Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1876, p. 1

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W. 14, IGQINSt .At hluPrlntigEsEtabIlihmntu, PflOOK iTBEET, WHITBY. Termns - Il -50, per Annum. ADVEETISBURNTS. -À31 Â#ertse. .Mmaontemesmmad in )onp#Aoie, an4 ,bsrged astlthe rate of caste, par lin, trot no&Aioù, and 2 cents, par lno,.ih ube.. ;Ouai insertioti. epoISii$145d* made wlth advur$asrs bYuiejeaixor otherwiss r7rto discontinue advertieenahta onust bein wriing. OR4TAILIO BASE,. THOXAS DOW, DOMIxiN N ANE, WHIITBY ÀAGEiNOCTY M.B. TAYLOR, H. J. MACDONELLi L ohijce, Bouth]Wlrng Ccourt Hlou... Ar. rangements toM-aecairétainer of HEu. Mrt. Cameron, Q.O., aud Dr. MoMicbaal, Q. C. FAR90WELL & RUTLEDZe, B)AREXITERS, ATTOUNBYS, SOLI. Doera, Notaries Public, sud Cenvay. Office, trst do«r suth of!te.Royal JA 3MES RUTLEDGE, B. A. county rovu Ateorney. 48 J ASES KEITIE GORDON, &3AR TRkATTORNHY.AT.LAW, ,1 f'leloTtor in Chancery, Conv 'sucer; NotsryPubUio &o. nemOoZ.Ad disonastore, irock Street, Whîiby, Ont. CElLULEs C. JCJLLER, À TTORNEY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chancery, Convoyancer, ke., Canning. ton, Brook, C. W LYMÂN ENGLII4I, L L. B., B ARRIISTE B AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN .>Chaocery, Conveyancer, &c.,.&C. Slm. cou Street, Oslsawa, G. YOVNG NXITH, LL. B., AnIRSTE, ÀTC)INFYAT- LAW, Notary Publiekc&C.~ fleMMla 1leos, 3rock âtret Whitby, Ontario. A. G. SocMILLANi, (Lato Groonwood & McMillan.) DÀ RISTER, ATTORNEY, fOLIC- Bitor, Notary Public, Couve ysucer. of. fice-Byron $traet, South of Post Office, Whltby, Ontario. Jj UGGAN k ROBIINSON, DAai5TyaII, ATTORI<lYS.AT-LAW, SOLrCITORS' IN CHANGER Y, CONVEYANCERS, ttc., oOÉct-Provincial Asurance Buildings THIOMAS IIUXT<N, T WN CLERK AND ýTR1EASURER, .- WItitby. 0111e-Townul. Houri, roi1te1o'cloik. H. J. GIJNNý DM. D.,- CURGEON TO TFE àOUNTY GAOL, s~ Byron Street, Whltbe. Dr. W. J. I3URW4S. Oricz-Nout fleur to CaunoiscLz Offie. 1M Rosmidence, at Mr. Lewis Hlonck's. G YBHOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., t h ae . . O.a. L., Oshava, Ontario. ~DENTIST, (SUCCES. 4MD sor to W. H. Card.) Doutali Rooms-Daudas Street, Whitby,over Mr. Jaooeon'a Store. Nitrons Onide Go adrnistereul for the painlois ex. traction 0f teeth. c, N. VARS. L. D. s. A rEETHI inserted on ail the 4ZM £ atost rinciples of the art, acap as the cheapost, sud as good an the best, Teeth filod wth Gold sud Silvor. Teeth extractefi vithout ain, by producing local anethçsls. Dental Room-in Gev. a pew block, ovor Atkinsou's Drug Store,' King Street, Oshawa. 85 TIIOlflLt DEVERILL, BUILDER AND OONTRAOTOR, DUNDAs ST.; WUITBY. L*- AU ordors promptly executed 3011K RO!BriSON'S JJ AIR DRESSING ANID SHAVINCi Saloon, Brook St., Whitby. JOHN WOLFENDEN, ofJonathan Wolenden,Dundan St., Whitby. IrEOR;E COI1ACK, LVM13E R MERCHANT, CARPENTER aud Joiner, Green Strect, Whitby. A large quantity of aUl kiuds of lunsîer con- stant!>' on hand. Bl . O'DELL, A TH E R LVY Clerk Divisilon Court, Tp. Clerk, Comrissioner lun1B. R., Landi Agefit. &c., &o., Athéri>', Ceuni>' Outario. Atleriv Sýiqt. 2nd, 1872. 86 CARD. - DR. BOGART, Physician, Surgeon, Accoucher, &c., &c. R13T. RLAMSAY, là. D., L. M. EDIN. Graduate <wth honors) of the University' of Q sco's Colle go, Canada; Philadclhia LJnv. of Medicino sud Surger>'; American Univ. of Pensylvanlia; Eclectic CoUlego of renne Ivamia sud Licéntiate of Microflcy et the UJniv. of E diiuburg, Scotland. Cor- oner for thé Couuity of Ontario. Office- Coldwater St., Oriica. August 241h, 1875. lyr-85 JOIN 8. M. WILLCOX, 0f the Town ef Whithy, bas boon sppoiutoul -OFFICIAL ASSIG'NEE, - (UNDER THE NEW ACT,) For thse County ef Ontario, Ail business ontrusted te hie charge viii ho carefuli>' 51- tended ta. Whitby, Jan, l4th, 1674. 51>' THIE BBST HORSE MEDICINE$. AiU descriptions of the, bot Herse Medi. oines kept oonstantiy on baud sud for sale st the Whftby Liver>' Stables. 5M3'No charge for afivice. C. o 1 lN 8SON, DEALER IN LUMBER, W H IT BY, Ilas on band a splendid stock- of fine clour sud wlî seasoued. Lumber. Ah kiida for Pilïenter sud building purposes. 00lOrngand Drooesd ,mbor slways on mibad. Gross'sa plauing miii sdjoining, ou the promise. vhere ordesar romptly exeouted for àooro, 555 il, litds, -&o. VOL. XX. T'à RI7ssELL ROUsGE, -comrai Mtobédah & M"aum eiast., ORILLIA, ONT. Tliinagnificepi brick hotl laon. ofithe largemi o",= ioth of Torouto. It fi it. .d, hunae n odoed a AFIRST - 0L488 HOTELi Comblning aels, coWnor sud aonomy. h h! Muie a.commedstlou or ummer, vWimltors aWblgtf&Uiyaudcentr&Uyositüo4- ed, bélngin clo. oolmt b ta staam. boat Bhre, sdNrhr . B. stations. .Oonmmo u smpie roomu=4 ud fteaol spirimente for fondules. N. IL-Orders for rooma 1by latteror t. gra= pmtly atteud.d te. 0muzooss to sud from the, stesmm s lie, of charge.1 1Os-Ilia, Jas. 7, 1874. ROBT. RUSSELL, Proprietor. BAiT MABEET BQUA5iE, TORONcTO. W. G. JOHNSON,-- PROPRIETOR. Tasil 01.00 per- Day, Stabling sn con- THIE AMERICAII BOT EL. *aeNia OF TONal ANDFRTsMs.. GOO.GE B3ROWN, PROPRIETOe, This flrst-cla%% hans. bas beon nevl>' lit. ted np sudi renovstted thiengisoul sud i. fards supaior accommoudation for thse rea.p. tien of gussts. The pressai preprleter h&4 sissied no pains or «upense lu intraduclug everl mps-avemeuî thal vould tend tb lthe aemfort sud cenrenleuce of bis paltrens. Tes-enta, lui>' lOtis1874. 