Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1876, p. 3

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TO WHOM IT) Whlhby, Mgy 10M, 1874. 2 WÂNTZD-Â çodServant GIrL Ap ly to MES. THOS.DO Wliihby, May' 101h, 1876. 9 N T I C E Io bereby iven that the. Coutcil a01h. .Corporation 01 the Village of Pc¶rt Perry taameeting tolbheait 4à Tc,.Hael, Tuedy, the lath Dyo dune ucît, prMCopoeq pauaB-lsýw or By-iswn ta stop up sud cia..su a public treet or kishway ebt e r otien cf th. original allamo fezr rombeleen the sixth and seVenthhcouceaalaue ai1th. Township of Rhach, lylng eabat af Lunea Street (4 the i.ad Village of Part Perry, and te veit 1h. arne ln Thoma" Paxton, lad 10 open audsta. bliabos a public street «rhlgbway in lieu of91h. laul descrlbed road Ibo foflaving deacribed land sCommen:9Zo the weut limil ai lhe sald lot At 1h. d 00 cef leren ChaîneAnsd farty.two Linkufromn the. nîhh west angle thesij thon narti event>'. tour dogrees.teut, parallol ta the. narth limà. t Olfaithe lot, tvelve chiane -Aud filteen lnks mare Ocries. la thewaters ai Lake Scugog; *thon eouli.westerly anc@cliain mare ar lis onhle laie shore,; then aouth aeventy-ionr degrees vwat, tvire obins, fiflen lis Mare or les. la thé Voit ilmit af the lot; thon nerth sixteen duegrees wett, amm Chain eadtofbouecbanwjd May 101h, 1876. D)ORT WHITBY AND PORT PERMR 13L XTENSION EAILWAY. TIMRý TABLE No. 14. Taies efeot onManda>', Ma> h, 1976. Trains run b>'Tarante Urne, whlch la Ivon- tY.twu minutes laver than G.T.R. lime. TEauxIX 015 aTZ. Wht o. 2 UML N.1M. .hty .Tu. . dep. 10.0ô8&... ~7.m Whlti . é-.....10.10 Ms.5 Brtoc.... ....... 10.80 7.U8 X te. . . 1048 7.52 ogéucté ...11.00 " .05. Panche-ter.. . 11.12 8.17 Prince Aber, ..,... U.2s Id 8.27 Port Perry. ...arrve 11.80 "i8.85 port ter . ..dp. 6.00 a.m. d. 1.28 p.. Prne ber ..0..9 p d 1.85 Manchester. 0.20si 1.45 0 Surumit.. ....680 le 1.57 Myrtle . ...........42 id .10 raiu........700 80 .27 whib ...... aI. 17.20.,À1 I2.47 Wbltb .ns.780 nu.2.55 Whlîby h .rie785 " &WO *Platiorm tations. -Trains stop an sig. nals cul>'. * Connecting At Whltby Junctian wlth -he G. T. RB,esauct vot; eb Part Ferrywlth stage for lUxbrldge, and Steamer Masple Leaf ai Lindea>', lier. connetlng vih 1h. MldléadRallwsyand wlth teamer for Fenelozt l. absg And sSturgean Paint Hotol, a beaullini pleamnre resort. JAMES HOLDEN, CONOERN,' -aa- TAKE NoTC tha. the great chiefs, "«CleazË Hana" ,aDd *"Big Push" have issued. a proclamation to aul good Grits, Tories and Grangers that since the ex- tension to the, Port Whitby and Pori~ Perry Extension Railway is guaranteed by Wh itby bonus, it becomes *the duty of Protectionists as well au Free-Traders that Îhey should visit the and purchase their supply Hats, Caps, and, al kind8 of Gent8' SFuÙ_rni8hinge, et the store cf HUGH McBRIEN, McUMLLAN'S BLOCK, viiere can always be, foun thtei largeet eut beet seectet stock of LA TEST NO VEL T/ES ever imported imb Whitby. And at th. same lime ail good ",INGINS" are to bzing their Raw Fars, anS receive lin th lavial moue>' of Can. ada th.elargeal compensation ever 1offre to t 1h. faitbfu. WHITB Y 8PffING RAOE8, T oeor,,d