Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1876, p. 2

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'Y-sx5o PER ANNI MbtNTS 1 ACCOUNTS1 [s vitebavé Dot yete. tu 4t titis 01e.0vii piessej lf sud gave Custa. -Autson Bâteu. Io usal. bille pmilnte èas» offoe lé a supericr 'Poe noblces given cf thé sale Hèrme.Bille I d cesp sud ilu thé boat 3saNicLe office, Au seecri Cleouts#.sut,, en iii plOase notice thett hé ci ont te prose on ýWOds n, Ocmmnotsblns eh se reachelffie énôt haler v in order te lueurs publici eo veek. mère not Bénéilted by 1 weym? 'gainent cf Ur. William N mère- vére net beuefited thsIt Ley should naeEi tll vttîhem, and thal ratil 114 L871 T styl bet meA eali Rail lb3 notil vwa, aliotul hé bulîl by, inu aIcapital asu thé Gevemumexnt, ile et- apièce vit] many cf theé tler fallacles urge( aeinét Ihibenus. Thé building cf til railway bal asislu. lé lie velue'cf oserj foot cf làIain lahie lvnisiip. Hem eonxec thei. asssemnt cf thieoahif oif WIiLby c-lie nov more, lin oduIlf vlit lIl vus before lie WhiiIy & Pori Psmty Iailwasy vu bltP ,W. gavu lIhe figiomés last veetI. Thé Aussesmén wu'-in 1868, OtflU,h10. Th!isyean J& à $1,912,M1,. Wto oct prebeasi te gay -a tlitIén aiiway hlis matie aIl lus én- ersnes. But1 liti:lla lu gréaI pant ovillg lé t,il udéniable. Goasi tarit <ýGlis Worthu ho-day, #100 pér Bore, sodmay famrmérs (Ainugat thèn Mn. Williama Nicol himmeîf, ve dame say) venllnot saiept lit agre for tbii -- heldinga. Wlîh -ailvay facilitiez évery - aulel tof grain naiseu l aleamre n vaile, sud1lie farinerail obUtérs, -- are thé méen via eeive tih. hrgeet anti muost Isérmnint'betteS Is fron the. bluîitldlg cf imalwsys. - Thée Mon vho - m - ssihsqnlbstock lun ailwey oompanies iuelslomî Or -,never rpeeivéeu y direct lsuèfil; frein hhir eolenîînisé. Thé fan- - teriefant once 'lrèclly bénef lési-hén- - édted b>' il. expenadiurécf-thie monéy la vhiolt le partilpah es, sud hy sup. piylug lin 'il a marktlabI lus deor. It 19 uet iu the inleréstotc apllahisl .îhmt tbé Govémument grantusisi bc railvays; 1ete eta dvaussé loinléméal efthlié péepi et lange. 0f course csp- italisîsseecktolurealie. upen tîeir in- vcstnxéuî t; Il Isnet hto bé presumeul tiamt thiey vioold invest Iheir menus simd k lueur large iabilittes coustof pure îluiiî. auhtiropy. Dut lu seéking a rebumu for ttisir outlay, thcyscoallen gond limougfl- On clthé viole eatnuunity, anti il WtmUlslhae âe thîi i umlsi ogrusigé tIhîtin ltée réirtrd éof thementerpi-isé - asti pallie spirit,. heîy are public bésîsifacoe nsd bti oni tée fariner-- - vhc agalu vé asmé e Is tuost boue- fitu-owes.,sadeep debt et gratitudel. Anothser Objection te thé Townehi *Bonus. Anothér objection lu thé ten-thion stud.doIllar bonus askcd frein thé tovin - ehlp of Wlîltby tewamds tie raillye éxtenalen le thet vien the $015,000 vi votéd n n tet, astô havé bocil aske for. This insntoler îmistalté, Indeci thé argniitte madle uee of ai thé timc cf giviulié hefiret bonus voul(l go ic prove dlréotly thé reversé. Thé argn. muent at liaI limé vas ttllt e tovi. Rhiip siould not give e bonne, oven c $15,000, le se short a liué as from WhitbyltoPort Pérmy, but-tiabt a *more lengthy, lin. cf railway, unning fuirîliér nonîli, thé atépayere vould bc ipepaned ta-voté doublé thé ainouni. Il le for lie nions léeiîgîhy lin. luto the lulérlr taIi futhter bonne fs nov senght. Tho ine lu Port P~ylias been sccuré -ggod failli bas béien, képI by the Coin pany-and now, for thé mial additicu. al ameunaI askeilthé lina te - Lindsay vii lié compleléd anad oenuection m'tde viIh thé Victoria ]Rsilway, èécurnkuga mueli gi-eter longli cf reilvay sud many nmome&advautages 1han wvesat ail couelntead et the lime cf thé finst bonus. Thèmeua Is loo.ecnnoity ihet thé Ceopany eunuot teuch thé moue, nutil thé ailwey le bul. ja feet no rond, ne mouéy. J-Whére to 'Buy Dry Geodu. -Mlemono. Lalngi&Stewart, Hamnilion &Co.,, Loves & Powell, Edvsnd Prost, sud Meuors. W. J. -Hicki, & Ce., ail bav'e new and vehI slecté stocke, gosng at lovest 1living pricée. - 1,118y havé thé latet style.sud désigne. No cld rubbisli. Nypw GitîtiaE.-,&A ÃŽoley cf ihie Patrons cf U1ubandry.vag crgaùizéd lu -Brooklil, ounltriday, 28th alto., by istrict Deputy iro. Gould, under lb. noins of te "Rrýoklln Grange." ýThé foiiowng offoérs vere inutalldt John Buns, Maotem ; J~e mesXttievscn,* ovemruu; ~Wi1lm Niéhola, léturer: Willitaim Maw, st.ward; Stéplén Mod. land, aa't. twai'4; Jbhu Bradley, ehafplalu #flIehar4 *Mooe. tresorer;, ,J~meit, eérIar':Walter Man. nel, atékeder ,tMisé Mw, Ceres; Aliss éono, Pomonea»' Mm. Moore, F$or ; ViusoIBradley, ldy assistant otowe4 linatiput ,élstuaaion.- dusin- Il thé Ksnne~as t i "hie Pesa" te thé L1i~of lrcek stree, a MIIeu'.» cap% eof.@U hindu, 1and glovea and ýcol- Srlghtaedndéné bâli the. velue. boy are eellfng nov 1 goode nul table frà Ro jaon 27tl inlu seonarguenaresorléd to outrageons ilieee tb #,0Ã", 02g OQ-0 pérosoul abusé, sud se deméanéd bim. transl'ered, to2New Yrk4oretl - sel0,f ait hé 'frsî meet ing 51 Breoklin, et' l1sy,5ééuritlé5i b15 .40 EU@tU~o, 8 supportérs- of the -by.lav. si" w oun novrust forbis n soble- thén, M.- ,WilhIsm-:nýNWIé - biais »IVL' Th e telthn ge n aigy - that Iliose*ho ésme teeopps, beu" tht I Made s fraudaient éétlemoïs tousd dovultecimatrcfii r-wth the bsnk, astténlnvestlng 1the f<nu ni th~u e cvmoam énabflé lu inthe manuér lndléaee.~ ho lalà o mor. ame*bloto 1déelaré ltée aboyé étaléménnt te tOreséstusud ne doubit, as hé "bas goed nusin uvery particular. reesNm, rre sthé diagraèéflléxhibl. 1, I neyer hld an secunt vilthe Mon îVhIOh ha madé cf hlméi. Thé St. Lawrence lBank for *4q0,0,oro ,no intelligence cf thé tovnshipp'-lu Over- 2. I-nvertrensféred #18,000, uer le$, whelmIlugly lu lever cf téb-ansd ysl eue tbéussnd frein thé st. LA*v- littié dobtnoeod 'hé onîertaîid -but rence Bank t le éCity lBank, iluoee &biaIlt-vil héecsmied by a large nma. 5inu 5 sîhgés. Jorit, Aly Oter rsultwoul b 8à, Ineyer drew #20,000 DOMinth'é yl oly AyeîérrsI vudh CIiy ank ltu vemt la Amoriéena lut rohebnuo hl uetgue u turleBlé, uer di, I ever InvesI Om. Deý upen thé veahîl sud éntempise snd 1Mr lu Azuenicen securilles lu Nov publié spirit cf -thé tovuebip. - %prk or éloevhoe, non do- I nov holth ady tsain luAmino u crillés, sa - ahlgseleé p îif. ai.a bocômrng netractien, sud -givè ad 0f ail1lté contémptible objectio n1s n~tenieadrednec h su vo have ioard put fol'vard toile grant- sUthor cf thé libél, sud thé usausèrpî tn Ing of honies fur thé ailvay exten- fromowhich youimadei thé pubIicaticu, sion, tInt on thé gnouud that Mmr. I ahahl féel il aliko due te, thé offléér. of Drape andMr.Holdén havé made up thé Banka as véil as ho mysli, te bmlng Drapersud M. ' tth s criminal andi civil