29 0 NTARIO HOTEL WHITI5Y, eNT-ABle. PETER WAICEM,-PROPRiBTOR. Supenlor accuoostien. Table, supplief wilIa hét lunssusoîs. CGenuine lUquaos. Cigars, hest bs-suds. Biii-d roin. Ilooemy stables sud shefis. -88-tf B RIITISII AMERICAN IHOTEL, (i.vîATE OssOIV ousî.) WHITBDY, ONTARIO. Heousi.newiy icuovated sud furnshed thssssglieut, sud putbilftrsI-elais es-des- for ho noseptien et guesîs An omnibus te sud rom l trains. Fist-clase samplo roont. G RAND TRUNK RAIHjWAY HOTEL,j AT vsszTnY sTATiON. WM. 0'NEILL .-PROPRIETOR. Parties baklug the train sud Icas-ise herses yull bave tsom vl l aken cas-eeoftll i hois- relus-n.- T IE QUEEN'8 HOTEL, <LLÂTZ colnoZBacux,) TAYLOR k McCANN, PROPRIETORS. Tieunudeosguedi leaire ta iuform their friends andi the public that the>' have taken the above leeli kon hotol, vhlch the>' have nevi>' fittofi up aud reuovated, sud put int the boit of order for tho accommoda- tion of questa. The Bar, vhich fà the hanil- somestinc the Couuty, is vel supplied with ofwiý liquors, and ci. sta bling, box stalis, &c. llx"'.84 for commercial travollors. J. P. TAYLOR, -PHLIP MCÀ!iN. late of Toronto. s HAKESPEARE HOT]ËL, coUXcu 01 KNG AND vKEnuSs., TORONTO. JAMES POWE4L, - PIIOPBIETOR. First-clas accommodation ; bath-rooms, &c. Board, $1 60 per day. 10 T H -. TORONTO. The mou »Elegant, Costly and Perfect H-otel in the Dominion. This Hotel acknoiwlodges ne rival, either in its management, Sppontments or loca- tion. In the latter respect it aaffords ils guets a charming sud unobstructivo view of Lake Ontarie. ta'* Thé finest Wateracape view in Canada. It has 250 rboms furnishefi with ail the modern improvements. f McGAW'& WINNETT, 4151! Proprietors. A RMSTRONG HOUSE, (LÂTE AL]91ON,) PSTRUCTIO ON TE PIANO- FREADORGAN. SINGINO AND SINGINQ CLASSES TAUGHT 1 MR. GEORGE C. WIGGINS. B.A., Regs te annon.tisai ie viiiundiriske tuw $ntructon o! pupia on lisepo, ma- lodon, mationgs, on ngeaa<la otesms Mua Sinuging msu igfn classes.- Prf gno, Piànauasud ,Voeall sudn tetaientea sole Tleinmi- r e aenSgedfrConcerta, soilres, n Musiaoetials on resienbla er Wilby, lu' l, .1874. 20 * "ABNSS, SADDLERY. May', 1872. 22 F LOUR! BRAN) AND SHORTS III O ATMEAL, &tc. NEW STORE, JUST OPENED. Lttk'as-rOSas-E AYts nos-EL. ffl GIVE A CALL. WM. JOUNSTON.- TO THE FARMERS! Ploîsghe anS Ploogla Castinsig, Sîs-aw- Cultes-s, Fanning Mille, Rés-pissasd Mev. es, &-&c '. - WM. JOHNSTON. INSU R DA NCE. MUTUdL IN8URANC.E - coi Contents 5etsratea s"nIovaitlire, etsn weiiestiimd Compan>'in Canada. _I;UST LOSSES PROMPTLY A, L, AIBANSIs. ~3.BICELL, Secs-eus-y. prsidenit. Rates Of Insus-suce ,sgo1ev hhat 25 cents viln insure 01050 for tvelvo montisa. ,,- sh ubec"*bs-Sus-es te stâte tisi b- 'S IHAMEBI CAN baso peneda -J1 .1? A- lJARNES8SHOP, lu thse pressases oppeite Ray's Brtish Âm- es-jean Haie!, Duuda*t., Wlîltby, vises-. ha wf11 îsssp on hanS a & s r stock o! everyuthicg l bis linae ofbusa&esi,,anS viii sou I l. ieeiipic S. e begute sollefi FRANE TYLEB. Wiitby, Feb. 24, 1874. OUf F03 .SALE, AT TE£ GLEN MAJOR MILLS .1 6000foolet Pine Lumber, veli seadoned, mIshBoards, Piuering, 2 x 4 Scautlirig, 2-loch Plauk, Fenciug Boards, 100,000 foot ef Oak, Maple for axies, lot qualit>', Basvood, 15,000ILb.Square Timber, AUl of vhich wyul hé sulfi ehcap for cash. -l Houl anif aieeg te sa>' lat theGise s- Milli iss-nningausd l in glrt-las ask. chopgiis douee ô! fys lu tise veok, for ever>' E. MAJOR, Proprletor. Dec. 161h. 1878. lIt! G OOD NJEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW BEVELATION IN lTHE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAKING. COIRNWALL'S SELP4kITTING WAIST& SHOULDER CHART. Dresses filled trom measuremeult aloe vis-bout changea!f a stiteis. For sale, vils fs-e instructions, al MISS McINT YRI'S DnIEsi.MAKI<No iseoxa, Wi5IiI A88urano e Co mpaiy CAPITAL, $400,000. Thiaold and veli esîabllshed Cms aie piepared*to accepu risa ln u =Uiae~e potiaratu a was vilaoso o! su>' iveh ,.P,,YpnuCanadas. Iaulated sud*non-haardans prepe-by lu. aurel fer thrte3ears or lous at speclail 15 rates. L. FAIRBANKS,' lîs.,' Ofice,Brock St.,Wbltý,Y. p HRNIX FIRE INSURANCE C0. Lombard St. aud Chariug Cross, Londo~n. EaTAIDL55Fi5N1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & 00., Agents for Canada JAMES DAVIDSON, - Manager. Insurauces agaiust loss b>' Fis-e are effect- cd on tise masl reasonablé tes-ms, sud hospes ' ad vithout refereuce lu tho Board in Lqsu- 1April 121h, 1870. L. FAIRBANKS, Agent, WbiîisY; T "STDAON" &R LIFE, HE AD- OFFICE, - QUEBEW., Finericiai Remilt Of 14 Menthe Buosi- ucs 10 3101t Dec., 1875. Autlioriref Capital .......... - #,000,jbe Suhecrihed Capital ............ 2,300,1)0 PaiS up Capital----------------..coo0,es Geves-ument Deposil. <Fis-s).... 50,M)l0 Govos-umént Deosit, (Die) .... 50,000 Total Revenue, Fis-e Proîninus, sud hiles-est ............... #213 775) -Toal Losses .................11,2 Investîf Fonde ............... $194,713 Cas-h in hansl ansi Depesit. * 49»S9 Tetal Aseîte. ..............59,4 Thuis Company Sas nov asitaisishef ilsa Uif, and has 21 Branches sud 207 Agios-lesý in th -oinc.n GEO. J. PYKE, manager, Ageolisvauted i. Lhîsal inducemneuts te 10-5>' C. NOURSE, Ageut, Wiilb> tSe Isade. ,_________ Wbîthy, Aug. 18, 1874. 3 iÏITTOM PRICES FOR - YI Z--------~ GOAL AND WOOD! Ail iinds cf Bard sud SofiCeaI, conssl- iug eithtie celebrated Lackavana, Ses-an- ton, Bs-les-Hill, Bioshus-g sud othes- coals CHEAP FOR CASH.! SPECIAL RATES I Woodl, es-ra length, 25 cents pis- tord ababeent oef usual prices. SenS itpu as-SeCs te oes A, ALEXANDER'S - Whibilh&'AOshawa, Cealad sud edpets W'hitbry, August Slots, 1875, tf-St! LSTs-OF-TTE DIVISION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TitE YEAR 1876. Whii!y.. 