WEDNESDÂY & THURSDAY, rfr, at your perild MAY 3lst and JUNE'let. FIRST DAY. *10-rovince Pur..Haa *17-Open ha aIl, aeta,' SECOND DAY. #100-Province.bred. Duis l miles; 0150-Qpon thAUai. Dasi 2 miles. *l0-Damlnln hausoo.. One-haif mie' heats, a lu 5., 8l7&-Open te aIL. Mlle heatg. Entriez close ou Monda>', 2mtiMAY', At Panm. Entrane, 10 per cent. cf purs.. net fouget ho call on HUGH MOBRIEN, HATTER, &c., Mqc*~llsn's Bock, Brook SI. . . . . . . . . . . qümt« tise rate aforesait a spécial rate of- sixly-six hundroeaof a iMillinuthe] dollar, lu addtionu 10 ail chez rates, be raiot, loviot ndtot ct. et lu each year on ail the, raleableE .proper>' lu the sàutcor poration cf tise township cf Whiliy, das-ing the oncullnce or currno>' cf the sait debeuluro. lbh-Audit, lu fartiez enacled by the F saisicounchi Ibal tb. rotes cf tho elolors cf lb. saithb.corporationC cf 1hé- township cf Whilby, b. tek-C on on lhe pzcpcot By-iew, ou Seturda>', tho Twoutlulh de>'ofC May', 1876, et tise fcilowiug places iu aaid township of Wbitby, viz : For EloLd:al DivisionI Nc. 1, ah tie old Blacleumithasin lthéi souh-wesl quarter cÏf lotnumber 26 lu the third concon' o ft ho township ci Wbihby ; fOrE' crai Division No. 2, ah lb.1Township Hall iluthe. Village cf iBrookluT. for Elactarel Division No. 8, at the Ma Scioci Houe . uhleVillage cf- fo Auhburn p Chal th. volai, of th. electco's ehailbh takon ou ibis By.lav, oit Saaurds>'Cà tise t wcntiolh dlay of ]gaey. 1876, w1 conimeucing at tse sosr -cf ' u o'cick l is.he ornlug, aud ecfcsing um aI the heurcof five o'clock lu th.- i>u sftsrucon cf the mge .day, _anS 'TI liaI lie Reluring Offi4i'a for tek. ing th.eeam votes be, for~ elocloral diviaion No. 1, Mu. WilàtasDow; for eleetaral tividon No. 2, KMr. B. T. Haison » fer electoWa division Take mi E., bore la a lune f, wiilchçvSi stln b>' tbe tCorporation, Tonfwiiibylusl Ouelotwbich sait fua i asoulb.201h* day cf COcncil Chamnbers, $rd April, 1876; B. T. HARRISON. Township Olerk. j{OUSE TO LET, Canlalnlug Seven larezgsBoosa Gardlen suS Stable, Harnt'Sofl Waler. Ceoutre ai Town. -AppI>' ha Whllhy, Apr;il2h, 1876. WM. TILL. as BaIia uI1fi8, n&cber otruote4 vftboùt tu, Ëmli ni-sa slslwaefthomun!4 altieotb. able tte ah e buldbe Afortl. .4 b>' h. Tavuablplaf Wbltby te tbe extest of Ton Thouand Dcl los y fy ibous ase baucn&t ViL, d te equste number ;f r.ololders of the.ý Township af ai Wbiliby bave pelltioned the unnicpal Clouneil or the Couper- allen cf-tii. Township of WiiltIiy, a requiet by the atuho in thst bebalf fo the subml¶*ion of aB 1ev ta lthe ratepaye ra6f iih.Z Coration cf 1h. tewnahlpof, 'Whiby, athor*ing the =lllg ce the . an sroquired fol such bonus. And viieresathe 1 ômi baulni âreed lta eroo And t adufi .lw.nty yearà slding afrelg'h* bont.et i ýest'asu on ri. Mggsailabonus, atiwhoresfor sno sepurpoae i, un besseary for tii. crportion. of the townshiip of bhit6 ru i .si lm af *10,000 ' l manorherlnale~mentlonod, Âut whoros. theo-arluonlof th. -eiistiug dobt of lb. sait corpor. ation cfthe townshilp 1cf Whltby la '#9,750 for' princ* ia l n olii for lutereat, sudt lb is no p i ci pal aud no interest fiarrars, sud *hieresas hoInteres ~on thosaid sum ocf *9, 750 ha. be 'n pid in Eun -Up ote .firet day iiJanuar' 1876, sudliiez. lun owa-crse g but ual duo, for lute Oba on said suinof *9,750 intereat thebrate cf six per coul. per annuon, froin tise firot day- of Januagy, 1870; aud whsaa the total a.nount 10 bo rbe dnua1b opMicf ratefor payngth et fof#1,000 sud intorest Ihoreon ah ereinafler providot lu *1,100; ýnt viereas lise aissonup cf t4es visperaleable proporl>' cf th. sait c~orortion cf thue township of Whitiy, accordiug ho ths lait rovioda Rs sosmeut roi!, la #1,868,000 : sud wl ores& au an. nual apocài rate of "6/100 cf a Mil inluth. dollar upo thelb.wlole rateahis property of tPesaid to-wu ebipof WihWy in 1!onocesuay sud required for payl giluequal aunual isalisents cf *1100 oach, the interout cn sud Ils, principal cf thse said debt cf *10,000 within the periot cf Ivent>' y are herolu- aller limiied lu Ibat behIaif. Nov il lu beroby eiaood by lb. muni.. cipal Counoil cf thocrrainf th. TownshipofWht~aflos lot-This By-law ehail ccnme luto force sud cffet upon, frcnm, sud aller the, lut day cof Jung, 1876. 2nd-Il shall ho lawfol for he purpo0ses. aforoasaitfor tho Reev ocf th. said Ccrpcration- cf tbe Township 'cf Wbîlby, sud he la beroby 'authoriz. et sud require o alsune dobouluros to su aMounulot xceting lunlthe whcle *10,000,sid ad.bouturesa b be scormado sud exocu ad liaItho Oum ocf *500 cf lt.e 'adOum ci *10,000 logether witbhba interest on ltse whoie &Mcunt cf donlurea so to b. luenea, sud nuo rs, ahail b.ccnoepayable lu a on ce yoar thsr.after, sud..thé 'sr'hl@ cf lis. said Oumn af *10,000 for vhich de. bouluros a-hai be lsuet ehail b. mate payable lu tvou'iy equai au- ual unsîsimouls cf !8500 oais, payable ou 1hé lut daýv cf Juns lu osais year, wih i lereut et the, rat. cf six per copl per annum, payable on 1h. wbole 'pric~l:aus ra- nuainingunupaiZ t th iraI days cf December ansud je lu esei ond evsry year, lh. iraI cf said de. boutures 10 b. paid ou ýthe o t day bf Juno, 1877, sud tho lust Ibereof an lie loI duy cf June, 1896, lie wiole Pric* a sud lutereat bcing payable vihhin Ivout>' ysnaufrein the day sait. By-iaw takes offeal. 8rdt-Tsêoasitdobeuluros shaîl bc re- specliveiy soaled with lh. ucal cf th. osiS Corpolation cf th., township cf Wluiby, sud signed b>' ils Reeva, anS counlorsiguod b>' ils Treaurr, and shahl bear date rsspcctirely on lihe day on wviecis i. Dy-lnv shah takc cifool, sud shall bo mate payable ho lis. bearer thheof. 4th-Tsero shall ho alttcbed tote said debouluros Coupons for the paymeut cf intereal baif yoarly dusring th. curreno>' cf lh. said t.. benureg, which Cou p es shah b, mate payable ait lh. Ontario Bank,' uins, l owu cf Wlsilby, on tle firut days of Pecomber sud Juenel esch yoar- ,5th-Tso teheqînres ho ho signet and isucd se sforesseit hall b. deliver. i 80O,000 Fruit Trees,1 -embrscing these t>'boand cholceat kindu, Appies, Pears, Pluma, d&a. Mr. Burnisalu vu not for bis collsctlon, uo thet ho Siferont sarIa as labeiled can ho gurauteed. Novm tha tiseUre for tiseilu aut ai fruit trece ta gel visa lise>' vaut, sud ho sure af thse qualil>' ho>'gel. May' 2nd, 1876. 