action ageinet î. fionm lepenîsp thémcc pnvrth. ;on for e ývwîfal sud mahlijus lihél. At thé mtnsinm uthé levé, thé lad . BES lIat "Draper anddHohiénhad made up )yfriénde" vas aétually put forvard as au W. iv M. Ileésr thé bouit cf >argument for voting egalu e bo bnne. hie dénial. Whibé. doing 50 ve Ienowü FeAnd nov, lu 1h. township, th. e mé thel hh uit quihilès as le the fade,. Id cearmé lé foloied by mon, 1k. ýMm. ~he suinvhtiolu ho mausged tb sécuré William Nico!, vlio telle hi héamere (le kuows hinsélf hov) freintblé St. dthat hecium Maes. Draper and Hel- Lawrence lBank may net havé héen en nhavéenmade up thoii-*ditfrencos blé préoisely $40,000 or 080,000, bal thé, ailvsy hy.iaw mlould hé_vpted dovu I fact bliat hé snooeeded--ihrongh théï ~'Hov neighiboumly, sud vhxat a disphay of influencé cf hie usinésud position ns v Christan ehaity havé v. hors 2 Chii. hou. David Réeor, Sentor of lieo Do. be ien men-men vilI religions e~réléu- miniou-in cxtratiug e large suln, (WeiéI ieus sud eccupyiug "thé higli plà" in lu ilI caîl il 027,000 or thérca4beuts) frein thé syoggne"hiamborlngmé,uomeus féel.ltée o oenfldiug offloers cf théehBank,i luge againsî thein neigheans for ohèy. ltée late président and cashier, apon îu ig the. divin. injuncticu te brélliren, sbrtIîîes paper, eau b. etablislied le- to love ose anolhtér I If good influences yond dtpspute. Thai hic coxupounded -have pnévaited, and bMm. Draper and vii h toe lIant for semé tiliug raie ou Mr. IHotdsu havé found, limt aictithIt dollar lié doés uot deny. And tînt 2miiglit hé somewhaî iu thé vreug-uoaî lhé eggéd sud prayéd. net te lie pîacedl them difféences veré rnaiuhy thé résuit in iumolvéuoy, luasmnuol ase hé vold cf misundlers tandinge whici conhd héetliereby ferfeit hie po.ition sas Snater, amicahly smélled hy mutuah éxplaus- le matér cf public uotorioty. Howr îions,-meé hame,iany ve, toe l rM."Reésion ovésléd lte filmas proouredc men Isewonî uct t kéé thru y hlm frein thé- Stl Lawrence Bank spart. Shîsmé upon tht. men vio vo are unablé te exatliy stale, nom dees vould sééktot make capital ontote tIi lmach inattor. Th;~ main allegalions Il dilikes sud discorde ef tisir neigibors 1 -eomain, Iliat lié gel thué mouéy frein thée nt te a veloome sign te us, as il should Biank, undenr cuustsnoes Ihat, le Ray t hé le chiens, to sae tht. lesdiiig ien of lihelasht, vend net 4~ regnrdsd hy mon Whitioy jein lande and show forgélful- of commercial probýty -as créditablé, usess ef peet affronte ana jealousiés. 01<1 sud tint h.e neyer paiili it bnot. Hav. grudgem lied-ben 10e long, képI up, ta iug cnly reoived Mn. Réesor's lelter as thé détrimeut cf tle ovu. Thèeole vé go tb pras 1-day (Wédnésday), ve .,V nov mascu te havé s botter opincf liave net baad timé lte comuiunioste I, thé men vIe had thé good soesé oteevithicar correspondent. Hé lsa sgen- tc lIaI il vas tine o ubegin 10 forgét iîaém. tleman cf nndoubted respectabiliîy sud Thé mounvite nov déory Ilim mauly cf eolveuoy, vyell ailé te ser for thée course are thé semée ovoeé. alvays résopousibhili-o-f hie talemeuts, sud vo ti hypecriîicslly making-beliéve how -havé ne dbuil lo ié.Il hé pmpared tle *0 ach they nègréttéd peroual quarrch- méél that nepouslbmiy iven bis ovu Il ling, sud hîov injnionshy surit acted np. signature. Let 1h. honorable Senstor p ou thé aomtuuniby. W. hope liaI, ticreofore presd ase menu as lié pleass deepie thé men vlio, viLli ancour lunvilli thé tlîreabéued pains sud penalties et théir hésmîs, vatehî sud vait te vidén Of thé îaw. Wé vould ouly sdvise lim bJ thé breaches amiolügel othurs, sud gloat te méfleot hefore doiug se. People have ovér petty scandale, tuaI tIie fiecîdly phayèd il iédgéd tohe befoné nov sud luterceursé bebwoeu Messrs. biodon havé made roes te iîang tliomelves. sud.Draper, sud Mi-.Perry (Whoe las - -------- - Ih doue hiiesiare lu premoting inutual AN E1,pREýsâ TaiLFCAPTruIID S ix goedfeeingamo~stIlusé ho hîoH AutLTON.-Oiilte 101hcof April Inet goo felin aLoilggtthoe oho lioldGeorge E. Soliooley, moe c ent cf the s ho noighîhours sud frienîhe), wyul long Adaru 's 1 Express Complauy, et lte v continue, and lIlies . se wo vo.ild in- agency' in Nashîville, Tenuesce, nbsceud. vo salI oeeof Ihern, canuot ounliaI "round d oùwîtimsoin. 10,00>0 belouglug bté hea] aI loast, coenî upon ltie otlîers' tjolu(Coinpany sud ocaoe te Canada, hy vay te c vfét e et, rmcmiuing tnLondon- fot li lu hie épmiîy. ItII.a claie cf thîingesein, 'layé. Héelias béerjiu the ity of pe: taI wss long lîopedl for. Aud hère- Hamilton sinoe ieaviug London, sud in aftér, iuctead of lWhilby heiug hîsld up lias béen boardiug aI a lieuse ou Gee o te ridicule as a place whtene its Iéading Street. ic men everagre, i wil, w trut, i'Alan csly lioninlet Satnrday inm u thi incucoul néér gree ilvilI vetrut e Détective MePlierson, haviug dis- th( 1bc régandod as a pattern towu, vhîéré cevéered tlmé vereabouté cf lté ie .Sti ahI are lu accord for thie public good, uer, poceédéd te théelieuse of 111-faméPa] sud lu deféudiug individuat houer sud _kept by Oe Jouuy Joues, ou John Wl respectailitys teetnentît, -sud tbot Schooley imb ter meeectbiity - cuslody. lie vas sightly undér theilias iflueince of Ilmer, sud cxpresserl te. vs CAUSE'LIST AT 'rIEýW îîîrY gi-et ase itîsiug cemmitled thé ileécl. - lu hé CilANCIIIIY SITTING$, 1MAY n fov minutes lie aokuowledgedl thînt a 9 iliTi, 1870. -lie hiad the mouv-anl safo. and wniu't-l r 1.Musv. MANNIN -. Ar usoun ; C. I. Athiinsctu. 12 MOIGIOATTAN V. WiSe.-Rt. Armour; W. Il.-Biulluge. 8. CLOSE V. MxICHE.-Boatby, Millet sund Lash;, Fergusots, Bain & NMéyere. 4. CLERIC v. hEtuaroN.-J. D. Ar- mOarý J. H. Floct. 5. DOW31AN sV.Ccxé,i.-'E ]3uruitam ; H. Il. Sinitit. 0- DBROWN V. PaIwNDZL.-DétItUac, OsIer & Mass. rélfîmu il to ltée Coipani.lunlois poe. beselun vas fonnd about $1,t 805, in large bis sud Amci'lcau gotd, whieli lie ctaimed te be hie own meney. Ié lct-f Saturdny foronoon lu charge cf s detcetive for Cluclîxatîl, Bru. PnîCtîS lOltSuceRT-l-ite STOCK. -Spîngfieltî, Ill., May 4th.-Tlîé Ris. singer sud Piokereli hertl of short hoes was seld hère yesterdey. The average p ice for heifers vas '$1,020, sud fer b lle, $1,15-40. Thc total amount vas uenrty 886,000. Ameug thé notable salées weré ; Countees of Cornwall for $2,050, te R. ilolloway, Alexis, Ill.; Countese cf Oxford, 41h, te lBrowu & Sons, Berlin,' Ill., $1,1500 ;London Daciese of Bedfod te A. liimulerly, West Liberty, Iova, for $2,700 ; Ada Sixtiotlt te J. Shélby, Sharon, Mi., fýîr $1,500; Caroline Cochrane te W. & WV. Pisheroîl, Meoiauioeh!urg, ElI., for $2,- 100 ; Caroline Pickoméll for 01,600 ho sanie; Wslty Richardson te Polis & Son, Jacksenville, Ill., for $1,805; Kuigiîly Belle le D. O. Rovuér, Nev- atrk, Mo,, for 62,275 ; Second M«arquis et WVorcester te D. O. Ro-vuer for $a,- 000; Duké of Richmnd ho PolIs &Sou for 02,2150. -CIDI Aos a u ST Çrtsue ItmVnS.