'i 3a12 1 1 1 3 1 2 x1 1 Bruîau) 2 4 2 4 2 2) Portes- 28 1 201251261 5114 14127 7 141 26!.271 6 15 122 Ub-do28 1,7 1 1 28 7411121 eartheniy. 16i 29 lài 20 AthrlI . M 80 1 19 a GEO. H. D ARTNELL, Junior Judge. Wiitby, Dec. lush, 1875. i1 G. YOUNG'SMITH, ISSUER 0F Deposit with Dominion Goverrumeul $50,- 000. . Experueoced Agents tliîs-ughout the Dotm lion. Fire lus - tin.t dsuate Rus-Ce. C. NOUIlSE, Whithy, Mas-ch 7tb, 1876. Aet hîyI Q U E E N INSURANCE COMPANY (1555E AND ISusE) 0F LIVERPOOL. & LONDON. CAPITAL, - - $10,000,000, nANeEe: 5EDICAL Anvisesi: MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYNES, ES'Q., M.D. Head Office fer Canada: J91 &t 193, St. lames Str-elt, Monts-cal. FORBES & MUDGE, Chiot Agents. R. Il. LAWDER, Agent, Wriiby. August 1015, 1875. lyf3 MARRIAGE LICENSES, IN0'T1BIIU&MRATL WIIITBY, ONTARIO. WIIITBY, ONTA 1ILIO. IKING BROTHERS, E. ARMlSTRONG - PlIOPRIETOR. R OYAL 1HOTEL, vssI'nsx, ONa-. A. HINDES, Jo., - PROPRIETOIS. Cemmodissus Saunple-roorna. Omnibus mééts ail trains. 27 1Wy1ITBY BOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (uWES- OF- POiS- OFFICE.) JOSEPH A. BANDEL-, PIOPRIETOIZ. 'iseouse Sas heén nécenîl>' but, is lange sud ree ni>,sd fitted np in fisa-elcase style. ileit Wine,, Liquosensd Cigané; trésis Lager Bes-. Goosi stablsng sud- en- closeS yard; attentive osilers. 463 0-IOMMERtCIAL 1HOTEL, CAns-uvnuons, eO-v. JAMES DEWART - PROPRIE TOR. 1 WhiIhy Oct. 111h, 1875. GooS accommodation ti-121 L I vE R y. hlég t orm hie friendisud bise public Ihazt ho casries on the Lierv,.,, net a.s.. m ONEY TO LEND i A lage uant 01mone tolenfi aI 1ev For ale, sevezal Town lets, Ivu Fs-sm. Henses, and a large Brick House. For tes-ms, appi>' te i "'"' f sinmaatG. YOUNG ESMIH. R &Y'S 011 STAND. Wbifby, Feh.91s, 1874. 7 Parties saqising ceuveyances -cove-ead d 'LNLN opeu-can be accemmodateid aI a memenî's LNIN1 notice.A ICIi. PIERDON. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, Whitb>', Sept. 2h, 1875. 89 GLASGOW, AWPFURSI1- CH EAP 'FAR ES!1 Hsaiu tiesenc's ou e li: a;~:tCait ram Wisby -- $61, $81, 091, Oasis prisse for an>' qusutity- o! Mink, Fox, utés-mediste - Ceeu, Musks-ah, &o. - Sleerage - - - -01 HUGH McBRIEN, Projpsid passagi cestificatoi issuifi aI Hatter sud Fus-ries-. loveet ratcs te porions visisg te bs-lug Wblthy, Dec. lbtb, 1875.- 51 -ont frionda. iFor tickets and fus-lies- infomalion apply y OUNG'S HOTEL, - o- OBO. TULE. Exp. sud Tel. Offce, MONCK 550A0, DALTON, -Wiitby. ROT. K. YHUVflfluOci Tr., - Wilby, Mss-eh 27th, 1976. 11-14 Reilable information s-garding tise con- hry, e., furnishefi ta parties requirlug il - ample Accommodaition - or HunIers and Sportsmen. The bas- sud larder supplied villa tise est cflilqueru and viands tibeb fouud inlu ie ceunir>.'.Noue but obiqing sud attentive servants kepl. Oommodious stahling sud prompt bustIles-s :avays an hanfi. ]ROBBRT K. TOUkO, Proprioten Dalto, dii A .~1878. 4 c ARBDi T. H. MaMILLAN, Agent for lise ROYALI INSU9RANCE COMPANY, PF.OV!NOIAL INSURANGE CO. OFFICE-ý-Ontarie Losu sund Saufugs Companr's bulding, ces-er King sud Biu- ce streéi sOhava. WHITBY, ONTARIO, Impes-ters, Des-leseasd Manufacturera o! al Kinfis o! LEATHER ANDO FINDING8, Cash paidfo -er isSes, Bas-l, sud Leailser, Les-tisers retchef. HIRE INSURANCE COMPANY! Safe, sud ehable, charges moferaté, pros-gpl selemntioo! daimis. - GEO. YULE, Agent. Wiitby, Jane 2, 1875. 23 wVESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HEADS OFFICE, TOuONs-a. CAPITAL STOCK, - $400aOe. Aloe Agent for lise CANADA FARblElS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, HedOffice, BAnaLs-os; snd CITIZENS' INSUIIANCE COMP'Y, Meuis-cal, Fis-e, Lido andi Guas-snbéé Depas-imeul, CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. Breekîfu, Dec. 2, 1872. 12m49 s TAGE BETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAYir Leaves Oshawa at 8 a, ni., sud 2, p. s-a. Léaves WSsitb>' ai 10, a. ni., aud 4, p. mý, Fore 25 cents each va>'. WiU ecaU aI aUlthe teis, ands t privali résidences <visenasdira as-e lefo at an>'M J tise isoeli.) Connecta vitS Oshava atadi Bolwninvile stage -ise yuth lise WiIluy1 aud Port Pis-r>' Eadwav, and vu is Bs-eugln- arn mail aI Wibtby. THOS. H0PPEII Wbib>, Mas-eh f li, 1875.114f c H 0 10CE APPLE TREES, ABO U T 40,000, -&T TESk- HOME NURSERY; Fs-rn itvo ha four yeasioaiage, emh-acingi.an tho bout Variéhies. SETH 0. WILSON, LoptNoie., 2ud Con. Pickcering, ou Xingt1unt Road,osst0Office, Whi-tby'. Beoatesnounce tisaIho bas remavod teo Ring S. a fev deers EAST OF TjiE POST OF FICE, oppositeLuice'.show-rosvh-evi b fo af nfine stoc acsusdfeihsfo -ladlies sud gentlemen, a! hie ovu mo$u- facture. te- SIsaw hats colored anS l &tos-oS l Oo&nr,4 Julydti, 1875. -- 'a lios-d»at tise sanie lime. Tise vituesses i'emenibers tomé conversation ounlise soparate the lime sud tell us visat vas subjeet. It vas ustural tise>' shonîfi saisi beoee sd viatatter ces-tanéet spesk af California, under sncb cincum.- ansi yet tises-e is ne identit>' or car-h stances, but cortain>' net as a hdn eralion. Tise vituess aI oee ima pute place fs-rn guhi. lIr. Maclongall languageO into Ms. Campbellsments tison commeutaif on certain expressions visicis ai anotse-ha evears vasu'ed ar te b>':Campseil, but not bearfi b>' Gos-dan. But these contr-adictions b>' Anderson, visicislhé denoncef a andi discrepancies, fatal as tise>'as- o utténi>' lucrefliblo lu tise sense proteud- tise credihili>' et tise ituesses, yUl net éd, but pe-rfectly innocent as éxplainefi justif>' me in aékiug yen ladisniise îiieir b'acnvs- fosue-etn tos teetimen>' altogetisor. 