôpisodlne mintains a cen- tain dogmea o! aellvily lanlisepraviousl i liu. a teti narrons systenn:lIte use anails le de- thse sa bililateti organe ta reluu ttatisair sounti tate and performa thair naturel finctions. Persans sulTerlng fouiNerroins.Doiilyor en attise isinre sptans arluleis ui dlehnasug dils- are te ease assumes, msy rest asaurati ai an affecteal sud aven spesdy curae53 tise indicionuee Ibis mosl luvaluable remedy. DR. BRIGHT,S PHOSPHODYNE eevi I5 aOLii OicLT Ini CASES et les. 6d. b>' ail Cisemista &adathc sud Patent Medicine Vendore tiscengisultisae Globe. Full directions for Use lu lina EngU&eisFrenchs, offaradb Genna. talen DteScpanisis Partuge, Danisis, itussian, Turkiis, Persian, imda.- stain, Medrasse. lBengoila, fliinese ami! Jsp- sucoes Lanuanges, accouipaming eacisCaCea. r_.wCAUJTON.-The large ant i icreaslng de- mendieor Dr. ligisVsrisosphodyne bas led ta savoain îitatious unden stmiler names; pur- ciiesers aifliis mediclua souidt iereiore be rvfl,,f carefisl 1a observe tiitetasci case bears tise itaglisis Goveriixeaut Stamp, vitis lie varda Dr. Brigisîs Piospisodyise suiravei tiereon. (while lttars on ati gouind,> andt tisItise cama yards are aiea bloscu on tiseisottia. levary cae bears tha Trae Mark anti Siens. turc oi patentue. Tise public arc also particu. larl Lcautionediînst -pîrcheslug spurious imi'&"stlonsMprdlad fn tisaUntai taas anti are rauatel 0 ote tisatisahdrectIon gnuine. H UL) E.xpoUT AGENTS. Notoud e 4. Ce., la? Sonlisverk Street, Evanç, Leeler &t Evans, W9 Bathlamens Close nnouE.41, nenoyr. 3ourîge &-'Cao. 16 Coleman strz:: j3ylv& Sons, 9 Farriugtiou Street. London, lEC, ltewhory &uanos, 87 NevgaeP.,.r.Ondon r, O ., qasnger & 5Qom 1M9Oxfordl Stl Londlon. w: G, oearlilng & (Co. 10 t, m are &%o. London,F.. clatns e 1c.18 George ftréal, Iansion Housa, ConaieIla Co.,186 Leaedenuall treet, Lon- WHITB Y, and purchase their supl t8, Caps, and; al i ds 'of Gent-s' Purnishings, ut tisa store of GH McBRIEN,* IcMILLAN'S BLOCK, eau always ho found 'the and bet selectod steck ofet EST NO VEL T/ES iported jute Whitby. Ana at me lime ail goed "INGI$TS" brnmg themr Raw Faire, and ini the. lavful moea>'o! dan- a largoat compensation ever tb the. faithful. fore, at your not forget ta eaUl perili ou G3H MB N HÂTTER, &o., ffllaii'a look, Brook Bti tar. CÀSH PÀID FOR BUTTEIR Wliitby, Mtay 801h, 1876-. 15 Tons- Gut --000---- ONL Y ý $3 KEG -CASH. HEaving,,purchased'iabove quantity of of best quality7o0f Out Nàils, we alre prepared te offer them-large sizs-at thé low ,prie - of $8.00,per-Keg.- *C Persons building a housê,, ý,barn or fence please note the above. We have also American, Loclks, Butts, Hinges, Latches-com-plete for building., O---- FARMERS' TOOLS. Spades, Shovels, Hâoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Snaiths, &o., good goods and cheap. PAINTS AND -OILS. Genuine White Lead, Boiled and ]law Oil, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, &o. CHILDRENS' CABlS. .We offer sonie American Cabs at'Cost. Only a few left, caîl early. Milk Pans, Pails, Strainers, &c., &C., cheap, at Whitby, May 88lst 1870, Impoton of isaf an Hevy Hrdwre. Implte .s o Selfan HevyHarwa281 GOLDSMITH'S HALL.1 -00 Just to hand a lot- of Thos. Russell & Son's celebrated Watches,, Gold and Silver cases, at special prices. Waltham and Elgin *Watches i Gold and Siver cases, Jewelry, &c., at depression prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS lWhitby. - - E.FR081. -Whitby, 9May l6th, 1876-.