21n-19 HAY8M SONOSI Tue Footstep anÏhe Stair. Sang anS Cisorn-Ha-ys .. .............. 85o Don't Forget Mo, Haunah. Sang anS Chorus-Haye....... ..850 In Matiez Tiser. ? Soansd dsr Haye............85c Dringha yCl.Sn n io fiays......................... 850 DA NKS' 60NG6. Matiez I Augel Matiez 1 Sala anS Cuarlet. Dania............... 8o Robin, Sweel Robin. Song sut Cia. Danka .....................80 Au. You vslllug liez, for Me ? Sang euS Charnus. Danis..... ...... 890 Hank 1 i the 7&r Dollo are Oislmng. Salon and Corus. Dania ...80o cshrg m lu Hoaven, derouzMcii or.. Sang sud Chorus. Dank.... 80o STEWAIiT'8 SONGSI Let nol Tii>' eut bu TroubleS. Sang eud Chorua. Stevarth...........8o Tise Sang my Mohhez Sang. Sang de Chorus. Stng'ut .............o TeIi ier I Larellor. Sang anS Cia. Stewart......................oc Whisper liat you Love. Sang de Cia. Stewart........... ........... 800 Taie Me again ta, you Heurt. Sang de Cisorus. Stevart ........ ..... 80c CENTENNIAL SONOS AND QUARTETS. Oue Hnnredl Yesrs Ago. Sang and Choruis,hyHRayo ...r.....5a Ons Huudred Ysars Aga. Quartet for, Maie Volces,....... ...... ...... lc Pdurcising 'Neatis ur Stsrry Fiag. S'g and Chorus. Giover ...........8o Masrcing 'Nesth aur Slsrry Fisg. Qt. for Mais Volcesa............... 10a Lot tise ills sud valea Reuouud. QI. for mixeS Volces.,..... .......12C MEMORIA L SONOS, Sceller Sweet Floweru o'er iser Grave. Danks ...................... Soc Wep o'er lise Gravea-aoflise LovaS nos. Danku................8C. hieunrial Flover s. BallaS. Mendels- .on......Soc Scatter Siceet Fiowcru. Trio fur Fe. maie Volces .................. oc Weep a'or lise Graves. Tria for Fe- mals Volcese.................. 300 Pahlisisd b>' r L. PETEIIS, New Yari, 848 Broadway, P. 0. Box 103 Station D, aiýd mailed, poat-paid, an recoipl ai marieï suce. 19. Bo ARRELS * LAING & STEWART. W7 htb, M ay lt, 1 67. 2 D OMINI ON 'WARBERO 0M S. Spripg Trade, 18 7w. O0 S. ig.,,purchaMes have,been made witli muqli 4rnhlan >craun4 consists of British Prench' American and Cana-' <lin Qoda Tobuygoods well one miust bave access to a stock whichý has beenelbogt ýWe are, selllng mainy limes ofthis Bpring's Goodcs less than the same goode cost one ana w erao Our Yariety is* extensive. We have spécial Eumes of ,Dress -a good iany confineçi ,to our own House. Good Prints frorn 8 . to 15 'cents, Oxford Shirting 121- cen~ts, American andaunadia Cottonis.fromà 8 cents.ý fWe have a large stock of French, West of Engl and, and Caaa'an Cloths. We have ail the Novelties of the season. Our prices arE Close-and styles Superb. We have a large stock of Olioice Milli-nery, a firs t-clase MTLLINE R and DBESS-MARB, and a Fashionable TAILOB. : e solicit an inspection before purchasing, We feel confident Our prim'es are not only satisfactory but attractive. Wllitby, May 2nd, 1876. LOWES & POWELL.1 PRO -BONO PUBLICO.! GRAND BONA FIDE SALE.' Hamilton& Co's. ANN4UAL CASHI SALE. 'We offer o'ur large and choice stock 0F SEASONABLE DIRY GOODS, MLLLINERY, -AND) CLOTHING, AT THE VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES. GRO( noo:co CERIES AND LIQ TO SUIT THE TIME S. Wlýitby, April 26th, 1876. 