-A sadl accident ha1ppeued On tlio Sturgeon River ou the s ternoon cf bthe Brd mest., by vhliheayong inued Allient Co unors came to hie deabl inistsutly. A Party of M. Cirisie*o mon ee eugagoîld nriviug env-legs, sud iii break- lng s le jasu th. loge elentef rallier unéxpectadly, vlossu Contiors hecame Antsugled snd vas instsutly crushed. l3eing tié éldemt son sud oliief etippont of i& widowéd motbier, the, accident is ft te hé cf a vér painful nature. RZvonr CauuSIEuD ruALeozas.-Tié revoit fagainel French mule lu Algaris hem béén crashéd. Thé leaders are held se stages for thé geod couduct cf thé tribes. ZD. O'MiîîoisaaCoNOeN-A large tl numbet of pétitions 'présent%to bthé t United States Sénaté pnayiug Congress 1 lu Intedé vith GréaI I3nilain lu bc.' I half of tle Peulsu convict Coudoni, vho vas a citizen cf thé e BIubic, havée hen réferred te thé coininittée on for-i éigu affaire. NEW Msz.zrA BULL Duoos.-GVOmn ment item, 1h is understoodl, eenel t ho éréet nev inilihia buildings lu Lou b don, purchame thé site on vhice 1the drmh.ed in Hamilton iiov stands, sud bear e shae inluthé ecstcf the pnoposéd Inrill-sihed lu Tô noulo.v SETTLEMENT o0 DirFltNCES BYTWYEN t] AusiitiA ANU HRxeNAy.-The dîffér. r, sucés hebvéén Austnisansd Hungary 0 are likéiy lobe etléd to-day. Anollér sM déspateli, bowvér, mays Ceunt Andmassy eý tinéaleut b recig urâinîsth îe Auâtnian tI proposaIs, as modificd, are aditéed b*v tl Bungery. -p Cardinal Mecioekey àe rapidly li-.t provlng i lu ind éxpeobs te nelum N th Nev Iterk lu thé conrse cf e veçt. Y4 Thé Oultan of Turkey paâ'a *40,000 ' for t inthe tsgmné up -y d of le t. y7. PATRIE V. SYLVESTR.-MeGeé ýeJoues ; R. R. Loscombé. *KILLED ON Tily TîiAcx.--A iunu a naimué John Pegg vas killed wlîilé tcressing thé Grand TrubIt Track, near tthé immigrant shed, Toronto, on Fr1- tday eveuiug. Wuîruv MECHiCiNO' INSTTUTE.- Thé annuel meeting is annouqced te take placé on Thursday cvbuiug, 181h mest,, et 8 o'cloek. *PARTuNEISIIP.-We are plegeéd to notice frein thé coltinons cf t hé Re.form. er- that -M. William Parkinuson, cf Whitby, hes cntereid intô partnemship witi Mr. Josephi P. Kéélér,,cf Oshaswa, for carryiug on business iu thé latter place,é as hair-dresaéro, perfumers, sud IV. thégénéral variety store business. The uev firm b ave pnrchsed thé whcless ansd etail business cf Mr. F. Nesle, togethér with hie 'extensive stocki of fency Plpce, cig~are;' tobecos, &o.,1 whlch théy havo oc6tsiuéd et a bargalu,é (Ur. S-Neébeing obliged te disposé c01f thé sineAt àe ecrinluordér to coin.i pcy vitli tée terme of tMé uévLicénse A0) sud vhlch théy ore préparéd lu seil et loveet prie... Our Oshewa dontew*porary alto informe us thet thé prémisseshavé béen nevly fittedl up,1 <a;djoning Mr. Néewo in firet-clase1 etyéi nd ha th her.ressing parlert la Dot surpasoed by u in thé ity. Ur. Reuler lham suoeéé04 lu makiug hbimmlf au excellent réputatica. in Osi. ava. 0f Mr. Parkinsoun éeauonsay thé smie durlug hie reldone. lu Wlîit. b , sud osah alvays hé happy lu héar ohie sucoeés lu business. Bcth are ~e ng Eulg heu, excellent mon cf usies» a il'f itaà-firet-lase New0 York ity berber, whom théy havé en. gaâgeid te tae. thé management of theiil ha-raoing parler, cannot feil lu oh. t tain a large ineasuré cf support, s vs ae sure théy vill désérve,' fr leina1 people cf Oshawa. [Âdvt.j l Tint QUEE's NEW iTLE.-N0W thet iris toc late, au-"O01é Tory" vrites lu téLondon D1ý News, sheviug that e Quéen Victoria lias ne earthly riiht to a style herself "Empres of India," hé. d caues. hétitlleof '"Eiper" lé an elet- t ive désignation, dériving ite enigin frein thé a800amotion cf victorien# logioue, Not eule cf thé Quéen'e Indiein Subécte bas beeo asked vliethér théy vill haIvé P lier for Enflreés, * whereas eén théi Naj loen appeld te theé voteé- ci he rèèeîve mono theéexteuslen,ai Urgi thé pasge cf thé by-lav te érovu t effort liaI lied cirèsdy béé» maeé laver ef thé extension snd éonnéeto viihlt.eVicterWie leiay. Mr, Wiilai i Io (ho i ndul ed ln u srius ef iob.zmnptlons vil. 9thr gentlemen Were speaking, te I' aunoyance sudd iàguel ef su prèsel v*As néxî iuduced ttaeth.eié lstez sd stale bis reess le oppcuàing f bylv i spéél" vs; a tirade bue sud ooare vuggliy fron o gi ning ho end. 'Ne eltempt vas made1 him te argue or - dacues thé mat Iudeed, hée conid not hélp admittil Ilirecuglel aI hie vieléncé, Ithat tl railvsy bWd-beau, productive cf rmu bonefil ; but of ail intelligent docussic er eppreclahien. cf 1he subjecî, hé dJ Iayéd lie most dephorsblé Ignoranc Iise foul.mouthéd abusé bad one . goc éfféal, luoever,-uauch botter tisauai railvay speech-it made tneny frieni fer thé by-lsv, sud determiued lie sel réspécting mon présent Who were ni cîliérvisé sffectéd tevardu thé bout le showv liat lhey nelîher sympathie vili, non eountenenced the scounr issu cf "Bill" NichaIs. Mm. Draper ropiéd lu indigna termeéthé gnose péeonalel siel made tévandeisléf ; hé mentions thé large ameunt cf privaI. méans li vcsléd by -himosélf sud ethén nailvi gentlemn n thé é.ntérpnise, and ai noauneed, asiidel earty applause, the if btée townships cf Whilby sud Réac by-lavs ver. passed sud eaoutraet s( cumed for ltée éxteusioi le Lindsay, I vouhd hé propnréd, ou the first of Jul te take theé lîl gatée off thé gravel non sud matesa présent cf thé rosd te il twe townships cf Whilby sud Reach., Mr. Penny waé thé néxI speaker, ani lu thécourge cf heu minutéez,gave Mi "BiIl" Nicoea céia îdressing, ns évéi tuaI lIict.stionéîl gentleman wilh ni fail to renomber for a long lune ti come. Heé remiuded lién of thé fac ltaI il vas tlisane BDliNicole, wvi new undertookt te ted thé oppesiliei lu the. township, vhlénley.live yésr ago eppesedlimhe building o ef l iarboý by theé Govermnnt, ah Port WVhitby vie opposcdi he îuatiug cf th. grave rond nerti by thte Governîment, wvi opposéd thé firet mailîvayslten tei 1h( Eleorgian Bay, sud wvioeiegit yen ago opposed time tovnship benne béforé, o nov came forvard te oppose th( by-lav. And in a velu ef saroase nd mrony, appreoisteul and applauded by lié meeting, ime tld then su4dct cheens aud laughîter, ménésvéd ngain andl again, Ivimat nanner cf minuwa8 'îhirly Bill1 Nicols;." Droppiug liii vitît diegust, liercvhcwd thé général festure cf the extension, sud the grent importancéeof thé connection viliticth Victoria Railvay, as weil as tié e peois] benéfite vhich svoultl accrue therefrors oe Ihis @eetiei cf country. Mm. L. C. Thienas spot. bripfiy sud wéllin favor of thé by-tav, as did aiea- Mn. J. B. Campbell, vhosé désomnlp- ion of the gréaI uerthern country ex- ited mach intèmèsi. A