1 bave -ne douht COI!j Apu:rr;'o'vths enod crazy" tisay béars-foemrtise ends avn te vas hé nid l'y Louis just beose Gos-don -vara vsics voe prtetîy nnoentlot but tise>' do sscI quite agreelu tise Suit visicis biu vi!imagination dis- relative yards. "Craz>" la put l isethe tes-led jute viienees. Let a> an an ments et Gordon b>' eue, sud in Mis. take thée eapressions eue b>' eue as tise>' Causpistl's b>' tise other. Campbsell are racordof lu tisaI evideuce, andi ask avears sise aikefi, "Wisy are yen se isi Iis questio,-flaestsaî noces- craz>' -ud ho replies, "vis>' difi yen 1111Y imply Bexu:î ommerce betweei asc me te came lucre ou Sunda>' nigut,9 th artes Isitnetposibe tatto-nigist 2" Wisai isafitisaIte de with vends ef similai sounfi, vus a alighil>' bis beiug craz>'? Bomemiber, tis lau. différent collocatio,-net se différnt as guge vas usofi after hie hafi Ivice isafi tise vitue::es tisemusolvos have reporte&i criminal iutercourse, sccording teCamnp.à -wer use witoutan>' impîopsraorbell, sud atter luis isaufi iafiee ee criminal meaning ? To thse firl ques- ou tise door, and lue hafi expresseS hit tie I ""Y, ne; te tise second, yes. desire to go home i I have gene over Tie>'-eal iutchligbie-lhey con ahfal h expressions sveru te b>' Camp.- h explalned,-npou the theor>' et bell. I shaîl nov fea a moment '&=u innocence. No douut these eavosdro te bisa evidence et Ander-son. Tise Bsaut pers vont tiser. te isean soerap. remark loeiseard vas, 'Yeu are gel- sung ad no doubl aselis>' eh g tsout." Notbing oet lst inaudas vas-sit constructiononen fevfreement eard y Campbell.It amonste n thé>' béas-fl; yet, aflos- ail, ilso>'report vos-> litte in au>' casa. Tisa second oul>' eue word visicis leads aImait nec- expressian iseard b>' Anderson. relaIes î essa-il>' ta tise Conclusion that tises-e te California. Tis conversation, if vu waa criminal lutercou-se. ,Robert are te beliave Anaderson, .took place miltsuspect," vas tise expression fret bofore CampbseillotarieS te gel lis, stick, ioatdb>' James Casmpbell.- Anderson sud tlneiefoie immediatel>' after hoie fiS net, hear tisaI aI ail, tisougn at the heard teiodoabout .'npotiug." timse--ýlitle iifiér 12-be vas standing Thtfxes tise- peint 'of lime lu the s near tisa window sud evears liegonifi dnarrative, aIl Ibis vus boa-S by Ander- then boa- distincl>'. The s-epîy vas- sou bêtas-e Camspbell vent for tisé stick. l'Hs. obet a nytblng te do vilS ImmedîaeyatrismbUort; yen since hie retus-n," or, as tise wituéso nero- - oro uetisep e attervarde put il, "HEas Roert had a- 5101-"Put yens- srnig r - -iW'etv cenneitin with ye9; ns ilis retun 91, Caipbeliheamsnoth- - he a Yensi ý 1 sersoin. Ihadds uotising tteh. evi- lence requlred te suuta!u tis chas-g.. she speaks ecissaviug fnd her miel- ress's boots iii lie pa-iuons- neeor vwo occasions, ai if fludling a iady's boots in tise parleuroeta',centry' isese,ý afher an evenlug party; le grenS for grave suspicions against:herý? but Ms-s. C.ampbell tells, usver>' tranSi>', Ihat on, vue occasion, i haviug iseen engageS dancing iviti ome frienfis, she louis off à tigis p air cf boots, Suriug tise ovening, uSd loet thi n uthse parls-.I finS iotising tartr-il her evidonae, excepi se- notionsetfuat-isuonial Subies, sud ses. filustrtion o ti he esma4,ue Chai à ason, 58 untanie te s- rd' ef~Il I s«ya>a ' te bi drawu trom ,ervanit eh>o is- a vill- s; nov is e -empjo>' viii neot seaý tisai oIgugïo- mucis ý tise loe .althizhes hi t - heca bsuir at3o br it:ttU rIlowes, I &e sPMex w01?fTE£30SON - iI'oZtGALL, swe' he16 sei COUiYiEL FORn Xfflw 4IPBIEIL, BOà ALget desi dpnds upon lti Word-, TEM COXnII XTT TUE, RISKIATIS * OQUIio . ,1i dÎou4 JMWW.,nI TAIE 5OIlEA3~. t at Gordon aea Mr. am bol1 (Contnne4.f - -words uiwormte, th.e onclnutn oeld (cotimd.)almat-neossaily bethit tiere vau [ýHonor'ableGenilefn !Z niff1DiSl a1!&Dî1I1Sbatwaen them. y 1 hal, no puit t th cas ofGor.Bntin bs e alenin.o0hiof ithé in, hil onAis elheoate of Gar Ein umid Gordon auked,-"Hao ho doca ns Quly n s ento éfne, h d an'ting te de wita yen." That w. eu coside unai rlereoe, ilht have referied te seine other mat- Ho appeaes rom aiU lh. evideuceta tsr-it fiznet necssrily orirninal or have (allen ie otise 4ifficty eud'deaiy. evil in ils character-bnt fluding it ;sThere vas ne previets su spicon, notis. necessar>' le uie a word lisat weuid 'ing te lead any on. le baliove that his lbave ne doubt os- yeur mimdo, tisa u -relations wiih Mrs. Camp~belli voim-. improper ques5tieonvas aaked, Camnpbelli ppper. t jevident that inu Mrootig next dayi revises his evidanco and uses ideanvas toe waoised--the hnsband's the Word "iconneoion,,, ta wiih ho ýie a eentrap, ParkÏ H. expýeat. a dheres. Loi us newiok atrtho prob. ed, se itvoulf isent, ual Parka migisi abilit', aitishe rcasenableness, oethis appear l ise neigbnied uig dialogue. Wisat possible ebject ceuld absence. No evideuce vissiover vas lie have iu asking sicii a question ? produoed isere t lietho a tItise>' vatcis Wisaî ldUbrtoobl upet ef tise bouge for Qorilon. Janmes- cniiBeût euil> uaetil? Gàznpboll dénies itisi ho vas pievious[y1 Pman P *avare of au>' suspicions confluaI ou tise prgene te vi c Sspcin.o nf art ef Gordon. Tise> 'watohth thse arour tisejodanger tetsspcio o Louée expecting te catch- Parks,é the tiseogrunggevsstsvted ensa iminese gay' Lotisarie, sud thé>' diecoverefi Gor- o h easuggesited. a uy hmemberq dlou, a neig)xbor andi a