18 O NTARIO DAN K. QPIVIDEND No. 88. Nçice lis ershy giron, tisaI a tivldenq cf tour per cent., upon 1he Capital Stock ai tiîslntiltlton, ha. thisisdayhbeen declared f pr the aurrenl haflyear, asuthlaï; theosaune 1 ill he payable ah tise Dank anS aL ita Branches an and aflor Turda', lise iraI tles ý7th t the 81s1May', bath tsys .inclu- N1%i ohial zo giron tisat Tllie Annual Meeting 0~ tlhe Stockholdera, for tise electiQu ai Dir- eclors for 1he ensulng year, wlllbe held et * h lis Dsking Hanse i su ist>'on 7(uesday, l3th Day of' dune next,- Tbo chair la bs laken ah 12 o'cloci, noon, p k4oly. B>' arter ai tise Doard, D. FISHER, General Manager. q.t4xo Bank, T uato, 21.1 April, 1878. 18 ÉCUT0RLS' NOTICE 1 F'resh Ground Plaster, 1 T1IHOMAS BURNHAM, FRu SALE AT PICKERING HAIRBOUR AT 00o - PER BARR EL, J. H. McCLELLEN. Pickering Harhouu, April 201h, 1878. s TRAMER e&CITY 0F TORONTO ,t Lspt. DICK), icaves SsiI>' foot ai Tango-St., !a'rauta, ah 7 e. us arrives et NiagareaIs P.8os m sud Lvitan1lO.. ..Cou. ueclions ion lise aFalla, Buffalo, Rochster, & anCeolsUd, Nov York, PillaS elpba, o. Tickets sud ai1 informastion et S Front Street. 18 D. MILLOT, Agent. [)OMINION FLOUE de FRED SOE CHARLES PENNYLEGION ega tao na if sfrieudusuanostomors- iaolanov prepared, ta aupply Plonu and Feed cf thc Best Qualit>', at the lovoal living pricea. lour, Corn, Chop Fed, Bran, Shorta, OuI.' meal, Craciedet hal, Peau, Osîs, Po. latees, dec., at Whýsissalo andRBetail, '/seapr t/saitse Cheapeaifore», Oas/o AI lis. Dominion Flour sudt Foot Store, »ab' iaci, 'But door, Dundas Street, Whihby, ApriI 24tà, 1876. 1 r 0 FARMERS AND LAMfOWNERS 1 Po you wvant ta . borrow money ("aPayable b>'inslausut) bu> Im me hat au rself ou for your ons? To buil àhoterabam P To me@, c'Mar, undrdrsiu, ar othervise lm. are vurled? TPay ofa s ortgageo bher tebtu ? Or for au>' olioz purpose ? if you do, the teduced terme ci tlie CAxNA. àPzxuuxssT Lo"A, ND SAiMsOs Cawsy, rhlci iu md moto ans ta Fermera czingtielust Iwentyyoth=ieusu>' atier, forS ilimtios pS tautaes haetofare nequaobyb'any Caruanyf ia nn M. ho Hligist prie puiS for goot Marlgeagea. Vcrfurther information apl>' h J. HEEBERT MASON - - -,Manager, Torauto. ibte ai tise Townshsip ai Wiithy lu the. Cyauuhy aiOntario, wvisaSieS on Lie 101h tLgy ai Marais, lest, are required an, or before T~ho 25th Day of Mlay, next, la adp lu ta B. F. Cam peil, Brooklil, one S tie Executors ; ar ta DeviS Ormiston, af t ao TiseTovu af Whihby, In the Counl>'oa uturlo, Soicilor for tise Exocutors of the e tatý asd eScsIofaitise saiS Tisomas Buru- himI full psuticnlars ai their clalma againet Ils ofat a tise osaiSThsomas Duruhans, e$tpg tie aaunt tisereof, for, sut au ;hsat accoant lie same are hela. lAnSd notice ia hereby giron, thât from sud a teri the same 251h May, next, the oxean. tan yl hotahiberty' ta distrihut the a e aothetseaeid esatte or an y part here- ouî" ogsl 1he persans enLtitieat hereto, issvlqg regard to lie clalus of whIoh suai xec: zItor bas tison notice; sud shall ual b à ble for the.mtsb, cor au>' part lier..