resolution vas oaî-nied lu laver cf te bonus, thée nly disseutiug voicé méfient ieiug William Nicole. Thé meeting vas altogethér s perfect icoes, sud assurés lthe oan-yin-g cf tIi. 3y-lav hy au ovémvhelming mnjomity. Meeting at Myntle. A raihwity meeting was aIse iméld lu té Témpematîcé hait, Myt-Ile, on Mou- îy évcning- for lih. pampose of dlieuse- .g the bonus hy-haw. TIie hall vs cli 'filied. Mm. lHenry Daî-by was téd te, the chair. he Chairmnuou %king hie sent appealef le lIme meeting Dkeep good ordcm sud givé aIt s faim camîug. Hé roeered te hie enrly ex- eriéuces whon lhé came te btie township 71880 and thé bardehlpe limaIhbail then l cendumed for thé vaut cf ronds sud uprovemnens-to hie svmng ont dovu ie foreet viéré tie hall steod-and to Je progmésé binhad ilsinon been matie. til hié cousidércu l hat thé souhiéni nIt cf thé couty anti lthe tevîxcf imithy vere bactwnrd lu mailvay mat- )ra, sud lie tliongltit bl lould nct ave been alioveul ho hé tue case. Hé as aîvnye lu favor cf lthe msilway sud abéhiéved thé extension vourkl prove grent bénefit. lie again tnîîsted lnt .er veuuld be obsénve uant tthlit >eters vould bhé shiecd te prooceth itenut intcrruption. rThis appeal, as veit as a violeaome nembmauce of tiec sigation receiveul hlru bité i roothin meeting, hîsul ils oct upon Mr. Wîiiam Nicot vîno vas tecul, sud whîo, beyond a little oec- ual dissatiefledit umblitg, liad thte Ur, Win. Nicol was osléd ixpen le ohk but deoiiuéd te de seuitllltm Ur. Perry, Who vas néxt calédupou ilie clîsimman, commcnced hby anti- ding thé argumefnts thînt vould i. 4e usé cf by Mr. Nicel, sud thée Fése lîerctofore taten iy nen-prognes. snen cf hies tsmp ou questions cf Aic ituprovemenhe a inéeaounty- t , ry £boutIigî taxéesvhiolihldnoe 1 ouaion-sud eongratuhsted ft ~that vith thée présil cf édnoition0 utnlligencs thie country val-gmov-1 rut of thé guidance sud dtrédtion ofl leaders cf public opinion cm thé Iian Nicola. Il vas ereditailé te Motehiigencé cf lie tovnship ltaI ptponénta of the bonus could fiud eher Caphalu t le lad thés» thanh Siaols. Auch mon croppéd np lu fe place; lié advocaées cf ihé math- Iéxînslen fonnd tbléin uheiénoili, tudsay, sud even lu the, tevu of t] i y, bat le eppeaeul te thé mate- eoo f thé tcvnship if thèse veré mon viesé viev ougho hé c cepb-lu Thé tax cf 48 cents on lIme thon.t [ dollars-sund, liaIamount Iupen mý:unxption tlitIpmoperty vonid né. 9 ýze t a tand sil, vas nexî reférred ! M vas thé large éncréase lu bhée c f prcperîy iu thé tovnship ince 1 nildiug cf b-hé reilvsy. Mr. Pérypý 4?a d li objection that vIen ité r ,00 by-lav vas psaséed ne more 0J LI hé iskcd for. No more vas aet- b - Thé $15,000 wac given té iuild ~ ôîtd te Port Penny, -nd thcy gel ôndù for thé, moaey, sud thé con- - lad kcepî every engagement oit.T iulul by therà. Thé arnaunt nov fu X fer vas fcr doublé thié lenguibOfl 11Lfor a langer sceme, sud vhich ti i4 eoure thein cennéction vith the -e saia RILvswy. Thé 'gri>und takén iM l tAes bi.law vawulithnob a ope vit e pro ciel an4 cal tIme hie tiqpn nési vore coni fret the test and] Wall plac thet the bte m hy mips Mail sive thé tbe4 andI ung thé, Mfr.i vay inLi d. Sund to, a refutd 115,6 rouil 5d fbe le ri âé id aSny tréil weét :îsd- -oui vlcti) WWAl sue sme u0vemuuuant. gohé nw nluoné thé Irésîli liaIth rswhlvy id be»uany thé. boenis1 tgo té 1'04lpud i héneit ut) cdmited tthet ledmben e benéfit and' min hed adveneédthi. velue of prerty', hée ansi véon uay lIaI lier. vas-no of sort soéunlty M h lie bousiýif ,veted lu- vould bélaid hon th. road, butlhat Il by wauld ge loto lie pocets cf lie rail. or. vey men. relula bord- ug ultoy harsu e,conahi sorte ef perul h.matîsm-bul hiéli had uelhlng vhet- ch vérho c vtlpthé rilvyh hc i ih Mn> Ha o ie repléd lu h et io mythat 111èes neDo-ecuity lIaI thé de money veuldih~ laid onI ou tho rond, lf- referrlng ta th predautieus laiton by et Mn. Diékél sud tle tovnship cauil-w is, thal noné.of le~ mouey va. payable ed unhil 1h. road vasu graded te Lindsay. el- sud tien ouly~ one-baif, sud thé ré- maiudér vien thé mon vas. laid. ,n Mr. J. B. Ca pbeIh made oeeof bis is Most effective speece in lu aver cf thé ed prcjecî, sud w l istelel ed éiti mucli [n- attention. Hé mferéd te tle encrasse ky lu thé vlu. of rprerhy northisud the ,- effect il badiie lesséuing lié ceuuhy aI asessmènt paii4 hy thé front tovnships. h Ré ineheneed tbé faet of lie éncrese e- lu thé éesesomesit of Port Penny, frein i. sevénîy tiouand dollars le hait a [y milieu, lu cous quence ef thé reillvy ; d tb.eancrase lu ;lie vaine of proerly in ie Beach fron 018; ho *44 prser are;thé enonéase lu Dro k, &c., sud hald tint id hbil edcreasée o laxation vould more r. than psy thé milvay tax cf thé tévu- )il siip-of Whilby. il Mn. McTagzgaet (township counciltor) La salul thtat lue ladi hsen aivays n aiivay t mn, sud bsaI t ile new coula bhé bld eo hlm as la thé advaulagès cf ltée ros- n Ihîey von. many' Lu thé équaliziug of -s ltée ceanîy as4smét, sa otioed hy )r Mr. Campbell, sud lu thte cageocf psy.1 , uent 0f jurons thé différence voaul lej tI founil. viion jurymn freinthé noth i : had te hu palul as muoli as ton dollare e mileagé lu conséquence cf having tle s- camé aronnul about wsy te thé ceanly 3, leva instésul cf heing able te gel thèee e direct. ' Wilh diiéol aitway communi- a cation of course t e payaient cf junersk y weuild lhe nac ltes8ed. Hé réferdc ;L to come littie local disputes aboat psy- Il meuh foîr nlgli cf vay sud aroseluge e1 antI snid thtat if tic by-law ver. defeat-t ail it ilould hé ou account of thé troublet J abtout tuoe ssnaît maltera. Hc vouhd t wiliugîy hiinslfýpay hile railvay lax1 s for lie conenoiénce cf e fréiglît hanset il at Myrbié. 1 - 3 Mr. John Dubois gel on is feet afler t miduigl, wvîlhownas the signal for tii. v 1mcting hmakinigiîp, passning te sunltt - vole of liants te Mmr. Darby for luis I itupaiality in thtchair.y -The Ste. Hçnedine Homnor. FZAIiPUL eTitUcédF SETWEEN TEE VIC- I TIM AND RERt WOULD-BE ASSASSIN. Thée fothowlug particalans have licou ecéiveul at Qaebeç frein Ste. Héncedine vibi refèence te lie murder reportadit frein hier.eorne days-ago : "Virginie Le Houller calied nI tle 0' résidence cf Mma Murphy, vidov, a stemekeeper. Mme., Murphy livéi ateneb sudl vnreported bcté homi, and il vas cO said kept lhem mon y lunlthe liuse. Tîte si firet lhiuqi;te vo ehu-be murdenese dial b, vas le inqoîrs iov long il vas cince ai Mrs. Murpimy iad beeu 1a Quec, rmc-0O ,évn for an answýer thîni thé limeva about tIrée montils. Site lien asked ai for a bottin of gin. ,Mme. Murphy veni te thé cellar ta peocuire il, sud, vimile di sIte vas filliug lb, Lé [ louihier dmév thn pistol and fired aI ber lisait. Thé bell, howver, ouly gréjzéd thé scalp. Thé vonded wveman àseundeul, sud a ter- rible, nrugg-ié enuced betwveonlhemsud liem assassin. The. latter suoccdéd lu disoiarffiug tItre moe hots, sud tIse vidow sauQta tehIe greuntl. Le- Houller Pr then séizeul lior by[îhc legs, hînrtedlihem into théecllar, sud cioged thé t rap. in Notvitlîetsudiug bem injuries, Mme Ki Mvurphy dii net lteé consclousuéet, andl lit froin vimreasIte vas aie coul héar 1h. meviug about overlîeal cf thé fiend Pi vho, duriog n quarter cf aulitour, conu- la, tinsîed Ln aneack thtii.ouse, éarryiuge off ail thé muouey sio coulu finl1, andI hecking thé tîcor aflér lier. lu The doctor Il"~ prnutncéd lier l voiucte vry dangerois, tieugi nol hIt nhsolutély montai. 