friend, i, . - of is ommete, can an>'? h cuman bp lier in an open, innocent, triendly man -as« hsetise ufflot' 2 efi sumar uer, aud se tise>'bagged hi= 1 Y:en os iaIaynn k'nbfremi have ieard .tise evidenco of lhi vitnes. rage, if solicitef b>' a soducer, woulfi ses Ontis crss.xaniutio Ithik sok iserself, if she difi net asc iim, Ies Oreth> el sexai ibe ati, t visetser lber ousec-nt migut uot cause yen hetb ellfoe vonafui rer aet ail suspicions ; but for a marriefi vemn, tis>' h a ' eon re yubaja eol. tndofal)t isifour months oetlber confinement, islieostoyon thsu his,-aluo du- t te talk about suspicion lucuasàacase, ca tiesud couf s sd ladyfof- éit-and for tise tetar part>' te reassure ier ertinand cooielenosivksg lu ber >' uggosting'tiai Suspicion conifi net ordiaryaccmplslient;,lvkgin ierattachbhcanse lier lausbauf ihadt been ewn bouse in a counir>' touai, under vitli bier ainco bis 1,oîun, ja tee puerile tise olé ef lier neigsibours, vâthin four for serions argument. As Andorson, meuti of lier coufiuemont,-hor lins. thougîs listouing, isoard notiig of this baud isaviug jit relnrned after au abeurd question, sud eii! more abaurd absence ef caverai veeks, 'Ia aviug asae-, I ask yen nultetabear Ihem taken ber ciibron ava>', as .ie suppoi- ecuber. Camp~bell swears tise non oex- ed, for a short trip, kissing lis wife n ra sonle ord.ftrli oFre pain, tse msbrs of a youheg manwiîb tlsè stick, vas-"I bhave ne pions. lime tetheembrcesof Toug mn tre in life etc."- Andorson hoard uoih- whîsh ie lia- i Iuowu for yeas, and ing of tlii but if ho bafi, sud concurrefi til tee wits tise parler door open, a lu reportiug thé languaga, I don>' that light buss-ing, thé maidl-se-vànt listeniug thxora is anyîiig crusinalinluBauhsàa for auytuiug tisey kssew, and tisa cîlsinai etesio o unhappiness. I confond nct, or rallieracte, precedédsnd fallow- tcoufees io finoeceme ed b>' leufi sud ewuî conversation, gthalaontien co tinc e amut- laasliiug. cryiug, andi kieeing, that eculfig ln iî slucutuu ieIn bo beard ont ot doors, tlireîi tiséecur- guage etf thèse parties untii guil is1 tains, the windows, sud thé blinds ! proiodl by evidoasce tisai caunol -be subsilte engenlemn tsaion isedeubtel. I gay,. aven if Ibis language nîcro a teineut gentliemce, a ponvtei as usefi exacîl>' as Campbell prétendis 1,' ie pstiner, oftecs-y ai;îstîed te have hennIil , ne sunisconclusion as byth,-peitonrtieste yfttr lie drîaws fs-cm il vonîfi héjustifiable. iscroulible. I wvould hiavé said, but foi Tise neit oxpreqsion is-"'vill yen caer thsjdmnteeiec adcdb liaIt waiyif 1 go tise oliser." XVe as-e nation viatever, makesut iispaosibie ~xl.ected te believe tisat ibis vas au fosr any court te convict fiat womuna of init te t criminal interconreb>' s aduler>. Tie lnguae ceru o~ m.trrîed womnan, addreseoflte a yeng atiery Thsse iéiudibl o te lîcor n sittiug tisés-, wbe vas eager for tisai ~é,.eî lu ~ lie opporlunit>', wvi u act Isafialready thtil was ercl n do 'cetaac enjavesliti, andI yei refneing tise invita- ef criaissalit>'. Tise n'iole 51er>' if;s n!Istattewa ucim-tr imuprobable, couIs-ar> ta ilieinstincts cf hear e n til ?IthIs tay sabmanr buman nsature, sud te tiss expérience ci wbo-as we ns-e atterwaîds bld, waut- oves-y mas-riefi or single resu computthi oa he itsaddca te give ais opinion on niattera eft tiséha vas as-azy for il i Anderson, tiiongli1 kiud. WVo aIl, 1 prs-r, kuov seé- ieiu-, isears nothiug et that couver- tiîing of tise otîsér so%, of tiseir Isucors, habite, asud uiasasitione, tise yong as ation eitlie-. Tison anotiser expression weIl as tise musldle-aged, iud I sa>' tliisaI a lThe floor is as good a a bofi." A tisa acta allégefi te lave occurrefi volunîcer, sepeaking ot camp life, migisi nt tat ouF onthe 6tl ofAugstmake an observation ef tisi kinf i ils sud tisé conversations 1leged ta have otcmmitîing adulte-y, but as Auder- been beard b>'the îwo wiînese lu aon difi net heur it, I amn duapoaed te relation te tîsoso sets, ère cent-as-y tahelieve JTames Camnpbefl la romancing tise experience et ever>' on0etofns. I "isics Thomé t amav n exesondo is incredible itiaI sncblang-uage oould enfonc s e itb haeue-Brne b>'o bave beanusefl in tise sensa cunveyed cors~ondne ih n son e le us, by a woman, brught î six, Auersn James Campbseillswears lie inflencs, sioiatig--ltl laard Guidon say-"What is thce mai- tlsêmôsîasiîenee, asucîain~~ t1er Pl" sud she repues, I Yen are bus- th otrespectuble people oet tié n te, ueigbbou-iood, aund tb..k Liod, 88,3g0me. He assumnefitisaI was evi- iaîing vusl themoltili. Yes i altos-the douce of crimuinal conéction. I say', repeatefi altempts of bier isnsband sud if any.suci words e oe ned, theyflo net bis g-o ofi-ale- te flamu bier roputation, prove, or aven imp>'. a esiminal set. tisie bas sîjîl tîseir respect, tisei- cenîithé!- r itu ér ni e-ps' issg draits n oeh bu deuce, thiies-goofi vili, and evea tisrisri'agss uMomtiu bu as-det syepatis. Non, yenas-o ekef g" or il ina>'have beau "lbénting arden'tisais psss-aauyin atisa nse l ay have benhoard. It is tue te olevetht pesa inbo 1tse condi. btiswéa- te thia word, but not in tisa cienum en Ilia a meaboue d, thesamu sense or couuectiou.