> May 1Oth, 1876. May 1Oth, 1878. LAING & STEWART Beg leave to invite their customers and the general publie to their store to compare prices with any offered ini the Town. They have no intention of retiring from the retail trade, nor of ofeéring Bagna Bankrupt Stock,- but they intend *b give, the ver best value they can afoôrd.ý They have been 80 fortunate as to findl several leadfing lines mucli below. thé ordinary prices, and offer, not, at coat mer urnder coat, but on a very small &avance. For instance, New ]Yress Goods at 10c per yard, ini plain Lustres. New Brown Duck at 12jc per yard,. worth much more. New Union Tweed at 87J cts., usuel price 50 cents. P. B.-The goods offered are in the latest styles, and in the. leading designs, and not the accumulation of ye*.rs. Bespeotfully yours, - Whitby, May- lOth, 1 876. I~IG&SE A 20 IRAIL WAY BY-LAW CARRIEDI1 ---00 Majority 103 ! Ait unexpected figure, bit cnly a "Idrcp in the Lucket' cou& pared with the croirds now purchasing ROBERTSON'S cheap Note Papers,, cheap Enrelopea, cheap BlanIc Books, cheap Pocket Books, and inaking theïr otker Spring purchases from Hirn. 4 Quires superfine Note Paper, ini neat wrapper, for 25c. 1,000 Good Commercial Envelopes for 90 cts. Paper Window Blinds, new stock, new Patteru, Cheap. Pera bultors 3 nd 4whels, an- Ladies Back Comube-A No. 1 Article, good variety, al aduan and inerican maiçers, best valne in town. CALL AND EXAMINE1 Whitby, May 22nd, 1876. GR1E::MATr- PRICE 0F Organs and Melodeon Organs' at for Cash or ,Note payable in October next. Practical Watchrnaker. m P4 E1nuTIoe-V1 l, IN THE CROQUET-This popular Sumnmer game at very low Base Balle aud Clubs-a large stock. 1ev rates. Clubs suppliea at - J. S. RO.BERT SON, Bookadiler and Stationer, WhiMtby. Whitby, May 2nd, 1876. 19 ORGANS.,JUST ARIIVED TO-D AY, greatly- reduced prices,1 Caul at the "IRGAN 'FACTORY" and examine Our stpck. AIse Second-hand Ongans and Melodeons et very 1ev pricas. THE MUDGE & YARWOOD M'F'G. CO.1 Whitby, May lôth, 1876. N O T I C E Isoiserai>' gi-rautisaIticheCouncil ci tise Cerpotion ai the Village of Port Perry, doC atea meeting ta ha held et tise Town Hal, in sald village, on Tuesday, the l3th Day ofdune naît, propose ta paosia y-lav or By.lavso ta stop up sud close ai a public streat or alloance for rons a benatise sixth5eand savendi causassions ai tise Tovnship ai' Bach, 1yig eut c uleStreet h is. sei Viiega0et Port P ansd te veett he sae in Tis iPaxto, anti teopn anti esta. b ua ubiitret or bgv>' ieu of tisalaut Clescribea o 6 0 ilewn descnibeti landi: Cemuiencng on tisaWest i nit oft aie saailot attisedistance of leven Chaine anti torty.îvo Liks from tlie noîtis wesI sagle lisaretil; teissasortis eev,.-ty four <lagreas ansI, î,enalico, tahie nnrtish lm îa cf thue ut, awdire chiahs anti fifueesu iumh nions or 0less le thie val- ns ah Lake Scugog, thien ïoutls-wesr.eniy nue chisamanra or iea, ou tue mnlaaeisure; t Inusot m eveaoty-fonr tirgnteas West, twelclraiei tleeink, mne or leas atiste vestt imilI of tlout, aheu n otsîbxteahu cegres veàt,ue chahl tu plitus ci bsrgimnng. - T 0 FARMB RS AND LÀNDOWNEERS i Do yozt want to borrow moey (Re-payable b>' lustalments) To büy noie land for'yourieloiror ycur snTo buldeahans, or s hm ? T tanice, iea; udartiralu, or otherisa "lm.