8h. les eblîl alive, q but lu su éxcéscively preosnieus posi- G. Another Mexie an Revelution. Hslvn, May - Oi-Mexicau edvices ta April 8Oth have been receifed : Sixteen statés of the Mexican Confeder- ation are in absolute peoésuad loy' al to thé général Governi!ant. Five others are disturbed by scattered, bandés of revolutioniats. ln Vera, Cruz, Oaxaca, and La Puebla the situation is desper- sté. Large bande also trouble the pesce of id1algo, Mexico, aud Morelia. Thé personal host liYte t Président Lerdo nt the cspit 1 is strong. Five thousand &e. huunlréd stand of improv- ad Armé; and a milliou dollars vorth of amuoltion frorn thelUnitcd States lias àrrnved At thé capital frono Vers Cruz. Congréets votéd ta Àvljourn until one month after the poext Pretidential inauguration, sud lias grsutedl the Président extraordinary powers for tbe couduct of the ver saud the raiesiug of infly. hie 0Ger4iment la véry ac- tive, snd orgauiziug a large force in thé iutérior nder Geu.ý Escoperlo, for, a mardi te the frentlir.- Tiie Campsig in Oaxaca bat; apparçutly beéaa au1d- oued.' Gênerais Alatorre sud Corelle are lu thé State of Vers Cruz opératiug on thé liué cf railrpsd. The bridges wluelh thé insurgent; bAve se far dés- troyed ou thé railro d ere buiît of wood. Tii. gréai Iron bridgeès are threstcued if thé Railfond Comupany et- tempts to mun trains.! Thé. road ie nov guarded -frein Vare Çruz to Orizaba, and travel lias been ýârtiâ1ly roeurned. Three thouseud lnuu nte have iuvad- ed thé Stete of HI Igo, sand et lest accounts vere on thé Point of attacking Pachua. Thé révolutiouiste et Minet- lin have cspturéd ti#o vassale loaded with asinniticu. Ths is a very heevy ose to thé Governmineut. BiiocoKnsArràaa.-Ou Thursdey Muiglest M. Th' ]paon, agent cf thé Montreal Teléegra;h Co.Who vas ongaged sending aàinéteage lu Toronto, vhén a flash cf Ilhining struck thé viré, sud thé fluid --lacouvéyed lo thé iusttniànt inunedlatély under Mr. Thompson's nos.. Rierythiug bécatué suddéluly rédiot, -port one cf thé bras. aelted su& rua wy a violent roar ised frein thé e e and part cf thé wood work took fim.. Mm. Thosnpson performod a léaap on t At occasion cf e émarkabiée character, und méached thé ther side cf thée ho with e rapidity igldIy créditablé La lii.s gility. No Brious damage vas doée. Bob. tnd. RUtSAn TO RMTHE DUTE.- 'lic United Statées G'emnment liasré- uid te remit thé dutées on vinés sent ozn Austria for exhibtion et thé Cen. inniù1, sud vhich ivéke ftervarde to eodigtributed tu thé Ulîcjo1uél. 10 Vielne thé: magýstMate# pighibitJ remalgu i 1quaI",asketha cf îe é,b e blgedlo iénter largaly lute théeémnlér sud istér poditilesi ubuggies cf cur eonutry, vuth vhihéhlias beau idéntifiéd, sud lu ani cf vhueh hé lia. taken-en-acllve part. . Thé Pemry fssuly veré éarly cèenmplc. nous for théir feihful edhomeoce te thé- gréaI ceuse cf civil sud relig- i'osliber-. ty, sud aouogIbeom ail therévsas noue îMore coumpicacus Ils» théegeulmau vhose démiÏse v. clirouiclé -tedaY. Hi e anélhente sud pmofouud judg. meut vas oflen usefutléo cckthé" rashonr impulses cf hle libérai coefder- stes, sud hé disi a gne'at deal'byr infus- lu g spint of madérablon amnug his polical asseciâes, lu sécure lié beut résulta villi thé lesel dleplay cf un- séémly agitation. Il le ual one pènsen lu 100,000, per- lisps, vhc ls e riitted tluse é s ay vintéro paus ovér hlm se car riand Mn. Penny, sud véry fév lu auy gêner- ation vie are pémmitteul ta èujey both plysical aud meutl faculties aI sncb an advaxced agé as hélie h bs nov paséd av'SY. Thé Hou. Ehuîezer Penny vas bomu at Emnetovu, Ontania,-on tls 29ih of Seplenîber, 1788. Ho vas thé mou of Robert Penny, e U. B.- Leyalist, frein thé shale cf Vermnto, v ie k.thé réel- of that noble baud cf truly loyal men préemerési exilé& ho breshiog theboude et fêlahy té ltse Kinîg cf Englanci. Mr. Roetiet Pcmry escapeul frem Verm2t, A. D., 1777, vfile thte révehutiommry van vas e t lupregnee. Il vas visile thé présent century vas îeI very young, su ed détrasés i in tIse thé bloocf youîh, that Mn. Penny setlthd lunvitalt e nov lie tovu af Cobourg, battIhon a moeé Imlet.' Hé vas engageul chtielfin lumercantile affaira. Thé isrgè mille lu thé rean ef tle tovu vhiohh béar lis usiné, are s mémorial cf iloist entemprise sud lu- dustry. IHé vas long bic foneuncel commercialninulutitis section oethlie ountry, aud mny faméms luEmily, Cevan, Otouahée ansi othér places, are yet living vhso r'ecoileot selling grain te htin, sud puroiasing geouls aI hie store yésr aller yésn, more tisu isif a cénturoy age. H. w va sly qailel, liovever, te fill varions public stations ; vas shériff lime niteul Countiés of Nortbehrland sud Durham for s numuber of yease;, wss lié firet Président af thé Doard of Policé for tie Tovu cf Cobourg, before te lime vien Mayors vene eleotési. Wmon the Boamrd cf Comnissonms of thec Town Trust vas firel luelibotesi hé s appointeul a meunIer, sud filleul liaI post for seventeén yeare, lavioig been aI lise lime of hie desîl and for years pirovieus, chiinan of thé Boarc. Lu ltée yesr 1855, lé vas appoinhesi s if. utmmbér cf 1h. Lgiahative Ceuuj tf Canada, sud hfild ual digoifiesid n honorable -position up te thé lime oet confédérabien. . On Fecruany 2ud, in thé yéar *1871, t me vas calleul ho the-Senate, anul vas lu ý thé dimaharge of lis Législative dnliéest up loe t ime, a fév vééts sioce, wleu eo vas seizèsi vitithé ilinese vhiei ocossioues lis deali. Héevas remev- d froin Ottawa te ilselion. lu Ce- bourg a fév ulsys provions te hies<le. énso, sud it vss quit@ évident froin hie siking claie thal hie heurs véréun- beresi, sud hoeoxpireul péacéfully ou thé flernoon cf Meudey lut, lthe firet day If bhé prosént moutb, vhen ho vas a c tvw mothlischant of heing 88 ycars cfn he funeral bock place an Wedoee- I say hast, tic 8rd instant, sud iras véry E numeronnly altendesi. 