-Tse next sednced b>' a neigisbour, sud bail expressiouand ilisthieooui eeswon crmia cnséîln isM mnt tne by bots uitnesse 5,-ig--"Wisat is but Ivice ; tisai thé lauguage, repos-ted do notknow vhatcouclueiou tie> caine be ns b>'tise bye witcesses vas usof in te as tte psto fleprisw tise cons-se efthe ceduction, sud vas Gro iepsto tts ate io uttes-efin a loud toue. I repeat, tise ordn lispiayedsl scb cnriosity, sud BIcs-y is net crédible. I luti at thsise ne limta smd ignorance of tise casumon prostitulé lu Ibis or- su>' die- iuman organiens. Ingeéiif thé>'vase cil>',nde- ny cis-cumslances, excepî nssef, bultisaevituosses conîid net pes-lrape in a étalé ci intoxication, wouisi tell ne, or oven ventura an opinion on ne cil language in ber intercourso tis ubject. No doubt tlevword "Naval" Mii iedss o.Btvsl ia wa4 laeard as siso lsad sng a marine dillicul>' me tse peliticuer at tiseecson sud remembers a reniak about isegiuuîng, andi on tise mes-o îsteenulhe naval ses-vice, but Canipbell prêtera cf lii case, wlisar se tise difficuities liat te speil it vus suu le." We nov corne contrent hisu viien we cocus le conéifier ta a remnaskabie ultérauca, ewos-n to .b>' tiu enfoence in detail ? Luet nigisî I Jaînce Campbell.-lTse as-e nice CamSai setse, Eliza." Anderson iseard notis- teck lias ciidonceocf James i"Ctaiampb'tiéelpsesielasus. aud Auder-son sud car-fuIl>' extractef !go ta-I heepesonCsue 1ail] thesors-e se> ea- tise>' ea-sin lu cisa ]ouf toué asieabhaoasf ut- - sîse- intsat a-Ions-. s lhu Bid e tise window., h eelmsstrage tisaI anal coula b6iaoutidt«elUéhiie.; mon, ltis tai passible on probable? Tise lai 't ex~pression lue svearô te is I"Yen May' isssme." Afien s.helait inviteS hlm te kias lhon, atte- the sound tisoreof -lise tise kiss et Mooe' lover 15sf "lsatled thie veede -et Madeira," hafi reacsefitise esîs oetof thie lisienera, tise etier ieard tise ce>' vanlen 1.11 lue- pas-amour "yen may kisi me" 1 lucre. f151.e ondesaensien i Tbis kisuiug business la enongs et itselfto eoe> the visle sIen>' et Ilese viecsed aptes. Iu truts tse>'tell tva stonio, se unhike, se improbable, tisat you caunot beieve cishe-of thoni. If vltuess t oi tise plainîhiff lu au action for olausler, variefi iu tiseir statemauts efthtie'slanderons verdi, as tiseo vtuesses have lu 24 outet 28 expressions, ha onîfil finS hlm. soIf eut et court. lIb tiscase visere a criminel sot la te Se proveS trom tise Isauage usoîl b>'tise allegetý criminels, I doubt vbetser an>'ofethlie pressions ivoru te bos-e, vouif legally' support a verdi<t et guill>', even if lbq vituesses agreef inutiseir evidouoe. Bât before a tribunal lire lisis, it vonifi be nîehess, I kuow, tb disausi more technuical ques- tions ; yen vili ver>' prape-iy haie Ibis eviflence for visaI it le verts; yeyou ll conside- it lu conuaclion wvus tisus- round ing'e ironniatances,. sud yen vii ho aikef te sa>' wbotsos-thieevidence salisfles.- yen tisaI there vpi criminal cennessîlon belveenIheoa ailes on int occasion. Réasouing upen il frein e legai point et viov, I contf tiere le ne word lu the double dialogue svo-n te b>' tisa tvavibnesses-tor I have siovu tisaI neitser boa-fltiselanuage repas-ted b>'tise otiser-essepb lise word "ýcanneclion," vlaicis leadi tateecon- clusion tisaItises-e vas criminel conver- sation betveen Gardon and tise rospon- fouI on thal uigbt. Admuitbing tise vitueis Campbsell bessd tisaI veid as sitataf inlubis cneîs-examination, il le stihi yens- dut>' te cenide- vistsot lb. vitueis Anderson dld net doacribe lise situation brui>' in hie fis-st vsitteu state- ment wvis o lerossents Campbell se- cusing Gardon oetIlatcssspisg ho gedace"uhs-otbeî's vite. "The 1ev alvays prestiues againsl crime," sud tiserotore, until lise evidenca lias raisef a prosuimption et gnilt, visics prepen. des-sIca over tise presumptien of inno- cence, tise lattai must prevail. Tise pelitioue-'s casé is tisaI thase pas-lies en-gageS in cimiona conversation vie a servant vas vitsin sar-shsol et theni, Itie deos- open, andi ligists buruiug, tisi tise Joua solicuetionsr et tisetuce-, sud aven tise toucbig et lips voie beard tbrougshîthe valîs. I tisink yau yull requi-e lbmetlsiug mare tisan tise dis. feinteS phisses. se vas-bush>' reponiofi, te mako yen iselieve that.under tise cia- cumutauces, alven as provefi b>'tise peli. tione-, Ivo human beings. vils os-din- ar>' intelligence, sncb ai those poisons as-e asimittefi te passées, ta se>' notising or thei- social relations aud pieriens babils et lite, committefilishe crime et adulter>'. Noîising -ias heen adririef boe te show tisere vas a muspicion et wrong doing b>'Ms-s. Campbelh ps-avions te tise noceipi et tise anonymeus helter, sud Ibis unfernale vilit o Gordon. Her obaracier vas irrepiaable ; ber hussansi after efforts to finS saimé slips, sanie instance et immorah belîsviaur lu bier ton yéars et mar-led lité, utber>' tailefl-yet hoa ske yen te isolievé tisaI aie brougis a yeuuns la iébr isouse, sud cas-nef on a conves-sation visich, as conusI-ef b>'tise petitione-, ps-oves tisaI sue vaslise seducer, sud Gos-fou tisa sefluced, sud ailtibsis luandtalkiug tisaI canif ho heaif eut et deers and thas-etore b>'tise servant upsîsirs i I fluf ne pas-allai le lisscasé iu tise Eug- -ls Divorce Court, sud I bs-vo lookef' thiaugla tise reparti vils soeacare. Dif the pétitiancn's counsel venture le înte-rogate list servant as ta vbetse- ais e baiS anything impropes-? On cs-ess-enaminabion I campelled bier te admit that ehe boeard notsing. Tisa sounde aftie veico, as evos-vone kuave, vouif ga up stairs tha-ougstise open deos-, more readil>' Iban tisiong valus or closeS windows, anS -siselbas shevu s sufficieut animus te juilif>' me lu sa>'- ing Ilsat see onifi bave repoîlefi an>'- tbiug te tise discredit et lier mistreas if sie ceulfi. I a> on tIsaI gîouud sIe, the casa breaks dovu. Me. MoDougail as-guefi strong>' againet lise preisabihil>' ot tise act, in viev efthtie respoudent's condition, ombatbing tise tiseo->'oettise Vice-Chancellor, tisai vomen lu sncb cases are apîta ". Igive -fiee coure te tisei- pausions,"-referning te médical tiaeor>, as vali as tise besciinge et ex- périence. AItbte conclusion efthlie argumeut ou Ibis peint, tisa Cammiftoe atijouruefi tili bise folloving mos-ning aI 10 o'olock. Tise Committee oheL Woduésfa>' aI - hb o>' te emit. Bla iar i slid-he6rLd 5tise noise e of me nopoeson valking un 1tse gravol. Ifosie entS dhear lis, foot.