- - no diutrihuted, ta an>' persan ef wviss c 1 such exscutor shah ual bhave lotioea t the lime 0i anch distribution, Ai persons indebted ta tis id Thomsa I hruam, aro roquiredtot maie immel pa]'nont ai lie amoput ai intabtetuos- 10 1) .Campbell, Brockis, one af the Ex. ossatof itise esàle ; or ta DaviS Ormia. tan, $olicitor for the saiS Execuloru.- .D. ORMISTON, Saler, for Exeutaru. '11 A N T E TWOAPPRENTICES ta learu lie DZ'o12 milg. Aisa a Machinentteharu ier a Singer or Have machine. Apply ta lb. ROGERS, opi>te Roya liHavi. Ma>' srd, 1876. 19 10O (ETE ASo1j ff $100 PEO;:Fffoip 0F tnl~hie put iew mouthu nuder aur im. prare u>'tem ai aperal n lu ucax. ueed ta nominalsu" udssoi t'l Bce oBackcmtalnilng *;LiuE m Iost ,on application. TU MDGE deCO., BuiorsdBroker, lO-iv2 * Wall st. New Tart, iAUl acconnts due JOHN ANDEIRSON "re b. PaS he untorslgnet-before th. lut Of Pune, otherwl..-leÏ viii ha placet isui~ for collection. FAE LL ¶lii~,May' Srd, 1876. Brrs1r9dc bOýTAGE FOR SALE 1 isTh Brick. Collagejutnriale Brovu de atterssr k not.s,, i..t. The. Subacriher hi.opponed e store an Sius. cao Street, opiposite T. W. Gibbus Hardware Store, wiere se ia o rsS 10o xecute arders for dresoseing l ie éneveat Style eud Fsuh. ion ; Cildren'a Suite Ludisu Unudarclatis. ing dec. AUl orderu Iutrualed ta iser care vi]be csreUy sud prompti>' attendeS la. MISS WALSH. Osava, April 211h, 1876. , l MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW BESTORED 1 jýJuatpnu h, a new odition aifD. CtLVEWELýL's CELE.- s3aATzn EssÂy an lie radical cure (vitiiont nediaine) ai Spematarrsoea or Seminal Weakness, Inroluntar>' Ssminal Lasses, in ae>', Mntai sud Phyaieda Incapaclt>', pe ntatpokblsgep etc.; aliea, Consumption, Emplep y unS Ils, lu- dulenoor sernal extravagance, dec. t cie, lu & sealod enrelap, oui>' 6 cents Tise coebruted saliar, lu tisis admirable Rasa>', ean>' daunonstralea, froin a thsirt>' ysars' ancosaful practlco, thatt ho alarming cansequeuces ai self-abuse usa>' horadial>' cureS viitlite dangeronus i finternai medicine or theife ; poinllug out a mad. of cure ah once simple, certain sud effeetual, b>' meassoai viici ever>' aufferer, no malter what bis condition ma>' ho, mu>' be, may aura iuseli abeapi>', pri'vatel>', sud radical. 5-zgTi curesaou h e inlthe hauda ai ever>' youth anS every man lu tie land. $ent under gsai, lu a plain enveoai, ta an>' addresa, posf.pcid, an recelpt of six conte or tva poastuaP. Attuosa lhe pubhbrs, P. BRUGMAN de SON, Ph O"~ Fox 41 Aun-SI., Nov Yook. pos 0A 6M y.17 B Y-LA W, No. 7, 0F 1876. eCOUNTY OP' A Dy-Lav ta alose np and 'r' I tdispose aiflise EcatsAmos 1878. *Jcessionai Tisorals. Wberesu, lie roat on ontacsross lota air sud savon lu tisa KirulConceasion ai Tuorai bas hecome nnoceasary b>' roascu cf the roat an aut near original roïdt show. once betveenthe loandsuS uSConcessions, alliheamuid iota six sud saon, iarlug been aound utconstructet. The conuailoa th eCorporation oai-he ownsuhip ai Tia enacta asfols lut., That iroi n d aller the Ainsipaeu. ing ai lie By-law, he sait rad on sut acraus Lots 6 and 7, lu lhe snid lot Conces- sian adi TlsTruls, be closed np, anS b. ne langer conulteridta Pubdc iive>', cf the Tovwnbsh ifTisarals. 