0 Caoumbus, May let, '761. Thte Cenucil met; memuxcrs - ahi mesot ; minutes cf last meétiug rad Md cootlmnieu. Pelitienéi presénlési frein H. 1-. Wliit- ng sud ollars, astiug relief for A. iirkpatriot, wvoItelesiot sud requimes tlp ; frein Thies. Coumosul sud otiiere, -aying thé couneil te, prahtibil osîtheocf tory description frein muoniug ai argé ; frein D. Breut, sskiog lthe ceun- ýi le remove obstrucbions front tht. 'nul ou thé Nonîli-vésl part of Loh 8, athe 8tI coesésion. A cemmunication tron lime Clcrt of -e tovnship cf vhiutby vas rend, me- uéeiting thé cenail to relievé one Mr. 1ibis, s formcr ceaident cf ihis bevu- hip, tint nov a -reaidént of lhé tevu- mip of Whilby, thé saisi Gibbs hciug t indligent, vlen- Ou motien of Mn. Mactié, secondéd y Mn. Moîhenall, thé iéttm éf lthe lmit cf thé township ef Wimitby vas rdemel te hé laid oa the tabue. Mm. MocKeuzié meporltilhaving paul jthé Tréengrér 85, receiveul by hilur tin laines Bons, as ment for thé rond- owsnoe opposite lie uorth 60 acres Lot 5, in lime 711 con. Ou motion cf Mr. lelskie, tht, chert 'ae instractsi lte notify Mn. John eckoîl, ovorseer of higivsys, le bivhiti open for publhie use, ltée rond lovu as tîme IGaiule Rend," ou thé outl part cf lct 18, l iméthe8rd con. On motion af Mn. Licit, théesain of vas cnîheneul le le Iais - te S. A. earboumu, heiug î value cf hiésiseep Iled hy dogs. )n mtion of Mn. Liot, the Court cf evision vas orhen eulbc homeltI on 'nday, thse Sil day of lué, next, 2 o'clock, p. un.. 011 motion of Mr. MeKozié, lImé sun B5 vas phaces u inte hianuls of Mn. thtersihh, for thé relief cf A. Kirk- The. fohhoviog acceunta vere ordenosi Lié paitl :-P or thé relief cf J. Bnmm, igénî, 011.25 ; relief ef Mme, Scihly, relief cil J. Duooand Jas. Hoar, relief cf Ellen Johnson, $5 ; et P. tnlin, Iahiog camé cf a inuinjuresi aI -and Trunt station, 01.50. Thé Cauneil adjoumucul b lIte freit i uday lu jouée, hmen ho meél ab 10- clcs, p.uî.- SUICYDE AT NAPA&NE.-ýOO Sundsy t muecu h ast aIt, iréeaiscc, Mme. t mbe Robson, vite ef Byron Rebson, ig, on Coe%é Point bu Adehphustoivu,h inoittesi suicide by tltreviug herséhf the hay. ber lînclandw as absent m ltéelions. st thé lime, sud ré- i oiug haines fév moments afler thée 1eccurrence, his attention wva t- . eted by bis dog munuing freintbis1 rlu moel him lu an exéiteul mannén, 'i icl Ptartled inx, sud goiog te liée ise, sud nol flndiug bh i vIte re,e proeesed .th e é aem's érge, sud nit hem shes sud stdctinge lying on b] haut. Searah vas made, sud thé tl y bound shoot tvénty feh frein lie re lu six ifé etcf ater. Hem âge fi É tvénity-seven, sud eh.e bas been i songos et limes elucé giving birti la S bid last fali. )ux<SAS PoeTsusrxsàDxirax.erros. C Ir, Tiornsul, Peclinastor of Dundas, 'f Splacedlofimself in aMost nenvisblé o: itloo. Il appéars lat hli inluthé0 g I c réeisil maes fei déposi- o hobehacil uthP.Obuitand oi hsi bonad of ýthé eapatmenb. TIhteini ai by or te ail of vs De foi tu soi 02 De kil lie Mc at of Mc pst 1 tel1 i Sh 8 Sc Gtc Mro o'al at Pi houi cen iot thur ced, shou îleg b s a bs tors givil nmm lota Usué6paa ees éi y swmmmînfig thom from thé Barlèy by meane cf a 111110 e ait brin.Qets being muéh ligliler thau Barley anressly eeparated in lu IbI vy. W. veuld net edvise -thé gnoving cf thé Ivo rowcd B'arley, sil in ual veuhed by mellstmfrein thé ladt that îIl dos net iast viliih té ïsix roved Birley. :Thé"six rovèd Barléy 'e islways lu dèmand, sud le in évéry vay préférable. iThé folleiug- le thé circuler référred' b:- - Osvégo, 1New York Sp.1875. To BuzéssANSELES opaserBARnLET r. ,Thé voy gréistdifférence lthé quai. ity cf harle7 makes, il Impe rtent te dealers îlestil hé gmaded sud iuepected. Wliat e seller vould cell ýprimé bienley a bue'er mighl thuink veny poor, sud lu quetmngltée market, évemy seller bas hie evu terme to exprmess quality, eftéu misleadiug -belli buyérsanudellers. With unifoin grades thé market eau hé quotéd undersîandidgly. Thé 'unden. signed dealers in binléy'have sgréed upon antd at!eptéd thé follovlug naines ef grades sud appeiutied inspèctors, sud i11 is ur intention té, maké thé gradés unifemno se thal dealers vill know as vehi vliat tléy are hnying s muIlns nov knov about thé garades of wheat lu Milvaukee or auy ether grain markt. The grade are as followse- No. 1 Canada $mhé of a héalthy hnight color, plump, Sound, cla n sd froc frein ettiér grain, sud veigi not les than forty.éiglîî pnda te thé measuréd bushiel. -Ne. 2 Bay shah b.i of a liglît strmw colon, plnmp, Sound, dlean and free frein othen grain, sud veigh - nol lèse than forty-eigbt pounds 10 ýtIie messin-éd bushel, but not bniglil enougli fer No. 1. No. 2 Canada sqhah hé eof e iîéalthy stmsv colon, plump, Sound, olesu andfree frein other grain, but tee dart for No. 2 Bay, sud shall veigli not lès tian forty-eigtit pounde le thé mensuret buehél. Ne. 8 Canada shanll bé chenu, good, malting barley, but tee dark for No. 2. Thé foliowiug lias me- fereuce tote tébarley grovulu the States :,-No. 1 State shah héc sound, six rowed barley, brlgbt, plump sud cdean, sud veigi net les, limaI fonty-c-iglit pounde tÈ etl nasuréfi husiel. No. 2 Sîste shalh hé seund, six rovéd barhey, 0f a liea&Ithy strav oolor, but not briglit enugh for No. 1, and sîtaill eigi net lese than ferty.eix ponnds ta thc mèe- ured bushel. No. 8 5mbt shaîllhé souud, six-roved, nmslting barley, but net goéd énongh for No. 2. Two-rowed sud vestern hanléy.elîîll b. sold hy samplée. This inspection shahl coiniénce en thé firet dsy of Oc- lober, antd as soon as samples can hé moe up those rocéiviug this cironlar will receive thé -standard of Samples. Tué chargé fer iuspectiug vill bc ne followe: For cargees lu stoe.on boaI, 50c per thîoussud bushels, tb hé chargedl le thé grain. Fer carges cut of store, 5o per hhousaud hushels ho hé paid'by tlié huyer. For car lots, ou. dollar i per cen. (Sigued,) F AILING & RUNDELL, ki4jGAMOS & MURDOCHt,1 HASTINSo & DovuazC, t C. Assas & Ce.,1 ItîviN & SLOAN, - M. MFRIIICK. XusrTIPPF.-It Séin5 ltat thé mcm. try cf this veman, like thnt cf lier ré- c xowucd busbaud, te likely te ho képti dlivé to thé end of lime. She le enîd te bave poseesséd a very irritable bémper, and hem namnelias become s synon2ym t of "vixcu,"«or "sooL]." 