- p Ovycr ltd2To payof ,a Moritgag or oirsbts9 'Orloi nfy ther1 urpos. 1'f If yon de, tisa retinced teruis J the CALa. ck PisasuimxmerLoare ais» Sxvucs, Coiaauiv isiaish»s =ad&e imee eans tePaïmeri dnringtise lesttventy es Ibmamy othar ard facilities sud ayvan egs berotofora unequalleadby amy Companyiu the Domin' ian. The Elgist pice psu! for goci! Mortgagea. Forfurtiser inormation apply te J. I. EEBEET MASON - - Masegr, Tercudo. or teO FAEREWEL h& EUTTBDGEt Solicitors, Whitby. Witby, Apnil 151h, 1876. 2DI-17 COTTAGE FPII SALE i1 A T '8! A portion of the Bankrupt Stock of Lockhaft & Holden, Toronto, ----:000: PILES OF. PRtNTS~A HALF PRIOE. Bales of Grey and Wffhite Cotton Less8 >tkan Manufacturers' _Prce8. - Fancy-D'ress Goods and.Blàaek Lus- treos- at Remarkably Low Prices. $Silk Parasols from 50 cents.- Lisle Thread (*Ioves fron Feather T at the ràte, of 50 ci very low. TOGETHER WITH A~ Wlser Ativel FOR LAD A Fuuuy tIle Man cae Can tisre be Ra=uin is lin on the Streeta... Give-ga s Hadsbma Yo Win I. naeeyen ? wny, yes t e esure, 5fSr ..I......... ...... La Hache. M5e ..ngWio.............Bishop. 850 FOR GENTLEMEN. Beantifal Watzar ............ lnch. 30e Oeil again toerrw Lee.85e Canaeaiiay ay dy -.Dresser. 80c crào!sng the Ferry. .......Kewconib. 80a Ouning'Lttle dark-eyed beant., Dat makes meznodding'scut.a ol D ikn Gn.......... eth. 800 Fasinaxn Blnde........Pratt. 3WC Gaiwit be har ct crl.Ângslo. 30e Gay oun Clrk7n aDryGoods Store Rays. 40o Get up and shut the door.ays. -35d' Girls don't mean ail they Be-&y....Angelo 80a Hard Times...............Higgins- 81 How I love the pptty girls.... .Dressar. -50e I don't cen toIt yon vy . H.. ays. 40c I'm Captain ai the Gnards._... R.ays. 850 'm deep in lavewith-a pretty girl. Cox. 80o rm Daddy's anly, Son...... Pratt. 35a Milliner'a Daughtar .......Niller.* MANHIOOD. 110W LOST, <HOW RE STOREDI1 lust published, a new edition ai Dei. CUz.VxWEsLn'sCEL. Bu,&Tzi EssAY on the radical cua( 1hu eiin)c pmtrhe or Seminal Weakmns, invoinntery Seminel Lasses,, Imptcj Mental sud Physoical Incepacity, lmpeiments to MarIae, etc.; aise, Cansnmption, Epflepsy sudta, in_ dnlgence or sexuel extravagla, &o. Iterics, in a sealed envelpp, cnly 0 cents -- The ceiebrate&anthor, iin ibis admirable Essay, clearly damanstrates, fram a thirty years' sncceseflpractice, that the ak .min cansaquences ai sall-abuse may bhadi ly curedl without the dangerous use èdiciternai. medicina oàr the, uife; pointlng ont a mode cf cura at once simple, certain andd effëetuai, by moans ai wbich evary safferer, ne niatter what bis condition =ay bc, may ba ue himeel chaapiy, privataly, E3'-ThOs Lectlâes hould ba in the bande ai avery-youth ana cvary rmis ii thlisn& Sent nnder , ýain a plain envelo~ to amy addresa, ôèfitcid. on recalpto six cents or two poat s'tamps. Âdarsss tha publishers, P. BRUGMAN & SON, 41 Ânn-St., New coek Poat Office Box 4m8. ly.17 G ENERAL EIO. NOTICE ta hereby givua lth oi Ganaral Sassions, and 1h. for the Coennty of Ontaxie- vi the COUlRT HOUBEi, TOWN 0F WF Ties8day, the 181/c day cf n et tise heur cf 1I o'clok, noonh Coroners, Juron sund cou"l quirai! te take notice. May 22nd 1876. WHITBY MACHINE 1WOEJ - (LATE'C YToN'8) pair. A rut AIIow8 the rno8t for E1.gg8 and Bu~ in eehne o ry Goods or Groceries, at The Odd Fell31ows' Hall, li,127 54 20,000 00 44.82042 - -iý. 1

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