ý Lstops et Campbelvisu vas iu bis rstecking'tee.i, il imust bave been vison L lie wss geing for -tise stiok, sud tises - 1forese vas avake sah htisIjunrirure aocbrding te ber evu ovidence. Wisy *diS sise net isoar tise ionS sud fisgust. ing lauguage svoru ta b>' Camipbell? -j Bisea breugist ho centradîct Mr-. Gib- rson snd isis vite as tle , act et ssng- ing. WViat ebjeet Camspbell sud Au- dos-son expectofi te gain b>' fenyîng tise satements efthtie ex-Mayor, io nul ap- parnt te me, but atise>'bave undes- taske'n te provê-there vas-no singing or imusic tisai nigisi, ve have prof ucefi vituesses te - conts-adiat thsim. Tisee vitnesses have beon- cross-enaniinod sevaral limes, yet adîsere te tise slabe- nient tisaI late on lise evenig oattise 2015 et Augnît in pissing tise bouse, t Ise>' baard musicansd Ivo voicea ing- kiug. Jane Neosomne is brougbi bore ite s-aise safleubt iYu yeu nds, sud Il is euggested tise Gibsons as-e nistaken as o e enighl. My asies- is, it focs nul foliow becauso tiser. vas music an itise 27th there vas noue on tise 201h. I bolievo Mis Hemvastises-e ou tise .nighl et the 27tb, sud ne doubl ibis v ituess isoard music on Ilsat occasion. 1Gibsonsys lho vas passiug aunbisa 1niglat oethlie 201h sud sav tva w persans 1standing nusar tise wiudeow-spparanhly 1lislening. Nov, if Gibson flislne& se iAsîsi rson sud Campbsell, il is, evif eut ihé did net sec Jane Nevsoeonsd ber- youug man, viosachie amits, vas Lui li111e taller thsan herself. Von bavn' 1oui>' te look attise phsotograpisie viev te ho salial!sod tisaI tise tnce wossifhave conceaiefi tnem frein Gibsen's, observa- tien. * on. Ms-. Dackey,-Des net tisé ivituess Gibson s>' ho couif see ovor lise fonce bocanso theo sidovalk vas, elevatafi? Heu Mr. Macdogall,-Hle coula net if tise>'voie boiveen tise fence sud theo vinslv, vises-e Gibson sa ohesav bise beafis anS sisouldeof two men.- S, faas itise Neviemes are conceruef lise>' state notiig anS correborate uotising tisaI is materislinlu Iis case. Iu addition te 1he evideneet Gibson sud is i vite obave the pasitive- stabe- nient et Ms-s. Campbsell (and vo knov Gardon cons-obes-abai ber), tisai Ibère vas siugineg sud mulae lu he bouse on tise nigisht olise 251h. Here vo have fous7-pes-ous under estis tatiug Ibis tact, andi vo have Camipbell snd Ande- son sud tisis girl Nevsome den>'ii. As te Jane Nevsam's obaractier I nélef euh>' recahl visat se lbas admitef,- tisaI bêesoelise.eveuts ase baf lest ber vis-lue ; I doubt bisaI, atterIbalt con- tession, tisaI yen vill give ber credit tai' >hsving rétaineS much et ber vis-soit>'. Sise saya see as galisering pears on >tise ulgisî et theo27tis et August, acces-d- 1Ing te my oxporieuce in -fruit-culure, vo- de net giov standard pears lu ibis climato tisaIas-e fil ho est se cari>' in tise season. Tisé nexî peint te visicis I désire le direct yenr attention, le tlae'interviev or alter-cation tIsaI book place betven Gos-dan andi James Camupbell. And fis-st, as te bisé question oftini. Camp- bell sud Anfdes-son state ise>' dif not leave tise verandais unlil Ibre 'clock. I crees-examinofi Ibera aI ceusiflerable hengli ns teov liste>' aecertaiued sud fnxef thé tinso. Attos-msis efoncing, Campatoh admitted bisaI ha îav hie hievti b-the liglat oatisé inflev. If bis evidence lessown te ho unIs-ne, te hbcrosI!>' suhatantiail>' aund kuoingi>' faîse, on tise question af hlm., Ihen I -shah siryou là distisasl bis trutistul- nous on atiser sud moe-vital points. Tise>'vont davu f0 theirs- iop for bise pnrpeie-ai Andersona ays, of getting sanievwhisky, Seing lis-eS and bolS aftts- thoi- long vatcilug. Thé>' heard foot-- steps sud suapocifg tisé approacis et Gardon, tise>'vaitefi until lie came nons- sud calofi le him. Campbel aesshe chargeS Gos-fou vus bhaviug iscen in tise bouse from. 9 until 3 o'ciock. sud isaving criminel cnecetian vitS bis bs-otisar's vite, sud Ilsat Gerdon saifi -III ceulai ns4 help it, -itle net my tanit." If Gardon madfe Ibat s-eply coîtaill>'meut ef veuifiagre ibis lie vituese that ih amountefi te s contees- sien et guilt. Feus- vitnesîes give cvi- dence as tte eime Ibis sîreel coieoqu> accus-s-c, sud, vhat I regard as mucis mare important, as b lise boue suad- oSas-acter efthlie interview. Dr. Adamo ivears tisat Gardon danfef theaachar-ge ai once, using vér>' îtreng sud ver>' empisaîlo language. Ms-. Grass, visa vas -aos-neS tram bis sleop b>' bisacny, ns ha supposeofIl fiae," (tise taa vors-i "fis-e" und I"lias-," sonnding vos-y nncis 0.ik111-a0n fte+tise front vindonv te loak Oes-a ainlcinnati, Ma>' 18, for a figisi £os- 85,000, te tàSe place within 100- miles et Cincinnati en- Sepiembs- 7. Il lu annaunced tisatithe mnas-nap et Viecust Mandeville, 80on' andlmei- et tbe Duse of Manochester, te Miss Yzu- ag-a Sel Vaile, , f Nev-York, vii tae - ftg aIl ou off i AGENTS.. MPTON. r as-SCast.