111e mnore tilan eossuie, lîovcver,'ýthat -thé judgmeut passed upon lier by imsukind. has hén toe sévère. A more charitable disposi- ion vould uudioubtedly have discovér- n ed lu bier, inany geod quahities, and have attributéd lhem failiuge more le e physical lufirmiiis than ta moral b obii'ity. Thé pamty unost iutimattély d icquaintéd vîithlier, sud therefore beel I: hile te forma correct epinion, givés her ti credit fer mauy domtueo virtues. Il lsee evw véti kuevu lhtat sfany of ltée liseases t tii euicu Joare subjeot, ~ avé a direct téudénoy to reuder bteO in vitable, peevieli, cross, moroso, un- e( rasenable, seo that thîéy ohafé sud fret d: )ver aIl tîtosé littillit nd anueynnoés CI àt a person lu hienlîli vould hoar wvil U inMpoenmé. It is faim te lofer that Lmoeî W [f lthe tantruns cf Xntippe vére due W toIliése causés alone suad could Se- rabés, shé réburnéd frein lie Sente, téo Gymunasin, or the Atieneun, ti iave stopped aI Postie & Mortar's Drug eh, inné sund carriéd home a boltlé cf Dr. as iérce's Favorite Prescription, nov sud lien, né doubt lié miglit bavé evaded nauy a "ceurtalu lecture," altayed mnauy " 1dornéstic broit," made it intîcli éeaulner for tihe ohihhren, suditimoré ijoyablé for himeîf, sud rescued hie viie's naine froin lie uueuviabfé, vorld. vide, sud étemnstl uotoriéty 15tibs at- A serions miel oourred lu Sitiortira, Enropean Turkéy, ou Saturday, hé- tweén Clîietiaus and l Mahotnis. Mie troubléet-vose frein thé fact ttta Chistian girl wiebejd to ehone s Maioinétan. Sle' vas foreiily tlin rrom lier Turkieh friende hy Gree-lè. During thii-ot ltée Freuch sund Ger- man Consuls werc aesaseinatédt by Ms- liotiétans. Funthén dlisturhauoee ane apprehendedl. At last soconîs lie authorities liad taken na méa4tures le rotect life aud pmoporly, sud ne amnésIe ad liéen made. Il le staed thet thé body cf thé Christians wvie allmpted ta take lthé wonid-be cenvent fraom thé Tunkieh 4marer f Slcica acted aI thé masti- gation cf thé Ainérican Consul. Fight. ig belvéen thé Cbriistians sud thé Turks enued. Thé French and thé German Consuls vent te thé Inosqile sud veré kiîléd by the .xaapénated Mahometen populace, îîotvlthsbsnding tie efforts cf thé Govemnor teaItrolodI Ltem. A fnigate lefI Constantinuople toé-day fo Salouice vith Echenif Pastis, vie nas juet béen sppointod Gcovemnor of Salouica sud Turisi Cotnmissioner. rhé seceud dragomau of thé *Frechc nxbassy, sud thé Gémman consul- ab jonstantinoplé, are aIse - o boarid. rh. punlinent cf blhc guilt-y bas béen )rdered viti pnblicity *belitting thé rsavity of thé crime. A Frenchimin- [-vwan loft Constantinople immedisteiy >o thé réceipt - f thé neve lu proteol te lies. ud ltérets s-Pré c di- p el ni e th o- lt ci h l ta phi tal fi mi cef liti ant int Dui t 'us A It o ibas ecome an itésting-suI. je l t c0 o utmov éêrey v at uhould hbed ene villathe surplus, lu vhicl neoana seeme le - havé aiuggémléd lhe simple a ze1 î uoOur Esceqaér. lié' - ois suppcaéed te have hbonse- lesi by thé Washington Traty. Thèe voe.ah lésaIt vc o - cther disp ued ques- tions béievéd. te >va béé» set ait rel by il. Thé firet vas te se sund on- joyménh f thé e shriés on thé Cenadi- su shores by fisiémmn frein thé -United sats; thé second as the comme» usé of théesuaàls cf oth couinties by thé luhbeiteule of acb f Ien. Thèe ifficultis, vhch exiaed beforé thé AIl'aama clims &rose, vere sappoed te have beau sétlhd by thé Tety f 1871, -auit t-ly nov appéar. lu haveý sarvived aller lié Alabamacélaime bavé béeausatisfied. Thme leshhtillie trouble aiet lié compensation le he made for free socése té lié Canadian fishéniés ; thlie s tihi s,-diùpute oven thé frais navigation of the. canais ef Canada sud thé United States. But iv. havé nov le recoguize suot 'her poiut lu dispute iéhveen cursélves sud thé United States Gaverumeut. A dlaim hem beau made for the- surmeuden cl an alléged offender under thé Extradition Treaty exisling belvéen limé Unitedl Kigdom sd thé United States. W. are ready té give him np ou théndér- standing thînt hé ls e ab.trieul cly Ion Ihe offencé lui respect cf whloh hie sur- meren ei demsudcd. The. Wasington Gevermn eutfêls. te asseulte othés conditien. Théy iemnus ieunoondi- bional summeuder, sud tlîèy refuse ta mate any conditiens as-to vhat thèy j witI do viti un after thy havé got in. Weé se thtit, if tried sud acquit- téd upen tic chargé for vliich -hle i surrendenedl, ie shah b. safféréd té quit thé jurisrliction cf the Unitdd States hefere anothen dlaim le advaaced for hie sarrender ; but lthe Govemument cf WVashington refuses to asseut te thés condition, sud bhe paiut romains la dis- paie betwced us. * Thé difficuly of oxtradition may h. regardef sone psssiug noment, but tht. unelhled questions o e i Icenies sud of btée rcciprocsl usé of lie canais cf Canada sud 'United States canuot bd vieved viti the saine complaccucy. Thesé 1 arc tIie questions -,nicl v.thought ve haul séttcul, asd nov lier 'retaunupon us as if no tresaty lad ever beén con- chudedl.. i l, te cay thé leant of il,t provotiug liai vé shoulsi Ihus hé cou- frouted vibo old difficulties, sud yeît vie Ihat lis ever cloodled he pro- -il visions cf thé Tréaty of Washington onu hé surpnisesil at hia reenit 2 Tao say btaIt thé fi elirmon of the United 1 States shenîsi havé frais acaess té ther fishiug groundis of Canada for a imited r nmiér of yése, upen psymnt cf a h sun of money te be déterminesi by soma vague kiud 'cf valuation, 'vas ta s sesi the séeds of a series cf disputes. i Upon viont piciples are thés. privil- u éges le he vaiued, sud viat wvne lebhé q cloué vîit the shortllése cf Ihen con- % redoul by the. Tmeuty of Washoington ex- d pirosi 2 Il nov appears blini thé sébIle- k: mnt of tic -navigation cf lié canais b s béen lbIt, luan oquaily ludétmmin- dl île forai. A quadrauguhar negaliallon ei oise fone ou belveen Canada, thée Ulnited States, he Govcmucr cf lié Sttîte cf Nov Yont, sud cur Forcigun e Office, thé ouly apparent resait cf ni rhlih iseaéu lthaIthé Ire. navigation le of lthe canais frein Monireal te Nev fa Y]ork reminsuecleses le Osuasian vies- ni sels. If thée1>reaident sud thé Sénat. a -an agréé apen a uév Miniistén- rýfri M th Uuited States te car court, his ap. et elulmteul may, pérlaRe, facihitaté 1h.e e slement of tItis disputé ; but il is ti; impossible te thoînk about l it imhoul me- a fecting iy liow rouadahoul a procese ah egociatieus hetveen Ottava sud bu Waeington are couduoted. Thé Gev- et, eruinent cf Canada muet ho se muci ut éettén informed cf lie moerits of thé 0c ispulc tisna sy officiai can b. lu v. Downing sîreel, sud au emissnny cf bo icîr ow ovwoulu hb 'se mucitmoe.au ficiént a represntative of their vievn tel itWsigo than thé Miniser ap- ily jointéd fron London onhé, tint vo bu ir forced te regret ltté apparent ne- p eesily Qf buis iadirect -way of settlg Ici seputés vhici prmariiy, if not ex- vt usively, ceuceru Canada and tic united States. No change eau bhé nade nov, but ilbile vorth ceusidérng tl référence te thé future, vîsétiér iur diplomatie relations with tise Unit- ýi States îuight hé reorganizel se liaI lée staff of lthe Miniseîm slWVsIiuglea ris houlsi atways h. stréugtlîéned by au hîs ssaldeputeul freiOttawa. cfi Tomado in Cicpgo. réj ed 2 5 0 ,01 0 W O R T i- cI' A IA C E M N Aà rtVX v i c- -- -u - f-h -g o lieleve io- cf IL je onuséti nuchi injsînry 10 lIté iils. nont - T he patie uliý,e w ro r c i cv d ; no ué Iré eiousîy hînrb. A tire story Bse ne imousc- van hlovuown tond ou, Alot ykillosi, besicles 60eevcmhOf lte Itmi- il sk vene injureul. A fog bel at thé Cam, b, together viitt a& nevly ercistes seng ver vas àewoph t ié telaké sud en- bou Ily déstroyed. Tisé ba viiiprohai. oart té 05,00.). Treés, làmp-postesuad teîl ar débris atrevési thé streeta. lu arrnl ne parlions et thé city thé sidévshke lie1 eumusied vén andi jamnîesi againel spe&s h ouss, hraking glass, &ox., & o n h kote sud camniagés vére vreokcd lu Théz sîmeels sud ahandoued. Neenlyté y véhiclés ver. @cen on thé seuligve oaller the tornade turnesi oer, scie4 soméetofthem 'verhes ou accouaI Wre leý sténi. Iuooierable clmmnéys thé 1 pleu ovér,-,sudd igus veré ýhumléd' Dthé sitrèhs. lu thé laite the force lo Atm vax lés but neamly eveny - sel lying luside thé harbour sud lu river, as veil as Ilicée anlaidé, ]loch aZnsi t or macle, or portionsofai lir rlg.