2n5. TisaIlise saiS roa be saidteahe proprietors aiflise adjacent lend, ah the uu and rateaof ton dollars per acM reovldlng liaI if the pprieori of lie adjacent lan2 ahaii declie or refuse ta pnrchaae, he saiS road, atlie puice herein set forth, thon Il shal- b. uod t ha-anur ahher - parties ait lb. ame, or an>' goaer price ot* h sa el suai ame- oshah be o ad -in luuh mon- uer s-th Conucil oasllorder or datermine N. F. PATERSON. Reove. NOTICE lu heab>' giron ia b. heabmv B'law, wllbo brou tsIbefore lie Council IÎThorh, u d ovu RHl, Beverlon, with àriy" v tathe final pmigof lM sm, oli Saturds>, thle kg1h!tC' af Ma>, *GEORGE SIMTH Thoti, Aprlun2w, 1876,. 14.17 ~JHIT Y MAHINEWOEKB I CLATI cLATTWOM) -BROCE STREET, WHIITBY. The undelsignet beguha lnfom thie farus. eo of lie snrrannding cosmzr,',lbat h.obas luý -stock s- aee..*«one o - a, -Paper Window Blinds, neN'-stock, new Pattern, Ladies Back Combs-A Nô.'1 Artic1.e, good varn price. CROQUET-This populI&T',Suhme&g'ýaie at VI Base Balla and Clubs-a.large 1stock., Clubs sup] lmiv rates. J.0. RB EJLT SONI Whitby, May, md, 1876. 19 GO0LD SMITU"'S HAL L.. Children's,- Cabs and. Perambulators,ý--The, Largest Stock and, Best Value... 0CA LL A ND EX AMI NE!I Jratche8g and Jeweley at "Depr- in Priées f Whitby, April 25th, 1876. 18, WHITBY PHARMA CY. Has much pleasure i.n announcing that. his, Stock is plete in every UnÉe. BATH SPONGES, BATH TOWELS, TOILET SOAPS, HAIR, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, CHAMOIS SEINS, LUBIN'S, ATEINSON'S AND' RIMMEL'S PER. PUMES, DRESSING COMBS, BACE COMBS, - DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, &c. Any article mot ini stock procured without extra charge. com-1 lWiiiby, April' 251h, -1876. S. W. B.* SMI'THb Cerner Broek aundDundes Sts.,Wbt. C-HILDREN'S C.ABS, AMER/CA N cg CA NA DIAN MA NUFA CTUREl TIIS11T wAREV)m Mllk -Pans, Pails, Strainers, &o., &C. o-- . 1-1, AREV>Dnw A Mb M. Spades, Shovels, Garden Bakes, &c. '--:000:-- . O.-- bL=mr Carpet Paper, said to b.e Moth Proof, and preservés the carpet. SPersons house- cleaninglwil please note the fact. 1-1ATr.r a1- Importeu.s of Shelf and Heavy Har.dware. Agents it Whltby, AI S-- --- -L TIRSai su; aiebanz For iurhher Whitb>', April 121h, 1876. 16 yST BECEIVED 40 BAfLE NWSPRING CAILiETS - -WILLIAM GORDON Fespoctfuiij'soliatiîltossdlng purchesers ta inspeat his aldek ai Bu1sels, Tapestu>' sud.Three-ply Carpts, 11oor <lothis sud-Cor. ticines, Damaskusudni Lace Cuirtains, WindowffPolcg, Comnices & Fuingingg. AIl ai visii vlh . b soidt htheloweul prlce. WK GORDON; 184 Yougo St., Taronte. iuis PAPES Il ON PILE IVITuI EC~TORS, SALE FARMýPROPERTY1 lVill bc. saiS b>' Puùblc Anction, an Tuesday, 2gOth of dune, next, at 12 a'clock naonanthe premigos, the foi. ýlawing raWa.e ari rapertbeonging to thhoostatoa ROBE RT WALKER. Ptucrr No. 1- composadoai60 aRes, mare or loua boing par ailot No. 16, inthe 8th con. 0 as at Whtby, togother vith Dvelling, Barn, vith Stane Collr; Foot Hans, Good Orcliard, sud aulOffices, ai n tie pauseauson aof Mr. William BArght. The. land la inaà good atate of cuitivation, and voil fonceSl. PÀIICZL Na.