- 7. OCEIIY DLEY. llug vautts cf been induced tue, ell Stock g,>'y tisat eau yen eau be EIÂDY, 48tf F1BEE nluai Wésk- ail dflordri sxs-esui. Au>' AslIdrepsi F.uv Yobsk, Lr~ BELTINO MADE TO ORDER ON AGENTEFORHOLMAN OKLINO, OT SHORT NOTICE. JSP OMN BOKIOT goer ef reaeiving o us-tng te contes- siens ut ca-respondleuts inumois caisuà. A remarsable cee oceinutl ong sgo'iu Englanfi, vbih viii iluslrate sud curuborate ni> argument on-ibis point. Serne, members efthie Comssmit- tee =%y' remnember a Mn. Portmay, vise spont se yens-s in Canada, andti vas ton a short limae a membe- et Par- liament. ne.-vas co.rea5poudent ini a trial vheu a youg insun, viics, but - for s tfortunate circumautance, vould isave ruineS Ithe ciaracier aud extin- guise tse rigbts et an innocent vie. I vili rend a briet statement oft tiacase fs-ouitise Westminser- Ressies of 188: "Mr. 1H-nt, s gentleman ot lurge for- hune, chsargea bis vite wvus adulte-y a tày cuts ninoteen yeais et sge, the son ut Lord Partman. Tise uualactian vas'brought. Tise case came on fer trial lu June 18.r4. The consel for- lis, plaintiff opens hie case, hireluin- strucled te Ineat lise Sefondaul vili gentien6e, te -e-sent hlm aa, yautb visebld alion w viclim tis thoattisa. tions et a voman saine years his eus-io, ta doscribo hlm as tlê sefince, s-aIse- thn bie seflucer. The object ratse et compassion tissu of îeps-ebation. Tise Atteînsy-Gonerl. is inss-ncted b>'Ms-. Pus-mien, os- Mr-. Postman's trieuds, ta accept tse reprosonletion, te admitLtisai Ms-. Pos-Iman baSl undonbtifly comnmit- tcf afule->' vu Ms-s. Hunt, te nlle vils ise. heuftrionS in piîyiugthéi- respectivoeclients, sud, in layiug ail tise blam au Ms-Hunt, sud tear-octisaI a - verdict sisoula bce secos-ded agninrt huis chient for £i50 damages. Tise jufigé (Chiet Ba-on Poailocr) Sigl>'carnnenfel lhis cens-se. Tisecoudal toftse coun- sel sud et thé pas-limclta hie faIll ap- probation. Public morale are spa-efi lise contamination tise>' vassd suifer b>' tse publication et disgusting f etais. Tisa Ciief Baron cougratu-alestse jury, bavs ee saceuneel, aud ai paiés bcave *the cou-t mutnall>' c-nmendiug acii other. Wisat Mis. Hunstusa>'y think efthis ps-oceeding noves- uppetâs te ente- inte tise iiudet an>'oeeoettse paries te this pleâaut andi amicasie, ariaugomeui. A yea -asud e hait papses ava>', anS Mr. Hunt appeers lu Doctor's Coinnons ta ps-a>' tas-his divorce., Ou tse iSt et Febnary>, 1856, nineteén monthes afttasMs-. - Hunt liaS béi-s brandeS vils infem>' lu s public court, and lu a public ps-ooeediug, viero ber voice conld nualieé hea-fite deny lier guilt, she is allait perusittefi te u-Iback tise foui cisar-ge lu-ber. Sushsud's face. III ar nualguiIt>"' (such lis tisees- stanceeot ber pies), "lyen a-c u s>hu- baud- lu naine, but net in fact-ypu vise charge mniévti baving Sa-okén us>' - mas-nage vev have -neyer pe-tos-nef yens-s i Wisit yan hava Seniei -ie tise rigs t s-av iesund tIse Sapes et a niaIsés, yen have rioted in dahaucse-> vbicisyo livn-veultbehépaver te oujo>', sud you farnetal lou>'tisaiyen are yourself au adulte-or. Yen, suS 1h.e boy- tram vbeiscfears yen extorted a taise admission et bis guilt, -know tisai - as teas e er et yen are conces-ned I arn pu-e os ou that visat le calei in bitte- mGckury "ni>' mas-nage mos-n." I Suov, sud I viii previ tisat I amn stili a -vis-gin 1" AnS vitbh tue voainl> courage Mfrs. HlunI des rave it; hures- round upun bis- husisanf, aim a di- vorce frein iim ou tise grounn et it guilt, sud ebtains il. Sir Johun.Dof- son, delivering lii jufigmeul esys,-ý "Tiis la Ie conclusion aI vbics ble Court as-si-vos, tisatishe hisband lunliais caso Sas licou guil> et adnlfsiy : tisI bis vite bas net, and consequent>' ibe is éntihled ta hoer praye-." Whilsl vo a-e engageS lu pointing ouI ývliat va conside- grave detfeets lu tise system, et ou- Ecclésiastical: Courts, vo have -phessura in recaidiug Ibis signal vinfli- cation etf an innocent vaman lisiaugi lisoir méans; bUt a sulita-> instance et tbis Slnd b>' no eus eeakeus tise terce et eu- argument. Ms-s. Hui's caseili is te ho Sopefi, is exceptional. she oveî hon vludicalionfroun a talse charge te tise good mois et having been tise victls o! cruel fleeeit. Butiotes iis fortunate cireininetance sha voula have bail but 11111e -chance oo es- clearing }wa- charadte-;and hafi Se-husisand rcmainedisatisfied viii lise verdict ah Coumeon La, anS net proceeded te tise Eceleàsiatical'CousIrthonrcase vouid have ýbeon Sopeless."» This extra- oas-ua-> case probab>' exciteS thse legal - discnssian v wiicsultimatel>' rasulte inlutise chsange -fet l ivoe evideuce in divds-ce cases, anS-in tise establlisment -utf a divorce court in Englanfi. The aid. custeni viics ve continue ta foilov, vag tonS te b. nae sud illogical, asuds vie, charged vush adnitery, esunal miv lbe convicied thie offefice lu an adieu ýagainul a tisird1 pa-t>', ve-e sise is net ýpen'itied Y. 1 1 .- pression is frem knaving tise lime se eompleted her demeetie dnuiee, sud havaug oa on rmmdltise necoisity- ef retiring, tisI it coula net have been more tissu s1ev -mnuties atter ôe e'eiock. We have tise statementof Dr. Adamisa teIe impression etftise lime. Re dif net looks ai bis vslch,' but tise yeung iseent vh a sepu viti m, vas regularat 'bis heurs.,anS acordiug-te- this es ofetthé -lime, lil could net have been laies- thanl1.20ý a. m.i. Tire itudeut cosroborates Di.AMainsu vesyiun portant particula-. I sabrmit, ioebe ltai tise imiie f tire altercation, lu thei strsel,bsibeen proveS b>' ludepe nSost 'unimpeacbhateitissuen>', b>'.porionso vWho have lse intereat in teiIing £u!y-

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