-, 9-Ligltniug abmact-sevemsil imes, la Otoly eue case vas a man injurési hé euhyl SUdihly. Thé stcrut lastés GI alow muinutes. The total-damsageé I of Mi il 0250,000. Thèmre are no great. motu mei but innuteralle sasionces. Rev. Gran 'HE PRINCEaOF WAxxE.-Tbé London erine, ers aresautbenizéd lu stale thal thé Tvéc ae of Wa.. 4-- - again returnéu, and going SEso hie é in contlnuéd to bébavé ini thé meut disor- derly " mnn",pitcl ug th. fu xiiture, aboutZsd mekling snubh a neige bat, e litIle after midniglit Davis vent out cf deers sud asked hiin ta b. qbiet. Me- Even réphled by calling hlm ilfu amés sud bÏeariug 1rs. Devis sit er hué- baud te corenel the bouse sud let him alan., héiecmemnoed te abusé ber lu thé viléet menuer. T1hisse eurgd Davis that hé en up elairs te 1attaci MOEven vWho vas standing on lbe lsnding, vién thé latter dré e ;razor - vholi hé hiad about him sua cammenc- éd cuttiugsud hacklng Davis. Mre. Davis rau up tu thé landing whlieé the mon ver. engeadinuthé soumeléasd McEýWau atackd lher lo witb thé razer At Ibis juncture Mrs. McEwau sud anothér venan rail for thé policé, wbin fer féar cf erest McEvau veut, inlu Lairde reeomesuad eocked Ihimelf lu. Thée ffico- eucceeded ilu capturing hlm, havever. sud after a carefulséarcli 'fouud thé blae .of tbe- mazor eécroted haviug been broken sud Ilirovucut-n te thé yard. Médical aid vas celled, vh) in Il as fotind that Mn-. sud Mme. Davis veré bath ver.e emionsly vcund- éd. Mre. Devis lied rýecelved'in- ail élévén gashés, thre cof wbih ver. lun the ueck, séveral ini thé héad, sud a ongltfleeéxtendlng vémt ceily awas thé foréhead, dovu héiven théeyév and nos. junto thé cheélc. Mr. Devis* had's terrible gasb éxtéudiug fron- about thé centré cf thé hack cf thé necit te s point juet -hélow thé léf.t ena-, a dleep cut soe four luches long lu thé loft chéék, two sévère scalp vonuds, a short, deep cnt lu thé left shoulder, sud anethier cf the-saine abamacler on thé Biée c;f thé nos.. Mme. Davis vas fond te b. iu sucl e dsiigérous .condition dia' shé hiad tb b. iimediatelyt rernor- .a to thé hospiîal, tskiug vith ber lier -baby, semés fivé menthe eld. Davis sud bis vile are quiet, luoffén. sive, hard vorkiug pécple, Wio bavé hithierte submittdquitlylethé out -ageous conducl cf -McEvau vitheul éemenatmncé. MeEvan, ou thée ther îand, lés aid lu, be perticnlarly quarrel. sone sud, abusive whéthér drunit or sober. Only tvo, or tibréeeeks aller iii wife's lasI cenfinement lie béat ber uniuércifully, sud- ellesays be bas fre. îuently tliméalened bier 11f.. On thé vay te gaol lmimediately, aiter bis mur- [éeus asseuit, Méliven asked, ifhe had klléd anybedy, sud- stated that if hé had net lhé intenéd te. -é le dhen mlunking ; but hhoeé whc vitneesed bis Dutragécus conduct say that hé was net druuk. Thé follcving le thé substance of a tatém2ent mld y Mms.Diîvis lut aight :-In thé. firel part cf thé evéning [dIvEan. bégan te quarrel with bis athem.lu-lav,-sud etruck bbn er thé 2ose vith a ebovel. Sullivan thok way thé shovel snd breught il -lutoï. [rs.Davis' placé. McEvan gotsoeugvy ib tis that hé began to alU MrsDevis wcythiug, but a lady. It vas near velvé o'clock -vbén se.camin l 'ill basket cf greccriés. Meivan- bégan- ouùsiqg lier again, also aelling ber hue- )d ýaames. - Hem husband rsu up tame uud -bld MoEvain that hé vould. io have suci talk. MEivan thon 'iumencéd te cnt hlm. vith -a razor, rheu se rau in bétveén thém sud triéa opart theno. Shé did net rémmbér iythiug aftem that. 8h. vas brotnghî othé hospital by tvo policemen about brée o'clock ilu thé emning vlithber ýby. Mclian aIse thrév a kuifé sud >kcm aI is mothem-in-lavw. Hé had a tif. sud chisel 'vitît vbich hé said hé ruld také their lives. up Neptune Wrecked on Sable'le- land. Thé Gloucestor sohlocuéer Vanila er- éed ai Halifam lest Monday -freom Bs- i Island, vith thé caplain -sud crév thé New York sipNptun, récent. rcckéd at thé Islaud Thé caetain ýports variable véathér vas expéneno. 1up.10 thé éveniug of A .ryi, 121h, heu in s dense fog théeship vent ioré. A heavy ses vas rmnlug sud i slip cominencéd rolling Tory econ cme striking. Iu tIrée boner e. as Il f vatér. Tvo boats ver. thért uchcd viti provisions sud nautical ftruinents, but théey eluvée iongeie scon as ihéy réachéed thé vater. mec llier hontere hn gel eut, e firt maté lu chargé of e, thé coud mnate in chargéeoff anethér, thé ptain laking thé third.; thé crev hé- géqnahly divided smeng théno, sud acapain's vifé sud dhldre in-u ie t. Thiey rcmsiuéd close by thé rsel tili dayligbt, vheu the-zmates' ate wéebeaobed. Thé ctapteLu nà- ýik Nolices f Birtlî, Masuiagis, Daatha ehaoged 50 ceMechl. MABRI7ED. LI.ANT'-TWEEDIE.-On théeBIla eay, at the, résidence cf thé bride'ga To The advertio eni Actuated bytb send (frM fel icesà2vtr le themnuélves ofil wiliont cést, s addm ugù , iB il-lyr NEW A] WMTBIYI The Annmal çhanicles it mittlng lie t éffisn fSrthe thhirzrooms, lvhlthy, May 1 iOWERS I RIG-H wbnitbj, MAY 1 WAN T' WA!iTED-ý w]ntby, MayI1 SOT1 n ieézeby se Village at a neétingta in j Tuesday, fi néxl, propose ti sèventli céncés c- Beach, Inlg es Villae ofaiPort lu Thoumas-Ps blilas auh descrihèd haudl: limit cf theoEsu Chainesud fart We'st angle lie tfeur dégrées eu -Il of tie lot, iv zioreocr lmssw lien Souli-vési ou thé lak. shox dégréé set, ht Morel ci m éa lihen nnti ite taý May 101h, MB7. pO T WIVEM EXTENSI Tau :es éfféot 0] ty-twu minute. Whitby -Juu..., Manchiester .. Prince Albert-. PorI Pérry...a& Manchester,. Myrtié. Brécin t. . Witby l........ »Platomabat nals only. Connoatingat G.T.B.set ni s stae1cr lYxirI Lea ofIdnday, Fenolcît pans. b Peint Htl, a b. WHI TBY « WEDNESD Fli *17&-Hu-eirdé gb0-Provuce P7&-.Open to à SECI l 1 1 1 1 Ea5t Wliitby Council.

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