- 2,m-iSO acres, mare or legs, situateid on lot Na. 15, ilu'the 8th con ai East-Whteiflthtwo-atorey Brick Honue,. two ood rcswithatone foundatigas' Roat Haos, Dri*i* Hax sStable, ad Orcbard, Ésud OnOffices, sn excet ardor, us nov in tii. pousoin af Mr. John Olitld. The land in in a good state ai cultiration ; thora are about 20ares a of*oan sd, a noêver-lailing stream'. ad thse prapert> lut ,woll fonceS. TM5 0OF 5ÀLE.-For Purcol No. 1. Ton percent. ta b. paidownasttimeofa saie, a enfulient tame," heewith, lhirty por cent. ai 1h. purchase mono>' wil hm ncnemoulu therojafler. The balauco in isvoaqusi a nua sntalmontu, withlu. torit lOpr cut.per an-nia, tabe se- For Parcol No. 2,-Ton * pa cent.,at 1h. lime af sale, sud enongh thèewl1h te maie thirty pr cent of the wlioleamointoaithe purhas mooywitin nemounthu hre. aller. 0f the romaindor of the purcliase mous>', 1h.enai *6f 8,000 viiib. bih ont-- sendn as a firat ochargeaonthe propoh; tnoe t at eigist par cent, ha b. payabýle- tboreon da1ng M ~ocf the wldow of do. cesed.T7hCettha 10h.ta epayabeinluive equui annul inutalusont. vitiintoreat at aix per cent, per anum, ta be securetb>' unartigge. Aplication for furtier particularata lu. maet nh ndesagned. J. B. BICXELL JOHN D. .HOWbÉN, Eenes or ta t- .BILINOS,- Solcitar for said Executoru, or to -Whitby, Marchpst, 1870. t1444 Whitby, &Pril,-l9til, 1076.1- Valuâed at PIV T TOUSAND DbOLLARS puirohased for THEE THOU8AND SEVEN HUNDRED-A24D FIWY.DOLLARS, jugt MA - liuugbt tb Whitby sut foursadeb>' R&DWAR'D FIROST.-Y TOR( being part of ti owbolueBakrupt Stocks e oflkhiR aldause aeutl offait W *Brou., Insolvonts, bolh cf Toronto. This EDW4RD FROST, at the Odd Fellows Buildin' eswfll dbpoe, of theb. eronseullcnet stceku for Cash s tail, for TWO WEES harl5 ONLY,the-Ïàtire p"rme.e onsing ln part c of hoa .ist1 mr t 'a To Corsaumptlves. Tih. advaxerto, a IbMUzmJh7fclsabay. saov bsrem.dy for th.e Lad r"iuaa cf tanh, sMd AU fhr"sud1 af.ctlowr,- & os soilea. d adcl =~e î serNrou eiy, premature Dea and aiU Nervouu Complant, till iu du te ake. 1 kuvs tabit aufturlngfflnovu. "eutei by "ismotive, ho vili oheufully gond (lt. i oharge>te aul Who deur. il, the ueMp elpiur.paulua ful i rections for duclli gfis ,providunfy dis. coyeod .m.d.wTe.0Who Wish tle ami thamuelvea ofi'0 beneft* of tis idlcov.ry vithout oult, ean do so by returu mail, $0 addresolsg Wlth atamp algIsppr NEW ADVERTIBEXj8T. 'T,7HMTY MEOHANIOS' INSTITUTSE. Tb@. toual mutingoc i b Whltby Ut. obaiiolue ntitut. for Us i1rofa sb. mittlng the. aunai ropoz, aod ecllag oaicera for th.euanuingy.ar, viiib. helu tutu zooms, over th. Express O016ce, on TliurisdaF evmening, lthe 181/s intant, At eh- e'lok. D. ORISTON, Wiitbyt Ms>' lOlhive87. ld-20 FPLOWERS 1 FLQWEESI1 OVER 2,000 TO 8ELECT FROM WRIGHT& BROOKS' LOYAL TOWN 0F WHITBY, BROOK STREET. 30,000 FRUIT TREES, OHOICE!1 ,. T. Turner having purchasd 1 he Nur- seryproisesa&dStock ci lthe laI. Thomau Burlam 'Lt 8, -thcon. Whiitby, us pro. parod ta selibI the lovoat pries, Bookoelleiand Stationer, VnÙtby,. PAPLM la-ON FILE IVITU Whý D-U ORS Ur TIO N E W".,-- -D- B Y GIOOD.S

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